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Oklahoma Nights #1

One Night with a Cowboy

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One Sweet Ride…

Oh yeah. A single look at the leggy blonde in the stands and Tucker Jenkins is ready to buck all night long. It’s time to forget all about his cheating ex and his usual hands off policy.

One Hot Night…

Becca Hart is an East Coast professor. Not a buckle bunny. But no degree can prepare her for the moves of the sexy bull rider she hooks up with at her first rodeo … Or the shock of finding him at her first Oklahoma State University staff meeting.

One Happy Ending…

Tuck knows it’s all about holding on, no matter how wild the ride. Now he just has to convince Becca that a rough start out of the chute doesn’t mean they aren’t a smokin’ combination …

336 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published February 26, 2013

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Cat Johnson

183 books1,748 followers
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It all started in first grade when Cat Johnson won the essay contest at Hawthorne Elementary School and got to ride in the Chief of Police's car in the Memorial Day Parade...and the rest, as they say, is history. As an adult, Cat generally tries to stay out of police cars and is thrilled to be writing for a living. She has been published under a different name in the Young Adult genre, but released her first romance in 2006.

Today, she is a NY Times & USA Today best-selling, award-winning author of contemporary romance. A promo ho, she's sponsored real live bull riding cowboys and promoted romance using bologna.

--from the author's website

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Profile Image for UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish.
1,097 reviews1,695 followers
March 14, 2013

What do you get when a university English Professor meets an Oklahoma Cowboy, who's also a military man? Well, in Cat Johnson’s One Night With a Cowboy, you get romance, passion, excitement, humor, and burn up the pages lovin’!
From the cover:

One Sweet Ride…

Oh yeah. A single look at the leggy blonde in the stands and Tucker Jenkins is ready to buck all night long. It’s time to forget all about his cheating ex and his usual hands off policy.

One Hot Night…

Becca Hart is an East Coast professor. Not a buckle bunny. But no degree can prepare her for the moves of the sexy bull rider she hooks up with at her first rodeo … Or the shock of finding him at her first Oklahoma State University staff meeting.

One Happy Ending…

Tuck knows it’s all about holding on, no matter how wild the ride. Now he just has to convince Becca that a rough start out of the chute doesn’t mean they aren’t a smokin’ combination …
Going in, I knew this would be a sexy story, which is great because to enjoy the books I read I need a solid romance with a healthy dose of steam. But to really enjoy them, I need characters I can care about and stories I can get into. I also need a happily ever after I can believe in, and Ms. Johnson delivered it all. What started out as a light, 'lust at first sight' tale turned out to be a dramatic story and I am so looking forward to reading the next books in the series, a novella titled Fish Out of Water, and the next full length novel, Two Times as Hot.

The bottom line: Cat Johnson is a name I’ve seen around quite a bit, most often connected to stories with heroes who are not just sexy, but incredibly sweet. Tucker Jenkins is definitely that, and if he and Becca Hart are any indication of the couples to come, the Oklahoma Nights series is one you won't want to miss.

My thanks to Kensington/Brava and Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this story for review. It's been a pleasure!
Profile Image for Auntee.
1,333 reviews1,442 followers
March 2, 2013
Cat Johnson writes the sweetest heroes!

It's true. I swear every book of hers that I've read I thought the same thing. They all have this innate sweetness about them.

Anyway, this is the story of college professor Dr. Becca Hart, and bull rider/Army vet Tucker Jenkins. Pretty blonde 30-ish Becca is a book smart but slightly naive English professor at Vassar College. Just as she's dreaming of a job promotion to associate professor, she's unceremoniously dumped due to downsizing. What starts out as a rotten day gets much worse when her dull as dirt boyfriend of 2 years has the nerve to break up with her on the same day! What's a girl to do? Call on her more worldly, adventurous older sister (Emma), that's what. Emma takes the bull by the horns and secretly sends Becca's resume to a university looking for an associate English prof--trouble is, it's in Oklahoma! Oklahoma might as well be in Siberia in Becca's eyes, but Emma wisely pushes the reluctant Becca to go to the interview--what could it hurt? And while they're in Oklahoma for the interview, why not take in some local flavor--namely, a rodeo--where they might meet up with some sexy cowboys?

So Becca and Emma hit the rodeo, and what do you know, they're spotted by a pair of goodlooking cowboys! Bull rider Tuck makes his move on the 'classy' looking Becca. There's just something about her that gets his motor running. Maybe it's her looks, or maybe it's the fact that she knows absolutely nothing about rodeos, bull riding, or anything that doesn't revolve around English lit. But opposites attract and all that, and Tuck is determined to seduce Becca if he can. So what if they can have only one night together? Recently divorced Tuck is not ready to have a serious relationship yet, after what his cheating ex put him through. And Becca sure isn't ready to get serious either. But Emma thinks it's time for Becca to get 'back on the horse' again, and Tuck's buddies sure would like to see him get together with a woman with some class...so a one night stand it is. But what a one night!! Yowza, these two may be on to something...if only Becca wasn't leaving. But is she? Imagine their surprise when they both meet up again at Becca's new job at the university...

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I really enjoyed this little story. It wasn't real deep or angsty or anything like that, just a real good time.Both Becca and Tuck were well-developed characters, and all the supporting characters added humor and punch to the story. Becca and Tuck weren't the greatest communicators (except in bed!), and this lack of communication caused Tuck to do something dangerous (if heroic) but unnecessary if he would have had an honest conversation with Becca. But this something dangerous turned out to be a necessary plot device for the two of them to analyze their feelings, so I guess it worked. Added a little drama to what had been up to then a drama free story.

I loved Tucker. He had a sweet, sexy side and he was an honorable guy who was a bit insecure. Apparently his divorce hit him hard, and left him a little unsure of his appeal. Not to worry, Tuck! His combination of bull rider/soldier just added to his sexy allure.

Now Becca...I must admit a couple of times she irked me. Yes, her inner dialogue was funny and she was sweet and sexy in her naivete (everythig Tuck taught her about the rodeo seemed Greek to her--did she ever pick up a book that wasn't a text, or read a newspaper? Or surf the internet? But the icing on the cake was when she showed a total lack of knowledge about what was going on in the world around her--seriously, she seemed to have no clue about the war in Afghanistan. Your boyfriend is a soldier, aren't you interested in knowing what he's been through?

The heat between Becca and Tuck fell just short of erotic--more on the sensual rather than the explicit side. It worked for me--CJ definitely got her point across--these two were hot for each other!

So good start for the first book in the series. It delivered--it kept me turning the pages, I truly cared about what happened to the characters, it provided some nice, tasty heat, and a dose of suspense and hand wringing in the end. Well done. And I'm certainly looking forward to big sister Emma's story next (Two Times as Hot--sounds super-steamy! 4 1/2 stars
March 3, 2013
Oh Tucker, where have you been all my life? I thought when I started this book it would be a sexy read with not much else going on. I was wrong, oh so wrong.

Tucker is gun shy after a marriage gone bad and Becca is looking for a fresh start after a boyfriend turns out to be a jerk. One night at a Rodeo while in town to interview for a new job, Becca and her sister Emma meet Tucker and Jace. Bullriders! Ohweeeee, that is a good enough story for me right there! I do love me a hot cowboy...sorry, I got a little side tracked.

After one night of steamy, all consuming sex Tucker and Becca part ways but, little do they know after Becca is hired on at OSU they would be thrown back together. After some misunderstandings (Oh by the way I'm a professor Tucker, sorry I didn't mention that. Oh, no worries Becca, I'm in the Army) and a really pathetic attempt to stay away from each other the passion re-ignites and the flames are burning so hot everything is melting. Of course at this point something has to happen and lives can be turned upside down.

I'm not giving away the plot but, I will say Tucker goes away for a while (something he volunteers to do) and they realize things that need to be fixed between the two of them. Do they get fixed? Well, you'll just have to read this story to find out.

Great secondary characters, hot cowboys, smart as hell professors..good stuff.

I really liked this book, it was so much more than a Hot Cowboy in a hat and chaps.

Solid 4 stars
Profile Image for Pamela(AllHoney).
2,631 reviews371 followers
March 14, 2013
The first in Cat Johnson's Oklahoma Nights series. Becca Hart's job is eliminated and her boyfriend moves out on her. Jobs in her field are few and none available in New York where she lives. Her sister submits her resume to Oklahoma State University and she gets a call for an interview. When Becca and her sister arrive in Oklahoma they decide to attend their first rodeo. There Becca meets bull rider, Tucker Jenkins.

A spicy, delightful, little read. I actually enjoyed it. I liked the characters and the pace of the story. Tucker was one of those dreamy heroes. Becca was pretty nice too. I love it when nice people find love even if its in a book.
Profile Image for Luisa.
168 reviews6 followers
March 15, 2013
I read so many good reviews about this book that I guess it must be me but really...I don't even know where to start...
How about the fact that the book's title is 'one night w ith a cowboy' but the author only talks about cowboys in the beginning of the book? The cowboy is a soldier too and that is what i read about...the army...and I do not like books about soldiers, the army or anything like that. I wanted a cowboy and got stucked with a soldier...so did Becca. Of course I mean it in books not in real life. In real life, all my respect and admiration goes to our good soldiers.

Second of all, I really hate it when the heroe and heroine have spent together nothing but a handful of times together but love just hits them in the face or something. In this book there is no evolution or progression. They profess their love to each other and really...When did that happen? When did they fall in love? I must have been reading another entirely different book because I just missed it. Fromwhat I read, they barely got the chance to get to know each other.

And third, the conflict is absurd and the measures taken to deal with the conflict are absurd and illogical.

I stopped reading this book and then I gave it another try because I have this thing with not finishing books...I just have to know what happens in the end...and sometimes I wish I was able to say: nope! Done! No more!

I have to say that Tucker and Becca are fairly likeable characters and the book can be entertaining...but I expected so much more and was so excited about this book...that is the reason I think I am so disappointed.

If somebody reads this reView and can recommend a good cowboy book, I'd really appreciate it!
Profile Image for Wminbc.
1,137 reviews82 followers
March 27, 2014
Holy hotness! Tucker....I love him! Then Becca...what a sweety! Love these two kids!
I love bull riders...thus I love Tucker.
I love Army/Military heroes...thus I love Tucker.
I love cowboys who say darlin'...thus I love Tucker.
I love steamy, sweet, creative lovers...thus I love Tucker.

Whewww...now that I have that off my chest. This was a great story, with fully fleshed three dimensional characters, who expressed their thoughts, feelings, fears and hopes. Sometimes I get a bit worried when so much is going on (bull rider, Army, cowboy, professor, etc), but this story was excellent.

After losing her job at Vassar, Becca was open to expanding her horizons. Well, not really. But her sister Em was open to Becca exploring new horizons and the first step was a tenure track Assistant Professor position at OSU. The two sisters also hit up a Rodeo in a neighboring town while they were in OK for the interview. And, as luck would have it, Tucker was riding in said rodeo and takes it upon himself to be her rodeo tour guide. To say they had instant and smoking hot chemistry would be an understatement.

Fast forward a couple months, Becca is at OSU and she and Tucker have their second "meet cute"...only this time is not as nearly as cute. I loved how these two tried to fight their attraction while attempting to justify that their mutual desire for their "relationship" was to be friends with benefits. I laughed and loved these two and my heart broke along with Becca's. I loved that the war and camaraderie were brought into the story. I loved the HEA for these two! I CANNOT WAIT FOR BOOK 2! But, the "teaser" chapter included in this book states that the next book, Two Times as Hot, will not be out until October and that's a long time to wait for my Lieutenant Coronel Logan!
Profile Image for Sunny.
1,441 reviews
February 7, 2013
Sometimes you just want to read a story with a cowboy. One Night with a Cowboy is book 1 in Cat Johnson's Oklahoma Night's series. The story starts strong with a one night stand between an academic, Becca Hart in town for an interview for a tenure position at OSU and Tucker Jenkins, local bull rider and current military man. Their paths unexpectedly cross again when it turns out that Tucker's current assignment is at the ROTC program at OSU. Passions ignite but they run into a problem with the no fraternization rule for faculty. To avoid having Becca lose her job and being on the run from his feelings for her, Tyler volunteers to go to Afghanistan - to the region with the highest casualty count. Really? It seems a bit extreme to volunteer for such an assignment just to get away from falling in love. For the most part, the characters are likeable and the story has a good narrative, but hovers on the superficial when it has the potential to go deeper with the emotions. It is the kinda book you read as a a filler - you know, the books you read while waiting for the highly anticipated books to be release. These don't usually require a lot of emotional investment. And still, because I'm such a sucker I will read the sequel because now that I've been introduced to the characters, I gotta know what happens.
Profile Image for Jenn.
330 reviews28 followers
February 26, 2013
Wow! AHHHHHHHMAAAAZING! One Night with a Cowboy is a totally unexpected, complex novel! Hot, raunchy, beautiful... everything!

With a title like One Night with a Cowboy I expected to read a quick hot read about some sexy rodeo rider that can't slow down, but this book was that and so much more! There was such chemistry between the characters and the different elements brought out every emotion!

The beginning had me gripping my seat yelling "Go for it girl!!!! Take the sexy cowboy!!! You deserve to have some fun!"

This confident cowboy Tucker introduced her to rodeo and she discovered that he was more than a fan, he was a bull rider!! And they made plans to meet after the event too....

The next thing you knew, they were making out in his truck and barely making it to the room that he reserved just for the evening! *wink*

When Tucker said, "Sorry, this first round is going to be hard and fast. The second will be long and slow." The SECOND round??? Oh, yup. That was me swooning.....

It was cute to see that after they parted ways to "never see each other again", they both struggled. There was something between them.

What he didn't know was that she just accepted a job offer at Oklahoma university... and what SHE didn't know was that he was more than a bull rider. He is also a Sergeant in the Army and teaches Military Science at the SAME university!!!


I know I get wayyy too into my books because when they saw each other for the first time at the university I found myself holding my breath!

We learn quickly that not everything can be happily ever after because the university has a strict non-fraternization policy among employees.... Yeah, that sucks! You find a hot cowboy/soldier and you can't date him?? What the hell right?

They see each other in secret and insist that they are nothing more than "friends". Yeah, ummmmm, I don't greet my friends the same way they do, that's for sure.

When Logan showed Tucker that they had been caught and just barely missed getting each other fired he had to make a decision. I almost cried! He started ignoring her! NO Tucker!

But nothing prepared me for what happened next. Afghanistan. And he volunteered for hell.

Remember, I am a USAF wife, so the next section hit me rather hard. The author wrote about specific trials in Afghanistan. And she also wrote about what Becca was going through. I was practically shaking when we were reading Tucker's half...

When he went missing.... I cried. Like a baby.

However, in the end when she found , I would have done the same thing. I would have slammed the car in park where ever it was at that moment and ran. And when Life is too short too hold back.

I literally spent the next hour in my hubby's arms after finishing this book. Incredible. Beautiful. Intense. Amazing.

*ARC courtesy of NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Beth.
3,135 reviews287 followers
January 21, 2013
A college professor, Becca Hart,that recently lost her job. She heads to Oklahoma State for a professorship interview. Before her interview, her and her sister head to a rodeo. Becca instantly draws the attention of one of the rodeo rider, Tucker Jenkins. She is definitely not the normal “buckle bunny” but she absolutely wants to take Tucker Jenkins for a ride.

Tuck Jenkins is a recent divorcee’. He is still pretty gun shy about ever trusting a woman with his heart again until a beautiful blonde, Becca Hart, heads up the stands at the rodeo. He hasn’t wanted to spend more than 1 night with a woman since his ex-wife’s betrayal but there is something about Becca that pulls him in. I have to be honest, this is a really hard book to review without giving anything away, so I’m going to stop with the summary right here and head to my review...

The connection between Tucker and Becca is combustible. Cat Johnson eloquently describes Tucker’s and Becca’s encounters, making heated love scenes throughout. One Night with a Cowboy was a quick and easy read that was packed full of emotional conflict, heart wrenching choices and a hero that could make you swoon. I am looking forward to following this series.

This ARC copy of One Night with A Cowboy was given to me by Kensington Publishing Corp. in exchange for an honest review. Publish Date February 26, 2013.
Profile Image for Michelle [Helen Geek].
1,772 reviews412 followers
March 16, 2013
03/15/2013 --

Another book I don't feel fair to rate. Two in one week ... must be a record.

I usually try to get a book to the 30% mark before I call it quits. This one just did not grab me at all. It felt like I was reading an old Harlequin -- before they were good. Know? It was just too cheesy for me.

I wanted to read it because I'm in Oklahoma and buddied with a GR friend from Oklahoma. I thought it would be fun. Let me tell you, this book just didn't capture the beautiful plains landscape that is Oklahoma. The laid back, good natured, western demeanor of the people. Nothing about this book feels like our wonderful places or our rich history. I was very disappointed.

Oh, well... you can't win them all. I appreciated the opportunity to give this book, this author a try.

If you decide to give this book a try, I hope you enjoy and have a good time with it. It didn't work for me, but it just may for you.

Happy Reading!

ARC provided by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Jen .
805 reviews607 followers
March 16, 2013
Sometimes a Hot Cowboy Just Isn’t Enough

What do a pretty, shy English Professor from NYC and an Oklahoma born and bred bull rider/military man have in common? Not a whole hell of a lot, unfortunately. One Night With A Cowboy starts off strong and the potential for a truly enjoyable book was there. Then for some reason I’ll never understand, this novel read turns into what felt like three very distinct mini novellas.

Novella number one has Becca and her sister traveling from New York to Oklahoma with the hopes of Becca finding employment as a Professor at OSU. Since either lady had yet to experience the wonders of a modern rodeo, they decide to turn in their rodeo V cards and see what all the fuss is about. That’s where Becca meets Tuck, a hot and hard bull rider. They do the requisite flirting, Tuck figures out that Becca tends to lean towards the shy side and Becca solidifies her opinion that easy going Tucker’s hot as hell. That’s pretty much it. After they spend a night together that rocks them both, she leaves for her interview without either exchanging contact info. Actually, they exchange very little personal information. She’s under the impression he’s a cowboy who has a different woman in every city and he knows she’s in town for an interview but never bothers to get the details. I wonder if this could possibly make for a few awkward situations down the road?

Jump to what I consider novella number two. A uniform clad Tuck and his bff find themselves attending a mixer for the new English Professor. That’s right! Our man Tuck isn’t just a bull rider traveling from rodeo to rodeo trying to earn a living. He’s an Iraq war veteran and ROTC instructor at OSU. Needless to say when Becca and Tucker are “introduced” at Becca’s mixer, things get a little uncomfortable. This is where the story began to lose me. Tuck confronts Becca later on and his personality does a complete 180. Instead of the easy going cowboy we get the brittle military man who can’t figure out why Becca didn’t tell him there was a possibility she would be moving to Oklahoma. Didn’t she want to see him again? Whatever. It was a one night thing and they both treated it as such. After that they try and get to know each other better and succeed to some degree, but for the most part their getting acquainted time is spent in the bedroom. I liked and related to both characters, but I never got that they related to each other in any way outside the bedroom.

That brings us to novella number three. I’m not going to go into too much detail, but I will say Tucker makes the decision to temporarily leave OSU and Oklahoma because he thinks he’s doing the right thing for Becca. He’s gone for almost THIRTY PERCENT OF THE BOOK! Because I wasn’t feeling the emotional connection between these two, I wasn’t buying the inevitable HEA.

While I liked this book, the feeling that I was reading three distinct novellas within a novella bothered me. The characters personalities seemed to change from section to section and I never got the feeling Becca and Tucker actually got to know each other. More time was given to the two talking to others about their relationship (Becca talking to her sister, Tucker with his friend Logan) then the two actually spent together. With a better flow and more emphasis on the relationship itself, this book could’ve been a winner for me.

This book provided from the publisher through Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Denise H..
3,115 reviews250 followers
August 9, 2017
*** Cat Johnson knows her military men, and they double as cowboys here ! ***
Yummy ! Tuck was an award winning bull rider part time, and decorated Army Sergeant.

In this tale he and Jace spotted two beautiful blondes and swooped in to spend time with them, before and after the rodeo. Tuck and Becca were so good together,

neither could believe it. Later, after her acceptance as a teacher at OSU, she finds out Tuck is an instructor there. They have a whirlwind romance, but kept each other at a distance, because of the fraternization rules for colleagues. Sex with these two is sizzling, and then he leaves for Afghanistan.

Terrific characters that are honest, caring, loving, with an interesting story, and great side people, too. The next story is about Emma, Becca's sister. Each tale can stand alone, and will capture your heart !
Profile Image for Dianne.
1,716 reviews138 followers
February 22, 2013
One Night with a Cowboy - Cat Johnson

An Oklahoma Nights Romance

A typical erotica/romance –you have a single young highly attractive and supposedly smart (in the academic sense) woman who has been left by a slime-bucket that has lost her job at Vassar and is now applying at Oklahoma State University. Now she meets a hot cowboy at the rodeo her sister drags her to the night before her interview. They are predictably hot for each other and go off at the end of the evening to have incredible sex!

The next day comes and no phone numbers or addresses are exchanged. After all, they figured they would never see each other right? Wrong!

They do meet up again and it might have been very ugly, but Ms Johnson seemed to have toned it down a bit. Things again heat up but complications arise and our hottie cowboy Tuck sends himself off to Afghanistan!!! Now here is where I have problems with this book. It seems that the book splits – and while I can see that Ms Johnson wants to do her part by writing about the ugliness of war and what heroes our men are, this just didn’t seem to be (to me anyway) the proper way to do such a thing. When Tuck goes to Afghanistan it ceased being a hot romance and turned into something that just turned me off. It was interesting to read about what our people are facing but I don’t think it should have played such a huge part in THIS particular type of story.

Unfortunately, I didn’t see very well rounded characters or even a very consistent story.
*ARC supplied by publisher*
Profile Image for Michele.
41 reviews1 follower
March 9, 2013
Honesty, I was disappointed. I loved Cat's Red,Hot,And Blue series ,so maybe I set the bar too high while reading this one. I kept waiting for it to get better and then, bam it was over. The chemistry between Tuck and Becca feels forced. There was so much Facebook hype I expected better. Tuck is HOT, but that's all I got as far as compliments for this one.
Profile Image for Emily.
5,468 reviews524 followers
August 5, 2017
Becca Hart's life is crumbling around her with a boyfriend who has decided it is not working out and her job at the college ending. With no new prospects in sight, Becca gets an interview at OSU in Oklahoma. She doesn't expect to meet Tucker Jenkins nor spend a night of complete passion with him. However it is one night only and when Becca gets the job and moves to Oklahoma, she doesn't expect to see Tucker again. They can't keep their hands off one another but can they have something for more than one night?

There is a lot more to the story especially where Tucker is concerned. I liked this, wasn't sure if I would like Becca initially because she sounded high maintenance but she is not at all. Great read, definitely interest in more from this series.
Profile Image for Marinda.
235 reviews4 followers
April 18, 2013
Story flops when the soldier/cowboy volunteers to die in a war zone rather than have a conversation with the girl about one or both of them changing employeers.
Profile Image for D.G..
1,366 reviews338 followers
November 25, 2020

The leads in these book were separated by about 70% of the book. In fact, I think they spent like 3 days together with MONTHS of separation in between those few days. This separation was instigated by the hero, who decided to make a life and death decision - without telling her anything mind you - just because he was afraid of getting hurt.

Worse, the love scenes were mostly fade to black!! The author also spends a lot of time explaining inconsequential things like why Becca has paper and pen close handy to take an address. WHO CARES!!! Also, the author kept harping on how Becca was a lady - as opposed to "buckle bunnies" which I guess aren't? (rolls eyes), even though like them, Becca was as willing to have one night stands. I'm trying not to be to tough on the author because:
1) This book was written in 2013 which may as well been the 80s from how much we've grown as a culture and take umbrage with slut shaming behavior.
2) I probably wouldn't even have noticed this then.

I'm just pointing it out because it left a sour taste in my mouth

The narration was sub-par to boot. The narrator - Alice Chapman - sounded like she had a mouth full of marbles when she spoke.

Not continuing the series.
Profile Image for Christine (KizzieReads).
1,526 reviews106 followers
May 28, 2019
Such a good book! I really liked the writing and the characters. Everything just flowed well. Lots of little snippets of info about their lives that get dropped every so often. Becca's sister Emma could be a bit annoying and overbearing at times but she just loves her sister and tries to give her helping pushes every so often.
May 11, 2013
Giddy up cowboy! Time to take the teacher for a good old-fashioned ride!

East Coast college professor, Becca Hart packed her bags to head out west for an interview that she didn’t even ask for and lucky for her, she had her free-spirited sister, Emma in tow because Emma is determined to loosen her scholarly sister up a bit. When Emma suggests that it might be a good idea to “experience the local culture,” Becca never dreamed that would mean ropin’ a real live cowboy for her to play with for the night!

Tuck is a tough cowboy and military man, but he’s been crushed by a woman once before and it’s been a long time since he even contemplated entertaining another one. That was before Becca showed up with her blonde mane, long legs and good-girl shyness; arousing all kinds of fantasies he thought had long since been buried. Yes, he might be able to get back in this saddle for this one; it’s only for one night, right?

Darlin’, I’ve got six condoms and all night.” His piercing gaze held hers. “There’s going to be a whole lot more than just once. Believe me. I intend on neither one of us being able to walk straight in the morning. You okay with that?

Hello? Was anyone asking me? I’m TOTALLY okay with that!

Sounds like the perfect scenario for both of them, right? Yes, well that was before they knew how good it felt to be together and before Becca landed the job as a professor at Oklahoma State University and discovered a short while later that "Tuck" was actually Staff Sergeant Tucker Jenkins AND one of her co-workers… Did I mention that OSU has a very strict policy prohibiting co-workers from dating?


Yes, well, OSU didn’t quite see it like that… and queue the dramatic music perfect for a heartbreak scene.

What great romance would be complete without some drama, a little heartbreak and some real good make-up sex? ONE NIGHT WITH A COWBOY was a sexy and fun story with a girl-next-door heroine and smokin’ hot hero who cares more about protecting his girl than his heart and THAT my friends, makes for a damn good read!

✳✳ Copy provided by the author/publisher for an honest review.

✳✳ Reviewed on I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews

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Profile Image for Daisy Sloan.
776 reviews114 followers
February 25, 2013

What’s hotter than a cowboy? A cowboy who’s a soldier! Mmmmm….. Men in Uniform are my weakness. Cowboy butts in Wranglers are yet another. Put them together and OMG! I just died went to heaven! *swoon* Now, for the cherry on top, Tucker is a bull rider, oh yeah…..


 photo cowboy1_zpsf65d613e.jpg

Meet Tucker
Hottie Cowboy
Bull Rider

Cat Johnson has written a beautiful story about a Cowboy/Soldier and his “one night stand” with a NYC City Girl. This one was fun and it was hot!

Dr. Becca Hart has had a rough day. She lost her job as a university professor at Vassar due to “cutbacks” and when she gets home, she finds her boyfriend of 2 years secretly moving out. Weeks later she finds herself at a job interview at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, OK. A far cry from Vassar and NYC.

While there for her interview, Becca and her sister head out to the rodeo to absorb some local culture. While there Becca meets Tucker Jenkins and her sister meets his friend. I was really hoping for a romance between Becca’s sister and Tucker’s friend, and apparently there is, just not the friend I thought! There’s more coming in this series and OMG! I can’t wait! Squee!!!

Becca and Tucker set out to have a one-night stand. And OMG! They have a make-out session in the cab of Tucker’s truck that will make you wish for Inspiration Point and a HOT cowboy.

Of course, things are never what they seem. Before long Tucker and Becca find out they are both working for OSU. Sparks fly and so do their tempers. It was awesome to watch and hotter than hell!

This was a great story and I LOVED it! We have showers, honey, a kitchen counter, the library, the cab of a truck, and the list goes on. Not only is the sex burning up the sheets between them, the romance is sweet. Tucker is the kind of guy every girl wants to find. He’s a gentleman, he’s hot, he great in bed, and above all else, he puts the girl first.

Remember ladies

Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy!!

I received a copy of this title from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jane Stewart.
2,462 reviews926 followers
October 13, 2013
I might have given this 4 stars if the big separation was different. See Spoiler.

The author was trying to make it a grand gesture. It annoyed me. It felt contrived.

Other than that, it was an enjoyable story. The beginning was cute. I enjoyed Emma’s role and eagerness (Becca’s sister). I loved the way Tuck was so into Becca, holding her hand and wanting her so intensely. The ending was sweet.

Narrative mode: 3rd person. Story length: 287 pages. Swearing language: moderate including religious swear words but rarely used. Sexual language: strong. Number of sex scenes: 6. Setting: current day mostly Oklahoma, with some in New York and Afghanistan. Copyright: 2013. Genre: contemporary romance, cowboy and soldier.
Profile Image for Suzie Quint.
Author 11 books149 followers
April 18, 2013
Disclaimer: I got this from the publisher in return for a review.

This is a fun romance. The heroine is a city girl from the word go. The hero is a man's man. Not just a rodeo cowboy on weekends but a full-time soldier attached to the ROTC unit at the Oklahoma college that just hired the heroine. How much more macho can you get than that? She, of course, only knows the cowboy side of him when they meet at a local rodeo. Their one night fling lingers in both their minds though they never expect to see each other again. Whoops. Too bad the college has a no fraternization policy for the staff.

I liked that the hero & heroine knew they wanted to be together and that it was outside forces making that difficult. It's a nice change from stories where the characters can't see that they belong together. My one and only quibble was when the hero's best cowboy friend goes all girly and wants the hero to discuss his feelings for the heroine. (Really? Coz I know no guys who talk that way with each other.) But I grit my teeth and got past it to enjoy the rest of the story.
Profile Image for FV Angela.
1,382 reviews129 followers
February 25, 2013
Review originally posted at http://fictionvixen.com/review-one-ni...

In the interest of full disclosure I need to state up front that I pretty much only picked this book to review because it had a hot cowboy on the cover. And he’s a bull rider. A super hot cowboy who likes to get up on bucking bulls and has to know how to gyrate his body to stay up there for at least 8 seconds. *wipes drool* Okay, now that that’s done…

Becca Hart is an English professor who has just lost her teaching position at Vassar due to budget cuts and when she gets home she finds her boyfriend moving out of her condo. After wallowing in her depression for several weeks, while living off her savings and looking for work, she is surprised to get a phone call from Oklahoma State University asking her to fly down to interview for an Associate Professor position. She never intended to apply for a job down south since she’s a New York girl, but her sister, Emma, goes behind her back and sends her resume anyway. Between the lure of a real job and her sister’s badgering she agrees to fly to Oklahoma with Emma and look into the position. Emma finds out that while they are in the area there will be a rodeo going on. They almost have to attend a rodeo while in Oklahoma right? Even if it’s just to mark it off their bucket lists. When that rodeo leads Becca to a all-night stand with a hot bull rider cowboy she never expects to see him again, that is until she meets some of the staff of OSU at a mixer and realizes her cowboy is also part of the faculty.

Becca wasn’t my favorite heroine when I first started reading, at the beginning she comes across as a stuck up bitch. For example she thinks things like this:

Maybe Tucker was just so far removed from any man she’d ever been attracted to before she was out of her comfort zone. It wasn’t like she could talk Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, or Broadway shows with him.

It turns out she just needed to meet the right cowboy at a rodeo and get some good cowboy loving to turn her whole attitude around. Not kidding, the Becca from the first 70 or so pages disappears when she meets Tucker. Tucker sweeps her out of her nosebleed seats and down to the floor of the rodeo where all the action is, they flirt and eye each other while he’s schooling her on rodeo events. He introduces her to corn dogs and barrel racing and calf roping. He calls her Darlin’ and looks at her with an intensity that she hasn’t experienced with any other man. He’s so sexy that Becca decides to spend the night with him if she gets the chance.

Tucker is so taken with Becca when he first sees her up in the stands that he goes up and introduces himself. He’s not looking for a relationship, his ex-wife cheated on him when he was serving overseas in Afghanistan and he has no desire to let another woman mess with his emotions. He’s just fine with his rodeoing, teaching in the ROTC program at the University and chasing after buckle bunnies. Becca is different though, after their night together he can’t stop thinking about her even though he assumes he’s never going to see her again. When they meet up again several weeks later Tucker and Becca are still wildly attracted to each other and since neither are ready for a commitment they agree to a friends with benefits relationship.

I had my doubts in the first couple of chapters that I was going to enjoy this story, mainly because I didn’t like the heroine, BUT when Tucker walked onto the page I was smitten. Then as Tucker turned on his country boy charm Becca started to become a different character. Softer, sweeter, more open and easier to read. They have a smoking hot sexual relationship and Cat Johnson lets their friendship turn into a very believable romantic relationship. The conflict stems from the no fraternization policy the school has, this couple’s inability to stay away from each other and a choice Tucker makes. I thought his decision was a little extreme given where he ended up and what he had to go through to come out the other side, but it did bring this couple together. By the end I was kind of sad to say goodbye to Tucker and Becca.

I enjoyed my trip into hot cowboy land and am anxious to get back. Book two is about Emma and Tucker’s friend and boss Logan! Yea! I took to Emma right from the start and absolutely can’t wait to get her story. According to the author’s website Two Times as Hot comes out in September with a third book about Tucker’s friend Jace coming out next year. I will definitely be looking for both. Final Grade: B-

Favorite Quote:

The tiny circles he made with his hips teased her already sensitive clit, making her want more, until she felt him begin to grow and lengthen. He was getting hard again and she felt it with an intimacy she’d never even imagined, all right inside her.

She let out a moan. They should bottle whatever they fed these cowboys. They could sell it and make a fortune.

He broke the kiss and pulled back so she could see his face. “Ready for the next go-round?”


Profile Image for Malinda.
1,852 reviews247 followers
December 20, 2013
4 stars

This was a very good story. I really liked Becca and Tuck and loved seeing them get together. This is the first book I've read by this author and I liked this story well enough that I'll be reading more of her work in the future.

Becca is an English professor at Vassar University and has live in New York all her life. During a downturn in the economy, Becca finds herself downsized out of a job and then comes home to find her live-in boyfriend moving his stuff out when he expects her to be at work. She quickly realizes just how much of a slime he is but now is left with no job, no boyfriend, and a condo she has to figure out how to make mortgage payments on. During Becca's job search, she finds a good opening in Oklahoma at OSU and doesn't want to move there but when she's offered an interview for the job (with no other prospects) she decides to fly out for the interview.

Tucker is a cowboy, a soldier and a teacher all in one. He is in the Army but is currently serving his term doing the ROTC program at OSU acting as teacher/instructor in the program. He's also the "coach" for the OSU rodeo team and competes in local rodeos himself. Tuck was married but split up with his wife a year before after finding out she'd betrayed him. He slept around a little right after his divorce but has been alone for a while and has no intention of getting involved with another woman that can tear his heart out again.

When Becca goes to OK for the interview, her sister, Emma, goes with her. While there, Emma convinces Becca to go with her to a local rodeo before her interview the next day. Becca isn't thrilled about this but decides to go along with it. When they get there, Becca and Emma soon gain the attention of Tuck and Jace (Jace is Tuck's friend and also competing in the rodeo). Tuck and Jace invite Becca and Emma to join them and let them show them what the rodeo is all about. Becca and Emma agree and it's very apparent from the beginning that Tuck and Becca have a strong attraction to each other. Emma is all for pushing Becca in to spending a night with Tuck, regardless of the fact that Becca has never been in a one night stand in her life. Despite her inexperience in this area, Becca is all for being picked up by Tuck and they make plans for after the rodeo. Things get pretty hot and heavy between them and once they leave the rodeo, they spend the night together. They have a great night and both reluctantly split and go their separate ways in the morning. Becca doesn't tell Tuck about her job interview that might bring her local, thinking that he's a rodeo star and certainly wouldn't want her bugging him for more later. Tuck lets Becca go partially because he thought she wasn't and would never be local but also because he's afraid of feeling too much for her and is already freaked when just saying goodbye in the morning causes him sorrow so he figures it's best to end it now before things go further.

Obviously, Becca gets the job and ends up moving to OK. She's just getting settled in when her boss has a faculty mixer for her to meet other teachers at OSU. She isn't expecting to see Tuck and isn't expecting him to be pissed at her as well. Tuck really didn't expect to find the new teacher at OSU is Becca and he's unhappy that she didn't tell him about the job interview, thinking she didn't tell him because she was slumming it and didn't want anything more with him. There's a little drama as they both stew in their own thoughts about what's going on between them. Fortunately, Becca takes things in hand and calls Tuck later and asks him over. He comes over and things heat up. They ends up talking things out but also having sex. They both decide it's too early for them to be serious together but decide to be friends with benefits. This goes on for a short time but then some issues come up having to do with non-fraternization clauses at OSU and other issues. There's some drama and major stress as Tuck and Becca are split up and he ends up back on the front lines for a while. One fortunate result of Tuck being gone is that both he and Becca come to terms with just how much they feel for each other and realize they just want a chance to be together again. When Tuck gets home they have a sweet reunion and a good start to their HEA.

I really enjoyed this story. Becca and Tuck are both great characters and I really liked their story. Overall the story line was pretty good although I was a bit confused about Tuck's reasons for going back in to active duty but it wasn't anything big and didn't ruin the story. I enjoyed this story enough that I want to read book #2 about Emma and Logan. I'd recommend this book. Thumbs up. :D
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,047 reviews856 followers
February 26, 2013
Slick‘s review posted on Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews

5 Stars

Okay, so there’s no denying I had a fan girl crush on Cat Johnson…I’m sorry but it’s the truth. I flat out love the woman; I read what she writes, I follow her on Facebook, I’ve written to her a couple of times including one time to tell her I was disappointed in a book and she and I had a nice conversation about it, and if I ever meet her in person I’m quite sure I’ll hug her until she has me arrested for stalking. That being said, when she announced her plans for a new series set in Oklahoma I was quite nervous. I have been a huge supporter of her Studs in Spurs series (with the exception of one book) and her Red, Hot And Blue series, and I wondered if she’d be able to recapture the same magic again. Having just finished One Night With A Cowboy, I’m no longer skeptical and I think I love her a little bit more. Not only did she give us a bull rider but she gave us an active duty Army bull rider….can you say alpha hot man x 2, all rolled up into one delicious hunk of man flesh? You might as well drop your panties right now ladies, because if you don’t Tucker Jenkins will melt them right off!

When Tucker and Becca meet at a rodeo in Oklahoma there’s an instant connection and some undeniable chemistry. Since she’s returning to New York the next day, they both decide to just give in to their desires and they have a pretty remarkable night. They part ways without exchanging phone numbers or even email addresses. But they both have a pretty hard time forgetting the other one. Imagine Tuck’s surprise when he’s introduced to the new English associate professor at Oklahoma State University where he works in the ROTC program. Their reunion was less than happy but they manage to find a way to be friendly. However when Becca’s job is threatened, Tuck does what he feels he must to save it, despite what it could cost him.

I have to say Tuck is one of those guys that seem too good to be true but when it comes down to it, he’s simply just a really nice guy.
Other than being a little stubborn and not very good at communicating, it’s hard to find any faults with him. Just thinking about him makes me sigh. I really liked Becca as well; she’s smart, funny, and a little neurotic at times, but aren’t we all? I love that she didn’t make unreasonable demands of Tucker and that she supported him in the best way she knew how. I also love that despite how they parted she tried to figure out a way to make his time away better. The intimate scenes between these two will no doubt leave you as breathless as they are! They are scorching hot!

One thing I’ve always loved about Cat’s books is that her secondary characters are more than just background. They are there in full force to give advice, be a sounding board, knock the main characters over the head when they need it, be a shoulder to cry on, and to offer support and comfort. This book is no different and I’m already anticipating the next 4 or 5 books in this series because of them.

A Night With A Cowboy is an excellent start to what I know is going to be an amazing series. Variety is the spice of life and Cat Johnson’s Oklahoma Nights series has the potential for so many different types of heroes; military men, rodeo men, and yes…even some hot professors. I get a little thrill just thinking about it!

Review copy provided for an honest review.
Profile Image for Theresa.
1,235 reviews26 followers
February 2, 2020
East coast English professor Becca is in Oklahoma for a job interview, ends up at a rodeo where she catches the eye of Tucker, one of the cowboy bull riders. After an evening of flirtation, egged on by her older sister, Becca embarks on one super hot one night stand with the oh so hunky manly man cowboy. Becca and Tucker bid each other goodbye the next morning after a night of the hottest sex she has ever experienced, and neither expects to see each other again.

Several months pass and we see Becca arriving at a faculty mixer in her honor as the new hire at the university in Oklahoma. Surprise surprise, she comes face to face with Tucker who is on the faculty there as part of the ROTC program. Tucker is instantly angry that she never told him where she was interviewing and decided she thought she was better than him. Seriously. Becca was a little upset that he turned out to be more than just a cowboy professional bull rider with a girl at every rodeo. Becca decides no harm in attempting to breach the walls he's put up, and within days their mutual lust wins out, and interesting things with the bottle of honey from Becca's pantry enters the story.

But wait! There can't be a happy ever after yet because we still have 100 pages to go! Oops! Seems the university has a zero tolerance no fraternization rule not just between faculty and students but also faculty with faculty, and they have been caught on a late night security tape making out in tbe Chaucer aisle of the campus library and Tucker's boss has the tape. Yikes! What's a cowboy/military man supposed to do? Why volunteer to return to Afghanistan, tell Becca it was fun, and head out all noble that you have saved her from losing her job.

Seriously?! He couldn't have simply made sure they were a tad more discrete until figuring out how they felt? Actually the final section of the book which is mostly told from Tucker's POV in Afghanistan was perhaps the best...and had zero sex in it. The war scenes, team comradery, and even his emotional journey to acceptance of his love and eventual confession to Becca had me teary eyed and cheering them on.

The story was disjointed and full of cliches, but for all that the characters were warm, the love story real, and I really need to rethink my aversion to honey.
Profile Image for Tina "IRead2Escape".
1,475 reviews85 followers
January 25, 2014
Hotness Rating 3.5 out of 5

4.5 Stars

Holy hot cowboys! I am hooked! One Night With a Cowboy is the fist book of the Oklahoma Nights series by Cat Johnson and I loved every word. This series is destined to be a new favorite for me.

Tucker Jenkins has put the "one-night stand with a buckle bunny" days behind him. I guess a failed marriage can do that. Imagine his surprise when he sees the beautiful blond and the stands and all he can think about is getting her under him as soon as his ride is done. Wasting no time, he and his buddy go into the stands to invite the girls behind the chutes with them. He is blown away by the feelings she makes him feel and the best night of his life (and he's had a lot of good nights). She's haunted his thoughts and dreams ever since.

Becka Hart couldn't be less suited for Oklahoma, but her choices are so limited. The department, at the University she works for, is downsizing and her proffessor position has been eliminated. To add to her shit luck, her less than exciting boyfriend has packed up his stuff and is moving out with any explanations. So, here she is - dwindling savings and the only job prospect in sight is in Oklahoma. The night before her big interview her sister talks her into a wild night at the rodeo. Tucker shows her the time of her life and makes her feel more in one night than she has ever imagined feeling. It's just too bad their paths would probably never cross again. That is until, she sees a sexy soldier walking her way at a staff mixer. She can not believe it - Tucker Jenkins is a soldier on the very campus she now works on.

This book comes through big time for a first in series. The heat between Tucker and Becka is hot, hot, hot! We get a great introduction to some future stars of this series, or at least I'm hoping this is the case. I definitely recommend this book.

Thank you to NetGalley.com for the loan of this book in exchange for my honest review.

You can find this review and others at www.riverinaromantics.com.
Profile Image for Dani C. (Polly's Place).
546 reviews250 followers
July 25, 2013
From start to finish this book held my interest on so many different levels. We have a cowboy who is also serves in the military. We have a college professor from a big city that moves to Oklahoma to teach. We have a hot yet sweet romance between two very interesting characters with a story line that kept me from sleep just so I could finish their book.

The instant attraction between Becca and Tucker felt real and not at all cheesy. I totally love the vibe these two have. Then the emotions they dealt with when they realized that it wasn’t going to be a one night fling were spot on. I think what touched me the most was when Tucker was back in Afghanistan. The way the missed each other was just wonderful.

I am very impressed with the way this story just continued to flow even when there were twists I didn’t expect. I am looking forward to reading more books in this series as well anything else this author writes.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 250 reviews

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