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Fasten your seat belts for another round of domestic adventures with houseboy Gillibran Brown.

In his own words: ‘think of me as a gay male version of Flora Thompson writing not so much about Larkrise to Candleford as Arsehole to Breakfast Time. The BBC will never commission it as a series, but there you go, it’s their loss.’

Gilli talks and quips us through another year of life with his beloved dictators Dick and Shane. In many respects it's a tough old year and Gilli has a lot to adapt to.

438 pages, Paperback

First published September 17, 2012

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Gillibran Brown

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 77 reviews
Profile Image for Macky.
1,948 reviews230 followers
March 3, 2013
So, I've finally finished Book 4 and up to now the last in the series of Gillibran Brown - houseboy and lover to his Two daddies Shane and Dick. Has this been the easiest of series to read... not always, but its certainly been one of my top favourites - playing havoc with each and every emotion possible!

Gilli has been the magnet that has drawn me back each time. His voice is the sole POV and he's had me lmfao one minute and crying my eyes out the next. The daddy/ boy relationship between the three of them has not always been easy for me to get my head around but as the books have progressed I've begun to see that to truly enjoy the stories, even if I didn't get it, I've had to push aside my initial misgiving, accept the D/s lifestyle they share and let them get on with it without question. Once I did I actually began to understand the dynamics and accept them. No other D/s story has ever done that before so strike one up for you Gilli!

Needless to say all through the books Daddy Shane and I have not had a good relationship and even as we speak he's still not my favourite person. My beef with him, is not the ( many) physical punishments that he doles out when Gilli ' misbehaves ', there are times when he deserves it , or the strict rules and regulations ( that Gilli is constantly pushing) they are part of the lifestyle... He is Alpha daddy , Dick is Daddy number Two also dominant to Gilli but sub to Shane and our totally endearing Gilli is baby boy and sub to them both- thats the hierarchy. Shane is the boss man, so has all the control -- but what I can't accept about Mr grumpy pants is his total insensitivity and downright obtuse behaviour when it comes to handling Gillis insecurities and bless him he has a lot!

On the surface Gilli comes across as jealous, childish, petulant, gobby and disobedient but at the same time he's loveable, thoughtful, kind hearted, sweet, loyal to a fault and he wears his heart on his sleeve. His love for Shane and Dick is palpable but most of the time Shane - and sometimes Dick - appear to treats him more like an employee and part time lover than an equal in their threeway! The most unforgivable thing is the way Shane dismisses his appalling bitch of a sisters behaviour towards Gilli, you have to read it to believe it, the woman is pure poison and the rest of Shane's entourage aren't much better either... There were a few people in this book who I would have quite happily put a hit out on myself for crimes against Gilli !! My blood boils even now just thinking of them all !! At least Dick shows Gilli a lot of affection but even he sometimes lets him down by not standing his corner so our poor houseboy spends most of the series with a bright red ass, on the outskirts, with his nose pressed against the metaphorical window of Shane and Dicks long term love, looking in, wishing he was truly a part of it but never really being made to feel or be told that he is ... and that was what broke my heart so many times over the course of the story. In a way I was sort of hoping that he would end the book, walking off into the sunset in search of a Dom who would cherish and love him and only him... But he loves these guys passionately and its patently obvious that whatever scrap of attention and affection he does get from Shane lights up his life so he's in to the death, and if that gives Gilli happiness then who am I to judge? Talk about emotionally exhausting!

I could ramble on forever about these hilarious/ sad books but enoughs enough! Overall, what I'm taking with me is a deep and abiding affection for one of the most snarky, funny yet poignant and loveable characters Ive ever come across . Gillibran Brown you stole my heart! I'd give the whole series a ten star rating if I could. Loved it. :)
Profile Image for Kaje Harper.
Author 83 books2,634 followers
November 2, 2012
Reading Gilli's books is like spending time with a hyper needy friend - fun, amusing, a little exhausting and a great way to wile away an afternoon or two. Gilli is emotional, bright, snarky, somewhat self-centered, and feels so young.

The episodes he chooses to spend time writing usually reflect the moments of conflict in his household, often times he provoked by pushing his boundaries in search of attention and understanding. They make me ache for the restlessness and insecurity he projects, while at the same time make me want to shake him. He often rejects his men's overtures because he can't let go of a bad mood, or accept anything less than what he feels he's due. Gilli hangs onto grudges and ill-feeling, pulls them out, turns them around, and stews over each one for a long time. This doesn't serve him well in a lifestyle where discipline is fast, physical and intended to close the matter.

In this book, his mother's impending death from cancer and his own epilepsy hang like twin palls over his days. Both are serious, and sometimes are not acknowledged by Shane as valid reasons for angst. At the same time, Gilli tries to make his epilepsy go away by not admitting it exists, with dangerous consequences. I got more feeling of love and affection toward Gilli from both his men in this book. The relationship seems more stable and settled.

I think Dick has the hardest role in many ways, placed as he is between the other two, sympathetic to both, sometimes bending himself to please each of them and not always getting the credit his efforts deserve. It was nice to see more of Shane's affection for both men here, but especially some tenderness toward Dick. I wish Gilli would choose to portray more of the good moments, and the times when he is an asset to the others and it doesn't go wrong. Last book, I wondered if they really loved him enough. This book I believed that they do, but wondered how they managed not to kill him.

A funny, painful, occasional sweet memoir. I do so hope that this is not the last one.
Profile Image for Vivian.
2,892 reviews473 followers
August 22, 2013
Heartbreak, aggravation, and serenity: this is what you'll experience.

This is my favorite of the series. While there are funnier ones, this one finally pulls the story of how Shane, Dick and Gilli live and love together in a way that makes sense. Maybe it's because Gilli was so young in the other stories or perhaps it just takes time for the three of them to adjust and feel comfortable in their place, but up until this one--I didn't think their relationship was going to work.

The success was predicated on two events: Gilli accepting his medical condition and both Dick and Shane demonstrating their love for Gilli. Previously, it always seemed like Gilli was the outsider in Dick and Shane's relationship, a tasty bit on the side to enjoy at will even as they cared for him there felt like a chasm between them. Some might say Gilli imposed that divide himself through his resistance, but I always felt like Gilli was much more sensitive than Shane took into account.

I need to reread this because there are multiple analogies and symbolism to rethink.

But, the door is probably the most emblematic. Doors open and close and if you don't walk through them eventually you find yourself standing alone in an empty room. Gilli learns that life changes and so do the people in it.

Favorite passage:
My relationship with my men has many facets, physical and emotional. Like a rose it can be a thing of great beauty filled with musky sweetness and soft sensual delights, but a rose can also draw blood.

Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,994 reviews6,237 followers
September 26, 2015
Spending some time with Gilli is like comfort reading for me. I feel like I know him on a deep, intimate level. It feels familiar and it is very easy to become wrapped up in Gilli's life.

I love the dynamic between Gilli and his daddies. I, like Gilli, always want more out of Shane, but I see what Gilli gets out of that relationship. Dick is just perfection. I honestly could go on all day about the psychology and the subtle interplay between the three men, but that would bore everyone except for the hardcore Gilli fans (Me! Me!).

I can't wait for the next Gilli book to come out. I know I can visit his blog, but that just feels like cheating to me. I'll try to be patient and wait for Gilli to gift us with another piece of his fascinating life.
Profile Image for Fangtasia.
565 reviews45 followers
October 8, 2012
Yay! Another installment of Gilli's story with Dick and Shane, can't wait to read it. I didn't know this was out, or even planned. Love this kind of surprise!

7 October 2012 - Finished, and I'm glad and sad. Glad I read it, I didn't know how much I'd missed Gilli's voice. Sad, because it's over, will probably read all the books again, just for Gilli's company and inimitable voice. And the fact these books can have me laughing until tears run down my face, then again crying for real, all within a few pages. Genius!

This installment is excellent, shows growth in the characters and the relationship, in so many ways. Gilli's growing pains are excruciating, to him, his Daddies, and his readers. The Daddies cope as best they can, with a boy in denial, a tanking economy, recalcitrant family members, death and taxes. All the inevitables in life.

Mr. Brown posted on his online diary that this book might be his last. Dear author please no, don't do that, don't let "post-project blues" cheat your loyal readers from the unparalleled experience of your diary entries turned books. Take a page from Dick's book and just have crazy sex 24/7 to get the blues out of your system. After all, you do have two Daddies who are extremely susceptible to your charms. Then embark into the next one. There's a whole bunch of people wanting to know how 2009 went for you, particularly about Dick's Christmas gift to Shane and the Christmas cake thing, among other things.

I learned a couple of things while reading this book: a) Gilli just turns my "Mom" button "on", I'd just succumb to all his ploys and tantrums. If I had anything to do with him, he'd be spoiled beyond rescue. And b) I vehemently envy his neighbor Eileen, for the ease with which he goes over to visit. He does muse that his relationship with Eileen is almost that of mother and son, bearing out my first point above.

Ooooh, one other thing I suspected and confirmed in this book: Leo is absolutely salivating at the thought of getting his hands on Gilli, permanently. And Jak is just plain jealous, is all.

If you haven't read the previous installments, much of what goes on in this story may not make sense. Don't fret, though, the whole series is worth reading, I assure you. Enjoy!
Profile Image for Mercedes.
1,136 reviews94 followers
October 26, 2012
Dear Gilli,
Please let me first start by asking you to please don't stop. Please don't let this be your last book. I know I am not the only one who wishes to continue reading your mad adventures.

Gilli's life story continues. Who could have guessed the life of a houseboy could be so eventful? Not me at first but know I understand. Gilli's life is not normative by any means. If you read any of his previous books: Fun With Dick and Shane, More Fun With Dick And Shaneand Achilles and the Houseboy you know our resident houseboy leads a very different life. But it is a life you come to understand works for him.

Dick and Shane provide him with the balance of what he needs in his life: love, caring and firm guidance. I think Shane gets a lot of bad rap and you know what he mostly deserves it. Is Shane a bastard? I don't know but he sure acts like it 98% of the time. However, put it all in perspective, look at how his sister, brother and dad behave. He was obviously not raised in the most affectionate of homes. I like to think as emotionally stunted, poor dear. But he is as he is as many times Gilli reminds us. I don't think we can doubt that Shane cares for Gilli deeply. Thank goodness Gilli has Dick to show him the loving he needs.

One last thing that I had to keep in mind if that this menage is not your "standard" menage. This is not a menage where "all sides are equal." There is a hierarchy. So if you find yourself getting upset at how Gilli is being treated try keeping that in mind and consider what's happening under those terms.

This books gets 5 stars for the complexity of the story, Gilli's introspective dialogue and the ease in which he tells his story.

Profile Image for Danni.
Author 11 books99 followers
November 11, 2012
I've come to the conclusion that it would be impossible for anything written by the adorable Gilli not to end up on my 6 star flipping fantastics shelf.

Yes, the books are laugh out loud funny in parts, but the more I read, the more I find them desperately sad. I haven't read one of them without shedding both tears of laughter and tears of sadness.

I've never really liked Shane, but the more I read, the more I dislike him. I'm not sure that he cares about Gilli at all. He could quite easily give Gilli more of what he needs and IMO deserves but he doesn't - instead, he chooses to throw small scraps of affection Gilli's way, and then watch the poor guy scrabble around trying to pick them up and hang onto them.

Shane strikes me as the sort of guy that sees no need to ever say thank you to someone if they're just 'doing their job.' Never mind the fact that he could brighten up Gilli's day (and life) by doing something so easy.

He never defends Gilli or makes any attempt to understand Gilli's hurt, even when people (Penny, Jak, Leo, etc.) are intentionally vile towards him. I actually think he's complicit in their humiliation of him.

Dick admittedly is nicer and easier to like, BUT by allowing Shane to treat Gilli this way makes him almost as bad. They are dismissive of the very real problems facing Gilli - his epilepsy, his relationship with his dying mother.

Grrrrrrr - anyway, rant over.

As always, a beautiful, poignant look at life with the wonderful, wonderful Gilli who should be fully appreciated for his supreme wondrousness!
Profile Image for Sucajo.
739 reviews65 followers
September 20, 2012
I always seem to be waiting for a new Houseboy book to arrive and desperate to read them as soon as they do. This one didn't disappoint at all. Gilli continues to be his own worst enemy and some necessary changes in his life mean he has more than his fair share of sulks and tantrums during the course of the book. Some of his worst decisions had me laughing so hard I nearly cried! Shane is still Shane and puts up with no nonsense from Gilli and Dick, always a slightly softer touch than Shane, enforces discipline in his own way. If you enjoy this series then you will undoubtedly love this new addition to it.
Profile Image for Josephine Myles.
Author 62 books646 followers
October 12, 2012
I love Gilli and his annoyingly endearing ways. This latest year of his diaries focuses on how he deals with the alcohol ban Dick and Shane impose on him. Despite it being a proven trigger for his epilepsy, Gilli struggles with the hard limit.

I really loved the way you get to see more of Shane's softer side in this book, and conversely, more of Dick's brattiness. It's perhaps not quite as laugh a minute as the first two books, dealing with more serious matters, but there are still plenty of giggles.
Profile Image for JustJen "Miss Conduct".
2,303 reviews151 followers
February 18, 2015

Absolutely love reading about Gilli and his crazy life. He never fails to make me smile, laugh out loud, shake my head and break my heart all in one sitting.

Even though there doesn't ever seem to be all that much progress in one direction or another, I still cannot get enough. He still does silly Gilli things on an almost daily basis that get him into trouble, he's still a very grumpy houseboy most of the time though it is easy to see where it all comes from.

With the story being told from Gilli's point of view, it is also easy to want to side with him all the time and question the Daddies' actions and their overall relationship. But, in the end, you can see they all care for each other in their own distinct ways.

I think I will always cherish these stories, as they have stuck with me, and when I pick one back up, it is such a pleasure that I hope will never end.
Profile Image for Ery.
319 reviews2 followers
March 17, 2013
I hope Gilly never stops writing ( although his stories hint that the end may be nigh. Every book is new, refreshing, and provides the reader with an enlivening view of a BDSM threesome. The power dynamic is a joy to share with Gilly, the antics are entertaining, and the underlying romance remains a subtle ( sometimes very subtle) thread throughout.

Don't stop, Gilly. Please?
Profile Image for Wusswoo.
104 reviews2 followers
September 20, 2012
This book did not disappoint, it was a roller-coaster ride of emotional ups and downs. There were a few tears but also genuine laugh out loud moments. He is the one author that manages to make me laugh, the last time I remember finding a book so funny it was Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I love Gilli and his inner-voice. I can't help but identify with him (not his lifestyle, mine's far more boring) but with his bouts of jealousy and his striving to be a better person but still lapsing on occasion. He's a sweetie at heart and I hope his men appreciate him (and I'm pretty sure they do).

On his blog he suggests that he may not write anymore books and I hope that isn't the case. But if it is I sincerely hope that he gets his happily ever after with his two Daddies.

Profile Image for Chris.
2,070 reviews
July 4, 2018
I absolutely adored this ! I know I side with Gilli, and I know he tries to top from the bottom but he’s just so bloody spectacular ❤️ witty, clever and ridiculously bratty. Shane has his number and Dick softens the blows on occasion. I seriously laughed with Gillis attempts at smartarse humour - even when he didn’t mean it and then felt low emotions when Gilli was in a funk. Really loved it !
Profile Image for Trio.
3,351 reviews186 followers
October 28, 2017
That was absolutely lovely. Our Gilli's growing up... there were so many bittersweet moments in this one. Gilli has some hard knocks dealt his way and he's having a really tough time coming to grips with them all :(

On the positive side, he gets mega graphic with the sex in this one and he does write a very descriptive, image evoking scene. So there's that.

Truly, I enjoyed every page.
Profile Image for Anke.
2,493 reviews98 followers
August 30, 2013
Oh my - what a read! Somehow I had major problems to finally getting into it, started about 3 times and stopped again, until I chose it for my challenge and had to read on. And I'm very glad that I sticked to it. Poor Gilli, really, mostly he is his own worst enemy. I can understand his problems with having something vital in his social environment just plain forbidden forever, but really - at some point he just had to accept and forget about it. And Shane and Dick, yes, they are doing what they think is the best with regard to his epilepsy, but the way they implemented it was rather harsh. A little bit more talking on both sides would have done wonders. And anyway - the men folk, sorry guys, not everything is solved with a spanking! Insensitive - that's what Shane is most of the time and yes, in this book there were more signs of Shane and Dick really liking Gilli, but equal amounts of time they do what they accuse Gilli doing - seeing what they want to see. The beginning of the scene near the end, the one between Shane and Gilli - well, yes thankfully my Kleenex were handy. And still, Gilli's sorrow about his mom's situation - neither Shane nor Dick got it. Yes, the book ended on a positive note and I really want to read more of their life, but this book was a gripping read and it will stay with me for quite some time.
Profile Image for Ije the Devourer of Books.
1,830 reviews55 followers
August 30, 2014
Gilly, Gilly, Gilly!!

How can one house boy be so badly behaved?

This is the fourth book in the series and Gilly continues to amuse with his musings, his cooking, his antics and his bad behaviour as he lives to serve and love Dick and Shane.

Once again I enjoyed this book but not as much as the other books. Much of the focus on this book was on Gilly's struggle to stick to the 'no alchohol' rule imposed on him by Dick and Shane. It was a harsh rule but for an epileptic it actually made sense and really showed how much Dick and Shane care for Gilly.

But Gilly's sulks, tantrums and bad behaviour because of the alchohol ban were tedious and nearly did my head in. I found myself sympathising with Dick and Shane (sympathy for Shane? Who would have thunk it?) especially as the issue went on and on and on. I like it when Gilly does weird and silly things like keeping the salmon outdoors but this constant childish behaviour grated on my nerves and I am no Shane.

So for once I found myself fully siding with Dick and Shane and wanting to give Gilly a good shake and then a hug.

I did enjoy this story though. How can one house boy get into so much trouble and yet remain so deeply adorable?

This remains one of my favourite mm series and I want Gilly to hurry up and publish the next two books. Cos I am waiting!!
Profile Image for *Bohemian*.
298 reviews11 followers
November 16, 2019
Edit. On my fifth reread. I know in my heart that there will be no more Gilli books after Christmas at Leo’s. I have come to terms with the fact. Color me surprised if I’m wrong one day. I still can’t put it into words how much these books mean to me. They are my ultimate comfort read. They allow me to feel hard done by alonside Gilly, they push me to view my own selfish actions in a different light. They make me feel compassion and love. They always make me smile. Gilli is like an old friend I return to. It says something I can remember these books almost from word to word and still enjoy them as much as the forst time I read them.


I'm out of words unlike Gilli would never be. These series is one of the best I have ever read. It made me laugh, cry and ache with Gilli. Bugger. I wish there was more to read. I'm deeply gutted, I want my daily dose of Gilli again. I enjoyed every little detail about his quirks and how he presented himself and the nutty situations to the reader. There is so much I'd love to rant about this series but I just would not be able to make justice for it. Read it and die of laughter. <3 Gilli
Profile Image for Eve.
550 reviews42 followers
October 28, 2014
If you're this far along in the series, you're already pretty vested in Gillibran's story. I went into this book rooting for Gilly and eager to find out how his life with his two daddies has progressed. My expectations were exceeded. This book is the best yet - it remains funny while striking much deeper emotions than the previous volumes. Gilly has some serious issues to deal with here, in his imitable British houseboy way, including his ailing mother, his increasing epileptic episodes and the lifestyle changes that these necessitated, and his ongoing jealousy of his two lovers.

While strict as ever, I really saw a more rounded and dimensional Shane, one who actually dotes on Gilly and disciplines him for his own good. Dick was more fully realized too and I really loved his growth both as a dom to Gilly and as an extremely sweet lover. The dynamic between these three just gets better and better.
Profile Image for Skye Blue ☆*~゚ლ(´ڡ`ლ)~*☆.
2,578 reviews28 followers
July 15, 2015
I just adore Gilli. I could have read this in one day, but knowing that book 6 isn't out yet, and I accidentally read 5 out of order, I know I'll have to wait a wile before getting my next Gilli fix, so I spread it out over a few days. I'm not ready to say goodbye to Gilli for a long period of time. I hope book 6 comes out soon.

Gilli can be a sensitive soul, and it's great to see his perceptive. Unfortunately he doesn't communicate his feelings well with Dick or Shane, and sometimes causes unnecessary trouble. There was a couple times, that I think Dick would have given him a cuddle, if he just understood the problem.

It's sad to see Gilli let his friendships fade, because he is to embarrassed about not being able to drink.
The no drinking rule is understandable, if hard to take.

Gilli is funny, and I always enjoy his tales, even when they are not the fun ones. I'll miss Gilli, I hope we hear from him again soon.
Profile Image for Abrooks.
8 reviews
November 9, 2013

I love Gilli !

" I'll never win the BDSM Confederation's International Sub of the Year contest that's for sure. I am too mouthy by half. I'd fall at the hurdle, the one where Masters have to herd a pack of gimp masked subs into a metal pen using only hand signals and whistles. I'd still be running around yapping like a rabid pup while all the other subs were hanging obediently from their ankle chains and slavering around the sides of their ball gags . " - Gillibran Brown - Gilliflowers. This is my favorite quote from this book I laugh every time I read it , just had to share it !
Profile Image for leigh.
285 reviews24 followers
October 14, 2012
Gilli's done it again, which will come as no surprise to his fans. This chapter is the angstiest yet. The perennial theme of jealousy and rebelliousness continues, darkened by Gilli's worsening health issues and his struggles to come to terms with a draconian countermeasure imposed by the Daddies.

Followers of the series know what to expect of the narrative and this installment does not disappoint. Beyond the familiar cycle of transgression, punishment and forgiveness at home, the plot this year involves more substantive interactions with friends and family. Gilli is battling with major life changes due to his epilepsy, and these spread out to include his relationship. It is not an easy year for any of the three, but as in previous books, the writing flows so effortlessly and is so deftly lightened by wit and affection that the overall tone is never hopeless or depressing. There is the usual garnishment of entertaining sex scenes.

Gilli's philosophical natterings, on topics ranging from his mother's terminal illness to his own mortality and future with his menfolk, come as some of the most poignant and startling moments of the book. He may be lacking in practical sense in his day to day life, but these times of introspection provide the reader a glimpse at the intelligence and strength which draw his men to him.

The story closes with the end of the calendar year, and there is no more plot 'resolution' than there has been in previous books. Gillibran Brown has stated on his blog that this may be the last in the series. It will be disappointing not to follow Gilli's adventures further, but this one leaves the three firmly together and facing their future and the challenges that lie ahead.
Profile Image for Debbie.
128 reviews47 followers
October 9, 2012
*mildly spoilerish*

I am always a little blue after I finish a Gilli book. Reading his diary/"chapters" is much like gossiping with a good friend.

This was easily the best written book. Gillibran is growing as a writer and it shows. In this book we learn more of the dynamics of the BDSM aspect of their relationship as well as a small bit about Gilli's late father.

Is Gilli still a brat? Is the Pope Catholic? Yes, Baby still struggles with following the rules, and when a major rule is handed down from Shane and Dick that is for his own safely, Gilli struggles in a big way. At times I just wanted to put Gilli in a headlock and tell him to just get over it already - it just went on and on and ON. But in this book, more than the earlier ones, I got the sense that everyone is getting something out of the dynamics of their relationship, as crazy complicated as it gets at times. Gilli is exhausting, but he is adorable and brings so much fun and spontaneity to the relationship (the Halloween prank was hilarious).

Shane? Love. him. There are a couple of swoonworthy moments between him and Gilli. Randy, fun Dick is very much still the buffer between Gilli and Shane but he certainly proved that if needed, he could be the Alpha Daddy. And then some. And his Christmas gift to Shane? So perfect.

I detested Penny. She was endlessly cruel to Gilli in this book (the things she would say to him - guh). Leo was somewhat more likeable in this one (but oh boy does he want Gilli for himself, js).

Gillibran has written on his online diary that this may be the last book. I certainly hope that is not the case. I love being able to peek inside this world, if only for a little while.
Profile Image for Adara.
Author 8 books56 followers
January 22, 2013
I really enjoy Gilli's sense of humour. He drives me up a wall with some of his choices, and there are other times where I completely empathize with him. (I could NEVER choose to be a 24/7 service sub. I just cannot give up that control over my own life to someone else that way.) I shed several tears for him because I understood his frustrations.

Most of this particular book has to do with Shane and Dick making alcohol completely off limits to him because it triggers his episodes, and Gilli's inability to accept that the decision was made for him and is completely out of his hands, just like the taking of his medications (for epilepsy). His writing is so heartfelt about who he is and how he feels. He's grown quite a bit, but he has more growth to go. He says as much himself.

There are times where Shane frustrates me just as much as he frustrates Gilli because Gilli writes it so well. (Well, this book could do with a serious dose of commas added in the right places.) I feel bad for him when he feels he's being taken for granted, or only being treated as "the help" he's being paid to be and no more than. And there are other times where I know we're seeing a "hindsight is 20/20" re-write of history. It really makes me wonder how "IEM" Gilli really does get when he gets that way, because it's got to be toned down some from the original reaction. But some of the memories are beautiful and priceless also.

I've taken to reading Gilli's online diary at http://www.gillibran-brown.com/diary.php every so often because I find him so interesting. But I buy the books because of the extra story details which do not get put into the diary. They're worth it.
490 reviews10 followers
September 24, 2012
I've been reading the online adventures of Gillibran Brown for a few years now and I've been laughing and crying the whole time. Gilli cracks me up. He can be obnoxious, loud-mouthed, a pain in the arse and totally adorable. I can understand why Dick and Shane put up with all his antics - he keeps them on their toes.
'Gilliflowers, bonds of affection' is the latest book in the series and is a top read. I downloaded the ebook at around 5 yesterday afternoon and, even though it is over 400 pages in length, finished it at 2.30 this morning. I really enjoyed this book. Mr Brown has said that 2008 was a dark year for him and the book shows why. I really felt for Gilli in this book. He gives the other characters a lot of mouth and his actions are not good for a harmonious lifestyle but I think that he does get badly treated by others. What Pen says to him is really cruel.
The book does contain more sexual content although this still isn't a major factor. There is a bit more discipline as well.
In his online diary, Mr Brown has indicated that this could possibly be the last book in the series. Please say it isn't so. There are still so many stories to be filled in and I want to know the bits which haven't been written down yet.
I really recommend this book.
Profile Image for FlibBityFLooB.
936 reviews153 followers
August 22, 2013
I have to gush over how much I love Gillibran Brown's blog entries. His relationship with Dick & Shane fascinates me.

I have always felt a little resentment towards Shane in previous books, almost that he didn't appreciate/love my adorable Gilli enough. I have to say I was truly pleased to see Shane's love for Gilli show through in this year of his life. It was definitely clear that he has true affection for Gillibran. Made me very happy :)

I always laugh when reading Gillibran's thoughts, and yet I get moved to tears at other times. I know he acts the petulant child a lot, but I can really connect and empathize with his character.

I was disappointed that Shane/Dick didn't show their support for Gillibran's drinking by leading by example. :( I have close family members that cannot drink (without getting into it), and I show my support by not drinking. It's not fun to be the only person in a sea of drunk people who is sober, so I felt bad for a bunch of situations that Gillibran had been put into.

Enough said. I love the series. Yes, there's plenty of grammar mistakes, but I set that aside because Gillibran's writing is very organic. If you haven't read his books, I highly recommend it!
Profile Image for Aimee ~is busy sleeping~.
244 reviews9 followers
November 17, 2014
From the previous book, I didn't think Shane and Dick could be redeemed, and I even questioned their relationship. Luckily, I was being too pessimistic. Of course, Shane still had -plenty- of his insensitive moments, but that's just the kind of person he is. This chronicled a very difficult and changing year for Gilli, still having to deal with his mother's cancer and more scarily, his increasingly aggressive 'episodes' from his epilepsy. Even though Gilli refused to see it, and boy was it a long and stubborn battle, Shane and Dick did show how deeply they cared and worried and held his best interests at heart. And I loved the so sweet. This installment was still filled with the humorous and exasperating antics of Gilli that first won my adoration for him, but there were also more heavy and trying moments this year for Gilli that tugged at my heart.

In the end, I finished this feeling deeply fond and satisfied. I will never, ever get tired of reading about Gilli and I can't wait to start the next book....just have to wait till it gets released on Amazon T____T
Profile Image for Chelsea.
916 reviews7 followers
March 9, 2024
Re-read - March 2024 - Didn't expect to jump into a full reread of this series but Gilli's voice is addictive. This is a tricky page in their life with the alcohol ban and a few bad 'episode' moments.

Another great installment from Gilli! I really enjoyed this book, it had a nice mixture of sweet moments among the threesome and prickly moments. As usual Gilli doesn't communicate and Shane is unforgiving but has all Gilli's best intentions at heart. It was nice to read about some of Shanes sillier moments, even if they were glossed over.

As always it is important to add that the most entertaining moments are when Gilli is acting up and therefore getting disciplined, therefore a large amount of this book revolves around these situations. Because of this we're seeing Shane is a strict light a lot of the time. I mean he's not a naturally affectionate person like Dick, but I think he gets a bad rap.

Anyway loved it!
Profile Image for Lily.
3,877 reviews48 followers
February 22, 2013
I loved reading the continuing adventures of Gilli the "houseboy" extraordinaire. As with the previous books I've still got a bit of a problem with Daddy Shane and his heavy hand but at the same time I can see where (most of the time) Gilli brings the disciplines on himself. It's just that ouch! he's a harsh disciplinarian. I absolutely can't stand Penny and hope one day Shane deals with her horrible attitude in regards to Gilli. I've got my fingers crossed that there'll be a book 5 at some point as I'm nowhere near ready to say a permanent goodbye to Gilli and his Daddies.
Profile Image for Tina.
1,748 reviews1 follower
February 18, 2015
Oh Gilli... your diaries keep getting better and better.
Some of your decisions made me laugh so hard I nearly cried and some of your thoughts made me cry because of the sadness and the loneliness behind them.
You've been saying on your blog that this might be the last in the series. Please Gilli, don't stop your diaries and make us laugh and cry all over again. :)))
Profile Image for F..
1,342 reviews65 followers
September 28, 2017
In this book I finally felt the three men were in a relationship. I have always thought of Shane as aloof and only tolerant of Gilli because of Dick but in this book Shane is mellower and Gilli comes across as a spoilt brat who deserves the spankings he gets. One would have thought by now that Gilli would be beyond petty jealousy and tantrums but no - Gilli is still going through the terrible twos and broods over any slight until it becomes a volcano and erupts at the most inappropriate time and way.
Another great read 4.5 stars - 5 for GR.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 77 reviews

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