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Parenting: Illustrated with Crappy Pictures

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Goodreads Choice Award
Nominee for Best Humor (2013)
"The drawings aren't very good, Mama."
—Crappy Boy, age 5

Of course you love being a parent. But sometimes, it just sucks. I know. I'm Amber Dusick and I started my blog Illustrated with Crappy Pictures because I needed a place to vent about the funny (and frustrating) day-to-day things that happened to me as a parent. Turns out, poop is hilarious! At least when you're not the one wiping it up.

This book won't make your frustrating moments any less crappy. But these stories about my Crappy Baby, Crappy Boy and my husband, Crappy Papa, will hopefully make you laugh. Because you're not alone. And sometimes the crappiest moments make the best memories. Parenting is wonderful! And also, well, you know.

224 pages, Hardcover

First published March 26, 2013

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About the author

Amber Dusick

7 books77 followers
Amber Dusick writes and illustrates the parenting humor blog, Crappy Pictures. Her first book, Parenting: Illustrated with Crappy Pictures (Harlequin Non-Fiction, April 2013) was written very late at night while eating ice cream. She lives in Los Angeles with her two sons, one husband and two black cats. She also has a fish but usually leaves him out of bios.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 429 reviews
Profile Image for MischaS_.
784 reviews1,423 followers
March 7, 2018
Well, I never wanted to have a baby or even babies! Okay, except for when I was like 8 or 9 years old, and I wanted over 20 kids, but that doesn't count, right?! And this made me sure that I really don't want them. Poor woman... :D Anyway pretty hilarious.
Author 6 books678 followers
September 6, 2015
Some cartoonists, such as Stephan Pastis (Pearls Before Swine), modestly insist they can't draw at all. Others -- and I'm thinking here of Allie Brosh (Hyperbole and a Half) and the guy who came up with XKCD -- just quietly run with the fact that so far as comic art is concerned, they're really good writers.

And then there's Amber Dusick. She can't draw. At ALL. And she's a strong believer in truth in advertising. Hence her blog, which can be found at crappypictures.com, and her new book, Parenting: Illustrated with Crappy Pictures.

Other than the crappy art, this is pretty much just another funny book about how hard it is to be a mom. If you already know this and you suffer from a surfeit of crappy drawings, you can skip reading this.

If you're young and anxious and need some confirmation from a sympathetic source that yes, this gig is a PITA, grab this book. Every mother should be told that "Sleep when the baby sleeps" is the lamest advice ever (it doesn't work with the first baby because you're too busy marveling over the fact that you have a baby, and it doesn't work with successive babies because you now have other kids, who are NOT sleeping when the baby sleeps). And no, you're not the only mother who doesn't get as much sleep as you should because once the kids are in bed, holy crap! The kids are down! You're up! You can actually do something by yourself!

Dusick mostly tells readers stuff like this, in pretty much so many words. Every once in a while, her writing nudges into comic brilliance with lines like "Changing a diaper in an airplane bathroom is like changing a diaper inside an empty refrigerator that a drunk person is pushing around on a dolly." And the art itself is occasionally hilarious, such as her drawing of the dashboard of a faulty rental car (it's all in red, and right above the speedometer are the words "WARNING! This car is going to self-destruct!").

This book would make an excellent gift for someone who just had her first child. It's funny, it's light enough to hold while she's feeding the baby, and it won't strain her powers of concentration, which will be shot for the next few years.
Profile Image for Emma Michaels.
Author 19 books687 followers
November 29, 2013
This hysterically blunt novel about parenthood and the antics of small children had me laughing so loud I am surprised my neighbors didn’t complain. The best part of this book is that it is so on the mark with everything it says. It is funny mostly because if you are a parent or someone (like me) who takes over for parents for a few days when they are at wits end, you can relate to each and every one of the examples that to most people without experience with kids would seem crazy but to parents or parent sympathizers seems, well, normal actually.

I haven’t been around babies for a few years now but before my move to WA I has a number of friends in all sorts of age ranges with babies. This is not to say I ever had it as bad as they did, the whole reason I stepped in for a few days at a time when they needed me was because I could see just how bad they needed it and sometimes just having someone to watch over your kid for a few days while you sleep in your own bed is a welcomed break. I was that break so I got the crazy antics but I got the luxury of only having minor sleep deprivation because I only had to last a few days or weeks, whereas they had to last years.

This novel has relatable content for parents that isn’t bogged down my a serious demeanor. It feels a lot like a mom just talking to a friend of hers who is also a mom about the wonderful but ridiculous experience taking care of a kid can be. You get the extremes of sleeplessness and exhaustion from following a small person’s every move for years but you also get the wonderful moments that you wouldn’t trade for anything and the book covers both. It is the most realistic parenting book I have seen and the one with the best humor. It makes light of what through experience the author knows to be a strain for anyone while still covering topics that are helpful even if only to show that moms out there aren’t alone.

Overall, a witty and heartfelt novel about the good and bad of parenting. I think this will be my new baby shower gift to every expectant mother I know in the near future. It shows why it is so hard without being a downer and also gives a firm grasp of why it is so worth it. I mean this seriously, go out and buy it for every expecting mother you know, then you can say you gave them fair warning. :p
Profile Image for Marina.
2,030 reviews342 followers
July 31, 2016
** Books 192 - 2016 **

3,2 of 5 stars!

I am curious how time flies so fast when my colleague's whatsapp group message start to have discussion about 'what brand for a good baby stroller is?', 'where i can rental for breast-pumping is?' and i feel kinda awkward since yes i haven't think about that so far (I still wanna have travelling to other country and saving as much as i can) So when i just can't imagine how my life with babies is. I am curious when they mention some brand names and you know what i've got shocked when i knew there is an fancy baby stroller with price IDR 29 Million? Fancy Breast-pumping with IDR 6 Million? That really left me with speechless moment.

When i finished read this books i just wanna laugh with the inside it but in the same time i am scared since what the author told is really true! Many my married friends told me that you won't have any your me-time moment, you can't think about yourself anymore since you have a kids to raise with. They shared some stories how they even lose sleeping amount for a few months (Have you know that an newborn babies should be feeding with ASI/Sufor FOR EACH HOURS?) You doesn't want your babies got yellow disease right? (Apa sih bahasa inggrisnya Penyakit Bayi kuning?). We also doesn't know what baby really wants is since they can't communicate what they wants. No wonder there is mother who get baby blues disease and i really hate when people judging what the mothers' choose the best for her children. Can you stop comparing ASI is better than Formula's milk? Can you stop comparing an Stay-at-home Mom is better than an Working-mom? Since every mothers will be give the best one for their children and there are differences condition for every mother in the world :)

This books is pretty accurate and i am really afraid that slowly for sure i will step into this phrase >__<
Profile Image for Irene.
463 reviews
December 4, 2013
This book is hilarious!

Despite looking like a normal-sized book, half the contents are illustrations, and I read it cover to cover in about an hour. For what it is - a book that grew out of a blog - I thought it was pretty good. I admit, however, that I was not at all familiar with the blog, and so everything in the book was new material to me.

My friend Sarah was given this book as a gift when she had her second child, and she thought it was so funny that she let me borrow it when she was done. The short, anecdotal pieces definitely make this book well-suited for intermittent reading - maybe something to pick up every now and then while breastfeeding a newborn.

I honestly found almost every insight to be true to my experience. While my first thought was that this book would be a good gift for new mothers, I quickly changed my mind. In fact, I think this book would be a great gift for second-time mothers, just as it was given to my friend Sarah. A first-time mother reading this book might think the incidents were exaggerated, or might not believe that such things could actually happen, or worse, might be discouraged by the unpleasant and undesirable situations described. A second or third-time mother would, I hope, see the humor in these stories, and recognize them as part and parcel of parenting.
Profile Image for Kelvino.
125 reviews5 followers
August 21, 2023
I am a sucker for non fiction books written by people bloggers or just by small writers. I do a lot of journal writing and I recognize that style from these types of books so it tickles my brain a bit everytime I read one of these.

Also, idk if I can be a parent if I’m not gonna be sleeping well ☠️☠️☠️. If I have to be going to work on top of sleep deprivation, it’s done for me LMFAO. Shitting and vomiting and pissing I can handle and all the typical annoying kid stuff is chill, I’ll get used to it after gagging and getting annoyed enough but I need my beauty sleep. Maybe a coffee addiction is really the angle for the future.

My favourite line is her talking about how her stomach transformed after birth : “I also have a little apron if extra skin on my belly. It’s cute … but enough of these superficial complaints, who cares right? My body made people. I’m like a wizard. Wizards don’t need perfect bodies because they wear robes. I have a robe. It is purple.” ISNT THAT SO FUNNY LMFAO, the books really cute.

Has a lighthearted tone with lighthearted venting with lots of positivity and you can definitely tell that the author loves her family. It comes off as just objectively stating some differences and things you’ll deal with as a parent but it does make me feel hopeful 🤭.
Profile Image for Heather.
160 reviews
October 21, 2017
Really freakin hilarious and oh so true. Every word of it. If you're a parent - or dare I say about to become one - this is definitely worth the read. Kids are awesome, and sometimes (a lot of times), they aren't, and that's okay. Raising a child to be a respectable, responsible human being is HARD. It's also hilarious and rewarding and infuriating. This short and sweet book will make you laugh so hard you cry, and help remind you that all the crazy stuff your kids put you through is what every other parent is going through.

This book was so fun!
Profile Image for Pauline Destinugrainy.
Author 1 book250 followers
July 30, 2016
This was funny parenting book. Meets Crappy Mom, Crappy Dad, Crappy Boy and Crappy Baby.

Crappy Mom bercerita tentang serba-serbi pengalaman sebagai orangtua dari seorang balita dan bayi. Dan hampir sebagian besar dari cerita Crappy Mom pernah saya alami. Mulai dari soal tidur, makan, mainan, holiday trip, sampai urusan diapers.

When you hope for a quick nap, they will sleep for hours. When you hope for a long nap, they won't nap at all.

Se-crappy apapun menjadi orang tua bagi seorang anak balita atau bayi, selalu ada hal yang menyenangkan dibaliknya. I do love the moment ketika saya sudah merasa capek sepulang dari kantor, mendapati rumah berantakan dengan mainan yang berserakan di mana-mana, plus laporan kalau anakku hanya mau makan sedikit, dan Yobel datang menawarkan pelukannya yang hangat sambil menepuk-nepuk punggungku, sambil bilang "hai Mama...". :)
Profile Image for Skylar Burris.
Author 20 books262 followers
Shelved as 'unfinished'
March 13, 2015
I read the sample because this got such rave reviews. When I didn't laugh out loud during the course of the sample, I decided not to buy it. It seemed a little simplistic in its humour. It contained all the familiar parenting complaints that I've heard joked about before, though I have heard these complaints made in funnier ways.
Profile Image for Pierre.
132 reviews42 followers
April 16, 2014
This book, which I happened upon by an unusual circumstance, attracted my attention as I still remember what it was like to have two young kids even over a decade later. I also thought of my wife's nephew's wife who is on the verge of having her second boy and I shared this with her. It's a hoot. But if you haven't had kids, avoid it like the plague. You just won't get it! :-)
Profile Image for Reading_ Tamishly.
5,154 reviews3,168 followers
January 6, 2021
One of the best hilarious reads I have ever read!
This must be so damn relatable to all the parents out there.
The illustrations are so damn funny and to the point.
Too damn funny yet you will know what parents have to go through raising kids (read toddlers alongwith a 6 month old!).
This one is too good to be true👍
I laughed out loud many a time while while reading it☺️
15 reviews
December 9, 2018
If a book makes me laugh out loud more than once even when I am reading it alone, it gets a 5 star.
Profile Image for Chi – cuddle.thereader.
470 reviews68 followers
November 14, 2020
Ôi quyển này siêu hài hước, tất cả những người đã, đang, sẽ làm bố mẹ, hoặc từng sống cùng trẻ con dưới 5 tuổi chắc chắn sẽ thấu hiểu những dòng kể này, kèm sự thích thú hả hê tác giả kể quá thật =))))
Bọn trẻ con đáng yêu, nhưng đi kèm với sự đáng yêu đó là vô vàn những điều hài hước + bê bết + cáu + phát điên + bê bết lần nữa =))))
Ui cười nhiều thật sự luôn anh em ạ =)))))))
Profile Image for Richa Sharma.
69 reviews7 followers
October 14, 2020
I can relate with almost everything present in this book. Made me giggle in every sentence. Light humour book.
Profile Image for Yochi.
247 reviews15 followers
February 22, 2021
These books are hilarious. Thanks for the giggles. I was sad to see her related blog and social media look like they haven't been used since abt 2018. I hope Amber becomes inspired to make more crappy illustrations and commentary on life, parenthood, and relationships, bc she's great at it!
Profile Image for Natalie.
793 reviews200 followers
December 12, 2015
TRUTH: This is one of the funniest books I've read in a very long time. I actually laughed out loud more than once. Actually, I laughed out loud more than ten times.

(that's me for much of the book)

ANOTHER TRUTH: It wouldn't be as nearly as funny if I wasn't a parent.

This is the type of book that a parent (specifically a mom) reads and says, "Yes! EXACTLY!" over and over while reading. If you aren't a parent, you'd be hard pressed to "get it." And while that may sound like I'm a snob who refuses to grant you access to an exclusive club ("Um, excuse me...did you push a baby out of your lady parts?"), it merely means that we parents are looking for someone to identify with in this CRAZY parenting process. And Amber Dusick sure as hell gets it.

Some of my favorite (most identifying with) lines:

-I don't trust crackers. Why? Because crackers create a mess that is larger in volume than the original cracker ever was.

-Hand sanitizer is a total sham. It makes no difference in the face of a coughing kid with green stuff oozing out of her nose, smearing it all over her sleeves. And there is always one of those kids.

-I tell him matter-of-factly that he is not dying. He just has the flu. The same flu, I remind him, that I had while taking care of the kids all week. This is where he is supposed to have an epiphany of how amazing I am and what a hard week ti has been for me and why I'm ever-so-slightly annoyed and jealous that he has been in bed for two days.

-My kids would fight over dog shit if there was only one pile of it available.

-The more you are running late, the more poop happens.

-On morning you need to go somewhere, they must be dragged out of bed. On weekends, they wake up before sunrise.

5 Stars because THIS BOOK IS THE TRUTH.
(WARNING: do not read prior to having kids if you are thinking that you really want to have kids)

Profile Image for Ciara.
Author 3 books386 followers
May 23, 2013
seems like most of the lower reviews for his book complained that a) most of the content was already available on the author's blog, & b) it was too short. but i had never seen the author's blog before. i was all new to me, & i enjoyed it. i'm sure i wouldn't have purchased the book (& i did purchase it--one of my ebook buys for he month; i like to buy random ebooks that aren't available as hard copies at my local library) if i followed he blog. i does bug me when bloggers "write" books that are really just selections from their websites. but whatever.

as for length: it's the length of a normal book, but because of all the drawings (which are both crappy & hilarious), it does go REALLY fast. i think i took me like an hour to read the whole thing. that's a disappointment if you're looking for something to really sink your teeth into, to occupy you on a long plane ride or during a luxurious hours-long bubble bath or something. but i just needed something o break up the monotony of feeding ramona & patting her to sleep. so this was perfect. one of the weirder things about having a baby is that i sometimes get kind of mad at books--especially books about parenting--that take hours & hours to read. i'm like, "dude, i have like twenty minutes a day for pleasure reading. make it worth my while." that metaphor about parenting being like being on an airplane because you have to make sure you put on your oxygen mask before attending to anyone else? that is NOT making it worth my while. & this is like one of only three books about parenting ever that didn't contain that allusion. yay!
Profile Image for Mandie.
26 reviews2 followers
March 27, 2013
Holy crap.

I had to put on My Little Pony and hide in the den to read as much as I could. I nearly peed myself multiple times, and had tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard. Especially the roadside poop. OMG.

As a mom of a 6 year old singleton and 5 year old spontaneous triplets, I can relate to her feelings, and her stories. I have some doozies of my own. ;) I've always enjoyed Amber's blog, but having the book on hand is so worth it.

My only complaint is that I wished it was longer, (only 93 pages) with more crappy pictures. Oh, and I was a little disappointed that she only calls her family "crappy" because of their pictures being crappy. My kids are pretty crappy without the pictures, LOL!
Profile Image for Tammy LaPorta.
79 reviews20 followers
August 19, 2013
What a great book. You know when you go to a new church and they give you a new Bible as a way of welcoming you? This should be given to you with your discharge paperwork after delivery. You know...when it's too late to turn back but early enough for you to be forewarned. It should be a manual that all new parents should read just so they know that they are not alone and that eventually every catastrophe will pass. I found myself laughing out loud often. I would encourage you to read this. For veteran parents - those of that came through the toddler years relatively sane - this is hysterical. Now if I could only find a similar book that covers my children's current ages. Early teens! It is its own monster.
Profile Image for April.
158 reviews
March 5, 2015
Funny...so many of these illustrations of parenting really hit the nail on the head...

A couple of my favorites and ones I could really related to...

The moment the baby finally falls asleep for a nap, the doorbell rings. Followed by the phone, the barking dog and the older child yelling.

If you are extra tired, they will pick the longest book from the shelf for bedtime.

The moment you sit down to eat a nice dinner, the baby will poop.

On mornings you need to go somewhere, they must be dragged out of bed. On weekends, they wake up before sunrise.

They only spike a fever after the sun goes down and the doctor's office is closed.

The later you go to bed, the earlier they will wake up the next morning.
Profile Image for Anna.
414 reviews102 followers
May 3, 2015
"no poops" - "just toots"
Hands down the funniest book I've read this year. FO SURE!
It never failed to make me at least smile (read:burst in laughter) and I ended up chuckling even minutes (read:hours!) after reading a certain sentence. Yup, it's that funny.
And those illustrations, guys... They add so much. Glad I found this book (pros of serfing, oh so glad.
Gotta check Amber's website asap.

So, mamaz and wannabies - this is a gem for you.

P.S. Dang! I've found the craziest pics while checking if words "momma" and "mama" would fit here. Oh..internet.
Profile Image for Chris.
1,143 reviews12 followers
May 1, 2015
I just loved this book. The thing about it that amazed me so much was that the drawings are just simple little doodles with huge eyes and lumpy bodies, but yet she still fills them with such feeling and expressiveness. Any parent that can't relate to this isn't doing it right, or is utterly perfect. I laughed so hard and passed it on to my husband who was equally drawn in. More, please. I have a gift card for B & N and I think I know what I might be spending it on.
Profile Image for Jill Larbi.
2 reviews
April 1, 2013
Hilarious. Some of the stories were so funny that I had to actually get up and go show my husband. Many of the stories are ones previously shown on her blog, but there is plenty of new and awesome material.
Warning: There is more cussing and anatomy in the book than you find on the blog. Not too much, but enough to where I wouldn't want my children to read it.
Profile Image for Emi Yoshida.
1,575 reviews94 followers
July 22, 2014
By the time I read this my kids were in school, so I chuckled as I skimmed through most of it and then handed it off to my sister-in-law with a 5 month old baby, warning her to not do anything the Dusick's do.

Profile Image for Jessie.
563 reviews32 followers
April 25, 2013
There was some funny, funny stuff in here. I didn't ever read the blog so it was all new to me. It can be very comforting that some of the hard things about parenting are universal. The chapter on traveling with the kids is not to be missed.
Profile Image for Jen.
547 reviews12 followers
February 27, 2016
I'm a fan of Amber's blog and this book was like a sweetened condensed version of that. My only complaints would be that some of the stories felt abruptly cut short and the book itself seemed to end so soon! I want more!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 429 reviews

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