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Head First Series

Head First HTML and CSS: A Learner's Guide to Creating Standards-Based Web Pages

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Tired of reading HTML books that only make sense after you're an expert? Then it's about time you picked up Head First HTML and CSS, and really learned HTML. You want to learn HTML so you can finally create those web pages you've always wanted, so you can communicate more effectively with friends, family, fans, and fanatic customers. You also want to do it right so you can actually maintain and expand your web pages over time so they work in all browsers and mobile devices. Oh, and if you've never heard of CSS, that's okay--we won't tell anyone you're still partying like it's 1999--but if you're going to create web pages in the 21st century then you'll want to know and understand CSS.

Learn the real secrets of creating web pages, and why everything your boss told you about HTML tables is probably wrong (and what to do instead). Most importantly, hold your own with your co-worker (and impress cocktail party guests) when he casually mentions how his HTML is now strict, and his CSS is in an external style sheet.

With Head First HTML and CSS, you'll avoid the embarrassment of thinking web-safe colors still matter, and the foolishness of slipping a font tag into your pages. Best of all, you'll learn HTML and CSS in a way that won't put you to sleep. If you've read a Head First book, you know what to a visually-rich format designed for the way your brain works. Using the latest research in neurobiology, cognitive science, and learning theory, this book will load HTML and CSS into your brain in a way that sticks.

So what are you waiting for? Leave those other dusty books behind and come join us in Webville. Your tour is about to begin.

762 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2012

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About the author

Elisabeth Robson

13 books46 followers
aka Elisabeth Freeman

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 60 reviews
Profile Image for Camila N..
54 reviews9 followers
July 6, 2017
I used to learn things I liked (mostly programming languages and web development) from online courses. The main problem I encountered was that they always reviewed the basics. I mean every-single-course taught the same stuff. Always.

After a few dozens of this kind of courses (and of course, always working with some online reference) I realized I still wasn't ready to actually build anything. I wasn't comfortable with the things I knew, feeling like there was some kind of pro-secret-place where the professionals shared the ACTUAL knowledge they used in they everyday work life.

Then the idea came into my mind: Why did I never tried to learn this kind of stuff from a book?
I mean, pro guys and gals do that, right?

Well, they do. Just that all the books I knew about the subjects I was interested in, where like intermediate level. And REAL intermediate level, not the 'CodeCademy Intermediate level' I was so used to.

So I thought I had to find a real begginer level book on web development, even if I had gone through many MANY courses on the subject. I tried the 'For Dummies' series, but they didn't provide much detail (and I wans't very comfortable with a book calling me DUMB). I remembered my programmer friends always reading O'reilly books, so I searched on their website and I found this series and basically, I am now in love with them.

Thank you, thank you so much Elisabeth and Eric for writting this book.
I loved it so much, it was just what I was looking for. I never really thought any 800 page book (well, maybe Harry Potter) could drive me through its chapters like this.

This book has the amount of detail I was looking for. It helped me to the point that I actually got called for an interview after I read it. REALLY THAT KIND OF THINGS HAPPEN. I'm not saying I'm going to get the job or anything yet, I'm just saying that you learn a lot from this book, you really CAN change your career by learning new stuff even from a book, and there are opportunities everywhere.
Now I'm finishing my portfolio site and started reading Head First Javascript Programming, even though I actually *know* JS right know. Because I want to be able to know about all the details, not just know how to write it.

I recommend this book and the entire series to anyone who doesn't feel comfortable enought with his/her level of undertanding of a subject. Even if you are taking intermediate courses at Threehouse o Code School. Yes, read this book too and you won't be needing their courses.

And, if you want to feel really *pro*, try this path I'm following:
> HF Javascript Programming (the other book called HF Javascript is an old version)
> HF HTML5 Programming / HF Mobile

That should give a really solid start to your next career.
Profile Image for Tharindu Dissanayake.
300 reviews759 followers
May 27, 2020
This book is unbelievably clear and arranged in an excellent way to take you from knowing nothing of HTML/ CSS to where you'll certainly be able to handle anything related to static web page construction.

The adapted teaching method is very friendly and clear, leaving you with no doubts. I don't think anyone can find a better alternative for learning HTLM/ CSS for a complete beginner (at the time of this review) than Heard First HTML and CSS.
Profile Image for Gerichilli.
123 reviews59 followers
September 22, 2019
When I picked this book to learn HTML and CSS, I was a little afraid that it was very difficult to read or outdated. But I was wrong, it was very interesting and easy to follow steps. I think I made a good choice for the beginning. Just a book, but the interaction with readers is so real like having a friend who taught and discussed homeworks with me. Thanks to the authors. Now I will move forward!!!
Profile Image for Petras Janulevicius.
70 reviews5 followers
January 15, 2016
Brilliant introduction to learn and memorise html & css + the newest edition has a pathway of how html evolved from html to html5.

P.s. recommended only if you are a beginner or wish to have proper basic understanding of what html and css is.
Profile Image for Kinga.
755 reviews25 followers
July 8, 2018
This guide is absolutely perfect for complete beginners who would want to learn – or even get some idea about – how to create and design a webpage.

Recently I’ve decided to try learning to code, because it’s supposed to be a language, right? And I’m really good at picking up foreign languages. So why not?

After reading a bit around I’ve begun watching and reading tutorials of how to use Python, since everyone kept recommending it for beginners. And it wasn’t hard, but I just couldn’t get a grasp why it was useful. Sure, variables are nice and could be complicated, but for what? What it the result we want? Is it just calculation?

Then I watched a few videos about Java, and as you can probably guess, I just became more confused. I couldn’t see why it was worth using codes because I couldn’t see the result ahead of me. I was just doing as instructed and hoped that it would turn out to be somethings in the end, but I slowly started to give up.

And then I watched another video of a software engineer talking about how she first started to learn HTML and CSS and how she liked how she could see the changes she made in the code immediately, exactly what I was looking for.

And then I came across another another video with a guy who has recommended the Head First series, and said that these books were his stepping stone to become a software engineer in time.

I’m so thankful for his recommendation, because this book was absolutely a-mazing. Everything was crystal clear and interactive, and even the simplest things were explained in length. Yes, it was a long read, but thanks to that I’ve became familiar with two programming languages (even if they are the easiest ones out there), and now I can’t wait to continue my journey with JavaScript. I’m sure that if I can see the result in my head then in time I would be able to start Python or even Java as well. Maybe. We’ll see.
Profile Image for Lori.
172 reviews
December 28, 2013
I love the Head First series of books, but this one was very tedious to read. My main complaint is that the book teaches you to do something one way and then later shows you a more efficient way to do the same thing. Why waste my time with 20 some pages of inefficient markup that I'm just going to delete a few pages later and replace with better code? My second complaint is that there is too much repetition. It takes a good 10 pages to make simple changes to the example websites, because the author describes the changes at least 5 different ways. The book is much longer than it should be and with all the "Oops, there's an easier way to do this..." I was disappointed in the quality of this book. However, I did get a good overview of HTML and CSS, enough that I can confidently create a simple website from scratch.
Profile Image for Sarabeth.
24 reviews
April 29, 2015
This intro to HTML and CSS gave me a start into understanding how to create a simple web page. I really liked how the information you learn is repackaged a few different ways, so if you don't get it the first time you often do the next .
Profile Image for L Kate.
1,221 reviews7 followers
January 31, 2017
This Head First HTZmZl and CSS book made learning about computer programming fun and easy. I would definitely recommend this series. Just wish they had one for Adobe Photoshop!
Profile Image for Till Chen.
68 reviews12 followers
April 29, 2020
Comments: A extremely good book that helps you dive into HTML and CSS. Plus, I really like the humorous writing style of the Head First series!
Recommended for:
Anyone new to HTML and CSS.
Profile Image for Wael Assaf.
49 reviews1 follower
April 18, 2020
I first opened this book (The first one I've ever read) when I decided to start a front-end career in 2016
I couldn't finish it back then (Bad English at the time), but now I was able to finish it in a matter of 3 days.
I think it's a book that forms a solid grounding for any ambitious beginner looking for a good introduction into the web.
Although it's a lengthy book (764 pages on PDF) the content is incredibly easy to read and follow, and you'll finish it in a relatively short a time even if you are merely a beginner thanks to its friendly and repetitive yet engaging writing style.
I recommend it: If you are just starting out and, of course, you have a good English (Native or Fluent) in order to follow up with the book easily.
I don't recommend it: If you are a experienced web developer looking for a reference or something new to learn, don't do it then, it's my own guilty pleasure to read unfinished books
Profile Image for Brynn Johnson.
189 reviews
July 12, 2022
Does an excellent job of teaching this language. I personally opted not to do the exercises along side it as it was easier for me to just focus on reading it then going back and forth between the book and computer. It’s biggest downside is it’s size, but it can’t be helped. It’s size did help make it more readable as each page wasn’t overloaded with information. I read this to help with my new job that is coding base
Profile Image for Roger.
289 reviews8 followers
June 25, 2018
This is an easy to follow basic introduction to designing and building web pages using HTML and CSS. You won’t learn everything here, but you’ll get enough to start experimenting and learning on your own.

I liked this one so much, I ordered the HTML programming book when I was only halfway through with this one.

I recommend it to anyone looking to get started with web design or development.
Profile Image for Mai.
534 reviews146 followers
October 3, 2019
It's very rare to find a technical book that is fun to read and easy to learn but this book is really Exceptional . If you are a beginner at Web Development and want to learn HTML and CSS from scratch,this book is for you.It took me a long time to finish this book but I really had fun reading and studying it and Probably gonna read more Head First books next :)
Profile Image for Sieglinde.
297 reviews
December 5, 2019
This is a very easy to read and understand text book. It seems thorough and you could use it as a self-tutoring book. The writers use different methods to make their points. They use exercises, quite a bit of humor and actual pages that you can work with. As of my use of the book, the files were still available and you can modify and make your own pages.
Profile Image for Anh Trinh.
53 reviews1 follower
March 18, 2020
It must be great if I know this book soon. I have worked as a back-end developer for 2 years, now I want to learn front-end and find out this book. I also familiar with HTML but this book give me much necessary information. I think we should learn carefully the basic lessons if we want to move far away and this book is very helpful for that. I will find more "Head First" books to read.
Profile Image for Johny Wuijts.
55 reviews1 follower
March 2, 2022
It's a bit outdated in some points (especially the part about image formats and editing), but it is an excellent introduction to HTML & CSS. Don't expect to be making the prettiest and most modern websites after reading this, but instead, expect a nice base knowledge of HTML & CSS, enabling you to dive deeper into HTML/CSS frameworks or into programming languages like PHP or JavaScript.
Profile Image for Yevhen S..
7 reviews1 follower
April 6, 2023
Взяв як посібник для ознайомлення з HTML та CSS - не розчарувався :)

Книжка написана дуже легко, надає паралельну практику (код на всі глави можна завантажити); в книзі є сюжет (!), тому вчитись буде цікаво.

Варто зазначити, що посібник створений для зовсім новачків. В ньому все дуже плавно розжовано і підведено до JavaScript'а.
3 reviews
June 10, 2023
I started reading this book with near zero knowledge of HTML and CSS, it was a good read. I would recommend it to everyone who want to grasp the basics. Probably the things you will find missing are grid and flexbox display in CSS part, which I believe what almost everyone uses nowadays.

Head First series never disappoint.
3 reviews
July 21, 2017
This book was my literal first introduction into HTML / CSS. It was EXCELLENT. This took me from nothing to something as far as computer science knowledge goes. So good that first I rented it on kindle, then bought the hard copy about a month later.
Profile Image for Sean S.
445 reviews2 followers
July 23, 2019
The book has a quirky and engaging personality. The CSS part is not as interesting to me but there is enough meat in the HTML section to get you started quickly, or refresh your memory. On to the programming one!
Profile Image for CaptainKO.
20 reviews
December 17, 2017
You are a newbie to HTML/CSS. You will easily maintain all basic stuff about programming a website by the funniest ways.
July 30, 2023
Great book

Very easy to follow and learn from. I highly recommend this book. It prepares you for the next step in your search for knowledge
Profile Image for Phúc Võ.
42 reviews12 followers
March 16, 2017
I've always been a fan of Head First series when learning something new. I knew HTML and CSS since I was a college student but didn't use them so much. Most of the time, I dealt with the back-end logic, later I switched to the mobile development path that requires the knowledge of the frond-end. This is when this book came in handy. It explains the meaning, purpose and when to use each tag properly. Each chapter is a short story and you can build up a small runable webpage/website from it.
Profile Image for Rob.
Author 2 books418 followers
October 6, 2012
I picked this one up as schwag at a conference I attended/spoke at; I was pretty clearly not the audience for this book but at the same time: hey, free book. It's definitely for "absolute beginners" re "programming" [1] for the web with HTML and CSS. Which isn't to say that it isn't without its merits. On the plus side, Robson et al. introduce the box model and doctypes and selector inheritance and a bunch of other concepts that a lot of self-taught early stage web developers don't learn about until it's almost too late. On the not-so-plus side, they make liberal use of IDs for their CSS selector examples (without explaining why you generally shouldn't use them) and are a little inconsistent in the kinds of warnings they give w/r/t/ things like browser compatibility. [2] Nevertheless, I wish that I'd had this book for when I was learning all of this stuff, instead of trying to wade through Goodman... and Meyer... and Flanagan. One book with a solid foundation on the fundamentals of page flow, selectors and inheritance, positioning, etc. [3]

That being said, please don't fool yourself into thinking that you're a "web developer" when you finish this book. You'll be able to bang together some halfway decent static pages--and maybe that's totally sufficient for your needs. But this is really just a 101 course [4] in everything else that comes with the territory of being a front-end developer.


[1] I use "programming" in quotes here because, as any professional web developer knows, "doing" mark-up is not "programming". More/less the same goes for styling with CSS. Which isn't to say that there's nothing to learn, or that there aren't difficult parts, just... get back to me after you've finished coaxing something out of O(n^2).

[2] For example: there's a multi-page treatment of the video tag and all the complications that you might face, and there are some warnings in there about "older IE" (e.g., how it doesn't handle certain text scalings in predictable ways) -- but I don't recall seeing warnings about how IE flubs the box model (esp. in quirks mode), nor how display tables aren't supported in "older IE" either.

[3] Again: not that it isn't missing some nuance etc. But it's a good place to start.

[4] And even then, it's more like... the reading you should have done in high school before getting to the 101 course? The summer selections that you need to have done before the first day of class? Something along those lines.
Profile Image for Mani .
61 reviews20 followers
January 15, 2016
I was getting frustrated with the holes in my HTML while building out some Ruby/Rails apps. This book did a great job of loading what I needed in my brain.

I've always trusted Head First to get stuff in my brain, starting with Head First Java over a decade ago and most importantly Head First Design Patterns back around 2004.

Though initially I didn't trust what felt like an overly cartoon approach to teaching software engineering, I soon discovered that they knew what they were doing.

The book can feel tedious...it did. The spaced repetition delivers as promised though. You see the same concept from different perspectives through the use of multiple examples and exercises and it sticks.

Most importantly, I learned how to do some of the multi-column layouts that I had been envying and wanting to add to my app.
Profile Image for Bassim.
4 reviews
October 13, 2014
For a beginner, this is really a good start, it'll set you off with the basics and bases of HTML & CSS, note that it will not show you a LOT of things but heck HTML cannot be contained in one book in my opinion.. I've read this book and i believe i can understand and deal with any website structure out there, but after all HTML & CSS alone is like the monalisa , it looks good but it's untouchable!! so after reading this book, go ahead and grab the HTML5 programming book or something else, because after reading this you'll have all the basics you need to get into PHP, Node.js, or whatever you want!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 60 reviews

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