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The Bad Boys #1

Down to You

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The scorching tale of one girl, two brothers and a love triangle…that’s not. Olivia Townsend is nothing special. She’s just a girl working her way through college so she can return home to help her father run his business. She’s determined not to be the second woman in his life to abandon him, even if it means putting her own life on hold. To Olivia, it’s clear what she must do. Plain and simple. Black and white. But clear becomes complicated when she meets Cash and Nash Davenport. They’re brothers. Twins.

Cash is everything she’s always wanted in a guy. He’s a dangerous, sexy bad boy who wants her in his bed at any cost. He turns her insides to mush and, with just one kiss, makes her forget why he’s no good for her. Nash is everything she’s ever needed in a guy. He’s successful, responsible and intensely passionate. But he’s taken. Very taken, by none other than Marissa, Liv’s rich, beautiful cousin. That doesn’t stop Olivia from melting every time he looks at her, though. With just one touch, he makes her forget why they can never be together.

Black and white turns to shades of gray when Olivia discovers the boys are hiding something, something that should make her run as far and as fast as she can. But it’s too late to run. Olivia’s already involved. And in love. With both of them. Both brothers make her heart tremble. Both brothers set her body on fire. She wants them both. And they want her. How will she ever choose between them?

215 pages, ebook

First published July 11, 2013

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About the author

M. Leighton

82 books9,465 followers
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author, M. Leighton, is a native of Ohio. She relocated to the warmer climates of the South, where she can be near the water all summer and miss the snow all winter. Possessed of an overactive imagination from early in her childhood, Michelle finally found an acceptable outlet for her fantastical visions: literary fiction. Having written over a dozen novels, these days Michelle enjoys letting her mind wander to more romantic settings with sexy Southern guys, much like the one she married and the ones you'll find in her latest books. When her thoughts aren't roaming in that direction, she'll be riding wild horses, skiing the slopes of Aspen or scuba diving with a hot rock star, all without leaving the cozy comfort of her office.

About Michelle: I love coffee and chocolate, even more so when they are combined. I'm convinced that one day they could be the basis for world peace. I also love the color red and am seriously considering dying my hair.

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Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
January 5, 2013

This seems to be the “it” book of the moment and now I know why! Its a wonderful, addictive read that will have your heart fluttering, have you fanning yourself, with just the right amount of angst and a really cool twist... oh, and twins, REALLY HOT, panty-melting twins :) (see casting pics above and below)

“Did you think of my lips when he kissed you?… Do you still want me? Because if you do, I’m all yours.”

Hmmm, I’m getting ahead of myself here…. k, about the panty-melting twins. Olivia is an accounting student who has moved back to her home town to help her now-single dad out on their family farm. The last thing she’s looking for is another bad-boy relationship. But not long after she moves, she meets Cash Davenport, the bike riding, club owning, seriously HOT, tattooed bad boy who wants her in his bed. Like now. He’s “cocky, sexy, charming. Untamed. Rebellious. Heartbreaker.” And despite her resistance to his charms, she can’t help desperately wanting him…

“You’ve never ridden a motorcycle before?”
“What kind of bad-boy girlfriend are you?” I ask in mock dismay.
“Evidently a terrible one.”
I swing onto the bike…
“Nah, you just haven’t met the right bad-boy.”

**swoooooon**… but wait! It gets better… The next day, she meets Nash. His twin brother. Yes, twin! As in, identical, GORGEOUS, swoony, and drool-worthy. He’s the good boy, “incredibly handsome, charming obviously intelligent, successful, grounded” – the complete opposite of Cash and the kind of guy she really should be in a relationship with. Unfortunately he’s dating her rich, snobby cousin Marissa who she’s living with, but it doesn’t stop them from being seriously attracted to each other.

“I feel like all of a sudden, my life is a train wreck. And most of the wreckage revolves around two guys. Two guys that, for totally different reasons, are tearing me up inside. Two guys I want. Two guys I can’t have. Two guys I can’t stop thinking about.”

She wants them both. They both are in her head, in her heart and they both make her crazy for them. And they both want her just as badly.

Let me start off by saying that I am not a fan of love triangles. I like knowing who ends up with who right off the bat and I’m not fond of characters wavering back and forth but for whatever reason, maybe it was the great writing style, or the drool-worthy characters or what have you, I LOVED it in this book. Completely LOVED IT!!!!!

And you know, the funny thing about love triangle books is that usually, even if I like both guys, I always know which guy I want to end up being “THE” guy. You know?? But, with this book, I absolutely did NOT have a favorite. I wanted them both. Completely. Equally…. Seriously, no joke, I could. NOT. choose!!!!!!

“But it’s your rule.”
“I’ll break it for you,” he whispers.”

lol, and as usual, best friends really just give the best advice

“Every hen house needs a cock, but only the special hens can handle more than one. Try ‘em out then pick one and stick with it. You’re not old enough to play with two toys at once. That’s cougar territory.”

So… which one does Olivia choose?? You’ll have to read to find out!

And don’t try and find out in advance… its worth the surprise. There’s a really cool twist! I usually go into books knowing some basic spoilers (like who ends up with who, that kind of thing) and with this one, I went in blind (I was trying to be brave and fearless, its a work in progress) but I am SO SO SO happy I didn’t know. And that’s saying something coming from me. So for those of you who are wondering about it, take my advice and don’t go sniffing about for any details… Just read it!! Enjoy the yummy ride!

The story sucked me in and had no slow spots. I’ll admit, there was a moment or two that made me squint an eye skeptically at the page and go ‘hmmmmm’, but nothing that pulled me away from the story.

And about the twist, I’ll say that I didn’t see it coming. I thought it was a possibility, but I dismissed it (silly me!) … If I think too much about it, I’m still not 100% sure how the timelines would all match up and all but its fiction, right? And its hot, sexy, fun, engaging fiction with a story and characters I loved so I’m just not gonna dissect and analyze things too closely. Bottom line, it worked. And I did love the twist. It was perfect for the story.

Guys, the sex scenes in this book… seriously… I”m not kidding here, H.O.T. Like I think I need to go back and reread some of those scenes… wow! They are definitely adult – this is not a YA or NA read!

And yes, the book did end on a bit of a cliffhanger… but I was actually totally fine with it. I honestly found it to be more of a lead-in to book 2 than anything – in fact it was very similar to the cliffhanger in Fifty Shades Darker. One where you felt like the main couple was fine, but there were still bad guys out there…. Don’t let it stop you from reading the book.

But that being said, pleeeeeeease Ms. Leighton, can you please please please release book 2 soon?? *begs* I want MORE!!!

**Edit: just heard from the author that she's hoping to get book 2 out for early 2013. SQUEEE!!!

I highly recommended this book!! Everyone really has to meet the Davenport twins. Go go go!!

4.5+ stars

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Profile Image for cEe beE.
552 reviews63 followers
January 6, 2013
Olivia and CASH
Sitting in a tree

Olivia and NASH
sitting in a tree


So, Olivia
Cash or Nash?
Ooh! Guess, what?
They're one and the same.
Well, fuck that
This book is just LAME.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,060 followers
October 13, 2012
So this book had a few teeny, tiny, flaws. The main character started out as a klutzy (yes, she did trip and fall right off the bat...shocking!), insecure person and said things like, "I'm Olivia, Marissa's slightly dull cousin." I was able to forgive that because she also said this, "I want to paper cut her. On every square inch of her body. And then roll her in salt water." Why, I do believe that Ruthless Bella just kicked Mousy Bella to the curb.

So I figured out the "twist" before the story was half over. We're not building rockets here. It's a steamy romance with a very slight element of suspense (which doesn't show up until the end). I just want to be entertained without wanting to throw my reader. This book worked fine for that purpose.

So the girl was throwing stones when she lived in a glass house. Yeah, it's not smart to accuse the men in your life of lying when you're the one who can't figure out the difference between man (singular) and men (plural). One is all you need, honey. Unless it's a menage book, which this wasn't. Hot damn, that would have made for a great twin fantasy there.

So you got the men mixed up on one dark and stormy night. Well, it might not have been stormy, but it was dark. Why ask who is who? Just go with it, right?

So everyone smells the same in this story. Might I suggest a variety of body washes?

So your twins are named Cash and Nash. At least it will be easy to redo the monogrammed towels. You'll save money on only having to switch one letter.

So this was a short, steamy and entertaining little read. I can't believe this was the same author who wrote a book that made me say FAIL. For all of my little jabs in this review, I enjoyed Down to You. It was the perfect book for the mood I was in. The sex was scrumptious and who doesn't want to get lost for a night in a fantasy of being coveted by two hot, yet different twins? I was liking it.

Plus, there is a mention of exploding vaginas. Don't ask, just read.

Profile Image for Tough Critic Book Reviews.
308 reviews2,186 followers
January 3, 2013
3.5 Stars

Nutty bars, zebra cakes, twinkies, fudge pops, twix, reece's peanut butter cups, ding dongs, shots, orgasms, balls, pecs, back dimples, and fingers!! Face it, some of the best things in life come in two's. Even the genius minds over at Wrigley knew...double the flavor, double the fun. Imagine having two...of EVERYTHING! Yes please!

Grab your "oh shit" handle because this book starts off strong! The big "oopsie" moment had me doubled over. Slap my ass in a plaid skirt because I giggled like a school girl!! I'm also blown away by M. Leighton's ability to juggle three POVs...THREE! Four balls, two penises, and a vagina...and she pulls it off! The flow never faltered...the story kept coming! Amazing!

So why not a higher rating? Well, the book was hot (like bend me over the bar hot) and entertaining with a strong plot, but nothing just made it really stand out for me. It would have stood out, but dammit I knew. I didn't want to know, but I knew. From the start, I knew. If I hadn't known, then knowing wouldn't have taken away from the story. I didn't try to know and if I could have de-knowned, I would have. I wish I could take back my know, but I can't. Once you know, you know...and I knew. I really did enjoy the book, but I needed not to know to make it great. You know??

Regardless though, I am dying for the sequel. The epilogue left me...well it just left me! It left me hanging, left me craving, left me wanting more!! So much more! You can't just stir up stuff like that then stop. Isn't there some sort of author police out there that can intervene? I NEED MORE!! I will be reading more! Give me more...NOW!!

Here's a book random...

I will never be able to hear this song without thinking of Cash...NEVER!
Profile Image for Anniebananie.
611 reviews480 followers
December 30, 2018
Okay wow das Buch war gar nicht mal so gut. Um nicht zu sagen mit das schlechteste was ich im YA-Genre gelesen habe in letzter Zeit. Ich will das Buch allerdings auch nicht zu sehr schlecht machen, da ich es innerhalb von 2 Tagen durch hatte und es trotz allem ein unterhaltsamer Page-Turner war. Dennoch kurz zu meinen Kritikpunkten: zuerst einmal zu Olivia, unserer Protagonistin. Sie ist das leibhaftige Klischee: extrem heiß und gutaussehend, aber ach so schüchtern und zurückhaltend. Als ob Mädel, die Sachen, die sie im Laufe des Buches abzieht sprechen dann doch eher für "Flittchen" als für "Mauerblümchen". Naja was solls 🤷🏼‍♀️
Mein zweiter Kritikpunkt stößt mir bei solchen erotisch angehauchten Büchern immer besonders sauer auf: mangelnde Verhütung bzw. noch schlimmer als die Verhütung einfach gar nicht zu erwähnen das klassische sowie geistreiche "ich bin sauber. Du auch? Ach und du nimmst die Pille? Na perfekt dann können wir es ja gleich hier ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste treiben wie die Tiere!". Sorry aber einfach nur nein! 👎🏻🙄
Mein dritter und letzter (und auch eindeutig größter) Kritikpunkt: was war das bitte für ein lächerlicher, an den Haaren herbeigezogener Plot, liebe Frau Leighton?! Es wurde ja wirklich mit jeder Seite kurioser und unrealistischer 😂
Zusammengefasst: ich bereue es zwar nicht das Buch gelesen zu haben, da es mich kurzweilig doch irgendwie unterhalten konnte, aber die folgenden Bände werde ich mir wohl nicht mehr antun 🙅🏼
Profile Image for Alex.
57 reviews41 followers
July 7, 2016
I'll be damned.

Uh, yeah. It's fair to say my train of thought went hurtling off the tracks and over the edge of a cliff after reading that epilogue.

Unique plot, characters with more depth than the Atlantic and some seriously drool-worthy scenes. mY bRaIn Is dOinG cArtwhEels.

You probably won't believe me, but I had a nice little wordy review lined up for you guys until that bastard of an ending. Now look at me. I'm a freaking mess with my shift key and it's causing horrific levels of erroneous capitalisation (Is that a word?).

So I'm a little slow sometimes (I'm sorry but no amount of coffee in my veins and Red Bull in my system could have made me get even close to guessing the wings this story was about to spout - pun intended). Have no fear, my mouth is still gaping.

I'm actually kind of kicking myself now that I scan the bulk of the reviews only to note that a common point made by most was that they had already guessed the twist halfway through.

I envy you people with foresight. And a fully functioning brain.

Clearly I have neither.
Profile Image for P.A. Lupton.
Author 2 books417 followers
November 5, 2012

I’m not usually a graphic person, but I think this situation warrants it in order to illustrate my feelings.

This is my heart Photobucket

This was my heart reading Down to You Photobucket

This book had my heart literally racing. I absolutely, unquestionably, wholeheartedly loved it!

First, I need to point out a few things. 1. I LOATHE love triangles. 2. I do not like books written in the present tense 3. I hate cheating boyfriends and 4. I hate cliffhangers.
Down to you has almost all of the above (one point is debatable) and I still loved it. Does that tell you how good it is that I still gave it 5 stars?

I don’t want to say too much because I don’t want to ruin it for anyone, but there is a twist I did not see coming. I’d read other people mention a plot twist in their reviews and thought I had it figured out—Not. Even. Close. But because of that twist this book went from great to fan-freaking-tastic!

It isn’t just that the story sucks you in, it’s the characters. I liked Olivia, but I loved Cash and Nash. It is impossible for you to choose between the two. The author does a fantastic job of writing this triangle in such a way that I didn’t really get angry with any of the characters. That’s usually why I hate triangles so much—I inevitably get pissed off at characters I should like because they make such stupid and selfish decisions. That didn’t happen for me in this story. I’d also like to mention that the cliff hanger in this book is not bad. I hate cliffhangers that leave a storyline unfinished. That’s not the case here. There is a resolution the main plot, the cliff hanger is more an introduction to book 2 which picks up the secondary story arc. It’s not bad at all—well, it left me dying to read the next book, but I was satisfied where this book finished.

I know I didn’t really say much in this review that tells you about the book, but I really don’t want to spoil it for anyone. This novel will take you on a ride. It’s awesome, and I recommend it to anyone who loves contemporary romance.
Profile Image for Alexis *Reality Bites*.
757 reviews3,665 followers
October 9, 2012
Spoiler Free Review- Quick Review
4 STARS out of 5
Genre: Adult Romance

Torn between two brothers. Twins. This book will have you wanton and sitting on the edge of your seat up until the very last page.

Olivia Townsend is a struggling college student just trying to get by. She lives with her rich well to do cousin Marissa. Who by the way cannot stand Olivia she more so tolerates her. None of that matters to Olivia she knows what she has to do and nothing will stop her. She has a plan, helping her dad run his business after she graduates is her agenda. Then one night at a bachelorette party for her best friend at club Duel she meets Cash and her life as she knows it starts to change.

Cash owns club Duel. He lives by the beat of his on drum and answers to no one. The second his eyes land on Olivia he knows he wants more. And he decides it's best if he gets more... More of her that is.

Nash is the good son. He is currently interning at a top law firm in the city. He's also dating a girl who works at said law firm. His goals are set in place. All he has to do is continue to work towards them, so he does. But after getting to know Olivia he loses focus.

They both want her. They both have her.

Double the pleasure, double the fun these twins will have you hot and bothered by the end of this book. Down to You is full of sexy witty comments and laugh out loud moments. It has smoking hot sex scenes from anonymous 'who am I' sneak into your bedroom sex, to ride me like a cowgirl on a tractor sex, to O.M.G. scorching-blazing bathroom watch yourself in the mirror sex!! **fans myself to cool off** I loved it! Read it!

Fave lines-Scenes

"So that's how you charm the cobra?" I quip.
He smiles devilishly. "If you really want to see what effect you have on my snake, I'd be happy to show you." ~Olivia and Nash

"How did you find me?"
"My brother."
"No, I mean how did you know I was here?"
"Your father."
"You went to my house?"

She's obviously perturbed by this. "Yes. Is that a problem? Are visitors not welcomed at your secret lair?" ~Olivia and Cash

Fave new word

"No, I don't want you to kick his ass."
"You sure? Because I specialize in Deassholization."
~Olivia and Cash

My Ratings
Characters- Lovable and very charming
Writing Style- Sexy, Witty and very Clever
Plot/Storyline- Savory
Steam Factor- High/ Extremely Steamy
Overall- I loved it!!! Read it!!!!!

Now go forth and read. Then come tell us about it on Goodreads!
Profile Image for Kristen.
842 reviews4,984 followers
January 17, 2013
Review finally posted

2 stars

I'll be honest...I have mixed emotions about this book. I can't quite decide if I liked it or not. The heroine, Olivia, was my main issue. I didn't enjoy the way she played both brothers. Her so-to-speak bed-hopping and her disregard for Nash's relationship with her cousin—even though said cousin was a bitchy ice queen—made her character seem more slutty than endearing. I truly don't believe her character was meant to be viewed that way! Those two aspect, plus the editing issues, pretty much ruined my enjoyment of this book. That said, I can see why many loved this story. It's chock-full of witty, angsty, intriguing, and sexy scenes. Plus, there's Cash! Sexier than-all-get-out Cash! He alone almost made me look past my issues. Almost.
Profile Image for Kat.
Author 11 books559 followers
June 20, 2022
This book is super addictive and hard to put down. Olivia finds herself in a quandary when she meets a guy she’s instantly attracted to, but won’t be dating because she’s done with bad boys, and then discovers her cousin is dating his twin, who seems to have the hots for her as well. Nash and Cash look the same but are night and day in personality, and Olivia has personal issues from her past leaving her torn between what is right for her.

This is one of those scenarios that’s tricky to get right, someone torn between brothers, and here, it works. Plus, there are twists and turns and revelations along the way that are quite shocking! A quick, exciting read!

Profile Image for •Anna•.
292 reviews81 followers
November 15, 2015
A.A.A. Cercasi voglia di scrivere questa recensione.
Naaaaah scherzo. Lo sapete che amo parlar male di libretti pseudo romantici ed insulsi, e quello di oggi è di un disagio spaziale che veramente io boh. :D
E' che sono un po' arrugginita, quindi compatitemi.

C'è 'sta Liv, sulla ventina, che va al college e nel frattempo lavoricchia nei locali (beata lei che riesce a gestire lavoro e studio). E' la solita ragazza anonima, che magari si sente anche un po' cessa ma che agli occhi di individui di sesso maschile è la strafiga per eccellenza, che si definisce semplice e timida e poi è tipo è più incasinata del cubo di Rubik e sfacciata oltre ogni limite.
Vive insieme a Miranda, la cugina ricchissima che però detesta da morire ma che sfrutta perché, oh, abita vicino all'università! #OpportunismoIsTheWay

La sera dell'addio al nubilato della sua migliore amica (che in quanto tale viene citata solo in quella occasione), la timida, dolce Liv viene costretta a strusciarsi contro uno spogliarellista. Povera creatura, è proprio in imbarazzo mentre cerca di strappargli gli abiti di dosso come un'assatanata...
Sfortunatamente, però, la poveretta scopre molto presto che in realtà il tizio contro cui è intenta a dimenarsi è in realtà il proprietario del locale, il famoso Cash Qualcosa, che, furbetto, le ha fatto lo scherzetto assecondando tutte quelle che lo credevano uno stripper. Perché, infondo, è un figo che si può permettere il paragone. Capite? Che tipo divertente! :):)


Il siparietto comico (?) si conclude qui, lui torna a lavoro e le party girls continuano a divertirsi sfrenatamete (ma non Liv, che pensa ancora al proprietario secsi e alla figuraccia appena fatta).
Alla fine riesce a placarsi e a liquidare la cosa con una scrollata di spalle, ma quando il giorno dopo becca Miranda-la-cugina-stronzetta in atteggiamenti intimi con un tizio mezzo ignudo resta di sasso. Ma sì, è proprio lui, Cash!


La poveretta tenta in tutti i modi di recitare la parte della tizia senza vergogna, ma per qualche strano motivo lui non dà l'impressione di averla riconosciuta.
E sapete perché?
Perché lui non è Cash, ma Nash.
Il fratello gemello.
Nash. Con la "N" al posto della "C".
M. Leighton sei la regina dell'imprevedibile!


Da questo momento SI DEGENERA più o meno così:

Nash : "Ah. Ahah, quello era Cash, quel coglione di mio fratello. Se ti dà problemi fammi sapere." *occhiolino*

Liv : *risata da oca* "Tranquillo! So badare a me stessa!"

Pensieri di Nash : Oh, è bona da morire, peccato per Miranda. Quella rompipalle. Se non ci fosse lei Liv sarebbe già mia.


Consiglio da amica saggia : "Fatteli entrambi e poi decidi. Non pensare più a quel bad boy del tuo ex. Scopa, scopa, scopa."

Sì, perché ad un certo punto viene tirato in ballo questo ex fidanzato qui, per farci capire che lei e i "bad boy" non sono un'accoppiata pazzesca, che la fanno stare male e bla bla. Quindi crede sia meglio valutare bene i gemelli, e stare lontana da Cash perché è lui il più pericoloso. Mentre Nash ha quei modi gentili e affascinanti che tutti gli uomini dovrebbero avere (e una ragazza che non dovrebbe avere).
Comunque, da brava timidona finisce col flirtare spudoratamente con entrambi, no matter what. Ed entrambi, ovviamente, vogliono possederla come non hanno mai posseduto nessuna.

Lei ride. "Io non sto sotto a nessun uomo!", replica bruscamente. Poi, con un ghigno malizioso che le piega le labbra, aggiunge: "Non prima di una cena e una bevuta, quantomeno".

"Stai flirtando con me?"
Alzo le spalle. E' molto diretta. Mi piace.

"No. Aspetta. Non fare così. E' stata colpa mia. Stavo flirtando con te, pur sapendo che sei impegnato. Molto impegnato. E' colpa mia quanto tua. Non possiamo dimenticare e basta? Cercare di non far diventare le cose troppo strane?"

"Continua a guardarmi in questo modo e ti ritroverai ad affrontare una grossa sorpresa quando salirai su questa moto", le dico.
"Una grossa sorpresa?", chiede, con un sorriso malizioso che le incrina gli angoli della bocca. "Nah, forse intendevi una sorpresa grande come una tic tac".
Adoro il suo sense of humor.



E lo è talmente tanto che dopo aver limonato sia col fidanzato della cugina che col fratello di costui, una notte viene svegliata da uno dei due mentre la palpa e le fa cose... e lei non vuole nemmeno sapere di chi si tratti :)

Voglio sia Cash che Nash. Entrambi si portano dietro il loro bel carico di problemi. Forse non sapere a chi mi sto arrendendo sarà una buona cosa. Per stanotte, non importa. Non penso. Desidero, e basta.



Qualche giorno dopo Cash se la porta a letto... cioè volevo dire in bagno. Dove consumano la loro prima volta insieme. Lei continua a pensare di voler un uomo più simile a Nash. Poi lo fanno in aperta campagna su un quod. Lei continua a pensare a Nash. Poi ancora, sempre di notte, Cash si infila nel letto di Liv e inizi a fare sesso con lei non riuscendo a capire se sia sveglia o no. CHE PROBLEMI AVETE.

A questo punto direte "Ah-ha! Allora quella prima volta creepy è stata opera di Cash! Lo sapevo!"
Ebbene fanciulli... io non ho mai avuto dubbi su chi fosse. Nonostante i diversi pov, avevo un'idea, e quell'idea, nonostante i tentativi della scrittrice di sviare i sospetti, è rimasta fino alla fine.
Vedete, Cash e Nash parlano male l'uno dell'altro, ma non si fanno mai vedere insieme; Cash e Nash hanno la stessa voce, quindi PORCAVACCA COME FAI A NON ACCORGERTI CHE SONO LA STESSA PERSONA? COME.


Vi risparmio i dettagli sul perché della scelta di Cash di fingersi il suo gemello deceduto da tanti anni perché, davvero, è una storia surreale, ridicola, e AHAHAHAHAHAH.

Pace a tutti.

P.S. Chiedo scusa a Sherlock, John e Moriarty per averli accostati alla trama di questo libro. ♥
P.P.S. Sono sicura di non aver dato il meglio di me per rendere completamente il disagio che ho provato leggendo "Solo per te".
P.P.P.S. L'uso inappropriato della punteggiatura e parole come "boss" e "bad boy" ripetute continuamente rendono questo libro - se possibile - ancora peggiore.
Profile Image for Kristin (KC).
262 reviews25.3k followers
October 11, 2014
3.5 Stars...

Down to You was a light, fun, sexy book and just what I needed after coming out of an incredibly dark read! 

Olivia is a bartender/student who lands a job tending bar for the very sexy Cash Davenport. She is drawn to him and all of his 'bad-boy' qualities way more than she knows she should be. To make matters even hotter, Cash has a twin brother Nash, to whom Olivia finds herself equally attracted. Nash is the epitome of goodness; the type of guy Olivia should be with. Problem there is, Nash has a girlfriend who just happens to be Olivia's cousin. Quite the devious little soap-opera conundrum, huh? 

There were many elements I loved within this story, and also some I didn't particularly care for. Olivia was a very lovable heroine; she was funny, quick-witted, klutzy, sweet, and very attracted to the sexy Davenport twins. Cash and Nash were hotness multiplied, with a sex appeal that was off-the-charts amazing! I especially loved the way the author handled the transition of all three perspectives; they bled right into one another, with no repeating and no jumping around. It made for an excellent flow and the story was more exciting because of it. 

The story's twist was a little predictable, but I didn't see it coming too early on. Although I felt the characters were very well fleshed out and was connected to them individually, I never really felt a connection with them towards each other, other than a physical one. Luckily, their physical connection was often hot enough to make up for any lack of depth within their relationship.

Overall, I'd say this book excels in steam. The suspenseful change in tone at the end sort of came out of left field, but it definitely makes me anxious for the sequel. Very entertaining read!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Book Stats:
▪ Genre/Category: Contemporary Adult/Romance
▪ Steam Caliber: Maximum steam
▪ Romance: Complex and sexy.
▪ Characters: Entertaining but didnt entirely believe their connection towards each other.
▪ Plot: A love triangle with a twist.
▪ Writing: Decent and engaging,
▪ POV: 1st Person: 3 Charcater perspective switch.
▪ Cliffhanger: Yes
▪ Next Installment:Follow up. Published and available

Profile Image for Holly.
536 reviews533 followers
January 7, 2013
On my second attempt at reading this book, I am happy to report that I managed to finish it this time. However, it wasn't exactly a thrilling reading experience for me.

A few thougts.

1. I will admit that Cash and Nash had moments of hotness. However, they all too often came off as rather stilted and one dimensional.
2. Although some of her snarky comments were amusing, i really did NOT like Olivia. Like, at all. For for too many reasons to get into in this short review. Suffice it to say that it would have been impossible for me to truly love this book because of her annoying ass.
3. The supposed 'twist'?! Pretty damn laughable if you ask me. I saw it coming almost from page one. Maybe if I hadn't figured it out so early on, the story would have been more enjoyable. As it was, I was basically just sitting there wondering how long it would take them to let the cat out of the bag.

I know that i am definitely in the minority here, but I was less than impressed. So because of that, i don't plan on continuing with the series.
Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,074 reviews894 followers
October 11, 2012

I love it when I have nothing but fun reading a book and that’s exactly what happened reading Down to You. This book is SEXY and smart, loaded with sexual tension, fun witty banter, and nice HOT spice! There’s enough drama and mystery to keep you turning the pages quickly to see what happens next. I dare you not to have fun reading this!

Cash and Nash are twins, they look exactly alike and are completely hot. There are two! Gosh, when you wear one out, hmm.....

Wait---sorry....got a little distracted there!

So, what I was saying is Cash and Nash are twins who are different in every way except for their attraction to Olivia. How can a girl be attracted to both? Easy. Nash is what she needs: good, responsible, safe, and Cash is what she wants: dangerous, intense, sexy and that usually means heartbreak where Olivia is concerned. But that’s not an entirely true statement either because she’s really attracted to Nash, too and she’s seems to bring out the naughty in him. Unfortunately, he’s dating her cousin who she happens to live with. Right now if you’re like me, you’re backing up and saying: “Ugh! A cheating book?!! Count me out.” That’s what I thought at first too, I hate cheating books! They frustrate me to no end, but trust, no worries. Very little frustration here. I’ll also add that the cousin is a nasty piece of work, I know that doesn’t excuse things, but it did make the situation more tolerable to read about.

So Olivia tries to stay away from both, with little success, of course. We are rewarded with the sizzling sexual tension that results. Here’s a snippet to tempt you:

"Decline?" he says, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "What if I insist?" "Insist all you like. My answer won't change." Nash narrows his eyes on me and his lips curve up at the corners. He walks slowly to my window and bends down..."I could always make you."

There’s a lot more where that came from. I loved the push and pull, the intense build-up. It makes it oh-so-fun when they finally give in!

So if you’re looking for a quick, fun, and flirty read, pick this one up. Do yourself a favor and stay away from spoilery reviews. It’s more fun discovering what this book is all about on your own.

Profile Image for Autumn Review.
1,023 reviews525 followers
September 22, 2012
It's rare if I am rendered speechless by a book. I kid you not, for the last quarter of this book, my mouth was hanging open. I mean, I had several different theories of how this story was going to play out. Some were close, some not at all. All I can say is that this book left me stunned, overheated, and wanting MORE!

I'm going to go light on the character analysis, because that is such a huge part of the story. I could truly go on and on and on and on about how much I love Cash, but I'd rather you meet him. These people have so many secrets and twists that I'm afraid I'll give something away. So, I'm going to do this instead:
Olivia-sweet, funny, lovable, hard-working, and determined to succeed
Cash-(I literally just sighed WRITING his name) sex on a stick, perfection, sexy, sweet, smart, bad-boy
Nash-clean-cut, sweet, charming, responsible, good-boy
Marissa-I want to "paper cut her and roll her in salt". Harsh, I know.

So, there you have it. LOL Really, I just don't want to say anything more about them. Well, OK I will say this....there are some incredibly steamy, panty dropping, swoon-worthy moments. *wink*

On to the storyline. Incredible. Everything you think you will know about it probably won't be right. No joke, I had several theories. Now, I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again...M. Leighton has one of the most creative minds. She brings new ideas to each and every book . I've named her Marvelous M.

In a nut shell, I knew I would love this book, but it exceeded my expectations (which were pretty high). There were moments that left me panting (and pants-less-JUST KIDDING), taking freezer breaks, needing to be hosed down, throwing my head in the couch, and in jaw dropping awe. This book will take you on a mind twisting ride for sure!
Profile Image for Mali Mor ❤️ The Romantic Blogger.
453 reviews569 followers
April 22, 2021
It was... okay.
I have to admit I figured out the twist at the beginning of the book... although I thought it was going to be more sophisticated and psychological, but the names of the hero's should have been a hint that it's not... LOL😂🙈
Cute read with lots of clichés. I probably would have enjoyed it more if I had read it a few years ago and not now.
Plus, this is the first book out of 3 - but I of course, will not continue to the next books. 😬


זה היה... בסדר.
אני חייבת להודות שעליתי על הטוויסט כבר ממש בתחילת הספר... אמנם חשבתי שהוא הולך להיות מתוחכם ופסיכולוגי יותר, אבל שמות הגיבורים היו צריכים להיות רמז לכך שזה לא... 😂🙈
קריאה חמודה עם המון קלישאות. כנראה שהייתי נהנית יותר אם הייתי קוראת אותו לפני כמה שנים ולא עכשיו.
בנוסף, זהו הספר הראשון מתוך 3 - אבל אני כמובן, לא אמשיך לספרים הבאים. 😬
Profile Image for Rose.
1,916 reviews1,069 followers
August 14, 2013
Initial reaction: Yeah...I can't right now. This was not good. I think I'll meditate over it a night before writing a full review, but I don't think it's going to get above a single star.

Full review:

This is one of those books I don't really want to write a review on, not because I'm being a sloth, or reluctant to share my opinion, but because honestly I really don't want to have to pull this book from my memory and reflect on how...odd this was.

So you guys know about my weakness about reading stories about twins - yes, no, maybe so? I was weary because it was a purported love triangle in a New Adult romance, but I figured - whatever, what can go wrong that I haven't already endured to some degree? (Honestly I haven't learned from reading NA yet. *sighs*)

Let's first meet the heroine: up and coming businesswoman Olivia. She returns to town to help her father, spends a night at a party with a stripper and finds out that the guy who she thought was the stripper (and she helped take off his shirt) was not a stripper at all, but one of two brothers who seem to sweep her off her feet. Cash and Nash. Nash and Cash. One of them is a up and coming lawyer, the other is the irresponsible, bad boy owner of a night club.

Olivia can't make up her mind about which one she likes. And no, she's not fazed by the fact that one of them is currently in a relationship with her cousin because she slams her cousin's relationship with said twin every which way but loose. And then she sleeps with one of the twins and the next morning can't figure out which one she slept with. Dude...how do you...just, gah! That to me is just wrong on all kinds of levels. This is before the twist comes into play.

Yeah, I can't even talk about the so called twist because not only did I see it coming a mile away, I had a hard time buying it and the reasons behind it. How can anyone live a double life that extensively without getting caught? I don't understand the appeal of this book at all. The characters were flat, the situations far fetched, the relationships formulaic and the heroine and hero(es) were threadbare. And I'm not surprised that it involved a threadbare mob story because when in doubt, throw the mob as a plot point to make your characters have more stakes. Never mind if it doesn't make much sense or is completely implausible for one man to live two different lives at once without anyone noticing or someone covering up the fact that the second person is actually not alive at all and hasn't been for years. Ugh.

Yeah...I couldn't. I'm not invested enough in the characters to follow this series further so best for me to stop here. The audio narration was okay, but unfortunately I don't think it did anything to improve the experience for me in this read.

Overall score: 0.5/5 stars
Profile Image for ~ Becs ~.
708 reviews2,153 followers
October 14, 2012

Sassy, sexy and funny and utterly compelling and engaging – this was a smart, engrossing read.

I have to confess that, before I read this book, I’d spotted a few reviews citing an outlandish twist and I did correctly guess what it was so, as I was reading it, I was consumed with the why’s and wherefores’ and watching out for little clues that you may not have noticed if you weren’t in the know. I do agree that this is possibly the most outrageous plot twist since Bobby got out that shower in Dallas but I’d have to point out that, in a sea of fairly relentlessly similar erotica, this really does offer something refreshingly different and I enjoyed every second. Despite the crazy plot and the arguably questionable morals of Cash’n’Nash, I read this with a big old goofy grin on my face and just couldn’t put it down. It’s great fun, it’s not taking itself too seriously and nor should the reader and it’s actually a deeply satisfying read.

So, how would you feel if you started to undress the stripper at your friend’s bachelorette party only to realise he wasn’t actually the stripper but the club manager? Totally humiliated, oui?

This is our heroine, Olivia who is working her way through college staying with her rich, thin, bony-arsed, obnoxious cousin Marissa. She meets Cash, the aforementioned club owner, and Nash, Cash’s identical twin, legal intern and Marissa’s significant other. She’s wildly attracted to both of them and is completely unable to choose between them! They are both attracted to her and she has the opportunity to be with either one of them.

It would be easy to judge her for her inability to choose between them and for dallying with their affections but, before you do, consider this – between the two of them they are pretty much her perfect man. Cash fulfils her inherent love of the bad boy, he is sexy, devilishly wicked and completes her need for wild, all-consuming passion. Nash is steady, dependable, loving considerate and she’s also deeply attracted to him and he fulfils her desire for someone a little safer after her disastrous experience with bad boys in the past. Will she go with her resolution to find someone more dependable or will Cash be hot enough to make her forget her convictions?

So, outrageous plot twist notwithstanding, I really very much enjoyed this book. It grabbed a hold of me right from the very first page and didn’t let go until the final paragraph and then some. M Leighton’s writing style is incredibly moreish and engaging and propels you along as she takes you along a very twisty path and there’s some real laugh out loud moments with her dry, witty style – it’s very hard to put down and I’m delighted to see that there will be a sequel.

4 stars contemporary romance

Thought this gif perfectly matched one of the scenes


For more of my reviews, please visit Sinfully Sexy Book Blog
Profile Image for María Ángeles.
431 reviews76 followers
June 28, 2016
Yo lo siento, pero no he entendido nada de este libro.
Se ha desarrollado una situación, ha surgido un problema, y después el protagonista ha decidido olvidarlo. Vale,que supongo que en el siguiente libro se desarrollará más y tal vez encuentre explicación a mi perplejidad; pero es que la autora lo ha hecho tan poco atractivo, que no me apetece leer el siguiente.
No entiendo mucho las megavaloraciones de este libro. Creo que es demasiado simple y no me ha atrapado nada como está escrito. Le doy dos estrellas, porque al menos lo he terminado, que si no...
No sé si seguiré con la serie, desde luego, ahora no...
Profile Image for Duchess Nicole.
1,270 reviews1,544 followers
November 5, 2012
This book is PURE FANTASY!! Twin hotties not only vying for your attention, but also doing it in such a seductive and sexual way that practically every setting of your life leads to foreplay? SIGN ME UP!

The opening scene in Down to You is great...it set the whole tone for the rest of the book. Cash and Nash (but especially Cash...WHO likes bad boys? Me, me!) both somehow pop up in Olivia's life within a day of each other.

Cash is a bar owner bad boy who's sexy, slow smile and flirty ways draw Olivia like a moth to a flame. Though flirt sounds like something a fourth grader does compared to Cash's come-ons. He wants Olivia, and he intends to have her. By 'have her', I mean he wants to F*ck her brains out. But Olivia is done getting her heart broken by bad boys. She knows Cash is the love em and leave em type, and she tries (and fails) to run far, far away.

In steps Nash...who's sitting in her kitchen with her beeyotch of a cousin...because they're together. Not only is he the spitting image of the god she met the night before, but HIS interest is pretty clear also. And he soon leaves no doubt that he wants her just as much as his brother, regardless of his girlfriend. Problem is, Nash is what Olivia SHOULD want. He's on his way to being a successful, solid lawyer. He's cool, calm, collected (unless he touches Olivia, then all bets are off.)

So Olivia is stuck wanting both boys. What to do, what to do? Well if you're Olivia, you don't have to do anything. These boys are willing to do ALL the work. This is women's fantasy put into words. I loved, loved, loved the first ninety percent of the book

Somewhere toward the end, everything sort of comes to a head. Secrets are revealed and all of a sudden, the story takes a huge turn. For me, it was just felt totally out of place. I understand that it was supposed to be a surprise ending, and I was okay with one aspect of it...I'd already kinda figured out the little twist. It wasn't hard. But what is revealed after that just didn't jibe with the feel of the book. Suddenly, it's a romantic suspense? Hmmm...

Still, I get what the hype is all about. Cash and Nash are lip smacking good...pure decadent sexual fantasy, and I loved it!!
Profile Image for S.
387 reviews91 followers
November 14, 2015
What a pleasant surprise! *Grinning like a fool* It made me all tingly and gooey. This book is like the most amazing candy you can imagine, you know it's not good for you but you can't resist. Lol!


I got a sudden craving for a love-triangle book and picked this up on a whim. New Adult is a tricky genre for me and they are usually hit or miss. I was hooked immediately and stayed up way too long! It made me wanna stay home from work and read all day today.

I will not say too much about it because I don't want to spoil anything but it has it all. Totally swoon-worthy twin heroes Cash (tattooed bad boy biker) and Nash (sexy law student) that made my heart goes boom boom! I had to remind myself to breathe. The chemistry is off the charts. It's not really erotica but it was hotter than many erotica books! Phew! *Fanning myself*

Note: If you feel strongly about cheating this book might not be for you. Nash is together with her cousin when they start flirting and he crosses the line. There is no cheating on the heroine and I didn't feel that it was cheating that she flirted with both brothers because there was no on-going relationship with both after the dating-stage.
January 13, 2013

Ooooooh myyyyyy GOOOOOOOOOD!


What a trip and a twist!

I can not believe I did not read this sooner! I need to be punished... Perhaps on a 4wheeler, or against a shower wall, or on the hood of the car!


Olivia, while at a bachelorette, meets Cash at a club through the most delicious way I can think off... By undressing a stranger because of a simple misunderstanding. And what a hot piece to confuse for a stripper!

“If he’s the stripper, then who are you?”
“I’m Cash Davenport. I own the club.”

Embarrassed Olivia wakes up to find him in her kitchen, in an apartment she shared with her spoiled cousin.


But oh wait... It's Nash, Cash's twin brother who is dating her cousin. She is drawn to them both - Nash is intellectual and a future lawyer and Cash is a delicious, bad boy with layers. Olivia knows what better choice is, from having an awful experience with a bad boy. But her "better" choice is taken... Sigh. OK I am really frustrated with her. No matter how much Cash shows how he is not simply a bad boy, she still stuck in that same experience unwilling to move on and take a chance. I wanted to throttle her because of that. The man spent a weekend doing farm things for her and helping her dad with a broken foot.

This Love triangle is absolutely perfect.

There is just enough drama to keep you at the edge of the seat. The sex is hot, the conflicts are just beautiful, and the truth is staggering. I sooooo did not saw IT happening. Will not give more away because you MUST READ THIS!

Warning: there is a cliffhanger and I am sooo happy I have the next book on my Kindle.

To sum up:

“You keep looking at me like that and you’re gonna have a big surprise to deal with when you get on this bike,” I tell her.
“A big surprise?” she asks, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
“Nah, don’t you mean something more like a Tic Tac?”
I love her sense of humor. It’s a little shy, just like her, and it pokes it head out at the most unusual times. I smile and hold out my hand to her.
“Then come here and let me freshen your breath.”


Some Quotes that gave me serious giggles:

Liv talking with her Friend/Co-worker Ginger
“Munchausen’s by proxy?”
“Yeah, you know where people, like, poison their family members and stuff for attention.”
“I know what it is. I’m just a little surprised you do.”
I can hear the proud smile in her voice. “I saw a special on the Discovery Channel.”
“You were watching the Discovery Channel?”
“Um, why?”
“I lost the remote.”
“You lost the remote?”

A Car-less Liv contemplating on who to call to get a ride from, but realizes that she doesn't know WHO to go to for help as she has no idea who she
“..There can be no wielding of the Magic Vagina. ”
Profile Image for Akanksha❤ Søren♰.
654 reviews2,659 followers
September 25, 2012
Loved the book :D Can't wait for the 2nd one.. luckily the cliffhanger was totally bearable so I'm not dying out of curiosity [Thank God]
Cash.. Agrh! Sexy Hot Hunk!! Beauty with Brains
Nash.. Cutie with a sexy charm, Brains with Beauty
Olivia, You smart thing.. haha but I'm smarter is all I can say :P
Liv needs to live a little and stop worrying, but I love how she wants to take care of her father in about everything.. She's a doll..
I love the book.. It had chemistry, romance, sizzle and humor :D
Can't wait to see what happens in the 2nd book. :O :D

“Oh sweet Mary! You’re dating a guy with two dicks?” “Ginger, no! It’s about two different guys.” “Oh,” she says, obviously disappointed. “Damn. That woulda been kinda cool.” lmfao
Profile Image for ★★Sara Lizzy★★.
199 reviews70 followers
September 3, 2013
BR with Jo and Sammy!
(This was a re-read for me)

Olivia Townsend is out with her friends in a VIP room at Duel, a nightclub, for a bachelorette party for Olivia's friend Shawna.

My Olivia

It's said that they have a stripper on the way and that Olivia's friend Shawna is supposed to help undress him when he show up. The door opens and in walks an incredibly handsome man and since Shawna refuses to undress the stripper, she opts to have Olivia do it. Olivia can be shy, but when challenged, she can be bold and determined. So when the guy gives her a challenging look, clearly doubtful that Olivia would be bold enough to follow through with stripping him of his clothes, she is determined to prove him wrong and strips his shirt off. Both Olivia and the man who they think is the stripper have a connection right from the beginning. They are both extremely attracted to each other. Even though Olivia isn't the type he's usually attracted to, there is something about her that draws him in. Suddenly another guy walks in and it's soon realized that the man that just walked in is the actual stripper, the man Olivia had been undressing introduces himself as the owner of the Duel, Cash Davenport.

My Cash

Olivia is mad and embarrassed that Cash would allow her to do that to him when he wasn't the stripper.

"Why did you let me do that? Why didn't you say something or introduce yourself?"
He smiles. Smiles, dammit! It registers for a second that it's a stunning smile, but then my humiliation returns and overshadows it completely.
"Why would I do that, when letting you undress me was so much more fun?"
"Um, because it's completely unprofessional for one thing."
"How is that? You ladies ordered a stripper. Does it matter who I send?"
"That's not the point. You were being purposely deceptive."
He chuckles. Chuckles, dammit! The nerve. "I don't remember agreeing to send you an honest stripper. Just a willing one."
I clamp my lips shut. He's infuriating.

Even though Olivia is still infuriated with Cash and what he did, she can't fight the attraction completely.

"You sure are full of fire! Maybe I should've taken your shirt off instead," he says as he pulls his tee over his head.
"What difference would that have made?"
Other than it would have been about ten times more embarrassing.
He stops and grins at me, a cocky sexy grin that I don't want to be affected by, but can't seem to help myself. "If I had, you sure as hell wouldn't be mad right now.
My mouth goes bone dry as a mental image of that scene flickers in and out of my mind- him easing my shirt over my head, his hands on my skin, his body pressed to mine, his lips so close I almost taste them. That's all it takes to make me forget my anger.
I'm staring at him with my mouth open- again- as he tucks his shirt back in. When he's finished, he takes a step closer to me. I stand perfectly still. His grin dies into a seductive curve of his lips that makes my knees feel funny. I'm completely spellbound and embarrassingly turned on when he bends to whisper in my ear.
"You'd better close those lips before I'm tempted to kiss them and really give you something to be all hot and bothered about."

Olivia is staying with her bitch of a cousin, Marissa, and if the embarrassment from the night before isn't bad enough, she walks into the kitchen the next morning to find Marissa with a man. When Olivia sees the man he is identical to Cash. Olivia kind of flips out a bit, not quite understanding the situation. The man with Marissa introduces himself as Nash, Cash's twin brother. So she's embarrassed she mad such a scene in front of Nash.

I don't want to give away anymore of the book, but I will say that Olivia is torn between her feelings for Nash (which he also expresses his attraction for Olivia) and Cash (who has also made his attraction quite clear to Olivia on many occasions).

Olivia has always been attracted to bad boys and that has caused her a lot of heartache in the past, which is why she sometimes feels that Nash would be better for her. He's going to be a lawyer, he's intelligent, sweet and is Cash's complete opposite. Cash is a motorcycle riding bad boy who is extremely arrogant, and self assured and he is determined to have Olivia.

This book has steamy sex scenes, lots of deception, lies, heartbreak, and a HUGE twist in Cash and Nash's story that will leave you wanting to read more!

Cash is by far one of my favorite book boyfriends and this series is by far one of my all time favorites! I can never get enough of this story! This is a book I've read at least a half dozen times because I'm addicted to Cash!

If you haven't read this book (or the series), I highly recommend you do so- you are missing out on a fantastic series! M. Leighton did a fantastic job with this series and every book leaves you wanting to read more about the story!

Some of my favorite quotes from the book

"I grab my purse and keys, sling my overnight bag onto my shoulder and head for the door. I'm thinking to myself that I should've used the bathroom before I left when I look up and see Nash sitting in his sleek black car, talking on the phone. Not watching where I'm going, I forget to step off the curb and end up falling off it instead.
I fall ass over teacup into the parking lot. In my head, I envision myself as a comical cartwheel of flailing arms and legs.
Yep, I'm making a fool of myself. Again. Right in front of Nash.
Is there no end to my embarrassment with this guy?
I'm thinking that as I try to right myself as quickly as possible. Before I can get untangled from my purse and duffel straps, however, strong hands are gripping my arms and hauling me to my feet.
I'm face to face with Nash. His dark-chocolate eyes are full of concern and he smells lightly of expensive cologne, something musky. Dark. Sexy.
"Are you all right?"
I'm discombobulated. "I'm just glad I didn't pee all over myself," I blurt. I see his mouth drop open a tiny bit and I feel my cheeks go up in flames.
Oh sweet Lord, what did I just say?
"I am, too."
My brain is utterly scrambled.
"What?" I ask, dazed and confuse.
"I am, too," he repeats.
"You are too what?"
"I'm glad you didn't pee all over yourself, too."
Oh yeah. That
Apparently, it's the rule of the universe that I make an ass of myself at every possible opportunity with this guy. And his brother, too!


"Car won't start?" he asks.
"What seems to be the problem?"
"I have to clue. I have ovaries; therefore I repel all things mechanical."
He chuckles.


With his messed up 'do, and his summer-tan skin, he looks like James Bond in his tux. And I fell victim to his charms as if he really were the dashing MI6 agent.
He's got me shaken and stirred.
"You belong in a tux, you know that?" He frowns over at me, but smiles. I straighten my head and face the windshield. "Ohmigod, could I be any more random?"
What has gotten into you?
He chuckles, "Actually, I think the answer to that is 'yes'."
"You know me well, Bond."
He chuckles again. "Bond? As in James Bond? Where did that come from?"
I turn my head to look at him again. Immediately it gets all fuzzy with hormones.
"Um, I was, uh, I was thinking about being shaken and stirred." He looks over at me and quirks one brow. "I mean I was thinking how well you could probably shake and stir something."
Ohmigod, somebody stop me!
"I mean, how well you could probably shake and stir a drink. Not me." I snort.
Ohmigod, I just snorted!"
"You were?" His mouth curves into a sexy grin. With the brow raised and those lips curled up at the corners, he looks exactly like his brother. Like the twins that they are.


Note to self: Do not expect coherent thought to be possible when staring at Nash. Motor skills may be impaired as well. Take necessary precautions.
I almost snicker when I picture myself putting on a helmet, knee pads and a mouth guard every time Nash enters a room.
Then I think of what I could do in the knee pads....


"Uh-huh. This sounds like penis problems."
"Ohmigod, Ginger! It's not penis problems. You think everything is about sex."
"Isn't it?"
I laugh. "No. It's not."
"So this has nothing to do with a guy?"
I pause.
"Ah-ha! I knew it! Penis problems."
"Well, it seems that the cause of some of my problems happens to have a penis. Well, two actually."
"Oh sweet Mary! You're dating a guy with two dicks?"
"Ginger, no! It's about two different guys."
"Oh," she says, obviously disappointed. "Damn. That woulda been kinda cool."
"How so?"
"I don't know. One for each hole?"
"You're sick, you know that?"
"Yeah, pretty much"
I laugh again. "At least you're not afraid to admit it."


"In the meantime, get those penis problems fixed. Every hen house needs a cock, but only the special hens can handle more than one. Try 'em out then pick one and stick with it. You're not old enough to play with two toys at the same time. That's cougar territory."
"I'll try to remember that," I say derisively.


His eyes narrow on me, but again he says nothing.
He's a very perceptive guy.
"And this bad-boy boyfriend?"
"Bad boy?"
"Yeah. The type you apparently avoid now."
"Oh, right." I laugh. It's a single bark of bitterness. "Ummm, he fell into a wood chipper?" I ask, hoping he'll get the hint that I don't really want to talk about him either.
He pauses with his drink halfway to his mouth, as if judging whether or not I'm serious, then he grins and takes a sip.
"Poor guy. And the one before that?"
"Eaten by a shark?"
"And before that?"
"Kidnapped by a travelling circus?"
He chuckles. "Wow. Your life's like a cautionary tale."
"Future suitors be warned."
"I'm willing to take my chances," he says with a wink.

Profile Image for Lauren (Sugar & Snark).
312 reviews128 followers
October 18, 2012
OMG I need a Cigarette! Not only was the book seriously hot but I feel like my mind has been fucked as well!

I have no idea how to review this book. I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t this. All I can really share is the random thoughts that were running through my brain us this book, which I thought was going to be a simple erotic romance unfolded.

We meet Cash- Hello Yummy!
We meet Nash-Whoop! There are TWO of them!
The book goes on a little- Eh this book is OK
Olivia (the MC) can’t choose between the brothers- What the hell is she doing!!
Hot sex ensues- And I mean REALLY HOT!
Secrets are revealed – And I think OMG is this guy off his meds?! Maybe she should run for her life!

But obviously he is far too sexy not to be forgiven

And just when you think you have a happy ending the author messes with your mind again!

Profile Image for Isabella Francesca.
48 reviews67 followers
January 8, 2013

WHY. Why did I not read this much more earlier? Why just now? SHEEEESH.

I am just gonna make this quick since I have to get started on the second book...
Let the pictures below tell you how I feel while reading the book.

So I started like this feeling all

because everyone's raving about it. I gotta knows!!

Then. Enter Mr. Cash Davenport.

Then Nash Davenport.

Twin brothers. Very different personalities. But they got one thing in common: OOZING WITH SEX APPEAL that it almost makes it illegal.

From there, everything just went.....

“You’ve got one chance to make my mouth water.”
I’m so glad for the room full of people. Otherwise, I might embarrass myself by stripping off all my clothes and climbing across the bar to wind all my body parts around him.

“I promise you won’t regret it. I promise to make you feel things and enjoy things you never even thought of before. I’ll make every night the best night of your life until you say it’s over. And then I’ll walk away. No hard feelings. Only sweet, sweet memories.”

Suddenly... secrets have been told, surprises have been revealed and everything started to made sense.

Then poof, ending. Damn cliffhangers.

I don't want to spoil too much or give out details per details of the book (other than the sex scenes are HOT AND AMAZING) izzz because I want y'all TO GRAB IT AND READ IT!!! Seriously. So worth of your time. MUST. READ. IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT. I don't care if someone rated it a 1 or 2 or even a 3. HAH. I LOVE IT AND I AM NOT ASHAMED OF IT. *bows*

“I haven’t felt like I’ve had a real home in years. Until I met you. You feel like home. And that’s more important than anything else. You’re my home now. You’re what matters.”

And that ends my ramblings. Off to book two!

September 30, 2012
Olivia's in college working her way towards an accounting degree and working at a bar when she meets Cash, a club owner and obvious bad boy. There is an immediate attraction but she has sworn off bad boys. Imagine her surprise when she meets her cousin's boyfriend, Nash...that's right, Cash's twin....and the good boy but he's taken...or is he?

I think I smiled through this whole book...well, except maybe the Gollumesque epilogue. I loved the banter...the flirting and teasing that went on between Olivia and Cash and Olivia and Nash. You can definitely see how conflicted Olivia can be with both men being great in their own ways.

I really enjoyed Olivia...she's so feisty and I laughed at some of the things that she said. I loved her wanting to be a good person and trying not to fall back on bad patterns. Too bad she just can't help herself.

I love both Cash and Nash. I really don't think I could pick one...well, maybe. (Cash!!) ;) They both have great qualities and phewww some steamy sex scenes. I also LOVED having all the different POV's. It was great knowing what everyone thought!

There's some interesting secondary characters. I loved Olivia's Dad and Ginger is a hoot! I can't wait to see how things are with Marissa in the next book.

One of the things that bothered me was the use of "Ohmigod" and "effin". While it wasn't used a huge amount of times, it just felt like it was and I couldn't help but roll my eyes each time!

Okay...so there's a big plot twist and yes, I wondered if it would go that way. I almost wished it hadn't. I really enjoyed the two brothers and wondering who Olivia would go with. But...I'm enjoying the twist as well.

I do have to say that it's unfinished. There's some drama with Cash and Nash having a secret. And I eluded to the "Gollumesque" epilogue with a really creepy individual named Duffy that reminds me of Gollum from Lords of the Rings. He's really freaky!

But 'm really looking forward to the "To Be Continued." This book was nice...getting to know everyone and finding out the secret but I'm hoping the next book will have more substance. I look forward to Olivia's relationship with "whoever" and how things will work out.

Favorite quotes:

♦ "If there’s one thing I’ve got, it’s junk in my trunk."

♥ “I shouldn't have stayed as long as I did, but I wanted to hold her while she slept. I wanted her to know I wasn't going anywhere. That she was safe with me. In my arms.”
Profile Image for Sláinte Wanderlust.
892 reviews385 followers
October 27, 2012
Cover & Title - 4 out of 5
Favorite Line - "I want to paper cut her. On every square inch of her body. And then roll her in salt water."
Favorite Character - Cash

I was really undecided whether or not to make this a 5 star review, for now it will stay a four but i think in a few months i will re-read this and see if that puts it up.

So many of my goodreads friends have read this book, rated it highly & raved about it. So I knew i would have to read this. I am so glad i did. I abso-fucking-lutely loved this book. Now i will admit friday is my favorite day to read a dirty book because first it is filthy friday & second i normally get verrrry drunk on a friday. This book was totally utterly filthy friday material.

I really loved all the characters, so many times i laughed out loud, too many to count.
"Uh-huh. This sounds like penis problems"
I mean seriously Ginger can you be my best friend?

I am struggling to explain why this book is so awesome.. (maybe i am hungover?) so I have decided to put it in bullet points instead of a huge long winded review in which i would babble incessantly.

1. Super smexy hot tattooed twins.
2. Amazing dialogue.
3. Sex scenes that melt panties.
4. A twist so huge that

I seriously think that is enough reasons to make you go & buy this book but if you need more convincing go and read more reviews.

Click here to read more of my reviews on my book review blog
Profile Image for Marie.
504 reviews389 followers
September 27, 2012
Uh oh, not going to lie that ending freaked me out. The next book already looks good!

I loved, loves, love this book.

Daymmmmn, Cash was just HOT, and so, SO damn sexy!

He couldn't get any sexier. I was dribbling by the mention of his name.

Tattoos, a rocking body, sexy accent and the even the way he talks, omg, Olivia is one lucky gal!

Olivia is just your average college student, Marissa is her rich snobby cousin and flat mate.

Nash is Marissa's boyfriend and Cash owns the hot local nughtclub. Nash and Cash are twins.

Their dad is in prison for murder.

To say there is a lot to this story would be the biggest UNDERSTATEMENT, EVER.

This book starts off oh so good. Olivia's old flat mate has her hen party in this club and they have a stripper come in. Olivia has to strip him down to nothing and her immediate attraction to this stranger scares her. But she sees how he challenges her to do it and just when she gets his shirt off and reaches for his belt buckle.... THE REAL STRIPPER COMES IN. That's right! And who is this mysterious, attractive and smug stranger whos shirt Olivia's holding.... None other than Cash, owner of the club.

And that's where everything starts to get a little messy!

Tottally enjoyable. I love this and the best part? It's not a single book! That's right there's another one!

Oe thing to sum this up? Total thrill ride!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,359 reviews

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