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Surfing for God: Discovering the Divine Desire Beneath Sexual Struggle

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Discover how the barrier built by porn addiction can become a bridge to abundant life. Using personal examples, scriptural illustrations, and 20 years of counseling experience, Cusick will help you understand how to break free from the prison of sexual addiction. What if lust for porn is really a search for true passion? In a world where there are 68 million searches for pornography every day and where over 70 percent of Christian men report viewing porn in the last year, it's no surprise that more and more men struggle with an addiction to this false fantasy. Common wisdom says if they just had more willpower or more faith, their fight would be over. But is the answer really that simple? According to counselor and ministry leader Michael John Cusick, the answer is no—but the big truth may be much more freeing. Backed by scripture, Cusick uses examples from his own life and from his twenty years of counseling experience to show us how the pursuit of empty pleasure is really a search for our heart's deepest desire—and the real key to resistance is discovering and embracing the joy we truly want. Cusick discusses the origins of sexual addiction, the need for affirmation, and the heart that aches for God while falling into relapse. Handling a difficult topic with grace, mercy and honesty, Cusick's insights will help you An essential resource centered on the sustaining love of Christ, this book will help guide anyone battling sex addiction or those in ministry seeking to provide encouragement to those struggling.

205 pages, Paperback

First published June 5, 2012

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Michael John Cusick

3 books7 followers

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Profile Image for Raul.
2 reviews
July 5, 2012
I have been waiting for a book like this in a long time! As I have recovered from the snares of pornography and still battling from the weight of lust,I have longed for a book that would address the taproots of sexual struggle. Now my longing has been satisfied with this thought-provoking and life-changing book.

"Surfing for God" is hands down the best christian book I have read on sexual struggle to this point. I definitely concur with Michael Cusick and G.K. Chesterton who states that everyone knocking on the door of a brothel or surfing on the web for porn is really seeking for God.

For more then 10 years I have been serious about my walk with God but would continually fall under the fervent grasp of porn. Despite my constant praying, fasting, Scripture-reading etc., I would continue to act out by drinking the insatiable salt water of lust. I always thought that if I just prayed more and performed more good deeds, somehow I would free myself from these chains. It wasn't until I entered a Christian-based Marriage and Family Therapy program where my eyes were opened to the underlying issues of my heart. I was filled with shame and guilt. My eyes were opened to my weakness, brokenness, and woundedness. Once I accepted this truth, God's grace started to liberate me from the prison of porn. The reason I say all this is because everything I have experienced and continue to revel in has been beautifully and profoundly expressed in "Surfing for God" by Michael Cusick.

Cusick wonderfully bridges the truths I learned as a therapist-in-training and the faith I have had all along in Christ. Cusick has written what I had wanted to express all along. He provides a holistic approach to healing from the wounds of not only porn but of any addiction. If anyone is really wanting to be transformed from the heart and not just change their behavior, I would definitely recommend this book. Cusick talks about the taproots of desire, purpose, grace and truth from our Father in Heaven that induces healing. If you are struggling with sexual sin, please open up your hearts to what God is trying to reveal to you through this book. You will never regret it.
Profile Image for Nderitu  Pius .
215 reviews14 followers
February 21, 2020
Something I had never seen in my struggle with porn makes sense when I look at it through this book's lenses. That in my desire to seek something exhilarating and with great passion, I have been truly searching for GOD. It is not the passion that is wrong, it is the direction I have thought the best release as wrong. I have seen GOD express to me what I have been doing wrong. I even had to ask myself again if I am born again in this book study. PRAISE GOD that there is hope for the addict, there is freedom from sin in CHRIST JESUS!!!
Ladies and gentlemen! Grab this copy and get reading!!!
Profile Image for Pre Shunmugam.
3 reviews2 followers
August 8, 2024
One of the better books on porn. Some theological views that raises in question, but overall does well in addressing the issue of porn spiritually, emotionally, physically and relationally, while offering practical advice along the way.
Profile Image for James.
1,504 reviews113 followers
May 24, 2012
Pornography is a real problem. Consider these statistics:

25% of search engine requests are for pornography – 68 million per day.
70% of the hits on Internet sex sites occur between 9-5 on business computers.
Over 50 percent of evangelical pastors report they viewed pornography last year.
Over 70% of Christian men report viewing pornography in the last year.

And I would say, that as a whole Christians have responded rather poorly to what amounts to a sin epidemic in our culture.  So I am happy to recommend a book which gets at the heart of some of the issues which are tangled up with pornography.  Michael John Cusick is an ordained minister, licensed professional counselor and spiritual director. He is also is a recovering sex addict (living in freedom) who had an addiction to pornography, strip clubs, masturbation and prostitution. He sees the bankruptcy of a life in bondage, but he also knows that men act out in sexual sins because they are broken and wounded.

But before I tell you about this book, let me briefly tell you where I think other Christian approaches get this wrong. One popular Christian book seems to say:

Objectifying other women is wrong, just objectify your wife. She is there primarily for your sexual pleasure(based on a reading of Job's famous 'covenant with his eyes in Job 31).
Women who are not your spouse are sources of temptation and should be avoided at all costs.
You should also avoid places like parks, the beach, roads that women jog on, supermarkets, hair salons and shopping malls.

The problem with this advice is that it basically gets guys to modify their behavior, but does not touch the wounding and longing that led them to a pornography addiction in the first place (although to be fair, this approach takes serious the idea of sexual sin and the need for accountability). It is also unrealistic. Only stay-at-home dads can avoid women, who are increasingly colleagues and men's bosses in all walks of life.

Cusicks approach is much more holistic. He sees pornography and other sexual sins as sympomatic of the deep longing for connection and reality (and yes, ultimately God). By sharing the story of his own struggle (and victory), he  addresses the root issues of pornography, the empty promises and real idolatry, personal brokenness and the cycle of shame, but also the real freedom that is ours in Christ and transformation that is possible and the disciplines which care for your soul. He is also attentive to a very real, spiritual dimension to this struggle and the dynamics of temptation (and its relationship to idolatry). His advice for those lost in sexual temptation online is to unplug, pay attention to your desires and cravings to find out what is happening in your heart, and to practice solitude and centering prayer. Ultimately he wants people to journey from their self medicating numbness, to a relationship with God where desires are rightly ordered and they are attentive to their own soul care (in community, of course).

Nevertheless I think this book has two limitations which I think are significant:

It treats sexual sin and pornography as a personal, individual sin. This needs to be addressed but he never addresses the other side of the equation. Men who go to prostitutes victimize women; men who view pornography, go to strip clubs and seek out adult entertainment,  have participated in an unjust system which truncates the humanity of women (and men) and causes tremendous psychological, physical and sociological damage. I applaud Cusick's efforts to address the ways sin and acting out come from personal brokenness. I just want him also to address the significant justice issue that is wrapped up with this.
This book is also limited in terms of audience. This is a book written by a man for men, and speaks most meaningfully to men who are married.  Single guys can read this profitably while making adjustments in a couple of places; however, I have friends who are women who also struggle with an addiction to pornography. While much of this advice is applicable to them (solitude and centering prayer, the need to pray through and address woundedness and idolatry), they will find themselves unaddressed by Cusick. When you consider the real shame that comes with sexual sin and that pornography is considered by many Christians a 'man's sin, the cycle of shame is compounded for women who are stuck in addiction to porn and sex. This book could have easily been inclusive of both genders in addressing a real struggle which affects both sexes.

But for the particular niche of  'men who struggle' working through their own personal issues, I think this book is one of the best.  This is a book I would use pastorally and found a lot of it personally helpful. So it gets a solid recommendation from me.

Thank you to Thomas Nelson for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for this review.
Profile Image for Kaden.
150 reviews2 followers
March 28, 2024
March 2024 Update: Still a great book! Genuinely agree with John Eldredge that every man should read this book, especially in light of a hypersexualized culture and the increasing access people have to pornography. Cusick is not afraid to get to the heart behind sex/pornography addiction and what fuels it for men.

December 2021: Definitely would recommend this book for anyone that is currently going through sexual struggle or discipling/mentoring someone going through sexual struggle (book is definitely geared toward men though). Cusick provides a lot of insight into sexual sin and understanding the root of the issue, and he shares a lot of wisdom with stories from his own experiences.
Profile Image for Jake Manning.
44 reviews
March 4, 2022
I have read a few different books on purity/sexual struggle, and this book might be the best up to date. I loved the transparency of Cusick. He is not someone that simply states how to overcome lust/addiction, but has lived it out himself. This book goes further than just "follow these 9 steps to a porn free life." It helps you find what you are really searching for: God. I would recommend this book to just about any guy. Certain parts of the book might be a little too deep/graphic for a young teen. But, I know from experience (I am a youth pastor) that this book is a must read for some of my high school guys. In fact, I just bought one for one of my students.
January 23, 2022
A deep dive into the rewiring of our brains, how God is seeking us out in the struggles of the flesh, and how we can more fully pursue the Lord in our everyday life. I appreciated the perspectives this book gave to the divine desire behind our every move on this earth.
Profile Image for Adam Jarvis.
208 reviews6 followers
August 11, 2024
Hands down best book for Christian men on the topic of sexual addiction.

According to statistics, this is something that needs to be talked about more in the church.

This is one of those uncomfortable topics that isn’t discussed much in church circles, and when it is, it’s addressed in vague, generic, sweeping terms.

Most Christian books might dedicate one chapter to this topic, and when they do, it’s typically unhelpful clichés, like “Men need to recognize that sin is actually… sin!” (Um… duh,) or “It’s a struggle, it will always be a struggle, and you just have to KEEP FIGHTING!” Hmm. Well-intentioned, but very unhelpful. Also, not actually true.

This book gets at the heart of the matter. The author shares his own personal story as a testimony to the healing he has found, and presents a theological framework for the way forward, not in fighting, or in trying harder, or in white-knuckling it, but in healing, restoration, and transformation.

Although it is necessarily awkward at times, the author addresses the situation with tact and clarity. This is a book of honesty, hope, and healing, and in reality, is more a book about identity in Christ and intentional discipleship than anything else.

Who did God create you to be?

And do you realize that God delights in you?

A beautiful book, a necessary book, and a solid, theologically sound book.
Profile Image for Christopher Lewis Kozoriz.
827 reviews272 followers
September 21, 2013
What you think about is ultimately what you become. ~ Michael John Cusick (Surfing for God, page 135)

What man does not have sexual struggles? This book gives some solid tools for equipping a man to overcome temptation in the sexual arena. Our enemy the devil knows he can use this area of our lives to make us feel shameful and not worthy of God's love. The devil also uses our sexual struggles to hinder us from reaching our full potential because we think we are not good enough.

You are a man of God!
Profile Image for Grace.
34 reviews2 followers
August 9, 2021
When I was recommended this book, I thought the book title seemed cheesy. I ended up listening to the author’s podcasts going through the book instead of reading the book (I’m saying I read it because I’m not going to read the book after the podcast and I want the book to count towards my goodreads goal…the podcasts take a lot of book reading time). I would absolutely recommend the podcast episodes. The podcast is called Restoring the Soul with Michael John Cusick. The author brings the gospel in close. He helped me see the purpose of pain and brokenness and sin. My favorite part that I’ve already referenced multiple times is that Cusick says that when a man who is not living out of their whole heart encounters a woman who is living wholeheartedly, the man feels inadequate and tends to act out sexually. This is so powerful because it says that a man’s betrayal is not about any flaw or weakness in the woman, but it may be—and usually is—the strength of the woman. Word. I would be interested to know if the same is true for most women who betray their partners sexually, or if there are typically different motivations etc. I will say, to that point, that if you are a woman who has a porn addiction or recommend Cusick’s work to a woman with a sexual addiction etc. they should know his work is a bit gendered. Cusick does seem to make an effort to reference the fact that it’s not only men watching porn etc. but men are definitely the focus group. The author ties everything back to the gospel and scripture, and I just cannot recommend Cusick’s podcast enough.
Profile Image for Nathan.
19 reviews44 followers
October 29, 2017
There is a lot of really good information in this book, and I really enjoyed reading it. Its main emphasis is finding the deep, core need that underlies a person's sexual struggle, and learning to fill that need in a healthy way. This concept is incredibly powerful, and has helped me tremendously in my own journey.

The book also contains much other good content, including a practical overview of the neurology relevant to sexual compulsion, and practical advice on how to handle cravings and care for one's self.

The main reason I'm not giving this book five stars is how it ends. Near the end of the book the author spends a fair amount of time promoting mind-emptying transcendental meditation under the terms "centering prayer" and "entering the silence." While I do believe there is much value in learning to be mindful and to slow down and listen to God's voice, I don't believe transcendental meditation is the biblical route to these outcomes.

Should you read this book? There's a lot good here, a lot which is likely to benefit you if you or someone you love struggles with sexual compulsions. Unfortunately, I can't recommend this book without reservation, and would ask that you compare what you learn with scripture and not accept anything without critical thought and comparison with the Bible.
35 reviews
July 2, 2023
Very compassionate, deep, wise, and helpful book for those struggling with sexual addiction AND those who love people struggling with sexual addiction (spouses, mentors, parents, etc.) I have read a number of books on this topic but and I appreciated that Surfing has some really well presented thoughts regarding awareness and exploration of brokenness as part of the healing process. The action steps address the heart, soul, mind, actions, and relationships and I REALLY appreciated that- love the holistic approach. Also loved the distinctions between cop, coach, and cardiologist approaches to accountability and accessibility. Lots of great info and suggestions for whole and lasting healing. Great resource!
Profile Image for Mikaela Stadler.
109 reviews
June 21, 2024
Someone gifted me this book years ago in a time when I really needed some guidance, but I left it unread until now. Part of me wishes that I had read it sooner, but a part of me also knows that I probably couldn't have handled it at the time. I needed to sit with the reality of sin and evil in our world and the way it destroys our lives and hurts the people around us, but I also needed to get to a place where I could be humble and realize how MY sins do this AND I needed to move through that into a place where I could see and feel God's love for me despite how sinful I am. Then, and only then was I able to approach this book and hear it's message. I think the book tries to set this up for the reader, but I needed more time and focus just on that before I could fully understand that crucial perspective (The life of the Beloved was very helpful as I moved through that: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6...). From there the author walks through the spiritual struggle of sexual addictions and compulsions in a way that's not only empathetic, but full of grace. It doesn't excuse or justify, but it does explain what plays into the cycle and some strategies for breaking it. It's full of hope. I am extremely grateful for the author, for the wonderful person who gave me this book, and for a God who loves us no matter what and is working to save us.

I do have a few criticisms, but overall, this has a lot of good information and is helpful to read.

My first criticism is that it there is absolutely no mention of these same struggles in women. This sends an unsaid but toxic message that if you are a woman struggling with sexual sin, you're a freak or are more like a man than a woman and that's simply not true. We're just as susceptible and just as much in need of the hope of healing from sexual sins (PLEASE read The Great Sex Rescue: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/5...).

My second criticism is that there's hardly any mention of the specific consequences of sexual addiction and the evils it perpetuates in our world. I can guess why this is left out and I get it. Shame plays a big part in the cycle of sexual addictions, for that section to be taken out of the context of the rest of the book and used as a weapon would not help to heal anyone. But if self deception also perpetuates the cycle, then at some point the reality of the consequences of your choices needs to be fully realized. It mostly focuses on the cost to ones soul, which can be very abstract and difficult to conceptualize.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
August 7, 2024
Although I haven’t struggled with porn for a few years, this is a very well done book on exploring the deeper nature of why we look to other things to fill the place only God can fill. While a lot of people will be able to relate to struggling with porn, you can replace the reference of porn with the thing you deeply struggle with the most. For me it was making relationships into idols and finding my identity there.

Would recommend this book for someone just starting to ask questions about their own heart, or someone who has started and would like another map of places to explore. It is a wide view of a lot of deep areas and I would recommend digging deeper into the topics that tugged on your heart the most.
Profile Image for Kenji.
160 reviews3 followers
November 1, 2017
Overall, I think this book was better than average when it comes to contemporary, Christian books. About a third of the book was the typical (for the genre) presentation of a model without really giving the reader a good reason to adopt that model. Another third of the book was moderately helpful insight on the topic. And the remaining third gave a very general but helpful explanation of the biophysical mechanics of the topic along with strategies and tips in light of those biophysical realities.
This book was not a waste of time, but I also did not find it particularly groundbreaking either. Two stars: "it was okay".
Profile Image for Ben Moser.
38 reviews9 followers
December 31, 2018
This is the best book I’ve ever read about sexual purity. While the books is aimed primarily at men struggling with pornography and other sexual sin, the principles of this book are applicable to anyone in the throws of sexual sin.

Cusick doesn’t dance around the problem. Many books about this topic either shame you in to sin management or allude that there are deeper issues than your sinful behavior. The author does an astute job to show the reader practical ways to get to the root of the sin, to sit in uncomfortable places, to reveal and surrender your heart to God.

I cannot recommend this book highly enough.
Profile Image for Zac Robbins.
49 reviews1 follower
October 9, 2022
A beautifully written book!

Every man needs to read it, whether they’re struggling or not.

One Sentence Summary-
To overcome the nature of sexual sin, we must not try harder, rather fall more deeply in love with Jesus, in whom all of our greatest desires are satisfied!

I mean that’s the Gospel; it’s not just good news for salvation of soul, but good news for every part of our being. It’s refreshing to see men like Cusick articulate truth about the fullness and richness of the Gospel. Every chapter hit home with truth, and brought that specific truth back to the goodness of the Gospel!

Was it perfect, no. Is it truthful, practical, and genuine, yes.
Profile Image for Vanessa Allbutt.
79 reviews
December 27, 2023
It has taken me a long time to finish this book, not so much because it is difficult to read, but because it is meaty and time consuming to meditate on. Although it is mainly written for men who struggle with porn addiction, it is so good for any addiction. It steers away from the 'try harder' and 'more accountability' strategies and focuses on the heart issues that drive addiction. And it is honest and upfront about the real struggle: transformation and healing of the heart only come when we truly surrender and recognize our naked, failed selves before God, and allow Him to love us and speak His identity over us.
Profile Image for Kevin.
14 reviews
May 2, 2021
If you struggle with sexual sin, or counsel those who struggle with sexual sin, this book practically outlines the God-given desire under the surface. It helps show that, despite the stigma associated with pornography or sex addiction, it does not disqualify one from the love of God, the ability to serve Him, and the reality that freedom is available to those that desire it.

It is difficult to describe how many useful insights are hidden in this book, both spiritually and practically, and I am already reading this for a second time. I would recommend to any man: pastor, father, or neither.
Profile Image for Jeffrey Webb.
99 reviews1 follower
October 21, 2021
There are still far too few resources for men who struggle with porn and other forms of sexual addition that come to the problem with something more than restrictive, sex-negative, personal will-power solutions. Thank God for gracious and helpful perspectives like those found in Surfing for God that help lead people into an actual experience of freedom in Christ rather than the work of trying hard enough to somehow earn grace. An excellent read for all who are struggling, have struggled, or love someone who is struggling in these ways.
29 reviews
June 25, 2019
Absolutely fantastic read. I've had the book on a shelf for over a year before finally reading it and now I wish I read it sooner. I'd recommend this book for any man. While the topic may be sensitive to some, it is an important topic that more people should be talking about. Whether you think you're addicted pornography or not, there is something BIGGER that our heart is really seeking. Great read. Will probably read again also.
Profile Image for Mason E Searle.
52 reviews
September 30, 2020
This author hits the nail on the head. The reader is found where he is and led down a path to true recovery. He breaks away from common misconceptions regarding the best course of action to solve the problem by focusing on the heard and mind not behavior modification and willpower. This book should be required reading for every man regardless of if they think they struggle with this issue. They do. Excellent book and truly transformative.
April 4, 2021
Excellent for the addict and the average Christian

The best book I’ve read on this topic. One of the best books I’ve ever read. If you slate struggling with an addiction to pornography, please read this book. Most of the principles in this book will speak to many addictions. Simply substitute your addiction into the place of the word porn. An excellent book! Thank you Michael!
Profile Image for William "Spig".
131 reviews
July 4, 2017
This isn't a coffee table book but as I've looked back over my life and poor decisions I made before I started my walk with Jesus and the baggage that I brought in my marriage. I need this breath of grace. I didn't need a list of how to work harder. I've tried that. This book challenged me again to look at my life story and try to rewrite the ending.
Profile Image for Kevin Naylor.
28 reviews2 followers
January 1, 2018
Cusick does the church a great service in this book. There is so much misunderstanding when it comes to how personally handle struggling with pornography and how to help others struggling with pornography. Cusick cuts through the crap and helps us get to the heart of the issue in a deeply transformative way.
February 8, 2018
A fantastic book for anyone with addictive tendencies. Geared toward guys. It’s the only book I’ve read on this topic and I wholeheartedly recommend it. This book treats sinful behavior as fruit of a deeper-rooted issue, and gets to the heart of what brought freedom in my own story.
If you really want change, buy it.
January 31, 2024
This book is phenomenal! It so beautifully tackles the root of sexual struggle, and encourages you to seek an intimate relationship with the Father. It’s not like many books on the same topic, but rather focuses on the why, which results a deeper understanding of what to do practically. This is a must read for everyone!
1 review
June 24, 2019
Amazing encouragement and analogies. Real life.

This has such amazing words of encouragement. I got this book so I could have a better understanding for what my boyfriend goes through. I lended the book to him and he's gotten a lot out of it. Highly recommend!
Profile Image for Aaron Carlberg.
475 reviews31 followers
May 20, 2020
I thought the ending was better than the beginning...and I feel like I have so many questions for the author. Suffice to say, as a short review, there are a few people I will be recommending it too...and many young men should read it.
Profile Image for Josh Baker.
53 reviews2 followers
November 3, 2017
I don't personally know of any better resource when it comes to this topic. So good.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 84 reviews

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