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My Barsetshire Diary: The Daily Events of the Gentry Recorded for Posterity

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The daily diary of a Lord going about his business in a haze of blissful ignorance.

184 pages, Paperback

First published December 30, 2010

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Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 reviews
Profile Image for Chris The Story Reading Ape.
1,196 reviews132 followers
December 30, 2014
When I read this book, I slipped easily into the world of Lord David and Lady Julia, both of who are forces to be reckoned with.
Lord David for his seemingly 'oblivious to everything and everyone' way of making his journey through life (but laced with occasional profound insights to his surroundings and its inhabitants).
Lady Julia for her astuteness when dealing with Lord David and her arch rival, the Lady Mayoress.
Any husband and Father of daughters will relate to the 'Family Credit Card Carrier, but not necessarily the main user' role of Lord David and I'm confident that any reader will identify the various characters encountered throughout, with someone they know...
For easy and extremely enjoyable light, but not necessarily quiet (due to sudden outbursts of laughter) reading, this is a book and author I have no hesitation in recommending to anyone.

See my review also at:




Profile Image for Pete Denton.
28 reviews72 followers
July 3, 2012
After the dystopian related reading of late this book was a very welcome diversion back to good old blighty. A lot of the books I read rely on violence, bad language and sex to entertain … Ok so there’s nothing wrong with that, but humour is another sure-fire winner.

My Barsetshire Diary is a fabulous depiction of his life as a Lord in the modern age. As the title suggests, it’s written as a diary in the first person with each day telling us a charming story of his family life. I thought this was a well written collection and Oscar the cat stole the show.

From Lord David’s approach to dieting, his eye for a bargain the collection of tales wouldn’t be out of place on a sunday afternoon on the BBC. Each of the tales come to life on the page and this book is another good reason to own a Kindle.

Thank you, your Lordship
Profile Image for Jemima Pett.
Author 29 books336 followers
December 5, 2018
A delightful book, full of real life, if a little condensed into a single volume, but then that is the nature of books. Some people might think the author is exaggerating, or maybe describing a world gone by, but with the exception of the offspring of Lord Prosser not being glued to their mobiles, Barchester and its neighbourhood could be modern Norfolk. Yes, I suppose that is a tautology.
A refreshing change from all the dire events in the world and the books around us. May all your disasters be of Lord Prosser's variety.
Profile Image for Christoph Fischer.
Author 44 books472 followers
October 19, 2014
"My Barsetshire Diary (The Barsetshire Diaries Book 1)" by Lord David Prosser is a wonderful excursion into the (fictitious) world of Lord David and Lady Julia live a modern day life with their recently inherited title as Lord and Lady. Traditions, British class system and formality meet shopping trips, exercise machines and mundane tasks and issues.
The book is full of situational comedy, irony and great wit and most amusing characters. Told in diary style, small snippets and events illuminate the challenges when two different worlds meet and need to work out their differences. I enjoyed the book very much and am sure you will, too - especially if you like authors and characters such as Georgette Heyer, Anthony Trollope, Stephen Fry, Wooster and Jeeves, Mapp and Lucia etc. - to name a few. Written with fantastic use of the English language the book is a real treat. A fresh breath of air and a very rewarding read.
Profile Image for A.C. Flory.
Author 14 books15 followers
February 28, 2012
A review of 'My Barsetshire Diary' by Lord David Prosser [11/10]

Without further ado - I love this quirky little book! Its gentle, understated humour had me chuckling and chortling like one of those horrible laughing toys we used to give our kids. As I do a lot of my reading on the loo I'm sure the neighbours must be totally mystified by the sounds coming from my house. But I care not! I'm still in Barsetshire and I'm still smiling.

For the full review please follow this link : http://wp.me/p25AFu-4r
Profile Image for Jacqueline King.
17 reviews11 followers
August 2, 2013
Having followed Lord David Prosser's blog for a while now, I really enjoyed reading this gentle amble through his life; meeting his village neighbours and antagonists, and identifying with the lovely Lady Ju. I particularly love the fact that David generously opens his wallet, whenever his wife or daughter take a fancy for some retail therapy, (with regular coffee breaks and lunch, of course!) The anecdotal style is easy on the brain cell and holds no dramatic shocks or surprises ~ a great read on a hot summer's day!
Profile Image for Lord David Prosser.
Author 16 books49 followers
April 13, 2011
Easy reading, humerous book that doesn't rely on sex, violence or bad language to display life in a P.G. Wodehouse village in the current century.
Profile Image for Carole Parkes.
Author 3 books58 followers
February 9, 2016
I enjoyed this light hearted, tongue-in-cheek look at the lives of Lord and Lady Prosser mainly because it didn't need me to do anything but read. As a lover of thrillers with suspense and intrigue, my reading involves trying to remember every detail and clue. This book was a refreshing change. It’s an easy flowing, non-taxing, absorbing read, liberally splashed with good clean humour.

Between garden fetes, fund raising events, a visit to the opera house, endless shopping, and dining out, they lead quite busy lives. I was amazed how little time they spend at home despite not having jobs. Then there are their pets and other family members to fit in. All this activity and Lord David’s charming way of looking at things made the book charming and interesting.

Although it was a good read which I would recommend to anyone, I knocked half a star off for the very few editing errors, and another half a star off for it being less than 200 pages. Sorry, but this is just one of my quirky rules unless the shorter story is reflected in the price.
Profile Image for Chris Thrall.
Author 7 books225 followers
May 2, 2013
A wonderful romp through the British countryside! Written in a unique style of British humour at its best, Lord David had me laughing out loud at every line!

Chris Thrall is the author of 'Eating Smoke: One Man's Descent into Drug Psychosis in Hong Kong's Triad Heartland' - a memoir

Eating Smoke One Man's Descent Into Drug Psychosis in Hong Kong's Triad Heartland by Chris Thrall
Profile Image for Sorin Suciu.
Author 3 books34 followers
September 30, 2013
Witty to the bone.

David Prosser’s wit is like a good piece of cheddar: sharp and full of flavour. But what really makes “My Barsetshire Diary” stand out is the author’s penchant for infusing each and every sentence with humour.
I have not seen such incredibly well sustained humour since Wodehouse, and it is not for lack of trying.
If you ever have a chance to meet David Prosser in person, please do us all a favour and kidnap him, then force him to write some more.
Profile Image for Dale.
265 reviews
January 22, 2015
My Barsetshire Diary isn't my usual style of read so that I really enjoyed it is high praise indeed. I came to welcome my forays into Lord David & Lady Julia's world as a welcome diversion from my own... Being immersed in their happenings put a smile on my face and bestowed a lightness upon my being. Of course, Oscar stole the show.
Profile Image for Margaret Sharp.
Author 83 books87 followers
May 3, 2014
A delightfully witty and warm account of the day to day goings on in the lives of Lord David and Lady Julia.
This is *my* type of book due to its gentleness and *clean* content. And of course, having Oscar the cat as a character adds to its appeal.
Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Catherine Johnson.
Author 2 books32 followers
January 21, 2013
Rip roar funny account of life as gentry. The cemetry scene is hilarious and I love how Lord David's voice is the same as on his blog. Excellent read!
Profile Image for K.D. Dowdall.
Author 4 books61 followers
November 7, 2017
Lord David Prosser, writes about his daily life in the lovely Welsh countryside with his Lady, Julia Prosser, in the most delightful way. Lord Prosser has a natural ability to write about common elements of daily life in the most comedic monologs. Especially, about Oscar, a very spoiled cat, with a taste for blood, human blood. Meaning, that the cat bites and scratches his owners at will. Then there is the bird. Well, you can imagine the jealousy and the Oscar tricks to get his way. How Lord and Lady Prosser handle this situation is utterly charming and funny.
Lord Prosser manages life at the manor with aplomb, forbearance, and laughter. Although, even for his jaunty style for helping daily life run smoothly – more or less, there are occasions when even he sneaks away into the woods, for a quick cigarette. However, rarely does he succumb to the frustrating moments that life offers all of us. There are so many incredible moments throughout this novel, that incited my laugher and giggles throughout the reading of this insightful and charming novel.
For instance, I never knew that being a pallbearer could be an unexpected danger to one and all, as well as hysterically funny. It is the unexpected, even the most exasperating comedic situations in life, that bring laughter and joy. Lord David Prosser presents them to us in the most delightful way. When I asked David about the bird, Joey the third, he said, “If I gave him a female he’d stop speaking and just squawk all the time. I spent ages letting him teach me his name.” By the way, if I didn’t send everyone, HUGS XXX, I would be remiss, because David always sends everyone hugs! A very hysterically funny and a happy read. I highly recommend this book.
Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 reviews

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