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A Not-So-Distant Love

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Lady Charlotte Darrington’s path in life is clearly laid out before she will select a suitable husband, marry, and one day inherit her father’s Scottish dukedom. But a growing restlessness has her desperate for a bit of freedom before her all-too-certain future closes in. When the opportunity to travel to America arises, Charlotte leaps at the chance and soon finds herself across the Atlantic in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her American hosts and their friends couldn’t be more welcoming―all except one. The insufferable Dr. Galloway captures her eye―and her ire. Life has made Dr. Alec Galloway wary of everyone, including the self-important Lady Charlotte Darrington, who thinks herself above Pittsburgh society. He makes no qualms about voicing his disapproval of Britain’s archaic peerage system, or of a certain peeress herself, though he never intended for his brusque opinions to reach her ears, sparking a conflagration neither could have foreseen. Yet as Charlotte gains insight into Alec’s wounded past, she offers him something that changes everything―her friendship. Despite Alec’s determination to keep everyone at bay, she slowly erodes his defenses, allowing him glimpses of a future he never imagined. Soon he must decide whether to face his past fears and grasp a second chance at love or risk losing Charlotte forever.

288 pages, Paperback

First published October 1, 2023

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Heidi Kimball

10 books533 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 218 reviews
Profile Image for Crystal's Bookish Life.
906 reviews1,601 followers
October 23, 2023
Heidi Kimball has such a gift with words and building a beautiful, sometimes subtle, but always sweeping romance.

The story of Alec, an emotionally bruised and grieving hero, and Charlotte, a future Scottish Duchess with a dinged reputation but a heart of gold, captivated me from page one.

I love nothing more in a romance than a damaged hero, and the woman who captures his heart, heals him, and convinces him to believe in himself and love again.

This book was full of carefully crafted moments that had my heart racing and near tears. A truly beautiful historical romance that defines the best type of "romantic" for me.

Damaged hero, caretaking, pet rescue, hate to love. All the good tropes.

I received an ARC for review
Profile Image for Lauren (thebookscript).
853 reviews496 followers
October 23, 2023
Beautiful. Heartfelt. Emotional. Faith Filled. This is a special book and will stay with me for a while. A Not So Distant Love starts in Scotland but takes us to America where Charlotte's story fully blooms.

Charlotte is a wonderful character who's not afraid to go for what she wants, but also is intuitive about the needs of others as well. I loved how she never jumped to irrational conclusions but always handled the people around her with grace and understanding.

Alec's story is full of grief and grace as he goes on a journey to find himself after a huge loss and ultimately find his way back to God as well. The Christian elements to the story are amazing, they only amplify the story and reflect the way I see God/prayer in my life as well.

This is a story of second chances, and self inflicted wounds. It is a story about letting people in but also being a quiet place of refuge for others to take shelter in. I loved the characters, loved the Pittsburgh setting and the added historical elements pertaining to the time and to the medical field.

I smiled, I was overjoyed, I was brought to tears. It's safe to say I loved it!

*while this can be read as a standalone, PLEASE read Heart in the Highlands first if you can. Its wonderful and Distant Love is only a fantastic continuation of that.
Profile Image for Rachel McDaniel.
Author 9 books570 followers
September 25, 2023
With impeccable research and sweeping prose, Heidi Kimball penned an evocative story guaranteed to enrapture. A Not-So-Distant Love presents a skillful blend of the untamed splendor of the Highlands with the vibrant energy of Pittsburgh, effecting a stunning portrait of romance, hope, and the beauty of redemption.
Profile Image for ♥Milica♥.
1,347 reviews544 followers
December 28, 2023
For so long he had lived in darkness, but Charlotte had cast light both forward and back, vanquishing the shadows of his past and showing him a future that was full of possibility. And Alec loved her for it.

I really loved the first book, but this one missed the mark for me. When I say the pig was my favourite character, that probably says a lot, huh? And it wasn't that Charlotte or Alec were bad characters, I just couldn't connect to them the way I could to Charlotte's parents.

Despite that, I do hope there's more books coming in the series, I'd gladly read them.
Profile Image for Cait | GoodeyReads.
2,242 reviews519 followers
October 24, 2023
Thank you to the author and publisher for an eARC.



This was exactly what I needed when I picked it up. I was misty eyed finishing those last few pages because this book held so much goodness and powerful themes and that raw human nature of coping with grief and the battering your faith can take sometimes.

I ADORED Charlotte. I loved that she was a take charge type of character and that she knew what she wanted. And Alec? SMITTEN doesn’t even begin to cover it. I felt deeply for his soul and the struggles he was working through. I loved every single moment of their romance. From getting off on the wrong foot, to finding true friendship and falling into that soulmate kind of love.

This was beautiful. I already want to read it again so I can highlight many lines and pages. I love the way Heidi Kimball presented the faith elements and how profound the characters are. The general them of second chances was scattered throughout and with many of the side characters. My heart was fit to burst reading this y’all.

Another incredible book by one of my favorite historical authors.

Overall audience notes:
- Historical Romance
- Language: none
- Romance: toe curling kisses
- Violence: moderate
- Trigger/Content Warnings: loss of a spouse, mentions of epidemics, depictions of grief/depression, loss of loved ones
Profile Image for Cheri.
1,949 reviews64 followers
August 2, 2023
#ANotSoDistantLove #NetGalley.

This is a sequel to Heart in the Highlands which is definitely a must read before starting this book.
Charlotte's heart was broken in London by someone she thought she could trust. When her cousin Tavish wants to go to America, Charlotte decides to go with him, hoping to find some healing for her heart. I loved this book so much, a tender story that tugged at my heart.
Profile Image for Melanie (lemonyreads).
305 reviews127 followers
November 6, 2023
If you read Heart in the Highlands by Heidi Kimball, you’ll want to snag this one too. The first book was set in Scotland, and this is set in America, the year 1835, Pittsburgh.

It was wonderfully sweet and tenderhearted. I loved the character growth and I think Heidi did a beautiful job connecting both books and did it in a way to make this one strong. The comedic relief was charming and one of my favorite parts of the book. I laugh less than I cry in books, so this was a pleasant surprise. The faith elements were given naturally, and even though this isn’t labeled as Christian fiction, I wish those books were written just like this one.

The characters were vivid and full of personality, and I feel like Heidi knew them perfectly. I also appreciated how she didn’t rush the love story and she gave it exactly what the characters and story needed. The historical aspects were also a nice touch and intriguing. I think fans of the first book, will be delighted and happy with this expanded story.

THOUGHTS: (summarized)
I wanted more of the intense heartache that happened in the previous book. I felt like this was on the line but didn’t dive as deeply as I was hoping. This is personal preference and totally a me thing.

*****************DETAILED SPOILER THOUGHTS BELOW***********************

We find out that Alec had been married and his wife died from Cholera. The heartbreak was there but then we find out he didn’t actually love her because it wasn’t a love match. This was disappointing for me because it came across as the easier way out. This way, it wouldn’t be as difficult for him to move on and fall in love with Charlotte. I wanted him to be fully heartsick, not just regretful.

I also wish Charlotte had gone through something more significant. In the first book, both characters were equally tortured, which gave such beauty to their story, but this felt a bit top heavy. I think It was meant to be a sweet love story of forgiveness and recovery for Alec. However, I just wanted more, so my rating is purely a “me” thing.
Profile Image for Julie Carpenter.
1,617 reviews204 followers
October 8, 2023
Ok, if you haven't read Heart in the Highlands then I highly recommend you do so. This will be kind of spoilerish for that one if you don't. But at the same time you can read this one on its own. They're both lovely and heart melting books! In a good way! ;-)

Lady Charlotte is truly delightful. She kept me smiling throughout the book as more of her personality and characteristics were revealed. I loved her tenacity and strength, her compassion and trust. But I most especially loved her gentleness and tenderness. All of these and more showed her as a wonderful character! She's been dealt some heartache and struggles in her past but I loved watching her as more moments could have caused her to feel the same way, and yet she stood strong and knew herself that she was able to move past those things. She's very good at finding the root cause and gently supporting. That might seem confusing but when you read the book you'll understand.

I loved her adventurous spirit and following what her heart kept prompting her to do. All that was opened up to her eyes and bettering her understanding in her upcoming role was very sweet to watch.

Alec was a complicated character. More so in his history and waiting for it all to be unfolded and told to us readers. His reserved nature didn't hold him back from caring and protecting and championing and healing those around him. He was a very good advocate for finding healing for others. Unfortunately not so much for himself.

Amidst the heartache and sorrow of the story, there is plenty of joy and lightheartedness. Especially some scenes with a pig. Hahaha! You'll love watching for those and seeing what happens!

This story will tug at your heart strings. I found I had tears slowly trailing down my cheeks during a couple scenes. They were sad and yet they were beautiful. I love Heidi Kimball's way with words and portraying a great depth of understanding of human nature and love. This is one you won't want to miss.

Content: Clean. Some mild moments of peril and sickness. Nothing graphic. Some kisses but nothing further than kisses.

I received a copy from the publisher, Covenant Communications, via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions in the review are my own.

Happy Reading!!!
Profile Image for Rosalee.
503 reviews10 followers
January 17, 2024
What a journey this novel takes the reader on! Charlotte travels from Scotland to America. There she meets Dr
Alec Galloway - a man who is strong yet so deeply broken. These two have great chemistry from the start. I love their battle of words and wit. What transpires between these two is beautiful! It's a journey of love, trust, faith, healing, forgiveness. I loved the journal entries Charlotte reads of her father's. You don't have to read Heart in the Highlands first but I highly recommend that you do. Heidi Kimball has a gift with words and it is evident in A Not-So-Distant Love.
October 12, 2023
This book is stunning.

I can't think of a better word to describe it.

It is full of light and goodness that can overcome any dark or tragedy.

"Thank you...for not giving up on me."
"One day you'll understand. It isn't possible to give up on someone you love."

I am a huge fan of Charlotte-she is a Scottish woman through and through and I love that her personality is shown in a BIG way. Big feels (and all the feels) for everything she puts her mind too. A lot of times Scottish characters seem to get known for only their temper (and while there is that) I loved seeing that all of the emotions were encompassed in our heroine.

Alec is a broken hero. I loved getting to know Alec. I think he is relatable to any reader despite not having lived/endured the same situations. He has so much to offer and I loved seeing that ability shine brighter with each encounter he has with Charlotte.

I loved having settings in Scotland as well as Pittsburgh, PA! Pittsburgh has so much history and culture that it was incredibly fun to have that beautiful city get some representation!

I loved the themes and character growth in this book. Although Alec is broken in an outward way, Charlotte has just as much growth throughout the story. I loved the faith elements. I loved the redemptive and healing vibes.

I loved seeing that life can be so beautiful even when it's not what we thought it would be.

'It can be tempting to look for love on the highest summits and on the edge of sweeping vistas. But know this, Charlotte, my darling: true love, lasting love is forged in the deepest valleys and over the rockiest terrain. It is in the crevasses of uncertainty, on the steepest, most winding trails that our hearts are bent, broken, and reshaped into something capable of great love. And when we've proven ourselves capable of enduring such, the vistas come.'

All of the love, stars, and praise for this book.
It's a 2023 favorite for me (and can easily be added to my lifetime favorites list!).

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the copy. All thoughts in this review are my own.

Content: loss of family members, loss of spouse, faith journey, medical injuries (our MMC is a doctor), helping women succeed, beautiful character arcs, family/friend connections, kisses.
Profile Image for Jeanine Reed.
438 reviews13 followers
June 29, 2023
I was beyond excited when Heidi revealed that Charlotte’s story was being written. Heart in the Highlands is one of my favorite books, and Callum’s and Katie’s love story is one for the ages. So to know that their darling daughter was getting her own story was a real treat. And then I get the surprise of a lifetime and win an advanced reader copy, giddy doesn’t even begin to describe it!! Needless to say when it arrived in my mailbox, I screamed a little—ok maybe a lot. It is beautiful, the cover is just gorgeous. And the story within the pages is just as breathtaking!

Callum and Kate have overcome the trials and heartache that nearly destroyed their marriage and have fostered a deep and precious bond of love and forgiveness and trust. Charlotte, unaware of her parents tumultuous and painful past, longs for a picture perfect, untainted love like that of her mother and father. When she is disappointed and disgusted by her unfortunate season in London and the man who has nearly ruined her reputation, she becomes restless and contemplative. Her prospects in Scotland and England are few, as gossip abounds and her title of-putting to any man afraid of being placed as her lesser in the societal hierarchy once married. She needs change, she needs distraction, she needs to find something or someone, and Tavish’s trip to America will do just that. Reluctantly, her parents agree to her plans and she sets sail for America with hope and excitement.

Alec Galloway has had a difficult life. Coming from humble beginnings and suffering loss after loss, he has made a life for himself as an esteemed doctor in the bustling town of Pittsburgh. He is a man consumed, driven by guilt, regret, fear; filling his days with endless work and research, so he doesn’t think or feel. He lost his father, his grandfather, then his wife…and his faith. How could a loving God allow so much loss and heartache. His whole life he has been working tirelessly to take care of those he loves, heal those in need, and atone for his failings. He has pushed away those who were close. Building a wall around his heart, he has become a shell of the man he once was, just existing, not living. Driving himself relentlessly in pursuit of protecting the defenses he has erected.

Charlotte is light and life, caring and capable. She is also stubborn and a little bold. She wants to be useful, and takes her position and her title very seriously, always looking for ways to use it to benefit those around her. She is adventurous and amiable. That is until she meets Alec. Their initial meeting is disconcerting, and an overheard conversation sends her reeling. He is terse and hurtful and presumptive. That moment makes Alec an enemy and Charlotte is not about to lay down and take his ire. Her Scottish pride and stubbornness won’t allow her to sit by quietly. The two come to blows on more than one occasion and those heated impassioned interactions begin to weigh on her heart. Alec is a mystery, one she is determined to unravel.

Charlotte begins to realize that Alec is suffering and her clipped tones and icy glares are only furthering the chasm between the two. Turning to prayer, she understands that he needs comfort, understanding, and compassion. A safe place, a tender refuge, and a patient love. All she is willing to give in spades.

Heidi did an outstanding job with this story. The frustration and friction between Charlotte and Alec is fiery. And so is their longing. Enemies to lovers is my favorite trope and it shines here.
Profile Image for Amanda Morrill.
338 reviews15 followers
October 23, 2023
4.5 stars. I fully enjoyed this beautiful story. This takes place many years after Heart in the Highlands and Charlotte is all grown up. She is restless in Scotland and finds an opportunity to go to America. She is hosted by friends in Pittsburgh where she meets grumpy Alec. He instantly dislikes her self-important demeanor. They slowly come to find out more about each other and care for one another. Alec is hurt from the past and has major walls up. Believe it or not, a pig brings them together and it is the sweetest.
Profile Image for Tricia Anson.
368 reviews36 followers
October 24, 2023
This book! I’m still thinking about this book. Charlotte and Alex have such an achingly beautiful, heart-wrenching, heart-warming story of hope and healing. I absolutely loved it.

Things I Loved:
-“I’m only forgetful when I find it convenient.”
-“Though Charlotte was only a quarter Scottish, she had four full quarters of a Scots temper.”
-“Her mind was still whirring, wondering which version of Dr. Alec Galloway would make an appearance this evening—the man who’d thoroughly insulted her on her first night in Pittsburgh or the self-made man, struggling through the wounds of a tragic past.”
-US & Britain at “war” 😉
-The pig
-“Let him come tae ye. If he’s going tae have a chance at being healed, it must be his choice.”
-A person of influence
-“‘With my eye the way it is, I fear I may need a doctor at any moment.’ Liam’s mouth twitched. ‘It’s your duty to come in with me, just in case.’”
-Her father’s journal
-The book 📕
-“One day you’ll understand. It isn’t possible to give up on someone you love.”
-Do ghràidh
-Wedding present
-Neutral waters
-The whole ending ♥️

I laughed at their bickering, I cried at the vulnerability, I swooned something fierce, and I was happier than all get out with where the story ended. Faith was woven throughout in such a raw and real way. This is a healing, encouraging read.

This book was everything I hoped it would be and more as a sequel to the first—the way the history from Charlotte’s parents’ story is woven in is amazing—but you don’t have to have read it to enjoy Charlotte and Alec. It just made my heart happy to recognize all the details.

Trigger Warning: MMC has lost a spouse and close family members in years previous, deals a lot with processing grief & bitterness.
Profile Image for Joee (booksandacupofjoee).
1,243 reviews170 followers
October 3, 2023
Oh how I absolutely LOVED this book! Heidi's book Where the Stars Meet the Sea is one of my favs. This one was just so heartwarming! It made me swoon, laugh ot loud and even tear up! It captivated me from the very beginning.

Charlotte is the SWEETEST soul! Like I want to be her friend. I just loved her kind heart and felt for her trying to find her place in the world especially when she's got the title of Dutchess hanging over her. And then their is our grumpy, Widow Doctor, Alec. I am a GONER for grumpy men and he was just everything! I felt for him cause he's not had it easy and you can understand why he is the way her is. But oh gosh, his and Charlotte's banter was so good. I loved how she pursed him. It all just felt so pure and made me so happy!

And then there is the PIG!!!! I about DIED! All of that was just the most precious thing ever. Like I'm dying for everyone to read this so you can see what I'm talking about. While the first book in this series about Charlotte's parents was a harder one for me because of the conflict, I really liked that this one the conflict is very short. Overall, I just absolutely cherished this and highly recommend it if you want a super heart warming, grumpy widower story! There are some religious themes throughout and it's done beautifully but if that isn't your cup of tea, then keep that in mind!

*Thank you so much to Heidi for my gifted copy!*
Profile Image for Paula.
488 reviews257 followers
September 11, 2023
This book was kindly provided by Covenant Books in exchange for a fair and honest review

I feel that before you start reading this book I must warn you to read “Heart in the Highlands” first. “A Not So Distant Love” feels more like a spin-off than a second book in the series, but the two books are so deeply connected that I wouldn’t recommend reading this book first. Our wonderful female protagonist is not just the daughter of the couple of that “first book”, she played an important role in her parents happily ever after, but before that, her father made a terrible mistake towards her mother who was abandoned when she was pregnant with her. Charlotte doesn’t remember anything about her father not being there in the first couple of years of her life, so the man is worried that she could repeat the same mistakes. There’s a subplot in which Callum, Charlotte’s father, gives her the journal of his youth and how the love story between him and his wife succeeded.

Charlotte is destined to inherit the dukedom one day. But before that she needs to get to know herself. She needs to find her calling, and she feels that by accompanying her cousin Tavish to Pittsburgh in America, and help him for a few months, will be the experience of her life. So she and Tavish depart the Highlands and arrive in the former colonies to Pittsburgh, a town which is quickly growing and where Tavish will make a man of himself. There they meet the Maganns, a lovely couple who will host them as Tavish is good friends with their son Liam. And also in the family there is this man who keeps very much to himself. Doctor Alec Galloway is a self-made man whose father was Martin Magann’s best friend who died when Alec was very young. Alec has been grieving the loss of his wife for three years and likes to live in isolation, in penance and atonement for what he feels was his responsibility in saving her. So to keep his distance from a woman to whom he feels attracted he’s determined to have a strained relationship with the future duchess by taking a dislike to her. But things take a turn when Charlotte demands of him to cure a pig after he injures the animal in an accident.

As I said, this book is deeply and intimately connected to “Heart in the Highlands” by Charlotte reading her father’s journal and learning life lessons that could mend her relationship with Alec while at the same time she will understand that her father and mother are not perfect and that they struggled back in the day, even though their marriage seems to be perfect now. I loved how reminiscent of the past this book feels. Heidi Kimball manages to write beautifully about nostalgia, grief, loss, guilt but also light and hope for the future. The pace is slow and delicate, measuring every word, savoring her text like a favorite dish cooked by a loving mother. All of her characters are good people, there is light and there is darkness in all of them, some of them are gloomier than others and Charlotte is like the lighthouse that brings all of them together, in peace, comfort and optimism. I loved her and her internal journey as well as her love story, she’s such a good woman that you only want her to fulfill her dreams, while at the same time you feel for Alec, who is a good man as well, a man who certainly doesn’t deserve the kind of metaphorical flogging he’s been giving himself for three years. He will also have to find himself before being able to fight not to lose Charlotte.
Profile Image for Catherine .
66 reviews3 followers
November 10, 2023
Honestly it’s probably a 2.5 for me because I just couldn’t get over how many times she described the man as having bulging seams in his coat and chest. Pretty sure clothes were often tailored during this time period? He should fire his tailor if the seams are straining when he is just standing there, looking manly.

I may have read too many romance books. Every heroine is smart and feisty and has smoldering dark grey eyes and unruly curls. Every hero is in danger of popping off all of his buttons with his manly broad chest and brooding eyes with a lock of hair that is just itching to be pushed from his forehead.
Profile Image for Julie.
Author 50 books584 followers
January 19, 2024
An emotional romance. Full review to come!
Profile Image for Ashley.
58 reviews3 followers
January 19, 2024
Confession, I don't like Christian Fiction, and I was warned by the author in a post that she made that this would have Christian themes, so I was hesitant going into it. But I shouldn't have been worried, Heidi does an incredible job weaving in themes in a natural way that builds to the story and shows a different side of characters that we wouldn't have seen otherwise.

Charlotte's life has been easy as a duchess to be, she's strong and opinionated and obviously not what a man is looking for. Enter Alec Galloway...in America, who instantly doesn't like her and argues with her at every chance he gets. Their arguments were believable but interwoven were moments of sweetness.

It's beautiful and heartbreaking all at the same time. She does an incredible job tying in Charlotte's parents' story slowly revealing it over time in a way that I feel like I'm seeing their story again for the first time.

I smiled, I cried, and I will definitely be reading it again.
Profile Image for Shauna.
1,201 reviews13 followers
October 24, 2023
“I was never there for the pig.”

This may not seem like the quote to represent such an emotionally driven book, but it totally did for me.

Charlotte wants to leave the safety of her Scottish Highlands to travel to America with her cousin Tavish. What she finds there affects her future in unexpected ways and I was completely there for all of it.

Alec is burying his grief in endless work doctoring his patients and removing himself from society. When Charlotte enters that society his life gets thrown in greater turmoil.

This story stands alone, but I strongly encourage the reader to also indulge in Heart in the Highlands. It’s like a full circle of love. So lovely.

Alec tore my heart out. I wanted to stitch him back together with threads of love and peace. And I’m going to admit that blacksmith arms on a doctor is now my jam.

Charlotte is a fiery determined sort, but everything she did was a deliberate choice to embrace her future. I adored her. I was inspired by her to be a little better and see others with more grace.

Why the pig quote? Well it’s funny. And there is humor laced through this story. But I also thought it represented how the characters connected and their inner strength in the most unlikely of circumstances. Not to mention pig headedness was low key swoony.

I can’t say enough good things about the book except you need it in your life. We all need a life filled with faith and hope and love.

Can Alec find peace through all his pain and grief? Will love be trapped in ice or bloom like a new spring leaf?

Thanks to the author and Covenant Communications for the ARC of this wonderful book. I’m not sure of future plans for this author but oh how I’d love more stories with some of the supporting characters!
Profile Image for Savannah (forest_reader).
754 reviews49 followers
September 18, 2023
Heidi Kimball never fails to write heartfelt romances. A Not-So-Distant Love is such a good one! I was so excited to dive deep into Charlotte's story after Heart in the Highlands. I loved seeing old characters come to life again through Charlotte's perspective. She deserves her own story, and I'm so happy Heidi Kimball decided to write it.

There's an entirely new setting in this book with Charlotte visiting America. I don't read a lot of regency romances set in America, so I liked that new experience. Right away there's some enemies-to-lovers vibes between Charlotte and Dr. Alec Galloway, and they had some great banter together. I also like how they go through their own personal journeys: Charlotte with learning patience and discovering her parents' past, and Alec with forgiving himself and rekindling his relationship with God. I do wish there was a little more forced proximity between them in the book, but I love the scenes with them together. And the ending is so sweet.

Definitely read this book if you love Heart in the Highlands, enemies to lovers, great banter, and elements of Christianity! I can't wait to read what Heidi Kimball writes next.

Writing Aesthetic/Style: 5
Plot/Movement: 4
Character Development: 4
Overall: 4

Thank you, Heidi Kimball and Covenant Communications, for the arc!
Release Date: October 24, 2023

Trigger/Content Warnings: descriptions of sickness, accidents, and death relating to doctor visits; ship explosion and death; animal wounds; family deaths recounted; mild fade to black
Profile Image for Tiffany (Work Kids N Books).
190 reviews2 followers
November 11, 2023
I see you, Heidi Kimball. This book is amazing in all ways! The emotional journey, working through grief, laughing at character antics, learning to put others before yourself. All. The. Things.

Alec is a survivor of life’s hard knocks. Between losing his family and wife too early, the battlements around his heart are sturdy and nigh impossible to breach.

Charlotte is the oldest child that shoulders all the responsibility and expectations that goes along with it. Including the Scottish dukedom that will one day be hers.

When she seizes the opportunity to visit the up-and-coming town in the United States, the implacable Dr. Galloway makes himself, and his less-than-flattering opinions, known. Can they overcome their quarrels and find a way forward?

Read this book if you like:
🐷 Dual POV
🐷 Scotland and America
🐷 Noble Causes
🐷 Enemies to Lovers
🐷 Love for Animals
🐷 Forging New Paths
🐷 Forgiveness
🐷 Self Discovery
🐷 Home
🐷 Meddlesome Neighbors
🐷 Adopted Pets
🐷 Coming Home

I received a complimentary copy; all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Courtney | Bookish Beach Babe.
371 reviews33 followers
November 6, 2023
♡ 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙𝙨 ♡
•historical romance
•from the highlands to america
•slow, slow burn
•a not-so-cute meet cute
•broody, wounded hero
•fiery heroine
•morning rain storms
•jambe de bois
•maple syrup
•restoring faith

once again, heidi kimball has swept me away in a tender, emotional romance. i absolutely fell in love with little charlotte in heart in the highlands. i loved seeing how she grew into the same inquisitive and adventurous young woman. it’s those qualities that ultimately lead her to america.

there charlotte meets dr. alec galloway and, my goodness, the tension between these two was off the charts. alec was so buried under a mountain of grief. i loved how patiently charlotte cared for him and let him see who she really was despite his initial assumptions. meanwhile, charlotte was also coming into her own and learning things about herself that really helped her to mature.

this romance is a slow one, one that is fought for and so hard won. it was so beautiful to see alec forgive himself and find his faith again. i loved how his gruff exterior morphed into a true cinnamon roll of a hero. i also really enjoyed the friendship charlotte formed with clara as well as the magann’s. there is so much more goodness in this book that you just need to discover for yourself!

romance: closed door

thank you to the author and covenant communications for the gifted copy. my thoughts are my own.
Profile Image for Nari.
1,125 reviews9 followers
October 27, 2023
Charlotte was the daughter of Callum and Kate in Heart in the Highland. In this book she is 23 and accompanies her cousin Tavish to America. I love how Charlotte grows as she discovers ways she can make a difference with her title and influence. Alec comes across pretty harsh at first. I enjoyed reading how his friends stand by him and help him. Overall this is a well written story that I can’t say enough good about. I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Suzan.
991 reviews
November 2, 2023
“Lady Rowand, within a short frame of time, had managed to stoke up flames he’d thought were long past reviving. She stirred him. She forced him to feel things he’d managed to avoid for years. Alec hated it.”

This is the perfect book to curl up in your favorite chair with, and get lost in its pages.

I was completely swept away by this lovely story from the first page, and with such beautiful writing and detail, I wanted to savor every moment of it.

The story had so much heart, poignance, and depth, with masterfully drawn characters, a wonderful romance, and told in a voice of such elegant beauty. I loved everything about it!

Many thanks to the author and Covenant Communications for an ARC!
Profile Image for The_Power Of_The Page.
320 reviews20 followers
October 20, 2023
What a beautiful story! It has all the themes of love, loss, sacrifice, perseverance and redemption.

Heidi Kimball does such a wonderful job of creating strong characters with all their strengths and flaws. As their stories and hearts are revealed we come to know and love them. It’s her ability to get our minds and hearts involved that make her stories so rich and deep. You feel the highs and lows right along with them. Yes, I admit to shedding a few tears.

This is an inspiring tale that will tug at your heartstrings and leave you breathless. I highly recommend this to all who enjoy an immersive experience in heartfelt fiction.
November 19, 2023

Beautifully romantic and breathtakingly written, A Not-So Distant Love is a triumph! Heidi Kimball has made her second book in this series just as heartwarming and enthralling as the first, but with a new generation of characters, a new setting, and an original but important message. In a real depiction of overcoming grief and regret, the broken male hero serves as the most dynamic character with a dramatic character arc. Alec’s journey is emotional and touching, and accompanies a wonderfully romantic love story. Charlotte’s patience and love for Alec shines as she walks with him through grief to joy. Written so beautifully with true emotion, this story also reminds us that forgiveness is a crucial part of any undying true love. And the love of Alec and Charlotte WAS true, with some exquisitely romantic moments that have you reach for the smelling salts! It is a wonderful story from a wonderful author, and I can’t wait to see what Heidi Kimball writes next!
Profile Image for Lisa .
544 reviews13 followers
November 24, 2023
This book was beautifully crafted and I loved the main characters! The supporting characters were also seamlesssly woven into the storyline. I loved it! I actually loved the sweet piggy! Enjoy!

Thanks to NetGalley and Covenant Publishing for the opportunity to review! All opinions are my own!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 218 reviews

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