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Magic and malice abound in the land of Faerie. A dark twist on faeries. For Shade, a chance meeting with a powerful Teleen faery warrior who wields electrical currents and blue fires along his skin, has her joining him on a treacherous mission for the good Seelie Faerie Court across the land of Faerie. Paperback includes the prequel: Evangeline. Books in this series: Prequel: Evangeline, Book 1: Ever Shade, Book 2: Ever Fire, Book 3: Ever Winter, Book 3.5: The Cursed, Book 4: Ever Wrath, Book 5: History of Fire, Book 6: Ever Dead, Book 7: Legends of Fire, Book 8: Guardians of Fire

282 pages, Paperback

First published July 1, 2011

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About the author

Alexia Purdy

115 books1,093 followers
Alexia currently lives in Las Vegas, Nevada–Sin City! She loves to spend every free moment writing or playing with her four rambunctious kids. Writing has always been her dream and she has been writing ever since she can remember. She loves writing paranormal fantasy and poetry and devours books daily. Alexia also enjoys watching movies, dancing, singing loudly in the car and Italian food.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 489 reviews
Profile Image for Rhonda.
166 reviews
July 4, 2013
Ever start nit picking a book after finding something so ridiculous that you roll your eyes. One little thing I might be able to ignore, because let's face it, you do run into the unbelievable story on occasion that is still good even with its ridiculous parts. This story on the other hand....

I just couldn't help myself here. I am not even halfway through the book and am having eye pains from rolling my eyes! Let's start at the very beginning, of course. What girl in their right mind in this day and time follows a strange boy into the woods? Add to that a boy made of lightening who just had a fight with a chick in an abandoned building involving lightening and a sonic boom. Said girl not only follows him but has a two minute conversation with him before agreeing to follow him to an "oracle." Her only thought was "Might as well." Umm...HELLO! Really? (This all happens in the first chapter by the way, which is about 20 pages long.)

Then I read this:

"Shade suddenly panicked, realizing she didn't have a flashlight and the night was quickly approaching."

Now she panics? No further thoughts about how far into the strange forest with strange boy she is? How far she is from someone who can hear her scream? Or, I don't know, how about a fleeting thought about the mother who is home wondering where she is?

Then we have the second odd conversation between Shade and Jack. You tell me, would you be spilling your intimate thoughts to someone you don't know?

"'I did know her. Intimately, I mean. That's all changed now. We were, well, lovers. Engaged once.' He swung his sword harder, making the branches fly easily out of their way. 'I loved her very much.'"

I just don't see this being a plausible first meeting conversation. I get more of a, "It's personal, so butt out" being more realistic not this GUY talking so openly about his feelings.

The rest of this might be spoiling it so I will hide it for the ones who are still interested.

Am I going to finish the book? Who knows, I guess I can always use a good laugh.

Ok, I finished the book and what do I think? Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap. Sorry if this offends any other readers who liked the book but I just can't say I enjoyed any of it.

The dialogue is so stiff and lacks any kind of personality. One way to disrupt a flowing conversation, in MHO, is to keep saying the person's name. I mean every time a person would say something they had to start it with a name or end it with their name. Almost like a formal conversation where you are talking to royalty or something. "Yes m'Lady. No, m'Lady."

I also had trouble with the two sides of Shade. She claims to be not the “outdoorsy” type but whenever she needs something done that would require outdoor skills like putting up a tent or tying some good knots, there is always a convenient excuse that her dad taught her all of it on camping trips.

And that’s another thing that irritated me. When she needs to escape from some soldiers, she conveniently falls into an immortals oubliette. When she can’t escape the oubliette, Dylan conveniently falls in after her and tells her how. The only magic she has been taught is how to make a glowing stone, conveniently lighting her prison. The person who fishes her out of the river (after jumping off a waterfall and surviving) conveniently has a map to where she needs to go. When they finally get the “magic” water, they become surrounded by the UnSeelie enemy and Dylan conveniently remembers that the one who gets the water gets one wish and Shade wishes them (and the entire questing companions who aren’t even with them) to safety.
There are so many little things I can nit-pick about this book, I could continue all day but I will just leave it there and let you make up your own mind.
Profile Image for Alana ~ The Book Pimp.
857 reviews193 followers
May 31, 2012
Please say this will be a series!

Thought I was going to 'fall' for one character, and ended up smitten with another. And boy, oh boy, was there eye candy to go around. This is the type of fae story I just love- getting swept up suddenly in fae (events, culture, people- anything and everything fae) involving equal amounts of good and bad. They may be all magical and powerful, but there is a dark edge even in some of the seemingly most innocent offers.

I really, really enjoyed it. Younger readers can pick this up without being exposed to overly adult themes. It's like a dark fae story mixed with some old school Tolkien. Almost a Labyrinth feel to it (and I LOVE Labyrinth.) It was witty, and easy to follow, and easy to keep the menagerie of characters separate.

"Illarial sure had a way with comforting others; she was like walking Xanax."

"I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her boney, pointy body."

"Nothing about Sylphi made her feel warm and fuzzy. The girl radiated cold like an open window."

"It already had been a long day for her. And it's only the butt crack of dawn."

I actually keep checking every few days since I finished wondering- if book two out yet? Sadly, it's not, at least the last time I checked. This is a YA book I would offer to my 12 year old son and read alongside him. If you like urban fantasy- but HEAVY on the fantasy, and enjoy YA I would most definitely recommend reading this book!
Profile Image for Fatima.
749 reviews346 followers
February 28, 2012
HOLY FAIRY GODMOTHER !! I GOT BLISTERS ON MY FEET - Ow , ow , ow * Hops around * nope ,i'm done walking for now . I'm not going anywhere
Wow , what a journey Ever Shade has been !!! So new and so unexpected ! Lets get started with this review before the Demi - fey arrive . They are 'yours truly' sinister and can be quite a handful .You dont want to get trapped around here when that happens .

Ever Shade is the story of Shade , a teenage girl . Shade is your average yet so-not average high schooler . Confused ?? Dont be , once you read the book you'll know exactly what i'm talking about . So just chill . Anyways , so shade is not your ordinary high schooler , she's different - she's always been and because of that she considers herself a freak . But then one day everything she thought about herself and the world around her changed . what events will that change bring forth and will Shabe be able to accept those changes in her life or will she crumble and give into hopelessness and despair ?? Answer to all those questions is what awaits the readers in this epic journey called Ever Shade .

Cover thought : The cover is just plain gorgeous !! Simple and very true to what the readers can expect from this book .Ever Shade being the first book in this trilogy gives us insight on the fairy realm and Shades hidden powers - well not all of them , but a few . So keeping that in mind , the cover is absolutely justified .

Things i loved about this book :

Every single freakin thing about this book was awesome !!! Not a single moment of boredom ! If i had my way i would have devoured it in a single day . But no , that could not be a reality ! * Sighs* .. Anyhoooo , what matters is that i finished the book and OH.MY.GOD !! Seriously , what a journey it has been .. I'm reeling in the effect of tha awesomness . And i think i should be thanking Author Alexia Purdy for that !! That woman writes like a GOddess !! 2 things i absolutely loved about her writing style - first , the whole ' hearing/reading the thoughts of the character you know when they talk to themselfs . I find that really funny and i loved the fact that Alexia made use of that kind of writing technique . And secondly , i LOVED the way she has described every single aspect in this book !! Now now , dont think that its some sort of thesis or anything that she has stacked pages of ... when i say i loved her description , i meant the way she uses her words to describe the atmosphere around you . It actually feels like you are right there , the winds , the mountains , the village/town , the action .... dear lord everything . I could feel the serenity of being at the mountains and fountains and the forests , the fear of the unknown , the shyness of being kissed for the first time , the pain , the sorrows , the hatred . I could envision the seelie courts , the rooms , the whole atmosphere of fairy realm * ahh - sighs happily * !! I'm totally in love with the way she writes ..

The characters in the book were awesome as well !!! I found myself liking almost all of them . Shade being my favourite ! At times she acted out as a child curious to know things . The way she asked questions upon questions had me giggling and thinkin "Slow down there girlie , you're like an express train right now!!" and at times ahe just zapped into a complete 'Warrior mode '! scared of nothing and clearing her path . Dylan was my second most fav character !! Awww i loved him sooo much . Cant wait to read more about him ! I have an eerie feeling about certain things , but i dont want to get into it right now !! I also loved the pace at which the story kept on moving forward . It was just perfect , giving you many things to look at and learn about - like i said earlier it felt like the reader of the book is right there seeing and experiencing everythin with their own eyes . I loved the whole journey and what we could learn about the fey realm , and i cant wait to read more !!! Certain theories and ideas and also points have started buzzing around in my head as to what the second book in this awesome trilogy be about . I also have a feeling that certain unexplained and unanswered questions will be answered in that book ! * Duh - captain obvious !! * . Ohh , the eerie feeling just crept up again !! * Shudders*

This was definitely a JOURNEY OF EPIC PROPORTIONS for me and i enjoyed every minute and every second of it !! Recommended for readers who enjoy reading about hot feys who can kill you with their touch and also for fans who want an all inclusive paid trip to the exotic fairy realm and back . This is that one trip you wont regret taking !! Check this out for sure !
Profile Image for katrina.
960 reviews67 followers
October 5, 2011
I'm not normally one to read books on Faeries but I must say this one had me intrigued from page one till the end. Its filled with mystery, action and magic and a compelling storyline that I read in one sitting.

Steady paced storyline, with a great cast of supporting characters, chapters that flowed smoothly and an intriguing plot. I enjoyed the determination of the main characters, her life was not as it seemed. She always thought she was different and upon meeting Jack her life was thrown into a world she never thought existed.

Shade always new something was different - the voices within, had no real meaning until she met Jack. Upon Jack discovering Shade and her hearing voices, he takes her back to his world where Shade is told she is the key to saving his land. Here Shade discovers she is Part Fae - but Shade is in denial.

Feeling somewhat pressured yet compelled to help, Shade embarks on a trip to the fountain to obtain the liquid that will save this land of Fae and stop the wars within.

Twists and turns are thrown at Shade and along her travels, she is introduced to many - some evil, some good, she learns to embrace what she has within. Shade discovers her blood lines,and along the way she also discovers how to use the magic within.

This is just the beginning of an intriguing series, I alone rated it on Alexia's compelling storyline. As I have not read many books on Faeries I really enjoyed it. The addition of the Teleen line was certainly a treat and the fact that Shade was immune to it even more so.. Interim blue is filled with action, adventure, mystery, magic and mayhem and I'm sure for all the readers out there who enjoy Faeries then this is for you..

I eagerly await book 2 to see where Shade and Dylans relationship goes, I'm hoping that we see a little more depth into the characters, and the connection between the worlds = will Shade return home to normal teenage life ?

Alexia Purdy has jumped leaped and bounded - full throttle ahead - into this series, giving us readers a fantastic insight into the world that she has created ,compelling characters, and a storyline thats draws you into the pages at every turn !
Profile Image for Lori.
Author 2 books58 followers
February 11, 2015
I had a breakthrough last night while devouring the last 80% of this book. I finally understand Alexia's writing style. Some reviewers (including myself) have stated that the first part of her books are a bit slow. I said that about Reign of Blood (which haunts me. I cannot stop thinking about it) and others have said it about this book. I don't necessarily think that this is what is actually going on. Yes, they are slow moving. But little do you know that Alexia is weaving her magic word spell. When I picked this book up Sunday night I couldn't focus on it. I put it down after only reading it for a half an hour or so. I thought that it hadn't captured my imagination yet. Boy, was I wrong. I couldn't STOP thinking about this book. I didn't even realize I was hooked. Life/the blog/my job got in the way of me reading Sunday night and it was driving me batty.
Alexia is so sublte when introducing her story and characters. She doesn't open with fireworks and flashes. She weaves a truely addictive story.
This fae world is unlike any other one I have encountered. I don't read a lot of Faery stories. As a matter of fact, up until now I thought Julie Kagawa pretty much was the be all and end all of the fae and dreamy fairy boys. I WAS WRONG. This book is so much more. Ms. Purdy's world is darker than most supernatural books I have read. Shade is not playing on her home court and it shows. If that girl hadn't had some major help she would never have made it out of there.
The male fae (with an exception) oh, be still my beating heart. Dreamy!
I'll be honest I was not impressed with Shade throughout most of the book. I don't think we are meant to be. Maybe city girls can sympathize with her being throw into the wilderness but I found her whining....well annoying. My opinion of her competely changes by the end of the book.
Off to read Ever Fire!

more reviews-http://contagiousreads.blogspot.com
Profile Image for Cameo.
Author 43 books1,666 followers
June 3, 2012
Oh, how I love me a good fairytale!
Ever Shade was a great story, with a great concept, and a great plot. I really enjoyed the MC, Shade. She was a typical teenager, except for the voices in her head, that didn't know she posessed something greater inside, and through her journey, began to believe in herself and witness the magic she posessed.
Author Alexia Purdy painted a wonderful world filled with faeries and other magical beings. I hope to visit there one day! :) The only sad thing is that I have to wait for book 2! But, I heard that it's going to be released sooner than we thought. YAY!!! So, then again...I'm not too sad.
Profile Image for Dianne.
6,794 reviews600 followers
December 29, 2013
How often does a really “fresh” YA fantasy come along that is completely appropriate for younger YA readers? Alexia Purdy has done it with Ever Shade! Shade, a teen who hasn’t ever really been comfortable in her own skin, has a secret, she hears voices, and can do things others can’t, but why? Is there something wrong with her or is her difference magical? One minute Shade is a human teen, the next she is thrown headlong into the world of the fae, a world she thought real only in tales and fiction. Turns out she is part fae and the fate of the world may just be hanging on her shoulders, and she thought dealing with her “human” life was tough! Ever Shade is filled with adventure, warriors, danger and even some cute fae boys, because come on, this is fantasy for teens, right?!

Alexia Purdy takes the time to fully develop her world, introduce the conflict, toss in tons of action and give us characters that grow as the story progresses. Shade is a typical girl in so many ways, yet she steps up to the challenges put before her, afraid or not, and she isn’t perfect, but she does try! When she must become “blood bound” to a fierce Teleen warrior, neither are too happy about it, but I have to say, Shade is up for the challenge in the long run and there is some ever so slight romantic tension going on, but again, nothing a younger reader wouldn’t understand or be able to relate to.

Ms. Purdy writes with a vivid detail, pulling the reader into the story, into each scene until Shade’s world becomes all one can see. The pace quickens each each turn of the page in this slightly dark faery tale, feeding the imagination the emotions, sights, sounds and actions of a magical world in peril.

I highly recommend this to YA readers as a wonderful way in to the world of fantasy! 4.5 Stars!

Series: A Dark Faerie Tale, Book 1
Publication Date: October 24, 2012
Publisher: Lyrical Lit. Publishing
ISBN: 0615603629
Genre: YA Fantasy
Number of Pages: 306
Available from: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Profile Image for Michelle (In Libris Veritas).
2,084 reviews85 followers
August 13, 2016


Ever Shade is the very meaning of rushed, and as a result I struggled through it…and even went so far as to read it as full speed, a skill reserved solely for things I need finished quickly (review books) and things I dislike as is the case with this one…unfortunately.

The story itself was interesting enough that I one-clicked the freebie and several of the subsequent books that were also free, however I don’t think this really lived up to my expectations. I had trouble with the writing, which was very simplistic and did a lot of telling as opposed to showing. There were even instances where conversation was used to tell me what people were doing instead of just showing me. Ever Shade reads like a completed story, without the need for a series, which is a bit odd…considering another hundred pages or so would be just enough to add the needed character depth and natural progression. Our main character finds out her ‘destiny’ within the first twenty percent of the book, and agrees to go along with it despite not knowing anything about the people around her. There is so much travelling and conflict involved, but it sped by so quickly that it really just felt like they spent maybe three or four days travelling before a lot of coincidences made everything go much quicker.

I can’t really even say I know the characters very well as there were so many, and we are given so little time to get to know them. Shade is from what I can tell super curious and really stubborn…even really touchy at times. She did a lot of things that didn’t really make her seem capable or really all that smart, like following a guy you just met into the woods…or asking the same questions multiple times and treating it all as new information. And then we have the love interests…which were basically placed in front of me in a super obvious way and then sort of neglected to show me how any of them were actually people.

Overall I’m sort of disappointed in this one. I did enjoy Reign of Blood, which a book by thi author, and while it didn’t overly impress me it was enjoyable enough to make me pick up her other freebies. But this one sort of fell short, and I don’t see me continue this one anytime soon.
Profile Image for Tory Michaels.
Author 4 books79 followers
July 12, 2012
I picked this up during its free period on Amazon and am grateful I didn't pay for it. I couldn't make it 5% through before the typos (self-diluted instead of self-deluded, the dust bellowed rather than billowed, etc.), passive grammar, and boring main character drove me away. I rarely don't finish a book, but this one was just unpalatable, and I had such high hopes for it because of the gorgeous cover and great sounding story.
Profile Image for Cat.
1,290 reviews9 followers
April 2, 2013
Despite the editing errors (spacing, commas, random underline, etc), I think the basics of this story is great. I even sense some possible love-triangle scenarios (though I haven't quite narrowed down who the two main competitors will be). Unfortunately I thought the narration rambled a bit too much and explanations were a bit too straight forward. I have hopes for this author; I think the writing will mature with the next book in the series (keeping my fingers crossed for it, anyway).

As for Shade, she was alright as a character. I thought when she mentioned, multiple times, that she was the eldest, it was by a fair amount, and that demanding her own room was, as she says, a privilege for all the responsibility she has (since she's like the second parent). Then you find out her younger sister is only 3 years younger than her. For a bigger impact, and to make Shade sound less spoiled I think a larger age gap would have been an easy edit. Also, for a single working mom of 4 you would think a large house, that somehow has an unused guest room, is at least a tad unnecessary. Is this just an inconsistency or an oversight? Either way, it makes it awfully convenient for Shade to just invite home a guest.

I did enjoy reading about all the different supernatural beings and how they relate to each other, but I thought the speech patterns were all too similar and too casual. Information and other bits also seemed repetitive.

Overall, with some editing, this book has great potential!
350 reviews22 followers
February 16, 2012
This was an easy 5 star book. I actually felt like I saw what Shade was seeing on her adventure and that in itself held me to this story. Shade hears voices and is afraid to tell anyone about it for fear that someone would have her locked up. The voices push her to a building where she meets Jack who is fighting someone evil. He takes her to a place where she can learn what she really is. She learns that it is her fate to go on a mission to save the land. She has a group that is coming with her that have volunteered to protect her. Soap is the name of one that makes her smile, laugh and feel a part of this team. Because of an ugly circumstance, she is bound to have a guardian to protect her and keep her safe and he is named Dylan. The characters in this story are well described and well able to love as each has their own gifts to share to accomplish the mission ahead. I hope Ms. Purdy continues this series as it is easy to follow and very well written.
Profile Image for Mandy.
1,393 reviews144 followers
May 8, 2012
I received this book as a R2R. It's been on my TBR list for a while so I was super excited to get the opportunity to read it.
The story is about Shade who has had these voices in her head that want her to do there bidding. It's because of these voices she see's a conflict between two being from faerie, she meets Jack who takes her to his faerie queen and oracle. The oracle also known as a seer, can see that Shade is there to change the battle between the Seelie good court and the UnSeelie the evil court per say. Shade learns that she's not only human but half human and fey. The oracle sends her on a quest to a fountain to get water that will tip the scales in the Seelie favor. She is joined by a band of seelie faeries who will protect her from the evil UnSeelie who will try to stop her. Along the way she learns more about herself who she really is as well as meeting many people some good and some not.
I found the story a hard to put down it easily draws you into the world, so you feel like your there with Shade. The characters are described so well you can almost see them which is something I love in a book. For a first book I think it's a perfect introduction into a world I look forward to reading more about. I enjoyed the book very much it was a pleasure to ready with just enough action to keep you interested and a tiny list hint at love. The main character Shade, is kind and full of compassion you kind of can't not like her. I find it exciting because she's new to the whole faerie world she takes joy in the simple thing, that some take for granted and I like that. What else could I say other then its awesome, and I'm really excited for the next book.

Profile Image for Jennifer Wright.
Author 45 books985 followers
March 21, 2012
I really enjoyed reading Ever Shade. I bought the paperback rather than the Kindle version, along with a couple other books from Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing, and I’m glad I got the paperback because it was worth it.
I’m not going to do a play by play of what happened in the book, because that isn’t my review style.

When the book starts off Shade meets Jack, a Teelen faery and after that is when her journey basically begins. I love Alexia’s writing style and how she created this fairy tale world where Shade goes on her journey.

Throughout the book, it’s not really clear until almost the end who her love interest is going to be. I sort of liked this, because it allowed us to choose for ourselves who we wanted to root for. In a lot of books now days it begins with the meeting of the guy and girl and then the whole book is based around the love story. I like it better when the falling in love part is just a bonus in the story.

I’m excited to see what the next book in this series is going to bring. My favorite character so far is Dylan. Right from his first entrance, I knew that he was going to be an important character in the story.
I will also be looking into Alexia Purdy’s new series that is supposed to release soon called Reign of Blood. Awesome.
Profile Image for Tabatha.
6 reviews2 followers
September 5, 2013
So Shade Shade Shade is the product of love in my opinion! Shade is a very one of a kind girl. She finds Jack one day while walking home because her mom forgot her. But when she walks in to a scene full of flying objects and fire she is ready to back out and run but the voices in her head said stay! After the huge fight she witnessed Jack said come with me so Miss Shade did. When she walking into the woods she had never felt so at home alive she was drunk on good feeling. Jack brings her to an underground palace and there she is told that they have been waiting for her for a very long time! She is sent on a quest to retrieve a special water. Now I have read quiet a few reviews on this book and one thing that remains constant are people complaining about Shades attitude. Let me enlighten you all THIS IS WHO SHADE IS!! So get over it she is a girl she doesn't like bugs or the outdoors or dirt please tell me for the most part what girl does ^_^!! SO they go on this quest and she has quiet a few things happen to her on the road. On one particular night she is brutally attacked and next thing she knows she is having her hand cut open and some sort of bound being made with a man she doesn't know. This book is full of mystery battles decisions love hate magic....this book has every element for greatness!!^_^
Profile Image for Christie Rich.
Author 13 books343 followers
May 9, 2012
I wasn't sure if I was going to get into this story at first. I absolutely love the fae, and stories related to them, so this was right up my alley. I enjoyed this story, but it felt like a story to me. I didn't get sucked in completely, so that is why I have rated it four out of five stars.

Shade was a good MC, yet I never felt as if I was standing next to her. The descriptions were good, but at points in the book, I found myself thinking there was too much telling going on. Overall, I recommend this book to fanatsy readers who enjoy stories about the fae.

Thanks to Shut Up and Read Group and Alexia Purdy for the chance to read and review.
Profile Image for Monique James.
Author 19 books223 followers
April 4, 2012
All I can say about this book is I WANT MORE! I was reluctant to read it, because I'm not big on Faerie's - but I got sucked in as soon as I finished the first chapter and didn't want to put it down. The author has woven a wonderous world all her own and I challenge you to read it and not fall in love! Great read for all
Profile Image for Anya.
1,182 reviews60 followers
July 27, 2014
I wanted to like this book but after a few pages I have to put it down and just stop, it just doesn't work for me nothing held my interest to make me keep on reading.
Maybe I'll pick it up again someday but I'm sure as well it won't be soon.
Profile Image for Julia Sarene.
1,467 reviews178 followers
Shelved as 'could-not-get-into'
July 24, 2017
Another one I won't rate as I didn't read past the sampler.
It is YA (which I actually like to read), but we are constantly shown the characters thoughts, and it was jarring after a while. Also the prologue confused me more than it did intrigue me.
Profile Image for Lindz..
1,019 reviews123 followers
October 7, 2011
I have a touch and go relationship with the young adult genre. As someone that grew up with the Fear Street books as their prime source of reading for that age group I find that everyone now a days is trying to write the next great epic Young Adult book, or writing about all those serious teenage issues like “Mean Girls”, “eating disorders”, “cutting”, and the “gay issue”. I am in full support of us bringing those issues to the for front, however, when I was in high school before I moved on to bigger authors like Anne Rice, Stephen King, and James Patterson, I was an avid fan of books that I just enjoyed. Books that made me bite my nails, books I could read in a few days R.L. Stine and Annette Curtis Klaus come to mind instantly. They were quick, interesting reads and they always left me wanting more.

Therefore, Interim Blue quickly became a Young Adult fantasy book that I totally enjoyed. There wasn’t a forward romance, there wasn’t any of that obvious formula that is in so many of the Young Adult books today Example: “Girl meets mysterious boy, girl falls instantly in love with boy, then girl meets the token bad boy and is sexually intrigued but pulls away in favor of said controlling mysterious boy.” There was NONE of that nonsense going on in Interim Blue. It was a story, a great story with a new twist on the Fae realm, (which I have to admit I have a soft spot for).

I went off and on with my like of the heroine Shade. I mean to her credit she reacted to the situation as I expected most teenagers would. Teens are for the most part selfish and no matter what anyone says they just are. They are in a state of hormonal chaos and have to deal with that in their own way. I love how there was no ‘falling in love at first sight’ situation with her. There was the implied notion that she may be in direct contact with her Soulmate but the story told true where she didn’t just fall at the feet of any male in the story. The men in the story all made me want then in an adult romance so I could see them in naughty situations, but hey, I’m an adult and would have loved to get me a piece of Dylan.

I will for sure be reading the next book in this series. It was original, it was an enjoyable read, and I found myself biting my nails and cheering for Shade in the end.
Profile Image for Anne (Angel Anne Reviews) Nelson .
502 reviews26 followers
October 31, 2012
Grab your back pack, stuff it full with EVERYTHING you may need… don’t worry if it will fit, or that it may be to heavy for you to carry. They have spells for that, so pack away I say!!!

The unbelievable quest of your life is about to start as you travel with Shade to a world you only thought or dreamed existed. You will be introduced to a magical place, the land of Fey with all who dwell within… Faeries, (all kinds) Pixies, Kings, Queens, princesses, and warriors. Good and bad, secrets and lies but don’t forget about the creatures!! My oh my.

A world that surrounds yours and mine, above and below no matter which way you go. On this quest we must go.

If you hear voices in your head, you may want to listen to them carefully on what they have to say…. For you will find what is needed to survive in the world soon to become yours.

Come follow the journey created by the brillant Alexia Purdy with a all her characters, and places as the story unfolds.

From start to finish you wont want to leave, not before you see all that’s to be seen… mirror, mirror on the dresser, what do you hide within thats a big stressor?

A fantastic read, full of magic and greed, love and loss, and stories to unfold. I highly recommend this to all lovers of the magical world of Fae.



A dark twist on Faeries. For Shade, a chance meeting with a powerful Teleen faery who wields electrical currents and blue fires along his skin, has her joining him on a treacherous mission for the good Seelie Faerie Court across the land of Faerie. Magic and malice abound and nothing is what it really seems to be.

The evil Unseelie Queen and her treacherous allies are around every corner as Shade makes her way across the breathtaking landscapes of the world of Faerie, which exists alongside the mundane human world. Shade discovers her own uncharted magic and meets some of the most powerful warriors in Faerie while battling evil dryads, conniving Teleen guards and challenges on her life with every step in a world where nothing can be taken for granted.

A Dark Faerie Tale Series
Ever Shade
Ever Fire
Ever Winter (to be released)

Recommend: YA and up
Rating: 5/5 angel stars

Angel Anne Reviews

Profile Image for Lauren.
26 reviews3 followers
May 4, 2012
I'm extremely conflicted about reviewing this book. When I started reading I found that I was having a hard time pushing myself through. It wasn't the story overall; I genuinely enjoyed the plot and characters. It was the writing itself. It seemed very new and relatively inexperienced. It seemed like there were a bunch of extra words and "big" words that were completely unnecessary, and the whole thing just didn't flow very well. I almost felt as if I'd picked a story out of some highschool creative writing class. However, I kept on reading, and I'm glad I did. At some point about halfway through it stopped being painful to push myself through the chapters and started to read and feel like a well written novel. I really began to sink into Shade's world and become attached to the characters. I was so thrown for a loop with the entire romance aspect of the book. I thought obviously Jack would be it, especially after Ilarial's surprise at Jack revealing who he was so soon after he and Shade met, and Sylphi's unnecessary comments to Shade their first night in the caves. BUT THEN along comes Soap... and so I thought, "okay... he must be it". But Soap was flirty and then got all weird after the whole Darren incident and thats where that ended. So then Dylan comes along and tells Shade about the prophecy made regarding his mate and it almost seemed like a dead giveaway. Ms. Purdy definitely kept me guessing. Next, who was Sylphi... I don't understand why she was even included. Shade makes a comment about her being overly friendly with Darren the night before her attack but nothing ever comes of that! Then the incident at the bath tent made me wonder if Soap hadn't shifted to look like Sylphi and is actually a jerk. The book did in fact suck me in and keep me guessing and I love that! Finally I was a little disappointed with how the book ended. It seemed like such an easy solution and there were SO MANY QUESTIONS left unanswered. I know thats the point of a series but I still felt like it was a lot more open ended than necessary. Overall I did really enjoy this book and am so thankful I got the opportunity to read and review it. I am, without a doubt, anxiously awaiting the second one.
Profile Image for Dale Ibitz.
Author 10 books118 followers
April 25, 2014
Okay, there are some things I really liked about this book, and some things I didn't like so much. Eventually, the good out-ranked the bad, which made this an enjoyable read that toward the end, I discovered that I was looking forward to picking it up again to see how it all turned out. Good thing, yes? Yes.

So, I'm liking the faeries here. Faeries interest me because they seem so sweet and beautiful but they have these dark sides. Or, many of them do, not all. What I especially like about this ensemble cast is that as I was reading, I was never really sure if everyone was as good as they seemed. While in the end it appears to be the case, I think there's room in future books to prove me wrong. And maybe I'm just suspicious by nature. Maybe I was a little disappointed to *not* find evil in the midst of this adventure. :)

I thought the plot moved fairly well, though the ending came a little quick. The world-building was pretty good, too. I could easily picture everything through the descriptive writing.

I love the name Shade. However, I found her crying annoying at the end. I wanted to yell, "Buck up and got on with it already!" I liked who she was paired up with, because to be honest, it was *not* who I was expecting. I like being proved wrong when I'm reading. I like saying, "Huh, didn't see that one coming."

The dialogue throughout was not convincing. To be honest, I thought much of it sounded a little childish, especially with faeries who are centuries old, to me their speech should be distinct and elegant and wise, but it fell very short of that. Jack, one of faery warriors, is probably the most believable as far as dialogue. He was pretty well drawn.

All in all, despite some of the setbacks (this could really use a good editing scrub), I found myself eager to find out what was going to happen in the end, so the book did pick up in the home stretch. I would have liked a little more wrap-up with all the characters, and after all the trials Shade goes through on her quest, the end seemed a little easy and quick. The book had that "first book" feel to it, so I'm planning on picking up the 2nd and see how much the author has grown in her writing, as I found a lot of potential in the story.
Profile Image for Carly Wallace.
Author 5 books30 followers
February 14, 2012
Hea y'all Anne here and I've just finished reading Ever Shade by Alexia Purdy and wow what a great faery tale!! This book is seriously imaginative and will rope you into the story right away. It wants for nothing and is awesome for lovers of Fae and the like creatures. This book is much like Lord Of The Rings but with more faeries and their friends. The story line is exciting and filled with twists and plot secrets that will leave you gasping and waiting for more. Alexia has an amazing imagination she has built an entire world that straddles our very own, she tells of places that would exist right in our back yards yet remain hidden from human eyes. The story of Shade is one of a normal upbringing and life with love and loss but as she stumbles across a secret world her life takes a dramatic turn from basic normal to unreal possibilities. She learns that her whole life has been hidden in order to protect her so that she could one day find and complete her quest and along the way learn what she needs to know in order to survive in this new and dangerous world. The scenes that are painted by Alexia are grand and whimsical and had my mind soaring to new places of bright and vibrant colors and had me aching to be able to explore such places. The characters are so well explained each for their specific roll in the story. Shade finds a friend in the most unlikely of places, the brother of the Teleen who attacked her and failed miserably to hurt her. However Shade has got to come to terms with who she is and her role to play in the growth and future of the faery race. This book is a magical journey of learning how to accept who you are in life and the people you must allow to help you along the way. The story is a fantastical read and I would absolutely recommend it to anyone who loves Fae and the journey of a half breed who still has lots of story left to go. 5 out of 5 stars for Ever Shade by Alexia Purdy. I can't wait for the next book to come out so I can see where Shade goes and how her new life unfolds.

Profile Image for Mo.
350 reviews25 followers
October 1, 2015
Shade apparently has chemistry with every fae species. I thought the author was setting her up with Rylan, aka Soap, because the writing alluded to attraction on both their parts, but especially from Shade's point of view. Yet, Shade did point out Stephen was stunning, Than was beautiful, Ewan wasn't bad looking etc etc . Jack stuck out as the only friend based on the writing of Shade's thoughts.

I enjoyed the beginning of this book very much. When the group entered the Teleen lands, Dylan, the captain of the guards, was immediately hostile towards Shade. I didn't have much of an impression about him until the latter half of the book. Darren, his brother, attacked Shade, almost raping her, but she unintentionally used her magic to trap him. The attack and the aftermath seemed jarring for no reason. The Teleen Queen could have simply sent Dylan with Shade. Shade didn't have to be attacked for this plot point to surface.
Sylphi, a Teleen female, is a complete bitch, but it will be interesting to know whether she's sided with the Unseelie. She seemed to have ulterior motives in joining the group headed to the Santiren lands/fountain.

I wanted to fall in love with this book, but I did not. The one character I want to know more about is Ursad. I understand why he used his magic to keep Shade with him. He's lonely and wants company. Shade is not bothered by the curse on his appearance.

I'm not sure whether I would pay for book 2. So, I will step away and revisit at a later date. I feel like I've had dinner without dessert.=/
Profile Image for Jessica Andersen.
496 reviews9 followers
May 22, 2013
This book got off to a rough start for me, it could have used more editing. It suffered from some homophone problems. The story was moving along well enough that eventually I did get caught up in the story.

I'm not sure I am a fan of the main character, she was kind of whiny. This book also used about every cliche imaginable. There were also a few things which didn't make a lot of sense. They made the Shade (the main character) seem not so smart. She meets her first fae, he's telling her how just about every rule she's ever heard about dealing with fairies is true. Be careful about taking food from them, etc. However, when offered food at a banquet, she doesn't even question the wisdom of eating it. She seems pretty oblivious and is perfectly content to follow her merry fairy band.

That being said, in spite of occasional eye rolls on my part, I did finish the book. I will probably even read the second one. She has created some interesting characters and an interesting story. I am curious about where it will go next. I have the second book sitting on my kindle right now.

There are a few series out there that deal with the fae, but there still aren't that many. This one was pretty good and worth a look for the variety of fae that exist in Shade's world. Although, I think the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning is a better one.
Profile Image for J.T. Lewis.
Author 54 books56 followers
February 17, 2012
Ever Shade ~ A Dark Faerie Tale
Alexia Purdy

I don’t know a faerie from a catfish, and don’t get me started on changelings…I mean…what the hell? Give me a real world mystery I can sink my teeth into and I’m happy. Besides, I thought you spelled it fairy!

But that didn’t deter me when deciding to take the plunge and delve into this interesting looking piece of fantasy. I’m big enough to admit that there are other genre’s that I should explore to round out my reading, even if they do include faeries.

I’m certainly glad I did!

This story hooked me from the get go. I was amazed at the intricacies of the fantasy world that Alexia Purdy put together on the pages before me. All of the different characters involved, each with special powers and defenses only available to their particular species.
And attitudes! Yes, faeries have attitudes!

Throw in an adventure or two, a magic quest, wicked queens and some very good writing, and you have an awesome story very much worth reading. I spent a couple of late nights with Shade, keeping her company on her long journey to save the kingdom.

Alexia has certainly cracked open a new realm of reading for me with this amazing story. I highly recommend it!

Five of five stars!

JT Lewis
Profile Image for Alicia Batista (Addicted Readers).
256 reviews515 followers
June 29, 2014
What a GREAT Beginning to a Wonderful Series. Alexia Purdy has done it again with this Dark Faerie Tale. It's got EVERYTHING Anyone could want: Evil Queens, Witches, Faeries of ALL Kinds, Changelings that can Change into anything they want. It's Really AMAZING!

This Storey Basically revolves around a girl named Shade that is Half Human/ Half Fae but she doesn't know she part fae at first. As her Adventure begins she and a group of Faeries of all kinds embark on a journey across many lands and waters to find something magical that only Shade can touch and bring back to the Good Faerie Queen. Through-out this journey Shade struggles with Who or What she is, and What kind of Magic lies with-in her.

As they Venture across the Lands, Shade has many challenges and has to dig deep inside her self to find the way and as she realizes that it is only her that can save her self and the Faerie people!

To tell you the truth I usually don't read these kind of books But I love Alexia Purdy's writing Style, So I figured anything she writes has to be good, and I was thrilled to find out I was right!! I Give this Book 5 Stars and Can't wait for Shade's next Adventure in Ever Fire the 2nd book of The Dark Faerie Tale, Followed by Ever Winter releasing in February 2013.
Author 5 books32 followers
October 19, 2011
Delve into the faerie world where danger lurks around every corner and a great adventure awaits you.

Interim Blue had some great imagery and I could picture the look of some of the faerie warriors in my head. Dylan was really interesting and one of my favorites as a character. This book was a really fun read for me and I got so caught up in it that I was a little disappointed at the end. Not because it was bad, but because it was over. I cannot wait to read the second book Ash and Embers (The Teleen Trilogy #2)!

Shade was both a frustrating and exciting character to me. Some of her decisions had me screaming “Why”, but then she would make up for it and I would anticipating another obstacle or new development with her.

Tired of werewolves and vampires? Check out the world of faerie in Alexia Purdy’s Interim Blue (The Teleen Trilogy #1)!
Profile Image for Connie Garcia.
176 reviews36 followers
Want to read
May 31, 2012
I was asked to read this book by the author.. The cover is the first thing i loved. The 2nd is reading a Fey story yes they are tricky and not everything is what is seems. Cannot wait to start it!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 489 reviews

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