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If I Loved You Less

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A joyful romantic comedy retelling of Jane Austen’s Emma!

I know what you’re thinking: poor little rich girl, she has everything, what else could she possibly need? Well, I’m looking for the great love of my life, thank you very much.

For Long Island native Humaira Mirza, it’s always been about love – and she has the matchmaking track record to prove it. Having successfully found ‘the one’ for both her aunt and her sister, the twenty-three-year-old is ready to claim a bit of romance for herself.

The perfect candidate? The gorgeous Rizwan Ali. But as Humaira employs her unique skills to obtain the perfect match with Rizwan, she’s forced to endure the disapproval of family friend Fawad Sheikh who she’s known forever. Fawad and Humaira have long traded barbs but as her romantic meddling leads to unintentional misadventures, she realises something shocking – is she starting to care what Fawad thinks?

376 pages, Paperback

First published July 1, 2024

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About the author

Aamna Qureshi

7 books480 followers
Aamna Qureshi is a Pakistani, Muslim American who adores words. She is the award-winning author of YA fantasy novel, The Lady or the Lion. She grew up on Long Island, New York, in a very loud household, surrounded by English (for school), Urdu (for conversation), and Punjabi (for emotion). Much of her childhood was spent being grounded for reading past her bed-time, writing stories in the backs of her notebooks, and being scolded by teachers for passing chapters under the tables. Through her writing, she wishes to inspire a love for the beautiful country and rich culture that informed much of her identity.

When she's not writing, she loves to travel to new places where she can explore different cultures or to Pakistan where she can revitalize her roots. She also loves baking complicated desserts, drinking fancy teas and coffees, watching sappy rom-coms, and going for walks about the estate (her backyard). She currently lives in New York. Look for her on IG @aamna_qureshi and Twitter @aamnaqureshi_ and at her website aamnaqureshi.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 138 reviews
Profile Image for akacya ❦.
1,402 reviews284 followers
May 13, 2024
2024 reads: 127/250

i received an advanced review copy from the publisher via netgalley in exchange for an honest review. this did not affect my rating.

humaira mirza is used to matchmaking for others, but she can’t seem to find the love of her own life. she’s convinced this is rizwan ali, a young and rich bachelor, but her lifelong family friend fawad sheikh seems to disagree.

i’ve been super excited to read this ever since aamna qureshi started teasing this, so i’m very grateful to have received an early copy!

this book is compared to jane austen’s emma and sarah hogle’s you deserve each other. i read emma three and a half years ago, and honestly, i’ve forgotten most about it, so i really can’t speak to how related this book was to it. however, i do agree with the you deserve each other comp. humaira and fawad definitely reminded me of naomi and nicholas, though humaira and fawad are just a bit nicer to each other.

i also loved the self-reflection in this book. it takes a while, but humaira does eventually reflect on her own actions and figures out how to fix them, which i loved to see.

i would recommend this to anyone wanting to read a halal romance featuring adult characters. i can’t wait for whatever’s next for aamna qureshi!


if aamna qureshi writes it i will read it
Profile Image for Aamna Qureshi.
Author 7 books480 followers
June 3, 2023
I can’t wait to share this book with you all!! it’s perfect for fans of perf for fans of ydeo & uzma jalaluddin, and it’s got:

✨hopeless romantic x cynic


✨halal romance (no kissing)

✨muslim & hijabi & pakistani american characters

more soon!!! xxx
Shelved as 'dnf'
April 24, 2024
When I saw the cover for this book and the blurb, I immediately ran to request it but unfortunately, I couldn't bring myself to finish it mainly because of the writing style. I don't know how to exactly describe it, but it didn't feel natural? I really wanted to love this but it just wasn’t for me.

Thank you to HarperCollins Uk and One More Chapter for the arc in exchange for a honest review.

- - - -
netgalley has made me addicted to requesting arcs of anything and everything that sounds good to me. i mean an emma retelling except it’s also halal romance??? i can’t wait to read this!
July 31, 2024
this was cute, don't get me wrong, but some things didn't sit right with me. i am VERY specific when it comes to halal romance, so some things that the fmc/mmc said or did make me go ''uh..is this halal?''

let's just take a look, shall we?

-it's a halal romance, they don't touch (spoiler, they actually do touch a couple of times), no kissing (thank Allah they didn't do that but were this 🤏 close), no being alone in a room together (oh..they did that too.) no flirting (uh..that happened too?) until they were married.
-fmc is a hijabi!! finally, hijabi representation where she doesn't want to yank the thing off because her's ''dad's abusing her.'' and there's a white guy yearning to see her hair.
-i LOVED the vibes, they were so giving bridgerton (but make it a pakistani muslim household), and the relationship humaria had with her sister was so cute 🥹 (younger sisters for the win.)

-like i said, not-so-much halal, but i appreciated that they didn't kiss/hug, just flirted and ''aciddentally'' touched each other a handful of times. odd. and, he stroked (??) her cheek on ''accident.'' *insert side eye meme*
-the writing. and when i say the writing, i am an AVID historical ficton girl till the day i die, but the book is based in this time..yet they're talking as if in a shakespeare book?? i hate shakespeare, so reading this felt like reading 200+ pages of pain. for example, when the mmc (will not say his name for spoilers), confesses his love for her, he says this: ''Good God, woman, will you not rest until you've killed me?'' he asks, holding a hand over his heart. GIRL WHAT THE HECK 😭😭

let me remind you that this book is based in the 21st century, not in the 1900's, and even if it was, that is NOT how they talk. i've never- i just got second hand embarrasment reading it. they say words like ''good God'', ''thus'', ''yet'', ''can not'', ''will not''. and while i have nothing against it, it's just weird. like what in the world do you mean.. you talk like this: ''It felt like you didn't need my anymore, and thus did not love me any longer.''

nontheless, i did enjoy this book. i loved the quotes, the banter (it wasn't halal though..), and the fmc (even if she acts like a pick-me spoiled younger child.)

some quotes i liked:

''I am glad for the structure Islam gives my life. It is not just a religion, but a way of life- a mindset, an entire way of being.

''If he sees me for who I really am, will he stay?''

''There is nothing childish about believing in love.''

''My Prince Charming is certainly keeping me waiting. And how I hate to be kept waiting.

also, i LOVED the books recs for both the fmc and mmc + the brownies recipe, i just thought that was such a cute addition 🥹
3.95 rounded up to 4 stars!!
Profile Image for  ೀ elyssa.
77 reviews13 followers
August 31, 2024
Thank you Netgalley and HarperCollins UK for the arc!

This book is an Emma retelling but with Pakistani characters, set in New York in the present.

Humaira and Fawad were truly two idiots in love and it was so cute!!!! and the angst aamna writes in this is so good too.
I have never read Jane Austen's Emma (i don't do classics) BUT that did not take away how much i loved reading this book. Humaira was truly delulu and a hot mess but that's also why I kinda lived for her though. She honestly reminded me of Naomi from YDEO. Fawad was grumpy at times but not at all mean he just saw Humaira for who she truly was and wasn't afraid to tell her the truth when no one else would.
The mutual pining and angst in this book is so good. I also think that it is important to know that this is a halal romance, so there was no kissing at all but it did not take away how romantic this book is. Honestly, it makes it more romantic IMO!

Profile Image for Ayushi (bookwormbullet).
647 reviews1,162 followers
January 7, 2024
Thank you so much to Aamna Qureshi for providing me with an ARC!

My first read of 2024 and it’s a five star read 😩😩 but it’s honestly no surprise because this is book is by Aamna and I expected no less 🫶🏽

(HOW DOES SHE WRITE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LOVE CONFESSIONS EVER PLEASE 😭😭 got me sobbing my heart out on every other page omg)
Profile Image for romancelibrary.
1,226 reviews572 followers
June 6, 2024
I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

If I Loved You Less is a Pakistani Muslim retelling of Emma set in New York, and it is utterly delightful. The more Emma retellings I read, the more I realize just how much I love the original story.

Like Emma, Humaira isn't likable and relatable at first. But just like Emma, Humaira's character arc is worth reading, along with the very swoonworthy romance, of course. One thing that I truly loved about Humaira is how she is always conscious about being grateful to her parents for her many blessings and privileges in life.

Above everything else, Humaira is a people pleaser who feels like she always has to be likable and amiable. Beneath all of that, there is loneliness and a fear that people would leave her if they saw beneath the glossy veneer. I truly appreciated this additional dimension to her personality, as well as her nuanced friendship with Shanzay AKA Harriet.

And the romance. OH THE ROMANCE. It is clear that the author has a deep love for romance novels and period dramas because oh my God. The TENSION‼️ The CHEMISTRY‼️ The LOOKS‼️ The CLOSE PROXIMITY‼️ The PINING‼️ The HANDS‼️PHEWWWWW. She nailed allllll of these aspects. And she named the hero FAWAD on top of all that (iykyk) 🤭 We get the perfect doses of angst and jealousy, especially from Fawad 🤌🏽 I could feel his tension and pining even though Humaira was so clueless 😂 I legit giggled and swooned my way through Humaira and Fawad's romance 🥰🥰🥰 So many of their moments live rent free in my brain 😍😍😍 There are sooooo many other things I want to highlight about the romance, but I'll keep quiet because I don't want to spoil anything.

The prose is actually really good for the most part. It can sometimes be stilted and awkward, but I think that's mostly because the story is told from Humaira's first POV in the present. Humaira has a very particular pattern of speech that doesn't always translate well in the present tense. Another thing that I didn't necessarily love was the constant name-dropping of designer bags, shoes, clothes, etc. I get that Humaira is rich, as she's supposed to be, but I got tired of all the designer names really fast lol. Not every single designer item is described in detail, almost as if the author expects you to know what the item looks like just based on the designer name. But I had to google them like the peasant that I am *screams in fuck capitalism*

Another thing to note is that Jane Austen exists in this universe and Humaira briefly mentions how she finds Emma so relatable lol. This is a pet peeve of mine because I'm always left wondering why the characters aren't drawing the very obvious parallels between their lives and the original story. That being said, the author did make some slight changes that I think worked well overall. The "badly done" scene and the resolution were both *chef's kiss* The chaotic proposal was just how I was expecting it to be. I just wish we had an epilogue 😭

Anyway, all this to say that I had soooooo much fun reading this retelling. It may not be absolutely perfect, but the good stuff is SO GOOD that you quickly move past the minor flaws. Of course, as a Muslim, I'm very biased, so take my review for what it's worth lol.

A note for Muslim readers: this is a halal romance! But the tension will make you sweat 🤭
Profile Image for nahid’s pekoe ☪️.
46 reviews5 followers
January 13, 2024
I LOVED THIS SO MUCH! 5/5 stars. Thank you netgalley Uk for the e-ARC.

This perfect rating of a rom com shocks me more than it will shock anyone else because honestly my expectations were middle going into this. Not high but not low.

It just scratched that need for a good halal romance book perfectly.

I won’t lie, the first 2-3 chapters were hard for me to get through because the MC is an unhinged crazy hijabi spoiled nepo baby, emphasis on spoiled nepo baby. As a pakistani (hijabi) who comes from a classic immigrant lower class background, I CANNOT relate to the MC at all. This girl went on and on about designer shit that I couldn’t fathom. But it’s okay because she was also a nepo spoiled baby who was VERYYY endearing & loveable with her big heart even though many times I wanted to throttle or slap across the face & her arc is AMAZING! She has MANY flaws but it honestly made her grow on me very quickly because she gets called out for these flaws and she does listen!!

I especially LOVE LOVE LOVED how the MMC (my new fictional crush) called her out on her bullshit yet also accepted her with her flaws. this dude would not let a single one of her wrong doings slide by unignored & I'm so glad for it be it shows how they both grow TOGETHER as people!

Also the jealously scenes of Fawad had me giggling, kicking my feet, screaming - he was SO HOT I WAS SOOO FOR IT! The angst had me in a chokehold.

The tension was amazing & there were some close call parts that had me like :O but don’t worry! that halal line stayed firm tho no matter what!!! I will read anything aamna qureshi writes next!! Her romance is a new fav of mine now!
Profile Image for Fanna.
1,011 reviews519 followers
June 2, 2024
I love delusional hopeless romantics, especially when it's a spoiled yet adorable girl who is adamant about finding her soulmate. I haven't read the classic Emma yet and this romance makes me want to asap. The Pakistani culture is integrated well and the family dynamics are very desi too. The angst-filled romance is bound to give butterflies with the realistic, often jealous, and pretty confrontational love interest—as well as Humaira's wish for a "grand, sweeping, all-consuming love".
Profile Image for Yesmina Reads Romance.
444 reviews18 followers
August 6, 2024
It's heartwarming seeing Muslim women who are born in US or UK writing their own brand of romance.

I usually don't read much of Islamic love stories: a) because authors tend to explain the rules of social conduct that might differ from a Muslim country to an other ( I mean Islam is spread in every continent) (This book was for Pakistani social norms)

b)They explain the religion and that's tedious because I already know that.

C) I don't really care for representation. Maybe cuz I lived my whole life in a Muslim country and never have been the minority so I don't have a problem with my voice being heard.

That being said, I love Emma by Jane Austin and "If I Loved You Less" is a retelling. But I had problems.

1/FMC is sooooo pretention, spoiled and petulant. It is a cute for a few chapters but then it gets irritating.

2/There is a lack of scenes between MCs. The book is centered more on FMC and honestly if Fawad died or lived the book won't be bothered.

3/Don't get me started on those ridiculous physical sensations. For those who don't know, it is a sin to touch a man that is not your kin( brother/ father) or husband. Yet in modern time we do it. We shake hands, we embrace, we don't care if a man touched your elbow or s.th (with consent of course) And the authors wants to make us believe that Fawad helping FMC getting her wrist out of dough is something super electrical and sexual. Puhleaaaaase!

4/The language gets weird because it's super formal as in close to Austin style (beloved/ Surely you must see/ etc.)

Finally, I just want to say that Muslim women are carnal being too that have sexual desires like any normal human. If we're writing romance and letting our imagination go, why the story is so strict like a TV Drama controlled by the bureau of Decency of the state?
God forbids you write a kiss. Not to even mention a sex encounter.
Profile Image for marilynn.
447 reviews32 followers
August 8, 2024
dnf @ 50%

unfortunately this book did not work for me. at the beginning i was very into it, things were going great and i genuinely like humaira despite all the reasons people may find her annoying but my main grievance with this book is that it seemed to be going nowhereeeee nothing was happening, she was just going to lunches and dinners and brunches the whole time, her and fawad would talk for like 2 mns, argue and then she'd leave ; rinse and repeat the whole time. 0 development in terms of romance.

i was getting bored and when i realized i was starting to skim this is when i knew it was better i dnf before i put myself in a slump. im so disappointed it didn't do it for me, i was really looking forward to it :/
Profile Image for Literary Redhead.
2,374 reviews607 followers
March 4, 2024
This charming multicultural retelling of Austen's Emma finds wealthy Humaira Mirza, a Long Island native, longing to find her own match after successfully finding love matches for her sister and aunt. But she's not expecting her own true love to be long-time family friend Fawad Sheikh. Full of emotion, wit, and sizzle!
1,094 reviews16 followers
May 24, 2024
Oh, I can't even tell you how much I loved this Emma retelling set in modern day desi times! Though Humaira's character was a little annoying at times, I loved how she finally came to her senses with the ending leaving me so happy. The storyline with her father was also really sweet though we never did get to find out if his gripe with Asif was resolved. All round though, I would definitely recommend this book. It was cute, funny and heartwarming.
Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books374 followers
August 20, 2024
A woman who prides herself on her match-making success gets a hitch in her plans when she sets out to make her own match. Little does she know that the family friend right under her nose who drives her crazy might be just what she’s seeking. A Muslim American modern retelling of Emma had me sitting up and taking notice. That cute cover and a new to me author to try were additional incentives to draw me in.

If I Loved You Less introduces Humaira, a wealthy, somewhat spoiled woman living on Long Island, New York and very caught up in the heady power and fun of making matches. Not gonna lie, she danced on my nerve a lot when she was heedless of others and missing the signs she was off base. But, fortunately, she wasn’t all annoying interfering rich girl and there was Fawad, who wasn’t dazzled by her greatness and saw her better than she saw herself. He called her on all her mess ups when no one else would even while he was jealous of the man who did have her smiles and attention. He also had the long-sightedness to love her, flaws and all, and was there for her growing through her mistakes. There is much humor as the pair sass and snarl and the fun of fumbling and bumbling of love and relationships among an engaging circle of characters.

Humaira and Fawad come from an Asian Muslim community and so they and most of the surrounding characters were good representation. I am speaking from ignorance, but the backdrop, character actions and dialogue all felt authentic and respectfully written. I enjoyed reading a Jane Austen story in a culturally diverse American setting. The author captured the humor and the beauty of a slow burn friends (though not always friendly) to lovers sweet romance.

Those who enjoy light Romantic Comedy with a social butterfly sassy-mouthed heroine looking for her HEA in the wrong place and a serious and quiet attractive hero waiting for her to figure this out definitely want to pick this up.

I rec'd an eARC via NetGalley to read in exchange for an honest reviews.

My full review will post at Books of My Heart 6.23.24
Profile Image for Norah.
246 reviews13 followers
May 10, 2024
I wasnt sure what to rate this one. So I'm going to rate it 4.25⭐️

If I Loved You less is about a slightly spoiled girl who has her flaws but is also a hopeless romantic. But she is also kind and helpful. She reads, she is smart and knows what she wants. Throughout this book my feelings for Humaira changed. Sometimes I loved her and resonated with her, and sometimes I didn't really like some of her traits (which is the point of this book but I didn't always enjoy that.) It in the last chapter that I truly liked her.

Actually the last chapter made me love this book immediately. It started out really well. It was fast paced and I liked it a lot. The writing wasn't always my favourite part but I devoured it. Somewhere in the middle and towards the end it became slower for me and boring. It felt like a lot of filler for the end. I didn't hate it or anything but I just wanted to finish this book. I do have to say that lately if been in this weird slump where I can't read a book for to long or I become bored. The last two or three books have all been three stars because I became bored so I think that might have happened with this one too.
But anyway... When I got to the last few chapters I really enjoyed it again and it became very wholesome. Especially the last chapter just made me rate this book 4.25 instead of 3-3.5.

While this is a romance book it is more about Humaira and her experience with friendship and boys and being a hopeless romantic. Only in the last chapter does she get with Fawad. I think that is important to know because I don't want people to not appreciate this book just because they went in blind.

Overall I would really recommend this to anyone who loves a cute romance with a cute main character.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Sakina .
431 reviews141 followers
May 26, 2024

I really thought I would like this. I loved the little of Humaira we saw in When a Brown Girl Flees, and when this book was announced I got so excited to see more of the side characters.

I've never read Emma, but I did watch the movie that came out a few years ago. I knew Emma as a character would be annoying, but I wanted to give a halal Muslim romance a chance–there's so few of these books as it is, and I really wanted to read another one that would make me feel as happy as Love From A to Z did.

I think my main issue with this book was the writing style. The dialogue didn't always fit the time and setting. The characters spoke like they were literally in Emma which didn't make much sense to me, and took me out of the story so many times when they used words I would never hear in conversation.

I also don't know how likeable the characters were, which makes sense because Emma-retelling, but I don't know if Humaira grew on me as a character. Rizwan was awful, mainly because he pouts waay too much. And Farad was okay, but I did eventually get annoyed with him too.

I read this book faster than I normally would have, despite wanting to dnf like 25% of the way in, only because Gretal told me it gets better, and I can't say if it really did. The moments between Humaira and Fawad started to annoy me because there was so much sexual tension, yet Humaira was entirely clueless or in denial for most of it. I always say I'm not a romantic, yet I do enjoy romantic subplots in some of the books I've read over the years. But for some reason, this didn't work for me. It was a bit too much: the constant staring into each other's eyes, standing so close to each other while arguing, Fawad constantly noticing her lips. It was still mostly a "halal" romance, but it didn't work for me the way I wanted it to.

That being said, I do think most people would enjoy this book. I've never seen Bridgerton, but this book is what I would imagine modern day Bridgerton to be like featuring Muslim characters.

3/5 stars

Profile Image for Gretal.
822 reviews77 followers
May 3, 2024
I have never read Jane Austen's Emma, but I have consumed a few adaptations and retellings, and the thing I come back to, and which I could not stop thinking as I came to the conclusion of this novel, is just how much this shouldn't work and yet how much it does. Humaira, as the Emma of this story, is kind of awful, especially at the beginning of the book, it's really hard to relate to her, and yet. I actually had tears in my eyes during the last chapter, and even though when taken out of context the romance could be described as cringe, in this context, it just works so well, and I was rooting for Humaira and Fawad's relationship the whole book. This is a beautiful love story and Emma retelling.
Profile Image for adriana.
134 reviews99 followers
May 11, 2024
Thank you to Net Galley, Harper Collins UK and One More Chapter for providing me the arc of If I Loved You Less.

I was really curious to read this book when I saw that it was a modern retelling of the Jane's Austen Emma.
I already expected the main character to have an extravagant and excentric personality just like Emma, but I still felt at times that Humaira personality and the way she behaved towards the people that she loved was too much and maybe that's why I had some trouble with the book being written in the first person.

Fawad perspective could've been something very interesting to add to the story. It would establish a balance between personalities and the storytelling would be more easygoing.

I still liked the romance and the slowburn.
Profile Image for Shannon.
6,060 reviews344 followers
August 11, 2024
3.5 rounded up

A really sweet Muslim Emma retelling that was good on audio and perfect for fans of books like Kamila knows best by Farah Heron or Ayesha at last by Uzma Jalaluddin. Moving, heartfelt with the perfect amount of swoon. I'm excited to read more by new to me author, Aamna Qureshi.

Steam level: kissing only
Profile Image for sri .
64 reviews
March 10, 2024
4.5/5 stars

i love love love humaira and fawad's dynamic so much. this is an emma retelling ALRIGHT. one thing about aamna qureshi is that she will give her all into the love confessions and i love her so much for it😭 it did take me sometime to properly get invested in it but once i did it was AMAZING. aamna qureshi truly never fails me🙏🏻
Profile Image for Ramishah.
198 reviews21 followers
December 18, 2023
I finished this ARC last night and loved it! It’s a Jane Austen Emma retelling but with Pakistani characters falling in love and I absolutely adored it!!

I loved being in Humairas head she was quite delulu at times and definitely not perfect but you get to see her try to find her love and it was such a fun time!

Fawad being the grumpy (at times) boy next door and his interactions with Humaira were my absolute favorite because the slow burn was so worth the wait! Whenever he got jealous I was kicking my feet up giggling :)

The dad was also another favorite character of mine he was so silly and dramatic in every way a desi parent is and reminds me of my family, he was so cute!!

Aamna always writes such endearing and heartwarming references about Pakistani culture and it makes my little brown girl heart SO happy!!

If you’re a fan of Jane Austen or just want to read a book written about messy (at times hehe) brown love, family & friendship then definitely check this one out!!

Thank you Aamna for providing an ARC!
Profile Image for Cáit.
43 reviews36 followers
June 11, 2024
★★★★★ - 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰

If I Loved You Less by Aamna Qureshi
༘Spoiler free ༘
Rom-Com, Classical Retelling, Genre
➳ Emma retelling
➳ hopeless romantic x cynic
➳ Muslim, Hijabi & Pakistani American Characters
➳ halal romance (no kissing)
➳ matchmaking gone *very* wrong
➳ stress-baking
➳ close knit family dynamics
➳ enough longing, yearning and angst to fill an ocean

✨ “I refuse to be hopeless. I will find true love. I will! If others can have it, so will I. I am nothing if not determined.“ ✨


Song -  Kiss Me by Dermott Kennedy

If I Loved You Less by Aamna Qureshi is a delightful romantic comedy retelling of Jane Austen’s *Emma*. After successfully pairing her aunt and sister, Humaira decides it's time to focus on her own romantic life, setting her sights on the handsome Rizwan Ali. However, her efforts are complicated by the disapproval of family friend Fawad Sheikh, with whom she has a long-standing, teasing relationship. As her matchmaking schemes lead to unexpected outcomes, Humaira begins to wonder if she cares more about Fawad’s opinion than she realized. With a mix of sizzling tension, laugh-out-loud moments, and deep character connections, this novel is a heartwarming escape.

🧕 our hijabi Emma

🧕 meddlesome matchmaker

🧕 romance book lover

🧕 enjoys the luxuries in life, and is hilariously over the top about things

🧕 will stress-bake 10x the amount of the food necessary for any event

Humaira’s Vibes




👔 tall dark and handsome book lover

👔 cooks a delicious grilled cheese

👔 thinks suits count as casual daily wear

👔 king of longing and glances

👔 probably off brooding in his garden

Fawad’s Vibes



3) Fawad trying to get Rizwan out of the picture.

This book was absolutely everything I’ve been looking for. I know it sounds cliche to say a book leaves you kicking your feet and giggling, but i absolutely experienced that with If I Loved You Less. Not only does Aamna Qureshi write the perfect balance of romance and comedy, but she also gave us heartfelt and deep moments that left me with tears in my eyes. Qureshi excelled at writing a beautifully spirited and sometimes exasperating character, who felt so incredibly real and genuine. Those moments of introspection made it impossible not to love Humaira and to wish you had the opportunity to hug her and tell her she is *seen* and loved. To top everything off, this story deserves a gold star for every delicious dish mentioned, and in truth had me ordering Ras Malai to be delivered halfway thru. Another gold star goes to Humaira for her exquisite fashion taste, and ability to find the best designers from head to (her lora piana covered) toes.

Now… when reading the books description…

Did Aamna Qureshi delivered on what we were promised?? Let’s see…

1️⃣Emma Rom-Com Retelling?
100% yes yes yes Aamna Qureshi gives us the Emma retelling we all desperately needed. If you’re finding you want to bang your head against the wall a bit at Humaira’s antics… just know that she is Emma-ing quite possibly better that Emma herself. There were so many times i was left gasping at the sheer ridiculousness of Humaira’s misadventures. I honestly could not stop laughing with this book. Qureshi absolutely nailed the Emma Rom-Com retelling.

2️⃣Sizzling Tension?
If there is one thing Aamna Qureshi deserves a gold medal for, it is the epic proportions of yearning and longing she gave us in this book. I was kicking my feet and giggling at so many scenes and absolutely swooning at the amount of love and affection the characters had for each other. Sometimes i’m weary with friends to lovers, but Qureshi has converted me fully. The tension in this book will leave you with your mouth jaw dropped to the floor. (I’m looking at you sleeve-scene, caterpillar, and grilled cheesegate 😏)

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Thank you to the Aamna Qureshi, Harper Collins UK, One More Chapter and NetGalley for the opportunity to provide my honest opinion on the ARC of this book.
Profile Image for Azrah.
295 reviews1 follower
July 26, 2024
**I was provided with an ARC through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

CW: death of parent (off page), cancer, grief, car accident (off page), injury, pregnancy

I’ve never read Emma so can’t really draw any comparisons to the classic but from the parts of P&P that I have read I think I can say that this book truly gives modern day Austen vibes and pairing this with all the desi/Pakistani culture and melodrama was a genius idea because it works so well!

Our protagonist Humaira Mirza is a pampered princess so be ready for her to get on your nerves a bit. She is a big believer in true love and as she searches for “the One”, past successes in matchmaking her sister and Phuppo (aunt) means she can’t help but meddle with other people’s love lives. Only this time round it lands her in all sorts of trouble.

She has a bit of an ego, the tendency to name drop all the designer brands for the things in her life as well as not see what is right in front of her but she someone who has her heart in the right place. Seeing her interactions with her family (especially her father) and her friends make her a character that you eventually warm to after the initial irritation and who by the end you really want to root for.

Now this romcom does not come without its cliches and somewhat obvious plotlines but I had so much fun with it. It definitely gives off peak desi tv serial vibes both with the characterisations of everyone as well as all the drama. There are times when certain details are repeated one too many times within the narrative but for the most part the story flows really well and draws you in. Plus the halal romance has the right balance of tenderness and angst but be ready to facepalm at all the antics too.

Additionally, at the end of the book there are recipes (there is SO MUCH food and baked goods in this and I will most definitely be giving that soup one a try!), the character’s reading lists and a song playlist which were a really nice touch.
Final Rating – 4.25/5 Stars
Profile Image for Dianne.
1,721 reviews138 followers
April 25, 2024
4.5 Stars

This book is currently only available (or will be as of June 17, 2024) in the UK and Canada. I don't know if/when the publishers will release it in America.

A Pakistani retelling of the classic book Emma by Jane Austen.

After spending a little time with this book, I found myself dying to rewatch Emma with Gwyneth Paltrow and Jeremy Northam! This book was a very close copy of that movie but with Pakistani players and a bit more modern background.

It was a bit difficult for me to actually like Humaira Mirza (Emma), for she was, as she admitted, a spoiled rich girl who had everything she ever needed. But once the story got rolling, Humaira kind of grew on me. However, it's not enough to give this a full 5-star review. Fawad Sheikh as George Knightley (Emma) was perfect in the author's retelling.

This book was amusing, clever, and emotionally satisfying. It was a fast read and would be perfect for your summer vacation.

*ARC was supplied by the publisher HarperCollins UK/One More Chapter, the author, and NetGalley.
Profile Image for Amani.
438 reviews38 followers
January 7, 2024

Minor spoilers for When a Brown Girl Flees.

Thank you to Aamna and NetGalley. I read a very early draft of this book and recently reread it when NetGalley gave me access to it again. I absolutely love Fawad and Humaira. The family dynamics in this is everything!! Aamna is one of my favorite authors and I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing her on my podcast, Raise Your Words. I love how she writes Muslim characters who have these epic love stories and are authentically Muslim. This is an Emma retelling. I could go on and on about how much I adore Fawad and Humaira. I especially loved getting to see her perspective ever since I saw her in When a Brown Girl Flees.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for norah.
489 reviews27 followers
May 7, 2024
thanks to NetGalley for the eARC

⭐️=4.25 | 😘=2.5 | 🤬=3.5 | 14/15+

summary: Emma retelling set in a Pakistani Muslim community!! the classic next door neighbor friends to lovers matchmaking shenanigans.

thoughts: this was so cute 🥹 I loved the interpretations of Austen’s characters—different from Emma, but absolutely staying true to the heart of it. it was also great at simplifying Emma’s utterly chaotic plot down to its most essential elements. there were some slightly cringy moments, but in away that’s basically inherent to almost every romcom. overall, though, this was great!! really cute, and a lot of fun.
Profile Image for Cassandra.
762 reviews13 followers
June 21, 2024
I was very excited for this book. I love Emma cause of clueless. And I have never read Emma but watched a BBC series and the film that came out a few years ago so I understand the major plot points. This book had a real tone issue for me. I was pretty confused some of the words used were things nobody would say in America like keen. The main character is aged up in this story and it just did her no favors, she felt so immature for someone 23 years old. I did like the reference to clueless, cause duhhhhhh. I'm left just unsure how I feel overall. Thank you NetGalley for the free Arc in exchange for my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Oana.
342 reviews21 followers
June 7, 2024
I absolutely loved the Emma retelling and this is what drowned me to this book when i first heard about it but i don’t remember emma being this annoying.
The main characters were so childish that i enjoyed reading more about the secondary characters 😭😭
But the characters weren’t my biggest problem in the book, it was just the writing. You can see when a writing is not for you but i wanted to finish the book to see jf i change my mind in the process but noop.

Thank you Netgalley and one more chapter for the arc 🫶🏻
Displaying 1 - 30 of 138 reviews

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