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God is Able

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Got an IMPOSSIBLE situation? The anxiety it brings can wake you in the middle of a needed night’s sleep and then stalk you in the middle of broad daylight. It can sneak up on you and cast a cloak of fear and concern over your shoulders that you can’t seem to shake no matter how hard you try. It can take you down. Squash all hope. Stop you in your tracks. 
IMPOSSIBLE. IMPENETRABLE. UNCHANGEABLE. Maybe so . . . until God gets involved. No matter the details of your circumstance, His raw power potential and immeasurable ability refuse to cower in the face of any challenge. Nothing is impossible with God. Nothing. Not even that thing. This is the uplifting, well-reasoned answer from New York Times best-selling author Priscilla Shirer—not a denial of life’s adversities and troubles, but a biblical reminder that God is always up to great things, even when His great things are greater than instant remedies and visible change. He is a God who cares . . . and a God who CAN. Believe it. Experience it. God Is Able .

176 pages, Paperback

First published September 3, 2013

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About the author

Priscilla Shirer

78 books2,151 followers
Priscilla Shirer is a wife and a mom first. But put a Bible in her hand and a message in her heart and you’ll see why thousands flock to her conferences and dive into her Bible study series’ and books each year.

A graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, Priscilla holds a Master’s degree in Biblical Studies and considers it a privilege to serve believers from every denomination and culture by helping them to know the truths of Scripture intellectually and encouraging them to experience these truths practically by the power of the Holy Spirit.

In addition to Priscilla’s participation in many church and para-church conferences across the globe each year, Going Beyond Ministries hosts AWAKEN – an outreach event in their hometown designed to encourage and mobilize women locally. This free gathering brings together thousands of women from different denominations and backgrounds several times a year in an effort to stir revival.

Going Beyond Ministries also equips believers through books and Bible study resources. Priscilla has authored over a dozen video driven studies for women and teens on a myriad of Biblical characters and topics including Jonah, Gideon, the Exodus, discerning God’s voice, The Armor of God.

Her books include Discerning the Voice of God, God is Able, and two New York Times Bestsellers – The Resolution for Women and Fervent: A Woman’s Battle Plan for Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer, which was named the 2016 Christian Book of the Year. Her latest offering is a 365-day devotional called Awaken: 90 Days with the God Who Speaks. In 2016, Priscilla ventured into the world of children’s publishing with The Prince Warriors, a fiction 4-book series and accompanying 365-day devotional (Unseen) designed to equip tween boys and girls for victory in spiritual warfare.

Priscilla has been married to Jerry for 20 years. Between studying and writing, she spends most of her time cleaning up after (and trying to satisfy the appetites of) their three growing boys – Jackson, Jerry Jr. and Jude.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 245 reviews
Profile Image for Jennifer.
151 reviews36 followers
January 24, 2021
I thought this was going to be a fast, easy read since it is so short... Boy was I wrong! Priscilla does a fabulous job really, deeply expounding on Ephesians 3:20-21. It was so packed that I could only listen to bite-sized chunks at a time!

Also, thumbs up to the narrator, Lisa Renee Pitts. She did an absolutely fabulous job really putting a lot of emotion into this and retaining the heart & soul that I am sure Priscilla Shirer put into writing this book.

I highly recommend it to anyone & everyone, especially those who are wanting to grow deeper in their prayer life by truly realizing that God is able to do it all!
Profile Image for Laura.
592 reviews120 followers
February 10, 2017
This was a very refreshing, encouraging read. It was easy to read yet made memorable applications in my life. If you want a boost in your prayer life and learning to trust God, I would not hesitate to pick this book up!
Profile Image for Smilinhere.
59 reviews
July 19, 2016
God is Able by Priscilla Shirer...

some of my favorite parts:

Endowed by God with an enormous amount of power, yet tinkering along at a spiritual snail's pace, taking up a lane but not really letting Him take us anywhere. <>

His power is able to shut your mouth, stifle your anger, make you scrupulously honest, help you extend true forgiveness, purify you and show you how to become the same person in private as you claim to be in public

His power is able to restore your desires, renew your love, refashion your marriage into one that honors God not because you've reached some level of perfection but because of the heart of grace you share with one another

His power can also lead you to parent your children with loving caring responsibility to perform your job with diligence and integrity to treat your employees with understanding and character-driven leadership

Our lives are one long battle after another, waged by the same enemy who's been trying to destroy us since the moment we first passed through our mother's womb. We feel the battle in our homes, in our relationships, in our bodies in our heads <>
Profile Image for Beth.
790 reviews350 followers
January 2, 2015
In this quick yet powerful read, Shirer breaks down Ephesians 3:20-21 phrase by phrase. I loved how she took only two verses and showed how powerful they really are and what it means for us who need reminders of God's ability in hopeless situations. I will certainly never look at those verses in the same way again, and am really inspired to begin looking at scripture in a deeper way and work on truly realizing that each word is important and points back to God.

One of the most impacting details for me was that Paul wrote this particular part of scripture while he was imprisoned - to write those words during what had to be one of the most horrible situations he had ever encountered - it was a powerful reminder for me - even if God didn't act on Paul's behalf, Paul never doubted that He was able to do so, and neither should I.
Profile Image for Colleen Foster.
117 reviews129 followers
July 24, 2020
This book is what I needed at the right time in my life. I didn't want to bother God with the small things in my life. There is way to much going on in the world for me to bother God with this. But God is able to do abundantly beyond all that we ask or think. There are a couple of quotes that I love from this book. "Just because God can doesn't mean he will." "But just because He hasn't doesn't mean He won't". Powerful book. A must read for sure.
Profile Image for Kathleen (Kat) Smith.
1,613 reviews87 followers
December 15, 2013
"No matter who you are, however old or young, there's always at least one thing. That thing in your life you can't seem to - you know, escape or fix or solve. It's just...it's ...(Sigh.)

It's always there. Just when you think you've maybe figured out a little piece of it - how you might be able to handle it better, manage it, work around it, or get out ahead of it - it always seems to end up beating you, or at least keeping you awake in the wee hours of the night.

You've tried. (Oh, Lord, how you've tried.) You've prayed. You've asked. You've begged. You've fretted. You've calculated. You've eaten better. You've exercised more.

You've tried being gentler, then firmer. Louder, then more quieter. More assertive, then more submissive. You've admitted where you went wrong and refused to gloat when you were right. You feel like you've done everything you can think of. And honestly, you're starting to seriously wonder now if God can do this, if He can do...It.

You'd still like to think He can. And if you were to spout all your churchy rhetoric, it'd sure sound like you believe He can. But deep down - down where you soul pulses with doubt and uneasiness - you wonder about that circumstance, that life issue, that dilemma you're facing. God may be able to keep the stars in the sky, the earth tilted on its axis, and the heavens hung in glorious array. But can He do this? It?"(pg 1-3)

In her latest book, God Is Able, Priscilla Shirer takes the reader into a look at what God is capable of through a personal look at her own doubts and unbeliefs when she was struggling. That no one has it all together no matter how famous or close to God they appear to be. She shows us that no matter how difficult our situations may be or how caught off guard they may have found you, they can carve out a deep foothold where doubt could settle in. But if you and I don't turn to face these things, we'd never come face to face with Him. And our God's not having any of that. She write is such a way you feel as if you're having a one on one conversation with a close personal friend, something I love when reading non fiction books.

I received God is Able by Priscilla Shirer compliments of B and H Publishers and Icon Media Group for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation for a favorable review and the opinions expressed in this review are my own. This is such an exciting book because as believers, we all find ourselves struggling to keep our head above the storm waters that threaten to consume us. Yet even in the heart of the storm, Priscilla showcases how God is Able to do the Impossible through her own personal experiences and using the scripture reference of "Now to him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all we ask or think according the power that works within us to Him be the glory" found in Ephesians 3:20-21. She pulls apart those verses to encourage readers to see what God can do in their lives, in their situations to not only answer their prayers if it His will but more importantly to see God in what is happening. This is such a great resource for anyone who has ever struggled and wondered where God was in their life. For that reason I give this a perfect 5 out of 5 stars and this is one I plan on referring to quite a bit whenever doubt tends to creep back into my life about what God is able to do!
Profile Image for Becka.
712 reviews41 followers
October 9, 2023
I have mixed feelings about this book. The topic of the book is very timely-that while our circumstances can and do change, God does not change and He is able to do far beyond what we can imagine. I think the execution of the book could have been better. It lacks the depth I was looking for and paints something of a “prayer vending machine” picture of God. There needs to be a better balance between God’s ability to answer our prayers in ways beyond our imaginations and our responsibility to accept in faith when His answer to our prayers is No. This side of the equation is minimalized by the author, which renders the book much less effective.

Thanks go to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for PollyAnna Joy.
Author 4 books27 followers
April 24, 2018
Based on Ephesians 3:20-21, Priscilla reminds us that GOD I.S. ABLE. What a wonderful read. This is a book that I encourage all my fellow Believers read, especially if you are struggling in your faith. What a wonderful reminder of God's exceeding abundant ability.
Profile Image for Isaac .
69 reviews12 followers
May 5, 2023
Our God is ABLE! The one "who is able" is the one who's telling you the truth.
Profile Image for Vanessa.
82 reviews10 followers
June 27, 2022
If you’re going through a difficult season, have gone through months or years of unanswered prayers, and/or have simply stopped believing that God is able or even cares about what is troubling you….you need to read this book! This was gifted to me by a friend for my birthday this past January (she knew I’ve been in a difficult season in my walk w/God) and sat in my desk for months without having any inclination of reading it. Then I picked it up in April only to read a few chapters and forget about it. It wasn’t until 2 weeks ago that I decided to start over and I am SO glad that I did. I’ve always loved Priscilla Shirer ever since I went through her “Discerning God’s Voice” Bible study, so I knew that this would be a good read, at the very least. But wow, this book was so on point for me in this season! Amazing how God can bring the right message right when we need it most. God has used this book to strengthen my faith in Him and give me a sense of inner peace & expectation in His ability to respond to my prayers. Simply put this is a must read for anyone who is or has ever struggled with unanswered prayers! Won’t regret reading this! 💕
Profile Image for Melissa Marie.
112 reviews2 followers
June 2, 2020
Wonderfully funny and equally inspirational about all the good that Jesus can bring to our lives! This book went abundantly beyond my expectations!! 🤣
Profile Image for Tina "IRead2Escape".
1,475 reviews85 followers
November 20, 2019
God is Able is a definite must read for anyone that needs that little kick in the pants to really start trusting God with your problems. The book begins with clear and helpful instruction on how to find your It. Your It is actually the one thing that you've tried to handle yourself over and over but it is always there. It is the one thing that you need to give to God and trust him to help you, after all you've not been able to do it yourself.

Once you've found your It the book is filled with fantastic chapters detailing all of the impossible things that God has done throughout the bible clearly illustrating that your It isn't too big for our Lord. Every time I would read a chapter I found that I was becoming more and more confident in the Lord to help me. Obviously, this book can't cure what is plaguing in your life but you are left with a feeling of a huge weight off your shoulders once you truly surrender yourself and your problems to God.

I will definitely read more books written by Priscilla Shirer. I found this book life changing.
Profile Image for Candace.
932 reviews
June 29, 2019
What is the It in your life that you have tried to handle, that continues to defeat you, and that you have prayed about, begged and fretted over? Priscilla Shirer takes us through the study of Ephesians 3:20-21. By studying and reinforcing these verses, we realize God is able to handle our It or our Its. We have a God who loves us, will not leave us, and is abundantly able to handle and solve our Its. This encouraging and uplifting book will inspire and teach us how to give it to God, who is able.

Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21)
64 reviews1 follower
September 10, 2020
Man, my soul NEEDED this. I loved it, lived it, was enriched by it.
For me, someone who is not often found dipping into conversational-tone theological writing, this was refreshing, lighter, and somehow more personal than any thick, deep, heavy, exegetical theology has ever been (except for maybe Tim Keller).
I have now revised my hard-and-fast rule that only heavy theology can deepen relationship with God. Sometimes we really need to sit down with someone who is going to take the time emphatically to drive home a point into our thick skulls. That was what Priscilla Shirer's book did for me. It was inspiring, moving, encouraging, and just GOOD.
First experience of Shirer's ministry, and I am grateful for her and keen to hear more through her ministry.

Side note: I listened to the audiobook narrated by Lisa Renee-Pitts. Usually I listen to audiobooks on 1.5x speed or more, otherwise books feel really slow. I prefer a more conversational pace. This narrator was extra, extra slow. But somehow, it worked. Particularly for the first few chapters which really require you to think.
Profile Image for Robyn Johnson.
11 reviews2 followers
September 22, 2019
Thankful for this powerful reminder of God’s ability. Ephesians 3:20-21 serves as the foundation for this book. It’s a verse I have heard dozens of times in my life but after reading “God is Able” I have a more comprehensive understanding of not only this verse but the character of God. Nothing is beyond His ability. He is not just powerful, He Himself is power. These truths matter. These truths change the way I think, the way I speak, the way I live!
Profile Image for Karina Owens.
38 reviews2 followers
July 21, 2024
I don’t remember much but remember this book profoundly impacting me in HS as it spent a whole book breaking down Ephesians 3:20-21. Huge point was that BECAUSE God is able to do anything, what he allows to happen in this broken world is the best way. In my mind, it’s like the best doctor who has all the medicine and tools in the world yet his decision to prescribe x or not prescribe at all is ultimately the best course of action given his expert knowledge.
Profile Image for Debby.
440 reviews22 followers
August 28, 2020
Love this book and came away with a new question for each day: What can I do to bring more glory to You this day or in this situation, LORD?

I will be actively looking for opportunities to glorify God in each and every day. As usual, Priscilla Shirer brings scripture to life and to the workings in your every day life.

Excellent read!
Profile Image for Lynnette.
518 reviews
March 30, 2021
Her books are always so inspiring! She is a little bit more on the charismatic side than I am but she keeps what she says grounded in the Bible. I find her conversational style refreshing and encouraging. This book really reminded me of how great and amazing God's work is in each one of our lives and convicted me not to take what happens in life for granted.
January 2, 2024
This is a powerful book, and the only reason I gave it four stars instead of five is because I listened to the audible version, and I wasn’t thrilled with the reader. Maybe that’s not fair because the content is definitely five stars. 😊
87 reviews1 follower
June 9, 2024
Perfect combination of clarity, positivity, and hope.
Profile Image for Jenni Wertman.
9 reviews1 follower
June 3, 2024
This was an EXCELLENT book! I would highly recommend. It was a great reminder of the power of God in my life!
Profile Image for Bekah.
Author 11 books41 followers
December 22, 2017
I picked this book up at a women’s conference back in late September and I was excited to read it. I definitely enjoyed reading it.

What I Liked: There was a lot I liked about this book. It really encouraged me to become more aware of how great my God is and that what is impossible to me and what seems so giant in my life, is a speck in God’s eyes because nothing is impossible for HIM! And He has the power to work in my life for my good. Yet I also liked the point that was made that while God can do everything, we must trust in His sovereignty in our lives. He knows best.

This author is such a talented writer. She paints an excellent picture and has quite a sense of humor that I really enjoyed. I could almost hear her actually speaking to me instead of me just reading the book.

What I Didn’t Like: While I liked this book and would recommend it, there was something I didn’t quite agree with. This book takes Ephesians 3:20-21 phrase by phrase and the first chapter focuses on the word “now”. I felt that it was taken out of context a bit because while “now”certainly means the current time, I felt in this instance Paul was using this word to connect it to the previous verses. I mean, I get what the author was saying that God is able to work in our different circumstances NOW, but I felt that it wasn’t the meaning of the use of the word “now” in Scripture. I should study it up more and others might disagree with me on this. :)

I give this books 4 stars for an excellent reminder of the power of my amazing Father God in going way beyond my beyond for me.
Profile Image for Gennevia.
128 reviews1 follower
July 30, 2020
Loved it. But the author is one of my favorites, so I'm a bit biased.
Profile Image for Annette.
903 reviews26 followers
November 8, 2013
Source: Free copy from Icon Media Group and BH Publishing Group.
I've had close friends read Priscilla Shirer's books and taken part in her Bible studies, but I'm late in coming to the banquet table (so to speak). She has a spark of enthusiasm that is part cheerleader and a whole lot of passion for Jesus Christ.

Shirer begins with addressing what all humans have at some point in their life-a behemoth of a problem they cannot "fix or solve". She compels the reader to confess it and say it aloud. Then in the following pages she proves God is able to handle any and all problems. The focal passage is from Ephesians 3:20-21,

"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen."

A quote from early on in the book stood out to me,
"never had trouble believing in the power of God when it was theoretical".
I believe God does bring us to a point in our walk with Him where we must exercise what we say we believe. God does not leave us as "newborn infants", but rather wants us to "grow up".
See 1 Peter 2:2
In God Is Able, Shirer encourages us to place our problems at the feet of Jesus Christ----- because God is able. God may not answer immediately, He may not answer in the way we expected. I know from my own life, it is I who am always changed. Changed by surrendering my fears and problems over to Him. I'm no longer carrying around the burden that left me chained and enslaved. The development of faith strengthens my character and maturity in Christ Jesus.
Shirer reminds us that we try hard to fix the problem our self, "to dig in and try harder", but we must let it go, because God is able.
Shirer's personality is visible in her writing. She is enthusiastic, persuasive and positive.
She shares experiences from her life, yet she writes directly and intimately to her reader.
The majority of the book is focused on reminding us through Scripture and through Shirer's affective witness, that all humans have problems but we must surrender them over to Jesus Christ.
The book is short at 176 pages, less than 200 words per page.
The book is not an exhaustive in-depth study. Some readers are uninterested in a theology type analysis, preferring a book that is easy to understand and relate to.
I know there are Christians who do not agree with the "name it and claim it" preaching or teaching. I did not see this dogma in the book. I did see Shirer encouraging her readers to depend on God's sufficiency and grace. Sometimes what we hear the most we fail to act on, dependency in God. We must be reminded of this teaching until we "get it".
Displaying 1 - 30 of 245 reviews

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