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Cum For Bigfoot #1

Cum For Bigfoot

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Book 1 of The Monster Sex Series

If you go into the woods today…

On a week long outing in Mt. Hood National Forest, what begins as a flirty, fun filled trip soon turns into a nightmare, when an ape-like creature kidnaps a group of teen girls with the purpose of procreating with them.

This story contains oral sex, fingering, forced consent, penetration with a large object, and ménage à trois. All characters are eighteen and above. Adult 18+

42 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 11, 2011

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About the author

Virginia Wade

138 books167 followers
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. ❤ Writer of erotica and erotic romance. Not afraid to be shameless...

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Profile Image for karen.
4,006 reviews172k followers
September 2, 2018
you have to admire someone who has gone through the romance aisle of their bookstore with a checklist: "regency, regency, regency, navy seals, nascar, vampire, sheikh, billionaire, scot, tycoon, firefighter, cowboy, cop (all the village people amply represented)

doctor, boss, shapeshifter, art historian...

what is missing?

and the answer is "bigfoot," naturally.

hot stuff.

so i kind of have to three-star the sheer audacity of it - to write a serious, non-campy bigfoot porn. that's what's so amazing - this is not funny. its treatment is purely serious, with the humor only manifesting itself in the pre-bigfoot moments of innocent camping* and lighthearted girl-to-girl sextalk. three girls, three guys, and a stepfather chaperone. there are some nervous sexual tension and underaged jack daniels-fueled giggles. after that - the abduction of the three girls by an old woman and her "son" leonard the bigfoot is treated like hostel; where the porn world meets the horror world. and it's not at all bad. i mean, it is, obviously, but it is not unenjoyable even if, like me, you tend to sorta skim the genital-scenes. i don't need to close-read pre-orgasm pillow talk for deeper literary meaning, and that stuff is always more likely to make me laugh than to make me... anything else.

there were many difficulties and obstacles standing in the way of me reading this book - the store-loaner nook has a tendency to delete downloaded books at will** (THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN WITH THE REGULAR NON-STORE-ACCOUNT NOOKS - THE NOOK IS A FINE PRODUCT) and it deleted this one three times before i was ready to actually sit down with it. the second time, connor downloaded cum for bigfoot 2, 3, and 4, suggesting that i get all of them because if i got to the end of the first part, and there was a cliffhanger, i would be anxious to not know what happened next. i assured him i would be all right, and when nook ate them again, i only downloaded the first one. and guess what?

fucking cliffhanger.

so i don't know what is going to be-cum of these girls and the monsters that have abducted them, but i bet that it is going to be sexy...

thank you to lizzie for tipping me off to this book's existence. if there are more interesting-sounding hookups out there (but what are the odds,right?)let me know. unicorn porn (uniporn??),hippogriff porn,wombat porn, whatever - i will be your guinea pig (guinea pig porn??)

*okay, it is not entirely innocent - she does bang the stepfather-chaperone, but at least it isn't her stepfather this time, right??

**and this is why i am unable to share any direct quotations with you, because they have all been subsumed into the crazyland of nook-memory...

come to my blog!
Profile Image for Sammy Loves Books.
1,137 reviews1,640 followers
April 19, 2020
Halloween Monster Sex wouldn't be complete without Bigfoot

A group of teens, Porsche and her girlfriends Shelly and Leslie, take a chaperoned week long hiking and camping trip to Mt. Hood National forest.

Horny Bigfoot

So when Shelly steps out of the car and says, "I'm finding Bigfoot, bitches! Come get me, you hairy ape!" I laughed out loud cause that was foreshadowing in case you weren't paying attention.

The story begins like most horror movies do. Teens will be teens, so after a lot of laughing, sexing and drinking, the girls find themselves separated from the guys and victims of a very horny Bigfoot.

The only thing scarier than Leonard, that was Bigfoot's name by the way, was his evil mother and her vibrator! Yes, I said Vibrator! She was adamant about Leonard finding a mate and having some bigfoot babies!

Bigfoot could only say a few words but he understood english well. I laughed until my side ached when he roared, "Whoooaaarrrr!" at poor Shelly. Thanks to this book, my husband and I now randomly roar "Whoooaaarrrr" out and laugh like goofy teens. But anyway, Porsche, Leslie and Shelly put together a plan to escape, with Leonard's help of course.

This book ended on a cliffhanger and I have to start the next book soon to find out what happens to the girls. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

Links to my Cum For Bigfoot reviews:

Cum For Bigfoot 2
Cum For Bigfoot 3
Cum 4 Bigfoot
Profile Image for Raj.
274 reviews79 followers
November 2, 2015
1 'What the fuck did I just read' Stars

*rating dropped*

What the fuck?


This is the most disturbing, fucked up, disgusting, and funniest shit I've EVER read.

From within the tufts of matted hair, the creature released a huge pale cock that defied logic. It was riddled with intersecting veins and bulging on the end like a tennis ball

What the actual fuck.

This book is about friends that went camping, then 3 girls get kidnapped by Bigfoot and raped. And his bitchy of a mother....fuck her.

Anyways, I don't know if I'm gonna read the rest.
Profile Image for Crystal~BIG book addict~.
279 reviews215 followers
October 31, 2013
3.5 Disturbingly Erotic Stars

A little Halloween reading material. I know what you are all thinking, Bigfoot, really?

For a short, erotic, creepy story, it was surprisingly well written.

A group of teenagers go hiking in the mountains, three girls, three guys and a chaperone. One night while the guys are out looking for firewood, the girls see something moving in the woods. The next thing they know, they are waking up in a cage in a basement. A woman unlocks the cage and one by one bigfoot, also known as Leonard, takes the girls and has his dirty, nasty way with them.

Overall, this wasn't too bad and there are more books after this one that will continue on with the story.

After I got done reading this book, my son turns on the TV and what does he start to watch?

I had a good laugh and he looked at me like I was crazy. Go figure?! LOL!
Profile Image for Lady Vigilante (Feifei).
632 reviews2,937 followers
November 1, 2013
***3.5 LOL and WTF stars!!***

Carol what the heck did you recommend me?!?! Hmmm so this was a really fast read. I mean you can finish it within 20 minutes.

The Bigfoot on TV shows:


The Bigfoot in reality:


I LOL'ed and WTF'd my way through bahahahaha. So what's this about?

A group of horny girls, their crushes, and a hot daddy (chaperone) go hiking in a National forest.

"I'm finding Bigfoot, bitches! Come get me, you hairy ape!"

*cough-laugh* Oh he sure will get you horny girl!

After a night of dirty sex between Mr. Daddy and Porsche (main female character), she and her two friends, Shelly and Leslie, get ape-napped by Bigfoot Leonard. Here comes the VOMIT!


My, my, Mr. Ape has such virility and a healthy libido. LMAO!

I seriously could not stop laughing. I mean, ape-rape happens guys and I couldn't stop laughing...I'm such a terrible person lololololol!

A quick bio of Mr. Bigfoot:

- Cock: "Riddled with intersecting veins and bulging on the end like a tennis ball." LMAO! (I swear it's much funnier in the context of the book)

- Tongue: "Long, abrasive"

- Praise from Porsche: "Mating with an animal, part man, part beast, was as unthinkable as having sex with a donkey, and yet, here I was reveling in the experience and not wanting it to end." HIGH PRAISE INDEED! lol

So will the girls, especially Porsche, end up with APE-BABIES?!?!


This was a pretty interesting read...if you want a quickie that makes you laugh and want to puke at the same time, give this one a go!

*still LMAO*

Profile Image for Shelby *trains flying monkeys*.
1,705 reviews6,406 followers
November 5, 2014
bigfoot gif photo: spanish_fry SpanishFRYYY2.gif

Ok so I don't even know where to begin with this book. First of all bunch of dumb teenagers go to woods. Horniness comes next.

bigfoot photo: bigfoot bigfoot.gif

Bigfoot aka Leonard kidnaps three teenage girls to have sex with. His mom helps out of course. WARNING: if you read this book you will have mental images that cannot be erased.

bigfoot photo: Bigfoot Bigfoot.jpg

Buddy read with: Cory, JennyJen, Sarah, Wart, Angela, Catherine, Anzu, Aly, Aure, and Grimlock. AKA Partners in crime.
Profile Image for Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen.
1,688 reviews615 followers
October 30, 2013
Another Halloween MONSTER FUCK story!!

**** I can't decide between 3 1/2 or 4 Stars ****

So what happens when a group of teenie boopers goes into the woods for a week of hiking and camping while looking for Bigfoot??


Yup....every cliche under the sun....especially when the girls are hot and panty dripping wet!

Let's set the scene....

After a long day of hiking for hours the girls are sweaty and ready to get down for drinking with their "cute" guy friends and a hawt "step-dad" after they return from collecting firewood.

Leaves rustle....a twig snaps.....the 3 girls look at one another in fright...."What was that?"....."Are the boys back?"

All goes black

A bit later wake up in a cage in the pitch black....light snaps on.....and what??

A little old lady with a half man/half ape and.....wait.....what is that peeking out from his fur??

Wow...is that a yard stick or is that ape man just happy to see fertile women?

Here is where it changes from the cliche monster movies......Ape man doesn't want to kill them and eat them....oh no.....he wants to FUCK them and impregnate them and FUCK them some more....He wants to show them a good time with his extra long and thick tongue and monster penis!!

Will the girls still want to escape after they had a taste of BIGFOOT??

Will there be baby SMALLFEET running around soon?

Pick up the book on Amazon...it's free!
Profile Image for Catherine.
338 reviews59 followers
November 5, 2013
[image error]

IF Goodreads had half stars, this one would have one half of one star.

Yep, this was kind of a 'dare yourself to read it' group read. It's pretty much as bad as you think it is. Wait. Strike that. It's worse than you think it is.

This is me while reading most of this story (I won't call it a book, I just won't).

Seriously, if you are even the teeny-tiniest bit curious, JUST. DON'T. DO. IT.


Profile Image for Tyler Gray.
Author 2 books274 followers
May 7, 2018
I know what you’re thinking, really? Bigfoot? You’ve gotta be joking!

First of all

Secondly, it’s free. It’s the first part, maybe 40 pages. If you’ve seen the first physical book that contains parts 1-5 this is only about 1/5 of that, but it’s free and short and I was curious so I figured why not.

For a short, erotic, creepy story it was surprisingly well written. Is it a masterpiece? Heck no, but it was amusing.

A group of teenagers go hiking in the mountains (i’m told in later parts it’s explicitly stated that they are 18) , 3 girls, 3 guys and 1 chaperone who is the hot stepfather of one of the guys (and does get it on with Porsche). One night, after that, while the guys are searching for firewood the girls see something moving in the woods, next thing they know they are waking up in a cage in a basement. A woman unlocks the cage and bigfoot, known as Leonard, has his nasty way with them one by one, though he’s really sweet on Porsche.

Overall it really wasn’t that bad. I was mostly laughing at it.

It is monster porn so...you know what you’re getting into.

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Profile Image for Lindz..
1,021 reviews123 followers
February 21, 2013
At first I was scratching my head. The appeal of monster porn totally went over my head until I saw some Dracula and Phantom of the Opera (Because naturally Gerard Butler comes to mind, and come on, who doesn’t want to get it on with Mr. Butler.) So, I entered a contest and a book was picked for me. Mine was ‘Cum for Bigfoot’. You can imagine my horror that I would have to read this… I’m kidding people! I already owned this story!

Now, I am going to take a moment and give this book some major credit where credit is due. The book totally took on the role of “B” list horror movie. As much as we all love Jason Voorhees and his totally psycho mother—we know that deep down the storyline is “B” level worthy at best. Not because it is ‘bad’, but because the plot is created to make girls run around dirty, sweaty, usually wet from rain or a lake, and sometimes humping and baring their very ample breasts.

Well, Cum for Bigfoot does all of that. It even has a psycho mommy dearest egging on our dear Bigfoot—named Leonard FYI, we have bared breasts, a big monster penis, and a storyline that screams ‘make me a movie because teenagers in their self-destructive lives will love this shit!’

The plot wasn’t complicated. I mean it was created to get Porsche and her friends naked and tupping the rapey, yet loveable Leonard, the mighty Bigfoot. I was entertained no doubt about that. Virginia just has a way of sucking you in and taking you on a wild ride that you are going “What the—“ half way through, yet you find yourself still reading and looking for the next book in the series because, shock of all shocks…we gotta know what happens!!!

I wasn’t ‘aroused’ so much as totally engrossed with how well she mixed porn with the horror movie concept. Let’s be honest thought, most horror movies are just rated R porn lol. Very entertaining, if you are curious, pick it up, what do you have to lose, it is very well written horror b movie porn!
3,202 reviews386 followers
February 4, 2017
I got about halfway through.

Starting with the underage (I got the impression high-schoolers) kids, one girl being screwed by her friend's father (who is married also) in the woods.

Then three of the girls being taken and straight up raped by Big Foot - I couldn't handle it anymore.

I have a very bit hot-button about rape, I couldn't get past that.

I read this with:
1. Jenny
2. Cory
3. Catherine
4. Anzu
5. Aly
6. Aure
7. Shelby
8. Wart
9. Sarah (she hasn't agreed, but I doubt she'll be able to resist, because she loves Sasquatch peen - she agreed)
10. Grimlock (who found this gem)
Profile Image for Aure #SlavaUkrain  .
467 reviews100 followers
November 7, 2013
A cliff-hanger? Are you serious? There was no story, and you managed a cliff-hanger? *insert proper British accent*


I am gonna be brave. I can do this..

My Darksiders:

Profile Image for Sarah.
3,344 reviews1,236 followers
November 5, 2013
I HATE MY FRIENDS :o( In fact I think it's about time I found myself some new ones - ones who won't torture me with bigfoot porn!

That was without a doubt the most horrific thing I've ever had the displeasure of reading. In fact it was so bad that even though it's a really short story I only made it halfway through before I quit. Never again and I going near monster porn!!
Profile Image for Sonia.
211 reviews98 followers
August 1, 2013
It was morbid curiosity that lead me to read it. I've learned my lesson. Do not expect certain types of books to have a plot.
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,655 followers
October 30, 2016
“I’m finding Bigfoot, bitches! Come get me, you hairy ape!”

Okay, this book was so bad….that I need to read the second book to make sure the story is still bad!

Happy Halloween!
Profile Image for Donald Armfield.
Author 67 books171 followers
December 24, 2014
WOW! This is a reading porno. But not one of those I'm the plumber, is your plumbing not working ones.

Set in a cult horror movie setting. with all the right things to call out the bad Guy. Being a big-foot makes it even better. Three girls find out that big-foot is a crazed sex beast. Along with his so-called mother to egg him on with a vibrator.

This is some intense sex written with dripping pleasure. Just make sure your wife or significant other is ready tied to the bed post
Profile Image for Tai.
129 reviews
August 14, 2012
I saw a few mentions of this online and just had to know what all the talk was about. Strange, but hot!
Profile Image for Tyler Gray.
Author 2 books274 followers
December 29, 2018
Well i've finally finished volume 1. There are 3 volumes, vol 1 containing parts 1-5, vol 2 has parts 6-10 and vol 3 has 11-16. Vol 1-3 are also other editions on here with parts 1-3, hence a bit of confusion. Initially they were just (and still are on smashwords, if you want to read them more privately) each part released as an ebook every so often, so each part (well parts 1-4 do) starting with the last little bit of the last part. I read part 1 as a free ebook (it's free on smashwords, just the first part), then got the physical copies because it's actually cheaper and i have no shame and started with part 2. Which is why it says i've read it twice but I haven't read anything twice. Now, onto the review, if it can be called as such.

Bigfoot porn, yes. It is that. Monster porn is a genre unto itself. A camp of some girls, boys and their chaperone (they are 18, apart from the older chaperone which is one of the dude's stepdad) camp in the woods, the girls get kidnapped by bigfoots....bigfeet? I'm going with bigfoots. And it goes from there.

There is search and rescue looking for them, things happen. Lots of bigfoot sex. Lots of cocks (mostly bigfoot, some human). Lots of hiking. The bigfoots are interesting creatures. They can talk, albeit brokenly, can fully understand English and can reason. This species of bigfoot only produce male babies for some reason and therefor need to kidnap human women to produce babies for them.

Porsche (human woman) and her bigfoot Leonard are basically the MC's. Leonard loves Porsche and she grows quite fond of him too, to say the least.

I was amused from the beginning. For what it is it's well written, funny, and oddly erotic (and horrifying, can't forget that, at least in the beginning). Starting in part 4 (i'm not going to give away spoilers) there is a twist, plot develops further, there are emotions, and some laughs.

I really am enjoying where this seems to be going and that there is something of a plot here. The bigfoots grow on you over time and can be really sweet. I can't think of a lot more to say, without giving away spoilers, hey if you want to know what happens you'll just have to read it for yourself, so i'll leave you with this. Well written (for monster porn) Bigfoot porn with some plot and emotion. I was amused, I laughed, I ever teared up a bit. I enjoyed it and I will be reading volume 2 and 3 next year, so stay tuned lol.
Profile Image for Alisa.
708 reviews73 followers
January 16, 2016
What happens when you leave the world behind and shit starts to get real?.... Cum for Bigfoot is what happens.

One moment Porsch, Shelly, and her annoying friend whose name starts with an L, are out in the woods roughing it with Chris, Darren, Cameron and Chris 's stepdad Doug.. next... the girls are locked in a cage being picked off one by one to act as a fucking post for a half man half ape with a tounge longer than Gene Simmons and a cock like a mans arm holding a honey dew melon.

To bad this isn't based on true events... or is it.....

I am actually looking forward to parts 2-6... it cant possibly be bad.. half the time if its not hot as hell it is funny as shit.. and then I saw Cum for Frankinstein.... you can bet your sweet ass I am reading that one...
Profile Image for Darlene I read WAY to many books.
3,457 reviews2,008 followers
January 2, 2020
Now.... i saw this on my tl.. and i was whattt??? Whatttt!!!!

Now i did wanna read it because the title.. i was well lets see how bad this is. And i gotta tell you ITS baddd

Shelly and leslie and Porsche are off camping and they flirt with the guys and then get kidnapped by bigfoot and some old lady who is okay that her ape-ish son rapes these girls.. well 2 of them one was totally in board.

I dont think ill read any of the rest 😂😂😂
This is my 2020 wtf one time wired novella.
Why 1 star well above and the cover is okay.

drama, cheating, no virgins

Recommend- no

No consent
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Blue Bates.
216 reviews3 followers
November 27, 2013
Thank the heavens this was free because this was AWFUL.

It wasn't even funny. With such a suggestively awful name, there's got to be some substance to make up for it.

But no.

The sex scenes were atrocious.

I'm sorry, but you can't make a retarded ape sexy, no matter how big his junk is.
Profile Image for Angela.
276 reviews16 followers
July 12, 2012
This is like one of those B rated movies you can't stop watching because it is so ridiculous.
Help me! I am on book two now. lol
Profile Image for Sofia.
62 reviews13 followers
May 8, 2019
Kinda traumatized..not gonna lie
Profile Image for Sammy Loves Books.
1,137 reviews1,640 followers
October 31, 2019
Halloween Monster Sex wouldn't be complete without Bigfoot

A group of teens, specifically,Porsche and her girlfriends Shelly and Leslie, take a chaperoned week long hiking and camping trip to Mt. Hood National forest.

Horny Bigfoot

So when Shelly steps out of the car and says, "I'm finding Bigfoot, bitches! Come get me, you hairy ape!" I laughed out loud cause that was foreshadowing in case you weren't paying attention.

The story begins like most horror movies do. Teens will be teens, so after a lot of laughing, sexing and drinking, the girls find themselves separated from the guys and victims of a very horny Bigfoot.

The only thing scarier than Leonard, that was Bigfoot's name by the way, was his evil mother and her vibrator! Yes, I said Vibrator! She was adamant about Leonard finding a mate and having some bigfoot babies!

Bigfoot could only say a few words but he understood english well. I laughed until my side ached when he roared, "Whoooaaarrrr!" at poor Shelly. Thanks to this book, my husband and I now randomly roar "Whoooaaarrrr" out and laugh like goofy teens. But anyway, so Porsche, Leslie and Shelly put together a plan to escape, with Leonard's help of course.

This book ended on a cliffhanger and I have to start the next book soon to find out what happens to the girls. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

Links to my Cum For Bigfoot reviews:

Cum For Bigfoot 2
Cum For Bigfoot 3
Cum 4 Bigfoot
Profile Image for Amy.
175 reviews22 followers
January 23, 2014
Did I read this? Yep sure did. I am the curious type so when I first heard about it my first thought was, "Hmm... I wonder how that plays out." Crazy I know. So when I was talking to some friends and one pointed out that the first book was FREE I jumped on it. Originally at this point I would say curiosity killed the cat, but.. this book actually wasn't bad.

Could I have lost my mind?? Very well possible. But let me say that I read this right after finishing a F/F book that almost had me puking everywhere. So if I can manage that, I can manage this and let me tell you... This book was 10 times better then the F/F.. Sad right?? Maybe not.

I laughed through most of this. Some of the descriptions and things that happened made me think WTF? So basically Bigfoot kidnaps 3 horny girls to sooth his need for sex. Which it seems that need is NEVER satisfied. He has a human bitchy mother that he lives with. He proceeds to have sex with two of the girls but the last one he takes a special liking too. That's when some things get interesting.

Now your probably thinking "How in the hell can I give this book 4 stars??? It's freaking monster porn." Very easily. This book was well written. It was a smooth read and very entertaining in the HAHA sense. And guess what?? It actually had a plot to it. It wasn't straight porn. There is a story here. Shocker I know.. This author has an amazing imagination and the fact that her DAD edits for her earns her another star right there. If I even had the guts to write something like this, I wouldn't let anyone I even remotely knew edit it. Kudos to you.
1 review
February 19, 2012
The idea behind Cum For Bigfoot and the rest of Virginia Wade's Monster Sex books are out there, they are obviously meant for fun and they deliver.
This, as well as the others, is well-written engaging from beginning to end fun.

I read it and even though I was a little worried before I started, the world didn't explode, I didn't feel the need to leave my husband for a bigfoot and I ended the book with a smile on my face as it appears others did.
Non-fiction is meant to entertain and this does just that
Thank you for giving us a creative read Ms. Wade or should I say Ms. Bigfoot?
Profile Image for Dee.
1,991 reviews85 followers
March 27, 2015
Immediate thoughts...With the one guy monster and three girl action, blow jobs and spunk galore, I would hazard a guess the author is, in fact, a male. Just saying, lol.

I read and enjoyed for what it was 'monster porn'. That part worked for me purely for the reason I don't expect much more than kinky sex in these types of stories. However, I could have done without a number of other things thrown into the mix . Too much going on for a short story.

*Free on smashwords at time of posting.
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