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Waffles and Pancakes: A Lesson in Bullying

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Waffles and Pancakes are two hamsters who were bought from the pet store on the very same day. But their owners, Danny and Griffin, don't treat them the same way. Pancakes has a lovely new home to play around in with wheels and tunnels. Waffles only has a small box. But when Waffles and Pancakes meet up again, they realize that there are more important things than material possessions.

24 pages, Paperback

First published April 17, 2012

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About the author

Cindy Springsteen

11 books139 followers
Cindy Springsteen lives on Long Island with her husband and two kids. Since her teens she has been writing. She started writing poetry and has published, and won awards for her work. "Waffles and Pancakes" is her first published children's book.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 84 reviews
Profile Image for K.L. Bernard.
Author 1 book21 followers
July 13, 2012
Waffles and Pancakes are two friendly hamsters who share a space at a local pet store. The two hamsters knew that someday they would find new homes and possibly never see each other again. Sure enough, one day two boys that attend the same school, Danny and Griffin, visited the pet store looking for a new pet. One boy was wealthy and one was not. Each hamster had a different life from the other. One enjoyed love and friendship, the other enjoyed material things but no love or friendship. Surprisingly, the two boys decide to get together and hang out with their hamsters. The boys and the hamsters find that their lives will change forever. Springsteen does a wonderful job of teaching young readers about friendship and how you shouldn't judge a persons worth by how much money they have or how they live. Springsteen demonstrates the true value of friendship. Parents and teachers will find this story has great value. Simple sentences and colorful pictures will encourage young readers to pick up this story again and again.
Profile Image for Phaedra Seabolt.
Author 1 book278 followers
October 19, 2012
This is a very cute book about how you can be friends with people who are not the same as yourself. Yes it is about two boys and two hamsters, but one boy & hamsters is very well off and the other pair is not. Pancakes, the rich hamster, has everything you could possible want to give to your pet hamster. Waffles however, has the bare minimum. What Waffles has that Pancakes doesn't is a very attentive owner. As is common with people who have a lot of money, they also have a lot of things. Griffin, Pancakes's owner, has a lot of toys and pays little attention to Pancakes. When the two boys meet in school and discover a blooming friendship, a friendship also blossoms between the two hamsters. Danny, Waffles's owner, shows Griffin how to have fun with his pet and helps to change the pair's relationship forever. The story ends with a valuable lesson about how you can be friends with anyone and the things you have are not as important as the relationships you have. It's wonderfully written and great for all ages. The art is fantastic!

Read more reviews at Identity Discovery Blog.
Profile Image for Eric Benoit.
Author 1 book11 followers
April 17, 2012
I have never reviewed a children's book book before but I have several friends who either have written or are in the process of writing them so I figured I would give it a go. I never really understood children, even when I was one but here goes.

Waffles and Pancakes by CindySpringsteen is a great read for any child of any age, many adults could learn something from it as well. Waffles and Pancakes are two hamsters living in a pet store together whose lives diverge one day. They find themselves brought together again when their owners become friends at school and learn how different their lives have become. Together they, and their owners, learn that the most important thing in the world is to love and be loved.
Profile Image for Stacie.
Author 6 books100 followers
May 19, 2012
Waffles and Pancakes: A Lesson in Friendship by Cindy Springsteen teaches children that money and things do not bring you happiness, but love and friendship do.

Hamsters, Waffles and Pancakes, are adopted by two different boys. Griffin adopts Pancakes and Danny adopts Waffles. Griffin's family has a lot of money and is able to buy lots of accessories and a large home for Pancakes. Danny is only able to afford a small box for Waffles to live in.

Danny and Griffin become friends at school and decide to let their hamsters play together. Waffles and Pancakes are excited to see each other again, but when Waffles sees everything that Pancakes has he is ashamed. However, Waffles soon discovers that Griffin never plays with Pancakes like Danny does with him. He then realizes that it is he who has the most important things in life, a good friend and loving home. Will Danny help Griffin to understand that his hamster needs his affection more than things?

Children will enjoy Waffles and Pancakes: A Lesson in Friendship while learning a very important life lesson.
Profile Image for Lisa Markson.
217 reviews32 followers
September 26, 2012
Lisa’s review of
Waffles and Pancakes: A Lesson in Bullying
By Cindy Springsteen

I was given a copy of Waffles and Pancakes: A Lesson in Bullying by Cindy Springsteen in exchange for an honest review. Fist off I have to say that I have a son 6 years old that is autistic and adhd. He is in a special class at school with other kids with similar disabilities. They are currently have a problem with bullying in this class and this book couldn’t have come out at a better time. The feelings of two hamster friends Waffles and Pancakes were greatly demonstrated in a manner that my son and the other kids in his class could understand. Bullying is mean and it hurts people greatly. If we are able to stop it at the lower levels hopefully we can eradicate it in the older kids before it becomes a problem. Oscar the Guinea Pig learns his lesson. Thank you Cindy for such a wonderful book and I can’t wait to read more to my son.
Profile Image for Alicia Michaels.
Author 31 books498 followers
September 13, 2012
Immediately after reading the first Waffles and Pancakes book, my daughter was ready for more. I wanted her to read this book because I feel that bullying has reached a terrible climax in our communities. Children should be taught young how damaging bullying can be. Poor Waffles and Pancakes were literally physically sick because of the shabby way they'd been treated by Oscar, the guinea pig.

What I liked most about this book, was that Waffles and Pancakes did not resort to rudeness when they met Oscar again and that the underlying reasons for the bullying were found. Kids who bully tend are usually doing it to express their own pain. They need help and attention just as the bullied kid does. The end was so cute and I liked that they were able to all become friends. A valuable lesson for all kids.
Profile Image for Apageaway.
41 reviews17 followers
April 18, 2012
This is a great book written by Cindy Springsteen. It was wonderfully written and had great illustrations. My son really enjoyed the book and I had to read it a few times and I’m sure I will have to read it to him again soon. He really loved the hamsters in the story. He also enjoyed the colorful pictures. I was worried that he wouldn’t follow the story (since he just turned three), but he surprised me. He took from it that “cause you [mommy], and Nana, and pop love me so much we are happy with our little house.” And “I should play with Eva (his puppy) sometimes instead of toys.” This story has a wonderful message that with possessions don’t make you happy, love does. I highly recommend this book and give it 5 out of 5 stars.
Profile Image for Jeannie and Louis Rigod.
1,991 reviews36 followers
June 28, 2012
This book appealed to me for the lesson it imparts to young readers. After having read the book aloud to my husband, I actually feel, adults need this lesson as well.

There are two Hamsters that are friends. Their names are Pancakes and Waffles. Each hamster is adopted by young boys.

One child has more advantages at home than the other. A chance meeting at school brings both boys and hamsters together and some very important life lessons are learned.

As stated above, sometimes us 'adults' forget basic values as life speeds up. This charming small book has a powerful message for us all.
Profile Image for Autumn.
977 reviews47 followers
March 26, 2013
The set of hamsters Waffles and Pancakes each bought the same day at a pet store from 2 different boys provided hours of entertainment for my children.. Since reading A lesson in bullying we have re-read it countless times. I greatly enjoys the illustrations..

While its a fun and easy read with wonderful illustrations I found my favorite part of Waffles and Pancakes is the message.. Kids seem to be unaware of the damage bullying causes and with this social story children should be able to take the lesson with them and apply it to real life circumstances!
Profile Image for Crystal Clifton.
Author 6 books68 followers
April 19, 2012
This is a so must read for your kids. My Grandson Brayden says he love Waffles and Pancakes it is the best story in learning that material things are not what brings happiness that its love and friendship. Thank You Cindy for writing such a great book I know for sure my other Grandbabies will love this book also. My grandson and grand daughter st and listened to every word.
Profile Image for Robbie .
432 reviews49 followers
February 14, 2023
Outstanding for toddlers and young, beginning readers, Cindy Springsteen's Waffles & Pancakes is a wonderful book. The lesson taught is a timeless one.

The parents of Griffin and Danny, two lads in the same class at school, purchase Waffles and Pancakes for their boys on the same day. The boys didn't know they had each received a pet hamster on the same day, though.

The hamsters reconnect as the plot develops. Griffin and Danny's play date brings the hamsters back together. Pancakes has a lavish hamster home, which astonishes Waffles since he just has a little box. Waffles soon finds out that while Danny plays with him almost constantly after school, Griffin seldom ever plays with Pancakes.

Both adults and children can benefit from the story's lesson. The message of unconditional love will resonate, too.

My two-year-old granddaughter found the tale to be quite interesting. She felt sorry for Waffles at first, but she soon came to the conclusion that Danny's affection was far superior to many of Griffin's offerings.

The story's appeal is enhanced and made more enjoyable by the vivid and winsome visuals.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher and voluntarily chose to give it my honest review.
295 reviews5 followers
February 9, 2019
Waffles And Pancakes (series) by Cindy Springsteen
A lesson in friendship (Friendship matters more than material things)
A lesson in bullying (The cause and effect of bullying)
A lesson in the true meaning of Christmas (A heart-warming story about love and friendship)
A lesson in being different (Don't judge a book by its cover)

The Waffles And Pancakes series are well written stories that teach valuable lessons on friendship, bullying, the true meaning of Christmas and on being different with each one helping the reader dig deeper into the true meaning of character, courage and consciousness. The stories pay careful attention to explaining the lesson with clear examples and descriptive passages that empower the reader to be kind, compassionate and respectful.

These books are great to read aloud to younger children, but I feel their real magic lies in older children who can read on their own; this is an important niche. These heartfelt lessons are respectful to the intelligence of the reader and should be available in libraries, schools and therapists offices. These books are great tools for social emotional learning!
Profile Image for S. Policar.
Author 24 books134 followers
May 24, 2013
This is a Libboo Copy. I do not have an Amazon or B&N or even a print copy of this book. Recieved this copy through Libboo and thus any errors found are in reference to THIS edition only. 

As always, with children's books we start with Junior Reviewer Gallataea (Age 6)

"I liked this book. My mom says it's always better to get animals in pairs so they never have to be lonely when their humans are too busy to play with them. Oscar learned a real good lesson and I hope he remembers it the next time he sees Waffles and Pancakes."

My Thoughts

There is a section where a line repeats itself, but I assume that's simply because I have a copy from Libboo and there's a libboo page in the middle of the pages the repeat is on.

I also spied a page with the words overlapping the illustrations making it difficult to read but again that's probably just due the copy I have. I really with I had a normal ecopy of this x.X

Anyway the story itself is a good one. It shows children how verbal bullying.. or being picked on.. Affects the people it's done to. It's definitely a life lesson every  child should learn along with other forms of bullying.

I give this book 4 of 5 paws

Reviewed by

S.Cu'Anam Policar
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Profile Image for Anne (Angel Anne Reviews) Nelson .
502 reviews26 followers
April 27, 2012
First of all I'd like to thank Cindy Springsteen for the opportunity to read this wonderful, delightful and very insightful childrens book.

Waffles and Pancakes are two hamsters who were bought from the pet store on the very same day. But their owners, Danny and Griffin, don't treat them the same way. Pancakes has a lovely new home to play around in with wheels and tunnels. Waffles only has a small box. But when Waffles and Pancakes meet up again, they realize that there are more important things than material possessions.

In the world that our children live in now adays they carry a burden so unlike those of their parents in many ways. Sure we have have very similar burdens, but our children's burden to keep up with Jones so to speak is so much greater. We all wish that things were easier, or that we had more than we do, whether it be money or material items as adults. And sadly, our children carry a heavier cross to bear because of the way our society has become.

Waffles and Pancakes brings back the innoscence that has been lost in such an easy way that it will have you, or it did me say "how did we go so far from the simple life".
You will find love brought back through these two incrediable, cute hamsters, simple plain unconditional love, the way we received it as children. The love of an adorable child, given to his most treasured possession.... his pet hamster.
Even thou it took one child who had the best of everything and then some, and then of course his pet also had the best of everything. Then a precious child who had the best of everything in LOVE, who in turn gave the best of his everything to his hamster.. his LOVE.

You as the reader will see that it all can be just as simple as it once was. Just by one act, the act of pure unconditional love.
Waffles and Pancakes is a wonderful book for everyone to read, to read and rethink our lives that we live now as adults, and then to read and learn to teach our precious children that you don't need to have the best of everything in life, if only you had and showed fove to others. Whether human or pet. Definetly "A MUST READ"!!!!
I give Waffles and Pancakes 5/5 stars.

Angel Anne Reviews & Mystic Reviews
Profile Image for Andrea.
698 reviews18 followers
March 2, 2013
The story is a lesson in friendship, featuring two hamsters named Waffles and Pancakes. The hamsters live together at a pet store. One day, two little boys come in to purchase them. Danny's family doesn't have a lot of money for his new pet Waffles. Griffin, on the other hand, comes from a family that could afford to buy Pancakes all kinds of toys and a fancy cage for a house.

The boys attend the same school and quickly become friends because of their mutual love for hamsters. Pancakes and Waffles are overjoyed to be reunited. But Waffles is embarrassed about his meager home and belongings. The two start chatting and realize that the amount of things you have do not compare to the importance of being loved and played with. Waffles may not have a big home and a lot of toys, but Danny plays with him every single day. Pancakes has all kinds of gadgets, but Griffin never takes him out to play. Even the boys realize the difference in how they treat their pets. So, Griffin makes a concentrated effort to spend more time with Pancakes. He even decides to share some of his hamster stuff with Danny, so that Waffles can have more in his home.

This sweet story teaches children the important part of being friends - spending quality time together instead of comparing who has more toys. I remember as a child having a hard time when my parents wouldn't buy me all of the same toys that my friends had. I didn't realize it at the time, but I ended up with more valuable experiences. I think in today's society, we have become even more wrapped up with material things and need to be reminded of this lesson.

Kids also simply enjoy the story. One of the children with whom I shared it was an 8 year-old girl. Her direct response after reading it was, "It was a little bit short, but I liked it." She is now to the point where she is finally enjoying longer stories. This story is short enough to also be enjoyed by preschool and kindergarten children.

More stories involving Waffles and Pancakes are in the works. We look forward to reading them!

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Candice.
105 reviews3 followers
March 7, 2013
Fat and Ugly---two words I have heard enough in my life...but this books explores the pain, sorrow, and real hurt that being a bully causes-and the affect it brings on those who are bullied. You learn about Oscar-the big BULLY guinea pig! And how he said some VERY mean things to Waffles and Pancakes :-( The owners of the hamsters, Danny and Griffin (whom we met in an early book and learned they had become best friends), become very worried, and they take the hamster to the vet. The vet says-they seem fine, but they are depressed! Where could this depression have come from....maybe the big mean Oscar grouch! The boys decided to go talk to Oscar's owner-Tom. Tom was not a friendly fella himself, and the boys were very worried. However, Tom had someone who let him know he was being WRONG. But.....then Waffles and Pancake get with put with Oscar, and Oscar has a confession---what is it you ask, READ THE BOOK!!!!! It will SHOCK you! <3 The boys have some realizations, as well as their furry friends! Cutest story ever. Really a great educational read for educators, parents, and friends. Perfect addition to your library or bookshelf! And...makes an amazing teacher gift! The illustrations in this book draw you into the cute characters, and show the emotion for each situation. They are beautifully created and help the story POP! Great job!

Thank You Cindy for tackling an issue that is so real, so hurtful, and that our nation is struggling with so deeply right now-and cheers to your best friend and you for overcoming life!
Profile Image for Grace.
8 reviews
May 8, 2013
Beautifully written book that shows so much about friendship and bullying. I shows how children really can really get hurt by bullyies but there is always a reason why this person is a bully. This book is about two kids that each get a hamster and become best friends. These children know their hamsters so well that they notice that they have changed their behavior. The kids have to investigate what is going on with the hamsters. They decide to take the waffles and pancakes (hamsters) to the vet to see if he can help them. After the children brain storm they kind o figure out what is going on with the hamsters and a guinea pig that was at the same dr's visit a previous time. The point is these children care so much for their pets and worry why they have changed to the point they investigate and they themselves are bullyied by the owner of the guinea pig as the hamsters are. This books shows that we as parents need to pay attention to our loved ones. Once you notice something is different from their daily routines ask your children what is wrong. Also, it means that the bullyer is missing out on something in his life and thinks that by messing with others kids it will make a difference towards his persona. These are cautions flas for us parents. I loved the way the story was told. It was written perfectly where children can understand and not feel confused of what the story is trying to say. I will definently have my 10 yrd old read this book
Profile Image for Heather Alexander.
276 reviews25 followers
October 10, 2012
I was given this book in return for an honest review. I read this with my 7 year old daughter who is bullied at school. What I loved is that it told the story through the bullying of Waffles and Pancakes (hamsters) and of their human owners. Telling a story of discovering why a bully feels the need or right to pick on someone else, and doing it in a way that children can relate to seems incredibly hard, but Cindy Springsteen manages it perfectly. My daughter loved that their were hamsters, that is what kept her attention. When we were finished reading I asked her what she thought the story was telling her, her answer was this "Maybe I should tell the mean boys at school that they are hurting my feelings and ask if they want to play with me." I think that is a fantastic message. My daughter has social issues to begin with and maybe this strategy will help her to feel a little more empowered, as well as haveing an understanding of the fact that there is nothing wrong with her, more often than not, it's the bully that has the problems. Thank you for this wonderful book that has such a fantastic message for children. I will be reading this story to my child's class this year at parent reading time and hope you continue to write books for children with such useful messages. WaAr
Profile Image for  Davis Jennifer.
325 reviews13 followers
September 18, 2012
I received an copy of the book from the author in exchange for my honest review.

This is Waffles and Pancakes second adventure in life lessons. The two hamsters and their owners come face to face with bullies. I got the copy last night after I found out that my son (5 years old) was getting bullied at school. This morning before school, I decided that it was a good time to read it to him. At his young age, he just knew that some kids were being mean, but really didn't understand. This read was a great way to explain to him what is going on. As a parent, you hope that bullying is something you child will have to experience, unfortunately, we can't always be around to make sure that it doesn't. I thought, at his age, that I still had a little time before we would have to have this talk, but I was wrong. It is never too early to make your child aware of this issue. Awareness is the best lesson in life.

I highly recommend this book! A great lesson for children of all ages and this book helps them understand it at their own level.

Originally posted on The Mystical World of Book Reviews
Profile Image for Lee.
Author 31 books153 followers
October 19, 2012
What a great story, this should be required reading for elementary schools. In dealing with bullying at schools reading waffles and pancakes story about dealing with a very naughty guinea pig and his very naughty master was so enlightening on how children and pets react to bullying. The story is so wonderful and my 10 year old hamster loving daughter enjoyed it so much. I loved the pictures and the narration of the story. Waffles and pancakes are by far 2 of my favorite furry friends and favorite stories! The story is cute but it has a heart and it touches your heart. Finding out the real reason the guinea pig was mean was even more touching. It also lets kids know you can turn it around it doesn't have to be this way all the time which was so amazing. How many stories tell you that? It is a hopeful and beautiful story that my daughter will ask for again and again. She learned a great moral of the story and it was told in a way that really brings out the hearts of the characters. Cindy is a very talented wordsmith and I hope she writes more and more of these stories we will add each to our collection!
Profile Image for Karen.
Author 9 books315 followers
March 16, 2013
When Danny and Griffin’s hamsters Waffles and Pancakes starts acting strange and not eating well they search for an answer to help their little friends. At the vet there are informed that their hamster are healthy and that something else might be the cause. But how does two little hamster tell their human friends that they were bullied by a guinea pig? Soon Danny and Griffin connects the dots and find themselves with their little animal friends at the door of Tom and his guinea pig. But Tom and his Oscar are far from friendly. Here Waffles and Pancake learns the truth and confronts Oscar of his bully actions. And Tom is reminded that to have friends you need to be friendlier.

It’s a sad action even in the grownup world; never release your own hurt or problems by hurting others. I am so glad that author Cindy Springsteen explains this to children as our childhood is the stepping stones to becoming adults. And if you become an adult that bully others to try and defuse your own problems, the world will rise up against you and you will be left all alone. This is a great lesson with a beautiful message that deserves more than just five stars.
Well done!
Profile Image for Jocelyn Sanchez.
638 reviews53 followers
March 23, 2013
I have to say that I’m really surprised about this book. It's rare to come across a book that touches your heart and leaves an impact. As a kid I was bullied a lot so reading this book both made me remember some of those memories, as well as it also helped me understand those bullies better too. I realized that sometimes people say mean things to cover up their problems and insecurities. I’m not saying that what those bullies said was excusable but I now have a better understanding of some of their actions. This book teaches that bullying is wrong but most importantly it’s better to try to be nice to others and become friends than making someone feel bad about themselves and being alone. I feel like everyone should read this book, from young children. to even adults who children are being bullied. I plan to read this book to my child in the future when I have kids, in the hope that the lessons in this book will help them when dealing with bullies. I'm even going to show this book to my little sister who has been going through a similar situation in school. All in all, this was a great book and I'm glad I read it. I recommend this book to everyone.
Profile Image for S. Policar.
Author 24 books134 followers
July 2, 2013
This is a Libboo Copy. I do not have an Amazon or B&N or even a print copy of this book. Recieved this copy through Libboo and thus any errors found are in reference to THIS edition only.

As always, with children's books we start with Junior Reviewer Gallataea (Age 6)
"I liked this book. My mom says it's always better to get animals in pairs so they never have to be lonely when their humans are too busy to play with them. Oscar learned a real good lesson and I hope he remembers it the next time he sees Waffles and Pancakes."

My Thoughts
There is a section where a line repeats itself, but I assume that's simply because I have a copy from Libboo and there's a libboo page in the middle of the pages the repeat is on.
I also spied a page with the words overlapping the illustrations making it difficult to read but again that's probably just due the copy I have. I really with I had a normal ecopy of this x.X

Anyway the story itself is a good one. It shows children how verbal bullying.. or being picked on.. Affects the people it's done to. It's definitely a life lesson every child should learn along with other forms of bullying.

I give this book 4 of 5 paws
Profile Image for Lee.
Author 31 books153 followers
October 19, 2012
I just read waffles and pancakes with my 10 year old daughter and she turned to me and said "that's what you tell me all the time I want to hug these guys!" It was so cute. Waffles and pancakes are two very special hamsters indeed because even though they come from different backgrounds they both are very loved. The story has such a wonderful moral and it is told so beautifully through Cindy's words. It's a great little story that should be shared over and over again with as many children as possible. It's told by an amazing wordsmith with a heart of gold. The story is about two hamsters that are adopted by 2 very different families and the friendship that begins with the adoption between two boys. One is rich, one is not but both have love in their hearts. The point that she made that it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor as long as you are loved is timeless and should be shared by everyone, what a different world it would be if everyone believed that. I loved this story and you will too.
Profile Image for Kristin Scearce.
648 reviews21 followers
March 30, 2013
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

This is such a charming story about bullying and its effects, as told through the pictures and words of hamsters. Waffles and Pancakes haven't been acting themselves ever since a certain trip to the vet, where they met a guinea pig named Oscar. He bullies them and makes them feel bad and afraid. Once their owners figure out what's wrong, they talk to the boy who owns Oscar, and he's mean to them for coming to his house. The boys learn he doesn't have many friends, and he's a bully to make up for his hurt feelings at being alone. They all decide to be friends, including Oscar, Waffles, and Pancakes, and the story has a very happy ending.

This would be a great book to share with younger kids and older ones alike. Everybody has been involved in bullying in some way, either as the bully, the one being picked on, or the friend of either. It's time to put a stop to bullying, and I believe this story would be an excellent starting point to have that discussion. Wonderfully written and illustrated!

5 stars
Profile Image for Joy Findlay.
Author 63 books13 followers
August 31, 2012
Waffles and Pancakes are two hamsters who are purchased at the same pet store by two different boys on the same day. One boy, Griffin could afford to get a lot of things for his hamster, where-as Danny could only afford to get him a box. These boys discover that they go to the same school and decide to hang out with their hamsters. What happens when these two boys meet up again with their hamsters and compare belongings?
This is a brightly coloured children's book about the importance of material things not being as important as the love and care one has for each other and our pets.

My daughter loved this book, with its bright pictures and clear illustrations, it has something for every child to learn that having things isn't as important as having loved ones in their lives.

I would recommend this story to parents who want to teach their kids about caring for their pets and about not getting so caught up in having everything. Thanks Cindy for a great children's book.

Profile Image for Phaedra Seabolt.
Author 1 book278 followers
October 19, 2012
Another cute story by Cindy Springsteen. This book shows how bullying can affect little boys and their hamsters. Really it is meant to demonstrate what can happen when someone is bullied and how that person might react and/or fix the issue. Bullying stems from any number of things, but normally it is a person's way to try to make up for some emotion they don't know how to handle. I think most bullies are sad, lonely, and possibly being hurt at home some how. They take out their frustrations on those around them in hopes that it will make them feel better. In truth, it doesn't normally work. What is great about this story is that Danny and Griffin acknowledge the issue and stand up to the challenge of fixing it. Their hamsters, Waffles and Pancakes, do the same thing with a guinea pig named Oscar. They all learn to resolve their issues and end up being friends as a result. The art is wonderful and the lesson is appropriate for all ages.

Read more reviews at Identity Discovery blog.
Profile Image for  Davis Jennifer.
325 reviews13 followers
August 21, 2012
I was given a copy by the author in exchange for my honest review.

Waffles and Pancakes is a great children's book for all ages. Waffles and Pancakes are hamsters that were bought by 2 different boys, on the same day, at the same pet store. Pancakes owner bought him a huge house filled with wheels and tunnels. Waffles owner could only afford a small box. The owners go to school together and decide to have a play date for the hamsters. When Waffles and Pancakes meet again, they find out that not only are their houses different, but their owners treat them different as well. Great message in the book: Money can't buy happiness or love, neither cost a thing.

I read the book with my 5 year old son and 11 year old daughter and they both loved it. A great read with a great life lesson. Wonderfully written and illustrated. I can't wait for more adventures with these little hamsters.
Profile Image for Candice.
105 reviews3 followers
November 4, 2012
First-what an adorable tale! Two friendships formed in an unusual way! This is the story of two boys who meet when they adopted 2 hamsters, separately. One boy has lots, one boy has all he needs but not more. They learn through their friendship, and the hamsters incredible friendship, that sometimes money is not everything, and sometimes when you have everything you think you ever would want, you really don't have anything you need! The story offers an incredible kid-friendly way to show children that friendship outweighs money, and everything has a value-that isn't a dollar sign. The book is illustrated with colorful and defined illustrations that draw you in and make the characters stand out, but at the same time, follow with the feel of the story. It is a great read all parents should want, because it teaches a fabulous lesson to your children! *Awesome*
Profile Image for Crystal Clifton.
Author 6 books68 followers
September 17, 2012
I read book one Waffles and Pancakes A Lesson in Friendship a few months ago to two of my grand children and was in total anticipation of part two Waffles and Pancakes A Lesson in Bullying. My anticipation and patience paid off book two is far beyond my expectations.
Danny and Griffin are two boys who bought two hamsters at a pet store in book one and learned how to become friends, where in book two Waffles and Pancakes are getting picked on by a bully guinea pig named Oscar who is owned by Tom. This is a great book in teaching kids about bullying and I think should be used as such. I enjoyed this book as an adult and can only imagine what the kids are gonna say.
This book was given to me as a gift from the Author. Thanks Cindy for such a great series.
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