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Destination: Simple - Rituals and Rhythms for a Simpler Daily Life

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You want to simplify your life, reduce stress, reduce complications - but you don't know where to begin. You don't know HOW to begin.

89 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 11, 2012

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About the author

Brooke McAlary

3 books208 followers

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55 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 291 reviews
Profile Image for Rosemary Atwell.
441 reviews35 followers
June 20, 2024
A smaller dose of ‘Slow,’ with prescriptive advice on how to practice slow living through daily activities. For me, the most important is to take notice.
Profile Image for Reannon Bowen.
398 reviews
February 29, 2020
This is actually a 3.5 star book.
You can knock this tiny book over in an hour but you'll walk away with good things to think about. If you're a fan of Brooke's podcast, like I am , you'll know some of this stuff already but it's still nice to have it all in front of you. Brooke couldn't have made it simpler or more achievable. Once you close the last page you feel like you can adopt everything she's suggested to get you living a simpler life right away. I know this will be a book I revisit any time I feel like my life needs a mini overhaul.
Profile Image for Claire O'Sullivan.
480 reviews10 followers
July 3, 2018
A great little book to help me focus on enjoying life, slowing down a little and concentrating on the things that bring me joy.
Profile Image for daniela sofia.
612 reviews122 followers
March 22, 2018
Assim que recebi este livro tive de o ler. Quem viu o post de divulgação viu o quanto entusiasmada eu estava quanto a este livro. Ando a aventurar-me nestes caminhos de simplificar tudo, simplificar a vida, o trabalho, organizar tudo, agradecer, e muito mais. Ando a tentar desenvolver-me a nível pessoal. Este livro, pode ser pequeno, mas é quase como uma bíblia.

Querem mudar de vida, ser melhores pessoas e não sabem por onde começar? Simples, comecem por ler este livro. É pequeno e de rápida leitura, porém, não leiam a correr desfrutem e tirem apontamentos que mais tarde vão precisar. Eu insluive tirei alguns e pretendo partilhar com vocês noutro post dedicado ao tema de desenvolvimento pessoal. Logo lá chegaremos!

Temos aqui várias dicas da escritora para simplificar-mos as nossas ideias, para deixar-mos de viver a mil à hora. O truque é simplificar a mais pequena coisa que apenas isso nos trará mais simplicidade para a vida em geral. É um livro aodrável, a capa é simples, o seu design interior é muito bonito. Acreditem, vocês devem ler este livro. Vais vos ajudar a dar um passo para o desenvolvimento e para uma vida mais simples.
Profile Image for Lia.
281 reviews73 followers
June 30, 2017
Hardly worth the effort.
This was a gift given to me by a business associate.

It was a simple enough book and everything was sensible, practice and achievable.

I would have perhaps liked some newer content or some more visual content as well.

Worth the hour or so it took to get through but overall perhaps too simple to be interesting.

An interesting quandary.
A book on simplification that was too pared down and simple.
Profile Image for Tess O'Brien.
8 reviews2 followers
February 8, 2017
Big fan of Brooke & 'the slow home' podcast! If you too are a frequent listener, a lot of the themes/tools introduced in this book won't be new information.

This book is a great place to start if you are new to minimalism/slow living. If you're a little more familiar it & have been on the bandwagon for a while I would recommend 'Calm' by The School of Life.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
1,032 reviews64 followers
December 1, 2017
I liked that this book was simple and to the point. It talks about methods you can employ in your daily life to just slow down and stress less. I liked the ideas in this book and they were pretty simple and easy to follow.
Profile Image for Dani N.
445 reviews62 followers
December 13, 2019
Small, straightforward exercises to help simplify daily life.
Profile Image for Giada.
28 reviews8 followers
June 9, 2023
Small book about how to slow down in life. Few points and exercises to think about what we do in our daily life. Nice!
Profile Image for Neva.
149 reviews12 followers
April 14, 2022
Este libro propone 7 rituales para llevar una vida mas tranquila.
✨Más que encontrar el balance del que tanto se habla entre la vida personal y laboral, este libro te invita a entender que hay días que es necesario ceder sin culpa.
✨Lo que mas me agradó es que tiene ejercicios para que hagas e implementes en tu día a día
✨ Aunque la gran mayoria de las ideas aqui propuestas quizás ya se han escuchado si sueles leer libros o consumir material de este corte, si sirve como una pequeña guía o recordatorio de su importancia.
Profile Image for Kit Feral.
327 reviews15 followers
July 28, 2019
I loved this!! to be honest it introduced no new ideas to me. because I've read so much about Waldorf it was very familiar concepts. but I liked that it was a focus on me instead of my kids! it was a very refreshing reminder and the whole thing felt like a happy sigh. the exercises were so simple and clear. the voice was so encouraging and didn't preach or make it all sound impossible for someone with multiple little kids, like so many books like this. it was such a simple gorgeous little read. everyone has time to read this and everyone should!
Profile Image for K.
938 reviews99 followers
April 9, 2017
Nothing new here - although I liked the idea of tilting, i.e being flexible between spheres of your life and forgetting balance as a goal. Much better books on simplicity around, sadly.
Profile Image for Kathy Peterman.
31 reviews3 followers
April 23, 2018
I love the simplicity of this book and the ease of reading it. Brooke McAlary hosts the Slow Your Home podcast and has a lot to say and the minimalism lifestyle. I like how this book is bound, it's intentionally small and it feels good in my hands. You can read Destination Simple in an hour, and then circle back to do the exercises in single-tasking, unplugging, emptying your mind, three things and gratitude. The way she presents on these topics is clear and inspiring. I adore the new word rhythm that she uses in place of routine. It offers room for flow and play while making sure you focus on what's important to you. She helps you build a morning and an evening rhythm that suits you! Perhaps one of her biggest tips comes in the final pages where she addresses the need to plan for "tilt" to happen in our lives. All-in-all a great book!
March 18, 2018
This book is short. 114 pages to be exact. In the introduction, Brooke explains this is a short simple book. If you listen to The Slow Home Podcast, each chapter reads like a little exert from the show. Is this book profound? No. Is it life changing? Maybe. Did it give different language to use and ways to simplify life that aren’t overwhelming and totally achievable? Absolutely.

I loved this book and it’s a great quick read if you want some easy tips on slowing down and learning to “tilt” in every day life.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
425 reviews10 followers
September 9, 2018
A quick guide to creating a simpler, slower life.
The steps/suggestions offered throughout this book aren't exactly groundbreaking and if you've listened to any TedTalks or read any other books on this subject you've heard them all before - avoid multitasking, be mindful, occasionally unplug from social media/technology, practice daily gratitude, etc. That said, this book does serve as a good reminder and because it's such a short read, I'd recommend it to anyone who feels overwhelmed and is looking to create a simpler lifestyle for themselves.
Profile Image for Renatita_dama.
52 reviews1 follower
February 27, 2019
O título atraiu logo a minha atenção, também eu ando a tentar simplificar, minimizar, apreciar o lado simples da vida.
Li imediatamente, a mensagem é curta e grossa mas não sei se eficaz!
Fiquei um pouco desiludida pois não estava à espera de um livro que fosse uma espécie de manual de auto ajuda nesta área. Tem bons conselhos mas demasiadas regras para se atingir a simplificação (na minha modesta opinião).
Teria preferido 1000 vezes ler sobre a experiência pessoal da autora, o que a levou a querer simplificar e a mudar de vida e como o conseguiu fazer!
Profile Image for Candace S..
157 reviews
February 19, 2018
This tiny book is short, practical, realistic, and encouraging. It is a great tool for helping you think through the rhythms, routines, and habits that make up your day, and thus make up your life, which is *exactly* what I wanted to do during a personal retreat. This book turned out to be the perfect companion for that. I definitely recommend it if you are wanting to do the same thing!
Profile Image for Heather.
499 reviews
December 22, 2018
Gentle encouragement to single task sometimes instead of always multitasking, unplugging for manageable chunks of time, brain dumping to make winding down at bedtime easier, gratitude, narrowing down the to-do list to the top three daily items, forming deliberate morning and evening rituals (not routines), tilting towards rather than striving for balance, and savoring life by taking time to notice.
Profile Image for Lyree Robson.
26 reviews
July 4, 2018
Fabulous shortened edition of her book Slow. Broken down into 7 short bite size chapters on how to change your life by slowing down and embracing life's daily rhythms makes for a 'simplistic' overview on what's important in today's world. A wonderful easy read and useful reference, I loved it.
Profile Image for Elise.
120 reviews1 follower
April 30, 2020
This is one of my favorite books on simple living I have read – and I’ve read quite a few. :) The main reason is that she practiced what she preaches – that is, the book itself was simple. Compact, easy to read, and… well, simple… It had great nuggets and didn’t waste time with the excess. Would recommend!
Profile Image for Kristina.
981 reviews244 followers
March 21, 2019
Не беше нищо особено като цяло. Включваше съвети, които вече съм чувала или чела някъде, но тук фокусът беше специфично върху това да водим по-прост живот и да не се претрупваме със задачки и цели.
Profile Image for Mandy Robek.
667 reviews10 followers
March 23, 2019
A great little read with helpful suggestions. Love the idea of rhythm instead of routine.
Profile Image for Emily Reimold.
20 reviews1 follower
January 5, 2021
Simple and practical. Looking forward to implementing the exercises she gives.
Profile Image for Kathryn Woods.
21 reviews5 followers
June 15, 2024
A sweet little book about rituals and rhythms. Gentle and practical.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 291 reviews

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