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Ross Poldark plunges into a speculative mining venture which threatens his financial security and his stormy marriage to Demelza. When the old attraction between Ross and Elizabeth begins to rekindle itself, Demelza retaliates by becoming dangerously involved with a Scottish cavalry officer.

388 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1953

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About the author

Winston Graham

160 books1,091 followers
Winston Graham was the author of forty novels. His books have been widely translated and the Poldark series has been developed into two television series, shown in 22 countries. Six of Winston Graham's books have been filmed for the big screen, the most notable being Marnie, directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Winston Graham was a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature (FRSL) and in 1983 was invested an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE). In his death, he left behind a son and daughter.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 746 reviews
Profile Image for Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin.
3,601 reviews11k followers
November 16, 2018

My idiot self read the 5th book before this one! 😂🤣. I was wondering what the hell was going on when I read the other one! I mean I watch and own the shows but it was still off! Now I know!! Although, I could have skipped this one because this is the one in which Ross made me so mad I wanted to throw him off the roof! But I digress! Moving on ....

Happy Reading!

Mel 🖤🐶🐺🐾
Profile Image for Candi.
671 reviews5,085 followers
October 12, 2017
I don't know if I've ever felt as emotional throughout the entirety of a book as I was with this one! *Gulp*! I must be really caught up in this now; these are like my own people. Some of them I want to sit down to tea with and have a nice heart-to-heart. Others I want to shake until a spot of sense returns. Some of these characters seem like little children that have been led astray- I may be angry with them but deep down I still care.

It’s hard to say too much without giving anything away – I don’t want to ruin this for any readers that are considering the series. I’ll speak pretty generally, minus any spoilers plot-wise.

Ross continues to struggle with his mine and undergoes an inner turmoil that will test him and those close to him. He sinks further psychologically. "For the first time in his life he began to feel old. Often these last years he had known himself a failure, but always within him there had been a fundamental conviction that this was a temporary phase, a ‘down’ which in the nature of events must be followed by an ‘up’. At least a part of this conviction had derived from a knowledge of his own youth and vigor."

Caroline Penvenen is a favorite of mine. I applaud Winston Graham for writing such a complex character – there is certainly much more to her than meets the eye. Her wit and her generosity shine through; one can’t help but be charmed by her.

George Warleggan is featured even more extensively in this installment. His power seems to have no boundaries. Yet there is some deep-seated inferiority complex that seems to drive many of his actions. He wants to be seen and heard, whether good or bad. "George did not spend his time in company which cared nothing for his approval or disapproval."

In a curious turn of events, we see Ross playing the role of matchmaker. Of course, his wisdom in these matters is really thanks to Demelza, who is an expert in matters of the heart – at least the hearts of others. "She’d say life holds only two or three things worth the having, and if you possess them the rest don’t matter, and if you do not possess them the rest are useless." Yes, Demelza, let’s do sit down one of these days! I think we’d get along splendidly.

I clutched the edge of my seat after finishing the last page and yelled to the hubby to queue up the next three episodes on our DVR. Oddly enough, he is nearly as smitten with the television series as I am with the books. Each time I have opened a paperback in the past couple of weeks, I have had to dash his hopes. He eagerly awaits my completion of Book 5, The Black Moon, so that we can begin Season 3 which began airing this month. I love pairing the books with the series, a little at a time. As I finish one book, I watch 3 or 4 episodes and it all feels so real to me! The book captures more of the emotion than even the show can do; but I like to have the faces in my head while I read, as well as the stunning scenery.

"We can none of us separate ourselves from the consequences of our own behavior."
Profile Image for Jaline.
444 reviews1,796 followers
April 6, 2019
Warleggan. To a member of the Poldark family, the surname Warleggan is the equivalent of coming across a very hungry bear. The Warleggans are phenomenally rich with no intention of stopping their quest for more. And how they do so, as long as it can come under the broad general term of ‘business’, has no moral or ethical claim on their attention. Through both bad choices and bad luck, the Poldarks have been under their thumb many times.

The final straw for Ross Poldark is when Elizabeth, Ross’ first love and his deceased cousin’s wife, announces that she will be marrying Ross’ nemesis, George Warleggan. Ross takes steps to dissuade her from this course, and his actions have consequences that will no doubt ripple far into the future of these two clashing families. In the process, Ross also alienates his own wife, Demelza, and when she contemplates and begins to enact retaliation, she ends up losing a good friend – one who had helped them escape from repercussions that could have, at the least, found Ross imprisoned.

Meantime, Ross’ mining efforts are also failing miserably. Just when he is about to go bankrupt, an unknown benefactor pays off a debt that is sure to cause his ruin – a debt that has the Warleggan imprint stamped all over it. Although the unknown benefactor gives a reprieve, several incidents (including a collapse in the mine) mean closing it altogether. Just when it appears Ross and Demelza will become impoverished farmers, a shift takes place and not long after that, the riches begin to flow. However, George Warleggan is determined to stop that as well.

There is also “the Trade” as it is called. These little villages that are part of the larger community also involve themselves in smuggling. It is difficult enough to smuggle effectively with the guards on watch; it is even more difficult when there is an informer involved.

Once again, Winston Graham’s storytelling abilities found me glued to this novel. His characters are beautifully drawn from the beginning of this series, and they take on more shape and form with each novel. We are witness to their growth as individuals and as members of a small, mostly isolated community. The whims of war and peace have more impact on a small area dependent for its well-being on the selling price of a couple of metals (specifically tin and copper), and the much rarer occurrences of a smuggling operation.

In the majority of communities that rely on perhaps one or two “trades”, when the poor become poorer, so do those who have businesses. There just aren’t enough well-to-do people to keep everyone afloat. Some people do try to help in whatever ways they can.

Other people are constantly on the look-out for how they might take advantage, even of situations where desperation and starvation will result. Such are the Warleggans.
Profile Image for Karen.
814 reviews1,192 followers
September 7, 2016

OMFG! I am so hopelessly lost in this series!!! I cannot believe this was written by a man. I so would have loved to have know Winston Graham. A rare exceptional man, I expect. Sensational writing.
Profile Image for ``Laurie.
206 reviews
November 13, 2016
I've given the 4th book in the Poldark series a 5 star rating.

The Poldark's continue to struggle along as Ross sinks every last penny he owns into a last ditch effort to revive the played out mine Wheal Grace, with his cousin Francis as his partner. The treacherous George Warleggan attempts to destroy Ross's life at every opportunity but thanks to a kind deed from an anonymous Good Samaritan he manages to thwart Warleggan's schemes.

Can't wait to start reading the next book in this series.
Profile Image for Samantha.
130 reviews68 followers
July 16, 2019
In this fourth installment of the series, an unexpected tragedy sets off a series of events that could prove disastrous for Ross and his family. When his long-time sweetheart Elizabeth announces that she will remarry to Ross's long-time nemesis George Warleggan, Ross makes a decision in a random moment of anger that threatens to destroy his and Demelza's relationship forever. Can Demelza forgive Ross, or will she try and hurt him in the same way? This book was thrilling installment full of betrayal and redemption.
Profile Image for Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂ .
879 reviews761 followers
July 3, 2022

I didn't enjoy this Poldark title as much as I enjoyed the three earlier ones. I certainly didn't have any trouble putting it aside for other reads.

The main reason was that Ross, always a complex character, does become a contemptible villain at one stage. His actions & his lack of care for how Demelza feels about them are appalling. & Graham

Some may have problems with Elizabeth's actions, but I do find them consistent with what has happened to her in the course of this series.

But after events which made me wonder if I could even face continuing with this series (I already own Books 5 & 6) Ross does in part redeem himself & brings This let me finish the book with a smile on my face.

I will continue the series but may leave The Black Moon till next year.

Profile Image for Karen.
272 reviews7 followers
March 5, 2015
Wish I could give 6 stars for this book. The whole Poldark series is a literary set of gems but this is a standout piece of writing.

I cried reading parts of this book, something very rare for me.

Warleggan has to be one of the most heart wrenching books I have read, it is a beautifully written study of a marriage in crisis - this book shows how cruel people can unwittingly be to those who love them. Winston Graham shows the betrayal,the anger, the disgust - heightened emotions of self doubt, revenge, pride and forgiveness.

The people in Poldark country live, they are not cliched cutouts but fully formed people whose every character fault is plumbed (or mined)to perfection. I am in awe that this male author has that very rare skill of writing his female characters as believably as his male. Brilliant & makes me rush on to the next in then series The Black Moon.
Profile Image for Laura Anne.
820 reviews58 followers
November 24, 2014
I am torn about this installment in the series. The writing continues to be excellent, and the majority of the plot was entertaining. HOWEVER, I'm not sure I can enjoy the continuing storyline ever again after one of the main characters acted so unforgivably, horribly wrong at one point in the story.
Profile Image for Lori  Keeton.
549 reviews159 followers
June 4, 2022
I am completely involved in the lives of the Cornish characters so much so, that I feel their agonies, joys, conflicts, and strife. The 4th of 12 novels has been the most stressful and frustrating and many times I found myself shaking my head in despair and disappointment. Despite already knowing how these characters’ lives ebb and flow, I still find it difficult to withstand their hurts and troubles. It’s so much better when things are going well.

As the title suggests, George Warleggan’s role becomes more prevalent and his rivalries with Ross continue with no sign of letting up. The Warleggans are a new-rich family who are interested in rising up the ladder further and further without thought to whether their actions are moral or ethical. Ross and Demelza can’t seem to get out from under the Warleggan’s enmity.

Ross Poldark is the most infuriating character in this installment. While he continues to struggle in the mines nearly giving them up for good, his personal judgments come into question in a really big way that makes me wonder why I like this guy so much. He just makes me want to scream!!!!

Dwight Enys and Caroline Penvenen are prominent in this novel. Caroline’s snarky and cheeky attitude with quick comebacks that make me chuckle, really make this story shine. She is definitely a favorite character.

Without going into any detail that would spoil the plot, I will say that Graham can really tell a story and flesh out characters through the well-written dialogues. His writing is not intricate but easy to read and each novel I read, I am that much more drawn into this world with how well he has formed the lives of these people. They are so real and I love being a witness to their struggles no matter how mad they sometimes make me!
Profile Image for Diane Barnes.
1,438 reviews448 followers
April 19, 2018
It's rare that a series gets so much better with each succeeding book, but this one certainly does. I am reading one book a month so as not to get so immersed that I get tired of it, but I'm having a hard time not grabbing the next one right away.
My only problem so far is that I'm pretty sure after reading the next 8 books to complete the saga, I will have to go into mourning for these characters and their small portion of geography on the Cornwall coast.

Always looking to the bright side though, now I can start watching season 2 of the PBS production.
Profile Image for Emiliya Bozhilova.
1,618 reviews303 followers
December 6, 2023
В тази част Рос Полдарк заслужава лопата по главата. Не му стига, че натвори, каквото натвори, ами след това по стар маниер реши и да мълчи . Защото тъкмо мълчанието решава всички проблеми, нали така? И нека тия около него се тръшкат и мъчат в предположения! И да му търпят дивотиите.

Доста драматична част. Греъм не си играе на дребно, въртя всичко живо на шиш точно до последния ред на последната страница. Но пък шишът е много качествен.
Profile Image for Kimberly Carrington-Fox.
798 reviews190 followers
September 22, 2015
Este libro ha sido una montaña rusa de emociones. He sufrido y lo he pasado fatal fatal como únicamente lo he pasado con "El jardín de verano". Aquí he acabado odiando a personajes que adoraba y queriendo más aún a otros, Demelza y Dwight sobre todo.
Este es escritor no tiene consideración alguna con el sufrido lector.
Una fucking maravilla de libro.
Profile Image for Shea.
153 reviews33 followers
February 12, 2024
So good! This is the fourth book in the Poldark series, and it has been one of my favorites so far!

I had forgotten how rich the characters are that Graham created. There is so much depth and complexity to them. And just when you think you begin to know one, they change. They are all distinct and all have wonderful development from the beginning of the series until now. So much happened in this book, and I can't wait to continue the series.

Content 4/5: There are a few swear words (mostly -d) here and there, but not many. There are mentions of infidelity and marital conflicts, although nothing is explicit or even described at all. I'd give it a 4/5 on content, with the caveat that there may be some themes (like the infidelity) that may be better for an older audience.

Profile Image for Megan Gibbs.
71 reviews37 followers
February 10, 2023
When my goodread friends assured me that the Poldark series got better and better, I didn’t quite believe it; as to maintain the suspense, characterisation and storyline book after book is something I have rarely seen in a series. But I can now firmly agree with you all that Warleggan, the 4th in the series was the best yet!!! I could not give it less than 5 stars because I was absolutely hooked from page1 . I think my Poldark reviews will be turning into a mini travel log this year. I read the first two on location in Cornwall and my little bit of extra information in this review is whilst on holiday, we visited the old ruins of the tin mines so I have such a vivid image when reading this of exactly what it was like. I’m going back to Cornwall this summer, and will be taking my Poldark books with me! 😊
Profile Image for Lianne.
82 reviews
April 11, 2015
Another fine installment of the Poldark series, although this one broke my heart "Ross, how could you?!"
Profile Image for Coco.
1,092 reviews543 followers
February 10, 2017
Ahora mismo estoy en la mierda más absoluta.

¿Cómo han podido llegar a esto?
¿Cómo han podido hacerme esto?
Estoy en shock.
Profile Image for Sara.
Author 1 book794 followers
February 5, 2017
The fourth book in the Poldark series is a runaway train. It takes all the impetus of motion created in the first three volumes and pushes it headlong down the track at a screaming pace. Fortunes change on a whim and evil prospers and ebbs and prospers again. I spent much of this volume holding my breath.

After losing Francis, the triangle of Ross, Elizabeth and Demelza reaches a fever pitch and Ross finds himself caught between his inability to give up his old, unfulfilled affections and his now too comfortable life with his wife. The results are a flurry of emotions that serve none of these characters well. I could not help casting back to poor Keren Daniels and thinking that what others deemed in a female a felonious crime is but a misdemeanor for the male population.

Meanwhile, the romance between Dwight and Caroline progresses as well, with a lovely edge that is both witty and romantic. I must confess to loving this couple and cringing at the idea that they will not have their own happy ending...but happiness can be an elusive thing in this 1790s world of Cornwall.

As the name suggests, we begin to see George come into his own and the Warleggans figure very prominent in Ross’ destiny. Up to this point, Ross has had the hatred of Cary, but George has been less vitriolic. No more. Now George’s real colors begin to show and the kind of hatred he spews is extreme and dangerous. By the end of this volume, the field is beginning to be evened by Ross’ success at Wheal Grace, and it leaves me in anticipation of how the fight may change now that Ross has some resources with which to counter-punch.

By this point in the story, I am totally committed to these characters and their fate. They are drawn with such detail that they have nuanced personalities and temperaments, and Graham happily keeps them to the standards that he set for them in the beginning. I find every action and word to be in keeping with what we already have been told about these people, and that is essential to my enjoyment of the story.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Piper.
317 reviews89 followers
September 8, 2016
"It's nearly twelve," he said. "Let us sit up awhile and call it Christmas tonight."

Five stars once again. Winston Graham's writing just never gets old. I truly believe I could read these novels until I've memorized every word and still find them just as raw and emotional as if reading them for the first time.
Profile Image for Diane Lynn.
256 reviews2 followers
March 16, 2015
Another excellent addition to the Poldark series. Each book covers about two years of day to day life. Graham's writing is top notch as he portrays life in 1790's Cornwall. This book had a couple of devastating (to me) events occur that I really don't want to even hint at, that would be spoiling. There were high points as well. Worth every one of those 5 stars.
Profile Image for Sønia.
280 reviews46 followers
January 15, 2017
Este libro necesita echarle de comer aparte... Menudos cabreos me he pillado con él. Pero justamente eso es lo que más he disfrutado. Warleggan es un libro de esos que no te deja indiferente, que te hace querer "tirar personajes por los acantilados" (eh Gema? xDDD), te hace echar humo por las orejas y que la bilis se te salga por la boca. No exagero.
He de decir que para leer este libro hay que tener muy, muy claro, pero muy muy mucho, el contexto histórico en que transcurre y también el año en que fue escrito. Si lo mismo que he leído en este libro estuviera ambientado en la actualidad, habría quemado el libro al acabarlo.
Ross es un personaje que me ha hecho sentir un odio supremo. Sí, Ross, el PROTAGONISTA. Se supone que a una le gusta adorar a sus héroes de novela, no odiarlos pero Ross es tan complejo, tiene una personalidad tan carismática y a la vez tan impenetrable que una no sabe qué hacer con él. También he de decir que me encanta encontrarme este tipo de personajes y este tipo de historia que me plantean un reto tan grande. Para mí esta historia ha supuesto un reto enorme y sólo he podido superarlo poniendo la historia en el contexto que le toca. Aún así sigo muy muy cabreada y necesitaré de los siguientes libros para calmar mis instintos asesinos.
Aunque previendo lo que viene intuyo que lo que va a pasar es justo lo contrario.
Profile Image for Lisazj1.
2,072 reviews181 followers
September 30, 2016
This one was the biggest emotional rollercoaster so far, for me. Lots of highs and lows for our beloved Ross and Demelza, as well as some dear friends. Though there were things here that made me furious at least , so I would be happy for that if nothing else.

This family has me completely ensnared in their lives! I'll be soon picking up The Black Moon, because I need to know all the things !!
Profile Image for Ann.
43 reviews16 followers
March 28, 2016
After reading a particular incident within this book especially, my opinion of Ross Poldark has darkened greatly. Listening to people brush it off as a folly of poor character is sickening.
Profile Image for Tanja.
340 reviews21 followers
February 3, 2021
I do not like to write about the plot in my reviews and, at this point, being the 4th novel in the series, it is hard to write a review and say any more praises of Graham’s writing than I already have. But that seems to be the case, nevertheless.

As a testament to how extraordinary Graham’s writing is, I’ll say this: I have watched the show, and I fell in love with the characters sooo strongly, yet I imagine most of them differently when reading, and that speaks volumes on how brilliant and remarkable Graham’s description of the characters is. Even though I knew what was coming, I still turned page after page as fast as I could, eager to see what will happen next. It is hard to explain. The show changed so little from the books, the dialog is almost word for word in most cases, but the books seem completely different. Deeper, heavier, more emotional, more intense. Simply put, so much better.

For me, this might have been the best book in the series so far. Admittingly, apart from being packed with so many emotions, good and bad equally, it might be because I finally got a smidgen of an explanation to the mind-boggling question that has tormented me ever since I saw the show. That being the allure of Elizabeth, and all the terrible things that happened for it. It was something I simply did not understand. And knowing what was to happen in this book, my expectations were high, and the book did not disappoint. So to all who have watched the show and could not comprehend „Elizabeth“, you might get an explanation in this book. Mind you, you might not like it, but you will at least have it to some degree.
Profile Image for KOMET.
1,173 reviews136 followers
October 30, 2014
The Poldark saga continues, spanning the years 1792-94. Ross and his cousin Francis are trying to keep afloat a mine that they have maintained for some time. But Ross is hard put to get the necessary additional financing and finds himself falling deeper in debt. George Warleggan firmly establishes himself in Cornish society and as an economic powerholder in Cornwall.

The growing power and influence of Warleggan throughout the novel is highlighted, as are the lives of Ross & Demelza, Francis & Elizabeth Poldark, Dr. Dwight Enys (a close and trusted friend of Ross, whose radical approach to practicing medicine has made him both loved and scorned throughout the district), and Caroline Penwenen. Ross and Demelza, in particular, experience some struggles that put their marriage to the test. There are also some surprising, relationships which take root among some of the other main characters, which are described in rich and colorful detail.

Once again, Winston Graham has written a novel that grips and holds the reader throughout, and ends as a cliffhanger. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Profile Image for Michele.
1,356 reviews
February 24, 2016
This has been the best one so far for me. I was completely caught up in this book and had a hard time putting it down.
To say I was disappointed in Mr. Ross Poldark's behavior would be the understatement of the year. Wondered if I could really keep reading but I did and loved the ending.
I am becoming dangerously obsessed with these people and their lives.

Winston Graham, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for getting my through the dreadful winter of 2015. You absolutely made it bearable and actually enjoyable. I'll never forget you for this.
Oh and thanks for teaching me two new words:
sibilant: a hissing sound and
quiescent: marked by inactivity or repose.
Profile Image for Jocelyn Green.
Author 30 books1,517 followers
May 22, 2021
I love this series. The characters are bravely flawed--and I must say I was pretty livid with Ross Poldark a few times in this story. I can't wait to see him redeem himself. So far, there are scenes in every book that just make me drop my jaw in wonder at the quality of the writing, the conveyance of setting or emotion or both.
Profile Image for Marilyn.
525 reviews
December 16, 2015

ROSS, YOU COMPLETE, TOTAL IDIOT! I just can't believe what a jerk you were in this book.

Of course, not nearly as much of a jerk as the title character(s), especially George. Talk about a twisted man. He pursues and marries his rival's first love (and still inamorata, dammit) before her husband is cold in the grave. He then proceeds to abandon a fabulous new mansion to go live in the Poldark homestead, Trenwith, right next door to Ross, in order to twist the knife still further. Then he bans everyone from walking on the land, humiliating Demelza and shooting the Poldarks' dog. THEN, he twists a totally unselfish (though STUPID) act by Ross (selling shares of his "worthless" mine and giving the proceeds, a princely 600 pounds, to Elizabeth so she won't be destitute) into cheating his ward and suing Ross to undo the deed, since the mine is now making money. Jeez, what a CS.

But Ross can't help but throw away happiness with both hands. A "forced" liaison with Elizabeth, which Demelza instantly tumbles to, results in damn near a year of very cold feelings, and in Demelza almost throwing herself on the adultery train with a military man. I object to the fact that things seem to improve for the Poldarks only when the finances improve. I think that's a disservice to both Ross and Demelza, who points out that she's been dirt poor and OK with it, and could do so again.

Ouch, ouch, ouch. Yes, I'm still thoroughly hooked and can't wait to tear into the next book later tonight. But Winston, WHY? Why have a thoroughly honest and rational man, act like such an asshole? The plot thickens? Yes, I suppose so, but I will be much, much more cautious about my feelings for Ross, which up until this book have been completely positive.

Looking forward to seeing what happens with Caroline, yet another character I can't figure out. But she certainly saved the Poldarks' bacon in this book. Maybe she secretly hates the Warleggans as much as I do.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sarah-Vita.
21 reviews49 followers
April 3, 2016
Ugggghh!!!! This book was a roller coaster!! From "Ross, you idiot!" to "My poor Demelza," to "Oh no, Ross!" and back again!! I was so cared for the ending, but it was beautiful! I cried a few times reading this, and again at the end! I don't want to spoil this one for anyone, because it's such a huge plot twist in the series... but I think this may be my favorite Poldark novel so far!!
So anxious for Aidan and Eleanor to return to it in Series 2 this September! Gaaaahh!!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 746 reviews

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