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Mindjack #1

Open Minds

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When everyone reads minds, a secret is a dangerous thing to keep.

Sixteen-year-old Kira Moore is a zero, someone who can’t read thoughts or be read by others. Zeros are outcasts who can’t be trusted, leaving her no chance with Raf, a regular mindreader and the best friend she secretly loves. When she accidentally controls Raf’s mind and nearly kills him, Kira tries to hide her frightening new ability from her family and an increasingly suspicious Raf. But lies tangle around her, and she’s dragged deep into a hidden world of mindjackers, where having to mind control everyone she loves is just the beginning of the deadly choices before her.

TOP 5 FINALIST for 2012 Best Indie Book, Young Adult Fiction - The Kindle Book Review

Open Minds is the first novel in the Mindjack Series, a young adult science fiction series. There are three novels in the original trilogy, five novellas that accompany the series, and plans for another trilogy in the works (see Susan’s latest novella, The Locksmith, for a peek at a new Mindjack character for the coming trilogy – or better yet, subscribe to her newsletter, and get The Locksmith for free!).

Mindjack Series (novels): Open Minds, Closed Hearts, Free Souls
Mindjack Origins (shorts): Mind Games, The Handler, The Scribe, Keeper

The Locksmith is a standalone novella that can be read independently of the trilogy and novellas.

326 pages, Paperback

First published December 24, 2013

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About the author

Susan Kaye Quinn

108 books988 followers

Susan Kaye Quinn is a rocket scientist turned speculative fiction author who now uses her PhD to invent cool stuff in books. Her works range from young adult science fiction to adult future-noir, with side trips into royal fantasy romance and middle grade. Her bestselling novels and short stories have been optioned for Virtual Reality, translated into German and French, and featured in several anthologies.

She writes full-time from Chicago, inventing mind powers and dreaming of the Singularity.

All of Sue's books:

Singularity Novel Series
The Legacy Human (Singularity #1)
The Duality Bridge (Singularity #2)
The Illusory Prophet (Singularity 3)

Stories of Singularity
Restore (Stories of Singularity #1)
Containment (Stories of Singularity #2)
Augment (Stories of Singularity #3)
Awakening (Stories of Singularity #4)
Harvest (Stories of Singularity #5)
Defiance (Stories of Singularity #6)
Resistance (Stories of Singularity #7)

Mindjack Series
Open Minds Book #1)
Closed Hearts (Book #2)
Free Souls (Book #3)
Locked Tight (Book #4)
Cracked Open (Book #5)
Broken Wide (Book #6)
Mindjack Short Story Collection (Book #7)

WATCH the award-winning live-action Mindjack Book Trailer!

Third Daughter (The Royals of Dharia #1)
Second Daughter (The Royals of Dharia #2)
First Daughter (The Royals of Dharia #3)

The Debt Collector: LIRIUM (Season One)
The Debt Collector: WRAITH (Season Two)
WATCH the Debt Collector Book Trailer

Telepath Chronicles
AI Chronicles
Dark Beyond The Stars
Future Chronicles
Cyborg Chronicles
CLONES: The Anthology

Faery Swap
WATCH the Faery Swap Book Trailer

Susan's Website | Susan's twitter | Susan's Facebook Page
Susan's Email: [email protected]

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,114 reviews
Profile Image for Carmen.
2,070 reviews2,322 followers
April 28, 2015
I shivered under the covers, sending a wave of pink sheen down the length of it. If anyone found out I could control thoughts, they'd lock me away in a laboratory. Do experiments. Dissect my brain. I understood why Simon insisted this had to be a secret. Simon, with his dark eyes and smirky grin.

BOOK #10 in Carmen-Downloads-20-Free-Ebooks-Onto-Her-Kindle-Day. More widely known as March 3rd, 2015.

I hated this book. I finished it - resisting the urge to DNF it that came over me about 65 times in the course of reading it.

Kira is 16 and living in a future world where everyone is telepathic. Everyone talks mind-to-mind, no one talks using vocal cords anymore. Appliances are used by the mind - you open your fridge, set your oven, and drive your car using your mind.

Kira is a freak because she is a zero - someone who never went through the change that comes around puberty when kids develop their telepathic skills.

Of course, Kira is not really a zero. Instead she will soon discover that she is the most powerful, special, rare, amazing person ever born.

Like most YA books. ANYWAY. She discovers that she has all these unheard of powers, like being able to 'mindjack' people (take over their mind and force them to think stuff and do things against their will). She can also do a slew of other cool, magical, super-power stuff that no one else can do. So special.

Because of her amazing abilities, everyone is after her - criminal gangs of mindjackers called "clans" who want to force her into joining them, the FBI who wants to experiment on her and hurt her, etc. etc.

There's a love triangle. OF COURSE. And it is extremely stupid. We have Raf - an amazing, cute, sweet, kind, Portuguese soccer player who has been friends with Kira since they were children. And we have Simon, a guy who participates in illegal activities, does a lot of unethical stuff, is willing to kill people, and forces an unwanted, public kiss on Kira. In other words, a total asshole.

Yeah, the fact that this guy was a possibility Kira was considering for Boyfriend made me rabid. He was HORRIBLE. HORRIBLE. Ugh. Totally immoral, disrespectful, and unethical. Scum. Piece of shit. Fucking touching her without her permission all the time, ew, such a creeper dickwad scumsucker.

Okay, calm down, Carmen.

*breathes deeply* I'm calm. I'm calm.

The romance is uninspiring. I mean,

I wondered if his thick eyebrows were soft or bristly.

Really? I mean, come on! His eyebrows?

The main character calls other girls "Shih-Tsus" and "Pomeranians." Because the author doesn't want to use the word "bitch?" I don't know, but it was highly disturbing that she a.) has not a single female friend and b.) compares the girls around her to yippy dogs. Wow. Ick.

Anyone who knows me knows I HATE mindreading. I consider it a violation of a person. And mindjacking is like rape. Imagine forcing people to do stuff against their will, making them (for example) kiss you, making them want to kiss you, being able to erase their memories, being able to force them to say or do anything you want. IT'S DISGUSTING and the whole book disgusted me. Nothing's right about that, it's absolutely immoral and sick. This is a really sensitive topic for me that makes me very upset. Quinn did NOT handle it with any delicacy or finesse. Don't look for nuance or ethical/philosophical conversations here. Ugh.

The characters are shallow and do not act logically. The story is fast-paced, exciting, and heart-pounding (which some people may love, but for me it was horrible because of the subject matter). The author uses made-up future slang that leaves you confused and frustrated. Some of the Portuguese stuff, like Raf's mom wearing tight revealing clothing and Raf having a simmering Portuguese temper was leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

I didn't like it, I didn't like anything about it. I thought it was abysmal. I can't recommend it to anyone in good conscience.

If you are interested in exciting books about mind-reading and mind-hijacking, I highly recommend the excellent Nexus by Ramez Naam. It's amazing, fast-paced, exciting and deals with all the issues and ethical arguments that come along with telepathic abilities. I can't tell you how amazing they are - so amazing. 1,000 times better than this book.

Tl;dr - A horrible book. Avoid at all costs.

ETA: Also. Everyone mind-reads. This means no one has any privacy ever. I mean, that is LITERALLY what it means. If you had sex with your boyfriend, when you came home, your mom would know about it. If you got your first period, everyone would know about it. If you are thinking about porn instead of concentrating in math class, everyone in the class (including the teacher) would know it. It's like Quinn doesn't know how the human brain works. People would go insane. There'd be no way to hold down a job or go to school - you'd be facing humiliation and other horrors every time you came within a half mile of other people. Quinn NEVER addresses this. It basically eliminates the human ability to lie, to hide anything about themselves, to 'just not mention' stuff. EVERY THOUGHT IS PUBLIC. This would never fly.

And another thing! People's minds and thoughts are not linear and textual, as if they can be read like a book. Brains don't work like that. People don't think the way they speak - in fully formed sentences. It grates my cheese when mindreading books don't address this.

I got this for free on my Kindle by just browsing through Amazon, they were having a special. This was entry #10 in Carmen-Downloads-20-Free-Ebooks-Onto-Her-Kindle-Day. More widely known as March 3rd, 2015.
Profile Image for Anne.
4,377 reviews70.2k followers
April 27, 2015
Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this book.

3.5 Stars

The cool thing about this story is that something has happened to create a new mutation in the human race. Now everyone has the ability to read minds, except for a small group that are called Zeros. Since nobody can tell what they're thinking, they are treated very poorly. They don't get accepted into colleges, are only allowed to hold the most menial jobs, and dating or marrying one of them is looked down on because they are considered mentally retarded.

Usually the ability to read minds manifests around puberty, and since Kira is already sixteen it looks like she's doomed to become a Zero. That is, until she accidentally discovers that while she may not be able to read minds, she can control minds. With the help of Simon, who also has this same ability, she learns that she can jack into others' thoughts and pass as a mindreader.

Unfortunately, Simon wants to do more than just pass and blend in with everyone else. He's involved with a frightening group of mindjackers that want Kira'a abilities, and won't take no for an answer.
In an effort to escape this group, she inadvertently puts herself on the government's radar. And while the vast majority of the population has no idea that people like her exist, the government is fully aware of their existence. With mindjackers that are able to implant false memories working for government task forces, people like Kira can disappear...and no one is ever the wiser.

I didn't really feel any real chemistry between Raf and Kira, but it was still a sweet BFF turned boyfriend kind of love story. Maybe it heats up a bit as the trilogy progresses? I actually thought Simon had more potential, but it looks like that won't be in the cards. I also peeked at the next two books, and it seems like the story probably gets even better.

Open Minds is overall a pretty interesting page-turner, so I'd definitely recommend it for someone looking for a good sci-fi book in the young adult genre.

This review can also be seen at
Profile Image for Jennifer.
232 reviews
April 27, 2015
The setting in Open Minds is a future world (late 21st century) where almost everyone is a “reader.” Chemicals in the environment triggered a massive genetic evolution spawning generations of mind readers. During puberty, children begin to both involuntarily send out their thoughts and read the thoughts of others in range, which means most conversations take place mentally.

Some children never go through the change and are designated as zeros. Sixteen year old Kira Moore is a zero….or so she thinks. Strange things begin to happen and Kira finds out that she is not a zero, nor a reader, but instead a jacker – one who can enter another’s mind and control it. Much to Kira’s surprise, there are jackers all around, but they choose to live incognito lest they get picked up by the military and placed in jacker camps.

***Minor spoilers ahead***

I initially had a hard time rating this book. There were parts I liked and parts that I didn’t and overall I felt that it was just okay, but I had a hard time figuring out why I felt that way. I think my biggest issue with the book was the character and story transitions and evolutions. They did not happen naturally at all, and therefore I didn’t relate to the characters or the larger story. For example, Simon (who has really never interacted with Kira at all) kisses Kira, and the next day he is her boyfriend. Huh? What happened to conversation and getting to know one another? A clan of jackers tries to recruit Kira and after threatening her they try to kill her best friend. What? Starting with threats and attempted murder doesn’t seem to be the best way to convince someone to join a group. Kira finds out she is a jacker and within a week she is the most powerful super jacker ever. Again, huh? We never see Kira struggling to figure out how to use her new mindjacking ability and all of the sudden we are told that she can do it better than anyone else.

I also found Simon to be completely creepy and stalker-like and did not find him to be a likable or sympathetic character at all.

***Slightly bigger spoiler***

One of my biggest issues was the science (or lack thereof). I read a lot of fantasy and speculative fiction and I’m fine with suspension of disbelief, but I don’t like contradictions within the world that it presented. Kira lives in a future version of our world, therefore genetics should work largely the same. She hypothesizes (and her dad thinks she is right) that she a super strong jacker because she has the jacker gene from both her mom’s side (grandma) and her dad’s side. She states that it must reside on the X chromosome. Well, what she is saying makes no sense and I’ll tell you why. Kira is basically saying that she has 2 jacker genes, one each on her X chromosome – I’ll call them Xj. So Kira is Xj-Xj and is a jacker. Her dad therefore must be Xj-Y and is also a jacker. That works fine and at this point we don’t know if the jacker gene is dominant or recessive. The problem is her mother’s side. In order for Kira to have two Xj genes, her mother must be Xj-X. Her mother is NOT a jacker, so that means that the Xj gene is recessive. What makes no sense is that grandma was a jacker. So grandma must have been Xj-Xj, making her the same as Kira and every other female jacker which blows the “Kira is special” theory out of the water. Unless you assume that the jacker gene is dominant, then grandma could have been Xj-X, but the problem is then with Kira’s mother who would also have to be Xj-X and not a jacker. This just annoys me to no end because it clearly wasn’t thought through. I suppose there could be something around gene expression, and another gene that triggers the expression of the jacker gene which grandma had and mom didn’t, but that wasn’t mentioned. If a book is going to give a simplistic explanation for a genetic mutation, I’d like it to at least match up with 10th grade biology.

***end spoilers***

As I mentioned, overall this book was just okay. I probably won’t be reading any more in the trilogy as there was nothing in the story that was compelling enough for me to want to continue.
Profile Image for Samuel Vega.
Author 1 book37 followers
March 25, 2013
I figured I should do a review of this book, since I read it recently and I guess I am still thinking about it. You must be thinking, “Wow Sam, you’re still thinking about this book. It must be good!” Then you see my two star rating and you’re confused. Well don’t be. Yes, I’m thinking about this book, but hardly in any way that is positive. In fact, the more I think about it the more I kind of dislike it. But I’ll try to get this out of me before, the rating drops any more.

As with all of my reviews to come, I will do my best to not include any spoilers.

I’ll start out with the positive. The writing is good. The general idea of the novel is pretty decent. Most of the world is now operating free of speech and solely with their thoughts. The technology reflects that and it is used well throughout the book. I liked it. I didn’t love it, but I liked it. Our main character, Kira, is not capable of this mind to mind communication and is labeled a Zero. Zeros can’t have their minds read and therefore she is branded as untrustworthy.

Again, I like the idea of this. It seems pretty realistic, that people who can’t have their minds read would be treated harshly when everyone else must have their minds out in the open for everyone to judge and whatnot. So sixteen year old Kira is dealing with things a sixteen year old girl would probably be dealing with if they were her. I’m guessing. You’ll have to forgive me for being a guy and not being certain. SO that’s pretty much the positive I can give you. Everything else is… well, not positive.

The story from here is basically this. “I’m special, but that’s sooooooo scary. Oh you’re special too, we should totally date. Screw that other guy who’s not special and has been like totally awesome to me my whole life. Oh there’s a special group of these special people who want me to join, so I can do some special things. These special people are bad, but they’re not, but they are, but maybe, oh well. Then enter the government baddies, who know about us special people and they want us to be in special camps. It turns out that now I’m even more special, so I should use my special specialness to get out of here and save special people who are put into this special camp only to be taken out of the camp, three seconds later.” I could continue, but I think you get the point.

The whole progression of this story completely relies on people who are bad or worst and Kira being one of the only good people, besides her family, alive apparently. The bad and worst people are simply dumb. They’re all adults who have been living as one of these special people for a long time, but Kira is so special that she can out-special them all. It’s just not a very good story. It feels like everything just kind of happens without much sense to it. It doesn’t feel natural. Just forced story mechanic upon forced story mechanic. Then it’s explained in a non-satisfying way.

I hate to say bad things about anybody’s story because I know it takes a lot to write one, but jeez this just was not a good book. I just didn’t care about any of the characters. When one of them died, I was literally just like, “cool, that happened.”

I also really wish that the “fighting” was cooler. This book definitely needed something to spice it up a bit. Needless to say, but I don’t think I’ll be continuing with the series. This book’s ending, like most of the book, just felt flat.

Of course, I am but a humble reader and this is only my opinion. Please take that into consideration :D
Profile Image for Diana Stormblessed.
619 reviews35 followers
March 20, 2012
How can you not love a book that's set in the northern suburbs of the greatest city in the world? Ok, so I might be a little biased on the backdrop given that I too call those northern suburbs home, but in all seriousness, the book was something else.

Kira is going through life as a zero. In a world where everyone is expected to be able to read everyone else's mind, she's one of the rare people that can't, and that makes her society's outcast. The story was wonderfully original. And the world building was great. With a futuristic topic so complex, I thought the author did a great job of painting the world with just enough detail that I wasn't left with residual questions, but not so many that I was distracted from the story in general.

I think the book caught me by surprise. It started out with Kira trying to deal with her handicap, her friend's feelings, and the bullies at the school. I'm not saying there was anything wrong with the start of the book, it had my attention from the very beginning, but I had expected a typical YA book. I didn't expect the story to spin out into cults, demens FBI agents (read the book for more futuristic lingo), and a whole slew of other hardcore twists. Color me impressed. That's right, I'm impressed by a book with a love triangle, and we all know how much I love those (I don't). Its a love triangle that both a love triangle lover or hater wouldn't mind.

But what would a book be without lovable characters you can easily connect with? Though this book had many lovable characters, lets focus on our 3 stars:

Kira- I love a strong heroine. This girl goes from thinking she has no chance for a future, no chance to go to college, or ever have a boyfriend, because she's a zero, to thinking she's dangerous, and then to thinking she can help people, and then going out and trying to do just that. I want to give this girl a round of applause. Her bravery and morals make her a great teen role model.

Simon- I loved his confidence and that he was the one who helped Kira when she didn't know what was going on. I have to admit, I didn't trust him, but I don't know if I'm the best judge of character.


Raf- I loved Raf from the start. I have soft spot for the boy next door. And I loved that even though Kira was an outcast, he was still her friend. He never pretended he didn't know her nor ignored her when others where around, like some other people. I was a team Raf girl.


Overall, I thought this was a highly imaginative book, and I absolutely loved the twists and turns the storyline took. I appreciate an author that isn't afraid to take chances with their story and characters in order to better the story overall. I will be eagerly awaiting the next book.

For more reviews check out:http://nightlyreading.wordpress.com/
Profile Image for Carolina.
152 reviews71 followers
June 21, 2016
Actual rating: 3,5*

Really enjoyable book. This was such a disturbing possibility for humanity's future, but I love disturbing stories so I found it super interesting. The concept of the whole mind-reading and mind-jacking abilities was super interesting, and I was always edgy while reading "Open Minds". The characters did irritate me a bit at some points, but the mistery behind all of this was really good. The author's writing style is simple and very easy to get through. Although this book didn't blew me away, by any means, I do plan on continuing with this trilogy.
Profile Image for Daria.
6 reviews2 followers
November 21, 2011
I could not put down this book! From the very beginning, Kira's adventures and the world of readers, jackers and zeroes is riveting. If you are a fan of the Hunger Games trilogy this should be your next read! You will get hooked! Eagerly waiting for the 2nd book in the Mindjack Trilogy! 
Profile Image for Jade Eby.
Author 26 books278 followers
October 19, 2011
Originally published at my blog Chasing Empty Pavements

I could barely wait until today to post my review of this awesome book!!

The Good: Talk about mindjacking…I’m not entirely sure Susan Kaye Quinn didn’t jack into my mind herself to make me fall in love with this book! This book is full of awesome. Firstly, the concept was fresh and unique…we’ve all heard of “mind readers” but this is a new take on it with a twist. Quinn created a totally believable world where the norm is being able to read minds and those who can’t are the abnormal. I’m totally into the whole female-kick-ass-main-character right now and Kira, the main character in this novel is totally kick ass. She starts out thinking she is a “zero” (someone who can’t read minds) until she meets Simon, the bad buy with a good heart, who tells her she is way different than the “readers,” she is a “mind jacker.” Mind jacking…totally cool right? Wouldn’t you like to bust into someone’s mind and make them believe or do things? It would be an awesome ability, but scary too. That’s exactly the type of conflict Quinn creates in Open Minds. I liked the interaction between Kira and her Dad and I feel like there is more to his story than what Quinn allowed us to see in this book. I also feel like this book is another great example of the dominance the government could have over us. I really do think that the government is just biding their time, waiting for a catastrophic world even to happen and then they will take over everything. But that’s just me being cynical. Anyways…my point is that this book is a great example of how things could be if people started to develop abilities like mind reading and mind jacking. There’s a little bit of everything in this novel… romance, comedy, murder, dystopian-ish elements. I totally fell in love with Kira and her best friend Raf and at the end I didn’t want it to end! Of course since this book belongs in the series, I’m anxiously awaiting the next one!

The Bad: Not too much to say about this book, although I would have liked to see some relationships expanded. The relationship between Kira and her Dad is interesting and I think Quinn could have really gotten some great material out of exploring their back story.

Overall I was seriously impressed with this book and I can’t wait for the next book, Closed Hearts! I give this book and A!

*I would like to thank Susan Kaye Quinn for allowing me to read and review this novel. I was not required to write a positive review, however in this case, the book deserves such high praise!
Profile Image for D. Robert Pease.
Author 17 books380 followers
October 18, 2011
Open Minds is one of those stories that took me by surprise. I'm not a big fan of the paranormal romance boom, I mean really, I'm a forty-five year-old male. But this story had just enough action, just enough intrigue to keep me interested. And in the end it was very light on the romance anyway, with only limited "snogging" between characters.

What Open Minds is then, is a well-thought-out look at what would happen in a world where everyone could read minds. There are no secrets. There can be very little crime. But what happens if you turn out to be a zero? Someone who can't read minds at all. Very quickly we can see that you'd be ostracized. An outcast with few if any friends. Who would trust someone whose mind you couldn't read?

Then the author takes it one step further and introduces characters who can not only read other people's minds, but they can control them. That's where the fun begins. There is a whole secret world that no one knew about, hidden in plain sight. I love, and am always drawn to, books with that concept.

There can be many parallels in this story drawn with Hunger Games: a strong heroine, kids in jeopardy, etc... but Quinn makes this story interesting and a great read without having to resort to killing off little kids. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed Hunger Games, but felt it did go a bit far at times.

Overall, I would say this is up there with my favorite reads of this year. I'm already planning on lending it out to my friend’s teenage girls, who really are the target market here.

I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Katy.
611 reviews330 followers
December 5, 2011
Hmmm… I'm not sure what to make of this book. It's not that the writing was bad because it wasn't, but it's so psychologically and mentally disturbing that I'm just stunned, I guess. So I'm not sure I can fairly judge whether I like the book or not. So the following review is merely one or the merits and weakness of the book and not whether or not I actually enjoyed the story.

Overall, I think it was a very creatively written story, and I'm impressed that Quinn has created such a world. However, since the concept is so different, there is a LOT that Quinn has to explain, and I ended up having SO many questions.


The whole concept is truly unique. Who would have thought to make the freaks the normals and the normals the freaks? I was impressed not only by Quinn's creation of the "normal" world but also the secret world with the Clan, the FBI and the concentration camps. And Quinn's genetic explanation (in chapter 32) was well-thought out and well planned. I just wish it was explained sooner.

I'm not sure if I'm alone in this, but I actual like Simon.Yes, he was a little suspicious at first, especially since he was so pushy that you just KNEW he had some sort of hidden agenda. But I honestly think he cares about Kira. I don't think that I got enough of Raf to like him other than he's been her friend since forever and he cares about her whether she's different or not.


I thought it took a long time for Quinn to explain a lot of things - if she explained it at all. Like it took forever for me to find out what Kira's dad involvement in the whole thing was, as well as the explanation for the jacker gene. So the double dose is what makes her so powerful and different?

I still don't understand a lot about the word Quinn has created. I'm still not sure how Simon found out Kira was a jacker. I think the book had said something about him reaching into her mind and hitting a wall? Or was it because she had glared at him and forced the thought daring him to try and pick on her that day? How did he realize that was mindjacking and not her being a changeling and sending him a message? I thought when people mindjack, their victims don't really detect it? Or is it because mindjackers recognize the different feeling and the readers are unsuspecting because they just don't know it's possible?

So in conclusion, there's no such thing as a zero? They are either before a changeling, a reader or a mind jacker? And a zero is just a mind jacker who hasn't discovered their power? Or are there still actual true zeroes walking around?


Like I said earlier, I think the book's strength and its weakness is its originality because if you don't take the time to thoroughly explain your world, and it's so unique that readers don't fill in the holes with general stereotypes and assumptions of those types of books, you're going to leave a lot of questions hanging.
Profile Image for Jen.
232 reviews33 followers
April 24, 2013
I first encountered Open Minds (Mindjack, #1) when the blog Pixel of Ink made mention of it being a Kindle freebie. I snapped it up and, when I wanted something different from the series I have been reading of later, opened it eagerly.

This is a YA book. Not a YA-categorized-but-really-adults-will-have-as-much-fun-as-tweens-reading-it YA, but a real honest to goodness if-your-worst-problems-in-life-aren't-how-to-make-it-to-your-locker-and-the-bathroom-during-the-three-minute-passing-period-then-you'll-roll-your-eyes-at-this-book YA book.

I'm going to lend my Kindle to the tween in my life and let her read this book. It will resonate with her.

For me, in my adulthood, it reminds me of crazier times in the past, but was a path I didn't want to re-traverse.

This book, filled with teenage angst, is a coming-of-age story set in a world where almost everyone is telepathic to some degree or other. Kira, our hero, struggles with oppressive authority (Agent Kestrel), not feeling that her mother can understand her so not even attempting communication, and believing that her actions are important enough to doom or elevate her entire family's social and career placement. She also has a crush on a boy and doesn't seem to know how to handle the conflicting emotions of too-much-too-soon and yes-please-let's-go. Oh yes, and there is the fact that she wants to be just like everyone else, but cannot exhibit her special talents because she believes (rightly so, for the world that is created) that she'll be persecuted. There are difficulties with driving and parking. There is the problem of not having the spending cash she wants. And there is texting (scriting). You know, typical teenage stuff.

Trigger warning: There is an overly manipulative (emotionally abusive-lite) boyfriend that Kira cannot seem to extract herself from.

So, obviously this book wasn't an ideal fit for me and what I'm looking for in a book, but as I said before, I can totally see it resonating with a tween or early teen. One thing I'm not sure will resonate with the tween/teen set (and certainly didn't resonate with me) was the over-reliance on slang. It seemed to me that a search-and-replace was used before the book was finalized to make sure that the same few slang phrases (mesh, scrit, praver, demens, etc.) were used over and over again throughout the book, almost to the exclusion of other words that could have broken up the monotony. I get that our hero felt the need to communicate via text with people on her phone, but how about use "communicate" or "contact" or any other word that isn't modern slang either? It would have added a richness and depth to the prose that is lacking. The slang feels very forced down my throat and it makes me wonder if the teen/tween set would find it to be a "creepy treehouse".

Also, it rang quite hollow that an adult magistrate character would be using the slang word "demens" while acting in a professional capacity to examine a witness. This is what led me to suspect a search-and-replace.
Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,864 reviews1,373 followers
March 31, 2013
(Source: Downloaded for free from amazon.co.uk.)
Kira is a zero. Everyone else in the world can read each other’s minds, except for the zeros who are shunned for being different, and although Kira still has
Everyone tells Kira that there’s still time for her to change, but Kira has little hope, her grandmother was a zero too.

One day something strange happens though; just as her best friend Raf is about to kiss her, she shouts ‘no’ in her mind, and knocks him out! When another student (Simon) then approaches her and tells her that she is a ‘jacker’; someone who is able to jack into somebody else’s brain and tell them what to do, Kira thinks he is joking, although she soon realises that it’s no joke.

Simon is planning on joining a group of jackers known as ‘the clan’, and he wants Kira to go with him. Kira is shocked though when Simon’s initiation involves killing someone with his mind. Panicking, Kira somehow manages to knock out all of the jackers with her mind.
What makes Kira different? Why does she seem to be getting stronger? How many other jackers are there out there? And how long before someone realises Kira’s secret and comes after her?

This was an interesting story, and I liked the idea of the mind ‘jackers’.

Kira was a girl who knew that she was different, but wished that being different wasn’t such a problem! More than anything she wanted to be a good person, and to become a doctor, which wasn’t possible if her mind couldn’t be read. Finding out that she was a jacker was a huge shock to her, and she was very reluctant to use her powers because she didn’t want to take advantage of people. Finding herself in the jacker camps she realised that she might have to take advantage of people, or even hurt people to escape, and she found the strength to deal with that, and realised that sometimes she would have to make tough decisions.

I liked the romance in this book, although it was a little unclear at times whether Kira freaked out when Raf tried to kiss her because she only thought of him as a friend, or because she was nervous! I actually liked Simon more than Raf, and was really shocked by the spoiler with regards to Simon towards the end of the book.

I liked the storyline in this book, and thought that the idea of ‘jackers’ was quite clever. I would hate to live in Kira’s world and have people know my thoughts all the time though! I doubt what people think about you in the privacy of their own heads is complimentary, and I really couldn’t handle that.
Overall; and interesting concept, and a hint of romance.
6.75 out of 10.
Profile Image for Rhiannon Frater.
Author 63 books1,651 followers
January 17, 2012



I had just finished Scot Westerfeld's UGLIES series when I started reading Open Minds. I was really worried about jumping into a new book after the awesomeness of the UGLIES series. It's always rough to read a truly amazing story and then pick up a new book feeling fairly certain it will let you down.

OPEN MINDS did not let me down at all. If anything, it kept me reading long after I should have been asleep and hurrying to finish tasks so I could indulge in the world that Susan Kaye Quinn has so wonderfully created.

I really enjoyed the world building in this novel. I loved the unique take of everyone in the world being a mind reader and those who are not being the abnormalities. The author definitely constructed her world very carefully and put a lot of effort into the way the world would work if telepaths inhabited it. The eerie silence that our lead character, Kira, has to suffer is really disconcerting. I also liked the adaptation of new technology to the mind readers abilities.

Kira is a great heroine. Yes, she is the classic outsider, but she's also a very stubborn and determined girl. I really felt bad for her when she wandered through the world as a zero (someone who is not a mind reader) and knew if she did not soon come into her abilities she would be doomed to living on the outskirts of society. I also liked it that she had an actual caring family around her, even if she didn't always appreciate them as much as she should, and that she had a close friend in Rafe. Kira felt like a normal girl, not a special snowflake. Therefore, when she does discover that she is not a zero, but something altogether different, her reaction seemed very natural to me.

The character of Simon was also very well-crafted. I have known a few boys like him over my life. He seems a little too good to be true, just a little too perfect, and then you find out why. I have no doubt that Simon cares for Kira in his own way, but his actions change her life forever.

I don't want to give too much away because I really enjoyed being surprised. And this book DID surprise me quite a bit. I think that is why I loved it so much.

I HIGHLY recommend this book. It's not just for YA readers either. I think SciFi fans wound find it to be an entertaining read as well.

A small warning: This book is not primarily a romance, but an action/adventure novel with a futuristic setting. Bad things happen. REALLY bad things. But it is AWESOME!

I can't wait for the sequel.

Profile Image for Brooke.
1,067 reviews187 followers
March 4, 2015
This book had an interesting concept. It was a dystopian with almost a paranormal twist.
In the year 2090 people are mind readers and communicators. No one speaks. Everyone talks to each other through their head. Except the zeros, the kids who don't change and still have to speak. Kira is a zero, or at least that's what she thinks until one day Simon shows her otherwise. She is introduced to the world of mind jacking, where others can't hear your thoughts or what you are saying unless you choose to link in to them. But her mind is powerful, and other jackers can't get into her brain. She's a genetic mutation.
The story takes you through her change and her understanding of it. Then through her trials of being in a secret jacker camp, where jackers who were considered "dangerous" were sent. She escapes and then outs the government's treatment of these jackers to the world. In the end, the government denies it, of course. And she goes back to living her "normal" life, but not without fear of being hunted by those she has "betrayed".
I really liked how this book started. But, honestly, it slowed and sped up too much for my taste. I didn't feel the build until the end and that bothered me.
I liked Quinn's writing, she made the world believable. She also gave us a great look at the main character, but not much of a look at the others.
I give this book a 3 out of 5.
Profile Image for Brittany.
72 reviews1 follower
November 30, 2011
First I would like to thank Sue for sending me a copy of OPEN MINDS. Thank you so much for opening my mind to this fantasy that you have created. OPEN MINDS was hands down one of the best YA books that I have read. It arrived in the mail yesterday, but I got it around seven when I got home from the bookstore. I cracked it open immediately leaving my bookstore purchases untouched. Admittedly it took me 30 or so pages to get into it and I stumbled over the lingo a bit. Once I had it figured out, though, I devoured the book, becoming completely immersed in the lives of Kira, Simon, and Raf. At 11 when my Husband came to bed I jumped out of my skin when he came into the room because I was so immersed in Kira's world of mindjacking. I didn't put the book down until 2 in the morning when there was nothing left to read. I even read all of the acknowledgements and info about the author. If you are reading this review and you don't immediately purchase this book and enter the world of readers and jackers then I have to wonder if you're completely demens. OPEN MINDS rocked!
Profile Image for Michelle Isenhoff.
Author 56 books90 followers
January 16, 2013
I have read over two hundred MG/YA books since reading The Hunger Games, a series that totally floored me. Out of those hundreds, Open Minds is the only one that glued my butt to my couch as The Hunger Games did. In fact, this review will be a little off-the-cuff, because I didn't slow down to take notes like I usually do.

Open Minds has a dystopian feel to it. Kira lives in Chicago in a world very different from ours. Because of a mutation linked to chemicals in the water supply, people have developed the ability to communicate telepathically. The skill kicks in roughly with the onset of puberty, and the rare child who fails to develop it is destined for life as a zero, the bottom of society. Kira is one such child. By age 16, she still hasn't changed to a reader. She's become something far worse.

Kira is a mindjacker. She can control other people's minds.

Kira's confusion, anger, and fear draw us into her story. We learn about her new skill as she does. Fortunately, she has Simon, a classmate and fellow jacker who guides her development. Unfortunately, Simon carries an undercurrent of danger, a hint of the underworld. Kira can't tell her family about her new abilities for fear of their safety. Neither does she tell Raf, her best friend, and their relationship fills with lies.

Then Kira learns there are far greater dangers when one is a jacker. And in a world that reads minds, a secret is a very difficult thing to keep.

Let me say again, this is a riveting read, one I highly, highly recommend. And I'm proud to say it's written by a fellow indie author who did an amazingly professional job. The huge popularity of the book is testament to that. I do have a few criticisms to mention, though. First, the terminology alienated me in the beginning, but that was probably just me. I was overwhelmed by the new culture (slang/music) as well as new technology like "hydrocars" and "nove-fiber." Also, the catalyst that prompted this monumental, worldwide mutation felt coincidental and insufficiently explained. And finally, the flow felt a little rushed in some places, particularly at the seams where hard-hitting scenes mesh together or when Kira is reflecting. The prose grows a little matter-of-fact in these few spots. I found myself wishing the author had lingered a little longer, fleshed these moments out, given us more detail to savor.

But don't let my little quirks sway you from checking this one out. They certainly didn't affect my five star rating. Rarely has a book mindjacked my attention like this one. The premise is wonderfully unique, the action fast and hard-hitting, the prose clearly and smoothly written. Details tuck into a tight, intelligent package. All around, it's the best book I've read in a long time, Big Six offerings included. I've already downloaded book two.

Geared for a YA audience, but completely appropriate for 10+.
Profile Image for Grace Krispy.
132 reviews27 followers
November 16, 2011
This unique and original storyline had me on the edge of my seat, and I was generally unwilling to put the book down. The idea of a future where mind reading was the norm was interesting enough, but when the twist of mind-jacking was thrown in, it became positively enthralling. The author weaves details into the story bit by bit to let readers get to know the rules and norms of society at their own pace. New vocabulary is learned through the context of the setting, and I found myself enjoying the exploration of this world just as much as I enjoyed reading about Kira's journey. The writing style allowed for a quick and easy read, and was very enjoyable.

Kira is an intriguing character. Not without her flaws, she has a strength that surprises the reader even as it surprises Kira herself. Her character is nicely nuanced and this drew me into her life. Raf was a solid counterpart whose consistency offered a nice backdrop to Kira's emotional journey. I also really enjoyed Simon's character. He continued to surprise me as I learned more about who he was and what he stood for. There was a depth to all of the characters that was well-suited to a young adult novel; no one was ever really good, and no one was ever really bad. Everyone was somewhere on that "shades of gray" spectrum, which rounds them out to be realistic people rather than caricatures.

The pacing of the story was generally good and kept me engaged. Although I was really interested in the storyline and found it difficult to put down, there were a few places that felt a bit draggy, and a few events and conversations felt superfluous. I thought Kira's character was pretty great, but some of her actions and words seemed a little confusing to me as they didn't seem to fit the girl I felt I had gotten to know. The ending of the story was fine, but Kira's choices made me wonder how she could expect it to turn out ok. I think such a great story deserved a stronger ending, an ending that would really have left me salivating for the next book. These are minor, nitpicky details, and they weren't major detractors at all. The total package was solid, entertaining, and left me wanting more, much more.

4.5 stars- read the complete review at GraceKrispy's MotherLode blog
Profile Image for Dana.
440 reviews299 followers
June 10, 2014
I was a bit confused in the beginning, but that may have been more my fault than the authors since I can sometimes be slow when it comes to understanding Sci Fi novels. However I also had issues with the bland story and found the main character to be annoying and idiotic. The gaping plot holes also did not help to improve my thoughts of this book.

Steer clear of this book unless you are a very forgiving reader. 1.5/5
Profile Image for Melissa.
238 reviews37 followers
October 30, 2011
This is an absolutely fantastic start to the series! I loved this from start to finish and don't know if I'm going to be able to wait for the next book in the series to come out.. it was THAT good!!
Profile Image for Spirit of Wonderland Reviews.
305 reviews55 followers
February 22, 2017
My Review
4 Roses

In a world where everyone can read minds, it's an oddity to be disconnected from everyone, and have to actually talk to someone to communicate. For Kira Moore, that's exactly what she's dealing with. She's been labeled a Zero, as if being different wasn't bad enough. She's holding out hope for just being a late bloomer though, and changing this year. Being disconnected from everyone seems like the biggest thing going wrong in her life...til she falls into Simon's lap...literally.

Simon's a mind-jacker...someone completely different than everyone else, but much more powerful...and dangerous. Kira quickly finds herself on the government's wanted list for being a mind-jacker herself, and almost over night, her world is torn apart.

Fighting between the need to do what she feels is right, and the need to survive, she goes up against seemingly unbeatable opponents to reveal the truth about the world, and the mistreatment of so many people.

The writing in this book flows fairly well, and with a highly entertaining story, this is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

I took off a star, because the beginning of the book starts out confusing, throwing the reader into a world with new words that aren't explained, and I had to go back and re-read parts several times to be sure what the author meant, which was frustrating. After giving educated guesses to the words that were made up/changed, the book flowed better, but the changing of important words, to made-up words that didn't make sense, and weren't explained, made the first few chapters frustrating, and I almost didn't keep reading after chapter 3.

I'm glad I did though, because it is a good book. This story is gripping and new, and had me both laughing and crying. I certainly recommend this book to any YA fan.
Profile Image for Elle (ellexamines).
1,112 reviews18.9k followers
April 14, 2017
2.5 stars. This book is a walking trope. An enjoyable walking trope, but a walking trope nonetheless.

So there's a girl, and she has a crush on her best guy friend, and he keeps dating really pretty girls who she looks down on and who are popular and mean to her. She discovers she has special powers, and she gets arrested for it. Then she starts falling for a really hot bad boy. The drama surrounding whether or not shall survive the damn series is overshadowed by the drama over which guy she'll pick.

Sound familiar?

Possibly the most creative thing this book does is kill off one of the major love interests and replace him with another guy of the exact same archetype. At least Julian was less of a dick.

I have to admit, the series is entertaining enough. If you can look past all the tropes, which 12-year-old-me was very willing to do, it's fast-paced enough to be entertaining. Still not good enough to get a recommendation.

Profile Image for Reading is my Escape.
990 reviews50 followers
August 18, 2021
Young Adult
Kindle - Owned

I picked this book off my massive Kindle tbr collection. I chose it because I was looking for an author's name that started with "Q" for the HA 2021 A-Z challenge.

Kira is a Zero in a world full of Readers - meaning she can't read minds even though the majority of the population can. Zeros are seen as less than and mistrusted because no one can tell what they're thinking. I can't imagine a world where everyone could read everyone else's minds. Kira wished she could be a Reader but ends up being something new, a Mindjacker. She is scared of this power and so is everyone else.

The story is fantastic. I was a little surprised by some events and saddened, even though I didn't like the character much. I don't want to spoil anything. This book is part of a series, but I won't be continuing (at least not for now). Not because I didn't like it but because there are so many books out there and I just didn't LOVE it.
Profile Image for Abbie.
1,982 reviews676 followers
July 4, 2017
Actual rating - 3.5

The main character annoyed me slightly at points, but I liked her for the majority of the book.

This was a decent read, which managed to keep my interest throughout.
Profile Image for Joanna Marple.
Author 1 book51 followers
October 28, 2011
I am so excited to share today’s review with you. It’s always a privilege to be part of the launch of a book that you know will deeply satisfy its readers, both male and female, in the case of Open Minds.

The only other protagonist that has truly dragged me into her world from page one this year, is Katniss, and I can assure you, you are going to care just as much about Kira’s outcome as Katniss’ survival in the Hunger Games. This comes from someone who is not normally into YA paranormal science fiction, but who is now begging for a date for the sequel. Quinn takes you on a rollercoaster into a most insidious world of mindreading and mind control. It seems so plausible you start to catch yourself in conversations wondering « does she know what I really think? »

Sixteen-year-old Kira is a zero, an adolescent, who has not gone through the change as her peers have, and who can’t read thoughts or be read by others, unlike the regular (mind) readers. Zeros are society’s dregs, limited to using normal speech, dull jobs and no possibility of true romantic relationships. The latter seems Kira’s biggest challenge as the book begins, but, though romance remains hinted at throughout, more serious problems soon dominate her life. Kira discovers her frightening, unusual, mind controlling abilities when she accidentally controls her best friend, Raf’s, mind and almost kills him. Isolated, and fearful of this new power, she doesn’t know whether to be elated or wary of discovering that there are others with this ability, who have plans for her.

She is unwillingly dragged into a hidden world of mindjackers, where having to jack into the minds’ of loved ones is just the beginning of a series of difficult choices she has to make for her safety and for others much more vulnerable than she. Like Katniss, Kira unwillingly develops a progressively central role in a community where many lives are threatened. Kira’s compassion and integrity overrule her fears, pushing her into a place of maturity and action she would have naturally evaded.

The twists and threats are delightfully unpredictable and it will be well past midnight before you are willing to put this book down. I read this ARC in three sittings, coerced « Mmm, did I really have a choice? » into the world, and, of course, minds of the characters. Quinn has created an intensely real, compelling and dangerous world with its own vocabulary and sensorial experiences. These new words are so skillfully introduced that you assume you have always known what a « reader » or « jacker » is. I loved the concept of being able to smell or taste another’s mind – made me want to try it out! The ending is very satisfying and sets the reader up with, well, the frustration of having to wait for the next book.

When you can control the thoughts of others, and even their memories, how far should you go? Such are the questions that Kira and the other mindjackers must face, and obviously this gives an ethical twist to a well paced, page turning plot! This is the first in a trilogy, and all I can say is, bring on 2 and 3.
Profile Image for Dianne.
6,794 reviews601 followers
July 23, 2014
Looking for a futuristic YA dystopian adventure where the angst is low and the creativity is on full throttle? Open Minds by Susan Kaye Quinn follows one teen girl as she attempts to function as a zero (non-gifted) in a world filled with humans with the ability to read minds. Is she a late bloomer or is there more to her than meets the mind? “Readers” are accepted, but there are a few who can overpower them mentally, “Mindjackers,”who are considered dangerous and are herded into camps to control and experiment on them. The genetic family tree gave Kira powers far beyond any Jacker know before. With her life in danger, she is determined to save young “changelings” who are being used as lab rats. Her only hope is to overpower other Jackers and expose the government’s heinous actions. Will she succeed or will history repeat itself once again as the threat of mass genocide looms over those who are different?

Susan Kaye Quinn has poured her creative genius into this dystopian tale and never skipped a beat, regardless of how fast the pace was or how many twists she tossed in! Her main character, Kira is strong, well-developed and honorable, being deceitful or using her powers for anything but good just wasn’t part of her make up. As a role model, she gives off positive vibes, with brilliant reasoning powers.

Each scene in Ms. Quinn’s world is full of action, tension and so much realism that I couldn’t help but feel I was there, feeling what Kira felt, racing against time and the government to save innocent young souls. In a literary world full of amazing dystopian tales, Open Minds deserves to be right up at the top of the heap! That this is book one of a trilogy, makes it even more special! Ms. Quinn definitely has a hit here!

Series: Mindjack Trilogy - Book 1
Publication Date: December 20, 2013
Publisher: Susan Kaye Quinn
Genre: YA Dystopian Fantasy
Print Length: 340 pages
Available from: AmazonBarnes & Noble

Profile Image for Leah.
213 reviews8 followers
December 28, 2014
I have to say it right from the start - beginning with chapter one of Open Minds, Susan Kaye Quinn blew my mind wide-open! The very beginning, her main character, Kira, has a point of view rarely seen in YA Paranormal. She's the one without the power. Even her best friend, Rafael, went through the change and can read minds, except hers. Kira's narration takes you through the grueling experience of trying to get through a day in high school where everyone else can read minds. Imagine not having a single private thought during your teens. No way to filter.....

That is, until she meets Simon, who helps her realize how special she is.

Soon after, Open Minds, takes a 180 twist, sending Kira on a tumultuous action-adventure with a heavy dose of paranormal powers. Due to circumstances out of her control, she turns away from those closest to her in order to protect them all. She can't even share her most life-changing secret with those close to her because it could get them killed. She's never been so alone in her life - never been felt so betrayed. Kira goes from being an insecure, powerless teenager to a Chuck-Norris level hero with her clever plans to rescue the youngest victims of a government conspiracy. Kira uses her uniqueness to her advantage, as well as her own intellect - and that's what I love about her most.

Open Minds forces the reader to open their eyes and look around them and imagine the opposite. What if I was the opposite of who I am now, how would I live my life? What challenges would I face? Susan Kaye Quinn answers those questions for Kira in her non-stop action-packed paranormal-edge-of-my-seat thriller. I could not put this one down until I finished it. Praise is due for her uniqueness in Mindjack slang and in her portrayal of the value of family unit. And to tie a bow on it, she give a most satisfying ending, leaving you ready for book two of the Mindjack Trilogy.

However, the title of book two has me worried - Closed Hearts. What could that mean? Emotional detachment? or has she cooked up a superpower that messes with emotions? Can't wait to find out!

I give Open Minds 5 stars!

If you are a Kindle reader - you are in for a treat. Open Minds is available at Amazon(dot)com for $2.99. Also visit Susan at http://www.susankayequinn.com/.
Profile Image for Mel.
94 reviews11 followers
October 17, 2011
Wow – just when I was getting a little bored of YA a book like this comes along and just woes me back! What I loved was that at first I thought I was reading a typical story of a teen girl who discovers she has extra-ordinary powers, and while that is the starting point the story then moves rapidly changing direction and leaving me twisting in the gale like a wind chime.

When we first meet Kira, she is a zero – someone who neither projects her thoughts or receives others and is rapidly passing the age when she should have changed. And in this brand new world where everyone can read each other’s thoughts, this means she is isolated and without a future. This world building and what that means for family, technology and society might feel a little slow paced but it does ground you in the world and helps to connect to Kira so that when events start to move I was already on her side. Kira is feisty and has a strong moral core but at the same time the isolation she felts at being a zero means she is desperate to fit in.

There are a number of supporting characters which help and hinder Kira – all of which feel complex and full rounded personalities. I loved Raf who was so fiery and sweet without any ulterior motive – I’d love to have a Raf in my life! There are a few occasions though when I didn’t agree with Kira decisions, but I could completely understand why she made them. The second half of the story moves rapidly with some truly shocking turns that continually surprised me. I was so annoyed when my station arrived as I didn't want to get off the train!
The writing is easy to fall into and flowing allowing quick immersion in this fascinating world. I was holding my breathe right up until the last page. I was drawn into the story and characters and I’m now desperate to know what impact Kira’s actions will have on her world and how she manages to adapt.

Recommended for fans of Suzanne Collins and Julie Kagawa. 9 out of 10
Profile Image for Mandy Reads Indie.
1,797 reviews95 followers
October 12, 2011
In the future your thoughts are no longer precious and private, they are a way of life. And if you can't read others minds, then you’re a zero. Kira is hoping that she is just a late bloomer, but reality is sinking in and she knows she is a nothing, a zero. Her friends have all went through the change and Kira is left snubbed and forgotten by her classmates. Only Raf, her best friend, still talks to her. But Kira knows its only a matter of time before Raf leaves to go on to college leaving her behind. Until one day, Kira freaks out and controls Raf's mind, knocking him out and almost killing him. That’s when Kira meets Simon and he starts revealing secrets she never knew existed, that she has the ability to mind jack others. Is mind jacking the way out she is looking for to become normal? Or will the secrets and lies only tear her apart?

Wow oh Wow! I just inhaled this book. Quinn is an amazing author with an even more amazing imagination. In some ways Kira reminds me a lot of Katniss from the Hunger Games series. She is forced out of her comfort zone in order to protect herself and her loved ones from those that only want to use her and her ability. Kira is a strong, well developed character that many will relate to. I am sure there has been a time in everyone's life where you felt like an outcast only wanting to fit in. And sometimes the things we do to fit in only get us in trouble.

I am so thankful that Susan Kaye Quinn asked me to review her book. Open Minds was a great, steady paced read with twists at every turn. I just adored it and suggest it to anyone who has a love for science fiction.
Profile Image for Patricia J. O'Brien.
532 reviews13 followers
December 28, 2011
A fast-paced thriller set in a world where mind-reading is the norm, and Kira, the teen-age protagonist is a freak--a zero, who hasn't developed the ability to communicate by thought. But what really sets her apart and catapults her into danger is her newly-discovered ability to jack into other people's minds and control them.
When she realizes there is a subculture of jackers, who range from benign undercover citizens to vicious criminals and ruthless military agents, she faces choices she could never have imagined. If you can control other people's minds how far would you go and can you ever justify what you're doing?
Susan Kaye Quinn deftly developed a captivating concept with solid world-building, comprehensible futuristic slang, and characters who matter. There are two love interests for Kira. Raf is a loyal friend and all-around good guy, who the reader can't help but love, but bad-boy Simon turns out to be a heart-breaker, too. They're all caught up in a complex society they barely understand, and one of which I want to read more and more. This is Book One of the Mindjack Trilogy.
Profile Image for Theresa.
55 reviews
February 19, 2013
I discovered this local author through a colleague who met Susan Kaye Quinn at a book talk. I was honored when she agreed to speak at the high school where I teach. Now, after reading OPEN MINDS, I am more than excited!!! Moreover, when I asked one of my classes if they read this book, more than a few hands instantly burst up and I can now see why. Full disclosure here - having (finally) completed the Hunger Games trilogy early on in the school year and currently awaiting the arrival of the 3rd in the DIVERGENT series, I was a bit skeptical about "another" dystopian trilogy. This is NOT that . . . my mistake! Set in the near future (amongst very familiar north suburban locations of Chicago, to my delight), this is paranormal fantasy with a thrilling edge mixed in. High school is difficult as it is for adolescents; imagine trying to survive and thrive in a world where everyone reads minds. Not what people usually catch me reading, I have to admit Open Minds had me within the first chapter. This was a "one flight read" . . . if that's any indication as to my interest. Bravo!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,114 reviews

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