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The Book of Wonders

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Magic, Djinn, Ogres, and Sorcerers. Thirteen-year-old Zardi loves to hear stories about fantastical beings, long banned from the kingdom of Arribitha. But anyone caught whispering of their powers will feel the rage of the sultan—a terrifying usurper who, even with his eyes closed, can see all.

When her own beloved sister is captured by the evil ruler, Zardi knows that she must go to any lengths to rescue her. Along with her best friend, Ridhan—a silver-haired, violet-eyed boy of mysterious origins—and an unlikely crew of sailors led by the infamous Captain Sinbad, Zardi ventures forth into strange and wondrous territory with a seemingly impossible mission: to bring magic back to Arribitha and defeat the sultan once and for all.

416 pages, Hardcover

First published January 17, 2012

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About the author

Jasmine Richards

12 books103 followers
Jasmine Richards was born in London, grew up in a library, and was the first in her family to go to university. After graduating from Oxford, and following a brief stint at New Scotland Yard, Jasmine chose a career in publishing over being the next Sherlock Holmes. Today she's a senior editor at a leading British publishing house. She now lives in Oxfordshire with her husband in an old wool mill. The Book of Wonders is her first novel and she would love to know what you think about it. Her website is www.jasminerichards.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 134 reviews
Profile Image for Jessica Harrison.
753 reviews48 followers
July 26, 2016
Review via Cracking the Cover
Sinbad. Aladdin. Scheherazade.

They’re names that evoke exotic locales and swashbuckling adventures. Now you can add another name to that list — Zardi.

Zardi is the main character in Jasmine Richards‘ “The Book of Wonders,” an exciting new adventure for middle readers.

In the kingdom of Arribitha, magic is taboo. Fantastical beings have long been banned. Thirteen-year-old Zardi loves to hear stories of these things, but even those can call the rage of the sultan, who rules with an iron fist.

When the sultan captures Zardi’s sister, Zardi sets out on a quest to save her. Accompanied by her best friend, Rhidan, Zardi finds herself in the company of the infamous Sinbad. Together they travel to a strange land to bring back and restore magic to Arribitha.

“The Book of Wonders” is a magical novel. It transports readers to far-off lands that inspire creativity and spark imagination. In Zardi, Jasmine has created a strong, intelligent young woman who isn’t afraid to take risks or ask for help when needed.

Jasmine plays to her strengths — her writing is clean and her pacing strong. However, her real strength lies in her descriptions. She skillfully sets a scene without going overboard, giving readers just enough information to complete the full picture on their own.

Though the main character in “The Book of Wonders” is a girl, it is by no means gender specific. The inclusion of pirates and magicians helps make it appealing to everyone. “The Book of Wonders” is a great new option for readers of all ages.

Read Cracking the Cover's interview with Jasmine Richards.
Profile Image for Chrissy.
61 reviews16 followers
October 9, 2011
I'm never quite sure how I'm going to feel about a Middle Grade book. Clearly, I love YA, but Middle Grades are hit or miss for me. I get nervous when Middle Grade is paired with other aspects that make me second guess whether I'll like a book, such as being high fantasy or longer than I expected (again, hit or miss mentality). I need not have worried. The Book of Wonders by Jasmine Richards is a solid hit.

As soon as I started the first chapter, I was eager to continue. There is an ease of storytelling present that makes the whole book flow seamlessly. Readers young and old will enjoy the epic adventure, energetic characters, smooth writing, and wonderful storytelling. This high fantasy tale is full of action. The main character, Zardi, loves stories of adventure with scary monsters and incredible feats of heroism. The Book of Wonders has all this, much to Zardi's delight and horror (it's a little different to face the scary monsters yourself than to hear about them from others).

Also, it was a fairly complex story. There were multiple story lines and paths the characters could have taken, but everything came together very well. Little side missions were carried out without losing sight of the overall goal, to save Zardi's sister.

In addition to the fantasy, this book was multicultural. I always love reading books set in different cultures, so this fact was a bonus for me. Richards merged multicultural aspects with the fantasy very well. These merged aspects completely transported me to Arribitha while I was reading. Well done.

Overall rating: Worth the buy. Borrow it if you're not as into Middle Grade.
Profile Image for Michael Fitzgerald.
Author 1 book63 followers
August 20, 2014
Pretty good story, using the Arabian Nights world as a basis. The dialogue, however, is disappointingly juvenile. There are no anachronisms, but it has the feel of modern day kids - which doesn't work so well with the ancient setting. And what kind of person names a roc (bird) "Roco" - just dumb. I don't think the bird even needs a name. It doesn't say, but I guess this is the first of a series? Not overly excited about that.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
584 reviews151 followers
January 12, 2012
Thirteen-year-old Zardi lives in the kingdom of Arribitha, where the sultan has banned magic, and anyone even heard talking about magic can be arrested. Her best friend is Rhidan, a mysterious foreigner who was found abandoned as a baby and raised by Zardi's family. Rhidan longs to know of his origins, and receives a clue from Sinbad the Sailor, but he must flee before Rhidan can get more answers.

The sultan of Arribitha is cruel and evil, and forces young girls to be take the position of "Praisemaker" - they are forced to announce executions and are eventually killed. Zardi's parents try to have her and her sister married off so they cannot be chosen, but before they can do that, her older sister is picked to be the next Praisemaker. Zardi and Rhidan must then go on a journey to save Zardi's sister and discover the truth about Rhidan's origins.

Book of Wonders is an enjoyable middle grade fantasy inspired by the Arabian Nights stories. The main characters were very likable and I enjoyed the author's descriptions of all the exotic places they visited. This book is very different from anything I have read recently, and since I am sick of urban fantasy I am always looking for fantasy with a more historical or magical setting. If you are like me and enjoy fantasy with unusual settings, I think you would enjoy Book of Wonders.

Disclosure: Review copy provided by publisher.
Profile Image for Grady.
670 reviews48 followers
February 4, 2017
I'm a fan of (much of) the Arabian Nights, and was delighted to run across this middle grade novel, which repurposes elements from the tales -- Sinbad, djinnis, the roc, mistaken identities, wishes governed by complicated rules -- but without the racism and misogyny that permeates the original tales. So far, so good. But, the book's writing leaves much to be desired. Rather than the characters' personalities driving the plot, the plot (and author's need to work in exposition) drives the characterization completely - in a given scene, the heroine goes from disgusted at the thought of the evil sultan, to grumbling about having to help with dinner, to tearing up at how infrequently she sees her father, to 'happy but guilty' when her grandmother praises her skills with a kitchen knife. That's in roughly two pages. It's like watching a train pass by: here's a boxcar, oh look, now a tanker, now two more box cars, a hopper, and so on - with no obvious reason for the order of the cars, and only a rough coupling between each of them.

In looking at other reviews, I see that this is labelled 'middle grade' rather than 'young adult'. I guess that's younger than young adult, and I can see why an author would tailor the plot and characters for the audience. But surely these readers can handle - and would thrive on - better characterization than this.
Profile Image for Madeline J. Rose.
Author 1 book35 followers
June 7, 2021
Re-read 2018: Still love it as much as I did when I was younger. <3

Initial Response
This book…oh goodness…
Literally left me in the dust.

High Lights
- COMPLEXITY. And…and complicated and….just CRAZY!
- All the main characters!
- Zardi is so brave and daring, but also sweet and curious.
- Rhidan is a mysterious, funny boy who knows nothing about his past or who his parents are.
- Sinbad is a total cutie…*blush* What? What? HE IS! He’s kinda of rough and tough at the beginning, but he softens up to Zardi when… You’ll just have to read it! DO IT. *fangirls* I LOVES IT.
- 400 PAGES OF AWESOME. Oh yeah.
- Just everything about it pretty much.
Low Lights
- There are some pretty intense parts and I found myself twisting my hair and fumbling my fingers.
- THE MAGIC. Lots and lots of magic. And that kinda of ruined it for me. Don’t get me wrong, I loved this book so much, but, the magic made me bump the rating down to 4.5/5 stars. Some of it’s scary. Some is weird. Some is fun. Some is just crazy.

Favorite Quote
“Let it hurt, Zardi," Rhidan said. "Take the pain and make it something else. Let it make you stronger and smarter.”

I really love this book, I do, but I recommend this book for older kids such as 12 and up. The story is riveting and there are no curse words that I can remember. Nothing gory. But the magic at times made me feel a little uncomfortable.
Other than that, I definitely recommend this book!
Profile Image for Qwerty O. .
29 reviews
July 26, 2011
I read The Book of Wonders in manuscript form a little while ago. It is a page turning and gripping adventure that pulls the reader in. The young Scheherazade is a brilliant heroine and the plot is filled with twists and turns right to the very end.
I finished it in one sitting and can't wait to read the next installment in the trilogy.
Profile Image for Mathew.
1,532 reviews195 followers
February 27, 2021
A remarkable debut. A huge, sprawling novel full that riffs on Middle Eastern geography and mythology, A Book of Wonders tells of a quest rife with magic and mysterious heritages. When Zardi's sister, Zubeyda, is taken by the sultan to perform a daily ritual which will ultimately lead to her death, Zardi, along with her childhood friend, Rhidan, set off to enlist the help of Aladdin and his army in order to overthrow a corrupt rulership. Upon their journey, they call upon the aid of a rather reluctant Sinbad and their sea-faring journey takes them on a voyage across treacherous seas and murky pasts. Here Rhidan discovers that his own story holds secrets which could change the fate of everyone in Arribithia forever.

As you will have gathered already, this is a story rich in beasts and heroes from 1001 Arabian Nights and beyond. From magical monsters, to villainous sultans and thieves this is a world that as engaging and alive as its large cast of characters and creatures. I thought both plot and pace were just right and hoped that there would be more in the series as I felt that Zardi and Rhidan's journeys have only just begun. My younger self would have loved this sweeping, fantasy narrative.
Profile Image for Cynthia Varady.
Author 2 books12 followers
October 1, 2014
For the duel, visit Dueling Librarians

Let me begin by saying that it pains me to write this review. I begin all books with the anticipation and zest of a child awakening on Christmas morning, bursting to see what all those glossy packages might contain. This is perhaps a faulty way to begin a book because my expectation can fall short, leaving me less than happy by the tale's end. Sadly, that is what happened with Jasmine Richards first novel, The Book of Wonders.

A victim of circumstance, I found Wonders to be tedious. I think part of the problem is having just completed a book I found so amazing, that almost anything that came directly after would have been lacking in the Wow Department. I really wanted Wonders to knock my socks off, but instead I was left mildly irritated.

Wonders follows the tradition of 1,001 Arabian Nights . In Richards' adaptation of the famous collection of folk tales, we find some familiar characters. Scheherazade is our brave and noble heroine, who sets out to rescue her sister Zubeyda from the clutches of the evil sultan, Shahryār. With her is Rhidan, the silver haired foundling who is searching for his people. Along the way the youngsters meet Sinbad the sailor and his motley crew of pirates.

The bulk of Wonders retells the second voyage in the Sinbad series, which shares some of the same elements as Homer's Odyssey, another story I always found tedious. Scheherazade, Rhidan, and Sinbad, and his crew become shipwrecked on Desolation Island where giant rocs rule the skies, and demon-like serpents lurk beneath the earth in a maze of tunnels. It was this part of the story that really began to bog down for me. I felt like I was trapped on the island with them, which from a artistic point of view is great, but from a trying-to-get-through-this-book angle, not so good.

In addition to some of the same characters as 1,001 Nights, Wonders follows ending format as well. For those of you not familiar with the original folk collection, here's a quick recap. Scheherazade is married to king Shahryār who has a penchant for marrying virgins only to kill them the following morning before they can cheat on him. To avoid the fate of her predecessors, Scheherazade tells the king a story which she doesn't finish until the following night, only to begin a new tale which she fails to complete. This goes on for, you guessed it, 1,001 nights. Much like Shahryār, Richards left me with a cliff hanger ending, yet unlike Shahryār, I don't feel compelled to know more.

I respect what Richards is doing in The Book of Wonders, it just wasn't for me. I think this is a great book for young readers. It provides amazing imagery, lots of drama and action, and it will introduce them to a classic with a new twist. Plus Scheherazade and Rhidan are accessible characters that many tweens and early teens will be able to relate to.

For the duel, visit Dueling Librarians
Profile Image for Cesya.
Author 3 books223 followers
February 18, 2012
I’d like to thank Once Upon a Twilight for giving me the opportunity to be on this book review tour.

Now, on with the show . . . er . . . review!

I have to admit that I was a little leery about reading this book because of the age range but I trudged along and slowly got swept away in Zardi’s adventures. I have to say, she was very brave for only being thirteen and I admired her for that. She was a little firecracker and when she set her mind to doing something, she followed through until it was finished. I think back to when I was thirteen and though my life was nothing like Zardi’s, I don’t think I would have followed through with anything. At that age, I was all talk and a big pile of—excuse my French—chicken shit. Another thing I really like about Zardi is that family and friends were her main priority. She’d make sure they were protected instead of worrying about herself.

Next, we have Ridhan. He was a very mysterious boy and I loved how his mysteriousness grew when they boarded Sinbad’s ship. (Side note: I failed to mention Sinbad was in this story. Surprise! We’re introduced to him in the beginning of the story in Arribitha where Zardi and Ridhan and listening to his stories as he tells them to the crowds. When Zardi and Ridhan speak to him after the crowd begins to scatter, Sinbad mentions a land where Ridhan’s people are said to live. This piques his interest and he’s determined to get aboard Sinbad’s ship so they can sail to his home land.)

I could go on and on about this story but then you’d never want to read it because I’d probably end up ruining the whole thing for you so I’m going to leave it at that. If you have children in that age range at home or you want to jump into a different genre for a day, I suggest picking up The Book of Wonders because of the wonderful mysteries written on its pages.
Profile Image for Kristen Harvey.
2,085 reviews260 followers
January 16, 2012
First Impression: Just reading the description of The Book of Wonders gives me a sense of adventure. When I heard the name Sinbad, it brought me to think about Aladdin and the other tales of Arabian Nights and made me more excited to read this book.

While Reading: I was drawn in from the beginning. Richards sets up a rich world, full of an evil sultan, a deadly hunt, and a boy with a mysterious past. Zardi sees her own sister and father captured before her and decides to embark on a journey to find a group of people opposed to the sultan. If she can find them, she can stop her family from dying at the sultan's hands. Her adopted brother Rhidan follows her, curious about his origins and together they set off to sea. Their journey takes them far, as Rhidan discovers his magic and blows them to an unknown land filled with huge birds and snakes at war with one another, along with a Cyclops and a dijinni.

The Book of Wonders captured my attention from page one, but I found that when they weren't in the middle of an adventure or in danger, the book started to drag on a bit. The main characters were colorful, but the side characters sometimes I couldn't really remember - mostly the sailors. Even with its flaws, this book has laid a solid foundation for the next book while still resolving some of the plot by the end, which made me happy. I was hoping not to have to wait that long to see what would happen.

Verdict: A solid fantasy novel, full of adventure, colorful villians and characters, and lots of magic.
Profile Image for Vivien .
136 reviews74 followers
January 9, 2012
I received this as apart of the Once Upon a Twilight ARC Book Tours.

Zardi lives in a world with Magic, Djinn, Ogres, and Sorcerers. However, the Sultan has banned magic in the kingdom of Arribitha. Even speaking of magic, could get you arrested. Ironic.

Zardi has a mysterious companion in Rhidan, who was abandoned as a baby. When given a clue about his past, by Sinbad the sailor, he is compelled to find the answers.

In Arribitha the Sultan forces young girls in the position of 'praisemaker'. The young girls are held captive and eventually executed. When Zardi's sister is captured by the evil Sultan, she knows she must go to any length to rescue her.

Together, Zardi and Rhidan set off on a journey that will forever change them. Though sometimes their journey will separate them, they will battle through the trials.

A great new middle grade fantasy novel. I loved the world it was set in. I only wish that there had been more revealed about Aladdin. I only hope there is more from this series to further develop that aspect. A page turner from the start, I was hooked from the beginning and think fans of this genre will surely enjoy!

Profile Image for Heather.
1,911 reviews44 followers
September 22, 2012
It took me until the end of chapter 3 to get interested in the story and the characters, but chapter 4 really set things up well and I was anticipating quite an adventure. Unfortunately, although I really wanted to like this one, it just didn't do it for me. The premise is clever, but I found myself with so many questions, particularly the character motivations. My favorite character in the book - and the only one whose motivation I totally get - was Nonna (Zardi's grandmother) and we don't see her again after Zardi and Ridhan begin their adventure. As for the rest, I never understood what drove the sultan, Sinbad, the various djinnis, and most of the other characters. I really wanted to know why. Why is the sultan so cruel? Why don't the people rebel? Why are the soldiers loyal to the sultan? Why did magicians trap the djinnis? Why was Ridhan left in this country? Why was magic forbidden? Unfortunately, none of the questions were answered, and the book's conclusion feels awfully abrupt and unfinished. Maybe there will be a sequel?

For some readers, this will be a magical experience. Unfortunately, I was just not one of them. Still, I would read a sequel if it came out, as I really want to know where the author intended this one to go.
Profile Image for Kailey (Luminous Libro).
3,294 reviews504 followers
January 6, 2017
I'm so disappointed in this book. The cover made it look wonderful, but the characters are two-dimensional, the story is trite, and the dialogue is boring. I read it all the way through, but it never really captured my attention or my emotions.

The only thing I liked was the magical world setting. The setting is from the Arabian Nights, with many characters, like Scheherzade, Aladdin, and Sinbad the Sailor, being reimagined.

Many of the plot points were difficult to believe, too coincidental, or downright stupid. When you name a roc (mythical bird), do you really have to name it "Roco"? Seriously?
The writing is stiff and has too many boring descriptors, not to mention mixed metaphors.
I'm not impressed with this one.
Profile Image for Rain Misoa.
510 reviews70 followers
November 18, 2014
I liked this book well enough. There's nothing complicated about it. It's an adventure story and that's exactly what you get.

To read my full review, click here.
Profile Image for Allis.
205 reviews
April 11, 2018
Writing could use improvements, but overall it was excellent. I think there was an acceptable amount of "screen time" for both main characters. However, there seemed to be some disconnection between the different parts. Not enough to ruin the book, but something that could have been worked on. The ending was good with a small cliffhanger but still room for interpretation. The author did good work with the characters. I mean some writers just say that this person is impatient but not in this book. Lots of believable instances of showing traits. However, I felt that the dialogue was more people giving description of the situation to the reader rather than them actually talking. I mean, if you've lived in the same place for 13 years, you don't need to be told the rules, geography, etc. I thought that the setting was believable/understandable. Enough information to know what you need to and not too much. Could have described the magic a bit more since there are so many types. Despite room for improvements, I liked this book a lot. It was fun, short, and enjoyable. Plus there's a girl heroine!! Yay!! Go girl power.
Profile Image for Rebekah.
444 reviews25 followers
January 24, 2019
Shallow, bland, underwritten, and forgettable. This book was not great. I get that it’s middle grade and below my reading level, but I have read many middle grade novels with far better writing. The plot drove the characters and therefore the characters’ motivations and personalities were inconsistent and made no sense. Richards introduces the big bad at the beginning of the story, which is waaay too early and made the villain entirely unthreatening. I couldn’t connect emotionally to the story knowing that if the Sultan had just killed them at the beginning instead of letting them go (for no reason) the story would be over. Everything was predictable and dull, this book is meh and if Richards writes another book hopefully she’ll put a lot more thought into it.
Profile Image for Paul Stevenson.
43 reviews1 follower
April 24, 2018
My reading of The Book of Wonders didn't start of as very intentional. My 10-year-old daughter picked it up from the library, and it was lying around within my reach when I was at a loose end. The fact that I read to the end was completely intentional. It's a pretty rip-roaring adventure tale set in the world of Arabian Nights with a 13-year-old girl and her brother as co-heroes.

I wasn't expecting literary or poetic writing, and indeed I didn't get it, but the narrative-driven story is written in an unobtrusive style, and the characters have enough depth (possibly implausibly much) to engage with. The story's pacing and the chapter structure are such that I always wanted to know what was going to happen next, so I kept picking it up to find out.
Profile Image for Amalie Simper.
441 reviews4 followers
May 25, 2017
I would give this story a 3 1/2 stars. it was a good mid grade fantasy book. The story was very nice with a girl who sets out on a quest with her best friend, a boy who had lived in her house all her life, to save her family and find the mysterious family of her friend. Their adventures were fun and led them in voyages, to djinis, to be hunted by the sultan and many more things. I loved the book, it just wasn't the caliber of book that makes the best written books. It was basically the same as a take I have heard somewhere.
Profile Image for Hannah Belyea.
2,378 reviews36 followers
July 22, 2018
Zardi has always enjoyed stories of fantastical creatures and adventures out at sea, so when the lives of her father and sister are threatened by an evil Sultan, she and her best friend are more than willing to set out to find a strong enough magic to defeat him - even if it means travelling with the devious Sinbad! Richards delivers an exciting and colourfully magical journey that is sure to rest in the hearts of fans for years to come. Could the secret to defeating the Sultan truly lay beyond the endless ocean horizon?
Profile Image for Denise.
2 reviews4 followers
September 8, 2018
Excellent book!

This was an amazing book. I read it to my daughter when it first came out and have just finished reading it to my son. Ms. Richards has an amazing way of visualizing the story through her style of writing, and I am drawn back into the story as if I am right there with Zardi. Great nook for age 10 and up, O would say, but I even enjoy it as an adult. Well done!

Tim Q, father of 2.
Profile Image for Ali.
718 reviews
December 1, 2017
Zardi's sister Zubeyda, has been captured by the sultan to be his praise maker. Zardi and her friend Rhidan go along with the sailor Sinbad, and his crew to defeat the sultan and save Zubeyda.
I really like this book. It's not as good as other ones I've read, but I still really like it.
13 reviews
June 7, 2019
I really loved this book and looked for a sequel even before I finished reading it. I loved the detail. It wasn't over the top, either. The Book of Wonders is really imaginative and just plain awesome.
Profile Image for B o o k -  D r a g o n.
194 reviews4 followers
December 3, 2020
If this book was a plane the takeoff would be pretty bumpy and it would hit some turbulence before clearing the clouds. Then it would be a smooth ride, until near the end of the flight. Then the plane crashes. I parachuted before the plane crashed so I don't know if there were any survivors.
5 reviews
November 19, 2017
Love the author's use of 1001 nights to bring it up to date. You are transported to another world with these adventurous and brave children. Wholesome yet modern and fun. Brilliant!
Profile Image for Brian.
571 reviews7 followers
December 9, 2017
Interesting plot but the characters never really rang true for me.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 134 reviews

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