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Inkworld #2


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Endlich geht sie weiter, die Geschichte um Tintenherz -- das Buch, das Meggies Leben für immer verändert hat. Im ersten Band wurden einige Figuren aus Tintenherz in die reale Welt “hineingelesen”. Und es kostete viel Mühe und einige Opfer, die Bedrohung durch den Bösewicht Capricorn abzuwenden. Tintenblut nun beginnt mit einer der berührendsten und tragischsten Figuren aus Tintenherz: Staubfinger. Nach Jahren der Sehnsucht nach seiner Tintenwelt hat er endlich jemanden gefunden, der ihn zurücklesen kann. Doch dieser Mann, der sich Orpheus nennt, ist mit dem Schurken Basta im Bunde. Und so gelangt Staubfinger zwar zurück in die Tintenwelt -- aber sein treuer Begleiter Farid nicht. Farid weiß, dass in der Tintenwelt der Tod auf Staubfinger wartet. Und so geht er zu Meggie und bittet sie, ihn ebenfalls in die Tintenwelt zu lesen. Meggie lässt sich überreden, aber sie besteht darauf, mitzukommen. Obwohl sie weiß, dass sie sich damit auf ein ungewisses Schicksal einlässt -- und ihren Eltern das Herz bricht.

So findet Meggie sich in der vertrauten und zugleich völlig fremden Tintenwelt wieder. Einer Welt voller Magie, fantastischer Wesen, grausamer Tyrannen und vogelfreier Spielleute. Staubfinger hat dort seine geliebte Frau wiedergefunden -- aber kann er seinem vorbestimmten Schicksal entgehen? Farid und Meggie finden zwar den Schriftsteller, der die Tintenwelt erschaffen hat, doch seine halbherzigen Versuche, ihnen zu helfen, machen alles nur noch schlimmer. Als wäre das alles nicht schon schrecklich genug, hat Basta inzwischen in der realen Welt Meggies Familie gefunden, und bald ist er ebenfalls wieder in der Tintenwelt -- ebenso wie Meggies Eltern. Mo wird angeschossen, der grausame Natternkopf rüstet sich zur Übernahme der Macht, Basta jagt Meggie und Staubfinger. Und dann werden Meggie und Mo auch noch zu Gefangenen des Natternkopfs ...

736 pages, Paperback

First published October 1, 2005

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About the author

Cornelia Funke

383 books13.4k followers
Cornelia Funke is a multiple award-winning German illustrator and storyteller, who writes fantasy for all ages of readers. Amongst her best known books is the Inkheart trilogy. Many of Cornelia's titles are published all over the world and translated into more than 30 languages. She has two children, two birds and a very old dog and lives in Los Angeles, California.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,842 reviews
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews342 followers
February 15, 2022
Tintenblut = Inkspell (Inkworld, #2), Cornelia Funke

Inkspell is the second novel in Cornelia Funke's Inkheart trilogy. The first novel, Inkheart (2003), was critically acclaimed and was made into a major motion picture released in January 2009.

The third novel, Inkdeath, was published on September 28, 2007 in Germany.

This book shows the reality of dream lands.

عنوانهای چاپ شده در ایران: «طلسم جوهری»؛ «سیاه خون»؛ «طلسم سیاه دل»؛ نویسنده: کورنلیا کارولینا فونکه؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز بیست و چهارم ماه ژانویه سال2011میلادی

عنوان: طلسم جوهری - کتاب دوم از سه گانه؛ نویسنده: کورنلیا کارولینه فونکه؛ مترجم محمد نوراللهی؛ تهران، بهنام، سال1389؛ در687ص، مصور، این ترجمه از نسخه ی انگلیسی کتاب ترجمه شده است؛ شابک9789645668608؛ موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان آلمان سده21م

عنوان: سیاه خون - کتاب دوم از سه گانه؛ نویسنده: کورنلیا کارولینه فونکه؛ مترجم کتایون سلطانی؛ ویراستار مژگان کلهر؛ تهران، افق، سال1392؛ در733ص، مصور، این ترجمه از نسخه ی انگلیسی کتاب ترجمه شده است؛ شابک9789643697488؛

عنوان: طلسم سیاه دل - کتاب دوم از سه گانه؛ نویسنده: کورنلیا کارولینه فونکه؛ مترجم شقایق قندهاری؛ ویراستار مرضیه طلوع اصل؛ تهران، کانون پرورش فکری کودکان و نوجوانان، سال1393؛ در763ص، شابک9789643917081؛

مگی و فرید، در جستجوی «گرد انگشت»، به دنیای داستان می‌روند؛ پس از رفتن آن‌ها، تبهکاران سر می‌رسند، و دیگران از اعضای خانه را، گروگان می‌گیرند؛ «مو» مجبور می‌شود «خودش»، «رزا، زاغچه‌ ی پیرزن»، و «باستای چاقوکش» را، به دنیای داستان ببرد؛ «فنوگلیوی پیر»، که مدت‌ها پیش در کتاب زندگی، احساس خوشبختی کرده، می‌خواهد با کمک «مگی»، مسیر بدبختی‌ها را، به سمت رخدادهای خوب، برگرداند، اما حاکم ستمگر «مارکله»، پدر و مادر «مگی» را، اسیر کرده است؛ و ...؛

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 05/01/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ 25/11/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Miranda Reads.
1,589 reviews162k followers
December 10, 2020
The Inkworld: Mesmerizing, Deadly, Unforgettable

Maggie and her father (Mo) have a unique gift. They're silvertongues. When they read aloud, things in the book become so entranced by their voices that quite often characters will follow the sound into in the real world. That delight often comes with a price.

Something comes out, something goes in.

That's how Maggie lost her mother, all those years ago, and how Dustfinger was ripped from its pages. Dustfinger spent twenty years in the real world with only a burning desire to go home.

Maggie has her mother back but all she can think of is that inky, wondrous world - of the adventures and mayhem, the beauties and the beasties, and the glory and the magic. She has to find a way in, if only so she can look.

Slowly, one-by-one, the characters find ways to disappear into the heart of the Inkworld - will they ever surface? And if they could, would they even want to?

The sequel didn't entrance me in the same way as the first book. It kind of felt a bit too long and there were parts that dragged.

But, the author did such a good job with the Inkheart that I will read anything involving the Inkworld. I love these characters so much,

YouTube | Blog | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Snapchat @miranda_reads
Profile Image for Nicole.
677 reviews15.8k followers
May 18, 2021
Nie miałam ochoty do niej wracać, ale cieszę się, że usiadłam i przeczytałam ostatnie 200 stron na jeden raz. Zakończenie było przewidywalne, ale okej.
Z bólem serca, bo choć bohaterowie są cudowni i naprawdę ich lubię, to uważam tę książkę za świetny przykład syndromu drugiego tomu.

P.S. Wątek romantyczny to żart.
Profile Image for Charlotte May.
782 reviews1,255 followers
August 11, 2021
It might be nostalgia talking. But I love this trilogy just as much as I did the very first time I read it.
Onto Inkdeath!

So, I love Inkspell more than Inkheart. Mainly because this is the book where we actually get to go into the Inkworld, and it is just as amazing and frightening and colourful as we’d hope it would be.

Spoilers ahead!!!!!!!

After Orpheus reads Dustfinger into Inkheart but leaves Farid and the martens behind, Farid turns to Meggie to ask if she can reunite them.
Meggie agrees but only if she can tag along for the ride, after all she’s been dying to see the world her mother lived in for so long.

Not long after their exit, Mortola turns up for her revenge. She uses Orpheus to read herself, Basta, Mo and Resa back into the Inkworld where she promptly shoots Mo in the chest.

Suddenly his life is in danger and only Fenoglio and his words can save him, but at what cost?

Basically everyone is in the Inkworld now apart from Elinor and Darius, who are left suffering as Orpheus destroys her house.

I love the sheer volume of characters we get to meet - plus the vastness of the world. It has a map, therefore I immediately love it.

Full of action and twists this is one of my favourite books which I will return to again and again.
Profile Image for Hope.
111 reviews74 followers
March 4, 2013
I really wanted to give this book 4 stars. But my conscience got the better of me…so 3 stars it is. There were some things in this book that genuinely disturbed me, and I’m going to point them out..

Before I do, though, I have to tell you, I loved the book over all. But I’m probably not going to sound like it...

Firstly, there are more language issues with this book. Farid uses the B word twice, and quite a few of the other characters use the D word a lot. The D word was in the first book a bit, but not nearly so much. And the B word is what really disturbed me. It was completely unnecessary, and brings the novel down a peg because of it. (I regard this as more of a children's book because of the age of the main character, this is why it affects my rating)

Secondly, Meggie is only 13 and the entire romance between her and Farid is really annoying. Not so much that they "love" each other, but that they're so young! If Funke wanted it to be a “romance,” she ought to have made Meggie at least 16 in this book. Of course I think that’s still too young, but it’s better than just 13! I don’t care how grown up she looks. Also I don't think that just because the girls in the Inkworld get married when they’re Meggie’s age means that Meggie would want to get married at 13 or that she should get married at 13. I just really think the whole little romance thing was way overplayed... :/

But here’s a little on the up side…

I liked the over all story in this one better than the last.
The Wayless Wood makes me think of Sherwood Forest. Actually…the entire story kind of has a Robin Hood feel to it. The Bluejay is kind of a copy of Robin Hood. Different? Yes. But it even says that he “steals from the rich to give to the poor.” Now is that original? No. But it’s okay, because Funke manages to make the Bluejay seem less like a copout of Robin, and more intriguing to the story.
Profile Image for Anniebananie.
611 reviews480 followers
April 12, 2018
3,5 Sterne

Der zweite Band hat mir viel viel besser gefallen als der erste! Wo ich den ersten noch recht langweilig fand war der hier um einiges spannender und actionreicher.
Dennoch werde ich das Gefühl nicht los für diese Reihe einfach das Alter überschritten zu haben 🤷🏼‍♀️
Cornelia Funkes Schreibstil ist zwar wunderschön märchenhaft und passt daher auch super zur Geschichte, die sie dem Leser erzählt, allerdings hätte das Buch für mich dadurch auch so seine Längen.
Die meisten (Charakter-)Entwicklungen haben mir gut gefallen und ich werde auf jeden Fall auch noch den dritten Band lesen, da das Ende hier doch etwas fies war 🙈
29 reviews
December 28, 2007
After enjoying "Inkheart," the first book in this trilogy, "Inkspell" was a huge disappointment. First, I thought Meggie's character suffered a tremendous loss in her falling in love with Farid. She became less independent and less self-reliant. Their relationship struck me as unbelievable, as well, which angered me to think of kids leaving this book with the idea that relationships work like Meggie's and Farid's. Writers of young adult fiction should be more responsible! Furthermore, I felt the writing dropped in quality; Funke did more telling than showing, and as a result I had a hard time staying present with the characters.

I wonder if she planned to write a trilogy when she began "Inkheart"... "Inkheart" was just richer and more believable. This book, it seems like there are too many threads and she's having a hard time keeping track of them all. I'm hoping the last book will be better.

Finally, I was disturbed by the trials Funke put her characters through. Prison, death threats, kidnappings--the ways the characters handled these, I felt, was unrealistic. I think my opinion would be different if these situations didn't strike so close to home. Why don't any of the characters show symptoms of PTSD? Fighting bad guys just isn't as easy as she made it seem.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Aleshanee.
1,552 reviews117 followers
October 2, 2023
Was für eine wunderbare Geschichte! Cornelia Funke entführt uns ja im zweiten Teil endlich in die Tintenwelt, die ich auf jeder Seite so sehr genossen habe! Endlich erlebt man den bunten Mark mit Spielleuten in Ombra, taucht ein in den Weglosen Wald, der von magischen Geschöpfen bevölkert ist, riskiert einen Blick hinter die Festung des Speckfürsten und entdeckt die silbernen Türme der Nachtburg!

Alleine schon die vielen malerischen Namen und Schauplätze, von denen man im ersten Teil schon ein paar erfahren durfte, lassen einen die Tintenwelt mit allen Sinnen entdecken! Eine Welt die dem Mittelalter ähnelt, aber von vielen illustren Charakteren bevölkert ist: wie den Wolkentänzer, den schwarzen Prinzen mit seinem Bären, die alte "Nessel" oder den Brandfuchs. Es fehlt aber auch nicht an magischen Wesen wie den Feuerelfen, wo Staubfinger sich den Honig für seine Gabe stiehlt, den Glasmännern, Borkenmännern, Nachtmahren oder den Weißen Frauen, die die Sterbenden in den Tod führen.

Erzählt wird abwechselnd aus unserer und der Tintenwelt, aber der Fokus liegt immer mehr in dieser verzauberten Geschichte, die der Feder Fenoglios entsprungen ist. Immer noch versucht er, die Ereignisse nach seinem Willen zu formen, als Schöpfer dieser Welt, doch auch er hat seine Grenzen, die der eitle alte Mann nur ungerne zugeben will. So läuft natürlich nicht alles rund und es gibt böse Überraschungen, gefährliche Abenteuer und eine Wechselwirkung der Figuren, die Spannung und immer neue Konflikte erzeugt. Dabei greift alles einwandfrei ineinander und man hat trotz vieler Verstrickungen immer den Überblick, den roten Faden, der sich durch die Handlung zieht.

Der Schreibstil hat mich wieder total mitgenommen, die Macht der Wörter stehen hier natürlich immer im Vordergrund und sie weben hier eine so faszinierende Geschichte mit viel Liebe zum Detail und einer Menge Fantasie!
Die Zitate vor den Kapiteln sind auch wieder perfekt ausgewählt und geben jedes Mal einen kleinen Einblick darauf, wie es weitergeht.
Der Abschluss vom zweiten Teil hat die Spannung nochmal gehoben und es gab eine herzzerreißende Szene, die mich zu Tränen gerührt hat!

Am Ende gibt es auch eine Karte der Tintenwelt und ein ausführliches Personenverzeichnis der wichtigsten Charaktere.

© Aleshanee


1 - Tintenherz
2 - Tintenblut
3 - Tintentod
Profile Image for leynes.
1,201 reviews3,261 followers
October 1, 2023
Rereading the Ink trilogy by Cornelia Funke reminded me that I should reread my old faves more often. I’m currently toying with the idea of rereading the Hunger Games trilogy next month … like what? :D

The second instalment, Inkspell, is just as good and captivating as the first one. I love the fact that we finally see the inkworld, as Meggie and Farid decide to embark on their journey to go after Dustfinger. It’s a world inhabited by fantastical creatures like fairies, glassmen, giants and speaking trees, but also human beings like the Black Prince, Clouddancer and Cosimo, the Fair.

Meggie knows about all of them, since she has read Inkheart countless of times and her mother Resa, much to the dislike of her father Mo, has told her time and time again about the wonders and miracles of the inkworld.

What I appreciate a lot about this series is that, despite it being YA, Meggie is not its protagonist. Sure, she plays an important role, but so do Mo, Resa, Dustfinger, Farid and Fenoglio. This is not your typical tale of a teenager breaking free and saving the world. The Ink trilogy is much more realistic. When Farid and Meggie decide to take matters into their own hands and go to the inkworld on their own, things soon turn to shit and they are dependent on the help of adults like Dustfinger to navigate through the inkworld without accident.

Dustfinger and Mo feel like the main protagonists of this tale, which I like since they rank amongst my favorite characters in this tale. Dustfinger is the personification of 'weltschmerz' and I love the themes of homegoing and what 'heimat' means to him. (Favorite quote: "Zurückkehren – das war alles, was er erhofft hatte, zehn Jahre lang – nicht ins Paradies, nur nach Hause.")

However, some of the plot points in this instalment are a little forced. With Capricorn out of the way, Cornelia Funke was in need of a new villain for this second instalment, and it almost seems like the Adderhead came as a second thought. Nonetheless, the plot line surrounding his fear of death and his wish to become immortal was still interesting, and certain passages, like Mo binding the Book of Immortality, had me on the edge of my seat. Another plot point that felt rather cheap to me (and functioned as an artificial setup for more drama in book 3) is the fact that they decide to read Orpheus into the inkworld, so that he can bring Dustfinger back, because Fenoglio is no longer capable of writing. That choice was so unnecessary and stupid since it was clear that Orpheus had his own agenda and would turn on them. Nonetheless, I thought Cornelia's character arc for Fenoglio was great. He started out as this loving granddad and turned into the biggest shithead ever, to me, it felt like she was making fun of authors who take themselves too seriously.

Moreover, I find the character dynamics in that series super interesting. Sure, we have a romantic subplot between Meggie and Farid but it doesn’t take up much space, and as the reader soon realizes, Farid is much more preoccupied with Dustfinger, whom he has chosen as a father figure, than with his sweetheart. I also enjoyed the jealousy that Meggie feels when she sees Mo with her mother, the two of them having just recently been reunited, but since Meggie grew up without a mother, it is hard for her to treat Resa like she treats Mo.

Overall, Inkspell is a strong addition to this universe, and I’m glad I finally reread it.
Profile Image for Patrick.
Author 70 books238k followers
December 30, 2014
I like that the story got more complex with the second volume. It didn't fall into cliche storylines or plots.

That said, this book felt really *long* to me. And the story felt rather... loose. Like not a lot was happening, given how long I spent listening to it.

I'm willing to admit that a lot of that might have been due to the fact that I was listening to it on Audio. It was 18+ hours long, and while Brendan Fraser did a good job, his reading was a little dramatic for my taste. I prefer a more understated narrator.

I think part of the problem is that pretty much *everyone* in the book is a POV character. Not only does it mean there's a lot more storylines, but if you know what everyone's thinking and doing *all* the time, it pulls a lot of the tension out of the story....

I want to finish the series to see what happens, but honestly, I'm not looking forward to another 19 hour slog through an audiobook, or reading a 600+ page novel just to satisfy my curiosity.
Profile Image for Elena.
882 reviews342 followers
August 22, 2023
"Staubfinger schloss die Augen und lauschte.
Er war wieder zu Hause."
- Cornelia Funke, "Tintenblut"

In "Tintenblut", dem zweiten Teil der Tintenwelt-Reihe von Cornelia Funke, reisen die Lesenden gemeinsam mit den lieb gewonnenen Figuren aus "Tintenherz" in die Tintenwelt - und genau deshalb mag ich diesen zweiten Band vielleicht sogar noch ein bisschen mehr als den ersten! Es war so, so toll, sich mit Meggies Worten in die Tintenwelt tragen zu lassen, auch endlich an den Abenteuern teilhaben zu können, die in "Tintenherz" angedeutet werden und die vielen Wesen kennenzulernen, die diese magische Umgebung bevölkern. Zum Inhalt des Romans möchte ich nicht viel verraten, da es sich hier um einen Folgeband handelt, viele von euch werden ihn jedoch bereits kennen, denn die Bücher waren und sind Bestseller - und das völlig zurecht. Nur so viel: Meggie, Mo, Resa und ihre Freund*innen müssen sich in der Tintenwelt weit gefährlicheren Situationen stellen, als dies im ersten Band der Fall war, auch die verschiedenen Persönlichkeiten gewinnen mehr an Tiefe und Ambivalenz.

Ich kann nur empfehlen, die Reihe (wieder) zu lesen, ich genieße diesen Reread in vollen Zügen und finde, dass gerade der zweite Teil perfekt in den bevorstehenden Herbst passt, denn es verfärben sich Blätter, die Luft kühlt ab und die Stimmung ist für ein Jugendbuch ungewöhnlich düster. Cornelia Funke versteht es wie keine Zweite, mit Worten umzugehen, fantastische Schauplätze und Charaktere zu schaffen sowie eine hochspannende Geschichte zu kreieren. Eine Reihe, die mich auch als Erwachsene erneut begeistert - ich freue mich auf Band 3!
Profile Image for Sara.
179 reviews175 followers
March 6, 2009
Cornelia, you need a better editor. Your editor would tell you to figure out which characters are essential and kill off the rest. The difficulty with the book is that it's written for younger kids, but it is too complicated, not all of the storylines are as riveting as the rest, and there are too many complicated emotions for young readers to comprehend or enjoy. The characters are a bit static (and thus predictable), as well. This isn't to say that the emotions aren't realistic, or that the characters don't act true to form, or that the story isn't well-plotted. There's just too much of it to be enjoyable. In other words, it's too Harry Potter-esque to be fabulous.

On the other hand, this book is about 200% better than Inkheart. It doesn't ramble as badly, it has a relatively straight plotline, and the precipitous drops in suspense suffered by Inkheart are nearly invisible in Funke's second effort. The flat relationship between Mo and Resa is balanced by Meggie and Farid, the plot moves along in a confined space and time, and Dustfinger - the real mover and shaker in the plot - finally gets equal time. It's just a shame that you have to read Inkheart to be able to really understand and enjoy Inkspell.

Profile Image for Kyriaki.
454 reviews238 followers
January 7, 2021
Αυτή είναι μια από τις σειρές που είχα ξεκινήσει μικρή αλλά δεν τελείωσα ποτέ γιατί το επόμενο βιβλίο, και στην προκειμένη περίπτωση το τελευταίο, δεν μεταφράστηκε ποτέ στα ελληνικά. Σε αντίθεση με άλλες όμως που τις έχω παρατήσει εντελώς μετά από τόσα χρόνια, αυτή ήθελα πολύ να την τελειώσω, ήθελα πολύ να μάθω τι γίνεται μετά το τέλος αυτού του βιβλίου, πώς συνεχίζει και πώς τελειώνει.
Ήρθε η ώρα του λοιπόν! Αλλά πριν πιάσω το τρίτο και τελευταίο είπα να ξαναθυμηθώ το δεύτερο, να ξαναμπώ λίγο στο κλίμα, στον παραμυθένιο του κόσμο που τόσο μου άρεσε.
Και χαίρομαι που μου άρεσε και αυτή τη φορά! Υπήρχαν πράγματα που είχα ξεχάσει και πράγματα που θυμόμουν πολύ καλά(όπως αυτό το αναθεματισμένο τέλος!), ξαναθυμήθηκα και τους αγαπημένους μου χαρακτήρες καθώς φυσικά και τους απεχθείς κακούς! (Γενικά ήταν πολύ καλή ιδέα να το ξαναδιαβάσω!!)
Τώρα λοιπό, επιτέλους, είμαι έτοιμη να ξεκινήσω το τρίτο!!

(Αν το διάβαζα τώρα για πρώτη φορά μάλλον θα του έβαζα 4 αστεράκια, αλλά λέω να κρατήσω την παλιά βαθμολογία στα 5 αστεράκια.)
Profile Image for Melika Khoshnezhad.
383 reviews77 followers
August 21, 2022
نگه‌ش داشته بودم و جرعه‌جرعه وقتایی که خیلی تاریک بودم می‌نوشیدمش تا جادوی جوهر و کتاب همه چی رو زیباتر کنه؛ الان فقط یه دونه دیگه از این بطری‌های جادویی دارم و خیلی غصه دارم.
گردانگشت قلبم رو از آن خود کرد برای همیشه. 🥺
Profile Image for Maria von Riva.
144 reviews23 followers
June 14, 2018
Einfach nur wundervoll. Vor 13 Jahren hätte ich es sicher sogar noch mehr geliebt ❤
Profile Image for Sarah.
237 reviews1,181 followers
December 5, 2017
Inkspell picks up a year after Inkheart left off. The Folcharts—Mo, Resa, and Meggie—are reunited in Elinor’s house. They have been joined by Darius—another “Silver-tongue” who can read things out of books but isn’t nearly as good as Mo—and a number of fantastical creatures who escaped from Inkheart, the book that Mo read aloud from thirteen years earlier that has dogged his footsteps since.

All should be well, but meanwhile in another part of Italy, Dustfinger has found a sinister Silver-tongue, using the prideful stage name of Orpheus, who reads him back into his story. The fire-breather leaves behind Farid and Gwin the marten, believing that Gwin is predestined to bring about his death in the Inkworld. Farid, devastated at being abandoned by the closest thing he’s ever known to a father, turns his steps towards Elinor’s house…

…meanwhile, Meggie is catching up on all the angst and anger she never directed at her secret-keeping father all these years. She’s also rapidly sprouting from a scrawny little girl into a pretty young woman, and when Farid shows up he NOTICES.

Farid wants to follow Dustfinger. Meggie wants to test her Silver-tongue powers. Unlike her father, the girl has a gift for storytelling, too. First she writes herself and the boy into the story, then she reads them in.

Mo is horrified when he figures out what his daughter has done—and has only himself to blame, as usual, since this all could have been cleared up with a conversation. Soon the Magpie, mother of the late Capricorn, shows up at the bookish house, accompanied by Orpheus, who proceeds to read her and Mo into the book—Resa refuses to let go of her husband’s hand and is dragged back to the world where she spent years as a foreigner.

In the Inkworld—a Renaissance faire fever dream of Boccaccio’s Italy and Chaucer’s England—Dustfinger reunites awkwardly with his wife, Roxane, who has believed him dead for years and reluctantly remarried in his absence (luckily for him, her second husband has also died). She is immediately suspicious of Farid, believing him to be Dustfinger’s son by a woman of our world. Farid fears being separated permanently from his pseudo-father and returns her suspicion with outright hostility.

Also, Fenoglio is somehow pottering about in his own book, both delighted to the point of megalomania and hubris at seeing his creation spring to life, and dismayed that he can’t stop bad things from happening to his favorite characters.

Casualties include Cosimo, the handsome and chivalrous son of the reigning Prince of Lombrica. Cosimo had an arranged marriage with Violante, the ugly but shrewd daughter of the evil Adderhead, who reigns across the mountains in Argenta. Then Cosimo died. According to Fenoglio’s story, none of this was supposed to befall the youth. He writes a resurrection for Cosimo, and forces Meggie to read the passage aloud.

And a doppelganger of Cosimo appears—but he has no memories of anything the real Cosimo did. He shows no interest in his little son with Violante, forbids the poor woman from entering his chambers, and calls upon Brianna, the beautiful and headstrong teenage daughter of Dustfinger and Roxane, to share his bed in his wife’s place. The reader never witnesses an interlude between the young royal and his even younger mistress, but their consummated dalliance is the talk of the kingdom.

Meanwhile, the Magpie fatally wounds Moe with her gun (why did she need to read him there if she was only going to shoot him with a weapon from our world?) but he and Resa are found by the Motley Folk—the class of roving actors, acrobats, jugglers, minstrels, fortune-tellers, and assorted other curiosities that Dustfinger and Roxane belong to. Some of them remember Resa from her time as a slave in Capricorn’s household. They take Mo in, but believe him to be a charismatic highwayman known as the Bluejay, robbing caravans from Argenta in a one-man war against the Adderhead’s tyranny.

Little do they know that Fenoglio, who has apparently learned nothing, has made up this Bluejay, circulated the songs about him, and based him on Mo. What could possibly go wrong?

Some of you may think that I waited too long between finishing this meandering doorstopper and reviewing it. I assure you that the span of time makes no difference. This book made no more sense to me when I first closed it than it does now.

While the first book in this series had no plot but zigzagged between locations, this one has no plot, but follows about two hundred sets of characters each in their own location. At no point do the plotlines intersect—okay, the adults all met up when Roxane arranged for the Barn Owl to tend Mo, and Dustfinger spoke to Resa through the bars of her dungeon cell in total darkness, and Funke implies something weird here, something to the effect of “she had fond memories of him visiting her in the dark” which confirms my suspicion from book one that there was something between these two. Is it really adultery when both believe their spouses to be dead? This is a question for the Aeneid, not a middle-grade novel with Shel Silverstein and Roald Dahl quotes in the chapter headings.

Quick summary of everything that actually happened in this book:

1. Orpheus is bad. Really bad.

2. Also, Orpheus tends to sweat and has bad skin, so it’s funny when Farid, who is fifteen years old, by the way, repeatedly refers to him as “Cheese-face.” Farid, Junie B. Jones just called and she says you sound immature. Grow up, man.

3. Dustfinger is such a horn-dog that Roxane sees a strange kid with him and automatically assumes said kid is his.

4. Mo never tells anyone anything. Mo is an idiot.

5. Also, Mo hates cats. Told you he’s an idiot.

6. Adultery. Lots of adultery. You know, for kids!

7. Fenoglio is a menace to society and must be stopped at all costs.

8. The two kingdoms don’t like each other because reasons.

9. No one cares that Cosimo is cheating on Violante because Brianna is hot and Violante has a pockmark on her face. Seriously.

10. Sometimes we check back in with Elinor and Darius for no discernible reason.

11. On page 420, a wild Mr. Tumnus appears…and is never mentioned again. Orpheus just reads him out of his book and he potters around Elinor’s house looking forlorn. I didn’t care about Tinkerbell in Inkheart—I never cared about Tinkerbell in Peter Pan, either. But Tumnus is my smol son. Protect him.

12. Have I mentioned Fenoglio is a menace? Someone, please, stop that man.

13. Mo is slowly turning into the Bluejay whether he likes it or not.

14. Farid and Meggie like each other because teenagers and hormones.

15. Dustfinger is dead! Dead for real!...Sure, Cornelia, I totally believe that you killed off one of two characters in this whole miserable story who had a pulse. And by the time it happens, it’s too late to care. We’ve been dragged through 635 pages of nothing.

In all this there are two positives. One is the world-building. The setting was richly realized and felt infinite like a good faerieland should - even though this sort of faux-Italian renaissance faire kingdom was cliché back when Jo March was sending serials to the Weekly Volcano.

The other bright spot is Roxane, who alone among the dramatis personae is stoic, competent, and able to put the needs of others ahead of her own. It’s kind of hilarious that she goes to someone called the Barn Owl for help, considering Jennifer Connelly played her in the movie version—if you get why this is amusing, you remind me of the babe. Connelly so strongly resembles Roxane as described in the book that I wonder if Funke wrote the character with her in mind, the way Mo is patterned on Brendan Frasier.

Roxane’s perspective for more of the book would have helped, since she was the only person around who occasionally showed symptoms of common sense.

The ending was meant to be a cliffhanger, but upon closing the book my only thought was “a) my head hurts and b) Who’s going to get poor Mr. Tumnus back to Narnia?”
Profile Image for Patricija - aparecium_libri.
559 reviews95 followers
May 13, 2019
My heart is still with this trilogy.

I love the characters, how unique they are. I love the old fashioned writing style. I loved the adventures, the romance, the plot and action. To be fair, I did listen to it, and not psychically re-read, but I think I'd feel the same.
Profile Image for Trish.
2,209 reviews3,689 followers
September 23, 2021
In this 2nd volume, Meggie can't let go of the world in Fenoglio's book "Inkheart". Her mother, now safely back with Meggie and her father Mo, has told her of the magical places there.
Dustfinger's plan to find another Silvertongue worked but Orpheus is ... not Mo ... so he reads Dustfinger home but leaves Gwin and Farid (the boy Mo had accidentally read out of "1001 Nights") behind - which results in Farid promptly being captured by Basta, Capricorn's awful second-in-command. After fleeing and warning Meggie and her family, the two kids team up and travel into the book together.

The problem is that Meggie also accidentally reads Gwin back into his story (why that is dangerous, I shall not spoiler).
Meanwhile, Farid's warning was for naught because Capricorn's mother, Mortola, is able to surprise and overpower Mo and the others together with Basta. Orpheus then reads all of them into the world of "Inheart" where Mo gets shot (a souvenir Mortola brought with her from our world). Luckily, after being left for dead, they meet the world's best healer and thus are taken to the Black Prince and his merry gang of robbers.
Moreover, there is a new big bad in the world of "Inkheart": the Natterhead. He wants Mo to bind a special empty book for him that will make him immortal. So he takes Meggie's family hostage which means she has to travel to his castle. There, tragedy strikes, though interestingly only AFTER the final confrontation.

Walking through the Inkworld, seeing Ombra, meeting the bandsmen and the Black Prince, following Dustfinger (who really became sort of the main character, at least for a while) when he speaks with the trees and does all kinds of other wonderful magic ... it all is rather enchanting. I understand why Meggie wanted to go there. *lol*

This, though, also made me cry. The first volume was thrilling, sure, but this was downright tragic what with . There were other terribly emotional moments but that was by far the worst for me.

Once again, the richness of the story is decorated with the author's own gorgeous illustrations which is why I included some from this volume here.

While the first volume always will get props for introducing me to this world, this second volume packed more of a punch for me and I simply adored the world of "Inkheart", the magic, the creatures and people's abilities. The writing style was as beautiful as ever so this one gets full marks from me (despite still not being as good as the books from the author's other series).

P.S.: The English title is wrong. *lol* I can't yet tell if they ran with the error or not but will get back to you on that after I've read all three books with my buddy-reader (I'm reading the German originals, Brad reads the English translations).
Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 5 books4,524 followers
September 20, 2021
There *might* be a slight disconnect between the original tale and the English translation. At least, this is what I am led to understand.

What I love:

The premise. Reading with special imagination can either pull characters out of your favorite book or put you inside it. And compared to the first book, the second doesn't feel quite so lopsided and the plot and character development feel a lot more organic -- growing, even. I really got into the adventure within Inkheart and felt for many of the characters. The emotionally hard parts had some great pathos.

The meh:

Parts of the tale felt too long. It might be a wonderfully long, detailed book for some people who get the full immersion right, but in English, there were certain long passages that were ... not precisely interesting.

Overall, however, this isn't a book that I disliked. Indeed, the premise and many of the characters kept the tale hopping and I only occasionally compared it to other Young Adult novels. (Shared plots, character types, etc.) This one diverged quite nicely in comparison, but I couldn't help but compare Inkspell to Funke's Mirrorworld series. The two series share an awful lot in common, and not for the obvious reasons.

Still enjoying it, however, and will be picking up the third right away.
April 18, 2024
Отже, ця книжка вже більше мені сподобалась, але знизила бал, бо початок і кінцівка мене вибішували прям дуже, на початку Меґі вирішила відправитися одна в інший світ, а в кінці Орфей довбаний вважає що це він себе записав до книжки і зневажливо до всіх ставиться. Роксана теж підбішувала моментами. На моменті де помер Фарид я пустила сльозу, а коли Вогнерукий вирішив пожертвувати собою заради нього я ридала.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Imaydahjr.
228 reviews33 followers
January 23, 2023

هیچی نمی‌گم
فقط اینکه من این مجموعه رو، داستانش رو، کارکترهاشو، فضاش رو خیلی خیلی عاشق :)))
با اینکه اعتراف می‌کنم داستانش یجوریه که نمی‌تونم سریع بخونمش (بخاطر توصیفات زیادش) و همیشه یه ماه طول میکشه تموم کردن جلداش! درکل کتابیه که باید روی مود درستی باشی برای غرق شدن توش!

حالا نگم که اخر جلد دوم این موقع شب اشکمو در اورد🤨
Profile Image for Kim.
15 reviews
January 20, 2009
So I am going to review the first book Inkheart alongside the second Inkspell since they are part of a trilogy. This book is being heralded as a book to fill the void left by Harry Potter and is marketed to the same target age group. The only difference is after reading the second book my immediate thought was, "That was stupid" I honestly can't remember the last time I felt so let down by a book. The characters are so poorly developed that I found myself not caring in the least when something bad happened to them and for that matter I don't really think I could tell you anything descriptive about the characters aside from maybe hair color. I know a lot of people are raving about this series and that is what peaked my interest initially and they are even making a film from the first, but I just don't get it.

The author has made this dream world where words come to life, an interesting concept in itself. However when you take that concept to ridiculous levels where whenever there is a problem they just write themselves some unimaginative way to get out of it, it gets old fast.

I know personally I won't even bother reading the third installment, for me it's too late to save it now and I have much better things on my bookshelf.
Profile Image for Yani.
420 reviews193 followers
March 16, 2019
Aviso: cierta información en la reseña puede ser spoiler si no leyeron el libro anterior.

No quise leer la sinopsis de este libro para que no me adelantara nada de lo que pasaría (tampoco leí la sinopsis del tercero), así que cuando empecé el libro fue casi como abrir la caja de Pandora. Y no estoy usando la comparación refiriéndome a las sorpresas (“caja de Pandora” está siendo mal usada últimamente), sino que dentro del libro están todos los males ¿Clichés? ¿Olvidos, tramas poco consistentes? No, Sangre de tinta es un retrato de todos los males que hay en esas historias que amamos demasiado y queremos que terminen bien. Pero ya desde el principio se nota que, para los protagonistas, todo irá de mal en peor en un mundo muy medieval, que se rige con otras reglas… y los manejos de un autor megalómano.

Para evitar spoilers, sólo diré que varios personajes queridos vuelven al Mundo de Tinta (o van por primera vez…) a raíz de la aparición de villanos conocidos que sobrevivieron a los acontecimientos de Corazón de tinta y un nuevo lector-mago con unas habilidades impresionantes. Eso desencadena una serie de alteraciones en la historia y Meggie, ayudada por otras personas, intentará que las cosas lleguen a buen puerto.

Me encantó que se haya complicado. El escenario cambia y eso lo hace más impredecible, al igual de emocionante ¿Qué hay en el Mundo de Tinta? ¿Quién o quiénes lo gobiernan? ¿Cuáles son sus animales, sus especies? ¿Cómo es su gente? Esas preguntas se contestan a lo largo de la travesía de los personajes y se puede ver que, aunque parezca un worldbuilding sencillo, existe la intención de hacerlo crecer. Es curioso como el libro de la ficción (Corazón de tinta) y el mundo real se retroalimentan. Y también da mucha pena ver cómo los que quedan de un lado y del otro se añoran. Así que Sangre de tinta está cargado de emociones, tanto de las buenas como de las malas. Los personajes se involucran en una trama palaciega que empieza a afectarlos más de lo que desearían, ya que en ese mundo existen dos príncipes (o tres, depende de cómo lo miremos) que pelean una guerra silenciosa.

Los personajes merecen un párrafo aparte porque sentí que se trasformaban todo el tiempo. Ya no son los “inocentes” que conocimos en el otro libro: creo que todos han perdido algo y se ven arrastrados en una historia que cambia segundo a segundo y no los deja en paz. Meggie está en la adolescencia y empieza a tener sus inquietudes, Mo no está seguro de que vivir en un libro sea muy bueno, Farid no es de un lado ni del otro, pero le importan personas de ambos… Según mi opinión, el personaje más increíble de este segundo libro es Mo, porque deja de ser un encuadernador apacible y se convierte en algo más (no puedo decir más porque es una de las grandes genialidades de Sangre de tinta). Hay unos cuantos capítulos dedicados al crecimiento de este personaje y son los que más disfruté. Por supuesto tengo que nombrar a Dedo Polvoriento, que no para de sorprenderme con su comportamiento adusto pero afectuoso cuando quiere. Todo el tiempo dice que es un cobarde, pero a mí no me parece que lo sea.

Creí que este libro se me haría más pesado o que le encontraría alguna falla garrafal, de esas que no se salvan con nada y arruina la experiencia de lectura. Y la verdad es que no hubo nada de eso. Funke sigue contándonos las aventuras de Meggie y compañía con una fluidez alarmante, de esas que hacen que nos preguntemos “¿cómo se le ocurrió?” y “¿cómo lo describe tan bien?”. Lo afirmo sin dudar: esta saga infantil- juvenil es una de las mejores que he leído en mi vida, porque no resigna calidad (ni calidez) en ninguno de los capítulos. Se pueden inventar mil giros en una historia, agregar personajes geniales, crear un mundo increíble, sacar ochenta spin offs, pero eso no es nada si no se lo acompaña con una narración que guste, con una combinación de palabras que atrapen y causen, al menos, la sensación de que la autora tiene talento para contar el cuento. A Funke el talento le sobra.

¿Qué puedo decir en contra? Casi nada. Lo que me sigue molestando es el tiempo que los personajes viven como prisioneros: se pasan todo el libro encerrados en alguna parte y, como en Corazón de tinta eso también sucedía, se me hizo repetitivo. También hay un retraso de los desenlaces porque hay un vaivén de mensajes que tardan demasiado en llegar a destino o no llegan nunca (recordatorio: el Mundo de Tinta se maneja como el medieval). En un momento me exasperó, hasta que aprendí a convivir con ello. No todo puede ser un éxito en el primer intento. Me hubiera gustado, también, que las mujeres fueran más participativas. Hay una clara intención de Funke por demostrar que en ese mundo (que, a la vez, fue creado por un hombre) los roles están fuertemente marcados. Uno de los príncipes, por ejemplo, prohíbe que las mujeres lean. Esto se compensa con Resa, Elinor, Violante y Roxana, que, a pesar de parecerme estáticas, tienen una vida interior muy interesante.

Otra cuestión que quiero mencionar (porque la pensé mientras leía) es la similitud de Cabeza de Víbora, uno de los malvados de este libro, con Lord Voldemort. Funke usa frases de la saga Harry Potter en los inicios de los capítulos (es decir, los epígrafes) así que esa conexión no me parece casual. No es una crítica, sino un detalle para destacar. Es evidente que los libros de Mundo de Tinta fueron hechos por una devoradora de libros, además de una escritora muy capaz. Y me resultó increíble cómo se trata el tema de la creación de las historias. Creo que cualquier persona que se considere autora debería leer esta trilogía.

El final me hizo llorar, no sólo por las consecuencias de la guerra que se desata, sino también por la genialidad en la construcción: nada se da en diez páginas, como suele pasar con otros libros. Todo se gesta en la mitad del libro y se va agigantando hasta que toca la página 657 (sí, es largo). Y termina, obviamente, con un “gancho” para seguir inmediatamente con Muerte de tinta, cuyo título augura mucho sufrimiento. A modo de resumen, Sangre de tinta no tiene nada que envidiarle a su antecesor y es un salto perfecto hacia la conclusión de la trilogía. Y, sinceramente, espero que no sea una conclusión definitiva.

Reseña en Clásico Desorden
Profile Image for Cynnamon.
678 reviews129 followers
June 3, 2021
For English version please scroll down


In Band 2 der Tintenwelt-Trilogie geraten die Protagonisten aus dem ersten Band in die Tintenwelt, wo sie sich allerlei gefährlichen Situationen stellen müssen. Diese Geschichte wird im dritten Band fortgesetzt, da Band 2 voller loser Enden mit einem Cliffhanger endet.

Wie schon in Band 1 hatte ich so meine Schwierigkeiten in die Geschichte hineinzukommen. Hier ist es mir allerdings bis zum Ende des Buches nicht gelungen.

Die Protagonisten blieben für mich blutleer und langweilig und der wichtigste Charakter Meggie erschien mir noch unerträglicher als im ersten Band.

Es fällt mir schwer meine Abneigung gegen dieses Buch genau festzumachen.

Die Geschichte hat so viele fantasievolle Komponenten. Es gibt Liebe, Kampf, Gefahr und Magie. Die Antagonisten sind wirklich üble Typen. Und dann spielt das Ganze noch in einer Fantasiewelt.

Dennoch stimmt für mich irgendetwas mit dieser Geschichte nicht. Es gibt nur einen einzigen Charakter, den ich ein wenig mochte, nämlich Tante Elinor. Alle anderen konnten mich weder positiv noch negativ berühren in dem Sinne, dass sie Emotionen in mir hervorgerufen hätten. Es gab auch keine einzige Stelle in dem Buch, an der ich unbedingt wissen wollte, wie es weitergeht. Ich habe selten ein Buch gelesen, bei dem mir der Ausgang der Geschichte so egal war.

Wenn das Buch keine Challenge-Aufgabe für mich gewesen wäre, hätte ich es sicherlich abgebrochen.

Da ich die Tintenwelt-Trilogie als Komplett-Set gekauf habe, werde ich den dritten Band auch noch lesen. Vielleicht erschließt sich mir der Zauber der Tintenwelt dann.

Für diesen Band kann ich allerhöchstens 2 Sterne vergeben.


In volume 2 of the ink world trilogy, the protagonists from the first volume transition into the ink world, where they have to face all sorts of dangerous situations. This story continues in the third volume, as Volume 2 ends with lots of loose ends and a cliffhanger.

As in volume 1, I had my difficulties getting into the story. This time, however, I still kept looking for access at the very end of the book.

The protagonists remained anemic and boring for me and the most important character Meggie seemed even more unbearable to me than in the first volume.

I have a hard time pinpointing my aversion to this book.

The story has so many imaginative components. There is love, struggle, danger and magic. The antagonists are really bad guys. And then the whole thing takes place in a fantasy world.

Still, there is something wrong with this story for me. There's only one character I liked a little, and that's Aunt Elinor. All the others could not touch me positively or negatively in the sense of evoking emotions in me. There was not a single spot in the book where I really wanted to know what would happen next. I have seldom read a book where I cared so little about the outcome of the story.

If the book hadn't been part of a challenge for me, I would certainly have abandoned it.

Since I bought the Ink World Trilogy as a complete set, I will read the third volume as well. Maybe then the magic of the Ink World will open up to me.

For this volume I can only rate with a maximum of 2 stars.
Profile Image for K.C..
21 reviews
November 1, 2016
Inkspell - one word, one adventure. With a completely original idea, a great plot, and a fantastic overall fantasy, this story's got it made. I absolutely loved it. Inkheart and Inkspell have become some of my favorite books.

Dustfinger - the clear winner for my favorite character, I have to agree with Orpheus there. He can hide his feelings at will, which is very admirable (just ask Farid). He believes himself to be cowardly, but he will go to great heights for the ones he cares about, such as Farid and Roxane. He truly does have feelings, although you may not be able to tell just from his face.

I loved the ending - it made me want more, made me want to keep on reading. Oddly enough, it reminded me of Star Wars III, when it seemed that all hope was lost and the Dark Side was going to win. The Adderhead is immortal (I see him as the Chancellor in Inkspell), Dustfinger is dead (of which I was so sad!), and Orpheus is in Inkworld acting like a stuck-up egotistical megalomaniac who owns the world.

Hopefully the situation will become better as time goes on...in Inkdeath.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,676 reviews213 followers
June 7, 2018
Inkspell was an okay kind of book. It was very long for an audio, even longer than Inkheart and it was also kind of boring until the last 25% of the book.

The gang is basically all back in this book. Mo, Resa, Meggie, Elinor, and Dustfinger. However, there are a few more people added into the mix. A lot of action happens in this book and at one point I feel like I missed so much in one chapter when I got so distracted at work. I had to go back to that said part and it felt like the book was even longer.. and more boring (if that's even possible?). At one point, I stopped caring if I was confused because I assumed at one point everything would make sense to me.

Eventually it did.

Besides the confusion and the action, I loved Meggie in this book. She didn't annoy me as much as she did in the first book - but that's probably because I kept shipping the heck out of her and Farid. They were so cute together.

Other than loving Meggie's character, I despised her dad in this book. Mo was such an idiot! God that man frustrated the HELL out of me. I hated how he wouldn't tell anyone anything! Plus his decisions were just weird and annoyed me.

Remember how I mentioned that I was confused at one point? Yeah, it probably happened more than once but trust me.. it get's confusing. I didn't get the little glimpses into what Elinor or Darius were doing with their lives. It did nothing for me except make this book feel a lot longer than it needed to be.

The villains in this book were good and entertaining but other than that I was mostly bored while listening. I'll probably end up listening to the next book because it's the last one. Usually I would want to dive into the last book because of the cliffhanger.. but yeah, that's not the case for this one.

Overall, it was meh.
Profile Image for Mike (the Paladin).
3,147 reviews1,967 followers
November 10, 2014
Meggi, Mo "et al" continue in the story taking place in two worlds. Not to give spoilers, but Mo is in a bad way Meggi is still "learning" as well as being in a bad way, mom is struggling and worrying and scared, and back to MO....he's binding a very special book.

I liked this YA series, there are good ones and bad ones and (being sure the "youth" is mature enough for the themes) this is a good one.

Again, an addition to my review here...I really like these books, I may even say love them and I'm astounded that so many give it/them negative reviews.

A matter of taste I suppose.
September 17, 2023
*4,5 ⭐️ Woah, es war absolut toll in die Welt von Tintenherz einzutauchen 😍 Als Kind habe ich das Ganze gar nicht so richtig greifen, beim nochmaligen Lesen viele Jahre später aber sehr genossen. Die Welt ist so fantasievoll und erfindet sich immer wieder neu. Einzig die Charaktere haben hier etwas geschwächelt, weil die mitunter sehr impulsiv reagieren und sich dadurch nicht ganz so clever anstellen. Und Elinor hat mir gefehlt. Ich will mehr von ihr!
Profile Image for Maddie.
558 reviews1,140 followers
June 4, 2017
Guys. GUYS. G U Y S. I FINALLY READ THIS!! It's been sat on my shelves, next to my beloved Inkheart for the last s e v e n years and I finally read it. ALL 670 pages, I'm literally stunned.
This is something I never thought I'd read, no matter how much I loved the first book, because I was worried I'd be out of step with it, or feel too old to enjoy it, but THIS BOOK is totally outside of genre and age rating. I really liked getting back into this world with such a great range of characters of all different ages and walks of life. It's the epitome of a good fairy tale story and I'm beyond stoked to have read it.
Now, I better make sure to read Inkdeath before I turn 30.
Profile Image for Atilio Frasson.
107 reviews16 followers
August 26, 2020
¡¡¡¡Excelente!!!! Lo bueno de los dos libros que leí de Mundo de Tinta es que tiene héroes que son lectores, y uno de ellos, escritor, incluso uno de los malos de este libro es lector.

Cornelia Funke no sólo hace un homenaje a la literatura, sino que quiere demostrar que las palabras son mucho más poderosas que las armas. ¡¡¡¡Genial!!!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,842 reviews

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