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Save My Soul #2

Hell's Gift

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Depression consumes the guardian angel, Rhyan, after his human charge chooses her soulmate over him. Filled with anger and despair, he lashes out. And when his hate-filled words land him neck-deep in Hell, he realizes he's gone too far. He expects trouble, but not to discover his own soulmate in the fiery depths. Abigail is there with good reason, but she's done her time, and in order to save them both, Rhyan must strike a deal with the Devil. The stakes are higher than ever before, with his soul, his friends and even the fate of Heaven and Earth in jeopardy. If he fails, Rhyan stands to lose more than he ever feared. Will true love be denied? It will take everything he's got to break down the traps Lucifer puts in his way. New lines are drawn and old scores are settled, and Rhyan is in for the fight of his life. With Abigail as the prize, and humanity in the balance, he will stop at nothing to claim...Hell's Gift.

360 pages, Kindle Edition

Published February 15, 2013

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K.S. Haigwood

14 books559 followers

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July 4, 2024
An adventure in Hell!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙❤️💚🖤
Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📘
World building: 🌏🌍🌏🌎
Character development: 😊😄😘
Narration: 🎙🎙🎙🎙
Narration Type: Solo Narration

The Hero: Rhyan - he was a guardian angel who fell in love with his charge. Though she loved someone else and when she chose the man she loved, Rhyan was seriously depressed. He was so down that he started talking loudly about how unhappy he was, and he had a few choice words about heaven not being the greatest place to be. That was when he ended up in Hell.

The heroine: Abigail - in hell, there are seven sides, that take after the seven deadly sins, each section has a prince or princess of hell that lords over their turf and the souls within. Abigail is a princess of Hell, and her side is gluttony. The souls that were gluttons in life now live in a squalor where it constantly rains acid. They are full of sores that never get better. She was good at her job, she was great at torturing the souls she lorded over, and she was even sleeping with the boss, Lucifer himself. Until one day there was a new soul in her section. One look at him and she couldn’t get him out of her mind.

The Story: The world building in this story is terrific. There are so many different souls in Hell. There are minions, demons, fallen angels, different kinds of beasts and monsters and of course there is Lucifer at the top. So much happens in this book, and there is stuff that happens other places as well, like back in Heaven where Rhyan has some friends, Jocelyn and Malcom. Rhyan goes on a whole journey to get back to Heaven and it certainly isn’t assured that he and Abigail will make it. Meanwhile, when he sleeps, he is able to be in contact with his friends in heaven who can help him by healing his wounds and giving him bits of power that help him survive.

I liked the concept of this book and the story, though I am never happy when the heroine is too mean or slutty and Abigail has both of those qualities in spades. Not only is torturing souls something she does, but she enjoys it way too much. She is also into S&M and kind of a dominatrix in parts. She does get more likable as the story progresses, but I was just not a fan of her as a heroine. I guess I like my Heroes to be strong alpha males and the females to be the weaker sex in romance books, since we all know that isn’t really how it is in real life, or at least it hasn’t been in mine. Maybe because it never happened for me, I like the thought of a strong man who takes care of and cherishes his woman.

This audiobook was told in multiple points of view via solo narration and was narrated by Troy Duran. He is one of my favorite male narrators. He has a deep sexy voice and is great at using different voices for different characters and showing emotion through his voice.

Profile Image for Ella Medler.
Author 56 books114 followers
April 13, 2013
Hell’s Gift is the second novel in the Save My Soul series, yet a standalone story, just like the first. A completely original idea for a fantasy romance, this book is a huge accomplishment on so many levels.

For a start, there’s a lot of story within those pages, and not one word of that is useless waffle. The action starts on page one and finishes with the last sentence. What made it more interesting for me was the frequent change of environment. Most of the action takes place in Hell, but it’s not the sort of Hell you would have imagined. I won’t tell you how it’s different, just trust that it is. Sometimes it’s better, often it’s worse, and the pain is not necessarily physical.

Rhyan’s trials are imaginative, and the secondary plots developed enough to allow us a glimpse into the psyche of many of the demons and fallen angels that populate the upper classes of this incredibly rich world. There are minions and beasts, love and hate, fear and debauchery – you’ve really got to read it and see for yourself.

Characterisation is one of K.S. Haigwood’s strongest points. Rhyan, a depressed guardian angel, is very well developed, his voice clear and easily identifiable throughout the story. You can understand his predicament – who doesn’t know the feeling of unrequited love? – and you can almost foresee his reactions. But. There’s always a but, with this author, because K.S. Haigwood can deliver enough twists and turns to turn a tornado on its head. Just as you think you’ve figured where the story is going next, she’s duped you again. Rhyan grows through his experiences and, in the background, you can see a few cracks beginning to appear in the personalities of secondary characters, too. Each one gets what they deserve, even if it’s just another chance to prove themselves.

I loved the story and the idea behind it. Love conquers all is the message in many books, but you rarely see it as challenged and as humorised as here. Take this short dialogue, for example:

“Which direction should I go?” I said to both Pogo and Malcolm.
“North,” Pogo replied.
“South,” Malcolm said.
“West it is, then,” I said, and stepped out into the acid blizzard.

The whole novel is littered with good chuckle moments, and even in the darkest hour, the thinnest hint of a silver lining is still visible among the clouds.

I wholeheartedly recommend reading this book. Shock therapy for body and soul, delivered at a hundred miles an hour with the humor and charisma of a trendsetter, Hell’s Gift is certain to be hailed the new wonder-drug to cure all ills. No one is perfect, and this books shows you why you don’t have to be. Get ready to laugh, cry and most of all feel your way through this addictive story. Kristie Haigwood is a skilled sorceress of the fantasy world. Five very well-deserved stars for this effort.
Profile Image for Christoph Fischer.
Author 45 books472 followers
February 10, 2013
"Hell's Gift" by K.S. Haigwood was given to me by the author for an honest review and I must say it was quite a pleasant surprise to me. From the cover design I expected it to be a much simpler, straight forward paranormal action novel centred around a good looking hero. As it turns out we are dealing with a deeper and more sophisticated story than that.
The places are heaven, hell and earth, but heaven and hell not always the same for everyone. The author plays with the biblical figures of angels and demons to make them real characters but she also seems to have a background in theology and philosophy, her descriptions of hell and human interaction reminded in some scenes of the works of Sartre, and her use of Christian teachings about heaven and hell are solid - as far as I can tell. Rhyan, an guardian angel, descends from Heaven to Hell to come to the aid of Kendra, the heroine of the previous instalment of the Save My Soul Series.
This is a great "What if" study of Heaven and Hell for me, for others it might even be a religious manifesto - it is difficult to interpret when treading on territory that churches and organised religion lay claim to.
It does however not matter, at no point are any "beliefs" of the author forced on the reader and there is enough romance and sex in the book to strike a balance. Haigwood is clearly a highly intelligent and talented writer who offers more than just mindless entertainment. Her characters are well developed and their struggles convincingly portrayed.
There were moments when the biblical setting made me self conscious during the reading, especially when there is sex involved, which I put down to my individual preference. I did enjoy the book however enough to rate it four stars and congratulate the author to her great achievement.
Profile Image for Susan Griscom.
Author 63 books720 followers
November 22, 2013
Hell didn’t have to make sense, and I had already been through enough of it to know that it didn’t. – Rhyan, Guardian Angel Extraordinaire. :)

Ms. Haigwood and I must have gone to the same Sunday school because her descriptions of hell are exactly the way I pictured them. And just as scary.

I’d read Save My Soul and loved it, so I was excited to read this second book in the series, and wasn’t surprised that I loved it, but what did surprise me, was that it was even better than the first one. I found myself laughing at some of the Ms. Haigwood’s wit and cringing at some of the intense moments in the story as the Guardian Angel, Rhyan, makes his painstaking journey through the seven sydes (what KS.H, calls them) of hell.

Rhyan, is cast out of heaven and sent to hell, but at first, he has no idea why. He soon finds out his soulmate, Abigail is in hell and he must free her soul, but in order to do that, he’s forced into making a deal with Lucifer himself.

There are so many great things about this book, but what struck me most, was Kristie’s ability to write another unique story just as good, if not better than the first one, Save My Soul. This is the third book of Kristie’s I’ve read, and I want to say that her writing just keeps getting better and better with each one.

I must admit though, I was crushing on one of the side characters in Hell’s Gift, more than Rhyan, and that would be Thoros, the Prince of Lust. I am looking forward to reading the next book in this awesome series and I am hoping Thoros has a huge part in it. There was a part that had me questioning what had happened, but I won't say what it is since I wouldn't want to spoil anything. And sometimes you just need to realize that it is always the writer's story, not the way the reader thinks it should be. Great job, Kristie.
Profile Image for Debbie Christiana.
Author 9 books111 followers
March 21, 2013
First let me say that I, unlike most of the other reviewers, did not read the first book of the series, Save My Soul (but I'm planning on it now).

This was a great read. I felt like I knew exactly what was going on from the beginning. Kudos to Kristie Haigwood for writing a sequel that is also a stand alone book with just the right amount of info for those of us who did not read the first.

Rhyan is the hero sent to Hell, unbeknownst to him, to reunite and retrieve his soul mate from Lucifer. In order to save his soul mate he must get through the Seven Sydes of Hell, each represented by one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Rhyan is clever, strong and determined to beat the devil at his own game.

He has some help from a few angels and a few demons; they haven't lost all their humanity, but it's love that keeps him pushing on. On our journey with Rhyan we encounter dangerous minions, tricks and a few surprises which make this an intriguing, humorous in the just the right place, action packed love story.

I can't wait for the next installment!
Profile Image for Dalene.
482 reviews12 followers
January 18, 2014
First, I would like to say I haven't read the first book in the series yet. That being said the author is great at making her book a stand alone. I also want to thank the author K.S. Haigwood for the opportunity to read this book for an honest review. I really enjoy the story line, the characters are all great, I am sure their will be books in the future for many secondary characters which I am looking forward to. Rhyan is an angel sent into hell to retrieve his soulmate, unbeknownst to him. He goes through alot while there, as do many of his friends and future friends. Great job K.S. Haigwood.
Profile Image for Fallon Christy van Kuil.
Author 1 book8 followers
April 3, 2013
The first description that comes to mind after finishing the book is a supernatural Laguna Beach. The way Kristie Haigwood describes the angels makes you think that they walked out of a Vogue photoshoot. Even the demons in hell have beautiful bodies and are very sexually attractive, irresistible even. But hey, what else to expect from the prince of Lust? Hell’s Gift is the second novel in the Save my Soul series, though the novel is perfectly readable as a stand alone. All that is required to know from the first novel, Save my Soul, is repeated and explained. When I started to read the novel, I had my doubts about it. Rhyan was really a whiny character that wouldn’t snap out of his lovesickness. Also, the whole changing point of view between various characters kind of threw me of. Luckily after Rhyan gets to hell, the book becomes much better. The characters are not only handsome but most of them also have a beautiful soul, as far as they have one. Souls get lost or taken occasionally. They help each other out, even if it is not the thing that they are supposed to do. I saw the story as a metaphor of life. Nothing is black and white. Being in hell doesn’t mean that you are all evil, and being in heaven doesn’t mean that you´ll never do anything wrong. Plus, love always wins in the end, though not always in the way you want it to win. I think the novel is extremely well written, and when I got used to the changing POV’s I actually enjoyed it, and this story couldn’t be told if we only saw it through Rhyan’s POV. Every character has it’s own growth throughout the story and I really got attached to everyone of them, but Tooka was the one who stole my heart from the first second she was introduced. I really have a soft spot for unusual looking, but really sweet sidekick kind of creatures. I was really dissapointed when I got to the end of the novel and realized I almost finsihed it. I can’t wait for the third novel in the series, which will be about Josselyn. I think it is a really original idea to use a different character in the series as the protagonist in every other novel. You get to know every character more and become even more involved in their lives. Last but not least, the creative construction of heaven and hell, and their inhabitants and rulers, is just so well found and conducted. Really cool! Just keep an eye out for Kristie Haigwood and her Save my Soul series because this stuff is very good!!
Profile Image for TJ.
318 reviews31 followers
April 27, 2014
Hell's Gift was so not what I expected it to be! It picks up after Save My Soul. Though it can be read as a stand alone, I feel reading the first book provides a certain depth and connection with the other characters.

As you can guess from the title, this books events take place in hell's realm. Rhyan has been cast out from heaven so that he can meet his soulmate and hopefully get out of his depression. Will he be able to save more than just his soul? I'm not gonna tell you, but you will be in for a hell of a surprise!

In the start I'll admit the story gets a little confusing with the jump in POVs (sort of reminded me of Dan Brown's novels where he keeps jumping to different POVs) but believe me once you get into the book it all comes together in a nice adventurous package!
To be honest, Rhyan's character was not one of my favorites in the first book but this one just might have convinced me that he's okay ;) I loved, loved, loved the story. It's got humor, action, adventure, and sarcasm. What more could I want? I also found the description of all the different sydes of Hell to be very intriguing. That's one thing you can expect from this author's books, all of them have a very different take on the world she portrays in her books.
As always I loved the writing style, but it was really difficult for me to read a certain character's lines (I hate it when I can't get the pronunciations right, pet peeve!)

Amazing, amazing, amazing - that's all I can say! Another brilliant book by K.S. Haigwood!
Profile Image for Theresea Wasson.
92 reviews5 followers
June 12, 2013
I was given this book free in exchange for an honest review. I had a hard time in a few places, having not read the first book, but over all this was a good almost stand alone read. Rhyan, a guardian angel, after a severe bout of depression after losing his love to a human mortal (her soul mate) wakes up in Hell. He discovers that the only way he can escape, is if he manages to go through all 7 sydes (equivalent to the 7 deadly sins) and rescue his own soul mate who happens to be his wife from 3,000 years ago. She had committed suicide and in the process killed their unborn child. He must do all of this, or give up, which will leave his wife, and his untainted soul in Lucifer's grasp, and allow Lucifer access to a physical way to get to Earth.

I found it rather fun to watch this guardian angel have all too human foibles as he battles the sins, his own conscience and his heart (all while having an arch angel in his head to help him along). Along the way, he actually manages to make a couple of friends who help him in his quest. The ending was intense, and you find yourself cheering in the end as Lucifer gets his comeuppance. I am looking forward to going back to the original book and reading the entire series.
Profile Image for Marta Cox.
2,756 reviews212 followers
July 27, 2013
I was lucky enough to receive a copy of this book as a gift as I had enjoyed the first in this series so much (Save My Soul). This story s set about a year later but features the guardian angel Rhyan and his journey through hell ( literally) where he must both find and save his own true soul mate. Not an easy task given that she is in hell!
This is a very intense story with characters that I found myself routing for and a variety of tasks for Rhyan to perform in order to be returned to heaven. The writing and descriptions of his trials was superb and I could easily picture in my mind the various environments he found himself in. This hell is more than just fire and brimstone!
Loved Rhyans tenacity and ms. Haigwoods descriptions of Lucifer and his fellow damned souls truly captured my imagination. So much happens in this story that its hard not to reveal any spoilers but I really hope some of the other characters we met get their own books and in particular I would adore the prince of lust to get his own book.
Although a sequel I felt that this could easily be read as a stand alone novel and I actually found it more thrilling than the first but I suppose that's because the authors vision for her characters has grown. A fantastic journey and thoroughly recommended by me.
Profile Image for Joyce Wetherbee.
112 reviews4 followers
September 14, 2013
Wow. I just couldn't put this book down. Rhyan was my favorite character from Save My Soul, the first book in this series so I was glad to see him get a book of his own. Miserable since his charge chose to spend her life with her soulmate instead of him, Rhyan is striking out at everyone. But angels are people too, and the archangels have finally had enough and take a drastic step to bring him to his senses.

Feeling sorry for himself and not in a mood to accept any sympathy or understanding from his friends and fellow guardian angels, Rhyan finds himself cast into Hell after making a few hate filled statements. Stripped of his angelic powers, he must complete a task in order to save not just his own soul, but someone very special. His soulmate and wife.

Making an ill-advised deal with Lucifer himself, Rhyan sets off to find his way out of Hell. Of course, since we're talking about Haigwood's universe here, nothing is as straightforward as you think. An old foe returns and help comes from unlikely quarters. Desperation definitely makes for strange bedfellows.

If you liked Save My Soul, then you will definitely enjoy Hell's Gift. Have a seat and buckle up, because you're about to go on a wild ride. Oh please, let book three not be too far into the future.
Profile Image for Darlene.
367 reviews26 followers
September 12, 2013
OMG!!!! You have Done It again!!! This is the second book in the Save my Soul series and this Book is truly amazing!!!
This book takes off right where the first book left off, except we are now you got in Hell!! Rhyan is so depressed about the fact that the one that he is watching over is the soulmate of another. That the Guardians of Heaven have sent him to Hell. He has the opportunity to come back if he completes his mission. He must come back with his soulmate.
This book is about Good vs Evil. What would you do for your true love? What do you think he did for his?? Would you make a bargan for your soul with the devil??
K.S. has a way of telling this story making it to where you are right there with the angels and demons. One moment you are in heaven and the other your in the hot steamy hell. Her characters come alive! You can picture them.
This is a must read for all. I give Hell's Gift a 15 star rating an wish that it actually had that high of a rating scale.
Please pick up a copy of this book!!!
Profile Image for Kelly Erickson.
Author 5 books16 followers
April 12, 2013
After the first book in this series, Save My Soul, I could hardly wait for this one to come out. I was definitely NOT disappointed. While Guardian Angel Rhyan is in Hell, battling for not only his soul but his soulmate’s, Heaven is being invaded. And Rhyan’s human charge is on Earth, protected by Rhyan’s friends against a demon hell-bent on revenge. The action is non-stop, and at times a bit graphic. As much as I love this book, I suggest it not be read by anyone under 18. Although there are a lot of characters, this is so well written there is no confusion. Every character is well thought out with their own actions and reactions that fit their personalities perfectly. I very highly recommend this book.
Profile Image for Angela(demonsangel) Fitzgerald.
501 reviews32 followers
February 11, 2015
Review posted on Audible!
I re-listened to this story.

I really enjoyed this story. I loved listening to Rhyan's POV. I really recommend that you don't skip the first book. Make sure you read/listen to the books in order. I loved the way this story is written. I really must say it reminds me of JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series. I know they have a different storyline but it's something about the two stories that very much remind me of Ward's wonderful creation. I think that is saying a lot and I hope that doesn't bother the author. I think it should flatter her. She could take this series and go anywhere she wants to take it. My review to follow soon.
Profile Image for Kristi O'connor.
16 reviews1 follower
April 27, 2014
I am thrilled that Riyan got his own happy ending! The author did a great job in detailing the sections of hell and everything the characters were going to have to go through for love. The one down side to the book is the rape scene with Satan, I found it very uncomfortable and unnecessary to take it that far. Other than that I loved everything about it and can't wait for Thoros in book 3 - should be a steamy story!
Profile Image for Jean.
912 reviews37 followers
February 18, 2017

An Interesting Deal with the Devil...

Rhyan thought that he found the "one" but was reject, he strikes out and he

ends up in a place that is worse than a nightmare.

He finds something or rather "someone" where he least expects.

The story line has a bit of action , suspense, and a side of romance, with well

written characters.

I am interested in the other book in this series.

Troy Duran did well with the narration.

"This audio book was provided by the author, narrator, or publisher at no cost in

exchange for an unbiased review."

Profile Image for Alexis.
830 reviews63 followers
May 31, 2019
omg this audio book is so good this series is so good. i love it so much .it kept me pulled me in i couldn't stop listening to it. i highly recommended this series in audio because dam i love it so much. five star audio book
Profile Image for Lavinia Urban.
Author 31 books127 followers
July 5, 2013

Wow, wow, wow! What an amazing sequel the Save My Soul! At the end of the first book Kendra had married her soul mate Adam and she was pregnant with their first child. So you are left thinking 'Great what a beautiful and perfect ending', well it was, kind of. It was such a happy ending for Rhyan, Kendra's guardian angel, who ended sinking into a depression. He truly loves Kendra and he cannot bring himself to be happy for her. He goes as far as cursing the family. Which results in Rhyan being sent to hell. His friends Malcolm and Josselyn try and help him by telling him that the only way he can get back is by finding his own soulmate and that way he wont be so damning of Kendra and Adam. So it is looking pretty easy.......All Rhyan has to do is find his soulmate and get out of hell and back to heaven.......Oh if only things were that simple. Rhyan's soulmate is Abbi and she is the Princess of gluttony. She was sent to hell when she killed herself and their unborn baby 300 years ago. She loves her role in hell and loves to dish out punishment to her minions. She is intrigued when Rhyan arrives on her syde of hell. They both have no idea who the other person is after their memories of each other were wiped all those years ago. Abbi sees Rhyan as some jumped up minion who is defying her. She plans to teach him a lesson and kills him. The problem is she cant stop thinking/dreaming about him. Lucifer catches her and punishes her in a severe way. Abbi is black and blue, inside and out, by the time she makes it back to her chambers where Rhyan is, and now back alive. It only takes moments for all the memories to flooding back to both of them. They remember each other. They want to be together, but Abbi needs to forgive herself for killing herself and their unborn baby. She doesnt think she can. She feels she deserves to be in hell. Lucifer appears and all hell breaks loose, so to speak. But Rhyan says he will take on any challenge Lucifer sets in order to win Abbi's soul back. Lucifer accepts and says if Rhyan can get through each syde of hell then he can get Abbi's soul back, if he does not then Rhyan will continue doing it for a life time and Lucifer will also gain Rhyan's pure soul. Whilst all this is going on Murry, Adam's guardian demon, is still set on retrieving Adams soul. Rhyan can't protect Kendra so Josselyn goes in his place. Murry has just been give the title of Prince of Wrath so is too busy and doesnt want to let Lucifer down by going to check on Adam and Kendra. So in steps Thoros, the Prince of Lust. He offers to go and check out Adam and Kendra and see who is watching over them whilst Rhyan is in hell. This is when he meets Josselyn. Thoros can have any woman he wants. He loves the attention and the power he has over women. But when he meets Josselyn there is something about her. He doesnt want anyone else. Josselyn on the other hand loves Rhyan. She wishes he would look at her the way he looks at Kendra, but he only sees her as a friend. Then she meets Thoros and she is instantly attracted to him. However she thinks it is because of his powers and these feelings are not real. Rhyan is doing well and is getting through the sydes. Though they are not an easy task. He even meets people along the way who become his friends. I wont give the ending away but at one point I was like noooooooooooo and tears were welling up. This book is definitely a must read. It is truly amazing and I want to read the story of Isaiah and Lameria, and of course Josselyn and Thoros. This is definitely a 5 star for me :) Kristie is definitely a brilliant writer.
Profile Image for Tbird London.
558 reviews4 followers
May 25, 2013
Would you be willing to make a deal with the devil, in order to save your soul mate? Well that is exactly what Rhyan had to decide. Would he be willing to go through the seven stages of Hell to save the soul of Abbi, his wife from centuries ago, along with his own soul. When Rhyan died he died with a pure heart and was taken into heaven, but Abbi couldn’t survive without him and did the unforgivable. She landed in Hell and became a princess for Lucifer himself.

Rhyan had been kicked out of Heaven because he was depressed about losing his charge Kendra here on Earth. In Save My Soul, Kendra found her soul mate here on Earth and married him, leaving Rhyan to deal with his lost hope of having Kendra as his own. The elders in Heaven thought he would recover from this depression if he was sent to Hell to see exactly what he was missing. Little did he know he was going to come face to face with his wife. His memory of her had been erased in Heaven because if he had known what she had done and where she ended up, he would have never been able to be happy in Heaven. (Going with the no sorrow, pain or tears in Heaven belief)

The seven stages of hell is actually the seven deadly sins: wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony. Each sin has a leader who is under Lucifer and Rhyan will have to agree to survive and win the battle of each level of hell. The contract that was made by Lucifer was that Rhyan would get one object to help him, but if he gave up then his soul would become Lucifer’s and then the devil could enter Earth.

I won’t give away any more of the story but I will tell you that this story gets intense at times. Trying to figure out what it is that he will have to do to combat the particular world of sin he is in. Watching as he fights and struggles with dirty tricks played on him by the demons. To see him push himself for the love of his soul mate and wife.

On a personal and much deeper level, this book is really about forgiveness. Know that God can forgive you but you aren’t free till you learn to forgive yourself. Learning to forgive those who have hurt you the most in life. It is also about love. How much love must you have for another person to risk your own life. The third element is trust, do you trust another person enough to give them a second chance, to believe in the advice they are giving you when nothing makes sense and to know that you can trust your own dedication to another person and your belief to fight against the evil forces in life.

This is the second book I have read of K.S. Haigwood and I can tell you each one has left me pondering important issues after I am done reading. She can take a serious issue and write it in a way that once again you don’t know how to explain it. Is this another fantasy? Is this a religious experience? Is this just another after life story? Well it could be all three in a matter of a little over 300 pages.

Her third book in this series comes out late 2013. I for one am anxiously waiting for it because I don’t think I will ever be ready for this series to end. I really don’t know how anyone can be disappointed with this series. I started it on Monday and due to some family issues that came up, I wasn’t able to finish it till today. I will honestly say I was spending a lot of that time wishing I was back to the book because it once again grabs you on the first page and doesn’t let go.
Profile Image for Jocelyn Sanchez.
638 reviews53 followers
May 25, 2013
This is the second book in the Save My Soul series. We finally get to see what happened to Rhyan the guardian angel in this book!!

Rhyan is the guardian angel of his human charge Kendra Larkin. He is consumed with depression when she falls in love with her soul mate and leaves him feeling angry and alone. One day in Heaven Rhyan gets so mad that he said something his friend Josselyn warned him he shouldn’t say, landing him on a trip down to Hell. Waking up in a dark room with a seemingly insane man, Rhyan must find his way out of Heaven that is, if he could even leave. Along the way he meets a mysterious woman that catches his attention. She is beautiful and strange but most importantly she seems so familiar to him. And when he finds out that he was sent down to Hell to find his soul mate, Abigail, he has no choice but to strike a deal with the devil, literally. Now on a quest, Rhyan must pass all seven realms of Hell, something never done before, to save his as well as Abbi’s soul as well. What would you do for love? How far will you go to save your soul mate? And most importantly, can Rhyan make the impossible, possible? Will he and Abbi ever enter Heaven again and have their happily ever after?

Such an amazing book! This author is just fantastic!! K.S. Haigwood is one of my favorite authors because her writing is always so amazing and captivating. If you haven’t read any of her books before I highly recommend them. They will make you laugh, cry, and want to get your hands on the next book. Rhyan was an awesome character to read about. It’s always interesting to read from a male’s POV and see what they are thinking and feeling. Rhyan was so sweet and daring but most importantly he was loving. I loved how we were introduced to more guardian angels and I especially loved Josselyn (how cool is her name!) and how she helped Rhyan and made him a better person. She truly is a great friend. Not to mention we got to read about Kendra, Adam and the baby!! Great to see what happened to them after Kendra got pregnant. I recommend this book to everyone!

Some of my favorite quotes from the book:

“I am Pogo. I can help you on your journey if you like,” he said, then snapped his bony fingers, clapped his hands, stomped his tiny feet and ended in a low bow. I clapped my hands sarcastically as my eyes narrowed into slits. “Help me? You’ve done nothing but annoy me since we met, and you haven’t helped me at all. If anything, I’d say you’ve done more harm than good. I’m better off figuring everything out on my own.”

“As I floated back to my body from the dream, I heard Malcolm say a single name. Abigail…Abigail…Abigail…Abigail…Abigail. It echoed in my mind as I fell back to my fate.”

“Okay, so where are you?”
“I’m sitting in a chair,” he said, voice slurred and almost incomprehensible.”

“Love him, but don’t waste one more minute of your eternity being sad that he is not yours. You, too, have a soulmate somewhere out there. Go find him.”

Smack-smack. “It will be worse if you get caught trying to steal it from him,” he said. I was tired of talking to him in my head. I felt like a crazy person.
“What the hell is that smacking noise in my head?”
“Huh?” Abbi said.
“Oh, sorry, the show was getting good down there, so I conjured up some popcorn. I’ll try to mentally eat quieter.”
My eyes widened in disbelief. “Popcorn. Really? My soul is a second away from being damned and you’re up there eating popcorn?” I shouted to the ceiling.
Profile Image for United Indie Book Blog.
4,497 reviews84 followers
December 6, 2013
Hell’s gift is the 2nd book in Save my Soul series. I have to say this seemed to be all over the place but it was action packed and you didn’t get lost in what was going on. You meet more characters in this book. Angels, demons, and yes Lucifer.

I happened to read book 1 so I knew what had taken place before this book. Book 2 picked up where book 1 left of. I like a book that doesn’t have a major time gap.

Rhyan was in such a depression over loosing Kendra. See Kendra was tricked and she had to safe Adam’s soul in order to live. Any how she did this within a week. Ryan wanted to help but yet he didn’t want to help. He loved Kendra and because she chose right, he was upset, depressed and threw his attitude all over Heaven. Ryan said some things that he shouldn’t have. The archangels decided he needed to meet his soul mate again. By doing this he fell to hell. He didn’t know exactly at first that is what happened though.

While in hell he had to meet his soul mate have her repent her sins and ask god for forgiveness. With her doing this she could return to Heaven with Ryhan. He met his soul mate just didn’t remember who she was at first. Abigail kicked his butt. She beat him with her whip. See while in hell Ryhan became human almost. He had his soul, he could feel pain, pleasure, his beating heart. Things he didn’t feel while in Heaven.

As he reunited with Abigail, with the help from angels in Heaven. Lucifer found out and he was outraged. Lucifer wanted Abbi for himself. He didn’t want Ryhan to have her. So Lucifer agreed that if Ryhan escaped the 7 sydes of hell he could take Abbi’s soul along with his back to Heaven. Should Ryhan fail they both remained there in hell.

As Ryhan fights his way through the sydes. There is mischief going on up in Heaven and on Earth. See Murray who was Adams demon was in hell. He wanted to get Kendra back. Ryhan left Kendra to Josselyn another angel. Josselyn would go to Earth and keep an eye on Kendra and her family. Well Murray asked the Prince of Lust to check on Kendra as well. Can you guess what happened? No? well let’s say Prince of Lust fell in love and he didn’t know why.

Ryhan fights his way through the 7 sydes. He has help from angels. Not going to name many. Like I said you are introduced to a handful of characters and each character has a story with a character in Hell. To me it seemed like most of the Angels soul mates were in hell and were the Prince or Princess of a syde. Although like Prince Lust he didn’t know who his soul mate was until it was to late. I was on the edge of me seat from the middle of this book. I didn’t want to put it down. There was lots of action. It is very detailed. Seems like the author sat down and researched the sydes of hell or something LOL!! But really I could go on and on about this book. I don’t want to give to much away and I want to tell you more. I read some reviews and they didn’t read book 1 before reading book 2. The author gave details about what happened in book 1. Which is true as well. But if your like me I like to read books in order. There are about 6-7 new characters. You have to read which character your reading. Pay close attention. If you don’t you will be lost for a minute or so. I would most defiantly recommend this book.

5 Stars
Reviewed by Irene
Profile Image for Irene.
812 reviews
August 20, 2013
Hell’s gift is the 2nd book in Save my Soul series. I have to say this seemed to be all over the place but it was action packed and you didn’t get lost in what was going on. You meet more characters in this book. Angels, demons, and yes Lucifer.
I happened to read book 1 so I knew what had taken place before this book. Book 2 picked up where book 1 left of. I like a book that doesn’t have a major time gap.
Rhyan was in such a depression over loosing Kendra. See Kendra was tricked and she had to safe Adam’s soul in order to live. Any how she did this within a week. Ryan wanted to help but yet he didn’t want to help. He loved Kendra and because she chose right, he was upset, depressed and threw his attitude all over Heaven. Ryan said some things that he shouldn’t have. The archangels decided he needed to meet his soul mate again. By doing this he fell to hell. He didn’t know exactly at first that is what happened though.
While in hell he had to meet his soul mate have her repent her sins and ask god for forgiveness. With her doing this she could return to Heaven with Ryhan. He met his soul mate just didn’t remember who she was at first. Abigail kicked his butt. She beat him with her whip. See while in hell Ryhan became human almost. He had his soul, he could feel pain, pleasure, his beating heart. Things he didn’t feel while in Heaven.
As he reunited with Abigail, with the help from angels in Heaven. Lucifer found out and he was outraged. Lucifer wanted Abbi for himself. He didn’t want Ryhan to have her. So Lucifer agreed that if Ryhan escaped the 7 sydes of hell he could take Abbi’s soul along with his back to Heaven. Should Ryhan fail they both remained there in hell.
As Ryhan fights his way through the sydes. There is mischief going on up in Heaven and on Earth. See Murray who was Adams demon was in hell. He wanted to get Kendra back. Ryhan left Kendra to Josselyn another angel. Josselyn would go to Earth and keep an eye on Kendra and her family. Well Murray asked the Prince of Lust to check on Kendra as well. Can you guess what happened? No? well let’s say Prince of Lust fell in love and he didn’t know why.
Ryhan fights his way through the 7 sydes. He has help from angels. Not going to name many. Like I said you are introduced to a handful of characters and each character has a story with a character in Hell. To me it seemed like most of the Angels soul mates were in hell and were the Prince or Princess of a syde. Although like Prince Lust he didn’t know who his soul mate was until it was to late. I was on the edge of me seat from the middle of this book. I didn’t want to put it down. There was lots of action. It is very detailed. Seems like the author sat down and researched the sydes of hell or something LOL!! But really I could go on and on about this book. I don’t want to give to much away and I want to tell you more. I read some reviews and they didn’t read book 1 before reading book 2. The author gave details about what happened in book 1. Which is true as well. But if your like me I like to read books in order. There are about 6-7 new characters. You have to read which character your reading. Pay close attention. If you don’t you will be lost for a minute or so. I would most defiantly recommend this book.
Profile Image for Lynn Worton.
867 reviews29 followers
August 6, 2014
This is the second book in the Save My Soul Series. I loved it!

I downloaded this book as an audio book, so that I could listen to it while doing household chores. This audio book was narrated by Troy Duran. I loved his narration. He did a fantastic job! His tone was melodic and smooth, and I found myself drawn into the story more easily. I would definitely listen to more books narrated by him.

Rhyan is a guardian angel. Specifically, Kendra Larkin's from the first book. I liked him from the first time I met him. He has a great sense of duty, and is determined to keep her safe. But his bitterness at losing the woman he loves lands him in Hell.

This book was a delight to listen to. I was told that this story was ten times better than the first one, and I would have to concur! I found the world building and storytelling a lot better than the first book. The story is told through several different points of view, which gave me a better understanding of the actions and motivations of the characters involved. The characters also had more depth to them and were more lifelike. I loved this story so much more because of it.

Abigail is a complex character, who is paying for her past sins. She is now one of the princesses of Hell, and is in charge of one of the seven kingdoms - Greed. She is also Rhyan's soulmate. I wasn't sure if I liked her at first, but as the story unfolded, I found myself feeling sorry for her. I didn't pity her though. She did terrible things, but only to survive in a hostile environment.

Lucifer, on the other hand, was a real piece of work. Although he's the king of Hell, he lets his princes and princesses rule over the seven kingdoms on his behalf. If, for any reason, they did not perform their duties to his satisfaction, his wrath was swift and deadly. He made my skin crawl!

The story is full of action, and I found myself holding my breath as Rhyan made a deal with the Devil to get his soulmate out of Hell. His journey through the seven realms was full of challenges and dangerous pitfalls, but it was the final showdown with Murray (Adam's guardian demon from the first book), which had me sitting on the edge of the seat. There are several twists and turns, but there was one shocking moment that completely threw me, as I didn't see it coming. The end of the story, though, left me feeling happy. I am now wondering if the author will be continuing this series with Jocelyn's and Thoros's story. I guess I will just have to wait and see!

K.S. Haigwood has written a wonderful paranormal romance. I loved her fast paced writing style, and the flow of the story was wonderful. I am fast becoming a fan of hers, and am looking forward to reading her other paranormal series she has published as soon as possible.

Due to scenes of violence, abuse and some explicit sexual scenes, I do not recommend this book to younger readers. However, I recommend this story if you love older YA or erotic paranormal romance genres. - Lynn Worton
Profile Image for April.
2,627 reviews174 followers
October 3, 2014
I enjoyed this book much more than the first one in the series. The mixed POV really helped add depth to the story and characters. I definitely recommend reading the series in order, it helps you understand Rhyan's backstory and angst. While it is summarized, it really needs to be read to fully get all the nuances.

This picks up shortly after the first one leaves off, but mostly from Rhyan's POV and very mopey. He is of course depressed cause Kendra chose Adam. When he lands in purgatory he is forced to try and work his stuff out.

This is where the story takes some major twists and turns and an epic battle for souls is dragged across the Sydes of Hell. It is very interesting and there are many character's to meet through this process. It really keeps a reader on her toes! Seriously, take your time reading this or you may have to go back to figure out who is talking.

I am not sure how I feel about Abbi and Rhyan as a couple. Sure they are soulmates, but they both have some work to do to get to the HEA. It is a serious journey, with a few steam places along the way!

While this is a very religious themed book, it does not feel heavy or preachy. It is a unique take on Heaven, Hell and Angels. I was very intrigued by the plot and the sub-plots in play. It is an intricate puzzle that weaves together beautifully.

I listened to the audiobook narrated by Troy Duran, who has an off the charts sexy voice!! He seriously just made my short list of male narrators I would listen to read anything!!! He has a deep rumbling tone that gives you girlie shivers in all the right ways! His voices are great and easy to distinguish. The pace is fabulous and his energy at the key moments helps the book move. I have several naughty passages bookmarked to re-listen to in the future, he is just that smexy!!! I noticed he has a few other romances on Audible, you can bet your lacy panties I will be getting them ASAP!!

I am very interested in reading the third book in the series, there are threads left loose. While I was unsure of the target audience for this series, I am definitely enjoying the original plot-lines. I hope to see more of the supporting characters from this book taking leads in the next ones!

Disclosure - I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Al thoughts, opinions and ratings are my own.
Profile Image for Brandi Kennedy.
Author 12 books42 followers
January 29, 2014
I have to start by saying that I wasn't as wildly enamored with this book as I was the first, because there was a hint of BDSM between the lines, which is generally a turn-off for me. Also, the conversational style of the story-telling went more casual even than 'Save My Soul'. On the plus side, K. S. Haigwood writes in such a personal way that as you're reading, you feel as if you're quite literally listening to the inner monologue of the characters.

That being said, I have to also express how incredibly detailed this story was, with several entirely different worlds all wrapped up in the incredible simplicity of Rhyan's journey. This story traces Rhyan's descent into hell, and his struggle to escape a deal he probably never should have made. He's thrown a pity party for way too long, and now he's paying a heavy price for his negativity. And now, it just might cost him everything.

Then again, there's something Hell has that Rhyan doesn't, and it's something he's been craving in the back of his mind for centuries - his soulmate. Tasked with the challenge of saving Abigail from the clutches of Lucifer, Rhyan is now forced to make his way through the sydes of Hell, modeled after the list of the Bible's seven deadly sins. Facing extreme temperatures and even more extreme temptations, Rhyan sets out to wage his war against the enemy. At times, he's forced to the edge of sanity, but with the help of some truly unexpected friends, he just may be able to pull is off.

Oh, and did I mention that the very balance of the world is at stake? As you can imagine, on this journey, Rhyan, Abigail, and their friends learn more about their own personal strengths than they ever might have guessed!

This book brings us the promise of new love. It introduces an entirely new group of supporting characters to fall in love with, while allowing us to visit comfortably with the beloved cast of 'Save My Soul.' And I am dying to see what happens next in the series.
Profile Image for Stuart Laing.
Author 17 books12 followers
February 27, 2013
I received this book as a gift and was looking forward to reading it having thoroughly enjoyed Save My Soul to which this is the sequel.
It is always hard to capture the excitement and drama of the first book when writing a sequel but K S Haigwood has done a wonderful job.
We have paranormal adventure, Faith tested, romance, danger, edge of the seat thrills and good old fashioned fights between Good and Evil!
The familiar characters from Save My Soul are once again present but this time the action centres around Rhyan, the guardian angel from book 1 as he find himself cast down into Hell.
His only hope for salvation is to find his long lost soulmate, persuade her to forgive herself for the sins she committed in life and ask God for forgiveness.
So far so predictable you may think but you would be wrong. His soulmate is one of Satan's concubines and the Master of Lies isn't about to let her go without a fight.
Rhyan must pass through the seven sydes of Hell which reflect the seven deadly sins and it is here that K S has captured so many aspects of modern life in a hellish setting perfectly. Lust, greed, sloth etc all have their own place in Hell and while Rhyan must overcome the challenges he faces in each back in both Heaven and Earth several other stories are intertwined to create a masterful tapestry that keep you turning the pages right through to the end which when you reach it just leaves you wanting more.
With a whole host of great new characters alongside the old faces this book can easily be read as a stand-alone novel without needing to know the first book (always a good thing I believe) but if you have read Save My Soul then this flows seamlessly on from it.
I rated this book as 5 out of 5.Recommended for all lovers of a good story
Profile Image for Terri.
468 reviews2 followers
July 22, 2016
Let me start this review by stating I read/listened to this story via audible.com. When I can, I listen to my books in audio format. The ability the follow the storyline is much better & the narrators do a much better job stressing the thrilling parts of the stories, not to mention the proper pronunciations. This is 1 such story that really benefited from being in audio. The narrator did a great job giving the story the life it so deserves!
I loved this story, Hell's Gift (book 2 of Save my Soul series). The adventure continues with the gods & goddesses from Save my Soul (book 1). I enjoyed this very much & loved hearing it. Following Rhyan thru Hell & thru the 7 areas of Hell (Lust, Greed, Sloth & so on...) in order to free himself, his soul mate Abigail and several others who helped him along the way. I was very pleased to see the ending happen the way it did. For awhile I was afraid Rhyan would fail. Lots of twists & turns in this story that kept me on the edge of my seat.
The author has the ability to tell a colorful story & make people listen. In audio format, I felt like the kid (way back when) as we sat around in school at story time. Lucifer is 1 scary being. I don't really want to call him a person as no person could be so mean. To think that anyone could hold such power is mesmerizing! Kuddos to the author for another great hit!!! I really liked Jocelyn too!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
Author 35 books55 followers
February 18, 2013
I dont know where to start lol. We first met Rhyan in Save My Soul and to be honest, I didnt like him. I thought it was wrong for an angel to be in love with his charge. Hell's Gift starts out with Rhyan in a deep depression over Kendras marrying her Soul Mate. Another angel is trying to talk to him and it is apparent she is in love with Rhyan.. etc. Lots of triangles lol. Rhyan gets sent to hell and there is where the book becomes absolutely amazing! The Sydes of Hell are the seven deadly sins, the details are amazing! You feel for some of the people you meet. The Lords or Ladies who reside over the Sydes were all just humans once who earned the right to rule. Its truly mind boggling. The story is more than just Rhyans journey, we get others stories and root for them and hope like Hell they get what they deserve! Hell's Gift was a page turner from start to finish! I loved meeting the new people, I came to like Rhyan and loved others! K.S.Haigwood truly has a way with words, she draw you into the story and makes it real. I have read this book 4 times already and plan to keep reading it until the next installment! Highly recommend this book! Why no voting buttons? We don't let customers vote on their own reviews, so the voting buttons appear only when you look at reviews submitted by others.
Profile Image for Eva.
36 reviews39 followers
May 25, 2013
First things first: I liked the book much better than I had expected I would, especially because I hadn't read the first book (and I'm not going to)and feared it would be hard to get into it.
But it was easy enough to enter the story and get a good picture of the characters.
Also I was glad to see that a book that's basically about angels/heaven and demons/hell is not necessarily black and white! On the contrary: all characters have so many sides to them, so many emotions, hopes, wishes, doubts, flaws and so much potential to change - they seemed so real to me and drew me in right away!
The story itself was harder on me in the beginning, I felt it lacked some sense, but that came later, things began to add up and if you pay a little attention on detail there are some things to be figured out well before they are stated in the story, but I like that - you know the moment you can scream "told ya!" at the book. :D
I can recommend this book to everyone who likes a good fantasy story, interesting characters (all of them, not only the protagonists) and nice love & sex scenes.

I received this book as part of the Lovers of Paranormal Read 2 Review programme.

P.S.: The third book of the series is coming up end of 2013 and the story roots in this book - I'm definitely going to read it!!!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 113 reviews

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