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The Welsh Healer: A Novel of 15th Century England

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“… Do you want your child to be burned for a witch? If someone should catch her at it, they will cry witchcraft and claim she is consorting with the devil …”

The Welsh Healer: A Novel of 15th Century England tells the compelling story of a young woman growing up in the midst of the Hundred Years’ War. Spanning the reigns of Richard II, Henry IV, and Henry V, it touches upon historical events including the Welsh rebellion, the English army's invasion of France, and their triumph at Agincourt.

Arlais is the gentle and free-spirited daughter of a humble Welsh household. Though just managing to scrape out a living in the rugged hills of northern Wales, her loving environment and strong family ties make for a happy home. But there is more to her than meets the eye. She is endowed with a mystical gift passed down through an ancient line of healers. She has been told her entire life that she is the fulfillment of a prophecy and destined to preserve the bloodline of kings. But despite the wondrous expectations for her future, she is content to wait for her intended mate, a mysterious man seen in a dream on her tenth birthday.

But the Welsh rebellion strikes and turns her world upside down. Arlais is forced to journey across the whole of Britain to live with a distant relative. While the events foretold by the prophecy unfold around her, she settles into the unfamiliar country continuing her path toward fulfilling her destiny and experiencing companionship, heartache, and even love along the way.

374 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 28, 2012

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About the author

Ginger Myrick

9 books47 followers
Winner of the Rosetta Literary Contest 2012 and author of five historical novels, Ginger Myrick was born and raised in Southern California. She is a self-described wife, mother, animal lover, and avid reader. Along with the promotion for INSATIABLE: A MACABRE HISTORY OF FRANCE ~ L'AMOUR: MARIE ANTOINETTE, BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD, WORK OF ART, THE WELSH HEALER, and EL REY, she is currently crafting novel #6. She is a Christian who writes meticulously researched historical fiction with a 'clean' love story at the core. She hopes to show the reading community that a romance need not include graphic details to convey deep love and passion.

The photo is of myself and my dog, Palhaço.

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Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews
Profile Image for Jo Butler.
Author 9 books23 followers
April 17, 2013
There’s something special about Arlais, a young girl in 15th century Wales. She has been told all her life that she will someday fulfill an ancient prophecy and preserve a royal line. This might seem an improbable fate for a sheepherder’s daughter, but that’s the special part. Arlais is also descended from a unique bloodline, for she is the scion of an ancient line of healers. It’s easy for her to believe the prophecy, for she has seen the man she is destined to wed, and she has a talent which I shall not reveal here. However, Arlais needs to take care how she uses her power, for witches are put to death.

Ginger Myrick has put her own magical powers to work in her historical novel, The Welsh Healer. This charming tale will delight you. Ms. Myrick’s prose flows smoothly over the page, she has a great eye for detail, and Arlais will enchant you. The book’s description on Amazon warns readers about the story’s supernatural elements, but Arlais’ magic is as gentle and natural as breathing, so don’t let that warning put you off The Welsh Healer. I loved this book, and so will you!
November 6, 2012
For those on the fence over the warning in the product description, do not be alarmed. The supernatural events in this book come in snips and snatches, and are not overdone which makes it all the more believable. The real magic however is in the storytelling and how this author connects with the reader on so many emotional levels. As suggested in the beginning of the book Mrs. Myrick does a wonderful job of convincing that the story did occur, further substantiated by the historical facts that were woven seamlessly into the work. From the onset I was drawn into The Welsh Healer's spell by a poetic prophecy. The meaning was revealed throughout the story and keeps the reader in question until the very end, and concludes with an epilogue that touches greatness.
I am left in awe at the beauty of the final pages.
Profile Image for Ann James.
63 reviews4 followers
June 1, 2014
I hadn't noticed the warning that this book had a supernatural content, until I was half way through and noticed a review on Amazon. Nowadays, when the word supernatural is used, it suggests evil, darkness and a degree of ghoulishness. This book couldn't be further away from any of these.

It is simply magical, following the life of a Welsh healer, mentioning myths and legends I was brought up on, having been born and always lived in Wales. I was surprised to learn that the author was born in the US, given how well the culture and folklore had been grasped. I don't know if the myths and beliefs are also commonly known in other parts of the UK, for obvious reasons.

Yet, given all that, the story is set in the world of reality, involving the chaos and conflicts that both England and Wales were involved in during the 15th century.

A gem of a book.

Profile Image for Anne.
Author 1 book48 followers
July 2, 2013
Ginger Myrick has a definite skill with her words. This is an interesting and lovely read with hints of fantasy about a young Welsh girl who has the gift of healing with her hands. A very enjoyable read, clean romance and of course a great dog round out this book. Recommended for those who love historical fiction with a bit of magic in it.
Profile Image for Laura.
Author 8 books158 followers
May 27, 2018
Ginger Myrick has a flair for composing gender bending historical fiction. A wonderful blend of historical research and imagination, The Welsh Healer transports the reader into its refreshing setting of 15th century Wales and England. I actually began reading it while ill and found the writing so beautiful that its effect was healing indeed. I did not want to put it down as I enjoyed the company of its characters and found Arlais lovely.

This is in essence a love story exploring a diverse, somewhat unusual pairing that will please those seeking stories depicting out of the norm romances. This is also the story of Arlais the witch. While the tale contains magical elements, and its core prophecy is the stuff of fantasy, the characters’ journeys are grounded, real and unfold with depth. For me the true power of this story lies in its depiction of relationships. I found these moving and thought-provoking.

I have read three of Myrick’s outstanding novels. She writes with love and shows great respect for her story, always taking the time to stir emotions with well-crafted developments and nuances. With The Welsh Healer, one can’t help but feel moved by Arlais’ initial struggles, her losses and the endurance she displays in the face of despair. Later when Arlais faces quite another danger, the suspense is effective, making The Welsh Healer quite a page turner.

The author does not disappoint. This is after all the story of a healer, and that side of the book - the exploration of an ancient feminine profession - was fascinating. I enjoyed learning about the healing arts and the different potions and herbs. The insight into Welsh legend and culture was also captivating.

Another well-told and highly original story from a talented writer.
Profile Image for Arleigh.
55 reviews30 followers
November 9, 2012
Wales, late 14th Century—Arlais is a girl of ten when her destiny is foretold by an ancient prophecy claiming her as a renowned healer who will ultimately save a bloodline of kings. During a perilous era, when the Welsh were warring against the English, the young girl’s family had a humble but happy home until the political unrest invaded even their secluded little farm, ripping the family apart and leaving Arlais in dire straits with winter quickly approaching. Her only consolation is a product of her curious healing powers that she'd always taken for granted, and never fully understood.

True to the prophecy, Arlais’s path finds her in a foreign land with a distant relative whom she’d not previously met. Her position as an outcast did not extend to her unique talent with herbs and medicines the villagers relied on, and so she’s able to carve out a life among a hostile people. Through the years Arlais finds herself searching for the man, her destined mate, whom she was offered a glance during a dream as a child. The fate of the English kings, Henry IV through Henry VII, is one theme of the story—with the final being of Welsh descent, while Arlais’s various relationships and quest to unravel the prophecy are the main focus. With much humor, many heartwarming scenes, and—yes—some despair, the life of this extraordinary girl is portrayed parallel to the foretelling, but not always as expected by the characters or by the reader.

This is yet another gem of a novel from an author who is not only a book lover and avid reader of historical fiction, but also a writer possessing a talent for naturally flowing and elegant prose, and excellent editor to boot. As with her other novel, El Rey: A Novel of Renaissance Iberia, this self-published eBook reads like a classic Anya Seton novel, with interesting characters and authentic settings. That one of her favorite authors is Jean Plaidy enticed me to read El Rey, which I thoroughly enjoyed and struck up an easy friendship with Ms. Myrick. So taken with our common interests, she decided to use a form of my name and those of my family members in her second novel, as well as my (much photoshopped) image on the cover.

Ginger, thank you for portraying my brothers, Morgan and Keenan, so gracefully in your story and capturing their essence—especially that of Keenan, who was so much like your Kynan—and giving my daughters, Alannah and Lorelei, an exciting and beautifully written “proof” of their mischievous natures to peruse in the future. I am honored and awed at your intuitiveness and insightful creations – you are much like Briallen in this. Thank you, and I cannot wait to read the next one!
Profile Image for Susan.
Author 98 books160 followers
December 30, 2012
Reading The Welsh Healer these past few days was a true pleasure for me and put me into a lovely, whimsical mood. The tale not only relaxed my fried brain after all the Holiday hub-bub, but swept me away to an era centuries ago and far away from my home. More importantly, twas a great place to visit in the realm of my imagination--the genre is, after all, Historical Fiction we're talking about here, and Ms. Myrick doesn't fail to deliver.

The Welsh Healer is a beautifully written story about Welsh superstition turned real in the 15th Century, amidst war, depravation, loss of loved ones, and newly found family. That the central characters' abilities have such Heavenly talents tickled me to no end, but saying more would involve plot spoilers, and I never review and tell!

Ms. Myrick is an author possessing the true talent to bend a lovely narrative to her advantage, while at the same time having the knack to weave history into the magical aura's of her characters. Not only will you find historical information worth absorbing, you will find one of the best love stories I've ever read.

I'm not going into the who, what, where, or when, as you can read the blurb and learn of the plot for yourself. Discovering the magic afterward will be up to you, but I will leave you with this thought: My purpose here is to give Ginger Myrick the 5* rating she deserves. She made me forget my woes and turned me onto a brilliant author worth my time away from my own work. Kudos, Ms. Myrick, you've outdone yourself and I get you! You're a gifted story teller and I look forward to reading more of your stories!
Profile Image for Rachael Phillips.
Author 41 books35 followers
January 17, 2013
This is the fourth book I have read by Ginger Myrick. I was concerned before reading that it would not measure up to the excellence of 'El Rey' but I need not have been concerned. Where El Rey is a historical romance this book is too but with elements of magic. It is about the trials a young girl must endure to fulfil her destiny. Arlais is a worthy heroine who has more gifts than most. She faces difficult and heart wrenchingly sad experiences with resolve and determination, and has the fortune to experience true friendships that bring her some joy. Most will relate to at least one of the characters Ginger has created and the family dynamics of those characters. I was moved by this book such was its power to evoke my own feelings and emotions. Another great from Ginger Myrick that will leave you with a sense of wonder and hope.
January 16, 2015
A lovely tale set set in a distant time in Wales. Rather than repeat what so many others have already stated in their reviews, suffice to say I doubt you will regret reading The Welsh Healer. I actually lost my copy halfway through, in a computer crash, but such was the strength of Ginger Myrick's characterization, I was able to come back to it months later on recovering the file, and had remembered the main protagonists in detail. Impressive, since at no time are you bogged down by the "I've done the research therefore I'm going to use it", feeling one can often get with Historical fiction authors determined to show the depth of their knowledge. Indeed Ms Myrick achieves the same involvement and 'education' of the reader, in a novel that never preaches and flows as if she were actually there. Thoroughly enjoyable, refreshing book.
Profile Image for Literary Chanteuse.
1,037 reviews181 followers
January 14, 2013
This story warms your heart as you journey with Arlais, a young Welsh girl who posseses a magical healling power and discovers an old prophecy that connects her to generations of healers. I loved the look at the rural life of peasants during this medieval era. Even mundane chores were interesting. The author tells a well rounded story and pays close attention to details. I also loved that these characters, particulairly the men showed tenderness and affection. The look at Welsh folklore, the language and Arlais extensive knowledge of herbs is equally interesting and entertaining. A magical love story woven into a wonderful historical!
Profile Image for Patricia O'Sullivan.
Author 11 books21 followers
December 24, 2012
This was an interesting story about a Welsh girl with healing powers passed down woman to woman in her family. I absolutely loved the first third of the novel in which Arlais is learning about her powers while living in Wales with her family. However, the second third of the novel felt like backstory for the third part of the novel. Arlais moves to England to stay with an aunt who teaches her how how powers came to be and how to use them. But the real story is a love triangle Arlais gets caught up in. This last third of the novel was written with the same intensity as the first third, but by then, the story had lost some of its momentum from the over-narrated middle section.
Profile Image for Caron Kamps  Widden.
Author 2 books99 followers
November 29, 2012
Ginger Myrick has written a wonderful work of literature set in centuries ago England. With a gentle hand, Myrick has developed intriguing characters that draw you into another world and time, brought to life with a storyline that is relatable and rich with emotion and love. The author gracefully weaves historical facts into a whimsical story of a young girl with mystical powers who grows into a woman who, like everyone, is searching for the one true love of her life. A talented author, indeed, and someone to watch for as her writing career will surely be successful.
December 31, 2012
As a Historian, I loved the period she wrote about and am not very familiar about Wales, but such a wonderful tale to be written.
The characters were so wonderful and won't be forgotten.
I enjoyed the mix of Old Ways and Christian blending.
Thank you for such a wonderful story. Can't wait to read more of your work(s).
Profile Image for Ann.
149 reviews3 followers
December 20, 2014
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It is a light read. It even includes some aspect of magic but it's all in good fun.
April 29, 2021
Amazing book

I loved every minute of this book. From start to finish, I simply could not put it down nor attend to any of my other daily obligations without book in hand to try to multi-task and still read this lovely story. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking for a bit of magic, a happy ending, after a long series of emotional trials and tribulation. I’m hooked! Now, can we get a story on Lorelei??? Lol
Profile Image for Kathryn.
84 reviews1 follower
April 9, 2018

A very fidgety story of women healers called witches. This story was a little fidgety with its fantasy twist that made it more interesting. It also brought actual historical people intro the story. I thought it was very interesting.

7 reviews1 follower
January 19, 2019
Wonderful read

This book was a delightful read. I enjoyed it so much. Arlais is a realistic heroine and Eben's character was good. I was disappointed to not hear more about their life once they finally got together.
March 1, 2018
An interesting read. A simple plot but it works well, good historical background. Enjoyable light reading.
Profile Image for Thomas.
15 reviews3 followers
November 16, 2015
I was going to give this book a 3-star rating - but the ending was warm and uplifting so I gave it 4 stars - and that is a bit generous.

I love books about old English and Celtic peoples - especially when they describe the complex interplay between pagan and Christian social drives. My problem with this book though is that it unnecessarily hostile to the English peoples.

The heroine is child of the Welsh countryside - with magical powers. She is forced to migrate into England, but the setting could have been set anywhere - the place - both the description of England and the people of England are very much under-developed. Furthermore there is a tendency by the author to write disparagingly about the people of England. One feels that the heroine, Arlais, a mystic and pagan, is surrounded by a society of hostile, brutish, Christians. I don't feel that it was realistic or necessary to the story. Furthermore when her knight in shining armor comes - he is dark-skinned and olive-eyed - turns out to be from Arabia of Jewish descent.

Arlais' story is worthwhile, but would have been much richer had it been set in a complex and realistic society such as did really exist in medieval England.
Profile Image for Terry (Ter05 TwiMoms/ MundieMoms).
512 reviews70 followers
June 16, 2014
This was a nice read but for me it was kind of simplistic. Kind read like a fairy tale. I think it would be a good book for young teens as it is clean but has some romance and an appeal to those who love animals and magic. I did not tag it witches because although healers in the 15th century were often accused of witchcraft, the ones in this story are truly healers and knowledgeable in the ways of herbs and natural cures.

The story is based around an ancient prophecy and the main character, Arlais, knows she is the girl at the center of the prophecy. There is a kind of disturbing scene with the family dog and several when Arlais loses all of her family, but otherwise the book is fairly light. Arlais goes on after some very difficult times to find love living with her aunt, and as the story develops there are no unexpected twists and turns. It follows a predictable path with historical events going on in the background. I won't do spoilers and if you enjoy a nice simple story with a sweet heroine, her big black wolf dog protector,a bad man and a good man, it's an enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Paul Burnette.
Author 1 book3 followers
November 28, 2015
Arlais, "a girl child born with a healing hand" learns that her life will follow - sometimes too tragically - the pattern laid out in the Prophecy that has been passed down in her family for at least the last two generations. And the reader learns along with Arlais that getting ahead of yourself in trying to fit the prophecy to the present situation or the people you find yourself with, well, that just won't help you make sense of things. Tragedy turns into a beautiful relationship; fulfillment turns into deception; as death turns into new life. The Welsh girl makes new starts, turns corners into new patterns for her life, all the time learning how her life is following that pattern she had learned to recite so early in her life. There are notable descriptive moments, epiphanies for the reader along with the characters, and finely evoked insights into how disappointments and crushing life blows can serve to forge stronger character. "It seemed that no matter how dire the situation, Arlais would always find cause to be happy." Plenty of fine passages that help us overlook typos or other linguistic flubs, like "one of the vastest forests" and "one of the principle roads."
Profile Image for Fawn.
13 reviews
January 26, 2013
I really enjoyed reading this book. I lean more towards 4 stars three. A good 3 1/2 stars. Historically this book is spot on. The characters are well written as is thier interaction with each other. Loved the magical element in this story! The only thing I would have liked better is if the love interest in this story didn't spend so much time apart and I thought the main character should have been more trusting of her and her brothers instincts. Overall this is a very enjoyable read! I will look for future books written by Ginger Myrick.
Profile Image for Cora Lee.
Author 22 books85 followers
December 2, 2012
This book was a good, solid three stars. The history was accurate, which always makes me happy, and the spelling/grammar/sentence structure were wonderful (not always a given anymore). It was a longer story, but easy to read, easy to follow, and easy to like. I think more dialog and less narration would have helped me form a deeper connection with the characters, but I found them all believable and engaging. By the end of the book I felt as if I knew them fairly well, and was excited for the way things turned out for them. I'm looking forward to more from this author :-)
Profile Image for Donna.
1,269 reviews24 followers
June 16, 2013
This was a tough call. It is a possible 4 star, but I gave it a 3. It held my interest, but I really wish it would have moved faster and had less tragedy. Interesting story and great history. Will I read it again... Maybe.
Profile Image for Wendy.
512 reviews2 followers
March 29, 2014
This was an ok book. I read it quickly but it just didn't have much bite to it. The story is spread over a life time and to do that in less than 400 pages means you can't get a lot of detail. I would have liked more to it than what it gave.
8 reviews
March 16, 2015
Good premise but under developed

I very much liked the idea of a healer foretold in a prophecy. I also enjoyed many of the characters and their uniqueness. However, it was a bit convoluted and I would have enjoyed the characters more if I better understood their motives.
321 reviews2 followers
February 6, 2017
I loved this book and look forward to the sequel. I've read a lot of books in the last year set in Scotland or featuring Scottish people. Decided I'd try reading some set in Wales since I am a small part Welsh. Great story, ancient prophesies, herbal healing, and a love story.
13 reviews1 follower
March 28, 2017
Lightweight historical fiction

According to the short biography at the end of the book, author Ginger Merrick's literary works are "meticulously researched." But after reading almost four chapters, I decided not to torture myself any longer with the writer's use of modern-day slang, flat charcters, and scant details of ninth-centruy life in Wales. I disliked this lightweight piece of historical fiction so much that I felt compelled to warn other readers not to make the same mistake I did. In fact, I'm annoyed that I actually paid Amazon to read this tripe. I will admit that I'm a literary snob, but I do enjoy well-written and well-researched historical fiction as as escape. This damping review is a warning to other readers--Ginger Myrick is no Winston Graham or Diana Gabledon. You will be sorely disappointed if you're expecting dynamic, round characters and accurate historicity. Maybe I'm spoiled after reading all twelve novels in the Poldark saga and the current eight installments of the time-traveler Outlander tales. These books are examples of meticulously-researched historical fiction, but The Welsh Healer is not.
Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews

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