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Lonely Alpha

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A violent omega on the run. A corporate fixer backed into a corner. A pack forbidden to both of them.

An omega is the last thing I need.

Especially one who’s demanding, obsessive, and violent.

But when Kiara shows up in my apartment, I’m forced to keep her close. It doesn’t matter that I know nothing about her except how pretty she looks in that dress and how desperately she wants a dark bond. I’m stuck with her.

I need backup, and there’s only one pack I trust. But the Loranger pack are a problem all on their own. No one can know we’re spending time together, because they’re not just any pack. They’re my brother’s scent matches. The ones he rejected years ago.

With Kiara’s secrets piling onto mine, none of us can clearly see what’s coming.

However, one thing’s for sure.

Our enemies are closing in, and I’m going to have to make an impossible choice. Because there might only be one way to save Kiara…

Lonely Alpha is a standalone polyam/why choose MMFFM omegaverse with both MM and FF relationships. There is a female alpha and a female omega, along with three male alphas. This story is set in the PoisonVerse and does contain dark themes—more details are provided in the content warnings.

603 pages, Kindle Edition

Published August 14, 2023

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About the author

Olivia Lewin

12 books109 followers
Olivia Lewin loves all things sex, love, and magic. That's what drew her to reading and writing why choose/polyam romance and PNR in general. She wanted to write all the books that she couldn't find already created.

In her novels you'll find all manner of heroes from all walks of life, and a strong encouragement for everyone to love everyone. M/M love between harem members is a staple of her writing.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 76 reviews
Profile Image for Lilibet Bombshell.
842 reviews82 followers
August 12, 2023
(Please Note: This story is connected to Olivia Lewin’s other PoisonVerse novel, Pack of Lies, via that book’s character Marlowe. This book is about Marlowe’s older alpha sister, Leighton and the pack Marlowe left behind.)

First of all, y’all should know I’m a huge fan of all the PoisonVerse novels. I’ve read them all. They’re all on my wishlist to own as paperbacks. So I was happy to come across a post where Olivia Lewin had some copies of her ARCs up for grabs. I know I already have ARCs to review, but it turned out to be great timing, because I wasn’t feeling so good yesterday and when I’m not feeling good all I want to read is spicy books anyway. So I took the time to read this a couple of days ahead of schedule and finished it up just this morning. I have to say that I liked it better than I did Pack of Lies, and that’s all due to a little someone called Kiara.

Kiara is the desperate, almost-feral omega at the center of the conflict in Lonely Alpha. Kiara isn’t gold pack like most of the omegas at the center of the conflicts in the other PoisonVerse novels. No, Kiara is actually just about omega royalty: well-bred and raised in luxury to be the best omega she can be for whatever pack her father decides to marry her off to. Too bad she was raised by nannies, her father was cruel, and her beta brother was even worse. One night, on the advice of [spoiler] she gets away from her cruel brother by grabbing a jeweled dagger and attacking him and fleeing to the home of professional corporate fixer, Leighton Winston, and begging Leighton to dark bond her.

This is the first of the PoisonVerse novels I’ve ever read to employ a dark bond. Honestly, I was wondering if they (the collective authors who have written books in this universe) were ever going to deploy it as an actual bond device or if they were going to let it always simmer around the edges as a constant, looming threat to all omegas instead of trying to turn it on its head and try to show it being something an omega could actually want, need, or desire. I’m glad Olivia Lewin (who does tend to delve into the darker side of omegaverse) decided to be the one to finally approach the dark bond, because she did a wonderful job of showing not only why an omega might want or need one, but also how an omega could ultimately feel better protected and more comfortable in their skin having a dark bond after living a certain kind of traumatic life. It also showed how it takes a very certain type of alpha to both accept an omega’s desire to willingly be dark bonded, to tend to and nurture both the omega and the bond, and to treat both with the utmost respect, because ultimately what the dark bond equates to is a 24/7 M/s power dynamic in our world that’s then been turned into a paranormal link in their world. Just as in our world there are bad Masters, in their world there are bad Alphas. But not every Alpha needs to be bad. Ergo, not every dark bond needs to be bad. But, just as in real life, communication and instinct are key in such a relationship. In an omegaverse book, the bond takes up some of the slack of communication and instinct, but not all. That’s a shortcut.

I do truly love Kiara. I love how her dagger is her first friend and her “emotional support dagger”. I love myself a stabbity omega. I love how she’s a spitfire and will choose violence if she can. I actually love the whole pack. I even love some of the supporting cast like Liberty and Soren (I just can’t with him).

A problem I do have is how it seems that the men of the Loranger pack (Dash, Ambrose, Mercury) can’t seem to pull themselves together until Leighton and Kiara start making bridges for them. They’re all falling apart until two shiny female toys are placed in front of them and then all of a sudden it’s like, “Oh! We can all of a sudden start to heal all of our broken pieces now!” I’m not fond of men who can’t communicate with other men they’re supposed to be as close as brothers with (or lovers with). Women aren’t magical, fix-all cures. Women don’t put band-aids on men’s boo-boos. Men need to be emotionally intelligent all on their own. It’s a tired trope.

Otherwise, it’s a really great read, and I highly recommend it. The spice is right, it’s very propulsive, it’s a page-turner, and I got very invested in the characters. And, like I said: I love a stabbity omega.

I was provided a copy of this title by the author. All thoughts, opinions, views, and ideas expressed herein are mine and mine alone. Thank you.

File Under: Book Universe/Contemporary Romance/Kink Friendly/LGBTQ Romance/Omegaverse/Paranormal Romance/Polyamorous Romance/Sapphic Romance/Spice Level 3/Suspense Romance/Urban Fantasy/Why Choose Romance
Profile Image for Emms.
790 reviews38 followers
October 2, 2023
I sure do love a well written female alpha story 🤷‍♀️

I enjoy this entire series, but this one may well be my favorite thus far.
Profile Image for Ari Loves All The Books.
385 reviews65 followers
August 12, 2023
There was so much action between the Alphas and Omegas.. BUT this story could not have gotten any better.. All their pasts came together for the love of one omega && I was here for all this action pack OV story.
Profile Image for Sarah.
76 reviews
October 2, 2023
This one is another one for my "I like the concept but dislike the execution" bucket.
It was my least favorite of the poisonverse series/universe. I couldn't for the life of me get sucked into this book. I should have been able to finish it much quicker but I found it so hard to get through. It wasn't terrible but the fact that everything happened over the span of like a month really was not the move for me. The spice was fine, nothing to write home about. And I really just didn't love Kiara's character. They said she's sooo violent but she attacked someone out of self defense, stabbed someone out of what she thought was necessity, and then when someone asked her to. That was it. Not exactly violent, more like a bit of a sadist with consent? They kind of mention her wanting to stab people but she never actually does, nor does she attack anyone else in any capacity.
I also don't love the flip flopping of so many dynamics (domms and subs) within the pack they make, it didn't feel very authentic to me, more forced. It almost felt like they were trying to check off every box so no one came out as 'stereotypical' alpha or omega and in doing so I feel like there were some lost character and pack dynamics and lost potential for more well developed characters.
Ambrose's backstory also frustrated me because it was so vague. You never learn why he was targeted and his family was attacked or why the house burnt down or anything, I felt like there could have been a lot more developed around that. That tragic(ally vague) backstory felt like his only personality point and made him a little bland, even though I really wanted to love him. Now that I'm typing the review 3 stars feels a little generous so we'll call it 2.5 rounded up.
Profile Image for booksss.
76 reviews4 followers
August 10, 2023
Really enjoyed this newest edition to the poisonverse. Normally I hate reading books in the same universe but with different characters but each of these books sucks you in just as much as the last. I absolutely loved the F Alpha in this book. Most books I read with ff in a pack that relationship seems to be just a filler and there’s nothing too special about it. That was not the case in this book and while I loved all the pairings in this group I think I loved watching the FF relationship grow the most. Even saying that though I feel like the author did an excellent job at making all of the relationships in the pack seem equal. My favorite parts were seeing Kiara get possessive over Leighton, this whole book had so many adorable moments. Also loved the relationships between the F and M alphas all of the love just felt so genuine I couldn’t put the book down.
34 reviews
August 12, 2023
***I received an ARC for this book and am leaving an honest review***

I am loving this shared Poisonverse world, because I think it gives the participating authors a larger framework in which to place their story, which makes it less necessary to explain every part of the world in every single book. Having different authors write the books also makes the writing style slightly different each time, avoiding the repetitiveness that other series sometimes suffer from. So, I was very excited to have a new Poisonverse book come out!

The previous Olivia Lewin book, Pack of Lies, has been my favourite so far, so I had high expectations about Lonely Alpha going in. I overall really enjoyed this book too! I liked the fact that we had a female alpha and a female omega. I think that this was one of the the only books I’ve read where I really liked the FF scenes. Another interesting thing in this book was that the pack wasn’t (fully) formed yet, but most of the MCs did have history with one another, which made for some great dynamics to play with.
The best thing about this book was, I think, the fact that Kiara explicitly wanted a dark bond. In previous books, a dark bond was something to be afraid of, so I think it was really interesting how Ms. Lewin turned that idea around here (and she did it really well in my opinion).

My only criticism is that because there was so much external conflict going on, we didn’t get to see as much character development as I was maybe hoping for (and which was one of the biggest strengths of Pack of Lies). I feel like most of the focus was on Leighton and Kiara, and in comparison the guys’ characters got pushed a little more to the background.

However, I still really enjoyed this book and would recommend reading it, especially if you’ve read the other books in the Poisonverse.
Profile Image for Navss (read.yourbooks).
581 reviews23 followers
August 14, 2023
Never thought I'd ever enjoy this book as much as i actually did. The suspense, the tension both sexual and real kept me wanting to look at the bottom of the page for spoilers. I'm so so glad I opted for the ARC of this book otherwise it would've been left in my TBR only.

Kiara was perfect, she's dangerous (but is she?) and knows how to work her knife. From the first moment we meet her, it's interesting and entertaining.

*I'd recommend you to read "Pack of Lies" so you get some context about the history between everyone but even if you don't it's ok*

We've met Leighton in the book "Pack of Lies" which is her brother's book. She's headstrong, an alpha and knows her worth but despite all this she doesn't have a pack which is her wish but things happen, wishes change.

The pack is also one we've met in the book "Pack of Lies" and the relationship they have with Leighton is tricky to say the least.

As things progress, I can surely say that there wasn't ever a dull moment throughout the story. The sexual tension and chemistry, OH MY GOD🔥🔥🔥🔥 I've never read a FF romance and I never felt like it should've been awkward in this book.

The writing style? Flawless.
The storyline? Attention-grabbing.
The characters? Perfect for each other.
Overall everything? Absolutely Amazing.

The Poisonverse series is surely becoming my favourite and go-to series.

PS: I read this book yesterday but am writing the review today and i already miss the pack so so so much😩😩 especially Dash💗💗💗💗 and Kiara 💗💗💗💗 and maybe everyone else too, shit 💗😩💗😩💗
460 reviews9 followers
October 29, 2023
I almost didn't finish this one, multiple times. Honestly, the characters didn't vibe with me. Especially Dash, he is supposed to be the lead Alpha but literally acts like a spoiled brat and is never serious enough to be in charge? It made absolutely zero sense for him to be in charge of the pack. Leighton wasn't bad... honestly I liked her the most out of all of them. Just because she was the only one that seemed mature and the least dramatic. But even then the fact that she was so determined to do everything on her own and was as strong willed as she was, yet was getting pushed around and blackmailed was kind of crazy... Kiara's background was interesting.. she was quite stabby as time went on. Although I will say as her background was the main plot it was interesting enough.

This was the first reverse harem with ff that I've ever ready and I wasn't as turned off because of it as I thought I would be. Usually I like one female to have all the attention, I even struggle with mm sometimes... But because of Leighton's past with the alphas there was more than enough attention on Kiara.

It was also a pretty unique omega world. The dark bond was super interesting.
25 reviews
August 18, 2023
A couple of firsts for me and I'm glad they were with a Lonley Alpha! 😏😉

So this was my first read with an Alpha FMC and main couple w/ FF. While I have several of both on my never ending TBR, I've yet to push any of them up to the front but PoisonVerse novels always takes precedence so here we are. I'm really happy this was my first read with them bc I love the way both are portrayed in this story. Might be time to bump up some of the others with these on my list.

Leighton's character intrigued me in Pack of Lies and I was excited when I found out she would be getting her own book. She is an amazing example of how balanced a female alpha can be. She has all of the dominant bada$$ alpha instincts but it's softened a bit with a feminine flair, showcasing her to be the optimal blend. She can command a room and hold her own but with a more graceful approach. Because of her line of work and being under the thumb of some powerful people (her mother being one), she didn't want to involve herself with an omega or pack. Well, life said "Ha, can't have that" and intervened anyway. I absolutely love when storylines do this bc after working through the chaos, the characters ultimately see what they were lacking and in need of. They just needed someone or something to give them that push. It was refreshing to see that she didn't resent it or push away from the situation she was thrown in, rather she opened herself up, took responsibility and embraced it.

Omega's can be instinctively submissive and meek but Kiara has some fire in her. I love how she didn't shy away from what she wanted and instead set her sights on it and did what she thought was necessary to get it. It was nice to see the omega push for the relationship she wanted bc I feel like in a lot of the omegaverses I've read, most omegas don't want or are scared of alphas/pack life for whatever reason. She felt something almost immediately with Leighton and even though Leighton was reluctant to engage with her she could tell Leighton felt something too. It was so much fun reading the different things Kiara decided to do when she turned her possessive omega instincts up to the max to show Leighton that she would not go unnoticed. You get all of the omega goodness from Kiara with the possessiveness, scent marking, purring, growling, claiming, whining and of course a heat with lots and lots of slick. 🥵

I think Dash has become my favorite MMC so far in the Poisonverse series. I had a love/hate relationship with him in Pack of Lies but seeing his POV of where he was coming from and more of his personality that isn't anger fueled, just sealed the deal for me. His comments and antics had me rolling throughout the book. 🤣 Secretly I think even Leighton found him amusing even when he was pushing everyone's buttons. He just didn't know when to stop or he just didn't care to and I was here for it. Yes, he can be a snarky brat who brought others down with him but essentially he wasn't out to be destructive in others lives. They somehow involve themselves and he didn't stop his own bitter demise to care one way or the other. Definitely not healthy behavior for all involved but he does work to improve himself. He and Kiara were adorable together. She helped him eradicate his fears about being unlovable and unwanted.

Ambrose is like a quiet storm. He has an intimidating presence but is ultimately a big teddy bear when it comes to those he cares about. I liked that he is one to go for what he wants, not caring what anyone else may think. He had a rough past that Kiara unknowingly triggers which brings to light that he needs to do more to work through the trauma in a healthier manner.

Mercury is considered the 'Dad' of the pack and I can see that with the way he was constantly taking care of Dash in making sure he didn't take things too far and cleaning up his messes when he did. He was more like Dash's DD i.e. Designated Dad. In his round about way he put others and the packs needs above his own. With the explosion of Leighton and Kiara in their lives, he slowly realizes he may not have been doing what was best for all involved, including himself.

Seeing their journey of working through their past differences and opening themselves up to the possibility of more, gave this book a found family/second chance vibe. 🥰 There's this whole other side to Leighton's character in how she is with those she loves and she was so sweet and attentive with Kiara. I enjoyed seeing her relationship grow with Kiara first and then her opening herself up to the possibility of the Loranger Pack.

🗣️ Favorite Quote: "If it doesn't mean much, I'll keep biting you until it does." <-Ugh, this! It was such a turning point for them. Freakin' loved it!
🔥 Spice: 4-4.5/5 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
📖 Reread: Yes! I read it twice and will definitely go back to read it again at some point.
👍 Recommend: 100% yes! Take a chance and read it even if it's not your typical taste in tropes.
✅ Tropes: Omegaverse, Female Alpha, RH leaning more on Poly w/ FF & MM, found family, enemies-ish to lovers, taboo, second chance, freedom of choice
🚫 Possible Triggers: touched on some past trauma, extortion, restricted freedom, escaping confinement, light knife play, hyper-fixation

*I was lucky enough to receive an ARC and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Rachel.
1,965 reviews94 followers
August 18, 2023
Olivia Lewin came back to the Poisonverse with her second book in the standalone series, Lonely Alpha. If read Olivia's first book in Poisonverse, Pack of Lies then you might remember omega MMC Marlowe's alpha big sister. Well, Lonely Alpha is Leighton's story.

Leighton "Leigh" keeps everybody and everything at arm's length, she has just as much damage as her brother but she doesn't realize it. She's never allowed to be vulnerable because then the vultures would attack, one of them being her evil mother and that woman really is evil. It seems most of Leigh's issues seems to stem from her, it's a good thing Leigh's strong enough to overcome them.

I didn't like Dash went I first met him in Pack of Lies and I didn't like him in the beginning of this book but dang it if he didn't grow on me. Dash is quirky, he likes to learn (he's intelligent), gets hyperfocused (to the extreme), likes a rush, and is adorably playful (even if annoying sometimes). Turns out I like Dash a lot. As for Mercury, he is abrasive, aggressive, and a bit controlling with his pack. His attitude towards everyone rubbed me the wrong way for a while, but I get that his dysfunctional family and anxiety were driving him to make bad decisions and his stubbornness kept him apart for a while but at least he got over it.

Oddly enough the two most stable people were Kiara and Ambrose. Kiara was naive and a little innocent. She had a horrible childhood, was fighting to change her circumstances in any way she could, and was open with her feelings. She was annoying at times but overall okay and I like the fact that she was stabby, it added to the situation. As for Ambrose, he was the calmest, most collected sure he had trauma from an attack in his childhood but he's learned to cope the best out of everyone, letting them figure their crap out. He was the only one I was sure of from the beginning.

The Loranger pack is slowly being pulled in by Leigh and Kiara, they can't help it, they get all tangled up with mated pair and everything becomes a hot mess. There are crime families, backroom deals, blackmail, police raids, kidnappings, and more. Things were sure exciting, groups were coming at them from all sides, problems galore but I liked how they rallied for each other. Even Dash who was emotionally unstable for most of this book manages to finally pull it together and I'm glad because I was rooting for him. I was rooting for all of them, they all had to overcome something and they did for each other.

Lonely Alpha was a great read, the plot was good but it was the characters that were complex and complicated, as were their relationships. The more I learned about Leigh, the more she kinda broke my heart, I'm so delighted that she gets a happy ending. I'm curious to know if Olivia will be visiting the Poisonverse again.
2,164 reviews22 followers
August 12, 2023
4.25 stars. Leighton, the female alpha lead, has been a lone alpha for many reasons but, significantly, because it gives her mother very little to blackmail her with. When Kiara, the female omega lead, arrives at her apartment and intimidates her assistant into giving her entrance, Leighton is somewhat stymied. Kiara is desperate for a dark bond, a bond that gives the alpha(s) complete control over the omega and Leighton isn’t interested for a variety of reasons. But when she realises that Kiara is a crimelord’s daughter, she accepts that the only way to keep her safe is to dark bond her.

But she’s also been having a longterm affair with Ambrose, one male alpha from her brother’s rejected, scent matched pack. When she needs help, she calls him. Then she livestreams a confrontation with Kiara’s brother to the pack lead, Dash, another male alpha lead. And obviously, Mercury, the third male alpha pack member comes along with his pack mates. Leighton has spent her life trying to keep everything under control and to protect her brother and his pack from their mother’s manipulations. Now she needs to work out how to keep Kiara safe as well. And, since they both want her brother’s ex pack, it wouldn’t hurt if they could manage a situation where that’s achievable…

This story is quintuple POV, well written and edited, and an awesome addition to this series. I actually don’t really like RH but this series is so well written, with complex, interesting characters and storylines, that it has drawn me in. I enjoyed the pack dynamics of the all male pack and how they changed when the females were added. I adored the strength of Leighton in all respects compared to the male alphas, and the complexity of the relationships between them all. I enjoyed Kiara’s determination. I particularly appreciate that this series does NOT include automatic trauma resolution just because they’ve found their forever pack. I enjoyed how Kiara continued to have her “emotional support knife”, and the way both Mercury and Dash had self esteem and self confidence issues to work through. I enjoyed the erotic intimate scenes and how they showed the building relationships and the overall relationship dynamics. I enjoyed the secondary character integrations and the changing perspective of Soren, who is a recurring background manipulative character - I honestly hope he gets his comeuppance eventually! I enjoyed the resolution and am waiting on tenterhooks for the epilogues/slices of life these authors always provide - I can’t wait to see these characters having a great life together!

I received a complimentary copy from the author and this is my voluntary honest review.
Profile Image for Jennifer G.
2,600 reviews50 followers
August 19, 2023
Control. Leighton is in control. She's a corporate fixer and the best at her job. She doesn't have a pack or Silver status but she's come to terms with being alone. Yes, she's being blackmailed by two different people, Soren and her mother, but she will do what she must to protect the one person in this world she loves most, her brother. So, when Soren tells her she will protect Kiara she has no choice even though she has no desire for her own Omega, especially a violent, possessive Omega who keeps demanding that she dark bond her. In over her head, Leighton calls for backup. Her relationship with Ambrose is complicated and he comes with the Loranger pack which is even messier but desperate times call for desperate actions because all of a sudden everything is out of control. Kiara is chaos and Leighton and the Loranger Pack are about to find out.

This was a challenge for me. I personally don't care for f/f. I didn't like Dash from Marlowe's book, and I find the description of Mercury physically unattractive. Finally, I love side m/m but not side relationships; there is a difference. This book had 2 side relationships. You can imagine I was a little worried going into this one! Turned out okay, really better than okay. The f/f was still not my thing but the two ladies had chemistry. Dash is fantastic. Once he got over his sulking, he was hysterical. I love his brand of crazy. I could read a novella about Dash and Soren becoming friends and wreaking havoc. I still didn't find Mercury attractive but he makes a great submissive, and Ambrose's dark moody self makes up for Mercury's French braids. Finally, the side relationships all took a backseat while Kiara became the center of the pack. As she should. Moreover, all of the characters were complex and the relationships were messy, and I. Love. This. The main characters were engaging, their chemistry was palpable, the bad guy was legit bad, and the story was compelling. It's a great addition to the PoisonVerse.
Profile Image for Haeley Rochette.
56 reviews7 followers
August 13, 2023
Is there a spice level higher than 10/10? Indulge in this tale of desire, danger, power plays, and desperation. Leighton, a lone packless alpha, is “gifted” an omega in need, Kiara.

Kiara tempts her in only ways she knows how, in order to make Leighton dark bond her. Dark bonding is a non-pack bond, of which only a lone alpha can give to an omega. It also gives that alpha FULL control over an omega.

Leighton knows the risks, knows what it means, and fights her instincts to take what she craves. It’s two against one Leighton’s brain vs the curvy omega and Leighton’s instincts. With the odds stacked against her, Leighton seeks an unusual alliance in the form of her lover, one of the Loranger Packmates. She continues to deny herself a chance at true love at every turn. With enemies lurking and little options, fate chooses for the alpha and omega. Going against bad blood, money, power, and the odds, Leighton knew she had to reach out to the rest of the Loranger Pack. Though broken, they had the means to help…

Can they overcome the odds and find solace amidst each other? Does this become a tale of woe where the enemies prevail? Prepare for an indulgent, passionate adventure that will leave you craving more. I know I did!

#DoesntEveryoneWantAnEmotionalSupportKnife? #FF #MM #COULDNOTPUTDOWN #WarningYouWillBeSleepDeprived #TotallyWorthIt #StockUpOnCoffee
Profile Image for  Jackie.
311 reviews5 followers
August 14, 2023
Wow! What can I say about this book! There is so much I loved, the drama, the emotion, the relationships, just everything!

Leighton is a female alpha who isn’t part of a pack but has to deal with the consequences when Kiara comes into her life unexpectedly. Kiara is an omega looking for a dark bond bite from any alpha she can find. She is sent Leighton’s way by Leighton’s boss and after a few incidents she gets the bond she’s been looking for.

Throw in Ambrose who has been having a secret relationship with Leighton as he belongs to the pack her brother rejected and chaos ensues. The other members of the pack, Dash & Mercury, also secretly harbour feelings for Leighton but with everyone to afraid to admit their feelings to each other there’s lots of drama.

And in the fact that Kiara is being hunted down by some bad people and you’ve got a situation that they all have to work together to overcome. The book is so well written and I was eager to keep reading to find out what was happening next. The relationships between the main characters all develop at a steady rate with enough angst and spice to keep you hooked throughout the book!

You won’t be disappointed if you pick up this book.
Profile Image for Elle.
163 reviews1 follower
August 25, 2023
I liked Leighton’s character in Pack of Lies and was excited to pick up her book, with Lewin’s last book in this series there were a lot of inconsistencies and things that left me unsatisfied, but I think she did a much better job with Lonely Alpha and I enjoyed it ridiculously more. The plot was especially intriguing and I liked the pack.

I wasn’t a fan of Dash the first time we saw him in the previous book and you’d think his behaviour here wouldn’t change that, but I actually really liked him. I thought he was hilarious. I do wish we had gotten to see more development of the relationships between Leighton, Mercury, and Dash. They had so much history together and I would’ve liked to have seen more from them.

I did think that Leighton’s acceptance of what happened between her and Kiara was too easy, she was very adamant about not having an omega and she had feelings for Ambrose, whom she had been seeing for 4 years, and then after she was FORCED to dark bond Kiara, her personality did a complete 180. You could chalk it up to being the bond’s fault, but I just didn’t find it realistic.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Anshul (stories.buddy).
750 reviews15 followers
August 16, 2023
It’s such a big book and took me quite a bit to get through it all and in the end, it was all interesting. Leighton is the lonely alpha who doesn’t need a pack and she is happy as she is right now but she doesn’t know everything is going to change in just 24hrs. Her world turned upside down and I think it is all good. An omega came crashing into Leighton‘s world to run away from her family and in the process exposes a lot of deceit and lies.

It was all pretty entertaining and fun to read the progress of the story and how the banter between the characters brings fireworks up a notch. The guys here are so sweet and understanding at the same time. The story is well compiled and written well by the author to have that flow going throughout the story and not even at one point I lost interest. It is all hot and spicy towards the end but the road to that is thrilling and with unexpected twists & turns.
August 21, 2023
I am absolutely addicted to the Poisonverse, I swear they just keep getting better and better!!
Kiara is a little omega (hehe) that has an obstructed view of the world thanks to her upbringing. She meets Leighton who becomes this saving grace, and literally begs her to dark bond her. What the heck, right?! Leightons world is now in an uproar and she’s caught between helping this omega or running away basically. The dynamic between the two of them starts off a little rocky but becomes a strong bond that literally no one can break, even though they try. Insert the Loranger pack and an already rocky situation just got a whole lot bigger. There is so much trauma, angst, curiosity, love, spice, and well pretty much everything summed up in this epic story that made it so perfect. I’ve loved everything from Olivia and everyone else in the Poisonverse so far, I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes from here!!!
Profile Image for Raquel.
29 reviews3 followers
August 25, 2023
I’ll start this off by saying I LOVE female alphas. I think they make for a really interesting dynamic, especially in packs. So I loved that the main character in this book was a female alpha!

Another thing I absolutely loved was Dash! I’ll be honest, from his appearance in the other books, I thought I was going to despise this man. However, this chaotic, unhinged babe stole my heart. He was definitely my favorite part of the book, although Ambrose comes at a very close second.

Something I didn’t enjoy as much was Leighton’s 180 when it came to her omega. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t expecting her to be reluctant forever, but I felt that their bond was mostly driven by instinct, and that’s not something I prefer in omegaverse.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and I will definitely continue to read this series!

I received a complimentary copy from the author and this is my voluntary honest review.
15 reviews
August 14, 2023
wonderful continuation of the series

So I will start this by saying It’s very rare I rate a book 5 stars. It has to leave me with a major book hangover to get a 5 star review. Now with that being said this was a great book to continue the series. I loved the previous book so much and while this was its own story and you could probably get away with it as a stand-alone book do yourself the favor and read from the beginning of the series. So much context needed to really get a hold on this book. Now this one definitely has ff and mm and all that but it’s not a fluffy omegaverse. It has some darker Themes. Nothing too out there but enough to keep the story moving forward and to break the cookie cutter mold of an omega verse . Also while omegas tend to be sensitive this one is fiery and sassy and stands up for herself which was refreshing. Over all worth the read ! 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Profile Image for Dark Little Reader.
193 reviews8 followers
August 14, 2023
4.5 ⭐

I loved this book! It was such a good read!

I adored Leighton and her devotion to this omega that she didn't even want in the first place. Kiara and Nyla cracked me up so much. I really felt for Ambrose, you could tell that he just wanted to be loved, he gave his whole heart and lived with the scraps he got in return. It was nice to see Dash in a different context even with all his chaoticness. Mercury was a character that I wanted more of, I felt like we got so much of the girls but I really wanted to know the Loranger pack indepth, especially cause the book had some serious length to it.

All this being said it was an excellent omegaverse novel, I love that we had a female alpha, and what a great addition to the Poisonverse.

I received an ARC copy of the book but I'm leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Shandi.
163 reviews
August 16, 2023
As a corporate fixer, Leighton has never had time for an omega or a pack. Until Kiara shows up in her apartment begging for a dark bond. Both Leighton and Kiara’s secrets are catching up to them and Leighton needs help. She turns to the Loranger pack, her brother's scent match pack that he rejected years ago. With everything coming to a head, Leighton knows she will do whatever it takes to protect Kiara.

I knew from the second chapter I loved Kiara, the little stabby feral omega. Complete with her emotional support knife she was easily one of my favorite characters in the poisonverse. I loved watching the relationship develop between her and Leighton and that it explored more of the aspect of the dark bond. As for the Loranger pack, they were redeemed after I thought they were asses in Pack of Lies. But now seeing how broken they were after Marlowe’s rejection, I'm glad they get some kind of happiness. There were some lose threads at the end regarding the Ashby pack but hopefully we can find

Rating 4 stars
*I received a review copy from the author for my voluntary and honest review
Profile Image for Laura.
86 reviews1 follower
August 17, 2023
Lonely Alpha, book 6 in the PoisonVerse series, as expected, was a great read. It is a slow burn romance. Spice was maybe a 3 of 5 It did seem to draw out a bit towards the end. But it was worth it. Most of the spice is towards the last third of the book. Marlowe's sister "Leighton" meets Kiara, a feisty little omega shows up out of nowhere and demands and begs for Leigh to dark bond herto keep her safe. Also brought into the mix is the Langston Pack our favorite talk show host, Dash and his pack mates Mercury, and Ambrose. Marlowe's scent match pack from 6 years ago that he rejected due to his overbearing narcissistic mother Edith. I wouldn't want to be under her thumb either. I absolutely LOVED Dash in this book. We get to see a whole other side of the Dashing billionaire talk show host. He is sweet, flirty and makes jokes. And he absolutely LOVES spoiling our feisty omega. And yes he is growly over Kiara and Leighton. I love how they come together and form a bigger pack together and go through their obstacles to come out stronger in the end. I can't wait for Moxies story in Shaken Knot Stirred, and Vex's story in Sweet Heart a duet.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Elisa  Castro .
2,140 reviews2 followers
June 15, 2024

Lonely Alpha is book five in the series Poisonverse by author Olivia Lewin. This is the last in this series however it might not be the last in the world of Omegaverse. This is a decadent world only for the spicy of heart.
Ok so before I go off on a tangent let’s get back to this most deserved book. Lonely Alpha, is a completion of sorts - it’s dark, gritty and full of surprises. Oh the surprises aren’t all good. It for these characters there’s a light and the end of the tunnel. The kink is spicy hot!
There is a bit of an issue at least for me - cliffhanger of sorts for the Ashby pack. So many unanswered questions there. But I’ve caught the scent- I’ll find answers.
23 reviews
August 13, 2024
Slow but steadily better as you go

I was a bit skeptical as I started this, it took me longer to read than normal books I’d consume in a day or so, but I think it made me enjoy it more. I really felt like I got to KNOW these people, and that’s hard to do in short stories.
I adore all of them equally and that’s also difficult to achieve, but they’re all honestly amazing in their own way! Spice was a 2/5 for me, tame but a few times I was wowed, but other times were more warm and good for the heart rather than anything super spicy, and I was beautiful. 10/10 loved this story, the communication and slow burn, and the amazing journey they all went on to becoming whole together.
519 reviews
August 10, 2023
This was Leighton’s story and how one lonely female alpha made her Pack!

When Leighton dark bonds a runaway broken Omega named Kiara, this is when trouble ensues.

This story has other characters from other books appearing and you can read this book as a standalone, but I would highly recommend you also read all her other PoisonVerse Novels, you will not be disappointed.

In closing, if you like your Omegaverse a little spicy, which also includes three other sexy alphas that also carry their own scars and story, then this is the book for you.

I have voluntarily read this book and this is my honest review!
Profile Image for k.
15 reviews
August 12, 2023
Wow, I absolutely devoured this book. I loved all of the character development that happened, and loved how we got to explore characters that were introduced in previous books.

I enjoyed the fact that there was a FF pairing that wasn’t an afterthought. I could tell there was a lot of love put into developing their relationship.

Kiara is one of my favorite omegas that I’ve read about. I love the fact that she is kind of crazy. Her POVs were my favorite because we got to see some of her possessive and violent thoughts seep out. I especially loved her friendship with ‘Nyla.’

Definitely recommend this book!

I received an ARC of this book and am leaving a honest review.
Profile Image for Shannon Frugard.
297 reviews6 followers
August 12, 2023
Good lawd this book is all sorts of perfect! The storyline is actual 🔥 and was written so smoothly that I felt like I was a part of the book. The characters mesh so well together - every single one of them are awesome! They each have their own inner demons they're fighting, but in the end, they all come together. There was so much spice. I mean, I had to put the book down several times to take a breather 🥵🥵 The ending was a really good one and I'm glad the story will continue with Leighton's brother!
Profile Image for Tamara Reynolds.
30 reviews12 followers
August 14, 2023
I had never come across one of Olivia’s books before so I didn’t know what to expect from reading the Lonely Alpha. It really strange because I was in a bit of a book funk not knowing what my next read would be and I can honestly say I wasn’t disappointed at all! I gave this book a 5* because it didn’t lack in any area, the scenes were detail and the story consistent and well told! The spice was next level and I really really enjoyed the book! So much so that I’m kind of a little bit obsess with Olivia’s writing now!
78 reviews
August 17, 2023
Received an ARC

The PoisonVerse is an interesting set of books. You haven't read the previous books, you might want to before you jump into this one.

PoisonVerse is complicated and not nice. Omegas are treated pretty badly and the books are about finding love and safety. I would love to read a background on presenting, injections, and the different bonds. I found this one much less emotionally distressing than the first couple but it still has it's emotional wringer. It was also nice to catch up with some characters that we had a passing introduction to.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 76 reviews

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