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The Night Guest

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Hildur Knutsdottir's The Night Guest is an eerie and ensnaring story set in contemporary Reykjavík that’s sure to keep you awake at night.

Iðunn is in yet another doctor's office. She knows her constant fatigue is a sign that something's not right, but practitioners dismiss her symptoms and blood tests haven't revealed any cause.

When she talks to friends and family about it, the refrain is the same ― have you tried eating better? exercising more? establishing a nighttime routine? She tries to follow their advice, buying everything from vitamins to sleeping pills to a step-counting watch. Nothing helps.

Until one night Iðunn falls asleep with the watch on, and wakes up to find she’s walked over 40,000 steps in the night . . .

What is happening when she’s asleep? Why is she waking up with increasingly disturbing injuries? And why won’t anyone believe her?

208 pages, Hardcover

First published October 4, 2021

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Hildur Knútsdóttir

21 books131 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 679 reviews
Profile Image for Jamie.
321 reviews262 followers
February 8, 2024
Okay, so, trigger warning: dead cats. Murdered cats. Cats who are obviously not just “pining for the fjords.” I wish I'd read the reviews before reading this one, because our elderly cat passed away less than twelve hours ago and I was not emotionally ready to read about such things.

But, anyway, I have mixed feelings about this one … and not just because of the poor cats.

This book is awesome right up until the last chapter (or maybe the last two? I can't remember and my e-reader is all the way upstairs). It's beyond creepy. Iðunn wakes up every morning super tired. Her doctor says she's perfectly healthy. What could be wrong with her? And why is her fitness tracker showing that she's walking tens of thousands of steps every night? It's super suspenseful and I couldn't stop reading. It's a short book with short chapters and I read it all in one sitting.

The setting (Reykjavík, Iceland) is amazing, too. I really thought this was going to end up being a five-star read for me.

And then there are dead cats. But, okay, fair enough. Not everyone is squeamish about such things.

But that last chapter (or two)... I mean, WTF? I am (back) out of bed at 1:30 in the morning so that I can write about how much it annoyed me. Because not only did I not like it, but I am apparently incredibly stupid because I did not understand it even one little bit. I don't even know how to explain it to you guys without spoiling anything, but I am so confused right now. And the book ended super abruptly, too. I was hoping for at least one more chapter to explain what I'd just read, but nope.

I won't say not to read this book because the first 98% of it is totally awesome. But if I were you, I'd go into it expecting to be disappointed by the ending. Or maybe not, since judging from the other reviews on Goodreads (the English-language ones that I can read, anyway) I appear to be in the minority here.

My overall rating: five stars for the bulk of the book, but minus two stars for the ending. Yes, I really disliked it that much. I'll still probably seek out some more books by Hildur Knútsdóttir, though, because she really does know how to write a creepy story.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Tor Nightfire for providing me with an advance (English) copy of this book to review.
Profile Image for Melissa (Trying to Catch Up).
4,877 reviews2,649 followers
August 28, 2024
Was hoping to find a horror novel that I could get behind, but then she had to go and kill the cats so it’s a big nope from me.
Plus nothing was explained and if you are going to have animal cruelty you had better give me a good reason, it was just confusing and awful. Do not recommend.
The audiobook narration was decent and helped with the Icelandic pronunciations.
I voluntarily reviewed a complementary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,638 reviews53.5k followers
February 14, 2024
What a spine-chilling read! This novella is truly unique, with its fast-paced horror narrative that kept me on the edge of my seat. While I was prepared to give it a full five stars for its scary and unconventional storyline, the ending left me slightly disappointed, leading to a slightly lower rating. However, don't get me wrong! The book is still a thrilling, smart, and surprising piece of work, with a well-executed translation that perfectly captures the dark and sarcastic tone of the characters and the overall creepiness of the story.

I devoured this novella in less than two hours, completely engrossed in the story even as my husband complained about the burned dinner. After finishing the book, I found myself losing my appetite and feeling a spine-tingling sensation on my neck, as if the main character, Iðunn, was watching me with her vacant, sleepy eyes!

Now, let me give you a quick recap of this dark and bleak novella that you definitely shouldn't read before bedtime:

The story unfolds in the starless nights of Reykjavik, where Iðunn lives, suffering from clinical fatigue that she fears may be a symptom of something terminal. However, blood tests reveal she's physically healthy, suggesting her situation may be psychosomatic, related to stress. She has a dysfunctional relationship with her family, who are also grappling with the death of their elder daughter, and her relationship with her coworker ended on a sour note.

Iðunn tries to control her sleeping habits by tracking her sleep patterns with a new watch, but each time she wakes up, she finds herself in disturbing situations, such as blood covering her face, a black swollen eye, or broken nails, with her body covered in dirt. She discovers that she sleepwalks at night and always ends up in the same location. But why is she walking there? What is happening to her?

I may have revealed too much already, but if you're up for an ultra-bizarre ride that will send shivers down your spine, I highly recommend diving into this unputdownable journey!

A big thank you to NetGalley and Tor Publishing Group/Tor Nightfire for providing me with a digital review copy of this riveting horror novella in exchange for my honest thoughts.


Profile Image for JaymeO.
465 reviews456 followers
August 13, 2024
The Night Guest is a creepy horror novella that can easily be read in one sitting. I frantically read this book in less than two hours! The English translation is easy to follow and exceeded my expectations.

Iðunn has been waking up every morning feeling exhausted and her arms and legs ache. She seeks help from doctors and psychiatrists, trying everything from sleeping pills, to filming herself sleeping, to staying up all night. What happens when Iðunn goes to sleep?

Iðunn is a captivating character with incredible depth. It appears the author intends for the reader to psychoanalyze Iðunn in order understand the open ended last scene. With help from my fantastic friend, Katie, I believe we worked out the deeper meaning. If you are interested in her analysis, it is hidden in her comment below. I have updated my rating, as I knew I would when I finally understood it! I will be reading this one again!! The Night Guest would be a terrific book club read.

Final note: The Night Guest reminds me a lot of Sebastian Fitzek’s The Nightwalker, which I highly recommend!

Trigger warning: animal cruelty (especially cats)

5/5 stars

Expected publication date: 9/3/24

Thank you to Tor Nightfire for the ARC of The Night Guest in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Keila (speedreadstagram).
1,491 reviews108 followers
March 31, 2024
Iðunn has been struggling with fatigue so she goes to yet another doctor. After going through the normal routine, they never learn anything new.

Until one night she falls asleep with her smartwatch on and when she wakes up she learns she’s walked over 40,000 steps over the course of the night.

What happens when she’s asleep? Why is she waking with injuries? And why won’t anyone believe her?

I really enjoyed this book. BUT please do not read it if you have a hard no for animal death/abuse. It happened off page, but it was talked about, and there was quite a good portion dedicated to it. Like so many cats. Besides the multiple cat deaths, I really enjoyed this book! It was a short and sweet horror novel that was great. The pacing on this book was also really fast, so before I knew it the book was over! The downside was the overly ambiguous ending! I’m all for a little mystery in my ending but this was left wide open, and I needed a little more resolution. While I have made up my own ending in my head, it just doesn’t work the same for me as if the author did it for me.

As this was a translated book, I just wanted to say that it was well done, and I think the translator did fantastic! I read a few translated novels a year, and sometimes the translator doesn’t quite nail things, but I think that this one was flawless.
Profile Image for Rachel (TheShadesofOrange).
2,578 reviews3,966 followers
August 10, 2024
4.0 Stars
This was a surprising piece of psychological horror. I found that it started like a very familiar, simple narrative of a sleepwalker. I honestly wasn't expecting much from the simple translated prose. However, this short novel used the chapter structure to create a remarkable experience. I was surprised how unsettling the novel became, creating an atmosphere of dread as it progresses through the pages to the ending.

I would recommend this horror novella to readers looking for a short read that packs a punch.

Disclaimer I received a copy of this book from the publisher.
Profile Image for inciminci.
530 reviews227 followers
August 4, 2024
A young woman consults her doctors about recurring extreme tiredness, bruises on her body, stiffness, blood stains... Having found a doctor who'll take her seriously, a normal struggle for all women all around the world, she slowly starts figuring out what is wrong with her - thanks to the activity app on her watch.

My mom uses a step tracker and it drives me insane how important it is to her how many steps she walked in a day, but who knew it can very concretely and literally save a life though?

This little novella is well paced and keeps the attention. Unfortunately I thought the ending was such a let down, it will make you gasp and throw the book to the next wall.

I received an advanced listening copy from Libro FM via the Otherland Bookstore. The audiobook is narrated by Marie Robinette Kowal who also translated the book, and that was a big plus for me, as I have listened to audiobooks read by her before and I really click with her voice and narration style.
Profile Image for Teju  A.
243 reviews14 followers
August 15, 2024
I don't think this book was for me...... Ok ill say it, I did not like the end! What the heck was that?! 😪

Ok our MC is losing her mind, at least she thinks she is, she's constantly waking up tired and thinks something is off with the scrapes and bruises she beginning to see on her body. The book kept me guessing and here I was expecting some big reveal at the end, only to be sorely disappointed.

Yes I would recommend this, but be warned, the last few pages could annoy you!

Solid 3 stars!

Thanks to NetGalley and MacMillian Audio for this ARC, Beyond humbled 🙏🏾
The Night Guest, out Sept 3rd 2024!!!!
Profile Image for Sunny.
796 reviews5,164 followers
August 28, 2024
The ending fell off a bit but a really compelling narrative of medical misogyny, hauntings or possessions or something else super sinister, and wtf is going on in Iceland
Profile Image for Sadie Hartmann.
Author 24 books6,338 followers
July 17, 2024
Major content warning: cats/animal cruelty and death. It happens.

This took me about an hour and a half to read. The chapters are concise, and the story is captivating, escalating quickly. If you have read Come Closer by Sara Gran, where a woman wonders what is wrong with her, this novella gives the same vibes. The health issues and the mentions of women advocating for their bodies and healthcare--not being gaslit or dismissed by healthcare professionals, not being treated like you're "hysterical" because you think something is seriously wrong with your body, are legit. So relatable.
The first 95% or so is premium horror reading.
The last part is a little maddening. I honestly feel a little letdown. Ambiguity is fine but this feels like punishment. I invested, I pushed all my chips in to call the bluff and when the cards were flipped over, it just wasn't enough, I'm afraid. I'm eager to talk to other readers and read more reviews to see if anyone has a theory here that makes sense.
Profile Image for Mara.
1,822 reviews4,171 followers
August 19, 2024
First I have to say - this might be one of the smoothest works of translation I've read in a while! I have no idea of the fidelity to the original text, but the reading experience was excellent. Second, this was unsettling in the best way. This is such a short novella, I think you should just go in blind and see if you like the vibes, but nice and creepy IMO. A very ambiguous ending, though, if that is a no-go for you
Profile Image for Justin Chen.
515 reviews500 followers
August 14, 2024
5 stars

Put your thinking cap on for this one, The Night Guest is an effectively told psychological horror novella that is easy to consume with its concise language and short chapters (many used brilliantly to intentionally setting up tension and dread), but also trust its readers to pick up clues along the way to decode its ambiguous ending.

I'll confess when I first got to the end, I was very confused by its out of left field strangeness. It was not until digging through other reviews and comments where I started to piece together the author's intent, and how the more nuanced, layered interpretation could be constructed via the various incidents, mentions happening prior to that point.

I love puzzle games, and The Night Guest was a refreshing reminder how passive I might have become recently, expecting stories to explain themselves to me in the end. Very excited to re-read this again now knowing how the pieces fall together! vibe-wise this reminds me greatly of Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield.

**This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Much appreciated!**
Profile Image for Jessica Woodbury.
1,776 reviews2,658 followers
October 15, 2023
Very spooky, extremely effective little novella. It is so good for the first 2/3 that inevitably the last section is a bit of a let down. But it's quite effective, really gets under your skin, and is one of the creepiest books I've read in quite some time. It builds tension not by giving us some monster but the idea of losing control of your own body and fighting a battle against yourself.
Profile Image for Ali.
138 reviews24 followers
July 24, 2024
I love the disassociated way this was written. As if life was happening to and around our main character. The novel was gripping and really got into the story quickly and the pace stayed fast until the end. Thanks to NetGalley for the chance to review!
Profile Image for Coffee_Kindle Heather.
116 reviews10 followers
September 3, 2024
Release Date: 3rd september 2024

This is a fast paced book, about Iðunn an Icelander, who keeps waking up feeling more tired than when she went to bed and in pain, she visits several Dr's and has blood tests, but nothing is showing up as the cause to all this.

Iðunn tries everything she can think of sleeping pills, more exercise, eating well, everything her friends and family suggest, nothing works, so she buys a smart watch (step-counting) which reveals she's walked 40,000 steps while she was sleeping, Iðunn naturally assumes that the watch is faulty, but it keeps happening.

What is she doing in her sleep, from here the story escalates....

I loved this book, it is short at only 208 pages, but brilliantly written, with short snappy chapters that keep the story moving along at a great pace, unfolding the mystery in a wonderfully horrific way.

If you enjoy mysteries and horrors then this is a great combination of the two.

Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC.

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Profile Image for Melany.
836 reviews121 followers
July 19, 2024
Truly eerie! What would you do if you constantly woke up tired yet slept all night? This was intriguing and not like I expected! While it's a short novella, I truly enjoyed it! I loved the suspense factors and how everything played out! This will give you the creeps with the suspense and shocking twists!

I received an audiobook ARC from NetGalley and McMillan Audio to listen/review. All of the statements above are my true opinions after fully listening to this audiobook.
Profile Image for Books_the_Magical_Fruit (Kerry).
763 reviews63 followers
February 10, 2024
Woooooo, this is creepy! Iðunn keeps waking up as bone tired as if she hasn’t slept at all. She gradually starts to realize that something is happening at night after she falls asleep, something seriously wrong. And if she tries to stop it…she gets punished.

The less said about this novella, the better, although I will put a very heavy trigger warning on this for multiple violent animal deaths. If you’re a cat lover, especially, you should never read this.

There are a couple of open door sex scenes, and the gore content is way up there.

Still, it’s a quick, intense read, and it sufficiently creeped me out, enough to start a more innocuous book before I try to get to sleep. 😉😱

I received an advance eARC from NetGalley and Tor Publishing Group/Tor Nightfire in exchange for my honest feedback (thanks!). Also, Mary Robinette Kowal not only introduced the author to her own agent, but Kowal translated this from Icelandic! Thanks for helping to get this published!
Profile Image for ❊ maddie kay ❊.
71 reviews27 followers
March 3, 2024
4.5 Stars rounded to 5:)
*slight spoilers ahead, TW for animal death and off-page cruelty*

Wow. I haven't read a good horror in quite some time... I'm quite impressed that a novella has pushed me to want to read more of them!

Knútsdóttir (and the translator, Kowal, without whom there would be no English version of this story) is incredibly talented; there are so many aspects of this novella that I really enjoyed. The narrative is blunt and to the point, fast-paced, and at times the commentary is incredibly relatable. Somehow, in the short amount of time I got to spend with the story, Knútsdóttir had me on the edge of my seat and my heart racing. They're definitely able to create a creepy setting in very little time.

Now to my one (and a half) slight critique. The ending😩 While I understand the use of a quick and confusing ending, I wish there were just a little bit more. I found myself going back a couple pages to try and work out what happened. Had it been fleshed out (humorous pun for a horror story) just the slightest bit more, it absolutely would've been a 5/5 for me.

As for the half "issue," this story involves the murdering of cats... while there is nothing on page that describes any abuse, you do get a peek at the aftermath. As a cat-lover myself, it wasn't a huge issue being that the abuse was not explicitly written out, but it was still not an enjoyable part of the story.

Overall, it was a super quick read that had me hooked immediately and definitely had me scared about what was going to happen next.
Profile Image for Meghin.
188 reviews525 followers
August 22, 2024
I loved this book! This was such a short and quick read but packed a punch. Our main character is fatigued all the time and can’t figure out why until she notices her steps being counted in the middle of the night and believes she is sleep walking. I loved the commentary about medical gaslighting and women not being believed by doctors and the medical system. Being someone who is chronically ill and fatigued I felt very seen by this book. This book becomes unhinged and is slightly disorienting as things become weirder. My only complaint was the ending. It felt very rushed and confusing but this book could have been 5 stars for me until that point.

TW for animal cruelty

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Netanella.
4,456 reviews12 followers
June 25, 2024
"Can you describe your symptoms?"

From the opening line and scene of the latest novella by Hildur Knútsdóttir, I knew I had found a new favorite author for the weird. The story is told by a young Icelandic woman, socially awkward, unmarried, with dysfunctional parents and a dead end job - who realizes, when she begins to awaken in the morning with unknown bruises and cuts on her body, that she must be walking in her sleep.

I'm scared shitless when I meet people who relentlessly pluck at the veil I sometimes imagine myself wrapped in, teasing it aside with each instrusive quesion on the heels of another until there is nothing left but my naked self, which does not want to be pitied any more than Loki in chains.

Idunn is prickly and often unlikeable, but she is a fascinating character in this story. As she begins to pursue her mysterious ailments, strange people and events begin to cross her path, leading to an even darker path. Revealing any more would reveal more plot elements, which I am loathe to do. However, I will warn that there is violence against cats, which I made me more uncomfortable to read about than anything else. And there is a sense of cosmic dread woven throughout the book, that Idunn seems to acknowledge consistently. It's almost as though she senses her doom approaching, yet cannot seem to stop it.

The darkness in there is the darkness between the stars. The darkness that has tried to penetrate my consciousness, and presses on my defenses.

I am a stranger to Icelandic, and so I am grateful for this English translation of a new-to-me author who should most definitely be read by a wider audience. If any publishers out there are reading these humble words, I would suggest you pursue Knútsdóttir's published bibliography and start the translation process immediately. She is hot stuff in my book!
Profile Image for Hayla.
577 reviews56 followers
August 6, 2024
DNF for murdered cats.
I need horror authors to stop using animal cruelty in their stories, please and thanks.
Profile Image for carissa | the.grim.readers.
311 reviews249 followers
August 21, 2024
Really enjoyed my time with this delightfully creepy little novella! I don't want to say too much at the risk of giving anything away as it is only 200 pages, but I'll say I highly recommend to readers who enjoyed books such as Come Closer by Sara Gran and Insomnia by Sarah Pinborough and are looking for a quick and creepy read.
Profile Image for Kate O'Shea.
921 reviews113 followers
July 22, 2024
A short but unnerving story from an author new to me.

Iðunn wakes every morning exhausted. Her friends tell her to exercise more and suggest the 10,000 step programme. However when Iðunn checks the shiny new pedometer she bought she finds she's walked thousands more steps- when she should have been asleep. The only explanation is sleepwalking but where is she going? And why? The answers may be what she expects but the truth is far more horrific than she imagined.

The story revolves around Iðunn's family and relationships, all of which seem to be dysfunctional. Even her interactions with health professionals are fraught and unsatisfactory.

The whole book is unnerving and eerie. Just when you think you have the answer to what is happening to Iðunn you're dropped into another, stranger, more disturbing reality.

I did enjoy the book but I wanted more. I wanted more of everything with this story and felt quite let down when it finished. That's not a bad complaint to have is it? I will definitely read more by Hilda Knútsdóttir. I would recommend this book.

Thankyou to Netgalley and Tor Publishing for the advance review copy.
Profile Image for Cynthia.
986 reviews165 followers
May 1, 2024
I had been doing a fantastic job sticking to an actual reading plan in April. Then this book arrived and my resolve crumbled.

I regret nothing.

Let it be known that this novella was immersive enough to (partially) distract me from a terrible intestinal pain flare up. Is that TMI? Listen, I think it’s important for you to know. Because this is high praise. Distracting me in those agonizing moments is no easy feat!

The Night Guest, with all of its weirdness and ambiguity, suited me quite well. It’s so strange, but it starts off in a way that many women will find themselves relating to: The narrator is at the doctor’s. She is describing the extreme fatigue she’s been experiencing, worrying that her symptoms could mean something dire, and scared that this doctor will be another dismissive medical gaslighter.

As it turns out, there is a reasonable explanation for her tiredness. Well, it’s actually kind of unreasonable, but the exhaustion has a foundation.

Now I’m going to write one thing that is a teeny bit of a spoiler, but it’s only to deter those who have this particular quality on their list of “absolutely nots:” Bad things happen to animals in this book. I would not say it’s graphic. But you know. And it is distressing. I totally understand not wanting to read about such things. I don’t like it, either. Yet I cannot deny its effectiveness in the genre. It provokes emotion. It horrifies. It does exactly what a horror book should do.

This is a quick read, even if your intestines aren’t being unkind, so horror lovers will definitely want to run to grab a copy when it comes out in the US in September!

I am immensely grateful to Tor Nightfire for my copy. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Horror Sickness .
780 reviews323 followers
June 9, 2024
A very unsettling story about paranoia, society’s expectations of women and an ode to all women who seek medical help and they are misdiagnosed or simply ignored.

Our main character is a middle aged woman who feels exhausted and has no explanation for her lack of energy. She has tried it all, she has gone to multiple doctors but no one has been able to help her.

One day she gets a smart watch to help her track her steps because she wants to be healthier and walk more. However one night she forgets to take off the watch when she goes to bed. The next morning the step count is over 40,000. How can that be? Is she sleep walking? Where is she going?

It is a quick and intense read with excellent writing that hooked me from the very first page. I could not put it down. It is one of those books that truly creeps under your skin.

This is a book from 2021 that was finally translated into English and I can definitely recommend this to everyone.

I had to lower the rating a bit because the ending was a bit disappointing for me.

However if you are a cat and animal lover like I am I need to give you a content warning for animal harm.
Profile Image for Cassie.
1,561 reviews132 followers
September 2, 2024
Content warning for animal cruelty and death.

The Night Guest is one of those novels that's best read quickly, but digested slowly. After I devoured this book in one sitting, I had to sit with it for a while, thinking about what I'd just read and what it all meant.

The narrative is urgent and unsettling from the first page, when the book opens with Iðunn at a health clinic. She's there because she's constantly exhausted and wakes up with aching muscles and strange bruises. All of her tests are normal, but nevertheless, it becomes increasingly clear that something is very wrong in Iðunn's world.

That's all I want to say about the plot, because I think it's best to leave as much as possible about this story open to interpretation. There is a spareness and a strangeness to Hildur Knútsdóttir's writing; there's a lot that she only hints at without saying explicitly, which just adds to the looming sense of dread. The whole idea of not being in control of your own body is incredibly frightening. At first I was somewhat put off by the abruptness of the ending, but that's where the whole "digesting slowly" comes in. The more I thought about it, the more I began to understand -- and it was only after finishing it that the true horror of it all washed over me.

Iðunn is a compelling character, and Knútsdóttir uses her to introduce readers to life in contemporary Reykjavík and to explore feminist themes. There's interesting commentary about health issues, particularly surrounding a woman's need to advocate for herself when a health professional dismisses her concerns. For a novel that comes in at just over 200 pages, there is so much to unpack both thematically and plot-wise. I just love a book like this: that I know I'll keep thinking about and that I immediately want to discuss with other readers.

The vibes of The Night Guest reminded me of Catriona Ward and Iain Reid, so if you enjoy those writers, this book may interest you as well. Thank you to Tor Nightfire for the early reading opportunity.
Profile Image for Stacy (Gotham City Librarian).
413 reviews90 followers
July 4, 2024
I got this one as a physical ARC through my job at the library!

It’s a subtle but unnerving mystery. What is happening to this woman at night and why can’t she remember? She wakes up exhausted and confused every morning. (Relatable, honestly.) And when she tries to seek medical help, she finds it difficult to be taken seriously.

The author drops little crumbs along the way about the character’s past and what she theorizes MIGHT be going on, but all remains pretty vague.

The horror is mild here, for the most part. It eventually picks up a bit, but if you’re looking for explicit, action packed terror, this may not be the read for you.

This book could easily be read in one sitting. Many of the chapters are one page or even one sentence long. Nice and succinct, with no filler.

I enjoyed the story, the narrator and the overall simplicity of the tone, but I admit that I wanted more. I don’t need every question answered, but there is such a thing as being too ambiguous. After putting this down, I had something resembling a theory. But given what transpired in the story even my own guesses didn’t FULLY match the little bit of evidence given, so I was still confused.

I think that for me, the book felt a bit unfinished. (It had the vibes for sure but added too much mystery.)

It’s still an interesting read. If you also enjoy unstable lady narrators who are having a tough time, strange mysteries and unsettling events, (with mild horror), then check this out!

3.5 stars

TW: Substance abuse, Animal death (off-screen), Death of a Family Member
Profile Image for Lori.
1,618 reviews55.7k followers
May 31, 2024
That was the quickest 200 page book I've ever read! I inhaled it in one sitting, the words literally flying off the page. For a horror novel, it wasn't nearly as dark as I had expected, but that didn't hurt the book in any way. I actually kind of liked the nonchalant approach Knútsdóttir took with it.

Our narrator Idunn is bone tired. She sleeps every night but isn't feeling rested, her arms and legs aching as though she worked out at a gym, which she wouldn't be caught dead doing. She's a bit of a self-diagnoser, and decides to go see a doctor to ensure she's not dying of some highly incurable disease. When everything comes back good, she convinces them to give her some sleeping pills, and in an effort to uphold her promise to be more active, purchases a smart watch to track her steps.

One morning, she realizes she forgot to take the watch off before going to bed and sees she's walked tens of thousands of miles when she thought she'd been sleeping. After continuing to wake with sore muscles and mysterious injuries, sometimes covered in blood that she knows is not hers night after night, her watch shows that she's been walking to the same spot, and she's not sure she wants to discover what it is that's out there...

We only know what Idunn knows, which isn't much. After her recent experiences with the health system, she's no longer in a rush to discover what's happening to her so we're left in the dark for most of the novel. And once the author finally shows her hand, we're still left scratching our heads a little. But I'm ok with that. A little "wait, wtf just happened" is totally good with me! I don't necessarily need books to be wrapped up in a nice little bow at the end. However, if you are a reader who does, beware... because you won't find that here.
Profile Image for kimberly.
557 reviews360 followers
July 12, 2024
Feminine horror set in modern day Iceland.

Suffering from fatigue, muscle pain, and unexplained bruises our narrator visits the doctor in fear of the worst. After routine tests and blood work are done, all comes back normal suggesting that it might just be in her head or what the doctors professionally call “psychosomatic”. Her friends are eager to offer their advice: have you tried yoga, you need to eat more red meat, what about less caffeine, Zumba saved my life! Hoping to aid in her new fitness routine, she buys a shiny new watch and becomes a little obsessed with tracking her steps. When the watch shows an abnormally large number of steps walked overnight, our narrator grows annoyed... The watch is surely broken, right?

This heart-pounding novella can be read in a single afternoon. In fact, I finished the audiobook before my daily commute was over. The chapters are short and suspenseful which, along with the stress ramping up with each chapter, propel this story forward.

All was going well until the ending which came so quickly and so abruptly. I do wish there would have been more substance there. When it ended, I said “Wait.. that’s it? Where’s the rest of it?” I’m ok with ambiguity—I love Shirley Jackson after all—but this went past ambiguity in to feeling unfinished.

Thank you Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for the audiobook in exchange for an honest review. Available 09/03/2024!
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246 reviews346 followers
August 18, 2024
The Night Guest is a horror story set in Iceland about a woman who believes she may be sleep walking. She consistently feels worn out when she wakes up in the morning, having logged many steps, but she can't recall anything that may have happened.

This horror novella has a fast-paced plot that is eerie and unsettling. I am completely enamored with this bizarre story. I was reading nonstop because I had to know what the was going on with her. Iðunn's panic was skillfully captured by the author on the page.
I'm not entirely happy with the finish, even if I can see the use of a rapid and abrupt ending. I do like endings that leave room for interpretation, but in this one I wanted more of my questions to be answered.

Hildur Knútsdóttir created a universe and people that I adore, so I would definitely read more of her work. This book is a great choice if you're searching for something spooky and unique to read.
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