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A Shot to the Heart

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Laura Martin's father has been callously murdered and now only Laura herself can bring a ruthless killer to justice
At thirty-five, Cyndi Parker is nearing the end of her shelf life as a sexy convention model. Determined to enjoy a life of ease and luxury, she seduces and marries Terry Martin, a wealthy widower thirty years her senior. Fifteen months later, she coldheartedly murders Terry in a manner that will make it appear that he has died naturally of a massive stroke. The scheme should net Cyndi an inheritance approaching ten million dollars, but it doesn't account for Terry's daughter, Laura, a cardiologist who knows more than a little about strokes and who is convinced that Cyndi has murdered her father.
Laura begins to build a case against Cyndi, but Cyndi is executing a long and carefully calculated plan. She'll stop at nothing to protect the prize she's finally won, and as the two beautiful, clever, and determined adversaries circle each other, the battle may have deadly consequences for both.

254 pages, Paperback

First published October 31, 2023

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About the author

James L. Thane

9 books7,012 followers
James L. Thane was born and raised in northwestern Montana and has worked as a janitor, a dry cleaner, an auto parts salesman, a sawyer, an ambulance driver and a college professor. While working as an historian, Thane wrote one non-fiction book and a number of magazine and journal articles. But he always loved reading crime fiction and so decided to take a crack at writing a suspense novel. The result was NO PLACE TO DIE, the first Sean Richardson novel. The next three, in order, are UNTIL DEATH, FATAL BLOW, and SOUTH OF THE DEUCE. Thane has also written two traditional mystery novels, CROSSROADS, which is set in Montana, and TYNDALL, which is set in South Dakota. He has also written two stand-alone thrillers, PICTURE ME GONE, which was released in 2022, and A SHOT TO THE HEART, which will be released on October 31, 2023.

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Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 reviews
Profile Image for Bill.
1,034 reviews177 followers
November 16, 2023
James L Thane's latest novel is a tense & gripping thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat from first page to last.
Ex model Cyndi Parker marries a wealthy widower almost thirty years her senior, but it's not for love. Cyndi only wants his money & murders him, making it look like natural causes, so that she can inherit millions of dollars. This is not a spoiler because this all happens in the opening chapter!
Thane creates some great characters & crafts an excellent game of cat & mouse as Cyndi tries to stay one step ahead of her daughter in law, who believes that her father's death was not an accident.
Another fine novel from one of my favourite authors.
Profile Image for Kathy.
3,650 reviews262 followers
November 26, 2023
I enjoy reading this author's reviews on this site and I think I have read a book or two in the past that he has written so wanted to give this one a shot. It sort of made me want to take a trip to Montana, believe it or not, so I would say he succeeded in describing the natural assets of that state. The characters in this book reminded me of reality tv extreme personalities with the foul language that goes with that. Not my cup of tea, but I totally understand if others like the vulgar side of things.
I guess I will settle for 3 stars? Sorry, James. I must say you came up with a doozy of a climax to this story!

Kindle Unlimited
Profile Image for Marty Fried.
1,117 reviews115 followers
November 7, 2023
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, even knowing who the killer was and how she did it was made clear at the beginning. The killer was was a beautiful woman who had lured a rich man into marriage to get his money. And being a greedy sort, she wasn't satisfied with a divorce, or even sharing her inheritance with his existing son and daughter. She wanted it all, and came pretty close to getting away with it.

The author's books are mostly fun to read; they're interesting, fast moving, and straightforward, so can be read almost non-stop without confusion. I raced through it in a day or two, which is pretty fast for me, as I normally listen to audiobooks and read ebooks only when I'm sitting around. I just got the latest Covid vaccine, and they always slow me down for a day, so this was perfect. Well, except for the fact that I'm now destined to die soon from the fake vaccine, according to some experts.

This one was especially interesting because the crime was well-planned, and it seemed like an almost impossible job to prove who did it. There was suspicion, of course, but she almost got away with it. She just underestimated her victim's family.
Profile Image for K.
968 reviews25 followers
November 10, 2023
First off, let me say that I like the author. I’ve never met James, but we’ve exchanged comments via GR on a number of occasions, enough to know that we share more than a few sensibilities about crime/ mystery books. So, it is with great pleasure that I can say that A Shot To The Heart is, if not the best he’s written to date, certainly tied for the top spot.

Interestingly, Thane elected to write not a mystery, but a “can anyone catch the killer” story. Since we know the killer’s identity from the get go, Thane takes the reader along for the thrilling ride as the victim’s daughter cleverly and relentlessly pursues the truth. Laura is a practicing cardiologist who more or less neglects her practice in favor of proving, step by step, that her father’s death was the result of the deliberate plan of his younger, seductive, gold-digging and duplicitous 2nd wife.

When the reader knows “who-dunnit” from the start, the danger of losing tension and interest looms large. Not to worry, there’s enough here to keep you turning pages. The pacing is well done and Thane wisely includes his successful Phoenix police detective character, Sean Richardson, in the mix. Richardson is, arguably, his best character and is a welcome addition to this one, even if he plays only a minor supporting role.

So, are there weaknesses in the book? Sure. For example, there are no practicing cardiologists that have the luxury of time to spend investigating a criminal matter at the expense of patients, rounds at the hospital, and being on call, that our protagonist exhibits. She also appears a whole lot smarter in the ways of criminal investigation than the PI she hires. And she probably would have been more forcefully reproached by the cops in real life as she takes the lead in the investigation. But all of this, and a bunch more, are just minor nits. None of them really prevent the reader from enjoying the story or the anticipation of the eventual resolution. Suspend disbelief and enjoy the ride. This is James Thane at his best.
Profile Image for Fred Forbes.
1,066 reviews63 followers
November 19, 2023
Some disclosure. Over the years, Jim Thane and I have become friends. I have never met him, our connection being Goodreads. I enjoyed his reviews of the detective classics and when I discovered he is an author I decided to try his stories and have found them uniformly excellent. Tight, crisp prose, the stories proceed in a pretty linear fashion, the characters are interesting and the descriptions of the locales - Arizona and Montana, depending- are spot on. We've traded correspondence off and on over the years on a variety of issues and when this novel was recently released, he was kind enough to send me an inscribed copy.

This novel is interesting in that his major character, Sean Richardson, a police officer, only drifts in and out of the story as needed, not as the driving force. Story is interesting but not as a who-done-it, since you know going in the "who" as a gold digging wench who does in her new husband to claim a sizable inheritance so she and her boyfriend can escape into the idyllic life they have planned. Only problem? The victim's daughter does not believe her father had a sudden stroke. Problem is, how to prove it? Lots of twists and turns, part police procedural, part legal issues, part investigatory techniques (some legal, some not). As usual for Jim, a satisfying and compelling read.

One problem I have is why books by Jim are not more widely read, given their entertaining nature. Also note, as a fan of detective series on TV (especially British) I am surprised that none of his books have been adapted to the screen, big or otherwise. The promotional effort behind the books is also pretty week. You deserve a lot more success, Jim - maybe time for a new agency?
November 6, 2023
I have always thought of Author, James L sane as a writer who delivers, and he does it once again! Forgive me, if my description of “A Shot to the Heart“ is something of an oxymoron: a fast-paced novel of suspense, but that is exactly what this is.

Seeing employees and inventive, narrative structure, a keen eye for the machinations of human emotions, and a fine ear for dialogue, continually moving the story forward without relying on literary gimmicks; just a straight ahead, clever, plot, propelled by characters who are both compelling and believable. Make no mistake, this author knows how to keep a reader glued to the page. So watch out: once you start, this one, you won’t want to stop until you’ve finished. Highly recommended.
November 30, 2023
A Shot To the Heart is another excellent book by James Thane. It’s a cliche to say I couldn’t put it down, but in this case it’s absolutely true. Even though The author reveals the murderer at the beginning of the book, the chase is on to see if the victim’s daughter can prove a case against the murderer. I enjoy Thane’s trademark habit of revealing the killer at the beginning so the reader can see into the minds of both the killer and the victim’s daughter. A thriller that leaves you gasping at the end. Five stars for A Shot to the Heart!
1,864 reviews11 followers
February 18, 2024
(3). Always nice to catch up with the Godfather of goodreads mystery/thriller genre. This one isn’t a whodunit. We know who right from the get go, we just have to see how things unravel from there. We have a wonderfully deceitful and greedy protagonist, a kind of co-protagonist on the good side going toe to toe with her, all in a story that feels completely feasible. Jim manages to sneak in a glimpse of Sean Richardson here, who I am waiting to return for a stand alone any time. Lots of layers peeling back, pretty much non stop action in a short book that will not take you long to finish. Good fun. Good stuff.
459 reviews4 followers
November 6, 2023
A great book from a great author! This is absolutely the best of his standalone novels! It was great to see Sean Richardson again, even in a limited role!
Profile Image for Michael Martz.
1,009 reviews31 followers
November 3, 2023
"A Shot to the Heart" is author James Thane's riff on the classic Black Widow trope. It's a tidy mystery, with the only mystery being, since we know who did the deed, whether the guilty party can actually be caught and brought to justice.

Cyndi, the Black Widow in this affair, is a young, sexy woman living in the Phoenix area who marries a rich older widower, Terry. While vacationing at a lake in a remote part of Montana, Cyndi manages to dose her husband up with a massive amount of a drug he's already taking to control a minor heart issue. Terry strokes out, Cyndi waits several minutes before dialing 911, and the man dies as the ambulance dispatched to the scene pulls into the emergency room entrance at the region's hospital. Unfortunately for young Cyndi, Terry's daughter Laura happens to be a cardiologist herself and something smells fishy to her.

Laura hops on a plane and is soon at the scene of the crime, where Cyndi has left a few clues that lead her to suspect that her previously healthy-for-his-age father didn't die of natural causes. She manages to talk the attending physician into approving an autopsy and delaying the signing of the death certificate. Cyndi, to this point feigning sadness at her husband's demise, goes ballistic as a kink suddenly appears in her grand plan. However, she ain't seen nothin' yet, as Laura and her brother decide they'll do everything possible to prevent Cyndi from profiting from a murder they're sure she committed.

A Shot to the Heart is a quick read with solid writing and a well conceived plot. The dialogue was a little clunky at times but the story moved along at a decent pace as the walls closed in on Cyndi and her 'team'. Terry's daughter, Laura, was an effective, methodical foil to the devious Cyndi, who wasn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer. The ending was a bit abrupt and it would've been nice to have had a little wrap-up of some sort, but all in all a fine effort by James Thane.
Profile Image for Nan Williams.
1,564 reviews90 followers
March 25, 2024
Another fun read from James Thane!

There's so much I love about his books. I love his characters - they are so real! Their thinking, their emotions, their planning is just so REAL! I can easily envision every single one of them.

I also appreciate the fact that he doesn't stuff his plots with non-essentials and current day issues. His stories are all about the characters and their actions and re-actions.

Most enjoyable!
Profile Image for L.
1,444 reviews30 followers
July 22, 2024
Thane gives readers a twisting plot, with some ingenious moves by the characters. I also like that he gives Laura and Cindi, the daughter and widow, respectively, of Laura's murdered father, a final tense scene, while he leaves open the question of what comes after.

The book is filled with gorgeous, sexy women, true to the style of classic mystery novels. I must say, though, that as a woman reader, this grew tedious after a while.

Enjoy a good, solid mystery with this one!
Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 reviews

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