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KGI #6

Shades of Gray

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The Kelly Group International (KGI): A super-elite, top secret, family-run business. Qualifications: High intelligence, rock-hard body, military background. Mission: Hostage/kidnap victim recovery. Intelligence gathering. Handling jobs the U.S. government can't...

P.J. and Cole were sharpshooting rivals on the same KGI team and enjoyed a spirited, uncomplicated camaraderie. Until the night they gave in to their desires and suddenly took their relationship one step further. In the aftermath of their one-night stand, they're called out on a mission that goes terribly wrong, and P.J. walks away from KGI, resolved not to drag her teammates into the murky shadows she's poised to delve into.
Six months later, Cole hasn't given up his search for P.J., and he's determined to bring her back home where she belongs. Bent on vengeance, P.J. has plunged into a serpentine game of payback that will make her question everything she's ever believed in. But Cole-and the rest of their team-refuse to let her go it alone. Even if it means sacrificing their loyalty to KGI, and their lives...

286 pages, ebook

First published December 31, 2012

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About the author

Maya Banks

363 books21k followers
Maya Banks is the #1 New York Times, #1 USA Today and international bestselling author of over 50 novels. A wife and mother of three, she lives in Texas.

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Profile Image for Baba  .
859 reviews3,962 followers
July 10, 2015
Excuse me while I have a little moment here…WTF did I just read?


I'm sorry but I'm not in the mood to write a synopsis. Shades of Gray did boggle my mind. Irrevocably. I'm extremely, totally, utterly, and highly bummed! I advise you to read my spoilers to understand why I'm angry.

P.J. Rutherford. She is a woman. I mean the chick's got boobs and a vagina. But after reading her story this word conveys nothing to me anymore. Initially I wanted to label her as a Superwoman. However, I was so way off the mark that she graduated from Superwoman to Superman and then to Rambo and finally she became a female Terminator. Holy crap! I still can't believe what happened in this story. It reads like a very bad B-Movie.

OTT badass speech
OTT badass acts/action
Cheesy writing to the point where it hurt my teeth
The story took a serious turn into Sapsville
But first and foremost it was UNREALISTIC AS ALL GET OUT


There are more plot holes in Shades of Gray than in a Swiss cheese. *Sorry, Baba waves at fellow citizens* The plot is extremely ridiculous, and I'm sorry to say it but I was not willing to suspend belief. Everything about it was too far-fetched and incomprehensible. If I wouldn't have been so mad I would have laughed my ass off.

Yeah, Wonder Woman took a I'm stunned. Dunno what to say. Oh, wait a second! The best has yet to come. After being Hey, that's a walk in the park for dear little P.J. *insert major eye roll moment*

Baba, admit it, you are such a jealous b@tch.

"She's going to be fine," Donovan called back. "She kicked some ass and only has one ???measly??? but she's good."

No shit!?! Yeah, our dear P.J. can handle a little bit of Ugh.

They go back to Cole's house to have a cozy evening instead of That blows my mind.

"You realize how unrealistic this is," P.J. said, an hour into the movie.
"I would have never guessed," Cole said dryly.

I will refrain from posting a very sarcastic comment here.

And then there was the final "highlight" in Vienna. As a matter of fact, it was another absurd moment. Cole and P.J. go Must be such a good feeling, P.J., huh? *pets* In conclusion, a woman--granted, a female Terminator--taking is beyond any reasonable explanation. Oh, P.J., please spare me your snarling and growling from now on. Thank you. *insert another major eye roll moment*

Let's not forget the cozy little coffee party among the Kelly women. Wow. What an idyllic world. Instead of seeing a shrink, P.J. has a nice conversation with all those lovely ladies. Come on! Get real here! This woman has been Let's get back to the real world! *rolls eyes*

Honestly, I felt manipulated by the author because everything about this story should have been tear-inducing. Having said this, the author tried way too hard to push my lacrymal glands and it saddens me to say that she failed big-time.

As a side note
Please, can anyone explain to me why a jaw would bulge?

Cole's eyes were murderous and his jaw was so tight it bulged.

Er…I thought the bulging happens in a guy's pants. Hmmm…

She was torturing herself with all the possibilities. By the time they pulled into the compound, P.J. was a wreck.

I couldn't agree more. Reading Shades of Gray was pure torture and it wrecked me. Bottom line: there are times when we have to let go because it's painful to see a series go down the drain.


Come to think of it, I always wanted to read Steele's story and I will give it a try but then…well, it might be…


What a way to start my new reading year. I'm in dire need of a great book right now!
Profile Image for UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish.
1,097 reviews1,695 followers
March 3, 2013

Spoiler Free

Shades of Gray is the sixth book in Maya Banks’ KGI series and one incredibly exciting, sexy story. Fast paced, emotional… this book took me on a rollercoaster ride of feelings and I loved every minute of it!
P.J. and Cole were sharpshooting rivals on the same KGI team and enjoyed a spirited, uncomplicated camaraderie. Until the night they gave in to their desires and suddenly took their relationship one step further. In the aftermath of their one night stand, they’re called up on a mission that goes terribly wrong, and P.J. walks away from KGI, determined not to drag her teammates into the murky shadows she’s poised to delve into.

Six months later, Cole hasn’t given up his search for P.J., and he’s determined to bring her back home where she belongs. Bent on vengeance, P.J. is on a mission that will plunge her into a serpentine game of payback and make her question everything she’s ever believed in. Cole—and the rest of their team—refuse to let her go it alone. Even if it means sacrificing their loyalty to KGI and their very lives…
I read this ARC not quite knowing what to expect. I do know that Ms. Banks is a very talented writer but I hadn’t yet ventured into this series and, as I have discovered, that’s a terrible shame I plan to rectify right away. I was instantly drawn to P.J. and Cole, and their chemistry - both sexual and as good friends and teammates - was so, so believable. It was comfortable, and …. right. From the first page to the last, I wanted them to be together - no,I didn't just want them to be together, I needed them to be together, and that doesn’t happen for me often, especially with characters I’ve never met before.

Another thing that doesn't often happen for me is becoming as attached to the heroine as I am the hero. Let's face it, we don't often find the heroine playing such a compelling, leading role in romantic suspense, but it happened in a big way in this book. P.J. not only holds her own, she really shines.

And the story – wow! Talk about exciting and emotional… at times so damned heartbreaking I was sobbing tears of anger - an honest to God ache in my chest from trying to hold back the tears, and at other times so happy I couldn't stop smiling… poignant, passionate, romantic... I couldn’t get enough. I didn’t want it to end but couldn't stop myself from reading, didn't want it to end but needed it to end so I’d find out what happened!

The bottom line: I really can’t say enough good things about this story. Romantic, sexy, fast paced and gripping, Shades of Gray has turned out to be one of my very favorite romantic suspense reads this year, and I cannot wait to read more!

My thanks to Affaire de Coeur Magazine and Berkley Sensation for providing me with a copy of this ARC for review. What an incredible pleasure it was!
Profile Image for Kristen.
842 reviews4,981 followers
April 12, 2015
Low 3 Stars

It took me a year but I finally was able to listen to the new narrator. I still don't think he's the right fit for this particular series, but at least I was able to listen and finish the story.

As for the story itself...well...as long as you're able to easily suspend reality, this book should work for you. Let's just say that the heroine's kick-butt abilities were a bit outlandish—just saying. I liked this book, but not as much as the other ones in the series.

March 2014 Comment




I tried...I really did...but just could not listen to a different narrator, albeit, this new narrator is talented. I'm devastated and feel betrayed and I want Harry Berkeley back (yes, I'm being a drama queen. lol). Frankly, I don't want to read the rest of the series; I want Harry Berkeley to read it to me!

Okay–tantrum over.
Profile Image for Auntee.
1,333 reviews1,442 followers
January 15, 2013
Oh boy, P.J. and Cole's book...you must be able to suspend disbelief to thoroughly enjoy this one. Since I can (most of the time), I was able to enjoy it, but that doesn't mean my reading wasn't interrupted a time or two with thoughts like "I can't believe they did that" or "she did that and got away with it?"...

Allow me to explain. P.J and Cole are friendly sharpshooting rivals on one of KGI's elite teams. There's always been playful, snarky banter between P.J. and Cole, and you could tell from previous books it was just a matter of time before something happened between these two. In this book it does, and right off the bat. P.J. and Cole give in to the need between them, and spend an incredibly passionate evening together. Before P.J. can worry herself over the ramifications of this night (will she lose Cole's friendship?; can they continue to work together if their relationship doesn't work out?) they're called in on a dangerous mission to catch a scumbag dealing in human (mostly children) traffiking. P.J. is to be the bait to catch this loser. Cole doesn't like the idea of putting P.J. in harm's way, but they have a good chance of catching this loser and saving some innocent children. But because of (what I think is) some very poor planning, things go horribly, horribly wrong, and P.J. suffers the consequences. (I teared up during these scenes). The whole team feels devastated, but P.J. takes it the worst, resigning from the team and going on a one woman crusade for justice/revenge. Here's where you really have to suspend disbelief, again. She becomes one little pissed-off Rambette, exacting revenge on those who've hurt her in a reckless fashion, until finally her team catches up with her and insists on sticking by her and helping her settle the score. It's a fine line between black and white (hence the title) and P.J. does a little soul searching...not everything in life is clearly black or white.


So, was I entertained? Of course! The book starts strong, with P.J. and Cole exploring their feelings (and each other). Oh my, that Cole...yum! Then the mission. Hmmm, I had some reservations and it turns out I was right. Entertaining, to be sure, but 100% believable? Nah.

I was happy to see that the aftermath of and her relationship with Cole was written in a believable fashion. At first I was worried there that the author was going to have P.J. just brush that aside as if nothing happened, no need to talk about it, get some therapy, etc. I loved how understanding, protective, and just downright loving Cole was with P.J.--and how he wasn't intimidated by her strength. This guy is in it for the long haul, no matter how long it takes and I loved that about him. I do wish there had been some sort of epilogue (maybe months down the road) that showed P.J. getting some therapy Maybe Maya Banks can give us a novella about P.J. and Cole ala Ethan and Rachel (Softly at Sunrise) and let us know how they're doing down the road?

So all in all, an entertaining (though not always believable) easy to read story. P.J. was a tough cookie (with kind of a surprising background) and Cole was just...a dream guy.:) Totally adored him. There are so many characters with potential stories in this series but the one I want to read about most is P.J.'s team leader--Steele, the man of mystery. I'd love to know what makes him tick. 4 stars
Profile Image for Gina.
753 reviews110 followers
January 2, 2013
This book for me was....BAD BAD BAD!!!

PJ Rutherford is a sniper in Steele's team for KGI. She is suppose to be a kick ass, you can't f*ck with me, tough as they come warrior. Ok I truly believe there are women out there who train hard, and are indeed tough as hell warriors. As women we are all different, look different, act different, think different, etc etc and it's all good! But what i don't believe is this character, she is one sided, over the top, quite unbelievable, and honestly irritating!

Another issue for me is what happened in this story. Steele's team was going a real bad guy who deal in human trafficking, and to do that PJ is going undercover. They put her in a killer dress, wire her with listening and tracking devices and send her in. Well it goes horribly wrong and what happened was totally unbelievable for me . And then after all of that mess the KGI team totally screw up and can't get to her in time .

After all of this PJ immediately checks herself out of the hospital and tells no one. Eventually goes to Steele and quits, takes off to parts unknown for six months to dole out her vigilante justice. PJ never grows in this story, never evolves in my opinion.

And the ending to this was totally ridiculous and unbelievable!

I am giving this story two little stars for this reason, Cole. I liked this guy and I appreciate a man who doesn't mind a woman who is tough as nails and accepts her just the way she is. He is a tough alpha man, with a tender sensitive heart, but isn't threaten by a tough woman. I was honestly looking forward to this book and their story. I think Cole got ripped off! he deserves a better story!!

Additional Note Jan 2nd 2013 - I wanted to add to this review that I had no issue with the subject matter at all. What happened in this book happens to women and men. I also wanted to say I love Maya Banks and i will continue to read this series.
Profile Image for Slick.
1,243 reviews42 followers
January 18, 2013
Dear Maya Banks,

I want my $7.99 back. As with the hero in Shades of Gray, David Coletrane, I shouldn't have ignored my gut feeling. After being so disappointed in the last two KGI novels, Whispers In The Dark and Echoes At Dawn, I should have just stopped. But, you lured me back with Softly At Sunrise. I thought the series would be back on track; but no, you took the one truly strong female character you had and completely broke her, literally cut her to shreds. I have to ask; why Maya do you hate strong women that much? Do you feel that because she's living her life on her terms she needed to be taught a lesson? I'm truly disgusted by the way you handled her story and for the life of me I can't figure out why you've felt the need to add in so much gratuitous violence in this story. Maybe you are trying to appeal to a bigger audience with your shock value, maybe you are trying to garner more men readers and if you are that's fine but you've lost me and I've been a loyal reader and supporter for many years. You've gotten away from everything KGI seemed to be about. You've made their operation vulnerable and personally I don't believe that the Kelly's would have sanctioned any of it. The only and I mean ONLY thing good about this book is the growing relationship between PJ and Cole. If it wasn't for that, this book would get no stars from me. So, I can honestly say that Shades of Gray will be the last KGI book I read. As much as I love the Kelly family and care about the teams, I just can't do it anymore. This will not stop me from reading your other offerings but I'll admit I'm disappointed in you Maya. I've looked forward to each and every release day from you but after this book, that's not the case. I hope it was worth it.
Slick Reads

Profile Image for Natti Rivero.
40 reviews
August 25, 2016
I've been waiting for this for a long time.
After their book,the other that I really want read is about Rusty.
(Posted in 2012)
Well now that I finally read the book I can rewrite my review.

Since Sam's book that I wanted to know about Steele's team or more specifically PJ and Cole.
I created a lot of stories/theories in my mind and also high expectations on that couple.
So what happened to PJ really shocked me.
Maya Banks's such great author but she definitely overreacted.
It was revolting and disgusting to read about what PJ suffered.
In a few parts I've wanted throwing up.
All the things that Kellys and their wifes faced,it's nothing compared to what PJ suffered.

Cole was AWESOME...Gorgeous,supportive and totally badass.
They are soulmates,this I have no doubt.

Besides the atrocities, I missed the "hot part",I know that will be strange in this context...but I hope Maya write an anthology saying about PJ emotional recovery.
Another fact that bothered was Brumley and Nelson deaths. It was too quickly,they deserved a long and painful journey.

To finish I really hope PJ and Cole (even she denying) have babies in the future,a little snipers,it sounds lovely and amazing.

I look forward to Steele's book and a lot of appearances of PJ/Cole!

As you can see my favorite characters are: the Kellys(not)...PJ and Cole (as a couple and individually)!!!
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,951 reviews33.6k followers
May 24, 2020
This book was so disappointing on so many levels that I just can't even bother myself to write a review.

Trigger warning:
Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,581 reviews3,917 followers
January 17, 2016
I have been looking forward to Cole and P.J.'s story since I started this series. They have always been favorits of mine, so I decided to skip the previous book and jump into this one. I did read the reviews (which were pretty mixed), so I knew there would be some hardcore shit in this one.

And boy there was....the beginning of this book gutted me. I cried my damn eyes out. Now don't get me wrong...I've read some pretty dark books, that were way worse than this, but this was P.J. and my heart just broke. Especially the fact that her teammates were right there with her and not able to do shit about was happening....This wasn't neccesarely a dark book, it was just very emotional...at least for me.

Now a lot of people have voiced that this book was way ott and unbelievable ...which I also agree with. P.J. kicked some major unbelievable ass !! I knew going into this one, that was gonna happen, so it didn't bother me that much. I don't read books because I want them to be realistic...I read them to escape reality ;)

I did feel that this book was a bit too short. I felt things were left unresolved. P.J. was still very fucked up when in the end and I would have liked to read more about her road to recovery. We didn't get any of that. The steam in this was very mild....which is understandable, considering all that happend. But I would have liked some sign that she was doing better, that their relationship was progressing, not just romanticly, but sexually as well. We didn't get that either...actually we got the opposite, which pissed me off a bit. It was more a hfn then a hea, and when I read a book, that makes me cry my eyes out...I at least want a very happy ending !!!

So ...this book is not my favorite in this series but.....Cole and P.J. are my favorite characters...I hope I'm still making sence. Cole was awesome and he very much took a backseat in this one, so P.J. could kick some ass. He was the omega to her alpha, and what makes him so awesome, was the fact that he didn't care. He didn't feel intimadated by her. He was very caring and proud. P.J. was very alpha and kicked ott ass, and I couldn't help but love her...I have since the beginning. I didn't like the part were she went and had a talk with all the KGI women. Don't get me wrong...I like those women, but I also always liked the fact that P.J wasn't into the whole girly shit. I don't see the point of this. P.aj was fine the way she was, she didn't need to be included in the whole wife-gang. This part felt very untrue to P.J.'s character.

3,5 stars from me ;) and I do hope to read more about this couple in the next books

Profile Image for Wendy.
526 reviews280 followers
March 3, 2013
4.5 stars!

Wow, gotta love it! Romance, action and a thrilling plot makes this another winner. Not to mention it includes a great heroine in PJ and a gorgeous alpha in Cole, how can you not love it.


 photo f284946b-d56e-49f6-9e18-7db9fd2d6551_zps84998d7c.jpg

Profile Image for willaful.
1,155 reviews367 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
February 3, 2013
I couldn't finish this because I was so enraged about how it was plotted. The one female operative in KGI, an expert sniper and generally kick-ass woman, and what is her story? She gets tarted up to sweet talk a bad guy. And then Isn't there some other story she could've had -- any other story?
Profile Image for Ladyacct.
863 reviews
October 7, 2013
I have to say that this one was a bit over the top for me during the violation scene and quite frankly that is what it was. It's hard to believe that PJ would be so dumb as to drink something given to her by an animal criminal knowing what kind of character he was which lowered my estimation of this strong alpha woman ALOT. I realize there wouldn't be a story here otherwise but I felt that VERY MUCH of the story was skipped/glossed/painted over. It had also lowered my estimation of the character Steele.

Now I will say I have a BIG issue with child slavery and rape (but again what happened to the heroine was a violation, not just a rape) but then again what woman doesn't? I don't think that it affected my rating any, but the skipping over and not even touching on some key points in the story such as her contact that the hero and heroine leave to see no questions asked from an email, then DONT check in with the team that is 'family' first?

My point of view is there are many gaps in the story and some characters were brought down in this series that I so enjoy.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lulu.
31 reviews5 followers
January 6, 2013
I love Maya Banks KGI (Kelly Group International) romantic suspense series but this book was such a disappointment. Many other reviewers have already discussed the plot details, so I'll just add that I found the plot devices to be totally ridiculous and utterly dependent on formerly intelligent characters doing one stupid thing after another.

PJ herself, who I really liked in earlier books, was just way over the top for me, right from the beginning. She suffered terrible violence and abuse in the first part of the book which was itself way, way too graphic for me. (This is romance? Please.) I guess Maya Banks was trying to prove to us that the villains were indeed truly, truly, truly evil and deserving of the vigilante justice that PJ delivers to them in this retribution fantasy. However, again, so OTT that it crossed the line into ridiculous, particularly the big climactic end scene which had me rolling my eyes. Cole was the saving grace of the book being completely loving, supportive, and awesome in every way and is the only reason this book gets even 2 stars.

Readers do get a little bit of a reprieve when PJ has wine and cheese with the Kelly women. That was kind of fun, though once they all finish relating the history of the abuse they all suffered, you wonder if Maya Banks knows how to write any other kind of female character? How about a well-adjusted, intelligent, generally happy woman who has to be, I don't know, actually romanced by one of the guys whilst dodging evil? Steele gets his book next and I'll probably be back to see what tragedy befalls him and the lovely doctor, though Shades of Gray is definitely going on the "Never To Be Read Again" shelf.

Profile Image for Katie Utterly Unashamed.
741 reviews182 followers
August 23, 2021
It has been years since I have read this series. I barely remember any of it. They are actually in the first couple of Romance Series I read, you know right next to 50 Shades, Rock Chicks and Crossfire Series.

I remember really enjoying them, but fuck Maya Banks sure does throw a punch to the gut with her triggers. If rape is a trigger for you, definitely do not pick up this book. Actually you might want to just skip this series all together.

While these poor women go through some horrific events on paper, they all are so strong and the way these men help them overcome it is really quick amazing.

Like I said, this series is not for the faint of hearts, but still its Maya Banks. So sometimes those punches are worth it.

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Profile Image for Jess.
1,051 reviews155 followers
December 26, 2012
Review posted: Happily Ever After - Reads
Blog rating: A-

P.J. and Cole have been dancing around their attraction for years. Throughout all the KGI books, they’ve been in the background, bickering, fighting, but they’re a unit – both snipers on a small team led by Steele and they always have each others back. That hasn’t always been the case for P.J. She was previously the only female on her SWAT team and when she turned in a teammate, who also happened to be her lover, for some shady dealings he was involved in, she was the one that got called out and ultimately had to leave her position after having everyone turn on her. Her team then didn’t have her back and when a devastating and tragic event happens to P.J. during a mission with her KGI team, she learns that this team and these men not only have her back, but will do anything to help her.

I’m going to try my best to keep this review spoiler-free (one section below is hidden if you really want to know), but everything that P.J. goes through during this story, both personally and professionally, stems from one scene that happens early on in the book. But first, at the start of Shades of Gray, P.J. and Cole give in to their attraction and have a night of unbelievably hot sex that for both of them, changes their relationship. But before they can really stop and talk about what happened and what it means for them going forward, P.J. finds herself in her own personal nightmare.

Maya doesn’t hold back, she goes there with the trauma that P.J. endures and it’s the catalyst for the direction that P.J.’s life starts to move in. When her attackers get away, her entire focus is on revenge. She’s out for blood and knowing what that could bring down on KGI, she resigns and start to plan the murders of the men involved. There’s a time jump in the story where P.J. is MIA for 6 months. When she resurfaces, it’s to find her team, Cole specifically, pissed off and ready to read her the riot act for not trusting in them. This was the beginning of the healing for P.J. She learned the hard way early on about believing in her team only to have them turn on her. But KGI, Steele and Cole are different and she needs them all now more than ever as they all help her track the men she needs to find to put this painful nightmare behind her so she can start to try and move forward.

Maya Banks loves to torture her heroines and P.J. may have gotten the worst of it out of any heroine from Banks that I’ve read about. What I most loved about P.J. was that she could on one page, kick a guy’s ass up one side and down the other, but on the next page be completely vulnerable with Cole and lean on him. I loved that about her. She is so tough and strong but I liked seeing the woman she became around Cole, she softens up a bit and lets Cole get closer to her then anyone she’s ever let before. She’s a heroine that I’m going to be thinking about for a long time; that’s one the best things I can say about a character.

He leaned forward, tense and hesitant. His free hand went to her face, brushing aside her hair, and then he simply kissed her.

It wasn’t the burning, scorching-the-sheets kind of kiss that they’d shared that night so many months earlier. There was no impatience and no demand. It wasn’t even sexual. The touch was so exquisitely gentle that it made her want to cry.

He had a way of getting to her. Past her barriers. And there he was, at the very heart of her before she even realized he’d slipped past.

Right beside P.J. the whole way was Cole. He was broken too after he was forced to hear what was happening to P.J. but was unable to get to her. He turns into her rock once she’s lets him, and is exactly what she needs him to be; present and there for her and simply understanding. They have their one hot, sexy night early on, but for obvious reasons sex isn’t high on their list of things to think about during the rest of the book. And while that worked and made obvious since story wise, I was left feeling like there was so much more to tell between Cole and P.J. and I hope (hope hope hope!) that Maya has plans to revisit them and their relationship in a novella soon.

The other members of P.J.’s team and the Kelly men all make appearances in some way throughout the story. I was most taken with P.J.’s team leader, Steele. I loved seeing more of him and especially his reactions to everything that happens to P.J. and the team. He comes off as the ultimate loner when he’s not leading his team, and that makes me very intrigued about him.

This is up there as one of my favorite books in the KGI series. The scene early on was tough to read and while that scene is the huge, pivotal moment for P.J. and really everyone in the story, I really got caught up in not only the relationship that builds for Cole and P.J. but in how P.J. deals with her actions, what she’s choosing to do and how her life has gone from making clear black and white decisions to being in a completely gray area. My one teeny, tiny issue is I wish there was just a little more between Cole and P.J. at the end. P.J. ended up being one of my favorite Banks heroines. I loved seeing her kick ass just as much as I loved seeing her softer side when she was with Cole. She’s an unforgettable character.
Profile Image for Pam Nelson.
3,583 reviews109 followers
August 27, 2016
P.J. is a BADASS! In every sense of the word.
This girl takes a licking and keeps on ticking or in her case kicks some serious ass.
I know not just any girl could go through what she did and come out stronger and in fighting form. Sure it took something from her. But she didn't let it get her down she took it and made it a living thing.

I don't know if revenge is my thing but in this case hell to the yessssss.
For some weird reason I thought this was Van and P.J. so when it was Cole and P.J. I was like what the hell. But I get it.
I also love that Cole totally blushed! PJSHOT lmao that was the best ever!

I found the Kelly women bring P.J. in to the fold was one of my most favorite scenes ever. She needed them and they needed to be their for her. They really did see her as one of the guys that helps bring their men home to them and that means a lot to each and everyone of them. So to be able to help P.J. in some small way was awesome.

Now on to the next book good lord I am blowing through these books like nothing!
Profile Image for Pamela(AllHoney).
2,631 reviews371 followers
January 9, 2013
Shades of Gray is the sixth book in Maya Banks' KGI series. PJ and Cole are teammates and have had a comfortable spirited camaraderie for a while. Then one night they let their desires take control. The morning after takes them back to KGI and a new mission. Unfortunately, the mission goes horribly wrong.

I have mixed feelings about this one. I loved it and yet not. Does that make sense? The storyline was hard and I had issues about certain things that happened. But still it was good and I was glued and I have to give this at least 4 stars. I loved Cole but at times I felt we didn't get his perspective quite enough. I liked PJ and her ability to endure but I wasn't in love with her actions. We got glimpses of the Kelly clan but not a lot of page time for them. That was fine since it wasn't their romance. Overall, it was a satisfying read for me. I would definitely recommend the entire series to romantic suspense fans.
Profile Image for MsRomanticReads.
741 reviews189 followers
January 8, 2013
This review was originally posted on my blog.

If I say that Maya Banks has huge brass balls, I say it and mean it with the utmost respect. The sixth book in this series is so different from its predecessors. The Kelly clan, as well as members from Rio’s team are still present, the action is still heart-thumping, but this book was so much more emotional than even Ethan and Rachel’s story. There’s one sex scene, and the rest is action and emotional turmoil, but it was to be expected, and I loved it all the same.

Over the course of the series, we’ve met Steele’s team, comprised of Baker, Renshaw, Dolphin, Cole and P.J. Former Navy SEAL David ‘Cole’ Coletrane and P.J. Rutherford are the snipers of the team. There’s always been friendly ribbing going on between them over who the better sharpshooter is. Although they’re a tight-knit group based on loyalty and trust, none of them know anything about P.J. outside of work. As soon as a mission ends, she’s out of there. The only thing they know about their intensely private teammate is that she used to be a member of S.W.A.T., but they have no idea what brought her to Steele’s team and eventually KGI.

Some women packed purses. P.J. packed heat.

Coming off the last mission, P.J. returns to her home in Denver for some R&R – seedy bar/strip club, loud, horrendous music, and alone. Just the way she wants it. When her ex-lover and S.W.A.T. teammate strolls in, we finally learn more about P.J.’s past. But when Cole walks in and they start drinking, inhibitions fall, and they finally put an end to the buildup of sexual tension that had been brewing between them since they first met. The awkward morning after is only interrupted by a call to gear up and move out. The mission is far from routine, and P.J. has to act as bait to reel in a child trafficker. Even though every precaution was made to ensure her safety, things take a horrifying turn. Filled with shame that her team may never look at her the same way again, as an equal, she leaves KGI to go on her own mission of one – revenge. But her team, least of all Cole is willing to let her go it alone.

I love any book with a strong, kick butt heroine, and P.J. is no exception. I’ve always been intrigued with her from the beginning. Like the rest of the guys, the secrecy and mystery surrounding her persona just made me hunger to know more about her. In this book we see sides of we’ve never seen before, but underneath her pain that tough warrior sill lurks. What I really loved about her was that despite her stubborn need to be independent, no not ask for help when she clearly needed it, she didn’t put up the typical girly fuss when she found herself falling for Cole. Her reservations were clear, precise, logical, but she was willing to work on her issues rather than keep pushing her away. I can almost see her shrugging as if to say “Eh, that’s just how it is.” Once she’s convinced that her team really does have her back, and that they’d honor their motto of “We live as a team and we die as a team” to the fullest extent, she finally learns to let them in. During the climax of the story, her bravery really blew me away.

Cole ….. sweet, hot, lovable, lickable Cole. He comes pretty close to utter perfection. Ladies, in the first few pages, when P.J. describes what he’s wearing when he walks in the bar … prepare to swoon! I loved his caring and protective streak. That really came out later after he gets P.J. back. He didn’t fight his feelings like most men would, and he didn’t go all Neanderthal on her either. That was actually very refreshing. It told me that he was very secure in his manliness, and he knew the fastest way to lose her was to try and stuff her in a box labeled “female, helpless, must protect at all costs”. I loved it when he had his little soul searching moment and came to terms with the fact that she was bad-ass, and she’d likely be saving him a couple of times. Their little power play remained on the level all the way through, and I respect the hell out of that.

Now I want to go back and re-read the KGI series all over again.

Favorite Quotes/Moments

“Nope. Ned about five more minutes. I didn’t even ask you how you like your meat.”

She choked and covered it with a cough. When she looked back up, he was giving her a glare of impatience.

“For God’s sake, you dirty-minded heifer.”

She laughed and kept on laughing. “Oh come on, Cole. You have to admit it sounded kinky. I mean, I could have said I like my meat hard.”

He sighed and shook his head.

“Why do you even want to be involved with me?” she asked. “I’m a complete mess. I don’t have my head on straight. I’m a master at fucking up everything’s that’s good in my life.”

“But you’re my mess,” Cole said quietly. “I don’t need you to be perfect. I just need you to be you because that’s who I care about.”
Profile Image for Lucy Dosch (EBookObsessed).
1,119 reviews24 followers
December 19, 2012
David “Cole” Coletrane knew from the moment he first laid eyes on her, that P.J. Rutherford was something special and he wanted her desperately. Their easy camaraderie and playful competition was all part of the closeness of Steele’s team at KGI.

When KGI received a request to assist in bringing down a powerful and dangerous player in the underworld of human slave trade, specializing in children, there was no question they wanted a part in the takedown. The op was to send in P.J. into a swanky party to get information from Carter Brumley’s second in command, a man whose lips loosened up when he started drinking. Get some information where to find the children and get out. P.J. was a sniper, not an undercover operative, but she would do whatever she could to get those kids home. But when P.J. catches the eye of Brumley himself, the operation starts to go south. P.J. is separated from her team, drugged and is now terrified and alone with a monster.

Although her team reaches her before she is “disposed of,” the damage has been done and P.J. sinks into mire of helplessness and rage. She feels she is a weakness to her team and she leaves the hospital to go into hiding. She doesn’t want be the weak link, and more importantly, P.J. has a new mission--revenge! She will not take her team down that road with her. But P.J. doesn’t give her team enough credit. They don’t see her as weak. They only see her strength for surviving the horrors of that night.

When Brumley’s people start showing up dead, the team finally knows where to find P.J. and they will do whatever they can to protect P.J. from herself and from Brumley. A dangerous man like Brumley isn’t going to sit quietly waiting for P.J. to show up and kill him. No way in hell will her team leave her alone to face the danger by herself.


This was a very emotional story. My heart was racing for most of the story. Maya Banks draws you into all the emotional turmoil. I could feel the frustration and pain of the team as they could hear over the transmitter what was happening to P.J. while they desperately tried to find her. You could feel P.J.’s fear, pain and rage over being drugged and raped by this monster. Then the frustration of the team trying to find P.J. after she disappears. She doesn’t glance over the darker issues. You feel it.

Although this was a darker story than I would usually go for, the emotions were so powerful that it is certainly not a story I will forget anytime soon.

I really like her KGI series and from the title of the next story, I am guessing that Steele is up next. It will be interesting to get into the head of this very cool and controlled team leader, especially after we finally see some real emotion as he too hurts for what P.J. went through.

Received an ARC from Berkley/Penguin. Thank you.

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Profile Image for Lisa - (Aussie Girl).
1,400 reviews219 followers
January 3, 2015
Maya Banks isn't one of my favourite authors and I could be snarky and pick holes in the plot and her writing style (She needs to retire the saying "whoever was pissed off") but I really like the combination of the covert ops and the Kelly family dynamic, both biological and adopted.

Despite the horrible storyline of rape and trafficking in girls, the relationship between team members Cole and PJ worked for me and after the previous physic sisters which I really didn't like it was good for the KGI to get back to what they do best, fighting the bad guys while finding their HEA.

★★★☆ (3.5 stars)
Profile Image for CC.
1,770 reviews228 followers
September 1, 2023
Huge trigger spoiler

It is hard for me to rate a book really highly where there is such a graphic trigger. It was good. Not great. I had a hard time feeling the chemistry, but i appreciated the Hero's perseverance. But I did not really get why all of a sudden he was into PJ, when they had worked together for so lomg.
Profile Image for Nicole.
1,524 reviews176 followers
January 4, 2013
Review originally posted here: http://thebookpushers.com/2012/12/31/...

I fell in love with the KGI series within the first few chapters of the first book. However, I’ll admit that after reading book 4, I was super disappointed with Banks and the series direction. I’m not a fan of an author adding a paranormal element to a contemporary series, and didn’t even bother to read book 5. But when I saw that Banks was going to tell PJ and Cole’s story, I figured I would give the series a chance again, and I’m so glad I did.

PJ, the lone woman on the KGI team has also felt accepted and useful and part of the team. Her relationship with fellow sniper Cole was professional until the night he showed up at her dive bar and took them to the next level. Before PJ has the chance to process this new development, they are sent on a mission that goes so incredibly wrong – PJ’s life will never be the same again. She falls into a tailspin, and walks away from her KGI team without looking back.

Cole has never wanted anything more than PJ, and not being able to track her down has weighed heavily on him. When the KGI team realizes that PJ is hell bent on a course of revenge, Cole and the rest of the team will put themselves on the front line with her, regardless of the mission. But as things heat up and PJ and Cole get closer to their target, they also have to face the heat in their relationship, with the KGI team, and everywhere else in their chaotic lives.

I have to say that this book definitely feels like Banks is getting back to the roots of the KGI series. I can’t even begin to tell you how angry I was at the paranormal vibe, and now that we’ve left that behind and gotten back to the core suspense and romance plots, I’m much happier with the series and this book. If she continues with this path, I will definitely be picking up these books again from now on.

A short disclaimer for everyone: this book deals with a VERY difficult topic and situation. I usually like to keep my reviews spoiler free, but with this I think it’s important everyone know before they spend money on this book that Banks writes a very difficult scene to read, and a very sensitive topic all around: rape. It was ugly and horrific and incredibly difficult to read, and anyone who will be triggered negatively by that should seriously double think the purchase of this book.

The suspense in this book was off the charts, especially in the beginning as PJ went through the most horrific event possible. The stress of her then going off the grid, hunting after those who hurt her, and doing everything in her power to bring down the bad guy was intense. The book felt like it was non-stop action, with just a few moments of R&R for both PJ and the KGI team. But again, that seemed to bring the whole original feel of the series back, all action all the time, with just the right amount of romance thrown in.

Speaking of romance, I’m glad the way Banks handled everything. Given what PJ went through, it was nice that she and Cole were given the chance to have a tryst before, and that he was there to pick up the pieces after. And, I have to say that the way PJ and Cole went about their romance was great as well. They were already great friends, and one-time lovers, that foundation they had already built was a good starting block for them to just keep going. Cole supported PJ even as she had difficulties with intimacy, and he was the perfect gentleman throughout. If I wasn’t already half in love with Cole before this book, I would have easily fallen for him in this story.

The angst in this book is right up there with the first in the series, The Darkest Hour. With all the drama between PJ and Cole, PJ and her team, and her team and the KGI group as a whole, the story was all angst all the time. But, I loved it. Although I’m not usually one for overly angsty books, I thought it was the perfect combination of angst and drama and kick-ass.

All in all I’m so glad that I read this book, as I really felt like Banks went back to the roots of the KGI series. I loved the action and the drama and suspense, and felt like it was just the right mix of over-the-top storyline and credibility. The romance between PJ and Cole never felt forced, especially after all the trauma PJ went through, and for that I was grateful. I’m anxious to get back into the series and see what Banks has in store for us next.
I give Shades of Gray a B
Profile Image for Sunny.
1,441 reviews
March 27, 2015
Revised review
3.5 stars
Shades of Gray is the highly anticipated book 6 in the KGI (Kelly Group, International - a kickass group of black ops operatives who do contract work for the US government) series by Maya Banks. This is the story of the heretofore only female operative, PJ, and her teammate Cole. We meet PJ and Cole as periphery characters in the other books. They are a part of the KGI "family" and we understand that they are skilled, hard-nosed, and kick-ass. There are two basic teams in KGI (and a recently formed third by this book). PJ and Cole belong to Steel's group.

When we start this book, we don't know a lot about PJ or Cole. We know that they are teammates on Steel's team. We know that they are both snipers, with PJ being the better of the two. We know that Cole is a former seal that was shot in a previous book. We know that PJ is a former SWAT member who left under uncertain circumstances. We know that these two are an essential part of the KGI family. But we really don't know THEM. We know a little of their personality and character, but not much personal information. Getting to know them better is the ultimate satisfaction.

The story begins with a hot encounter between PJ and Cole to establish their attraction to one another (and yes, it is a smokin' moment). Then the story quickly moves to an operation that goes terribly wrong and PJ is violated.

But this is also the story about love, redemption, recovery and justice.

There are others authors who write wonderful romantic suspense. They are good at creating kickass, alpha males who show varying degrees of vulnerability that hooks the reader. What sets Maya Bank's characters apart in her KGI series is that her alphas also show gentleness not seen in many books. Cole is full of "sweet" as he helps P.J. recover:

The physical scars don't change who you are, P.J. The emotional ones do. Those are the ones I want to help you with...I'll wait as long as it takes...I'll do whatever I can to help you. Whatever it takes for your to heal physically and emotionally. Just know that I'm not going anywhere, and it's time for you to stop running.

My critique about this book has more to do with P.J. Her character didn't resonate with me as much as Cole's. In my opinion, I think there is a challenge to write a female, alpha character. There is always the struggle to balance the masculine parts of the personality with the feminine, to make the female strong and yet soft. Many writers in the paranormal romance genre seem to do this well. I'm not sure that Ms. Banks is completely successful with P.J. She seems to vacillate to the extremes.

This book is gritty and full of heartbreak, yet still we get the love and support of a good, alpha male and the "family" of KGI.

IN A NUTSHELL: If you are a KGI fan, you don't want to miss this book. If you haven't read the others, I suggest you start at the beginning, get to know their world. You will enjoy this book even more.
Profile Image for Lover of Romance.
3,341 reviews1,018 followers
October 9, 2022
Shades of Gray was such a spectacular read and it definitely fits with the vibe of the rest of the series but I will say that this installment, is significantly darker than the previous books. And I would say that you need to check the trigger warnings on this. I can't believe I am saying this for a Maya Banks, but yeah you will need to because I was blown away by one of the scenes and what happens to the heroine in this one here. But Maya Banks does occasionally delve into the darker elements sometimes. I really found this one to be such an interesting one. I love a female military badass heroine, and Maya Banks wrote PJ so well. I don't always go for the alpha females, but I really adored this heroine in many ways. I did love her strength and courage, I enjoyed her tenacity and taste of revenge. I did find the hero so wonderful. How devoted he is to PJ and willing to stand by her but also let her do what she needs to do but stand by her even though you could see his fierce need to protect her. The way that the whole KGI team stands by her really showcases the type of relationship that black ops teams have for each other. I will say that the romance felt not quite fully satisfying, there is a lot that happens in the plot here and so it affects the romance as a whole, and while there are aspects done well, I do wish there was more built-up with the emotional elements.

Overall I was delighted by this installment and eager to continue with the series!
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