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A cruise ship. A beautiful island. Two sexy guys. What could possibly go wrong?In the Bermuda Triangle--a lot.Hoping to leave behind the reminders of her crappy life--her fathers death years ago, her mothers medical problems, and the loser whos practically stalking her--seventeen-year-old Autumn Taylor hops on a ship with her sister for a little distraction. When she wakes up in the Bermuda Triangle, she fears shes gone nuts for more than one reason: that losers suddenly claiming theyre a happy couple... a hot guy is wrapping his arms around her and saying Happy Anniversary... and suddenly, shes full of bruises, losing her hair, and getting IV medication. Autumn visits the ships doctor, hoping for a pill or a shot to make the craziness go away. Instead, shes warned that these alternate realities could become permanent.She just has to ask herself one question--how the hell is she going to get out of this mess?

216 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 18, 2013

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About the author

Kimberly Ann Miller

4 books189 followers
Kimberly Ann Miller received Bachelor's degrees from Georgian Court University and Rutgers University and a Master's degree from The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. She is an avid reader and particularly enjoys true crime and young adult novels. She grew up in New Jersey and currently resides in Monmouth County with her husband and cats. When she’s not writing, she loves to travel to sunny islands where she snorkels by day and stargazes by night. She always has something to read with her.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 68 reviews
Profile Image for Kate Kaynak.
Author 13 books223 followers
June 14, 2012
Kimberly Ann Miller's amazing story is of a girl who wakes up in alternate realities each day she spends in the Bermuda Triangle. It's sort of like a teen romance version of Groundhog Day, and it will make you both cry and laugh out loud. I LOVED this book from the moment it first arrived here at Spencer Hill Press.
Profile Image for  ♥ Rebecca ♥.
1,455 reviews469 followers
December 27, 2014
This review can also be found on my blog: A Match Made in Heaven

This book was really weird. I am pretty comfortable with giving it 2.5/5.

First of all, I really did not like Autumn. At first I hated her and thought she was a total bitch. There is a guy who she works with who is totally head over heels for her. He is like a puppy at her heels. And she is totally inconsiderate of his feelings. I know she doesnt owe him anything. She never gave him any reason to think she would return the feelings, but a decent person would at least try not to cause him unnecessary pain. Autumn just did not care. She could not stand him and always said the most unkind things behind his back about how pathetic he was. He did not deserve any of it. I actually thought he was pretty sweet. He was cute, and unintentionally funny. Autumn was a total bitch. I really have no idea what Joey saw in her. The scene near the beginning in the pool was the worst. That is when I hated her the most. But after reading her story I got used to having her around. I dont think she got that much better, she did a bit, but I just grew to accept her over time. She eventually didnt bother me as much.

When Autumn's cruise ship drives through the Bermuda triangle, she begins to experience alternate dimensions. Each day she experiences a new reality and its like a life lesson. Some days she loses things or people she didnt know she needed. Other days she gains things she never knew she wanted, or things she never thought she could have again. Its like a way to teach her what is important in life. It was a bit obviously contrived, but worse was the fact that you always knew it wasnt real, and it made it hard to get attached, and invested in what was happening. And most of the scenarios were pretty extreme and melodramatic.

In the end she learned her lesson, I guess she became somewhat of a better person in the process, she got her HEA, and Joey really loves her. He's still a bit awkward, but I guess thats realistic. No one is perfect. Although sometimes I think maybe he loves her a little too much. His extreme reaction in one of the alternate realities was really off-putting. Although I sorta wish Emmie was real. That was adorable. :P But this book is really short so it wasnt a bad read. My hard copy was only 175 pages even though GR says 216. I read it in one afternoon.

I would liked to thank Spencer Hill Press for the ARC, which I received in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Crystal.
449 reviews95 followers
June 12, 2013
I know we have all watched Groundhog Day, where Bill Murray relieves the same day over and over again, Triangles is like that but with a unique twist.

Autumn has been having an incredibly rough few years. She lost her dad, her mom is in a coma, her older sister treats her like a toddler, and the guy who she works with won't stop bothering her. All she wants to do is save up enough money to escape from where she lives and leave her painful past behind her. All she has to do is get through this last family vacation with her sister and she will be free. A cruise to Bermuda sounds harmless right?? Wrong! When the cruise ship finally reaches Bermuda every morning brings a new reality to Autumn. Will she ever wake up to the life she once knew?? You have to read to find out!

This book was a complete mind twist. I can't say I have ever read anything like it before and it definitely left an impression on me. The story itself I really enjoyed, the main character Autumn a little not so much. Autumn was really had to like. She was selfish, mean, rude, and just not somebody who I would ever find myself wanting to friend. Yes she had a hard life and I understand that she blamed herself for a lot of the things that happened to her, but that didn't give her the right to treat people the way she did. I didn't understand why Joey liked her and kept coming back after she treated him the way she did. I kept wanting to scream at Joey to just walk away and leave her! Then we have Marcus and he was just a weird icky player who didn't add anything to the story in my opinion. I honestly don't even know why he was put into the story.

What Triangles lacks in characters it makes up for in story. I truly did enjoy this unique story. It had a moral type ending and I was happy even though I still didn't care for Autumn that she got the ending she wanted. I am guessing that sometimes people need to see the whole grass really isn't greener thing to realize what they have right in front of them. Autumn is just one of those people.

So all in all a good story with a twist, but just watch out for Autumn. You will want to strangle her, but don't let her stop you from reading the story. The author has a writing style that will pull you in and make you wonder just what happens in the Bermuda Triangle.
Profile Image for Jaiden.
144 reviews72 followers
June 13, 2013
Originally posted at: Girls on YA Books

To get started I wasn't one hundred precent in love with this book. It took me a bit to get into. It wasn't the writing, wasn't the plot, was it the characters? Maybe it was just the fact that I had a pile a mile high and I was just trying to get each book done and over with? I think it was the latter. It tends to happen often. Its called procrastination and when it comes to me....I am a HUGE book procrastinator. Anyways, so I had a bit of trouble really getting into it but after the third chapter it became easy. My problem was being itchy. Not physically itchy but itchy to do something else. I had a slight ADHD probably for the first three chapters. Once I finally settled down and started enjoying it..this book was easy. It was splendid!

The writing style if Mrs. Miller was smooth. She had a way of just letting the words flow. Each sentence glided easy into the other and soon enough you had read four more chapters without even knowing it. The main character was rather snippy but as she grew so did your liking of her. I have to admit I was on one boys team way too easy. With one boy he was easily way too clingy and annoying. I totally got what Autumn was feeling with him. I would know because I have experienced it before. Then the ball started rolling and one life after the other I started to understand and fall hopelessly in love with that one boy. The other took my feelings and drowned them. Ew. Can't believe I ever liked the dude. *rolls eyes* I am not going to name these boys because well...it ruins the story. Moral of this paragraph? Kimberly knows what she is doing with her characters and understands the meaning of character growth like no other. She made each character flawed and with their flaws you came to know each one a bit better. That helped you like as well as dislike each character rightfully.

Woah, woah, woah. Back up!! Did I just say one life after the other?? What the hell did I mean? Let me tell you. Have you ever heard of a certain place called *announcer voice* The Bermuda Triangle? Yes? Well, thats where this story takes place. Our protagonist, Autumn, takes a cruise which just so happens to enter *announcer voice* The Bermuda Triangle. And when she enters *announcer voice* The Bermuda Triangle. Life kind of turns upside down for her. One minute her life is one way, she wakes up, and life is totally different. So yes, Autumn ends up finding out what her life would be like with different instances. While this in fact amazed me...it also scared the living shit out of me. Not in the creepy scary way but in the "I don't ever want to experience this" way. I could not survive waking up with life being one way and then it being a different way the next. I would officially go crazy and lose myself. Talk about identity crisis! Total insanity!

Triangles is a unique 2013 Young Adult! With a new paranormal twist that is swarmed with dystopias and vampires...I am so glad that Kimberly introduced us to something refreshing and new! With characters that grow on you and a writing so fluid I can definitely say I enjoyed this book. It is a quick read of only 216 pages but its short pages didn't hinder this book from shining through! Not a huge fan of the cover but who's to judge a book by its cover right? There is more to this book than just its cover. Kimberly takes you on a whirl win adventure staring Autumn, two sexy guys, and a story with more to it than just fiction. With each life Autumn faces she learns more about herself and the importance of seeing past yourself and others. If you got the time do the crime...ok no not right. If you have the time definitely check this out! I found Triangles to be a splendid read!


4 of 5 stars!
Profile Image for Shannon Rogers.
Author 1 book25 followers
May 29, 2015
Triangles has got to be one of the most unique books I've read in a while. Thankfully, it was a stand alone. Don't get me wrong, I do love books in a series, but every now and then it's really great to just pick up a book, reach the end and know that's it... everything is resolved. And this book was perfect for that.

I've heard stories about the Bermuda Triangle, of course. I think everyone has. I also know that there has been fiction written about it before, but it usually involves people disappearing in the Triangle. This story was on an entirely different level. Instead of disappearing, Autumn wakes up in somewhat of an alternate universe instead. And it doesn't just happen once. It happens several times, and these universes, the people she loves, the circumstances of her life are completely different each time. It was so cool! It was sort of like a cross between Back to the Future and Groundhog Day. Yet, it wasn't completely like that either. It was just unique, all the way around!

I have to admit that I did not like Autumn at the beginning. I thought she was whiney, selfish, and kind of mean. At first, I wasn't having such nice thoughts about her, but it didn't take long for me to realize that the author had written her that way intentionally. In fact, it's sort of the whole point of the story. Once things began to happen, Autumn began to evolve. And at the end, I was so Team Autumn.

As the summary describes, there are two guys here. One is drop-dead gorgeous, the other is drop-dead gorgeous also, but she's all about the one, and thinks the other is a pathetic loser who follows her around and won't take no for an answer. I didn't care for one, and I absolutely adored the other. I won't say which. But I will say that by the end of the story, what you think you know about both guys is completely wrong, and the right one is perfect for her. I loved, loved, loved him.

This book was such a fast read for me. I literally flew through it in almost one sitting. It took me no time at all. It captured my attention from the very first page and didn't let me go until I reached the end. I read during my lunch break at work, and I was late coming back from lunch that day because I just didn't want to put the book down. I read while my husband drove me home from work, which is something I NEVER do because I get motion sickness, but I just couldn't wait to find out what happened. This book had a little bit of every emotion in it. At times it was cute, and at times it broke my heart. There are great life lessons involved as well that gave this story a wonderful theme about letting go of guilt and not judging a book by its cover, and a few other things as well. This was a real winner for me and I can't wait to read other stories by this author!
Profile Image for Mandy.
1,394 reviews145 followers
May 29, 2013
T minus one day to departure for my cruise to Bermuda, I almost died on my way to work.
Should that have been enough to stop me from boarding the ship? Nah.
I just hoped it wasn't some sort of Omen.

I received Triangles in return for an honest review from the publisher Spencer Hill Press. Autumn Taylor doesn't want to be tied down to New Jersey because her memories of her home town aren't very happy. Autumn still feels guilty for causing her dad’s car accident that took his life, as well as her mom’s accident that landed her in a coma. All she thinks about is getting out so having a boyfriend is the farthest from her mind. With the upcoming cruise with her sister she’s hoping to have some time away from Joey the guy from work who stalkers her around all the time and chance to enjoy her vacation.

However everything changes when she’s learns he will be on the cruise as well, but at least the attractive guy from the bank will be on the ship to. As the ship leaves port heading for Bermuda Autumn has no idea she will have a new life each and every time she wakes up. From being in a long term relationship with one of the guys to having a child with the other throw in a little cancer and Autumn has no idea what’s going on. As Autumn’s world changes around her the people in her life change from having no parents to both parents. As she experiences her new life’s she suspects the Bermuda Triangle is the cause and with a chance encounter with a doctor from the past who also is experiencing her same situation.

I was a little nervous because I tend to avoid love triangles but I've been fascinated by the Bermuda Triangle so I couldn't say no. The story does revolve around Autumn and two sexy guys who couldn't be different from each other. However it’s not really a traditional love triangle which is why I was so drawn into the story. You can’t help loving Autumn she’s had a rough past, for me it was easy to relate to her because I've been in her shoes when my mom died in a car wreck. I love when I’m able to connect my life with the main character. I feel that Autumn handled being tossed from life to life great she took it all in stride. The guys what can I say other then I loved one and hated one so the story kept me on my edge because I wasn't sure if she would choose the one I wanted. I found the concept unique right from the start you don’t see many cruise ship books and it’s my first Bermuda Triangle book. The author has created a fantastic story that I had a hard time putting down so I finished it in one afternoon. The book is well written, flowing smooth from start to finish so teens as well as adults will enjoy it. I look forward to seeing what else the author has.
Profile Image for Amber.
617 reviews3 followers
June 11, 2013
Not sure what I expected when I first started reading Triangles, however, Kimberly Ann Miller did amazing. I loved the characters and each new twist that came with each turn of the page. The drama and suspense of it all was thrilling. There were times, I wanted to scream and throw the book and other times I just wanted to curl up and cry. It was refreshing to read something that wasn't paranormal. I found the book to be humorous but at the same time the author brought out real life situations and how others dealt with these situations and that really pulled me in. This story takes place in the Bermuda Triangle and I think it's the first of it's kind, I haven't read anything like this before and can't wait to see what Kimberly Ann Miller comes up with next!

Autumn Taylor was in for a ride of her life when she aboard the cruise shop for Bermuda. Never did she imagine the changes she would experience. Each day brought a different life altering experience, this made her realize what she was truly missing in life and what she took for granted. With her sister by her side she is able to see and over come anything. However, in the mean time she has two REALLY hot guys fighting for her attention, she soon finds out her heart belongs to the one who has been there and can sympathize what it is she is going through.
April 30, 2013
Wow! It's just, wow!! I received this in the mail last week, and I seriously couldn't put it down! Triangles is the perfect summer read! This is one book you will want to have as part of your collection. Kimberly Ann Miller brings us on quite the adventure. I mean, what girl wouldn't want two guys fighting over her?

Autumn only goes on the cruise because her mom arranged it and was hoping for a distraction from her life. We see that she gets the biggest distraction that no one would want! As I was reading, I just kept turning page after page, because I didn't want to stop. I had to know what would happen to Autumn! And boy, what an ending!! You'll keep guessing the whole time!! Trust me!
Profile Image for Jackie.
7 reviews2 followers
June 26, 2013
This is such an amazing read! Kimberly Ann Miller takes you on one hell of a ride in her debut novel, Triangles. The MC, Autumn, has a lot she’s had to face in life, and in such a short time, which makes her withdraw from her loved ones. She goes on a cruise, and as the different realities unfold, we go through it with her... from her freaking out and retreating to her growing as a person and learning to accept things.
Kimberly’s writing had me mesmerized. I couldn’t help but root for Autumn to get out of the Bermuda Triangle, as well as cheer for the guys who were vying for her attention.
I'm looking forward to reading more books by Kimberly!
Profile Image for Chris Dunham.
125 reviews3 followers
May 12, 2013
I really enjoyed this book. The beginning is a great set-up for the things Autumn (our main character) learns about herself and her "reality" throughout her experiences on the cruise. I felt things really took off once she got on the ship and flowed nicely right until the end of the book. There are some funny and serious things that happen to her, and they help her to understand and apperciate her life and the roles other people play in it. I can't wait to see what Kim Miller writes next!!
Profile Image for Kayleigh {K-Books}.
1,072 reviews32 followers
June 9, 2013
Triangled Review on K-Books

Right from the moment I heard about Triangles I couldn't wait to read it. It's a whole new thing for me. I haven't read any books about the Bermuda Triangle before so this was such a unique and original concept to me. Unfortunately I think my expectations for this one were just a bit too high because I felt like it fell a little short for me. I still liked the book but I didn't love it and I really wanted to.

Autumn and her sister are set to go on the cruise of their dreams. But as they start to go through Bermuda strange things start to happen. Each day that Autumn wakes up different things are happening. One day she wakes up and a super hot guy is saying happy anniversary, the next she wakes to find the puppy dog guy who has been following her around for months is her long-term boyfriend. What is real? And will she be able to figure out how to get back to her normal reality before she is stuck in this confused reality?

I have to say that I really enjoyed Kimberly's writing style. That and her unique subject matter for this book grabbed my attention and made me want to keep reading to find out what was going to happen. I really enjoyed this story surrounding the Bermuda Triangle. It was a really new and unique idea to me and I enjoyed reading about it. Triangles is a really fun and light-hearted love story and everyone who knows me knows how much I love my romance. These were all the ingredients for a book that I would love... unfortunately it was the characters that got me.

Autumn... oh Autumn... *shakes head* First of all... I HATED Autumn... no DESPISED her. I just couldn't like her. URGH she just bugged the life out of me... she was such a big bitch! She totally flipped my bitch switch and had me wanting to grab inside the book just to give her a slap! The thing with me is that I find it really difficult to enjoy a book if I don't like the main character and I really didn't like Autumn. The only thing that really kept me reading was the unique storyline. My problem with Autumn was that she had all these important things happening in her life and she was just horrible about them. Gradually as the story went on I did start to warm to her... a little. She really does go through a journey and ends up becoming a better person and I did end up liking her in the end but for the majority of the book I just hated her!

Joey and Marcus... our two beautiful hot guys. Well I love them both. We have one good guy who is just the sweetest guy you could ever even imagine and one super hot bad boy... well what girl could resist?
I love Joey so much more than Marcus (sorry Marcus). He is adorable and sweet and I just fell head over heels in love with him. And he is totally in love with Autumn and she is just a bitch to him. I felt so bad for Joey all the way through the book and just wanted to reach in the book tell him he was far too good for Autumn and give him a big hug!
Marcus... Marcus is yummy and droolworthy and I loved him too. I feel like there was a much nicer side to Marcus that we didn't really see much and I would love a book about Marcus because he was one of my favourite characters in the book. He was such a bad boy which I loved but I think there's a sweeter, lovelier side to him that I would love to see one day.

I feel like Triangles is a good book, I enjoyed it by the end and I really was rooting for Autumn by the end. Once we got to the Alternate Realities I literally couldn't put the book down. My character issues were put aside because I was just completely overtaken by the storyline and literally could not wait to see what was going to happen. Triangles was a great storyline that I really enjoyed reading but because of my character issues I just had to knock the rating down. I will definitely be reading more of Kimberly's work as I just love her storytelling.

Triangles is definitely worth a read. It's a good unique storyline that I enjoyed reading.
Profile Image for Lisa.
170 reviews26 followers
June 4, 2013
Let me start off by saying I was extremely excited to be sent a copy of Triangles by; Kimberly Ann Miller from Spencer Hill Press this is a book that has been on my radar & TBR List since forever! Thank you Spencer Hill Press

Ok were do I start the synopsis of this book to me sounded so ah-amazing it sounded like such a different read and was it ever. It resulted in me having mixed feelings I have a loveeeee of Triangles but at the same time a ugh & here is why.

The MC Autumn this girl is rude, bitchy, & has an attitude that makes me want to slap her face.But I will give her the benefit of the doubt she does have a lot of upsetting events happening in her life one of them are big her mother is in the hospital sick & part of Autumn blames herself. I personally believe it is not fair to treat ppl like crap when you're having crap thrown at you but Autumn doesn't care! Oh & the way she treats her sis is total rubbish.The only time she ceases to be pleasant is when she wants or needs something.

Did I mention that Autumn already has a love interest even though she cringes at the idea his name is Joey & he is the hot mechanic from her job & he so has the hots for Autumn . But poor Joey does come off as being somewhat of a stalker so you know Autumn will be using him to her advantage.

So as the story progresses we learn Autumn mom has set up a trip on a cruise for her and her sister. OMG! now she is spoiled to, Ok I will stop bashing her...lol & she also learns that Joey will be a passenger on the ship also total you he was stalkerish! So as the ship sets sail & everything seems to be going well she even meets a hotter guy named Marcus and they hit it off but then Autumn starts having these black outs and every time she wakes up life as she knows it has changed.

How do you ask well her are some of the situations she finds herself in.

1.In one alternate reality she is in a relationship with Joey the stalker

2.Then in another reality she has a baby

It was like I was reading multiple stories at once which was fresh and new which happened to be one thing I loved about the book It keeps you intrigued and wanting to know what happens next . I am pretty sure you where asking yourself when does this girl loveeee the book...lol See I told you I had a loveeee for the book!

So as you can see Triangles is not your typical YA story heck even the synopsis is not anything like the book overall the book is one big surprise read and if your ok with surprises pick up this book.
Profile Image for Sam.
8 reviews36 followers
February 7, 2017
I had been dying to read Triangles since I very first found out about it when participating in the cover reveal! Th cover is absolutely gorgeous, and I must say that I loved the writing style!

Autumn's vacation is taking her through the Bermuda triangle and into strange situations as she starts waking up confronted with alternate realities involving family, boys, secrets and choices. She is also confronted by the possibility of any one of the realities becoming permanent.

Autumn is a very stubborn character, very set in her ways of thinking and seeing things, she has let her grief consume parts of her - the more optimistic, carefree parts of her, and it really shows in her interactions with other people, specifically her interactions with her sister and Joey. But Autumn is also strong and smart, as she lives the alternate realities, she holds tight to her morals and comes to several realisations that you can see giving her the potential to become a better person and someone who makes better decisions.

The plot is very well paced and it is so easy to forget to put this book down, the characters, the storyline, they all serve to pull you in and bring YOU to the realisation that there are some things that mean more, that should be a priority despite more often being pushed aside, and that no matter what you might think, there is always more to people than meets the eye.

Triangles is an absolutely amazing novel and it has made it impossible for me to not read any future books by Kimberly Ann Miller! Triangles definitely has a place on my list of all-time favourites, it teaches you to always look on the bright side of life, it is so insightfl and heartwarming with hidden depth, an absolute must read!!!
Profile Image for Christine Stevenson.
109 reviews15 followers
June 26, 2013
I have to admit that my anticipation for "Triangles" to be released was getting a little out of control. I heard so many wonderful things about this book that I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. Thankfully, I was lucky enough to attend BEA in NYC, and received a signed ARC of the book from Kimberly Ann Miller herself! =) It was a great experience.

From the moment I opened the book I was hooked. I was drawn into Autumn's life, and found her sassy personality amusing. I've read some reviews where bloggers didn't like Autumn's character and felt that she was nasty, but I think that actually made the book better. It allowed for so much growth! The plot is fast paced as each day spent on the cruise starts with Autumn waking up in a new reality. This clever concept made the book a page turner for me. I could not put it down! As a reader, we get to see how Autumn reflects on the choices she's made, and in the end that makes her a realistic character. She grows with the events in the book and learns a lot about herself as a person.

Overall, the plot is exciting, Kimberly's writing style is great, the romance is entertaining, and in the end I felt very satisfied with this story. I look forward to seeing more of Kimberly's work and I know that all of her books will be a great success.
Profile Image for Tyler Jolley.
Author 24 books78 followers
June 20, 2013
Triangles is YA-NC paranormal romance. I was very excited to read this book because it was about the Bermuda Triangle. Autumn is damaged to say the least. Her mom is in a coma, her dad died a few years ago and she’s being raised by her 21 year old sister. She feels like her dad’s death and mom’s current condition are her fault. With all she has going on, she’s pretty moody. Her bad attitude bothered some reviewers, but not me. Obviously she wouldn’t be a sweet, happy-go-lucky teen and it made the storyline more believable.

As the blurb states, she starts waking up every day in a new reality. I could not put the book down once that started, and couldn't wait to see what the next day would bring. It was so interesting and fast paced. It was a unique and exciting way to learn about each character. Since Autumn is the only person aware that every day is different it gives her a much needed chance to do some self-reflection.

Make no mistake, romance is a large part of the book. In fact, Triangles, is a very clever name for the book because there’s a love triangle is a major part of the story line.

This was a quick read (under 200 pages) and the writing was fantastic. Miller does an amazing job of keeping you engaged and waiting to see what comes next. I give this book 5 out of 5 donuts.
Profile Image for Tee loves Kyle Jacobson.
2,481 reviews175 followers
June 19, 2013
Triangles lord where to start on this review. I have no idea because I loved it and I hated it all in one. Lord I have never ever had such a mixed up jumbled up feelings for a book like I do with this one. If you have ever read about the Bermuda Triangle then you will love this book because Autumn is a 17 year old girl who goes out on a trip with her sister and on that trip some weird things start to happen to her and when she goes to the ship doctor he tells her it is alternate realities. Okay so what does she do from there?

The hate comes in with Autumn. Lord I have never ever met a character that drove me nuts like she did. One minute she was hot and the next she was cold. Then lord don't get me started on her love life. She has two guys vying for her and one is yes a bad boy and the other is a good guy but she is not sure who she will chose and that drives me batty when you lead one on for the other.

So the love comes in in the fact that this story really did end up being PHENOMENAL for me. I love these weird stories that have everything from crazy to non crazy to just everything in between. That to me makes the story and I will be reading more from Kimberly. Give this book a go because I think you just might like it!
Profile Image for Kat Falla.
Author 10 books306 followers
June 24, 2013

Just finished reading Kimmy's Triangles. Finished it in two days cause I couldn't put it down! Triangles is the coming of age story of 17 year old Autumn Rayne Taylor who can't quite get it together after her father's death and her mother's car accident which left her in coma. Joey from her job won't quit following her around and her sister has role changed from sister to nagging mother and Autumn just wants to get away.

When she boards a cruise ship to Bermuda with her sister, she can't find peace. Joey from her job is there with his grandparent's along with his half-brother and player, Marcus. Their lovers triangle is more treacherous than the Bermuda triangle!

After waking up in several alternate universes, Autumn learns how life can change with each decision we make landing us in a different reality. Nothing is as it seems and the truth of who people are comes out in crises. Autumn finally had the mirror held up to herself for her own actions and...well, read the book! Great fun summer read that will make you t-h-i-n-k - can't ask for more than that!
Profile Image for Jen (Finally changed her GR pic).
3,032 reviews27 followers
June 30, 2013
Wow. All I can say is wow. This book was amazing. And now I am even more excited that the author is coming to our store to do a signing of it!! July 28th, 2013, 2-4pm, Book Trader of Hamilton. I really enjoyed the character development. Autumn is a typical confused teenager with some heavier than usual baggage. Her father died when she was seven in a car crash she thinks is her fault and her mom is in a coma from another accident Autumn also thinks is her fault. Lots of guilt and acting out and b*tchy, but the trip she's on changes her outlook on things and she grows as a person and grows up in general. She's not perfect at the end, but she's more mature.

I loved reading the alternate realities and the endings of some of them were quite shocking. The premiss of the Bermuda Triangle causing alternate realities is a good one and works well I think. I can't wait to see the next book by Kimmy. I would love to see her do one set in New Jersey. I think she would do this great, interesting and varied state justice. Awesome book. It's a keeper, for sure!
Profile Image for Noémie.
469 reviews98 followers
June 5, 2013
3,5 Original et pertinent. Malgre une heroine tete a claque au debut et des actions un peu rocambolesques.
Profile Image for Michelle.
130 reviews144 followers
January 26, 2014
It really kept me on edge! Not knowing what was going to happen the next morning was just as nerve wracking for me as it was for the MC Autumn!
Profile Image for Book Whales .
238 reviews29 followers
Want to read
June 29, 2012
The blurb sounds so good. We love the mystery theme behind it.
Profile Image for Brooke.
1,067 reviews187 followers
June 12, 2013
I would like to thank Spencer Hill Press for sending me an ARC of this book to read and give an honest review. Receiving this book for free has in no way influenced my review.

Blurb from Goodreads:
A cruise ship. A beautiful island. Two sexy guys. What could possibly go wrong?
In the Bermuda Triangle—a lot.
Hoping to leave behind the reminders of her crappy life--her father's death years ago, her mother's medical problems, and the loser who’s practically stalking her--seventeen-year-old Autumn Taylor hops on a ship with her sister for a little distraction. When she wakes up in the Bermuda Triangle, she fears she's gone nuts for more than one reason: that loser’s suddenly claiming they're a happy couple... a hot guy is wrapping his arms around her and saying "Happy Anniversary"... and suddenly, she’s full of bruises, losing her hair, and getting IV medication. Autumn visits the ship's doctor, hoping for a pill or a shot to make the craziness go away. Instead, she's warned that these "alternate realities" could become permanent.
She just has to ask herself one question—how the hell is she going to get out of this mess?

When I first read the blurb for this book, I thought, Bermuda Triangle, well that surely could prove to give an interesting story! And a love triangle to boot. Sounds good to me. I’m not usually one for contemporary books, but I thought I would give this one a try! And the fact that it had some kind of paranormal/sci fi element really got my juices flowing.

I really like the cover of this book. I have to say at first I didn't understand it. But once I read the book, I got the whole Triangles thing: Bermuda Triangle, love triangle, life triangle. It all kind of fit. I really love the colors on the cover, as well. They blend so well. It's quite pretty!

What can I say about the main character Autumn. Unfortunately, I found her annoying and whiny and just a bit over the top. She treats everyone except her best friend like they are beneath her, including her own sister.I had a hard time connecting with her. I'm not sure if it's because she's a true teenager and I am so far removed from my teens, or if it's just because she's not who I expected her to be. I could tell that the reader was meant to feel sorry for her, that she has had a hard life and we should understand these flaws in her personality. And that much of this revolved around death, which is hard for anyone, especially a teen, to cope with. Joey seems like the typical obsessed teen. He wants to be with Autumn and goes to great lengths to show her. But she continuously fights him off. I honestly don't blame her as he kind of had a stalkerish quality to him. But at the same time, I think Joey just wanted to be loved and appreciated and was trying to be sweet, in an ove-rextreme kind of way. Marcus just came off as cocky to me. He really had a big head on his shoulders and wasn't afraid to go after what he wanted at any cost. Sometimes I wanted to smack him in his face. Yet Autumn is very attracted to him, constantly telling us how good looking he is. And Autumn's sister, well, she just seems stressed. She's had this teenager thrust upon her and now she has to act like a mother at such an early age. I felt sorry for her and wanted her to be able to have some kind of life. She had to give up so much for her family.

The characters were bit underdeveloped for me. I would have liked to see all of them grow a little more during the book. Each character is laid out to an extreme of a personality, so having a change would not have been unheard of. But I only really saw Autumn change, not surprising since this really was her story. I was thankful for her turn around in the end for sure.

I enjoyed the sci-fi aspect of the book. The way Miller wove the Bermuda Triangle mythology in was an interesting twist. I liked how it kind of had this time warp feel to it, that things are never what they truly seem to be, that reality might not be as we know it. It kind of reminded me a bit of the movie Ground Hog's Day where Bill Murray's character experiences the same day over and over again, each time trying to adapt and change things to make them turn out different. Only in Triangles it was not the character in control of adapting, it was the magical aspects of the Triangle that were twisting the plot line.

There is some redundancy in the book that made me want to put it down and not continue at times. However, I did continue on because I was invested in seeing what the end of the book brought; how the author wrapped things up into a tidy package. I was praying for a happily ever after, and, in the end, I did get that, which was nice closure.

Overall, I liked the story that this book told and would recommend it to anyone who would like a short contemporary read with a bit of a magical/paranormal/sci-fi twist!
Profile Image for Sarah.
3,344 reviews1,236 followers
June 6, 2013
Autumn hasn't had it easy, her father was killed in an accident years ago and her mother has been in hospital for months so she lives with her older sister Jessica. She is desperate to save up enough money so that she can move away from home and what's left of her family. The sisters may not have much to celebrate but Jessica is insisting that they take the cruise trip to Bermuda that their mother spent years planning. Autumn is just looking forward to getting away from normal life for a few days but she's in for a nasty shock when she discovers the boy who is practically stalking her is also on board. Then when the ship enters the Bermuda Triangle things start to get really weird, each day Autumn finds herself in a different twisted version of reality, one moment she's married to her stalker, the next she's dating someone else and on the third day she is battling cancer. Is she losing her mind or is she experiencing alternative realities? Can she get her real life back or is she going to end up trapped in a new one?

As soon as I heard about Triangles I wanted to read it, I don't think I've read any other books set in the Bermuda Triangle and the idea of alternate realities has always intrigued me so it sounded right up my street. Unfortunately although I loved the premise of this book I didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped I would, mostly because I absolutely hated the main character. I also think I expected the story to focus more on the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle rather than the romance between Autumn and the two love interests Joey and Marcus. One thing I will say I was happy with is the fact that this isn't quite a typical love triangle. The different versions of reality allow Autumn to experience life with both boys and see into two very different potential futures.

Characters can make or break a book for me and in this case I struggled to find anything likeable about Autumn which really wasn't good when the whole story is told from her perspective. She is seventeen but in a lot of ways she comes across as much younger and spends much of the book acting like a spoilt child. She is selfish and self-centred and she treats Joey appallingly considering he has never done anything nasty to her. Joey is someone who works with Autumn and he obviously has a huge crush on her and doesn't really know how to get her to go out with him, he does have an annoying habit of following her around like a love sick puppy but he actually seems like a really sweet and caring guy - just a little too over eager. To be honest I couldn't for the life in me figure out what he saw in her, she spends most of her time ignoring him and when she isn't doing that she is either being nasty to him or bossing him around sending him on errands to fetch her things for her. I ended up getting really irritated with him because he just puts up with everything she throws at him and never says a word, in the end as much as he's a nice guy who didn't do anything wrong he was just too much of a wet blanket for me to root for him as a potential hero of the story.

The other potential love interest, Marcus, is a nasty piece of work who is only interested in getting into girls knickers and couldn't remain faithful if his life depended on it. Autumn knows his reputation because he dated her sister once but of course she is immediately interested in him because he's hot. There was just nothing likeable about Autumn, she acts like a bitch to everyone around her, even complete strangers, but especially her sister and Joey. She turns every single situation around until it's all about her and how terrible her life is and I was sick of the way she practically begs for sympathy. I'll admit that her experiences on the ship does make her take a good look at herself and she starts to change but when you've read 80% of the story hating the main character that doesn't give her much time to turn your opinion of her around.

I don't think Triangles was a badly written book but it definitely didn't end up being the right book for me. That was completely down to Autumn though and I do think with a different main character (or a major adjustment) I could have enjoyed it a lot more. It has to say something that I actually finished the book though - I was curious enough to find out what was going to happen that I had to keep reading and not a lot of books could do that when I'm so passionate about hating the narrator! I wish there had been more of an explanation about what was happening in the Bermuda Triangle though and a little less focus on the romance.
Profile Image for Ellen .
779 reviews116 followers
July 10, 2013
Autumn's life sucks, or at least she thinks it does. She is 17 years old and stuck in a small town, working at a job making minimum wage, with a guy who she refers to as her "shadow," who she just can't stand. There are two things she is looking forward to. First, being able to save enough money to move out of this town, and secondly, going on the cruise to Bermuda with her sister that her mother had planned two years ago. Actually, when I first started reading this book, I didn't like Autumn at all. In fact, she was really bitchy. As you get to know her, you begin to see why she is the way she is. Her father died in a car accident when she was small, and her mom is in the hospital in a coma after a car accident, both of which Autumn blame herself for. Ridden with guilt and feelings of worthlessness, whether she wants to admit it or not, have caused her to be a bitter and pessimistic person. Her one saving grace has been the fact that she is going to be able to get away from everything for 5 glorious days on this cruise. Well that all goes to pot when she sees this hot guy Marcus who works at the bank boarding the cruise also. There goes getting away from everyone, but then again, Marcus is really hot, and she just might enjoy getting to know him. Then, when Shadow Boy a.k.a. Joey is also on the same cruise, she thinks it just can't get any worse. Actually, Joey is super hot to, and he is really nice, he likes Autumn, and would do anything for her. She of course doesn't see it and is really mean to him, and that is one of the reasons I didn't like her. What she doesn't know is that there is a connection between Joey and Marcus she isn't aware of. She finds herself in the middle of a love triangle of sorts, but it isn't anything like your typical love triangle would be, so if you are not a fan of love triangles, don't worry, because this really isn't that type of triangle.
As the cruise progresses and they enter the Bermuda Triangle, something really strange begins to happen. Autumn gets more than she bargained for when she experiences three different alternate realities, sort of glimpses into the future of what could be, and are they ever interesting and diverse, causing Autumn to see the truth about the past and the potential for the future. Autumn's whole disposition and outlook changes, and by the end of the story not only did I like her, I was cheering for her. When she is able to see that things with her parents really weren't fault, she begins to like herself better, and she begins to see just how great her sister is, and what a great guy Joey is to. Now if she can just get out of the Bermuda Triangle and back to reality, maybe she can start over, but she also knows that a lot of people who get lost in the Bermuda Triangle are never seen again......
Triangles is a fun, quick read that I enjoyed. The romance was sweet and the paranormal/magical aspect of the Bermuda Triangle was interesting and different. The story was fast paced and kept my attention, and I enjoyed getting to know the characters. Of course, I was team Joey all the way. Triangles is an entertaining YA romance with a paranormal element that gives it a fun twist. If you are a fan of this genre, you may enjoy checking this book out. It's a great beach/summer read.
Profile Image for Kimber Wheaton.
Author 4 books249 followers
June 23, 2013
Triangles takes place aboard a luxury cruise ship sailing from New Jersey to Bermuda. Of course it’s impossible to reach Bermuda without passing through the mysterious Bermuda Triangle. I love the mystery surrounding the Bermuda Triangle. The lore begs for something strange to happen as the ship crosses the invisible boundary. I’ve sailed through the Bermuda Triangle quite a few times and unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) nothing ever happened to me. Not so for Autumn. She gets so much more than she bargained for or could have imagined.

The alternate realities were interesting. Since every decision we make, every event in our lives, shapes who we are; I can’t help but wonder what kind of person she was in each reality. We’ll never know this because it’s the current Autumn that’s thrust into these alternates. My head is spinning just thinking about it. I can’t imagine what the poor girl felt to see dead loved ones suddenly breathing. Her father’s death and her mother’s accident defined who she was, a scared somewhat bitter girl looking for an escape from her current reality. The triangle seeks to teach Autumn a life lesson through progressively stranger alternate realities.

Some of the conversations in the alternate realities were bizarre. The only person who seemed to react to her strange questions was her sister, Jessica. If someone started asking me questions about their life, things they should know, I’d be worried. Some of the characters patiently pass on the information that the reader needs in order to understand the new reality without even blinking. This leads me to wonder if it’s common place for Autumn to be a complete idiot in whatever reality she’s now experiencing. Since the author wrote the novel in first person, it would be very difficult to pass the information to the reader any other way. It needed to be written in first person, though, so the reader is firmly planted in Autumn’s thoughts. If Autumn had to search for clues in each reality, the novel would’ve run 900 pages.

There is an event at the end that I thought was strange. I’m not really sure why it’s there. I have an idea but I can’t share without adding spoilers and I despise spoilers in reviews. It just seemed almost overkill after everything she’d been through. Oh well, I thought the ending was fine, most loose ends were wrapped up.

Overall I enjoyed this book. I found the alternate realities fun. I’ve always wondered what my life would be like if certain instances had occurred, not occurred, etc. The alternate realities are not all fun and games for Autumn, but If they were, she’d learn nothing. The book led right where I thought it would, the only thing I didn’t expect was that event I mentioned earlier. There is a character in the book, Dr. Hardy, who wasn’t expanded on as much as I would’ve liked. She was intriguing and I’d love to hear her story.

I’d recommend this book to high school and up only due to sexual situations. It’s a quick, light read, fun at times. It’ll make you laugh, scratch your head, and tear up a little. In the end, it left me wanting to sail to Bermuda to see the alternate realities that could’ve been had I wandered down a different path at the fork in the road.
Profile Image for Amy Fournier.
557 reviews154 followers
May 31, 2013
Okay, so I know that I have made it clear how much I dislike love triangles, and this hints at one, so you are probably wondering why I would want to read this book. Well, I am a bit fascinated with anything having to do with the Bermuda Triangle. Plus, alternate realities and also creepy stalker? Totally had to have this book. The good thing is, there actually is no love triangle! Yay!! Yes, she is with the two different guys, but it's her alternate realities. While in the Bermuda Triangle on the cruise, she wakes up each day to a new reality. It was really cool how it was done and what it was supposed to be teaching her.

Autumn was not a likeable character, so it was hard to really feel bad for her when her world is pretty much crumbling around her. Granted, she does blame herself for the tragedies that have happened in her life so I can see why she has certain fears, but her personality just sucks. She's rude, has an attitude, and is only friendly if it works for her or to her advantage. She acts like a spoiled little brat, even though that's the furthest thing from true. She's nice to her best friend for the small amount of time she is in the book, the hot guy Marcus (who is a total tool), and really that's it. She has an attitude with complete strangers, and doesn't even want to try to be pleasant. I kind of wanted to throw her overboard. The good thing is, when her alternate realities put her in crazy situations, she actually thinks about her life and how she acts. In the end I can't really say that she's much better, but at least she isn't as aggravating.

There are two boys, but like I said, it's not a love triangle. There's Joe who really, really likes her. She is always so mean to him and won't give him the time of day, even though he will practically grovel at her feet. I will admit that he was a little creepy. I mean, he follows her around, buys her gifts, and goes on the same cruise as her. (Even though supposedly his grandparents planned it.) The thing is, even as stalkerish as he seemed, he is really a nice guy. Not just to her, but to everyone. He goes out of his way to please her, and she calls him a loser and treats him like crap. Then there's Marcus who it a player. He's rich, knows he's good looking, and wants every girl he can get. Of course Autumn likes him right? This guy made me unbelievably angry and I couldn't even believe she liked him at all. She is with each on in one of her alternate realities so she gets to see what dating each one is really like.

I thought that the alternate reality stuff was done really well and I enjoyed the story. I wasn't able to connect with the characters though, and that made me a bit sad. Also, If Marcus winked one more time or if Autumn used the word rephrasing again, I really thought I would rip my hair out. It was to the point I was almost counting them. I know it's not really that big of a thing, but repetitiveness drives me crazy in books. Besides that, it was a good book and really quick to read.

* An advanced copy of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive any compensation.
Profile Image for Krista.
1,075 reviews84 followers
June 14, 2013
You know that movie Groundhog Day where the crabby news reporter is inexplicably forced to repeat the same day over and over again, and as a result, he comes to appreciate those around him and realizes what an ass he's been? Well, Triangles is like that. Only featuring a bitchy teenage girl. On a sunny cruise to Bermuda instead of stuck in snowy Punxsutawney.

Autumn is about to start her senior year of high school. Except, she's not. She's decided to quit school and get out of dodge. Her dad died years ago and her mom has been in a coma the past six months. Autumn's older sister is looking after her and a cute sweet boy, Joey, has been dogging her to go out with him. Thing is, Autumn is convinced that she poisons everyone around her, so she's determined to keep all those who care about her at arm's length.

The Bermuda cruise is supposed to be a getaway for Autumn and her sister. Except, Joey is on the cruise too. As well as Marcus, the hot bad boy. And, then three mornings in a row after the ship goes through the Bermuda Triangle, Autumn wakes up in a different reality - one where she and Marcus have been together a year, one where she and Joey have been together for two years, and one where Autumn has terminal cancer.

I kind of love the premise of this book. There's always been so much mystery and intrigue around the Bermuda Triangle. I'm a little surprised that more paranormal books aren't written about it. When Autumn starts waking up in different situations, I was captivated and driven to find out more.

The beginning of Triangles, however, was a bit slow. Getting to the point where the Autumn starts having her epiphany, was a little difficult for me. Mostly because I pretty much hated Autumn. She was absolutely awful in the first third of the book. I've said it before - it's hard for me to love a book when I don't love the main character. Although my opinion of Autumn did improve later, my irritation at her attitude in the beginning made it hard to wade through.

Joey, too, was hard to like in the beginning. He seemed like such a wishy washy wimp. The beginning Joey and the end Joey seem almost like two different characters. After Autumn awakens from her last alternate reality and winds up back in the real reality, Joey is strong and brave and sweet and very dateable. In the beginning, he was kinda creepy and stalkerish, honestly. I definitely like the end Joey better.

There's a lot of things to love about Triangles: the Bermuda Triangle, a cruise ship, end Joey, interesting alternate realities. It's a pretty short novel. At only 175 pages, I finished it in just a few hours, slow beginning notwithstanding. If Autumn was just a little softer and Joey just a little more congruent, Triangles would be really great. As it is, although the beginning needs some work and the characters need a little more development, the ending is satisfying and left me in a good place.

Check out my full review at http://kristasdustjacket.blogspot.com/
Profile Image for Wanda.
253 reviews57 followers
June 19, 2013
I have to start off by saying that this main character Autumn was such a little b*t*h in the beginning. She almost made me put the book down. I'm all for strong female character but not at all into characters who are just plain nasty. And she was so rude and full of herself when I started reading this book. However, throughout the book, she goes through enough to make her switch up her attitude. So I didn't hate her when I finished the book.

This is my first time reading a book that has to do with the Bermuda Triangle. And I must say that I found it quite interesting. I like the theory behind the whole Bermuda Triangle. Well in this book Autumn has a lot of emotional baggage. And she really doesn't handle it well. And I believe because of the way she handles her stress is what makes her the way she is. But when she goes in this cruise with her sister, a lot happened to open up her eyes.

Every day she "wakes" is like living a different life. Each life, Each new reality is more awkward than the other. Each new reality to which she had to adapt to, changed her attitude just a bit for the next one. Having lost her dad when she was younger, she got the chance to see him again in one of these "realities". She talked with him and found the closure she needed to heal. That part made me cry. Because I personally would love another chance to with a loved one. I liked the reality the best. I really liked that she got to spend time with her dad.

But what made this book more interesting was the loves interests. One sweet pushover puppy, the one she's blatantly rude to. And the other bad boy, the one that she just want to pull on his hair when you kisses him. And they're both make these realities interesting. She got to see a different side to both of them. So when her actual reality resumed, her attitude changed. Autumn took the time to re-evaluate herself. That also made me happy. I like that she grew from the beginning of the book to the end of it.

I did breeze through this book. Did I love it? No. Did I enjoy it? Yes, I did. Do I recommend it? Yes, I would. It's definitely an interesting read but I guess I wanted a bit more to it, maybe more actual romance. However, I definitely would read another of Ms. Miller's novel because she did succeed in keeping me reading. I give this book a 3.5 stars.
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