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The Bridei Chronicles #3

The Well of Shades

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Juliet Marillier continues the epic fantasy begun with The Dark Mirror, which Interzone "A fascinating evocation of life in Pictish England and an emotional roller coaster of a story." King Bridei is a man with a mission. His wish to unite his kingdom seems almost within his grasp but there are forces working to undo his dream. He sends Faolan, his most trusted advisor (who is also a master assassin and spymaster) out into the world to ferret out the truth of who is friend and who is foe. Along the way Faolan will uncover many truths. Some may hold the key to Bridei's future. But more important, they may unlock the secrets that Faolan has held deep within his soul for decades. And offer him the chance of redemption.

625 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2007

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About the author

Juliet Marillier

79 books11.5k followers
Juliet Marillier was born in Dunedin, New Zealand and grew up surrounded by Celtic music and stories. Her own Celtic-Gaelic roots inspired her to write her first series, the Sevenwaters Trilogy. Juliet was educated at the University of Otago, where she majored in music and languages, graduating BA and Bachelor of Music (Hons). Her lifelong interest in history, folklore and mythology has had a major influence on her writing.

Juliet is the author of twenty-one historical fantasy novels for adults and young adults, as well as a book of short fiction. Juliet's novels and short stories have won many awards.

Juliet lives in a 110 year old cottage in a riverside suburb of Perth, Western Australia. When not writing, she tends to her small pack of rescue dogs. She also has four adult children and eight grandchildren. Juliet is a member of the druid order OBOD (the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids.)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 275 reviews
Profile Image for Magrat Ajostiernos.
656 reviews4,422 followers
February 21, 2023
POR QUÉ!!? Ò_Ó un cierre que me ha resultado muy decepcionante para esta trilogía que empezó tan increíblemente bien. De hecho sigo recomendando un montón el primer libro (El espejo oscuro) que se ha convertido en uno de mis favoritos de Marillier y se puede leer de manera independiente.
Pero el cierre de la trilogía me ha decepcionado mucho, ni me ha gustado la nueva protagonista que se saca de la manga la autora, ni los derroteros que toma la historia, más hacia los líos palaciegos que hacia ese fascinante misticismo y ficción histórica que tuvimos al principio y que aquí quedan casi completamente olvidados.
Me ha tenido entretenida durante la lectura, pero realmente esperaba mucho más para una trilogía que había empezado tan maravillosamente bien,
Profile Image for Terry (Ter05 TwiMoms/ MundieMoms).
512 reviews71 followers
May 24, 2010
This is the third and last book of the Bridei Chronicles, and it will be a long time before I get these characters and their story out of my head. I even have dreamed about them at night - I never do that!
This beautiful story takes place in sixth century Scotland and the series itself begins with Bridei coming to be foster son to the Druid Broichan at the age of four and the books go through the first years of him being King of Fortriu. However it is not Bridei's story alone but the story of those around him. The Well of Shades is Faolan's story and he may well be my favorite male character ever. In this book Faolan combines a mission for Bridei with a quest to face his very dark past. He did something too terrible for him to ever share with anyone when he was seventeen and has never returned to his home or known what followed after he left that bloody night. Due to events in the second book, he is becoming a changed man from the cold "King's assassin" he had become. The third part of his mission is to seek out his fallen companion's family and tell them how he died. Faolan's journey is one of bravery, despair, discovery, and love of not only a woman but a child.

This story goes back and forth between what is happening to Faolan and what is happening in Bridei's court, but it is done smoothly and since it is all happening simultaneously it all needs to be read in that way.

Marillier's characters make the reader care so much about them and they are so totally individuals. Bridei's wife Tuala is from the Otherworld, their son (whose story I want written!) has special gifts at the tender age of two. This is also the time when Christianity is coming to the land where the Old Religion has been since time immortal, and Marillier is not afraid to address this especially in this book. LOVED LOVED LOVED this trilogy.
Profile Image for Paige.
77 reviews26 followers
October 27, 2015
By far the best of the three Bridei Chronicles! Finished it on a five hour flight back from Seattle, keeping the people beside me awake with my reading light (I had the dreaded middle seat). I just couldn't put it down! *So many EMOTIONS!!*


I felt so brokenhearted for Foalan at the end of Blade of Fortrui that I just knew J.M. would have to give him a love story and heal all of his brokenness. I loved that that person ended up being Deord's daughter! She was such an amazing character, albeit a little on the young side. I loved her little Squirrel, Saraid and her doll Sorry- so sweet! I think what made this book so good was all the twists and surprises: Saraid being Elie's daughter who is Deord's daughter (when Foalan thought he only had a sister left); how Foalan's long lost sister ended up queen and a tyrannical one at that; how all this time I felt so bad for Bridei because I thought Carnnach had betrayed him when all along he was gathering great information; how Ana's sister turns out to be uber evil. So many things were surprises that I just kept turning page after page.

And how much do you hate Breda?! I wanted to slap her silly so many times! How in the world did she end up so different from Ana? She was awful to the core and her priorities were so screwed up. It's sad to know that people like that really exist (that church that protests at soldier's funerals come to mind). I started to get really disappointed when I thought her only punishment was going to be living in exile with her aunt. Thankfully, Breda's rage and stupidity fixed that for me and none of my favorite characters got blood on their hands (Although, I wasn't going to blame Foalan if he strangled her to death lol).

And at the end, when Foalan and Elie are finally together and she's not scared of him just melted my heart. Foalan will make such a good Dad for Saraid. It's not often I find characters that make me really feel like I could sit down with them and have a conversation, but the characters in this book definitely do. What a perfect ending to the Bridei Chronicles!
Profile Image for Filipa.
1,745 reviews300 followers
October 5, 2015
My favorite book of the trilogy, I have no words to express how much I love Faolan. I am so happy he found the perfect person for him. Juliet continues to surprise me.
Profile Image for Mira15.
73 reviews9 followers
August 29, 2012
Preparada para desfrutar de excelentes leituras, afinal encontro um novo lar!

Outrora desvendei intrigas, suportadas por ambições cegas, e conheci um homem com uma desconfiança que só igualava em tamanho o seu poder e riqueza. Neste terceiro e, actualmente, último volume das Crónicas de Bridei a trama progride para o culminar de destinos e para um verdadeiro “poço de sombras” onde nos é revelado o lado secreto e mais frio do ser humano – nas suas várias facetas.

“Tenho uma teoria sobre o Portal de Entrada. Não acredito no Deus sem Nome de Bridei. No poço acredito, representa o nosso passado. As suas sombras são os nossos crimes e os dos nossos antepassados desde tempos imemoriais. Para um homem que não conhece a palavra de Deus, o fardo dos seus pecados, das suas omissões, dos seus erros e dos seus enganos torna-se, com o tempo, intolerável. O coração de um homem pode quebrar-se sob o seu peso. Por tal razão o sacrifício. A divindade das trevas aceita-o e o fardo é aliviado enquanto a roda dá mais uma volta. Penso que há alguma verdade nele, uma espécie de verdade sem vida. Mesmo sem o poço, o deus e o ritual, um homem pode tornar-se escravo do seu passado. Os seus emaranhamentos podem transformar-se numa rede que o prende e não consegue libertar-se, arrasta-a consigo toda a sua vida. É como andar de grilhetas e vendado.” P. 309

Extremamente ansiosa, parti nesta nova jornada que começa uma ou duas semanas após o final deixado em aberto do livro anterior. Já suspeitava que o conflito entre os defensores da antiga fé e os católicos (em minoria, mas cada vez a ganhar novos adeptos), bem como os problemas na corte de Fortriu iriam ganhar uma dimensão maior. E foi o que aconteceu!
Entre os cenários verdejantes das terras irlandesas e os castelos e florestas em Fortriu, na Escócia, seguimos a vida das personagens que já conhecemos bem: Bridei e Tuala, Broichan e Derelei, Ana e Drustan, Ferada e Garvan, Talorgen e os seus filhos. Porém, é com Faolan que nos é aberto as portas para tantas outras personagens novas que acabam por transformar completamente a história: Eile e Saraid, Suibne e Colmcille, Conor e Líobhan, Dalach e Anda, Breda e Keother. Graças às inteligentes e pertinentes mudanças de perspectivas não senti que houvesse uma verdadeira personagem principal, antes um enorme leque que beneficiou todo o livro!

Nada me preparou para o início mais cru e terrível que Juliet já revelou! Sinceramente, não me lembro de nenhum livro me ter feito ficar tão melancólica e desgostosa com a situação de uma nova personagem… Neste caso, foi o bastante para chorar logo nas primeiras páginas.
Depois da fase de estranheza a ler 30 páginas por capítulo, as páginas viraram sozinhas, sem eu dar conta!
Achei curioso a abordagem por cartas/relatos que a autora fez do irmão Suibne, antes de chegar com a comitiva cristã à corte de Bridei. Mas mais interessante foi até o episódio em que o temido e lendário monstro de Loch Ness dá-nos o assombro da sua presença. A forma como esta cena foi interligada com a história e a questão da religião foi surpreendentemente deliciosa! Apesar de tudo, o que realmente me tocou foi o vínculo entre Eile e Saraid. Algo tão profundo, tão puro, tão forte que me fez recordar a mesma ligação entre pai e filho no filme “A vida é bela”.

“- Ensino-te algumas palavras na língua Priteni.
- Está bem.
- Que queres aprender? – perguntou-lhe Faolan.
- Bondade – disse ela. – Esperança.
- É melhor ensinar-te coisas práticas como: Em que direcção fica a aldeia? Ou: Dás-me mais um pouco de pão? – disse ele para um silêncio tão profundo e tão escuro como a floresta no lado de fora da cabana.
- Eu quero estas palavras agora porque são… são… não sei… uma coisa poderosa que me protege… Uma espécie de dom especial.
- Um talismã – disse Faolan.
- Hum, hum. Bondade, esperança, força, amor. É como se fosse magia. Magia para nos proteger.
- Desejo-te todas essas coisas, Eile.
- E eu a ti.” P. 265

Este livro é uma verdadeira caixinha de segredos: tanto de repente nos aquece o coração, como na página a seguir nos exalta ou entristece com situações que não deixam ninguém indiferente. Sendo essa uma das razões para ser tão contagiante e impossível de parar de ler. Com a mesma facilidade é-nos possível ver, ouvir, cheirar, sentir e quase tocar nos ambientes e cenários de tão pormenorizados e reais que são!
No fundo, “O poço das sombras” tem uma história riquíssima, que inclui referências históricas, culturais e sociais, cujo núcleo está repleto de temas fortes, episódios sensíveis e de sabedoria genuína.
Quando terminei As Crónicas de Bridei, reflecti sobre os temas paradoxos que lhe deram vida:

Vida e morte
Vitória e derrotas
Lealdade e traições
Honra e malicia
Perdão e vingança
Felicidade e sofrimento
Esperança e desespero
Criação e destruição
Renascimento e finais
Realeza e servos
Sentimentos e razão
Verdade e mentira
Liberdade e prisão

Os temas adicionais prendem-se com política, religião, ambições pessoais, o desenvolver da personalidade de uma pessoa e a procura do nosso lugar no mundo – um retracto muito humano daquilo que são as emoções, os sentimentos e os sonhos que movem o mundo!

“- Estou espantado – disse ele calmamente – como, suponho, todos os que ouviram esta história. Estávamos todos à espera de intrigas e aventuras, privações e luta. Alguns, provavelmente, até anteciparam revelações de natureza política. E houve algumas neste relato extraordinário. Porém, acima de tudo, penso que o que ouvimos foi uma comovente e reveladora história de amor.” P. 556

Deleitei-me com cada página desta temporada nas Terras Altas, um país tremendamente ligado à sua fé e à natureza e onde a discriminação contra as mulheres era mais ligeira, comparando com os restantes reinados da Europa. Depois da Irlanda, a Escócia será outro destino a visitar no futuro!
Estas crónicas distanciaram-se do habitual da escritora por não saltarem uma geração entre cada livro. Ainda assim, senti a inspiração da Trilogia de Sevenwaters.
Pessoalmente, este último livro foi o meu favorito (logo abaixo do “Filho das Sombras”) por ser uma mágica lufada de ar fresco na literatura romântica/fantástica!

+ Existência de uma lista de personagens, ajudando o leitor quando este se sente perdido com tantos nomes
+ Leque variado de personagens, todas importantes e nenhuma sendo o/a protagonista
+ Uma bela e poderosa história de amor perdurará guardada nas páginas deste livro
+ Livres de estereótipos, as personagens foram brilhantemente trabalhadas, tendo todas profundidade, personalidade próprias e características que as tornam únicas e marcantes!
+ Linguagem e escrita soberba, bela e hipnótica
+ Captação da beleza e irreverencia das paisagens da Escócia, que concorda com o ambiente mágico que envolve toda a história (como só Juliet sabe fazer)
+ Sem idade específica e com “etiqueta” unissexo: para os homens, existe homens fortes e decididos, lutas e batalhas; para as mulheres, muitas pétalas de romance, de amizades inquebráveis e tensões familiares. Para ambos, o desvendar da Escócia durante o início da idade média, revelações ao virar da esquina e uma história impossível de esquecer!
+ Exaltação de valores e virtudes humanas
- Falta um mapa que ilustre as viagens e cidades por onde as personagens vagueiam
- Achei desnecessárias as excessivas vezes em que o narrador se referia a Faolan como “assassino”
- Nomes de cidades e lugares foram traduzidos, quando no 1º e 2º volume estavam em inglês
- Deparei-me com várias gralhas durante a leitura

Estas crónicas são a prova de que o que Juliet Marillier criou anteriormente não foi somente pura inspiração. A autora denota novamente a sua veia de contadora de histórias com uma enorme mestria e inteligência emocional, ao oferecer aqui um enredo mais maduro - que mal acabamos, só queremos recomeçar. As suas obras são como porcelana chinesa: só para ser usada em ocasiões especiais…
Doravante pertenço, com muito orgulho, a uma nova família – à magnífica e apaixonante família de Fortriu. Agora só me resta esperar pela continuação no futuro deixado em suspenso.
Recomendo a todos estes livros, que merecem ser lidos e relidos intemporalmente!

Para conhecer a verdade por detrás dos livros: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridei_I...
Um booktrailer em inglês(Fan made) que atiçará a curiosidade a quem ainda não leu e sarará brevemente as saudades dos que já leram: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1otgE...
Explora e descobre mais surpresas sobre Fortriu no site oficial da escritora: http://www.julietmarillier.com/books/...
As minhas opiniões dos dois volumes anteriores:
1º livro “O Espelho Negro” - http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/...
2º livro “A Espada de Fortriu” - http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/...
Profile Image for Dyanna.
950 reviews83 followers
January 20, 2021
Actually rating 3.5 stars

And with this third volume I finish another series by Juliet Marillier!

After failing to finish the second volume who I DNF-ed I proclaim that this last volume was the best book in all the series. I am glad that Faolan received his own story and his own woman; the man deserved that. I find Eile a very strong woman, not every woman can have been so strong like her in her conditions. We also see Bridei's leadership and the kind of king he become also we find who is Tuala's father who kinda took me by surprise there in his identity but all the pieces puzzles are in their right place.
Profile Image for Sabine.
Author 3 books12 followers
January 24, 2008
I read the first two in the series in December adn loved them. This one I would say is my favorite. The main character Faolan, is complex, likeable, and enduring. The only thing that was hard was that I loved his story so much and the book tells more than one story at a time, all of which interconnect, that I found myself bugged when it left him to talk about someone else. The other characters are worthwhile thoug, especially if you have read the first two. Marillier is a master story teller that combines fantasy and history in such an intriguing way that you get lost in what is real and what is not. The books take place in Scottland, and she has done her historical homework. The story tells of Faolan, the king's bodyguard/assain. In the beginning he travels to his homeland of Ireland for 3 purposes. To set right his own past, to relate the news of the death of a friend (this happens in book 2) to his family, and to do some spying for King Bridei. His life becomes entangled with that of a young girl and her daughter who he rescues, only to have her end up rescuing him in more ways than one. It is fun and imaginative.
Profile Image for Neide Parafitas.
208 reviews
January 11, 2013
"O Poço das Sombras" é o 3º livro da trilogia das Crónicas de Bridei e, para mim, também o melhor!

Se Faolan sobressaiu no 2º livro, neste então ganha particular destaque.

Na Irlanda, Faolan parte numa missão secreta, com o objectivo de dar a notícia da morte de um grande guerreiro: Deord. Contudo, não contava conhecer a sua filha, Eile, uma jovem agressiva e perturbada, que vive em condições miseráveis. Mas esta missão irá assumir contornos totalmente inesperados e Faolan ver-se-á também obrigado a confrontar o seu sombrio passado e o da sua família.

Sem saber muito bem como, Faolan torna-se responsável por Eile e a sua filha (Saraid) e decide levá-las para Fortriu. Para Eile abre-se um mundo novo e cheio de possibilidades, depois de uma vida repleta de privações. Porém, o seu maior desafio será o de voltar a confiar em alguém. Juntos irão viver muitas situações, até conseguirem expurgar os seus demónios!

Que posso eu dizer? Mais um livro MARAVILHOSO desta autora que continua a surpreender-me pela positiva, após tantas leituras!!

Para quem não gostou do 1º livro desta trilogia "O Espelho Negro", só tenho a dizer que não desista... pois não se irá arrepender! ;)
Profile Image for Alyssa.
646 reviews225 followers
March 10, 2015
Oh, I loved it. I loved it so much. The Well of Shades was by far the best book of the Bridei Chronicles. I love how strong and compassionate Eile was, and I loved Faolan. I loved Faolan beyond words, really. He has quickly made it to the top of my list of favorite Marillier men (after Bran, of course). The relationship between the two was fierce and absolutely heart wrenching. The continuation of Bridei, Tuala, and Briochan's story was enthralling and I found myself liking these characters much more than I had in the previous two novels.

The Well of Shades broke my heart, and kept me guessing. It was full of intrigue and love in many forms. I am only sorry that Juliet Marillier couldn't continue on with this series as she had planned as it is one of her very best. I would have loved to have seen what came of Saraid and Derelei's friendship. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Sara.
368 reviews14 followers
December 6, 2017
Juliet Marillier é uma das minhas escritoras preferidas!
Já li esta série há uns anos, mas gostei muito!
Profile Image for Cris.
130 reviews102 followers
April 24, 2021
Un cierre perfecto para una trilogía que ya empezó genial y que, al contrario de lo que suele pasar, ha ido a más con cada libro. Recomendadísima.
Profile Image for J.A. Ironside.
Author 56 books350 followers
September 9, 2019
This was my fourth re-read of this book and I stand by my original rating. While I've only read the first book in this trilogy once and the second book twice, this is one that I keep coming back too. I'm not sure if it's because Faolan is my favourite character in the series or if it's because this book's central premise is far more about accepting the burden of trauma and learning to move beyond it, learning to recognise kindness and stop seeing the world as an enemy. Or perhaps because the bulk of Faolan's arc is him confronting his past and continuing to grow after the events of the previous book - ultimately accepting that there is more strength in being open to human emotion than their is in being walled off from it. And then there's the ongoing theme of learning to accept that your parents aren't perfect and made mistakes, but finding ways to forgive them - whether that's Faolan's family who cast him out, or Tuala's father who refused to acknowledge her as his daughter or Eile's father who was so damaged by incarceration that he abandoned his own family with disastrous consequences. Whatever it is, I still love this book. There's a cracking villain too. Obviously the terms 'toxic narcissist' and 'sociopath' were not in common use during 6th C Pictish Scotland but they'd both definitely fit here.

Ultimately this is a case of the book not being perfect but being perfect for me. And it definitely isn't perfect. The dialogue is far to expositionary a lot of the time and the romance almost crosses into saccharine in places. Added to which, if you're the sort of person who reads historical novels and freaks out at age gaps between romantically involved characters, you should probably not read this. (Or almost any histfic to be honest.)

Otherwise I highly recommend this historical fantasy. It's a great ensemble piece and you can read it as a standalone (although if you read the other two books first you'll probably find the experience more rewarding.) Still a favourite.
Profile Image for Michelle.
616 reviews148 followers
December 28, 2012
In The Well of Shades, Bridei is so close to finally realizing his dream of united and peaceful Fortriu. But he knows it is crucial to discover who are his true allies and those who are simply biding their time to strike once again. For this delicate mission, Bridei once again turns to his trusted friend and spymaster Faolan (yay!) who is not a little unchanged after his disastrous mission to the Caitts in The Blade of Fortriu. Hoping to finally put some of demons to rest, Faolan begins a journey to his homeland to collect intelligence and to fulfill a dying promise to a trusted friend. What he finds is Eile, a young girl who has more strength than Faolan has ever encountered.

To be honest, I really didn't know what to expect with this final installment in the Bridei story. While it does follow Faolan on his journey's for a large portion of the book, Ms. Marillier did manage to spend quality time with Bridei and Tuala and their many struggles at Cloud Hill for much of the story. Which was a happy reunion for this reader to be sure. How gratifying it was to see Bridei handling the challenges of being a king in a true partnership with Tuala. I just love the trust and respect between those two. And then there's Faolan. Goodness, I couldn't have imagined a better ending for that scarred man. Eile was a perfect feisty and fearless yet totally selfless foil to Ana's pale boring goodness (I know, harsh) from the previous book. Honestly, she's probably one of my new favorite Marillier heroines (right up there with Sorcha and Liadan) and I couldn't think of anyone better to challenge and love Faolan. All said and done, this was a stand-out series with intricately woven conflicts and much in the way of the power of redemption. There's a reason I will read simply anything Juliet Marillier writes. This series is a prime example.
Profile Image for Angela.
598 reviews30 followers
February 15, 2018
This book was amazing!
This is my favourite J. Marillier book.
And this saga (Bridei Chronicles) is also my favourite. And yes I read the Sevenwaters saga.

What can I say more?
The characters, were the best ever, Faolan, has been present thorugh all the saga, since book one, but this last volume is focus on him and his passed. He is my favourite character. This chacarter is not only captivating but also unberably human. I just love it.

"Sorry's sad. Crying." She held the doll against her shoulder, patting its back.
"Oh. Why is she sad?"
"Sorry wants Feeler come back." It was like a punch in the gut. She had thought Saraid had forgotten him; she had assumed new friends and a safe haven would drive the memories of that long journey across country, just the three of them, from her daughter's mind. Foolish. The images of that time were still bright and fresh in her own head; she dreamed of them every night. Why should Saraid be any different just because she was small?”

Eile, another amazing character, a fair and powerful feminine heroine, whose been to hell and back, took care of her infant daughter, in spite of all they been through, and still somehow, carries a pure and honest heart, attached with a fierce will and an unconditionly love and hope for the future. An inexhaustible source of female power!

The story line was also amazing, and the rest of characters fulfil their part beautifully and logiclly.

5***** stars, for this masterpiece!
Profile Image for Holly.
529 reviews66 followers
February 26, 2010
With spymaster Faolan back, Bridei is anxious to send him on a covert mission to ferret out enemy from friend. Usually cool and unaffected Faolan is not unchanged, however after his peril-fraught return to Cloud Hill, and part of that includes his personal life: confronting his dark past at home and fulfilling the promise of a now deceased friend and protector along the way. In Erin he meets Eile, a strong, distrusting young girl living in more tragic circumstances than even he knows. What he'll find is that they both need each other equally. Meanwhile Bridei has his own problems - personal and public - to deal with at home as Derelei's otherworldly skills grow and he seeks to replace the Light Isles royal captive with an uneasy truce with the Nameless God looming.

This series has gotten better and better with each book and The Well of Shades is no exception. Complicated Faolan has always held so much potential as a character and lives up to it here. It's disarming to see him open up his emotional side and finally be healed from all his pent up pain. Eile, too, was so well developed and the perfect match for him. Both of their lives have been unimaginatively tough and I really felt something for them, my eyes welling up a few times. I love how they both literally rescue one another from one emotional and physically harmful situation to another. Eile is a true heroine. As with the previous books the chapters often alternate between what's happening with Bridei and the main character. I enjoyed the variety and interconnected plot lines this format offers but still found it unavoidable to look ahead to the next Faolan/Eile chapter. Nonetheless I was continually surprised when I found each chapter, whether about Briochan, Tuala, or Bridei just as interesting as the one before, the story was so well paced. Tuala's parentage and the complex issues surrounding it are also compelling as is Bridei's struggle juggling both family life and kingly duties. Faolan's much fought for happiness is deeply satisfying and the world of Fortriu and the old gods v. Christianity debate has left many interesting avenues open for another book. I can't wait to see where Juliet Marillier takes all the characters with the myriad of promising options open to her. Serious fangirl love to Marillier. She has yet to disappoint.
Profile Image for Susana.
517 reviews160 followers
August 23, 2016
(review in english below)

Muito bom. Este é daqueles "perigosos", no sentido de ser viciante e absorvente a ponto de nos fazer perder horas de sono.

Só não gostei que a autora estivesse sempre a referir-se a Faolan como "o assassino". Pelo que sabemos de Faolan, ele é guarda-costas e espião do Rei, transformando-se num assassino apenas quando isso se revela indispensável ao cumprimento das suas missões. Assim, preferia que a Juliet tivesse escolhido "espião" e que tivesse recorrido a essa alternativa menos vezes (não me dei ao trabalho de contar, mas são dezenas, se não centenas de vezes que Faolan é "o assassino")...

Infelizmente, como já vem sendo habitual, a tradução, que duma forma geral até não é má, tem falhas injustificáveis - qual é a lógica de chamar à fortaleza de Bridei por vezes Monte Branco e outras Colina Branca? E porquê chamar Mãe Ossuda à deusa que nos livros anteriores era A Mãe de Tudo? Isto para além das inúmeras gralhas, que chegam a tornar algumas frases incompreensíveis... Mas para que pagam aos revisores?!

Apesar destes "contratempos", gostei bastante de ler esta trilogia, que foi melhorando do 1º ao 3º livro. Ouvi dizer que daqui a uns anos poderá haver continuação!

Really good book! This is a "dangerous" one, so addictive and engrossing that it makes you stay awake for hours on end.

I've got only one complaint: that the author was always referring to Faolan as "the assassin". For all we know, Faolan is the king's bodyguard and spy, turning into an assasssin only when it becomes inevitable for the fulfillment of his missions. So, I would've preferred that Juliet had chosen "spy" and used this alternative to his name less often (I didn't count, but Faolan is named "the assassin" dozens, if not hundreds, of times)...

Unfortunately, the translation, as usual, although not bad in general, presents some unexcusable errors and inconsistencies. Also, there are countless typos, rendering some phrases truly weird... What do they pay proof readers for, anyway?!

In spite of these issues, I really liked reading this trilogy, which got better from book 1 to book 3. And I heard there might be a follow up in a few years!
Profile Image for Su.
253 reviews11 followers
March 17, 2020
[4,5 estrelas]

O forte carisma dos personagens criados pela Juliet Marillier é sem dúvida uma das razões por que admiro tanto as histórias desta autora. Ela sabe desenvolver personagens que nos levam a apaixonar completamente, envolvidos pelos seus percursos de vida que nos fazem sofrer e vibrar.

Há muito que ansiava por uma boa personagem feminina, no melhor estilo a que a autora me habituou com Sevenwaters! E finalmente fui recompensada com a Eile! Só tenho elogios para ela. Conquistou-me por completo desde a sua primeira aparição! Ela e a Saraid deram uma nova vida à saga e ao Faolan!

Gostei da forma como acompanhamos as perspectivas dos vários personagens importantes que foram sendo introduzidos na história e com quem criamos uma ligação. Poréms sem dúvida a Eile e o Faolan destacam-se fortemente de todos os outros pelo seu carisma, força interior e perseverança. São de longe os melhores personagens da saga até ao momento e conduziram lindamente o enredo deste livro.

Para mim, talvez o único pequeno senão do mesmo (para além da questão do final que mencionarei de seguida) tenha sido o papel de antagonista e o facto de me ter parecido sempre um pouco arbitrário e despropositado.

O final deixou-me algo descontente, pois achei-o muito abrupto para concluir a trilogia. Não é que deixasse propriamente nada ostensivamente em aberto, contudo não soava a uma verdadeira conclusão. Após uma pequena pesquisa constatei que realmente tinha uma "vibe" de conclusão do presente volume mas não da trilogia, pois a saga não foi planeada como uma trilogia e sim para cinco volumes. Com essa informação, provavelmente o final do livro não me teria dado essa sensação desconfortável de não entregar o que era suposto. Fiquei com bastante pena de não termos a oportunidade de acompanhar a continuação e a conclusão que a autora imaginou para a saga quando escreveu estes volumes iniciais. Espero que um dia isso possa vir a acontecer.
Profile Image for Jackie.
29 reviews14 followers
January 23, 2014
The Well of Shades
by Juliet Marillier
2 out of 5 Stars

I took a few days until I wrote this review after I finished reading. To make sure my feelings about it were more concrete instead of a confused torrent, so that I might do a fair review that wasn't full of my own personal frustrations. I've come to the conclusion that there is no way around this.
I liked The Well of Shades. It was an interesting read.
Wait... what? you must say. No, no, you heard me correctly. I enjoyed this book and still gave it 2 out of 5 stars. The reason being many things. Let me elaborate. First and foremost, The Bridei Chronicles started off with book 1 being about Tuala and Bridei; book two centered around Anna, Faolan, and Drustan; and book three was about Faolan, Eile, Saraid, and Christian zealots... the change in characters was awkward at best. My favorite was Faolon, unfortunately this book absolutely and utterly ruined him for me. They took the very soul of who he was and said NOPE , while completely making him into something unrecognizable. I could not stand Suibne's diary insertions. Or anything to do with Colm. It was like nails on a chalkboard to me. I came incredibly close to skipping these parts each time they sprang up. Another issue was stated in my review of Blade of Fortriu; that awkward romance thing. I started this series expecting, like all fantasy novels, to contain bits about this and of that, including romance. Unfortunately, for me, Marillier just makes it cringe-worthy. There are a few other minor issues with this or with that, but honestly, I find it too tedious to worry over the little things when there are glaring issues that are hard to see past.
I am honestly glad this series is over. I don't think I could bring myself to read a fourth book from the Bridei Chronicles.
Profile Image for Bethany.
123 reviews25 followers
January 18, 2012
The Well of Shades was a wonderful and strong finish to The Bridei Chronicles. I can't really stress enough how much I admire and love Juliet Marillier's character and world building. She is just an amazing fantasy author and I look forward to reading everything she has writer.

I was very happy to be following Faolan once again, this time however I was following his on a journey to his homeland. Faolan returns back to the land of Gaels to not only confront his own past, but to honor a promise to a fallen friend and bring back crucial information for King Bridei. Of course, these things do not always go as planned and Faolan finds his path interwoven with the tiny yet terrifying Eile. Eile, who is the daughter of Deord, the man whos heroic death let Ana, Faolan and Drustan escape from Alpin's captivity, is an extremely abused young woman with a three year old daughter. Faolan quickly comes to realize that his duty may take him even farther with this girl than he had planned.

It was great to have Faolan reconcile with his family and realize that they still loved him and did not blame him for his past actions. I enjoyed seeing Faolan brought out his shell even further as he and Eile traveled together and began to care for one another.

This book was very exciting and sometimes nail-bitingly good. There was a lot of other things going on as well in the plot of things, but I won't give a full reveiw of the book. Just the highlights which, IMO, were the parts with Faolan and Eile.

This book was wonderfully written and a great read.
Profile Image for Tita.
2,126 reviews218 followers
April 9, 2009
Acabei hoje de ler o livro. É muito bom e adorei =D
O que dizer sobre Faolan? Quero um homem como ele *suspiro* está quase ao mesmo nível que Bran, o Homem-Pintado da trilogia Sevenwaters.

Faolan provou que é humano, cheio de emoções e do seu sentido de lealdade.
Eile, é uma jovem violentada que acredita que apenas pode contar em si própria, mas que ao longo da sua viagem aprende a confiar em Faolan.

Não me quero adiantar muito, pois não quero cair em spoilers, mas digo-vos, que este é um dos melhores livros que li de Juliet Marillier.
O melhor para mim continua a ser “O Filho das Sombras”, mas “O Poço das Sombras” e as suas personagens, vêm logo, logo atrás, a pouca distância.
Apesar de o 1º volume custar um pouco a ler, somos recompensados nos dois volumes seguintes…este último volume é mesmo fenomenal e apaixonante.

Portanto, Argas, amiga, volta a pegar no “Espelho Negro”, respira fundo, e tenta chegar ao fim… depois pega nos restantes…vais ver que não te arrependes, pois vale mesmo a pena =D

O único ponto negativo a assinalar desta trilogia, é a tradução e revisão. Neste último volume é flagrante….faltaram letras, nomes trocados… Acho que sendo um livro da Bertrand, poderia ter mais qualidade neste aspecto, mas também, diga-se de passagem, que também nos livros de Daniel Silva notei este problema =(

No entanto, este problema, não me impediu de adorar o livro.

Valeu mesmo a pena continuar a ler a saga, após o primeiro livro =D
Profile Image for Andrea.
374 reviews25 followers
August 11, 2011
I absolutely loved this book, there were parts that completely consumed me. Faolan is probably in my top three favorite heroes of all time, and I thought his and Eile's story was one of the best I've read, loved it. I docked it a star because of the sexual content (I hate it when there's so much sexual content, it's unnecessary, plus then I feel like I can't recommend it and I SO want to recommend this one) and also, like the previous books in this series, it was a bit long. I'm over the whole Bridei/Tuala/Broichan drama, I felt she spent way way way way too much time on them. I wanted to scream in frustration every time she left Faolan to follow B/T/B. And I was completely uninterested in the travels and mission of Brother Suibne and Brother Colm, she could have left that story line out and it wouldn't have affected the story at all IMO. That being said, definitely my favorite of this series and my second favorite of all her books, I love this author.
Profile Image for Jen.
1,084 reviews2 followers
October 29, 2012
I wanted to give this 5 stars. I really did. I loved Faolan and Eile's story so much, I had a hard time putting it down, and hated when the story switched to other side stories involving other characters. It did all come together in the end, but throughout the story I had a hard time staying interested in the other characters. It really started to become a little too wordy. Lots of events could have been summed up nicely with much fewer words in my opinion. Still a good read. I read several hundred pages all in one day while my daughter is recovering from tonsil surgery. I very much enjoyed this last one in this series. Juliet Marillier writes beautiful stories. Just a heads up...There is a couple of pages worth of one sex scene toward the end. It's more than what Marillier usually writes in her books.
Profile Image for Calypso.
206 reviews
March 6, 2013

Comecei o "Poço das Sombras" com alguma expectativa, até porque tinha gostado bastante da "Espada de Fortriu" e sabia que este livro iria novamente abordar a vida de um personagem de quem tanto gostei no volume anterior: Faolan. E se inicialmente o livro correspondeu a todas as expectativas e até as superou à medida que ia avançando foi-me desiludindo um pouco.

Apesar de tudo foi um livro que não me arrependo de ter lido, com personagens cativantes e passados tristes e sofridos, mas ao mesmo tempo fortes e corajosas, ou devo dizer humanas.
415 reviews124 followers
July 19, 2012
Faolan truly became one of my favourite character ever! Through the 3 books, and especially this one, we read the totally unveil of his story and especially how much he changed and allowed himself to feel again, to not be only a shadow anymore. Neither to say that i'm addicted to Juliet's books, i completely adore the way she writes and how i get immersed in the story and how rich the characters are.
June 14, 2013
I love this series so very, very much (Yes! SERIES! I don't care that the published decided to stop publishing this SERIES after book three. I'll NEVAH call it a trilogy!)

It's one of the few that I keep coming back to to check and see if a fourth book has been planned.

Faolin and Eile's developing relationship was delightful. It's one of my favorites, to be honest. Both have honestly gone through hell. It's not a traditional love story but still! <3
Profile Image for Rocio.
757 reviews47 followers
January 4, 2021
3,5* en realidad.
En este caso volvemos a seguir a Faolan, quien se encuentra con una mujer y su hija, las cuales están huyendo de una situación familiar muy delicada, uniendo sus caminos y viajando al reino de Bridei y Tuala.
En general ha sido una historia entretenida que podríamos dividir en dos partes bastantes diferenciadas, aunque en ocasiones se hacía pesado y abaurrido. No se el motivo, pero las partes de Bridei, Tuala y Broichan no me gustan tanto, creo que porque adoro a Faolan como personaje y se aleja un poco de los problemas políticos típicos de la realeza. Además el romance, aunque no tanto como en el libro anterior, es bastante rápido y resulta difícil de creer (aunque es algo que esperamos). También el personaje de Breda, que WOW, me dejó loca y hubier sido genial que hubiera tenido una actuación más compleja.

Buen final para la historia.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 275 reviews

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