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Hetta Coffey is a globe-trotting civil engineer with attitude who is working on coming of age, a little late. Pushing forty and still single, Hetta is the epitome of the b bold, bossy, brassy, breezy and brash. After leaving a lifelong swath of failed multi-national affairs in her jet stream, it is no wonder Hetta prefers living with her dog R.J. But old habits die hard, and trolling for triceps is Hetta s hobby. Plying the waterfront in search of Saturday brunch, Hetta s attention is snagged by a parade of passing yacht--especially their predominantly male skippers--and experiences a champagne-induced if she had a boat, she could get a man. In hopes a floating Valhalla will overcome an all-time low-water mark in her life, Hetta buys her dream boat in spite of a spectacular ignorance of all things nautical. But a shadowy stalker, an inconvenient body, and Hetta s own self-destructive foibles imperil not only her new life, but a newly- found romance.

341 pages, Paperback

First published August 31, 2004

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About the author

Jinx Schwartz

29 books313 followers
Jinx Schwartz is the USA TODAY Best-selling author of the award-winning Hetta Coffey series.

JUST ADD WATER, first in the series, introduces Hetta, a sassy Texan with a snazzy yacht, and she's not afraid to use it. JUST ADD SALT, JUST ADD TROUBLE, JUST DESERTS, JUST THE PITS, JUST NEEDS KILLIN', AND JUST DIFFERENT DEVILS get her into hot Mexican Waters. JUST PARDON MY FRENCH, BOOK 8, FINDS HETTA IN FRANCE and Book 9: JUST FOLLOW THE MONEY, takes a wild ride on two continents, and JUST FOR THE BIRDS, Book 10, gets her afowl of exotic bird smugglers. Book 11 finds her in Texas, and living in an RV until her boat goes missing back in Mexico, and in Just On Porpoise (12 ) her attention is drawn to the almost extinct Vaquita, and JUST SO WRONG (13) finds Hetta taking on the dogfighting trade. Her other books: The Texicans (Texas 1806-1836 Historical Western), Land of Mountains, a YA/TWEEN set in Haiti in the 1950's, Troubled Sea, a thriller in Mexico's Sea of Cortez, and BAJA GET AWAY, suspensful romance in Mexico.

Jinx spends equal time in Arizona and Mexico.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 274 reviews
Profile Image for Linda.
738 reviews29 followers
February 26, 2017
I accidentally started with the Hetta Coffee #8, Just Pardon my French, which I really enjoyed. So I decided to go back the beginning.

I did not enjoy Just Add Water nearly as much. It felt longer than it needed to be, and I found Hetta to be more mean-spirited than sassy in this one. Clearly, the writing has improved with time, which is a good thing!
2.5 stars
Profile Image for Susanne Weigand.
20 reviews6 followers
August 29, 2013
I thought this book would be a mystery. It is, in parts. But to get there is really, really boring. First of all it is about two women, both not so young anymore who are desperate for men. Really desperate. You get the picture? Ok, of course the right men turn up and the reader knows it. But of course... it takes time. Time and boring time to get there.

The mystery part is suspenseful, but whenever a bit of suspense has built up, we leave the mystery and are back again to those silly and vain two woman.... boring again. In the end, when Hettas newfound love is missing every reader will know where he is und what he is doing.... Only Hetta doesn't and feals cheated.... Come on! And their wouldn't even be much of a mystery if Hetta wouldn't hold back on a piece of evidence for no reason.

The boating part is disappointing as well. Hetta has a boat only after half of the book and than it takes nearly the rest of the book for her to handle it....

The book ist said to be funny. There is one hilarious scene, where Hetta takes revenge. That is all.
Oh, and the story of the dog is sad, but nice and entertaining
Profile Image for Anastasia.
1,831 reviews95 followers
January 6, 2018
Just add water by Jinx Schwartz is the first book in the Hetta Coffey mystery series. Hetta is jilted by an embezzler who several years later winds up dead in her hot tub stabbed by an ice pick. An enjoyable and interesting introduction, although not much of a mystery but rather a rundown of Hetta's mid life crisis, and how she ends up living on a boat. A fun book overall, although a bit slow and strung out.
Profile Image for Horton Deakins.
Author 1 book24 followers
September 17, 2012
First, I must say this book was a chuckle a minute—except for the parts not designed to elicit chuckles, of course. I have the distinct impression, however, that it is probably illegal in some countries for men to read this book, for there are secrets revealed within its pages that men probably are never supposed to be privy to. At times I felt as if I had bugged the women’s locker room.

Male readers aside, and despite the humorous qualities of the book, it is not one you would want your ten-year-old to read, whether the child speaks English or French (as in, “Excuse my...”). There are no graphic love scenes or any such thing, just a bit of language. More than one language, actually.

I have a mildly neurotic tendency to mark spelling, grammar, and editing errors in what I read, but with this book I just put my proverbial blue pencil down. That was quite refreshing. Oh, there may have been an absentee article adjective—but no more than one.

For anyone who may think the author pulled the Japan experiences out of thin air, let me assuage your concerns. She did not. Amongst other things, the story brought back fond memories of taste bud titillations at the all-night Korean (yes, in Japan) barbeque joints—something you’ll never see in America. No, we are too much the litigious society to ever permit patrons to cook with gas grills at their own table.

The only issue I had with the book was that it seemed to be a bit slow-paced in the beginning. I was about halfway through before I really felt hooked by anything other than repeatedly laughing out loud and being impressed by the sheer quality of the prose.

Therefore by virtue of my having read this book, and because of the fact that, although I would like to give a rating of somewhere between four and five stars, zut alors, I cannot, because these crazy rating systems utilize only discreet integer arithmetic and no floating point, and by forcing this upon me I must truncate my result rather than rounding up (I never round up unless it is in my favor), so I hereby award four stars to this book. Well done, Ms. Schwartz, and great choice for the boat christening.
Profile Image for Laurie Hanan.
Author 11 books161 followers
July 10, 2012
I won Just Add Water in a drawing and couldn’t wait to get started. I just love a good mystery, but it wasn’t at all what I expected. I’m all for cozy or lighthearted mysteries, and in fact I prefer them over graphic violence. This book doesn’t in any way follow the usual pattern of a mystery, and the protagonist is not all out to solve a crime. In fact she’s all out to find a man—any man will do, thank you—and she’ll do anything it takes to get one. Including selling her home to buy a yacht! Hetta Coffey had me laughing from the start. But a quarter of the way into the book I thought I must have misunderstood about the mystery part, and went back online to re-read the synopsis. Sure enough, it does say “mystery”. And sure enough, a few pages later there was a breather at the other end of Hetta’s phone. A few more unsettling events occur, then a body turns up in the oddest place. I have to give this book five stars because, despite its questionable categorization, it was a delight to read. Within an hour of finishing the first in the series, I purchased and started reading the second. Whether you're a fan of mystery, chick lit, or humor, you'll be a fan of Hetta Coffey and author Jinx Schwartz. Well done!
Profile Image for Helen Karol.
Author 50 books85 followers
May 7, 2013
Chick-Lit Extraordinaire with Canine Cutie!

I started this book under the impression it was a mystery romance and so was puzzled when the required generic expectations failed to materialise up front. It was very entertaining and I loved the sassy Hetta and her friend Jan, but I kept waiting for the murders and the love interest to kick in. I actually put it down at one point with the intention of not proceeding – I AM VERY GLAD I DIDN’T.

I was intrigued by the characters and completely in love with canine cutie RJ. I also harbour a deep fantasy of owning my own boat; so I went back for a second go. This time approaching it as chick-lit, it was much easier to read and by halfway I flew through it with joy.

I am not usually a fan of this genre, but I loved Hetta because she isn’t falling apart and always has a snappy comeback without being bitchy. Although she has her obstacles, she isn’t dependant on men or in need of rescue - well for most of the time. I love the part where she takes off and anchors in the bay alone.

It has the merits of chick-lit with enduring female friendships, but again none of these women are disasters. It begins with a thriller scenario but doesn’t really pick this up until halfway through the book. We are treated to a thriller ending and eventually the romance element kicks in very nicely. Hope we see more of that relationship in the series.

Just goes to show that frame of mind when approaching a book can have a massive effect on your enjoyment. Don’t be fooled by this one – stick with it – you won’t be disappointed!!

Despite the slow start, it turns out to be a very satisfying romp!

First reviewed under the KBR at Amazon.com

“The Kindle Book Review received a free copy of this book for an independent, fair, and honest review. We are not associated with the author or Amazon.”

663 reviews2 followers
November 16, 2014
Hetta Coffey is not your typical engineer – she’s sharp-tonged, witty, and outspoken. Along with her bff Jan, she searches for love, frequently falling for the wrong man. In a moment of champagne induced drunkenness, she decides if she had a boat, she could get a man and off she goes to realize that dream.

She’s surrounded by a great group of friends and a rescue dog whom she loves beyond reason (and who loves her the same way). I was mildly annoyed by the “got to-have-a-man” drive, but setting that aside, she is a strong character and throughout the book starts to take more control of her life. The plot was interesting, the characters likable, the dialogue filled with humor, and the details about living on a boat educational. I noticed other reviewers here complaining about the sex and language, but I didn’t notice anything that merited the level of discontent. I don’t think I was reading the same book as them.

For me, this series was reminiscent of the early Janet Evanovich/Stephanie Plumb books. It was a light, easy, entertaining read and a great way to spend some time. I liked this enough to want to read more about Hetta and to see how her life turns out.
Profile Image for Karen Foster.
692 reviews2 followers
October 5, 2016
Not my cup of tea at all... If this hadn't been a book club book, I would have bailed. I found the main character really quite irritating, and the dialogue felt either clichéd, or at times, entirely inauthentic. Also, not mysterious enough to be called a mystery - it felt more like a chic-lit style 'hunt for a man' story most of the time..... Disappointed... as the friend who picked it for book club, loves it so much.
Profile Image for MaryEllen.
60 reviews5 followers
September 1, 2015
I read 7% of this book and gave up. At that point my interest had yet to be piqued. There was no story line to speak of and the characters weren't that interesting.

Too many great books waiting to read for me to waste time on this one.
Profile Image for R.P. Dahlke.
Author 16 books685 followers
May 21, 2012
First of the Hetta Coffey Baja Adventure series. A woman decides the best way to get a man is to get a boat... things go downhill after that! Laugh out loud funny!
Profile Image for Glenda.
1,159 reviews
April 9, 2013
book got off to a slow start. Main character Hetta Coffey, not very likable for me. I may read another book in the series?
Author 1 book43 followers
July 22, 2013
...with so much spunk Hetta Coffey would get you laughing so hard you might tip overboard. (Another reason why you wouldn't want to read an aquatic related book on an Aquatic habitat.)

Jinx Schwartz has got so much humor and isn't afraid to use it. All my life, there are two authors that really, really, make me laugh and it's no wonder these two writers have books similar to Just Add Salt. Janet Evanovich and Sarah Strohmeyer. No, it isn't like I only laugh-no, sorry-guffaw and clutch my ribs praying they won't snap reading about Chickroines with so much temerity and chutzpah. But can you blame me? There's nothing thrilling than reading a chicklit number with a lead who isn't afraid of a little adventure (or a not-so-little adventure as in Hetta's case).

If you are like me and looking just to have a good laugh and more than a little adventure, Hetta Coffey would give just that (and more if you are willing to read all through the fifth book in the series.)

So Hetta has got a yacht and isn't afraid to use it. But since this is the first installment in the series, we get to know why she had the yacht (How, when comes into place when you want to consider humor). Because it's one of the most unlikely situations to revolve a storyline around (which makes for good reading ). Why would a woman want to own a yacht in hopes of getting a man? I am finding it hard to get women these days. Always looking for ingenious ways to meet the perfect man. Gone are those days when major manhunt began in singles bars.

(As Hetta puts it: Besides, it had been my experience that the only thing most men in singles bars have in common is they’re married. Some of them to each other.)

But unlike most characters, you can't judge Hetta as shallow (for wanting to incessantly find a guy) because it took a series of (dangerous) events to make her decision of getting a boat final.

The book starts with a racy/fast-paced scene that renders doubts that this might be chicklit. The prologue is told in third-person of a guy named Hudson who is escaping after swindling cash and some secret-y stuff from some shady people he does equally shady business with. It's entertaining (highly), adrenaline lacing through your blood and all (Thanks to Jinx's description). But then it continues to the first chapter in a first-person viewpoint of a girl. By then you've got really hooked onto this Hudson guy and then you start thinking, "Another one of those books with a exciting prologue, but no action thereafter." And how silly you will be, if you are not curious enough to make the connection (Hey, not me. If I didn't make the connection I wouldn't be writing this review).

That's when we meet Hetta. The girl so opinionating and not willing to hold back (on her views about so many things you'd find amusing-from men, dogs to dawgs). She's become a civil engineer after dropping art and Swahili as her majors. She so ostentatious you'd love her voice which is a mix of snobbish aristocracy topped with lots of utter shittiness. She lives with her dog, RJ who has its own VW (eat your heart out, Amanda Brown!). She owns twenty credit cards (Don't laugh if you know anyone who has more. I don't). And she is single and mingling a lot in company of her friend Jan who is so funny she's still hooked on to BDR (Big Dick Richard, as Hetta calls him).

We later find out that this Hetta, five years ago, was the bride Hudson had ditched.

The novel starts out as four Sex And The City girls prowling for men in the most unlikely places. Except these girls are outnumbered by Candace Bushnell's lead girls. They are only Hetta and Jan who have been best buds for over fifteen years. All is well with the two as long as they are both single and can both face (the world and) Jan's meterosexual ex, BDR from making Jan the miserable girl she is when he is back in her life (as Hetta argues).

Everything is fun until RJ is mercy-killed when he is diagnosed of bone cancer.

It gets more fun.

Jan gets involved with Lars, one of the Jenkins brothers Hetta hates so much. And Hetta goes through a mid-life crisis triggered by fears from the return of Hudson, who is back with unknown reasons tampering with her state-of-the-art security system. And to make matters worse, she's been fired after a coworker who has always been in it to kick her arse out frames defraud charges. Gee, I must have forgotten she's not sure she's a drunkard being the queen of bacchanalia and her waistline is expanding!

Now not only does Hetta decide on living in a boat, she has to deal with Garrison, a guy who falsely owns the boat she has to buy and who spreads false news about being with Hetta (if you know what I mean). And the other annoying Jenkins who doesn't notice her (or is pretending not to notice her).

It's amusing How Hetta can forget about all her troubles (add an attempt on her life to the list) and focus on this Bob Jenkins guy. Or is this Bob Jenkins guy too hot to make you forget two partners in International crime are on your tail? I am not sure. But that's Hetta. She's that crazy most of the time.

This book is a mix of all the hilarious characters you could think of. From the Trob who wouldn't make more than a one-word phrase to Allison the lawyer friend who is always looking for a case (in Hetta's life) and the loan officer friend, Aline Watson who only Hetta seeks when she needs a loan to Mother and Father who are worried Hetta hasn't had sex since Hudson (Five years?! I know!) to Martinez, the detective who scribbles 'pants on fire' in his notepad when an interogatee (I can say that if Hetta is queen of neologism) is lying.

I couldn't stop laughing. So don't be surprised if you find a quotes from Hetta Coffey handle on twitter.
Profile Image for Leslie.
2,759 reviews220 followers
April 10, 2017
Too much about Hetta's personal life for me. Plus her stupidity in
Profile Image for Martha Cheves.
Author 5 books73 followers
January 8, 2011
Just Add Water – Review by Martha A. Cheves, Author of Stir, Laugh, Repeat
‘Picking up my ballpoint, I filled in under SAILING EXPERIENCE, Caribbean, Mediterranean, and trans-Pacific. I left out the fact that all of this cognitive content was gained on cruise ships the size of small cities. The next question was easy. WHY DO YOU WANT TO LEARN TO SAIL? It is against my nature to answer this type of question with any honesty, but I thought, what the hey? And wrote: Meet new people. Learn a skill. Find a mate.’

Being as honest as possible, Hetta Coffee fills out her application for sailing lessons being given by the Gay Nineties Sailing Club. The whole idea of learning to sail was Hetta’s and she actually convinced her best friend Jan that it is the perfect way to meet men. In fact, Jan set up the lessons. Hetta wished she had paid attention to the actual name of the club. So, after 4 hours on board a sailing vessel made up of all women, both Hetta and Jan decided they just might need to find another club to learn their new skill through.

Hetta’s pricy home, complete with dog playground and trap door, sits among homes owned by several of the NBA players. It’s large but has become quite costly, plus Hetta soon finds out that someone has found access into her home and is apparently searching for something. And she’s pretty sure she knows what they are searching for and even who the intruder might be. Five years earlier she was given a key to a bottle club in Tokyo. A bottle club is a lounge that rents you a locker allowing you to store your own drinking preference to be enjoyed whenever you are in town. But when her one and only suspect turns up as a floater in her own hot tub, she decides she has had enough and should move on. So when the owner of the “Sea Cock” makes her an offer she can’t pass up, she sells her home and buys herself a yacht. But as I’m sure you can guess, the troubles don’t stop there.

Just Add Water has been a joy to read. Jinx Schwartz’ style of writing includes a good murder mystery, a lot of suspense, many suspects and a ton of humor. This is such an enjoyable light mystery read.

WhoooDoo Mysteries
341 pages
ISBN# 1-932695-20-6

Review Stir, Laugh, Repeat at Amazon.com Stir, Laugh, Repeat
Profile Image for Nancy Silk.
Author 5 books82 followers
May 2, 2013
"A Very Humorously Written Story"

Jinx Schwartz has just written about a fantasy I've had for years of being skipper of my sailing yacht and meeting up with a solo sailor, Tom Selleck! Anyway, Jinx has described Hetta Coffey as I would myself in the younger days; however, I have to say I have a more timid personality than Hetta. She's a woman, but acts more as a sarcastic teen, just a little too much in this novel. But ... I loved the real experiences of Hetta as she learns navigation and the ways of nautical life. I've lived aboard over 10 years and sailed the SF Bay with hubby (who was always the Captain, but had a wife that proclaimed she was Admiral!!) Yes, Hetta is very impudent, but very determined. Hetta and her best friend, Jan, are enjoying some champagne as they sit at a bayside restaurant enjoying the view. Of course the view they are enjoying are two men walking into the restaurant. Hetta and Jan are in their mid-30's, always looking for a man worthy of them. Hetta, being jilted five years early, isn't quite as interested as Jan, but she has many habits which are hard to control, such as her mouth! Hetta then drags Jan to a boat show as she's decided she wants to command her own helm. Jan reminds her she doesn't know how to sail let alone swim. The mysteries are many in this story such as why does Hetta wear a key suspended around her neck? And why does she have a premium all-covering security alarm system in her old, restored home in the hills over Oakland? And who has changed the lock on her yard gate? I started this novel which is basically hilarious, but maybe just a bit too much. The author chooses to use several foreign phrases which I'm not familiar with, and also some nonexistent or uncommon words. I feel the novel dragged a bit and could have been more driven with mystery and action rather with the musings of Hetta. But, I will read Author Jinx Schwartz's next book "Just Add Salt" because I've sailed the places that Hetta sails, thus it brings back fond memories.
Profile Image for A Voracious Reader (a.k.a. Carol).
2,042 reviews1 follower
May 29, 2013
Hetta Coffey is an engineer working for herself and not doing too shabby. Except for that time in Japan where she fell for Hudson Williams. How was she to know that oily snake was a crook and would disappear taking money from her account as well as his company’s? But she’s moved on. It’s been years since he rabbited and a year since she heard from Interpol about him. About the time she gets bad news about her canine companion, RJ, she starts experiencing strange happenings around her house. Worried about RJ and dealing with the shock and outrage (as well as litigation) of being fired from a job in Seattle, she puts thoughts of weirdness to the side. Until Hudson Williams ends up floating like an expired goldfish in her hot tub. Why is he back, why couldn’t he have stayed gone and why, by all that’s holy, is he in her beloved hot tub? Hetta is about to find out.

This book is a lot of fun to read. Hetta is brash and bold with a mouth that doesn’t have much of a filter. Her friends are great and her life is amusing. The reason behind her mysterious happenings are easy for us to spot because Hudson gives us a clue in the beginning, but it’s hard watching Hetta putting the clues together. How can she possibly connect what’s happening to that creep Hudson? It’s like watching Columbo. We know who the killer is, but Columbo has to figure it out. That’s exactly what this book is like, only with more humor, shenanigans and booze. And yacht hunting. Because Hetta gets it into her head that she needs a yacht and, by golly, she finds one.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes a strong heroine and a story that has humor, some romance and a mystery to solve.

*Book source ~ Many thanks to the author for providing me with a review copy. Please see disclaimer page on my blog.
Profile Image for Jeannie and Louis Rigod.
1,991 reviews36 followers
May 7, 2013
My First comment to my followers (of reviews,) is that this book is Not a typical cozy. There is strong language, sexual innuendos, and a main character that you may like or not. Having said all this...you might want to read this book as it is one heck of a well written mystery.

The main character is "...bold, bossy, brassy, breezy, and brash." And, I would add another five letter 'B' word. The thing is...Hetta Coffey has come to this personality due to actions that have happened to her. There is something, called excellent writing, that compels the reader to want to find out what makes this woman click. Life has caused a severe injustice to Hetta and you are driven to see if she gets justice back to even the score.

This mystery has another subplot, that of a romance, running throughout the novel. Hetta has made poor choices in the past, can she 'Just Add Water' to find the love of her life? Hetta feels buying a yacht will bring her to a classier group of men. What it brings is a drain on money and more 'man' troubles, at least in the beginning.

Then there is humor. I will say the humor is more of a twenty-first century type. Again, this is not a cozy of the traditional style. I was shocked into a laugh out loud scenario on page 219 that had my spouse running to my aid. I guess it was more a bray... I was oddly satisfied with a scene involving a 'Morgan' vehicle, underwear, and a large silver balloon....You have to read the book to appreciate the scene.

Normally, the language etc would put me off, however, I am so very glad I continued to read the book as the writing is amazing and so was the story. I will read the next in the series and remember to stay in 2013.
Profile Image for BestChickLit.com.
458 reviews243 followers
December 1, 2012
Just Add Water is sassy, witty and so much fun.

Meet Hetta Coffey, the sparky heroine in this first of three thrillers. Hetta has been single for five whole years since her last fella proposed to her and then left with her heart, the contents of her bank account and Interpol on his trail. And what did he leave? A key. But Hetta has no idea what it’s for.

Now approaching forty, Hetta and her best friend Jan are living the high life, trailing San Francisco bay for rich, eligible ‘dawgs’. When Jan falls in love with Lars, Hetta is more than a bit miffed at having her partner in crime taken from her, especially when Lars’ handsome but obnoxious brother won’t even register her existence. Add to that the mysterious prank calls, and strange goings-on at her home Hetta thinks maybe it’s time to sail away on her own boat, but trouble just seems to follow wherever she goes.

Jinx Schwartz has written such a lively, fast-paced novel that you’ll lap up every word. Hetta is mouthy, ambitious and independent – a fierce heroine that will make you laugh with her smart mouth and questionable morals. The life she leads in sunny California is great fun to get lost in on cold winter evenings. More Hetta can only be a good thing – bring on the next novel in the series!

Reviewed by Nikki Mason on behalf of BestChickLit.com
Profile Image for Mike.
Author 9 books15 followers
January 2, 2013
Whatever the watery equivalent of a romp is, this is it. A fun read which was just long enough not to allow the reader to become a shade tired of Hetta's badinage. The plot was a touch weak and Hetta didn't actually solve the mystery, it was solved for her but really the Japanese connection was merely a loose structure for Hetta to flounce around in. (Her blood would be up if anyone accused her of flouncing, I suspect). The early structure promised much more than the ending delivered in story terms but it was entertaining merely accompanying Hetta round the Bay area. I've picked up all three HC mysteries on free promos so I am certainly not complaining and I don't think it will be an effort starting number two after an adequate pause accompanied by the much more literary, Sebastian Faulks.
9 reviews
July 12, 2018
My heart broke when I lost my "friend" Kinsey Milhone. Her role in my life has been somewhat filled by Hetta Coffey. Hetta is a civil engineer who is sassy, a bit plump, sometimes drinks too much, and gets herself and her pals entangled in all sorts of capers, of her own and others' doing. Like Sue Grafton, author Jinx Schwartz doesn't stoop to making all her bad guys gross sexual pervs, as several authors are doing now. Hetta is laugh out loud funny, and never loses her spunk. Schwartz describes the characters skillfully, so the reader can easily picture Hetta, Jan, Jenks, Martinez, Nacho, and RJ, of course.
Please keep writing, Jinx Schwartz, because I'm on book#3 and want to keep reading.
Profile Image for Gae-Lynn Woods.
Author 7 books23 followers
August 26, 2012
JUST ADD WATER introduces the feisty Hetta Coffey - a wise-cracking woman on a mission to find a man and using every tool at her disposal to get him! The first novel in the Hetta Coffey series is a fast, funny read - Jinx Schwartz does a great job of developing her characters and introducing enough ambiguity to leave you wondering who really has Hetta's best interests at heart. You know when you're done that although this mystery ended well, with Hetta's personality and her best friend Jan's encouragement, it won't be long until Hetta's sailing in stormy waters again...

Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Allen.
Author 6 books10 followers
October 17, 2012
First of her Hetta Coffey Mystery Series , this one is a real romp. Her descriptions of the trials and tribulations of a newbie boat owner and all the systems aboard are hilarious as well as her attempts at sailing lessons. This tale takes place on San Francisco Bay with one trip outside the Golden Gate to Pillar Point in Half Moon Bay. Ms. Schwartz is obviously and experienced power boater. I did find some errors though, the only thing that kept this book out of the five star category. Highly recommended whether you are a power boater, a sail boater or just like a good story.
Profile Image for Kay Van Slyke.
292 reviews4 followers
October 14, 2014
I am having a great time reading this Hetta Coffey series. My husband and I are very familiar with the Sea of Cortez and have visited many of the anchorages that Jinx refers too. It is so refreshing to read a story and have the information be accurate, even down to the hot dog vendor in front of the church in Santa Rosalia. Good for you Jinx, I love this series and am currently on book six. It's fun to visit these places thru Hetta's experiences, I am thoroughly enjoying her character as well as the others in the series. Can't wait for book 7!!
Profile Image for Emmie.
1,278 reviews3 followers
February 7, 2017
The story line and the premise are both very good. I just had trouble identifying with the characters. Some of the book was amusing and entertaining.
Profile Image for Christine.
163 reviews
December 30, 2014
This story just felt so dated to me: no one had a cell phone and the main character spent a lot of her time planning how to catch herself a rich husband. A story-line I might have enjoyed in the nineties, but not in 2014. Had the mystery been more mysterious and had the main character behaved more consistently, I may have been able to overlook how dated the story felt. But this one just didn't work for me at all.

*review based on the audio version narrated by Beth Richmond*
Profile Image for Betty.
2,006 reviews59 followers
November 28, 2019
Great Adventure

The first of the Hetta Coffey series featuring amusing witty and funny protagonist. Hetta is responsible in her engineering work however her personal is any but a mess. Her character is complicated. Jan is an first-class sidekick. After Hetta gets them into trouble Jan is there to help. This book gives the background of the characters and Hetta's life. I enjoyed it so much I went on and reread the next JUST ADD SALT which is free on Amazon March 5-9
Profile Image for Melanie.
106 reviews
October 25, 2013
Didn't love the writing; however, the plot line kept me going to the end. The author really tried much too hard to make the main character seem a funny, sassy, 30 something, single woman. The clichés and comments to herself got really old. Also ran across three "F" words which I hate but didn't find until near the end. This one is just blah. . .
Profile Image for Sandi Blaylock.
263 reviews4 followers
August 15, 2017
Started Slow

Luckily I stuck with a book that was just not grabbing me. The thing that kept me reading was the funny one liners from the character Hetta. They made me laugh. Glad I stuck it out. It is a reluctant 4 stars. Not a full 4 but real close.
Profile Image for Karen.
Author 28 books161 followers
February 10, 2020
Hetta Coffey is such a fun heroine. The plot is convoluted and well carried out; the other characters interesting and unique. I am not familiar with yachting but the descriptions ring true. A real page turner.
Author 3 books9 followers
July 27, 2012
What a fun story! Hetta is an intrepid, funny character and the whole cast of Just Add Water suits the plot well. I can recommend this one as a fine summer read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 274 reviews

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