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Hemlock #1


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Since then, Mac's life has been turned upside down. She is being haunted by Amy in her dreams, and an extremist group called the Trackers has come to Mac's hometown of Hemlock to hunt down Amy's killer:

A white werewolf.

Lupine syndrome - also known as the werewolf virus - is on the rise across the country. Many of the infected try to hide their symptoms, but bloodlust is not easy to control.

Wanting desperately to put an end to her nightmares, Mac decides to investigate Amy's murder herself. She discovers secrets lurking in the shadows of Hemlock, secrets about Amy's boyfriend, Jason, her good pal Kyle, and especially her late best friend. Mac is thrown into a maelstrom of violence and betrayal that puts her life at risk.

Kathleen Peacock's thrilling novel is the first in the Hemlock trilogy, a spellbinding urban fantasy series filled with provocative questions about prejudice, trust, lies, and love.

404 pages, Hardcover

First published May 8, 2012

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About the author

Kathleen Peacock

6 books845 followers
I spent my teen years crushing on authors and writing short stories about vampires. This is also how I have spent a good slice of my adult years—although the vampires have been replaced by werewolves, angry girls, and ghosts.

Five things you might want to know:
-- I am Canadian
-- I am unlikely to survive the first few hours of the zombie apocalypse
-- I grew up on a steady diet of Stephen King, Doctor Who, and science fiction movies from the 60s, 70s, and 80s.
-- I have a weakness for romantic comedies with abysmally low Rotten Tomatoes scores
-- I am occasionally a university student

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,112 reviews
Profile Image for Krista.
272 reviews252 followers
Want to read
April 29, 2011
"while trying to choose between the human boy who loves her and the troubled werewolf who saves her life."

Um, gag me. I SWEAR TO GOD if I see another freaking love triangle where the idiotic girl CAN'T FREAKING CHOOSE a boy, I'm going to rip my hair out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Profile Image for Giselle.
990 reviews6,644 followers
May 1, 2012
There has been no shortage of vampire and werewolf novels in recent years. I was wondering how a new werewolf book could possibly bring about something new and original. Somehow, someway, Kathleen Peacock thought of an intriguing plot, wrote some fantastic characters, gave them life, unique voices, strong personalities, and wrapped it all up in this lovely novel full of mystery, friendship, and loyalty.

What makes this plot unique is obvious from the start: The werewolves are out. The public has been made aware of Lupine Syndrome. The Trackers, who are trying to contain the spread of this virus, are basically given free reign to be violent to whomever they think has been infected. Thus, as you can guess, the infected want to hide their secret. Then there's Amy - our protagonist's best friend - who's just been murdered. See? We've got a simple werewolf lore with added suspense, a murder mystery, and a dystopian-like society, which gives us a pretty darn good page-turner! Also, this is the first book in a long time that I can honestly say has surprised me with the twists. It ambushed me! There are actually several of these twists wound together that made me take a step back… and blink.

A society such as Hemlock's really triggers some helpless feelings while reading - werewolves having no lawful rights or protection. Everyone's at the mercy of the Trackers. They have all the power, and believe me, they use it. It reminded me a bit of reading a dystopian: feeling like you're trapped with no one to turn to for justice. One thing I'm curious about is the werewolf politics: What they're doing to fight this, what the camps are like, etc. However, seeing as this is the first in a series there's still time to get into this.

Inside this society, Hemlock possesses characters that shine throughout. Mac's personality is so honest I really grew to be fond of her. She's got incredible devotion, she's strong and her head is screwed on right. In addition, there are two of the sweetest, although polar opposite, guys after her. I don't dislike love triangles but I've read my fair share of them. Yet, I was delighted by the way Kathleen wrote the romance in Hemlock. First you should know that although the romance is always somewhat present underneath it all, it never takes the lead. The plot keeps at center-stage with Mac's commitment to get to the bottom of Amy's murder. With that said, both guys in this book are incredible. Kyle is so adorable you just want to squeeze his cheeks. Jason- he's the bad boy. You'll hate his actions, but it's easy to see the huge heart that he's hiding underneath his tough exterior. Don't ask me which team I'm on, though, I have joined none. I refuse to choose! *Crosses arms*

As far as werewolf books go, this is easily my favorite to date; it has so much more. It's an all around wonderful novel that balances plot, romance, and action perfectly. It will keep you up until morning, either from its enticing pace, or its gorgeous cover that you simply cannot stop staring at!

Oh, and side-note: The author is Canadian! REPRESENT, YO! >.<

For more of my reviews, visit my blog at Xpresso Reads
Profile Image for Kat Kennedy.
475 reviews16.3k followers
June 3, 2012
This is the per­fect book for fans of Vam­pire Diaries or soap operas.  If that’s your thing, then this will be YOUR thing.  I mean, in a big way.  You’ll prob­a­bly jizz your­self and explode in an apoplexy of  fan squees.
It’s not that there wasn’t a plot, but it was suf­fo­cat­ing under a bar­rage of heavy, thick, awk­ward romances.  Like that guy who was really into you but also really into mouth-breathing and you weren’t sure if his hands were always wet because he was ner­vous or he’d just been to the bathroom.
There weren’t any seri­ous issues with the actual tech­ni­cal writ­ing.  Pea­cock is rea­son­ably pro­fi­cient at express­ing her­self and con­vey­ing emo­tions in prose.  I enjoyed the var­ied rela­tion­ships that existed between sev­eral char­ac­ters – to a degree.
My main issue was that as much as I gen­er­ally liked each char­ac­ter indi­vid­u­ally, together as a group and the ties that bound them were shal­low, sim­plis­tic and juvenile.
When writ­ing, if you feel the need for your nar­ra­tor to express how sim­i­lar their life is to a CW pro­gram, then there’s your first sign that you may be doing it wrong.  And if, at any time, all the prob­lems in your fic­tional world extend from the fact that peo­ple just love the main pro­tag­o­nist TOO much, then there’s your sec­ond sign.
The last sign is when your char­ac­ters spend com­pa­ra­ble amounts of time ago­niz­ing over their rela­tion­ships and angst, as would a soap opera.
Over all, it was a light, inter­est­ing read.   If you’re into wangst, love tri­an­gles and para­nor­mal YA’s then give it a go.  If the com­bi­na­tion of those three together creeps you out as much as your great Uncle Har­vey, then give it a miss for your own sake.

This review and others is also available on our blog, Cuddlebuggery Book Blog.
Profile Image for Tatiana.
1,462 reviews11.4k followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
May 19, 2012
If you are looking for something original, unique, something that immediately grabs your attention, you will not find it in Hemlock.

If you are looking for stock characters and story lines, stock love triangles and stock narrator full of grief, angst and no distinct voice, Hemlock might work for you.
Profile Image for Jay.
514 reviews369 followers
July 16, 2013
First read: April 15, 2012
Re-read: July 15, 2013

Oh my gosh, it has been a LONG time since I have been obsessing over a book like I am obsessing over Hemlock right now! This book BLEW ME AWAY! I mean, I have read this book about 10 days ago and i am STILL raving about it to anyone who would listen!! Hemlock is definitely one of those rare books that remind you of WHY you love reading so much! Also, this is coming from ME, who is a person that does not like paranormal as much as contemporary and dystopian! However Hemlock was so good that as soon as I finished reading my galley, I went and pre-ordered a copy for myself to reread!

Hemlock is about a girl, Mac, who used to be part of a close group that consisted of: herself, Amy, Amy's boyfriend Jason, and Kyle. However this friendship broke down when Amy was found murdered, and all signs point to a werewolf. See, in Hemlock, people know there are werewolves and any person can become one if they contract the Lupine syndrome. However, the werewolves are shunned and when found are sent to werewolf camps where they end up locked there for the rest of their lives. I loved the uniqueness of the story, it really is not like any werewolf novel I've read. Also to add to all this, there is a murder mystery and you all know how much I love those! Every single one of the characters in Hemlock are so damn likable! We've got the protagonist, Mac. She is strong, level-headed and just an all around GOOD friend to Amy, Jason, and Kyle. She is trying to pick up the pieces of their broken friendship after Amy's death while at the same time trying to solve this mystery (it sort of gave me a Veronica Mars vibe and I love that show!).

Then we've got Jason and Kyle. Oh boy, is it possible to love BOTH guys SO MUCH that your heart breaks no matter who Mac ends up with? Jason is the really messed up rich kid that gets in trouble just for the thrill because Amy's death has screwed with his head so much that you just want to hold him and comfort him and tell him it'll be all right. Then we've got Kyle, the best friend you would always want and the secret crush you would always hide. He is the opposite of Jason. He is responsible, is the one looking out for Mac and not the other way around, and YOU want to be held by HIM and hearing him say that everything will be fine. Kathleen Peacock has woven SUCH an amazing romance plot that it has restored my faith in love triangles. The twists and development of the romance and the awkward and charged moments were all so unbelievably AMAZING, it was very hard for me to concentrate on anything BUT the book. Now even though there is a love triangle and romance, the book really centers around Amy's death and mending the broken friendship and trying to figure out what the trackers (think 'werewolf police') are really doing in town while trying to not get killed in the process!

Hemlock was such a thrilling, addicting, incredible page turner that I ended up staying way past my bedtime to read it and even reading it in the middle of class because I JUST.COULD.NOT.PUT.IT.DOWN! I am now counting down the days until I can get my hands on Hemlock #2 because that ending? It leaves you with enough closure while at the same time gives you a cliffhanger that leaves you wanting SO MUCH MORE!!

More reviews on Maji Bookshelf
Profile Image for Laurie.
Author 6 books215 followers
July 13, 2012
if you aren't team jason, you're dead to me
Profile Image for Pam Pho.
Author 8 books326 followers
December 9, 2011
I read all 400 pages in 24 hours. I can't give you a full review but I can say this. Its one of the best mysteries I have ever read. I had tons of theories going through my head and yeah, they were all wrong but let's not dwell on my uber power to not take a hint. The werewolf lore was interesting and there was a small dystopic vibe for their plight. The bad guy was supremely bad and I wanted him to meet the long end of a pitchfork all through the novel. The protagonist was smart and unobservant at the same time and incredibly likable. The boys were swoon-worthy and annoying as boys are and every character felt so very real. The book is peppered with tiny bits of intellectual humor. I don't think there is anything the author could have changed to make me love this book more than I do. I really can't believe this is a debut! Mark it to read folks, you can thank me next year. I take gifts. Like chocolate and cold hard cash.
Profile Image for Zoey Talbon.
198 reviews101 followers
April 4, 2015
I almost didn't write a review for this because I'm not sure how to put how much I loved this book into words. But I attempted anyway.

I might have been a little biased about this book because of the werewolves. I have a special attachment to them because the first thing I ever really wrote - and the only thing I ever finished - was about werewolves. But after I finished, I knew that had nothing to do with why I loved it so much. People might say they're sick of werewolves, but Hemlock is something I think everyone should take a chance on.

I love the idea of a world where people know that mythical creatures exist. The world of Hemlock is such an easy one to immerse yourself in. The way the world is built up and explained is perfect. It's a world that's so interesting that I just completely loved reading about it. Maybe it's so easy to get involved with because it's also so easy to imagine because it's barely different from ours - but instead of regular serial killers, the serial killers in Hemlock happen to be werewolves. Or maybe Kathleen Peacock is just that good.

I think I only had one issue with this book, and that was Amy. Amy is - or was - Mac's best friend. Amy, even in death, is a big part of the book, yet I almost hated Amy. She's portrayed as a bad person, both through Mac's dreams and the secrets we eventually find out she kept. Even the way Mac talked about her sometimes. It made me wonder she was friends with her, why everyone loved her so much. It was hard for me to understand anyone's motives when it came to Amy.

However, Hemlock is still full of mystery, suspense, and of course some romance. And some awesome characters. Mac is an ordinary girl who can be extraordinary at times simply because she cares so much about protecting the people she loves. The way she never gives up on Jason is admirable. She doesn't run away from all the scary things in her world just because they're scary - but at the same time, she's still scared. She still acts like a teenage girl.

There is a slight love triangle in Hemlock that will probably escalate in the rest of the series, but I can't even complain about that. Both boys involved are ones I love. Jason is broken, flawed, not always easy to put up with, but fiercely loyal and protective. Kyle is also very loyal and protective - but in a different way. Either way, no matter what you think their personalities are, all the characters in Hemlock are very well-developed. They all have depth, which isn't something I've seen in YA lately.

Overall: Werewolves. Suspense. Amazing characters that are real, even if they're slightly paranormal. This debut has it all. Hemlock grips you from the first page and doesn't let go - not even when you've finished. 5 stars.
Profile Image for Annie Brewer.
Author 14 books780 followers
September 13, 2013
Well this book was a mighty awesome surprise! I had no idea what to expect when I started reading it. I've had it on my shelf since last year, and had wanted to read it so many times but something kept holding me back. I love werewolf books, love them. But for a year I'd been on a contemporary romance kick, and I'm happily off that train. For a while anyway. I couldn't have been happier with this book. It was so different, refreshing, fascinating take on weres. And not only that, it had a bit of a mystery in it. Mixed with a great romance, and yes, even a love triangle which I'd come to realize I was torn.

In Hemlock, nothing is as it seems. No one is who they are. Lies. Murder. Werewolves. Friendships. So many things have you reeling at every turn when things are revealed and people are deceived and you don't know who you can trust.

Mackenzie Dobson is trying to put the pieces together after her best friend Amy is killed. It was a werewolf attack and the town is on lockdown. Trackers are in town to remove anyone infected with LS (Lupine Syndrome) and take them to the camps where they live a semi-normal life. But there are restrictions and not treated well. As more attacks occur 5 months later, Mac is on the search for the killer. The one responsible for Amy's death, along with 3 others. But at every turn, she's questioning herself and blaming herself for not being there that night that the wolf attacked Amy in the alley. Jason and Kyle, Mac's 2 best guy friends...and later on love interests, are keeping secrets. Even though they blame themselves for not answering the phone or letting her go out alone, something is not adding up. When Jason starts acting strange and getting into fights after being piss poor drunk on many occasions, Mac inlists in Kyle's help to find answers. Along the way, he confesses his feelings for her that have been brewing for a while. One thing after another, so many events and revelations come to the surface leaving Mac feeling alone, questioning whether she can trust Kyle or Jason. Or anyone for that matter. After one night, nothing in Hemlock is the same. Mac will have to make decisions that put her and her friends in danger. But she'll do anything to protect those she loves.

What really happened to Amy that night?

Phew! This book threw me for a loop. I had no idea what kind of drama I was getting into when entering Hemlock but it seemed every page had my heart racing, my hand flying to my mouth as I gasped out loud. I would start to put things together...but then turn out I was wrong. I kept guessing, and it turned out off. And then I was trying to catch my breath, wiping my eyes, smiling, swooning, rinse, lather, repeat. Yes, I may have said that backwards, but what the hell. Y'all get it. I just mean, my head was spinning and I couldn't keep up with what was happening. It went so fast, I had to slow down and let my brain catch up with my eyes.

Let me say, this was one hell of a murder mystery. It was freakin' insane! I loved it but never expected this to be so addicting. I would put it down only to be thinking about it and what would happen next. These characters are amazing. I fell in love with each of them. Mac was a very fierce and strong heroine. She loved her friends and even those she didn't know them all that well, she wanted everyone safe. She went to great lengths to hide some ginormous truths that put her life in danger. Did she think twice about it? Hell no, it was instinct to her. She lost her best friend, and was damned if she'd lose anyone else. But on a hunt for the truth of what happened, there was a lot of pieces that didn't quite fit the puzzle. Once the truth was revealed, I was breathless...and speechless...and a bit repulsed. Some characters were so sick and vindictive, or repulsive. I couldn't believe what happened. It was sickening. But then it added up, and when shit hit the fan, IT HIT THE FAN and exploded. But it was one hell of a ride.

Peacock weaved a story of murder, paranormal, romance and suspense so well, it was like a movie was playing. It was a damn good one too. It was fast paced, and yet I had to stop and take a breath so I didn't finish it so fast. What an awesome book. I'm so eager to continue this adventure, or more like thriller with these guys.

The romance was perfect. I mean, I was not so happy about another love triangle, there's too many. But honestly, at first I loved both characters and felt torn. But now I know who I want to ship with Mac. I love both Kyle and Jason equally. They're both great for Mac and bring out the best in her. But my heart is set on Kyle. He was such a sweet guy. He's protective, kind, heroic, funny, very good looking (it's gotta be the dark hair) and he was a wonderful best friend. I could tell he loved her, even though he had to deal with a psycho ex girlfriend. I really hated her by the way. But his feelings for her were genuine and he cared about her enough to leave town to protect her for reasons I can't say. Jason on the other hand pissed me off. I love the tortured bad boys. But he really went too far at times. He was a drunk and reckless boy and was so not dependable. Unlike Kyle, Jason was hard to depend on for help when needed since he was the one always drinking and getting into fights. But then again, I guess anyone who saw their mangled girlfriend's body in the alley after a wolf attack would turn pretty fucked up too. I felt bad for him. Then he revealed secrets and his feelings for Mac too and I just lost it. I started leaning towards him. Really, I just wanted to fix him. He was so destroyed, and broken. He's the son of the most rich man in town so he got everything he ever wanted in life and didn't have to face too much punishment. But after that night, his life spiraled out of control. However, by the end, I was soley Kyle. He won me over. But I do love both boys, as did Mac. She cared about her friendships, which made it hard to make some of the decisions she had to make. But she'd do anything for both of them. It was always Mac, Amy, Kyle and Jason for years. Now that Amy was gone, she needed to save the remaining friendships. It just sucks that certain things happened. Her cousin Tess took her in 4 years ago after she lived with her dad who was not a fit father. Tess was a great friend for her. She was like the older sister she never had. Serena, Mac's best friend and her brother Trey, I loved as well. Their secret was a shocker too. But really, it made the story more interesting. Actually, I loved Trey about as much as I loved the boys. He was protective and sweet and very sexy when he got pissed. He always made sure Serena was safe, along with Mac. They all became a great team and even during some of the fights between the guys was entertaining. Guys can be such guys, competitive, it's quite comical. Except in their case, it wasn't really funny. Intense yes, funny, no.
The end of the book had me sad, but not screaming for the next book. I mean, sure there's a cliffhanger, but it's not as bad as I expected it to be. But. I'm still aching to get my hands on the next book to see where it's headed from here. I know where it's going...but I'm eager to get back in the world of the wolves and great characters. I loved it! I definitely recommend this series if you're a fan of solving murder mysteries, woven with a delectable love triangle romance and werewolves. Since the next sequel just came out, I'm gonna wait a bit to get to it, so I don't read it and then have to wait too long for the 3rd book.
Profile Image for Keertana.
1,138 reviews2,277 followers
June 4, 2012
Rating: 2.5 Stars

There are not many books I can say I was happy to finish, but Hemlock definitely falls into that category. I believe I skimmed through the last seventy pages and I was so relieved to have finished it that I just gave a great big sigh of happiness. When a book incites a reaction like that from you then it can't be good. However, Hemlock, for all it's standard, boring, snore-worthy YA moments, did have a heck of a murder mystery going for it - one which kept me on the edge of my seat until I found out who the killer was. Either than that though, I'd advise you steer clear from this debut.

In the futuristic world where Mac lives, lupine syndrome is a danger to mankind. A mere scratch from a werewolf could leave you infected, so it's no surprise that their very existence puts humanity on edge. Amy, Mac's best friend, was found in an abandoned alleyway, her body torn and ravaged, clutching a piece of white fur in her hands. All the signs point to a werewolf, but the question is who? Mac is unable to get any type of closure without knowing her best friend's killer and, as if in response to her subconscious, a group of Trackers comes into town - werewolf hunters. When Amy's boyfriend and Mac's best friend Jason joins them, Mac knows that she has to take on the white werewolf on her own. Joined by her best friend Kyle, Mac sets out to find Amy's killer, but what she ends up uncovering are a lot more than secrets of the dead...

For a novel marketed as being original and different, the world of Hemlock felt eerily similar to the Wizarding World's treatment of werewolves. What do we know about Lupin? He can't get a job because he's a werewolf, people avoid him because he's a werewolf, the Ministry passes laws against him because he's a werewolf and therefore, he tries to avoid being noticed as a werewolf. The world of Hemlock contains the same exact scenario. The Trackers are a government-sponsored group of people who tase werewolves and send them to live in camps away from the rest of civilization so no harm can come to others. Of course, no one actually wants to live in those camps so they keep the fact that they're a werewolf hidden. Really, the idea isn't so original. What could have been original was the execution, but even that fell eerily flat all because of...you guessed it...the romance!

Hemlock could have been a truly amazing novel if only the romance had taken a backseat in this one. Instead, the reader can sense the love triangle from the prologue of this story itself which was a huge let-down and disappointment. Originally, it may seem as if Mac isn't torn over two guys and in some ways, she really isn't. It's very obvious who she wants to be with, but at the same time, two guys are in love with her and I'm pretty sure I can predict the romantic plot of Book 2 for you right now if I really wanted to. Yes, that's how blatantly obvious it is. Furthermore, it wasn't just the existence of a love triangle that made me shudder away from this love story, it was also the sheer lack of emotion towards any of these characters. Mac, Amy, Jason, and Kyle have been best friends since forever - they're like the Forever Four or something! So of course, the author doesn't see fit to truly expand on their relationship, simply throwing them into scenarios where they are expected to protect and stand-up for each other or where it isn't strange, weird, or random when two of the characters simply begin kissing out of the blue. In context, it makes sense, but to the reader, it is all rather unexpected and rushed. If Mac had been killed at the end of Hemlock I honestly don't think I could have brought myself to muster up any type of emotion towards to her demise. Not. One. Bit. If that says I'm heartless or says that the author isn't very good at character-developing, I don't know, but I do know I won't be continuing with this series.

Hemlock is the type of book that could have been turned into a full-fledged murder mystery with political intrigue and scandal thrown into it. Unfortunately, it was a romantic story with a murder-mystery in its backdrop. Although I really enjoyed the mystery aspects of this story, I didn't quite like anything else. So do I recommend this? No, I don't. Please, don't be like me - don't be fooled by this beautiful cover or deceptive synopsis. Hemlock isn't new, original, or unique as we'd all like to believe. Instead, it's a complete waste of time. Unless you're a fan of love triangles, romantic paranormal stories, and plot-taking-the-backseat-to-the-love-story tales, then Hemlock isn't the book for you.
Profile Image for ~Tina~.
1,092 reviews158 followers
July 3, 2012
Truth be told, I was just about over werewolf books. I've been disappointed by two of what use to be my favorite were-series and just as I was about to boycott them for life, I remembered that I own this book, so I figured I'd just read it. Rate it. And be done.
Little did I know that this was going to be an absoulte favorite!
So, series, please, please don't let me down. I'm gonna take a chance on you;)

Hemlock is one of those reads where I started to read the first chapter only to be done six hours later. No lie.
Page after page, this book was as easy as breathing.
Great great writing my friends. Kathleen Peacock pulls off an amazing story line that has just the right amount of mystery, suspense, excitement and an eeriness buildup that kept my heart pounding all the way through. Plus it also has just a touch of romance to keep things interesting and a few bold zingers that made me smile.
I loved the way we were guessing right along with our protag and anticipating all the possibilities of what would happen next. The twists were perfectly calucatled, in fact, I never saw most of it coming and was pretty shocked when I found out who was responsible for it all.

Hemlock is about a girl named Mac who just lost her best friend, Amy, in a werewolf attack. But this story is mainly what happens to Mac and her two best friends, Kyle and Jason (who was also Amy's boyfriend) and the disastrous turn of events that take over their lives after Amy's death.

I usually favor male point of views in my books, but I gotta tell ya, I just love Mac's voice. She's a strong character, protective and passionate, fierce and flawed. And very much caught in the middle of crazy.
I love the fact that her best friends are guys. But Kyle and Jason both come with pretty hardy issues. There was one point or another I wanted to bop their heads together. I wasn't confused about which guy I liked more, but in the end I realized that I liked them both. Issues and all.

There is a lot happening in this book and it kinda feels like it's all at once, but in a non-confusing way.
We have Jason and his involvement with the Trackers (which wasn't cool btw). We have the Trackers bullying everything in town. Then we have Kyle and his complicated dilemma while Mac would be the one in black and white stripes refereeing all the testosterone in the room while trying to solve her best friends murder.
I honestly don't know how she did it.

I wouldn't say there was a lot of romance in this one, and while the hardcore sap in me would normally complain, I'm actually glad since there was just to much going on and it would have felt forced or inappropriate with how the plot was set up. Not to say that we didn't get plenty of angst and even some moments of swoon and maybe even a possible love triangle in the future, but for now, I'm glad this book didn't focus on just that like most books tend to do.

The only tiny issue I had with this book was I wish we got to know Amy in a non-haunting-nightmarish way. I mean this book is centered around her death, it's what effected these character so profoundly, so I kinda wish I could have connected with her the way she was when alive and not just the creepy and unhinged version.

In a nut shell? I loved this one. It restored my faith in werewolf books again and that's saying a lot since I really was about to give up on this whole paranormal-genre. The writing is just fantastic, the story line is all consuming and these characters will pull you along till it's all said and done. Loved!

A brilliant debut!
Profile Image for Rie.
174 reviews27 followers
December 11, 2011
I’ve been reading a lot of “friendship” books lately and this one tops them all. I love the heart of the story being about the loyalty and devotion that a friendship should have, but often doesn’t. Mac believes she would know everything about her best friend Amy, but a year after Amy’s brutal murder she starts investigating and finds things she never knew.

Mac begins investigating due to the arrival of the Trackers. The trackers are anarchical thugs that have tattoos on the side of there neck and are basically brainless followers of the Trackers leader. They frightened, angered, and appalled me. Think KKK for the 21st century. Yeah, ignorant people that use violence to appease their fears of the unknown.

I loved Mac. She was independent, loyal, strong, and had a great sense of sarcastic humor. Mac was a great friend with one annoying overused problem. She’s blind to those around her. This is the only issue I had with this book. The cliché of being completely blind.

She had a hard childhood and no parental guidance. Even though it was just her and her cousin you could tell they were a strong family unit. Mac was always ready to protect Tess and the same went for Tess. When Mac got hurt Tess was at her side.

Jason was a troubled “rich” boy. He could use the power he had from his father’s money in order to accomplish great strides, yet he was drunk, uncontrollable, got people hurt while being blind to it, and got tied up with big bad. Yet, he was completely loveable. I probably fell for him a bit more than I did Kyle.
Kyle, oh adorable Kyle, he is overprotective, loving, and always gentle. He broke my heart with his I’ll sacrifice so that you are safe stance.

This was one of my favorite books that I read for the Wicked Reads event and there were so many great ones!
Profile Image for Katy.
611 reviews330 followers
April 3, 2012
4.5 - Hmmm... 4 or 5?

I finally found a werewolf book that I liked!!! Yes, this book is your typical, overplayed werewolf storyline - so yes, it is cliche and predictable. But there was just something about it - probably the LOVE TRIANGLE, there's your warning - that had me flying through the pages in the three hours it took me to read it, and no, I did not skim any of it.

WARNING: This review may have some minor spoilers because of the vague summary and because of the way Peacock wrote the book. I say they're minor spoilers because you find out pretty quick everything I am not hiding in the spoiler tags.

First the story. I admit it's not the greatest storyline ever. Like I said, it is your typical boy is a werewolf, girl finds out which means she is now in danger, boy tries to stay away from girl, and girl has to find out how she really feels about him and decide if he's worth hanging on to.

Having said that, there was more to just your typical book. There's a love triangle. Dum, dum, dum. Actually, it's more than just a triangle, but read the book to find out. And guess what? Not only is the boy human, but he's also going to be one of the hunters. Oh choices, choices.

So yes, the storyline isn't original and totally unique, but it was full of suspense as the mystery unraveled, and full of action.

What made me really love the book was the romance. Yes, I know it's not a good thing that the best thing a book has to offer is the romance, but too bad. I'm one of those who is not opposed to love triangles, as long as it's either there in book 1 and not just carelessly thrown in the sequel OR as long as an author is not trying to sell the concept of soulmates and then throw in a third party.

So I was tugged emotionally as Mac tried to make her choice. I admit, I had a few squeals, and a few tears did land on my pillow.

I also liked that this book didn't leave us with a total cliffhanger (though it did break my heart), but made us look forward to book 2. Road trip!
Profile Image for Giselle.
1,072 reviews907 followers
April 5, 2016
An Electronic Advanced Reader Copy was provided by the publisher via Edelweiss for review. Quotes have been pulled from an ARC and may be subject to change.

Wow! What an incredible debut novel written by a fellow Canadian! Honestly I wasn't into werewolf themed novels but this one just became my favourite. Maybe the beginning was terribly slow, but I was already interested in the characters and the plot so I had no problem plowing through. The mystery within this novel kept me reading on way into the night.

Mac and her friendship with both Kyle and Jason were just sweet and sure they were all friends even when Amy wasn't around. Still I couldn't help but feel weird when there were so many signals that Kyle and Jason fell for Mac, and she was too clueless until it blew up in her face. I guess there's a trend with love triangles in young adult books and I can understand why. It makes for a great dramatic read. I feel like I'm reading a soap opera. Was anyone else aware that Mac was always in trouble and the guys had to swoop in to save her? Damsel in distresses in books make me laugh. She was so utterly stubborn and got herself into such dangerous situations for making such rash decisions. I love the witty dialogue between the teens.

So much mystery, romance, and action that I can't help but pick up a final copy of this book. Can't wait for the next one!

Rating 5/5


"I stared into Jason's eyes, and for a split second I had that feeling you get when B elevator drops too quickly."—Mac

"You can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved."—Kyle

"I put everything I had into the kiss, all the things I didn't know how to find the words for—the fear that I had almost lost him, the relief that he was all right, the worry that he would leave."—Mac

"Was everyone in town a werewolf and I just didn't get the memo?"—Mac
Profile Image for Savannah (Books With Bite).
1,399 reviews183 followers
April 5, 2012
As a reader, I come across a lot of stories overdone. Werewolves being one of them. I must tell you that this book is pure AWESOMESUACE! Not only it is unique but the world building is simply amazing!
In the words of Luigi from Disney Cars, this is how I feel:
"I must scream it to the world, my excitement from the top of someplace very high."

What I loved most about this book is that it is what is really is. Werewolves. Not nice werewolves who can speak to each other through their minds but wolves full of blood lust. People fearing for their lives. Rising politics that want to rid the world of them. And a love form from a long time friendship. I'm telling you, awesomesauce!

The characters of this book have very distinct values. I really loved how each voice is loud and clear with where they stand. You have friends that are for the werewolves and friends against. Though it is easy to see how each character plays a bigger role that what the reader sees.

Another part of the book is the amazing love interest. I don't want to say too much for I might give it away, but trust me when I say the love is good. There is sort of a love triangle going but not really. I guess we all will just have to see what happens in the next book.

Hemlock is an amazing story that shines. The romance is unforgettable with werewolves that do the unimaginable. Hemlock gives the reader a rare opportunity to enjoy a real were wolf story as it should be told. Engrossing and stunning, Hemlock will take you away!
Profile Image for Brodie.
227 reviews220 followers
September 3, 2012
4.5 stars

So you've trekked from La Push to Mercy Falls and think you're an expert when it comes to treating flea infestations and discouraging your furry, four-legged friend against marking his territory? You think if you've read it 5 times, then you've read it all? Please. You're still a pup. Kathleen Peacock has shown there is still plenty of exciting life to be found amongst our shapeshifting friends. Deadly Hemlock brings murder, mystery, twisted politics, simmering romance and shocking secrets to a small town choking so deep in fear over the recent werewolf attacks, that they've brought in a radical and frightening group known as the Trackers. Highly effective in their capture of those potentially carrying the Lupin Syndrome; and will use any means necessary to aid in their goals.

Mac doesn't have it easy. Her once tight-knit quartet of best friends has been brutally torn apart. Amy, murdered by a werewolf. Jason, on a downward spiral from his girlfriend's death and Kyle, tempting her heart and hiding dangerous secrets. (In fact, everyone is hiding secrets). I love how determined Mac is. She may need saving from time to time, but she's no damsel in distress. She doesn't let fear hinder her from being proactive; she's desperate to bring justice to Amy, to prevent this from happening again, and especially to help close the case so the Trackers will leave town. A lot of heavy emotions and secrets threaten to weigh her down, but she takes every new blow with admirable strength. Plus, I love that she can make light of her life at times, comparing her romance to a CW show.

Mystery runs a thick and tangled web throughout the pages. You have your suspicions and maybe you're right, but hell if you can figure out the entire answer. The deeper Mac and Kyle dig, the faster your mind is whirring, just as conflicted as they are, just as desperate to latch onto the truth. The subtle clues, the tantalising build up and the final reveal were played out brilliantly. I actually felt a little Veronica Mars vibe at times; with the best friend murdered, the search to uncover who did it, and Mac having ghostly conversational dreams with Amy. I'm a VMars fan, so I loved this, and I think other fans will enjoy these hints toward one of the best shows unfairly cancelled.

It's equally thrilling and infuriating to watch the influence the Trackers exert, their unethical treatment of all werewolves. Yet it's a difficult position, because you recognise that there does need to be a system in play, because not all werewolves are going to be tamed little pups. But the Trackers methods? The torture? The concentration camps? The lies and manipulation and stripping these creatures of any form of human (or even animal!) rights? You want to scream at them (I was seething with rage in one particular scene, courtesy of the biggest asshole in Hemlock, Derby, who you want to throw into a pit of starving wolves). Give someone a taste for power and they'll come back for more and more, until you can no longer satisfy their increasing diet; but by then they've grown strong enough to take it by force. And when a group of extremists are more influential than the police force, slowly trickling into the government, you know it's time to start checking your every shadow twice.

Deadly Hemlock paints a world so eerily believable, even with it's supernatural/sci-fi roots. It's all too easy to imagine our own society descending in a similar fashion, with the way we segregate, point out differences and fear that which we don't understand. Kathleen has spun a disturbingly realistic, yet delightfully entertaining story that is guaranteed to grab you by it's paws claws and drag you along for a howling good read!
Profile Image for Joy (joyous reads).
1,506 reviews293 followers
May 23, 2012
Reeling from the recent gruesome death of her best friend, Mac is struggling to find peace. As Amy’s ghost haunt her dreams, her remaining circle of friends seemed to be growing apart. Jason, Amy’s boyfriend is on a downward spiral, while Kyle, Mac’s best friend harbors secrets that involve his clingy ex. But the terror of the citizens of Hemlock is also far from over as wolf attacks persist. A group of radical werewolves hunters moved in, bringing in extreme views and questionable methods enough to rival the terrors incited by the werewolves themselves. Suddenly, Mac is thrust right in the thick of it all as she tries to save Jason from himself and Kyle from his secrets.

Just when I had my fill of werewolves, Hemlock proves that once again, I really shouldn’t say, NEVER again to the call of these mythical creatures. Kathleen Peacock’s initial offering to her Hemlock trilogy was a fantastic set-up to what promises to be an addictive series. Admittedly, this book has been on my radar since I got wind of it. And let me tell you, I wasn’t disappointed.

From a cast of fascinating, well-developed characters, sweet and mostly angst-ridden romance, Hemlock is a novel that had me completely obsessed. For once in my ever-loving life, I actually looked forward to what promises to be a difficult love triangle among the three characters. I say difficult, because I was truthfully torn between the two male leads in the book. And while I’m pervasively into bad boys, Kyle’s sweet disposition had me re-thinking all the reasons why I loved misunderstood bad boys to begin with. But Jason’s brooding, angry outlook in life reels me back in, soaking in all his dark glory. I predict that this love triangle will give me future headaches and not for the usual reasons that I abhor this type of romance. Kathleen Peacock achieved the impossible; she had me checking all my prejudices about werewolves and the dreadful love triangles at the door.

I must admit that I don't readily accept a reality where mythical creatures exist. I question the whys and the hows - the genesis of the world in the book, if I may. But I was quite satisfied with the premise that it all began with a disease – the lupine syndrome. I liked the ambience that Kathleen conceived in Hemlock. The rabid wolves have the serial killers quality that had me imagining a city on a lockdown at the first sign of trouble. I also loved that not all werewolves were created equal; there were some who constantly battled themselves to fight off the monster within.

The eventual killer in the book was a surprise! I never saw it coming for sure. It almost broke my heart when the culprit was revealed.

The only problem I had with this book is the heroine's predisposition to face the problems head on, all by her brave self. Yes, it’s a characteristic typical of a hero/heroine in a novel but at times, I couldn’t help but question her state of mind. Sometimes, her justification for not asking someone's help bordered on stupidity. One thing’s for sure, her courage goes deep and more often, beyond her capacity. But I guess that’s rarely a bad thing, isn't it? Regardless, I absolutely loved MacKenzie - a refreshing character lacking in fear, fiercely loyal, and an overall admirable heroine.

VERDICT: Mystery, suspense, action, and a realistic, addictive romance guaranteed to torment, Hemlock is a fantastic debut tackling a tired paranormal myth. But don't fret, this book has some twists that will sure to surprise you.
Profile Image for Mimi.
265 reviews385 followers
June 8, 2012
ABSOLUTE LOVE FOR THIS BOOK, OH MY GOSH. ♥ This is definitely my new favourite werewolf book out there! It's just so sweet and intense, and Mac rocks, and both Kyle and Jason stole my heart, and the ending just broke it!

Plus, I love how Kathleen's Canadian and there are maple leaves on the cover! I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or not, but it put the biggest smile on my face! x)

Gushing review to come! :)
Profile Image for Angela.
342 reviews63 followers
May 6, 2012

Mystery, politics, and romance combine for easy but slow-to-start read

In Kathleen Peacock's Hemlock, the town of Hemlock has been ravaged by a string of fatal werewolf attacks. Mackenzie's best friend Amy was among those killed, and ever since she's been trying to come to terms with what happened. When a vigilante group called the Trackers comes to town to investigate the murders, Mac decides she wants to find out the truth for herself. She soon learns that people aren't always who they seem to be, including her good friend, Kyle, and Amy's former boyfriend, Jason, and that danger may be closer than she realizes.

HEMLOCK is yet another addition to the crowded world of werewolf fiction, but it adds some unique elements to the familiar set-up. In this world, everyone knows that werewolves exist and how people are infected. This framing allows the story to be about more interesting topics, like who is one or how the werewolves are being stigmatized by those in power, than about the revelation that werewolves exist. The mystery makes up the most important part of the story, and it includes political scheming, a few unexpected twists, and chilling and sometimes brutal show-downs between the different sides. The story also contains some likable and believable characters, especially Kyle, and Mac's internal conflict about her nightmares of Amy is fascinating. The reader never knows whether Amy's appearances in Mac's dreams are simply her subconscious or something paranormal, and that adds to the intrigue regarding what the dreams might really mean.

On the less positive side, the story didn't grab me for a long time and I didn't find myself actually interested until past the half-way point. The novel also devoted too much time to a love triangle that seemed to come out of nowhere. Neither relationship provided much swoon, and the focus on the potential relationship with each guy often overtook the more interesting plot lines as the story progressed. Descriptions of dialogue sometimes came off as awkward, such as characters who "whisper-muttered" or sentences that were run together as one long word for dramatic effect. Though not a true cliffhanger, the ending also leaves readers in an unfinished place with a new adventure about to start for some of the characters.

Taken together, HEMLOCK was an easy read about a world where werewolves, murder, and friendship all intersect, but it didn't end up being anything truly memorable. In future books of this trilogy, I hope the author continues to develop her focus on the mystery and politics and that she brings more swoon or believable tension to the love triangle.

Note: This review refers to an advance review copy.
Profile Image for Crystal.
449 reviews95 followers
May 22, 2012
Kathleen Peacock is a mad genius. Hemlock is definitely one of the best books I have read this year and I am in awe of Ms. Peacock.

My goodness it is hard to start a review for this! I don’t even know where to start. If you have read the summary then you know the gest of what this book is about but don’t think for a second you know it all. There are so many twists and turns thrown in that I never knew who to trust and at one point I had condemned everybody, even Mac herself. That to me makes for a great story when you start to even doubt the main heroine. I don’t even know why I doubted her but I just thought this book is crazy enough to go in that direction. I love a story with secrets and this one definitely had it’s fill. I loved the parts with Amy, Mac’s BFF who died from a werewolf attack. She would pop up in Mac’s dreams and she was so creepy and I can’t think of the right word but she always left me shuddering when her scene was over. It was so brilliant of the author to throw all that in. It showed Mac that not everything was as it seemed without giving too much of the story away.

The romance in this book was subtle and I liked that. I at first wanted more heat but as the story progressed I saw that it was a good thing that it took a backseat. The story itself was beyond good enough to carry the characters without a heavy romance. I am a little worried about a triangle but I am hoping that Mac doesn’t disappoint us and stays strong and loyal to one particular boy. I won’t spoil it but I loved this boy and I really hope they get their HEA.

One more thing that ending! OMG was that mind blowing! I knew there was a sequel but I didn’t expect my heart to be ripped out I had to read that last chapter twice to make sure I read it right! Plus that last scene with Amy gave me goosebumps! I don’t know how I am going to survive waiting for the sequel!
Profile Image for carolina ☾.
251 reviews3 followers
February 23, 2015
When i first read the sypnosis, i got this feeling this is another paranormal book. It was not.
In the first few pages, i fell for the writing. It was the kind of writing i was looking for, not simplified describtions or hard to follow.
Mac's voice was dull. Her past and situation has formed her differently than her friends, who come from well-situated families. But there's plenty more of Mac to explote hopefully in the next books. In Hemlock she's filled with with grief and guilt,as a consecuence best friend's death.
The weak point of Hemlock,, the hatred love triangle. Mac is torned between her best friend, Kyle and her best friend's ex boyfriend, Jason. Both jerks, i must admitt. Mac can do much better.
I don't think Mackenzie is in love with neither guy. She loves them both, she feels protective over them. Because they're her friends. Over Jason, especially. She feels responsible ovr his actions, she wants to help him , moost likely, fick him. After Amy's death, each one of them feels guilty. But Jason takes it harder, he does all stupid guys do, get in fights,drink, all that. And Mac covers him up, justifies his actions for grief when they're guilt. Because apprently, Jason was no longer Amy's boyfriend at the time of her death.
Kyle, he's her platonic best friend. She never thought of him other than a friend, that's why i don't think she's in love with him.
I've pointed a few things i didn't like but Hemlock is rather enjoyable. Not to forget it's amazing world-building and secondary characters such as Trey , Serena and Tess.
Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,847 reviews1,375 followers
November 19, 2014
(Source: I own a copy of this book.)

Even though I took a major break in the middle of this book, I enjoyed it a lot more than I did the first time I read it.

I liked Mackenzie, even though she wasn’t the brightest at times. Why she thought she could find Amy’s killer when the multitude of people already investigating it couldn’t, I don’t know. She also made some really dodgy and dangerous decisions.

The storyline in this was pretty good, although Mac was right when she said her life was turning into a CW show at the end of the book. I didn’t remember the little twists in this book, so it did surprise me at points, and I didn’t remember who the killer was at all!

The romance did all go a bit wrong towards the end, and I was surprised at the way this book ended. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next book in the series.
7 out of 10
Profile Image for Amy.
79 reviews
Want to read
April 12, 2012
How dare someone murder an Amy?!?!?
Even though it's not me, I still feel like I have a connection to this Amy in the book...I feel so bad for her :,(


O.O two likes...? Where did they find this shortsy not so much of a review anyways..?
Profile Image for Kira Simion.
879 reviews141 followers
January 21, 2016
*sighs and tries to find how to explain the book*

*sighs because I don't know how*


While some might hate this, I for one love it. Maybe I'm simplistic or maybe I'm just deluding myself. Not sure but, I know what I like and I'm not afraid to say it.
Profile Image for Sophie Jordan.
Author 64 books8,408 followers
March 7, 2012
Really very good! Forget every werewolf book you've ever read. This breaks the mold. Looking forward to the next book.
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