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Task Force Hogan: The World War II Tank Battalion That Spearheaded the Liberation of Europe

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A fourth-generation soldier tells the story of his father’s tank battalion, the “Spearhead,” that selflessly led the charge on the front lines from Normandy into Germany—against impossible odds, technologically superior weaponry, and a fanatical enemy on its home turf—and the heroes whose sacrifice won World War II. At twenty-eight, Sam Hogan is one of the youngest lieutenant colonels in the US Army. The West Point graduate from Texas stands in the commander’s hatch of his Sherman tank, behind him a steel wedge of seventeen other Shermans of his tank battalion. Two weeks after the now-infamous D-Day landings, Sam is preparing to give the order to advance into the German defenses that enclose the Normandy beachheads. Ahead of Sam lies seemingly impossible odds for technologically superior Nazi tanks, camouflaged anti-tank guns, and infantry armed with new anti-tank rockets. But Sam has prepared for this moment for the past seven years. With a guttural call to move out accompanied by diesel fumes and the squeak of tank treads, Sam and his men begin their long journey to liberate Europe—a journey from which many of them would not return. So begins the story of Sam Hogan and his colorful band of tanker heroes of the Third Armored Division—the “Spearhead”—as they battle on the front lines of some of the war’s toughest fights, from Normandy to the Elbe to the Battle of the Bulge. The soldiers of Task Force Hogan come from all walks of life. There are cooks, tankers, infantrymen, salty old sergeants, and wet-behind-the-ears lieutenants. In common, they have a sense of duty to each other and their country, and the struggle against the most sinister enemy modern history has ever produced. In Task Force Hogan , the story of Sam and his band of heroes comes to life through the writing of his son, Will Hogan—aided by never-before-seen letters, military dispatches, journal entries, and interviews with surviving family of the Task Force. These were the soldiers at the tip of the spear, brave enough to lead the charge and fight against insurmountable odds, and often paying the ultimate price, while liberating French villages and concentration camps as they rolled towards Germany to ultimately win the war. In the pages of this book, Will Hogan finally gives these unsung soldiers the voice and memorial that they all deserve.

320 pages, Hardcover

Published November 7, 2023

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About the author

William R. Hogan

1 book16 followers
Will Hogan is a fourth generation veteran and author. His father, Samuel Hogan, was one of the youngest and most colorful US tactical-level commanders of WWII. Will followed Sam’s footsteps into the US Army after college. During his military career he served in armored, airborne and special operations units across the globe including Operation Joint Forge in Bosnia, Operation United Shield in Honduras and Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. He twice served as military attaché overseas. His military career culminated with assignment to French Army Headquarters in Paris, France.

Will holds an economics degree from the University of Texas at Austin and a Master’s in International Relations from New York University.

His first book, Task Force Hogan, pays tribute to the soldiers of the greatest generation. Through contemporary unit logs, after action reports, his father’s correspondence and interviews, he tells the story of the heroes of Task Force Hogan, 3rd Armored Division as they spearheaded the liberation of Europe from Normandy to the Elbe.

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Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 reviews
Profile Image for Marquise.
1,878 reviews1,023 followers
July 21, 2023
Fairly entertaining as well as educative, and perfect for WWII history buffs that love to read the development of the conflict from the viewpoint of the "grunt," or in this case a group of grunts led by Sam Hogan, who spearheaded the invasion of Normandy up to the surrender of Germany.

Despite the writing style, it isn't meant to be a novel, it's a true story written by the son of Hogan, the commanding officer of this task force. It's not quite Band of Brothers, but has a similar feel that will be noticeable; maybe the author did go for it deliberately. It didn't have the same colourful and lovable characters that Easy Company did, or the same emotional punch, or perhaps it was that the writing didn't make them as riveting and charismatic. It was dry and matter-of-fact at times, which contributed to a sense of not finding the story as immersive as it could've been.

I received an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Allison Damico.
69 reviews1 follower
December 12, 2023
This story of Task Force Hogan takes places from July 10, 1944 through April 31, 1945 which are clearly defined at the beginning of each chapter with its dates. Sam Hogan was one of the youngest lieutenant colonels in the US Army. It goes through his battalions experience with World War II. The book is written by William Hogan, his son who is a fourth generation US Army officer. It feels like the odds are stacked against them at every point. William pulled from different sources, first hand documents, interviews with surviving members of that force. I even found William not sugarcoating every decision his father made either which was nice that it didn’t feel as biased as it could have been. I also never realized how small the inside of a tank is, I can’t imagine being in there day in and day out.

Honestly I think this would make for an interesting movie adaptation. If you love history and especially WW2 this is a story you may want to dive into as it may be one you’ve never heard before. This is obviously a heavy topic so if it is something that interests you I highly recommend. I’m not the biggest war buff but I found some of the details really fascinating, different operations, the struggles of being a soldier, war, beating the odds etc. He does give us more info about the whole task force in “The Men of Task Force Hogan” at the end which I enjoyed reading about what became of those men. I think this book fell between being non fiction/historical and a fictional story. So if you like one more than the other you may be a little torn on the writing style. I felt sometimes the dialogue didn’t feel right, not sure what it was about it but it’s just a hard thing to recreate the dialogue. I do think William having a background in the military does give us a realistic point of view especially regarding the military side of things and you can tell he did tons of research on this gathering different perspectives.

From a person who is not a history buff with no military background I found this to be a very interesting recounting of a group of men that deserve to be highlighted in history. #goodreadsgiveaway
309 reviews8 followers
January 3, 2024
Thank you to NetGalley for this e-copy of Task Force Hogan by William R Hogan who writes this book about his father and the courageous battles he fought to liberate Europe from France to Belgium to the heart of Germany in the dying days of WW2.Faced with many obstacles including depleted supplies and food, Sam Hogan and the 3 rd Armored Division spearheaded a campaign to liberate Berlin.and end WW2.Set during the summer , fall and winter of 1944-45, this book puts you right in the forests with the US troops fighting German troops that had bigger tanks and more desperate fighters .They liberated the concentration camp Nordhousen and came face to face with unimaginable cruelty . The US troops did not give up and many paid the ultimate sacrifice.A very engaging book that is perfect for history buffs like me.
146 reviews1 follower
April 14, 2024
Please note: I won this book in a GoodReads giveaway.

Informative and occasionally entertaining, while also showing that war (particularly World War 2) is not something to be glamorized. Mr. Hogan tells the story of his father and the men he led and fought beside across Western Europe in his tank division.

There were some pretty intense chapters that included the 400 man match through enemy territory. Task Force Hogan also witnessed the liberation of several POW camps and mentions one concentration camp. Chapter ten is a particularly grueling home stretch to the relief of the epilogue.

For war buffs.
82 reviews
February 6, 2024
It's hard not to admire the bravery and sacrifices of those who served in WWII, especially one written by an Army son about his Army father. But Task Force Hogan reads more like a screenplay for a B movie about the war. Its reconstructed dialogue employs every cliche possible and the frequent descriptives of officers and soldiers with nerves of steel, hearts of gold, firm handshakes ..... you get the idea .... makes it read more like something from the oxymoronic category of historical fiction than the genuine account that it is.
Profile Image for Clyde.
879 reviews52 followers
August 26, 2024
Very good history of a tank battalion that was in the thick of it from D-day to the end of WW2. Written by the son of Sam Hogan the, the Task Force Hogan commander, this chronical is very detailed and well researched. Very poignant at times, this book brings out full brutality of war and its cost in lives and health of those on the bleeding edge of conflict.
Recommended for anyone with an interest in armored combat during Big-2.
4.5 stars rounded up.
583 reviews13 followers
June 25, 2023
An exciting historical look at a tank command during WW2. The bravery shown by these men in the harsh conditions and warfare was incredible. A truly inspiring novel. A great read!

Thank you to #NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.
December 27, 2023
I thought this book was amazing! I couldn’t put it down. There was so much thought and realism in the text. I felt like I was riding along with the task force from Normandy all the way to 90 miles outside of Berlin when they met up with the Russian forces.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
2 reviews
January 15, 2024
I received a free copy through GoodReads.

This is an awesome book for anybody intrested in world war 2 especially in the military side of things, or for anybody that's interested in military operations in general. It's a very entertaining and enjoyable read.
40 reviews
May 7, 2024
Excellent read for anyone wanting to know more about the armored ground war after D-Day. Despite having inferior tanks to the Germans they still managed to overcome considerable odds in many battles and savour victory with the end of the war in Europe.
144 reviews
June 16, 2023
While I'm sure there's some unconscious bias by the author since his father was in the battalion, overall it was a good history book that brought to life a battalion and aspect of the war quite well.
Profile Image for Bridgette.
347 reviews17 followers
November 22, 2023
*Emotional, heartfelt book
*well written and easy to read
*strong character development
*highly recommend
Profile Image for Lee.
477 reviews11 followers
July 9, 2024
Side note: I wish the author would have spent a little time explaining when the task force's assignments changed, both its assignments to a higher headquarters and its often changing subordinate units. I'm often frustrated by things appearing and disappearing from the mental picture I'm trying to keep in my head.
190 reviews1 follower
July 21, 2024
Excellent description of Normandy thru Berlin liberation from a tankers perspective.. with great detail .. tough to put down!
Profile Image for Matthew Hughes.
15 reviews2 followers
January 25, 2024
The book task force, Hogan, authored by William Hogan, was a very interesting perspective from a task force leader point of view during World War II. I believe the author does a great job with his knowledge of military, with the ability to come up with scenarios that he believes would have happened, and also the ability to use the termanology specific to the military. I gave this book a four star rating just due to the fact that at some points, I found it hard to follow along with the different characters and storyline. But overall a very interesting book and a very interesting perspective.
Profile Image for Brendan (History Nerds United).
597 reviews269 followers
October 21, 2023
Task Force Hogan by William Hogan is the story of the author's father, Sam, in World War II as his unit made the push to end the war in Europe. The author drops the reader directly into combat as Sam drives his tank battalion into the teeth of the Nazis.

I need to add a major disclaimer to the rest of this review. I am a West Point graduate, tank commander, and combat Veteran like Sam Hogan who the book is about. I believe this could possibly make my criticisms from here somewhat narrow. I am very familiar with a lot of things this book is about and it may color my view of how it is presented. The author, William Hogan, does have an easy style and the book reads well. The research was clearly extensive, although invented dialogue does exist in the book which is not ideal.

My major issue comes down to who is this book's audience. If it's for military historians or people who know a lot about World War II, this book comes off as too much of a novel with too many cliches or explanations of basic military concepts. For someone who wants a realistic novel about World War II, then this book drops you into combat without nearly enough backstory on all the people you meet throughout the book. Unfortunately, I feel this book tried to write to two different populations of readers but will not fully satisfy either one.

My disclaimer still applies. I would not say this is a bad book in any way. I would say that it needed to choose what it wanted to be and then wrote to that audience only.

(This book was provided as an advance copy by Netgalley and William Morrow Books.)
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