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Maiden Lane #5

Lord of Darkness

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When Strangers In The Night

He lives in the shadows. As the mysterious masked avenger known as the Ghost of St. Giles, Godric St. John's only goal is to protect the innocent of London. Until the night he confronts a fearless young lady pointing a pistol at his head—and realizes she is his wife.

Become Lovers...

Lady Margaret Reading has vowed to kill the Ghost of St. Giles—the man who murdered her one true love. Returning to London, and to the man she hasn't seen since their wedding day, Margaret does not recognize the man behind the mask. Fierce, commanding, and dangerous, the notorious Ghost of St. Giles is everything she feared he would be—and so much more.

Desire Is The Ultimate Danger

When passion flares, these two intimate strangers can't keep from revealing more of themselves than they had ever planned. But when Margaret learns the truth—that the Ghost is her husband—the game is up and the players must surrender...to the temptation that could destroy them both.

360 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published February 26, 2013

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About the author

Elizabeth Hoyt

38 books6,976 followers
Elizabeth Hoyt is a New York Times bestselling author of historical romance. She also writes deliciously fun contemporary romance under the name Julia Harper. Elizabeth lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota with three untrained dogs and one long-suffering husband.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,052 reviews
Profile Image for Choko.
1,365 reviews2,657 followers
January 2, 2017
*** 3 ***

A Romantic buddy read with the MacHalo Freaks:-) We all need some romance from time to time!

I wanted to like this more than I actually did, but alas, the set up was weak and the chemistry between the two lovebirds never really materialized... And it had potential.

Our Hero had lost his wife to a prolonged illness couple of years ago and is living life as a walking corps... The lady Margaret, aka Mag, lost her lover of 3 months whom she thought was the love of her life, and is left unwed and pregnant, on the verge of a nervous breakdown. In order to avoid scandal and ruination, her brother arranges a marriage between the two. Soon after, the stress of her grieving induces a miscarriage and Mags withdraws in the country, while her husband stays in the city and fights criminals as the legendary Ghosts of St. Giles. Now it is two years later and his wife invades his London home with one mission in mind - she wants to have a baby and needs to seduce her stranger husband. But she is in for a challenge:-)

The plot had some potential, but both characters were grieving for their exes, he was way too stiff and at times annoyingly distant, while she felt desperate and a bit hysterical, at times acting in very ridiculous ways. The chemistry was not there and the love never became believable. I think the reason I did like it somewhat is the fact that it is part of a world we are already familiar with and there were seeds for further romances in the series, which sound intriguing already.

I plan on continuing with the series. I enjoy the writing style of the author and am well aware of the hits and misses a long series can provide. As an optimist I always hope for the best!!!

I wish you all Happy Reading and a wonderful New Year:-)
Profile Image for Alp.
763 reviews449 followers
July 19, 2016

I'm so sad to report that Lord of Darkness, the fifth installment in Maiden Lane series, is a disappointing read in my opinion.

Even though I enjoyed many parts of this book, there were also some parts that made me mad, some made me roll my eyes, and others bored me to sleep. I struggled through almost the entire story. The hero, Godric St. John, didn’t meet my expectations. He’s plain and bland, and seems more like another general character than the hero. Anyway, I admired his determination to save people of St. Giles. To be honest, I neither loved nor hated him.

Lady Margaret Reading, on the other hand, irritated me from the very start to the end. She’s everything I hate in the heroines. She's selfish, pushy, and annoying. I don't understand why Godric fell in love with her or what he saw in her.

There was no chemistry between them. NONE. The romance totally fell flat. I was really disappointed with their first time sleeping together. They both regretted it, and felt like they did something wrong and betrayed their exes. Nope, it wasn't romantic at all.

The good things about this book were Winter, Alf (a girl in disguise), the investigations, and the action scenes.

If only I had known that I would be displeased with this book, I would have never picked it up. It's really not to my liking.
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,464 followers
February 6, 2017
It's funny how your expectations going in to a book will totally affect your rating. I expected to hate this book. I wasn't particularly interested in the two main characters from their introductions in previous books and all of my friends here didn't like it at all. I almost decided to skip it, but I'm glad I didn't.

Because my expectations were so low, I was super stoked to find myself enjoying this book at all.

So, we have a husband and wife in a marriage of convenience for the past two years, with both of them completely broken over the loss of previous loves. Neither of them are interested in getting to know each other and the marriage was never consummated. But, our female decides she wants a baby and who better to get her pregnant than her own husband. They do have their uses occasionally. Mine will kill bugs for me whenever I ask. Even the giant ones that we have in Texas.

My plan for when he is sleeping. It's supposed to be romantic to leave little notes for your spouse!

I liked how slowly these two started falling in love. I also liked that their first couple of tries at the sex was mostly disastrous. Godric, the male, even grew on me. He certainly is going nowhere near my book boyfriend ranch, but I don't want him dead. Hey, for me that's a compliment. As for Megs, well... she wasn't too horrible. Okay, just a little horrible. Definitely stupid. But, I didn't want her dead that badly. Only a little.

So, although it isn't my favorite book in the series, and they sure aren't my favorite couple, I found the book entertaining, and it even made me chuckle a couple of times. That's good enough for me. Now, on to a better couple! (Hopefully!)
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,771 reviews1,584 followers
April 2, 2018
Sale Alert: April Monthly Kindle Deal for $1.99

I never thought Godric was a sexy name until this book. The narrator has now given me a pavlovian response to that name. I’m very happy that this is yet another book in this series without a notorious Rake in it. It also has one of my favorite tropes of the marriage of convenience to a stranger that blooms into love.

Godric is a hero I can really get behind. He loved his wife dearly and stayed true to her all through their marriage and her devastating sickness. He probably would have gone to his grave never even thinking about loving or taking to be another woman if it were not Griffin blackmailing him into marrying his sister Megs.

Megs is pretty adorable with her rambling talking and vivaciousness she is a bit infectious. Megs was in a delicate way when Griffin arranged the marriage between her and Godric St. John. It was a whirlwind and Megs floated through it dazed and bereft of the man she loved that was killed just a short time before. Then she disappeared into Godric’s country home and stayed there for two years. But now she has come out of hiding because she wants one thing from the man she married and hasn’t seen since. A baby. She also wants to kill the Ghost of St Giles thought to have killed her prior love.
“BUT HOW, EXACTLY, did one go about seducing a husband one hardly knew?”

Godric isn’t certain what to do with all the life that has been brought into his dusty old home when Meg shows up with half his country household and some members of his estranged family. He is so stoic that he tries so hard not to let it affect him in any way but Megs is pretty infectious and so it is very difficult not to come to life in many ways when she is around.
“He looked down at her as he eased from the bed. Why such a creature of light and love and life should have come to him, he could not fathom. But he was grateful. Very grateful.”

I really did enjoy how this story played out and Megs draws Godric out of shell. They both lost someone they loved very much. Godric had years of watching his wife in pain so was more prepared for the loss. Meg’s relationship was near the beginning and so it was still was new and burned bright but she has so much more to learn about love and Godric has decided that maybe he could show her.

There is more dangerous fun as Godric is also one of the men parading around as the Ghost of St. Giles. The Lassie Snatchers are back and if Gordic finds who is behind it he might also solve the mystery of who killed Megs first love as well.

All and all I enjoyed this story and was so happy that two people who lost so much were able to find each other.
Profile Image for Princess under cover.
617 reviews304 followers
June 19, 2018
This is definitely not one of my favs in the series. I might even give it 2.75 stars. So given this unhappy feeling, I'll focus my review on what I didn't like:

The Heroine annoyed the hell out of me. She's immature, rash, and brash. She has no thought to anyone but herself. She got herself pregnant with one man's child, got married to another man because her brother arranged it to save her reputation. She never once wondered whether the second man wanted to marry her, and didn't care beyond her own "suffering." Then, she has the audacity to demand that her husband service her like a stud because she wants a baby, even tho he's still in love with his late wife and has told her quite bluntly he didn't want to betray his love. At this point, I am beginning to hate this heroine.

But that's not all folks! She also wants her current husband, who is playing stud for her against his wishes, to find the killer of her dead lover, at great cost to her husband's safety (he gets injured more than once). And BTW, she's stupid enough to stab him herself. And shot at him too.

What the hell kind of heroine is this???? She's F***ing STUPID!@!!!!


Really HATE her! And BTW, even after her husband clearly shows that he LOVES her, is doing everything for her, she still sends him to his death about 85% of the way in. Whhaaaatttt??

But the husband, the Hero, Godric, doesn't get off either. He's supposedly sooooo in love with his late wife, he's comitted himself to suicidal missions as the Ghost of St, Giles. He's a celibate monk. And yet, just because his nubile young wife asks him to bed her to make a baby, he gives in to tempation and lets her have her way with him... he struggles all through the novel (not as stupidly long as she does but still) and then in the end he says - oh, I loved you all along, since before you propositioned me, since the second letter you wrote me, in fact. Ehhhhh?????


Then what the hell were you struggling for all along????

It's like the author had bipolar disorder while writing this thing. Like she couldn't make up her mind what was what.

This is not the first of EH's novels I've had major issues with. But it's rare. I don't cut her any slack tho. I was disappointed. Everything was contrived and forced fit. Not her best work.
Profile Image for ♥ℳelody.
696 reviews756 followers
October 26, 2017
4.75 stars

Why such a creature of light and love and life should have come to him, he could not fathom. But he was grateful. Very grateful.
Absolutely adored this. And that's the biggest surprise for me. I went into this one somewhat apprehensive given the fact how these two came together under forced awkward circumstances. And on top of that they both are grieving over a dead spouse/dead lover. That could have been a recipe for disaster. But this….this was beautiful.

His Achilles' heel, the one person who had reached deep down inside him and grasped his heart, squeezing until it started beating again. She'd brought him back to life.
Megs was such a wonderful delight. I thought she was exactly what Godric needed. Her endless capacity for love, laughter, wit and patience was just so endearing and lovable. And I loved how honest and conscious she was of Godric's feelings through everything. It's this kind of character quality that is hard to find. That sense of guileless honesty and faith I found so refreshing and delicious and perfect contrast to Godric's quiet world-weary reserve.
"Godric," she whispered, and held out her hand to him. He took her hand, spreading her fingers and kissing each one.

Megs looked up at his entrance, her face shining. For a moment he caught his breath--it was almost like a light radiated from within her, and he was very glad that she'd apparently decided not to hold their argument against him.
"Oh, Godric, come see! Her Grace has had her puppies." And she held the ratlike thing--which, apparently, was a pug puppy--like a peace offering.
Godric raised his brows, sinking into a chair. “It’s quite….lovely.”
“Oh, pooh!” She retracted her arms, cuddling the tiny creature against her cheek. “Don’t listen to Mr. St. John,” she whispered to the puppy as if in confidence. “You’re the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen!”

Godric took some warming up to. At first I found him too stiff and closed off, but once Hoyt peeled back every rough layer of this character, his heart, his loneliness, his quiet yearning, his goodness came through. The slow build up of this character and showing his wounds and raw grief was really great to see, heartbreaking yet relatable. I fell in love with him the minute he pulled out Megs’s letters that he kept locked in a dresser drawer and hungrily poured over them to help ground him. I really loved how willingly and open he was to help Megs, his selflessness was truly admirable. And seeing him helplessly fall for her was really a treat.

PS: Did you try the ginger, barely, and aniseed tisane recipe I sent you? I know it sounds quite revolting, but it will help your sore throat, truly!

Her postscript blurred before his eyes and he blinked hard, inhaling. This was who he'd done it for. Megs, who thought old crotchety butlers had any sense of humor, who ate bitter persimmon tarts to please the local vicar's wife, and who cried at the sight of a baby and couldn't admit even to herself why.
She deserved a baby of her own. She'd make a magnificent mother: kind, gentle, understanding.

Gah! I found them so adorable and heartbreaking. It also didn't hurt that this used one of my favorite tropes, a marriage of convenience. Seeing this couple slowly unhurriedly fall for each other was like sitting in the sun and taking in blue skies and a warm breeze. These are two people who carry a lot of hurt and angst but deal with it differently. Godric shutting himself off to the outside world and life and burying himself in his Ghost of St. Giles work, Megs looking for ways to make others happy and finding pleasure in the smallest things. And I found that dying apple tree a great analogy and symbol of what Megs stands for. And it was such a great depiction of what this character represented and did to the hero, how her ‘magic’ transformed Godric and brought him back to life.

Hoyt's really masters at writing smart characters with a sharp focus on all the human senses. That element makes her characters so human and the world building so layered. Her conscious smart layered writing reminds me a lot of Lisa Kleypas.
Phoebe turned her face, leaning close to discreetly inhale. "Artemis?"
"Yes." Artemis felt quite proud. She'd taken to wearing the same scent--lemons and bay leaf--when she realized that Lady Phoebe sometimes used smell to identify people. She suspected that the other woman could see very little at all when the light was dim--such as tonight at the theater.

Just brilliant.

Now there were a few things I do wish were handled differently. The 'avenging' Roger's death arc for one, I felt that took up a little too much time in the last quarter of the book and took focus off Godric but Hoyt made up for it with that beautiful emotional declaration from Megs (emotional declarations are a weakness of mine). Second, not going to lie but my interest is already waning really thin with the whole Ghost of St. Giles character. The thrill and mystery for me is completely gone in that area. I wish (and hoping) Hoyt moves away from it because I don't think it really adds anything to the story and couples IMO. And also I’m not super crazy about the villain plots. I said it in Winter's book and same thing here the whole Lassie snatchers arc just didn't do anything for me. I kept finding my eyes glossing over those scenes and wanting Godric to hurry back to Megs. Lastly, and this is really minor, was how the epilogue was used as a story set up for the next book which is a personal pet peeve of mine. That's not an epilogue, but more of a sneak preview excerpt. I just find it so wasteful and a totally missed opportunity to expand and frame how the couple of the book are fairing 'down the road' after their HEA. Yes it was touched on in the last chapter before the epilogue which honestly was really nice but please don't label a chapter an 'epilogue' when it literally has nothing to do with the featured couple. It drives me batty when authors do this.

As for secondary characters, I'm already very intrigued and heartbroken for Artemis Greaves. This mysterious character is already showing such weight and intelligence. And I’m dying to know more about Apollo. I am a little unsure about stoic stiff lipped Dukely Maximus being paired up with Artemis. He's not very likable right now but I hope he wins me over like Godric did. Looking forward to seeing what happens there.
Profile Image for MuchAdo.
39 reviews5 followers
August 14, 2016
Oh how the mighty have fallen! This is a truly awful book. I couldn't care one iota about the story or the characters, especially about the heroine, who must be one of the most ill conceived and anachronistic heroines in historical romantic fiction.

Other readers here, who, like me, love Elizabeth Hoyt (or used to) while refusing to check their critical faculties at the door, have pointed out how anachronistic this book is. How contemporary the whole tone and voice of it are and feel. It is also an exasperating, annoying and dull love story, as both heroine and hero spend the greater part of the book talking about their dead loves. The heroine in particular openly talks and muses about her dead lover!!! An 18th c. woman talking so freely about the lover who was killed while she was pregnant with his baby, and who, instead of taking this secret to the tomb (as women of her time and class would have ABSOLUTELY done for there was NO alternative), frequently and loudly advertises her passion without ever considering the consequences for her and her family. Probably because she knows her writer, who at this point indulges in disgusting cluelessness about the experience of women in the past, has her behind covered. Her family are all right with it (in fact nothing better could have happened to them!), her husband (the hero) is all right with it, society at large also is all right with it, as the entire world finds her vivacious, spirited, sunny, bright and fizzy. To me as a reader all this shows a writer with complete disregard for her material. All that she has is a penchant for spraying characterisations around, hoping we won't notice that her caricature heroine gives even caricature a bad name. I don't know about all those readers who rated this book with five stars, but I don't like my leg being pulled so hard and for so long. There's a scene where the heroine demands that her feelings about her dead lover be treated in the same manner as the feelings of her husband for his dead first wife! I almost smashed my e-reader against the wall while screaming, 'oi, Lizzie Hoyt, wrong century,love!'. Well she may not care about creating a believable background and keep writing as if the only difference between the present and the past is fashion and coiffure, but I do and demand that a writer of historical romances fulfil at least one of her obligations, to create a historically believable atmosphere (not infodump, let us be clear).

This book felt like the writer too got bored with her dull story and dull heroine and hero and therefore cared not for minimal verisimilitude. The story drags on like a routine check written on automatic pilot without any real effort or care put into it. It reads like a prolonged dial tone. It should be said that Hoyt is never good at creating a historical background (she is one of the worst offenders in HR) and her contemporary voice is deafening that you are taken out of the story with alarming frequency, but at least in the past she could furnish proof she could write love stories full of energy and passion, and that made one forget the contemporary American voice of her books. So it is sad to see that she now pens and publishes trite, unconvincing and utterly boring romances such as this.

Profile Image for Kimberly Carrington-Fox.
796 reviews192 followers
June 27, 2022
Nuestra reseña en A la cama con... un libro

No soy de cambiar notas y esta no va a ser la excepción pero le subiría a cinco estrellas sin problema alguno, así he disfrutado la relectura. Es un libro distinto, con un punto de partida más amargo y oscuro que los anteriores (dentro de que esta serie no es una de enaguas relucientes sino de enaguas sucias, más realistas y llenas de claroscuros) pero con una pareja protagonista que te acaba atrapando y te hace sentir y disfrutar muchísimo.
Es de los libros menos complejos y con menos misterio de la serie, con una historia de amor sencilla pero, para mí, muy honesta y bonita. Godric es uno de esos personajes a los que no le ves la gracia al principio y luego te acaba enamorando por completo.
Reconozco, además, que los libros con el Fantasma son de mis favoritos y este, junto con el anterior, son ❤. Además, la Hoyt los hace coherentes, es decir, no escribe este libro sin que sea coherente con lo escrito en el anterior. Y mira, además aquí sale Winter, yo no le puedo pedir más.
Una gozada.
(Eso sí, el cuento del principio me lo sigo saltando)
March 4, 2013
Nope nope nope. The Maiden Lane series has gone on entirely far enough. There's a maddeningly huge set of characters now, I could not keep track of them all, nor could I remember which parts they had played in the past, nor remember their particular story. I've read all the previous books, but my mind is occupied with other things and I cannot be fucked to remember all their back stories, thank you very much.

There's also an annoying secondary storyline relegated to setting us up for the next book, and I am so not up for that right now.

The plot is interesting enough, the CURRENT Ghost of St. Giles (I swear half the men in the Ton must have been the Ghost of St. Giles at one point or another now). Willing suspension of disbelief aside, the story would have been an excellent one if the characters behaved in a way more fitting to their situation.

We have read Godric's story before in the previous books. He has made an appearance in every single Maiden Lane book, and this is his and Meg's story. In the previous books, we have read about his suffering, his loyalty to his wife Clara and his unending faithfulness and love as she succumbs and finally dies of a long, debilitating, and painful illness. She is unable to have marital relations due to her pain, and Godric does not mind that in the least, professing that his love for her is so great that to have her in his life is nearly enough. For 9 years out of his decade long marriage to Clara, Godric has taken care of his ill wife, and his love for her last beyond her death.

Until Meg comes back into his life (well, that didn't last long).

Meg is his second wife, to whom he is forced to marry. She was pregnant, miscarried, and two years later is back in town to 1. get revenge on her late lover's murderer (who is a total douche who seduces an innocent noblewoman and then leaves her high and dry, if you ask me), and 2. to seduce Godric, because her biological clock's ticking and she wants a goddamn baby.

What ticks me off about this book is that the main characters don't act reasonably. Godric tells Meg that he can't have sex with her, and then a day later goes off and does it because she's so irresistible. Bah! Meg holds a complete asshole onto a pedestal, and both characters spend much of their sexytime alternately:
1) wishing it was over with
2) enjoying it but NOT REALLY
3) hating themselves

If that doesn't spell romance for you, I don't know what does.
Profile Image for Luana ☆.
617 reviews137 followers
May 31, 2021
Ooooo, this book was so good. So much so that I finished it on one sitting. But hey, I love widower stories. Specially if it is a marriage of convenience.

I have liked the hero since the first book and was sad that he did not make much of an appearance on the books after that, but here he is, as awesome as I thought he would be. He's such a good man, kind, patient, focused and if he loves someone, it is real and true and forever. Being it in happiness or sickness.

The heroine on the other hand was quite selfish. She took everything the hero gave her, body, mind, soul and kept asking for more and more. That's the only thing I didn't like about the heroine, that she only thought about herself for such a long time. But she's also sunny and proactive. Full of life and energy. Which the hero was in dire need.

It was hilarious that in the beginning she treated him like an elderly man. When in reality he's only 37yo.

I loved Winter in the previous book, but this book was one of my favorites so far in the series.

4.5 stars.
Profile Image for Melanie A..
1,178 reviews508 followers
August 21, 2018
4.5 STARS!
Why such a creature of light and love and life should have come to him, he could not fathom.
My stroll down Maiden Lane continues!

As always, Hoyt's writing is wonderful. I loved both Megs and Godric. Their portrayal as opposites...
Godric stood, watching as Megs turned and beamed at him, all glorious and vibrant life. Everything he was not.
...had some very sweet, romantic moments.

But it's possible that the Ghost of St. Giles angle is wearing a bit thin for me - which is why I'm rounding down and not up.

I did really like the understated sarcasm that seemed to run closer to the surface in this installment though.
Apparently one couldn't tell just by looking if a woman had learned one's deepest secret.
On to the next! I'm really looking forward to Artemis' story . . .
Profile Image for Sam I AMNreader.
1,484 reviews314 followers
November 18, 2017
Move over, Mickey. I just got to know Godric, and then, you know, love him...(Who am I kidding, I couldn't choose)

I'd read like 5 books about these two. I loved Megs vitality, and the way she brought her husband back to life. I loved Godric's composure, his intensity, and his tenderness.

A wonderful, lovely, sweet journey into the relationship of these two.

I was equally impressed that the cast of characters didn't seem to distract from the main couple, and the world-building was so solid & strong in this book. I wasn't annoyed by the disruption of seeing the prior couples, it enriched and advanced the story quite well. This is rarely the case for series romances for me.
Profile Image for Crystal's Bookish Life.
898 reviews1,582 followers
April 7, 2021
This was a solid read, I loved that the romance had a bit more angst in it because of the losses both people in the couple had before. We have some interesting twists to the Ghost of St. Giles and plenty of action and mystery too. This is such a fun series.

But if I have to hear how 37 is geriatric one more time lol. I know life spans were shorter then but it was a bit much.
Profile Image for Nat O.
24 reviews
March 16, 2013
Hoyt brings the Heat yet again in this 5th book of the Maiden Lane series!

The passion, threat of danger and wonderful characters in Hoyt’s classic style is unforgettable!

I had to scratch my head at first to remember the history of all the characters because it’s been a while since the last installment, but once I had everything straightened out, this became a book I could not put down!

This is about a couple forced into a marriage of convenience. Both are still reeling from the deaths of their true loves and are afraid to let go of the past. But Megs is a woman on a mission to avenge the death of her lost love & plans to seduce her husband for the first time to get what her heart truly desires!!!! But can he get over his past to give her what she wants?

“He walked toward her and knew with every fiber of his being that he walked to life itself.”
When Godric St. John loves, he loves hard. Godric is a 37-year old widower. He lost the love of his life, his wife Clara, years ago to illness. Since then, he has lived a desolate life of celibacy. But his nights are spent saving the helpless in London’s most dangerous neighborhood as the Ghost of St. Giles.

This secret identity is what was used to blackmail him into a marriage of convenience. It’s been two years and Godric has never consummated his marriage to Megs. Both have lived separate lives— He in London, she at his country home.

Lady Margaret Reading, aka "Megs," entered into marriage with Godric pregnant with another man’s babe. That baby’s father was Roger Fraser-Burnsby. This is where the 4th book, Thief of Shadows left off: Both had plans to marry, but the night they were to announce their engagement, Roger is killed, leaving Megs alone and Pregnant. Her brother Griffin fixes her up with a fast marriage to Godric to avoid scandal, but soon after the marriage, Megs miscarries.

This is where Lord of Darkness comes into play: After two years of wallowing in grief, Megs determination to avenge Roger’s death and wishes for another baby has her invading her husband’s London home—trying to seduce her husband! This endearing & heartfelt mission really brought out so many wonderful elements.
“For the first time in a very long while, he yearned to see tomorrow.”

This is where *everything* comes in play and multiple story lines are weaved into one beautiful, thrilling & touching tale.
I truly loved everything about it and am *amazed* at the details and depth Hoyt seemingly included. All of the layers made sense and came together perfectly, making for a wonderful literary piece of work!!
Swoon Alert!!

Secondary characters involving the Duke of Wakefield, Lady Penelope & Artemis were also embedded into the main storyline, setting up the scene for the 6th book in this series that’s to follow Duke of Midnight.

With that said I can’t wait for Duke of Wakefield’s story!! Yeehaw!!
Profile Image for Crista.
810 reviews
January 16, 2013
I loved everything about this book! It's so hard for a series to not loose momentum, but this series is maintaining it's quality and perhaps even getting better!

Lord of Darkness is Megs and Godric's book. Margaret "Megs" Reading is Lord Griffin Reading's sister who was first introduced in Notorious Pleasures. The last book Scandalous Desires, has found Megs pregnant out of wedlock and her lover has been murdered. The epilogue shows Griffin confronting Godric about a "proposition" that he has for him. It's fairly apparent that this "proposition" has something to do with his pregnant and alone sister. This sets up a wonderful Marriage of Convenience plot that involves two hurting individuals whom are both afraid to let go of the past.

Fast forward two years. . She is grief stricken and wishes to avenge her lover's murder and she also longs for a baby. Megs has come to London to seduce her husband! I love this idea, and Ms. Hoyt takes this plot to a whole new level in this incredible book.

Godric is still grieving for the loss of his Clara. Megs is still grieving for the loss of her Roger, yet she bursts into Godric's life and sheds light, laughter, and joy into his dismal and dark existence. Seeing Godric react to Megs was entertaining, and watching this stoic man fall (and fall hard) for his wife was what made this book absolutely brilliant.

There is a ton going on in this book. Maiden Lane continues to be a very dangerous place for women and children, and The Ghost of St. Giles continues to have his work cut out for him. The couple that will be featured in the next book are given just enough page time to have me yearning for release of Duke of Midnight (which will be out this December).

On a side note:
Lord of Darkness also tells the story of the Legend of the Hellequin. I can not believe that a story within a story could be so moving. As with all Hoyt novels, each chapter begins with a piece of a seemingly unrelated story. By the end, parallels can be drawn between the two coinciding story lines. The Legend of the Hellequin was worth the read all by itself. I was moved and had happy chills all over as I read the last sentence.

This is one of the best historical romance writers writing today. This series is not to be missed.

A big thanks to Grand Central Publishing via Netgalley for providing this ARC for review!
Profile Image for Mo.
1,386 reviews2 followers
October 5, 2016
3.5 stars

Maybe not as riveting as the previous books but still a good enough read.

I felt both characters were dwelling in the past for too long in the book.

Nice to catch up with previous characters and see the set up for future books. This is a long series.

“For the first time in a very long time, he yearned to see tomorrow. Tomorrow and the day after that and the year after that. There was a possibility that with Megs he might have a life to look forward to. And because of that, tonight he was going to hunt down a man and assassinate him in cold blood. This act would damn his very soul but for Megs it was worth it.
For Meggie he would walk the fires of hell.”

Profile Image for Pepa.
997 reviews261 followers
May 14, 2021
Reseña completa: https://masromance.blogspot.com/2021/...
3.5 por ese final....
Pero con esto de que no se pueden poner 1/2... un fastidio
Es una novela de evolución de dos personajes que parten de un desamor. Creo que es lo que más he disfrutado de la novela y, admito, que hasta la historia del fantasma me ha sobrado, es útil porque cierra la herida de Meg, y deja claras sus prioridades, pero me hubiera gustado más saber de esos dos años que han pasado y no he leído.
Más sobre Godric, sobre esa niñez, sobre la difícil relación con su familia, porque Godric es un personaje tan humano, se hace taaaanto de querer que ♥♥♥. Es un encanto, momentazos que tiene el hombre. Divertidas las primeras impresiones que tiene Meg sobre él. Y, lo mejor, esa relación paulatina, ese conocerse, esos momentos donde la autora juega con el lector y cuando te piensas que tienes el hilo argumental desenredado, zas... giro al canto
Me gusta también la defensa que sigue haciendo de la fortaleza femenina y, sobre todo, esa ruptura con el gran topico vientre, muchas eran tan solo eso. Lástima que el tema ha durado poco....
Lo que no me ha gustado es ese final tan precipitado, tanto para la pareja como para la vida paralela de Godric
Profile Image for T. Rosado.
1,809 reviews58 followers
April 12, 2021

4.5 Stars

My favorite book in the series, so far! And Godric is my favorite hero. Hands down. It's going to be hard for any other hero in series to top him.

When compared to the first 4 Maiden Lane books, everything in this one worked for me. Marriage of convenience is a favorite trope and I loved the hero and heroine together. I liked that this was a bit unique in that the couple were married and then immediately separated prior to the opening of the story and were only now staying in the same house. The secondary characters were nicely integrated into the book, without being annoying or cloying. And lastly, Artemis’s (the next book’s heroine) scenes didn't feel invasive or excessive as a secondary story line while setting up the next book.
Profile Image for Dagmar.
276 reviews42 followers
November 1, 2021

Loved this book...another Maiden Lane gem.

Our batman H is Godric St John...delicious, decent, dedicated, dignified.

Our spirited h, steadfast, a bright and shining star full of life and promise.

Both are widows living lives in quiet desperation in their marriage of convenience. The slow burn romance was nail-bitingly good as they tried to resist their attraction...sooo deliciously agonizing...the heat and passion soar and the sweetness of their love takes shape...

Sometimes, the answer truly is right in front of our eyes...💗

The transforming power of love, a true heroes' plight to make the hard world softer for the innocent, a deftly woven plot full of richly intriguing secondary characters and loaded with action and suspense.

Time to nurse my book hangover📚😩...or, better yet, move straight on to book 6😉

Profile Image for Anita.
2,363 reviews195 followers
November 6, 2023
Historical-Romance with a dark edge. This series is not your typical tale of a poor little rich girl who meets and falls in love with her Duke-Earl-Baron and lives happily ever after. Elizabeth Hoyt writes her HEA with a dose of pain and suffering. "Lord of Darkness" is the tale of two people who have had true love and lost it, only to find it again with each other. But, it was quite the torturous road to be traveled for them to get there.

Godric St. John feels most alive in the shadows of St Giles where he rights the wrongs done to the poor and downtrodden as the Ghost of St. Giles. His life is forfeit as far as he is concerned, He just doesn't care after his Clara died. Even the woman he was forced to marry means little to him, He has had no contact in the two years since that marriage except through brief correspondence. Now she has shown up on his doorstep demanding the most extraordinary thing.

Lady Margaret Reading has returned to London with a two-fold mission: kill the Ghost of St. Giles and get pregnant. She has long believed that the Ghost killed her lover and will have her revenge for that. She has come to know that in order to be truly happy she must have a child to replace the one she tragically lost.

Dealing with her twin goals should not be a problem. But when she comes face to face with her husband a whole host of unwanted emotions come to the surface. This getting revenge and getting pregnant thing is going to be harder than she at first supposed, especially since the whole thing brings up some very devastating emotions. Godric brings up the devastating emotions. It turns out that Megs brings up a lot of devastating emotions for Godric as well.
Profile Image for Kristina .
957 reviews661 followers
October 19, 2023
Not my favourite of the series, but still a decent addition.

Books three and four in the series were so good that this one just didn’t quite measure up. I think it had to do with the fact that both the hero and heroine were mourning dead, first loves for the majority of the book. When they were together, it was only for perfunctory sex scenes, and I didn’t really believe when they fell in love. It was still a very well written book, and I love the Ghost of St. Giles side plot, but the motivations for the ghost in this one were very lackluster.
I won’t say anymore because I don’t want to reveal spoilers but this is worth reading if you are completing the series but it just didn’t hit as well as some of the other books. But since the series is 12 books long, I guess they can’t all be winners. It still rounded up to four stars for me, but definitely don’t start this series with this book.
350 reviews9 followers
August 25, 2022
What about Megs and Godric? This book was amazing!! I liked the story, I liked the humor, I liked the characters!! 😍

Second chances are usually hard to believe, especially when the ex isn't a bad person and when they happen perforce with a marriage of convenience...but yes, I believe in their love!
Godric is super sweet and respectful, the way he realizes he's ready to love again is believable. Megs' love for Roger is kind of BS but ok, acceptable.

I find it amazing how the author always manages to create so much intrigue and secrets in each book. However, sometimes it gets stressful to be attentive to all the details of the secondary characters, they can become main characters in the next book and we don't want to miss a thing 😱

So, there are many MCs from other books in this one: Bridget Crumb appears for the first time (#10), early intrigues between Maximus and Artemis (#6), Artemis's twin brother Apollo Greaves appears for the first time (#7), Captain Trevillion (#8) continues his quest, Alf (#11) appears for the first time and Sarah and Viscount d'Arque meet (#10.7).
Profile Image for Lisa.
328 reviews81 followers
February 9, 2013
Five books into her Maiden Lane series and Elizabeth Hoyt is still on top of her game! Godric St. John married Lady Margaret to help her out of a tough situation and it seemed to fit for him. Megs would live in the country away from him and he could continue with his nightly duties as the Ghost of St.Giles. This works well until Megs, and part of his family, descend upon him and turn his life upside down when Megs tells him he wants a child. Having married and lost the great love of his life, Godric is not too keen of this plan but concedes to it with a bargain of his own. Megs being around causes new feelings to emerge, not just for himself but she also makes him confront his issues with his family. Megs for her part, also lost the great love of her life and does not want to feel when she is with Godric but as his secrets are revealed, the true force of their relationship is tested.

I have been a huge fan of this series and I was not sure what to expect from this book but I should never have doubted. I loved it. Godric is strong, patient and sexy and I loved seeing his flaws come out and be played out and strengthened with the help of Megs. Megs is full of life and happiness and is determined to have a child with her husband, no matter the cost. I did get a bit frustrated with her during her first bedroom encounters with Godric as she had a hard time letting go of her past, yet she expected Godric to do that with his own past. But Godric cleared up that matter quickly and I loved that! We again get a bit of a mystery in St. Giles but it did not take away from the growing love between Godric and Megs, if anything it helped force the feelings front and center. The St. Giles storyline is a bit similar to the previous book but it did allow up to catch up with almost all the previous couples as a result (no Mickey and Silence though). Ms Hoyt expertly weaves in the characters for the next book, Duke of Midnight, and I already want that book now! The love scenes are passion filled and you could really see how they helped this couple find the love that they thought they would never have again. This is a passionate, lovely, emotional romance that is one of my favorite reads so far this year (as if there really was any doubt). 4 1/2 stars

Review copy provided by Grand Central Publishing via netgalley
Profile Image for Wollstonecrafthomegirl.
472 reviews245 followers
December 23, 2016
There were lots of things about this book that I could complain about:

- You want a baby Megs? Tell us about that, please, over and over and over and over
- Wait, you want a baby and to kill your lover's killer? IDK but I hear traipsing the streets of St Giles and trying to kill some anonymous unknown murderer: maybe not the best baby-growing environment? Stress and pressure and possible knife wounds and all that.
- Godric you're hung up on your dead wife? Please, tell us about that over and over and over and over.
- Wait, you're hung up on your dead wife, but you want to bed your new wife and are plainly in love with your new wife and now you will give her a baby despite refusing at first and deciding you could never love her but you obviously do love her.
- Can the two of you just talk to one another pleaseandthankyou?

This book had many aspects which did not make sense and which were repetitive. And it had a lot of Ghost of St Giles because .

All this should have annoyed me. I guess to some extent, it did, because I sure as hell noticed. But, what can I say? I enjoyed myself anyway. In some ways, this was a far inferior book to #6 and #7 but just felt more fun. I liked Megs optimistic character, particularly, when set against Godric's darkness. The sex was great.

I will probably never re-read this book (ok, maybe the sex scenes), but it was the very definition of a romp and it was engaging and enjoyable. Just be prepared for some plotting and characterisation daftness [not a word? I don't care].
Profile Image for C.W..
158 reviews8 followers
November 23, 2020
Love everything about this series and was delighted to see I somehow passed over this one originally. With an exciting well-paced plot, it held my interest throughout with past and future main characters woven in as well.
The relationship build is beautifully done as two injured individuals attempt to surpass their pain and move forward. The “adults-only” scenes add so much to the story because they reflect so well the state of the character’s hearts & minds. The interactions are meaningful and tastefully done with layer upon layer of steam. Though often attempted and not often successfully, Elizabeth Hoyt does this time and again throughout this series.
It was such a treat to come across this gem I somehow passed over the first time through, and only wished it wasn’t over! This series is a favorite of mine to be read again soon in the near future.
Profile Image for b.andherbooks.
2,232 reviews1,214 followers
March 17, 2022
"The night Godric St. John saw his wife for the first time since their marriage two years previously, she was aiming a pistol at his head."

I've come to expect great first sentences from the Maiden Lane series, so be careful opening one up "just to take a peek" because you won't be able to put it down once you start.

CW: on page violence, medical gore, child endangerment, complications of pregnancy (in past discussion of miscarriage, fears).

Margaret has decided to get pregnant, so must seduce Godric who she quickly married 2yrs ago after her true love was murdered by the Ghost, leaving her pregnant. She miscarried the day after the wedding and hasn't seen Godric since & he has a SECRET (he's the Ghost). She also wants to avenger her true love's death by finding the Ghost. DUN DUN DUN.

Godric is a salt & peppered and secretly jacked cinnamon roll who also lost his wife years ago to a devastating and long drawn out illness. He married Margaret because well, why not, and because her brother threatened to expose his secret identity. Margaret has been living with his family in the country since their wedding.

Now he's flabbergasted to have her, his sister, his stepmother, and all their people move into his shabby old estate house. And she wants a baby! Godric believes his heart will never feel again but it also seems to be having some strange palpitations around his wife. Who thinks he murdered her dead lover.

Such a delicious romance, with both Megs and Godric learning how to love again, that love can change and not be a betrayal of those who are no longer with us. I loved that Megs took matters into her own hands and made things happen, despite her sex and station. And lord Godric is h-o-t.

But, how in the heck do I keep reading romances with "get me pregnant but please no pleasure in the trying" this year? I think this is the third with that niche trope (see also Cecilia Grant's A Lady Awakened and Lorraine Heath).

check out some more of my thoughts with #bMLread2020 on Twitter!
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