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Gryphon #1

The Conduit

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The Conduit is a mystical, YA fantasy tale involving an ancient Irish myth, four special humans with superhuman powers and an evil demon that can morph into any animal including a fire-breathing dragon.

Not only is The Conduit of the caliber of the Twilight Series with a teenage love story, it has a sense of humor and characters that come to life on the pages. Here is what one reviewer

“Stacey Rourke approaches the superhero story with a nice dose of humor. Her main character, Celeste, shows us from the beginning that the idea of being responsible for saving the world isn’t exactly top on her wish list. In the opening pages of The Conduit Rourke demonstrates Celeste’s reluctance and prepares the reader for a journey that promises to entertain.”

186 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 1, 2011

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Stacey Rourke

64 books737 followers

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Profile Image for Mimi Smith.
532 reviews117 followers
July 16, 2014
4.5 stars

Warning.Potential for injury:high

First, a warning should be given
For even though by good emotions this review is driven
The best verse craftsmen I don't really represent
But bear with me, the will is present.

Once upon a time, in a land far away
Celeste Garrett lost her way
Because she now has to save the world
And not have fun and study at college like she thought she would.

Even worse for her, she can't do it alone
Her siblings are a necessity and accident-prone!
With new superpowers off she goes now
To fight dragons and demons, can I say wow?

But as in all stories one thing can't be left out
And that's love, of course, how'd you find out?
Cute boys are a must even with monsters there
And they might even be the biggest pain in the...hair?

So, on it goes with lots of great action and humor,
I never would've guessed. Now I spread the rumor
This is not to be missed. Made me feel much better
Even though I felt down, like now, 'cause I can't find rhyme

Finally, this is not a real review, you think
Well, if you want to see the real one here's the link:

And to book two, "Embrace" http://www.indtale.com/reviews/embrace

Well, if you're reading this, it means you've survived my atrocious poetry. Congrats!

Just a few more things. One, this is the first book in the series. I've read the second one, too, and I liked it a lot. Maybe even more than this one. I don't think I'll be trying to write a poem for that one, too(maybe just haiku or something :D), it's too bloody exhausting. Honestly, I fully understand why all those poets become eccentric and strange. It's much harder than it looks.

Second, I should mention, this was an InD'Tale book. One of the few I really liked and would recommend to someone looking for a fun time, with a not too long and complex book.

And, lastly, some quotes. The Conduit:

“Batman had it easy. He was an only child.”

Embrace(book 2):

“You live in the Underworld. Isn’t your whole purpose down there to sit around coming up with more effective ways to be evil? No offense but what the heck else do you have to do?!”
They exchanged determined looks and resolute nods that made my eyes roll. It was Eddie that enthused, “We’re the Dark Army Glee Club!”

“As the Conduit I now had supernatural ways to humiliate myself. Awesome.

“Why? Why are you asking me out?”
His expression was equal parts amusement and confusion. “Because if I don’t ask ya the chance of ya actually showin’ up on the date is highly unlikely, isn’t it?”

Profile Image for Eyrsi Enosh.
10 reviews
March 25, 2012
I will start by saying that I enjoyed the storyline, and this is the only thing saving this book from a lower score. The plot was interesting, and kept me wanting to know what happens next. The characters were entertaining, and the sibling rivalry humorous. The book also started off with action. I hate it when an author starts slow!

The bad:

Nothing upsets me more than an excellent story released before it was ready. This book was one of those. I had trouble finishing this despite my interest in the story. I really wish Stacey Rourke would have glossed over this one a few more times before publishing. Here’s why:

Abundant grammar errors. I’m not talking about misplaced commas, because I could care less about those unless the meaning of the sentence is jeopardized. My peeve here is with the major, slow-the-reading errors that made me want to pull out my hair (eg: using “their” instead of “they’re”).

Telling vs showing. There were times when I was reading when I felt as if I was being beaten over the head with information…and it hurt! She had some good action scenes when I could, with effort, envision the occurrences, but the slow scenes had none of this. I really struggled with viewing this story, and I usually can play them as movies in my head as I read.

Irrelevant parts. At first I read through these, thinking that she must have a reason for sharing this information. Nope. There were a handful of parts that were unneeded or should have been revised to drive the plot further.

Said tags. Now, I know that this is common in YA books, especially first person, but when they’re used in place of actual description it slows the read. Often we could tell from the dialog who was speaking; I wanted to know what they were doing, what was going on around them, what the MC might have been thinking about that rude comment.

Overuse of the word “I.” In first person, it’s easy to begin sentences with that word, I mean, you are sharing the experiences of the MC. Overused it really lowers the quality of the read.

Unnecessary use of caps and alternate fonts. This didn’t happen too often, but when it did, even after I read the said part, my eyes strayed back to it, and I struggled to keep moving. Changing the font or hitting that naughty caps button just isn’t needed. For notes and letter, just separating them from the read is sufficient, and doesn’t slow us down. For yelling, well, show us with words, not caps.

Repetitive. All of her characters squeak, and often; numerous times in each chapter. Points were repeated as if the author didn’t trust us to remember. There was one point that we were told that the MC “didn’t know” three times. We get the point; we’re not that dumb. If there’s a huge gap between parts, sure, remind us, but beating us with the information makes it difficult to continue reading.

Plot holes. Enough said without spoilers; there were some.

Unbelievable reactions/characters. Some of the reactions had me rereading passages. There is a possibility that some of these could be authentic, but without the author showing us exactly what she meant, it’s impossible to say. There were times when the characters should have been frightened, but seemed to be joking around and amused. Don’t get me wrong, she did a pretty good job with keeping the characters authentic. There were just certain scenes that marred this.

In addition, some of the comments just didn’t fit the characters. When a 300 year old woman tells someone to “knock his lights out,” I’m confused. Older beings shouldn’t be using today’s slang. It just doesn’t fit.

The slang also flows into the narration, which can be fun at times, but the overuse of it just made the read slower and more aggravating.

My Final Thoughts:

Whereas I like the story, and I actually want to see what happens in the next book, I really hope that the author takes more time and care in editing, perhaps even hire a professional to correct her. She has talent, and I would love to see her exploit that to the fullest.

Do I recommend this book? If you can deal with the problems listed above, then yes, I do. The story, as I said, is fun, and entertaining with promise of a thrilling sequel. Certainly worth a read.
Profile Image for Madison Warner Fairbanks.
2,776 reviews426 followers
September 1, 2019
The Conduit by Stacey Rourke

Book 1 of the Gryphon series.
Innocent childhood suddenly introduced to the magical and threatening. An ancient promise turns the Garrett siblings into an empath, a protector strong lion and loving shield flying sister. They must battle the evil while protecting their friends, family and themselves.

A good adventure where good triumphs over evil.
Cliffhanger in the epilogue.

Family dynamics
“I tried to come up with a plan of action. I had to be cool and casual. Lay some ground work, let him get comfortable and then maybe he would open up. Softly, I rapped on his door.
“Yeah!” He called out.
I pushed the door open and peeked inside.
Little disclaimer here—I saw my brother almost every day of my life. However I very rarely paid attention to what he looked like. He’s just Gabe. Right then, for the first time in I don’t know how long, I really saw my brother. “Holy crap, Gabe! You’re friggin’ huge!” My “play it cool” maneuver was off to a bang-up start.
“Thanks.” He didn’t tear his eyes off the television as he asked, “That all?” Lounged on his black and tan striped comforter, he wore a raggedy, white t-shirt and a pair of navy blue, nylon-mesh shorts I had seen him in a thousand times. Only now they barely fit him. The shirt was stretched to its maximum capacity. His new bulging muscles strained against the thin material. If he sneezed, the shirt would be ripped to shreds. The muscles and veins in his legs protruded like the professional body builders in magazines. I could see the cause for concern now. This kind of change didn’t happen naturally in a matter of days. “No, I … how did this happen?”

“Wait, I have a question.” Kendall plopped down on her bed and grabbed her big stuffed zebra, Mr. Hoofington, that she’d had since she was four.
“Just one?”
“To start with.” She looked up at Gabe as he zipped my backpack. “You didn’t say what you could do.”
“In addition to this…” He made a flippant gesture at his new, alarming frame. “I’m wicked strong.”
“Cool.” She picked a fuzzy off Mr. Hoofington and cocked her head to the side. “Wait. In addition to what?”
Now it was Gabe’s turn to look puzzled. “What do you mean ‘what’? This!” He extended his arms and pointed blatantly at himself.
Kendall sucked in a shocked breath. I bit down on my lip to stifle a laugh. “Holy crap, Gabe!” she exclaimed. “You’re huge!”
“You both suck,” he grumbled.”
Excerpts from The Conduit by Stacey Rourke
Profile Image for Christy Sloat.
Author 26 books646 followers
March 19, 2012
Sometimes a book is so good you want to put your kids in daycare all day so you can do nothing but read, well this book was one of those. Oh yes it was a "I want to read this book and not do anything" book. I havent come across too many books as original as this. The storyline is fresh and new, and nothing I expected. Celeste is sarcastically funny and one of those girls you would love to have around on dreary days. Add in Kendall, the beautiful, yet full of love sister and Gabe, the hot drool-worthy brother and you have one heck of a party.
This is a book I will tell all my friends to read and I will hound them until they do. It's intense and full of excitment with many hilarious one-liners thrown in. There is nothing negative I can say about this book, except for that I want more. I finished with a sadness because I enjoyed these last three days of reading about Celeste's journey from "Wallflower" to "Bad ass Conduit".
Stacey Rourke's writing is superb! I felt as if I was really there. I could see in my mind's eye exactly how her characters were meant to look like and their surroundings. All the things these characters expierence is mind blowingly surreal. An awesome book by a very talented writer!
Profile Image for Colette.
562 reviews26 followers
December 30, 2015
A fun, fast, fantasy read! I finished this book in less than 24 hours because I could not put it down without finding out what happened next (this made for a late night of reading). From the relatable characters, to the otherworldly creatures, Rourke nails the YA Fantasy market! Overall 4/5 stars; I'm looking forward to the next book in the series!
Profile Image for Mike.
489 reviews175 followers
October 13, 2013
I really wanted to like this novel. Fantasy stuff has been disappointing me lately, but when Stacey Rourke told me at DragonCon that her novel was similar to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I was excited. I was hoping for a homage that captured what I love about the show, with its own original touch. I didn't get that at all.

One of the only ways it was similar to BTVS was in the worldbuilding... but not in a good way. The problem I've always had with Buffy's worldbuilding is that Joss Whedon doesn't really seem to know much about the world that he's building - we're given just enough information to support the plot, but not enough to make it feel like a real, cohesive place. The same thing happens here. We're given enough information so that the plot makes sense, but I never felt like this magical dimension was a real place. There are huge details missing about who is giving the main characters their power, the backstories of the villains, stuff like that. As a result, the world felt flat. However, Rourke misses the one thing that BTVS does well in terms of worldbuilding, and that was its avoidance of infodumps. Rourke doesn't have that kind of skill - every piece of information we got about the world was part of a lengthy and awkward infodump, with no subtler ways of getting the information across.

The other way that Rourke actively tried to imitate Buffy was in the snark, but this really didn't work, as is the case with most people who try to be funny in the way that Joss Whedon is. The humour here was never very sharp or witty; it just consisted of flat sarcastic remarks and bland comparisons. (Describing a dragon as an overgrown lizard, for example, fell flat for me.) It honestly reminded me a lot more of Maximum Ride than Buffy, and that's not a good thing.

Its morality also resembles Maximum Ride quite a bit, only here, it's even worse. Maxiumum Ride created a scenario where the good guys were entirely good and the bad guys were entirely evil, but at least it was subtle about it. Rourke, on the other hand, actively rejects and mocks moral complexity, as exemplified in this quote:
"Wait" Kendall shrieked and hopped off the ground. "We have to actually kill him? What if he's not evil at all? What if he just fell into this like we did? We can't destroy a life without giving the guy a chance to change!"
Gabe leaned back and supported his weight on his palms. Condescension dripped from his tone. "You wanna try to reason with the demon, Keni? Maybe get him into an evil rehab group? Then maybe he could get a job as a candy striper [sic] at a local hospital and devote his life to helping others. What do you think?"

And Gabe seems to be "right" within the narrative. The villains were entirely stock characters, with no other purpose than to destroy the world. Why? I dunno, because evil, I guess. Anyway, another troublesome quote comes later, during the climax.
"By all means, go ahead [and attack.] Prove that you are nothing but a lowly killer, just...like...me."
Any other person in that position may've taken a moment to consider what he just said. The ramifications of the act. If it meant they were evil too. Blah, blah, blah, The only thing I considered was that the ancient, demonic being just gave me a free shot.

Rourke's protagonists are supposed to be inherently good, despite being overall not much better than the villains. And I don't buy it. The world is a messy, complex place, and defying that complexity in books makes the book less realistic and less enjoyable.

The plot was largely dull and predictable. There were a couple mildly surprising twists, but overall, you should be able to see where it's going. Nothing really bad is going to happen to the good guys, the bad guys are going to be defeated in the end, ect. There's nothing that makes Rourke's story particularly special or unique; it's just another J.K Rowling or Holly Black book. The difference being that those authors (well, Rowling at least) are better at plotting than Rourke. It took over half the book for the plot to gain any speed, and even when it did, there was no tension simply because it was so predictable. If you have even the most passing familiarity with urban fantasy, you'll find nothing new or interesting here.

The characters were slightly better, but only slightly. Celeste and Gabe had distinct personalities, but Kendall made me completely sick. She's a complete and total stereotype of a pretty, perfect, girly girl. There's no sign that she might have any deeper thoughts or emotions than that. She's just... pretty. She's just perfect. Rourke once again reminds me of Maximum Ride here - Kendall was exactly like Nudge. My other problem was that even though Celeste and Gabe had distinct personalities, nobody acted like real people. Their actions honestly reminded me of cartoon characters at some points; throwing pinecones at each other out of anger, stammering when they're nervous, and hitting things out of frustration don't really evoke the way real people act. But I don't think these were supposed to feel like real people - they're supposed to be cartoon characters for us to laugh at. But as I mentioned before, this book was a far cry from funny. I didn't find them realistic, I didn't find them funny, I just found them annoying.

The one saving grace of the book was the writing, which was done pretty well. There was the original slip-up here and there, but it was nothing major. Plus, Rourke did a great job of capturing Celeste's voice. It wasn't nearly as funny as it tried to be, as I mentioned earlier, but it was realistic, and that's enough.

But overall, I can't recommend this book. If you're looking for funny, realistic, and engaging urban fantasy, I'd recommend Amelia Atwater-Rhodes's Den of Shadows series. Atwater-Rhodes isn't funny, nor does she try to be, but the characters are completely realistic, the plots tense and engaging, and the worldbuilding masterful. Or you might try the Mortal Instruments series - infamous though it is, it has lots of humor, it's populated with interesting characters, and the plots are always surprising and engaging. You won't find any of that here.
Profile Image for Melissa.
87 reviews8 followers
November 15, 2011
I have been reading for {cough cough} well over twenty years now. I come across books that I'm in love with and books that seem like I'm just re-reading something I've already read, even though I haven't. Every once in awhile I come across a book that's very different, and those are the ones I will sing my praise. The Conduit by Stacey Rourke is that book. The comedy in the book is very similar to one of my favorite shows, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This book has it all! Sarcastic comedy, a little romance, and a great fantasy plot that is new to me!

The Conduit is the story of three siblings, Celeste, Gabe and Kendall. After the death of their father and a series of break-ins at their home, their mother sends them to live with their Grams in Gainesboro, Tennessee. It is there that Celeste finds a statue of a the Gryphon. After the statue samples her blood there is a series of odd events for all involved. Celeste, the main character, has to go to Hank's Garage to pick up a spare tire for her truck. Since no one will give her a ride back she needs to roll the tire home. Here is an excerpt from the book, a sample of the humor:
Hank's entire crew watched me out the window not even bothering to hide
their laughter. Could even one of them offer me a ride home? No way!
Turns out chivalry isn't dead, it's just busy laughing and pointing.
It's on the way home, rolling the tire, that Celeste meets Alec, a soon to be romantic interest who unknowingly gets twisted up in the drama that the siblings bring. He also saves Celeste's life after she meets Alaina, a bird who turns into a woman, and falls and receives a severe head injury, which heals itself. Alaina is their guardian angel, of sorts, there to help the siblings deal with their new powers and to be the link between them and the Gryphon.

Not long after meeting Alaina Celeste's empath abilities start, Gabe almost doubles his body size and Kendall flies. Now the siblings know that something weird is going on and attempt to find Alaina. It's now that they learn they are the chosen three. Celeste is the Conduit, Gabe is the Protector and Kendall is the Guardian. All have their own super powers to save the Gryphon, and the world, from Barnabus an evil ex-soldier turned demon.

Intrigued? Great! It really is a great book, and with a cliffhanger ending I know that another book must be coming, to make this a series. Before I go, I'll leave you with another quirky excerpt, to whet your appetite for humor:
Demons are predictable. You know they're going to try to kill you and they
don't disappoint. In the heat of battle, they aren't going to stop and say, "You
know, this just isn't working out. It's not you, it's me. I just think I'd like to
try to kill other people. Maybe we can just be friends?"

I was not paid for this review. The book itself was gifted to me, and that's all there is to it! :)) My opinion was in no way swayed, this review is how I truly feel. Thank you for taking the time to read my review! Have an amazing day. -Melissa

A room without books is like a body without a soul. -Cicero
201 reviews32 followers
May 15, 2014
“My inner smart aleck wondered if the all black wardrobe was a necessity to remind themselves they were evil. Like if a member of the Dark Army accidentally threw on a powder blue polo shirt they would get confused and book a tee time instead of trying to take over the world.”

I don't even remember how I stumbled upon this book, but I am so glad I did. I wish more people would pick this up, because it's just an awesome series and deserves every reader it gets.

The Conduit is kind of an introduction to the paranormal world that revolves around Celeste and her siblings. I can't add anything to the synopsis without giving away spoilers, so I won't. I will tell you that Stacey Rourke has a strong sense of humor and made me laugh several times. Even though it's a paranormal read, it's also very down to earth. Celeste is an awesome heroine and I loved her. I think every girl could picture herself as Celeste, because she's so real and honest. Her sarcastic remarks and the bickering with her siblings made my life. At the same time, she was very responsible and strong in her fight against evil. There are many twists and turns in this series and an utterly heartbreaking love story too.

As I said before, The Conduit revolves around Celeste and her siblings accepting their role as protectors of the world. They go through a lot in this book and it sets the stage for the next books to come. Let me just tell you that the books keep getting better and better. I liked the first book, I loved the second book, but the third book just left me stunned. I can only imagine how amazing the fourth book is going to be and I cannot wait!

The Gryphon series is the only paranormal book that I couldn't spot any inconsistencies in. I really love that about books and appreciate it a lot. Stacey paid great attention to detail and made everything believable. And to be able to make a paranormal book come off as believable, you need some great skills, people! Even a lot of YA authors cannot keep the credibility in their books.

I loved the sidekicks in this story. Kendall and Gabe were awesome! And don't get me started on their grandmother! The Conduit is the kind of book that has the full-package. This whole series has kind of taken me over and I can't wait for more people to pick this up. I need some answers and I need friends to discuss the questions with!
Profile Image for Karen Toz.
Author 16 books320 followers
November 10, 2011
When my fellow author, Stacey Rourke, posted on Facebook she was looking for reviewers for her recently published YA novel, The Conduit, I couldn’t resist. She had been tweeting and posting messages on Facebook about her book for the few weeks approaching its release, and it looked pretty interesting. The timing for me was perfect: I had just finished a YA book I had really enjoyed reading and was in the mood to keep the momentum going.

Talk about momentum! The Conduit is full of mystery and is action packed. At one point, I found myself completely visualizing this book on the big screen, something I do not do very often.

The story begins with three siblings travelling to Georgia to stay with their Grandmother after a series of break-ins in their hometown spooks their mother. When Celeste, the middle child, notices a glowing bird in her grandmother’s yard, her curiosity gets the best of her. We quickly learn that Celeste and her siblings were chosen by their ancestors to fight off evil spirits. With their new mystical super hero powers, they set off to save the world.

Stacey Rourke is an expert storyteller, keeping me interested and engaged through the entire book. (I may or may not have lost track of time while reading this book last night while I was supposed to be cooking dinner for my family ... sorry about the leftovers kids!) There was just no way I could put this story down. The last chapter was so well written, but I have to say that the best part of the book came during the epilogue. Let’s just say, I’m glad I wasn’t alone in a dark house when I read it... serious c-r-e-e-p-y factor (in a good way) and completely unexpected!

I can’t wait for the next book in this series! I think my teens will love this book as much as I did.

P.S. This book also has my new all time favorite line in it: “I bet Robin never made Batman stop for chips.”
Profile Image for Angie.
1,290 reviews153 followers
May 29, 2012
Tired of family secrets, vampires, werewolves, sappy romance, angst-filled teens and drama queens? Did I hear you say “hell, yeah!”? Well then, boys and girls, scoot on over to Amazon and get your hands on this gem of a book. Oh and uhm, clear your schedules for the day….cause you’ll be stuck with your nose in this book for hours on end; easily forgetting about the “real” world!

This book is unlike any other YA book I’ve ever read before. Not only are the plot and mystical characters very original; it is so much fun to read! The author’s signature humor is prevalent throughout the book and the characters are hip, sassy, feisty and utterly lovable – flaws and all!! The dialogue is witty and laugh-out-loud hilarious at times, with some unforgettable one-liners that sticks with the reader long after finishing the book. All the characters - good and evil - were some of the best and most realistic I’ve ever come across in any YA novel.

Stacey Rourke definitely knows her stuff and she writes to entertain. But take away the Joss Whedon-like humor and the reader is left with a fast-moving, action-packed plot full of mystery, revelations and nail-biting suspense, some pretty scary bad-guys, and a sibling trio of ordinary “superheroes” that makes Clark Kent look second-rate.

I can guarantee you’ll enjoy “The Conduit” from start to finish. Once you’re done reading this treat, you’ll also agree that gryphon’s, dragons, glowing birds and evil soldiers turning into panthers, are much more interesting than say….sparkling, love-sick vamps? But whatever your taste in genre, Stacey Rourke’s writing will charm you off your feet!
Profile Image for Alicia Huxtable.
1,796 reviews58 followers
March 2, 2019
Interesting story

Quite an engaging story with a bit of a twist. I enjoyed it and look forward to reading more of this series
Profile Image for Dominique Goodall.
Author 23 books23 followers
May 2, 2012
The Conduit – Stacey Rourke

All 18-year-old Celeste Garrett wants is to head off to college and make those fun, yet ill-advised, choices college kids are known for. And maybe to spend some time with the hot cameraman she just met. Instead, because of a pact her ancestors made in the 17th century with a mythical creature, she has to save the world.

While normal kids are slamming energy drinks and cramming for exams, Celeste will get her adrenaline rush fighting a fire breathing dragon. She wants to meet friends in the quad to exchange lecture notes, but first she must exchange blows with a shape shifting demon on the rooftop. Life isn’t always fair for a superhero, but at least she doesn’t have to do it alone. With her brother and sister as sidekicks, they alternate between saving lives and getting on each other’s’ nerves. Together the trio encounters unspeakable odds, mystical forces and comes face-to-face with an image that will haunt them forever—their grandmother in a leopard print bikini.

The Conduit – excerpt.
Okay, little side note here. If a psychopathic killer asks if you want to see a trick, say no. That’s the smart thing to do. I, on the other hand, responded, “Bring it.”

I never expected to be brought fully into the world in which The Conduit features. I loved the cover art, the small hints I’d seen already of comments made me laugh and antsy to start reading it…and I wasn’t disappointed in the slightest. I was immediately thrown into the story as the main character, Celeste, who moves with her brother Gabe and sister Kendall to live with their Grandmother – a gutsy, slightly eccentric woman who loves her grandchildren.

I feel that the writing in The Conduit is very strong, bringing to life all the emotions that are felt when your entire life changes within an instant. Starting with finding a wooden gryphon in her grandmothers garage (her brothers fault for not parking her car properly) and pricking her things open – things start to speed up. A flat tire means she meets Alec, an intern cameraman who is obsessed with the stories of a panther seen around lately.

Rourke really builds up the suspense when the three siblings find themselves being taught by a winged woman/glowing eagle in how to use their powers – but Celeste gets bored with just watching the events, as she isn’t given the powers that her brother and sister hold. A chance to save her sister from the panther-shifter who is the main villain means that Celeste gets enough power to seriously kick some psychopath butt.

When things get really personal, Celeste, Gabe and Kendall really go to town, ending up facing a fire-breathing dragon, intent on killing them all so he can complete his nefarious plot – like all good villains should!

Rourke makes sure that the coming sequel, Embrace, is eagerly anticipated by leaving you with a brilliant cliff-hanger that makes you want to just curl up somewhere warm, preferably quiet, and call back into the world that started in The Conduit.

I’d definitely rate this book a 4.5/5!!

You can find Conduit for sale in both paperback and e-book form on Amazon
UK Kindle version:
UK paperback version:

US Kindle version:
UK paperback version:
Profile Image for Holly.
565 reviews50 followers
November 29, 2011
May have slight spoilers.

I really enjoyed The Conduit by Stacey Rourke, it literally had me laughing out loud in parts, which had my cat Simba looking at me like I was crazy.

In this novel we meet, Cestele, Gabe, and their little sister, Kendall. They are making a move to their grandmother’s home after a rash of break-ins’ in their old town.

Soon we are introduced to the main plot of the novel that comes much in the form of, Alaina. A spirit guide who has come to well, guide them in the wake of their transformation that was prompted by an old oath made by an ancestor to the Gryphon, the Protector of the Divine, to serve and help fight the evil that would one day come and try to tip the scales of Good and Evil.

Three children would one day be called upon, when only they were needed, to help; the Protector, the Guardian and most importantly the Conduit. Gabe is the Protector, Kendall the Guardian, Cestele the Conduit.

As I said above I really enjoyed this novel, it has a unique plot about superheroes, fast paced, loads of humor, good cliff-hanger at the end that is guaranteed to frustrate you with question of what is to come and make you want the next novel.

I have to admit though that we don't really get much 'love story'. I mean it is there and the potential for it in a second novel more so than the first is definitely there but to me this novel is more focused on them gaining their abilities, learning then and fighting evil. If anything I actually thought it focused on Kendall's relationship with Keith more than Alec's and Celeste's.

But then again it does have that start of a relationship feel to it especially at the end of the novel we get a good glimpse of the relationship between the two--so I have hope that it will be more expanded upon in the next novel.

One thing I do wonder about is their mother. She was supposed to be coming along after selling the house—she didn’t show up at all in this novel except for two mentions of her so you have to wonder what it is going to be like when she sees her kids again and how it will affect their relationship as well as Cestele’s, Gabe’s and Kendall’s fighting against evil.

All in all—a great novel that has left me in suspense and high hopes for the next, Embrace!

I would recommend this novel to anyone looking for a good YA paranormal read.

*I received an Ebook copy of this book for free to review from the author.
Profile Image for Kimberly Schaaf.
126 reviews24 followers
October 16, 2012
Review of The Conduit by Stacey Rourke
Reviewed by Kimberly Schaaf (member of the YATR Review Panel)

Ok - shut the front door!! I am in love with Stacey Rourke (in a totally not sexual or weird sort of way). The Conduit has been on my TBR list for some time now...with SEVERAL of my friends recommending that I just give in and do it already. And, man oh man, am I glad that I did.

Celeste, Gabe, and Kendall are all so easy to connect with. I seriously felt like I was watching this really funny and amazing story on a movie screen in my brain. Stacey made it that easy.

Celeste - I do have to say I connected with on so many levels. Always happy being the wallflower - tucked away in the shadows - holding everyone else up when times get crazy and rough. But having so much of her own to offer out there. I can't wait to see where she heads.

Gabe - gimme some of that!! WOW - the bad boy without REALLY being the bad boy. I know that there just HAS to be something down the line for him and Alaina - too many little hints there to suggest that there won't be.

Kendall - you hate to love her...but you just can't say no!! I love her transformation about 3/4 of the way through the book. I have a feeling that since she's such a young character (only being 15 here) that we have a lot more to expect out of her.

And Grams...what do I say about Grams??? She's so fun and I can't wait to see what Stacey has in store for her!!

Stacey's style of writing in The Conduit just took me by surprise. It's super polished without being...if that makes any sense. Such a nice, easy, don't have to think about it read. The humor she interjects is OFF THE HOOK!!! I literally was laughing out loud several times. The banter between Celeste, Gabe, and Kendall is so typical of what you would expect from late in their teens/early twenties siblings. Makes me think of my interactions with my siblings!!

All in all, LOVED IT!! A big bowl of Awesomesauce!! Read, loved, and reviewed!!!
Profile Image for Crystal P.
632 reviews9 followers
January 1, 2024
A light YA fantasy that centers on 3 siblings - Celeste, Gabe, and Kendall. The siblings get powers of a sort and are tasked with defeating evil. I think the book has a simple beginning but the characters are rather likable so I am interested in where the story takes them.
Profile Image for Jodie.
258 reviews44 followers
November 15, 2012
I don’t even know how to begin to tell you about this gem. It’s chocablock full of awesomeness. I mean, who wouldn’t want to read about Celeste, a chick that meets a golden feathered woman, bumps her head during her escape, gets a ticket to denial, but can all of a sudden feel emotions coming at her like a brick wall. Feelings so mammoth that she camps in the cubbyhouse for days. Or what about her 20 year old brother Gabe? The sporty guy that just grows larger and larger until he’s nearly the size of a mack truck, or say the size of a lion – Mufasa. Or Kendall, her 15 year old, angelic, little fashionista sister that all of a sudden starts levitating and freaking out her boyfriend? Seriously, watching these characters learn about and grow into their freak-brigade destiny was hella fun and freakin hilarious. I was in a highlighting frenzy as I read, and more often than not, I was wiping tears of laughter as I went along.

Ms Rourke has come up with something so original I had no idea what was going to come next. These characters are ones I would makes friends with. Their banter was fun, and their sibling rivalry was classic. The one liners had me laughing out loud and their strength of character had me admiring them and cheering them on. Each superhero was well developed and I felt like I connected with each of them. Do not even ask how I was able to giggle while reading about my new friends fighting a manther, and a dragon demon thingo from hell, it just goes to show, how spectacular Ms Rourke is with words and humor.

What are you waiting for? Just go get this book and get reading. I’m off to read Embrace. You rock Ms Rourke – I can’t wait to find some more words I can steal...Craptastic is one of my new favorites!!
Profile Image for Wanda Hartzenberg.
Author 5 books71 followers
July 3, 2012
I loved The Conduit, it is a fast, fun read. If I spend twee hours on this book from start to finish I might be exaggerating. But I loved the dynamic between the siblings, no malfunctioning familial bonds. This family is fairly normal, well apart from the pact and saving the world and fighting demons etc.
The one liners and some situations has me in stitches, the dialogue is real and witty and I really liked Celeste and her oh so normal insecurities especially in the beginning of the book.
I give this book a sailing 8 entertainment * review. It rocks. It really does. The best thing about it is the fact that I am already 3 % into the second book in the series. Who might not like the book? I seriously don’t know. I loved it.
Profile Image for Autumn.
977 reviews47 followers
July 21, 2012
I really liked this book and i can not wait to read Embrace.. and Stacey promised me i would love it! and shes not biased at all so i totally take her word for it.. I really liked Celeste shes like a fictional version of myself.. heres just some info on the both of us and you draw your own conclusions.. 1. Celeste is a female.. wow i too am a female! 2. She has bad ass powers.. i do not.. UNLESS you take into account the speed in which i can make a tub of cool whip disappear and you know i think that counts.. 3. She has siblings.. so do i.. 4. She wants to be an art teacher when she grows up.. I like art! 5.She is a smart ass.. okay thats where we differ completely.. Anyways i super enjoyed this novel :D
Profile Image for ☆☆Hannah☆☆.
3,182 reviews42 followers
October 6, 2016
This book was okay. It started off good but then I started to lose interest about half way in. I will give it credit for being an unique story. However, the characters were mediocre. Celeste is the main character in the story and she has two siblings. One is an older brother and the other is a younger sister. Personally I didn't care for either one. The brother was angry a lot and the sister was kind of a pain. She was also a little dense too. For instance the bad guy was looking for them in this small town they have been staying at and instead of trying to be safe all she cares about is going on her date. Too bad she didn't die for being so stupid. I wished I had enjoyed this book more but it is what it is.
Profile Image for Crystal Clifton.
Author 6 books68 followers
June 6, 2012
I LOVE THIS BOOK,I don't know why I took so long to read this book The Conduit is a very action packed book and involves three siblings that have a love for each other like siblings should, Gabe, Celest and Kendall are great characters and I truly believe that Stacey has written a great book and I can't wait to read the other books. I usually have a problem starting a new book but this was not one hard to begin reading I love all the characters from Celeste to the Grandmother and the Gryphon. Thanks Stacey for a great book.

Oh and there is a little comic humor as well. :D
Profile Image for Tara Holman.
224 reviews29 followers
February 12, 2013
I read this book as a selection in my Book Club. Let me say the writer was very creative with the story, the characters are very well developed and overall the book is highly well written. As the plot centers around a family with three teens that hold supernormal powers, I was a bit skeptical about finding it believable. That however does not affect the flow of the story and how well the author pulls you in. I have since seen previews and cover shots of the other books in the series- I think YES!
Profile Image for K.B. Miller.
Author 18 books313 followers
September 10, 2012
It's been a minute since I've read something that literally made me laugh out loud! Stacey's writing style is very easy to follow. I absolutely adore this book! The fact that this author stepped outside of the box, making Gryphons COOL!! Gram, is by far my favorite character. She is witty, crazy and super-lovable. The cliff-hanger was well written, and will have you hanging on every last word! If you haven't read this book, you're missing out on a total jem!
Profile Image for Elaine.
140 reviews7 followers
January 26, 2024
Teens choosen to protect the world from the Dark Army. Conduit, Guard and Shield, these 3 young adults have their world turned upside down. This book they find out their powers but can they wield them to protect the ones they love or themselves. Lots of action well written.
Profile Image for Becca.
Author 34 books270 followers
December 2, 2013
To put simply: This was fantastic. I can't even....I loved it.

Song Choice: "Time Is Running Out" by Muse, "Murder in the City" by the Avett Brothers, "Into The Ocean" by Blue October

First thoughts: Seriously, why hadn't anyone told me about this book before? I had come across it many of times, with its old cover, and that isn't what turned me away from it - no, I just I don't know I was always on the edge of, should I? Shouldn't I? and then something else would pop up. Okay so my advice if you are doing that stop it. Stop it right meow, pick this book up and read it. Read it right now! You won't regret it. This is a fast pace, action-adventure book that I adored!

Thoughts on Plot: So I really enjoyed this book - obviously, because that is what I have been saying for the past few sentences XD. I am not trying to be annoying but holy God this was so good. Not only do i think that the plot itself was original, entertaining and engaging like you read this and you won't want to stop of that I am almost positive. The writing though - how do i describe it? It was almost light-hearted fun times, but very serious underlining that it was so powerful it wouldn't be ignored. SOSOSOSOSOSO GOOOOOD. Now this wasn't a normal - well i suppose it would be considered YA but the maturity levels of the main characters i would call it more Adult if that is what you are worried about - but anyways it wasn't about girl moves to new town, boy is mysterious and have a secret, and they fall madly in love and she wants to know secret but its too dangerous blah blah blah its nothing like that oohhh no! This is about family, I loved the dynamics of the siblings because it feels so real - and considering I have two sisters and two brothers i win on knowing these things ;) hahaha. Anyways there is a love interest but he is sort of pushed off to the side for the larger part of the story which is something you will just have read to find out about hahahaha i am evil evil evil i know but i don't care, it is so worth just waiting a bit. <3 <3 So amazing i loved it. I loved the pace of this book, the action, the humor, the everything


Celeste (Cee): I think that I might have an MC crush on her...probably. She was just awesome. She was the middle child but she acted like the oldest she was the one who held the family together in the face of a crisis but she isn't perfect, not by any means. She was entertaining to read from her prospective, she was really...real. Does that make sense? She didn't feel like this untangle character that was created to be this semi-better and non-realistic character she was down to earth, had stupid, awkward thoughts like the rest of us, she was completely and utterly relate-able. she will easily be considered one of my favorite MC's of all time.

Gabe: Was the perfect....hotter hehe i can say that i am not related to him and he is only two years younger than me ;) .... brother. Annoying as well. In that older brother way - like i mentioned before this is a book about family and the ties between the siblings were created beautifully and seen throughout the whole book. What to say about Gabe he was infuriating at times, cocky, but obviously cared about his family, and he didn't act like the overbearing big brother.

Kendall: She was the perfect looking little sister who doesn't even realize how beautiful she really is. She was the lover and the sweetheart, while at times she seemed a little dense on things it fit her character, it took me many times to sit there and tell myself, she is only 15 she is only 15 she is only 15 she is only 15 years old it makes sense but reading from Cee's prospective i just assumed everyone else was older XD but no Kendall was done well to show the difference in their ages.

So the end. Make sure you start this book on Friday, and you have the other waiting in the wing because you will need it. ;) hehehe loved it. Alright off to read the next book later kiddie cats

So for more Becca-likeness because i am so fun, check me out here: http://theviolethourbookreviews.wordp...
Profile Image for Melissa.
14 reviews
June 2, 2012

Review: 4 stars ****

The Conduit,

Imagine your destiny is already chosen for you , your sister, and brother. Centuries ago, between a Gryphon and a human, it was put into motion what was to be and if that wasn’t bad enough, the world depends on your survival. Facing battles with a demon from the underworld, in the wake of a mighty army headed your way, Hell bent on destroying your blood line.

Celeste, Kendall and Gabe, are visiting their Grams for the summer. Looking to party, find romance, what every normal teenage/college kids want for their summer vacation. While Celeste was in the garage she came across and Gryphon statue, It pricks her and her blood drips on the statue.. Confirming the chosen ones , Protectors of the world. Transformation process can be a challenge and hard to embrace. Celeste, Kendal, and Gabe each has their own unique ability which allows each of them super hero powers if you will. Alaina is a spiritual guide that teach them and guide them on their journey to claim their destiny and prepares them for the Dark Army, demons, and a dragon rising from the ashes of the underworld.

I started reading and the story started out as just an average ordinary one. Three teenagers visiting Grams for the summer, finding a statue and powers bestowed and destiny fulfilled. I thought just another story. As I read on and read about the Gryphon ~ protector of the divine, and how it came to be that centuries ago, the Garrett bloodline became protectors of the world. After that, it was all over, I was hooked. I truly enjoyed this book. It has suspense, paranormal beings and powers and the comedy between the characters had me laughing. This book goes into detail of each character being called upon , accepting their destiny and re-fining their skills. They hoped to do that before the Demon on a hunt rampage finds them, but it’s too late.. Are they ready for battle will they survive? One very important thing Celeste CAN NOT DIE she is The Conduit. If she dies the world ends. There is so much more to the story, details, battles, near death experiences, I could go on and on. Stacey Rourke has an ability that brings the story to life on paper and in your imagination. The ending I will not give away of course, but I have read quite a few books that just didn’t end well or ended in an odd way. Not this book. The ending was well played and thought out, tied in with the whole book and flowed naturally.

This is the first book in the Gryphon Series.. I look forward to reading the next one in the series for sure. Pick up this book, it is a great paranormal read in the Young Adult genre. I find myself thinking about the book, characters, basically the whole story is etched in my head, and that is the signs of a great book, when you are still invested in the story and it sticks with you even after you finished reading. What a talented author, Stacey Rourke is.

Best Wishes,
Profile Image for Jane.
558 reviews23 followers
April 5, 2012

When Celeste, her brother Gabe and sister Kendall move in with their Grandma, little do they realise they are about to embark on the biggest adventure of their lives. Many, Many moons ago one of their ancestors had made a pact with a mythical creature (a Gryphon) and promised that no matter what and no matter when, their family would be willing to help when the time comes……….well the time is now and the three have no-choice but to accept their inflicted destiny whether they are ready for it or not!

Witty one liners and dry humour instantly grabbed my attention and built my interest in this story. Celeste and her siblings natural banter and sarcastic comments were realistic and made it easy for me to like them all. The superhero story was written in a more comic strip style and reminded me of the old batman TV series with the ‘bang’ & ‘crash’ written in star bubbles on screen! There was a light feel to it rather than a dark depressing seriousness making the whole read more fun and enjoyable.

It was definitely a book that I could have (if I wasn’t so busy!) read in one sitting, I didn’t want to put it down but sleep prevailed half way through forcing me to take two nights to complete! When I look at all the areas I consider when reviewing, this one ticks almost all the boxes. The plot is unique (to me) easy to read flowing prose, well edited, fully developed characters and natural sounding dialogue. Its fun it’s exciting and the pace is right for the story. I wasn’t quite living the book but it was for sure a page turner and I would highly recommend it to fans of the YA fantasy/paranormal genre.

I was a bit disappointed that the relationship between Celeste an Alec wasn’t concentrated on more, I would have enjoyed seeing more of them together but hopefully from the horrible cliff-hanger (which would have frustrated me more had I not been lucky enough to have an ARC copy of the sequel sat waiting on my kindle for me to begin reading tonight!) we will see it develop in book two, ‘Embrace’ which is due out this summer.

Copy Supplied for an ‘honest’ review. Thank you

Profile Image for Sara Bree High.
214 reviews10 followers
October 14, 2012
The Conduit (Gryphon Series #1)
by Stacey Rourke
Reviewed by S. Bree High

I had been eyeballing this book for awhile. Stacey happened to be an author that many friends have recommended. So I bought it. Still did not get to it, sat on my TBR list. This was until the YATR book reading contest. Now I am smacking myself up the side of my head, and trying very hard to write the review and not read the second book. HELLO!!! I loved it!
If you had your life chosen for you what would you do? Hold on though not just you, your siblings too. A long time ago a Gryphon and a human put that little plan in action. Oh yes and the fate of the world. Well you get the picture right? Add people wanting to destroy you. Well we have a book, one I am in love with.

Celeste, Kendall and Gabe, are staying with their Gram for the summer. Let me tell you I LOVE her! (Read it for nothing more than her character. She is a HOOT!) I would like for her to move in with me and be my Gram. She is a whole bunch of wonderful, awesome and made me giggle. You are in for a whirlwind with this one, trust me. We have finding out being chosen ones, then protectors of the world. Along the way we have Alaina to help guide them on their journeys. Thankfully they need to be prepared to fight the dark army. Oh and let’s not forget a dragon, YES people I said a dragon! I love the way it is described when they learn their abilities. All explained in wonderful detail. The writing style she has is something I enjoyed.
Are they going to be able to survive? Are they ready to fight the dark army, dragon? Read the book and find out. Find out what being the Conduit means...trust me you will not be disappointed. Stacey gives us everything we need for a good book and more here. You will walk away thinking about the characters, and needing to know what happens next. I could go on forever about this book, honestly. I have barely scratched the surface of this wonderful story. Now do what I did read it, then follow up with second book. Read it, love it and review it. Trust me!!!
Profile Image for A Belle & A Book.
644 reviews20 followers
March 13, 2014
My friend Leann Luckett turned me on to this author so based on her recommendation I decided to start reading the series and following the author. Let me start by saying that while the first book didn’t sell me on the series, I still moved on to the 2nd book (Embrace) in the series and was very happy I did. My chief complaint with The Conduit is that I found it to be a bit slow while laying the ground work for the series. Once I got past that I have to say the action was quite good and kept me interested in moving onto Embrace. I loved the family banter, the closeness shared by the siblings, and who wouldn't love Grams. The woman rocks! The reader gets inside Celeste's head and it like having a conversation with your best girlfriend. Celeste is a witty and strong female lead character. Her younger sister, Kendal, is your typical teenage girl. She is all about the fashion and the boys. Celeste’s older brother, Gabe, is cool and aloof with a lot of personal issues to work through in regards to the death of their father. Grams is simply the Granny ever kid wants. She is active, flirty and way over the top. By far my favorite character in the book.

Without giving away too much of the story line, Celeste is the Conduit and her siblings are her Guardian and Protector. Together they fight demons and try to save the world from the Dark Army while trying to make a new start in a small Tennessee town.

I would recommend this book as a must read if you are going to follow the series. It’s worth the time and once the action begins it is fast paced and a definite page turner. You will want to read it and immediately start Embrace (Book 2) like I did. I am looking forward to Sacrifice coming out next week too.
Profile Image for Sarah Ashley Jones.
Author 3 books201 followers
January 20, 2013
Originally posted at Give it to Cupcake.

As always, let's start with the cover. The cover intrigued me as it's very different from covers I am used to seeing with a photograph of a person in them. This one has a drawing on some type of parchment! And a spooky drawing of a shadow person, at that! I wanted to know who this creepy shadow-y person/creature was!

The characters right away touched my heart. Celeste, Gabe, and Kendall are siblings who are forced to move in with their grandma in a different state due to the declining safety in their hometown. I immediately enjoyed the ease of which their family was. All three of them were fun, quirky, all around loving siblings.

Celeste, from the start, seems to be the glue that holds everyone together, and she definitely proves that role to be true throughout the entire book. She's a quiet observer though, only laying down the law when necessary. That all changes when she becomes somewhat of a superwomen when her and her siblings come into magical powers so-to-speak. You watch her transform from wallflower to kick-butt hero! I loved that about her. I'm a sucker for strong female characters, what can I say?

The plot and action were very easy to follow but wasn't lacking in the interest department. I always wanted to know more about the magical world that they were kicking butt to save. It was a breath of fresh air reading this light hearted, funny, but action packed story! Stacey Rourke has a way with words that makes everything flow together easily and sucks you into the story. I can't wait to read Embrace (Gryphon #2) next!
Profile Image for Lynn Worton.
867 reviews29 followers
August 13, 2013
Eighteen year old Celeste Garrett just wants to be like other teenagers - go to college, have fun and make bad choices - but thanks to a pact made by one of her ancestors in the 17th century to a mystical creature, she has to save the world.

I loved this book! It is a refreshing change to read about other mythical beings, rather than just the usual suspects - vampires, werewolves etc. I'm not disrespecting the authors of said books, but I've always been intrigued with the other beings which are not in the mainstream psyche. Mainly Banshees, Sphinxes, Pixies, Trolls and Gryphon's to name a few. Ever since I was a small child and my mother began reading fairy tales to me, I have always wondered "What if?". This is what started me on my love of the paranormal world.
The Conduit is a fantastic tale. I love the characters. Celeste is the middle child (like me) and seems to have a level head on her shoulders. However, she has a tendency to have a smart mouth, which gets her in to trouble. Her older brother, Gabriel (Gabe for short) has made a few mistakes, but he's trying to sort himself out. Kendall, her younger sister, is still in high school. Their Grandmother is an eccentric character! I wish I had a Grandmother like her, even though it would embarrass me like you wouldn't believe! She does, however, give sage advice. However, I would have liked a bit more interaction between Celeste and the Gryphon. Hopefully, there will be as this series continues.
Stacey Rourke has written a fantastic novel that is full of action, danger and wit. I highly recommend you read this book. I hope to read more of Stacey's work in the future.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 247 reviews

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