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Key Trilogy #3

Key of Valor

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What happens when the very gods depend on mortals for help? That's what three very different young women find out when they are invited to Warrior's Peak.

Light and Knowledge have succeeded in their quest, and two of the keys have been found. The final, and last, test goes to Zoe McCourt—Valor.

Zoe has the courage to raise her young son alone, and to face all the adversity life has thrown at them. But will she have the courage to face a foe determined to do anything to stop the third key from being found—even destroying everything and everyone she loves?

An unabridged recording (10 hours, 31 minutes).

352 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published December 30, 2003

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About the author

Nora Roberts

1,792 books54.8k followers
Nora Roberts is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 novels, including Hideaway, Under Currents, Come Sundown, The Awakening, Legacy, and coming in November 2021 -- The Becoming -- the second book in The Dragon Heart Legacy. She is also the author of the futuristic suspense In Death series written under the pen name J.D. Robb. There are more than 500 million copies of her books in print.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,024 reviews
Profile Image for Phrynne.
3,642 reviews2,469 followers
February 12, 2024
The third and final book in the Key Trilogy is possibly the best of the three.

Zoe and Bradley are the couple in the eye of the storm this time round and the pressure is huge. They are a great couple and Zoe is one very tough young lady. There is a lot of humour in the book as well as drama, partly from our main couple but also from Zoe's amazing son, Simon.

This was a good book in itself and it was also an excellent roundup to the trilogy. Everything turned out perfectly in the end and all was good with the world. I will miss Simon and Moe. Five stars.
Profile Image for Dina.
1,324 reviews1,311 followers
January 31, 2012
This final installment in the Key trilogy was the weakest for me. I don't know, maybe I shouldn't have read all three books in a row, because reading about the tale of the three demigoddesses' souls trapped in a box of glass and how three mortal women, the heroines, were destined to find the "keys" to release them got a bit stale this time around. It was pretty much the same basic thing all over again, and neither Zoe nor Brad, the couple du jour, was compelling enough to engage my full interest.

I admit I didn't like Zoe very much from the glimpses I had on the previous books, Key of Light and Key of Knowledge: she came across like this "wonder woman", larger than life and independent to the point of being too stubborn. Unfortunately, my impression didn't change after reading this book and there was a time or two when I wanted to give her a good shake to make her see reason. Her reluctance to accept Brad's love was justifiable in the beginning - after all, single mothers are, or should be, wary when considering a new romantic relationship - but I though she dragged it a little too long. If Brad was a "shady" character, I could understand it, but he was far from it.

Brad was the handsome, honest millionaire with a heart of gold, no flaws and not a single skeleton in the closet. He fell fast and hard for Zoe and, bonus points there, he also adored her son Simon. The ultimate good guy, he was perfection in flesh and bone, there was absolutely nothing wrong with him... and I couldn't care less about him. Would I love to have a guy like him in real life? Sure! But that kind of hero doesn't work for me in Romancelandia, I'm sorry to say. Hmm, maybe that's why Zoe took so long to fall for him, LOL.

As for the search for Zoe's "key", it was obvious - for me, not for Zoe - that the answer was so the mystery part of the story didn't add much spark to make this an engrossing read. I was kind of bored halfway through the book, since neither the romance nor the mystery was thrilling. It's somewhat funny: I liked the mystery but not the romance in Key of Light, liked the romance but not the mystery in Key of Knowledge, and didn't like either the romance and the mystery in Key of Valor. Not exactly the combo I wanted.

Since this was the third and last book in the series, Key of Valor ends with a nice scene featuring only the three heroines in order to give closure to the whole quest for the "keys". While I understood the reason behind the way NR chose to end the story, I was left feeling that That was the final nail in the coffin for me... Meh!
Profile Image for Mary.
42 reviews2 followers
October 1, 2014
Of all the Key books, at a glance, it was the title of this book that already spoke volumes to me.

Fiction books have always captured me. Being able to slip into worlds I'll never step foot on. Stepping into the shoes of the hero. Feeling the laughter bubble in my gut when the humor and sarcasm of such characters pop out of the page. The warm feeling of sunlight in my chest when I see the clarity and intensity of love between family, friends and lovers. I can keep going with many more euphemisms to escape the blunt pleasure I get when reading a book.

Simply put, this is the 3rd trilogy of Nora's that I've read. Circle was the first: I'm stuck. Sign of 7 second: I'm intrigued. This did me in. Though I laughed less with this book, it still brought home all the joys and loves I have about reading. The romance between Zoe and Brad tugged just as much as Dana and Jordan. I felt the battle at the end was a bit rushed, and required more detail, but maybe I can pinpoint that on my being greedy for action, excitement, the literal battle between the light and the dark. Zoe's struggles were admireable as was the man who stood beside her.

For once, like Zoe, I'm not going to argue and say wow. This book is one of my faves, especially with Zoe's young son Simon in it because he was the icing on top of my cupcake, because I'm a romantic and it really hits home of what I've dreamed, fought for, am still fighting for and wanted.
Profile Image for Regan.
791 reviews4 followers
December 31, 2021
WOW… just wow

I have such a book hangover from this series! From the very first sentence of the first book in the trilogy, I was sucked in, turning pages, wanting to know what happens next. Nora Roberts can write just about anything, from regular romance to murder mysteries. Thankfully, she is a master at romance with a twist of magic and/or supernatural.
I enjoyed this book and would recommend it and the whole trilogy to everyone. Be prepared for a major book hangover.
Profile Image for Carrie .
1,017 reviews586 followers
November 7, 2019
Waring this review is more personal then about the book.

Books are magical. Pure magic. I've been in a rut lately, I've lost both of my grandparents with in a period of 5 weeks of each other. It's been 2 months for one and a month the other. It's been hard and only made harder and more real on Sunday when the family went through their stuff. And that night the smells and memories of childhood (I lived with them from the age of 4 to 21) hit me hard. The reality that I won't smell these smells or hear them or see them again sunk in. And I've been in a daze basically. I couldn't read, I wanted to, but I have no drive, no desire. To do anything really but I had to try. I needed something to take me away. And so I picked up the Key of Valor. The final in a trilogy I had been meaning to read and I'm glad that this was the book I chose. It distracted me and made me smile, made me cry but happy tears, and I needed happy tears there has been so much sad tears.

I guess I should do something about the book.

It's Zoe's turn to look for the 3rd key to help the sisters of glass. Zoe who's life revolves around her 9 year old boy Simon. Who by the way is a lovely child. I related to this book and character more then the others, being a single mom myself. The feelings she felt I have gone through. Now she needs to figure out what she needs to do in order to find the remaining key. Will she have to give up everything she wants for the greater good or will she still succeed if she fallows her heart.
Profile Image for ~Cyanide Latte~.
1,588 reviews90 followers
July 14, 2019
At last I can put this trilogy to rest, knowing that what I attempted to try all those years ago in high school, I've finally done.

Out of all the books in this trilogy, I think this might be my second favorite, but don't hold me to that statement. As far as being the conclusion to the story that began in Key of Light, this book was really a nice way to wrap up the greater story that happens throughout the trilogy. We get to see our underdog of the protagonists, Zoe, face the challenge to find the most difficult key of the three required.

However, that aside, I have a lot of issues with a lot of the way in which this story was executed. So naturally, it's time for me to go down that list.

All in all this trilogy isn't the greatest thing ever, but I am glad that I finally read all of it and gave it a chance. I'm not sure yet if I'll hang onto it permanently, but it'll stay in my library for now, because it does feel like a series that can [and probably should] be read and re-read without the use of a lot of critical thinking or brainpower required.
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,191 reviews1,921 followers
November 14, 2012
The best of the trilogy, though not by a huge margin. If you've read the others, you know what you're getting into so I'll keep my remarks short.

At the start, Roberts takes Simon (Zoe's son) off the table as an attack vector for Cain. This is absolutely essential to prevent Simon from taking over the story. Also, it allows Brad to develop a natural relationship with Simon and seeing that evolve was a lot of the charm of the book.

I was a bit worried that Zoe would make a lousy warrior type and was pleasantly surprised with how well her protective instincts meshed with her innate stubbornness to make someone who would fight Cain with all that she had without flinching or defaulting before the fight began. I was less pleased that the same traits kept her avoiding intimacy with Brad for so long. There's really no credible reason to avoid emotional entanglements, even from her historical perspective. Brad is clearly a decent, supportive guy who wouldn't even think of hurting her or her son (even inadvertently).

I liked the wrap-up of the larger storyline, as well. Roberts did a good job of letting us understand the dynamics of the court and how Rowena and Pit figured into them. And Zoe's solution to the tangled mess was both unexpected and exactly right.

A note about Steamy: Standard Roberts steam factor in this book. Not a bad thing.
Profile Image for Celeste.
1,039 reviews2,456 followers
January 24, 2024
If Nora Roberts is my ultimate comfort author (which she is), then this trilogy is my ultimate comfort trilogy. Of the dozens of trilogies and quartets I’ve read from her, the Key trilogy is my favorite. There are others that I love, that I also return to again and again for comfort. And then there are those that I really respect, such as the Chronicle of the One. But this trilogy I respect and admire and love deeply. It just really resonates with me. And I can’t believe I’ve never reviewed it!

Our story begins with three very different women from the same small town being invited to a mysterious mansion on a dark and stormy night. There they are given a quest of mythic proportions: find three keys to free the souls of three demigoddesses over the course of three months, and each woman will win a million dollars. But, of course, there are stakes. Should they accept the quest but fail to deliver, they will each lose an undisclosed year of their lives. The women, Mallory, Dana, and Zoe, must believe in the seemingly impossible and band together in order to complete their task and win the prize.

This third installment is Zoe’s story. She has the most pressure on her, as both of her friends have already succeeded in finding their keys. She’s also the only member of the triad with someone who has to come before her search or herself: her 9 year-old son, Simon. Zoe got pregnant at sixteen, but she refused to raise her child in the same run-down trailer park where she grew up. She left and, through a lot of hard work, made a great life for herself and Simon. She pinched and scraped as a hair stylist to buy a diamond-in-the-rough of a house and turn it into a lovely, charming, cozy home. And now she’s opening her own place, after years of dreaming and planning. In spite of the stressful search for the key, her life is going better than she could have hoped. Now, if she could just figure out what to do about Bradley.

Bradley Vane, completing the triad of male friends who have served as romantic leads, is the heir to the HomeMakers chain, which is a bit like Lowe’s or Home Depot. He is swimming in money, and that is all Zoe sees at first. Which is unfortunate, because she wants absolutely nothing to do with rich guys; been there, done that. So, poor Bradley starts off on the wrong foot with a woman whose face he fell in love with years ago, when he saw her likeness in a painting. Luckily, Bradley is a hard worker, and he’s up to the task of winning her over. It helps that he’s completely in love with Simon, bonding with the boy over video games.

Zoe is so courageous. She is the fiercest of the three, so it’s fitting that she must find the Key of Valor. She’s a gorgeous, creative, hardworking mama bear, and I have so much respect for her as a character. I adore her relationship with her son. Simon is brimming with personality, and I was delighted with him every time he took centerstage. Their little family was just a joy to visit.

I also love the friendship that buds between Mallory, Dana, and Zoe. I also absolutely adore the business venture they embark upon together in the form of Indulgence, a combination art gallery, bookstore, and salon. It just sounds incredible, and is the fictional shop I have daydreamed about the most in my life. One of Nora’s strengths as a writer is her easy way with poetic descriptions of places, and that is on brilliant display in this trilogy, not only in Indulgence, but in the houses of our various characters as well as Warrior’s Peak, the aforementioned mysterious mansion. Nora paints beautiful pictures with her words here.

While I’m sure there are plenty of legitimate critiques that could be made of this book and the rest of the trilogy, I have no notes for this story. It’s an incredibly subjective 5 stars. I just love the Key trilogy so much. It’s something I can sink back into anytime I need something cozy, and it’s a story that I think about frequently. If you’ve ever thought about reading a Nora Roberts trilogy but didn’t know which one to try first, start here!
Profile Image for Aly.
2,705 reviews89 followers
July 20, 2018
Magic, destiny and gods, that's the new reality of Zoe McCourt for the past two months. The preparations for the upcoming opening of three new combined shop at the same adress with her friends are well advanced. Malory will handle the art galery, Dana manage the library/tea room and Zoe have the beauty salon. But now it's her time to search for the last key to save the souls of three goddesses. The pressure is stronger on her since Dana and Mallory already found theirs so if she fail, everyone lose.

Thanks to unreliable parents, Zoe learned at a young age to take care of herself and depend on no one. Pregnant at sixteen, she still had to manage on her own and is used to do everything by herself. But she never regretted it, because her nine-years-old boy is her treasure. But when the quest for the key brought Bradley Charles Vane IV, heir to Homemakers enterprise, in her life, it destabilized her. Not used to a man's attention, she misinterpret what he say or do. He's too pretty, too rich, too everything and she feel intimidated. But Brad is not a man who give up and when he want something, there's no stopping him, no matter the time it will take. It make him sound like a ruthless man but he's the opposite. He's just a patient and clever man who know what he wants.

Awareness, annoyance and attraction, what a great way to tell us Zoe and Brad's love story. Ever since we saw the sparks between them in the first book, I knew they would be great together. By book 2, I had the strong impression they would be my favorites and I couldn't wait to see where this amazing chemistry was going. Individually, they were great characters and as a couple they were just as awesome. How Brad did his courtship, the things he said, what he did, it was all swoon-worthy. Add to that the special bond he quickly developped with Simon (Zoe's son), it's no surprise the heroine and I felt for him. Maybe some people will find Zoe too stubborn and wary but I thought her mama bear's attitude was one of her best feature. I also like how she see life as something not easy but worth it and that she's proud of what she did and who she became. The scene where she go see her mother and what she said to her, it all showed what an incredible, strong and amazing woman she is. One of the most inspirational character I've ever read for sure.

One of the great thing about this series was the friendship between the three women, but I really enjoyed the friendship between the three guys too.

Finally, I liked how the author subtly raise the questions : what is love ? Is it a matter of chance ? or is it fate ? Do you have a say in it or was it already written and no matter what you do it will lead you to it ?
Profile Image for İlkim.
1,432 reviews11 followers
May 5, 2012
Güzel bir üçlemenin sonuna geldik. Noracığım bu sefer işin içine mitolojiyi, tanrıları felan katmış ve çok hoş olmuş. Kelt efsanelerinden yola çıkıp bize güzel bir hikaye anlatıyor. Kelt tanrılarından biri bir ölümlüye aşık olur ve kızı kendi dünyasına getirtir. Bunun üzerine kimileri bunları hoş karşılar kimileri de bu duruma sinir olurlar. Bunların üç kızı olur, hepsi yarı tanrıdır ve özellikleri farklı olsalar da çok sevimli, cana yakın ve birbirlerini seven üç kız kardeştirler. Ama bir büyücü onları bir an korumasız yakalar ve ruhlarını bir kutuya hapseder. Kutunun 3 kilidi vardır ve ancak 3 fani tarafından açılabilecektir. Bu 3 fani de aynı kasabada yaşayan Malory, Dana ve Zoe isimli kadınlardır. Malory sanat galerisinde çalışmakta ve işinde huzursuzluk yaşamaktadır, Dana da kütüphanede çalışmakta kitaplarla kafayı bozmuş bir kadındır ve o da huzursuzdur, Zoe ise bir kuaförde çalışan yetenekli elleri olan ve 9 yaşında bir oğlu bulunan genç kadındır. Bu üç kadın da 3000 yıldır uyumakta olan kızlara benzemektedirler ve hepsi sırasıyla anahtarları bulma görevini kabul ederler. Önce Malory bulur ilk kitapta, ikinci de Dana, en son heyecanlı bir bitiş ile Zoe bulur. Bu arada aşk olmaz mı olur tabi. Malory kalbini Dana'nın üvey abisi Flynn'e kaptırır. Dana ise yıllar önce onu terk eden, bu olaylar için kasabaya gelen onun ve abisinin çocukluk arkadaşı Jordan'ı affeder ve daha güçlü bir birlikteliğe başlarlar. Zoe ise Flynn'in diğer kankası Bradley'e kalbini kaptıracaktır. Onların anahtarları bulmasını engelleyen Kane isimli kötü bir büyücü de vardır ve onları içlerine çektiği düşlerle vazgeçirmeye çalışmaktadır.

Kitaplar hem romantik hem mitolojik hem de merak unsurlarını güzelce işliyor. Siz anlamadan kendinizi 100-150 sayfa okumuş buluyorsunuz. Zaten Nora yazar da okunmaz mı? :D
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Branwen Sedai *of the Brown Ajah*.
1,032 reviews183 followers
January 7, 2014
"I think you should do what makes you happy. And sometimes doing what makes you happy is harder and scarier than doing what's safe."

In this third and last book in Nora Robert's Key trilogy Zoe must come to terms with her past and her present if she is to locate the final key, the Key of Valor, and release the three daughters from their imprisonment.

I really can't say enough about this series. It is such a perfect blend of magic, mystery, and romance. I loved learning more about Zoe in this book and finding out what makes her tick. I loved seeing her grow as a character as she learned to accept help from others, and that it is okay to care about and depend on friends and family. And I loved watching her and Brad fall completely in love with each other.

Overall this was a great book and I highly recommend this series!
Profile Image for Nancy Brady.
Author 6 books43 followers
July 29, 2016
The third and final book in this trilogy equals the first two. It's Zoe's quest to find the third and final key to unlock the Daughters of Glass. Added into the mix is romance and intrigue as she examines her past in light of her present. Kane tries to tempt her into giving into despair while Bradley does his utmost to win the love of Zoe, the warrior of the trio that includes Dana and Malory.

Will she succeed in finding the key before her month is up, or will the quest be a failure? What does her son Simon play in the quest? How about Bradley?

Each of the stories build on the others, but it could stand alone; however, read them all in the order written to understand the progression of the ladies' adventures helping Rowena, Pitte, and the Celtic gods to restore life to their world behind the curtain.
Profile Image for Anita.
2,370 reviews194 followers
July 2, 2019
Third and final book of the Key Trilogy has single mother Zoe and wealthy hottie Brad up for the search for the third and final key that will unlock the prison the Sisters of Glass have been in for three thousand years. There was more than it's fair share of angst and a lot of soul searching, which got tedious at times. Kane, the baddie, didn't seem to bring his A-Game to this one either. I would definitely recommend reading the other books as a lot just wouldn't make sense if you don't.
3 1/2-Stars

Profile Image for Cyndi.
2,404 reviews104 followers
January 29, 2016
Such a wonderful book!!! This ends the trilogy of the keys. And, it goes out with a bang! Nora Roberts has the gift of bringing all three books together seamlessly, building on the excitement in each book, then wrapping it all up to a beautiful happy ending.
Profile Image for Jessie Pyle.
16 reviews1 follower
November 7, 2023
I enjoyed the trilogy, but probably disliked Zoe's character the most.
Profile Image for Sharath.
301 reviews29 followers
May 21, 2019

Aesthetics showing a Key of Light firstly, flowing into Wits by Key of Knowledge and finally facing off Key of Valor...

Story :

Key trilogy is a story of Beauty, Knowledge and Courage. Three women, who were on the verge of losing their current jobs suddenly gets an invitation to a place called Warrior's peak. There they are given an intriguing yet interesting responsibilities each and suitable reward for the same.

According to the task, each must find a Key which unlocks the glass coffin where souls of three daughters of a Keltic God is sealed and if it is achieved, each is rewarded with a million dollars...

The main problem I had with this trilogy is the repeatability of sequences. The path woman takes and the thinking and also the inevitableness is almost similar in all three books... Among three, story of Dana felt quite different atleast..

Nora Roberts is well known for great sex scenes and this trilogy is not an exception.. Again, sex scenes in book two is superior compared to book one followed by book three..

Characters :

A woman of beauty, Malary..
A woman of truth, Dana..
A woman of valor, Zoe..

Malary being a protagonist of book one works at art gallery and loves paintings... She is a kind of perfectionist and a woman who likes to plan everything in order.. She meets Flin who is the brother of Dana and fall in love with him..

Characterization of Flin is super cool...
They say that he has a way to talk you into anything he wants and its quite true. Humorous angle of this character is really good.

Second, Dana is a witty woman who works at library and is a fellow bookworm.. Am all love for this character and book two of the trilogy.. It's the best one of three..
She and her past colliding in the form of Jordan.. Silent yet valiant and understanding character of Jordan is what made a ferocious tiger like Dana to fall for him...

Lastly, Zoe who works at saloon and a beauty expert.. I couldn't bring myself to like Zoe no matter how much I tried to... She whines alot and feels a bit overprotective of her son and herself...
A guy who enters her life Brad... O man... This guy is too unreal.. He is just, perfect.. Idk.. Please don't make characters perfect.. It never works..
But dynamics with him and Simon (Zoe's son) is noteworthy..

The couples who lives in Warriors peak namely Rowina and Pitt are given the needed screentime.. Neither less nor more..

Cain... Well.. I felt him as just an passing cloud but not a cool antagonist which I hoped him to be..

World Building :

Much of world building is not there since the primary focus of the story is Romance..
Often Cain drags the women responsible in finding the keys behind the curtain to create an illusion and as far as fantasy world, that's petty much it..

But the world of trio protagonists are designed fairly..

Fantasy and Romance :

I would not say the primary genre of this book as Fantasy because of the sheer scarcity of fantastical elements in the story..
Romance is predominant which is supra normal with Nora Roberts and I would not blame her because she has done a fantastic job with it as she always have..

Romance in first book is very good.. Second book is awesome.. Third book dips pale..

Overall :

I enjoyed the first book... Second book was excellent.. But third book didn't appeal to me much...

Key of Light = 3 stars
Key of Knowledge = 4 stars
Key of Valor = 2 stars
Profile Image for Stephanie Kline.
Author 4 books39 followers
September 16, 2018
This was a really solid series by Nora, and this final installment might be the strongest of all. I loved Zoe McCourt, her sweet son, Simon, and her relationship with Brad. I loved the angst and tension surrounding the search for the final missing key - the one that would finally unlock the trapped souls of three demigoddesses. Beyond the far-fetched, at times silly, story line, I really was totally absorbed in this book.

Zoe's past was not an easy one. She'd grown up in a trailer park, with an abusive - then absent - father, and an alcoholic, hard mother. She got pregnant at sixteen by a boy who wanted nothing to do with her or the baby, and she left that trailer shortly afterwards to work her way towards a decent life in the mountains of West Virginia. Now, with 9-year-old Simon, she knows she's the luckiest woman in the world. But she's shocked to discover that she's been chosen - along with two other women, Malory and Dana - to take on the magical, centuries-old quest of finding three hidden keys, which will unlock three tortured, trapped demigoddess souls.

Through the first two books, Malory and Dana find their respective keys, and they also find love with Flynn and Jordan - men who became integral parts of their missions. Now, in this third novel, it's Zoe's turn to play her part, and her primary goal is to keep Simon safe while she searches. The evil god, Kane, will be trying to thwart her efforts, as he'd done with the other two women - but now, being so close to the end, she's sure his attempts to stop them will be more bloody and dangerous.

Meanwhile, she's dealing with a struggle of a different kind - whether or not to trust her heart (not to mention her son) with the man who claims to be falling in love with her, Brad. He's determined to be a part of her quest, and to keep Simon safe - but after all that Zoe's been through, it's hard to put her faith in a man.

This story was complex, emotional, and engaging. Kane was ten times more menacing in this book than in the previous ones, and I finished this really quickly because I felt so invested and interested in what was coming next. I loved Zoe - the toughest, bravest, most courageous warrior of them all. And Simon just added a dash of pure, innocent sweetness to the mix.

All in all, a really great magical series (and I don't always love these magical, unrealistic plots). This one was very well done, and had me hooked from the first page of Malory's story until the final page of this one. I highly recommend!
Profile Image for Deanie Nelder.
1,131 reviews19 followers
November 15, 2020
Actually 4.5 stars

Nora Roberts Key Trilogy ends just as strongly as it began, with hairdresser/mom Zoe finding the third key when she makes a home and family for herself. With all the obstacles that she had to overcome to succeed, Zoe's journey is that much more powerful, which she discovers when she traces her footsteps. Zoe and Brad are more connected than they knew (he was in the building when she went into labor while working at one of his stores) and their relationship, which has been building over the course of three novels, creates a great ending. I only wish we could have an epilogue with the wedding.
Profile Image for Lindsey Rojem.
1,028 reviews5 followers
February 10, 2021
I read this for the "related to the word Magical" part of my 2021 mini challenge. It's definitely magical, with the keys and the gods and the sorcerer. The proposals all came a bit quick for my taste, but the characters are real and exciting and I love this trilogy.
Profile Image for Liza Wiemer.
Author 5 books689 followers
April 2, 2018
This may have been my favorite of all three. But then again, reading these back to back made the experience so much better and satisfying! Love the Irish mythology and the HEAs!
Profile Image for Aleesha.
649 reviews17 followers
June 16, 2024
I'm not going to lie and say I've been looking forward to this one--not because of the plot, but because Zoe sometimes got on my nerves in the first two books. She's ornery for no reason, confrontational, angry, judgmental, and sometimes downright rude--particularly to Bradley.

She sees his wealth and judges him for it, assumes despite the fact he's shown ZERO signs, that he's just another uppity rich boy who doesn't want anything to do with her beyond having a good time. And even after Brad takes a shine to her boy, treats him well, protects him, reads him to sleep for Christ's sake, she's still picking fights with him, like she just can't let go of her own inferiority complex long enough to see that the man's head over heels in love with both of them.

Zoe frustrated me almost all the way through this book. She makes dumb decisions (going off alone without even telling the other women where and getting herself attacked, when she knows Kane's after her, for example). She's INSISTENT on doing everything for herself, and fights tooth and nail whenever Brad (specifically him) tries to help. She assumes his wanting to help is out of pity or some misguided misogynistic belief that she's somehow incapable--even when he's told her in no uncertain terms that that's 1000% not the case. Multiple times. Constantly. At every single turn.

I get having her hackles raised in the beginning. But we've been seeing these two interact for 2 books now. I was beyond over it because it stopped being an unfortunate personality defect and started feeling like Roberts was intentionally holding Zoe back from developing as a character.

I'm usually not the hugest fan of single-mother love stories to begin with, but adding Zoe's particular brand of prickly to the mix just soured this whole book for me a bit.

Bradley, to his credit, steps up to the plate despite being proverbially kicked in the nuts countless times by Zoe. He's determined to love her, regardless of how many barbs she hurls at him. And like...kudos to him? I guess? Couldn't be me. She could die alone for all I care--treating people like that, judging them because she's so fucking insecure in her own circumstances... And she's not judging Jordan when he buys a mansion on a whim. Doesn't judge Flynn who buys a diamond for Malory or for him remodeling his kitchen to suit Malory's tastes. She doesn't judge Rowena and Pitte for handing out cash prizes for finding the keys. She doesn't have a problem with ANY OTHER RICH PERSON in the books. JUST Bradley.

Just makes me wanna punch her in the face, honestly.

The real love story here, is between Bradley and Simon, I think. Watching that man fall in love with that little boy warmed every last cockle of my cold, dead heart. And watching Simon want and hope for and dream about having a real father and family--gah. There are some truly beautiful, sentimental moments these two guys share together. If only Simon's mother wasn't a complete ninny! lol.

That gripe aside, the plot of this book remains compelling up until the very end, even if--for a significant part of this book--Zoe sort of feels directionless in her own quest for her key. The rules of the game have changed since book 2, after Kane's begun to break them. So we get to see a Zoe end up in situations that are decidedly more dangerous than either Malory or Dana experienced. Once again, the stakes are higher.

The final battle is everything I wanted it to be, all sharp and fast and full of magic.

All in all I'm happy with how this series came to a close.

This book probably deserves 3 stars for the irritation Zoe caused me, but because I just enjoyed this story so much it's getting 4.
Profile Image for Melis.
513 reviews
August 16, 2018
Serinin son kitabı.. yine güzeldi. Özellikle Simon'a bayıldım. O küçük oğlan nedense beni benden aldı 😍 Başka bir şey yazmama gerek yok zira Nora ablayı biliyoruz..
3,268 reviews24 followers
March 7, 2010
Zoe and Bradley...and Simon...

Zoe - hairdresser, mother, resourceful, ... Pitte refers to her as both Little Warrior and Little Mother. Abandoned by father, oldest of 4, mother a hairdresser from their trailer... at 16 she fell in 17 year old, son of one of her mother's rich client. When she comes up pregnant, he abadones her and her mother ridicules her. She leaves home, and begins a path to caring for herself and Simon.

Simon is now 10... they live in a small house of their own, where she did a lot of the home improvements herself.

Bradley... rich scion of the town's hardware family... he moved to NY for a dozen years, and has now moved back to Pleasant Valley, to the river house... with a great game room.

This trilogy was written differently than others... it is in fact one long story, that highlights a different woman, but all of them are growing... they're gearing up to open Indulgence... etc. Often trilogies seem like 3 separate stories... these were weaved together.

Zoe even more so than the other two, revisits her past, and the choices she made that brought her to the present. A psychological evaluation... and she must find the strength to not only fight Cain and his deceptions, but to trust Bradley.

Her key is found under the kitchen door mat... symbolizing her awareness that she truly belongs to Bradley & his life...

Profile Image for Lauren.
378 reviews14 followers
December 15, 2013
A satisfying end to a pretty decent trilogy. It was a little predictable after reading the 1st 2 novels but that's to be expected with trilogies like this.

In the first & second book I was a very big fan of Zoe but once I read her story... I didn't really care for her too much. But she is a loving mother & very much a Little Warrior.

Brad - the good guy, perfection on earth, there was absolutely nothing wrong with him... and yet - Ugh! Can you say boring?!?

Simon however was such a little charmer and a total doll. He really made the story for me.

In terms of which books I liked better, I'd put the books in order as #2, #3, then #1. I rated them each 3 Stars since I thought they were all better than Ok but I wouldn't write home to my mama about them either.
Profile Image for Spencer.
1,384 reviews17 followers
July 25, 2024


Zoe's story feels a bit slower paced to me, but I think that is largely in part to it being the "valor" part of the trilogy. In the "arts/beauty" and "intelligence" parts of the theme, we saw Malory and Dana running all over the place trying to sort out their clues. Granted, they had more material to work with. They had books and paintings. They had connections to seek out. Zoe, mostly, has to come to terms with her past (her mother) and her future (hello, Brad). But that generally involves talking. Talking to her mom. Having her mom meet Brad. Having Brad be a part of her life. We do get a few really cool fight scenes, though. Kane can't take the day off completely; and I really liked when Zoe was fighting him in the woods. Very cool.
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