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"Monsters are real. Ghosts are real, too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win."
~Stephen King

Officer Mack Larson is not everything he appears...

When twelve-year-old Trey and his best friend Eddy play a prank on Officer Mack, the resulting chain of events rocks the small town of Bay's End.

Today, Trey Franklin is a man haunted by his past. Tormented by that one tragic, fateful summer, Trey searches for catharsis the only way he knows how - by writing.

A tale of love and loss, bittersweet memories, and the depths of human evil.

Welcome to Bay's End.

*Warning: Contains graphic language and adult situations.

183 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 1, 2012

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About the author

Edward Lorn

61 books2,957 followers
Edward Lorn (E. to most) is a reader, writer, and content creator. He's been writing for fun since the age of six, and writing professionally since 2011. He can be found haunting the halls of Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.

E. lives in Alabama with his wife and two children. He is currently working on his next novel.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 159 reviews
Profile Image for Dan Schwent.
3,123 reviews10.7k followers
December 8, 2014
When Trey and Eddie put cherry bombs in the back of the sheriff's car, they blast away the outer layer of the sleepy town of Bay's End and get a look at the sickening underbelly that lies beneath...

I've made no secret that I think Edward Lorn is the best example of self-publishing done right. Not only has he never stalked me to my house and hit me with a brick, he's also given me my money's worth on every occasion. When Bay's End became free on the kindle, it seemed like a slam dunk. It was.

Bay's End is a coming of age tale, akin to Stephen King's The Body or Robert McCammon's Boy's Life. When Eddy moves in across the street, Trey suddenly has a new best friend. Together, they unwittingly uncover a lot of nastiness that lurks beneath the surface of small town life.

Lorn wears his influences on his sleeve but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Bay's End reads like an early Stephen King tale, where the horror comes from ordinary people, not spider clowns that feed on fear. Ever get chased by a vicious dog or threatened by an adult when you were a kid? Scary stuff.

The characters are like people from the neighborhood I grew up in. Eddie's the smart mouth, Candy's the girl next door with dark secrets, and Trey is the everyman the audience can relate to, though I have to think there's more than a little Edward Lorn in Trey.

Bay's End is a pretty brutal book. Nothing that comes to light is pretty. It's a short novel but at the same time, it's the perfect length. If you're looking for a scary trip to nostalgiaville, let Edward Lorn be your driver. Four out of five stars.
Profile Image for Mort.
709 reviews1,497 followers
November 30, 2018
4.5 STARS - Really good story!

Edward Lorn impressed me with this story, in which he did almost everything right.
And let's get this out of the way. He curses a lot - I don't mean Quentin Tarentino "lot", but more than average. Decide whether this is going to bother you before you tackle the book. If it will, fine, don't read it. (No judgement from me, it bothers me that people can call the Kardashians role-models, so I don't watch that specific channel - at all!) But I will say that it doesn't effect what turned out to be a pretty decent tale.

Bay's End is a fictional town very much like Stephen King's Castle Rock. It is idyllic and innocent to the outsider, but rotten with secrets below the surface.
This is a coming of age story about twelve-year-old Trey, who is writing this story as an adult to exorcise the demons of that summer.
Written in the first person, the story mainly takes place in the past, with only occasional shifts to the future.

Right, there is a reason why I threw Stephen King's name out there - there are the comparisons to THE BODY (and also McCammon's BOY'S LIFE) - because this author is heavily King influenced. It becomes apparent from the very beginning but, as is the case with some other authors who didn't do it very well, Lorn kept to his own voice and strengths. What does that mean? Lorn kept this story under 200 pages, which was a decent length for the amount of stuff happening and ensured a fast-past, action filled yarn that entertains while keeping the reader emotionally invested.

While he warns about most of the impact moments in advance, some of them still pack a heavy punch. You can see them coming, you can predict the outcome, but (as with the most shocking scene) you're not sure exactly how far he will go. Even I had a moment where I thought: "He's not REALLY going to go there, is he?"
Well, big whoop, he did...sum'bitch!!!

Unfortunately, I do have a criticism - it might be nothing more than my personal taste and may not bother most of the readers, so don't judge whether you want to read this story or not on this alone. I think he could have held back just a little with some information - I'm going to go out on a limb and call this one NOT-A-SPOILER because the author makes it blatantly obvious from early on.
Why does the reader have to know Eddy didn't survive the summer?

Here's my thoughts. I can remember King and others (don't ask me in which story, I've read too much since then) using the trick of ending a chapter with something that will happen later on, although not exactly what. For example (excuse my failing memory, please kind sir and madam), something like "...and that was their last summer together" or whatever the case may be.
You know some bad shit is going to happen, they are not going to come out of this okay, but it just motivates you to find out WHAT exactly happens.

Movie example:
I guess it's only fair to call SPOILER ALERT for the movie...
One of my favorite horror movies is FALLEN with Denzel Washington. In the beginning, the narrator (Denzel) says:
"Let me tell you a story about the time I nearly died."
At the end of the movie, when everything is just about over, Denzel is dying, Azazel is fucked (Yay for the good guys!) and all hope is gone, the narrator suddenly says:
"Do you remember I told you this is about the time I ALMOST died?"
Now, the movie was brilliant and most of the audience forgot about those first words. FUCKING BRILLIANT. However, had the explanation about Azazel's ability to move from one host to the next IN ANY LIVING CREATURE INCLUDING ANIMALS been given, what would the impact have been?

And that's my criticism of this story. If only Lorn didn't keep reminding the reader that Eddy will die at the end, I think it could have had a big, powerful sucker-punch that would have blown most readers away.

So, this story has nothing to do with the supernatural, and I think most horror and thriller fans will enjoy it.

Really good effort, Mr. Lorn!
Profile Image for Carol.
1,370 reviews2,294 followers
November 2, 2016
BAY'S END is just a small peaceful town.......until we encounter evil.

An adult Trey Franklin shares memories of his life as a young teen and summer of horror, but struggles to narrate the story, and you will see why.

It all begins with the arrival of his new best buddy Eddy Treemont who just moved in across the street......and boy is Eddy full of the devil! It's on their first nightly adventure to the creepy abandoned building that Trey and Eddy find themselves in deep sh*t with "Officer Maniac Mack" and his perverse ways of enforcing the law.

As their friendship grows, and this coming-of-age story evolves, I continued to be shocked chapter after chapter as the boys encounter danger, uncover horrific abuse and even face death.

And yes, as Edward Lorn warns, "graphic language and adult situations" are found here, but IMHO are outweighed by the addictive, well-drawn characters amidst an amazingly told story.

(Be sure to read Mr. Lorn's review for some interesting truth's revealed about this novel.)

Profile Image for Karl.
3,258 reviews342 followers
September 27, 2017
“Bay’s End” is Volume One in the “All Things Lead to the End” series which is projected to become a five book series. Surprisingly enough Volume Two was published a month earlier, that book is titled “The Sound of Broken Ribs” (the regular edition of 55 copies) also from Thunderstorm Books.There is to be a Deluxe version of “The Sound of Broken Ribs” to appear soon also from Thunderstorm.

“Bay’s End” appeared originally back in 2012 and has now received a deluxe treatment with a beautiful dust jacket and a masterful hardcover treatment as Thunderstorm produces regularly.

The story concerns itself with the coming of age saga of a small group of teenagers who encounter a bit more challenge than your average teen. There is the discovery of Love, Death, Friendship, Lust and the methods that are utilized to cope with everyday life. Additionally there is trama woven into the mix. Warning, as in real life,they all do not survive.

The content of this edition contains:

the novel “Bay’s End”
short story “Worlds Greatest Dad”

Some solid writing by an author worth investigating.

This hardcover is numbered 14 of 44 copies produced and is signed by Edward Lorn.

Book 1 in the ALL THINGS LEAD TO THE END set.
Profile Image for Christy.
56 reviews113 followers
November 13, 2016
I am speechless. Lorn took my heart from content, to horrified, to unbearably sad, then terrified so much I forget to breath, and finally, as I shut the book, to tears and mourning. To contemplation. Wow, I don't think that I have ever, I mean EVER been dragged through so many powerful emotions in such a short time........no other writer has ever held my heart, my breath, and my emotions in such a powerful grip as this one.


Alright. I need a moment to think and mourn. I will be back with my thoughts very soon....in the meantime....everyone, those with the ability to handle those deep, cut-to & through the heart emotions, and are capable of handling the brutal reality-- read this book (after reading the whole review to make sure you can handle it). I won't lie, parts will make you sick to your stomach, many will make you laugh, some will challenge your blood-pressure....but all will touch your soul.

OK. Like I said, I'm not going to lie to you. BE WARNED:Some people may not be able to handle this book. It shows the ugliest side of humanity. My high rating is not because it is an enjoyable book to read. It is because the writer had the power to create characters that you really care about, and also of creating extremely deep emotions in this reader. Actually dragging them through so many changes so fast that at times I felt like I was going to throw up--and a tiny bit later I was going to(and did) cry--then a short step to being so terrified I was white-knuckled. That is quite an accomplishment for any writer, and this happened to be his first book! (This reminds me of Ketchum's book The Girl Next Door, but trust me on this! It is not nearly as disturbing as that one! It has a lot of heart in it....Though it is disturbing, and somewhat based on a true story, which Lorn himself talks about here, and under Kethums book, if I remember correctly. I'd say its is only a quarter as disturbing, mixed within a coming of age tale...in which he is a character, but won't share which one....I don't believe that just because one of the characters name is Eddie that it is necessarily him.)

Very hard to categorize to me. Somewhere between the Body and The girl next Door....but that still isn't quite right. It is a coming of age story for those with strong stomachs, with a group of friends, three of whom are faced with a horrific person that exists (sadly), all around us in our day to day lives, and a terrible police officer that doesn't care much about anything...except hanging these kids for setting some cherry-bombs off in his cruiser. The last 25% I couldn't have put this book down of it was on fire.

I know I have not done this justice....I wrote it right after putting it down, and I probably should have taken a break....I will be back after really letting this one sink in...i'm wrung out....

Although I'm not finished with this review (struggling with pretty bad pain right now due to my spinal cord, so may be a little bit-sorry) I need to mention that I know Edward (just an internet friend). That had NOTHING to do with this review at ALL, though. I was blown away by this book on it's merits, and if you read it you will be as well...if you can take it :)
Profile Image for Erin *Proud Book Hoarder*.
2,645 reviews1,148 followers
June 29, 2024

4.5 stars

"I'm living with ghosts. My memories have grown legs and now run up and down these halls. The apparitions are only loops, broken records as it were, but they're aggravated and bored, two attributes you never want in a ghost."

It feels kind of weird to call a dark, gritty and depressing book beautiful, but here we are. Despite the sick individuals and horrible circumstances that tainted these teenagers lives, there was beauty developing from the first chapter - that fragile but unique time of life where you feel young and free, looking forward to a summer with new friends and new adventures. The kids are foul mouthed and sneaky, but they're great at heart and their bond is just...beautiful. No other word for it.

I'm in love with coming-of-age stories anyway. There's something about the nostalgic bonding in small town adventures where kids bond together to face higher horrors. There's nothing paranormal in this one, it's effective as hell with old fashioned monsters wearing human faces.

Told through a singular point of view, I loved the main character Trey. He has a realness to him that shines through the pages, and I totally got his bonding with the new kid in town, Eddie, a young teen advanced for his years not only in language and daring but also in heroism. Throw in Candy with her lip gloss and tragic tale, the strange neighbors who don't seem fully aware of the horrible demons after them, and you have a grade A class of characters.

The adults aren't bad either - Trey's father in particular is well written as he is shown (through the characters present and then past reflections) to be the type of personality that can never shed the skin of guilt, not sloughing it off to continue growing. Despite that shame about his character, it was nice to have parents for the main characters in a coming-of-age who actually genuinely gave a damn about their kid, believed their stories from the start.

"Friends are better than pain-killers any day of the week."

It's a character driven story, which is the best kind, but the plot is a good one too. Enter the villainous adults - well structured enough to be realistic and creepy - and you have a chain of events that keeps you glued. Whether the kids were bonding over fun moments and growth, sneaking out of the house to cause chaos, fighting in the face of abuse to protect each other, or battling the creepy villains of the story, it was hard to put down.

I usually don't like when books go from the present back to the past, but Lorn did it in a way that works. He kept the passages short and musing, haunting with the beauty and tragedy that embraced the power of bad memories. Italicized and stylized, the author's talented writing ability made the reflections a joy to read, even if they were squeezing my heart. I'm glad the sad moment was revealed early so the shock of it didn't anger me. A wise choice not to save that for the end, a surprise to induce bitter tears - I'm glad the author prepared me gently. A lot easier on the emotions and held the story up.

This brutal book doesn't hold back the violent punches - there's vicious attacks, sick people, horrible scenes that won't be forgotten, and the author doesn't hold back shining a dark light in these kids lives.

It's almost five star ready, but I would have preferred a more drawn out after-the-fact. I wanted to see a few more pages talking about life afterward, and then a longer reflection in the present to explain why the narrator is talking now, and what's going on about it being his "final story."

I will definitely be checking out more by Edward Lorn - his writing style alone would have cemented that, but throw in the theme of fateful summers, coming-of-age and small towns, and it's even more guaranteed.

Profile Image for Steve.
962 reviews108 followers
October 14, 2015
Holy crap, this was GREAT! 5++++++ stars! This was easily the best book I've read this year!

The summer that Trey was twelve-years old, he meets new neighbor Eddy. Eddy, full of life, introduces Trey to many new experiences that are right on the edge of trouble, but without quite crossing the line. During an adventure exploring the Westerns, they are harassed by Police Officer Mack Larson (who reminded me a lot of Deputy Collie Entragian from Stephen King’s Desperation), a very well-respected member in the Bay’s End community. As they witness a traffic stop in which Officer Mack is ticketing a young girl, the boys throw cherry bombs in the officer's cruiser. While he doesn’t know for sure that the boys pulled this off, Mack has everyone in town closely watching them and their movements. The tension between the boys and Officer Mack escalates at a steady pace, culminating in a truly harrowing and horrific ending.

This is a story of the innocence of youth, and how losing that innocence impacts us for the rest of our lives. As now-grown Trey writes of the events of that idyllic summer, the emotions that he has carried with him are laid bare as he comes to grips with the events of that summer and putting old ghosts to rest.

Being partial to coming-of-age books, this one strongly reminded me of The Body (Stand By Me) and It, both by Stephen King, and A Painted House by John Grisham. Like these two literary giants, Lorn was able to make the reader feel like you know these characters intimately, like they are your neighbor’s kids, people that you’ve grown up with your entire life.

This book is completely engrossing, much too close to real-life horror than we’re often comfortable with. Lorn’s monster is human, nothing supernatural about him, and that makes him all the more terrifying. Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Gregor Xane.
Author 18 books340 followers
June 7, 2014
This book could be shelved under horror or thriller/suspense. I'd lean more toward the thriller side of things, if it were my job to categorize it. However, if I were the librarian recommending this thing, I'd make sure people knew that this is at its core a coming of age story. I'd also let folks know that the first half is told at a pretty leisurely pace, which perfectly matches the mood of two young boys getting to know each other in an endless summer of nothing to do. It's not until around the 50% mark or so that you begin to realize the author's been sneakily setting up all the dominoes that go tumbling down in the last third of the book. This story transforms smoothly from a funny, almost bittersweet, story of childhood's end into a tense thriller. Nicely done.

I'm not one for framing mechanisms in stories, but Lorn puts the one he's constructed here to good effect. It serves the purpose of creating tension through dramatic irony. It breaks up the action a bit here and there, too. But, as a whole, I could have done without it.

I'm also not a fan of villains explaining their motivations and filling in all the holes in the story just before they are about to (unsuccessfully) kill the heroes. This happens twice in this book! Even though I'm not a fan of this trope, I don't despise it, and I understand why it happens in stories. If I truly hated every story that contained the 'villain explains' gag, I wouldn't like anything ever. I'm just saying I like it better when the author finds a different, better way.

It wasn't my intent to end this review on a sour note. This truly is a touching story and an exciting thriller. Pick it up. If you're so inclined, you can grab a copy for free from Amazon.

I'd recommend you do so.

*4.5 stars out of 5.0
Profile Image for ❤Ninja Bunneh❤.
266 reviews177 followers
November 18, 2014
Damn, and here I thought the sleepy little town of Derry had issues.

There are some books that you read with a sense of dread. From the moment you crack open the very first page you just know some super bad fucked up shit is gonna go down. Very few authors are able to pull that off. Especially with me as their reader because not much makes me squirm.
Bay's End will make anyone squirm.

This story is dark, disturbing, shocking, and all too human. When the fear in a book is a monster or something supernatural, it's easy to remember nothing is real. However, when the true monsters are human, what can you tell yourself then? And when you're a child who is supposed to be protected by grown ups there really seems to be no place safe.

Perhaps a little boy from another little town described it best:

"And almost idly, in a kind of side-thought, Eddie discovered one of his childhood’s great truths. Grownups are the real monsters, he thought."
(~~~Stephen King's IT~~~)

You can read this one with the lights on, but that won't help much. This one can get to you even in the daylight.

4 ninja bunnehs
Profile Image for Paul Nelson.
681 reviews156 followers
November 19, 2014
First off the narration by Kerry Woodrow, pretty good although at times he went really slowly which I felt didn’t add anything to the drama playing out but it was something I could easily forgive as soon as I heard the voice of Eddy.

The story is told through the eyes of Trey but it was Eddy that captivated me in a way I’ll not forget, with a brash ‘say what you think’ attitude, an attitude that most people wish they could carry off but are usually restrained by circumstance.

I’ve read some of the most renowned ‘coming of age’ stories around this year and really enjoyed them, then I read or listened to Bay’s End by Edward Lorn and have to say it just blew them out of the water. Left them in a trail of dust. Whether you want to call Bay’s End a ‘coming of age’ story, a tragedy of childhood, a teenage drama with more than a bit of bite or just a fucking amazing story, that’s up to you, I’ll settle with the last one and I’d go as far as too say it’s one of the best reads (listens) I’ve had in a long while.

This story certainly put my emotions through a roller coaster of a ride, for the majority I was laughing, mainly at the dialogue but there was one portion when I was out walking the dog, in the final third of the story that I was laughing at the Porn movie incident, breath taken and then almost filling up with what happened to Candy. Don’t know what anyone who saw me thought but I don’t care, I enjoyed it that much.

To the dialogue, a lot based on the authors memories as a kid, it was something I could easily relate to and could imagine actually being part of the conversations and I can’t say that about any book I’ve read in the past.
For example Trey asks Eddy.
“Is your Dad a teacher”?
“Who that fat fuck” is the reply and the stories full of that kind of humour, laying pipe etc. Loved it.

It is not however all humour, there’s a couple of particularly harrowing backdrops to this story and it’s masterfully told with a powerful conclusion.

The story, well its kids antics as usual until they come up against Officer Mack and see the ugly side of the law, 4 cherry bombs and a missing girl later, with our protagonists the last to see her alive and the story just rockets along, one of those you can’t stop reading/listening to, you need to know how it ends.

Just read that this is Ed’s debut novel, makes it even more special and this easily compares with Cruelty as my favourite with barely a gnat’s c**k between them, ‘Pardon my French’.

My highest recommendation and the easiest 5 stars I've ever given.

Profile Image for Zoeytron.
1,036 reviews851 followers
October 3, 2014
Small town Bay's End is homey and pleasant at first glance, but it has its share of broken people, too. Some are hidden, some overt, they are broken in an evil sort of way, unfixable. It can come in all shapes and sizes - a trusted neighbor, a policeman, a dog on the other side of the fence.

Eddy has just moved into the house across the street from Trey. The two of them rapidly become best buds, and the anticipation of summer stretches out before them. Little do they know this particular summer is not to be all fun and games.

The author's sepulchral humor is dead on, I was unable to suppress a grin at the image of the Grim Reaper wearing a hoodie rather than the standard cowl.
Profile Image for exorcismemily.
1,379 reviews332 followers
December 13, 2017
I'm going to have to wash my brain out after reading Bay's End and Jack & Jill in the same week. This book takes you through all the emotions, and instead of boring you in the middle like a lot of books, it punches you in the face with some incredibly dark content.

There was a second in there where I was so horrified that I had to set the book down, and think about whether or not I wanted to finish the book...I picked it back up, and I'm glad that I did. Everything balances out, and this book has a lot of both good and evil.

The small town writing is very King-esque, and I really enjoyed that. Edward Lorn writes kids very well, and it's so easy to get invested in this story. This is the second book I've read by this author (the first was Fairy Lights), and these two books are entirely different worlds. I will vouch for the fact that his writing has versitility, and I'm excited to try our more books. A friend on Instagram (@codysbookshelf) referred to the author as "Jack Ketchum, with a little southern flair", and I agree with this.

Thank you so much for sending me a copy of Bay's End, Edward!
Profile Image for Amanda.
367 reviews19 followers
September 5, 2016
The first Edward Lorn book that I read, Cruelty, blew my mind. Bay's End stomped on my head. A coming of age story, where the real monsters are human. A group of kids exact revenge on an unpleasant cop. Little do they know how it will start a horrific, domino like effect. Utterly changing all those involved.

The story is written by Trey, one of the kids whose life so drastically changed that fateful summer. As an adult, struggling to let go of his past, Trey starts writing the story of that summer. And what a story this is.

Bay's End has some seriously scary characters m. The cop, Mack, has a real knack in making me uncomfortable. In fact the book really does feel like a nod to Mr King. A cop of the same ilk as Collie Entragian, tak. Kids that remind me of those in The Body and IT. The best thing is that Edward Lorn absolutely kills it. Bay's End is so well written that Lorn has pulled off a feat that so many wish they could. A genuinely scary coming of age novel.

I can't recommend Bay's End highly enough. Lorn really does deserve to be at the top of the best sellers list. An author producing extremely well written and interesting novels. 5 stars to Bay's End.

****Disclaimer, I purchased this book. This is my honest review and all opinions are my own****
March 25, 2017

3.5 stars.

This is another book that never got reviewed due to a serious lack of time. And this is a book that really deserves a proper review because I want to encourage more friends of mine to read it, and other selections from this author. And yes, Edward Lorn is a friend of mine on here. And no, my being friends with the author will have absolutely no impact on this review, nor does it influence me telling everyone to read his books. His talent alone makes him worthy of my accolades.
When you live in the past, you live with regret. Hindsight is always 20/20 and all that. You have time to question yourself about what you did, ponder the outcome of your actions. You ask yourself, day in and day out, if you couldn't have done that one thing better. Experience alters reality. You cannot progress if you don't screw up every now and then. In turn, you live, you learn.

This is Ed's first novel, and I can tell. My 3.5 star rating is not necessarily a reflection of this novel alone, but 3.5 stars (which is not at ALL a bad rating in my opinion) gives a little wiggle room for improvement. Because if this is his first novel, then I am really excited to read the works he has published after this one. I know from talking with him and from his reviews on this site that Stephen King is a huge influence on his writing, and I could tell this from the first chapter. One of the things I've always loved about Uncle Stephen is his mastery at characterization, something that Mr. Lorn has obviously taken copious notes on. I loved every single character in this novel from our MCs down to the background folk. Each is unique, interesting, dynamic, and full of nuance. Not a lot of authors are able to pull this off so well, especially in such a short novel. Mr. Lorn didn't just write his characters, he loved them, respected them, made their actions and decisions consistent with who they are. This is something even the most prolific authors have problems with. Trey and Eddy were so dynamic they nearly jumped off the page and into real life. No stone went unturned with these two, no questions left unanswered, no plot holes needed fixing. I cannot express enough about how important this is, especially in my own personal reading experience.

Edward Lorn can also write his ass off. And he writes mostly in the horror genre. There are not a lot of horror writers I've encountered (honestly, he and Uncle Stevie are the two exceptions that come to mind) who really care about their craft the way Ed does. He takes the time to wordsmith and polish his passages, adding to the creep factor and allowing them time to crawl into your mind. You have to be a great storyteller to be a horror writer, but the best of the best also know how to package that story up in a way that devours the reader, a slow possession at first leading to a full out takeover of your mind. That is what Edward Lorn has done in this short novel. And that is what I most applaud him for, and what makes me sing his praises to all of you.

Trey and Eddy live in Bay's End, a small slice of middle class 'Murica that seems like every other small town. There is a moment of insta-friendship when Eddy moves in across the street and the two become inseparable. Now insta-frienship is not the same as insta love because while the latter is about as rare in real life as a purple, one-eyed unicorn, the former is something that always happens when boys of the same age are thrust together. Trey sees a hard-headedness and also a strength in Eddy that he covets for himself, and the two become human besties in the span of maybe 30 seconds. Together these two along with Trey's love interest Candy (more kudos for the absolutely beautiful rendering of a first love childhood romance), and another neighborhood friend Sanders delve into the dark secrets that Bay's End hides under its surface. They come across a toughened old cop named Mack Larson, the tough, scarred up old shithead of a cop that runs the town like his own personal playground. Upon their first encounter with the cop, Trey leaves with memories of things that can never be unseen and Eddy leaves a little bit older than he was before. When these two see Mack Larson bullying a pretty young girl in a car, they decide to teach him a lesson by placing little cherry bombs in the front seat of his police cruiser while he's not looking. That little action sets off a series of events that neither boy is prepared to deal with and which will change both boys irrevocably.

This story is very reminiscent of a lot of Uncle Stevie's works, notably Hearts in Atlantis, The Body, and It. However, it is my no means a copycat. This story completely stands on its own and does an excellent job of stripping a small town down to its secrets and describing that loss of innocence that occurs in children whenever they are confronted with horrors beyond their understanding and experience level. It is also an examination of the typical nature of pre-teen hood, the emotions of first love, the thrill of doing something you know you shouldn't, the unique and curious nature of the relationship between kids and their parents at that age. Ed did an amazing job of examining those qualities and making them real.

My gripes are actually pretty minor, but though I said how consistent and amazing the characterization was, I wish the characters had been a little older. To me, though their behavior was always consistent, it also seemed a little old for a twelve year old. The dialogue as well seemed a little mature for these characters and I kept having to go back to see how old they were. To me, they behaved and spoke as if they were 14 or 15. However, had they been older, the events that they witnessed wouldn't be as shocking or as tumultuous to their development. So that was my biggest conundrum, but honestly, fairly minor. My other little squabble had to do with the length. I actually think the book could have been twice as long. There were a few too many "fade to black" moments that were tidied up a bit too quickly for my taste. I would have liked to get a taste of the repercussions, the emotions, the real time of these events instead of having them quickly brushed over. Again, a minor little squabble but worth a tiny mention.

I really enjoyed reading this and very much look forward to reading more of his work soon. He is definitely an author to watch, a writer that knows his craft and knows his characters, and it doesn't hurt that he's one hell of a great human being also. I recommend this book to horror and non-horror fans alike.
Nothing would ever be all right again. Nothing could ever be okay. Not anymore. The world had changed. It had become a dark place full of evil and monsters and terrible things. And the worst part was that I had no control over any of it.

Profile Image for Sadie Hartmann.
Author 24 books6,398 followers
December 17, 2017
I'll say this up front: The author gave me this book in exchange for an honest review.

I loved this little story. I loved it so much that I was annoyed that there wasn't enough of it. Clearly Lorn is a gifted writer and he could have teased this story out over at least another 100-200 pages so I feel like a whole star represents what *could* have been and what *should* have been. Other than that, I have zero complaints.
The characters in the book are young, school age--12-13 years old and I've read quite a few good stories with that age group as the main protagonists. Lorn fleshes these kids out very realistically. The dialogue between the two boys, Trey & Eddie were spot on. I have a 12 year old boy and I'm often the one driving them around so I have the extra special privilege (torture) of overhearing a lot of their conversations and Lorn pretty much nails it. I mean, maybe the boys in the book were a little more nasty and oversexualized than I'm comfortable with but maybe that's realistic and I just don't hear what goes on when I'm not in the room, you know?
The author develops for us, a good picture of life in Bay's End for our main character Trey. Growing up in a very small community myself, everything resonated with threads of truth and experience. Lorn knows about the small town.
I loved watching the new friendship develop between Trey and his neighbor that just moved in across the street, Eddie.
I think Ed rushed the introduction of the character, Candy. I wanted her to be as fleshed out as the boys and maybe some more scenes where the relationships developed through some childhood antics but that portion of the story felt a little rushed in order to get to a climax that pretty much punches you in your pretty reader's face!
Trigger Warning: There is graphic, sexual content so go into this knowing that.
While it is difficult to read stories where children are subjected to this world's darkness and the monsters that call themselves "adults", it's real life. This shit happens every, single day and while it's disturbing to read, the author has a story to tell, a tale that might resonate with more than half of the population, so it's an important, raw and legitimate story to tell.
I just wish there was more story told with more character development for some of the adult characters so that the tension could have mounted a little more-I did feel kind of hit over the head with it after Lorn really took his time up front, helping us get invested in the two lead characters.
So overall, I'm a fan now. The writing here was enough to get me interested. I'll be reading more by Edward Lorn for sure and I recommend this book as a great introduction to his storytelling chops.

Profile Image for Thomas Stroemquist.
1,586 reviews142 followers
October 15, 2015
Read this in a group read for my wonderful horror group at GoodReads and I would probably never have found or gotten around to it (or the author) had it not been for this.

To my absolute delight I found Lorn's narrative and storytelling abilities amazingly good and utterly absorbing! Read the book in three sittings and had I not been rudely interrupted ("this is your bus stop", "you have to go to work now", "you haven't got anything else by Edward Lorn and you reached the end") it would have been only one, and still ongoing!

On the surface, a nice coming-of-age story about a small group of kids in a small town, but the very effective interludes (narrator in 'present' time) tells us that there will be horrors and evil to be revealed and reading the true ringing, very beautifully (did I mention this already?) told story with a very disturbing feeling of dread in the stomach gave an edge and a whole other level to the book. And that's the only reason why I was glad it is a short one - it was not good at all for my blood pressure.

I won't go into details of the story as not to ruin anything, but will say that some parts are both shocking and revolting, so mine is not an unreserved recommendation, but still at strong one!

Finally, a couple of minor details where not spot on I thought, the kids seemed a bit wise and experienced for 12-13 years old (which is often the problem with these characters) and the ending did call for some suspension of disbelief. These are the only reasons why the book did not end up on my "favourites" shelf. I will be searching out more by Edward Lorn!

Profile Image for Tony Vacation.
423 reviews310 followers
February 1, 2018
A sturdy first novel (unless I am mistaken) from a writer who isn't afraid to make a reader flinch, Bay's End is a bildungsroman set during a sleepy Summer in 1992, when four fatefully placed cherry bombs set off a season of violence that reveals the dark underbelly of the titular town. For the first half of the novel our protagonist, a capable tween named Trey, rushes through his memories of a sudden friendship with a foul-mouthed new kid in town, of his first heartbreak over a childhood pal who blossoms into a nymphet seemingly overnight, of his love for his over-worked mother and his ineffectual father, and of several noteworthy instances in which he was mauled. What follows after is a flurry of confrontations that leaves our hero alone with a headful of ghosts. While the overly brisk pacing takes away from the impression of endlessness that is youth, and as a result the impact of the many disappointments and betrayals Trey faces, Lorn does show a knack for quick and likable characterizations, as well as an effectiveness when it comes to depicting genuinely disturbing moments. The real standout of this novel is the sadistic authority figure Officer Mack, a villain that embodies Lorn's lesson for Trey that age rots most of us from the inside out.
Profile Image for Cody | CodysBookshelf.
763 reviews282 followers
December 3, 2016
Let it be known that, in giving this book three stars, I am strictly going by GR's ranking definition — "I liked it." And I did like it. I enjoyed reading BAY'S END; I blew through it in a day, and it provided me with a few good laughs and a couple of chills. As well, I think E. Lorn is a cool cat and I can't wait to dig into his later works (I'm looking at you, WORD).

What I liked:

I really dug Trey and Eddie, and the chemistry between them. It was real, fun . . . It was real fun. Their dialogue felt true for boys of the early teen years. Lorn doesn't shy away from the fact that thirteen year old boys are pretty fucking disgusting, and also exceedingly awkward at times. Good on him for being unafraid to write humans as they really are.

I also have to give BAY'S END props for having virtually no lulls. Everything was key to the plot, and there were no diversions, no entanglements of the language. The author gets in there, tells his story, and gets out.

What I disliked:

The relationship between Trey and Candy. Oh boy. I get it — young relationships are cringy and gross and often move quickly and are filled with fluff. But God, I hated it. Maybe I'm just a grump. Maybe it's because I've been single AF for a good while now, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. Anyway, I was not a fan of Trandy. Maybe it's because their dating sort of popped up from nowhere? I get that they knew each other a good while before the story's beginning, but still. Their relationship moved hella quick, and I could barely even get a grip on it. And speaking of getting a grip, howza bout that hospital bed scene?

And speaking of the Trandy bit moving too quickly . . . I would say that's the kind of the case for the whole damn novel. The pace is exceptionally frenetic, which isn't bad in itself — but I felt like I couldn't fully immerse myself in the world of Bay's End. I couldn't get to fully know the characters who live there, and I couldn't really imagine the town itself. Things felt rushed, that's all. I wish the story would've been given more room to breathe.

Overall, I liked this one. It has its problems, but what debut novel doesn't. It's a breezy story about childhood, and lost innocence, and friendship — that's all. I'd recommend it, and I can't wait to read Lorn's other, later works.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Irene Well Worth A Read.
947 reviews106 followers
February 2, 2017
For Trey, that summer of 1992 in Bay's End was made of memories that will last his lifetime, but not everyone survived that year.
The day was hot and dry when he first heard the sound of that rusted out rattle trap Ford turning onto his street. That was the first time he got a look at Eddy, the new kid moving in across the street. The two quickly become the best of buddies, in that way that only kids can. But it's not all baseball games and good times in Bay's End. Summers don't last forever in this coming of age tale of best friends and first love. Sometimes monsters get in the way. Not the supernatural/occult kind that go bump in the night, but the real ones, the monsters that are sometimes merely people who harbor an abominable evil where their souls should be.
Profile Image for megHan.
604 reviews86 followers
February 7, 2014
I won this book in audio format over on BookLikes back on 12.1.2013.

I'm usually not really a fan of audiobooks unless the author is the one reading it (they just seem to get it better than the person reading who has no emotional connection to the book), but I have to say that this guy did a really good job. At first, you think his voice is just too soothing, but he really gets into the story and says the emotional interludes with real conviction.

I really liked the characters, their interactions and the way they handled themselves whenever all hell was breaking loose. Some extreme stuff happened in this little town, but you know from the beginning that it's something big. The story-telling is done so well that you almost feel as if you're part of the group, going through what they are going though, feeling their emotions and their pain. And to know this guy has been holding this stuff in all this time is an even bigger thing. There were parts that I wish had closure, but I know from growing up that you aren't always lucky to have closure. And the end - the confessions - were just amazing.

As usual, Edward writes a great story. There are predictable moments, as are often part of coming of age stories, with twists and turns that you don't expect and shock you to the core, but then you realize that somewhere in your mind you wondered at the possibilities, at the what-ifs.

If you grew up in a world that wasn't exactly perfect, where bad things happened to good people and big things happened that have stayed with you your whole life, where people come and go out of your life in one way or another, this is the book for you.

I do want to point out that in the book description it warns of graphic language and adult situations. I saw some reviews where people were very upset about this, as if there was not that warning. Without those adult situations, you would have missed out on a lot of the story, and would not have learned what you were supposed to learn. And, face it, some kids have potty mouths.
Profile Image for Richard.
1,020 reviews446 followers
June 7, 2019
Bay's End falls right in line with many other great coming-of-age novels that I've read, like It, The Body, The Accidental Siren, and Boy's Life, where we witness a boy forced to grow up fast during the most impactful summer of his life. The boy in question here is Trey Franklin, who, later in life, is trying to exorcise his demons by recalling the summer as a kid when he met his best friend, fell in love, and lit a cherry bomb in a policeman's car, setting off a deadly chain reaction in the small town of Bay's End.

This was Lorn's debut novel and it's an impressive one. It moves at a good pace, the characters jump right off the page, and the prose is tight. And I love how the author takes his time to lull you into the comfortable setting of the story, bathing you in the innocent freedom of adolescence, so that when the dark shit hits the fan, it's surprisingly brutal and wicked. This definitely isn't for the faint of heart or for people not willing to explore humanity's pitch black dark side, especially in the type of people you encounter everyday. Every piece of work I've read from Edward Lorn has been worth it and he is proving to be pretty dependable. I'll pick up any of his work that's released.
542 reviews
September 29, 2014
I had heard good things about this writer and this book from my horror friends, and decided to read this one when I was looking for something not too lengthy while I was between books. I ended up really enjoying the story and the style of Bay's End.

What I enjoyed most about this tale is the excellent characterization, especially of Eddy and Trey. But even the minor characters were written in a believable way, and I really liked Eddy's father, a loving but very human dad who makes mistakes and feels anguish over them.

I have to admit that I hated Eddy at the beginning of the story. He seemed like the perfect little shit who moves into a neighborhood and wreaks havoc with his snarky, disrespectful attitude and his dangerous shenanigans. But his character is revealed to have much more depth and kindness than first seems, and I admire his desire to see justice done to the worst in society. The way a stereotype was turned on its head reminds me of what I like best about one of my favorite horror novels: The Summer I Died.

Although one has to only read the volumes of heinous true crime stories along with the daily news to know that evil lurks just under the surface of a large percentage of society, the bad characters seemed a little too neatly over the top, and the big reveal at the end of the story was one I saw coming for a while.

All in all, I recommend this book for those seeking out new, promising horror writers.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Bandit.
4,796 reviews540 followers
April 18, 2014
Continuing reading Edward Lorn, continuing being impressed. With coming of age stories there are certain qualities that are given and quite possibly prestablished by the King himself (this book actually opens with an epigraph of his) such as nostalgia, small town setting, terrible secrets and some very terrible adults, murder mystery. etc. There is nothing supernatural in this story and the evil is of pure human variety and all the scarier for that. Seriously, this book had some of the most graphic child abuse scenes I've read, nothing gratuitous and all plot advancing, but just...scary. Point being is that more often than not with coming of age stories it's more about the quality of writing than the plot originality. Well, the quality here is first class, top notch and super. And, while some mystery plot points are easy to figure out, especially to an adult with perspective of a reader, Lorn also throws enough curve balls plot wise to keep up the excitement and suspense, so that the story never lags or bores. He also creates some terrific characters. End result is a great story, engaging, moving and just a really great read. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Christy Aldridge.
Author 25 books102 followers
September 26, 2018
"Memories last because you need to remember."

I was recommended Lorn's work, and specifically this book by a friend. I'd never heard of this author before I began Bay's End and it actually sucks that I might have missed him altogether if a friend of mine hadn't gushed over this book.

This book. . . God, this book. I had chills. I had laughs. I had tears.

I will say that the beginning lagged at first. I knew I would like the book based off the way the writer writes, I like his writing style, but I had trouble once the book had started. And then I was hit by a bus and had no trouble finishing most of this book in one sitting. I blame this lagging in the beginning to my own attention span and not the writer because I feel like if I wanted to, I'd reread this book again without any trouble whatsoever.

I don't like to give any spoilers, so I'll leave this simple. The characters in this book are beautiful. They are also tragic. I hurt after reading this. My chest physically aches for these poor characters, and that is a gift that I cannot wait to see more of from this writer.

And the "villains"? I think this book works so well because of how real it is. It so tragically real.
Profile Image for Peter.
380 reviews22 followers
March 13, 2015
Trey Franklin lived in the sleepy town of Bay's End. Trey was your average teenager until Eddy moved in across the street. Trey and Eddy became best of friends and hung out together. Trey and Eddy were being hassled by this crooked cop name Mack. Trey and Eddy decided that they would put 4 cherry bombs in Mack's squad car. Trey Eddy and Candy listen to the four cherry bombs explode. Mack was going to get even with the kids no matter what it took. Trey is reflecting on the summer that he spent with Eddy and Candy. This is a coming of age story with an emotional roller coaster in it. Lorn weaves an excellent story that really works. This is one book that I could not put down. I would highly recommend this book to others. I plan on checking out other works by this author.
Profile Image for Bill.
1,711 reviews125 followers
May 24, 2017
I listened to this one on audio and really dug it even though the narration was a bit uneven and the cadence faltered a bit, which was mildly distracting at times. Once I became immersed in the story, however, it didn’t even matter.

I am a big fan of coming of age type stories. Especially ones with ample amounts of drama and suspense woven into the story. This one certainly qualifies. Not horror really, but horrific elements for sure. Well fleshed out characters and more than a few curves to keep you thinking. Nice.

I have been wanting to “read” this one for a long time and am a big fan of Lorn’s work, but for whatever reason kept putting this one off. With the announcement of the upcoming publication of “All Things Lead to The End”, a loose series of novels set in part or wholly inside Bay's End's city limits, which includes the f’n awesome “The Sound of Broken Ribs”, I had to read it. Right. Fuckin’. Now.

So I did. And it was awesome. A Solid 4+ Stars. I shouldn’t have waited so long. If you haven’t read it, then you shouldn’t wait either. Edward Lorn is good, man. Real good. I have truly enjoyed everything that I have read by him. Some more than others sure, but I know one thing - The dude can tell one hell of a story.
Profile Image for Pierre.
132 reviews42 followers
August 2, 2014
Just... damn!

Edward (Eddy) Lorn's recalling of his trauma inducing childhood experiences with malevolence are shattering!
I sincerely hope Eddy, the young protagonist in this story, only shares his name with the author.
It is a tale of remembrance of very bad things past told as an exorcism of the survivor's soul.

In a way, I'm glad my imagination is not so good. Such horrifying events as pictured in this novel would haunt me to distraction if my mind created them. Perhaps writing is release.

One of the scenes is definitely in my top five of most disturbing I have read. And I think a lot of it has to do with the way the author reveals it in its full horror. Damn!!!

Not for the squeamish.

Profile Image for Samuel Bigglesworth.
Author 2 books25 followers
September 28, 2018
There's a certain charm about these Createspace paperbacks.

The cover curls as soon as it's pulled from the envelope and it's glossed as slick as oil. The paper is bone white and bedsheet thick.

The binding is glued so that there's a subtle wave in the pages but they're a lot sturdier than you'd think. The spine doesn't split or crease on the first reading like your average mass market paperback. This one is heavy as a block of wood and would be a worthy weapon to see off a home intruder. One hard 'thwack' of the spine against their cranium and they would be out cold.

But best of all? If you order one, it has been printed just for you. As soon as you click 'checkout', Createspace's print-on-demand machine whirrs into life and crisply laser prints the pages, working tirelessly to complete your order, and a cut of the cover price goes directly to the author.

Pretty darn amazing when you think about it huh? The joys of modern technology!

If you haven't got at least a couple of these on your book shelves.... well, you should!

This was a cosy autumn read, that really got me tearing through the pages at the end. If you are at a point where every book seems profound and serious, and you are sick to death of it, then pick this up. It's a lot of fun! But also very dark towards the end.

It is a story told by an older narrator named Trey, looking back on dark events of his childhood, growing up in a small town.

It all begins when a new kid called Eddy Treemont moves in across the road from him. Eddy is absolutely hilarious, and says whatever comes into his mind, even if it's cruel, yet there isn't a hint of malice in him. He is a friend Trey can rely on. He sometimes comes out with things that make him sound like an ableist, racist, homophobic tool and he leads the group into all sorts of mischief. I grew up with such people and I'm sure you did too. He is your typical grey character, and really brought the story alive.

There were one or two passages which felt like a direct swipe of Stephen King, and indeed the book started with a King quote. If you like King, good-King, then you need to go grab this right now as you will love it.
Profile Image for Pat.
2,310 reviews479 followers
March 13, 2019
OK fine, I'll admit it. I have enjoyed an Edward Lorn book. I still don't like Life After Dane but this was good, very good. I wouldn't call it horror though, although parts of it were very horrible. What is the definition of horror anyway? I guess, for me, horror/creepy is more supernatural a la The Exorcist and The Ring - that scared the shit out of me. No, Bay's End was just good old fashioned people doing really bad things and a lot of swearing.

Most of the story is Trey as an adult trying to come to terms with things by writing the story of his 12 year summer with his friends Eddy, Candy and Sanders. That wonderful horrible summer where the kids innocence was ripped from them, one of them died and unspeakable things were done by people they should have been able to trust. Bay's End is a small (fictional) town where everyone pretty much knows everyone and you really don't want Officer Mack Larson on your case. The kids find him a bit creepy but they don't realise just how creepy he can be. So when a prank goes wrong and they are pretty much targeted by Larson something was always going to give. But that wasn't even the worst thing...

I hope that whets your appetite. So far so good for my tentative exploration of the so called horror genre.
Profile Image for Reeda Booke.
414 reviews28 followers
October 7, 2014
This story will shock you, make you laugh, make you mad, and definitely make you sad, but you won't forget it. You can read other reviews for the a synopsis. I just highly recommend it!

A word of caution: for those who dislike foul language in a book, this one has plenty. I just wanted to throw that out there because I know many readers don't like it no matter how good a book it might be.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 159 reviews

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