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A sexy category romance from Entangled's Brazen imprint...

Discover your inner bad girl, and set her free…

Heather Pierce is done being a wallflower, both personally and professionally. Desperate to live a different life for one night, she attends a speed dating event. Maybe here, anonymous unless she chooses otherwise, she can become someone new. When a man way out of her league sits across from her, Heather gathers her courage and takes charge of what she wants, secretly fearing he won’t desire the real person she’s desperate to hide.

Top acquisitions officer and international playboy Tony Carmine is about to close the biggest deal of his career. But then he meets Heather at a speed dating event…and discovers losing control may be exactly what he needs. Her blossoming sensuality occupies his every thought, consuming him with the need to possess the most intriguing lover he’s ever encountered—until he walks into the boardroom and sees Heather on the other side of the negotiating table.

279 pages, ebook

First published January 11, 2013

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About the author

C.J. Ellisson

43 books898 followers
C.J. Ellisson is the USA Today Bestselling author of the NYT Bestselling book, Vanilla on Top, the bestselling V V Inn series, and several erotica shorts. She lives in northern Virginia with her husband, two children, three dogs and two cats. She's battled severe chronic illness for years and is thrilled to report she’s finally approaching the end of treatment. She turned to writing when she could no longer work outside the home and claims the escape of penning contemporary erotic romance, urban fantasy, and erotica has helped save her sanity.

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143 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 465 reviews
24 reviews1 follower
March 1, 2013
As an avid reader and aspiring novelist, I am pretty difficult to please when it comes to issues like voice and style. I've tossed many books to the side after only a few pages. Largely due to this, I had never read an erotica novel prior to receiving Vanilla on Top by C.J. Ellison. My only other foray into the genre included the first 20 pages of a well-known erotica trilogy. That was all it took for me to decide that the author and I just weren't going to click.

I wasn't sure what to expect when I started reading VoT, but I was willing to give it a shot. The initial scene pulled me in immediately, and left me constantly wanting to read more. Despite having two young kids at home, I managed to read the book in two days. The characters really came to life for me. I connected well with Heather, despite the fact that she was a self-made business woman. I enjoyed the fact that she wasn't always sure of herself. The feeling that she was just flying by the seat of her pants.

I also like Tony, though I felt a little of his backstory might have been missing. It was mentioned that he was a playboy, etc, but he didn't really come across that way to me. Their first encounter at the speed dating event did it for me. After that, I had to keep reading to find out more, and I will say that I was completely - ahem - satisfied with the results.

I did pick up a couple of small grammatical errors, but no one is immune. No matter how many times you go over a manuscript with a fine tooth comb, there's always a chance to miss something. Overall, I would definitely recommend, even if you don't think erotica is really your style.
Profile Image for Erzabet Bishop.
Author 168 books398 followers
February 18, 2013
Vanilla on Top
A Walk on the Wild Side novel
C. J. Ellison
Contemporary. Sub/Myst.

M/F. Anal Play. Spanking

277 pages

Heather is talked into going to a speed-dating event. Marcus has talked his friend, Tony, into going to the same speed-dating event. After a few changes in partners Heather and Tony get together for their short allotted time and almost immediately his phone rings. He answers and complains about being interrupted and when it happens for the third time Heather tells him to turn it off. He does and is impressed that she told him to do it and that he actually did it.

Oh yeah, Mr. Businessman got turned on and she caught it. She has never played top but goes for it as he seems turned on and tuned in, what can she loose her life has been a bore and maybe her friend is right that she needs a new skin. Maybe this new attitude has something going for it. She is so shocked when this new attitude works she decides to take it a step at a time and tells him to follow her out to the patio. When she has him on his knees before her doing exactly as she tells him she goes a lot further than she thought she could or ever would.

Tony can't believe he is letting this woman tell him what to do and there is a thrill to it and it is so fantastic he doesn't fight it. He lets her command him and loves it!

Mutually they agree that they cannot be away from the event going on inside for too long without being found so he gives her his card and requests that she calls him.

Heather's life has changed and she likes the change enough to let some of the attitude into her everyday life. She feels alive.

Tony can't believe what happened and how he let this woman control him but he feels such satisfaction with his inner self, he feels alive. He doesn't know what to do, he has no means to contact her. He has always held the upper hand and now he doesn't and is frustrated but excited.

Oh they do get together and have a roller coaster ride of their lives. Total MUST read for the great all around humor and true life experiences with a delightful touch of fairy tale romance and do not forget the descriptive enjoyable sex and more sex!!!

5 brightly bursting stars
254 reviews10 followers
March 8, 2013
4.5 stars

Tired of being alone, Heather reluctantly allows her best friend Carla to drag her to a speed dating event. She’s not really expecting anything to come out of it but, hey a girl can dream can’t she? As the head of acquisitions for a big time shipping conglomerate and sexy as all get out, Tony doesn’t need any help getting a date but allows his friend Marcus to talk him into accompanying him to the same speed dating event, maybe it will be amusing.

As soon as Heather sees Tony across the room she dubs him the Italian Stallion and immediately wild thoughts fly through her head, when he sits down at her table, the devil on her shoulder takes over and she becomes the aggressive woman she never thought she could be. She orders Tony to take her outside and once there proceeds to order him to do things to her that only happen in a fantasy. Both are completely taken aback by the encounter, the doormat and the playboy are going to find out that people aren’t always what they seem and the discovery is going to be just plain delicious.

Having read all of C.J. Ellisson’s V.V. Inn series, I was familiar with her style of writing and knew I was in for one fun adventure. She did not disappoint, she delivers this simple story of boy meets girl with an erotic twist that had me squirming in my chair, sometimes laughing and believe it or not even angry at times. The story is told in alternating chapters between Tony and Heather’s POV, not an easy thing to do but as I’ve said before, Ms. Ellisson is a master at this. Erotic romance writers can often get caught up in the sex and forget that there should be a story going on, that is not the case with this book, we get to know Tony and Heather’s thoughts and feelings not just jump in the bed (or the couch, the balcony, or the desk) with them.

Heather has been treated badly in the romance department, thus leaving her with bad feelings as far as men are concerned; she tends to allow people to walk all over her. When she decides to take the lead with Tony, it’s a big leap for her but she is up for the challenge. Tony, on the other hand, has no problem with self-image, he knows he is sexy, intelligent and always in control. For him to allow Heather to take the lead is completely against his nature and he loves it. Heather’s friend Carla and Tony’s friend Marcus are both a little bit on the selfish side. Thankfully we don’t see them all that often.

This book makes no pretenses about what it is; it’s erotic romance and does a great job at being just that. The scenes between Heather and Tony are always full of innuendo and teasing, even the ones that don’t end up with one or both of them removing clothes are sizzling hot. As I said before, there is a plot in this book and I did chuckle at times and there were times, if I could, I would have reached through the pages and shaken either Heather or Tony. Those times were the only little thing that kept this from being 5 solid stars for me. Tony could seem a bit stalkerish to me at times. I know he was consumed with this fascinating woman who leads his around by a certain body part but he does occasionally come real close to pushing the line. Even given that little issue, I forgave him because, well, he was steaming hot and I am a girl after all.

Grab a glass of your favorite adult beverage, settle down and get ready to enjoy. My recommendation is don’t read this book at your desk at lunch time, it could get uncomfortable, do read this book with your partner of choice close by, be they mechanical or human and let your fantasy world come true .

Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Dual Review Team
Profile Image for Debra.
474 reviews2,448 followers
January 28, 2013
**Buddy read with Georgia, Marina, Rosalinda and Soraya!!!**

To be honest, I have a lot of mixed feeling about this one...

When the story started out, I didn't think I was going to like it that much... The characters were hard to connect with, there wasn't much depth to the storyline and if it hadn't been for the awesome buddies I read it with, I might have even given up reading the book around 30 % in it.... But, I'm glad we stuck through it after all, because the story turned out to be a lot better than I expected it to be.


Oh boy...

I don't even know where to start with her... At first she seemed to be a very insecure girl, hoping to find her knight in shining armor some day soon. So, she decided to go on a speed date together with her best friend Carla. There, Heather met the handsome business man Tony and suddenly she transformed from a shy, innocent girl to a slightly dominant vixen who wasn't afraid to tell Tony exactly what she wanted and how she wanted it.

"Take off your coat." I comply, tossing my coat on a nearby chair. "Shirt, next. Even the undershirt." A devilish smirk curves her lips. "Oh, but leave on your tie."

However, when Heather turned back to her own life, it turned out she wasn't such a tough girl after all and that all she did was put on some act whenever she was near Tony... A little confusing, right?


At first, I didn't really like him either... He wasn't at all what you would call our typical "alpha male". On the contrary, I think you could say that Heather was the obvious "alpha female" in their "relationship" and that he just did whatever she wanted to please her and he didn't even mind being in the underdog-position.

"Unreal! This woman taking control of her own pleasure by using me like a sex toy is incredibly erotic."

But then Tony suddenly started showing a whole different side of himself...

I ended up liking him much more throughout the second half of the story. And it turned out there actually was an alpha male-side to his character after all...
"I want the world to know you're mine. I want every man out there to know you're taken. And you know what else I really want you to do right now?"
"What?" Desire makes her voice tremble.
"I want to tell you to get down on your knees."

What happens next, is entirely up to you, future-readers, to find out for yourselves...

What I would like to warn you for, is a certain scene around 58 % in the story, that seemed so unreal and left us all feeling like this...

Although to be honest, the scene also made us laugh our asses off...

It also involved a ping pong paddle and let's just say, from now on we won't be looking at a ping pong paddle the same way EVER again...

Other than that, I overall enjoyed reading this story about two people getting to know each other in an unconventional way (do people really still speed date nowadays??) and trying to make the best of their relationship. It was a fun, quick read and I was happy to find out there wasn't a cliffhanger at the end of it...

Last but not least, I would like to thank Georgia, Soraya, Marina and Rosalinda for the unforgettable buddy reading experience!!!!! This one's for you, ladies!!!!

3 - 3,5 highly entertaining STARS!!!!!

Profile Image for Georgia ♥ .
420 reviews1,170 followers
April 6, 2013
*Copy provided by Entangled Publishing, LLC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

Thank you!!

And buddy read with Debra, Marina, Rosalinda and Soraya!

3.5 Stars

My first attempt at a buddy read, kicked off with a BANG! I think I'm talking for everyone, when I say that we had a blast! Just take a look at our status updates and you'll understand...

Now let's start booktalking and psychoanalyzing...

“What’s gotten into you lately? First you’re all bossy and take control with him, then you get a new hairstyle and start dressing sexy…And now, you’re back-tracking to the self-doubting hen you were before you met him.”

She was my major problem in this book. The woman run hot and cold. I couldn't relate with her and for the most part I didn't particularly like her. She is presumably shy and awkward, but she dominates from the start and later we find out that she is for all means and purposes the CFO of her company. Not very believable, with that kind of attitude. She was an emotional mess at best...

A rich playboy, a womanizing golden boy, Tony single-handedly saves the book from 58% and on. He lives his life as he only knows until a sassy woman turns the tables on him, making him crave things he never considered.

At first I didn't like Tony either. Maybe I should blame all the alpha males I keep reading about, but he was too meek and submissive for my tastes. And then all of sudden........


We witnessed a new man emerging. It was like a very unsettling sexual encounter, woke him up and he shined. Strong, possessive, loving and determinate he did the unthinkable and won me over!

In the short span of forty-eight hours, I’ve managed to fuck up my career, break a verbal negotiation I made with a client, and fall in love with a woman.

This book didn't started well. We laughed, we made fun, but I was really worried that this story would end up being just about sex, power-play and domination. Don't get me wrong I like HOT stories, but I always like feelings and plot and characters more...

So at the beginning...


“Jack on the rocks.” I raise an eyebrow at his choice of drink. The waitress leaves. “Going for the hard stuff?” “I’m trying to shock my system into figuring out what the fuck is going on.”

That summarize my feelings exactly. If it weren't for my lovely buddies I would have DNFed. The plot was non-existent and the scenes unbelievable.

Thank God I didn't....
Because the story actually grew a plot and bloomed.


It stopped being about sex and only sex and it became interesting. It started being about feelings, work ethics and family and going after what you really want in life.


If only it weren't for the first part, this would deserve a higher rating but I really, really didn't like the first 58%....

This book reminded me, of an issue I really HATE.
I managed to hold off until now but have to get it out off my chest........


What's wrong with humanity?????? What went so wrong with relationships, that we ended up with this atrocious idea??? Who the hell had this idea???

I think Shakespeare, Lord Byron and Gabriel Garcia Marquez (figuratively speaking) are rolling in their graves....
What happened to love ballads?


Courting and poems, sneaking around and love in your eyes...

I'm really disappointed in men and women out other who don't make the effort to go after what they want, to live, to dream.

Speed-dating objectifies love and is a sign that the world is really ending...

And I have to thank C.J. Ellisson for giving us a realistic reminder of this.

Sorry again for taking this all out on you....

A final big THANK YOU to Debra, Marina, Rosalinda and Soraya for a fantastic buddy read. I couldn't do it without you ladies!!! I had a great time!



Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,801 reviews6,709 followers
May 3, 2016
Years back, a friend and I used to go out as our alter egos: fake names, occupations, backgrounds...it really didn't matter because we didn't intend to ever see anyone we met again. Truth is it was exciting and oddly empowering. Vanilla on Top, a contemporary erotica novel written by C.J. Ellisson, reminded me a bit of those days (minus the erotica :P). The female lead, Heather tries out speed dating and stumbles upon an opportunity to be uncharacteristically adventurous and dominant during a casual encounter at the venue. She proceeds to see one of the gentlemen and uses those moments to relish in her new-found power and control. Knowing that Heather is pretty much invisible in her everyday life made these encounters feel incredibly sexy to me as a reader. The plot later strays to heavily incorporate a conflict between the work roles of Heather and her romantic interest so even though I applaud the addition of an actual story line in erotica, I quickly lost interest with all the business talk. Overall, I had a great time listening to this short but very sexy audiobook. As far as rating, I went back and forth between three and four stars but finally decided on three when I was tempted more than once to skip chapters in the latter part of my reading experience. Nevertheless, I would continue the two series this book is a part of. If you enjoy various types of erotica, check it out!

My favorite quote:
"Thank God for an organized woman."

Vanilla on Top is the first installment in two of C.J. Ellisson's series: Heather and Tony and Walk on the Wild Side. These two series include the following installments as of May 2016:

Heather and Tony:
#1-Vanilla on Top
#2-Vanilla Twist

Walk on the Wild Side:
#1-Vanilla on Top
#2-Avoiding Mr. Right
#3-Vanilla Twist
#3.5-Loving Ms. Wrong
Profile Image for Andrea.
314 reviews17 followers
January 23, 2013
You know how there are some books out there that you can connect to because the characters embody “the girl/boy next door”? The characters are believable and likeable and you care what happens to them. Well, there are even better instances when you have a more personal connection and think, wow that character is me. The author C.J. Ellisson invokes that feeling with her new book Vanilla on Top. Within the first couple of pages I was hooked and totally identifying with Heather and her insecurities. I appreciated the fact that within the first couple of chapters you can see her grow as a person. I also like the interaction between Heather and her friend Carla. They are friends, but not everything between them is roses, which unfortunately is the case in many adult friendships. How many times have we had a friend encourage us to be more aggressive or assertive and once we do, the green monster rears? The resolution of professional conundrum in the book also caused me anxiety, because I kept wondering how they were going to resolve it. This is the first book I’ve ever read that walked you through the entire in-depth relationship building between two characters. I really understand both main characters’ motivations and insecurities. The story is well written and believable. The sex scenes are HOT! without being “trashy”. If you want to read a quality book about a woman coming into her own and developing a meaningful relationship that also has some hot, sexy scenes, then by all means, you need to pick up this book.
Profile Image for Rosalinda *KRASNORADA*.
268 reviews537 followers
January 27, 2013
***BUDDY READ*** Ladies, the best about reading this book was reading it with you: Soraya, Debra, Marina, Georgia, Sarah, Em & Betty :)

I loved Tony from the beginning and he is the main reason for my 4 stars!

I didn't know speed dating worked like that, dammit I should have tried before! lol

Heather has been insecure all her life and she decides she needs to change that so she goes to an speed dating event and meets my hot Tony (I know, I consider him mine, I am pretty possessive!). Tony, on the other hand, has been always in charge of everything and he is more than happy to let Heather run the show... They speak for a few minutes (or was it seconds?) and they have a sexual encounter on a patio, hell yeah!!!

Carla, Heather's friend, ask her why she changed like that so quick and I loved Heather thoughts...

Do I tell her about the erotic novels I've been reading the past few months?

Come on guys, you all know our erotic novels give us great ideas!!!

I loved Tony... did I say that? Oh yeah, probably, but you are gonna read it more times so suck it up!

"I wondered if you were going to blow me off"
"Not anytime soon - and only if you're very lucky"

Her voice drops on the last part of the sentence causing my cock to stir. Down, fella

By the way, ping pong bats will never ever be the same...

I know it was the other way around but google images is very sexist! lol

His thoughts were funny sometimes...

Oh, her butt is her lower back, now? Is that what we're calling it?

Did my last text go too far? Will she think I'm some weirdo pervert who wants to star sexting her?

HE IS ADORABLE! I love him because he thinks just like us sometimes if you know what I mean. I love alpha males but I also love it when they go all insecure and they worry about us and they stare at their mobiles waiting for an answer, that's so cute!

And then, he changed and he went all masculine and alpha male and I loved it even more.

"Are you undoing your pants, Tony?"
"No, I was zipping my gym bag. But I like where you're going with this"

"Quantity doesn't equate to quality"

But to be honest there is something about this book I disagree:

Is it possible to love someone you've only known a little over a week

HELL NO! No way, you might think you are falling in love but you are not, you don't feel real love in a few weeks, end of.

"I want the world to know you are mine. I want every man out there to know you're taken"
"No buts. And do you know what else I really want to do right now?"
"I want to tell you to get down on your knees"

Buddies, thanks for reading this book with me, it was great and can't wait to repeat the experience!
January 23, 2013
3.5 stars

Well, if you like lotsa sex, this book delivers. The first half I was a bit worried it was typical erotica with no real plot. That improved with time.

The story of Tony and Heather who meet at a speed dating session. He's a rich successful businessman who gets pressured into going with his buddy Marcus (why? Exactly). He meets Heather. She's had a sad history of losing her parents to a car accident and her last two relationships were less than stellar...the last guy cheating on her. She tries a new Heather....a confident, sensual, take control type during her session with Tony. He gets constantly interrupted during session with work calls. He's flustered. She looks him in the eye and tells him to turn off his damn phone. He's taken back but happy to once let another person take control. She invites him to the outdoor patio and promptly takes control of the "situation".....instructing him, demand after demand, to kiss her, touch her, get on his knees.....you get me, right. When she's satisfied she tells him to stand. Politely asks for his number and maybe he will get "his" next time they meet up. She walks out. This is the first chapter! It was steaming.

Sex was like 90% of the first half of the book. Heather was all about controlling it and basically driving this guy crazy with need. I liked that woman dominent role ( even if it wasn't really her). The scenes were great but I was wishing for depth to the story. It got better. He's the main guy in charge of a huge acquisition of a local advertising company that's struggling. She's the Asst to the CFO of that company. They do not know this until the meeting where he shows up to take over her company. This did not go over well. Heather was hurt, felt betrayed. The rest of the book details trying to build a relationship while separating work conflicts of his acquisition while she tries to save her company from it.

I liked it. Didn't love it. I wasn't ga-ga over their love. It was a fast read. Not really BDSM. Although ping pong paddles do come into play. But to get high stars for me, I need to feel something really emotional or gripping. If you like lotsa sex with a decent story but NOT something that'll stay with you for days, this book is for you.
Profile Image for Duchess Nicole.
1,270 reviews1,544 followers
August 15, 2013
"Who knew being an emotionally unavailable bitch would be such a turn on for some men?

I imagine most men would be okay with the role reversal shown here in this book...unexpected and titillating public sex after meeting for two minutes? Um, yeah!

However, this is not conducive to a romance.

And that was my big problem with this book. Everything these two do leads to sex. Every scene they are in leads to sex...every argument, phone call, date, simple conversation leads to sex.

I did expect there to be a lot of sex, but I also expected for these two to become a solid couple, and I don't see how that was possible in their situation. Heather starts out asserting her dominating side over Tony when he laments always being in charge in life. He wants someone else to make the decisions for once, and Heather decides that she wants to take control of this aspect of her life. It made for a cute setup, but Heather and Tony continue in this same vein for nearly the rest of the book. Even when it's clear that they are actually two very different people in real life, and they don't just act like this in the bedroom.

It was just awkward and messy for me. Tony and Heather didn't seem real, their reactions were sometimes over the top (Ex: Heather's best friend playfully calls her a dominatrix and Heather flips the bitch switch, Tony stalks Heather in a club because too many men are looking at her) and things just felt weird.

I admit to skimming most of the last fifteen percent or so, which is where I'm assuming these two become more "real" with each other, but I was ready to be done. The writing itself was fine, the characterization was what left me wanting.
Profile Image for caren.
546 reviews106 followers
August 8, 2013
1.5 stars

Okay, this book... I was excited to read it. I haven't disliked anything in the Brazen line so far, but oh man this one missed the mark. I loved the plot. I even liked the characters. But the awkward descriptions during sex or relating to the sex were just too much for me. Let's give some examples, shall we?

My shaft wedges between the firm halves of her butt

Her butt, really?

One wet finger probes between my ass cheeks, searching for my tight pucker.


My arousal springs free, bouncing back to slap against my stomach.

Someone could lose an eye.

the rigid pearl of my desire


I run a thumb over one stiff nubbin of flesh.

*giggle* NUBBIN *giggle*

The sensitive helmet of my cock rubs against my underwear

Great, now I'm picturing your dick as Rick Moranis in Spaceballs. THANKS FOR THAT.

tease her erect bud

Let's just call a spade a spade, okay? Or in this case, a cock a cock and a nipple a nipple and a clit a freaking clit! Who says nubbin? Besides Chandler Bing. What man refers to their dick as their prick? And if I ever, ever refer to my nipples as rosy peaks, please, shoot me. Not everything has to have a description. Call it what it is. Awkward smut is awkward.

So yeah, I probably won't be recommending this to anyone, unless they can handle the odd wording, or the less than genuine male POV. Or unless they just want to giggle like I did.
Profile Image for Marina.
390 reviews462 followers
January 27, 2013
3.5 stars

Buddy read with Georgia, Soraya, Debra, Rosalinda :D
Thank you guys for the amazing experience, you made it count:)

Now on to the review..Oh where to begin..
Let's start with..

Heather. She is this incredibly insecure woman, whose self-consciousness is hindering her from aknowledging her true value and beauty. She is essentially a pushover who wants nothing more than to change this facade, which she does the moment the opportunity rises.
So basically she goes from someone like this:

To someone like this:

[with a slight replacement of the instrument of spanking]

During this transformation however, she seemed as if she was losing a bit of herself, since it is hard pretending to be someone who you thought never existed but in reality was buried deep inside waiting to burst free. She gains her self-confidence, but she needs someone to exercise it on.

Enter Tony.
He's the playboy businessman who being fed up with the working overload and constant demand of a controlling lifestyle seeks to relinquish this control to someone. So when a certain minx enters the picture he becomes enthralled with her. Again essentially he becomes her b*tch.

But the Alpha vibe finally came back with a vengeance. And the hotness checked in.

I want the world to know
you’re mine. I want every man out there to know you’re taken.”
A gasp of surprise sounds from her. “But—”
“No buts.”“And you know what else I really want to do right now?”
“What?” Desire make makes her voice tremble.
“I want to tell you to get down on your knees.”

As the action picked up and the plot turned out intriguing, Tony saved the day with true sweetness and thoughtfulness.

“You matter to me,Heather. More to me in two weeks than everything I thought I wanted for the past
ten years. I’d be a fool to let you go.��

And so they lived spankily ever after..I meant happily..;)
152 reviews1 follower
April 13, 2013
‘Oh! what a tangled web we weave…’ Alright, I know you probably read that in your most sinister voice. Try it in your most seductive voice, confident and in charge, then you’ll feel the power that Heather feels when she taps into her inner bad girl.
The story isn’t really about the deception or pretending she’s something that she’s not, but the emergence of the butterfly that was hidden within. Heather is a marvelously complex character, and the reader is there with her watching her growth and metamorphosis.
While Heather is on her journey, Tony is on his as well. He’s at the top of his game. A true power player in the business world, but something is missing. Jokingly looking for someone to take charge, he finds Heather at a speed dating event. Boy, does she take charge! He doesn’t even realize that this whirlwind of a girl is going to turn his life upside down.
Will the smart, take charge behind the scenes girl find the confidence and drive to make her dreams come true? Will the dynamic business man find someone to pull the strings to his heart? The twists and turns will have you hanging on every word. Each chapter pulls the reader in deeper, rooting for Tony and Heather.
Then there is the steam factor. Steamy! Oh my goodness, Ms. Ellisson’s natural ability to put the reader in the moment with her characters is at its best in Vanilla on Top. It’s definitely a book that you don’t want to put down and it would be wise to have a fan handy.
Kudos for an excellent beginning for this series, personally I can’t wait to see what’s next for Ms. Ellisson and her characters.

Profile Image for Farah.
367 reviews496 followers
January 27, 2013
A sweet 3.5 stars!

This is a sweet quick read...

Turn off your phone! Pour yourself a drink and start reading....

Heather.. A girl who is tired of men walking over her, decides to take charge of her life and be in control.

Meets Tony... A very handsome sexy business man who is tired of woman using him for his money and is happy for a woman to control him for once!

They meet at speed dating and find themselves very attracted to each other... Heather has Brazen confidence :) lol

The unexpectedly find each other on opposite teams in the corporate world...

What happens when the only one you want is supposed to be the enemy??

The only thing is Tony is about to change Heather's world once Heather finds out the truth on where he works and what he is up to. He never knew Heather and that his job would end up almost ruining her career.

Sexy sexy hot scenes!

I felt this story was a bit tooo hurried and Tony made such rash decisions in such a short time frame!

Anyway... As expected....


Profile Image for Anastasia シ.
613 reviews205 followers
September 23, 2019
Full Review

OMG I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS NOVEL!! The author draws you in from the first chapter, it was soo hard to put down! I just had to see what happened next :D I stayed up all night! Such a good novel!
LOVE Troy & Heather!! this novel is definitely a MUST read!! I highly recommend it!
Profile Image for Sarah.
347 reviews132 followers
January 27, 2013
Vanilla on top was a fun quick read which told the story of Heather, a young but seemingly shy woman, lacking in self confidence, who's had a run of bad luck, especially with men, and needs a pick me up. The story begins with Heather attending a speed dating event. When Tony, an attractive man, sits down opposite her, Heather decides to try a different tact with men for a change and see what it feels like to be the one in charge. Tony is instantly drawn to the dominance that Heather exudes during their first meeting and the book goes on to tell the story of their developing relationship.

Before I started reading the book, the title and cover alone led me to believe this was going to be a sexy, kinky read and I loved the idea of reading a story based on a female dom romance. Unfortunately as fun as the story was, for me it wasn't at all as i had envisaged. The female dominance only occurred in the early stages of the book and given the title of the book i found the sex scenes pretty tame apart from a hot sizzling first encounter and a brief appearance of a pong pong bat.

That said, I enjoyed this story, I enjoyed seeing Heather come into her own, build up her confidence and start taking control of her life. I also enjoyed the writing style, I enjoyed the alternating first-person POV, meaning i was able to get to know both leads.

If your looking for a fun, light hearted read then I can definitively recommend.

Thanks to Soraya, Rosalinda and Em for the buddy read, not exactly what we were thinking but a great read all the same girls.

Profile Image for Patricia.
1,701 reviews45 followers
March 27, 2013
OH MY GOD is all i can say about this book. it has you hooked from the very first chapter . If you like 50 shades you will love this book. the characters are more believable and loveable. and you get hooked . c.cccj. Ellisson is the author to look out for
Profile Image for Kristin .
1,164 reviews174 followers
January 15, 2013
This was a short but fun and sexy read. I liked the idea of adding speed dating to the story. I don't know if I've ever read a book where speed dating was involved. I wish she had more guys during the speed dating session before meeting Tony but I'm not complaining too much because we are popped right into the action and man does the author sure have a way for laying out the scene in fine detail for her readers.

The characters were likable and even though in the beginning Heather takes charge of what goes on between her and Tony, by the third encounter she lets go of the control. So technically she was only "vanilla on top" for a moment before their relationship just turned vanilla. Again... not that I'm complaining. Even though we don't get a lot of insight into Heather and Tony's past, we get a feel for what lead them to this point.

I liked that even though the two of them meet anonymously, Tony is quick to figure out that Heather works for the company that he's in the processes of buying out. It's only when he calls a meeting with the company he plans to buy out, he finds out that not only does she work for the company, but it appears that she's been running the show for a few years while letting her boss take all the credit. So the conflict in the story was one that was believable. Again, there isn't a ton of story to this but the smut is good and I found myself really enjoying the authors writing style.

Favorite quote...
"Not to be outdone by some smooth talking barfly, I advance down the hall and wait for her outside the ladies room. I'm perfectly aware my behavior is abnormal for me. I'm not going to stand here like some girly chick and analyze it. I'm accepting that I want to haul Heather out of here by her hair, and do my best to resist it." -Tony

January 13, 2013
Today's review is on Vanilla on Top by C.J. Ellisson

Ellisson is no stranger to the erotic genre by any means, and Vanilla on Top is proof of that. This book is well planed, well paced, and very well written. The characters are likeable, believable, and oh so hot, without anything being taken away from the realism of their daily lives.

Centered around the lives of Heather Pierce; a soft-spoken and meek woman, who her friend classifies as a "doormat", and Tony Carmine; a top notch executive in business acquisitions. And though they work in the same building, they have never met. That is until the speed-dating event they both attend.

Heather decides to "put on a new skin" and try something different, and Tony is just the man to try it out on. At work everyone depends on Tony and his decisions, so it's a welcome change when Heather take the reins. Tony in not only surprised when Heather asserts herself and takes control, he is utterly captivated and totally turned on.

After a short and gratifying exchange; at least for Heather, Tony cannot get his mind off of the "black-haired vixen" and vows that she will be his. Likewise, Heather is falling hard and fast in love with him. But when their jobs collide, their relationship may not stand a chance.

Be sure to grab that ice cream, because once you finish reading Vanilla on Top you'll definitely need it in order to cool yourself down!

An instant hit for Ellisson!

4 of 5 stars
Available at Amazon
Profile Image for ~ Cariad ~.
1,910 reviews54 followers
March 21, 2018
~Slightly tweaked review~

A solid 4 stars from me

Well, who knew speed dating could be so much fun! I won't give the game away, but the first chapter is v.hot and the eroticsm throughout is breathtaking. You definitely get a feel for Heather and Tony's emotions.

The whole book flowed well for me, fast paced, great story, something different too in that Heather takes charge of her life by becoming a sort of 'vanilla domme' (Vanilla on Top is a totally appropriate title for the book!)

Loved Tony - the dual POV completely helps the book along, I think I enjoyed Tony's view more...God we all want men to think about us the way he does Heather. Another twist is that

We might be getting a free scene with regard to the missing blowjob detail! Nothing confirmed, but OMG that would be a fucking hot scene based on how erotic this author writes!

Count me in for book two, there's plenty more to this series ...I hope it's out this Summer!
Profile Image for Boone Brux.
Author 44 books423 followers
January 23, 2013
Super hot and impossible to put Dow. Heather and Tony's story is one of letting go of control and realizing by doing so, they gain everything. The romance developers naturally, with realistic conflicts and obstacles. A definite read.
Profile Image for Samantha.
138 reviews5 followers
January 13, 2013
HOT HOT HOT and i will say it again this story was HOT..

This is my first time reading a book by C.J Ellisson and it's one i wont forget for a while and

i don't think my hubbie will either ;) and i will be certain to check out her other work.

This is a well written book that not only has sexy sex scenes but the story behind it is great to and you really wont want to put it down i finished this book in one sitting.

How many of us want to change ourselfs in someways and take charge of our lifes well this is what Heather does when she goes to a speed dating event and meets Tony and wow that first sexual encounter blew my mind i think i might try it and see if it works ;)

Tony is fed up of being the one in control all the time and when he meets Heather well let's just say

he likes what she does to him.And after one scene i wont look at the game of ping pong the same way.

As there relationship grows Heathers worries do surface as Tony works for the company trying to buy the firm out she works for and they both hide secrets from each other.As they find out more about each other their feelings get deeper and they are both scared of losing each other,will their

happiness be with each other or will work tear them apart well you will have to read the book my friends and keep a partner near as you going to need him/her...lol
Profile Image for Cindy.
1 review1 follower
January 21, 2014
Love, loved this book. Very hot and steamy read. Vanilla on Top by C.J. Ellisson from the first page had me hooked, line, sucked in and begging for more. Heather and Tony meet at a speed dating gathering, where Heather tells Tony "Turn it off," (his phone) the heat between them begins to ingnite. As their realtionship begins to catch, burn hotter and stronger (more ways than one which is an awesome thing), Heather and Tony realize that their careers overlap. Will it turn to smoldering only to dimish out, or will they both face their fears and let their love for one another continue to burn? I truly loved this book from the beginning. Heather's struggles with her inner self-confidence and self-dought makes it more real and relatible. Tony struggles with his own inner 'demons'. To me it was the perfect mixture of sex, romance, and felt as if I was actually viewing the story as it unfolded. Sometimes it takes the right person and chemistry to bring out your inner 'bad' girl, and that's not a bad thing.
Profile Image for Beverly.
18 reviews1 follower
January 13, 2013
I am a fan of C.J. Ellisson's Vampire vacation Series and so tried this book because I like her writing. A Writer of one genre often has trouble writing in another genre, so imagine my surprise when I found out this book was just as well written and captivating as her Vampire Vacation Series!
Anyone who reads this book is in for a great read! Several twists and turns in the story line let you realize that this book was well thought out and most definitely a labor of love! ( no pun intended)
Miss Ellisson was able to keep me turning page after page till the very end, and without spoiling anything, the ending is NOT predictable until the last word. This entry into the romance field has changed my view of romance novels. No longer will I assume that I know how the story goes...But I will continue to read to find out! Thank you Miss Ellisson for changing my view of romance novels from one of "fluff" to something I will consider to put on my reading list!
Profile Image for Laura Ball.
18 reviews1 follower
January 14, 2013
Tired of her life and being alone, Heather takes a leap outside of her personal norm. And WOW this is a big leap! She is nervous about it initially, but could this be a part of her that has been hidden in her personality? Tony is tired of always being in charge. When Heather demands that he turns off his phone - sparks are flying from there! Heather & Tony have great chemistry together, and to watch their relationship unfold was extremely satisfying. The book keeps moving so that I really did not want to put it down. The story is done very tastefully with really hot steamy sex scenes that are unique and imaginative! This author did an absolutely wonderful job with telling this story. Loved reading every page of this book! WOW
Profile Image for Kay.
2 reviews
January 16, 2013
This is not my usual genre. I so loved Ms Ellison's other series (VV Inn) that I tried this one anyway. And, am I ever glad I did! The talent this author has for
character development, for making you believe her characters are real people, is fantastic. You are drawn in, and quickly begin to care about them and what happens to them. The story doesn't disappoint either.
Other books in this genre that I have read have left me wondering where the story is. Vanilla on Top does not! It has the story to back up the sex scenes and make it all believable. I can't wait to see what Ms Ellisson writes next and I really hope she continues to tell us more about some of the other characters in this story.
5 reviews3 followers
May 9, 2013
Loved this book! C.J. Ellisson draws you in from the first Chapter and doesn’t let go until the last word on the last page. You will fall in love with Tony and Heather and find yourself flipping pages to find out what happens next! Kudos to Miss Ellisson for flipping the script and making the woman in charge and the man scrambling to please her. Great story! Great characters! Hot sex!
Profile Image for Tina  Peacock (Formerly -Bookcrack).
181 reviews34 followers
January 12, 2013
5+++++ STARS for Smexy goodness

4.5 STARS for Love it or Leave it

Read the entire review over at http://www.bookcrack.com

We heard good buzz on Facebook that Entangled’s latest Brazen erotic romance VANILLA ON TOP was the first in a ‘Walk on the Wild Side’ series [a series of light BDSM discovery stories] we said ‘Yes, please.’ (Self-purchased on Amazon.)

But you don’t have to be a fan of Fifty Shades of Grey type books or light BDSM to enjoy it. Oh no.

If you’ve ever suffered though a blind date, a speed dating social event -or hell- just simply a date gone wrong or felt the pangs of loneliness on a dating dry spell- you will enjoy this book.

If you love Joe Manganiello/Alcide from True Blood? Yep, he’s the muse for Tony.

Can you say, that bit of insight is the ‘cherry on top’?

Seriously though, VANILLA really resonated with me. Maybe it’s because without self pity it manages to touch on the extreme suckiness of being an introvert or a someone perceived to be a ’good girl’ in the dating world. Let’s be honest. Experience can look good on a man (some of the time), but on a woman? Not so much.

Unless it’s behind closed doors. I mean who hasn’t wanted to (as the blurb says):

Discover your inner bad girl, and set her free…

Especially with a man like Joe. Er, Tony.

I hate that women are relegated to being good girls or bad and that quiet, introspective women are seen as ‘wallflowers’ or unwilling to go after what they really want. ESPECIALLY in the eyes of a hot, alpha man. So not fair.

But not in this smexy read!

Here’s the set up:

Heather Pierce is done being a wallflower, both personally and professionally. Desperate to live a different life for one night, she attends a speed dating event. Maybe here, anonymous unless she chooses otherwise, she can become someone new. When a man way out of her league sits across from her, Heather gathers her courage and takes charge of what she wants, secretly fearing he won’t desire the real person she’s desperate to hide.

Top acquisitions officer and international playboy Tony Carmine is about to close the biggest deal of his career. But then he meets Heather at a speed dating event…and discovers losing control may be exactly what he needs. Her blossoming sensuality occupies his every thought, consuming him with the need to possess the most intriguing lover he’s ever encountered—until he walks into the boardroom and sees Heather on the other side of the negotiating table.

Oh, did I mention I especially loved that it’s told from alternating POVs? When Tony finds he likes handing over some control to Heather, yeah, it’s combustable, especially when she takes control in public like say…at his job…

“Take off your coat.” Heather’s voice sounds firm, the same tone she used with me in her apartment. I comply, tossing my coat on a nearby chair. ”Shirt, next. Even the undershirt.” A devilish smirk curves her lips. “Oh, but leave on your tie.”

I follow her instructions, my breath rushing down my chest, tickling my skin. I raise one eyebrow, waiting for her next order. What the hell is she going to do? Do I care?

~Tony in Vanilla On Top by C.J. Ellisson

No shame here: When the man/hero’s POV is done really well? Oh, I like that a whole hell of A LOT. In VANILLA I really, really liked having the hero Tony’s point of view. This book delivers the alternating POV, conflict and smexy-time in spades.

Another thing I loved was how C.J. created complex characters that seamlessly complemented each other’s unrecognized needs: He’s a dominant, successful (but not a billionaire) businessman who didn’t even know he needed someone to take control here and there, while she’s a loyal, supportive, hardworking woman who desires the thrill of being ON TOP once and a while.

The result? VANILLA ON TOP is Yumm.

From the moment Heather tells Tony to ignore his cell and decides to take the “lady in the street, but a freak in the bed” route at the speed dating event she gets Tony’s attention (Oh, does she ever!<—- Near public smexy time people!——>This book gets HOT and doesn’t let up!

It’s a “Dirty Sweet’ love story. Sometimes I love those best especially now that we live in a time of FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS. I must admit that while I could definitely relate to Heather and cheered her on immediately, I didn’t really love her or buy into her sudden dominant behavior at the on-set and then scolded myself for it! LOL. After all, isn’t that how I got my husband by convincing him I wasn’t just a ‘nice girl’? Yeaah. But that’s part of the fun. Ellisson had me thinking “Gasp, Holy hell, would she really do that?’ and then devoured the book in one night! (Heather, girl, we’re all so glad you did!)

The only reason I’m sharing this is the fact that some of you may feel the same about your erotic romance reads and this is one story that starts out with a BANG (or two or three) and you need to give it time for the bigger conflict and romance to build. In VANILLA it does and soon you’ll be routing for Tony to really be the man Heather needs and she the strong, confident take charge lady- all the way.

5+++++ STARS for Smexy goodness

4.5 STARS for Love it or Leave it
Profile Image for Franjessca.
1,484 reviews93 followers
July 16, 2018
Review also posted on Book Lovin' Mamas

I have been waiting patiently to read C.J.'s latest release, Vanilla on Top. This is definitely a FAVE for 2013 and I cannot wait to read the next installment.
Discover your inner bad girl, and set her free....hello...is that not catchy? I know after reading this book, I need to set my inner bad girl free more often. =)
"Vanilla on Top" should not be compared to Fifty Shades or even Crossfire. This book is in a league of its own. I had a hard time putting it down and of course my husband kept giving me the weird eyes whenever he would see me reading this from my iPad. He was always asking what I was smiling about...he has no idea. =)
Be prepared to be blown away from the first chapter in the book with a very heated, steamy scene between Heather and Tony.
This book is about Heather Pierce taking control of her life. She is tired of being the good girl and decides to set the bad girl inside of herself finally out. She is new to it, but when she finally gets the courage to set her free, she is about to have some of the wildest times with the one man who she met at a speed dating event, Tony, and he will have a hard time resisting her.
The only thing is Tony is about to change Heather's world once Heather finds out the truth on where he works and what he is up to. He never knew Heather and that his job would end up almost ruining her career.

C.J. Ellisson does an amazing job with writing a book that actually has a female character taking over the dominant role in the bedroom, and without using the tools you would find in a sex shop, but instead every day things that make it romantic.
She even writes a male lead who is able to let the female take over in the bedroom, or whenever, or wherever. Tony definitely needed Heather though since he was used to being in control. She managed to tame the man from his own ways.
She reminds us how women could play the vanilla Dom in a relationship.
Heather had her insecurities at first, but in my own opinion she overcame those insecurities. The best part of Heather is that she used fantasies that she was comfortable doing and she happened to be a romance reader. (And she even referenced she never read Fifty Shades...which she may be a fictional character, but I definitely am one of those readers who has not read it...I'm really trying to now...but it may be my first DNF ever)
C.J.'s writing style is unique compared to other contemporary romance or erotic writers out there, which makes me adore her even more. She does not follow in others footsteps. She takes a different route into the genre.
There is no comparison with Vanilla on Top to other erotic books.
If you are a fan of contemporary romance or erotic genres and want to read a book where the roles are switched, you definitely need to read "Vanilla on Top".
Warning....sex scenes are throughout this book. Who knows maybe you as a woman, will find out you have a inner bad self yourself after reading this book.
I know I must unleash my inner bad girl more often. (It does drive the hubby crazy) =)

I received a complimentary copy of the book for the blog tour in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own personal opinion and I was not paid for it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 465 reviews

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