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Miracles Happen

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In his revolutionary book Miracles Happen, Brian Weiss M.D., the New York Times bestselling author of Many Lives, Many Masters, examines the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing that is possible when you freely accept and embrace the reality of reincarnation. Trained as a traditional psychotherapist, Dr. Weiss began to explore how reincarnation and past life regression can lead us to our higher selves after a startling encounter with a patient. Now a leading proponent of past-life therapy, Dr. Weiss shows us that, indeed, Miracles Happen, with seemingly incredible but true stories that demonstrate how, by getting in touch with and understanding our past lives, we can dramatically improve the present. 

352 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2011

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About the author

Brian L. Weiss

61 books2,165 followers
As a traditional psychotherapist, Dr. Brian Weiss was astonished and skeptical when one of his patients began recalling past-life traumas that seemed to hold the key to her recurring nightmares and anxiety attacks. His skepticism was eroded, however, when she began to channel messages from "the space between lives," which contained remarkable revelations about Dr. Weiss's family and his dead son. Using past-life therapy, he was able to cure the patient and embark on a new, more meaningful phase of his own career.

A graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School, Brian L. Weiss M.D. is Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami.

Dr. Weiss maintains a private practice in Miami. In addition, Dr. Weiss conducts national and international seminars and experiential workshops as well as training programs for professionals.

(from the author's webpage)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 180 reviews
Profile Image for Nandakishore Mridula.
1,286 reviews2,480 followers
January 3, 2021
At the outset - I didn't read this book through. The first two chapters were enough to convince me that this was metaphysical claptrap camouflaged as science. Once I read through the author's method of regressing patients to their "previous lives" through hypnotism to cure them of their trauma, I knew where this was going.
We are all souls.
This one simple sentence in the book clarifies where it's coming from. The author may be a psychiatrist, but this book is not science. it's religion and mysticism.

Brian Weiss claims that he was "converted" to a belief in reincarnation by meeting with a patient once, who could recall her past lives and historical details, and even facts from his life which she could not have known in the ordinary course of events. I think the intention here is to prove that he is a sceptic who has changed his mind on hard evidence: but to me, such anecdotal evidence is not acceptable as scientific proof. This whole book began to smack of jiggery-pokery from there.

In the first chapter, the author shares multiple experiences of people who experienced past lives under hypnosis - he talks of "convincing" evidence which proves the veracity of the experiences. But unfortunately, unless you are a believer, this evidence won't convince you. They could be hallucinations, repressed memories, or plain fabrications. The "connections" Dr. Weiss shows between the experiences of various people could be the result of suggestions, simple coincidence, or plain trickery. None of it will stand scientific scrutiny. For science requires independently verifiable results, and not personal experiences.

(Those who are interested may search out the case of Bridey Murphy, a case of hypnotic regression which was later disproven.)

In the second chapter, Weiss does provide some experiences which could be linked to historical places and times. But there again, there is no hard evidence to prove that the people who share the memories are not sharing historical events which they have unconsciously internalised. The controls are too weak or even nonexistent.

The author says
In medicine, we have a saying: “When you hear hoof beats, don’t look for zebras.” This means that you should look for horses—or, in other words, the most probable explanation—before considering a more exotic possibility. There are several ways to account for the occurrence of shared past-life memories, but they are zebras. For example, the memories could be attributed to the collective unconscious, Carl Jung’s concept that at some deeper level everybody knows everything, even if we have forgotten how to access that bank of infinite knowledge. The Amer- ican psychic Edgar Cayce, as well as others, has written about the akashic records, which is similar to the collective unconscious in that it is a knowledge of all things. But the most realistic explanation—the horse—is that these are simply actual past lives.
Weiss here clearly puts up a straw man argument. While the argument is correct - that one should look for the most logical explanation (Occam's Razor) - the conclusion is not. That people have past lives is not the most logical explanation.

Weiss is working on a modified version of Indian mysticism (which he incorrectly attributes to the Buddha in one place - ironic, as the Buddha negated even the existence of the soul), suitably transformed for the modern age.
The author Paolo Coelho writes: “Life is the train, not the station.” On our soul’s journey home to a state of infinite love and wisdom, a journey filled with mystery and miracles, we rest, recuperate, and reflect at the stations, in between lifetimes, until it is time to board again: another train, another body. There is only one home and eventually we will all return there, sooner or later. It is a place of bliss. This book will help you find its shores.
Well, there you have it.

And to further convince the reader of the unscientific tone of the book:
Of course, truths really do not need research support. They exist above and beyond scientific confirmation, because science is constrained by the limitations of its measuring devices. It cannot prove what it cannot yet measure. When the appropriate tools are developed, the truths will be there, waiting to be discovered. Truths are independent and are unaffected by the beliefs of humans.
Dr. Weiss, if and when science discovers the "appropriate" tools and "measures" reincarnation, I will happily accept it. Until then, I will call it pure bovine excrement.

Why do such pseudosciences gain popularity?
.The awareness that we have had multiple lifetimes, separated by spiritual interludes on the other side, helps to dissolve the fear of death and to bring more peace and joy into the present moment.
To put it bluntly - reincarnation is a placebo belief, to ward off the fear of death. It is this fear that charlatans who peddle nonsense tap into. Beware.
Profile Image for Traci Slatton.
Author 16 books245 followers
October 9, 2012
Recently I met my beloved friend Gerda in Munich. Gerda is Bavarian; she and her husband Mark, a retired American army field officer, had offered to help me with research for the WW2 novel I'm working on.

Gerda is an extraordinary person: she's present and conscious with an open heart. Always. I've been her friend for seventeen years and I've never seen her falter. Amazing. When she gives me advice, I follow it. Just before I got on the S-bahn heading to the airport, she gave me homework. She noted that it was, indeed, practicum to which she expected me to commit.

"Be soft and be happy, Traci," she said, with her quirky smile. I engraved her words on my heart.

Her assignment goes to the core of an ache I carry with me. I've lived a life filled with karma both astoundingly fortunate and excruciatingly challenging. In the latter category fall attacks I've endured from intimates. Worse, the people who come after me, since they are close to me, know my vulnerabilities. They know how to twist everything to magnify my faults and to minimize my positive attributes. They know how to make it all my fault (whatever it is). The pattern is that they don't take ownership of their own aggression.

This speaks to another of Gerda's constant reminders to me: "Trust yourself, Traci. When people come after you, it's their stuff."

So it is with this personal liet-motif in mind that I read MIRACLES HAPPEN: The Transformational Power of Past-Life Memories. It's a rich, beautiful book full of anecdotes about miraculous shifts in consciousness, shifts that deeply, profoundly, alter lives for the better. In concrete, practical, lasting ways.

The springboard for these shifts is past-life regression therapy. Dr. Weiss and his daughter Amy Weiss explain the process in lucid detail. They weave together the divers stories with gentle explication of spiritual learnings. Love is what matters. Our growth, our lessons, take infinite paths and forms, but the end point is the same: loving consciousness. We go through loss and humiliation and suffering, victory and grace and transformation, and we all get there, eventually. To a feeling-being-place informed by limitless love.

We are spiritual beings traveling in precious physical bodies, in companionship with our beloveds. The worldly obstacles and prizes on which we spend ourselves matter not at all, ultimately. They're picayune when compared to the agency of the immortal soul. "Be soft and be happy," indeed.

This book eases the ache. It helps me balance the immediacy of it all with the long view. The things that weigh on my heart wash out and leave behind the miracle of this heart, now, traveling through forever, finding beloveds along the way. This book leaves me grateful. I think it will ease the ache for anyone who reads it. We each carry our own ache.

I recommend the book softly and happily. It's a spark of grace for anyone who opens to its light.
Profile Image for Grumpus.
498 reviews278 followers
August 10, 2015
More inspirational, feel-good stories obtained through hypnotic regression about our journey as souls. From our current life to past lives and the time in between, everything is about experiencing and learning life lessons. They must be learned no matter how long it takes.

So, what is the meaning of life?

The following sentence jumped out at me from the book and has stuck with me – since I listened to this as an audio book, I may be paraphrasing but it was something like the following: Remember that we are not humans having a spiritual experience but rather, we are spirits having a human experience.

May we all have safe travels and beautiful experiences.
Profile Image for Paulina Piña.
13 reviews
February 27, 2015
Only love is real! A wonderful book, a sweet reminder of our true nature and of the reason why we're here and now.
Profile Image for Victor Smith.
Author 2 books18 followers
January 25, 2014
Going Back to Go Forward

As an author who writes fiction that features reincarnation as a given and has done considerable research into the phenomenon in history and in the field, I thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Weiss's latest book Miracles Happen. I haven't studied his earlier works (intend to do so), which evidently present more of the nuts and bolts of his method of regression, but I got the general idea from the mix of testimonials and commentary that comprise this book.

His inclusion of portals other than strict past life regression (future lives, alternate/simultaneous lives, psychometry) adds breadth and stimulation for those already on board with reincarnation, offering other ways to explore that mysterious inner space.

The many stories, which some have reviewed as repetitive or non-sensational, have a cumulative effect that either introduces the key concept that we are NOT our current bodies/personalities living only this time around or reinforces that mode of thinking for those who grasp it conceptually but are working to "get it" as a living reality. Since we, in the western world, have been conditioned by both religious and scientific authorities to ignore such soul phenomena or attribute them to the dark side, it is taking quite some time and repetition for the so-called occult to leak from its hidden streams back into the main water supply. Nevertheless, as Dr. Weiss points out and his subjects experienced, there are many ills, human and societal, that easily resolve by addressing the deeper past. While not including at least a summary of basic methods (why I gave the book four rather than five stars), this work should motivate many to explore and experience this rather simple route to personal health and enlightenment.

Author of The Anathemas, a Novel about Reincarnation and Restitution
33 reviews3 followers
September 15, 2018
There is something profound about knowing that we as souls come to earth multiple times. After reading these profound stories from the people who attended Brian's workshops, it's almost like I gained a much bigger perspective on humanity. For the first time, I realize we are all connected. We have all met before. We had relationships before. There is no strangers on earth. After reading the book I'm able to step back and see the bigger picture. I'm one step closer to God. I'm one step closer to unconditional love.
18 reviews1 follower
February 16, 2016
Beautiful stories that heal

This book is so beautifully written and interspersed with many people's experiences of past lives through regressions. These stories, mixed with Dr. Weiss' explanations, truly gave me a peaceful sense that we are here to learn and experience and transitioning is not to be feared. The descriptions are of a beautiful, peaceful experience full of love. It was such a quick read as are all of Dr. Weiss' books.
Profile Image for M Pau .
262 reviews4 followers
July 10, 2015
I've read many of Brian Weiss works. This book is a few of his books put together beautifully to tell the endless stories of people who have found healing through past life regression. Inspiring!

Teilhard de Chardin stated: “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
38 reviews19 followers
December 21, 2020
I came across Dr. Weiss's work early this year...when I lost someone I dearly loved to death. My first book was Many Lives, Many Masters, and reading about the eternity of souls instilled a bit of hope in me that I will meet the person I lost again.
Though, being a Hindu, cycle of birth and death, eternity of souls, reincarnation, karma- all these things are ingrained in my psyche and beliefs, yet it was interesting to read about such experiences from those who were not brought up with this philosophy.
This book in particular talks about past life experiences for a variety of candidates, and healing, overcoming grief, or discovering connections to their present life because of that. I'm still skeptic as to the veracity of discovering a past life via hypnosis and regression, maybe perhaps because I haven't been the subject of one. I think you must experience it to believe in it fully- or else, some may call it a connotation of a dream, or our subconscious conjuring up images. As I said, I do believe in rebirth, and have had some experiences of souls being around and guiding us- I think many of us can vouch for that, even if we cannot prove it.
An interesting read. Go through it with an open mind as Dr. Weiss say, for if we allow ourselves to be open up to possibilities that seem far-fetched or outside our realm of understanding, maybe only then can we perceive it. We are just a part of this huge universe with its strange secrets.
Profile Image for Aubree Deimler.
Author 3 books57 followers
July 13, 2017
I've always been fascinated by near death experiences, but hadn't given much thought to past life experiences until recently when one of my own experiences was brought to light. That led me to Dr. Weiss, whose specialty is on past life regression.

This book is full of other people's past life recollections in connection with Dr. Weiss. The many stories and perspectives have shifted my own way of thinking, with recognition that there are deeper soul lessons to be learned in this life on earth. Once these lessons are acknowledged, it's amazing how, for many, physical pain drifted away.

I loved the stories of souls re-connecting in subsequent life times. This reminded me yet again that Love is all that matters, and it is this state that we are, and one that you'll collectively return to once your physical existence here is done.

I am greatly intrigued by Dr. Weiss' work. I'm going to pick up his regression CD's to see if any further experiences come up for me.
Profile Image for Ametista.
365 reviews
November 25, 2012
Diversamente dai precedenti libri le esperienze vengono raccontate in prima persona da chi le ha sperimentate, al termine il dott. Weiss o la figlia commentano cercando di dare maggiore una comprensione di quanto letto. Inoltre le esperienze che leggiamo non si svolgono presso lo studio del dott. Weiss ma durante i suoi seminari, talvolta leggiamo anche di persone che hanno avuto regressioni spontanee sin dall'infanzia.

"Il karma non è un castigo, ma piuttosto l'occasione per evolvere."
33 reviews2 followers
February 11, 2013
As Dr. Weiss says, there are no co-incidences. I never intended to read this book but it ended up at my home and before I knew it, I was reading it.
I had already read some of this books earlier and they had much impact on me. So I was pretty happy when this book landed in my lap.
The book doesn't start with the romanticism of 'Only Love is Real' but has the same mysticism we find in all his works.
The experiences start off in mild manner and get more and more intense as the book finishes.
I loved the flow of the book and writing style is as usual great.
Some of the stories were easy to understand and for some of them I really am keeping my faith in Dr. Weiss's experience that they are true too.
I've never experienced a regression but after reading this book, I would really love to.
I would recommend this book for everyone. You believe in this stuff or not, it would make you think and would change your life in some way or another, for the better.
Profile Image for Rosa Frei.
172 reviews4 followers
April 24, 2018
The author Dr. Brian Weiss, an american psychiatrist, is without question one of the most respected specialist in past life regression and hypnotherapy. In the book ‘Miracles Happen’, he discusses case studies of many of his patients that give ample evidence of the therapeutic healing opportunities that past life regression offers. The book is filled with wonderful stories of “miracles”, that, when understanding the life circle of our human nature, does not look that miraculous anymore. ‘Miracles Happen’ inspires the reader to understand the impact that past lives have in our present life. A meaningful, uplifting book!
Profile Image for Bárbara Lunardi.
199 reviews67 followers
May 4, 2016
Eu não dei 5 estrelas porque, apesar de ter amado esse livro, ele ainda não superou "Muitas vidas, Muitos mestres" pra mim, o que acho que, de verdade, nenhum livro será tão bom quanto o primeiro. E nenhum vai me fazer me sentir tão encantada.

Mas eu recomendo de coração esse livro pra todo mundo que se interessa em vidas passadas e terapia de regressão. É muito bom ver a espiritualidade sendo tratada do jeito que deveria: simples, direta, profunda e com muito amor.
Profile Image for Maite.
14 reviews5 followers
February 19, 2013
I have been a fan of Dr Weiss for 20 years, and this book is a compilation of many experiences during past life regression therapy of his students, patients. Very interesting.
Profile Image for Emily.
844 reviews51 followers
March 18, 2020
I have been on kind of a new age kick lately, mainly because I listen to audiobooks late at night when I can't sleep (which is often), and these kinds of books relax me. Brian Weiss is articulate and credible without being too "woo woo", so I really enjoyed it. I am still on the fence about reincarnation, but this audiobook almost made a believer out of me. I am looking forward to more of Weiss's books.
Profile Image for SundayAtDusk.
711 reviews29 followers
August 27, 2017
It is said that being regressed to a past life can sometimes have a profound effect on the person regressed. Unfortunately, this book proves that reading about the past lives of others can sometimes be profoundly unaffecting. I read Miracles Happen: The Transformational Healing Power of Past-Life Memories twice. First, on a Kindle I borrowed to buy and read it, and then a hard copy from the library. I read the hard copy, because I wanted to make sure reading on a Kindle wasn't affecting my view of it. There was no difference. Even though the Weiss' book had many, many stories, only a very few seemed particularly interesting. Maybe I've read too many past life stories. Or maybe I'm on a different wavelength than Brian and Amy Weiss. Or maybe, where the Omega Institute stories are concerned, you had to be there to experience the happenings to fully appreciate them.

All the references to the Omega Institute bothered me a bit, but not as much as it would have in the past. Years ago, when I was more intensely interested in discovering past lives, I would have been miffed about all the testimonies from people who discovered their past lives at workshops that cost hundreds of dollars, or on cruises that cost thousands. In fact, I think I even clobbered Dr. Weiss in a past book review about that matter. My miffiness was not rooted in envy of those with more opportunities or money, but in the idea that spiritual discoveries seemed to have a price tag. Also, Dr. Weiss' past life CD did nothing to help me discover any past lives. It just put me to sleep. Metaphysical research and discussions were going nowhere, regardless of how much time I spent studying and discussing. I was becoming very disenchanted with the New Age world.

But then, some time later, I had a dream. I dreamt I was visiting a mental hospital--a dark place filled with despair. I was filled with utter despair just standing in the hallway. Then, I found a few bright yellow coins, and somehow knew they were associated with Brian Weiss and past life regression. The coins were so bright that they started to light up the hallway, that light then blew open the closed doors of the dark mental hospital, and I walked outside to a beautiful late afternoon with bright blue skies. When I woke up, I immediately thought that if past life regression could keep people out of mental wards, then it was worth its weight in gold, regardless of if I believed in it or not.

That is why I stick with Brian Weiss. Even when his books bore me. Even when I strongly disagree with some of his book recommendations on his website. Even when I don`t know for sure any longer what I believe about life and death. I stick with Dr. Weiss because he's like the godfather of past life regression. I don't think he's in it for the money, either. Moreover, he comes across really, really well in his videos. He's like the Mr. Rogers of the New Age neighborhood. I think his strength lies in his voice, not his writings.
Profile Image for Sophie.
37 reviews2 followers
January 17, 2021
I'll caveat this review with the fact that I read this book as an atheist who likes logic and doesn't like arguments that require a degree of faith, because as much as we might want something to be true, that doesn't constitute proof and clouds our ability to reason. Nonetheless, I read this book because I think it's good to challenge our perceptions as the way we learn to think often goes without scrutiny. I found this book disappointing however, because it is just a collection of people's perceptions that have no foundation whatsoever other than the meaning they personally attribute to it. It is a nice book, but unless you already subscribe fully to Dr Weiss' version of reincarnation it is wholly unconvincing. In fairness, he does state in an early chapter that his previous book deals with validating the notions so perhaps it is advisable to start there. I gave it 2 stars though because it is nicely written, but beneath the stories the content sort of screams bored Americans. I will probably still read his earlier book.
Profile Image for Isabel Krause Velásquez.
42 reviews3 followers
June 8, 2021
Pensé que me aburriría al comienzo de las primeras páginas, pero no fue así. El libro habla básicamente de lo importante que es el amor... Actuar con bondad y paciencia, dejando de lado los miedos y ansiedades quitan bastante peso a las mochilas que cargamos. Qué paz se siente cuando dejamos atrás rencores y perdonamos con el corazón, la vida sería más simple y grata si tuviéramos esos aspectos presentes a diario.
Es un bello libro y, las historias que aquí se cuentan, incentivan a sacar distintas reflexiones ❤️
Profile Image for clara.
20 reviews7 followers
October 1, 2021
fue una lectura prolongada ya que en el mismo libro se menciona que no necesariamente debe leerse en una sentada, debido a que las historias están cargadas de lecciones que hay que procesar. y aunque la lectura fue un poco pesada me pareció un gran libro, lleno de enseñanzas que pienso aplicar en mi vida.
los milagros sí existen y experimenté uno el día en el que Brian L. Weiss impactó y cambió mi vida y la percepción de esta para bien.
Profile Image for Sharang Limaye.
259 reviews4 followers
February 18, 2014
This book is strictly for the believers. For anyone else, its gooey pap. Even if one were to take the author's word on reincarnation, what's the point in reading about person after person narrating his/her experiences about their past lives? The worst part is that the author doesn't supply any scientific basis to his observations. Its a tad disappointing considering he is a trained psychiatrist. The book is nothing more than a 350 page advertisement for Dr.Weiss' workshops. Avoidable.
Profile Image for Laura.
158 reviews
January 10, 2014
Fascinating account of the many people who underwent past life regression. What they learned from their past lives enabled them to make changes in their present lives. I liked that it was pointed out that not everyone can be regressed. Some spooky stuff about members in the audience picking up messages for others who were there.
Profile Image for Magaly Sáenz.
189 reviews13 followers
May 8, 2019
Una recopilación de regresiones a vidas pasadas, a través de las cuales podemos encontrar la respuesta a muchas interrogantes de nuestra actual encarnación, lograr así la sanación y seguir creciendo espiritualmente!

“No hay casualidades, estamos todos conectados.”
Profile Image for Vicki.
244 reviews5 followers
February 11, 2013
I had read one of Dr. Weiss' books on reincarnation and loved it. This one wasn't as interesting to me. It felt like Dr. Weiss had gone too 'commercial.'
Profile Image for F.
9 reviews
July 25, 2016
El título no es muy atractivo pero contiene muchas historias interesantes y bonitas, sin importar si se cree o no en ellas.
Profile Image for Olwen.
757 reviews13 followers
May 9, 2015
Another great book from Brian Weiss. Thoroughly enjoyed the stories in this edition; and as a result I'm planning to try out some past life regression hypnotherapy myself.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 180 reviews

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