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Reapers MC #1

Reaper's Property

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Marie doesn’t need a complication like Horse. The massive, tattooed, badass biker who shows up at her brother’s house one afternoon doesn’t agree. He wants Marie on his bike and in his bed. Now.

But Marie just left her abusive jerk of an ex-husband and she’s not looking for a new man. Especially one like Horse—she doesn’t know his real name or where he lives, she’s ninety percent certain he’s a criminal and that the “business” he talks with her brother isn’t website design. She needs him out of her life, which would be a snap if he’d just stop giving her mind-blowing orgasms.

Horse is part of the Reapers Motorcycle Club, and when he wants something, he takes it. What he wants is Marie, but she’s not interested in becoming “property of”.

Then her brother steals from the club. Marie can save him by giving Horse what he wants—at home, in public, on his bike… If she’s a very, very good girl, she’ll get lots more of those orgasms only he can offer, and he’ll let her brother live.

308 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 9, 2013

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About the author

Joanna Wylde

41 books9,633 followers
Joanna Wylde is a freelance writer and voracious reader. You can visit her website at www.joannawylde.net.

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Profile Image for Blacky *Romance Addict*.
486 reviews6,495 followers
March 25, 2015

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Horse is in the house!

And he's badass! He's big! He's rough! He's a biker! He's a jerk most of the time!

And he's best known for...

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“Oh my god…”
It was huge. I mean, huge. Not just long, but thick and hard and flushed bright red so it looked almost angry. It curved up, wider in the center of the shaft before narrowing under the ridge of his head.
“Told you why they call me Horse,” he said. I dragged my eyes away to look at his face, reading satisfaction mixed with his desire.
“They make condoms that big?” I asked, halfway serious.
“You’d be surprised,” he muttered.

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I heard the song yesterday and KNEW I had to make a remix for Horse :D

Britney Spears - Toxic


Horsey, can’t you see
I’m ridin'
A guy like you
Should wear a warning
It’s dangerous
I’m screamin'

There’s no escape
I can’t wait
I need a f*ck
Baby, give me it
You’re dangerous
I’m lovin’ it

Too big
Can’t go down
But you push
And spin ‘round and ‘round
Oh I feel you now

With the size of your d*ck
I’m on a ride
You're massive but slipping in me
With a taste of your horsey paradise
I’m addicted to you
Don’t you know that you’re massive?
And I love what you do
Don’t you know that you’re massive?

Britney, I think my version is better!

I loved this book so much, it was beyond awesome <3

I laughed like crazy at almost everything Horse said, and swooned at the tiniest signs of affection from him <3 I just love the man so much, it isn't normal!!!!! He's definitely an epic character!
He's HARD, ALL THE TIME!!!!!!! He's a jerk to Marie almost all the time, but I loved every jerkish second of it! I know that's not normal but I can't help it!

And his massive epic erection! No words for that! I mean, the man isn't called Horse for nothing!

I know this will be a sh*tty review, but I just don't know what to write about the story or the characters unless it's something like: READ IT!!!!!!!!

Loved it all, even Marie :D And Horse's POV! I died and went to Heaven!

The ENDING!! OMG, one of the best endingd/epilogues EVER! Seriously amazing, I was laughing and swooning and it was just PERFECT!!!

So here are a bunch of quotes I loved, and laughed about, just awesome :DDD

Meet Horse:

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"Horse was dangerous. I could smell it on him. Seriously. Under the delicious scent of leather, light sweat and man was a pungent strain of pure trouble."

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“This pussy is mine. You are mine. I’ll fuck you when and where I want, and you can either take it or get the fuck out. Are we clear?”

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"I can get laid whenever I want, I don’t have to drive four hundred miles round trip to get off. Women see the bike, they see the tats and the cut, they’re all over that shit."

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“Let’s get a couple of things clear,” he said. “We’re not going to hurt you, Marie.”
“You aren’t?” she asked, and the surprise in her eyes stabbed right through him. She thought he’d hurt her, like her asshat ex, Gary. Might as well call him a monster.

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“Nope, not Jesus, just a man,” Horse whispered. “Although when women see my dick for the first time, they’ve been known to fall down on their knees and worship me.”

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I can't tell you how much I loved this and how much fun I had reading this book. It's just amazing!

(couldn't help it, have to have this gif in here :D)

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Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,056 followers
February 18, 2013
Please note that I am not saying BOOK FAIL or STORY FAIL. I'm only taking issue with the romanticizing of things which should never be romanticized (in a contemporary) without some sort of heavy disclaimer or taboo label. I would have been easier on this book if it had been marketed as taboo and written from the point of view of challenging the reader's perceptions. But this is even labeled as romantica. So FAIL it is.

Some spoilers ahead and a slight bit of swearing. I'm not in the mood to have to censor myself or try to figure out how to write a polite review which doesn't reveal too much. All bets are off today. Read on at your own peril.

If I see one more representation of a biker who is an oiled-up, hair-free model posing on a bike that no MC member would be caught dead on, I'm probably going to scream.

We're talking about a Motorcycle Club, right?

As well, the next time I see anyone bitching about Twilight for being stalker-rific, i'm going to ask if they've read any of the recent "alpha biker" books to have come out. At this point, I'm going to start referring to a vampire watching someone sleep as the more cuddly version of stalking. Because right about now, that behavior seems downright endearing compared to being blackmailed and/or kidnapped and forced to have to become someone's fuck-buddy.


It's not okay, people. It's not cute. It's not romantic. It's not sexy. Any guy who thinks he's doing you a favor by trading your brothers life for your sexual favors is NOT WORTH DROOLING OVER.

Wow, I didn't realize how much my switch had been flipped until I started writing this review. In so many ways, this book was a thousand times better than Undeniable. In all honesty, the writing was much more polished and the story had a clearer PoV that wasn't flailing all over the place like it was in Undeniable. Hell, I even think Horse was genuinely more likable than Deuce when looking at the big picture.

Unfortunately, it was the initial setup for this story which screwed everything up. The book starts off with Marie (one of the dumbest characters I've read to date) frothing at the mouth over a guy for reasons unknown. At least with Undeniable, the chick was raised in the MC world and being treated like this was what she knew and expected, so I wasn't going to rip on someone for staying in a familiar cycle (i.e. crime begets crime). That situation was still ridiculous but it was more understandable.

But Marie...ridiculous, clueless, brain-dead Marie...

Yes, I get it - he's hot.
Yes, I get it - he's hot.
YES, I GET IT - he's hot.

Right now, I'm ashamed to be a woman, if this is what we've evolved into - frothing at the mouth over a man who is disrespecting you with his words and is rape-y with his actions. Just because a person doesn't physically force someone to have sex with them does not mean that the situation isn't rape. Marie was FORCED into the situation (okay, so she went like a willing, whipped puppy dog...but only after being told that this was her fate, else her brother face the wrath of the Reapers).

Plus, he punched her wall and broke her door after she said no. For a moment, I was almost happy that Marie was standing up for herself by telling him no. But then, the moment passed because she then laid down and took it like a pro. Sure, she was forced into a bad situation. But she sure seemed to be enjoying it. Was she ever really disgusted by this man who turned her into his own personal sex slave? Because if she was, I never bought into it. Even in her thoughts, she was never really all that disturbed.

Yet, even with me saying that, I actually liked Horse to a certain extent. He is one of those people who you want to root for as a reader, even though he was a screwed-up person. Yes, he was completely off-base for what he did, but we got to see his side of things and were able to (somewhat) understand where his though process was at when we were in his head. Yes, he acted rape-y in a roundabout way and I didn't like that. But any time he thought he might actually hurt Marie, he did show remorse for it. But Marie wasn't seeing what we were seeing all of the time. She didn't know that he was conflicted. She only accepted what she was given with not enough feelings of 'ewwww' over what she was being put through. Even if she was forced to have to go along with it all, wouldn't the fact that she was being forced be enough to make her slow her roll at least a little?

Therefore, I found Marie to be completely uh...what's the way to describe her?

Oh yeah - this.

How can a woman be constantly in heat over a man who hadn't proved himself worthy of her affection?

Oh right, I know why. Because he was hot.

Excuse for a moment me while I crawl into a corner and cry for humanity.

There's a reason why I love the show Sons of Anarchy (hint : it has nothing to do with being a romance). I like watching shit hit the fan. And for that reason, I did find this book to be entertaining.

And again - if Marie had at least started out more resistant, I could have possibly handled a story in which two people overcome a bad situation and find a way to make things work. I'm okay with "big baddies" being redeemed in many cases. Horse did have a soft side in there somewhere. But he never really had to pay for his actions.

The Marie Dumbass Hall of Fame

Even scary, the man made my panties wet.
~Pssst...Marie. He's scary for a reason. It involves unapologetic violence and killing.

I swayed a little as he stopped, reaching out with one finger to trace my collarbone from my shoulder inward, then running it down between my breasts, grazing the sides. He raised it to his mouth, tasting my sweat. He smelled like motor oil and sex.
Holy shit.
"Hey, sweet butt," he said.

~ THIS IS THE VERY FIRST MEETING. What woman would be okay with being touched inappropriately by someone they didn't know? By the way, she was in full arousal mode. Within a few minutes, she was wondering how she could stop herself from pushing her breasts in his face. Classy broad, this one.

I'm ashamed to admit that I creamed my pants right then and there instead of kicking him in the nuts like a sensible girl.
~ First off, gross. I don't want to know about your discharge, woman. Secondly, she's aware that she's being stupid. Oh right...hot man trumps all.

Part of me wondered if Horse had come back. You know which part - that little nub between my legs.
"You need to get better locks," Horse said casually. "It took me about ten seconds to get in here."

~He breaks in and you're horny again. Forget the saying having to do with guys thinking with the wrong head. Apparently, dumb women are capable of the same thing.

"I'm in charge here, don't forget it," he stated.
I nodded, mesmerized.

~lalalalalalalalala. I'm in my happy place, humming a tune right now. Anything to make the pain go away.

I didn't think he had a girlfriend but we hadn't actually talked about it. Probably should have asked that before grabbing his dick in the pool.
~Nah. Because that would have required thinking about something other than sex.

My anger disappeared, replaced with terrible unease. I'd forgotten how terrifying this could be.
~You get the point.

I could go on and on. She finally stands up to him in one scene which had me cheering, then she went and started spamming him with "can we talk?" texts. Co-dependency is a bitch, apparently. And don't even get me started about how a near-rape experience with another person was glossed over in favor of more sexual tension. Sigh.

But I'm not giving this book 1 star for the following reasons :

1. When I wasn't screaming at Marie, I was entertained by the story. I like reading about MC life. Organized clubs and gangs have always fascinated me.

2. I actually liked a lot of the characters other than Marie. Picnic is one of the characters who I'm rooting for to find a HEA. I also want to see Picnic's daughter break out and find a life of her own.

3. The writing was decent. The author can tell a good story. Since my main frustration did not revolve around the club life aspect, I think that I might enjoy reading other books in this series with a different take on a female lead. They can't all be Marie, right? At least I'm hoping *cross fingers*

4. The old ladies were an entertaining bunch. Sisterhood can be fun to read about.

5. This quote : "It's a .38," he said proudly. "I know you're a .22 girl, but it's time for us to take the next step in our relationship."

6. I felt like Horse was honestly willing to try and change his ways. We don't always get to see this in books. Sometimes the men go for a lukewarm compromise. In this case, the man did actually make the effort to try and be worthy of the woman he loved. It came later than I would have liked to have seen but at least it happened.

88 reviews1,120 followers
August 9, 2016

Hola Readers!


Watch out!!! They are the.....


Real badasses!!!

So take my advice and don't fuck with them.


So cross them only if you have a....



Me caveman **grunt**
You mine **grunt**

His woman is his property.No one else will dare look at her or touch her.

So,the women have to wear a leather patch announcing that they are a property of so and so.

Actually it's a sign announcing....

So and so's property.

Their women know their place.

Now,calm down sisters!! Because that's only what it appears from outside!!


They are badasses until it comes to their women.

When it comes to the matter of women they love,they are.....

Wrapped around their fingers.

For the whole world women are their property and know their place,but something like this is the real scene.....

Some men say that women belong to the kitchen. Just remember that is where the knives are.

Yeah,their women do know their place!!

So Readers,such is the Reaper's MC!!


But grab your hats,because when I say that this Horse (our hero) is hung like one......ahm!!

**Psst** He really is.

Well I hope you get my point!!

Now let me introduce introduce Marie....

Our naive and beautiful heroine Marie (also very hard-headed) has just left her abusive and cheating husband.She starts living with her brother Jeff and takes a small job at a daycare.She's enjoying some peace after a long time when.....


'It was the one in the middle who really caught my attention.The man was big.I don't just mean tall (which he was - he had to be nearly six and a half feet compared to my petite five foot four) but large.Broad shoulders,muscular arms with tattooed tribal cuffs around his wrists and biceps.I'd bet I couldn't put my two hands around those arms,and thick thighs I wanted to squeeze....and maybe lick.'

  Annnnnd it begins!!

Marie's brother Jeff is in some kind of a business with the Reapers.No one will tell her what it is.Meanwhile sparks have been flying between her and Horse.No matter how much she tells herself to stay away from him,she can't.

How can she when he has the bad habit of giving her the most mind-blowing, spectacular orgasms???

Their relationship is like a roller-coaster.Keeps going up and down.

And then during a particular down time,Jeff steals from the Reapers.

And then everything goes to hell.......

Readers,though it won't be considered a spoiler if I tell you what happens next,but still,I want you to experience the blast for yourself.

"I don’t give a damn if you never wear panties again, but I know women are weird about that. Here’s the compromise. I’m gonna buy you new shit, but only shit I like. You’re gonna wear it until I pull it off to fuck you. Everyone wins."

"Someday,” he whispered softly in my ear. “I don’t want to hurt you. Not until you’re ready for me… But someday I’m going to own all of you, Marie. You’re all mine, babe. Knew it the first time I saw you. Couldn’t give you up if I tried.”

“Fuck, this is gonna piss you off and then you aren’t gonna let me stick my dick in you,” he muttered.
“Do you have to be so crude?” I snapped.
“Have you met me?”


Oh yeah!!!

So,enjoy the heat level,specially in this winter!!

“I’ve never ridden a bike before.”
Horse leaned over and gave me a quick kiss on the mouth.
“Lookin’ forward to being your first, babe.”

Then go!!What are you waiting for??

Ride away with Horse,Readers.


Profile Image for Baba  .
859 reviews3,962 followers
January 19, 2013
*****WOOT! I just saw that Reaper's Property is the 500th book that I have rated on GR!*****

4 yummy stars.


After leaving her abusive and cheating husband, Marie is living with her brother in a trailer. Jeff is working for the Reapers, a motorcycle club. Marie and Horse kind of hook up when Horse and his brothers are visiting Jeff to discuss business. Later on, Horse offers Marie an exclusive relationship with him; he wanted her to be his old lady, but she refused flat out and on top of that, she even insulted him and hurt his feelings. Marie totally blew him off and they stopped talking and things went downhill. Our heroine got drunk, sent him a bunch of stupid texts and from there on things fell really apart. Now back to dear ole Jeff who has gotten himself into real trouble…

"Why don't I buy her?" Horse said. Everyone turned to look at him, startled. "I'll buy Marie from the club, and we give Jensen another shot. Fifty grand, outta my pocket and into the club account. We wait and see if Jensen comes up with the money and interest. He does, I get paid back, the club makes a profit. He doesn't, it's on me."

When Marie found the Reapers holding a gun to her brother's head she did accept Horse's "offer" that if she would go with him they would give Jeff another chance to put things right. Unfortunately though, our innocent heroine is clueless and she is so in for it.

"You do this, it's your choice. I'm not raping you. You're making a decision to pay for your brother's mistake on your back. You get me?"(…)
"I'm serious," Horse said, glaring at me. "You call it off any time you want. I'm not gonna lock you up and watch you every minute. You make this deal, it's up to you to keep it. (…)"

When I turned to him, shaky, he gave me a smile that didn't reach his eyes. Then he slowly and deliberately lifted his fingers, licking off my juices.
"Don't care how good you taste, you don't call the shots," he whispered. "We clear?"
"Your rules," I whispered back. "Or I leave. And what happens if I do?"
"To you?" he said. "Nothing. You're with me of your own free will. But the club has to be paid in blood, Marie, not even I control that. Don't forget."

"Next time you want to play with your pretty pink toy, you do it while I'm watching. If you're a good girl, I'll let you wear the tee. Got it?"

"This pussy," he said, fingering me. I moaned in response, ashamed at how easily he made me wet. "This pussy is mine. You are mine. I'll fuck you when and where I want, and you can either take it or get the fuck out. Are we clear?"

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Marie had fallen into a new, strange, and unknown world where people didn't follow the rules. They live in a different world with different rules. That's the reality in the MC world. To top it all off, it's a very sexist world. But instead of feeling horrified at what she was seeing and experiencing, Marie actually "liked" her new life. Horse wanted to claim Marie and he didn't want to share her with his brothers. Claiming a woman, branding her as his property meant that she would be untouchable.

"A man takes a woman, means to keep her, she becomes his property," Horse continued. "We covered that before--it's a sign of commitment, of respect. It means he'll protect her and everyone else better keep their fucking hands off her or be ready to fight him and his brothers. You do not want to fuck with a man's old lady."

I really enjoyed Reaper's Property. Who does not love a very tall, built, tattooed, possessive, handsome biker hero with long hair? The hero is called Horse because he is hung like a…


Gee, Baba, who would have guessed?

"No shit. Honestly, it's about accuracy, not size, babe." "Did I seriously just hear you, "Horse" tell me it's not about size?"

And let's just get it out of the way: Reaper's Property is not a KA copy. There are very few quotes that are similar to KA speech but that's about it.

There's plenty of explicit sex and you are getting your money's worth, that's for sure. While the sex scenes are well-written and steamy, some are a bit rough but nothing OTT. Also, there are a few voyeuristic as well as public scenes included.


"Just roll with it," he whispered. "And keep doing whatever exercises you do to make your cunt squeeze like that. They got a college degree for that?"

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Granted, the hero had a couple of asshat moments to work through and that was mainly Marie's fault. On the other hand I was pleased to see how sweet, tender, and caring Horse could be. In all fairness I have to say that Horse saying offensive things was understandable and he redeemed himself along the way. Even though I love to read about this lifestyle I'm very sure it would never work out for me in real life. All this archaic behavior is so not for me and I'm certainly not into illegal stuff either. Nobody is going to own me, nobody is going to tell me when and where I have to spread my legs and nobody is telling me what I have to do in the house. Nope. It would not suit me at all. All things considered though, I can understand why it would appeal to other people women. Still, it's always too romanticized in books but I think it's all right. Horse is a good example why I love to read about a badass biker hero. Let's just have a good time!

What didn't quite work for me
The timeframe hopping was irritating. Furthermore, I found it rather stupid when Marie asked

Once again we have a lack of communication and/or miscommunication. To be honest, it's becoming a little pet peeve of mine. Marie really annoyed me when she was jumping to conclusions instead of addressing her issues.

Finally, the epilogue was a little bit too saccharine for my liking even though I loved Horse's

Reaper's Property is not without flaws, but overall it's a very entertaining read. One thing's for sure, there's never a dull moment to be found. Plenty of colorful characters, hot sex, some nice action, and little bit of drama kicked some serious ass! If you don't mind to read about sexist behavior and men who make their own rules in life then give it a try. And last but not least the hero is so darn lickable likable.

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"Love you, babe. Are you still planning to shoot me?"

Recommended to readers who loved Kristen Ashley's Motorcycle Man. Also, those readers who didn't particularly like Madeline Sheehan's Undeniable might enjoy Reaper's Property because it's much tamer than Undeniable and there is no
Profile Image for Formerly Known as Spoiler W.
1,430 reviews341 followers
January 16, 2013
What in the FUCK did I just read?

Did I read about a man named Horse who's hung like a horse? Yes.

An Alpha bad ass mofo biker? Yes.

A heroine named Marie who doesn't know her way in the biker world but somehow becomes a badass herself. Yes.

Did I get so caught up in the story and characters that when it ended I had to use my left hand to stop my right hand pointer from sliding the page on my kindle cause my brain didn't connect to said pointer that the book ended? Yes.

Did I love it? You bet your sweet butt I did!

This book is not only about Marie and Horse. It's also about family and their family dynamics. Marie and her problems with soon to be ex husband, her brother and her relationship with her mother who's in jail. Horse and his biker family The Reapers and their lifestyle. We get to meet some of them and their old ladies and sweet butts. They're funny, serious and love to have a great time. There's also a heartbreaking story with one couple that did bring tears to my eyes. Each character brings the story together either with their stupidity, personalities and betrayals and bantering.

We do get Marie and Horse's POV's which I enjoyed. Their chemistry is instant and Marie is hesitant on their first encounter, leaving Horse with a case of blue balls. When they finally come together and when they get together its explosive. There's rough sex, sweet love making, angry sex, anal play which leaves to anal sex and voyeurism. There are some situations that some readers might find cring worthy but the author did a well job with said situations. The story flows perfectly that you do not want to leave the Reaper world.

Loved the epilogue. Loved it!

Favorite lines/moments:

"So why are you called Horse?"
"Cause I'm hung like one," he replied, smirking.

Only my mother would end up finding love by trying to run over two cops. Clearly, John Benson was an idiot.

"Fuck, this is gonna piss you off and then you aren't gonna let me stick my dick in you," he muttered.
"Do you have to be so crude?" I snapped.
"Have you met me?"

Hid dick approved. It wanted to squeeze between those boobs and shoot out a pretty pearl necklace for her to wear.
It's crude but I loved that line.

"Hot piece of ass."
"Don't call me that!"
"I was referring to myself," he replied

"She'd gone all Pulp Fiction on us, ready to defend you by killing all of us if she had to. Crouched over your body like Wonder Woman. Gives me a boner just thinking about it."

"Jesus Christ...Thank fuck for that," Picnic said. "Nope, not Jesus, just a man," Horse whispered. "Although when women see my dick for the first time, they've been known to fall down on their knees and worship me."

"Marie Caroline Jensen, will you do me the honor of being my permanent bitch?"
I smacked him on the side of his head as he burst out laughing...

*I'll be pimping this book for a long ass time*
Profile Image for Debra.
474 reviews2,448 followers
January 25, 2013

Hello, readers!!!!

Let me introduce you all to Horse...

Well, not this kind of horse!

More like this kind of Horse...

The kind that's handsome, like movie star handsome...

The kind that has dark hair, broad shoulders and muscular arms filled with tattoos... the biker kind.

And the reason they call him Horse? That's simple...because he's hung like one.
"Oh my god...

It was huge. I mean, huge. Not just long, but thick and hard and flushed bright red so it looked almost angry. It curved up, wider in the center of the shaft before narrowing under the ridge of his head."

Well, this Horse has his eyes fixated on the pretty, innocent young girl named Marie...

And when Horse wants something, everyone knows he always gets it...

The story starts when Jeff, Marie's brother, who's working for the Reaper's Motorcycle Club, decides to steal from the club and to gamble away the money. Soon the bikers find out about Jeff's stealing and, off course, they can't let him get away with doing something like that without paying for it...

And so Marie comes in the picture... Horse is immediately drawn to her in a way he's never been drawn to a woman before.

"Someday," he whispered softly in my ear. "I don't want to hurt you. Not until you're ready for me... But someday I'm going to own all of you, Marie. You're all mine, babe. Knew it the first time I saw you. Couldn't give you up if I tried."

As a way of letting Jeff pay for what he did, Horse convinces the other club members, to take Marie as "collateral" until Jeff finds a way to earn back the money so he can pay off his debt. And so, Marie is forced to join Horse and live with him, so she can temporarily become his "property".

"This pussy is mine. You are mine. I'll fuck you when and where I want, and you can either take it or get the fuck out. Are we clear?"

Yes, Horse could be very possessive, controlling and rude at times but at other moments, it showed that underneath it all, he was actually a pretty smart guy with a small heart; and along the way I really started to like him...

"I want you to be my old lady, babe. That's all I have to offer. I'm a Reaper, and this is my world. You wear my patch, you be my woman and I'll be your man. We take the good times together and fight through the bad times. No games. That's everything I've got and it's all yours if you'll take it."

I will not tell you much more about the storyline, because that would spoil "the ride" for those who haven't read the story yet. What I would like to add, is that although the setting of the story reminded me a bit of the one in Undeniable, Reaper's Property was filled with much less drama and the "ugliness" in life. The women weren't constantly called "b*tches" and I also really liked that Horse So for those who found Undeniable a little too "overwhelming", I think Reaper's Property certainly might be a much more suitable read.

All in all, I very much enjoyed reading Reaper's Property... It was a fun, entertaining story with some very hot scenes in it. The characters had funny names (going from Cookie to Bam-Bam to Picnic and at last but not least...Horse) and seeing as Sons of Anarchy sort of made me became a fan of the whole bad-ass biker world, I really liked getting to know even more about the bikers' way of life and their very unique way of handling things...


Profile Image for chan ☆.
1,171 reviews56.5k followers
November 1, 2020
his name is horse... for.. reasons...

reading this for a project so i won't be too verbose here. but... this wasn't great. wasn't the worst thing i've ever read and for an MC hero, Horse was actually pretty decent if a little immature. but that's about all i can say for it. it was basic, the characters had little in the way of personality, and the main connection between the two characters was sex. which at least was well written... but i really do need an emotional and intellectual connection between the characters in my romances for me to care about what happens.

there's much better MC books out there if that's your thing. i'd say skip this one.
May 25, 2017
5 Wow this was my first MC book and I am Hooked Stars!!!!!

Ok where to start Wow just wow... I loved this book It starts out with Marie who had just left her abusive piece of crap husband she moves into her brother and mom's trailer (P.S. mom is in jail). Her brother a loser stoner is working for the Reapers MC. That is how Marie meets Horse in a so damn funny true trailer trash way. She is laying out on table outside in a swimsuit top while pour some sugar on me is blastin with the MC pull up.

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"It didn’t occur to me that I was glistening with sweat and wearing a bikini top until they turned off the bikes, pulled off their helmets and turned to scope me out. To make my own personal cliché perfect, Def Leppard’s Pour Some Sugar On Me blasted through the radio. I winced – I must look like a white-trash princess from hell, basking outside my trailer in a bikini to outdated butt rock."

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Horse: OMG The shit he says one minute I was laughin my ass off the next I was wanting to choke him out, but he was all sexy bad ass hardcore biker. He was funny and crude and it so worked for me.....

“Nope, not Jesus, just a man,” Horse whispered. “Although when women see my dick for the first time, they’ve been known to fall down on their knees and worship me.”

“Fuck, this is gonna piss you off and then you aren’t gonna let me stick my dick in you,” he muttered.

“Do you have to be so crude?” I snapped.
“Have you met me?”
“Who says I’d let you do it anyway?”
“Babe,” he replied in a low, rough voice, raising his eyebrow at me.”

"Marie Caroline Jensen, will you do me the honor of being my permanent bitch?"
I smacked him on the side of his head as he burst out laughing

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Marie: Ok Marie wasn't super awesome she was ok, but most of the time I wanted to shake her... She had her good points, but most of the time she was a silly bitch..

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So Marie's stupid loser stoner brother steals from the reapers and horse uses that to get Marie I don't wanna give away the whole story, but it was damn good. Tons of action, hott sex, and bad boys.........

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“Gonna fuck you now.”
“Sure,” I whispered, dazed. “Not sure I’m gonna be able to participate too much, think you blew a circuit or something.”

“Ruger's in there too. Hands covered in blood so they arrested him. He had to tackle your girl to get the gun away from her. She'd gone all Pulp Fiction on us, ready to defend you by killing all of us if she had to. Crouched over your body like Wonder Woman. Gives me a boner just thinking about it.”

“You’re a pig,” I whispered back. “You know that, right?”
“So far bein’ a pig works for me, babe,” he said. “Gotta go now. Check out the college. Hit the clinic and get some pills. Don’t call your brother. Cook something fuckin’ great for dinner and don’t wear any panties. That’s all I ask.”

“Okay, I’ll go check it out,” I said slowly. “This is weird, you get that? You kidnapping me, holding me hostage and then sending me to school? This isn’t how things like this usually work.”
Horse grinned at me, eyes lazy and satisfied.
“Just roll with it,” he whispered. “And keep doing whatever exercises you do to make your cunt squeeze like that. They got a college degree for that?”

So if you have not read this book you so should.... Damn good book :)

Profile Image for Auntee.
1,333 reviews1,442 followers
February 26, 2016
Reading once more...there's a lot I forgot

I don't think I'm destined to write a review for this one because...*big sigh*...the power just went off for 30 minutes (on the coldest night of the year)...but now that it's back on I guess I'll make an attempt to get my thoughts on paper.

If I could sum up this story in one sentence I'd say something like... "Ohh, mama!"

I was urged to read this one by my GR friends because of its similarity to Kristen Ashley's Motorcycle Man. And yes, there are some similarities: both heroes are members of motorcycle clubs; both heroes are big bad alphas; both heroes are highly sexual; both heroes are blunt, sexy, dirty talkers. Both stories are told in first person from the heroine's POV, although Reaper's Property is also told in third person and we get to hear the hero's thoughts (which I appreciated).

Our hero, "Horse" (as in "hung-like-a"...)

But there are differences. Reaper's is much darker in tone; the hero is darker, he's into illegal/shady stuff (although exactly what is not spelled out--it's "club business" whenever the heroine asks questions--meaning MYOB). Reaper's doesn't go into as much detail as a KA novel--it's much faster paced and dare I say the editing is better. This fast pace made it hard to put down--there really wasn't a good place to stop reading! But enough about the comparisons.

I really enjoyed reading this. At first I was a little put off by just how bold and dirty talkin' the hero was. Some of the things he said were just so audacious...but then I had to laugh! I really enjoyed the relationship between 30 yr. old, former Marine Horse (yeah, that's his name, and for the obvious reason) and Marie (given the nickname "Sweet butt", which she hated). If you can get past a hero named "Horse" (really, I wish the heroine would've referred to him by his given name--Marcus) which is really kind of ridiculous (maybe he's a distant relative of "The Cannon" from Devil's Pact?)...but I digress.

Anyway, here's just a sample of some of the Neanderthal things Horse utters (just to get the heroine all riled up):

"Your brother's lucky, because I wanna stick my dick in you more than I wanna kill him. Otherwise this wouldn't be worth the trouble."

"This pussy," Horse said, fingering her roughly. "This pussy is mine. You are mine. I'll f*** you when and where I want, and you can either take it or get the f*** out. Are we clear?"

"I told you before, this is
my pussy," he continued, softly but with a hint of threat too. "I f*** you, nobody else does. Which hole I f*** is up for negotiation."

Yes, Horse can be a real badass, but believe it or not, he does have a softer, vulnerable, kind of sweet side. I don't think I would've enjoyed this one much if I didn't see evidence of this side. I guess I can admit that I found him (and the whole Reaper's world) kind of fascinating...even though there's no way on God's green earth I could ever imagine myself living that life!

I enjoyed Marie too. I like how she stood up to Horse; I loved how passionate they were together--they certainly did everything with a passion. They loved hard, they argued hard. I'm sure they never had a boring day in their whole relationship. Marie was a little young and she made some mistakes in life (maybe she trusted her skeezy brother a little too much, but she was loyal to the core to him), but I think she learned from her mistakes and was on her way to being a more mature, grounded person.

There were some things I would've liked the author to include. Just a little more about Horse's background (although I did appreciate the little backstory about his time in the Marines; and the interaction with his sister). There were some dangling threads-- These were just minor quibbles though. This story really kept me turning the pages. Between the outrageousness of the storyline and the wild and crazy relationship between Horse and Marie, I found I just couldn't get enough. I laughed, I gasped, I smiled. I shook my head a time or two; I even teared up near the end. If you're looking for a story with plenty of hot, any-which-way-you-can sex, plenty of crazy action, a H/h who live life passionately, and enough detail and inventive storytelling to keep you turning the pages, then give this book a try. I dare you not to fall just a little in love with Horse and Marie...I know that I did! Aww... 4 1/2 stars

Warning: This book contains explicit sex (including oral and anal); near public sex; graphic language; a dirty-talkin' hero; and violence. Not for the faint of heart.
March 8, 2013
ETA: 3/8 - Horse's POV short: http://totallybookedblog.com/2013/03/...

Kudos to Joanna Wylde for coming up with a name like "Horse" for her bad@ss Alpha motorcycle male! Who could resist? I sure couldn't...and to set you up, here's how I see the infamous Horse:


Phewww...okay, back to the story (if I can focus!)...

Horse sees girl.
Horse wants girl.
Horse takes girl.
The end.

Well, almost but no, really, that is it essentially with a few major drama scenes and whooo hooo steamy sex scenes. Hey, he wasn't nicknamed Horse for nothing!! And he's very proud of himself for living up to that.

I really enjoy these type of books that have scenes that take you past your comfort zone and while this one wasn't as intense as Undeniable (by Madeline Sheehan), it still managed to hook me and I could not put it down.

I love reading about two people that just seem right for each other but there's some reason it's hard for them to get together. Understandably, Marie is not from the motorcycle gang lifestyle and she is really oblivious! There are some really funny scenes where she just doesn't get it but it also endears her to you. I like that she put herself out there and tried to acclimate to their environment and for the most part, she learned and grew. However, there was a part at the end, where she didn't learn. Granted, it made for some good drama but it did seemed a bit out of character.

Back to Horse...the one problem I had is that I never got why he wanted Marie so much and why he fell in love with her. I get that he thought she was hot (especially with a gun!), he liked her cooking and fighting with her but I was hoping that we would get more of the why especially with having his POV. (which was fantastic!) I also loved that Horse was more than just a sex machine but that he had a good mind and was the accountant for the club. (The dummy ledgers were perfect!!)

And I loved all the drama. It's always great seeing the Alpha male get jealous as well as the heroine. I'm glad that JW reined things in though and she just pushed things a bit.

There are a lot of other great characters. I really loved the relationship between Marie and Jeff (her brother). I wished things would have worked out differently. And thank goodness for the other "old ladies" taking care of Marie...she really needed them. There are a plethora of characters that JW could keep on writing about and I wouldn't mind at all. In fact, I would LOVE it. Here's to more Reapers!

Favorite quotes:

Horse: What you wearing?
Me: Nothing. Working on tan all over
Horse: !!!! You f*cking me????
Me: LOL I’m wearing a tee and shorts :->

♥ “Just ’cause I’m the picture of manly perfection doesn’t mean I don’t have a brain."

♥ “Jerk.”
“Hot piece of @ss.”
“Don’t call me that!”
“I was referring to myself,” he replied.

♥ “Nope, not Jesus, just a man,” Horse whispered. “Although when women see my dick for the first time, they’ve been known to fall down on their knees and worship me.”

♥ “Just say it,” I burst out, glaring back at him. “Don’t make me get my gun.”

“F*ck, am I ever going to live that down?” he asked, shaking his head. “You know they’re calling me your b*tch at the armory now, does that make you happy?”
January 26, 2021

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2nd time Read & Review Feb 17, 2013



Well what can I say about this book. It's awesome! It's crude, it's rude, it's rough and it's totally panty melting hot. Second time around I read this with my girls and it was just as good. I get it's it's a hardcore biker story and not for everyone.

Meet Horse:

A hot ass, rough, biker who want a clueless Marie. Getting introduced to biker life is a shock to Marie's system. She resists, she objects, she insults with her rejection to be an old lady (stupid girl) but in the end she has no choice. Her brother is 50 thousand in debt with Horse's MC, to save his life Marie agrees to be Horse's um... house mouse w/benefit... or is she?

“This is weird, you get that? You kidnapping me, holding me hostage and then sending me to school?

As she gets to know the true life of being a biker's old lady she realizes what a big mistake she made rejecting Horse, but thankfully there are always 2nd chances.

“I want you to be my old lady, babe. That’s all I have to offer. I’m a Reaper, and this is my world. You wear my patch, you be my woman and I’ll be your man. We take the good times together and fight through the bad times. No games. That’s everything I’ve got and it’s all yours if you’ll take it.”

It's quite an entertaining story as Marie navigates life in a clubhouse and having to deal with no filter Horse. There is a crazy support team of old ladies that remind me so much of Kristen Ashley's Rock Chick Posse.


I got my wish come true on more of this series :)

Crazy shit that made me LOL:

...But part of me wondered if Horse had come back. You know which part—that little nub between my legs, the bitch.

“Fuck, this is gonna piss you off and then you aren’t gonna let me stick my dick in you,” he muttered.
“Do you have to be so crude?” I snapped.
“Have you met me?”

His dick approved. It wanted to squeeze between those boobs and shoot out a pretty pearl necklace for her to wear.

I wanted to bite him and lick him and kick him in the nuts all at the same time.

“But are you sure it’s big enough? Those are really tiny little bullets, Horse. If I’m gonna be a badass biker chick, shouldn’t I have a bigger gun?”
“A .22 was big enough to kill Bobby Kennedy,” he replied, and I stopped smiling and raised my brows.
“No shit. Honestly, it’s about accuracy, not size, babe.”
“Did I seriously just hear you, Marcus “Horse” McDonnell, tell me it’s not about size?”

She’d gone all Pulp Fiction on us, ready to defend you by killing all of us if she had to. Crouched over your body like Wonder Woman. Gives me a boner just thinking about it.”

“Marie Caroline Jensen, will you do me the honor of being my permanent bitch?”



1st time Read & Review Jan 19, 2013




I could not resist and went ahead and read this ahead of time. I swear Jamie I will sooooo re-read this with you.

I will reserve writing my review for the re-read time...

However, I loved loved the book. Totally worth the $7 and it definitely hit the spot for my biker craving.

Hope this will turn into a series. ***HINT, HINT JOANNA***

Profile Image for Christy.
4,214 reviews35.1k followers
April 20, 2015
5 ‘HUGE’ Stars ;-)

I loved this book! A big thanks to my many gr friends that raved about this one and got me to bump it way up on my tbr list! The very best part about this book... HORSE

Horse was dangerous. I could smell it on him. Seriously. Under the delicious scent of leather, light sweat, and man was a pungent strain of pure trouble.
HORSE- Reaper's Propertyy
Even scary, the man made my panties wet.

This story starts off with a lady named Marie. Marie has just moved in with her brother Jeff, after her lying, cheating, sob of a husband starts abusing her. Jeff is living a few towns away in the trailer he and Marie grew up in. Their mom is currently in jail, so it is just Marie and Jeff. Marie gets a job at a daycare and is trying to get back on her feet. Jeff is working for a Motorcycle Club called The Reapers.
One day, Marie is hanging out in the yard, wearing her bikini top and jamming to Def Lepord’s ‘Pour some sugar on me’, when three bikes pull up her driveway. Here is where she meets Horse.

”So, why are you called Horse?”

“Cause’ I’m hung like one.”

Reapers Property
It was huge. I mean huge.
“Told you thats why they call me Horse." 

Marie and Horse have chemistry. It’s pretty evident, even from their first meeting. She has never been this attracted to a man, and there is something about Marie... Horse is drawn to her. He even loves her bitchy attitude towards him.

“I’ve never ridden on a bike before.” Horse leaned over and gave me a quick kiss on the mouth. “Lookin’ forward to being your first, babe.”
Reapers Propoerty
Don’t give me that shit,” he growled. “I can get laid whenever I want, I don’t have to drive four hundred miles round trip to get off. Women see the bike, they see the tats and the cut, they’re all over that shit.”

Horse and Marie continue to hang out and start seeing each other more. After a few misunderstandings, they stop.
Meanwhile, Marie’s brother Jeff (not the brightest crayon in the box) has been making some big mistakes with the MC’s money. Mistakes that could easily get him killed. Horse saves his ass for one reason only. Marie. The Reapers will spare his life and give him time make things right, but Horse gets Marie. Marie would do anything to save her brother, so she goes with Horse. Horse wants to sleep with Marie, of course, but he also want to own her, to have her as his Old Lady, to be his property...
“I want you to be my old lady, babe. That all I have to offer. I’m a Reaper, and this is my world. You wear my patch, you be my woman and I’ll be your man. We’ll take the good times together and fight through the bad times. No games. That everything I’ve got and its all yours if you’ll take it.”

Oh Horse.... Badass biker, alpha male, can be rude and crude, offensive even at times, but he is sexy as hell and completely lovable! We have a hot biker guy that is actually faithful to his woman? Hot damn! That makes him that much hotter! Some of the things that came out of that mans mouth... made me swoon!
“I’m not gonna let you go, Marie. I’m keeping you and I don’t care if I go to hell for doing it. I don’t care about anything except fucking you.”
“Someday I’m going to own all of you, Marie. You’re all mine, babe. Knew it the first time I saw you. Couldn’t give you up if I tried.”

Marie was a strong woman. She didn’t have an easy life, but she tried. She loved her family and was a loyal woman. She wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. Most of the time I really liked her. She frustrated me at times, but overall she was cool in my book. I loved all the ‘old ladies’! Those women were awesome!

If you are looking for something hot to read... Marie and Horse had some heat between them! There are some intense, hot and sexy scenes in this book! Panties... be prepared to melt.
Thats hot...

Reaper’s Property was a fantastic read! Fun, sexy, and extremely entertaining! Loved me some Horse! My only complaint, is that I feel towards the end it felt a little rushed, with we had more time at the end to find more out! The epilogue was great! If you haven’t read this one, you are really missing out! GET TO IT!!!
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,250 reviews257 followers
March 7, 2013

This book is impossible to write a review for so I'll just tell you what I felt when reading it.

As soon as Horse opened his mouth I thought:
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As soon as Horse opened his mouth I:
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The things Horse would do to Marie made me feel:
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And think:
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And then I'd laugh some more-
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This book made me so happy!
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

If you're wondering whether the book is worth the $7 bucks- I'll put it this way: I actually got this on loan but I'm pretty sure I'll end up buying it because I enjoyed it that much!
Profile Image for UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish.
1,097 reviews1,695 followers
January 31, 2014

Reaper’s Property is, from what I understand, the start to a new series centering on the Reapers Motorcycle Club. It’s an exciting, gritty, sexy story, one I enjoyed, start to finish.
From the cover:

Marie doesn’t need a complication like Horse. The massive, tattooed, badass biker who shows up at her brother’s house one afternoon doesn’t agree. He wants Marie on his bike and in his bed. Now.

But Marie just left her abusive jerk of an ex-husband and she’s not looking for a new man. Especially one like Horse—she doesn’t know his real name or where he lives, she’s ninety percent certain he’s a criminal and that the “business” he talks with her brother isn’t website design. She needs him out of her life, which would be a snap if he’d just stop giving her mind-blowing orgasms.

Horse is part of the Reapers Motorcycle Club, and when he wants something, he takes it. What he wants is Marie, but she’s not interested in becoming “property of”.

Then her brother steals from the club. Marie can save him by giving Horse what he wants—at home, in public, on his bike… If she’s a very, very good girl, she’ll get lots more of those orgasms only he can offer, and he’ll let her brother live.

I’ve seen a lot of rave reviews for this book, comparing it to Kristen Ashley’s writing, so being the KA Addict I am, I just had to see what all the hype was about. The story starts out strong, grabbed hold and kept me turning the pages as, in flashbacks, we’re given the details that lead up to where the story begins – in Jeff and Marie’s living room, Jeff on his knees with a gun held to his head by a bad-ass biker.

I enjoyed the writing, and I enjoyed the plot, but I felt like there were some holes, things I needed to know about to truly feel like the story was resolved, and to accept Horse and Marie's happily ever after.

I'll break it down. These are serious spoilers, so DO NOT CLICK unless you've read the book.

And a side note: Because I keep hearing the Kristen Ashley comparisons, I want to add my 2 cents. This is just my opinion but, apart from edgy bad-ass biker dudes, I didn’t see much similarity to Kristen Ashley’s writing. Their writing style is different, the way they tell the story is different… the similarities – again, just my opinion – are only found in the plot props - the harsh world of a motorcycle club.

So yeah… while I really enjoyed Reaper’s Property, there are just too many questions left in my mind to give me that 'wrapped up nice and tidy' feeling I like in my books. But make no mistakes, the writing is good, the world this author has created is exciting, the characters are bad-ass alpha males and I adored them. Ms. Wylde is a talented writer and I’m definitely looking forward to reading more in this series.

3.5/5 stars
Profile Image for Clumsy Storyteller .
355 reviews721 followers
July 11, 2016
Absolutely brilliant I loved it :D, Dangerous and incredibly hot! I'm so hooked for the next story. This was awesome :D !

Reaper's proprety got the full package: Action, suspense, Alpha male/jerk, Motorcycle Club (It’s a disgusting world) ,love/hate relationship, Family,trust, anger issues. what i didn't like was the cheating part, i really do hate cheaters but the asshole a kick ass comeback so he convinced me ... somehow, Marie didn't like Horse (Yeah that's his street name, Cause he's hung like one Lol, his words not mine) at first but she sure as hell wanted him, It was funny to read about these two polar opposites characters and how they managed to come to terms with each other, then take their relationship to a whole new level( HEA: Marriage), this book was a total page turner, i enjoyed every second of it and here are my favorite quotes

“Marie's drunk texts:
Marie: Horse, muss yu
Marie: Why dont anser?
Marie: Horse like yur name. Horsey. I'd like to rid u horsey, LOL. You sleeping? Or busy with someone?
Marie: I know yur there. I bet you got a new gurl alredy. Screw you.
Marie: Screw you and your slut. I hate you. Take yur club and shove it up yur ass I wudn't be yoor old lady for ten milion dollrs.”

“Fuck, this is gonna piss you off and then you aren’t gonna let me stick my dick in you,” he muttered.”

“Marie Caroline Jensen, will you do me the honor of being my permanent bitch?”

Profile Image for Georgia ♥ .
420 reviews1,170 followers
April 18, 2013


Meet Horse, the man from your worst nightmares that may be all your dreams come true...

“So why are you called Horse?” “Cause I’m hung like one,” he replied, smirking.


Attitude, arrogance, danger, sex appeal are oozing from this great specimen of man.


Marcus Antonius Caesar McDonnell


All man, warrior
*insert pic of a sexy man in his underwear of your choice*

Exciting and arousing this book drew me right in and never let me go. A glimpse in the life of a motorcycle club, in a dangerous world with its own rules, living on the fringe of society.


Brutal, occasionally offensive and totally in-your-face, the story surprisingly deals with many serious issues: death, ideals, family and abuse without losing focus of the main couple.

Marie Caroline Jensen
Our heroine, a sweet and naive woman has dealt with a lot. A loving family consisting of a convicted mother and pothead brother. A cheating and abusive husband. And now she is right in the middle of a Motorcycle Club, hot mess. Not knowing anything about this lifestyle (who outside of Sons Of Anarchy does?) she insults Horse and he takes action.

The rest is a well constructed story that pulls no punches. Sex, drugs and the proverbial rock 'n roll, is just the tip of the iceberg.

And Marie and Horse are stuck in the middle of all these.



I really hope that there will be more stories of Reapers, Motorcycle Club!!

When I’d first met them, the MC had seemed like a gang of thugs, but the way Horse described it was more like a family. A crazy, loud family that fought a lot and occasionally went to jail, but still a family.

Reapers Forever, Forever Reapers.

Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15k followers
August 15, 2017
★★★★★! Reaper’s Property, book 1 (stand-alone), Introducing Horse; tall, larger-than-life, movie-star handsome biker and everything that is sex with him.

Horse’s and Marie’s story comes to pass when Marie’s brother, Jeff who had been hired by the Reaper’s MC club ends up stealing from the club. They offer Marie her brother’s life and his chance to make good on the theft in exchange for her going to live with Horse. The book follows Marie and Horse in the events leading up to that point and then the story continues from there.

Below is the link for “Sticky Sweet” (Reaper’s MC, #0.5)
Their first meeting from Horse’s POV. I recommend reading after chapter 1 of Reaper’s Property.

Hero: Marcus Antonius Caesar McDonnell, “Horse”/30 years old/ex-marine - biker - Reaper’s MC member - accountant/black hair/green eyes/6’6”
Heroine: “Marie Caroline Jensen/25 years old/childcare worker/separated/dark brown hair/5’4”

Story is mostly told from Marie’s POV, but every once in awhile we get Horse’s POV (in 3rd person).

At first glance Horse has so many of the superficial qualities I like in a hero… sinfully good looks:
“Tall, built, with shoulder-length hair he kept pulled back in a ponytail, and thick black stubble on his face. Stark, tribal cuffs ringed his wrists and upper arms. And what a face… Horse was handsome, like movie star handsome.”

And he is very well endowed:
“So why are you called Horse?”
“’Cause I’m hung like one,” he replied, smirking.”

But we soon learn that there are many more layers to Horse. He is this hard, strong and fierce biker, but he is also this soft, sweet and kind man. He is smart, working as an accountant handling the clubs complex finances. And he is funny:
“Glad you like it.” “What?” I asked, confused.
“My body,” he replied, smirking. “It’s the only one you get to look at or f~ck, so it’s good the package works for you.” I blushed fiercely…”

Marie was both naive and annoying which is often the case when paired with a larger-than-life hero. But she is also sweet, kind and loyal and she is reflective, insightful and she is trying to make a new life for herself:
“… while it might not have been a picture-perfect childhood, it hadn’t been too bad for a couple of white-trash kids whose dad took off before they hit grade school.”

And just like Horse she has her funny moments:
“I blinked at him, dazed. “Gonna f~ck you now.”
“Sure,” I whispered, dazed. “Not sure I’m gonna be able to participate too much, think you blew a circuit or something.”

Horse: What do you think? Gotta go, church in a few
Me: Church?!?? Didn’t peg you for a church kind of guy
Horse: What we call a club meeting. I try to stay away from collection plates
Me: Don’t get holy water in your beer!

For me this story offers it all, starting with a glimpse into the Reaper’s MC club life:
“Remember, we’re a tribe. We live together, we die together and what’s ours is ours. When times are good, we’re all good. Bad times, we may eat shit but we eat it together. Most people can’t handle that level of commitment.”

“We’re men—one percenters. F~cking kings of the MC world. We don’t follow the rules, we make our own goddamn rules.”

Many of Reaper’s members were veterans and this story is also a stark reminder of our many heroes who never came home:
“He’s Freebird chapter now and he doesn’t need his patches anymore. It’s time to send them back to him. We won’t forget. Reapers forever, forever Reapers.”

And this is of course very much an erotic tale about Horse and Marie and everything that is mind-blowing sex with Horse:
“I’m in charge here, don’t forget it,” he stated. I nodded, mesmerized.”

“I have no idea how long it was before Horse came, because I was floating in my own little world. He collapsed on top of me, managing to keep enough of his weight to one side that he didn’t crush me. Our breathing slowed. Then he leaned up on one elbow, sliding me so we lay face-to-face.”

Horse may have brought Marie on the pretense of collateral, but there is a budding love story giving as a glimpse into the other, softer side of Horse:
“But someday I’m going to own all of you, Marie. You’re all mine, babe. Knew it the first time I saw you. Couldn’t give you up if I tried.”

In addition there is suspense, the intrigue and mystery will keep you at the edge of your seat until the very last page. I will say no more. You need to read this story yourself!

All in all an excellent read, great character development of both Horse and Marie. In their story you will also meet many interesting side characters, some who most likely will be featured in the next-coming books.

Hero rating: 5 stars
Heroine rating: 3.5 stars
Sex scenes rating: 5 stars
Sex scenes frequency: 5 stars
Storyline concept rating: 5 stars
Storytelling skills rating: 5 stars
Story ending rating: 5 stars
Book editing rating (5 = no edits spotted): 4.5 stars
Overall rating: 5 stars

Would I recommend this book: Yes.
Would I re-read this book: Maybe later.
Would I read future books by this author: Yes.
Profile Image for Kelly (and the Book Boar).
2,664 reviews9,094 followers
February 10, 2016
Find all of my reviews at: http://52bookminimum.blogspot.com/

2.5 Stars

Look at me I’m becoming a real porno queen . . .

Palm Springs commercial photography

Whoops. They ain’t kiddin’ around when they say slippery when wet! When Casey recommended this book to me I requested it from the library immediately for one reason and one reason only . . .

Palm Springs commercial photography

“So why are you called Horse?”

“‘Cause I’m hung like one.”

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Since I have the mentality of a 12 year old I just laughed and laughed forever at that.

This one isn’t for the weak, so if you are of the butthurt generation don’t say I didn’t warn you. The premise behind Reaper’s Property is that Marie’s brother is a douchebag stoner idiot/‘puter genius who was hired to do some creative maneuvering of the motorcycle club’s funds and decided to skim off the top. D-bag brother finds himself $50,000 in the hole and zero method of paying back the debt. Enter Marie. Horse had his eye set on her becoming his “old lady,” but since she didn’t understand club lingo she told him to hit the bricks. Now that her brother’s life is on the line Marie has the chance to save him – by offering herself up as collateral. This is the part where you have to let reality go if you plan on enjoying the ride . . .

“Glad you like it.”

“What?” I asked.

“My body,” he replied, smirking. “It’s the only one you get to look at or fuck, so it’s good the package works for you.”

Reaper’s Property wasn’t really my ideal cuppa for the simple fact that WHY THE EFF DIDN’T HORSE JUST TELL HER THE WHOLE INDENTURED SERVITUDE THING WAS A RUSE BECAUSE HE WANTED TO KEEP HER SAFE AND ALSO KINDA LURRRRRRVED HER AND MOST DEFINITELY WANTED TO MAKE ALL THE SEX WITH HER?!?!?!?!?! Stupid plot is stupid. However, if you can let your mind be free to the idea of some dumbshit sex robot type of woman who suffers the body betrayal B.S. anytime dude breathes near her, you’re probably in for a good time and will eventually be okay with the stupid ass plot too . . .

“I don’t want to be your enemy,” he said firmly. “I want to be your man. You make me feel crazy things, Marie, and I don’t want to lose you.”

Or maybe that’s just me and I’ve been hypnotized by all of these longhaired motorbikers *shrug* . . . .

Palm Springs commercial photography

Whatever. The sex was hawt. Don’t agree?

Profile Image for Vishous.
596 reviews579 followers
January 17, 2013
First of all I would like to apologize to anyone who stumbled upon my status updates during reading this book!
Yes I know they were very spoliery (is that even a word?) but I just could not help myself! It was really stronger then me and I just had to share that with everyone!

I had so much fun reading this book! Oh my god I laughed like crazy! I don't know was that intended to be funny, some parts, but I seriously laughed my ass out! I was literally glued to it and had trouble with putting it down so I could at least grab a bite of food. This book is packed with hot badass bikers, action, drama, laughter, sexy times under sheets, witty comebacks and everything!
As a story I would have rated it 4 stars, but as I had so much fun reading it I am seriously giving it a nice 5 stars!

I don't even know what to say because pretty much you can read all my thoughts reading my upates so I will keep this short and I will focus only on one thing in this book:


"You got me?” “I got you.” “Oh baby,you have no idea,”

OMG I LOVE THAT MAN! Seriously I really love him! Everything that came out of his mouth was hilarious! Ok almost everything.... some parts really melted my panties.... That man seriously had multiple personalities! You would never know how would he respond to some things, either it shocked you or surprised you or just made you love him and want him more! Even when he was a really, really, really bad bad boy you simply could not NOT love him! That was simply impossible!

That guy had ego so high, omg it was too fun to read it!
I mean he is named Horse because he has a package huge like horse and that nickname was given to him AT BIRTH! Yes you read correctly ladies! AT BIRTH!

“So why are you called Horse?” “’Cause I’m hung like one,” he replied, smirking.”


"I felt his giant, erect penis poking my ass. “Horse” indeed."

“I turned on my side and looked down to see his cock for the first time.” "Oh my god…” “Told you why they call me Horse,” he said.”


"They make condoms that big?” I asked, halfway serious. “You’d be surprised,” he muttered.”

"always-impressive erection he seemed to have permanently installed in his jeans. Was the man even human?"

“Nope, not Jesus, just a man,” Horse whispered. “Although when women see my dick for the first time, they’ve been known to fall down on their knees and worship me.”


I know this is not a review that will tell you anything about the story, and I know I shouldn't have focused on his package but his name keeps reminding you that through the whole book. But I can tell you how sweet can be among having an EPIC ERECTION :)))

“Someday,” he whispered softly in my ear. “I don’t want to hurt you. Not until you’re ready for me… But someday I’m going to own all of you, Marie. You’re all mine, babe. Knew it the first time I saw you. Couldn’t give you up if I tried.”

“I want you to be my old lady, babe. That’s all I have to offer. I’m a Reaper, and this is my world. You wear my patch, you be my woman and I’ll be your man. We take the good times together and fight through the bad times. No games. That’s everything I’ve got and it’s all yours if you’ll take it.”

“I want this,” he said softly, leaning over and kissing me between the shoulder blades. “I need to own you. All of you. Make you scream and realize that you belong to me and I belong to you and nothing else matters. I can’t let you slip away from me, babe.”


January 21, 2013
Four Stars

** WARNING: This review contains some graphic dirty talk, which if you know me, I fucking love that shit, but if you don’t, well…just proceed at your own risk**

“This pussy,” he said, fingering me. I moaned in response, ashamed at how easily he made me wet. “This pussy is mine. You are mine. I’ll fuck you when and where I want, and you can either take it or get the fuck out. Are we clear?”

Did that get your attention?? Because seriously, that line still gets to me. Holy Mother FUCK!! **Deep breath** Give me five seconds to recuperate from that. 5…4…3…2…1…

Okay. So, umm, yea. I ran across this book on Facebook, read the blurb and just couldn’t say no. Come on you guys! Get this: The Hero is a tattooed, badass Alpha biker named Horse. That’s right, you heard me. HORSE! It took me a nano second for mind to come to an obvious and pervy conclusion and another minute to shuck $7 for this book. Was it worth it? Hells fuckin yea it was!

“Someday,” he whispered softly in my ear. “I don’t want to hurt you. Not until you’re ready for me… But someday I’m going to own all of you, Marie. You’re all mine, babe. Knew it the first time I saw you. Couldn’t give you up if I tried.”

Marie just moved back into her brother, Jeff’s, house after leaving her no good cheating soon to be ex-husband. Marie adores and loves Jeff. So when he gets into some serious trouble with a local MC, The Reapers, she doesn’t hesitate to help him. Anything.

“This is your option,” Horse said to me abruptly. “You want to keep dumbass alive, pack a bag and climb on my bike when we leave. You do what I tell you, when I tell you, no questions and no bitching.”
“Why?” I asked blankly.
“So you can cook dessert for me,” he snapped.
“Why the hell do you think?” he said, voice strained. “So I can fuck you.”

Horse will do anything to have Marie. Ever since he first laid eyes on her, he was determined to make her his. Horse and Marie had their chances to be together, but Horse’s personality was confusing the hell out of Marie. Not to mention his involvement in an MC and what all that entails; including access to the MC’s harem of easy women. She did not want to be just another notch on his bedpost. When Jeff fucks up, this was his opening he needed to have Marie right where he wants her.

“I’m not gonna let you go, Marie. I’m keeping you and I don’t care if I go to hell for doing it. I don’t care about anything but fucking you.”

Just like sexy Rock Star books, I’ve also learned that I’m a sucker for Badass Biker books. To me, they are the epitome of what I love most about my Alpha Heroes: They’re strong, brooding, sexy, possessive, protective and have that don’t fucking mess with me or my woman attitude. Fucking swoon! If you’re a fan of Madeline Sheehan’s Undeniable, you will probably like this read. It’s not as good, nor as intense, but still a great read nonetheless.

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Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,107 followers
July 29, 2013
Buddy Read with Mona <3 <3


A badass alpha-male on a motorcycle!!!!
I am in love!!!!!!


Marie has recently escaped from an abusive marriage and finds herself thrown into the world of the Reaper's...


She discovers an entirely new world with Horse and his club and soon discovers a new side to herself....

"So why are you called Horse?"
"'Cause I'm hung like one."


Yummm Horse was the ULTIMATE badass,sexy biker!He doesn't take any crap from anyone but he still has moments where he is sweet and gentle with his woman, Marie.

"I want you to be my old lady, babe. That's all I have to offer. I'm a Reaper, and this is my world. You wear my patch, you be my woman and I'll be your man. We take the good times together and fight through the bad times. No games. That's everything I've got and it's all yours if you'll take it."


Marie wasn't bad either,she was a pretty strong woman,she was just very naive.Sometimes she was a little stupid for me but in the end I like her more!!


I love the chemistry between Horse and Marie!!It was evident right from the start and it was sweet to see such a tough guy fall so hard.

"I'm not gonna let you go Marie.I'm keeping you and I don't care if I go to hell for doing it.I don't care about anything but fucking you."

Marie and Horse made a very hot sex couple!!!And the sex scenes are the hottest of your life!!



But it wasn't only a badass tattooed biker and his biker club that I loved in this book!Also it was hilarious!!I totally recommend it to everyone!!

Profile Image for Lady Heather .
1,305 reviews770 followers
January 19, 2013


I started this book yesterday afternoon for a couple of hours, and then picked it up again last night... well needless to say at 2 am (when I finally finished the damn story.. because I couldn't put it down, and my eyes were crossing) I had a hard time falling asleep because the story kept running through my mind for the rest of the night/morning.

The stories character's were so well written, I didn't know whether to hate Horse & Marie, smack them up side the head, or fall in love with them.


The world of this Motorcycle Club, "The Reaper's" is intense, dangerous, and is also that of a family. It's a world of it's own, with it's own rules and laws.

I can see where there would be a lot of mixed feelings about this story, because of Horse & Marie's relationship, but I think it's 'believable' because of the 'life' portrayed in the story when being a member of a Motorcycle Club, and what that means to the members and their women.

This would definitely be classified as 'erotica' because the sex in this story was HAWT!


If you like hot, bad-ass, tattooed, biker dudes


and strong, broken, huge-hearted women who love their man


... then I think you'd enjoy this story.

Profile Image for S.
Author 1 book424 followers
April 4, 2023
I had two problems with this book; the heroine did a lot of slut-shaming, she spoke ill about women who had a lot of sex and showed bare skin, which I thought was despicable of her to do.

One scene in particular that infuriated me was when she was watching a girl get gang-banged, and the girl was obviously enjoying getting fucked, but the heroine made some remarks about the scene that just turned my stomach. The girl wasn't being raped, she was having fun. So, can't women fuck as many men as they want without this heroine judging them for it?

And it wasn't JUST the heroine doing the slut-shaming. Many women were looked down upon by a lot of other characters; "old ladies" and "men."

And the other issue I had, was the time-jump. To avoid spoilers, I won't tell you what time jump I'm talking about, but read and you'll find out.

Overall, I liked the two characters, the heroine annoyed me and the chemistry was lacking but it was fine at the end.
Profile Image for Sammy Loves Books.
1,137 reviews1,636 followers
August 15, 2015
I'm kicking all my fictional boyfriends out of my bed.
Horse fucks like a demi god and talks so dirty, I'm fresh out of panties!!!


“This pussy is mine. You are mine. I’ll fuck you when and where I want, and you can either take it or get the fuck out. Are we clear?”


Horse could Fuck me Cripple as long as he continued to talk Dirty!

hung like a horse

Horse is a member of the Reapers Motorcycle Club. He's Harsh, Raw, and a total Badass!! He wants Marie and doesn't intend to take no for an answer.

Hot Biker

Marie is sweet, innocent, and VERY naive. She wasn't prepared for Horse and his sexual genius.

Biker Babe

“I don’t want to hurt you. Not until you’re ready for me… But someday I’m going to own all of you, Marie. You’re all mine, babe. Knew it the first time I saw you. Couldn’t give you up if I tried.”

These two are so wonderful together. Their attraction is so intense that neither of them are emotionally prepared. I loved how they fought and fucked and then learned to compromise. I got a little pissed off with story going back and forward between present and past tense. But fortunately that stopped around the halfway point. All the characters had depth, even the minor secondary characters were interesting and multifaceted. I look forward to reading more about the Reapers MC. This is going to be one hell of a series!!!
Profile Image for Glass.
646 reviews4 followers
June 5, 2014
Review posted on Way Too Hot Books

He's hung like one! (Yep, we are talking about Horse!)

Let me be honest with you - I would probably never look at this book twice if it weren't for all the status updates and reviews on Goodreads. So, dear Joanna, you should send some love to Blacky, Vishous, Rain , Shelly and Pam.

First thing that intrigued me was the name. There's one thing you have to know - if you call someone "horse" (konj) on my native language, you better be ready for fight because it's like telling someone he's a dumb fuck or something similar. And there were all the gifs of that horse from Tangled. (Now that I've read book, that kind of disturbs me.) Being good little girl, *winks*, I left everything aside and decided that it should be only appropriate to meet this big biker dude.

So I picked up my good, old buddy, you know, that gray thingy called Kindle. First impression after five pages: "Oh, the white trash - excuse for being a big failure." I had some Sookie flashbacks. But then... the bikes. The boys. Pour Some Sugar On Me too, please!

"But something about the way this biker swaggered, taking up space and the very air around him with his presence, caught me off guard and knocked me right in the…
Well, you know."

I think I know! Bossy bastard - but you can't help yourself. Oh, I know, honey...

What surprised me the most is that this book is actually really well written. So far I didn't have big, shiny moments reading Ellora's Cave novels. Okay, it still is typical when it comes to all steamy scenes, descriptions of his.... horseness and all the nipples poking through shirts. But I enjoyed every minute of it. Joanna Wylde knows her words. Storyline is interesting and it will keep you on the edge until the very end.

One thing that really made me want to kick something was all that stuff about sweet butts. Seriously? I understand that it would be the ultimate male fantasy (right after fucking virgin who acts like she is not one), but girl who gets off on something like that - what the hell is wrong with you? Again, I have to admit that I could even understand that (just slightly) - the decadence, freedom to act as you wish - but I do not like being humiliated for doing what I want.

Reaper's Property is just first book in Reapers MC series - I can't wait to read other guy's stories.

Until next time, sleep tight and let the kinky guys bite!
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,505 reviews5,346 followers
January 21, 2013

Sweet Butt! I loved this story, it was hot, gritty and definitely very exciting!

Marie leaves her abusive ex-husband and seeks refuge with her brother Jeffery in her family’s trailer. Jeffery seems to be involved in some sort of “business” with the local motorcycle club the Reapers. During their many surprise visits, Marie meets Horse.

Horse is...badass, alpha, rough, and all sorts of hot for Marie. He will do anything to get Marie on the back of his bike.

”I want you to be my old lady, babe. That’s all I have to offer. I’m a Reaper, and this is my world. You wear my patch, you be my woman and I’ll be your man. We take the good times together and fight through the bad times. No games. That’s everything I’ve got and it’s all yours if you’ll take it.” ~Horse

In order to protect her brother, Marie finds herself thrown into Horse's world. She develops strong feelings for Horse and members of the club.

I found Marie to be easy to relate to. She was also the right combination of sweet and strong!

"She'd gone all Pulp Fiction on us, ready to defend you by killing all of us if she had to. Crouched over your body like Wonder Woman. Gives me a boner just thinking about it.” ~Picnic, MC President

Horse and Marie’s story was well worth the ride!


I would love to read another book about them or any of the supporting characters!
Profile Image for Rach.
198 reviews203 followers
February 16, 2013


Bring on the Horse-

[image error]

I freakin

this book

We all know why Horse got his name- Well most of us do for those who don't here is a helpful guide
'it was huge and I mean, huge. Not just long, but thick and hard and flushed bright red so it looked angry. It cured up, wider in the centre of the shaft before narrowing under the ridge of the head'

And no we aren't talking about a

I had to laugh when Marie asked
'They make condoms that big?'

Although Horse confesses


'...I took off up the stairs. He tore after me, catching the back of my shirt, pulling me down three steps, trapping me under his body. Horse tore into me, fucking me so hard...his c@ck filled me exactly how I needed it...I don't know how many times I came

"He slid further down the bed, taking my knees and pushing them up and over his shoulders and his mouth covered my clit. Horse had the tongue of a devil sliding around my little nub...he worked me over until I twisted and moaned, hovering on the edge of climax. That's when he stuck his finger up my ass'

"This is my pussy...I'll f@ck it when I want and how I want. We party with the club and I get horny, you spread for me and you don't bitch about it. That means against the wall, on the floor, in the middle of the f@cking grocery store, you give it to me when I want it or this deal is off"

For all other Horse lovers- just want you to know
Profile Image for Kellie Maddox-Ward.
746 reviews519 followers
January 20, 2013

Reasons you should read this book.

1. His name is HORSE
2. It's erotica
3. He's a bad ass swearing demanding Alpha biker
4. She has some balls
5. His name is Horse, he's a demanding Alpha Male with shitload of stamina and wants the woman with balls.

'Nuff said

 photo drooling_zpsff62338b.gif
Profile Image for MelissaB.
725 reviews340 followers
January 30, 2014
Reaper's Property was a great motorcycle-riding thrill ride of a romance. The hero's name is Horse - you know because he is hung like one. Well, point number one in his favor. He is also a sexy, dangerous, possessive and dominant man who wants the heroine with a single minded intensity and does some crazy things to get her. I liked the heroine, she has made some mistakes in her life like marrying too young then taking years to realize she needed to leave her cheating husband. She seemed real though, with strengths and weaknesses. She made some not so smart decisions (never drunk text!) but overall had a level head except for her uncontrollable attraction to Horse.

This book sucked me in and kept me on my toes wondering what would happen next. Horse and Marie both make mistakes and it takes awhile for them to figure things out but it was a fun, very hot ride to them getting an HEA - she could be his old lady for life aka Property of Horse :)

I loved how gritty and real this book was, I know nothing about real life motorcycle clubs but this book seemed fairly accurate from what I have read. I hope we get more books featuring the Reapers!

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