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Mother of Learning #4

Mother of Learning: ARC 4

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A devastating attack by the lich Quatach-Ichl has left Zorian and Zach reeling as their remaining restarts tick away. As they recover, they make preparations for their final confrontations with Red Robe, the lich, the primordial being, and the invaders—all within the shadow of a question they can’t answer: can Zorian and Zach both survive outside the time loop?

When the time loop is broken, sacrifices will be made, bonds will be tested, and trust will be more important than any magical skill or power—and even then, success is not guaranteed.

But unbeknownst to his allies, Zorian made another plan in secret…

601 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 4, 2023

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About the author

Domagoj Kurmaić

6 books419 followers
Domagoj Kurmaić (aka nobody103) is just your average accountant from Croatia who thinks way too much about fantasy and sci-fi, and occasionally puts his thoughts into writing.

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Profile Image for Petrik.
744 reviews53.7k followers
August 17, 2023
This review is a copy of the transcript of my video review on Mother of Learning: ARC 4

4.5/5 stars

Mother of Learning was one of my priority series to start and finish this year, and I’m pleased Mother of Learning by nobody103 or Domagoj Kurmaic is the first web novel series I finished. It certainly won’t be the last.

“Children often do not understand the importance of what their parents try to teach them.”

At 784,000 total word count and approximately 2400 pages long, Mother of Learning is a relatively short web novel series. As I mentioned in an earlier video, many critically acclaimed web novels tend to have more than 2 million words long of word count. Compared to them, Mother of Learning is a short series. And just as a reminder here, Mother of Learning is a series that revolves around Zorian Kazinski as he accidentally gets caught in a time loop, and he is doomed or blessed to repeat it every time he reaches the day of the annual summer festival. It is a never-ending month for Zorian, and as he tries his best to find a way to escape the time loop, he’s taking advantage of his situation to advance his skill and knowledge as a mage. Think about how limited this premise is again. I was already impressed by what the author achieved in the first book to keep the narrative engaging, and this notion is incessantly escalated throughout the whole series. Zorian repeats this month over and over again for years. More or less a decade in total. In theory, this should get old quickly, but it did not. The constant acquisition of new abilities, mechanics, encounters, friendships, revelations, and the gradual progression of everything never fails to make the narrative captivating to me. Evidently, with this premise, nobody103 shows the countless paths that can transpire in our everyday lives daily. How the slightest change in action can cause a drastically different result. This time-loop fantasy series, among many things, is a story that works as a remembrance to appreciate what we have.

“It is good to sit down from time to time and appreciate the simpler things in life.”

It is shocking that Mother of Learning is the second new series (for me) I finished reading this year. The first was The Drowning Empire trilogy by Andrea Stewart. And this is unacceptable. I used to be much more focused on finishing a series than repeatedly starting a new series. And Mother of Learning: ARC 4 made me realize I should go back to concentrate on finishing more series as I did in the past. At least, I should prioritize it more. I felt immense satisfaction upon finishing this book. I believe many great fantasy or sci-fi series endings can make you look back to the beginning of the series. Remembering what you’ve read and experienced instead of immediately moving on to a new world and series. Whether it is true or not, it will make you think most of the plotlines and developments have been planned or foreshadowed since the early stage of the narrative. Reading Mother of Learning to its completion reminded me of that again. ARC 4 is the culmination of every meticulous plan Zorian has accumulated and prepared for years.

“It was just like that old saying: trust your neighbor, but lock the door. Even if you trusted someone to be a moral and principled person, it was better not to tempt them with easy opportunities.

A few readers have told me they couldn’t stand Zorian’s characterizations at the beginning of Mother of Learning. Nothing wrong with this; this is a fair criticism. But I need to mention Zorian is a character that started off unlikable, and he grew to become more and more likable and emphatic as the series went by. Remember the length of the series here; the first 25% of ARC 1 is not a sign of the quality of the entire series; far from it. The character development of Zorian, Zack, and I will even say the main villain, are some of the most remarkable things about Mother of Learning. The first half of the series was heavily centered around Zorian, his actions, leveling up, and his mission to escape the time loop. And although Zorian definitely played a significant role as the main character throughout the remainder of the series, Zack started to become one of the main characters in the series in Mother of Learning: ARC 3 and ARC 4. The knowledge, all the magic progression, and the friendships Zorian built and lost all played an irreplaceable spotlight in this final installment. I truly appreciate this. Characters or storylines I thought weren’t important turned out to be integral. Like Silverlake, for example. And with this decision, I felt more invested in the supporting characters, their actions, and their feeling for Zorian.

“Of course I’m not fine with it!... It’s just… if I have to murder my friends to survive, then what’s the point of all this power and knowledge? It’s not… it’s not how I want to live my life, okay?”

For years I stopped myself from trying out web novels. Many have voiced their opinions that web novels are filled with incredible stories but unpolished writings. Although I cannot say the same for other web novels, I did not feel that in Mother of Learning. This could be because I read the editions published by Wraithmarked instead of the web novels, so feel free to enlighten me on this. From my experience, though, the series may not contain the most beautiful writings or passages, but it is accessible, well-polished, and the pacing never felt distracting. If you like Sanderson's style of accessible and vivid writing that focuses more on the narrative than the beauty of the prose, you might click well with Kurmaic's prose. This series began as a time-loop magical school fantasy series, and it did not stay that way as Zorian started adventuring outside Cyoria's magical academy in volume 2 and beyond. The world of Altazia is rich with history, and personally speaking, the way the intricate lore and legends were delivered in an info-dump manner was a bit difficult for me to register. This changed in the latter half of the series, and although I wouldn't call Mother of Learning an action-oriented series, every volume in the series undoubtedly have pivotal and impactful confrontations. But no battle scenes in the first three volumes reached the stakes or the quality and quantity encounters in Mother of Learning: ARC 4. The final volume of the series has some jaw-dropping moments in the middle and last section of the novel. And the 100 pages climax sequences were totally magnificent, in my opinion. Those who have read it will know what I'm talking about. I am talking about the "I Win" chapters. These were badass and extremely well done. You have to read it and find out for yourself.

“He was Zorian Kazinski, third son of a minor merchant family from Cirin, accidental time traveler, and quite possibly the most powerful human mind mage in all of Altazia…”

There are many valid and believable reasons that Mother of Learning became one of the most popular and highly-praised web novel fantasy series. Mother of Learning: ARC 4 is my favorite of the entire series, and this is one of the relatively few series consistently superb from the beginning to the end. Do not let the stigma on web novels stop you from trying Mother of Learning. Great storytelling can be brilliant in any medium. If you love reading time-loop fantasy series with a coming-of-age and magical school trope, I cannot recommend Mother of Learning highly enough. The tale of Zorian Kazinski will be one to remember, and it has sparked my interest in trying out more fantasy web novels to read. Nobody103 is currently writing and publishing a new web novel series in the root of epic fantasy subgenre titled Zenith of Sorcery. And I am confident it will be another amazing fantasy series. Once more chapters are out in Zenith of Sorcery, I will immerse myself in the author's next venture. Before that, you have plenty of time to catch up with nobody103's engaging first series: Mother of Learning. And I hope you will have a blast with it as much as I did.

Series Review:

Mother of Learning ARC 1: 4.5/5 stars
Mother of Learning ARC 2: 4.5/5 stars
Mother of Learning ARC 3: 4.5/5 stars
Mother of Learning ARC 4: 4.5/5 stars

Mother of Learning: 18/20 stars

You can order this book from: Amazon

You can find this and the rest of my reviews at Novel Notions | I also have a Booktube channel

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Profile Image for Huda Al-Mossalli.
298 reviews20 followers
April 21, 2023
wow oh wow what a conclusion

thought reading each arc, I had small issues with the immense amount of details that I found unnecessary, however, with the magnitude of awesomeness of this story, it was worth it every time, and it is indeed worth it with this amazing conclusion.

Before spoilers, I have to say, this story has my favorite epilogue ever, it was just absolute perfection, I was so immersed with every word.


This book started with a bang (at least I think so, cuz I read this a few months ago, before it was put on goodreads) 😂... so it was intense and stressing from the start.

We have been in a very serious unknown situation in arc 1 and slowly getting to know things, and with this part being the last. I wondered how it will wrap up and if it's possible to even have a satisfying ending.

It was so satisfying to see that everyone in the team were working together to just GET THE HELL OUT, and everyone contributing something to this mission and then it got so sad as one by one they died. I couldn't even be mad at the author because it felt very realistic, no plot armor. As much as I loved them and was at the edge of my seat, I knew they couldn't all possibly live. But DAMN did it have to be all of them.

And when Daimen said "you have to live", I was shaking my head and thinking no way. Well .... yes way 😂

When Zorian got out .. FINALLY, cuz I wanted a change of pace.. the stress of not having another chance made this arc much more engaging, it was honestly hard to stop reading.

Everything was perfection, from the revelations, planning, the relationships between the characters, to the mystery of how it'll end.

I especially loved the relationships outside of the loop because the development will stick and not restart, so it felt much more significant.

Zack and Zorian, this wholesome duo, the struggles they went through in whether they can trust each other or not made me so worried but they pulled through and it was written SO WELL.

I'm a bit frustrated that I forgot some stuff that would make this a much more detailed review, but on the bright side, it means I would enjoy the reread in the future much more.

But what I certainly cannot forget is
I win (1)
I win (2)
I win (3)

I thought there was a glitch un my ebook but noooo

It was the most well written, thought out, and emotional ending (endings) for a series. I mean it's sooo creative. That's why the epilogue was fantastic, with the stress this emotional roller coaster caused me, the wholesomeness of the epilogue was so refreshing.
83 reviews1 follower
April 5, 2023
4.8/5 - It’s such a great story. Keeps you ensnared with its action and intensity, and the conclusion is well set up. I can’t give this a perfect rating because I really wanted more from the epilogue. So many of Zorians relationships were left lacking. Zach and Zorian never interact after the big fight which really upset me. In addition, Zorian spent a lot of time learning about himself thru the books, and Kirielle was the spark that really pushed that change. Their interactions were always my favorite in earlier books, but were nonexistent here.
Ah well, maybe Dom will write that sequel one day and we can have a sort of anthologyish adventurous recap with all of the people that Zs owed something to.
Profile Image for Russell Gray.
566 reviews100 followers
April 22, 2023
This was quite the experience and I can't immediately think of another series that stayed as intriguing and entertaining from beginning to end. If I had any mixed feelings, they probably happened somewhere during the second volume, but things in book three escalated and then this last volume delivered an epic finale that brought everything full circle.

Bonus points for being the only time-loop story that involved more than one or two characters I really enjoyed and became invested in.
Profile Image for William Howe.
1,593 reviews69 followers
April 8, 2023
best loop

I believe this is the best time-Loop series. I am again glad to pay the author for hours of previous enjoyment.
Profile Image for Tony.
4 reviews
May 15, 2023
What a fantastic finale to such classic web novel. To many of us Royal Road readers we know that this book essentially defined the genre as far as LitRPGs and modern cultivation novels go. This book like all the other MOL parts was very action packed with lots of fun big brain maneuvers by Zorian and some light hearted comedy. Can’t really go wrong. Just a feel good fantasy with a nice time loop spin on things. Was still surprised by some of the twists and was on the edge of my seat at the end waiting to see what crazy thing Zorian would do to get the perfect run!

Alas this was a very fun book to read and was truly inspirational that it was written by an amateur author. However some of the vocabulary was a bit overused and certain dialog was choppy and lacking depth. Although the pacing was pretty consistent and swell some parts that were skipped over would have made for good extra content. The end felt a tad rushed and I was a little disappointed by the prologue and what parts the author decided to explain and wrap up.

I would absolutely recommend this book but make sure you know what you are getting yourself into when deciding to read this epic! Also excited to see that it is now fully recorded as an audio book in audible! So cool!
Profile Image for Sero.
514 reviews59 followers
April 15, 2024
basically, this is not a series, but a book separated in 4 parts.
2652 pages of a time-loop, and not a single dull moment.
no romance. just adventure and occasional action (in the last two books).
if you like stories about learning and becoming better (in different fields), finding friends, connecting with siblings, proving themselves wrong about people and situations, etc. this might be for you. also, this has spiders (as characters) 💞
Profile Image for Ivan Chernov.
171 reviews8 followers
October 17, 2023
Финальная арка мне понравилась меньше всего, как и автору кажется что было слишком затянуто. Главное, что все ружья выстрелили, даже оставили задел на какой-то сиквел/вбоквел. В общем, главное что не раскрыли для меня, так это жизнь после..
Profile Image for Chris Durston.
Author 18 books31 followers
April 25, 2023
Well, that wraps that up. I've really enjoyed Mother of Learning in its four arcs - this final one is, I think, a fitting end. It maybe comes to a close a little abruptly, but given the length of the thing to this point it would probably become pretty draggy pretty quickly if you tried to wrap up every loose thread. I did think the prose in this arc was in places noticeably weaker than in the previous ones ('like an ominous figure' was perhaps my favourite non-simile), but it continues to be highly readable. I got through this 600-page book in much less time than my last read took me at half the length.

Mother of Learning as a whole is just a really well done progression fantasy that's well worth a read for fans of the genre.
10 reviews
October 8, 2023
i liked the part when they went "it's learning time" and the learned all over the place
Profile Image for Mikhail Korobko.
71 reviews
March 20, 2023
Онлайн-эпос о приключениях юного волшебника, которые уже вышел в виде 4 книг по 600 страниц в каждой. Надо было сжать раз в 5 и было б шикарно. А так…

Начинается все за здравие: в условно ДнДшном мире мальчик, учащийся на волшебника, попадает во временную петлю. Один месяц будет повторяться для него снова и снова. Он будет учиться, развивать свои способности как мага, противостоять разным врагам и все как положено в жанре. Первую книгу следить за всем этим ужасно интересно. Написано средненько, прямо скажем: описаний нет, все герои на ��дно лицо, характеров у героев толком нет. Но вот экшен, постоянные скелеты в шкафах и твисты - замечательно!

Дальше становится похуже. Герой проводит в петле уже не один год. Приключения продолжаются, но герой не меняется ровно никак. По возрасту он уже должен быть взрослый мужик, но ведет себя как подросток. И собственно кроме разных изощренных описаний работы магии и магических существ, происходит не так много всего. Т.е. сюжет движется, но по сути ничего не меняется: новая умелка, преодоление, следущий месяц. Чисто описание летсплея какой-то компьютерной рогалик-РПГ. Это все еще увлекательно, но утомляет: хочется каких-то отношений между героями, эмоций, хоть что-то кроме построения мира.

Оно все тянется и тянется, и никак не кончается. Можно было бы перелистнуть к концовке, но там столько деталей на каждой главе, что концовку не понять без этого. Сама концовка, кстати, довольно бодрая (хотя финал меня разочаровал), и это немного вытягивает общее впечатление.

Книгу часто преподносят, как еще один HPMOR, но это очень далеко от правды. Тут мало логики в поступках, постоянно рояли в кустах и deus ex machina, где надо и не надо. Автор темнит, вроде как ради интриги, он по сути просто вываливает в итоге на нас очередной “а вот кстати, у нашего героя есть еще такая абилка, он в тайне от читателя ее развил, и вот сейчас эту бронтозябру ей скукожит”. Очень раздражало.

В итоге, я получил удовольствие, по большей части было увлекательно (особенно по началу), но порекомендовать не могу. Это хорошая книга, когда хочется чего-то максимально легкого и ненапряжного, чтобы вообще не думать про героев, мотивы, сюжет и прочее, и просто получать удовольствие от течения истории в моменте.
2 reviews
June 18, 2023
I just have one word to say AMAZINGGGGGGGGG
The entire book collection from Arc 1 to 4 has flaws I know but I can say that it is worth it, I am going to do a whole Arc review
ARC 1: Hmm Arc 1 was kind of slow but very interesting the problem I have with this author is that he tends to over-explain a lot even things that does not need to be explained like some thoughts and actions but overall the whole arc was actually amazing and really a good beginning to the whole book I also like the perspective of magic the author employed in the whole book like the use of math and geometry and such
ARC 2: I will say that arc 2 to me was just kind of a filler I felt it was not needed actually three books will have been enough but needlessly to say it was okay
ARC 3: whoosh arc 3 it was the leading part to the end of the book so you could tell it was going to be mind-blowing this entire arc just majorly confirms like most things and doubt and honestly I really didn't want Zorian to recruit people but the way the author wrote their involvement was amazing just so you know you are going to love Xzim and hate Silverlake just saying
ARC 4: This arc has to be the most mind-blowing shit the way the author leads everything written in the previous arc to this moment is amazing and let me just say Zorian is the SHIT like that boy is amazing.
Overall Evaluation:
The world building is actually really good there is no loopholes I think the only thing the author didn't really get into was like their currency which wasn't quite needed so its calm, The plot is abousetly one sided actually but its a good plot what I didnot like was that the whole point of the series is literally just one objective but the amazing part is that the author made it work.So overall I give this like a 4.5/5 The series is long and will mostly bore you at a point but it is WORTH IT 🫡
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
1 review
July 7, 2024
To write a review doing the book justice would be hard so I'll try to summarize my favorite points. I loved how the readers felt the same way zorian did when he learned new information (like how we all thought taivern was a bad friend at first for not reaching out the entire loop in the beginning but she was just dead lol). I loved the fact that there was someone who faced everything zorian faced, as many time travel or loop books leave the reader saddened by the fact that their mc shoulders the suffering of the loop in solidarity with none the wiser of his plight. I loved the relationship building between him and his sister and the satisfying final month. I loved that silverlake got what she deserved. I look foward to the potential slice of life book for this series that the author mentioned. The only thing I wished was that there would be more slice of life at the end of arc 4 to see the reactions of the main cast but that desire is only out of my appreciation for this book and its world. To anyone concisdering reading this amazing series I would say just do it. You won't regret it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
154 reviews
January 31, 2024
I thought the ending of the last book was intense, but this one definitely beat it. I liked the shifts that the characters had to make in this book due to the different contracts and the new limitations that they couldn't violate. I am being purposely vague here so I don't spoil anything, but the build up and final chapters of this book are fantastic, this series is well worth the read if you like a magic system, education, and world that actually makes sense with relatable characters, difficult choices, and a solid satisfying conclusion.
Profile Image for Lukas Lovas.
1,323 reviews66 followers
June 1, 2023
Fairly satisfying ending to the series and what a trip it was! Worth reading and I'll likely re-read this in a few years once I forget most of the details :)
Profile Image for Philip.
30 reviews1 follower
July 18, 2023
zach and zorian are GAY oh my god this was so painful. good storyline and satisfying ending otherwise though.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ty MaC.
75 reviews
January 20, 2024

Magic school
Time loop litRPG so much fun.

Just such a fun read will have a review for whole series soon.
Profile Image for Mia.
33 reviews2 followers
March 4, 2024
This book series was one of the best things I’ve ever read, I consumed it like some drug and wow this was just an amazing read!

Thank you so much for this nobody ❤️‍🔥
Profile Image for anemone.
183 reviews7 followers
June 19, 2024
4.75 stars

I love when all the threads tie up nicely and there were A LOT of threads honestly. Could this series do with a bit of finessing and editing? Sure but all in all, it's pretty up there on the list of well-thought out epic fantasies.

Geek warning alert but I recommend this to anyone who enjoys both reading traditional fantasy books and shonen anime.
Profile Image for James Halski.
37 reviews1 follower
April 26, 2024
Book was pretty good, the ending battle was something but the entire thing did seem rather PG-13. I mean come on, a big battle and none of our beloved main characters die? You gotta take a least one out to give us the "oh shit" factor. Other than that, pretty good story.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
51 reviews
December 13, 2023
I was disappointed by this conclusion on several fronts:

1. The exit from the time loop was too abrupt and lacklustre.

2. The Red Robe reveal was meaningless given that the character didn’t feature in any significant way in the story.

3. It’s a shame that Zorian is bothering to try to hide his abilities. I really expected him to write a book called Mother of Learning with most of the knowledge he gained in the time loop to make magic more accessible to people like his sister.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nevergreen.
761 reviews15 followers
May 16, 2023
A great conclusion to the end that felt earned. If you've gotten this far in the seriess you already know what you're in for, so there is not much more to say about the prose it's similar to what we've gotten all along. A few things where handed to Zorian, but with how many things had to be lined up and the length of the series, some things just needed to get done. The wrap up at the very end could have been more satisfying if more had been shown, especially interactions between Zach and Zorian, or the fallout from everything, but I did like the momemt between Zorian and his sister. I want more but feel satisfied. If the author puts out something else I will pick it up.
Profile Image for Roger Caramanica.
38 reviews2 followers
September 27, 2023
Overall, this was a good story in 4 parts. With that said, this seriously could have done with some heavier editing when it was moved from a web serial to a book. Honestly, each 600+pg installment could have been culled down to 300-400 and saved room in this last arc for even more closure.
Worth the time but it does slog a little due to this.
Profile Image for Farshad Torkashvand.
Author 1 book2 followers
June 24, 2024
The lesson that I learned was that an overwhelming power shouldn't be handed down to an idiot with a good heart. They tended to cause more pain and destruction than being a solution to a problem.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 190 reviews

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