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The Josiah Manifesto: The Ancient Mystery & Guide for the End Times

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Is there an answer, a guide, a blueprint that reveals what you need to know to survive, to stand, and to prevail in view of what’s coming in the days ahead?  

Has it been revealed to us in the appearing of a sign from an ancient mystery playing out in modern times before our eyes?

After seven explosive New York Times Bestsellers, Jonathan Cahn now releases his newest blockbuster - THE JOSIAH MANIFESTO - The Ancient Mystery & Guide for the End-Times - as mind-blowing as all his bestsellers - and with something  the Blueprint, the Answer - the Manifesto!

The Josiah Manifesto  opens up the stunning mysteries that lie behind the dramatic events of recent times that have changed our world – and the message hidden within them with regard to what lies ahead.

Could a 3000 year-old calendar of appointed days provide the secret to the most dramatic year of our lives – even ordaining a plague, a national lockdown, days of fire, and the changing of the Supreme Court?  Could an ancient temple, an ominous prayer, and a mysterious template lie behind the event that overtook Capitol Hill and shook the nation?  Could an enigmatic ancient king reveal the secret of a modern American president?  Could an ordinance given in the middle of a desert 3000 years ago have determined the rise and fall of a Latin American dictator?Could an ancient array of mysteries from the Middle East have converged on Washington DC in a single hour to change the history of America? What does the future hold?  Is America heading for calamity?  Is the world?   Is there hope?  Have we been given a last chance?  Is it possible to change history?  And is there a blueprint for what you need to know to survive and stand with regard to what is yet to come - even a guide to the ‘end-times’? The Josiah Manifesto  will take you on a prophetic journey from a Caribbean island to the Washington D.C. to the ancient Valley of Hinnom to the Supreme Court to a desert mountain to an ancient middle eastern temple to the gates of America - to uncover an ancient puzzle that lies behind the events that have altered our lives - Including …

The Island of Mysteries – The House of Fallen Children – The Heavenly Court – The Child of the Nile – The Agents of Heaven on Earth – The Stranger in the Living Room – The Mystery of Days … And Much, Much More!   

And could these mysteries give you the key to what you need to know to prevail in the days to come – even a guide to the end times?

It will all be revealed in THE JOSIAH MANIFESTO – The Ancient Mystery & Guide for the End-Times!

The book you can’t afford not to read!

271 pages, Kindle Edition

Published September 5, 2023

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About the author

Jonathan Cahn

50 books738 followers
Jonathan Cahn is known for bringing out the deep mysteries and rich revelations of God’s word, as well as restoring the originally biblically Jewish context and flavor of the New Testament. He leads Hope of the World, an outreach dedicated to spreading the word of God and the love of God to all who need, through television, radio, shortwave, and more, and through projects of compassion to the world’s poorest. Jonathan also leads the Jerusalem Center (& Beth Israel) a worship center made up of Jew and Gentile, people of all nations – located in Wayne, New Jersey, outside New York City.

Follow Jonathan on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheOfficialH...

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 107 reviews
Profile Image for Colleen.
Author 139 books5,335 followers
February 25, 2024
Eye Opening!

Fabulous details of how God is working behind the scenes in our world! Dates that line up are amazing and now I want to read all his books.
Profile Image for Aaron Baker.
30 reviews5 followers
September 7, 2023
Ok, I actually really enjoyed 'Return of the Gods', but this book is chock full of speculative extrapolations, presented is revelations from God, which plays weird games with numbers (alternating using different calendars whenever the need should present itself.) Worse yet, it borders on heretical by replacing Israel with America, and ascribing popular American figures the titles of modern day Biblical figures. The author attempts to confuse the reader by vomiting out as many numbers as possible in order to tie any number of them together, whichever will stick in the readers mind.

Whatever part of the author's argument which lucks into Biblical accuracy is purely coincidencental and due to broken clocks still lucking into the right time, from time to time.

If you like the Bible, or God, don't waste your time.
Profile Image for Lou Allen.
255 reviews160 followers
February 16, 2024
The Josiah Manifesto by Jonathan Cahn — rating my reading experience and what I learned — 8/10

This is a Christian prophetic book talking about how God has been involved in recent events in history. Jonathan focuses on the concept of Jubilee — a fiftieth year celebration from the Bible — and how this ties into what God has been doing in America and Cuba.

He shares how we are to respond to the times we are now living in and those in the near future.

I found it very interesting and a great reminder that God is still involved in history and the events of the world. He did not stop moving through people and circumstances when the Bible finished being written.

I got a bit lost in some of the details, but I was able to follow the main message.

I particularly enjoyed hearing about what happened in Cuba.

I appreciated his call to Christians to stand strong in their faith and press forward with sharing the Gospel and shining a light as things get darker.
1 review
September 6, 2023
If you're a mystery or thriller fan you will LOVE this book! Excellent investigative work brings an understanding of the last 3 years. Actually it intertwines what has happened over the last 50 years from Castro to covid to Biden and makes sense of it like a thriller carrying you to the final chapter. And as a bonus it reinforces why you are living in this time. You have a purpose. A purpose you are uniquely equipped for. Your experiences both good and bad have brought you to a time and purpose. This book may help you understand how direction is unique to the individual. The story about Felix and the trip to Cuba will encourage you. This is the overriding theme through the stories in the book... you were born for a time such as this! Enjoy!!!
Profile Image for Terry Lennox.
1 review
September 7, 2023
I have now read The Josiah Manifesto by Jonathan Cahn twice. It is that powerful. Written in the engaging style of his previous best sellers, each one setting the stage for the one to follow, this one easily stands alone. That being said, you will most likely gravitate to his previous works because you will quickly realize that he is sharing timeless truths. You will recognize that the mysteries, prophecies, lessons, and guidelines of God’s Word cannot be outdone. God’s love and providential care have no match. The book is clear, concise, laid out in a fashion that is pleasing to the eye, and helps the reader quickly grasp the most essential themes. There are no dull moments.

During opening chapters, as you step into a sweeping saga steeped in the history and culture of Ancient Israel, divine mysteries are unearthed with mind boggling precision of correlating events. Miraculous happenings unfold, highlighted by the symbolism of two multifaceted bookends. At one end, the biblical sounding of a shofar evokes the power of God in a rousing call to action. Linked to the other end, find a sword with two edges known as the Jubilee, a year marked by return, reconciliation, and restoration, alongside nullification, reversal, and undoing. Increments of fifty years are woven throughout ancient periods of time, unlocking secrets hidden in plain sight, not only long ago, but moving throughout all history, and certainly in our modern and very recent times.

There is revelation of a heavenly thread meticulously and ominously connecting each event as it underscores God’s unwavering regard for the sanctity of human life, and the sobering weight of His judgement, the physical and spiritual plague upon a nation that would tragically sacrifice its own children while turning its back on the precepts of all that is good and true and pure. All along the way there is the overarching awareness that the hand of God is ever present, moving a multitude of hearts, some of stone, some unwittingly, calling each one to repentance and return. The movement may be marked by great drama, or by a striking, but no less exquisite subtlety. An everlasting love pervades the atmosphere, a call to come home to Yeshua, the Shepherd of our souls, our own Passover Lamb. There is a darkness that can only seek light under the shadow of the cross. There are consequences for the choices and actions for good or for evil. Jonathan Cahn presents a remarkably accessible template to help us find our way, and to meaningfully impact the very course of our own history.

It is particularly gratifying to read the invaluable Manifesto portion of this work. It is a treasure that reads like a book within a book offering profound words of wisdom. It stirs the soul like a rousing call to spiritual battle as we fight discouragement while navigating the waters of a world immersed in increasingly widespread and overwhelming darkness. One may draw a visual parallel with the scene in the Lord of the Rings, where Aragon gathers the living warriors across Middle Earth to defeat the monumental scourge of Sauron’s evil forces. The warriors know they may very well die, but not this day. They are strengthened and impassioned by the courage of Aragon, their fearless leader. There is a similar scene in the movie, Braveheart where William Wallace bands together the clans of Scotland as they take their stand for battle. As a massive opposing army comes into view, the warriors begin to lose the will to fight. Wallace leads them by crying out that there is no going back, no alternative to fighting even if it means a fight unto death. In the end they will know that they will have been slain for freedom. And so it is with Jonathan Cahn’s Manifesto. The reader is inflamed with the rousing courage of Josiah, and so many other men and women of God who stood for truth and goodness in the face of evil, no matter the cost.

Pouring through these pages, the reader will be educated, stunned, inspired, encouraged, and motivated to take up the battle cry of a spiritual warrior. It is a book to read, to share, to pray and reflect upon, and to secure on the shelves of one’s reference library for life. Most particularly, it is a book uncannily appropriate to instill within each reader, the courage, the confidence, and the very practical steps to move forward, to know that each one of us have been called for such a time as this, to become a light that shines as a an unshakable beacon of hope amidst this very present darkness.

As a part of a launch team, I received an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

September 11, 2023
Normally I love Jonathan Cahn's books. His study of Scripture and the connections he makes to what is going on in today's world are astounding. This book began much the same way as all his other books and I was very intrigued. But the last quarter of the book was redundant. Kept saying the same things over and over again instead of ending the book on a high note. In addition, while the comparisons he makes to recent events (mainly the Supreme Court's Dobbs decision from last summer) was really quite eye-opening, the Old Testament warnings and promises he refers to are mainly for Israel. It would not be unusual or beyond belief that some would also apply to Christianity or the US due to our founding on Judeo-Christian principles, but the Jubilee years were clearly instructions God gave to the Israelite nation and have little if any application to Christians. So while I appreciated the connections to Old Testament Scripture that he made, this book was not one of his finest. Nevertheless I do agree with his assertion that handing the abortion decision back to the states was a good thing even though I think it will do little to turn things around. Any changes to the current madness in the US are welcome, but really only a reprieve. The inmates now run the asylum and our hope is in the Lord's Second Coming. Which hopefully will be soon.
Profile Image for Tory Wagner.
1,299 reviews
March 1, 2024
While readable, I found the message full of mysticism and biblical interpretations that don’t align with my beliefs.
Profile Image for Chuck.
Author 6 books6 followers
October 4, 2023
The Spiritual Blueprint for America from Biblical Israel

Jonathan Cahn uses the pattern of the ancient Israelite king, Josiah, as a prescription for the apostate American nation. Cahn asserts that by rejecting American idols and symbolically destroying their altars we will see the predicted end times revival. Book ending these arguments are the anecdotes from an island nation that experienced revival and prophetic signs during Cahn's visit.

September 5, 2023
Once again Jonathan Chan takes you on a journey from ancient locations an texts to modern day times

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.

From the valley of Hinnom Israel

To the State of New York

Chan shows the remarkable parallels of ancient prophecies and modern day events

How the times and seasons in Gods plan are precise

And that prophecy has multiple time frame applications

The times that we are in may be dark

But like Josiah of Old we can stand against the tide in humility. And strength trusting in the leading of God and trusting in the direction of the spirit of God working in us

Not only standing against evil but overcoming and transforming the society around us like the believers of the new testament fearless full of confidence in the God that we serve regardless of where that takes us
September 5, 2023
Jonathan Cahn has what can only be described as a God given gift to open the Old Testament scriptures and identify patterns of events occurring in the Covenant nation of Israel and the parallel events occurring in America today and the dark spiritual forces behind them. The Josiah Manifesto continues to open the mysteries discussed in his previous books and provides concrete steps that Christians can take to be overcomers and shine their light in the increasing darkness. This book was inspirational to me as it clearly demonstrates the sovereignty of the God of the Bible, who intricately weaves seemingly unrelated events, both good and bad, throughout history to bring about His purposes in His time. I highly recommend this book to all Christians who are looking for answers to the seemingly irrational events of today and what each of us can do to combat the darkness of our times.
1 review1 follower
September 5, 2023
Amazing! I couldn’t put this book down. If you ever doubted a God or thought the events of the day are out of control, this will show how God knew this from the beginning of time.
Bible prophecy clashes with current events, to the exact day! Ex. Roe v Wade, Year of the Jubilee (every 50 years). Politicians, Washington DC.

(*I received as an advanced copy of the book to give an honest review. It most certainly is an honest review)
Profile Image for Jared.
113 reviews
December 6, 2023
This was the first book by Cahn where I found myself feeling eager for the end. It expanded upon his books “The Harbinger II” and “The Paradigm” to reflect current events post publication dates of the aforementioned titles. Overall, I found this one to be very redundant and just ok
Profile Image for Jaime.
1,506 reviews2 followers
August 21, 2024

I have read all of Cahn's books so I read this book with a familiarity with his writing style. I also have seen and heard many of his media interviews and presentations. Rabbi Cahn is a favorite author and teacher of mine for many reasons. His research and reporting style set him apart from other writers in the same field of eschatology. He also professes a deep love for God and trusts him without a doubt.

Rabbi Cahn begins his book by speaking of the growing darkness, the transformation of society, over-turning long held beliefs, and destroying the fabric of faith and the world. Once again, the author divulges information in piecemeal. He also uses a narrative about his going to Cuba to celebrate the Jubilee Year and give a special gift to the dictator, Fidel Castro. This shared narrative hints to what the author will reveal at the end of the book. This often-used method by Cahn is effective in his many books but has become a bit predictable and trite, it works. Cahn's books flow and work because of two main reasons: he is a talented storyteller and his short chapters flow into each other. On the positive side, Cahn does reveal and write with an aura of suspense. This style does work with the topic of the book - understanding and managing the End Times.

The heart of the book focuses on similarities between recent events and biblical events of old. Rabbi Cahn uses a comparison of Israel during Jeremiah's and King Josiah's time and modern day America. He focuses on the entry 'gates' of each nation, prophecies of doom, and the decrease of faith in God. He also lays down a detailed parallel between the beginning of abortion and the COVID pandemic against the backfall of the Jubilee and Shemitah years. Cahn pulls in parts of his previous books to illustrate certain sections of his latest book. He commits several chapters to the Trump comparison to Jehu and the assailment of the US Capitol Building & Temple of Baal, respectively. A salient part of these sections is that Cahn states that like Jehu, Trump is not a solid practitioner of the faith but has been used by God. This point will anger Trumpsters who are convinced that Trump is an anointed Christian. The author also points out the similarities between the First Passover lockdown and the Passover 2020 lockdown due to the COVID epidemic. He also points out he disruption of the Shavout and Pentecost holy days of 2020 due to the George Floyd death national reaction riots. This disruption is part of the turning of the feel of days. He ends this section by speaking of the trumpets sounded during the Jewish Days of Awe. Trumpets (the shofar) allude to a divine presence and justice.

The latter part of the book alludes to the "breaking of the altar" that was represented by King Josiah's elimination of the heinous practice of child sacrifices by the worshippers/priests of Baal and Trump's SCOTUS' disruption of the federally-supported abortion clinics. The author is clear to say that the End Times suffering is not over by writing about the eventual triumph of Babylon over Israel once King Josiah's reign ended. The war against God is building to a crescendo. Contrary to what some dreamy-eyed people believe, the descent of the US will continue.

The most engaging part of the book is the last section which is entitled "Manifesto." Rabbi Cahn encourages and empowers believers as the "Age of Apostasy" shrouds the world. His view of King Josiah's and today's world as both being enveloped in apostasy forms the basis of his final teaching. The message of apostasy is the result of the growth of paganism which has dashed truth and reality. As I read this last section, I clearly understood that this fallen world has embraced an enmity with God. The downward spiral went from acceptance of evil through a new moral code with a growing tolerance and acceptance of evil to judgement, condemnation, and cancellation of traditional morality. Totalitarianism is now the culture's norm and ideology. Rabbi Cahn quotes Josiah's belief that no matter the cost or opposition, believers must stand against the: flow of culture; societal sliding morals held by the majority; evil-doers; spiritual darkness of the age; the apathy and impurity the general population (and lukewarm believers); and civilization's (slanted) rules.

The author states that those standing for radical goodness by adhering to righteousness are taking a revolutionary stand. It is also clear that one must be willing to stand alone and apart in these End Times in which God is rejected and discarded. Josiah is put forward as the model of a modern-day devout believer. Social conformity will lead to eternal death because it means rejecting God and following Satan. As believers, we must establish immovable boundaries; set up an angelic hedge of protection around our families and ourselves; and firmly stand on the principles and teachings of the Lord, Jesus. These days there are many idols, 'altars' to pagan gods, dark ideologies, sliding morals; sexual perversity & adultery; sliding faith; self-centered ideologies & dogmas; and corruption in the government have been accepted and embraced by a doomed society. This cannot be the road of (Christian) believers. Those who choose to disobey MUST ally themselves with God and His teachings to procure eternal peace. Believers must also overcome the evil. This is a mandate for the anointed people of God who are not to embrace this world.

The close of the book focuses on what many eschatologists refer to as the "post-Christian" age. Cahn repeatedly drives the message home that believers must overcome and persevere over evil like Josiah did. This is a spiritual battle requiring warfare tactics (prayer and action) and living righteously. The author is clear on the behavior of believers which calls upon us to honor God on His high holy days, express love for our enemies, embrace joy of the Lord, and like Josiah, to destroy "the altars of Baal" (the high places of evil). The spirit of destiny is evident and a calling to fulfill the will of God.

He wraps up the Castro narrative by bringing in the prophetic book of Joel on which he preached on his trip to Cuba. He effectively compares the plague of locusts to the darkness of Castro's reign over Cuba and the rain and sunshine that follow to a coming intervention. The use of Joel is outstanding because it speaks of the evil and the many biblical truths and promises.

Overall, this book felt more personal because Rabbi Cahn was inserted himself into the book. His referencing his previous books was a bit heavy-handed but it propels the comparisons. His comparisons employ Moses, Elijiah, Josiah, Ahab, Nebuchadnezzar, Jeremiah, and Joel from the past to Lincoln, Castro, and Trump of North America. I came away with a clear message that regardless of how dark the current and coming days are, there is a bright hope only found in God; believers must never surrender; believers must be immersed by the Holy Spirit; faith must be alive and on fire; and, God is all-powerful and almighty.
34 reviews1 follower
February 5, 2024
I feel blessed that God led me to read this book. Based on biblical history tied to current events in America it was a very interesting and thought provoking book. Truly opened my mind and heart in understanding what is happening in America. I would recommend to both believers of Jesus Christ and non-believers. And……I found it at my library!
Profile Image for Audrey.
1,594 reviews77 followers
August 10, 2024
Only God could come up with this stuff! This book is absolutely mind-blowing as Jonathan talks about the mysteries of God and the importance of the Jublilean Year. There is no way I can summarize this amazing book. It has an incredible message. In the end, the author pleads for the reader to return to God and to give his or her life in complete surrender to His purposes.
Profile Image for Onnah C.
27 reviews
September 11, 2024
I love Jonathan Cahns works.
It's amazing how much research he does and ties everything together.
This particular one was a bit long for me. A lot of it felt like he was repeating the same thing in a different format.
However, everything was insightful and a great eye opener.
264 reviews
September 19, 2023
Darkness to light

God's people must live and love as in the winning belief. All are surrounded by darkness/evil but prayer, praise and joy in the Lord will see them through all trials
March 3, 2024
Amazing book! So encouraging in the times we live in! This was just what I needed to see God’s plan and our purpose in the midst of turmoil His light in the darkness! I highly recommend this book to everyone!
Profile Image for Neil.
1,207 reviews15 followers
July 5, 2024
I'm not sure how I'm going to rate this book. I am half-tempted to rate it "3" because the 1st half or so was between 2 and 3 stars for me, but the message contained in the last ~100 pages was 4 stars.

Part of me is hesitant to rate this book, because part of me fully believes he is anointed by Yahweh and speaking Yahweh's word (warnings) to America about our need to return to Yahweh, to Jesus. I do not want to discount that message because it is "the TRUTH" - this nation needs Jesus and only Jesus can truly save this nation. I am just not a big fan of the structure of the book (or how some of the book is written). I do not want to come across as dismissing what is said just because I am not "a big fan" of some of the format of how the book is written. The last 1/3rd of the message is truly powerful and inspiring and encouraging; truly the best part of the book.

The book held my interest from start to finish. It has a much better "ending" than his previous book (The Return of the Gods) because instead of just one chapter, maybe two, reminding us that Yahweh is in control, the entire book is focused on Yahweh's interactions with humanity (Israel mostly, and then America) and how Yahweh's plans are not thwarted. If nothing else, I felt the last 100 pages were the best because the author reminds us that just as Moses, Isaiah, Josiah, and Paul, et al, were born specifically for their times, so to have we been born for such a time as this, and we need to be about our business abiding in Jesus and being 100% committed to Jesus in our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

The author talks about his time of speaking in Cuba (which was pretty awesome to read and learn about!) and discusses Cuba, Roe v. Wade, and Jerusalem in relation to "Jubilee cycles" as "described" in the Old Testament (how every fiftieth year is a "Year of Jubilee" and "THINGS HAPPEN" - both good and bad) before he reaches what in my mind is "the best part of the book." He also references Sivan 23 from the Book of Esther (the date the Jews were to be destroyed in Babylon but instead became their day of deliverance and salvation) as well as date (the twenty-fourth day of the six month) mentioned in the book of Nehemiah 9:1 (in which the Israelites confessed their sins before Yahweh).

Some other things I didn't like about the book (or how it was presented in the book):

So, anyway. There are some "cool moments" in the book, I will not deny that. It was very cool to read about his being able to preach and speak in Cuba for one month. That was pretty awesome to learn about, and I can see Yahweh having opened those doors for that to happen. I know I said this earlier, but the last ~100 pages of the book are the best part. He is calling Christians to be Christians, to be 100% committed to Yahweh in our thoughts, words, and deeds. He reminds us that just as Moses was born at the right time to lead his people to the Promised Land, Elijah was born at the right time to oppose King Ahab and Queen Jezebel, Josiah was born to (briefly) turn Israel's heart back to Yahweh, and Paul was born to oppose the Roman Empire, we were born for such a time as this, the time in which we were born. We need to be about Yahweh's business and committing ourselves to Him 100% so that we might be used by Him to expand His kingdom and hasten His Son's return, to be in a right relationship with Yahweh at the end.

So that's my review. The last ~100 pages of the actual text itself were the best part, worthy of at least 4 stars, but the writing style of the first 185 or so pages really brought it down for me. I liked and appreciated he included endnotes as to the verses he used as well as some of the sources in the news. I think the message of the latter part of the book (The Josiah Manifesto portion) is quite relevant to today, and a deeper . . . reinforcement of the messages of those calling out to the Church in the late 80s and early 90s (mainly David Wilkerson, as he was the one I mainly read during that time, but some of Cal Thomas's works come to mind) where we Christians are called to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth, to not let our light be hidden but to shine in the darkness and allow Christ to illuminate the way to Himself through us. It is not what what I thought it was going to be or understood it to be (in one of the videos of him speaking that I watched, he said this was "the second half" of The Return of the Gods, but that statement only applies to the "last section" of the book), so I was a bit disappointed with that as well. But those last 100 pages! Whoo! The encouragement, the exhortation, the excitement. The question of What could Yahweh do with you if you were 100% fully devoted to Him? after describing how Yahweh turned the world upside down through 11-12 men as described in the Book of Acts. What can Yahweh do with us today if we truly committed ourselves 100% to Him and stopped compromising? A powerful question to consider (and hopefully act upon instead of doing what I tend to do - nothing. Or forget about it as I lose sight of this message in the daily toil of life).

I am glad I read the book for that part if nothing else. 3 stars in the end for me.
Profile Image for Linda.
72 reviews
October 11, 2023
Another amazing book by Jonathan Cahn

Miracles, not coincidence. Prophecy coming to pass. I’m at a loss for words other than “God is good”. Maybe not quite as impactful as the two Harbinger books but given recent world events, a very timely one.
4 reviews
September 15, 2023
Jonathan proves again he is the Messianic Shofar of this present age. He sounds the alarm in the most provocative and amazing ways. I feel challenged to rise to the task of helping to sound the alarm in whatever way I can. You won't be the same after reading this book. Jonathan has done his part; now let us all do ours.
September 13, 2023
very encouraging

For such a time as this… Darkness will come. But God overcomes! Be an Overcomer with Him. Good wins in the end.
September 5, 2023
"The Josiah Manifesto" by Jonathan Cahn I have enjoyed reading more than any of his previous books. I could not put it down!! This book is the most intriguing, insightful, and thought provoking of all he has written. Maybe because it's about the confusing time in the world in which we are living!! Cahn does an excellent job of drawing parallels of the evils and immorality of the Old Testament to the evils and immorality so prevalent in our society today. Only driven by the Holy Spirit could we see what Jonathan is revealing to us. Amazing how God is showing us why End Times are coming. If you have questions about prophecy and it's relevance in our world today this is a MUST READ!!!
Profile Image for Mandi Scott.
442 reviews9 followers
April 12, 2024
Disclaimer: Jonathan Cahn’s “The Josiah Manifesto” is the 4th book of his I’ve read (including “The Harbinger*”, The Harbinger II”, and “The Return of The Gods*”.) While I would not describe myself a follower of Cahn’s, I must confess to being a reluctant fan. Each time I finish one of his books, first I spend a few days ruminating along the lines of “these are the ramblings of a born again rabbi on a psychedelic LSD trip! What a weirdo!” Then comes the phase where I reread his Bible references and do internet research confirming his modern history facts, figures and dates. Lastly comes the stage where the hair on the back of my neck begins to stand up. Eventually I end up reading another one of his books, and the entire cycle repeats.

“The Josiah Manifesto” focuses on the Biblical verse Leviticus 25:10 - And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubile unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family (King James Version). He draws parallels between the ancient Hebrew Jubilee Year to modern day events ranging from Fidel Castro’s reign in Cuba, to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. I must note that the ancient 50-year cycle of Jubilee has not been practiced by observant Jews since at least the Destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE. Some rabbinical scholars believe that the practice of the Jubilee Year ceased when the Northern Kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 Tribes of Israel) was conquered and exiled by the ancient Assyrians in 722 BCE.

How does King Josiah tie into the Jubilee? Josiah was the 16th King of Judah (the 2 Tribes of the Southern Kingdom of Israel which included Jerusalem) from approximately 641 to 610 BCE. He was a reformer king, ridding Jerusalem and greater Judea of pagan altars, forbidding evil rituals like perverse sexual practices and child sacrifice. He brought back to The Promised Land many Jewish exiles from the Lost 10 Tribes. Josiah was the final king to fight corruption before the destruction of The First Temple, the city of Jerusalem, and subsequent exile of the Jewish people to Babylon, in 587 BCE.

To summarize, in “The Josiah Manifesto”, Jonathan Cahn describes how America may be in the final stages of self-destruction. We are in an era of neo-paganism where Biblical values are not only rejected by our society, but are also vilified by our institutions. He uses examples of “modern Jubilee” to show that even now it is possible to turn back the tide of this secular evil. In the final chapters of the book he provides a manifesto worthy of a brave, righteous reformer like Josiah, guidelines to help us resist and conquer the evils of our times.

*If you’ve never read Jonathan Cahn before, personally I recommend starting with either of these 2 books mentioned above.

October 25, 2023
The stories are compelling, the interpretations are speculative and sometimes feel like a stretch, however the application is spot on and straight from scripture.

“So the children of God are not only born but appointed for the age of their birth. The timing of their births is not a matter of chance or accident but of destiny. And if they are born into a brazenly godless, apostate, or anti-Christian age, they are not out of place. They are not to fear their age or be intimidated by it. They were born for it. Their age requires them. As it was said of Esther, so too of them, they came to their position “for such a time as this.”¹¹

The children of God must live their lives as an answer to the ages in which they were born. And their lives must manifest to their age Him who is the answer to all ages.

Excerpt from: "The Josiah Manifesto: The Ancient Mystery & Guide for the End Times" by Jonathan Cahn.
6 reviews1 follower
September 5, 2023
The Josiah Manifesto is a timely book for the season the church is presently living. As the book tagline says, it is “the ancient mystery & guide for the end times”. With the help of Josiah’s Biblical account, Cahn shares this guide to help the church navigate the increasing evil and darkness of the end times, and counter the evil culture that wants to dictate and impose their laws, media control, entertainment, school education, and more! I should add it is very helpful to read all previous Cahn’s books to understand where the decoding began and understand how the patterns continue to unfold.

Jonathan Cahn has been blessed with the revelation to decode Bible patterns and ancient mysteries that are keys to understanding, not only where we are as a church and a society, but also where we are headed if we don’t make good choices, and how we can change the course if we do. Israel and America share an uncanny parallel that it’s undeniable to refute. These patterns are not hard to see, and Cahn has uncovered them over and over again in every book he has published. This time, the mystery continues to be revealed as the nation refuses to repent.

Cahn opens the book speaking about the present darkness that we are currently experiencing as a nation. He then moves to uncover the mystery about the Jubilee and teaches how the ancient mystery of the Jubilee “sets in motion a reversal and an undoing. It sets free those who are bound, brings back those who are separated, and restores that which was lost.” This is an important key throughout the entire book to understand how the mystery unfolds in our nation, as it did in Israel in ancient times. He also revealed that “it is not so much that the mystery works inside the parameters of human history; it is that human history works inside the parameters of the mystery.” He then proceeds to reveal how this mystery is related to issues such as abortion, the recent global plague, and other events.

It is important to note that, as Cahn states in his book, “what happened to ancient Israel as recorded in the Scriptures happened and was recorded as examples, as patterns for future generations. Thus they serve as templates to give instruction, warning, insight, and revelation.” Based on the mystery of this ancient calendar, current events, and times, it is when Josiah enters the stage to show us the correct response to the evil and darkness that surround us, and what actions we must take as a church and as a nation to point the world to God.

Josiah was a seeker of God, a breaker of altars, a shaker of status quos, and a deliverer of the children, among others. Just as Josiah responded to the darkness and evil around him as a young king, we should also respond to reclaim our nation and the people for God’s glory. We’re living in the same culture and age Josiah lived in ancient times. As Cahn states, “The people of God must wake up to the gravity of the hour and, if already awakened to it, prepare.” Prepare to be able to “stand, to overcome, and to prevail.”

The Josiah manifesto is the guide given to the church to possess the ability to stand, overcome, and prevail over the current darkness and evil that permeates our nation. It is the action plan to adopt and implement as the people of God to bring hope, love, and joy to a fallen nation. “Western civilization is returning to its original and ancient state —that of paganism. This the church must do likewise and return to its original and ancient state —its first and most powerful state—that of the Book of Acts.”

As Cahn states, “Josiah did not wait for others to resist the evils of his age. He was first. He was the groundbreaker. He broke customs, conventions, and the status quo. He did what others had thought to do, had felt to do, and believed to do —but, because of fear, did not do.” In the same way, as God’s people, we should imitate the courage of Josiah and become that voice that breaks the status quo, breaks pagan customs, and reverses the increasing evil that continues to creep into our nation.

This book is once again a call to repentance. “The call is to return”. The future of America, Cahn states, “rests on how the nation responds to the chance it is given.” Every Christian should read this book and heed the call placed before us. Cahn reveals the guide to strategically and successfully navigate the end times we are currently living in. We have the chance to make a difference. How would you respond to this call? What role will you play? Those are the questions we should answer and pray to God to reveal our assignments and seek the understanding of His plans to be active participants and not passive observers.

As part of a launch team, I received an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
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