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Same Soul, Many Bodies: Discover the Healing Power of Future Lives through Progression Therapy

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The bestselling author of Many Lives, Many Masters breaks new ground to reveal how progression therapy into future lives can help transform us in the present.

How often have you wished you could peer into the future? In Same Soul, Many Bodies, Brian L. Weiss, M.D., shows us how. Through envisioning our lives to come, we can influence their outcome and use this process to bring more joy and healing to our present lives. Dr. Weiss pioneered regression therapy -- guiding people through their past lives. Here, he goes beyond that to demonstrate the therapeutic benefits of progression therapy -- guiding people through the future in a scientific, responsible, healing way.

Through dozens of case histories detailing both past-life and future-life experiences, Dr. Weiss shows how the choices that we make now will determine our future quality of life. From Samantha, who overcame academic failure once she learned of her future as a great physician, to Evelyn, whose fears and prejudices ended after she envisioned prior and forthcoming lives as a hate victim, Dr. Weiss gives concrete examples of lives transformed by regression and progression therapy.

A groundbreaking work, Same Soul, Many Bodies is sure to deeply affect peoples' lives as they strive toward their future.

240 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2004

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About the author

Brian L. Weiss

61 books2,157 followers
As a traditional psychotherapist, Dr. Brian Weiss was astonished and skeptical when one of his patients began recalling past-life traumas that seemed to hold the key to her recurring nightmares and anxiety attacks. His skepticism was eroded, however, when she began to channel messages from "the space between lives," which contained remarkable revelations about Dr. Weiss's family and his dead son. Using past-life therapy, he was able to cure the patient and embark on a new, more meaningful phase of his own career.

A graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School, Brian L. Weiss M.D. is Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami.

Dr. Weiss maintains a private practice in Miami. In addition, Dr. Weiss conducts national and international seminars and experiential workshops as well as training programs for professionals.

(from the author's webpage)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 417 reviews
Profile Image for Abbey.
940 reviews2 followers
November 10, 2014
I love reading books like this not because I agree with everything he writes but because I believe in the possibility of it. It also reminds me to not be judgemental of others journey and beliefs. The insistence of religion is fear of not knowing. I don't mind not knowing. Also, I would like to live in a world where we are all progressing toward compassion and love, so it seems like a nice possibility. Whether or not he met Jesus Christ is debatable and I wish it didn't, but it ruined his credibility for a bit. I put the book down for a week after reading that paragraph.

However, there were some great parts in the book that I think everyone would enjoy. Near the end of the book he writes, "Anger management, health, empathy, compassion, patience and understanding, nonviolence, relationships, security, destiny and free will, contemplation and meditation, spirituality: all these are steps to immortality. All of these must be mastered now or in the future in our journey to the one soul. And all these are facets of the greatest virtue, which is love." page 195

In the chapter on spirituality he writes, "I've seen religious people committing acts of violence and inciting others to acts of war... To me their attitude is completely unspiritual, no matter what you religion espouses. Indeed, it marks the difference between religion and spirituality. You do not need religion to be spiritual; you can be atheist and still be kind and compassionate." "My conception of God is of a loving, wise energy that is in every cell of our bodies." He continues, "Are you a kind person here on earth, getting joy from your existence, causing no harm, and doing good to others? This is the essence of life, essential to our journey upward, and it doesn't seem complicated. But too many of us haven't yet mastered these lessons of spirituality. We are selfish, materalistic and lacking in empathy and compassion. Our urge to do good is subsumed by our desire to be physically comfortable." 181
Profile Image for Wellington.
697 reviews23 followers
January 16, 2008
This is the book – or more specifically the book signing that led me to make an appointment with Valerie. It’s a fascinating story line in my life but there are better and clearer stories in Same Soul, Many Bodies.

Brian Weiss while looking into past lives noticed that sometimes people talk about the future as well! It’s impossible to verify the truth of the future like the past. In his interpretation, the future is not concrete but an infinite number of possibilities and choices. It is mind boggling the amount of choices each of us make and the infinite permutations when you aggregate all of our choices together.

Perhaps, it’s more important to see where the future MAY lay if we continue our current path and where the future MAY lay if we make a different choice. Somewhere in our sub-conscious, we know.

Worth a read but it didn’t he me as hard as his first book, Many Lives, Many Masters.
Profile Image for Julie Achterhoff.
Author 7 books22 followers
December 3, 2009
This is a fascinating book on past and future life regression by a well respected psychologist. He gives case studies of a few well-chosen clients. It was very interesting to learn how helpful regression can be to people. They regress to a past life and are then able to understand their current lives more clearly. It can actually make huge positive changes in their current lives.
What interested me the most was the progressions into the future. A lot of them had strikingly similarities for specific time periods in the future. One of them even had a memory that I include as a possibility as the theme of my own book, Quantum Earth; that human thought is responsible for natural disasters. In this one client's lifetime in the distant future groups of people get together to psychically prevent tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. That was exciting to read about.
All in all, Brian Weiss is a good storyteller as well as a great human being.
Profile Image for Claire.
741 reviews324 followers
November 11, 2019
I was given this to read on a day I had to take two flights and sit for hours in an airport and it was the perfect read, with lots of interesting case studies delving into the benefit of using past life regression to uncover and heal from blockages or recurring patterns that keep people back from progressing in their lives.

It is fascinating how the hypnotic process can access/create stories that make it easier for the individual to identity their own patterns in a way that the intellect/ego doesn't allow or even prevents us from doing.

Weiss even takes this process one step further and gets some patients who he thinks will benefit from it, to access future versions of their lives, for example, if they overcome the block, or if they don't.

I once attended a seminar out of curiosity where past life regression was facilitated in small groups and have experienced for myself doing this both for myself and also for a complete stranger. Absolutely fascinating and most definitely empowering, without requiring any form of belief.
30 reviews3 followers
February 20, 2010
My mom's gotten into new age stuff, and I borrowed this one from her. It's hard to believe in reincarnation, much less the multiple universe of souls and the "Masters" that the author talks about. Yet, if his stories about what people experience under hypnosis is even half true... then it's really amazing. As he notes, it doesn't matter if people really experienced those past or future lives; but the metaphor and the emotions they gain from those insights can and often does heal their current problems. All the cases he writes are very positive - life changing psychiatry visits. If this is the case, then why isn't the whole world doing this? I want to know if everyone experiences this in hypnosis; what about the cases he didn't write about?

Skepticism aside, the idea that souls reincarnate, that they are immortal, and that we are souls having a physical experience (rather than physical bodies having a spiritual experience) appeals to me. At one point, someone says under hypnosis that we are here on earth in a physical body to enjoy our time here - that's why we've been given the senses. That seems a lot better than the traditional Buddhist understanding of, we are here on earth to suffer, life is suffering, and you meditate and improve in order to stop having to reincarnate. Also, many people and loved ones reincarnate together life after life - though usually in harmful relationships... comforting, in the face of losing someone, to know that you will see them again in another lifetime.

Not sure if I believe in it all... but it's certainly food for thought. Hope it's true! Will update this review if I ever get hypnotized and regressed...
Profile Image for Stacey M.
70 reviews18 followers
March 7, 2009
Another fantastic book by Brian Weiss. I am a complete believer in reincarnation after reading almost all of his books. He once was a complete skeptic, but after too much evidence of continued lives in different roles with the same spirit groups could no longer deny patient after patient regressing and progressing to past and now future lives. Again, the message, it is all about love.
Profile Image for Saiisha.
77 reviews59 followers
December 9, 2015
Ever since I started my blog, I find that I'm having to defend any topics of conversation regarding reincarnation even though that's only incidental to the rest of the topics I talk about. (Not the people who follow my blog - they happen to be in alignment with what I'm talking about, but others who run into this topic from an outside perspective.)

What is it about reincarnation that rubs some people the wrong way? It's just a belief, like any other. None of us really know without experiencing death, what's on the other side of it. Neither do those who question reincarnation - how do they know it doesn't exist?

So I rely on recommending books like these that have tons of case studies and examples, and hopefully give them something to think about from a different perspective.

I love the work that Dr Brian Weiss did, and continues to do - it's his lifework, and so many of us benefit from it through his books!

-Saiisha, www.NestInTheForest.com
Profile Image for Sarba Roy.
10 reviews33 followers
July 6, 2015
A powerful book, one that has the ability to change one's perspective about life as a whole. It is not preachy, nor are the ideas forceful, yet this book grows within oneself, like a tree with million branches. It opens the gates of one's mind and add beauty to one's life!

A must read for anyone who is way too troubled by the petty troubles in one's life and is seeking greater understanding and the big-picture thinking.
Profile Image for Andrés.
30 reviews
July 3, 2024
Comentar qué Brian Weiss es uno de mis autores favoritos y este libro me sorprendió , los testimonios de las personas que fueron ayudadas por el autor es sorprendente se ganó las cinco estrellas .
Profile Image for Priyanka.
249 reviews53 followers
March 17, 2020
Over the years, I had established an understanding of Karma and developed a faith in karmic consequences. However, the happenings in the world shook my faith in all of humanity and Universal justice.

Same Souls, Many Bodies came to me at just the right time. Born into a Hindu family, I came to believe in reincarnation, karma and it's consequences. It was a given. We pay for past deeds and will pay for our current ones as well. What I did not grasp was the depth of this teaching. We believe that some people can remember their past. We get our horoscopes read to know what lies in our future. What we don't pause to reflect on is that if there was a way to predict the future, it means that a future already exists. That time as we know it in days, months and years is abstarct. The past, present and future coexist.

But, where?

The answer is in human consciousness. What we know as 'Chitragupta's records' or the 'Akashic records' in the west. Every thought, every deed is documented and stored. We share an universal consciousness (Vasudeva Kutumbam). This universal consciousness doesn't depend on religion but on Karma. Karma depends on intention. When we do a deed with the right intention, i.e kindness, love, gratitude, patience, consideration, compassion, we create positive Karma and when it's done with negative intentions like greed, hate, selfishness, arrogance, it creates negative Karma.

Every lifetime has a lesson that soul comes to learn. We can do that as Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Agnostics, Atheists or any faith. These are labels we are born into or may choose for ourselves. The bigger picture is to become a better soul. To experiences feelings and pain in the human form. We are here to learn. To do better. To break the cycles of our negative Karmas.

As put by the Christian mystic Pierre Teilhard de Chardin- You are not a human being having a spiritual experience; you are a spiritual being having a human experience."

This book is a wonderful start to understanding this human experience.
Profile Image for Humera.
19 reviews16 followers
October 15, 2020
A friend of mine had recommended this book to me long back and although am not a believer, I like to keep an open mind. Hence I picked this book, which talks about the concept of reincarnation. And I must say I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book! The writer's style is very engaging and he even takes care of cynics like me which was a delight! :) Definitely one of the best books I have read this year.
6 reviews4 followers
November 30, 2009
Everybody is familiar with past life regression; however, I was not enlightened about future progression both within a current lifetime and lives to come. The Utopian vision in about a thousand years sounds awesome. Too bad many don't realize that they create their own reality and can change their karma and their lives for the better by replacing fear and doubt with love and faith.
9 reviews
October 8, 2014
I am not the same person I was, after reading this book. I am blessed to have read boooks written by Dr. Brian Weiss. Its my third book by Dr. Weiss. And honestly, I have only improved,,,always,, And will keep progressing towards Oneness !!
Profile Image for Priya Pile.
1 review
February 3, 2015
This book is good but not as good as Many Live, Many Masters. I kind of had an issue with one case, where his patient is a Pakistani girl 500 years ago. But, there was no Pakistan 500 years ago! Pakistan didn't come into being until August, 1947. Just curious.
96 reviews3 followers
April 11, 2012
I just LOVE these kinds of books. Call me crazy, but could there be something to this? I've read his "Many Live, Many Masters" a few years ago on recommendation from my sister. Wonderful reading.
March 6, 2024
"Muchos cuerpos, una misma alma" es una obra fascinante que explora profundamente el concepto de la reencarnación y su impacto en nuestra percepción de la vida y la muerte. Lo que más me ha impresionado del libro es cómo aborda la idea de que, aunque nuestros cuerpos físicos puedan perecer, nuestras almas son inmortales, viviendo a través de múltiples existencias y cuerpos a lo largo del tiempo.

El autor nos lleva en un viaje espiritual, argumentando que cada vida es simplemente un eslabón en la cadena de nuestro viaje eterno del alma. Esta perspectiva nos invita a mirar más allá del miedo a la muerte física y a entenderla como una transición más en el ciclo de la vida, donde el final de una existencia es simplemente el principio de otra.

Además, el libro toca un tema resonante: la sanación de heridas y traumas de vidas pasadas. Muchas veces, los retos y dificultades que enfrentamos en nuestra vida actual pueden tener sus raíces en experiencias pasadas de nuestro alma. Reconocer y sanar estas heridas puede ser crucial para nuestro crecimiento y bienestar en la vida presente.

"Muchos cuerpos, una misma alma" no solo es una lectura que invita a la reflexión, sino que también ofrece una visión esperanzadora y renovada sobre la muerte y el proceso de reencarnación. Es un recordatorio poderoso de que nuestra existencia es mucho más profunda y conectada de lo que solemos percibir.

En resumen, este libro es una lectura obligatoria para aquellos interesados en la espiritualidad, el misterio de la vida más allá de la muerte y la sanación del alma a través de las vidas.
Profile Image for Reading with Tara.
411 reviews8 followers
August 4, 2022
Another very good book by Mr. Weiss further exploring the phenomena of past lives and how those experiences play a role in the current dimension.
Profile Image for Juliana Morgensten.
441 reviews5 followers
February 10, 2022
Em Muitas Vidas, Uma Só Alma, Brian já está bastante conhecido por seus livros, palestras e atendimentos e também mais a vontade para dar seus pareceres sobre as questões, principalmente por ter se tornado especialista e referência quando o assunto é regressão e vidas passadas.

Ao todo, o livro conta com 14 capítulos e mais a parte pré-textual, a nota do autor, prefácio e depois os clássicos da Editora. E durante toda a narrativa, Brian vai contando casos atendidos por ele, como o paciente chegou e depois das regressões e de tudo que ficou sabendo de outras vidas e das próximas também.

Sendo assim, inicia falando sobre a imortalidade, onde o autor conta a sua própria história e depois sobre George e sua raiva, as saúdes espirituais e físicas de Victoria, Evelyn e Michelle, Samantha e Max: empatia, Hugh e Chitra: compaixão, Paul e a necessidade de paciência e compreensão, Emily, Joyce, Roberta e Anne e a não violência, Bruce e os relacionamentos, segurança e Patrick, John e o livre-arbítrio e destino, a necessidade da contemplação e meditação, David e a espiritualidade, Jennifer e Cristina e as questões do amor nos mais variados aspectos e o futuro e Gary.

Durante todas as explicações, o autor vai discorrendo sobre os temas misturando com as histórias e é impossível não rolar alguma identificação com algum personagem. Além disso, faz o leitor refletir sobre algum aspecto da vida e... querer fazer uma regressão imediatamente para se entender em alguma questão. O mais importante é que Brian deixa claro a importância de: Não adianta tudo isso, se a pessoa não querer mudar e olhar pra si mesmo e todos os seus assuntos particulares nesta existência. E ainda deixa claro que o indivíduo tem somente um espírito e dentro desse espírito já se passaram muitas almas, inclusive a que está sendo habitada naquele / neste momento. Além disso, em meio os textos, vai colocando exercícios para o leitor ir fazendo e ajudando na busca do autoconhecimento em todos os aspectos.

O texto é de fácil entendimento, possui um padrão com o título e depois o discorrer da narrativa de alguém. A leitura é densa e pausas são necessárias para reflexões e entendimentos. Por já estar dominando totalmente o assunto e se tornado referência como comentei anteriormente, nesta obra parece que estamos diante de um psicológico. É incrível e sensível ao mesmo tempo.

Profile Image for Shivali Sharma.
19 reviews25 followers
January 8, 2015
If you are among those who think that there exist nothing like doreamon's time machine, then wait. Dr.Brian Weiss explained about the techniques of regression and progression in this book. He puts forward the stories of his various patients who underwent the regression and progression techniques. And this doctor cured his hopeless patients and made them more optimistic beings through regression. All the stories mentioned in the book are pretty much interesting and captivating. Author's writing is smart enough because he explains the very important issues of a human's life through the stories only. Anger management, patience, love, compassion,empathy, wars and the complex cycle of human bodies etc. are discussed in a very interesting manner. He solves the mystery of souls of present world into an another world. Author quotes many intriguing words in the book to fall in love with!
One of them goes as follow "But we are our fathers, just as we will be our children. Only love and compassion could break the cycle."
If you are the one caught in the maze of philosophy then you must read this!
Happy reading :)
Profile Image for Mariana.
355 reviews28 followers
November 10, 2021
en este libro el Dr Weiss expone casos de sus pacientes que realizaron terapia de vidas pasadas. La novedad es que aqui también hicieron visitas al futuro, técnica que se denomina progresión.
...Cada vida es una experiencia de aprendizaje y, si extraemos enseñanzas de las existencias pasadas, podremos modificar el presente a nuestro libre albedrío, un libre albedrío consciente, claro, el libre albedrío del alma. No podemos aprenderlo todo en una sola existencia, pero no importa, porque disponemos de infinitas vidas que aún están por llegar...
Las visitas al futuro no significa que debe ser así, pero sirve para poder tomar decisiones en este presente para que lleguemos al futuro...siempre estamos decidiendo, siempre podemos cambiar el futuro al cual queremos llegar. Al menos yo concuerdo con eso.
Somos muchos cuerpos en una sola alma...puedes creerlo o no, cada uno tiene su propia creencia, y está perfecto que así sea.
Profile Image for Angie Rojas.
90 reviews2 followers
November 29, 2019
He leído varios libros de Brian Weiss, me encanta conocer las experiencias que él tiene con las regresiones que realiza a sus pacientes y cómo estás ayudan a resolver sus problemas. En este libro en particular las progresiones hacia el futuro son pieza clave para brindar a sus pacientes un mejor presente para vivir otras vidas más felices.
November 14, 2023
Cuenta la experiencia de muchos paciente, como fueron mejorando sus vidas a través de las regresiones y progresiones.
Me hizo pensar y reflexionar de varios puntos en mi vida actual y cómo influyen mis decisiones en el presente.
La mayor enseñanza que tuve del libro es que somos inmortales, que la paciencia y el amor sobre todo este último es esencial para poder trascender.
Profile Image for Dr. Kashmira Gohil.
Author 3 books21 followers
March 11, 2020
As expected from this renowned author, Dr. Brian Weiss, this book is about past life regressions through hypnosis of patients to solve their present life issues. What was not expected was the future progression of his patients. Now, that's a new angle. 'Same soul, many bodies' talks about the past regression along with future progression of patients who visited the author, a known psychological healer & therapist, for various issues in their lives. Through hypnosis induced by the author, they got the memories of their past lives to get to the root of the problems in their present lives- just as weaved in to two earlier bestseller books of the authors, which I loved & often recommend- 'Many lives, many masters' & 'Messages from the masters'. Here in this book, the author tries to progress his patients in to their future too which they can vividly see with multiple possibilities, from which they have to choose one good path, in order to get the desirable end they wish for in this present life. It seems more like a fantasy or wish fulfilling of these patients but I think, as long as they can get rid of their chronic issues & get the happy endings of their lives, that's okay. That's what the mind therapists are for!! Dr. Weiss divided chapters of this book on roller coaster ride of various emotions as anger management, compassion, empathy, patience & understanding, to destiny, free will, contemplation, meditation and relationships to Love-the ultimate, as his different patients (& all of us) need to learn in order to embede these lessons to evolve their soul in to higher consciousness in next life, suggesting that we all are basically immortal beings & come back to this planet or other, again & again in different forms & with our same loved ones to learn different lessons. Each of these patients ultimately get healed as they recall memories of their past lives through regression sessions & get extraordinary visions of their future lives, as they see it through progression by hypnosis. The author declares some astonishing things about future of human beings on this globe, based on these visions of some of his patients as to how the earth will be in future in next 100, 200 to 600 years. Green, lush, no animals, more pollution, more crowding, no fatal disease & human beings as light beings etc. As unbelievable some of it sound now, it may very well come true. Nobody living in this era will be able to claim or corroborate, what will be the earth or future generation like after those many years but I stand united with author on one goal- to enrich one's soul, to learn lessons of love, compassion & patience to make our soul peaceful & make our life beautiful at present, on this earth. 3 stars for this one👍
Profile Image for Roma.
166 reviews543 followers
October 19, 2019
Title: Same Soul, Many Bodies

Author: Dr. Brian Weiss

Length: 226 pages

Publisher: Piatkus

Genre: Non-Fiction

My rating: 4.5/5


This book by Dr. Brian Weiss describes the experiences of his patients when he did a Progression Therapy on them along with Regression.

My Take:

I still maintain that Dr. Brian Weiss’s first book Many Lives, Many Masters changed the way I looked at life. It bought me more positivity, more patience, more compassion and I became more giving coz that’s what we get life for. I recommend his first book to almost everyone. The major lesson I learnt from that book is that we are the ones who choose this life even before we are born and hence we should accept and face all situations bravely.

I didn’t want to dilute the teachings from that book and hence refrained from picking another book by him. But when I came across this book, I couldn’t resist picking it up. This book is a food for thought. Many a times, we are stuck on crossroads when we find decision making a challenge. In this book Dr. Weiss describes experiences of various people by taking them into future and helping them to make critical decisions about their life.

This book also teaches us that we need to develop certain qualities in this life to have a better life in future. There are various exercises mentioned to develop some of the qualities.

The future described by patients during their sessions is amazing, feels like a dream. The only thing I missed in this book was conversations with the Masters which was detailed in his first book.

I loved this book as well and taking with me a lot of teachings which probably would enable me in the betterment of my life.
Profile Image for Dima.
42 reviews
November 28, 2022
A well respected psychiatrist shares his experience with patients that underwent Progression or Regression Hypnosis (most cases were about regression hypnosis); a type of hypnosis that allows the patient to remember past life events.

I really like how Dr. Weiss doesn’t suggest or claim that there is a scientific evidence proving what the patients see are actually their past or future lives, he just acknowledges how beneficial hypnosis is, regardless wether you’re a believer in reincarnation or not. He explains how those hypnosis sessions were carried out to heal psychological trauma, phobias, anxiety.. etc, and how it doesn’t matter wether what the patient visualizes is mere fantasy or real past life events, as long as it helps the patient understand their symptoms better and feel better, it’s all that matters, and I totally agree with this approach.

The experiences shared are really fascinating, it amazes me how connecting to our deepest memories can be so helpful!
Profile Image for Alejandra.
101 reviews62 followers
May 12, 2023
Hermosísimo este libro y cómo Weiss nos va contando, en cada capítulo, historias de pacientes que albergan un mismo tema en común como: el amor, la espiritualidad, la sanación, las relaciones personales, entre otros.

Me gustó también cómo combina en sus sesiones las regresiones a vidas pasadas, y las progresiones a posibles futuros para que ambas líneas de tiempo ayuden a la persona, en su presente, a cambiar, decidir diferente o ver las cosas desde otra perspectiva.

Como siempre, un buen libro, bien narrado y sencillo de leer y empatizar.

Profile Image for Laura.
48 reviews20 followers
July 23, 2021
O carte interesanta pentru toti cei care cred in reincarnare, in platile karmice si in evolutia spirituala prin iubire, compasiune, rabdare, intelegere, non-violenta si neincalcarea liberului arbitru al celorlalti oameni. Ce este dincolo de cercul samsarei? Nu aflam. Dar ni se aduce aminte ca suntem in trecere pe acest pamant si, din punct de vedere material, plecam cu nimic. Iar atunci tot ce conteaza este binele pe care il facem.
Profile Image for Karen Jara.
38 reviews
June 21, 2022
Nuevamente usted decide si cree o no, no obstante, este libro nos invita a reflexionar sobre el amor y la comprensión, conceptos muy difíciles de aplicar con quienes nos han dañado en esta vida o en anteriores, por ello, hay un capítulo dedicado a la Meditación como herramienta para lograr el amor verdadero, sin esperar nada a cambio y sin condiciones.
NOTA: Antes de leer este libro, recomiendo leer "Muchas vidas, muchos maestros".
Profile Image for Konark Antani.
1 review1 follower
January 11, 2019
Really good book if you're into spirituality, or psychoanalysis mixed with spirituality. Also, if you want to read about past life regression as a tool to heal yourself by looking into your past and future lives and how they are intertwined together, I would recommend it.
I would, however, recommend reading Many Lives, Many Masters first.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 417 reviews

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