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The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

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Smart, strong, independent--single women can live a fabulous life. Husband not required.

Mandy Hale, also known by her many blog readers and Twitter fans as The Single WomanTM, shares her stories, advice, and enthusiasm for living life as an empowered, confident, God-centered woman who doesn't just resign herself to being single--she enjoys it! Being single has had its stigmas, but Mandy proves it has its advantages too, and she uses wisdom and wit to inspire her fellow single ladies to celebrate and live fully in the life God has given them.

Mandy encourages her readers on subjects such as taking chances, building friendships, letting go, and finding a greater purpose. With her help, readers can stop worrying about happily ever after and discover a happy life instead.

224 pages, Hardcover

First published August 6, 2013

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About the author

Mandy Hale

11 books943 followers
Mandy Hale is affectionately known around the world as "The Single Woman.” In just over three years, Mandy has garnered a massive Twitter following of a half a million people from across the globe. With a heart to inspire single women to live their best lives and to never, ever settle, Mandy cuts to the heart of the matter with her inspirational, straight-talking, witty, and often wildly humorous take on life and love. She’s also not afraid to talk about the many realities of being single in a world that still asks “And WHY are you still single?”

Recently invited by Oprah to cover her “Lifeclass: the Tour” events in St. Louis and New York City as part of OWN’s “VIP Press Corps,” and featured at the Women of Faith conference in Hartford, Connecticut, Mandy has also been named a “Twitter Powerhouse” by the Huffington Post, a "Woman of Influence" by the Nashville Business Journal, and a “Single in the City” by Nashville Lifestyles magazine. She has also been featured in Forbes magazine, Cosmopolitan magazine, the Huffington Post, and is a featured guest blogger for Lifetime’s The Conversation. With followers from all over the world, Mandy has made a name for herself as the voice of empowerment and sassiness for single women across the globe.

Mandy released an e-book in February of 2012 that has gone on to garner rave reviews, and recently signed a two-book deal with Thomas Nelson Publishers. Her first published book, The Single Woman: Life, Love & a Dash of Sass hits shelves this summer.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 219 reviews
Profile Image for Liz.
251 reviews2,095 followers
January 25, 2016
It's always good to start the year with a faith-inspired book! I was about to open Christa Black's book, but decided it was time for Mandy Hale's debut (into my life). I found this book a while ago at Barnes & Noble and just have been procrastinating on reading it ever since. I think I read it at the right time, because it was a refreshing read and a confirming read. I found myself highlighting quite a lot. Some of the lessons were sing-songy/rhyming, but that makes it a bit easier for me to remember important stuff.

Something else I really enjoyed about this book was that she didn't just cover the "this is why being single is okay," but also made some great points about having an awesome "inner circle" (you may know them as your squad). She talks about toxic vs healthy relationships in both the romantic realm and friendship realm.

She also talks about turning those bad times into things that can help others. Also, seeing mistakes as lessons rather than betting yourself up about it. I know i've been in some terrible situations and yes, I did blame myself, but I recently learned (5+ years after a terrible relationship ended) that I needed to forgive myself, not just the guy.

Also, reminding myself patience, patience, patience. That can be the hardest part about being single. Thankfully, I can turn to my awesome group of friends, church small group, and other friends for hang outs and whatnot. That really helps me from being not-so-lonely. :]

TL;DR - This is a great book for Christian ladies who happen to be single and are needing some comfort and guidance because Many Hale is A++
Profile Image for Bri Rinehart.
41 reviews
January 19, 2014
I was on Twitter and saw that one of the quotes pages I am following had retweeted this account titled: The Single Woman. I checked it out and really liked the account so I decided to follow it as well. Occasionally, the owner of the account would tell her followers that they should read her book: The Single Woman. I liked her twitter feed, so I figured, why not? I went to Amazon and purchased a copy.

This book is fantastic. It is an inspiring novel of owning up to being single. I our society, it seems as though it is wrong to be a single girl. If you're not married and ready to have kids by the time you're 25 - something is wrong with you. Hale, the author, was tired of hearing single women talk down about themselves and hearing others talk badly about single woman. So, she started the twitter account which led to this book. She talks about not living life hidden because you're single. Don't wait for a man - go out there and do what you want. You only get one life, don't hold back.

Overall, there were times where it felt like I was being slapped in the face with things. Don't worry, it was good slaps. Also, it was like Hale knew some things about me and was focusing just on me. It was quite strange. Hale did hit the nail in the head a lot though with things I encounter as a single woman. It was refreshing to know that it also happens to other single women!
Profile Image for Мария.
116 reviews58 followers
May 26, 2023
Това е моята книга. И въпреки че много от нещата в нея аз вече ги знаех, друго е да ги прочетеш, друго е някой да ти ги каже.
Да си необвързан не винаги означава да си самотен, отчаян и губещ. Понякога това ти дава свобода да бъдеш себе си и да живееш щастлив живот.
Да бъдеш сам не винаги те прави невзрачен, понякога това е причина да бъдеш точно като звездите - да блестиш.
181 reviews
January 1, 2014
I read this book over the summer, and was absolutely captivated by the authors authentic advice and thoughts regarding relationships.

This book isn't just for single women, and it offers advice to men, and even people in relationships.


The author offers advice such as:

1) The only thing we single ladies need to be rescued from is the notion that we need to be rescued
2) A busy, vibrant, goal-oriented woman is so much more attractive than a woman who waits around for a man to validate her existence.
3) You will evolve past certain people. Let yourself.
4) You don't have to knock anyone off their game to win yours.

Profile Image for Kris.
1,482 reviews218 followers
October 27, 2017
Why do I do this to myself? Why do I read the trite, sappy, self-help books that I know I'm not going to like?

I picked this one up after finding some nice quotes by Mandy Hale on Goodreads. I figured that if the quotes were good, the book they came from should be good as well, right? Turns out that while you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, you also shouldn't judge a book by its quotes. I cringed on every single page. At least this book was mercifully short.

Okay, fine. It does contain some good advice. Don't settle. Set high standards. Being single is a gift. Don't date an idiot. Value your friendships. Treat yourself and others with respect. And it's even written with a Christian perspective.

But why does all the good advice have to be dolled out using cliché metaphors, annoying rhymes, and bad puns? Why must you oversimplify so much as to make your point almost sound wrong? Why must you make your reader wince with every corny one-liner? Who actually takes this kind of writing seriously? Why do I pick up these books? Why. Why. Why.

Profile Image for Helen.
157 reviews7 followers
January 18, 2014
Just brilliant!! Such an uplifting and inspiring read. Not just for 'single' women, but for any woman who has had times when she wasn't sure it what direction her life was going.
Profile Image for monica ♪.
506 reviews80 followers
March 17, 2017
5 Amazing Stars!

Single |sin•gle| (adjective) - Too fabulous to settle.

I found this book accidentally in local bookstore because it was on sale.
Never heard about this book before, but the title really intrigued me.
And then I checked Goodreads. The rating is high and it has good reviews. So I thought, why not?

I'm so glad that I bought this book.
This book is really, really good!!
So inspiring. It's like the author can see through me, and give me all the advice and solutions I really need at the moment.
I'm not shy to admit that I cried when I read this book. This book makes me really think and start to make a new plan for my life.

There's nothing wrong being single.

"'Single' means you are brave enough to face the glorious unknown of the unaccompanied journey."

I'm sure everybody wants that one Prince in their lives, but even if you want it so badly that you start to looking for it everywhere, but God says that it's not the time yet, you won't find it.

"Single is no longer a lack of options – but a choice. A choice to refuse to let your life be defined by your relationship status but to live every day Happily and let your Ever After work itself out."

God already made very perfect plans for our lives, so while waiting for the "right one" to come into our lives, we also need to accept and love ourselves.
Keep working hard to reach our dreams and be positive thinking.

"'Single' is an opportunity to live life on your own terms and not apologize."

This book is not only talks about romance, but also friendship and life.

Honestly this book really change my mind and perspective about life.
I kind of found new hopes after reading this.

Thank you, Mandy Hale! Your book really inspired me! ♥
Profile Image for Brooke — brooklynnnnereads.
1,140 reviews264 followers
September 5, 2017
I liked this book. There wasn't anything necessairily revolutionary about it but it was a quick, enjoyable, and positive read.

I read this book rather quickly but I think others may get more out of it by reading it at a slower pace and using it as a guide or reminder spread out over more than just a one sitting read.

I was hoping for more of Mandy's own personal stories but there were a few incorporated within the chapters.

Again, maybe not the most invigorating or thought provoking read but it was enjoyable.
Profile Image for Barbara.
36 reviews11 followers
August 20, 2013
Have loved Mandy Hale for years now! "Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life. You didn't settle for it."
Profile Image for Jen.
47 reviews4 followers
April 21, 2014
The Single Woman
This book is a blessing! A very inspiring and encouraging about celebrating your singleness! That being a single is not being in desperate and waiting in vain, it just means that you are blessed and have all the time to live your life happily and wonderfully! This is the season in your life where you will be
utmost instant to fulfill God's mission and purpose for you! :) To be the woman God wants you to be! Also it is the time where you will be preparing yourself for marriage or perhaps just enjoy being a single woman who conquers the world by simply achieving your dreams!

This book gave me a whole new perspective about being a single. Being a single since birth, I had a fair share of my ups and downs. Sometimes I question myself - like, Why am I still single? Am I ugly? Am I not the kind of girl you will bring to your parents? Am I immature? or maybe there was really something wrong with me? Time had passed, I still do have these questions, but I came to find the answers one by one. Fast forward I am now in the phase of my life where I began to accept my single blessedness! Sure I am open about meeting that one man for me, but I just do not think about where and when will I meet him! Right now I am joyfully celebrating my singleness and cannot wait to experience awesome life events that will happen to me!

I know I am not alone in this journey! God is with me and He had sent angels from above to guide and help me all the way! He even had His way for me to meet my family and friends and lets me feel His great love! And also, for the strangers who I will meet and become friends too! <3 Oh Lord God, I
feel your awesome, wondrous, glorious love! What more if I will be there in Heaven with you? I will be an angel warrior if you want! :) But for now, may I find favor in your eyes that you may grant me and family and for all the people here on earth that needs your never ending blessings! I thank you for
all the things you did and gave us oh Lord. I know in this journey of my life, I cannot do this alone, help me change and be transformed by your love! I want to grow more deeply into you and strengthen more my relationship with you and the people around me! I love you! In Jesus' name I will always pray! :)
Profile Image for Sora.
559 reviews3 followers
December 30, 2015
For 2016, I have approximately six or seven weddings or marriage parties to go to. I felt the need to read something very "yay, you're not a loser for not being engaged/married/with kids" type of book. This is it! Uplifting and in praise of the single woman. But, be warned, the author is religious and she includes several religious references. I definitely felt better after this book.
Profile Image for Liz .
37 reviews33 followers
June 24, 2016
I loved this book and most of the advice Mandy Hale offers throughout it. I've had a few off and on again relationships recently and was starting to wonder if I was the problem. It reassured me that there's nothing wrong with me and I don't need a man to feel loved. I need to love myself first. Very empowering story!
Profile Image for Eustacia Tan.
Author 15 books283 followers
September 11, 2013
Since I saw the book Real Men Don't Text on NetGalley, I figured that The Single Woman would be a good complementary book to read. But like Real Men Don't Text, I thought it was interesting but not great.

The Single Woman is divided into eight parts and an epilogue, talking about why it's ok to be single and how to live your single life to the fullest. The author uses experiences from her life and the life of others to illustrate her points. In between, there are one page quotes (from whatever chapter we're in) to emphasize a point.

For some reason, this book felt like a collection of blog posts to me. There's nothing wrong with blog posts, but it just felt like that. I thought there were a few subjects that could have had much more detail and discussion, but since everything was about the same length, it ended up feeling rather shallow. I would much rather the book picked a few key topics rather than try to cover everything under the sun.

In fact, the book started to feel more like a general 'life-advice' sort of book. It went beyond the whole 'living the single life' into a 'how to have a good life sort of book'. Now that I'm keeping an eye on the content page, I see that it's structured to address the single women, but as I was reading this book, there were times when I thought "this is for everyone, no matter single or attached."

Which leads me to one point that I don't agree with. I don't think that being single means you have more time to make a difference (and vice versa). It may be that an attached woman who is very efficient can make more of a difference than a single woman.

To sum, while this is a good book, it's not the must read book for anyone who's single.

Disclaimer: I got a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for a free and honest review.

This review was first posted to Inside the mind of a Bibliophile
Profile Image for Nicole.
25 reviews12 followers
March 14, 2014
Happily Ever After...usually associated with fairy tales and Disney movies. Author, Mandy Hale is creating a new image to an old cliche. The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass is a mixture of personal stories, inspiration and encouragement for single ladies who maybe focusing on a Happily Ever After vs a Happy Life.

As you read you, I can guarantee you will find yourself, highlighting sentence after sentence. She offers a perspective on love, relationships and life that bring light to the positive side of being a single woman. Hale writes in a easy conversational tone, which feels as though your best friend is giving you advice. You may find yourself telling Hale to get out of your life. She just finds a way to touch on so many subjects within less than 200 pages. The chapters are well organized in a format that makes it easy to read in a short amount of time.

Hale addresses self worth, self love, letting go, and creating a life you love before you find love. I suggest reading the book with a tissue, a notebook and a pen.
Profile Image for Sarah.
Author 43 books454 followers
December 2, 2020
This is another book I really hate giving a bad review but...
This felt like a collection of cute one-liners to make singles feel better. I mean, I loved Hale's upbeat attitude and determination to see the brightside. However, this book felt like sound bites and a lot of rhyming sayings strung poorly together. It read more like a cheap self-help book then something of substance.

I loved the idea, but just didn't love how this book turned out.
Profile Image for Victoria Robert.
189 reviews3 followers
November 29, 2021
I really loved this book! It felt like an inspiring message to all women, both in a relationship and single! Contrary to the title, it’s primary message is to empower women despite their relationship status - a message I think all women should know. However, forewarning to potential readers, the author is Christian thus most chapters includes 1
to 3 passages that reference the Bible or God. I actually loved this author’s perspective of Christianity and relationships. It was truly inspiring to hear a Christian woman applaud and encourage female singleness instead of reinforcing relationships and marriage as God’s main plan for women. I would definitly recommend this book to all women, especially ones who grew up in Christian/Catholic envirements.
Profile Image for Kim Alexander.
75 reviews7 followers
October 14, 2013
I'd actually rate this as being somewhere between 2 1/2 and 3 stars. I think this book would've been great if it'd been deeper. Like a lot deeper. There's some great stuff in here, though the whole rhyming thing detracted from that. The rhyming was cute at first but became annoying. I kind of feel like too much emphasis was put on trying to sound sassy and I had to knock a couple of stars off for that. I feel like this book would be better suited to the single woman who basically has her life together already save for being in a relationship. Not so much for one trying to figure things out. There were a few things that kind of rubbed me wrong. Like how bad situations can't take away your faith. I know from experience that that isn't true.

Overall this was a very fast read and very enjoyable at parts. The good things about it were very good. I wouldn't call it a must read. It was okay. Not great, not terrible. Okay.
Profile Image for Ashley.
10 reviews
January 3, 2015
The Single Woman was an encouraging book for me as a single woman. I found the author shared similar experiences which reminded me I'm not the only one who struggles with areas related to the single life. It was a very refreshing read that encouraged me to get out there and enjoy life and make the most of it whether I have a man in my life or not. I gave it 3 stars because I would've liked to have seen a bit more meaty, practical advice rather than feel good nuggets of wisdom. But other than that I recommend it for those who are choosing to live life as a single whether by choice (not wanting to settle for mediocre but great) or out of current circumstances (recent breakup).
Profile Image for Marie Bergman.
138 reviews12 followers
January 3, 2015
Even though somewhat encouraging and inspiring, the reading experience was really ruined for me by the author mentioning God in each and every chapter, which to me, who is not a believer, is very annoying and kinda defeats the whole purpose of the message...the book even ends with Amen, excuse me but what the hell...other than that it was pretty superficial and way too perky for my taste, even if the point and purpose of the book is good. I'm not likely gonna be reading this book or anything else by Hale, ever again.
Profile Image for Katherine 黄爱芬.
2,275 reviews265 followers
July 24, 2020
Banyak dari kaum hawa takut menjadi single. Single identik dgn kesepian, kesendirian, ketidakbahagiaan. Padahal mitos ini salah banget. Di buku ini author memberikan pengertian dan pemahaman bhw menjadi single woman itu bukanlah momok yg menakutkan.

Di buku ini memang gak terlalu memberikan tips ataupun trik utk menjalani hidup single. Tetapi diberitahu juga ttg persahabatan sejati (bagus banget perbandingan teman sejati dgn berlian asli dan yg palsu dgn sirkon). Juga mengenali hubungan yg beracun (toxic relationship) yg hrs dihindari.

Cuma menjelang bbrp bab belakangan mendekati ending, sptnya cuma diberi pemahaman utk pasrah, menunggu, sabar dan segala hal yg berbau rohani yg menurut saya terlalu retorika. Tapi lumayan bagus juga bhw kita hrs percaya Tuhan akan memberikan yg terbaik bagi hambaNya.
Profile Image for Emily.
127 reviews5 followers
February 8, 2020
Was it groundbreaking or fascinating? No. Was it important to hear as a single 30-something who often feels frustrated? Absolutely.
Profile Image for Katie.
66 reviews2 followers
February 11, 2022
Wow. Very powerful, especially for a single woman in her 30s, like me. Such empathy and encouragement and empowerment to never settle and live my absolute best life.
Profile Image for Vita.
26 reviews
December 26, 2017

I like this book because it gave me a different perspective on being a single woman. Even though I’m not currently single it took this book, prayer and many like it to teach me single is not a curse. We have to love ourselves “single” first.
Profile Image for Traci Smith.
1 review
September 12, 2014
I'm not really sure how I found this book, but I am so happy that I have. I find it empowering to all of us "single women" out there. I also enjoyed how it talked about God and how he has bigger plans for us all. In life we can be very impatient because it comes as a burden to wait for something that you really deserve. We go after what we want, rather than what God wants us to have. Sometimes the things that we want are truly the most toxic things out there for us. But also sometimes they can be our destiny.

For seven months I have been dealing with a broken heart. And yes, I have been going back and forth about what I really want in life. I have been impatient through this trying time and I haven't been waiting for God to make his move. I was actually afraid that he wouldn't do anything at all to help me out a little bit. But after reading this book I have figured out that all that time I had spent wasting on one guy (who truly deserved nothing more than a good-bye to begin with) has kept me away from my true purpose. My true destiny. And my true love (wherever/whomever he may be).

This book is amazing. It is for all of us single women out there who just want to let go of the past and become ourselves. I seriously recommend it to anyone who needs a pick me up. Probably the best book I have read by far.

If God brings you to it, he will most definitely bring you through it. Just let go and let God take the wheel.

Thank you, Mandy Hale, for giving me the courage through your words to find my place in this world.
Profile Image for Laura.
17 reviews
August 15, 2013
The Single Women: Life, Love and a Dash of Sass
By Mandy Hale

Single and Fabulous! Realizing that being single again is not a punishment, but a gift to me is priceless!
I love Mandy Hale’s straight talking approach to women, relationships and her most valuable lesson, never settle. Mandy is a Blogger turned author with a massive Twitter following of half a million people from around the globe.

You can tell through her carefully written words that she has walked through many of the challenges she eloquently finds humor in and the things most of us let affect us in negative ways.

It may break some out of bad relationship habits and give others the inspiration to be ready for Love. This quote best summarizes the book for me: "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return".

What I so much appreciate with her books is her ability to empower us all, single, married and even men. I will be recommending this book to everyone.
Profile Image for Fashion+Serendipity.
5 reviews4 followers
August 31, 2013
Mandy Hale has done more with this book for women than authors of 'Why men marry b*tches', 'He is just not that into you', etc. Why you may ask? Because Mandy is a true friend, one that believes in empowering women through love & supportive words rather than victimizing women & encouraging a men are evil & hate your exes life stance. Furthermore,
this book isnt just for single women, I would recommend it to any and all women looking to lighten their load and shift their perspective to a happier, positive, & kind one.

Closing thought:
"Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. Trust. Imagine. Wish. Believe. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of always focusing on how far you have to go. None of us have "arrived." We're all still finding our paths in life. Some days are passes and other days are major fails, but at the end of the day, Life 101 is always worth it." - Mandy Hale
1,086 reviews
January 29, 2014
I was not sure what I was getting myself into when I read this book. It was a good light hearted book about single woman. Whether you are single by choice, divorce, widowed, however you got there this is a book for you. It talked about people coming into your life. Whether or not they stayed or were only there for a short time they changed you in some way, for better or worse. The left the mark to prove it. I find myself making notes on some parts to remember for later on days I needed a little motivation. "Ever day in every way I am getting better and better" Loved this. Change your thoughts change your life. Great! I felt a little silly getting this book at the library with the words life, love and a dash of sass with a big pink high heel shoe on the front, but I am glad I did. God did it again. When I walk the aisle I seem to usually always find a book that speaks to me and helps me even if I am not sure what I need. This book changed my perspective on being single.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rebekah Snyder.
Author 1 book9 followers
November 21, 2016
I wanted to like this book, especially after I realized it was written by a fellow Christian. Finally, a book written by a thirty-something still single woman. Maybe this would e a breath of fresh air after reading all the books written by married women who are looking for excuses to tell their love story to the remaining single women like me. (I was single and my life sucked, but I got married and so can you!)

I held in my hands the antidote to such soliloquies. But I feel like Mandy overcompensated. (I'm single and it's fabulous!) Which it is. Most days. However, I wanted to see more of a balance and maybe something that felt a little more real and raw. This book is filled with little cliches and far too much rhyming.

If you're looking for something encouraging and upbeat, this is the book for you. If you're looking for something a little more honest, I'm still searching for it too.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 219 reviews

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