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FBI/US Attorney #3

About That Night

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Goodreads Choice Award
Nominee for Best Romance (2012)
He's Playing Games

Though Rylann Pierce tried to fight the sparks she felt for billionaire heir Kyle Rhodes the night they met, their sizzling chemistry was undeniable. But after being stood up on their first date, Rylann never expected to see him again. So when she finds herself face-to-face with Kyle in a courthouse nine years later, she's stunned. More troubling to the beautiful assistant U.S. attorney is that she's still wildly attracted to him.

But She's Making The Rules

Just released from prison, Kyle Rhodes isn't thrilled to be the star witness in a high-profile criminal case—but when Rylann comes knocking at his door, he finds she may be the one lawyer he can't say no to. Still as gorgeous and sharp-tongued as ever, she lays down the law: she doesn't mix business with pleasure. But Kyle won't give up on something he wants—and what he wants is the one woman he's never forgotten.

284 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published April 3, 2012

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About the author

Julie James

19 books9,567 followers
New York Times bestselling author Julie James practiced law with one of the nation's largest firms for several years until she began writing screenplays. After Hollywood producers optioned two of her scripts, she decided to leave the practice of law to write full-time. Her books have been translated into twenty-two languages and Julie’s ninth novel, THE THING ABOUT LOVE, is now available.

Julie James lives with her husband and two children in Chicago, where she is working on her next novel.

Visit Julie's Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/JulieJamesfan...

Follow Julie on Twitter: http://twitter.com/juljames and Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliejamesa...

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,483 reviews
Profile Image for Anne.
4,377 reviews70.2k followers
November 14, 2023
I liked the characters well enough and the storyline was actually pretty fun. But the DIALOGUE. So horrible.


She's sassy. He just keeps repeating that she's so sassy.
But she's not actually sassy. She just sort of didn't fall all over herself to sleep with him right away. That's it. She's actually not all that amazing personality-wise.


Regardless, what adult calls another adult sassy? Much less over and over? I guess billionaires fantasize about sassy women or something. <--did I mention he's a billionaire?
Because he is.


You know, just casually. It doesn't play into the story much, other than he doesn't have to eat Ramen noodles and he has one of those idiotic cars with doors that open upward like it has wings. Because those don't look pretentious and stupid as fuck or anything.


Plus, I don't know, it's like we're supposed to think he's hard because he's an ex-con. Ok. He was in prison for 6 months. For HACKING TWITTER. And there's this one scene where he 'scares' these young hackers with his dweeby prison stories. Ahahaha!
Get outta here. 6 months for hacking Twitter does not a tough guy make.
And she asked him if he worked out every day while he was in prison to explain his nice body. <--stop it. just stop it.


Supposedly, he's this brilliant computer genius, heir to a billion-dollar fortune, a tough ex-con, and still pining over her from the ONE time they met in a bar back in college and he walked her home.


Assistant District Attorney. <--we get it. It's your job title.
There was really no need for that full title to be repeated ad nauseam throughout the book.
He thought she was a great Assistant District Attorney.
She loved her job as an Assistant District Attorney.
He realized he was talking to the Assistant District Attorney.
Sorry, I have to take this call because I'm an Assistant District Attorney.

Jesus Christ, cut it out!
And all the lawyer puns? Ohmyfuckinggod. Lawyers don't sit around making references like I'll plead the 5th to their other lawyer friends.
I used to love Julie James but this...? The dialogue was ridonkulously cheesy and just killed what could have been a cute story for me.

I listened to the audiobook and it did nothing to alleviate the pain of getting through this one. Blech.
Profile Image for Erika.
113 reviews221 followers
April 6, 2012
"There are some things a girl never forgets, Ry. And one of those is a kiss from a right guy."

There are some things I know I would likely find in Julie James's books.
1. No TSTL heroine
2. Informative stuffs
3. Hilarity
4. Great supporting characters
5. No unnecessary misunderstandings in romance

About That Night is no exception. Rylann Pierce aka Prosecutrix Pierce and Kyle Rhodes aka Smug Dimples are two down to earth characters. Rylann was a typical Julie James's heroine. Strong, independent, ambitious, and smart. While Kyle... well, he's something.

Smug Dimples wasn't like what I expected him to be. Knowing him from the previous book had given me the impression of a hero like Jason in Just the Sexiest Man Alive. I had thought I would find a charming but spoil rich guy with some boyish attitude. I was right, but only with the charming and rich parts.

It was very interesting to witness how the perfect life of a billionaire heir became not so perfect anymore because of one brilliant but stupid action. The most interesting part is the way he's living it. I was amazed by the transformation of Kyle Rhodes from a fresh graduated college boy, to a Twitter terrorist, to an ex-con, and to a man who starts his own empire. I adored how he took his responsibility as a son and a brother. I was impressed with the way he dealt with his past mistake and did something right with it.

So, what's not to like about a book that made me learn some valuable things? I would have rated it more than 5 stars if the book had been titled with something like The life of Kyle Rhodes. The problem was, this is a romance. I liked Smug Dimples and Prosecutrix Pierce together. They are two grown up and broad minded people with a huge-9-years-old-crush on each other. They made me laugh often, and not so often I wanted to strangle them both. But for a romance book, the romance itself was not enough. It needed to be explored more. I wanted to see more Kyle and Rylann together.

Overall, despite it wasn't a great romance to me, I thought it was a great book. Lots of messages in it. From all five books by the author, Kyle may not be the best hero, but he's the best character. You'll probably find the romance isn't satisfying, still there are heartwarming family bonds and friendships. You'll be entertained with lovable characters. I was so happy to find Jack (my baby), Cameron, Nick, and Jordan. Also Kyle and Jordan's father, Rae the best friend, Sam Wilkins. Oh I can't mention them all. Julie James is great in creating supporting characters, those people who can make you feel like you're talking and joking with them because they are great together. Thus, I wasn't satisfied with the romance, but I wasn't disappointed with the book. And I just can't wait for more books by Julie James.

The smugness of baby Kyle's dimples ;)
Profile Image for Dija.
413 reviews225 followers
April 14, 2012
Julie James makes me want to throw my psychology degree out the window and try out for law school instead. If all this sass and bad-assery is what they teach in law, sign me up!

After having read all of JJ's published novels so far, there are several things I've come to expect from her:

1. Confident, bold, and yummy heroes whose jobs or pasts involve the law in some way.
2. Sarcastic, spirited, and driven heroines who're usually attorneys.
3. Great sexual chemistry between the H&h which never leads to an anticlimactic resolution.
4. A fabulous cast of supporting characters who add more life to the novel than anything else.
5. No drawn-out, prolonged drama whatsoever. These stories are fast-paced, realistic, natural, and long enough to be neither tedious nor abrupt, but just right.

James delivers on all five accounts again, and then some. About That Night has everything I've come to expect from her romances, which basically comes down to me smiling throughout the entire novel. Seriously, my cheeks hurt from all the grinning.

After being humiliated on and dumped through Twitter, computer-whiz Kyle shuts down the site for two days. As expected, he gets caught and sent to prison, thereafter becoming globally infamous as the Twitter Terrorist. After four months in jail, his sister, Jordan, works out a deal with the FBI to reduce his sentence to time served.

Ambitious Rylann comes to Chicago as an Assistant U.S. Attorney and her first case involves Kyle. To say sparks fly when the two meet again after their brief meeting nine years ago would be a huge understatement. The dynamic relationship between Kyle and Rylann starts as soon as they set eyes on each other and it only gets progressively hotter and steamier.

As an added bonus, there are plenty of scenes with Jack, Cameron, Jordan, and Nick that clearly show how their respective relationships have developed during the intermissions.

There's not a thing about the story I would change, but being the cover-obsessed freak I am, I can't help but wish that Rylann had been wearing a hot dress on the cover instead of the suit; the red one she wore in the book would have been rather fitting. Other than that, About That Night is the perfect sequel to A Lot Like Love, and I can't wait to see which couple will be introduced next. If I were to hazard a guess, my top choice would be . There's definitely a story there, and I can't wait to read it.



Some of my favorite quotes:
#1: Kyle gazed down at her. “I lied when I said I followed you to the bar because you’re hot.” He touched her cheek. “I saw you laughing with your friends, and your smile sucked me right in.”

#2: "There are some things a girl never forgets, Ry. And one of those is a kiss from the right guy."

#3: Much to his surprise, she actually blushed.
Well, well. Apparently the unflappable Prosecutrix Pierce could be…flapped after all.


4.5/5 stars

For more reviews, visit my blog.
Profile Image for Seda.
568 reviews177 followers
November 16, 2017
”Bana ikinci kez benden etkilendiğini söyledin. Dokuz yıl önce doktora sınavına girdiğimi söylediğimde de aynı tepkiyi vermiştin. Demek artık beni pohpohluyorsun.”
“Onca yıl sonra söylediklerimi hala hatırlıyor musun?”
“O geceye dair hemen her şeyi hatırlıyorum. Unutması zor bir hafta sonu.”
“Benim yanımda olmak sana tuhaf geliyor mu? Yani sana o hafta sonu yaşanan kötü olayları hatırlatıyor muyum?”
“Hayır. Senin yanında olmak, o hafta sonu başıma gelen tek güzel şeyi hatırlatıyor.”

Kyle ❤️❤️ Ne tarafa eriyoruz 😍😍😍😍

Bayılıyorum bu seriye. Hikaye, karakterler hepsi çok eğlenceli. Hiçbir karaktere kızmadan, sinir krizi geçirmeden, çok keyifli diyaloglarla kendini kısa sürede okutuyor.

Bu kitaba da bayıldım. Rylann ve Kyle'ın atışmaları sürekli sırıtmama sebep oldu. Hele Kyle'ın işlediği suç çok orjinaldi. 😃 Jordan'ın kitabında Kyle'ın hikayesini çok merak etmiştim. Tam bir serseri çıktı, romantik, aşık ve serseri 😍😍 Eğlencenin yanında iki karakterin 9 yıl önceki geçmişi biraz romantizm, biraz burukluk katmıştı hikayeye. Macera kısmı ilk 2 kitaptan daha azdı, ama ben yine de sevdim.

“Aramızdaki fark şu, sayın avukat. Benim zamana ihtiyacım yok. Neler hissettiğimi biliyorum. İşine aşık olmanı anlıyorum. En hayran olduğum özelliklerinden biri de zaten bu. Ama bunca yılı, gerçek sevgiyi bulduktan sonra kalbinde ancak ikinci sırada yer alabilmek için beklemedim. Daha fazlasını istiyorum.”

Okumalara doyamıyorum bu yazarı 😍😍
Profile Image for Shawna.
3,650 reviews4,709 followers
August 8, 2022
5 stars – Contemporary Romance

I’m an avid Julie James fangirl and I love her snappy, clever, banterific dialogue and snarky humor. Practice Makes Perfect, Something About You, and A Lot Like Love were some of my favorite reads of last year, and I’ve been eagerly awaiting Kyle’s story.

Although I didn’t enjoy About That Night as much as the previous books in the FBI/US Attorney series, it’s still an entertaining, satisfying read. The romance between sexy computer genius Kyle Rhodes, aka “Smug Dimples,” “Twitter Terrorist”, and Sawyer from Lost lookalike, and sassy law geek, “counselor”, “Meth Lab” Rylann, aka “Prosecutrix Pierce” and “brunette bombshell”, was highly amusing and steamy. These two ignited some serious sparks! I would have liked a bit more to the ending and an epilogue, but overall I really enjoyed it! 5 stars!

And who would have figured cyber geek Kyle for such a bedroom bad boy and smokin’ hot dirty talker?!?! Yowza!

This scene cracked me up.

“I don’t mind hot and spicy. Actually find that appealing in a girl.” He cocked his head, thinking this over. “And chicken wings.” Rylann turned her head and stared at him. “Did you really just compare me to chicken wings?” “You say that like it’s a bad thing. Chicken wings are the bomb.”


Profile Image for Duchess Nicole.
1,270 reviews1,544 followers
October 31, 2013
“There are some things a girl never forgets, Ry. And one of those is a kiss from the right guy”

This was a fabulous read! I'm still excited a day after I finished it. I "read" the audio. My rating for the narrator is about a 3.5-4 stars. My rating for the book, 4.5 stars.

So the premise is really about two things:
1. The night that Ryland and Kyle meet, kiss, and then separate for nine years
2. How Kyle Rhodes became the "Twitter Terrorist" and an ex con

“I don’t mind hot and spicy. Actually find that appealing in a girl. And chicken wings.”

** Rylann Pierce and Kyle Rhodes met at a bar, feel an instant connection, share some witty banter, and then share a romantic and hot kiss after Kyle walks Rylann home. But then Rylann is left hanging the next day while waiting for Kyle to show up for their planned date. She's a tiny bit brokenhearted because she could have sworn there was a deep connection between them, but life goes on...

Rylann completes her college degree, becomes a US Attorney, and enjoys her relationship with her longtime boyfriend, fully expecting that her life is on a steady path toward fulfillment.

Kyle helps to run his father's multimillion dollar computer security company, enjoying the freedoms that come with being rich and the women who flock to him. But somewhere along the line, the empty relationships begin to feel hollow. Sensing that he might need to settle down and create something lasting, Kyle latches on to his current fling, a gorgeous model type, and is then shocked and horrified when she breaks up with him months later...via Twitter.

Mortified and angry, a humiliated Kyle utilizes his computer hacking skills to shut down the social media site for two days...until he realizes that he is in big...freaking...trouble. Kyle serves his time in jail but resents the prosecutor's office that labeled him the "Twitter Terrorist". It was just Twitter, for goodness sake. And then at a hearing for an early release, who walks in the courtroom but his nine years gone dream woman, Rylann Pierce.

And the games begin...

Just like Julie James other books, this is a funny and clever contemporary romance. Not a lot of drama, just the story of how two people meant to be end up meshing their lives together when it seems that so many obstacles are in their way. Their sexual tension is more than palpable...
“Her body trembled as she finally caved. “Touch me, Kyle. Now,” she begged.
Thank fucking God.”

The conflict is that Rylann is a US Attorney and Kyle is an ex con. Not to mention, it was Rylann's office that prosecuted Kyle and gave him his infamous label. Not to fear...Kyle gives Rylann her own label. She's his "Prosecutrix Pierce." :D:D Cracked me up every time.

I love the time of life that these two are in...both grown up but searching for permanence. And they just fit together so well, complimented each other when they were together. Their relationship felt very natural.
“Because nine years ago, I walked up to the most beautiful girl in the bar, and tonight she's still the only person I want to talk to.”
Profile Image for Annie .
2,480 reviews944 followers
April 5, 2012
Posted on Under the Covers

An unforgettable kiss started it all...

Nine years ago, Rylann Pierce, a sweet girl with big dreams met a billionaire heir named Kyle Rhodes. They talked, sparks ignited. Kyle walked her home like a perfect gentleman, leaving her breathless after one kiss and a promise to see her again the next day.

But when Kyle is a no-show the next day, Rylann decides that dating a billionaire heir isn’t in her six-year plan. So she busies herself, working on her career until she becomes an Assistant US Attorney.

Fast-forward years later and Rylann gets the gig she’s been dreaming of. But her first case isn’t ideal because she comes face-to-face with Kyle Rhodes once again, still fully equipped with those big blue eyes, cute dimples, snarky remarks and shampoo commercial hair. To reiterate, she is screwed . Because all those repressed feelings for Kyle return in a flood.

ABOUT THAT NIGHT brings in the sizzling tension in truckloads. I loved Kyle in A LOT LIKE LOVE. But Julie James really does deliver a stellar book for our favourite Twitter Terrorist. Readers can expect more of what they loved in the previous books of this series – great characters, impeccable knowledge of courtroom antics, and the perfect blend of sweet, sexy and funny.

However, I have to say that Kyle seems to bring a little more sexiness to this book. Perhaps out of all of James’ books so far, ABOUT THAT NIGHT is the steamiest! Kyle likes to talk some filth! So prepare for some swooning.

Rylann was a perfect match for him, meeting him head-to-head with her witty comebacks. It was a pleasure to read a strong heroine who knew what she wanted in life, even if she wasn’t sure how she was going to reach it. While it takes her awhile for her to decide that what she really needs in a blue-eyed looker (don’t we all?), Rylann does come to terms with her feelings for Kyle eventually.

There was a good amount of angst in this one, though it wasn’t bitter and that was very important for me. I felt like if Rylann stayed bitter about being left high and dry the entire time, this would have been disastrous. Instead, it shined because bitterness and humor don’t always mix so well.

Followers of this series will be thrilled to note that there are many familiar faces in this book. Cameron Lynde, the heroine from SOMETHING ABOUT YOU, makes an early appearance as Rylann’s boss. The hero and heroine of A LOT LIKE LOVE, Jordan, Kyle’s sister and Nick McCall also have considerable airtime. Of course, we can’t forget Wilkins, Jack’s partner who plays a huge role in this book and Jack Pallas is there as well.

I wonder who will get a book next!

*ARC provided by publisher
Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,074 reviews894 followers
August 8, 2013
3.5 Stars

When I think of a classy adult romance, Julie James always comes to mind. I loved the first two of the FBI /US Attorney series, and for the most part I enjoyed this one as well.

Rylann Pierce is a US Assistant Attorney just moved from San Francisco to Chicago back to her roots after a breakup. One of her first cases is a “time-served” early release case of Kyle Rhodes, “the Twitter Terrorist.” This is a little awkward because it just so happens that nine years ago Rylann and Kyle shared a few passionate kisses in college, but lost track of each other after a family tragedy got in the way. Neither one forgot the other, but they never thought they’d cross paths again. Fate had other plans.

Kyle Rhodes, a computer genius and billionaire, has just been released after an agreement orchestrated by his sister, Jordan, and her FBI boyfriend (we had their story in the previous novel). He drunkenly hacked into Twitter and shut the site down after a very public breakup. Very stupid move over a girl he barely cared about, but he paid dearly. Imagine his surprise when he lays eyes on a sassy brunette he let get away. Now that Rylann is on his radar again he can’t get her out of his mind. A case brings them back together, but complications arise from their situation; Kyle was convicted in a highly publicized trial by the very office Rylann now works for and a relationship could call question to her position.

I really enjoyed Kyle and Rylann’s relationship. It’s grown up, without frustrating drama and incredibly sweet. They shared sizzling scenes filled with chemistry and swoon. As I said, I’m a fan of Julie James and her classy romances, but this one seemed to lack the usual spark. First of all, we only get Kyle and Rylann together for a snippet in the beginning and then for what felt like half* of the story they’re off living their own lives on different paths. Also, in each of the two previous stories there was a danger and suspense element that lent excitement to the story. About That Night did not have that. There is no underlying threat or mystery to solve driving the plot.

I “read” the audio-version of About That Night. The narration took me a while to get into because of the narrator’s style of delivery. I’m not sure how to describe it other than there was pausing throughout the delivery that I thought was a little much. I did get used to it eventually, but I’d listen to a sample of this story before I bought it just to see if it works for you.

Favorite quotes:

“I don’t mind hot and spicy. Actually find that appealing in a girl … And chicken wings.”
Rylann turned her head and stared at him. “Did you really just compare me to chicken wings?”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing. Chicken wings are the bomb.”

“You came along and changed everything. I don’t want to be some guy you’re fooling around with anymore, Rylann. I want to be with you all the way.”

*It’s hard to determine if it was actually half of the story because I was listening to the audio-version.

You can read this review and more at The Readers Den.
Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,227 followers
January 1, 2015
4 Hacker Stars.


Rylann and Kyle spent a very special night in college but when they want to be together again, live throws them a curveball and sets them apart for the next nine years.
Now they meet again, where Kyle is a witness to one of Rylann’s cases. Problem? Rylann is a US assistant attorney and Kyle is a ex-con who just spent a few months in prison for a hacking attack.
Neither of them forgot what happened between them nine years ago and although this feels like a second change… could this change be with wrong timing again?


Rating: 4 Stars.
Storyline: This was a sweet, steamy and heartwarming romance. It has a nice plot with some refreshing elements and if you’re in need of a pick-me-up book this is perfect!
Character Development: I loved Kyle. First I loved that we has a sexy geek (they’re not very common in books and I love them!!), second I love how despite everything he was honest and a great guy. (Not to mention sweet and sexy as hell!). Rylann was also sweet and very easy to like, despite some small annoyances. It was nice to see more of the previous characters.
Steam: Some hot scenes.
Profile Image for Mimi Smith.
537 reviews117 followers
July 17, 2014
4.5 stars

Facts are:

Julie James publishes ONE book a year
Julie James is a great writer
I love Julie James's books, but...
...for one book a year they're way too short.

Basically, I LOVED this book, and everything about it, but I just wanted MORE. More of the relationship development, Kyle, everything, KYLE...
The humor in these books is amazing...

"Rae shifted her position to check out the object of their discussion. “If that’s the new face of computer geek, sign me up. He can push my keyboard buttons any day.”

Rylann turned her head and stared at him. “Did you really just compare me to chicken wings?”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing. Chicken wings are the bomb.”

“Oh God, that hurts,” she whimpered.
“What hurts?” Kyle asked, sounding concerned.
“The invisible man pounding spikes into my head.”
“That doesn’t sound good. Maybe you should take out an invisible Taser gun and zap the son of a bitch.”

I adore Kyle, he's perfect!

"Kyle warily eyed the two FBI agents—yes, now there were two; apparently they multiplied like wet gremlins—as they pushed open the red privacy curtain and entered the theater box."

The infamous Twitter terrorist is a hunk. And a geek extraodinare After getting drunk because a girlfriend broke up with him via a public message, then put a video of how she cheated on him, Kyle decided crashing Twitter is an awesome idea. Yeah, post prison, Kyle can say exactly what kind of an idea that was. And it rhymes with numb. So, now he's all for hookups. But now he sees Rylann, whom he likes a lot, but she's a prosecutor... But they really need to talk. About that night...

Rylann thinks Kyle is off limits, but well, who could resist those dimples? So, she gets involved, but the question is-what now? I liked Rylann and her plans. She's great.

Still, there were too many things going on in the book, there really had to be more Kyle and Rylann. The flirting and bantering is great, but a bigger conflict, and more time and getting to know each other would be better. There was real depth here, though.

"His chest pulled almost uncomfortably tight as he pulled her into his arms. “I love you, Rylann.” He cupped her face, peering down into her eyes. “And now I finally have a good answer to the one question everyone always asks me—why I hacked into Twitter. I didn’t know it at the time…but I did it to find you again.”
She leaned into him, curling her fingers around his shirt. “That may be the best justification I’ve ever heard for committing a crime.” She looked up at him, her eyes shining. “And I love you, too, you know.”

Awwww. Kyle *sighs*

Oh, I also loved Rae and Rylann's friendship...

"Actually, no. The hell with that.” Rylann reached across the table and squeezed Rae’s hand. “Just because we haven’t met Mr. Right doesn’t mean we’re doing anything wrong. And by the way, you’re brilliant and awesome, too. If I were a lesbian, I’d totally settle down with you and make lots of in vitro babies.”

Hmm, okay :)

And Nick is great...

“Wonderful. Now I’ve got two of you all up in my business,” Kyle said dryly.
Nick slapped him across the shoulders, seeming to thoroughly enjoy this. “Get used to it, Sawyer. That’s what family is for.”

All in all, not disappointed, exactly, since JJ can write a menu and I'd read it with a smile(which wouldn't leave my face the whole book!), but I wanted more length and story-wise. It's definitely sexy, funny and touching, though, so...READ IT!

Profile Image for Lisa Kay.
924 reviews529 followers
April 21, 2012
Usually in sleek, black business suits for court, here is Rylann in worn flannel.

[image error]

★★★★½ Enjoyed this one a lot, despite it being a bit chick-lit-ish (not my usual genre). Ms. James is one of those authors who ‘writes great heroines’ – and Rylann Pierce is certainly such a specimen. Some people described her as snarky (or boring); I found her intelligent and articulate.

Ooops! I did something I rarely do and peeped at that end, which caused me to set down this volume. Still, I enjoyed the story when I came back to it later, reading late into the night; that’s saying something, when a book can still hold your attention after that.

FBI/US Attorney Series
Something About You (FBI / US Attorney, # 1) by Julie James A Lot Like Love (FBI / US Attorney, #2) by Julie James About That Night (FBI / US Attorney, #3) by Julie James
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,821 reviews740 followers
March 20, 2019
A fun series of standalone books. This featured Kyle, the brother of Jordan from book 2 and Ryland, a new character to the series.

Kyle is fresh out of prison for hacking twitter and shutting it down for 24 hours. The previous DA pushed for maximum sentence due to his father's billionaire status. In book 2, he was released early after his sister made a deal with the new DA if she helped the FBI get into an exclusive wine party to plant bugs in the owners office.

Kyle and Ryland met for only one night, 9 years ago when they were still in college. They were supposed to go on a date the next night but Kyle found out his mother was in an accident and he had to go home. The attraction they felt is still there after 9 years but now Ryland is an ADA in the office where Kyle was convicted.

I liked Ryland but she was a bit too by the book at times. Kyle was ok for me. I think I just couldn't get past the younger brother version of him we saw in Jordan's book. I still very, much enjoyed the writing and was entertained by this audiobook. I borrowed this on the Audio Romance Package and love the narrator. She does a fantastic job.
Profile Image for Carvanz.
2,219 reviews821 followers
March 28, 2019
Audiobook: Narrator – Karen White
I enjoyed this narration. Ms. White did a great job of both male/female voices and I never struggled to discern who was speaking with the various characters. I would gladly listen to more audiobooks narrated by her.

I’ve heard nothing but good things about this series so of course instead of starting at the beginning I jumped into the middle.


Nine years ago, Rylann Pierce met Kyle Rhodes and they shared instant chemistry along with their fun barbs and quips. Now they are both living their lives, although each is dealing with their own issues.


Rylann from a broken relationship and Kyle an ex-con with the moniker of the Twitter Terrorist. From the moment they reunite the chemistry flares to life again but her position as an Assistant US Attorney and his as an ex-convict stand between them.


I loved these characters! Rylann was smart and sharp but never hard or rude. She knew how to get her job done but she was always had a softer side to her. Kyle was trying to put his past mistake behind him and start his own business. He had a quirky sense of humor that complimented Rylann’s. Together they were so freaking cute.

I thought there was going to be some suspense and mystery to this story but while Rylann is working on a case and we do have some of the legalities of that situation, there was nothing here to cause a huge showdown between the characters and a bad guy. It was actually kinda nice as it was unexpected.

This has a good pace to it and is relatively low angst with the exception of them figuring out how to make their relationship work due to her job and his past incarceration. I loved watching them both as they transitioned from who they were coming into this relationship into individuals who were willing to do whatever it took to make it work. I’m looking forward to listening to the rest of the series as soon as possible.

Listened via Audible Romance Package
Dual POV
Profile Image for Jess.
1,051 reviews155 followers
April 2, 2012
Review posted: Happily Ever After - Reads

“There are probably a lot of things bad-boy ex-cons don’t know about good-girl prosecutors.”

Smug Dimples, Prosecutrix Pierce, Meth Lab Rylann and the Twitter Terrorist (or my favorite version of this that comes up El Twitter Terrorista) are all nicknames that our hero and heroine are called during ABOUT THAT NIGHT and it’s the way these nicknames are used during the quick, witty banter that Kyle and Rylann have that drew me right in. What stood out the most as I was reading was that there’s no huge angst our couple needs to overcome. This is about two people dealing with their pasts, finding a balance in the present with their careers and figuring out a way to be together for the long haul. It’s incredibly enjoyable, and Julie James keeps hitting it just right on all levels - humor, story, sexiness - with her FBI series.

Kyle was first introduced in A LOT LIKE LOVE when we find out that not only is he Jordan’s twin, but most recently, he became the Twitter Terrorist, labeled as such by the Assistant U.S. Attorney (AUSA) handling his case at the time. There’s a chapter early on when Kyle recounts the time leading up to and right after his drunken, broken heart takes down Twitter for 48 hours. When he finds himself in Tijuana trying to drown his sorrows, he also finds himself on the news as a wanted man. He boards a plane back to the U.S to face the music and is immediately taken into custody on the plane:

…Kyle watched as two men wearing standard-issue government suits – clearly FBI agents – boarded the plane and handed over a document to the pilot.

“Yep, that would be me,” Kyle said, grabbing his backpack from underneath the seat in front of him.

The elderly Hispanic man sitting next to him lowered his voice to a whisper. “Drugs?”

“Twitter,” Kyle whispered back.

Kyle ends up in prison for a few months before the events in A LOT LIKE LOVE spring him out and now he’s a free man, needing to find a new purpose in life. He resigned from his father’s software company, but Kyle’s too intelligent and too driven to sit around wallowing in what’s happened. He takes responsibility for everything he did, he learns from it and he writes up a killer business plan for his next venture.

Rylann just moved back to Chicago after living in San Francisco with her boyfriend of three years. He up and decides that moving to Rome sounds like the direction he wants his life to go. Rylann…does not. She never felt the butterflies with Jon, but she was happy with him and a change of scenery and moving closer to her best friend Rae is the fresh start she needs. She’s the new AUSA working for Cameron Lynde (SOMETHING ABOUT YOU) and her first case involves handling the motion that frees Kyle; the same Kyle that she kissed nine years ago at college and actually felt the butterflies with. But circumstances outside their control kept them from going on their first planned date and nine years later they’re finally reunited.

After they see each other again in the court room, Rylann needs Kyle’s help, being her witness with another, unrelated case and he agrees. Their relationship doesn’t get going, and can’t, while Kyle is her witness in the case she needs his help with, but that doesn’t keep the sparks from flying. The minute the coast is clear and there are no work conflicts, they stop denying the attraction. Their scenes together are just – HOT. Kyle is one sexy man and Rylann has no trouble keeping up with him, even tormenting him as much as he does her.

With a chuckle, he stood up and pulled off his shirt. All of the rest of his clothes quickly followed, then he climbed onto her bed and stretched out, fully naked and erect. He folded his hands behind his head and watched her. “What do you plan to do with me now?”

A challenge. Rylann pushed off her elbows and stood up, undressing down to her bra and panties. Then she climbed back onto the bed and straddled him once again. “I have a few ideas.” While holding his gaze, she licked her lips.

His eyes instantly turned a deep, smoldering blue. “Counselor…I really like where you’re going with this.”

Both the leads have issues in their past and present they’re trying to work through. This is more so the case with Kyle. He’ll forever be known as the Twitter Terrorist, but he’s trying to build up a new company and move on with his life, past the one big mistake he admits to and doesn’t try to make excuses for. We get to see him hire new people and grab his first, and surprisingly perfect, new client for his new company. He’s a completely lovable hero who still has a few insecurities when it comes to relationships, considering the public and humiliating way he was dumped the last time he was with someone. But he’s willing to give it a chance again with Rylann and he puts himself out there on the line for her. He’s sexy, funny and he starts to think about what life would be like with Rylann in it permanently and he likes what he sees.

They keep their relationship secret for much of the book, Rylann is concerned about her position as AUSA and how dating the Twitter Terrorist would reflect on her office. If there’s any little bit of angst, it comes from this. She struggles with taking a chance, having always been that person with a 6-month plan, or 3 –year plan. Taking a leap into something new with Kyle takes her some time, and with one of the sweetest gestures in the whole book surrounding a flannel shirt, she makes sure Kyle knows exactly how she feels about him.

Julie James’ FBI series is one of my favorite contemporary series on the shelves. She delivers every, single, time with characters that are so easy to fall in love with and stories that are fun and fast paced. She easily brings past characters into the current book so we get little updates on them as well as having them contribute to the overall story. ABOUT THAT NIGHT is a book that all fans of contemporary romance must check out. Kyle and Rylann’s story is one I’ll be rereading again and without a doubt enjoying it just as much as I did the first time.
Profile Image for Mandi.
2,319 reviews726 followers
March 31, 2012
I’m a huge Julie James fan and her previous book, A Lot Like Love was a favorite of mine last year. In that book we meet Kyle, the son of a billionaire, a brilliant computer scientist, and also a prison inmate. Yes the hero of this book is an ex-con. A very sexy, adorable one at that.

Although Kyle is extremely wealthy, he works hard as the vice president of network security for his father’s company. He also plays hard too, and when his supermodel girlfriend dumps him via twitter, and then posts a video of her making out with a random dude in a hot tub, Kyle get a little upset. He decides to throw a virus at Twitter, which shuts it down for 48 hours. Although he is a computer genius, the government also has computer geniuses at their disposal, and soon the FBI tracks him down on his way home from Tijuana

Sitting eight rows back, Kyle watched as two men wearing standard issue government suits – clearly FBI agents – boarded the plane and handed over a document to the pilot.
“Yep, that would be me,” Kyle said, grabbing his backpack from underneath the seat in front of him.
The elderly Hispanic man sitting next to him lowered his voice to a whisper. “Drugs?”
“Twitter,” Kyle whispered back.

The US Attorney’s office go after him hard, and label him the “Twitter Terrorist” and he gets sentenced to 18 months in a federal prison. If you’ve read the previous book, A Lot Like Love, you know that his sister helps the FBI with a different case and in return, he only has to serve four months. Kyle openly admits to making a mistake and takes full responsibility for his actions. Being wealthy and sexy, his story makes national news and people either think his stunt is hilarious or they throw rude gestures at him every where he goes.

Nine years before all of this happens, he briefly meets Rylann Pierce at a bar. Totally smitten with her they both share a kiss and plan to go out on a date but that date never happens. Kyle goes on with his life and work and Rylann finishes law school and moves to San Francisco to start her career. But in present day when her boyfriend decides to move to Rome, something Rylann is totally not interested in, she decides to pack it up and move back home to Chicago. It’s hard for her, she likes to have a plan in her life and moving back to Chicago is a big step. She lands a job as an Assistant US Attorney and guess what her first court appointment has to deal with? Yes, the Twitter Terrorist. Kyle has to go to court for the judge to approve his early release, and Rylann fills in for the original lawyer. They both remember each other and that steamy kiss they shared nine years prior.

Expecting to never see Kyle again after this, when the FBI comes to her with a murder at the prison Kyle was in, she knows she will be seeing more of him. Kyle may have overheard an important conversation relating to this murder, and now she must convince him to testify, although he is definitely not on good terms with her department.

Julie James writes such smart books. She seamlessly combines courtroom drama and legal issues into a very sexy romance, with witty dialogue and hot bedroom scenes. The first half of this book is background into Kyle and Rylann’s lives and the two of them working together on this FBI case. Because he is a witness in her investigation, ethically she really can’t pursue a relationship with him. Although Kyle has sworn off serious dating since his last break-up, Rylann in her business suits and serious demeanor just turns him on. And Rylann knows dating an ex-con might not be the best career move she ever made, but she just can’t get him out of her mind. She likes to plan out her life, and she isn’t sure how Kyle fits into that plan.The build-up to their relationship is done quite well.

Once we get into the bedroom, I think this is the sexiest book of Julie James’s yet. We get several love scenes, and the wait for them made them that much better. I love that these are are mature – they don’t fight about petty things. They tease each other and flirt so cute. Kyle is just down right charming and I adore that he never comes across as a rich, spoiled son. He takes responsibility for his actions and works hard to make his life better.

The supporting characters including Rae, Rylann’s best friend and Jordan, Kyle’s sister are fun additions to this book too. I also like how supportive Kyle’s family is to him. Although his father isn’t pleased when his son lands in prison, there isn’t big family drama surrounding him. Rylann is close with her parents as well, which is refreshing.

About That Night is a smart, fun and sexy book. Although it can be a stand alone, I highly recommend the previous book in the series, A Lot Like Love.

Rating: B+
Profile Image for Chan.
766 reviews47 followers
March 15, 2018
Writing: I like Julie James’ writing style. She knows how to hold her readers attention. 2 POVs. 3rd Person narration.

Characters: Rylann and Kyle are the MCs. Rylann’s personality was similar to Cameron’s in book 1. Kyle was a great character, but his transition into maturity was not that great. I had to remind myself he was no longer that immature kid.

Storyline: Book 2 informs us that Kyle has committed a horrible (albeit funny) crime. In book 3 we get more details on the crime. We also meet Rylann who is in Law School and meets the bad boy billionaire in a bar. Rylann and Kyle create sparks, but life keeps them from each other for 9 years. They meet up with each other in a very unexpected way and try to recapture what was lost.

I’m enjoying this series, but was disappointed with this book. Julie James kept making it seem like there was danger lurking around the corner, BUT NOTHING HAPPENED. Nobody was in danger of anything.

You should never tease an action junkie like that. It’s just wrong. I felt shortchanged. This also dampened my enjoyment of the book. I was constantly waiting for something to happen and before I knew it, the book was over.

Intimacy Scenes: This was better than expected. Kyle wore his emotions on his sleeves and was pretty easy going, but in the bedroom...the beta in him disappeared.

Overall: Although I enjoyed the book, I was also disappointed. The first two books had a little suspense and action. This book was set up perfectly for the same, but it fell flat. I’ll read book 4 and hope Julie James brings the action
Profile Image for Rozberry&#x1f353;.
292 reviews133 followers
September 26, 2022
FBI/US Attorneys series
Something About You - 3.75 stars
A Lot Like Love - 3.25 stars
>>About That Night - 4 stars
Love Irresistibly - tbr
It Happened One Wedding - 4.25 stars
Suddenly One Summer - tbr
The Thing About Love - tbr

It’s a funny thing sometimes the way a mind works. It hadn’t really occurred to me until I finished that I would feel a little relieved. I wasn’t sure why at first. Then it hit me — my feelings about this series had been on a bit of a gradual downward slope going from pretty much loving It Happened One Wedding(yes, it’s book 5, a rare out of order first read of a series) to liking Something About You to a bit underwhelmed by nearly 2/3 of A Lot Like Love. So in the back of my mind, I guess I had a little caution flag flying ⚐ & I wondered if the slope would continue downhill. I’m glad to say it’s officially back uphill 😁. Cause you know what? I liked this installment so much more than the last.

Kyle — Kyle is officially my new favorite JJ hero 😍🥰. He may not be perfect(& honestly, usually the most interesting characters aren’t…at least imho), but he ✅’s so many of the best boxes 🔲 . Smart. Funny. Sweet/Caring. Charming. Trouble (in the best of ways 🔥). Oh-So-Swoony. Stepped up for his family.

Rylann — I liked that she’s smart, successful & got a good snarky sense of humor. I enjoyed the dynamic she had with her bestie as well. Yet a small part of me still felt like I wanted a little more from her. Honestly, I don’t have a clear pinpoint answer to why. Because I’m not really sure myself. Maybe it’s because I enjoyed Kyle so much or maybe it’s because imho he carried a little more of the story 🤷🏻‍♀️. Whatever it is, Rylann’s still a decent heroine.

H & h Together — Lots of fun, teasing banter. Plenty of chemistry 🔥 & good sexy times. Was there a little 🧀 in the mix? Yes, but not enough to care. Although I freely admit this quote “Prison did a body good.” had me going wtf? 🤣 🤣. Thankfully a quote like that was NOT a trend of ATN, but my hackles were on alert to raise there for a moment 😂.

Overall —
— If you haven’t gathered by now the romance & the h & H’s dynamic definitely ✅’s those the boxes 🔲 too for me. I so appreciated the angle JJ took on this trope as a second chance on a missed opportunity vs the more frequently used second chance that didn’t work out the first time & needs repair.
—I enjoyed the side characters as well. Especially I really enjoy Kyle’s dynamic with his sister & unlike so many cliché billionaire heroes, he doesn’t have daddy issues because of some cold rigid father. His dad seemed like a good guy. Also Rylann’s bestie & some of her co-workers.
— As far as the whole FBI/US attorneys theme, I’m hardly a crime buff by any means, but it was fine…I wasn’t bored. However, it’s not like that’s why I picked up this book(or any in the series) nor had I cared too much how meaty that aspect is tbh. It simply adds some nice wrinkles to what’s a romance above all imho. If that is important to you, however, you may not want to take much stock in how I feel about that either way 🤷🏻‍♀️.
— One last thing about Kyle’s crime…Ok yes, Kyle’s crime was certainly not a shining moment & an 🙄 of emotional overreaction. However, he proves to be so much better than a few unfortunate moments of recklessness. He took responsibility when was said & done. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have gushed about him so much above. Plus let’s not forget, he didn’t hurt anyone - physically, emotionally, or like steal someone’s life savings or something. To get the most out of About That Night, I genuinely think it’s best not to get stuck on one OTT past regret. Otherwise, imho you’ll be missing out on a worthwhile hero.

One side note on the series itself…
A little annoyed. I just realized, looking over the rest of the series, JJ never wrote a book for Sam Wilkins. Perhaps things will work out for him & Rae in the background of the series, BUT STILL, I wanted his own book 😤 . Oh well. Honestly, I just hope JJ starts writing books again in general. Whether it has to do with this series or not.
Profile Image for Saly.
3,434 reviews570 followers
April 5, 2012
Rating 3.5

I've been waiting for this story since last year because who doesn't love reading about a billionaire that looks like Sawyer from LOST and downed twitter when his girlfriend dumped him publicly? I say awesome setup and it was and Kyle was totally yummy.

Kyle and Rylann met nine years ago and had a connection and a date which never went anywhere because Kyle's mom died and Rylann became a lawyer and followed her career plan to the T. Kyle never did his PhD.D and went to work at his father's company, working and partying hard and he did make an effort to get serious relationship wise but it ended up with him getting drunk, shutting twitter and spending four months in jail and his twin Jordan bailing him out, so he is done trying to make a commitment and with one meeting should be free of the US Attorney office.

Rylann has just moved to Chicago and joined the AUSA's office. She broke up with her boyfriend of three years, six months ago when he decided to move to Rome and she refused to follow him since it didn't go with her plans. So, while Kyle is about spontaneity Rylann is all about her plans and her career and they meet again nine years later in the court-room and are thrown together again when Rylann's needs his help in a case related to prison going-on's.

I liked that Rylann maintained her professionalism and despite the sparks between them nothing happened till he was a witness in her case. If I had to grade this book it would be for Kyle only, he was funny, romantic and loyal to his family. He had accepted responsibility for what he did and made something out of it by following his heart and opening his own venture.

I was a little luke-worm about Rylann, she just seemed like one of those women with plans and she wanted to keep her and Kyle under wraps since they would be a source for gossip and she didn't want that to adversely affect her job and I got that, that her job was important and that Kyle moved at a faster pace than her but nobody likes being kept like a guilty secret and I loved that Kyle told her that and that she had to make a choice and decided if personal happiness too was important.

This book was way hotter than any other Julie James book but for me that is not a consideration and I felt while attempting to make the book sexy, maybe it wasn't that sexy and it was just trying way too hard to be, even now Just the Sexiest Man Alive remains a favorite of mine, the reasons being I could feel the sexual tension, in this book it wasn't that center-stage and I was supposed to be feeling it and I didn't.

As a contemporary romance this book is worth trying but I just felt as if a magical spark was missing.
Profile Image for Sam I AMNreader.
1,487 reviews314 followers
July 30, 2018
It's not exactly that I don't like this book. It's that I don't care. I think, despite having two of this author's books left on my Kobo, is time to admit she doesn't do it for me. Heavily plot-driven, yet unrealistic situations aren't the romance I favor.

I'd be really surprised if an ethical lawyer didn't immediately, whether new or not, disclose history with a defendant anf/or a witness. I have a job where I have to disclose stuff. I do so unreservedly. What a dumb risk.

Anyway, that's not really the point. The point is I don't know how many more times I can read about what a legal mind she is, or how she works as a AUSA. IT'S every paragraph.
Profile Image for Lučka.
354 reviews68 followers
July 11, 2017

I don't know how to review this series. It's obviously working for me, for the reasons I can't explain. I admit I sported a goofy smile from time to time when the MCs bantered.

The MC's are likable with the semi-alpha H and strong-willed h. The plot is really light and somewhat entertaining, the writing style suits me and I really enjoyed this Chick Lit.

Will continue to read this series.

Profile Image for Camilla Isley.
Author 33 books2,467 followers
March 3, 2018
Another adorably cute and sassy book in the series... This is by far my favorite romcom series. Each book focus on a new couple, so it’s always fresh... but you get to see also characters from other book and at this point it feels like being part of a big, happy family :)
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,669 reviews3,275 followers
November 11, 2020
4 Strained Partners-In-Crime Stars
* * * * Spoiler Free-2013 Review-GET IT, ONLY $1.99!!!!
This is a TOTALLY Spoiler-Free review because I read this before I joined Goodreads. What I can say is I gobbled up this whole series back in the day. Loved the banter, the sexy times, and the intrigue. Julie James brought all of her legal background to her crafting and storytelling.

Something About You (FBI/US Attorney, #1) by Julie James Something About You (FBI/US Attorney, #1)
A Lot like Love (FBI/US Attorney, #2) by Julie James A Lot Like Love (FBI/US Attorney, #2)
About That Night (FBI/US Attorney, #3) by Julie James About That Night (FBI/US Attorney, #3)
Love Irresistibly (FBI/US Attorney, #4) by Julie James Love Irresistibly (FBI/US Attorney, #4)
It Happened One Wedding (FBI/US Attorney, #5) by Julie James It Happened One Wedding (FBI/US Attorney, #5)
Suddenly One Summer (FBI/US Attorney, #6) by Julie James Suddenly Last Summer (FBI/US Attorney, #6)

For more Reviews, Free E-books and Giveaways
Profile Image for Sheryl C. Nash.
1,741 reviews430 followers
July 11, 2014
One million stars!! What? Yup, you read right. In all my 1000+ reviews on Goodreads, the most i have credited to an author was either 10 stars or 100 stars, but this book exceeded my expectations AND THEN SOME! I'm sure we have all been excited for a book, only for it to fall flat when we finally got our hands on it, well... About That Night is NOT ONE OF THOSE BOOKS!!! I was DYING to read about Kyle Rhodes when i met him in the previous book in the FBI series;A Lot Like Love ... here was guy who was a nerd, but not... Suffice to say he captured my imagination and waiting for over 9+ months to read his story just did my head in...

Kyle...sigh what can i say? Funny, hot, sexy, sweet as hell, sexy, hot... right said those already.. and Rylann (chicken wing girl...LOVED that reference!!) was intelligent and snarky but underneath it all she was really unsure of what to do and i for one am so glad she embraced her inner bad girl and took a chance with Kyle... all the pent up frustration between those two, just made their coming together at halfway through the book SMOKIN' HOT!

If you haven't read the previous 2 books in this series, i would say read them before reading this, especially the previous book; A Lot Like Love as you will understand a bit about Kyle's background and what happened.

SIGH... in conclusion, Ms. James; BEST BOOK EVER!!! Now please excuse me, while i go have some "dreams" about Kyle... :)
Profile Image for Inna.
1,596 reviews344 followers
January 3, 2022
2 stars. My least favorite of the series by far! I really disliked this book because of Kyle, the “hero”. He’s really just an entitled a-hole manwhore, who treated the heroine like she was disposable instead of trying to understand her feelings. I really did not like this hero at all, and the way that the story was told made this book an almost painfully slow read. I felt like quitting about 10 times but kept thinking the story would get better. It really didn’t.

One extra star for the heroine… she deserved a better hero.

SWE; they have a 9 year separation during which both of them have other partners. There wasn’t a relationship in the past, they just met briefly and felt a connection, so they didn’t owe each other anything… but I do hate the idea of all that missed time. In the present, the heroine is celibate for 6 months after breaking up with her LTR boyfriend. Her ex tries to get her back and causes some drama. The hero is only celibate while he’s in jail. He gets out and immediately hops into bed with OW before meeting the heroine again. He decides to live the player lifestyle, but then meets the heroine and changes his mind. There’s no cheating, no OW drama. No scenes with om/ow.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Samantha Young.
Author 103 books27.1k followers
February 9, 2013
Completely addictive, About That Night is smart, funny (the crime Kyle committed, and why, had me in stitches!), witty, sexy and utterly entertaining. Kyle somehow manages to be incredibly hot and offbeat at the same time, and Rylann's sense of humour and self-possession was really refreshing. She was such a likeable heroine. Love it!
Thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the story. Now I'm off to start back at the beginning as I didn't realise this was book 3 (apparently I can't read titles properly) in the series. Although it should be noted they can be read as standalones.
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,793 reviews537 followers
April 5, 2012
“About That Night” made my day! Sometimes this reader just wants a contemporary romance that is filled with feel-good feelings, smartly written dialogue, sexy romance, and charming characters to win my heart. That’s exactly what Julie James’s latest release provided in spades. I read it from cover to cover without moving out of my chair.

Our hero isn’t thinking clearly when he strikes out to settle a score and crashes Twitter. Soon he finds himself being escorted off an airplane by FBI agents and charged with multiple felonies. After his release from prison, he finds no comfort in being labeled an ex-con and as the “Twitter Terrorist.” But even more complications arise when he goes and falls in love with a federal prosecutor involved in his case. And wouldn’t you know it, she doesn’t think her career goals will survive a love connection between an “ex-con” and a “federal prosecutor. Ah – but this ex-con is not only a real charmer with dimples, he’s determined, rich, smart, and quite simply irresistible.

In this installment of her FBI series, Ms. James turns up the heat and it is a welcomed addition. Kyle and Rylann have great chemistry. Kyle is a smart and charming. Rylann is strong and witty. They approach their relationship as equals. It’s fun to watch them spar, tease and tempt one another. Their attraction to each other is never questioned.

Not a major concern but it caught my attention and made me wonder: Why this cover of the series, in particular, had its female model clothed in a pantsuit. It didn’t hold true to the storyline. Rylann’s business suit skirts were not only a turn-on to Kyle throughout the book but also source for the FBI’s nickname for her.

After such a marvelous story, the ending was a bit abrupt. I wish there had been a little more spice in the happily-ever-after.
Profile Image for Amy.
631 reviews
April 11, 2012


Profile: Blonde billionaire heir with a love for flannel, exceptional wine, and likes his women hot and spicy just like his chicken wings; hater of all things Victoria’s Secret.

Hashtags: #SmugDimples, #HotandSpicy, #TwitterTerrorist

Trending: # Prosecutrix Pierce, #Counselor, #Meth Lab Rylann,

Call it fate or two ships crossing in the night, but that is exactly how Kyle Rhodes, son to billionaire Grey Rhodes, has stumbled upon Rylann Pierce in a bar celebrating her grad student status and temporary respite before heading off to law school. Never one to be shy, Kyle engages Rylann in conversation doing his best to charm her with his piercing blue eyes and sexy dimples. Sparks immediately fly for both and when the night wraps and Rylann is left alone, Kyle offers to walk her home. After much flirting and teasing from both, Rylann ends the night taking an unforgettable kiss as well as agreeing to a date for beer and chicken wings with the persistent Kyle Rhodes. But fate intervenes again as tragedy strikes the Rhodes family and their date never transpires.

“There are some things a girl never forgets. And one of those is a kiss from the right guy.”

Fast forward nine years later and Rylann has moved to Chicago to start her new position as Assistant U.S. Attorney. Kyle Rhodes is serving his last week on home arrest after being convicted for hacking and shutting down the social media website, Twitter for 48 hours. After an agreed motion is set for court and the hearing starts, Kyle is shocked to see that the federal prosecutor on his case is none other than Rylann Pierce. And what do you know…the spark is still there for both of them. Thanks to the motion set forth by the U.S. Attorney’s office, Kyle is once again a free man and now knows he has unfinished business with one sassy federal prosecutor. Circumstances are in his favor, as Kyle is approached to be a witness in Rylann’s investigation into a prison murder and he is all too happy to assist. Rylann knows that she cannot ethically pursue a relationship with Kyle Rhodes while he is a witness to her case, but that does not damper the feelings of desire she has for the ex-con. And for someone who plans her life to a tee, Rylann has no clue what will happen once the case is over. What she does know is that she doesn’t want Kyle walking out of her life a second time and she makes that clear the night he is no longer her witness.

There are a handful of authors that have the eagerly anticipated once a year release that you are dying for and Julie James is at the top my list. Ever since I discovered Ms. James and her sexy FBI man Jack Pallas, from Something About You, I immediately claimed him as mine and became a fan girl of the engaging contemporary author.

The best off the cuff way to describe James is a “sure thing” for a captivating, sexy, contemporary read. Ms. James seasons her FBI series with her own personal knowledge of the legal world and then develops sizzling and enticing characters to live and find love within the pages. Kyle really grabbed my heart early on. Although he is a billionaire, he doesn’t flaunt it, nor does he have the attitude of the typical “trust fund baby”. He is a hard worker, desiring to build a career outside of his father’s business and ultimately desiring to “pay it forward” as a result of past mistakes. What is evident early on is under the self-assured cockiness and wit he exudes while trying to “get the girl” there is also a hit of insecurity in himself as well as a fear of committed relationships given his past failures. Those moments of vulnerability make him all the more adorable.

Kyle is considerate, thoughtful, sentimental, witty, and embodies every woman’s dream of the quintessential male. Rylann is a strong, assured woman driven to succeed in what many would consider a “man’s domain”. She is a planner, sets solid goals and is not one to “fly by the seat of her pants” under any circumstance. So, what is refreshing to see is how Kyle breaks down some of that rigidness in his relentless pursuit and down right flusters her to the point that she’s unable to stay on her designated track. His mischievous and honest pursuit of Rylann combine with the intense sexual tension that radiates from both is enamoring to watch and as the reader, I didn’t want their story to end!

About that Night is a sexy, sizzling addition to the FBI series and while it can stand alone, it is more gratifying to know the characters from the prior two books that interact with both Kyle and Rylann. Kyle is a total swoon worthy hero as well as Jack Pallas and Nick McCall. Trust me when I say you will not be disappointed! So to sum it up I leave you with my tweet to Julie James upon finishing the book:

@juljames Oh Julie, you’ve gone and done it now. Jack Pallas is my lighter fluid & now Kyle Rhodes has arrived and torched my heart! *swoon*

Kyle Rhodes aka "Twitter Terrorist" was originally posted at http://www.fictionvixen.com/2012/04/r...
Profile Image for Obsidian.
2,979 reviews1,064 followers
May 17, 2018
This will be fairly short. I didn't like this one. Seriously. The plot was ridiculous and I am sorry I could not really get over a woman with an important job like Rylann's would be okay with her dating a former criminal. Then again it's a new day in the world and white collar crimes seem to just be getting ignored right now. That said, I didn't really like the male lead Kyle at all. I thought the two of them didn't really fit and thought the book focused too much on Nick and Jordan from book #2 for my taste.

"About That Night" has Rylann Pierce coming face to face with the guy she hasn't seen in 9 years after having an epic meet-cute, billionaire heir, Kyle Rhodes. Now that Rylann is working for the U.S. Attorney's office, she is in charge of wrapping up Kyle's criminal case. Initially brushing him off, she ends up having to seek him out again when another case comes up that needs Kyle's help.

I thought the whole Kyle is a witness that needs to help out the U.S. Attorney's could have been done better. I thought that James just rushed to wrap up that plot-line. The rest of the book was just Kyle and Rylann being together and they were not a big enough draw for me after a while. I think that James included so much from Jordan and Nick since there was not enough to hang a whole book on with these two.

The sex scenes were meh. Ultimately this book is mostly about Rylann having to decide between her job and Kyle, and I was all for her dumping Kyle.
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,191 reviews1,921 followers
July 23, 2015
This is about that same level as the second book. Which is very much a good thing. At this point, I recommend not starting with this one in the series; we've accumulated enough recurring characters for there to be some weight behind their interactions that you wouldn't entirely catch without having read those others books first. That's particularly true of book 2 which features Kyle's sister, Jordan.

I liked Rylann slightly less than Jordan. She's a little too serious and risk-averse. But I also liked Kyle a bit more than Nick. He's more emotionally available and gets over himself a whole lot quicker. It's interesting that my feelings correlate rather strongly with how commitment-phobic they aren't. I'm not sure that's causal, but it may be. Or it may be other aspects of their respective personalities that I enjoy. I find it hard to say.

At any rate, if you've read the first two (and especially the second), then you know what you're getting with this one. The biggest bonus, though, is that there's a lot less crazy criminal drama and that means more room for relationship building. And that's a clear win. So I guess this one may be slightly better than the previous, now I think on it.

A note about Steamy: This was in line with this series and at my mid range. Only two explicit scenes (and one bit of foreplay), but they were decidedly hot and not short.
Profile Image for Nina Draganova.
1,092 reviews69 followers
March 13, 2017
Джули Джеймс постепенно се превръща в една от любимите ми авторки.
И тази книга е заредена с хумор и всичките съпътстващи елементи на любовния роман.
Това е основната причина поради , която харесвам книгите й.
Освен това страхотните диалози.
Не е най-добрата й книга, но се чете на един дъх.
И чакам следващата с нетърпение.

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