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Midnight Bayou

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#1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts presents a novel set deep in the bayou of Louisiana—where the only witness to a long-ago tragedy is a once-grand house… 

Declan Fitzgerald had always been the family maverick, but even he couldn't understand his impulse to buy a dilapidated mansion on the outskirts of New Orleans. All he knew was that ever since he first saw Manet Hall, he'd been enchanted-and obsessed-with it. So when the opportunity to buy the house comes up, Declan jumps at the chance to live out a dream.

Determined to restore Manet Hall to its former splendor, Declan begins the daunting renovation room by room, relying on his own labor and skills. But the days spent in total isolation in the empty house take a toll. He is seeing visions of days from a century past, and experiencing sensations of terror and nearly unbearable grief-sensations not his own, but those of a stranger. Local legend has it that the house is haunted, and with every passing day Declan's belief in the ghostly presence grows.

Only the companionship of alluring Angelina Simone can distract him from the mysterious happenings in the house, but Angelina too has her own surprising connection to Manet Hall-a connection that will help Declan uncover a secret that's been buried for a hundred years.

338 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published October 15, 2001

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About the author

Nora Roberts

1,788 books54.7k followers
Nora Roberts is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 novels, including Hideaway, Under Currents, Come Sundown, The Awakening, Legacy, and coming in November 2021 -- The Becoming -- the second book in The Dragon Heart Legacy. She is also the author of the futuristic suspense In Death series written under the pen name J.D. Robb. There are more than 500 million copies of her books in print.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,277 reviews
Profile Image for Sandra.
721 reviews6 followers
June 18, 2016
Declan Fitzgerald moves from Boston to New Orleans. He has recently bought an old plantation house (Manet Hall) and he is going to try to restore it to its former splendor. He can't explain why but he feels a very strong pull towards this house and he even knows how some rooms look inside the house before he even sees them.

One day he sees a girl playing outside with a dog by the pond in the bayou. Later he meets her for real in town. She is the owner of a bar and her name is Lena (Angelina) Simone.

The attraction/pull towards her is so strong Declan asks if maybe they have met before...she jokingly replies maybe in another life. But Declan starts to wonder if this is true. Strange things are happening in his plantation home. He is having weird dreams, sleepwalking and waking up in rooms he didn't want to be in, seeing visions, hearing voices, feeling strong feelings, knowing things he possibly can't know...


I really enjoyed this book. I liked the settings, New Orleans, the bayou... I liked the reincarnation theme. Declan was a wonderful hero, caring, thoughtful, handsome. Lena---she was the cool sultry seductress type. I didn't care for her much at first but she started to grow on me as the story progressed. The other characters were interesting. I liked Declan's friend Remy and his fiancée Effie, and Miss Odette (Lena's grandmother). This book had a captivating storyline with mystery, murder, and secrets from generations past.

This was a good atmospheric read by Nora Roberts.


(This book was made into a tv movie. I used some images from the movie for my review.)
Profile Image for Alp.
763 reviews449 followers
September 27, 2016

What a disappointment!

I'm so sad to report… this was my second Nora Roberts book that got 2 stars from me (from 31 books I’ve read). I had high hopes for this one, but unfortunately, it turned out to be a total let down. The first half was great. The tragedy of Abigail and Lucian which happened in the past grabbed my attention from the very start. I couldn’t stop turning the pages to find out the truth as it was gradually revealed to me.

Too bad, around 65% of the book, I started to get bored, especially with the confrontations between Lena and her mother. Besides, the ghost(s) did no harm to everyone?? Boring… The romance between Declan and Lena had me frustrated. One minute they were happy together, and the next Lena start the fight in order to guard her heart. (WTH???) And it happened many times over and over again! I don't know what to say… This was stupid!

Lena is now the most irritating NR's heroine I’ve ever read. (Off course, she bumped Willa from Montana Sky out of her position completely. Sorry Willa, you’re no longer number one.) I hate heroine with love and trust issues. Seriously hate. Lena annoyed the hell out of me to the point that I wish I could throw her away out of this book and never saw her name again. I have no idea what Dec saw in her. Damn, I was upset!

Moreover, I expected some solid horror parts, something far scarier than the sound of a baby crying or the doors slamming shut. Sadly, none of those happened. I don't understand why bother trying to build up those creepy feelings in the first place if there was no ghost to be found in the end. THERE WAS NO GHOST. Really!? Oh come on, at least give me a clue who the hell this ghost was! (There was one or more than one—I don’t even know exactly how many of them in the mansion!) Gah!

I regret reading this book. If it weren't for Dec, I would have rated it 1 star. Enough said.
Profile Image for Jonetta.
2,353 reviews1,181 followers
July 26, 2021
Declan Fitzgerald abandoned his Boston law practice and moved to New Orleans after having purchased Manet Hall, a bayou mansion crying for restoration and attention. He’d seen the house when he was in college and had an inexplicable connection to it. When his best friend and college roommate let him know it was up for sale again, he seized the opportunity to buy the property of his heart and quit a career he found unfulfilling. While working on the house, he gets a glimpse of a striking young woman and is also drawn to her. Angelina (Lena) Simone and her family have lived in the bayou for generations and have ancestry that ties back to that old mansion. The signs are all there for a ghostly convergence as Declan has to also coexist with some of residents from the turn of the 19th century.

I’m not normally a fan of ghost stories as I need more logic in the behavior of the apparitions than most provide. This one was decidedly different as it begins with an historical timeline that explains the tragic event that shaped the destiny of the house and the residents at that time: Abigail & Lucian Manet, his twin Julian and his mother Josephine. I enjoyed the dual timeline as the present day is the bulk of the story with the historical one revisited to provide context and direction. Those ghosts were true to their original selves, which helped move the story along at a good pace.

I really liked Declan who suffered from instalove when he met Lena but she was having none of that, which made their romance more appealing. She’s highly independent, owning a bar in the French Quarter and helps Declan unravel the mystery of the mansion. It’s an older story that doesn’t feel dated and includes the right mix of humor, romance, home restoration and ghostly mystery. I opted to listen to the story and James Daniels was great in handling Boston, Cajun and Southern accents while managing the storytelling exceptionally. Sandra Burr was also wonderful in delivering the historical timeline. I had a fine time listening to this one as it had a bit of everything knitted together seamlessly.

Posted on Blue Mood Café
Profile Image for Mo.
1,386 reviews2 followers
November 29, 2021
Skimmed to the end. Just could not keep reading it ... was bored. Nora can write such drivel as this and then write such excellence as the In Death series... Love her writing as J.D. ROBB - some of her books under Nora Roberts can be hit or miss ... this one definitely missed the mark. Brought to mind a lovely song that I hadn't heard in years though ...


(not sure if the link will work)

Probably not a retriever in the book (think it might have been a Labrador) but I prefer a dog like my dog, Jackson, hence the retriever ...

Anyway, better get back to reading "good" books or I am NEVER going to make my reading challenge this year ... who am I kidding? I am definitely not going to make it this year - I seem to be decreasing the numbers every year!

Profile Image for Alba Turunen.
754 reviews240 followers
January 6, 2023
4 Estrellitas. Me he llevado una muy grata sorpresa con éste libro. No me parecía de los más importantes ni de los más conocidos de la Roberts, y aunque todos sus libros tienen cosas en común y un sello único de su autora, éste me ha parecido bastante distinto.

Estamos ante una novela contemporánea con temática de casa encantada y fantasmas. Normalmente el ambiente paranormal lo enfocamos en la protagonista femenina, pero aquí ha sido Declan quien ha llevado el peso de la historia y ante quién se han presentado todos los elementos paranormales.

Estamos en Luisiana a 1899, cerca de Nueva Orleans en la plantación de Manet Hall, donde ocurrió un crimen atroz. Una joven cajún que se casó con el señorito heredero de la mansión, fue violada y asesinada por el gemelo de su marido, para después ser vilipendiada por un escándalo.

Desde entonces, Manet Hall ha estado maldito, hasta que cien años después, la compra Declan Fitzgerald, un abogado de Boston, astiado de su "perfecta" vida. Declan conoció Luisiana en sus años de universidad gracias a que su amigo Remy era de Nueva Orleans. Siempre sintió cierta atracción por Manet Hall.

Cuando empieza el libro, Declan llega a Luisiana y ha comprado Manet Hall con la idea de restaurarla él mismo y devolverle su esplendor. Pero la casa está encantada. En seguida, Declan experimenta episodios de sonambulismo, visiones, y siempre reiterativos al mismo crimen ocurrido cien años antes.

Pero todo esto, lejos de asustarle, sabe que es su destino. En Boston, Declan dejó una vida perfecta, una prometida perfecta y un buen trabajo. Y en el momento en que Declan conoce a Lena Simone, prima de su amigo Remy, sabe que ha hallado lo que buscaba.

Lena es una joven hermosa y propietaria de un bar de bastante éxito en Nueva Orleans. Es una joven cajún, descendiente de Abigail, la protagonista del atroz crimen de Manet Hall. Pero la vida sentimental de Lena no ha sido fácil, su madre era un desastre y la abandonó cuando era un bebé, la crió su abuela y de vez en cuando su madre aparecía para hacerles la vida imposible. Al ser una joven hermosa, los hombres la deseaban, pero ninguno la amó, o al menos ninguno como debería, hasta que llegó Declan.

El suyo no es un romance fácil, hay muchas espinas, resquemor y un pasado. Si algo me ha gustado es que al haber llevado Declan el peso de la historia, también es el primero que se ha enamorado desinteresadamente de la protagonista. Ella por su parte, tiene mucho que pensar, recordar y perdonar.

La trama paranormal ha estado bastante presente en toda la trama, no solo la casa está encantada. Los protagonistas no son los únicos que experimentan visiones u oyen cosas extrañas. Manet Hall está muy vivo, y el atroz crimen está muy presente, hasta que el amor verdadero triunfe y todo sea perdonado.

El libro está muy bien escrito y lleva un muy buen ritmo de lectura. A mí desde luego me ha convencido y si bien no creo que sea de los mejores de la Roberts, si me ha gustado mucho y lo recomiendo si os gusta éste tipo de libros.
Profile Image for Katerina.
496 reviews64 followers
January 15, 2023
I liked the setting of Midnight Bayou and the characters!
The friendship between Declan and Remy was my favourite!
Declan's personality was the one that attracted me more, and he was the one I liked best!
The colourful New Orleans was the perfect setting for this kind of mystery!
Angelina's personality was the one I could relate to best, and even though she frustrated me at times, I could understand her and where she was coming from!
The banter between various characters throughout the story gave a light tone to an otherwise dramatic story!
The tension of the attraction between Declan and Angelina was OK, but it didn't make an impression on me like ones from other books of Nora Roberts!
The atmosphere and mystery around the house were good, but it could be better, spookier!
Some revelations made me feel weird, and how the final outcome came to be felt a bit underwhelming to me!
To round it up, Midnight Bayou is a decent story and a pleasant read!
Profile Image for Rachel.
638 reviews38 followers
November 25, 2015
Overall rating: 4.5 "Cher" stars!

Love triangle:
Sex with om/ow:
Intimate pasts:
OW/OM drama:


This was a very enjoyable read if you are looking for some mystery, PNR and some romance! The hero definitely does the chasing in this book (which was nice!). I always like it when the hero knows what he wants, no bullshit.

I also enjoyed the nice spin on this fated lovers story. I didn't see it coming at first :)

As much as I love Sandra Brown lately, I was glad to go back into a mostly romance story! Declan was just dreamy!
Profile Image for Erin .
1,416 reviews1,429 followers
September 26, 2020
3.5 Stars

Buzzword A Thon

You always know what you're gonna get with a Nora Roberts novel:

1) A feisty heroine
2) A tough man's man
3) One of the main characters will be Irish
4) Usually there be a mystery on the side
5) Sexy times
6) A happy ending

Those aren't bad things. In fact those story beats are why most people pick up her books. I consider Nora Roberts novels to be a nice escape from the usual dark and depressing things I read.

Midnight Bayou is standard Nora Roberts. It takes place in a beautiful old mansion in New Orleans. There's never any doubt that are feisty heroine and her tough man's man with a heart of gold are going to get their happy ending. I enjoyed getting lost in this fun romance.

If you love Nora Roberts than you've probably already read this but if you're a newbie or have never read her you might enjoy this one.
Profile Image for CD {Boulder Blvd}.
963 reviews93 followers
October 10, 2016
This book was published back in 2001 but still feels current. I had read this when it originally was published but pulled it from the shelves when one of the groups I'm in selected it for the October challenge. I enjoyed this one a lot and put another book on the back burner as I enjoyed this one more.

The story of Lucien and Abigail is relived with Declan and Lena when Declan starts renovating an old house and falls in love with Lena. The ghosts of Lucien and Abigail and their tragic past haunts Declan as he restores The Manet House. He falls instantly for Lena, but she holds back. I wasn't quite into Lena's character.

The story does seem to make a quick ending with no epilogue.
Profile Image for Nicole R.
993 reviews
September 9, 2012
I always feel a bit guilty rereading books, there are so many great books out there just waiting to be read! But, I have read every single book by Nora Roberts so now, when I need a Nora fix, I have no choice but to reread. It always feels like revisiting old friends...

Declan Fitzgerald is drawn to the dilapidated Manet Manor in New Orleans - so much so that he buys the house, uproots his posh life in Boston, and dedicates himself to the restoration of the old home. The fact that Miss Odette and her beautiful granddaughter, Lena Simone, live next door is just an added bonus! Declan soon realizes that, in addition to extensive restoration, he may have to clean out the ghosts who still haunt the Manor.

This is one of my favorite NR books. The "suspense" part of the romantic suspense is really about finding out what happened in the house over 100 years before. I like the paranormal aspect that the haunting brings to the story, and we all know that good Southern manors always have a ghost or two kicking around. Declan and Lena are two of my favorite leading characters, partly because they aren't afraid to pick a fight.

I'm sure that I will be rereading this one again. And again. And again.
Profile Image for Katie (spellboundbooks_).
428 reviews95 followers
September 9, 2023
What in the f’ing world did I just read? How is Nora Roberts a BESTSELLING AUTHOR? I stopped reading this book literally over a year ago and why I picked it back up is beyond me. I should have DNFed.

First off, Declan is annoying af. He’s literally written the way a woman in the early 2000s would describe a frat boy. Basically he was a big rich man, loved drinking beer, could use some power tools and goes to strip clubs with his friend (literally this happens IN THE BOOK). At one point he picked up Lena and said “you feel like you’ve gotten lighter” …”good.” NORA? WHAT? Do you want your MMCs to be hated??

The “steamy” scenes were just cringy and there were way too many of them for how underwritten and lack of anything we were even getting out of them. Either choose to be clean or smutty - whatever this in between is isn’t working.

Then comes the plot twist. And wtf was that? It was completely ridiculous and didn’t even make sense AT ALL. Like I hardly ever am angry at a book, but this one had me RAGING mad at how this was chosen to be wrapped up. Then it basically just ends 5 pages later and everything is happy happy happy. I can’t say anything without spoiling it. But trust me it’s not even worth it.

This book really had promise with its description of a mysterious manor, ghosts from the past and a current love story. It’s giving Haunting Adeline without all the stalker vibes and the man’s in the house. But Nora really chose to just butcher this one. It was a complete waste of time. Don’t bother picking this one up.
Profile Image for Sammy.
242 reviews1 follower
August 15, 2011
My first question is... How on earth did this woman get published? This book started out great and I was excited to see the story unfold. As I kept reading, I got more and more frustrated. My friend was reading one of her series and told me that the men in those books were all pizza eating, beer drinking card board cut outs too. Declan got on my nerves.

Then the big twist, which I won't spoil if someone is desperate enough to read this, made me shake my head and scoff. Its hard for me to leave books unfinished, so I kept with this one until the very last page... Then I wondered why I had just wasted so much of my life, when I could have been reading something worth my time. Maybe because I hate romance novels, I can't stand Nora Roberts. I can't stand Nick Sparks either.
Profile Image for Cyndi.
2,397 reviews103 followers
September 8, 2017
Declan leaves a lucrative job to buy a dilapidated mansion near New Orleans. He doesn't know why he is driven to restore Manet Hall to its former glory, but he follows his instincts. He also follows his instincts when he meets Angelina. He knows she's the one, he just has to convince her.
Meanwhile the two of them are having dreams of people who lived in the mansion years earlier and their tragic deaths.
This is a creepy murder mystery and suspense as only the Great Nora can do. Excellent book with memorable characters.
15 reviews7 followers
December 12, 2007
nora roberts is a god.

strong women, dark and handsome men, murder and intrigue, the french quarter and creole superstition, and lots of failed attempts at restraint make for one heck of a guilty pleasure.
Profile Image for Seda.
568 reviews177 followers
October 11, 2017
Ahhh Declan, keşke etrafta senden birkaç tane olsaydı. Dünya daha güzel bir yer olurdu 😍😍

Mükemmel bir kitap karakteri daha... hayaller ve hayatlar... 😔😰

Kitaba puanım 3, Declan’a puanım 10 😃 Değişik, keyifli bir hikayeydi. Özellikle Declan’ın diyalogları❤️ben 🙃 Adamın Lena’ya söylediği her cümleyle eriyip suya dönüşüyor insan. Sırf bunun için bile okunur kitap. Yazarın kalemiyle ilk kez tanıştım, farklı konusundan ve mükemmel erkek karakterinden dolayı çok da memnun kaldım.
Profile Image for Lyndi W..
2,043 reviews201 followers
August 12, 2012
3.5 stars

As usual, Nora Roberts delivers an incredibly entertaining story. Since there are already a hundred reviews waxing poetic about how wonderful it is, I'll just quickly tell you why this wasn't another five-star read for me.

- Lena plays games. For all the talk about how much of a straight-shooter she is, she relies on the head games with Declan a little too often. This is a personal thing for me, exasperated by the fact that every god damn female lead is overly stubborn these days. I'm kinda worn out on people fighting their feelings and what's good for them.

- This was listed as a romantic suspense, but there wasn't much suspense. Lilibeth, Josephine, or Julian all could have played villain with one or two short scenes and really driven home the need for Declan and Lena to solve their little mystery. As it was, there were some spooky moments, a total mind-fuck moment, and that's really it.

- It needs an epilogue. Just a quick little window into 'a year later' or 'a few months later', whatever. It ended quickly, without any indication of what the future had in store for the couple.

That's really it, which isn't much for me. Nora Roberts does a fabulous job of bringing the bayou to life and I'm hoping to find some other books with similar locals.

I'll definitely recommend this book and gush over how sweet and sexy Declan is with whomever I convince to read it.
Profile Image for Celeste.
1,036 reviews2,455 followers
January 30, 2018
Another Nora novel. But this time, it’s in Louisiana!

Nora always does a wonderful job of researching her settings, and Midnight Bayou was no exception. The plantation on the bayou felt so quintessentially Louisiana, and Nora did a good job of nailing the spirit of New Orleans and the Cajun accents and the Southern way of life in general.

Ghost stories are a common theme in Nora’s work, but this one takes a bit of a different route for her. Reincarnation plays a big role, which was more unusual. Watching the story of the past mix and mingle with the plot of the present proved just as interesting as any other storyline laid out by Nora, but that was compounded by said reincarnation element, and how that element was affected by gender.

Another common theme in Nora’s novels is the revitalization of a dilapidated but formerly beautiful structure. Which is generally how the ghosts come into play. I love all of the construction elements in Nora’s stories, because construction is in my family’s blood. My dad and uncle and brother all work construction for a living, and something is always in the process of being built around our family’s little self-made community. It’s part of the reason I have a thing for HGTV. Because of that, the construction elements of Nora’s novels always resonate with me, because she does an exceptional job of conveying the blood, sweat, tears, and pride that go into building or rebuilding something with your own hands.

As always, the characters were enjoyable and well fleshed out. The romance was sweet and passionate and compelling and laced with drama and laughter. And, as always, the ending was a happy one.
Profile Image for Daniela Peixoto.
131 reviews12 followers
October 14, 2020
Simplesmente fantástico. Com toda a certeza entrou nos meus livros favoritos. Uma mistura de romance, mistério e sobrenatural tao bem conciliados que prenderam do inicio ao fim. A teimosia e tenacidade do Decklan contra a teimosa da Lena sao do melhor que já li. Ele, certo de tudo o que sentia e queria para a sua vida, mesmo que para isso tivesse que enfrentar uma casa cheia de fantasmas. Ela, incapaz de se entregar verdadeiramente, apesar de todos os avisos do proprio coraçao, mesmo que tudo lhe dissesse que aquilo era o certo. E um mistério na enorme mansao a espera de ser desvendado. Uma história que me cativou imensamente, não fosse eu uma amante de tudo o que mexe com o sobrenatural.
Profile Image for Jared Millet.
Author 20 books64 followers
January 18, 2013
One of my goals for 2013 is to read outside my genre comfort zone, and I could think of no better way to commit to that than by starting off with Nora Roberts. I did ease the shock by picking a novel set in Louisiana (I'm from there), and somebody recommended this one to me after reading Summer Gothic , so there it is.

I've read one or two romance novels before, and the basic problems I have with the genre remain, so let me get them out of the way: 1) Perfect people are not interesting characters. 2) "Perfect people fall in love" is not an interesting story. 3) There can be no tension if there's never any doubt that they're going to live happily ever after from the moment they meet.

To be fair, Roberts does allow her heroine to have emotional issues springing from a dysfunctional family situation and her awful mother, but it never seriously gets in the way of the romance because Perfect Man doesn't let it. Perfect Man doesn't have any emotional needs or hang-ups of his own - in fact, he doesn't even have to work. (How convenient.)

What saved the novel and kept my eye-rolling to a minimum was the other story. It seems Perfect Man has bought a dilapidated old mansion and has made it his goal in life to restore it to its former glory - depsite the ghosts. Told in parallel to the main action is the story of a poor Cajun girl who married into the wealthy family who were mansion's original owners, and was raped, murdered, and dumped in the bayou for her trouble. That story ends badly for everyone involved, and by tying that into the traditional modern-day romance plot, Midnight Bayou changes from a "Perfect People in Love" story to a book about people who had bad things happen, made mistakes of their own, and had to forge on in life despite all the horror and misery. That's a lot more interesting, and worth a good read.

P.S. On the depiction of my home state: It's pretty exaggerated. I know Louisiana can seem like an "exotic locale" to people from elsewhere in the country, but fictional representations tend to overdo it.
Profile Image for Monica **can't read fast enough**.
1,033 reviews353 followers
December 14, 2016
Okay, I'm going to admit to personal bias and a specific idiosyncrasy of mine here that has totally played into how I perceived and reacted to this particular Nora Roberts book. I HATE the term "dusky" when referring to a person's skin tone. I know it's not a racial slur, and I am sure that Roberts in no way meant for it to be offensive. However, for me, and I can't even explain exactly why, it just rubs me the wrong way. It's a perfectly legitimate description, but in my mind it somehow just feels grating. In my experience, I have only ever found dusky used in stories written by authors who are not PoC writing a story set in the south needing to describe a PoC and it's usually used to describe some exotic woman that someone is finding sexually attractive. And yes, that is the case here. So yes, I read this one with a negative attitude and probably should have just put the story down. Which is crazy since I love romance and a woman of color being found desirable should have been a bonus. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Roberts writing and still plan on reading through her back list. This is definitely an "it's me not you" situation because I'm sure that my irritation by that one small thing soured the reading experience.

I am rating this one though, because I did actually finish the book. It was a decent story, but unfortunately I probably won't remember much about it six months from now other than the fact that Lena was described as dusky and that she enchanted Declan from the beginning with her exotic Cajun ways...
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,173 reviews271 followers
January 1, 2010
"I love Nora Roberts. She is one of my go-to authors when I can't decide what to read or am just not in the mood to pick up something new. I find her work fun, refreshing, and just plain exhilarating, and I've read almost everything she has published. I consider myself a Nora Roberts expert.[return][return]Unfortunately, this is not one of my favorites of hers. The snappy dialogue that I've come to expect from her is lacking. I just don't care enough about any of the characters to really get into resolving the mystery. The ghost story isn't quite as vivid and horrifying as her other forays into a fantasy world. The love story portion between Lena and Declan seems lacking.[return][return]It's not a bad book in and of itself. It just isn't one of my favorites of hers. As I've mentioned in other reviews, her writing has definitely gotten sharper and better over the years. This one is still relatively early in her career, and I do think that makes quite the difference. At the time, this was probably very good, but when compared to her more current works, for me, something is missing. I am just one person, so I would still recommend Midnight Bayou to anyone who likes Nora Roberts."
Profile Image for Francesca ❆.
501 reviews95 followers
December 31, 2020
A very spooky mystery veiled by a hint of paranormal.
You can’t write a mystery set in New Orleans and the bayou and not have at least a hint of paranormal, and Roberts definitely used this element to its fullest potential.
With a haunted old house, a mystery spanning centuries to solve, some reincarnation business, you’re sure to be in for a wild ride!
The story was very well crafted, but the main couple didn’t exactly sell me on the whole thing....while I enjoyed it, this one won’t go on my “reread material” list.
Profile Image for Angelique du Plessis.
289 reviews20 followers
June 18, 2013
This woman just got it!

This was my first Nora Roberts but certainly not my last.

The beauty of New Orleans and the peace of the Bayou is stuck in my head and one day I will make sure I'd visit this little magic town.

The book had me since page one, she captures the mood, the characters, the air and even the conversations and draws you in that makes it so hard to put the book down.

Read this book, trust me you'd want it to never end. :)

Profile Image for Alistair Cross.
Author 45 books193 followers
March 19, 2022
Midnight Bayou, Nora Roberts, 2002

My favorite quote: “From this nice, safe distance, I’ve realized I actually like my family.”
Notable characters: Declan Fitzgerald, the absurdly handsome handyman; Lena Simone, the ridiculously pretty bar owner; Miss Odette, Lena’s excessively charming (and still unusually-beautiful) grandmother

Opening scene: Midnight Bayou begins with a historical flashback (something I haven’t seen before in a Nora Roberts book -- although it’s possible this isn’t an uncommon element, I just haven’t read all that many). It begins at Manet Hall in Louisiana, in 1899 with Lucian and Abigail, whose tragic love story sets up the events of the rest of the book

Greatest strengths: Nora Roberts is very hit-or-miss for me, but one thing I’ll give her is that she knows how to create atmosphere. For some reason, atmosphere is important to me in books and I think this is why I’ve returned to Nora Roberts as many times as I have. That said, the atmosphere in Midnight Bayou is pretty damned superb

Standout achievements: Nora Roberts seems to really like writing books about sexy people rebuilding great big houses and I have to admit, it gets a bit stale for me at times -- but in Midnight Bayou, it somehow worked. As Declan and Lena sexily rebuilt Manet Hall together, I barely even noticed all the annoying dos-and-don'ts of fixing fixer-uppers that Nora Roberts seems to enjoy pressing upon the reader in such stories

Fun Facts: In 2007, TIME named Nora Roberts one of their 100 Most Influential People. I, of course, barely missed the mark at number 101

Other media: Nora Roberts’ Midnight Bayou was adapted into a 2009 TV movie (https://tinyurl.com/2p9ekk9j) of the same name starring Jerry O’Connell, Lauren Stamile, and Faye Dunaway (who, apparently, is no basket of kittens to work with -- but that’s neither here nor there)

What it taught me: This is going to sound rude, but it’s also true: some of the dialogue in Midnight Bayou (and let’s face it, all Nora Roberts books) is super cringe-worthy. These are the kinds of books that taught me to go easy on the cheese in my own work. For example, at one point in Midnight Bayou, manly-man number one makes manly-man number two turn a circle so he can check out -- and then compliment him on -- his great ass. Now … I’m sure this DOES happen in real life at times, but not often enough that it didn’t pull me out of the story. That said, I rather enjoyed that scene. It was awkward, sure -- but I like anything that kind of presses the boundaries of traditional social expectation

How it inspired me: Midnight Bayou captures the South in a very real way and made me want to visit. I did, much later, and I have to say that as far as setting goes, Nora Roberts nailed it. Well done, Nora Roberts, well done …

Additional thoughts: Though more formulaic that I generally prefer, Nora Roberts’ approach to the reincarnation aspect in Midnight Bayou intrigued me. Over all, I enjoyed the book, but for me, romance makes a nice garnishing, rather than a main ingredient. I appreciated the supernatural elements of this book and wish there’s been a little more of that -- but I didn’t hate Midnight Bayou

Haunt me: alistaircross.com

Read Midnight Bayou: https://tinyurl.com/yc449wra
Profile Image for Jenna.
2,972 reviews39 followers
October 12, 2019
Voihan Nora Roberts ja hänen taitonsa saada lukijan täydellinen huomio tekstiinsä! Sydänyö on Robertsin ehdottomasti parasta kirjoittamisen tasoa, vaikka loppu kirjasta tuntui hieman kiirehdityltä - liekö johtunut sivumäärän suppeudesta.

Virkistävää vaihtelua Robertsin tuotannossa on se seikka, että tässä kirjassa päähenkilön asemassa on mies Declan. Vaihteeksi kirjassa remontoidaan isoa, ränsistynyttä taloa, sisustetaan ja riiataan kaunista naista. Toisaalta, jälkimmäinen on juurikin se syy miksi luen Robertsin tuotantoa uudelleen ja uudelleen. Tässä kirjassa on paikkana iki-ihana New Orleans ja myös vahvaa kummittelua mukana, minkä vuoksi luin kirjaa niskakarvat pystyssä öiseen aikaan.

Viimeinen tähti jäi ansaitsematta pienien muotoseikkojen vuoksi, kuten menneisyyden ja nykyisen kerronnan epäselvästä vaihtumisesta (välillä sadan vuoden takainen kerronta oli selvästi merkitty, toisessa samanlaisessa kohdassa hyppy nykyisyyteen oli selvästi unohdettu merkitä), lopun kiirehdinnästä ja tietyn juonikuvion absurdiuteen menevästä sfääristä.

Varoituksen sana; mikäli luet tätä kirjaa allekirjoittaneen tapaan yömyöhään sängyssä, tarina saattaa tulla uniin kummittelemaan.
Profile Image for Célia | Estante de Livros.
1,149 reviews258 followers
January 27, 2016
Houve uma altura no meu percurso como leitora em que li imensos livros da Nora Roberts, porque era aquilo que me apetecia ler e me dava algumas das coisas que então procurava nos livros. Entretanto, sou uma leitora diferente: não sou melhor nem pior, simplesmente passei a procurar outro tipo de livros e cansei-me um bocado da sensação de mais do mesmo que comecei a ter com os livros desta autora, de tal modo que ficaram lá em casa por ler uma boa quantidade deles que entretanto tinha adquirido. Este momento foi tão bom como outro qualquer para regressar aos livros da Nora Roberts e, apesar da tal “fórmula”, reconheço na autora alguns méritos e percebo por que é uma das mais bem sucedidas no género em que escreve (ainda que eu continue a preferir, de longe, o que escreve com o pseudónimo J.D. Robb).

Mas passando a este livro propriamente dito: O Pântano da Meia-Noite é um livro que se foca no romance entre duas pessoas no contexto de uma casa assombrada. Enquanto acompanhamos o presente, no qual Declan Fitzgerald adquire uma velha casa para a qual se sente irresistivelmente atraído, vamos tendo flashbacks de uma história trágica que decorreu nessa mesma casa, em finais do século XIX. Quando se muda para a sua nova casa, Declan começa a ter visões sobre o passado e a perceber que ali residem almas atormentadas e que ainda não conheceram o seu descanso. O interesse romântico de Declan, Angelina, é descendente da mulher que foi assassinada naquela casa e revela-se uma peça-chave para acabar com as assombrações, enquanto luta por aceitar os seus sentimentos por Declan.

Nora Roberts optou por revelar logo no início do livro o acontecimento trágico do passado, que originou as assombrações na casa. Como leitora, acho que isso cortou totalmente o suspense e a curiosidade para saber o que teria realmente acontecido no passado. A revelação faseada destes acontecimentos teria sido, quanto a mim, uma forma mais eficaz de levar a história, porque deste modo os flashbacks pareceram um bocado inúteis, apesar de ainda assim interessantes no que diz respeito às personagens que neles participam. As personagens no presente não sabiam o que se tinha passado, outras do passado também não, mas o leitor sabia disso desde o início, o que para mim tirou quase toda a piada à história. Ainda por cima, apesar de achar interessante a ideia das reencarnações, achei o desenvolvimento desta parte demasiado confuso e um pouco inconsequente.

Quanto aos protagonistas do romance, Angelina é uma personagem bem mais interessante que Declan, por estar marcada pela falta de amor maternal – ainda que a sua mãe se tenha revelado uma personagem demasiado estereotipada e a duas dimensões. Declan é o homem perfeito: rico, bonito, compreensivo, e completamente desinteressante por não ter qualquer defeito que se possa detetar. Quanto ao desenvolvimento do romance, deixou-me mais ou menos indiferente, e muito disso deveu-se ao facto de não ter gostado de Declan.

Não posso dizer que tenha ficado maravilhada com este regresso à autora, longe disso. Gostei de alguns aspetos do livro, nomeadamente a história passada (ainda que, quanto a mim, mal explorada) e a questão das vidas passadas e reencarnações, mas o resto achei fraquinho. Um livro que não vai ficar na minha memória.
Profile Image for Laurie  (barksbooks).
1,837 reviews748 followers
January 28, 2010
I read this as an unabridged audiobook which is usually an advantage for me but I may have been better off reading the paperback version because I wasn’t thrilled with the male narrator who reads the bulk of the book. His voice kept putting me off and kept me at a distance from the story or maybe I should face the fact that the romance just wasn’t that great. I guess the combination of the two didn't help.

The prologue details some nasty business featuring rape, murder and madness that went down in the 1800’s. Just when it had my full attention it leaps forward to 2002 and loses me a bit.

Declan Fitzgerald is 31 and a successful attorney but his heart isn’t in it and he decides to trek across country and purchase a Louisiana mansion with the intent of fixing it up even though he’s no carpenter. Yes folks, this is the mansion where the nasty stuff happened. It is soon revealed that Declan had basically left a fiancee at the altar a few months earlier and the thought occurs to me that he’s running away from life which doesn’t exactly win me over. Almost immediately he starts seeing visions and hearing a baby crying and this intrigues instead of frightens him because, as we're told over and over again, he feels like he is finally exactly where he belongs.

His love interest is local bar owner Angelina (call me Lina because I’m no Angel) whose grandmother lives near Declan’s property. Lina is independent but soon swoons when Declan is near and begins to help him unravel the secrets of the mansion. She’s gorgeous and a good business woman but she was just a bit too distant for me for a large portion of the book. The reasons why were revealed way too late because at that point I had nearly tuned her out.

I found the ghostly aspects of this story much more compelling than the modern day romance. It was all rather by the numbers and “meh” without much emotional connection and the love scenes were a snore. The flashbacks to the past were much more interesting to me and I found myself wishing on more than one occasion that the entire book was set in the past. As the story continues events are revealed to tie in the current day couple to past but it all seemed a little off to me. Not my favorite by Robert’s but not the worst book I’ve ever read either.
Profile Image for Maxine.
129 reviews3 followers
March 3, 2022
Automatic one star for... effort in writing something 😬

Oh my, I don't know where to begin. I heard a lot of good things about Nora Roberts -- a New York Times bestselling author, and the first author to be inducted into the Romance Writers of America Hall of Fame. Heck, having a total of 225 romance novels in her name is no small feat, and I admire and respect her for that.

However, the Midnight Bayou is just a disappointment.

It had a really strong start where it follows a tragedy that happened in a grand house near the bayou in Louisiana. Years later, ex-lawyer Declan buys the same house, and returns it to its former glory, but of course, the house is haunted and he unravels the story behind it. That itself would have amped me up.

Given that Roberts is a romantic in her core, this book is definitely all about romance between Declan and this bayou girl Angelina. But I don't think this book counts as romantic, because it didn't feel romantic at all.

After that "mystery" for an introduction, this book is just about Declan and Angelina having sex, and the ghosts (of the past) in the house are angry with them for reasons (i cannot say due to spoilers), so you know there are doors slamming, music playing, and the characters be like: "I don't care about the ghosts. You're so beautiful, let's have sex till morning or something." Or they go back and forth being toxic like: "I can't love you, oh but I want you." 🙄🙄🙄 Dude.

It's just... a total waste of time and money.  Even the said sex parts wasn't hot enough, it was not entertaining at all. The dialogues just make me cringe. I expected some finesse even for storytelling from a masterful romance author.

If you do happen to give this a try (which I don't recommend), just read the first and last chapters. That's the story. You're welcome 😬
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