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Empire of the Vampire #2

Empire of the Damned

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From the New York Times bestselling author of the Nevernight Chronicle, Jay Kristoff, comes the much-anticipated sequel to the #1 international bestselling sensation EMPIRE OF THE VAMPIRE.

From holy cup comes holy light;
The faithful hands sets world aright.
And in the Seven Martyrs’ sight,
Mere man shall end this endless night.

Gabriel de León has saved the Holy Grail from death, but his chance to end the endless night is lost. Drawn into an uneasy alliance with the mysterious vampire Liathe, Gabriel must now deliver the Grail to ancients of the Blood Esani, and learn the truth of how Daysdeath might be finally undone.

But the Last Silversaint faces peril, within and without. Pursued by terrors of the Blood Voss, drawn into warfare between the Blood Dyvok and duskdancers of the frozen Highlands, and ravaged by his own rising bloodlust, Gabriel may not survive to see the Grail learn her truth.

And that truth may be too awful for any to imagine.

709 pages, Hardcover

First published February 29, 2024

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About the author

Jay Kristoff

56 books27.1k followers
Jay Kristoff is a #1 international, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of fantasy and science fiction. He is the winner of eight Aurealis Awards, an ABIA, has over two million books in print and is published in over thirty five countries, most of which he has never visited. He is as surprised about all of this as you are. He is 6’7 and has approximately 12,000 days to live.

He does not believe in happy endings.

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Profile Image for Regan Y..
349 reviews16 followers
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August 29, 2023
People who give 1-2 star ratings to books that haven't come out yet are the worst.


We have a title, blurb, and release date!!! What is life!?!
Profile Image for Mike's Book Reviews.
174 reviews7,962 followers
May 16, 2024
Watch my full video review here: https://youtu.be/vZHWf2uB48c

Many thanks to Jay Kristoff for ensuring I got an early ARC to read. You rock, Amigo!

As we return to Daysdeath, Kristoff thankfully gives us a recap of book 1 in the form of a historian telling you briefly of the fate for each character in Empire of the Vampire 3 years ago. But I think he does a great job through character dialogue, both internal and external, of reminding you of the big moments.

There is no sophomore slump here as we jump right back in with Gabe and Dior and holy hell does that relationship just get better and better. The way they talk to each other is just so much bloody fun I almost can't stop laughing. It's well played and you truly believe they care for one another. The biggest improvement, with more page time this go around, is that of The Liathe. This is a character I never would have expected to want so much more of but Kristoff did a great job with character development and you're going to feel some sort of way about her by the end.

The best new (?) character in the book for me was Phoebe. At first I wasn't really sure what her deal was but by the end of the book she's right there with the 2 leads as my favorite in the series and I just couldn't get enough of her. The addition of Lachlan was really good, too.

This is a stellar follow up to book 1, which I did like a bit more due to the painful reduction of page time for the Blood Voss, that continues to raise the stakes and set things up for what should be a thrilling conclusion/continuation (I'll still believe he quits with a trilogy when I see it). If you enjoyed book 1 I see zero chance you will not enjoy this one.
74 reviews3 followers
March 24, 2024
My dude, if the first book is this long (I'm half way through exactly and have been at it literally all day), then how chucky will the trilogy be?! I'm going to get them as ebooks because the weight of physical copies will absolutely break my bookshelf.

Have you considered not writing a trilogy? Spice things up with a duology or, with the amount of content, maybe split it into TWENTY NORMAL SIZED BOOKS?

This was supposed to be a light read. I wasn't supposed to get reeled in with complex world-building and excellent character dynamics. This was my first one of your books, Mr. Kristoff. How was I supposed to know I was going to get an even better Witcher novel than the Witcher novels?

My guy, I have a request: one photo. A photo of the pile of planning papers for just the first book. I want to see how tall it is.
Profile Image for Dave Edmunds.
309 reviews179 followers
April 7, 2024

"There are none more afraid of dying..."

"Than those who live forever."

4.5 ⭐'s

Initial Thoughts

Empire of the Vampire was one of my top reads from last year (2023). For anyone who read my review they'll know I was completely in love, borderline obsession, with this bloody, brutal and spectacular dark fantasy. You see, Aussie sensation Jay Kristoff writes vampires exactly how they were intended. That's as evil, depraved and deadly bloodsucking fiends. None of this Twilight BS! And that is right up my street.

The book gave me everything I'm looking for in a modern fantasy. Violence, action, intrigue and a good dose of dark humour. This is a world where the sun has gone into hiding and that means those evil creatures of the night are free to roam the land...and they're right at the top of that food chain. Humanity is loosing out and its a desperate struggle to survive while hanging on to the hope that there's some way of restoring the sun's power and ending this darkest night.

"A man and his sword can carve a legend. A man and his army can conquer a nation. A man and his god can remake the world. But swords shatter. Armies falter. Gods betray."

Word of warning! If you haven't read that first book then stop reading now. I'm going to spoil the unholy hell out of it. Unless you like being spoiled of course. Still here? Cool.

Empire of the Vampire (EOTV) focused on the central character of Gabriel de Leon, a former Silver Saint, who finds himself in the unfortunate position of being held prisoner and interrogated for his life story. In case you were wondering a Silver Saint is a holy order of half-human, half-vampire knights tasked with the unenviable role of ridding the world of vampires.

It finished with Gabriel saving Dior Lechance, the living embodiment of the holy grail who was on her way to being sacrificed in a ritual intended to end 'days death.' Who knows if it would have actually worked, but Gabriel wasn't taking that chance and massacred the lot of them...just to be on the safe side. You can't be too careful. But has he doomed the earth to eternal darkness? Only time will tell.

The story continues...

The Story

Empire of the Damned picks up exactly where the first book left us. Gabriel is still a captive of Margot Chastain and is recounting his story to 'the Historian,' Jean-Francois. His account picks up as he, along with his crazy, vampire sister Celene, tries to deliver the Grail to a person who may just know how to end daysdeath. But there's a touch of sibling rivalry here that may just present a bit of a problem.

Celene Castia

Gabriel begins to tell the next stages of his life and its tragic beyond belief. The stakes are going up, no pun intended, and there's a whole boat load of new villains who would just love to get acquainted with young Dior Lachance. But I feel like I've said too much already. Just don't be expecting sunshine and rainbows at the end of this one and you'll be fine.

The Writing

I've said it before but I really, really like Jay Kristoff's style. His prose have a way of drawing you in and holding you in the narrative whether you like it or not. Just like my favorite fantasy author, Joe Abercrombie, he finds a real balance of darkness and light. One minute you're laughing, the next you're crying and then you're questioning what type of person you are for finding this horrible stuff so funny.

He also creates a tense atmosphere that permeates the narrative and I really felt it as I was racing through the pages. The minions of hell are rising up to destroy our heroes and it gets claustrophobic at times. But there's always that sense of hope, ready to be dashed on the rocks. The mood it creates is fantastic and I had the feeling I'd been in those bloody encounters along with the heroes.

But the main talking point with Empire of the Damned is how Kristoff adds an additional point of view in order to tell the story. Its a brave move and could have fell flat on its face. But I really appreciated it as you get a different feel from the first novel. I'm not going to spoil things and tell you who that person is. Just know that it's a real contrast that gives an extra dimension, as you begin to question who is telling the truth.

There's also more detailed worldbuilding
for those of you that are into that kind of thing. Yes, I'm talking to all you fantasy nerds out there. You're going to get acquainted with a new vampire house, learn about a strange race known as skinchangers and uncover more about that mysterious vampire faction, the Esani.

And I couldn't finish without mentioning the exquisite illustrations that feature in this book. They represent drawings that the Historian is producing throughout Gabriel's retelling of events and they really do at an extra dimension to the experience. It helps bring everything together and put you right in the moment. You're going to love them.

The Characters

I usually skip this part when reviewing sequels. But you know what? There's a hell of a lot to talk about. First off there's a neat recap on the existing characters from EOTV, which is handy for those that read the first book some time ago. Or those, like me, with an old, alcohol pickled brain.

Then there's some serious character building as pretty much everyone in this story is put through the meat grinder, tested to the limit, and you're given a better grasp of who they really are. With the main character, Gabriel, you begin to see him in a much more human way. Particularly with his relationship with Dior as he moves from being a protector and guide to something more akin to a father. After the loss of his daughter, murdered by vampires in EOTV, its something that comes across as completely plausible. If we're being honest, the loss of a child is the fear all of us parents have buried away in the back of our minds. And Gabriel is living that fear. So it was certainly a heart-warming moment in this often bleak novel.

"There's a solace to be found in sadness. And I understand why ye'd think ye deserve the dark. Easier to find refuge in drink, in rage, to say hell with it all and push everyone away. Because ye think that cold is easier to live with than the pain that could come if ye let the warmth back in, only to burned again. But that's the fire that let's us know we're alive, Gabriel."

But I've got to say I wasn't as keen on the sections that focused solely on Dior with some familiar YA tropes starting to creep in. Yes I'm talking about the young girl boss and the Insta-love. Just a mild criticism, but I certainly prefer her when she's bouncing off Gabriel.

The skinchanger, Phoebe, on the other hand was absolutely fantastic as she becomes one of the central characters. She gets her own backstory and her outlandish character is fully developed. Fierce beyond belief, she also makes mistakes and gets it wrong sometimes. But that's what makes her so endearing.

There's a bit of romance in this one involving Phoebe, and I didn't see it coming, but when it did I'm ashamed to say I actually liked it. It's kind of like a real relationship where its far from perfect, and hilarious things happen, but the two just work together. I'm not saying anymore about it, but just had to mention it as I usually hate romance with a passion. But I did notice that as the story progressed it started to loose that fun element as Phoebe's became more of a boss. So I hope that part isn't lost completely, as that's what made it work for me.

Gabriel's freaky sister Celene becomes a main player. The fact that she's impossible to workout makes her such an intriguing character and a real contrast to Gabriel. Where the latter wears his heart on his sleeve, the former is all mystery and shadow. Let's just say this is what happens when siblings become adults and spend any significant amount of time together.

'the Blackheart' Nikita Dyvok

Then there's those awesome villains that no fantasy epic would be complete without. Although the Blood Voss who provided that aspect so fantastically in the first novel are an ominous threat throughout, they don't feature as much. Centre stage are the Blood Dyvok and they are certainly worthy adversaries. They're barbaric to the extreme, while being intelligent and have a dark sensuality, while they're strength is unparalleled. This made for some highly cinematic action scenes that you're going to love. But we're they as good as the Voss. I'd have to say no, as they just weren't as convincing and did get a bit characture at times.

"You... people...only believe our new world cruel, because in it, for the very first time, thou art the prey."

Final Thoughts

I've got to say I'm loving this series and this is a sequel that was just as compelling as the first book. Maybe not quite as good, but still of a high standard. I may have been a little bit critical. But that's more down to the strength of that epic first book. So I have no reservations about awarding this one 4.5 bloody stars rounded up. Its well worth your time.

It does end on a pretty insane cliffhanger that left me thirsty for more. Its a fantastically addictive reading experience. So roll on book three!

Could this one be read as a standalone? Absolutely not! You'd be missing out on way too much. So read them both. Back to back. Right now. Before I stake you in the heart!

Anything else? Oh yeah. This would make an amazing TV series... So sort it out Netflix!

Thanks for reading and... Cheers!
Profile Image for Damian.
217 reviews34 followers
March 2, 2024

As excellent as this book was whilst reading the majority of it, I found myself waiting for that big, dark, emotional moment to bring it in line with the horror of the first book. To quote Empire’s star protagonist, Gabriel de Leon, well fuck my face, Jay Kristoff once again brought that good shit.

There’s a thing known in the book world as “middle book syndrome”. Some see this as a bad thing, I’m the opposite. Middle books to me always provide the best character development. We already know the characters from the first book, but we get to see them grow in the middle book. Layers are attached to the the story and its characters. Some of my favourite books from a series have fallen in the middle; The Two Towers from Lord of the Rings, The Mad Ship from the Liveship Traders, Words of Radiance from the Stormlight Archive, Golden Son from the first Red Rising trilogy, and of course Godsgrave from Kristoff’s other brilliant dark fantasy series - the Nevernight trilogy. Empire of the Damned without a doubt feels like a middle book, and to me that’s a good thing. We’re provided with some excellent characters arcs here for both Gabe and Dior. We learn so much about the history of the world, as well as much more about the other ruling Vampire noble houses. An entirely new culture is introduced - the skinchangers & duskdancers, which I assume to be Kristoff’s take on Werewolves, adding to the classic Vampires vs Werewolves trope. Jean-Francois, who whilst an interesting character in the first book, very much seemed to be a plot device in which Gabe recounts his story to us, is now fleshed out incredibly in this book. Middle books to me are great, because they’re character work books. A good book will always live and die with its characters for me; and Kristoff delivers with his characters in spades here.

Then we get the books climax. Everything that’s been built up by Kristoff throughout this book, both subtly and overtly, is brought to a head masterfully in the final 100 pages. It’s an intense whirlwind of action and emotion. An exhilarating battle is interwoven with a desperate race against time. A scene to rival the classic moment from Avengers Endgame, yet not half as cheesy as the two forces of light and darkness go at it. I couldn’t peel my eyes away during these pages, it really was fantastic. And if that wasn’t enough, it’s topped off with severe emotional trauma and heartbreak. If you thought The Worst Day from the first book was hard, just you wait for this.

Empire of the Damned is indeed a worthy sequel to the brilliant Empire of the Vampire. It’s once again an atmospheric dark fantasy with scintillating character work, badass battles and Kristoff’s classic dark humour. Plot points that were setup in the first book are built upon greatly in the second outing, with some great new additions to the cast of characters; Lachlan and Phoebe most especially. Sadly, we see less of Aaron de Coste and Baptiste this time around, but the times they are present, as well as their emotional arc in this book, further highlight why they are amongst the strongest characters in the series.

What an insane ride this was. The only thing I have to criticise is that I read this so quick and now I have to wait who knows how fucking long for book 3. Jay Kristoff you magnificent, gutless bastard.
Profile Image for Noelle Snow.
90 reviews77 followers
Want to read
September 19, 2021
This is not even out and people rated it 1 star, why?
Profile Image for Lexi.
603 reviews414 followers
February 26, 2024
My most anticipated sequel! Thanks a million to the publisher for providing me with a physical ARC of this one. I never thought I would be big potatoes enough for something that cool.

Empire of The Damned is the second installment in Jay Kristoff's grimdark epic vampire apocalypse romp and has all of the elements that made the last book fun with a slightly different flavor.

In book one, we were pretty limited to just Gabriel's point of view. In book 2, Gabe is still trapped and telling his story, and so is his long-lost sister Celene- who we have now learned is an Esani Vampire with some wild abilities. Celene can be somewhat omnipresent and thus provides us with some missing information about the stories of several other characters, namely Dior. The additional POV is refreshing. Not only do we get to learn about Celene herself, but Dior takes center stage in this book. Her adventures, struggles, and character open up significantly as we see her through the neutral and largely indifferent lense of Gabe's sister.

This POV also gives us additional insight into the vampire hierarchy, both providing them with much-needed character work and also proving indeed that the lot of them are bastards.

If Empire of the Vampire was half magic school and half apocalyptic survival story, Empire of the Damned is more of a traditional fantasy, focusing mainly on the upcoming battle between ancient vampires and literally everyone else. It, in some ways, has that "middle book" syndrome in the sense that it can be a tad aimless at times, but it's never BORING. The EotV series has designed itself as a long, sprawling epic that has earned its right to take its time and let you sit in its world, soaking it all in. It borrows some of these qualities from beloved 80s-90s classics like Wheel of Time but moves significantly faster. If you have a short attention span, you may find yourself shockingly entertained by this 700-page-long doorstopper. Kristoff's writing style lends itself to making scenes where nothing is happening feel fun.

EotD is also a book where a lot of secrets are revealed. Lingering mysteries set up in book one are wrapped up quite nicely as the vampire apocalypse threat is looming, and our main characters are all fighting to find a way to save the world. The slow drip of worldbuilding and mystery reveals are a huge reason why this series stands so strong. There is absolutely minimal info dumping and exposition. The general frame of mind is that you'll learn more when it's pertinent to the story.

And this time out, the "calm" before the storm gives us a lot of time with our favorite characters and introduces some great new ones. Where Gabe might be a bit confused with a character like Geralt in book 1, it's pretty hard to deny he's a petty pain in the ass in Empire of the Damned. His flaws start laying bare as he loses control over his situation. Dior, Celene, and several other female characters take center stage in this book, with Gabe taking a backseat. He's still getting a ton of love, but if you are a huge fan of EotV's female characters, this book will delight you. As a massive Jean-François fan, I was also not let down by his scenes, which are easily my favorite in the series.

The character relationships- particularly Celene and Gabe, also get a lot of love, though external struggle is the name of the game in Empire of the Damned. This book focuses first and foremost on the complicated and twisted world of the Vampire threat, Particularly how it has affected enslaved Thralls. You still get all the juicy character interactions you have come to want from the series, but again, Empire of the damned follows a more old-school story structure and is setting up a considerable conclusion. I can not state enough that this installment is basically
im not a regular middle book ina. trilogy, I am a FUN middle book in a trilogy"

Finally, as a side note, this is the book that confirms that pretty much every single character in this world is bisexual or gay. If you are looking for queer rep, EotD is going to delight you. If you hate gay people, prepare to be disappointed.

Fans of Kristoff or fans of EotV will truly be rewarded with Empire of the Damned. It is a book that gives so much context to the world that these characters inhabit and puts time and energy into developing a satisfying build-up to the final book. Patience is rewarded in spades, and Kristoff's hyper-approachable and readable writing style makes what could have been a very dry plot into something vibrant and devourable.
Profile Image for James Tivendale.
330 reviews1,385 followers
March 29, 2024
Empire of the Damned continues the bloody and unforgiving tale of the silversaint Gabriel de Leon. Gabriel remains the prisoner of the vampire Margot, the Empress of Wolves and Men, and she wishes for the infamous legend's story to be told to future vampire generations. The historian Jean-François is again the chronicler of these events, even though he and Gabriel did not conclude Empire of the Vampire on the most civil terms. Reluctantly, with many inventive swears and sarcastic wit, Gabriel relays the next stages of his heroic and tragic life. The action picks up with Gabriel, Dior Lachance, and a 'deathless bloodmage' contemplating what to do next regarding the vampire assaults and domination of Elidaen, and how they can go about ending the eternal night of daysdeath.

Gabriel dislikes vampires. Throughout this part of his recounting, he has a vendetta to settle with the most powerful vampire in the empire, Fabien Voss. Although Blood Voss are a constant presence and threat to the Silversaint and those he holds dear, Blood Dyvok are the main adversaries in Empire of the Damned. This house contains brutal, seductive, intelligent vampires, intriguing politics and histories, and are mysteriously much more powerful than they have any right to be. They have recently taken hold of the formidable Dun Maergenn and about forty percent of the novel happens within this city's walls.

Empire of the Damned features an almost perfect mix of familiar characters and new exciting players in Kristoff's well-realised fantasy world. A former Silversaint apprentice of Gabriel's and members of Dun Maergenn's court, both vampire and civilian, make great additions. As mentioned, we are presented insight into yet unfamiliar vampire houses, plus revelations regarding skinchangers, and the holy vampiric faction of the Esani. It makes for gripping and detailed worldbuilding as readers learn further details while Gabriel reflects on his escapades.

While recounting his story, one day to be read to the vampire children of this world, the banter and exchanges between Gabriel and the historian are once again top-notch. The back and forth is a battle-of-wits, a multilayered and energetic verbal joust. As per the previous book, Gabriel drinks a fair amount of wine as he dictates but, in his current predicament, the joys in his life are currently limited.

Alongside the present day happenings of Gabriel and Jean-François, Empire of the Vampire presented two distinct storylines at varying stages of the silversaint's illustrious vampire-destroying career. Empire of the Damned focuses on one flashback period, making up most of the narrative and this was welcome to me, getting my teeth into this drama wholeheartedly. I understand the need for many authors to have the formative years sections, especially in the first novels of a series and this was worked proficiently in the previous entry. Kristoff does alter his presentation with how the narrative is delivered at certain points. This was initially unexpected and extremely fulfilling so I will not go into the details. I enjoyed the change in dynamic so much, I would not want to take that moment of realisation away from other readers.

Empire of the Damned delivers many moments of high-intensity, including memorable showdowns, exchanges, and unpredictability, with very little going the way expected or in Gabriel's favour. Certain scenes may arguably be over the top yet Empire of the Damned is an undeniably addictive and fun read. Yes, with some characters' incredible powers of recovery, sometimes it seems as if fights do not have concrete consequences (Gabriel has many broken ribs!). Moreover, when reading it is not always obvious when someone's death means a character is actually dead. These minor points do not take away from the stunning spectacle that is Empire of the Damned. It is a dark fantasy read/experience of the highest quality, with an amazing and tragic finale that is worthy of these well-conceived 700 pages. Fellow Grimdark Magazine reviewer Fiona advised me that she was a 'whirlpool of feelings' when she finished this novel, and I concur, believing that is an excellent way to express post-Empire of the Damned emotions. The next entry in this series cannot come soon enough.

I received advanced review copies in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to Harper Voyager and St Martin's Press.
Profile Image for Darren.
120 reviews43 followers
March 21, 2024
4.5 rounded up to a 5 (I felt uncomfortable rounding down to a 4)

Read this massive tome in 3 sittings. I really liked the first book but I absolutely loved this one. Fantastic characters, great action and scenes that genuinely tugged on your heartstrings.


And that ending 😲
Profile Image for Rachel (TheShadesofOrange).
2,578 reviews3,966 followers
April 21, 2024
3.5 Stars
Video Review: https://youtu.be/Oh17of8BO7g

This was a solid follow up to the epic horror fantasy, Empire of the Vampire. The worldbuilding which was already vast and lush. continues to grow in this second book. Likewise, the characters continue to develop in their own complex ways.

This author has a distinct writing style and it doesn't fully appeal to me and often holds me back from completely loving their work. This is very much the case here. As someone who loves horror and dark fantasy, the premise is completely up my alley yet this doesn't quite hit the five star status.

That being said, I can very comfortably recommend this series and completely understand the love. If you enjoyed book one, I would definitely recommend book two. The series just seems to get stronger with this second installment.

Disclaimer I received a copy of this book from the publisher.
Profile Image for Khalid Abdul-Mumin.
287 reviews212 followers
June 21, 2024
A broken line of sorcerers and cannibals, damned even among the damned. Spit their name from thy tongue as thou wouldst the blood of pigs, and guard thine own blood lest they wrest it from thy veins:
Esani. The Faithless.


Nightfall in Elidaen, a bestiary

An amazing continuation to one of my favorite sagas of all time! ( Might not be saying much...I love everything).
More thoughts to follow.

Judgement Comes.
– The creed of Blood Esana
Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,128 reviews3,037 followers
August 6, 2024
I received a sampler of this book via NetGalley (thank you St. Martin's Press). All thoughts and opinions are my own.

*This is a review for the 216-page sampler, not the whole book*

✅ Great writing (it kind of reads like a screen adaptation, but it works!)
✅ Beautiful cover
✅ Cruel and vicious vampires
✅ Expansion of world-building
✅ Dark atmosphere
✅ Development of the characters
✅ Pace and action
❗️❗️ Just like the first book, this one is bloody, vulgar, and dark.

It took me a while to read this sample, simply because I was not in the mood for this type of book. That being said, the writing, descriptions, and dark vibe are very similar to what we saw in Empire of the Vampire, so if you enjoyed the first book, you will adore this sequel for sure (or at least the first part of it since I only received a sampler).

Gabriel is still held in the Chastain Fortress’ dungeon, and he continues to tell his tale to Jean-François, the Queen’s historian, in this deliciously dark sequel. His story picks up where it ended in the first book, right after he rescues Dior from being sacrificed, and escaped death at the hands of the Ordo Argent himself. Dior and Gabriel have to accept Celene’s help in this sequel, as they seek answers about the Holy Grail and how Dior could possibly be key to ending the end of the world.

There is less back and forth between the past and the present in this book, and it focuses more on Gabriel’s story. It set a more addictive pace, compared to the first one where the action often stopped just as it became more intense, so we could jump into the present for a few pages, before being plunged back into the past and the action.

There is a lot of character development in this first third, and I love that the author also took the time to develop and flesh out important secondary characters. We also get a better, deeper insight into the world-building and the history of the vampires’ rise to power, without having to go through unending descriptions. The author managed to keep a good pace and to build a story full of action, while also delving deeper into the Lore and the characters’ layers.

The last chapter also reveals that Celene is also a prisoner of the Chastain’s dungeon, and will also have to tell her tale to Jean-François, so I am very curious to see the new details and insight she will give to what Gabriel already revealed.

I might not pick up this book right away, because as I said, I am not in the mood for this type of heavier writing at the moment, but I will read it eventually so I know what happens next.

1. Empire of the Vampire ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5

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Profile Image for Kaven Hirning.
Author 4 books2,585 followers
July 7, 2024
Spectacular, give me 14 of them right now.

I still can’t breathe after those last few chapters ARE WE SURPRISED???

Papa Gabe needs a hug and he needs one RIGHT NOWWWWWW!


Profile Image for Constantine.
983 reviews279 followers
March 21, 2024
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Genre: Fantasy

This is a follow-up to Empire of the Vampire, a vampire dark fantasy story that I really enjoyed. The Silversaint, Gabriel, continues to tell his story to the historian vampire, except in this book, we also have a new narrator, Gabe’s sister Celene. They both narrate the story to the historian about the events that preceded their arrest and what happened to the Grail.

In this sequel, many new, important characters affect the direction of the story. Like book one, this one, too, has excellent world-building and interesting characters with complex dynamics. The author ensured that the tale was filled with crucial events and action scenes.

For the most part, the journey is just as exciting and dark as it was in the first book, but I believe that I still prefer the first book to this one. It is possible that Celene's narration was not as entertaining as Gabe's. I am not trying to imply that hers was poor; however, I believe Gabe's had a more significant impact.

The relationship between the brother and sister, as well as their interaction with Dior, is, in my opinion, the biggest highlight of this installment. It would be an understatement to say that the ending is iconic. It satisfies, but at the same time, it makes you want to read book three as soon as possible.

Note: I received a sampler copy from NetGalley but ended up purchasing the book myself when it was released.
Profile Image for Shanna (shannasaurus_rex_reads).
374 reviews677 followers
March 13, 2024
I am unwell. It's hard for me to write a review about this book because I loved it so much and I just want to yell at people to read the series. The world Kristoff has created is so viscerally dark and awful, yet it is interspersed with moments of light and hope that leave the reader with just enough faith that everything is going to work out perfectly well. Spoiler alert: we readers are dumb to believe that. At this point I don't think anyone trusts Jay to NOT tear our hearts out, it's just a matter of how he's going to do it. Well, mission accomplished in this book on multiple fronts.

I know that sounds bleak, and it is! But the characters and their relationships and their dogged quest to make things better leave you so invested in the story and their lives that you can't help but feel a personal connection with this world. Gabriel in particular is my favorite type of character: a jaded, broken man with nothing to live for. Why these types of characters are like catnip to me I'll never know, but Gabriel embodies this energy so well. I love him so much, and I really loved seeing him try to work through his trauma in this book and start to think about the future. I also adored Phoebe and I am so glad she was added to this book. Her relationship with Gabriel was complicated yet inevitable, and I thought they were exactly what the other needed.

Speaking of Phoebe, I really enjoyed getting to see the duskwalkers in this book! They are an interesting group and culture, and it was just nice to expand on this world a bit more. I don't want to say too much more because of spoilers, but their addition fit perfectly well with everything going on.

The ending was wild, of course, and now I don't know how I'm going to wait for book 3.
Profile Image for Booksblabbering || Cait❣️.
1,181 reviews299 followers
March 4, 2024
Overall, Fuck my face as Gabriel is so fond of saying.

Gabriel escaped murder from his brethren among the Ordo Argent after rescuing Dior from becoming Sister Chloe’s sacrifice in an ancient ritual intended to end daysdeath. With the aid of his sister, Celene, the three seek the answers to the importance of the Holt Grail and Dior’s purpose in the ending of the damned ending of the world.

The relationship between Gabriel and Dior is a pleasure to behold as truths are laid bare and their bond flourishes as hearts are hardened against tearing cuts and bruises.

Dior is a girl who has survived the streets, leaving her with a gutter-sharp pragmatism, a bawdy wit, and courage that finds her charging headfirst into trouble as Gabriel rebukes her whilst chasing hellbent after her.
Gabriel is a bastard through and through, not shying away from his immorality and selfishness. "Who the fuck told you I was a hero?”
Their relationship is heartbreaking and heart pounding to behold as they try and negotiate their meaning to each other, not daughter, not father, not mentor, not friend. And yet…

"Hear me now. If the legions of heaven stood between me and that girl, I would slay every angel in the Host to get back to her side. She and I have walked through hell together. I will never leave her, you hear me? And I would never hurt her."

Again, I have to highlight and applaud Kristoff’s genius with language and characterisation. This is an author who knows how to write darkness. Who knows how to articulate those feelings of hopelessness, grief, depression. He writes a beautiful story of paving ahead even in desolation set in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by vampires.

"The road is black ahead," I told her. "And it's hard to keep walking when you can't see the ground beneath your feet. But that's what courage is. To believe the end is just beyond your outstretched hand, rather than a million miles away."

We get perspectives from both the vampire historian Jean-François, as well as from Gabriel’s undead sister Celene and this is where the narrative format of telling a story within a story really shines. It also really demonstrates the unreliable narrator as each narrator comments, clashes, and criticises the other. "Ego like that? She's definitely his bloody sister…”

One thing that did take away my enjoyment, and I know might bother other readers, is opening with a sex scene. This seems to be on brand with many of Kristoff’s other books, but I sometimes worry he alienates potential readers because his books are not sexy. They are not erotica-filled. Yet, he always makes his opening as dirty, foul-mouthed, and bloody as possible. I guess it does serve as a fair warning.

I read this arc straight after completing a re-read of book one, and so I can confidently say book one is my favourite. Yet, that in no way means this suffers from middle book syndrome. This is still action-packed, twisty, fast-paced, and as frustratingly, excitingly elusive as book one.

Finally, this review would not be complete with me gushing about the stunning illustrations. We have been spoiled. As someone who struggled to visualise characters despite myriad descriptions, this book is so alive through Kristoff’s own unique, immersive, fantastic writing, and the accompanying art.

"I’d rather die for something that matters than live for nothing at all.
And because a man survived long enough to have a grey beard and wrinkles means not that he's actually lived. To live is to risk. To fear and to fail. A man must dance on the dragon's teeth to steal the fire from its tongue. Most are burned alive in the attempt. But better to dance and fall than to never have danced at all.”

Thank you to Harper Collins for providing me with an arc in exchange for a review!!

Profile Image for Ginger.
870 reviews481 followers
June 8, 2024

Is this horror or fantasy? Well dear reader, it’s both!
It’s an emotional rollercoaster of dread, hope, anxiety and dark humor.

Empire of the Damned taps into all the emotions.
I was gutted, I laughed at the insults between best friends, and I think I stopped breathing during moments of battle.

Not only is the climax of the book shocking but there were great plot twists in Empire of the Damned that made me shout “F*ck my face!” like Gabriel de Leon.

Empire of the Damned does not have the middle book syndrome that some series struggle with. The stakes feel even higher in this second addition and the vampires are more savage and deadly.
I thought the Dyvok symbolized what I fear the most with vampires and they are excellent villains.

We’re also introduced to a new culture called duskdancers. I’m not going to elaborate more due to spoilers. You just need to pick up this book and find out to how badass they are!

Along with favorite characters of Gabriel, Dior, Baptista, and Aaron, there’s new characters full of life, humor and so many possibilities.
I’m still not sure about how I feel about Celene but I think that’s the point. She’s complex, an unreliable narrator and I’m sure there’s more in store for her character.

I’ve developed an emotional attachment to each character and I’m not sure how I’m going to cope if Jay Kristoff decides to turn into George R.R. Martin!

I have so many thoughts and feelings with this book and series but I’m wrung out right now.

I read 100+ pages in an hour holding my breath at times, my brain is mush, and my heart is a wreck.

Jay Kristoff if you can read this, please write the 3rd book faster!
Profile Image for Rachael.
197 reviews240 followers
Currently reading
March 5, 2024
Did I wake up at 2am (on a work night) to preorder the gorgeous Waterstones special edition… and simultaneously “help” crash their website??? Yes. Yes, I did. And then I didn’t get back to bed until 3am, once I knew I’d secured my precious copy.

*SMH* The things I do, for special editions lol.

Needless to say… I’m excited for this book.
Profile Image for Darcey.
1,200 reviews275 followers
April 9, 2024
"to hate the thing that is completing you. to love the thing that is destroying you. what perfect suffering. what hell divine."

this was exquisite. dark, depressing, gory, brutal, heartbreaking - all these things and more. but it also made me laugh out loud, it made me hug the book to my chest (i'm so attached to these characters!) and it made me gasp and run circles around my room at the CRAZY plot-twists.

the platonic bond between dior and gabe is EVERYTHING to me, and i absolutely need as much of their content as jay kristoff is willing to give. but, yet again, i have to say that jean-francois really took the cake for my fav character... i should loathe him (and sometimes i do) but the mouth on that man?? he's actually a comedian. the banter between him and gabe is everything to me.

but jesus, that ending... i need book #3 stat. absolutely insane last 50 pages.
Profile Image for Zahra.
184 reviews60 followers
March 26, 2024
خیلی بهتر از کتاب قبلی بود. شخصیت پردازی بهتر، سرعت بهتر، به صحرای کربلا زدن کمتر. این کتاب همزمان که درباره خون‌آشام هاست، درباره عشق و ایمان هم هست. عشق بین پدر و فرزند، بین دوست ها، بین عاشق و معشوق و ایمانی که لازم نیست حتما به خالق قادر و مطلق باشه بلکه ایمان و اعتمادی که افراد به همدیگه دارن که باعث میشه حتی باوجود نابودی دنیاشون، باز هم ادامه بدن.
Profile Image for Avada Kaddavra.
415 reviews68 followers
July 10, 2024
Wahnsinn💔❤️‍🩹💔😭 So viele Wendungen, das ist krass! Manche hab ich mir schon so gedacht, andere trafen mich total unvorbereitet😱
Jedenfalls ist dieses Buch, trotz einiger, meiner Meinung nach, unnötiger Längen, eine sehr gelungene Fortsetzung der Reihe.

Was mich gestört hat, war dieses Mal echt die Sprache. Im ersten Band fand ich die Schimpfwörter und Flüche noch ganz witzig, im zweiten jetzt teilweise echt nervig, obwohl es mir schon so vorkam, als seien es weniger gewesen als im ersten Band. Außerdem verstehe ich nicht, wie man ernsthaft das Wort "M*se" verwenden kann. Hab das noch nie eine Frau sagen hören, klingt auch sehr scheiße. Bisschen komisch, dass es auch während einer "spicy szene" (das klingt so falsch in Verbindung mit diesem Buch😅) verwendet wurde. Hätte man anders ausdrücken können, aber vielleicht sollte es provozieren. Leider hat sich der Autor aber nur beim weiblichen Geschlecht so behämmert ausgedrückt, die Männer hatten natürlich ein Gem*cht oder einen Schw*nz, so viel Stärke und Dominanz gebündelt zu einem Wort... - ich vermisse an dieser Stelle wirklich das Wort P*llemann, wegen doofe Namen für Körperteile. Bitte nächstes Mal großzügig einstreuen, danke😌

Das Ende hat mich absolut umgehauen😱😱😱 Es muss ganz schnell jetzt weitergehen, ich habe Fragen, sooo viele Fragen😵😵
Profile Image for Hamad.
1,169 reviews1,523 followers
May 30, 2024
Empire of the Vampire ★★★★
Empire of the Damned ★★ ~DNF at 50%

I have a weird relationship with Kristoff's writing. I loved The Illuminae Files, I loved the first two books in The Nevernight Chronicles but was disappointed by it's finale. LIFEL1K3 was okay but I lost interest in the rest of the series.

So, when it comes to this series, I made some effort when The Empire of the Vampire first came out and even pumped my rating to 4 stars although I was never feeling it. I wanted to love this that I even got the signed special edition from Waterstones. My euphoria when I received the new book was short lived as sort as I started reading it.

I remembered major things from the first book but a Google search with the summary at first were enough to refresh my memory. I started reading but I couldn't really get into the story and every time I did, it was only for a couple of pages before losing interest.

I think my main problem is with the writing, it is very verbose and juvenile. The characters keep cursing and mocking each other even when it is not realistic or appropriate. Also, when I thought about it, Gabriel's narrative seemed very off because think of yourself or anyone else narrating a story and you would see that no one uses this style in real life, give alone someone as "edgy" as Gabriel.

I think the plot was interesting, but it was overshadowed by the slow pacing and cardboard characters. It was just too much for me and I was less excited the more I went on and then decided to stop because it felt like a chore. I decided to DNF this at around 50% and I honestly doubt giving it another trial in the future.
Profile Image for Andrée.
99 reviews7 followers
April 30, 2024
HOW DARE YOU MR KRISTOFF!!! How dare you make me laugh at the beginning of a chapter and cry by the end of it! How dare you introduce so many new amazing/horrible characters and make me go through the emotional rollercoaster of finding lost ones and losing found ones! How dare you sprinkle pieces of the overall plot puzzle yet keep so many questions unanswered! How dare you serve me hints to plot-twists like low-hanging fruit but then completely blind-side me on the next page! How dare you make my favourite characters suffer so! How dare you write so effortlessly about the power of love, but most of all… how DARE you make me wait for the third book LOL!

It took me a long time to read this novel, not because it wasn't good, on the contrary, I wanted to savour it, sit with some of its wisdom/cruelty and the emotions it wrenched out of me and I simply didn't want it to end! I love Jay Kristoff's writing style. I find that his novels have the perfect balance of profound heaviness and witty humour.

"To open a book is to open a door - to another place, another time, another mind. And usually, mademoiselle, it's a mind far sharper than your own."

Empire of the Damned picks up right where Empire of the Vampire left off. Gabriel de Léon is still a prisoner of the Chastains but this time, the novel starts off with the Marquis/historian Jean-François' point of view (in a threesome might I add... cheeky Mr. Kristoff!) We see him interact with the Priori herself, Margot Chastain, and then he head's back to Gabriel's cell where he expertly resumes the entire first novel (thank you Mr. Kristoff) and asks our favourite Paleblood to continue with his story. Gabriel is reluctant as the Grail is "lost" and "broken" but he obliges anyways.

"It is only through falling that we teach ourselves to fly. Our measure be not in how many times we stumble, but how oft we rise. Failure is how we learn."

And from that point on the reader is in for quite a whirlwind of a ride! Gabriel and Dior, having no clue how to end Daysdeath, choose reluctantly to team up with Liathe and go to Blood Esani to learn more. But of course, nothing is ever simple. The reader gets 700 pages of our trio being hunted by not only Blood Voss but Blood Dyvok as well, a lot of incredible fight scenes, betrayals, new allies, surprising character arcs, unexpected encounters and multiple strategies played out in every chapter. I found the dichotomy of Blood Dyvok's cruelty and the ever-enduring love and strength of those suffering their blows grotesquely beautiful.

"Cruelty is an infection, spread from one victim to the next; an avalanche rolling ever downhill and crashing worst upon those at the bottom of the pile."

What I truly loved though was the Dior angsty teenager and Gabriel brooding dad relationship, the second POV from the other prisoner in the château, the fact that the reader is plunged into the worlds of Blood Dyvok and Duskdancers, the few answers about Daysdeath, the few answers about Liathe (still a lot left unanswered) and, of course, I especially loved our antihero Gabriel and his little pearls of wisdom peppered throughout.

"Measure yourself not by where others are, but where you used to be."

I got so wholeheartedly attached to the characters, gasped and laughed out loud too many times to count and I had to hide the bottom of the page as I was reading because I found myself skipping ahead all the time to find out what happens. Special mention to the gorgeous illustrations! I think this is a series I will reread over and over again throughout my lifetime.
Profile Image for Devon Rose.
597 reviews22 followers
March 24, 2024
Well, I can’t say I really know what everyone is raving about because I find this book to be a major step down from the first one.

The jokes are getting stale, the fight scenes are getting repetitive, the smutty stuff is cringe and the plot is floundering for me. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I really adored the first book and I preordered two copies of this one (British version signed and the American version!) AND the audible…so that’s how excited I was.

Gabriel’s relationship with Dior has gotten really weird to me. And Kristoff’s obsession with women’s periods is gross, and the fact that two grown men who have spent years on battlefields have to both leave a building because a girl is on her period and they “can’t control themselves” is GROSS.

Kristoff knows that menstrual fluid isn’t all blood right? Like…I’m so confused. And it was written in a weirdly sexual way when Gabriel had JUST gotten done announcing how he feels fatherly towards Dior…again: GROSS.

The pacing is also really weird in this book. So many fights and battles happen in the beginning and yet the plot doesn’t move an inch. And how many times can we read about Gabriel being completely wrecked and then watch him recover? Yawn.

I don’t know…this book almost feels like a campy parody of the first one and I really hate it. It’s so weird that out of all the characters my favorite one is the vampire who’s recording the damned story. 🙄

At this rate I’m not sure I’ll even buy the third one. Maybe I’ll give this one another try eventually and see if my standards lower enough to enjoy it. We shall see 🤷🏼‍♀️
Profile Image for Sandra Bruxvoort.
Author 0 books62 followers
Want to read
August 10, 2021
After just finishing the first book, I’m in serious need of the sequel. 😫

To Jay or the publisher: if you see this, please send an ARC my way!
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