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Sweet Salt Air

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Charlotte and Nicole were once the best of friends, spending summers together in Nicole's family's island house, but they have since grown apart. A successful travel writer, Charlotte lives on the road, while Nicole, a food blogger, lives in Philadelphia with her surgeon-husband, Julian. When Nicole returns to the island house in order to write a book about island food, she invites her old friend Charlotte for both sentimental and practical reasons. Outgoing and passionate, Charlotte has a gift for talking to people and making friends, and Nicole would like her help interviewing locals for her book. Missing a genuine connection, Charlotte agrees. But what both women don't know is that they are each holding a secret that may change their relationship forever. Are the bonds of friendship strong enough to weather past indiscretions and betrayals? Can love survive an honest mistake? Filled with real, gut-wrenching emotion as well as a strong romantic storyline, Sweet Salt Air is a new offering from a beloved storyteller guaranteed to make you laugh and cry.

406 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2013

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About the author

Barbara Delinsky

333 books4,222 followers
I was born and raised in suburban Boston. My mother’s death, when I was eight, was the defining event of a childhood that was otherwise ordinary. I took piano lessons and flute lessons. I took ballroom dancing lessons. I went to summer camp through my fifteenth year (in Maine, which explains the setting of so many of my stories), then spent my sixteenth summer learning to type and to drive (two skills that have served me better than all of my other high school courses combined). I earned a B.A. in Psychology at Tufts University and an M.A. in Sociology at Boston College. The motivation behind the M.A. was sheer greed. My husband was just starting law school. We needed the money.

Following graduate school, I worked as a researcher with the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, and as a photographer and reporter for the Belmont Herald. I did the newspaper work after my first son was born. Since I was heavily into taking pictures of him, I worked for the paper to support that habit. Initially, I wrote only in a secondary capacity, to provide copy for the pictures I took. In time, I realized that I was better at writing than photography. I used both skills doing volunteer work for hospital groups, and have served on the Board of Directors of the Friends of the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center and on the MGH’s Women’s Cancer Advisory Board.

I became an actual writer by fluke. My twins were four when, by chance, I happened on a newspaper article profiling three female writers. Intrigued, I spent three months researching, plotting, and writing my own book - and it sold.

My niche? I write about the emotional crises that we face in our lives. Readers identify with my characters. They know them. They are them. I'm an everyday woman writing about everyday people facing not-so-everyday challenges.

My novels are character-driven studies of marriage, parenthood, sibling rivalry, and friendship, and I’ve been blessed in having readers who buy them eagerly enough to put them on the major bestseller lists. One of my latest, Sweet Salt Air, came out in 2013.  Blueprints, my second novel with St. Martin’s Press, became my 22nd New York Times bestselling novel soon after its release in June 2015.  Making Up, my work in progress, will be published in 2018.

2018? Yikes. I didn’t think I’d live that long. I thought I’d die of breast cancer back in the 1900's, like my mom. But I didn’t. I was diagnosed nearly twenty years ago, had surgery and treatment, and here I am, stronger than ever and loving having authored yet another book, this one the non-fiction Uplift: Secrets From the Sisterhood of Breast Cancer Survivors. First published in 2001, Uplift is a handbook of practical tips and upbeat anecdotes that I compiled with the help of 350 breast cancer survivors, their families and friends. These survivors just ... blew me away! They gave me the book that I wish I’d had way back when I was diagnosed. There is no medical information here, nothing frightening, simply practical advice from friends who’ve had breast cancer. The 10th Anniversary Volume of Uplift is now in print. And the money I’ve made on the book? Every cent has gone to my charitable foundation, which funds an ongoing research fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Connect with me on Facebook: facebook.com/bdelinsky
Look for my photos on Instagram: instagram.com/barbaradelinsky

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,612 reviews
Profile Image for Corey.
343 reviews58 followers
May 9, 2013
When perusing upcoming books by some of my favorite authors to put on my "to be read" shelf so I remember to pick them up as they become available, Sweet Salt Air was recommended to me on Amazon because of what I'd been adding. Immediately the book's name piqued my interest because there are fewer smells in this world that I love more than salt air. I then realized it is written by Barbara Delinsky and I was excited as I'd read other books of hers in the past and enjoyed them. When I then read the synopsis and saw that it was set in my beloved Maine I couldn't wait for the release date! I was super stoked when I saw this book in my offerings for Amazon Vine and jumped at the chance to read it before it came out.

Sweet Salt Air takes place on a small island in Maine (sadly I believe it is fictitious) where two friends come together for the first time in many years for a summer. Together they write a cookbook while sorting through the house and getting it ready for sale. Each friend is in a different place in life - Nicole is hiding a secret about her husband while putting a brave face on for the world to see while Charlotte is a freelance writer traveling the world but has a secret she's kept from Nicole since their last summer on the island.

I was expecting your usual fluffy beach read but I should have known to know more was to come from Ms Delinsky and she didn't disappoint. She brought Maine to life quite vividly and captured the essence of what I adore about that state. The prominent relationship in the book, the friendship between Nicole and Charlotte was well written and I enjoyed the journey with them. I had a feeling how the book would end up but I still was pleasantly surprised by a few things and especially enjoyed the romance side of the story. Finally I congratulate the author for NOT including recipes. I don't know why all of the sudden authors keep adding in recipes whenever food is involved but for some reason it isn't my cup of tea so I liked that this novel talks about food and recipes but didn't include a bagillion (or even one) of them.

Overall I enjoyed my stay on Quinnipeague and think that many others will as well.
Profile Image for Maria Espadinha.
1,080 reviews450 followers
June 4, 2017
Quando o Bem se Cola com o Mal

Em relacionamentos próximos é vulgar cometerem-se erros que se escondem e vivem longamente enterrados na forma de segredos.
Afundam-se lá pelo Baú das Memórias Explosivas até àquele dia em que sentimos a pistola apontada à Consciência e os expelimos num vómito azedo e purificador!
Nesse instante há um surto de acontecimentos que é inadvertidamente desbloqueado.
Pedaços de Vida descongelados que clamam finalmente por ser vividos.
E então sentimo-nos como um actor que é subitamente coagido a saltar duma tela segura e confortável, para a desafiante realidade!...

E quanto ao Segredo AgriDoce?
Que poderá dizer-se sobre ele?
Muito não convirá, pois sendo Segredo, o melhor mesmo é não contar!
Não obstante, pode adiantar-se que o Agri provém duma Traição. E que o Doce tem a ver com uma possível Cura!

É deveras desafiante o confronto com situações Preto e Branco. Daquelas em que o Bem se cola com o Mal, numa forma em que é impossível praticar um deles sem desatrelar o outro.
Mas como por norma o Bem é de maior alcance, o Branco lá vai deglutindo o Preto!...
141 reviews
September 12, 2013
Well I have to agree with some other contributors who feel that they expected way more quality from an author like Ms Delinsky. I for one was not wowed. Maybe I am too tainted from reading better books but the characters get under a reader's skin and are really annoying. So many times I wanted to scream – “What are you doing!”.

Nicole, one of the main characters, is incredibly whiny & immature. Someone needed to tell her to grow a backbone. Her husband, Julian, who is diagnosed with MS and for the past 4 years tells no one except his wife – oh that’s realistic. Then we have the best friend Charlotte who has a secret that she should have kept to herself. Most of the book is occupied with Nicole crying about her husband and “poor me” how am I ever going to get this cookbook finished. Good thing she had a friend like Charlotte.

On top of the characters the book rams the island stuff down your throat. It’s all a little much. But like so many authors Ms Delinsky raps the story up happily in the epilogue – how very nice! Next time I want to torture myself – I’ll watch a couple episodes of the Kardasians.
Profile Image for Connie Cox.
286 reviews194 followers
January 7, 2015
This was not quite as good as I was hoping, and I love Delinsky but felt a bit let down. Two childhood friends reunite, secrets kept, secrets revealed, love kept, love found, dilemma's and near tragedies......but in the end all is well and everyone lives happily ever after! Just a bit too predictable and flat for me. Another problem is that I really did not care much for half of the main characters (Nicole and Julian) so their part of the story didn't grab me emotionally.

I will say though, I loved the description of the island.....of it's lifestyle, it's people and it's FOOD! Oh my, I gained weight just reading this book and wished that the cookbook were real. It made me want to put the book down and pull down some pots and pans! She does a wonderful job creating the sights, sounds and smells of coastal life. She also describes her characters very well....the looks, the voices, the mannerisms.

I would recommend this when in the mood for a women's book.....some friendship issues, family matters and romance.......and of course for food! It would be an excellent summer read while vacationing on the coast!
3.5 stars
Profile Image for Tara Monica.
9 reviews5 followers
July 14, 2013
I really wanted to like this book. When I read the description of what the book was about I was expecting a great summer read about two friends sharing their summer at a beach house in Maine. However, when I began reading the book I found it very difficult to get into the story. I found that I did not really get into the characters lives and as a whole the book was hard to "sink my teeth into". I contemplated giving up on this book several times but decided to stick with it to see if the story improved. I was disappointed however, and found the book and story to be very surface level and not engaging at all. I think the intended story line could have been a good one but I do not feel that the author delved enough into the characters and that many plots were thrown into the book just to take up space.
Profile Image for Bren fall in love with the sea..
1,756 reviews372 followers
April 6, 2024
“Clams served on Quinnipeague were dug from the from the flats hours before cooking, and the batter, which was exquisitely light, held bits of parsley and thyme. Other fried clams couldn't compare.”

Barbara Delinsky-Sweet Salt Air

I am a very visual reader. When I read, I like to see colors, beautiful, glimmering colors all around me.

You know what colors surround this book?

Blues – every shade of blue imaginable.

Turquoise and aquamarine and glowing azure blue and brilliant, brilliant Sapphire.

These are the colors of beauty. These are the colors of Maine.

That is where it takes place. On an island in Maine. Is there any more beautiful place than Maine?

This is a book about friendship. And marriage. And love.

And it also takes place on that beautiful island in the beautiful state of Maine (The way life should be.) All Mainers will get that reference.

I do not live in Maine but have been there many times, from childhood into adulthood. What a joy to read a book that takes place in one of my very favorite states.

It is magnificent and it was a pleasure to read this book, aptly titled "Sweet Salt Air", that takes place there.

The air inMaine does, indeed, have its own smell. It does smell sweet and salty and breezy and blue.

I liked the book so very much bur though I loved and adored where it took place, I did have a few issues.

I found it to be interesting and I loved the writing, particularly the descriptiveness around this beautiful little Maine island. I wanted to go there! That is what kept me reading.

But the reason I liked but did not love this this is because of my dislike for one of the main characters which I could not get over and which dulled my enjoyment of the book a bit. For spoiler reasons I will not say which character. But suffice to say that had much to do with why I struggled. I still want to make clear that I firmly recommend this book.

I also enjoyed reading about one lady more then the other. I did not skim this one but there were moments honestly when it moved a bit slowly, although I'd still call it a very good read. I just preferred to read about some characters over others.

Oh..if you choose to read this..bring your appetite.

That may seem an odd thing to write but one of the main characters is a food blogger..and..well..suffice to say there are many a reference to food. Also, because this takes place in Maine, Seafood capital of the USA, there are many references to Seafood, as seen in the quote I chose to use. Yes, this book may make one eat more then usual, I must say.

Don’t forget to check out the delightful and exquisite cover!

I'd recommend it. The main reason for that is the beautifully descriptive writing. The story is interwoven with the tranquil coastal island in Maine and the prose, particularly about said island, is delightful and it wasn't all that hard to keep on reading. This is my first book by this author and I will certainly look for more of her books in the future.
Profile Image for Britany.
1,080 reviews470 followers
May 7, 2013
This book was as refreshing as the title...

Secrets, Island off the coast of Maine, Friendships, lobster rolls, and a love story all rolled into a classic summer read.

This was my first Delinsky novel and I was enraptured by this book. It was exactly what I was looking for at this point.

Best friends Charlotte and Nicole start working on a cookbook capturing all the local herbs and recipes of their youth. Charlotte comes back to stay with Nicole of the island of Quinniepeague to help spur this project. She brings with her secrets from the past and provides the solace and comfort that Nicole desperately needs. Nicole's husband Julian has MS, and undergoes multiple treatment options while the friends are working on the cookbook. Everything gets tied back to the history of the island and the secrets that lie within Cecily Cole's herb garden.

I would highly recommend this one for a great summer read. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough.
Profile Image for Patty.
1,601 reviews102 followers
June 8, 2013
Sweet Salt Air
Barbara Delinsky

My "in a nutshell" summary...

Nicole and Charlotte reunite on an island off the coast of Maine after a ten year separation. Needless to say there are tons of yummy issues!

My thoughts after reading...

I can't even remotely write or say anything "bad" about this book. Reading a book by Barbara Delinsky is like going home for me. Her books are just yummy, relaxing, and have just the right amount of dysfunction and secrets...and in this book...amazing food descriptions!

The location for this book is also a place I cherish...Maine...and her descriptions of the people, the food, the coast, the berries...EVERYTHING...are so spot on we booked a trip in August.

Ok...first of all I love and adore Leo and his dog Bear...his relationship with Charlotte has the kind of romantic spark that is filled with...hmmm...let's just say intensity...that is to die for in a book...sexy without being graphic. Ms. Delinsky captured my reading soul in this book. I was NEVER bored...I was always anticipating each character's next move...I adored this book.

Let's just say that if you were on the beach reading Sweet Salt Air...you would miss lunch and a snack and most likely have a terrible sunburn because time would fly by so quickly.

Lest I forget...just a quick briefing of the story...Charlotte and Nicole reunite on their island to write a cookbook. Nicole's doctor husband has a secret that Nicole has kept for 4 years...Charlotte has a secret that could help Nicole's husband but kill her renewed relationship with Nicole. Leo is an island enigma and Charlotte is drawn to him...and of course...everything clashes! Yum!

What I loved about this book...

In a word...EVERYTHING!

What I did not love...

Nicole was my least favorite character...she had spoiled brat only child syndrome...but that just added to the allure of this book.

Final thoughts...

Readers who are familiar with this author's work will be delighted with this book. I think it's her best ever!
Profile Image for Elizabeth of Silver's Reviews.
1,165 reviews1,535 followers
March 29, 2013
Secrets both big and small but nonetheless difficult to keep.

Nicole and Charlotte who had been friends since grade school and who hadn’t seen each other for ten years had secrets they couldn’t tell each other. Nicole’s secret did come out, but it was good that it did. Charlotte’s secret was definitely better left unrevealed.

Sweet Salt Air is set in Quinnipeague, an island filled with quaint citizens and great cooks with wonderful recipes for Nicole’s cookbook and Charlotte’s accompanying narratives. The island’s characters were diverse and filled with generations of families who lived and worked using their talents in many areas, but specifically cooking and baking. They also knew everyone’s personal business, and if they didn’t, they would make it their business to find out. Everyone on the island was family.

The description of the island was heavenly and sounded like a perfect place for a vacation even though some Quinnies were not pleased with outsiders. What brought the entire book together was the characters. The storyline fell into place around them more than the storyline falling around the characters. Leo, the son of the town’s herbal genius, was quite odd, but very likable. Charlotte and Nicole shared a friendship that was good for both of them. Julian, Nicole’s husband, was an ok character, but you will find out why he was the way he was when you delve into this appealing book.

I enjoyed the book because of the beach setting, the wonderful, homey town, Ms. Delinsky’s writing, and of course the recipe hints. Warning: Don't read this book while you are hungry. I have never read a Barbara Delinsky book before and truly enjoyed SWEET SALT AIR.

This book is a dream for all readers. It has books, bloggers, authors and is set in a beautiful location with appealing, unique characters. It is about life's choices and decisions, families, triumphs, and tragedies, along with a love story thrown in. It is a quick, delightful and VERY engaging book. 5/5

This book was given to me free of charge by the publisher without compensation in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jann Barber.
396 reviews13 followers
May 9, 2013
A friend won copies of the Advance Readers' Edition of this book, as it is not going on sale until June.

When I started it, I thought, "Oh, this is not really something I enjoy," and I did skim some of the first chapters. Then, I found myself caught up with the situations and several of the characters.

I would live in Quinnipeague, and I would certainly enjoy partaking of the food!

Two long-time friends, Charlotte and Nicole, separated by lifestyles and also because of a secret known to one of them, meet again in order to collaborate on a cookbook based on recipes from Quinnipeague and the herbs grown by the now deceased Cecily Cole. Cecily's "bad" son, Leo, still lives in the family home and the herb garden flourishes.

An author who refuses to be photographed has written a best seller titled "Salt," and both women are reading the book.

Nicole's prenatal brain surgeon husband Julian seems to be distancing himself from her, so marital woes play a part.

I enjoyed the second part of the book more than the first, and while I'm not a big believer in romance or "happily ever after," still enjoyed this book.

Profile Image for Cher 'N Books.
847 reviews335 followers
March 26, 2016
1.5 stars - I didn't like it.

Recommended for anyone that loves a scandalous high drama with a farcical plot, a heavy focus on a medical disease, and a predictable happily ever after ending for all the cardboard characters. Personally, I hate all of these things. Anyone looking for a light and fun beach read should keep looking...don't be misled by the beautiful cover.

Favorite Quote: Life is like a game of cards. It deals you different hands at different times. You don't have that old hand anymore, . . . . Look at what you have now.

First Sentence: Charlotte Evans was used to feeling grungy.
Profile Image for Sandysbookaday .
2,307 reviews2,300 followers
May 13, 2014
Can the bonds of friendship weather a betrayal?
I don't know - I gave up on page 112 as I found it not up to Barbara's usual standard.
Sweet Salt Air didn't hold my attention, entrance or captivate me like her books usually do.
Very disappointed.
Profile Image for Melodie.
589 reviews76 followers
December 20, 2015
Friendship,forgiveness, redemption are the key topics in this story of two women.Charlotte and Nicole are old friends grown apart. Both successful in their lives, but the similarity ends there. Charlotte lives her life on the go. A travel writer, she thrives on living out of a suitcase. Rarely content to be in one place too long, she is always looking ahead to the next location. Nicole, is the polar opposite. Married to a famous neonatal surgeon, she authors a food blog that centers mainly on the farm to table movement. She lives her life between Philadelphia and the Maine island of Quinnipeague. Both women appear to live an idyllic existence.
But both women have issues that mar their seemingly perfect lives. Both have secrets that bubble beneath the surface, looking for a tiny opening to break through the surface. Brought together for the summer to work on an island cookbook,Charlotte and Nicole have a unique opportunity to rekindle their friendship if only they can work past the baggage that weigh them down.
I enjoyed the characters and their accompanying drama. Nicole came off as a whiny entitled so and so at times, but there was a good balance of personalities.The secondary characters were wonderful and easy to relate to.
This would be an awesome summer beach read, or in my case a welcome diversion to tedious hours driving across four states. I listened to the audio edition and totally enjoyed it. The narrator gave life to the characters and nailed the unique accent of the islanders.
I have a weakness for food based fiction and this one did not disappoint. Mouth watering descriptions along with the tantalizing smells of the herbs and flowers of the island made me want to book a trip. So if you want a taste of summer in the dead of winter or a light beach read in summer, this will do you fine.
Profile Image for Mary Gramlich.
514 reviews37 followers
May 18, 2013
Should we accept the life we have been given, or always search for something else?

After ten years of separation, friends Charlotte and Nicole have reunited on Quinnipeague Island to collaborate on a cookbook about unique delicacies of the island cuisine. While apart each built a life with Charlotte writing about her travels around the world, and Nicole settled into the life of a doctor’s wife and envied blogger. However, Nicole wonders if the book they are producing will fix whatever drove Charlotte from their friendship.

Nicole’s can capture the recipes for each delight while Charlotte will write to capture that there is so much more than just food on the table when it is prepared with love. Nicole and Charlotte know the peace the island can provide as well as the joy of just dipping a toe in the ocean. An unexpected surprise for Charlotte is her discovery of Leo Cole, an island loner with a terrible reputation and worse attitude. Charlotte is drawn to this dark and foreboding man and dares to push the relationship envelope with him regardless of whether he lets her into the one place no one is allowed to visit, his mother’s garden. There are legends born around this mystical place and Charlotte wants to examine it but is it the garden or Leo she wants to know more about.

Mystery is the spice of life but secrets are the danger lurking around the corner ready to ruin everything. Nicole never quite understood why Charlotte took off and when the answer to that question is revealed Charlotte prior poor decision is about to intersect with Nicole’s present life in a most shocking fashion

Barbara Delinsky has produced a literary masterpiece of life, love, tragedy, and answering the question about what you do when your life does not follow your carefully constructed plan.
Profile Image for ♥ Sandi ❣	.
1,473 reviews50 followers
July 26, 2016
Received a free ARC from Bookreporter.
This book was vintage Delinsky! The predictable love story, but with very nice twists throughout. Easy reading, nice flow throughout the story. Delinsky choosing a hard subject to write about - MS - kept it cutting edge with her information on stem cell treatment.
This book delved into the complexities of friendship, and how it changes over time, the change often taking on a life of its own. The stress of being hurt by a close friend, with the outcome of forgiveness. It also covered the differences in love and the individual way in which each couple fits together having a shared union, elusive to all others.
Between the two main couples I favored Charlotte and Leo. They became more real to me - a more humble couple. I understood their problems and wished all through the story for their success. I loved the imagery of Cecily. Cecily brought a lot to the story, in my opinion. Julian and Nicole were too rigid - too elite - to relate to. Even with Julian's MS, he and Nicole took second place in the story. Nicole came across as a spoiled child and an unapproachable adult - too full of herself and blind to the real problems of her mother, Charlotte, Leo, or the world. Her only redeeming quality was the suffering she went through not being able to discuss Julian's health problems. Julian was an ass and never redeemed himself in my eyes. The island was wonderful and someplace that you wished that you were also a life long resident and could be enfolded into the protection of those invisible boundaries.
When you pick up a Delinsky book you know what to expect and this one did not fail. Overall I give it 3.5 stars.
Profile Image for Merry.
712 reviews16 followers
March 17, 2013
I won an advance copy of this book on Goodreads, and I'm glad I did! I was rather torn as to whether to give it 4 stars or 5; I ended up with a 4. Within its genre, it's definitely a 5 in my mind, but I like to reserve 5 stars for those books that I find so outstanding they can compete for a top spot against every other 5-star book on my list.

This book has it all: love, betrayal, secrets, friendships, relationships, mother-daughter conflicts, and more. Although it was easy to predict what was going to happen, there was so much other "stuff" going on in the book that the lack of surprise didn't hurt the overall plot at all. The book was touching in places (I actually marked off a couple of passages I know I want to go back to over and over), made you cry at times and hold your breath at other times, and was educational all at once (one of the characters has MS; I learned a lot about the disease and its treatments).

I definitely recommend this book (I found the first chapter or so a little stilted, but hang in there, that goes away) when you want something kind of light yet deep, fun and sad at the same time, and just an overall good read.
Profile Image for Bonnie.
863 reviews50 followers
September 30, 2013
This novel by Barbara Delinsky is an intimate portrait of two female friends who reunite after ten years apart. Charlotte is a successful travel writer who lives on the road while Nicole is a married food blogger living in Philadelphia. The action takes place in Quinnipeague where both women spent summer as teenagers. Nicole's husband, a famous surgeon, has MS and the disease is tearing the marriage apart. Charlotte has purposely kept apart from Nicole because she has a secret that may well end the friendship.

The theme bringing them together is a cookbook Nicole is publishing and she wants her friend's input. Much detail is given to the herbs found on the island that makes the dishes unique. Their lives diverge again as Charlotte meets an intriguing man and Nicole focuses on her husband and work.

I found myself really disliking Nicole's character to the point of not wanting to finish the book. Too much time is spent filling space with recipes and the deteriorating relationship between Nicole and Julian. The bright spot in the book is Charlotte and the mysterious man who beguiles her.
Profile Image for  Gigi Ann.
628 reviews33 followers
June 22, 2013
First: I just want to say that Barbara Delinsky is one of my favorite authors. I was excited to receive this book, and to start reading it...I have read many of her books and liked them. I appreciate all the hard work that authors put into writing books, and realize they can't please me every time they write a new book. There were many who gave this book 5 star reviews. However, that being said, I have mixed feeling about this book. There were parts I liked, but other parts I didn't like at all.

It started off as a slow read for me until about page 150 where the pace picked up somewhat, but it wasn't a page turner for me either. Sometimes it was a struggle for me to continue to read. I just couldn't connect with the two women, Nicole and Charlotte. I don't know what it was about them, but they tended to get on my nerves. Especially Nicole! Her doctor husband has MS, and all she can think of is herself and how she suffered for four years because he didn't want her to tell anyone about it. Well, I can understand his feelings about that! Oh well, this wasn't real life it was just a novel written to entertain.

I think Ms. Delinsky has me spoiled, and I guess I expected more than Chick-lit and PG romance, which in my small mind, is what I classed this novel as. I do have my favorite Chick-lit and romance authors so have nothing against fluffy novels. I just wasn't expecting it when I started to read this book. That being said I awarded this book 2 and a half stars***.

This book is part of my Nook library.
Profile Image for Rhiannon Johnson.
847 reviews301 followers
June 17, 2013

Open this book and escape to Quinnipeague for a story that is Something's Gotta Give meets Message in a Bottle. Dreamy landscapes and island charm will have you feeling the sand beneath your feet and the sweet salt air in your hair.

Nicole Carlysle grew up wealthy in all ways as an only child. She and her family summered every year in their sprawling summer home on idyllic Quinnipeague Island. Charlotte Evans had a less than ideal upbringing, but as Nicole's best friend she summered with the Carlysles every year. Ten summers ago, on Charlotte's wedding weekend, one drunken decision changes their lives. In the time since, Charlotte has become a jet-setting global travel writer based out of New York. Nicole is wife to her Philadelphia-based neonatal-surgeon husband as well as a farm-to-table food blogger with a massive following. When Nicole is faced with the task of returning to Quinnipeague to prepare her family's summer home for sale after her father's death, she invites Charlotte to stay with her. With hopes of repairing their friendship and collaborating on a cookbook, Nicole is expecting a summer filled with closure and immortalizing local Quinnipeague herbs and recipes. But each of the women have a secret that the other doesn't know. Secrets that are devastatingly linked and exposed upon the women's reunion.

Read my full review here: http://www.ivoryowlreviews.blogspot.c...
Profile Image for Michelle.
505 reviews29 followers
June 13, 2013
I won this book through a first reads give away.

Wish there were half stars, I would def give this one 4.5 stars.

I have read a few books from Delinsky, but this is by far my favorite. I tend to think of her as a mix between Kristin Hannah and Jodi Picoult. I was nervous in the beginning few chapters, because there seemed to be a lot of secrets flying around and I get put off by books that will make hints throughout the book but not actually tell the secret until the end.

This book hints to secrets for the first few chapters, but then tells the readers what these secrets are. Nicole's husband has MS and his best chance for a recovery or normalish life is stem cells. A drunken night with Nicole's best friend Charlotte produced a baby and had Charlotte fleeing from the only loving home she knew. Ten years later, Charlotte needs to decide if she should tell Nicole about the betrayal with the intention of giving Nicole hope, or letting everything go.
Parts of the story are heartbreaking as the two friends try to reconnect with each other. Nicole attempts to reconnect with her husband, while Charlotte makes a new connection that is quiet and passionate.

Overall, a very good book. The only reason I can't give it 5 stars is my attention span during the MS talks and discussions was short and I found myself wondering back to Charlotte and Leo.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sonia Cristina.
2,062 reviews66 followers
September 18, 2016
Há 10 anos atrás, na véspera do casamento da melhor amiga Nicole, Charlotte dorme com o noivo, Julian; desta traição nasce uma criança que Charlotte entrega para adoção, sem revelar a ninguém. Agora, Julian encontra-se muito doente e Charlotte pode ter acesso à cura através do sangue do cordão umbilical da filha de Julian que teve em segredo. Mas revelar o seu segredo será dar conhecimento à melhor amiga da traição que cometeram. Ao mesmo tempo, Charlotte conhece Leo, um habitante da ilha de Quinnipeague, também ele misterioso e com os seus segredos, por quem começa a desenvolver sentimentos.

É neste ambiente que este romance se passa, de forma vagarosa, sim, mas sempre interessante; é uma leitura simples, fluida e que me deu prazer. Já há muitos anos que não lia nada de Barbara Delinsky e este "Um Segredo Amargo e Doce" foi muito bem vindo.
Profile Image for Elvan.
667 reviews2 followers
October 31, 2013
Delinsky is a good storyteller. This is the tale of two best friends coming together after ten years to work on a cookbook of recipes of Quinnepeague Island. Both Nicole and Charlotte are hiding secrets as are the locals and the island. Foodies would love this book but so too would romantics. Charlotte's interest in the mysterious Leo is the highlight of the book.
The low light is too much knitting done by characters I would not have cast as knitters. It just felt like the knitting was thrown in as filler. Unles the author thought every time she made her character rip out a sleeve the reader would read some deeper meaning or an analogy between their lives and the sweater? The budding romance and the renewing romance ground the story and make it a decent three star read.
Profile Image for Judy Collins.
2,976 reviews429 followers
July 18, 2013
I did not enjoy this book as purchased on audio and the narrator had a grinding voice which turned me off. (if not a good narrator, then it can ruin a book). Liked the setting and the story, but thought a little slow and was not one of those books you cannot put down. I may go back and read the book later, but after listening to the audio, would not recommend.
Profile Image for Charlotte.
31 reviews
September 3, 2017
I can´t begin to say how much I loved this book (BTW, it´s also my favourite). This was my first novel by Barbara Delinsky. From the moment I set eyes on the title and the cover, I knew I just HAD to get it. I always loved the sea and its salty smell, and there was no way I could resist that title. It was one of those books you feel like you've been dreaming about for a long time. And I loved it, from beggining to end. The character I liked best was Charlotte, though I can´t say there was a single character I didn´t like. Nicole was cute and charming, Leo was lovely and a gripping sort of character that left you hooked.
The beggining just engrossed me...two friends, a betrayal, secrets and 10 years apart. And then the struggle of both: Charlotte with Leo and her betrayal, Nicole with Julian and his MS. And their stories were so well woven in each other that it wasn´t tiresome. I liked Bob's phrases, and Angie was a perfect mother.The MS plot clearly shows a good research. And everything was just so real that I felt as if I´d met the characters myself, their feelings...Barabara Delinsky just hit the sky this time. What about the setting? I loved the descriptions of Quinniepeague and the beach- it actually made me smell the "Sweet Salt Air". I will definitly take this book to the beach this summer. On top of all, it was easy to read-I read it in three evenings. The ending was happy and satisfying.
I shall check out more books by this author, but I don´t belive there can be anything in the whole wide world better than this. So,read it,you won´t regret it!
Profile Image for Nada.
1,273 reviews19 followers
July 16, 2013
Review first published on my blog: http://memoriesfrombooks.blogspot.com...

Childhood friends grown apart over time because of betrayals and secrets. A marriage stressed by illness and more secrets. A brooding mysterious man with secrets of his own. A beautiful Maine setting.

Charlotte and Nicole grew up together, close as sisters. As adults, their lives have taken different roads. Charlotte is single, a writer who travels the worlds for her stories. Nicole has achieved success of her own as a food blogger. She is married to a rising star physician. They reunite at Nicole's family home on an island off the coast of Maine to collaborate on a cookbook on island food. The island, Quinnipeague, offers a beautiful setting and its own cast of quirky character including Leo, a secretive somewhat reclusive man. Secrets emerge, relationships change, and by the end things come together.

This book has all the makings of a fun, easy summer beach read. Unfortunately, for me, it was not. For one, I guessed the big life changing secret early on in the book, and from there, it becomes too predictable. Predictability in and of itself is not so bad, but I also find myself not engaged with the characters. The best part of the book for me is the beautiful Maine setting.
45 reviews3 followers
July 5, 2013
I received an advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is the first book I have read by Barbara Delinsky. Although I don't usually this type of novel, when I saw this book as a giveaway I decided to enter the contest since Ms. Delinsky is a very popular author. I know that Ms. Delinsky is loved by many readers, and I wanted to love her also. I read Sweet Salt Air with an opened mind and heart. I do not wish to offend anyone, but this book is not my cup of tea, did not float my boat, nor did it tickle my fancy. By now you are probably screaming, "Stop with the corny cliches"! Okay, I will not write any more of them.

I found this story to be very contrived and predictable. The book is 400 pages long, and yet there is little true character development. I found the characters to be very one dimensional and self serving. I always thought that writers had a wonderful command of the English language, and they are able to find musical and enchanting ways to express their characters thoughts and feeling. I was disappointed that Ms. Delinsky's prose is full of corny cliches to express her characters deepest thoughts. Are all her books written in this style?

I have a few friends who have MS, so I am familiar with it's ups and downs. I was hoping for an insightful read on this terrible disease. Again, I found the Ms. Delinsky did not give her character enough depth or emotion, nor did she explain enough about MS to have her reader truly understand just how debilitating this disease can be. It disheartened me to see the she just skimmed the surface on this subject.

I really did want to like this book, but I just couldn't get past the lack of depth of the characters, their setting, and the situations that they found themselves in.
Profile Image for Donna - Rosies.ReadingNook.
559 reviews24 followers
June 27, 2016
At one time Nicole and Charlotte we best of friend – inseparable – spending their summers on Nicole’s family summer home on Quinnipeague, a small island off the coast of Maine. But 10 years have passed, with secrets kept and different life paths that have caused these women to grow apart. Nicole’s dad has passed away and now the summer home on Quinnipeague is going to be sold. Nicole being a food blogger and Charlotte a successful travel writer will bring these 2 friends together once more to renew their friendship and write a cookbook bases on Quinnipeague recipes – but each has a secret that will change both their lives. Nicole’s secret would betray her husband, Julian’s wishes, for Charlotte it could destroy her renewed friendship with Nicole but prolong Julian’s life. It would release Charlotte from her guilt of the past and allow her to love again.

Sweet Salt Air by Barbara Delinsky it a story of the strength of friendship, the ability to face misfortune, to love again and follow your heart when your life does not follow your life plan.

I can’t say the story was unpredictable. I did find Nicole’s character at time be grating but total enjoyed Charlotte and Leo. This was my first Barbara Delinsky book - it was well written, I found the characters well developed - I will definitely read another Delinsky. This was an audiobook was narrated by Marguerite Gavin – she did an excellent job.
Profile Image for Maria Ulery.
122 reviews2 followers
March 28, 2013
I won this book as my first Ms. Delinsky book and my first good reads giveaway and wow what a winning combo. I loved the story, the characters and everything in between. Nicole invites her bff to Quinnapeg Maine where her parents have a beach house. Her dad has just passed away and her mom is going to be selling it soon and this is there chanc for one last summer together even thou they havent seen each other in 10 yrs Nicole wants to see her and needs her friend Charlotte the author of many famed articles written all over the world to help her with her cookbook that is due to the publisher in Aug. Charlotte heads to Maine but is harboring a deep secret she wants to tell Nicole but cant for fear it will ruin their childhood friendship. The island brings many characters that Barbara brings to life one being Nicole's hubby Julian who has an ill fated disease. This hit me hard b/c I myself have a disease, lupus, and have a very close friend that has the same disease as Julian so i couldnt put the book down and loved every minute of it. I will be reading more Barbara Delinsky and thanks to her and St Martins Press and goodreads for letting me win this book. once it comes out i will do an amazon and Barnes and nobles 5* review also.

A great book highly recommended 5*!
Profile Image for Lyndsay.
63 reviews13 followers
July 9, 2013
I've been a fan of Barbara Delinsky for several years. Looking for Peyton Place and Lake News are two of my favorite books. Sweet Salt Air ranks right up there with them.

Nicole and Charlotte have been friends for years. However, at 34, their lives have taken completely different paths. Nicole - the wife of a highly respected Philadelphia surgeon - is a homemaker and an increasingly successful food blogger, and Charlotte is a freelance writer who travels the world with no real roots.

While they haven't seen each other in 10 years, Nicole invites Charlotte back to her family's home on Quinnipeague - an island off the coast of Maine - to help write a cookbook on the cuisine unique to the island. Throughout the summer, they reconnect but are forced to face secrets from the past and realities that threaten to change their lives.

Like all of Ms. Delinsky's more recent books, I was drawn into the story from the beginning. Her attention to detail and character development feed the plot seamlessly. Sweet Salt Air is a must read for any Delinsky fan!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,612 reviews

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