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Goodreads Choice Award
Nominee for Best Romance (2013)
Can love survive when life gets Reckless?

When the band hits it big, Kiera and Kellan must ask themselves: Can their love for each other survive the constant pressures of superstardom? The friendships they've formed, the new family they've found, and the history they've forged will all play a part in helping them navigate the turbulent waters of the band's exploding popularity. A greedy executive hell-bent on success, a declining pop star looking for an edge, and a media circus that twists lies into truths are just some of the obstacles the lovers will have to overcome if they are going to remain together. Fame comes with a price-but will it cost Kiera and Kellan everything?

546 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 5, 2013

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About the author

S.C. Stephens

39 books17.1k followers
S.C. Stephens is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who enjoys spending every free moment she has creating stories that are packed with emotion and heavy on romance.

Her debut novel, Thoughtless, an angst-filled love triangle charged with insurmountable passion and the unforgettable Kellan Kyle, took the literary world by storm. Amazed and surprised by the response to the release of Thoughtless in 2009, more stories were quick to follow. Stephens has been writing nonstop ever since.

In addition to writing, Stephens enjoys spending lazy afternoons in the sun reading fabulous novels, loading up her iPod with writer's block reducing music, heading out to the movies, and spending quality time with her friends and family. She currently resides in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her two equally beautiful children.

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Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
March 8, 2013

And, first off, I am officially casting this guy as Kellan Kyle!!


WOW!!! I can’t breathe. Can’t think. Reckless just blew me away!

It was BRILLIANT !!! An utterly delicious, addictive, angst-filled, heart-felt EPIC rockstar romance!

I swooned, I laughed, cried tears of happiness and tears of angst, my heart raced, was tied up in knots and, at times, just stopped entirely. I truly can’t say enough good about it.

I could NOT put this book down. I read it in one sitting staying up through the night until I finished around 7AM. I couldn’t flip the pages fast enough. It was completely engaging. I felt like I didn’t even want to blink. Literally my world ceased to exist for the duration of the read.

Just as with the first two books, SC Stephens’ smooth flowing, utterly addictive writing style reaches right into your heart and wraps you up in the story. I was 150% invested in EVERYTHING that happened. Every single part of my heart was completely involved in the story. I was there. Right THERE. From the first page till the last. (and even now… I can’t let go yet. I’m still “there”)

Given the happy ending of Effortless, this book starts off with a blissfully peaceful, almost dreamy feel to it. After all the roller coaster they’d been through, it was so wonderful to see Kellan and Kiera have a moment to enjoy the happiness they so well deserved.

But the life of a Rockstar is neither smooth nor private and the road ahead of them was rocky and bumpy as the band skyrocketed to fame and got sucked into the scrutiny of the spotlight and the uglier side of the industry.

“Making an album, going on tour… am I making a mistake? … All I want is a quiet life with you,” he continued. “What I just signed up for… isn’t exactly a quiet life.”

Wondering how to comfort him – when I often thought the same thing – I reached up… “Kellan, your life will never be quiet, no matter what you do.” … I placed a hand on his chest and looked him square in the eye.
“You belong on a stage. Its what you were born to do.”

I have to say that I’ve always understood where Kiera was coming from in book #1 even though I found it frustrating. I felt that she grew as a person in book #2, but it was in this book where I really felt her maturity hit home. Some of her decisions and actions were just SO self-less that I honestly found myself even thinking at time that, if I was in her shoes, I probably wouldn’t have been able to be as self-less and understanding as she was.

Kellan… well, Kellan Kyle was just perfect. Sex on a Stick, God’s Gift to Women… and also just one of those most lovable and swooniest guys you’ll ever read about whose back story and desire to be loved just made my heart ache for him. He is easily one of the best book heroes EVER written.

As a couple, they still had their issues but they had gotten SO much stronger. They had been tested, they had made their mistakes, and they had learned their lessons. But now their new found strength was put to the very ultimate test as the pressures of fame and stardom came at them from every side. They had a lot working against them but… love conquers all, right?

I have to say though that, for me, the ANGST in this book topped both Thoughtless & Effortless. No. Freaking. Joke. There was this one particular issue that spanned from about 29-37% that just made my heart sink, drop, stop.. seriously, I could BARELY handle it. Holy freaking fuck. It made me cry tears of angst. No book has EVER made me cry tears of angst before. I’ve cried tears of sadness, heartbreak, betrayal and more but crying just ‘cuz the angst was so strong that I could barely handle it was definitely a first!

But, to offset the heart-wrenching angst, the romance was also back in full swoony force. On more than one occasion, Kellan’s words and actions made my heart clench and just brought tears to my eyes. The depth of his love for Kiera just rolls right off the page. You feel it so strongly. And you know Kiera felt the same way.

Never once did I doubt their commitment to each other – no matter what they were put through.

“I love you too, Kiera. Just you. You’re my always.”

This book really makes you consider the price of fame. At what point do you say no? Where does the line get drawn? There were so many time where truly I was just ready to say fuck fame – it just wasn’t worth this all. The plot honestly pushed me to the very edge of my comfort limits and even a bit beyond. But I loved that they didn’t make the same mistakes twice. Lessons were learned. And that’s life, right?

I really have to commend Kiera on her whole attitude towards Kellan’s fame though. Seriously, she couldn’t possibly have been more supportive, more understanding. And my heart went right out to Kellan for trying with all of his heart to keep his girl’s heart safe while still following his dreams.

“I will always love you, Kellan. Your heart is safe with me.”

Kellan pulled me into a hug and let out a long, shaky breath as he held me. “Promise?” he whispered.

I squeezed him just a little bit tighter. “I promise.”

To soothe your worried hearts, I’ll say that I honestly never once actually worried for their relationship. It was what they had to go through that gutted me. This book is not about cheating or separation. Keira and Kellan spend the majority of it physically together in fact. What this book is about is testing the strength of their bond and the struggles of maintaining a relationship while under the spotlight.

“Never again. I don’t care what’s at stake. I don’t care who I have to let down. I won’t ever do that to you again. You… or me. I’m done playing their game.”

I loved that this book took the time to also focus on the other relationships. Anna and Griffin get their fair share of page time as do the other band mates, but my favorite side story line was the one between Kellan and Denny. I don’t want to say anything specific about it ‘cuz those interactions are ones you should experience for yourself but twice they brought me to tears. I was SO impressed and happy with where SC Stephens took their story. Seriously, touched my heart right to the very core.

She also took the story to places I never thought she would.. I mean she took Kellan Kyle and she….. gah! ok – lips are sealed. But seriously, around 80% I just had this huge “Holy shit. That did NOT just happen!!” moment! Still – like I said, I loved every minute of it… even the moments that made my heart stop.

But I did read the final 15% with my heart just filled to bursting with happiness, and I this huge perpetual smile on my face with happy tears in my eyes.

“I love you. I would do it all over again if I needed to. I’d go back to the beginning for you.”

By the end, I felt elated. I was emotional but my heart was completely satisfied and I can assure you that the ending is just PERFECT!

And I officially have the world’s biggest book hang over. EVER.

There are so many INCREDIBLE moment, lines, and scenes from this book that will be forever imprinted on my mind. I was thinking about mentioning some here but instead I’m going to just encourage you all to go read this amazing story and discover them for yourself. I’ve been re-reading a few of them while putting this review together and now have tears in my eyes. Seriously - LOVE LOVE LOVE this book, this journey, these characters… this story raises the bar and is one that will stay in my heart forever.

I don’t pull out the 6 star rating very often but this whole series truly deserves it. Any story that can take over my life so completely and make me fall in love with the characters so strongly needs that extra star. Above and beyond. That’s where this book went.

These 2 banners are from SC Stephen's facebook wall:

How I see Kellan and Keira:

God. I really love this series. ♥♥

For more of my reviews, come visit my book blog at: http://aestasbookblog.com/

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Profile Image for Alexis *Reality Bites*.
757 reviews3,666 followers
March 8, 2013
SPOILER FREE REVIEW -mature content reader discretion is advised.
5 STARS out of 5
Genre: Contemporary Romance
SIDENOTE: Do not read if you have not read books 1&2

Whether you loved it or felt it came up short there is one thing you cannot deny. The magnetic panty melting sexiness that is Kellan Kyle.


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My Casting

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I don't even know where to begin. I'll just talk about what I loved!

One of the most highly anticipated books of 2013 had it's highs and lows for the characters we have grown to love.. And I enjoyed every second of it. Maybe it's just me but I love how relationships are captured in this book.

Kiera and Kellan

These two ripped out my heart, lungs, liver and all other vital organs throughout this whole series.

In Thoughtless
I loved him and hated her

In Effortless
I loved him and slowly started to like her

In Reckless
I loved him and I totally have a girl crush on her *shrugs* What can I say, she grew on me!

Yeah, she made some bad judgement calls but overall my girl held it DOWN for her man. And that put a smile on my face. She went to bat for her relationship when all arrows pointed to failuresville.(Yeah, I made that word up.)*shrugs*

 '. . . my heart was anchored to Kellan. Being apart from him stretched my soul in opposite directions. It was painful. No, it was torture. He was everything to me, and I didn’t want to miss a moment of his journey just because parts of it were unpleasant.'

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I take it alllll back.. I considered Kiera weak for some of the things that happened in Thoughtless but in Reckless she proved that she is no weakling. She had to bare some things I don't think I would have endured. Which goes to show you really should never judge a person.

“I don’t want to hurt you. And I don’t see how any of this won’t hurt you.”

Pulling back from him, I said,

“And I don’t want you to give up on your dream because of me.” ~Kellan and Kiera

Kiera and Kellan are a team whatever they face they always faced it together head on and I think that is the ONLY reason they have survived.

I love and appreciated how S.C. Stephens highlighted all the characters and of course there is always one who stands out. Griffin.

'Griffin had impregnated my sister. He really was family now. Lord help me.' ~Kiera

Griffin and Anna
In all his male egotistical driven macho raunchy glory Griffin stole the show. We really get a glimpse at the man behind the over the top raunchy comments. While I still question Griffin's capability to be a father(because honestly should this guy be allowed to teach another human being anything???) Exactly. I no longer question his love for Anna. He admitted out of his own potty mouth...

“You’re in love with me?”
Every head shifted to the open hotel room door that Anna was leaning against. The energy in the air shifted again as Griffin locked eyes with her. Matt and Evan released him as he whispered,

Other relationships are briefly shown with the other two band mates. But the relationship that really really did a number on me was the one between Kellan, Kiera and Denny. The mutual love and respect tugged at my heartstrings.
And I won't dwell on it since I don't want to spoil it, however I will say that I LOVE ME SOME DENNY!!!!
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Now as I previously mentioned I enjoyed these characters but there were a few rotten apples in the bunch. Sienna and Nick. In fact I have a special message for Sienna check it out

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It's not cool to mess with peoples lives the way she did.. Under any circumstances. PERIOD. That BITCH can eat dirt.


Scenes and/or lines that made laugh out love

“Did you just fuck him into submission?” He held his knuckles up to me. “Nice.” ~Griffin to Kiera

“No, let’s make this interesting. If I win, we have sex backstage tonight. If you win, we have sex backstage tonight.” ~Kellan to Kiera

“Oh my God  .  .  . I married Ron Jeremy.” ~Kiera to Kellan

“Griff? This is starting to really fucking hurt.” Griffin ran his hands back through his hair.
“Okay, no problem. We’ll get you to a hospital, and they’ll knock you out.”

My Thoughts
This book was full of "OH SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK? OH HELL NO!" moments. It was tender, emotional and sexy. Anything involving Kellan is sexy! I LOVED IT!

My Ratings
Characters- Lovable, hug-able fuck-able
Writing Style- GOOD
Plot/Storyline- GOOD
Steam Factor- High/Very Steamy
Overall- I LOVED IT!!!

Now go forth and read. Then come tell us about it on Goodreads!

For more reviews got to http://realitybites-letsgetlost.blogs...
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,505 reviews5,346 followers
March 5, 2013
“I love you. I would do it all over again if I needed to. I’d go back to the beginning for you.”~ Kellan


Reckless read like one enormous epilogue to me and I thought that it was ABSOLUTE PERFECTION!

Does this book have an excess amount of angst or drama? No, but it gives KK lovers their happily ever after and I’ve been on book hangover ever since!

S.C. Stephens engrossing writing completely captured me from the first book of the series to the last line of Reckless. A reader can’t help falling in love with Kellan Kyle. There is no way of getting around it nor would a reader look for one...just see my name above.

I didn’t agree with how Kiera handled her situation in Thoughtless. I loved how she grew through the sequel Effortless and by the time I finished Reckless, I was so pleased how she grew from a girl into the woman that I knew she could be.

”I’d always hoped that the man I married would love me beyond reason but Kellan…loved me beyond anything.”~ Kiera

P.S. I’m anxiously awaiting the release of Irresistible! Can I get an advanced reading copy of her future books?

Reckless brought great success for the D-Bags. Kiera was supportive of Kellan and the boys throughout this book. Some tried to break them up or capitalize on Kellan but the couple stuck together and they only got stronger. NO ONE could stand between them or break them up and believe me Siera Sexton and Joey tried.

Kellan Kyle is the best book male character of all time PERIOD! He’s sex on a stick (Cowboy Kellan...HOT) he will sing you to sleep, he will write you love notes and he will love you so fiercely and completely that everything else in the word pales in comparison.

“Us against the world? That sounds like wonderful odds.” ~Kellan

All of the characters, Denny, Abby, Griffin, Anna, Evan, Matt, Jenny and Rachel grow throughout this series. It happens before our eyes I really feel like they are my friends too.

Time heals all wounds and thankfully, the love triangle of Thoughtless has moved past the betrayal and hurt to a good place.

”We all laughed, and I marveled at how far we’d all come. We were so different from the people we were when we’d all started living together—stronger, more confident, more secure in ourselves. And yet, we were still exactly the same. We cared about each other. We supported each other. We looked out for each other. And now that the sting of betrayal and guilt was only a dull ache in the background, the three of us were what I’d always hoped we would be—the best of friends.”~ Kiera

To all those romance fans this series had it all! Looking back at the journey, I’m so happy how the story played out, but I’m sad that it’s ended. Thankfully, a reread will do the trick.

”Passion, friendship, love, loyalty, trust...if you found the right person...you really could have it all.” ~ Kiera

I truly believe that somewhere out there in Seattle, sitting at their table at Pete’s Bar, the gang is getting together to reminisce over a beer. Save a seat for me!!

Profile Image for ❤️ Diana ❤️.
396 reviews3 followers
June 2, 2013
Anyone else worried about the title of the book.....Reckless. I am not sure if I can handle a disappointment, I want to believe in their story but he is going on tour again with all those girls. I think my stomach hurts right now. I wouldn't be as worried if I never read the original endng to Thoughtless but after reading it I know the author has it in her for a sad outcome. Keeping my fingers crossed cause I really like these two characters, well I like Keira but LOVE Kellan. Here's the link to the original ending of Thoughtless:

I'm so sad, I can't believe it's over and their story is done. I love Kellan so much it is borderline crazy. I loved how these characters grew in the trilogy. In Thoughtless I wanted to smack Kierra at times even though I could relate to her I still wanted to slap her (probably because I love Kellan so). In Effortless it was painful at times reading their pain and having trust issues. There were times I thought maybe they could never fully trust. But Reckless they are both stronger in their relationship. That's why it was painful to read. I could feel their pain at the choices the label was making and Sienna.....well she's a bitch troll. The angst was there and my stomach hurt from the beginning. I did think the story dipped a little about 40% in, but it did recover. Remembering the original ending to Thoughtless I was holding my breath at times nearing the last 1/3 of the story. In the end, I was proud of Kellan and Kierra, their relationship evolved and I'm glad I got to witness the transformation. In fact all the D-Bags and company grew up and I was happy for them. (Especially Griffin) This has been one of my favorite series. Thank you SC Stephens for this story. I felt so juvenile at times being so worried about a book (hence the above review before Rekless was released). That just goes to show what a great story these books were. Seriously though, can Kellan Kyle be any more perfect and sweet....did I mention how much I love him.....well it's worth mentioning again "KELLAN KYLE IS A ROCK GOD"
Profile Image for Kristen.
842 reviews4,981 followers
February 11, 2015
4 1/2 Shining Stars!

OKAY, I'm eating humble pie! I wasn't planning to read this book because I was disappointed in the last one; however, my curiosity got the better me, and what a surprise...this book was TERRIFIC!

Unlike the second book, this one, for me, made sense. I felt Kellan and Kiera were true to their characters, to their past experiences, and to their relationship. This plot was true-to-life and it was refreshing to see two characters already in love working together to keep and maintain their relationship against real-world challenges. My heart broke for them as they battled the insidious environment of the music industry and the injustices heaped upon them. My heart rejoiced for them, however, as they fought tooth-and-nail to preserve their relationship and their love for each other.

In this book Keira's strength of character shined brilliantly, and Kellan...was...well...Kellan...swoon-worthy and perfectly delectable. What can I say...I just loved them! I'm so glad I read this book. Humble pie never tasted so great!!

September 9, 2012 original post

Can someone please tell me how a book that isn't due for release UNTIL March 5, 2013, and is still currently being written, already has 175 ratings?

From what S.C. Stephen's September 3rd, 2012 Facebook update says, she is STILL currently writing this book. You wouldn't know that, however, by the amount of readers who have already rated this unfinished book. Unbelievable!!!

As of today, September 9, 2012, there are:

5 star ratings: 137
4 star ratings: 20
3 star ratings: 4
2 star ratings: 2
1 star ratings: 6
Profile Image for Natalie.
287 reviews71 followers
July 18, 2023

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ! Life in the spotlight proves more challenging than expected for Kelly and Kiera. Will love survive or will fame tear them apart?

Oh my god you guys!!! I think that for the first time that the last(!) book in a series may just be my favourite! ”Reckless” was just SO good!! Any new book release has yet to make me so excited that I was for “Reckless'.” Right in that moment, I felt that “Reckless” was the book I've been waiting my entire life to read. “Reckless” continues right where “Effortless” ended. Kellan and Kiera are now married in 'spirit' and they have never been happier or been in a better place in their relationship. But drama awaits them tight around the corner in form of Kellans ex-roommate Joey and a sex tape. Soon it's also time for Kiera to join Kellan on tour, something not without its challenges. Now when D-bags finally has hit it big, everyone seems to want a piece of the cake. And Kellan. Poor Kiera, it's not always easy to be married to the worlds sexiest rockstar and be hated by all female population.

Needless to say that I loved this book over and beyond. It's been years since the release and I can't tell you how many times I reread it. Seriously, I can't. I've said it before and I'm saying it again; THIS SERIES HAS TAKEN OVER MY WORD. Every time I read these books something magical happens; it's like a vacation from the world and nothing no longer exists, except for Kellan. Kellan and Kiera really is two awesome characters that never get old. I could read about them forefeet. OMG; especially Kellan!' Who isn't madly in love with him? Raise a hand. He's completely irresistible.

“Reckless” continues to be one of my very favourite books ever and the biggest reason is and always will be KELLAN! But let's not forget all the other AWESOME characters; every member in D-bags, Denny, Kiera's sister Anna, Denny and of course Kiera herself. I would read a book about each character but Kellan is definitely the shiny star everyone wants to read about. The locations for this book took my breath away and into my own, personal reading heaven; Los Angeles and a filthy rich, luxuries lifestyle and on the tour bus with Kellan, Griff & co. LOVE !!! Three books aren't enough, I need more of my Kellan fix, I'm already going through serious withdrawals. Kellan and Kiera will forever be one of my top couples, if not my number one top couple. And Kellan...you'll always be the love of my life. 4.5 stars.

| Hero | 5 | | Angst | Medium focus |
| Heroine | 5 | | Romance | | High focus |
| Sexual tension | 5 | | Suspense | Low focus |
| Storytelling | 5 | | Humour | Medium focus |
| Plot | 5 | | Darkness | Low focus |
| Story ending | 5 |
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,250 reviews257 followers
March 6, 2013
2.5 stars
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
I'll keep this short and sweet. I'm sad to say this book just did not work for me. As I was reading it, I felt like this ship had sailed and think (for me) this series should've ended with book 2. It could be that too much time passed between books 2 & 3. Maybe I hyped it up in my head too much. I don't know. It saddens me because I was really looking forward to it. That being said I still look forward to future books from this author.
Profile Image for Smitten's Book Blog.
337 reviews316 followers
September 1, 2016

Oh my God! I feel like I've waited so long for this book and it did not disappoint! I read Thoughtless and Effortless before I ever started blogging, so I'm a little nervous to write this review... here's why...

I could read about Kellan and Kiera forever. In fact, I wish it were a never ending book soap opera that was drip fed to us week by week so that I could keep up with their lives! I feel like I know them so well and it makes my heart ache when I remind myself 'These are not real people!'

I want to know how many beautiful babies they make. I want to know how the D-Bags' career pans out. I want to know what they do for the holidays... Every. Single. Year! I don't want their story to ever end. And now it has. And now I'm sad and feeling a little lost.

"Everyone eventually falls for the two of you together. You're meant to be."

No review I write is going to do this story justice. The Thoughtless series changed reading for me. Fifty Shades got me back into reading... it reminded me that I needed to make the time to read again. And I thought that I'd never recover from Christian Grey... I went on to read Love Unrehearsed, and fell in love with Ryan. I read Beautiful Disaster and fell in love with Travis... And then there was Thoughtless. And Kellan Kyle!!!

"Kellan Kyle, you are the love of my life. You have my heart from now until the end of forever."

And nothing will ever top him.

I can't tell you what it is about S.C. Stephens' characters that have me hook, line and sinker. There are a whole host of hot, sexy, badass, gorgeous book boyfriends out there... but Kellan has my heart over all of them and I think he always will.

"Whatever happens from here on out, I want you to know that I don't regret anything. Being with you, loving you, experiencing this with you... it's all been worth it, and we'll get through this together. We're a team. It's us against the world."
"Us against the world? That sounds like wonderful odds."
"It's better than no odds at all."

I feel a little in mourning right now, knowing that this series has finally come to an end, after so much waiting, so much hype and so much adoration. But for me, it will always be the series that reminds me just why I love reading. It captures me and it pulls me into another world. I adore every single character, even Kiera, who made me so mad in the beginning. And even Griffin, who completely grossed me out.

I want to be friends with Anna, Jenny, Rachel and Kate. I want my man to be friends with the D-Bags. I want a rock like Denny in my life.

"I knew going into this that a story about us was also going to be a story about the two of you. And it should be. He was a big part of your life, and I'm okay with your history. It made you who you are. And I happen to be in love with who you are."

And I don't think I even need to mention the fact that I want to date/live with/kiss/lick/have babies with/marry Kellan Friggin' Kyle!!!

"Our lives are crazy. When moments to remember happen, you have to pause a second to appreciate them. Otherwise none of this is worth it. And getting married to you is definitely a moment to remember."

Errr... and can I just mention... there is an incredibly sexy scene with a stripping half naked cowboy. *fans self* Oh. My. God! I need me one of those!

As for my casting pictures... there is only one person that I could ever cast as Kellan. I know everybody has their own ideas, but the Efron has always been my KK. Has been since the first image of him singing on stage with those gorgeous blue eyes and that sexy brown bed hair.

"I didn't think it was possible, but I'm pretty sure I love you even more. How you see me... I never thought anyone would ever..."
"That's because you don't see yourself as clearly as I see you."

I'm not going to write too much more. a) I think I've gushed enough and b) I don't want to spoil anything for anybody. I know that Thoughtless isn't everybodies cup of tea. I know some people hate the cheating element. But, I'll say it again, this series stole my heart. I ate up every word and then read at snails pace towards the end of Reckless, trying to stop it from ending. So, if you haven't read this yet... firstly, have you been hiding under a rock... and secondly, I strongly suggest you jump to it already. And if you hate it and wish I'd never recommended it to you... please don't tell me. ;) It'd be like insulting my best friend or my child. I love it that much and I won't be held responsible for my actions.

Right, I'm going to go now. I'm going to go and dream about Kellan and wallow in the tragedy that KK doesn't actually exist. God, it's worse than knowing Santa isn't real. S.C. Stephens, I hope you know, you are responsible for many a forlorn woman and many a too high expectation.

You'll never know how incredible you are to me, how desperately I love you. I would do it all over again if I needed to. I'd go back to the beginning for you.

To read more reviews go to my Book Blog: http://smittensbookblog.wordpress.com/
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Profile Image for Farah.
367 reviews496 followers
December 14, 2017

My Kellan...

With Keira...

Words cannot describe how much I LOVE this series... I've waited for months for this book, and it was more than I ever expected, I was dying to find out what happened but I never wanted it to end!. S.C. Stephans did us ALL proud and I will forever be grateful to her for bringing Kellen Kyle into my life...

My Heart is Broken that this is over... But then I think...

In the first two books we joined Keira and Kellan in their incredible Journey finding love and success...

We lived through them...
Laughed with them
Had fun with them..
Felt their pain..
Felt their weakness
Felt their passion..
And last shared their happiness..

"Tangling my hands through his hair, I gazed at him until I thought my heart might burst. He unwaveringly met my eyes. “I love you too, Kiera. Just you. You’re my always.”"

This book is the ultimate test on the love of Keira and Kellan and picks up from Effortless..

The D-Bags are on their tour and Keira is joining Kellan soon in LA to go touring with him..
When she finally gets there, Kellan proposes to her in a room filled with Rose petals..

Once on tour they are introduced to extremely famous Sienna Sexton- she is beautiful and sexy and also a singer.
Kellan and his band are given an offer to do a collaboration with her.
Sienna basically puts Kellans name out there with their song and speculation that Kellan and Sienna are a couple. His greedy executive pushes him to do all the things his not happy with.
They have to make a music video together.. A sexy video...

Kellan Kyle - My boyfriend the Rock Star!! : D


Keira has grown soooo much from Thoughtless/Effortless.. She is not whiney or irritating or doubting herself. She never holds Kellan back in his career. Always encouraging him to do things even if its not comfortable for her..

Kellan is a star and he was always meant to shine...

Stirring false rumors Sienna causes a frenzy with their 'relationship' then a sex video emerges and people claim it's Sienna with Kellan.
Throughout all of this Keira stands by him.. In their secret 'bubble' they can be alone...

I Lovvvve all the details in this book, it was the first time in a long time I didn't think the story was rushed. The love and passion between these two is amazing!

Kellan throws a surprise bachelorette party for Keira. I love how he always does the sweetest things..
"Our lives are crazy. When moments to remember happen, you have to pause a second to appreciate them. Otherwise none of this”—he indicted the bus—“is worth it. And getting married to you is definitely a moment to remember.”"

Again their love is tested.. Paparazzi see Kellan and Keira together.. This throws the media into another crazy frenzy. Fans think his cheating on Sienna.

They make a vow to each other...

"Whatever happens from here on out, I want you to know that I don’t regret anything. Being with you, loving you, experiencing this with you . . . it’s all been worth it, and we’ll get through this together.” I smiled. “We’re a team. It’s us against the world.”"

They come clean to the world.. On national radio.. People ridicule Keira as she is 'the other woman'- Kellan wants the truth out there... The truth will set them free... Unfortunately tragedy happens and the press/fans and photographers hound Kellan and Keira.
Keira is pushed to the street where a truck is going to hit her but Kellan runs and pulls her away but gets badly hurt in the process.


In hospital family and friends come... Kellan sees his fans praying for him.

"You’ll never know how incredible you are to me, how desperately I love you. I would do it all over again if I needed to. I’d go back to the beginning for you."

"Passion, friendship, love, loyalty, trust . . . if you found the right person . . . you really could have it all."

Kellan Kyle is one of those characters who will stay in your heart forever... Atleast I know he will always be in mine... <3 <3
Profile Image for Christy.
4,213 reviews35.1k followers
April 20, 2015
5 Kellan loving stars!!!!!

Reckless exceeded all my expectations! Absolutely loved it!!!

You’ll never know how incredible you are to me , how desperately I love you. I would do it all over again if I needed to. I’d go back to the beginning for you.

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“Sex on a stick.”

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“Everyone eventually falls for the two of you together. You’re meant to be.”  photo b545170d-ce6e-4d25-80a2-2da5c60f8a9b_zps21005d10.jpg
I would always be first in his eyes. We were a good match. A perfect match. Soul mates.

Reckless picked up right where Effortless left off. The D-bags got a record deal and they are going on tour. Kiera and Kellan are together and stronger than ever. Completely committed to one another. Kiera has just graduated college and is going on tour with the boys. There is a lot of pressure coming in all directions, many obstacles are thrown there way, will their love be able to withstand it all???

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I will ALWAYS love Kellan Kyle. He is near perfect to me. If it is possible, he may have been even MORE perfect in this book.... swoon!
There were points where I had been whiny, clingy, petty, wishy-washy... downright annoying.
Yes Kiera, you were.... but a very pleasant surprise... Kiera didn’t annoy me in this book at all! Yay! I like Kiera, but in the first two books, there were times she drove me crazy! Glad she had it together in this one.
Sienna.... I have a few choice words for that one. And reading the music video scene made me sick to my stomach. I actually had to stop reading for a few minutes... Ugh.
Griffin was as hilarious as ever. I loved how he evolved in this book, but still managed to stay his crazy self! My favorite Griffin quote:
 “You should have heard him complaining in wardrobe. Oh, poor me, I have to go make out with a hot superstar. Woman fawn over me where ever I go. I have fucktastic hair and an eight pack. Boo-hoo.”
And Denny... I have always been Team Kellan 100% But I still have a soft spot for Denny, always have. There was one part of the book with him that really touched me, had me it tears...

Overall a FANTASTIC READ!!!! Such a great book ... and for those of you wondering.... the ending/epilogue was PERFECTION!!!!!

Passion, friendship, love, loyalty, trust..... if you found the right person... you really could have it all.

I will leave you with this...
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Profile Image for FreakChiq.
99 reviews116 followers
July 1, 2013
More Kellan? More Kellan? WE. GET. MORE. KELLAN?! *swoon*

My body is so ready it's not even funny.
Profile Image for Tough Critic Book Reviews.
308 reviews2,187 followers
March 10, 2013
Reckless Book Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYaDe...

In Thoughtless, S.C. Stephens took the exhausted use of a fictional love triangle and redefined it. She redefined it and created her own shape, well...shapes. Kellan, Denny, Kiera, The D-Bags. She shaped it to perfection.

Now just like you, I put on my honesty undies one leg at a time. So I have to admit that this was my least favorite book in the series. Least favorite overall, but at the same time it held some of my most favorite parts, the best parts. It was give and take really.

I think part of my initial indifference had to do with me tearing ass through Reckless after waiting long (and not so patiently) for its release. That combined with some cyclic plot repetition in addition to me not being so fond of the sex tape scandal, and BAM…indifference. However, I swallowed my indifference and fell in love. S.C. Stephens is talented enough to win me over every time.

One thing I loved about Reckless was Kiera’s growth. I’m pretty sure at some point in time we could all look down at our palms and see a bitch slap with her name on it. There were even times I was so fed up with her that I was ready for Kellan to just grab Denny, run off, and build a house on Brokeback Mountain. The End. However, Kiera finally turned it around (and then Kellan turned her around). I may not be ready for us to paint each other's toe nails or sync our menstrual cycles, but she earned herself some respect and that…I respect.

What I didn’t expect, was to fall in love with Kellan Kyle even more. He impregnated me using only his words. No seriously. It’s like his words formed an imaginary penis and had its way with me over…and over…and over again. It just doesn’t get any better than this. He showed so much emotion and vulnerability, but at the same time he didn’t lose what makes him Kellan Kyle. When he cried, I…I…he…I felt…I was so damn turned on. I’m sorry; nothing is more heartbreaking and sexy than a man crying. Yes sexy. I’m gonna need a minute….

I know I haven’t said much about the plot, but I don’t want to spoil anything. I did blush with sexy embarrassment when Kiera asked…and he…the text…”hard on”…sweet holy naked batman. I died!!

I can’t say enough about the ending either…it was perfect. But I’m really not sure how I’ll be able to survive in a world without more Kellan Kyle. You can keep your Prada and Coach, I’ll take a D-Bag every time.

This book alone may not have been perfect, but this series is perfection. It’s a must read! S.C. Stephens has a gift and she has decided to share it. It’s time to open it and enjoy!!


Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,880 reviews2,064 followers
March 5, 2013
You can check out our interview with S.C. Stephens, Kiera, Kellan and the rest of the D-Bags here : http://totallybookedblog.com/2013/03/...

Jenny: 5+++++++++ Amazing. Loved it. Didn’t want it to end…stars
Gitte: 5 Stars

Jenny: Where to begin? To say the Thoughtless series and Kellan Kyle are one of my most favourite things, would be a gross understatement. I can’t begin to describe what these books mean to me. I love them with all my heart and they will always have a special place in my life. Reading this was a mixture of excitement to see the next chapter in Kellan and Kiera’s story, tinged with sadness that the series was coming to an end.

I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to these characters in Effortless and I’m even less thank ready to say goodbye to them after Reckless. I loved this book. This book had it all. I cried with sadness. I cried with happiness. I laughed with the characters and indeed I loved, without exception with the characters. It’s all there. The passion, the emotion, the humour, the warmth, the drama and the romance, all tied up with some of the most beautiful and engaging characters and…..of course – we get to spend more time with KELLAN KYLE………huge sigh here!

Reckless picks up where Effortless left off. Although the heart of this book is Kellan and Kiera’s love story and they still have issues to sort out – the biggest issue they’ve had from day one, being trust. Their relationship was built on lies and deceit so to overcome this was always going to take more than love. They had to learn to trust. After all, love isn’t enough if you don’t have trust. I felt this book wasn’t as much about Kellan as it was Kiera, although he is a large part of the story. For me, this was Kiera’s book. It was her journey, her story and it showed the growth of her character and I defy anyone NOT to LOVE Kiera in this book. This girl has been through the paces and she has absolutely grown into her own woman.

“Am I making a mistake?” “All I want is a quiet life with you”.

“Kellan, your life will never be quiet, no matter what you do”. “You belong on a stage. It’s what you were born to do”

Gitte: I feel so emotional writing this review. If I am honest my heart hurts, there’s an ache that I can’t get rid of. Knowing that this is the end, that it is time to say goodbye…well it hurts.

I met Kellan and Kiera a lot later than you Jenny but despite my journey with them only having lasted a year or so they are a big part of why I love to read and they will always have a piece of my heart. I have to say that this part of their journey had absolutely everything, it was emotional to the point of tears yes, but it was also hopeful and it was inspirational. I cried with them and I laughed with them.

Personally, for me Jenny I have not been a huge fan of Kiera all the way through this series. In Thoughtless, I wasn’t too sure of her; her actions and her reasoning. In Effortless I felt she showed herself maturing and acknowledging her past actions. However, in Reckless it is almost as if she came full circle and I have to agree, more than anyone this was Kiera’s journey.

Jenny: Absolutely Gitte, and I think a lot of people felt that way about Kiera. I know she rubbed a lot of readers up the wrong way, but I always felt that I got her. I think I’m her biggest cheerleader

S.C. Stephens did a beautiful job with this book. She couldn’t have given us a better story if she tried.

I just adored Kiera in Reckless. Kiera’s character has seemed to evolve. I have loved watching her come into her own and when you read all three books you really do see the growth and strength of this character throughout the series, culminating in a very different Kiera in Reckless. Kiera always felt unworthy of Kellan, unworthy of his love. To see her grow and come to the realisation that she is important, that she is worthy was beautiful to watch.

We’re taken through the ups and downs of dealing with Kellan’s success and what part Kiera will play in Kellan’s life. Standing by him, supporting him, dealing with the fans, groupies and the all the other pitfalls that come with stardom. Yet at the same time she must learn to trust Kellan and remain her own person and not lose sight of who she is along the way. Kellan also has to juggle his relationship and his rise to fame and at times feels that he is powerless to have both.

Gitte: Absolutely Jenny, I have to say that Reckless in my opinion was flawless and I literally inhaled every single word.

As I mentioned earlier, no doubt about it…Kiera has matured so much from the first time we met her. It is not only her self-confidence that has grown; it is also the value she places upon herself, her place in the world and the full acceptance of Kellan’s love and affections.

Jenny: Oh there is so much I want to say, so much I want to discuss, but I really don’t want to ruin this experience for anyone and hope that all readers can experience this wonderful book the way I did.

I have to give a special mention to Griffin and Anna. Honestly, the scenes with these two had me grinning from ear to ear. Griffin is still his obnoxious, humerous self and still trying to get under Kiera’s skin.

“Did you just fuck him into submission?”…. “Nice” (Griff to Kiera)

These guys are all family though, and never is that more apparent or felt than in this book. I absolutely loved seeing them interact and all the different personalities lent so much to this book. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but at one point even Griffin made me tear up.

Kellan Kyle….what can I say? He of the j.f’d hair and impossible good looks……..he is to die for! That man really is perfection. Kellan and I go way back and my love for him has been unwavering and I think he’ll continue to be one of my fave book boyfriends for a long time to come. In Reckless we are treated to romantic, hot, protective, funny, gorgeous, sensual and at times, conflicted Kellan. It is he who sometimes needs reassurance from Kiera.

“I will always love you, Kellan. Your heart is safe with me.”

We have the little “Kellan quirks” as I call them, that SC introduces in her books. The little things that make Kellan Kyle so special, and sigh…..let me tell you readers you are in for a real treat with this particular romantic quirk. If you think you loved him in Thoughtless and Effortless be prepared to fall in love with him all over again times 100! The romantic times will steal your heart, the emotional times will break your heart, there will be times you will be clutching your heart, and times you will be holding your breath, there will be times you will sob tears of happiness and tears of sadness, and I am of no doubt, the love between Kellan and Kiera will make your heart soar.

“ You’ll never know how incredible you are to me, how desperately I love you. I would do it all over again if I needed to. I’d go back to the beginning for you”

Going into this book I had no idea where this story was going to take me. I did know one thing for sure. I knew I was going to read, devour and love this book because the characters have become such a special part of my life and S.C Stephens has a true talent for making you feel every bit of emotion in a scene. Her storytelling is masterful and I just love every word this author writes. She writes from the heart and boy it shows!

What I didn’t realise going in to this story was the depth of the experience I was going to have with this book. It was perfection. I sobbed many a times throughout and already miss these characters with all my heart. If I could have had a wishlist of everything I wanted in Reckless, this would have pretty much been it, even if, at times, I could have throttled my kindle! The story left me completely satisfied.

This book will steal your heart. The characters will touch your soul and, if you're a fan like me, you will be bereft when you come to the end because I don’t think any of us are ready to say goodbye to these characters who have become so much a part of us.

“Instead I grabbed Kellan’s hand and kissed his fingers, letting him know I was his, bound in his soul”
“Kellan gave me a smile that was loose and easy. He understood”

Reckless did indeed complete me. These characters made me laugh, these characters made me cry and these characters made me love, with all my heart I love them. This last chapter in the Kellan and Kiera’s story did not disappoint one bit. If anything, it exceeded my expectations.

“He gave me a smirk when he realised what I’d ordered for him……a Denver Omelete”

The story is over though and I must admit I feel at a bit of a loss. I will miss these books that became my reason for reading. We have a history these books and I and they will always have that special place in my heart.

Gitte: I had to laugh here…yeah Kellan Kyle. I don’t think there is anyone more qualified to discuss this fine specimen of a man than you Jenny. We all know how much you love and adore him. He is though, without a doubt, one of the most gorgeous ‘rock star’ characters out there. He will always have a special place in the hearts of any reader who loved this series. Kellan and Kiera are synonymous with one of the greatest love stories out there.

For me though, and I am not sure whether I need to whisper this or not…it has always been Griffin. He has had me laughing, shouting, cringing and fan-girling through it all.

So, absolutely, the end of Kellan and Kiera’s journey should not be spoilt for any reader out there. It is absolutely one that should be experienced with fresh eyes and a pounding heart….

I will say that the pounding heart takes you through the last leg of their journey with a multitude of emotions, so extreme so intense right till you hit that last page when a tear will inevitably fall and your heart will ache…because this is it……This is the end……
Profile Image for Paula .
704 reviews232 followers
November 5, 2015

-- A Romantic Book Affairs Review



*** If you read this review, I’m assuming you’ve read the first two books. If not, then you will read some spoilers from Thoughtless and Effortless.***

Reckless exceeded all of my expectations. This series and I have been through so much together. I have loved these books. I have hated these books. But mostly, I love them. They hold a very special place in my heart. It’s bitter sweet to say goodbye to these characters. When I reached the last page, I had to take a moment to let it all settle in and come to terms with the end. The ending has left me feeling gleefully happy. But, at the same time, I was sad because when it was over. S.C. Stephens has once again written another superb story that absolutely ROCKED MY WORLD.

In the beginning of Keira and Kellan’s love story, they struggle with their attraction for each other and become forbidden lovers. In the second part of their story, they are in a relationship, a very uneasy relationship where they must learn to overcome the lies and deceit their relationship was built on, as they are forced to be apart while Kellan goes on tour. They had to learn to trust one another. And finally, in the final part of their journey, they are now in a solid relationship. And, together as a power couple, they will begin another journey where they must fight their way to the top while dealing with more obstacles thrown at them as Kellan becomes a famous Rock God.

He would always want me near him. I would always be first in his eyes. We were a good match. A perfect match. Soul mates.

Reckless picks up where Effortless left off. Kellan and the D-Bags are now in Los Angeles getting ready to record the D-Bags first record. Kiera joins Kellan shortly after she graduates from college. This inseparable couple is determined to be together through it all. And while the band is touring, Kiera decides to write an autobiography of her relationship with Denny, her infidelity with Kellan, and how they eventually became a couple.

As the D-Bags rise to the top, they are more in the spotlight and being a Rockstar is not all that it’s cracked up to be. They must deal with invasion of privacy, greedy and manipulative managers, and a diva superstar who will stop at nothing to be famous. And, unfortunately for Kiera and Kellan, they must learn the hard way exactly how green they are when it comes to the music biz world.

As the punches come their way, Kiera and Kellan’s relationship is once again tested. But this time around, things are different with this couple. While the heart of this book is Kiera and Kellan together, Kiera truly shines in this book. She supported Kellan and pushed him to be the super rock star he was always meant to be. And even though rumors grow out of control, Kiera stood by my man. Oops, Fruedian slip. I meant her man.

“I will always love you, Kellan. Your heart is safe with me.”

Kellan pulled me into a hug and let out a long, shaky breath as he held me. “Promise?” he whispered.

I squeezed him just a little bit tighter. “I promise.”

Kiera has really evolved since the first book where she used to come across as a selfish, wish-washy, immature, and extremely shy person. Well, my lovelies, Kiera is not the same girl anymore. I really admired the way she pushes Kellan to be his best, even though some of the things he has to do are painful for Kiera. But, in the end, she loves Kellan and trusts him and would do anything to make him happy. Being a rockstar’s wife is not easy, and Kiera takes it all in stride the best way she knows how. Her support for Kellan alone truly showed just how self-less she has become. Watching her come into her own and seeing her strength in this story is a beautiful thing to read.

“I love you too, Kiera. Just you. You’re my always.”

Kellan is my ultimate favorite rockstar book boyfriend. The man is sexy as sin and a fabulous lover. Swoon. Crash. I just passed out on the floor. The alphabet has never been sexier. He may be sex on legs, but there is more to this man. He is kind, strong, and he loves Kiera unconditionally. She owns his heart. And all of the sweet and tender moments between them are absolutely swoon-worthy. He really comes into his own as well in this story. We learned in the beginning of the story how he suffered growing up in a loveless and abusive home. He’s never truly known love until he met Kiera. The kind of love they have together is extraordinary. Kellan has really come a long ways since his days of sleeping with a different girl each night. His journey may have been a painful one, but he has now found the love that he’s been looking for all his life within his wife, friends, family, and his adoring fans.

This really felt like a character driven story. Both Kiera and Kellan overcome a lot by the final installment of their story. Their insecurities and fears they used to feel are put to rest. They both grow more confident in themselves and their relationship, to be able to put all of their issues and problems behind them so they can move forward with their lives together.

This story has a lot less drama and angsty moments than the first two books. However, don’t get me wrong, there is still quite a bit of drama and angst that made my claws come out. There are some parts that made me furious and frustrated. Every time the diva-bitch strikes, I wanted to do bodily damage to her. I found a lot of admiration in Kellan and Kiera as they stayed true to each other during all of the drama that kept coming their way.

Kellan and Kiera weren’t the only ones who came into their own in this story. There is quite a bit of page time with Kiera’s sister, Anna, and Griffin, the D-Bags guitarist. I started to come around and like Griffin in Effortless. However, I absolutely loved Griffin in this book. He may be an idiot at times, well, most of the time, but he shows that he is more than a goofy, horndog. He really does care about Anna and the baby. I think the readers will be pleasantly surprised by the turn of events with these two.

Reckless is the perfect ending to a stellar series. Every single storyline gets closure. I couldn’t have asked for a better ending from a series that captivated me from the very beginning all the way to the end. Following along Kiera and Kellan’s journey was rocky and emotional, to say the least. The gamut of emotions I went through left me feeling breathless and dizzy at times. There were even times when I felt so frustrated and angry, my whole body shook. I’ve never felt so many high and lows while reading a book. Ever. But I’m so glad to be a part of this couple’s journey.

Miz Stephens made me an addict to this series and when this book ended, I had one hell of a book hangover. Thank you S.C. Stephens for sharing your heart and soul with three wonderful stories. I am forever a fan. And I will always be Kellan’s biggest fan. Rock on!

Heat: Warm

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Profile Image for cεℓтïcεяαƨ мυƨε.
50 reviews4 followers
Want to read
May 25, 2012
Can anyone believe there's gonna be a third thoughtless book .... when did life get so GOOD!!! ......... PLEASE PLEASE LET IT BE RELEASED THIS YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edit: And waiting n waiting n waiting, and wishing *biting nails* and barely containing myself from shouting HOW MUCH LONGER ... The wait is killing me
...... oh and for all those who need a thread to get by
What I'm working on... by S.C. Stephens
and those who knew about this never mind:D i just found it today:D
Profile Image for Vishous.
596 reviews579 followers
March 8, 2013
yeah she has tears in her eyes pretty much all the time and she is still a bit annoying (i am very surprised to see her acting mature) and yes some parts where to sweet for me but



Buddy read with ShellyB!!!! Thanks for waiting for me all the time :))))))
Profile Image for Lucia.
737 reviews903 followers
February 9, 2017
My Kellan and Kiera:

"My soul. My better half. My reason for being. Nothing in my life would ever fill me with as much joy and peace as Kellan did."

I really like S.C Stephens and her other books so it hurts me to write this review but I have to be honest. This story just did not touch me and overall it did not work very well for me.

After all drama that happened between Kellan and Keira in previous books, I was hoping to get more mature characters this time. And in some extent, I got what I wanted in Kiera who tried to be bigger person, seeing things more maturely and making wise decisions this time. But what surprised me was Kellan. He was his sweet self but truly naive and the way he behaved sometimes in this book really pissed me off.

My another issue with this book was Danny's role in Kellan's and Kiera's lives which was quite unrealistic and over the top. At least, there was Griffin who stole every single scene he was in. He may behave like Neantherthal from time to time but he is one of the most funniest and likeable characters ever written and I wish there was more of him in this book!

Moreover, I am probably in minority but I think this series should have ended with book 2. I loved the way things ended in Effortless and probably some epilogue would be enough to finish Kellan's and Kiera's story. This book seemed forced, prolonged and I was really struggling with holding my attention quite often.

True Kellan fans will probably love this book, I did not. It was only OK for me.

Profile Image for It's just me Shelly B.
252 reviews297 followers
March 8, 2013

I'm done and dammit it was GOOD!!! This series was fabulous!! 1,000 pages later and I'm HAPPY to say I enjoyed them ALL!!!!!!

I'll probably write more on this later or not, I'm undecided. It's a long series too much to rehash and bottom line is with these books your either going to read them or your not. And for most that decision is made after Thoughtless. I'm not going to try and sway anyone's opinion, my opinion is obvious...I LOVED every ONE of these damn books!!!!

Kellan Kyle is sexy as HELL......no other words to describe him.......every woman's dream!

Kiera you are one lucky b*tch...that's all I have to say! But wow did she grow up too!!

The one thing they both learned in the 1,000 pages it took to get there was, honesty and truthfulness will get farther than anything;)

Buddy read with Vishous!!!!
Profile Image for Zemira Warner.
1,569 reviews1,235 followers
Shelved as 'hot-to-read'
November 25, 2013
OMG! This is the most wonderful news I heard this year! Seriously,I'm not joking!

I am going to read (hopefully) +500 pages of new Kellan adventures. I need to re-read the first two soon. More like now. *runs to find PlayBook*
May 23, 2013

5 Rose-Petals-Filled-Filled-With-Love-Notes Rating

He need more and more of me. he would always want me near him. i would always be first in his eyes. We were a good match. A perfect match. Soul mates.
Passion, friendship, love, loyalty, trust... if you found the right person... you really could have it all


A truly awesome end to the series. My favorite book of the series. I loved watching all the characters grow, mature and develop into these amazing people I find in book 3. Jamie, thank you so much for pushing me to read this. It was hard to get through the first book, but now I see this journey needed to be taken and the lessons NEEDED to be learned.

[image error]


He unwaveringly met my eyes. "I love you, too, Kiera, Just you. You're my always."

I am going to miss Kellan... the sexy Rock-Star god with a heart. A true womanizer turned into a softie and a romantic. I would sooooo give you lost of babies.

I am going to miss Kiera... as much as I hated her naive and stupid decisions. Girl in this book... I bow at your feet. I would not be able to stand through your trials of love with Kellan esp. with the Evil Duo interfering. She matured and blossomed in every facet. She finally has confidence in herself, Kellan and their relationship.

On Kiera's tattoo: "Eyes shining, he murmured, 'You know that's permanent, right?'
Smiling, I reattached the gauze and told him, 'You know you're permanent, right?'"

I am SERIOUSLY going to miss Griffin and his mouth. You are dirty and I love you. Of all people you deserve the star in maturity and completely turning yourself 180. Anna I will miss you as well... great job with Griffin :)

I will miss Dbags and their loves. There wasn't much of you in the book, especially the girls but it was awesome.

Now word of advice... stick through the book 1 and the journey gets more adventurous, fun & totally Rock'N'Roll.

Quotes Worth Mentioning
"Hardly anybody actually gives birth on their due date, Anna."
Groaning, she muttered, "then why the hell is it called a due date? It should be called an estimated date of delivery."
Controlling my smile, I told her, "Well, no matter what it's called, the baby decides when to arrive, and regardless of what you have to say on the matter, it looks like Maximus wants to be born today."
Anna simpered and pointed at the coloful sea of M&Ms resting at the edge of the toppled bow. "But my chocolate..."

A crowd of girls hovered around him like cats circling an open can of tuna.

Profile Image for Kayla.
3 reviews9 followers
March 16, 2013
I love this series. I can't wait for the next book to come out,I'm about to explode with anxiety.I found one of the teasers for this book, SO ENJOY!!!!

“S.C. Stephens
Because I haven’t done a TL #3 teaser in a while…

Matt opened his mouth to speak, but his loudmouth cousin beat him to it. “To fame, fortune, and scores of loose women!” Griffin downed his shot while the rest of us stared at him.

When Griffin smacked his empty glass on the table, Matt continued with his toast like nothing had happened. “To good friends and good music. May we always have both.”


“Would you sit down, please?”

I pressed the palms of my hands over my stomach, trying to stop the butterflies from taking flight. “Aren’t you nervous? Even a little bit?”

Kellan took another swig of beer. “Well, watching you is making me a little nervous.” Setting his drink down on a nearby table, he patted his lap. “Come over here and help me relax.”

Smirking, I walked over to him. He didn’t have a nervous bone in his body. Not about this, anyway. This, Kellan could do naked, in front of a million people, and be just fine. There was something seriously wrong with him.

I straddled his lap, tangling my hands in his hair. Maybe his calm would seep into me, if we got close enough. I placed a light kiss on his lips and Kellan let out a soft laugh. “There, I feel better already.”
Profile Image for is mee... kissa.
322 reviews
December 29, 2018
The Teasers
I got these off a blog, I hope they're legit
Looking up at me with an expression that mixed both desire and irritation, he grumbled, “Are you trying to make this last about five seconds?” I laughed and his impish grin returned. “You’re killing me, Kiera.” He kissed my stomach. “You’re actually killing me.”

As his lips wandered down my stomach, I began to believe that he was killing me; the ache pulsing through me was bordering on painful. His eyes softened into an expression filled with love and adoration. “You’re so beautiful…do you know that?”

I felt my cheeks heat and I averted my eyes. I was cute, sure, but words like beautiful were reserved for my exotic sister. Kellan removed his shoes and shorts and crawled into the bed with me. Lying at my side, he grabbed my chin and turned my head towards him. “Do you know that?” he repeated.

Since I had no words in me, I shook my head. Kellan sighed, and ran his fingers through my hair. “Well, I do,” he whispered.


“Would you sit down, please?”

I pressed the palms of my hands over my stomach, trying to stop the butterflies from taking flight. “Aren’t you nervous? Even a little bit?”

Kellan took another swig of beer. “Well, watching you is making me a little nervous.” Setting his drink down on a nearby table, he patted his lap. “Come over here and help me relax.”

Smirking, I walked over to him. He didn’t have a nervous bone in his body. Not about this, anyway. This, Kellan could do naked, in front of a million people, and be just fine. There was something seriously wrong with him.

I straddled his lap, tangling my hands in his hair. Maybe his calm would seep into me, if we got close enough. I placed a light kiss on his lips and Kellan let out a soft laugh. “There, I feel better already.”


By the time Bridgette and her merry maids were finished with the D-Bags, I had to admit, they looked good. Every single one of them was stunning, even Griffin. But Kellan was drop-dead gorgeous. Smoldering. My jaw dropped when he stepped in front of the plain backdrop. He’d come into the studio wearing loose, faded blue jeans and a white t-shirt. They’d dressed him in slim jeans that were frayed in all the right places, and they’d layered his basic white shirt with a dark brown leather jacket. It was tight to his body, so it looked more like a fitted shirt, and it was zipped open to his mid-chest. It stopped right above his waist, so that his entire studded belt was visible; a trace amount of skin was visible too. It was…hot. His hair was usually a rumpled, sexy mess, but Bridgette had flawlessly styled it so that every strand was in the most appealing place possible. There was one strand hanging down by his eye that just about did me in.

He looked the part of the sexy bad boy rock star that worried my father on a daily basis, but he was frowning as he walked over to me.

“You look great. What’s wrong?”

“I’m wearing makeup. I feel like an idiot.”

I examined his skin, but I couldn’t really tell that he was wearing anything, maybe just some definition around his eyes; the blueness was popping out at me so much that my heart was beating a little faster. “I can’t even tell. You’re fine.”

He started to run a hand through his hair, then stopped himself. “I’m wearing eyeliner and I’m pretty sure she put lipstick on me.”

My smile was impossible to hide. “You look incredible darn near delectable.”

Cocking his head, Kellan wrapped his arms around me. “Yeah? Would you like a bite?” As I felt heat staining my cheeks, Kellan glanced around, then leaned down to my ear; the smell of the leather jacket mixing with his scent was intoxicating. “We could disappear for a few minutes.”


“Please, you guys aren’t married.” Griffin crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Kellan. “No bachelor party no marriage. That’s the law.”

I matched Griffin’s posture. “That is not a law, Griffin.”

He swung his head around to look at me. “Well, it should be. No T and A, no ball and chain.” There was an annoying smirk on his face and I really wanted to smack it off of him. I resisted, though.

Anna helped me out by smacking the back of his head. He narrowed his eyes at her. “What? It’s a fair sacrifice. If you’ve got to be with one chick for the rest of your life, then you should at least get to go out with a bang. Or two. Or three.”

Anna raised a perfectly arched brow. “Really? Would you want some jackass to do that with our daughter?”

Her hand caressed her belly and Griffin’s eyes shifted to where his child was peacefully growing. His lips in a scowl, he told her, “Fuck no. I’ll chop the little bastard’s balls off if he tries that kind of shit on my girl.”

These teasers are straight from the author
“Kiera…can I come in?”


The door didn’t open right away and I frowned at the closed wood. After another pause, Kellan asked, “You‘re not gonna…throw anything at me, are you?”


Kellan’s fingers paused on his track pants. Roused from my melancholy thoughts, I glanced up at his face; he was frowning. “Am I making a mistake?” he whispered, over the sound of the shower.

With no frame of reference, I wasn’t sure what he meant by that. Seeing my lost expression, Kellan clarified. “Making an album, going on tour…am I making a mistake?”

The room filled with steam as I hopped off of the counter. Kellan grabbed my hand when I stepped in front of him. “All I want is a quiet life with you. What I just signed up for…isn’t exactly a quiet life.”

Wondering how to comfort him, when I often thought the same thing, I reached up and ran my thumb over his cheek. “Kellan, your life will never be quiet, no matter what you do.” He chuckled at my reference, the confusion on his face lifting. I placed my hand on his chest and looked him square in the eye. “You belong on a stage. It’s what you were born to do.”
Profile Image for Say.
1,205 reviews49 followers
March 9, 2013
First off, I'm thankful that this book came out early. Since this book is on my list of BOOKS I WANT TO HAVE ASAP!!! I'm grateful that I get to read it first among others. After seeing people read books I long to read and them making comments on how great it is here in GR make me want to smack them at times (hey can't blame me I'm freaking jealous okay?). Now for me reading this ahead of others was just..........F*CKING SWEET!!! With that said now for the review......

I would say I was extremely excited when I got my hands on this book.....I even did the happy dance in the bookstore where I got it (no kidding). Why? WELL HELLO....KELLAN KYLE? My fictional boyfriend of all time!!! The man whore of all man whores. The rock god of all rock gods. The hot troubled guy of all hot troubled guys. He epitomizes T.H.E. G.U.Y.! But alas, as much as I wanted to love this book as much as I LOVE the first two books.....I just didn't. =(

Don't get me wrong guys (and please don't hate me) I did like the story. We knew from the start that Kellan and Keira will get their happy ending. And this book coming out we all wanted to know how they would "get" their happy ending. The story was just ok. The feeling that I had when I read Love Unrehearsed it was the same feeling I got after finishing this book. Wherein I waited for a lllllllllooooooooonnnnnnnggggggg time for the book to come out only to be mildly disappointed with it. The story was just so-so. I kinda expected how the story would go as I read along. And to my dismay Kellan was not as swoon worthy as he was on the first two books. But Keira I loved her here. How she puts up with Kellan's fame. How she has Anna's back. How she was with Denny. I truly adore her here.

But Griffin and Anna.....they were hilarious here and sweet! Would you believe that Griffin being sweet? Well he was and I adore him even though at times he was a douchebag (which was most of the time). I guess I would say that Griffin and Anna's story was more significant for me than Kellan and Keira's story.

All in all it was still a good book. I don't wanna say more since it's not yet out. But again I would say that I like the first two books more (especially Thoughtless).
Profile Image for Hulya Kara Yuksel.
1,017 reviews1,245 followers
May 3, 2016

I’m so sorry but I just cannot resist this!!!
Kellan, do it now PLEASE! :)


What an amazing ride. Thanks for the sleepless nights Kellan.
I’m gonna miss you… Goodbye baby. :(

Profile Image for Bren.
86 reviews
April 6, 2013












it was perfect....
Profile Image for KAS.
317 reviews3,124 followers
August 11, 2016
I am just in awe of S. C. Stephens "Thoughtless" series. It was gut-wrenching, beautiful, tied me up in knots series. I read all three back to back to back as I could not wait to see how Kiera and Kellan's relationship ended up. I was pleasantly pleased :)

This is an author and series I would recommend to everyone, young and old, as I am 56 and my 30 year old daughter turned me on to this series. I am soooooo glad she did! I cannot wait to read all of her future books! She is on my auto read list for sure!!!
November 4, 2019
♦ reread November, 2019 ♦

Finally....the book where Kiera and Kellan are together, really "together" with no more separation. Well, it wouldn't be called Reckless if things only stayed that easy.

Kiera graduated from college and her and Kellan had their little celebration so they returned home to meet up with Keira's parents. Except they find Kellan's old roommate, Joey, there. She gets Kellan to pay for her furniture they threw out and then blackmails him for the sex tape she has of her and Kellan. Thinking that's the end of it, Kellan heads to Los Angeles to gets things ready for the D-bag tour that Kiera will be joining as soon as her parents leave.

Enter Drama...opps I mean Sienna....


Between her and Nick...thing get pretty awful. I've never felt so anxious while reading a book! I seriously wanted them both dead!!


I think one of the biggest problems for me about this book is that the problems with them went on and on and on. It was total angst city!

I l♥ve Kellan. I always have since the beginning when you just knew he would be the one for Kiera. And I still love him...Hello ABC's!! But the thing that really wraps him up in my heart is his vulnerability. Those moments when he's hurting just kill me.

I felt that Kiera really matured in this book. Some of the things she did were sooo unselfish. I'm not sure I could even consider them. But I felt that SCS went on a bit too much with Kiera and that got a bit old.

I loved them both being so honest with each other (finally) but you just knew when they agreed to the video that things would be awful. I just wasn't prepared for it to bother me so much! I loved...and hated that it bothered Kellan so much and I loved...and hated how he went through things. It was killer!!


As things progressed, it was really hard to read and there were some things that I didn't like the way they were handled. Thankfully, enough was enough and just as Kiera and Kellan took a stand, things went crazy again. I could not believe that I actually cried!! After that, it was pretty smooth sailing...or should I say, nice and oily and boot stompin'!


Almost too smooth and too perfect. I think SCS went just a tad overboard on Every. Single. Female. Ogling. and Foaming. At. The Mouth. Over. Kellan. And not that Kellan and Kiera don't deserve happiness...they do but it was overkill especially the part with Ryder. I wish that part wouldn't have happened and that the original plan would have stuck.

I definitely enjoyed the book. Like I said, I love Kiera and Kellan but Griffin was hilarious. He really came into his own. I loved how he matured and took care of Anna and Gibson! The rest of the band members were great (loved the water fights) and the guys from the other bands were awesome (especially Justin and Deacon), and all the family members and Kiera's friends from Seattle. I love how they were all so supportive and involved with each other.

What??!! No mention of Denny? Ugh...Denny drove me crazy in this book. It was almost like he wanted them to fail. I keep expecting an ulterior motive! Even with what he and Abby came up with at the end...while it was great, I wanted to scream "Where were you when they needed you, MATE?? Okay, rant over!

I think everything wrapped up really well and we got everything we wanted. I'm sad it's over but in a good way although I did hear SCS say in an interview that she is 'considering' writing the first book from Kellan's POV. Now...that would be heaven.

I love this book trailer: Reckless

Favorite quotes:

♥ “I love you too, Kiera. Just you. You’re my always.”

♥ “I can never get past H with you.”

♥ "I want to make you blush.” Leaning in, he whispered, “I want to make you scream.”
Profile Image for Tanja (Tanychy).
589 reviews287 followers
March 18, 2013

Oh you better be good!!

Update: 21/7

We have the title


and the trailer


Update: 2/1
woha and here is the cover too!!

Update: 7/3 - Ahhh goodbye Kellan! I'm gonna miss you.


I've read this book together with the girls from Way Too Hot Books blog. My girl Glass is also reviewing there and it was fun to read it with them cause I'm not into adult novels. I guess this one falls into the middle so we could all enjoy it. If you want to see our updates during the reading you can check this review.

It's hard to say a lot about the story as this is the third and the last book in the trilogy. But as always the story follows Kiera and Kellan. After all ups and downs and drama and troubles and whatnot the couple is ready to go on together. Only the circumstances make them question their love. A lot of things changed in their lives and they must learn how to go on.

Well I know that Kiera is not the most-loving narrator ever but the thing is if you wanna get piece of Kellan (and you do) you must see through her eyes. Long ago I stopped carrying about her, really she was just a person who tells a story. Yes she was "whiny, clingy, petty, wishy-washy...downright annoying" but I got used to it. I had some other issues with this book. It'd be too harsh to say that this book wasn't necessary but really at some points the story was pushed too far. It wasn't realistic any more and it became some sort of a fairy tale. To start with Kellan. Yeah people change I get that but really from that to become this, please. Unbelievable. Then the whole story about D-Bags. Yes the boys are amazing and deserve everything but...and don't get me start about the marriages.

The bottom line is even though I love this trilogy - Kellan the most - this book left some bitter taste in my mouth but some parts were enjoyable.
Profile Image for Jamie.
1,022 reviews967 followers
March 11, 2013

Passion, friendship, love, loyalty, trust  .  .  . if you found the right person  .  .  . you really could have it all.

I'm so sad to see this series come to an end...My heart has been through so much with these 3 books.. No other series, in my opinion, comes close to the amount on angsty love that Kellan and Kiera have been through over the course of their relationship....

Kellan and Kiera have finally arrived at their happy place..their love for one another is so deep and their feelings for each other are so strong that you can't tell where one of them ends and the other begins--they are true soul mates and it is evident throughout this book

[image error]

The D-Bags have finally made it.. big cities, big tours, sold out concerts....

[image error]
But Kiera and Kellan still have their obstacles to overcome..They are stronger now than ever. Kiera has matured so much over the course of their relationship and she has to be strong this time around to deal with all of the outside forces like the record label and a pop princess name Sienna that want Kellan to do things their way and not Kellan and the D-Bags way.

But Kiera and Kellan won't let anyone come between them--they love each other 100% and trust each other. There are no misunderstandings between them. It is them against the world--and they will win.

I loved this last book so much.. the best in the series by far-- to finally get to a place where they both trust each other so much and their love is so much stronger than it ever was... I simply ate this book up. S.C. Stephens brought me into this story and I felt like I was right there with Kiera and Kellan the whole time.. experiencing everything they did--their emotions and feelings were so incredibly clear-- so many epic quotes and confessions of love with plenty of steam.

Even though I am so sad to see this series come to an end, I felt like Stephens wrapped this one up beautifully and gave those of us that have invested so many hours with Kiera and Kellan exactly what we wanted-- Kiera and Kellan having all of their dreams come true......

forehead. Leaning up, I murmured into his ear, “I will always love you, Kellan. Your heart is safe with me.”

“I love you too, Kiera. Just you. You’re my always.”

“Kiera Michelle Allen, my life was empty before you stepped into it. I thought I had everything I needed, but only because I didn’t let myself want anything. And then I saw you, and you burned a hole straightthrough me. I have never wanted anything more in my life. And I have never been more terrified in all my life. In all my life,”

“I just want you. Do you want me too?”


[image error]
Profile Image for Kirsten P.
119 reviews37 followers
March 6, 2013
Dear Kellan,

Well, what can I say? The book hangover I had this morning was so worth it. I really never doubted it would be, after all you are Kellan Kyle: letter writing, rose petal leaving, Rock God. Admittedly, I was wary. First of all, this is the last time we’ll be spending together so I really built it up in my mind that it would be perfect. I know that was a lot of pressure for you, but as usual, you have not disappointed.

Secondly, I was really worried because of…your… you know… “wife”. I’m sure you’ve heard it before but, Kiera, she grates on my nerves. I might have had to “exchange” my kindle after Thoughtless because it slipped out of my hands when I was screaming at her. Yes, perhaps I was overly emotional, but… um… well… SHE’S ANNOYING!!! I know you must find that quality endearing, but I do not. Yes she was marginally better in Effortless, but again, she takes some getting use to. Generally I think this is what I would do, and Kiera, she does the opposite. So coming into this one I was apprehensive. Listen I just want you to be happy. You have been so broken and damaged, and I get that, and I want you to feel loved, and appreciated, and worthy because you deserve that.

So we are heading out on tour with you and I’m nervous. I mean really nervous. So nervous that the paperback I got my hands on last Thursday; I decided I couldn’t open it up because my reading buddy didn’t have one, and I could not go into this alone. You are gorgeous, and talented, and umm have I mentioned a Rock God? Your “wife” she’s whiny and jealous and insecure and this seems like a real recipe for disaster. As much as I can’t stand her, I know you love her so I’m willing her to put on her big girl panties and deal. You know what Kellan… she did! Having Kiera make decisions in this book based on what was in your best interest and having her worry about someone other than herself was… well… refreshing. I was floored by Kiera in Reckless. She grew up, she was supportive and mature, so much stronger than in the other two books, and a pleasure to read about. Kudos to SC for turning me into a fan of Kiera.

There were a few times that I was seriously worried. After all we have the record executive thinking he owns you, and I won’t even get into master manipulator pop princess Sienna. There was plenty for Kiera to get upset about, to run out over, to slap the s*it out of someone about, but to her credit she faces everything head on. There were actually several times that I felt bad for Kiera. That I thought okay this is her final straw, but nope girlfriend took her minute and moved on.

I’m really going to miss you Kellan. You are swoon worthy on so many levels. Truth be told I’ll miss all the D-Bags. I have to make a special shout out to Griffin. Jeez did he also do a hell of a lot of growing up in this story. More importantly he made me laugh. Every scene he entered I knew I was going to be in for a good dose of humor. He’s funny as all hell and I loved that he brought Kiera comfort at just the right times. That Thanksgiving conversation was priceless, and I would love to see a novella or book from his POV ASAP.

So I’m sad that we are ending our little relationship. It was fun while it lasted. I’m glad I’m leaving you in a good place. Your journey has been incredible and I’ve certainly loved the ride.

“I love you. I would do it all over again if I needed to. I’d go back to the beginning for you.”


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