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Stripped #1


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“I like you.” His voice is low and soft, which I don’t deserve. I look away, down the rutted parking lot.
“Don’t... waste those words on me.”
He touches my cheek. “You just need someone to show you.”
“No.” I ease back again. “I don’t. So please, Torrin, stop trying to swoop in and save me. I don’t need saving.”

College freshman, Quinn Montgomery, will do anything to avoid the mistake her sister made — killing herself over a boy. But when she is forced into nude modeling at a local college to support her family after a bankruptcy, she begins to crack, just enough to let Torrin, the university’s top varsity oarsman, see that the real Quinn is not as feisty and unapproachable as she wants everyone to think. But letting someone in comes at a steep cost and, it turns out, Torrin is connected to Quinn’s family in more ways than she could ever imagine.

345 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 14, 2013

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About the author

Brooklyn Skye

9 books465 followers
Brooklyn Skye grew up in a small town where she quickly realized writing was an escape from small town life. Really, she’s just your average awkward girl who’s obsessed with words. Follow her on Twitter @brooklyn__skye or visit her website for updates, teasers, giveaways, and more.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 148 reviews
Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,864 reviews1,373 followers
July 1, 2016
This was an okay story, and there were a couple of interesting twists that I didn’t guess. I did find the whole thing a bit slow though, and the romance didn’t really do it for me either.

6 out of 10
Profile Image for Dawn Norman.
1 review
March 15, 2013
I enjoyed this book a lot. The plot is interesting and a little bit twisty AND there's no draggy spots. You'll want to read straight on through.

Quinn Montgomery is a great hero of her own story, rising to face her challenges one by one, with a few setbacks, of course. You really want to see her succeed. Supporting characters are funny and believable.

A great read!
589 reviews1,072 followers
June 16, 2013
See more reviews at YA Midnight Reads

This copy was given by YA Bound for review and tour purposes only.

'"You don't trust me?" I shrug
"You could be a thief, ready to take off with it."'

At times like these I really wish that I could pull out all my thoughts on a string and organise them better. Categorise and shuffle them around, quite frankly (well for now) our technology in the world has not become that advanced to actually take thoughts out of our minds- in fact- in think we'd loose our minds if we did that. Stripped had this affect on me. While I liked some parts of the story, I detested many too, hence reducing me to utter silence. Brooklyn's debut novel is a New Adult contemporary (WHOO!) that follows an unfortunate teenage girl, Quinn.

Save yourself. Those were some of the last words Quinn's sister whispered to her. Before her sister died. Save yourself from falling in love. Because love is a fragile thing, and it will break you until can't stand it anymore. And you do what Quinn's sister did. You relieve yourself. Now, after experimenting such a traumatising time- with the addition of Quinn's father's public humiliation and sudden 'poverty'- Quinn attempts to earn her money for her college by modelling for art students and not fall in love at the same time. But that gets all complicated when Torrin appears.

The main issue I had with Stripped was Quinn. To put it candidly, she's a bitch. And ignorant. And dramatic. And frustratingly bitchy. Wait, I already said that. After what happened to her sister, Quinn just pulls back and becomes irritating as the story drags on. I comprehend her situation, but like I established before, it was over done and histrionic. Sometimes, I just wanted to burst out laughing whilst punching Quinn at the ludicrousness. Despite this, Quinn does actually develop as a character, which I always something I look out for in books, while it was a small alteration, Brooklyn made the transition go perfectly.

As Stripped was dialogue driven, I couldn't fully appreciate the romance. This is simply because we are meant to get beautiful and intricately resplendent scenes and descriptions, unfortunately, while this book did have some, there wasn't enough to make me feel completely satisfied. Nonetheless, Torrin's personality kind of made up for it, as I caught myself giggling and smiling at him. Torrin brightened up Stripped significantly.

Overall, Stripped wasn't exactly what I as hoping for but there were still some shining points here! I recommend to people in need for a cute and mildly emotional induced contemporary novel.
Profile Image for Azia.
Author 1 book13 followers
March 15, 2013
This story will appeal very much to women between the ages of 15-30 (give or take a year or two.) Quinn is an interesting character, one you can't quite wrap your finger around. Her internal dialogue has great entertainment value. You don't love Quinn- you don't hate Quinn. You find yourself rooting for her, and then seconds later asking her, "Girl! What are you doing right now?" She embodies the simultaneous maturity and naivety of the typical American teenage girl. Many will be able to relate to her.

The male character we come to know is Torrin. He's got it all-- the perfect package: charming, good-looking, physically fit, self-sacrificing, understanding (he takes Quinn's irrational outbursts in stride!), artistic-- you name it, that's Torrin.

This book is a page turner and will keep you interested throughout the story. Definitely something you could bury yourself into and swallow whole in one sitting (the perfect book for the days you want to spend a few hours on the couch under a comfy blanket.)
Profile Image for Karen Barber.
2,883 reviews70 followers
June 4, 2016
Quinn is having a tough time. Financial worries are putting her under pressure at college, but she's also trying to come to terms with the death of her much-loved sister and her father losing his job due to a much-publicised scandal. Just at the time she is dealing with this, she meets Torrin.
While it's set up as a love-hate relationship, the clues about just what secrets were being hidden from who are heavily signposted. It is all a little obvious, which makes it less powerful as a story.
The characters of Quinn and Torrin are, at times, emotional-but the whole situation is quite laughable. The redeeming element of the novel was the quite late -and unforeseen- revelation about Zoe, Quinn's sister, and how this impacted on Quinn's decisions.
Profile Image for Lindsey Lockwood.
Author 1 book4 followers
March 20, 2013
The book has great twists, dynamic characters and the romance between Quinn and Torrin made the book impossible to put down. This page turner is a must read!
Profile Image for Lindy.
798 reviews199 followers
May 16, 2013
When I first had the opportunity to see Stripped on goodreads, I was intrigued by the synopsis, and book cover. Words and phrases that stuck out to me were in regards to Quinn making the same mistake her sister made-killing herself over a boy, being "forced into nude modeling," and about Torrin (the love interest) being connected to Quinn's family "in more ways than she could ever imagine." Right away I was interested, and already trying to figure out what the story was about, before I even opened the first page! I just knew right away that this book would be good! The question, I asked myself was "Would Stripped be able to hold my attention for the duration of the whole story?" The answer is "yes!" Stripped held my attention, and the more I read of the story, the more that I wanted to know! This story was fast-paced, full of suspense, mystery behind Quinn's sister's suicide, and some family secrets! I enjoyed Stripped. In no way was it a light read. However, it was a great read, full of the harsh realities of life, having the strength and courage to live fully, and to admit when your wrong, and learn from past mistakes.

Stripped is the story of Quinn. She recently lost her sister, to suicide over a break-up, and Quinn vows to never fall in love, or let a guy have the same kind of hold over her. She decides to live a life that her sister would be proud of. She attends college, because college was important to her sister, and is a business major because that's what her sister's major was. Quinn was two years younger than her older sister, and looked up to her, all of her life. Throughout the story, Quinn reflects on memories of her sister, and we are able to see how close the two girls were, and how much Quinn has been affected by her sister's death. On top of all of this, her dad recently had to leave his job as the dean of a college when he was involved in a huge well-known, and publicized scandal. The ripple effect of losing his job has been great financial troubles for the family, which has lead to Quinn's parents not being able to afford the full tuition for her education at Loyola. Consequently, Quinn is under a lot of pressure to earn a lot of money in a short amount of time, or be forced to go back and live with her parents, and attend the community college that has a memorial of her sister, and is the last place that she wants to be. Quinn ends up modeling nude, at the very same college that her father use to work for, in still-life art courses. It's the only job that will pay her enough to be able to stay at her school. No one recognizes Quinn there, and she goes out of her way to keep it that way. Even though she has a boyfriend named Derek, who she uses to remind her not to fall in love (because he is a dirtbag,) she still ends up meeting Torrin, a great guy that she can't help but fall for. However, Quinn and Torrin are both withholding information from one another, and as Quinn's walls begin to crumble, the question becomes, "Will she let someone in enough to love her, and will she be able to love him in return?"

I really connected with this story! It was difficult for me to read about Quinn losing her sister. I related to the close-knit, and special bond that Quinn shared with her sister, and my heart just broke for her. I couldn't picture life without my sister, and I could understand Quinn's mixed emotions of confusion as to why her sister committed suicide, sadness, anger, and guilt, wondering if she could have done anything differently to prevent her sister from taking her life. I also felt bad for the parents losing there daughter, and I could clearly see, and feel the negative affects that Quinn's sister's suicide had on the family dynamic. I also felt bad for Quinn's situation, due to her father losing his job. This poor girl had so many obstacles in her path, and considering all of the burdens she carried, it's no wonder she was struggling in her day to day life. Torrin, really did help Quinn to heal. He was such an amazing guy. He was a good listener, and found ways to get Quinn to talk, and open-up to him. I loved the fact that no matter how many times Quinn pushed Torrin away, he was always there for her. These two characters not only had a lot of physical chemistry, but they also connected on a deep emotional level.

Stripped was a great debut novel, that I highly recommend! It is one of those books that will tug at your emotions, make you sympathize or empathize with the main character, and you will connect or relate to the story in one way or another. Stripped is a story that stood out to me, and I know I will remember it a year from now! Whenever a story affects me emotionally, I know that it is a good story! Stripped is a story that made me feel, and moved me deeply. I believe it will move other readers as well.

I give Stripped, by Brooklyn Skye, 4 Secret, Mysterious, Scandalous, Fast-Paced, Tension-Filled, Stars! I recommend this book to readers that enjoy New Adult Contemporary Romances that are realistic, about real life issues, that include overcoming tragedy, meaningful messages, and the importance of learning from one's mistakes, and how to rebuild one's life after tragedy strikes. I really connected to this story, and was mesmerized the whole time that I read it! This was an excellent debut, and I hope to see more from Ms. Skye in the future!

My Favorite Quotes:

"I'm not sure if trust is a psychological thing or an instinctive thing or where exactly it comes from, but I've learned over the year to recognize those little signals my body exudes." (EARC, 48)

"A fatso? Very blatantly, he looks me up and down then pushes his shoulders back. I think you mean gain some muscle. And yes, you caught me... He leans in and whispers, I was dying to touch your carotid artery." (EARC, 59)

"It's not like those in his room, the urgency and insistence and firmness. Or even sweet like the first. This kiss is everything I don't have a word for. In a way it feels protective. A boy claiming a girl. And it's tender and confusing and beautiful and for the first time in my life I think: So this is why Zoe went off the deep end." (EARC, 124)

"I'm not okay with what your sister did. But sometimes God creates mountains in life. Trials. She lays her hand on her chest, taps one finger twice. And you have to find the strength within to climb them." (EARC, 165)

For more book reviews, visit A Bookish Escape@ Http://www.abookishescape.com

Profile Image for Beth.
765 reviews136 followers
June 30, 2013
4 Personal Bubble Stars

Some people have a large personal bubble. They need more personal space around them. Then there are the people who lack the understanding of Stay Outside My Bubble. Often these are the people most in need of a tic tac.

Quinn has a large Personal Bubble. Both physically and emotionally. She keeps everyone at arms length. She even has a pseudo-boyfriend to keep other guys away. Quinn's family has been through some shit. Her sister, Zoe committed suicide. Her dad was involved in a scandal at work that got him fired and her family on the Social Leper List. Her parents can't pay for her college anymore and she has to take a job modeling in the nude. Its not trashy, just super humiliating.

Quin meets Torrin at the school where she models. She immediatley tells him to back off even though he is just being a nice guy. She doesn't like nice guys. Or any guys for that matter. She does not want to end up broken hearted and suicidal like her sister. Torrin rows crew. You know what thet means...shoulders a mile wide and rock hard thighs. Yeah I know a rower.

As Torrin slowly gets inside Quinn's bubble, he is patient and creative in lowering her guard. But Quinn feels her secrets are too big to be shared. Her shame, her dad's disgrace is too much to for her to handle. How could she expect anyone else to handle it?

Quinn's issues, her bubble is holding her back from living her life. From finding love. Can she push past the barriers she has erected? Can Torrin be the guy for her? The story moves slowly at first with lots of flashbacks to Zoe and Quinn's nightmares. But when she finally lets Torrin in, it is so worth it. The twist was expected but still good. So make sure you have a glass of wine inside your bubble and enjoy the read.
Profile Image for Andrea.
698 reviews18 followers
May 16, 2013
I read this book in one sitting. Quinn's story drew me in from the very beginning. She is hurt and confused and completely lost. In addition to losing her sister, she has lost her entire family, who in turn has had their entire reputation tarnished for yet another reason. In spite of all of this, she is doing whatever it takes to hold on to a weak thread of normalcy in her life, and to fulfill her sister's dreams. She has put up barriers to protect herself, not just from men, but from everyone. Even her closest girl friends don't even seem to really know her.

She is also angry. Anger drives people to do all kinds of things. By baring her body in art class for money, she is also baring her soul, as it is the one time of the day that she can truly start to process everything that has happened in the last year. Enter Torrin, the beautiful young man who rocks her world even more, but in a good way, at least at first. I love his persistence in stripping down her barriers to get to the real Quinn who is buried inside. Any time any of us are drowning in emotion and turmoil, we could all use a Torrin to bring us back to the surface again.

Time flies by quickly. New secrets are revealed, each one just as devastating as the last. The question becomes, is Quinn now strong enough to handle each one of them?

It's a story of personal heartbreak, new love, and rebuilding a life that seemed forever shattered. I think anyone who has gone through trauma may recognize herself in parts of Quinn's character.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
392 reviews23 followers
August 3, 2017
Quinn was an interesting character. She was bitchy,guarded and snarky and I enjoyed her inner monologue for the most part. There were times where I felt she was overly dramatic in response but still, I really enjoyed her as a character.

Torrin, is artsy, sporty and a charming guy. I enjoyed his interactions with Quinn and I liked how patient he was with her,and how understanding. I liked the amount of respect he showed her.

The development of their romance was hindered by the one pov dialogue style. I really enjoyed it but still.

The plot was predictable but I felt it was done quite well.
Profile Image for Alexandra.
109 reviews33 followers
May 19, 2013
If you follow my reading at all, you probably know that it's very rare for me to leave a review the minute I finish a book. Sometimes it takes me months to leave one. Well, not this time. I feel compelled to review it right now, for a lot of reasons. Partly because I loved it so much. Partly because it's a new release, and I need to spread the love in order to let people know that they need to pick this up. And partly because I'm just so in awe of the story I've just finished.

I went into this book much like I go into most books lately--without reading the blurb word-for-word. I skimmed it when I saw the book was only 99c to see if I would like it, and it didn't take much for me to one-click. I just felt like I needed to own it, needed to read it. So, with that said, while I had skimmed the first few chapters to get a feel for the style and see if I wanted to read it next, I didn't really know much about it. I just jumped in. And boy, am I glad that I did.

I was in love from the very first page, to be honest. The one-liners were perfect, so perfect. It's lovely how much humor one simple sentence can hold, especially in a book that, to me, had a rather melancholy tone to it. I laughed when I was in pain, for crying out loud. Managing to intertwine humor with pain and other emotions that make for an odd moment is, to me, quite spectacular. It was an incredibly beautiful combination.

Torrin. Oh, Torrin. I was in love with him from the very first meeting, as cheesy as it is. He was so cute and sweet and perfect that I just wanted more from him. More, more, more. He was so innocent, so light and fluffy, and so deliciously swoon-worthy. To the very end, I never once had any emotion that didn't resemble awe, adoration, or glorious love for him. I ached for him throughout the story, especially when Quinn was so snippy to him at the beginning. I wanted to kick her for hurting my precious baby who I so desperately wanted to protect. God, he so easily makes my list of best book boyfriends. I can't even handle it.

Quinn, I must say, was a very lovable character, as well. Others may not agree, but I don't care. She was witty, snippy, caring, and able to let down her walls when necessary. I can't explain it, but there's just something about her that makes me love her completely, despite my initial annoyance at her mistreatment of Torrin throughout the story. I truly wish that I was more like her.

The short flashbacks were a lovely addition, as well. The memories helped us get a better understanding of Quinn's relationship with her sister, which made her grief that much more palpable. I felt like I really knew her sister, even though she was not exactly present in the story. These scenes just added something so splendid to the story.

I was about 56% of the way in when I discovered the twist in the story, or at least the main one. It hit me instantly, shocked realization crashing over me so fully that my eyes widened quite largely and my head slowly lifted to stare ahead. I can't explain it properly, but suddenly it all just made sense. From there on out, I kept thinking about the logistics of what I'd realized, and the author provided her own little hints as well, as the story went on. And I knew, without a doubt, in that moment, that I was right, and I wasn't ready for it. Truthfully, I loved the twist. Maybe I should have suspected sooner, or maybe it will be more obvious to others, but to me it felt perfect.

And that ending! How cute and sweet and adorable and perfect and so BEAUTIFUL. God, I just. I can't. It fit well with the entire book, I think.

As I was reading, and I believe my status updates may reveal this, I couldn't help but notice how sweet and adorable the romance was between Torrin and Quinn. It was different from all the angst-filled, ever-present sexual tension that I see in a handful of books I read today, and I loved that. It was quite refreshing, honestly. (Don't get me wrong, I love angst--this was just a nice change.) There were secrets, lies, and twists--definitely. But the romance was still so sweet it actually hurt. I think that is one of my favorite elements of this book. I want to read something similar again, like, now.

"You? Classy?"
I kick his leg. "Shut up."
He nudges me back and rolls onto his side. "You shut up."

See what I mean?? I just. So sweet and adorable! I can't get enough of it. You know the feeling, when something is just so freaking cute that you want to squeeze it. Or maybe it's just me.

I just have to say that I didn't expect to read this so fast. I'm often a slow reader, and yet this is the third book this month that I've devoured in a day or two. In fact, from the moment I started it, I was sucked in, and I couldn't stop. I paused to update when I felt necessary, but I did not put the book down until 5:30 in the morning, when I noticed that the sun was rising and I'd been sitting in the living room with all the lights on, not even in bed yet. I can't even tell you how close I came to staying up all night to read it. It was just that good.

This is such a fabulous debut novel. I can promise you that I'll be keeping my eye on this author. Go buy the book ASAP. It's a beautiful, heart-warming story about grief and love and friendship. I can't rave enough it. You need to pick it up and dive in, right now. You won't be sorry.
Profile Image for Raina {The LUV'NV}.
211 reviews39 followers
May 24, 2013
Actual Rating: 4.5 stars

Stripped is the New Adult novel I've been looking for since I've heard of the new genre, capturing the life of a college student passing the threshold between youth and adulthood, between dependence and independence, while encompassing the many struggles of what that means—all with a fresh voice, humor, angst, and different kinds of love.

It isn't simply about discovering and growing into oneself but more about parting from all one knows, separating memory from reality, discerning truth from rumor and perception. It's about love—and fear—making one blind, but not in the way you think or expect and is normally written. It's about being stripped of comfort, financial and emotional security, and all you thought you knew. And it was wonderful.

The author, Brooklyn Skye, has a fabulous writing style. The narrative smacked of Quinn's attitude. The characters' actions always spoke louder than words could ever convey. With the right amount of description, the scenes felt real, like I was there and could see through Quinn's eyes, feel her and her surroundings while being in her head. With great pacing, I flew through the book, and every event and character reaction was natural; nothing felt contrived or as if they were added for mere filler or shock value.

The relationships were believable, developing slowly with heart-warming interaction, or if already developed, the dynamics and reasons behind such a relationship were clear. I loved all the characters, even when Quinn was being a bitch, because I felt for her. She was blunt, but she made me laugh and there was an vulnerable honesty—a realism—to her and her emotions that I rarely find and adore when a character is self-destructive. Although I wish I got more of the emotional depth behind Torrin, with his patience and kindness, respect for her and himself, he was lovable and swoon-worthy.

They each had their own struggles that complemented and intertwined, and I really appreciated how that was the focus. While there was sex and sensual and playful romance, neither drove the story. It was about growth and overcoming fears and faults, correcting mistakes and moving past them.

Even better, while Stripped is emotionally poignant and revolves around the baggage and repercussions of suicide, the book isn't depressing. The two families' connection was predictable and I wasn't a big fan of how quickly the issue behind them was resolved, but how the author handled the sensitive subject matter with care—and with a realism behind love and all its painful beauty in respect to such a tragic event and how it related to the theme of outgrowing naiveté—was so darn good and well-exectued that I could easily overlook how one part of the plot fell just a tad bit flat.

If you're looking for a New Adult novel that's a little more Realistic Contemporary Fiction than Contemporary Romance, with substance and more emphasis on college life, I highly recommend Stripped .

*eARC provided by the author via blog in exchange for a review. Thank you!
*Review also posted on the The LUV'NV blog.
Profile Image for Sarika Patkotwar.
Author 5 books66 followers
October 13, 2013
Actual rating- 3.5

*NOTE: We (The Readdicts) received a copy of Stripped from author Brooklyn Skye in exchange for an honest review. We thank Brooklyn for the book!

I was completely intrigued by Stripped when I first came across the book. The title, the cover and the summary- everything seemed way too pretty. I knew this was going to be a good book and it didn't disappoint. By chance, we got an ARC of the book from author Brooklyn Skye and I'd like to thank her again for it.
Quinn Montgomery is two years younger than her sister, Zoe, who commits suicide for reasons which seem obvious and unjustifiable at first but later as the issue is given a deep dig, it, to be honest, seems perfectly fine. Quinn's dad's prestigious and respectable position goes down the drain after a fraud, within the administration of the school he works at, gets public.
So all in all, Quinn has a disturbed and messed up family. The only saving face of the family are Quinn and her mom, who was an admirable and lovely woman. I loved how she tried really hard to keep the family together.
Quinn's family is bankrupt and she is forced to fund her own education, which she is undertaking only to fulfill her sister's dream of graduating. I really liked Quinn. She appeared to be such a strong girl, but there were those moments when her innocence and vulnerability came to the forefront. There were times when she appeared to be way too crazy to me, but everyone close to her says that she has always been crazy.
Because she believes that her sister committed suicide because she fell in love with her boyfriend, Evan, and it was too much to take in, Quinn wants to stay as far away from love as possible and has an on again off again relationship with her own boyfriend, Derek.
Until she meets Torrin, Quinn really just seemed like a facade of her own personality. Torrin was a great guy. I liked how he made Quinn slowly open up to him and accepted her the way she was. He was sweet, kind and understanding and the past that he carried with himself, which was obvious to me since the beginning, was quite heartbreaking, for him and Quinn. But I really loved to see their relationship grow. They somehow seemed to get their real side out only when with one another.
Author Brooklyn Skye's writing is really pretty. The book talks in Quinn's voice, which was clear and concise. Stripped was really an amazing story about love, loss and family.
It was good to see the immense importance given to family, which seems quite non-existent in Young Adult and New Adult novels. The sisterly bond between Quinn and Zoe was strong to the point that the two were best friends as well, and I loved seeing that. The suicide was taken up really well, unlike some other books where it's just not justified. Also, the whole thing about Quinn going for nude modeling for an art class was something different and interesting to read about.
Save for the fact that I already knew the suspense without reading any spoiler and the content seemed a little less deep to me, overall, it's safe to say that Stripped is a very good read that fans of New Adult Contemporaries, especially those that deal more with issues coupled with romance rather than just plain romance, will love and enjoy, just like I did.
Profile Image for Laura | What's Hot?.
298 reviews231 followers
May 13, 2013
Stripped is written from the first perspective of Quinn Montgomery, a teenage girl trying to deal with the death of her sister and best friend as well as the tarnishing of her family's name. She continuously bumps into an attractive guy called Torrin and the two of them have a sort of love-hate relationship going on. Quinn, 100%, doesn't want anything from Torrin, she's determined to protect her heart of steel so she doesn't befall the same fate as her sister but Torrin has other ideas.

I'm still fairly new the the new adult genre but the books of this genre that I have already read are very, very similar. There always seems to be a slightly damaged boy who meets a slightly damaged girl and even though there are many obstacles along the way, the biggest one usually being themselves, they somehow end up together. Although the majority of these books are very predictable, I haven't read enough of them yet for this to bother me and I thought that Stripped was absolutely fantastic. I have to say that I did figure out what was going on very early on in the novel but I was still intrigued as to how exactly events were going to unfold.

I quite literally could not put Stripped down once I started reading it. I started it this afternoon whilst at school, then I went to work for two hours, but the minute I finished working, I whipped my Kindle out to continue reading. I've just finished reading it so I'm still on that high that you get after you've read a really fab book and I cannot recommend it enough. Both the characters were three-dimensional with plenty of personality and individuality. The love story wasn't insta-love at all and it didn't play out as predictably as you would imagine and there were several moments where my stomach either dropped or was filled with butterflies. As it's written from the perspective of the main character you really get to know her and how her mind works and it is most fascinating to see her development as the story progresses. I laughed several times whilst reading this despite the fact that there are some serious issues discussed so this isn't one of those uber-depressing stories as there are lots of light hearted moments too. I have quite a deep respect for the other protagonist, Torrin, because he seemed to respect himself and even though Quinn clearly had issues, he wasn't having any of it.

I like the new adult genre because the romances between young adult characters can often seem slightly infantile but you get none of that here. There are some slightly-but-not-too sexual scenes in this novel but they definitely add another dimension to the story as opposed to being random and irrelevent saucy bits tacked on for excitement. Although there is a clear main story line throughout, there are also little snippets on the side that feed into the main plot and add to the general drama which makes this book so much more interesting as it's not just a sappy romance.

This book has everything: drama, romance, well-developed characters and wit which makes for a very good novel. I would highly recommend this to any fans of the new adult genre, and if you haven't read any new adult yet, this is a great place to start!
Profile Image for Jess.
749 reviews307 followers
January 16, 2015
Stripped is new adult. First and foremost, that was what drew me into this book. That and the cover. Then, I saw that it was about a girl afraid to make the same mistake as her sister, who had committed suicide. I don't know why, but that REALLY intrigued me. So I jumped at the chance to read and review this book. I thought it'd be something I enjoy. A nice, deep read that made me swoon a little bit.

Now that I've read the book, I have to say that I'd pretty much guessed right. Stripped did not disappoint in any of the aspects I was looking forward to, and on top of those, it was also well written and even quite funny at times. The banter in this book was fantastic. :)

Character Rundown:
Quinn: I like the name Quinn, but I have to admit, I don't get spazzy over it unless it's used for a boy. But THAT is a story for another time. Sometimes throughout the book, Quinn would have GREAT moments. Really, she could be a rather fun character to read about. But a majority of the time, Quinn really got on my nerves. She seemed so whiny and self-centered. She focused so much on her own problems and rarely thought about what things could be like for anyone else. Not cool. But she also had a nice character arc and didn't annoy me so much by the end of the book, so WOOT!

Torrin: Oh, Torrin. Such a genuinely nice guy. I heart him. The fact that he was such a great guy makes me annoyed with Quinn that much more--there was obviously more to everything than what she wanted to see. Because, COME ON, Torrin was fantastic. Kind, but not a pushover. There were some moments where I would have understood him walking away from Quinn (like the moments when I wanted to slap her...), but he stuck around and handled them like a champ. Goodness. He is so sweet. Have I mentioned that I heart him?

Plot. This is the one part of the book that wasn't AS great as it could have been, I think. Not because the story was weak or anything (on the contrary, it was very solid and interesting), but because it was predictable. I totally knew the secret waaaay before I was supposed to. so pretty much, I spent a bunch of time cringing at how Quinn WASN'T noticing the truth and waiting for the shoe to drop. So yeah. There's that. But other than that, this story is fabulous and wonderful.

Romance. With a guy as sweet as Torrin, there was no way I could have been disappointed here. There were so many moments where I was smiling like mad. Ahhh, these two. Quinn may get on my nerves, but I have no qualms with Torrin, so they pretty much balance each other out. Which I LOVE. <3

The ending. I felt like it was a little sudden, but I think that was okay. Because it didn't leave off on a cliffhanger or anything. It didn't even leave off at a bad part. It actually left off with me happy. So it is sudden, but good. Very good.

Overall, Stripped is a fantastic new adult debut by Brooklyn Skye. Deep, interesting, and definitely swoon-worthy, this book most definitely did not disappoint.

You can find more from me on my blog: Just a Booklover
Profile Image for Chu.
1,459 reviews72 followers
August 26, 2013
Review Originally Posted at: Book Freak


I will start this review by saying: I WANT THAT NECKLACE FOR MYSELF!

I feel sad for Quinn, after the tragedy that happened to her sister, she had allowed herself to believe that broken heart kills. She was never the same again after her sister, Zoe killed herself over a boy. She avoided love like a plague and entered in a relationship with no emotional involvement.

When her family suffered from bankruptcy, she went into nude modelling at a local college to pay for her school fees. There she met, Torrin - the Head of the Harbor - the university's top varsity oarsman. Her walls begin to crumble, and all of a sudden, Torrin slowly creeps in to her life.

They share an amazing chemistry at first sight - their endless bantering and witty conversations entertained me. Quinn speaks her mind and Torrin isn't afraid to speak his as well. Their relationship was a slow progress since Quinn has the fear of falling in love. But who can resist a guy who can converse with you over mundane topics or the one who read books?! I totally love a guy who reads! #superswoon! And oh, did I tell you he's good in photography as well? He might as well be the perfect guy for Quinn, except for one tiny-bitty fact. One important fact that he neglected to tell her. (Well, I was torn between two suspicions about who Torrin is...)


Quinn would have benefited if her parents just told her about Zoe. She had suffered so much nightmares and heartaches, I wished she seek for help from grief-counselors. It didn't help that her family was involved in a scandal just months after Zoe died. It was the final nail in the coffin. If someone probably talked to her, explained, made her understand, her negative look on love would have been non-existent. And of course, if Torrin had been honest, and brave enough to tell her the connection he has with the family - it would have save them the trouble.

Nevertheless, Stripped was a nice read. I was entertained with the character's verbal foreplay from their first meeting, the progress of their relationship, the ups and downs. But what I loved most is Quinn's journey in finally overcoming grief and giving a chance on love and romance. There's no emotion that can come close with falling in love. Like me, by the time you reached the final page, you'd be head over hills with Torrin.


*ARC Copy was given in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Brandee (un)Conventional Bookworms.
1,411 reviews151 followers
May 13, 2013
**4.5 Stars**
I wanted to read Stripped the first time I saw the cover. (yes, I'm one of those readers ;) Then I read the blurb and the deal was sealed. I was not disappointed. Far from it, actually. Stripped is a very touching and poignant novel. It's well crafted - I laughed and I cried. It is an amazingly insightful story about the power of perception, or misperception, as the case may be.

Quinn Montgomery is struggling. Struggling to keep a promise to her dead sister, struggling to stay in college now that a scandal has cost her father his job. Quinn's struggling to maintain distance from those who might judge her for her family's faults. She's struggling to find her way in the world while trying to fulfill her family's expectations. It's a lot of responsibility for a young woman.

Torrin Hastings is also struggling. He's trying to fulfill her father's wishes although it seems his father paid no heed to Torrin's desires. He's struggling to fit in despite his recent arrival to the university and subsequent suspension from the rowing team. And he's struggling to get to know Quinn better - a battle to be sure since she fights him every step.

Both Quinn and Torrin live their lives based on their perceptions of certain people and certain events. Their realities are so colored by this, particularly Quinn's. What happens when everything you thought you knew turns out to be wrong? When your perceptions are stripped? Your soul stripped bare?

I love Quinn and Torrin. They each have their skeletons and they each hide them in different ways. Quinn uses a lot of snark. Torrin puts on a cocksure facade. But these two damaged characters coming together is beautiful. And their handling of events once their perceptions are changed show an incredible amount of character growth and maturity.

The main reason I enjoy the New Adult genre is not the sex. ;) I truly delight in watching young people, new adults, find their way in the world, figure out who they are, making new adult mistakes along the way. It's fascinating. Stripped allowed me to grow along with Quinn and Torrin and experience life through their eyes, their hearts. And it was an absolute pleasure!

"Realism. These pictures remind me something can have a flaw and still be beautiful." -Torrin Loc eArc 1740

"He kisses me again. And this time I do feel his lips. How warm they are. How they suspend for the tiniest moment over the corner of my mouth before centering again. How that tiny moment reminds me of all the other tiny moments we've shared and that makes this kiss enormously different that the first one, like all those tiny moments added up together mean something." -Loc eArc 1760
Profile Image for Maija.
255 reviews56 followers
May 3, 2013
I think I can add another favorite of this year to the list. An amazing read!
Source: I received an ecopy on read-to-review basis. All opinions are my own and I was in no way compensated to alter the rating.

Stripped is actually a lot better than it may sound, it will leave you wanting more, it will make you think about the people close to you, if love can actually kill or is it the secret of life. An emotional roller-coaster- turmoil, desperation and fear of falling in love, all this in a love story about a girl falling for the boy she should hate.

I surely didn't anticipate to love this book so much, it wasn't a story I expected for it to be. The characters and the situations they were in isn't something I'm used to reading about in NA Contemporary romances.

Quinn isn't your usual good girl who would rather keep her thoughts to herself than be honest. Yes, she was closed off from people and didn't reveal her intentions or feelings, but she was honest and cold to others as well, I'd label her a bitchy cynic. I think her sister's death really changed her, she did everything to keep from ever falling in love. She was straight forward with everyone, no matter how hurtful it might be. And to be honest, I could relate to her more than I usually do with other girl characters. I saw features in her that I have too, maybe that's why this story moved me so much.

Right from the start it isn't really a secret that Torrin is John Kingsley ||, the guy Quinn hates the most. I still enjoyed reading their bittersweet love story, how they meet and Quinn is cold to him, how they keep running into each other on the campus and how slowly they become friends, in the end fall in love (drama, heartbreaks and unraveling of dark secrets isn't left out either).

Brooklyn Skye has written Stripped in such a great manner, she didn't leave out the secondary character emotional and personal experiences, Quinn and Torrin's family issues. Brooklyn makes you wonder what you would do if you were in Quinn's situation, who would you become and what choices would you make. It's hard to think about, because we love our families and it's a devestating thought.
The writing was fluent and so was the pace. I'd finished reading Stripped within less than a day. I want more, now! I'm definitely going to check out other future books by Brooklyn Skye.

If you are tired of the same old, same old NA Contemporary romances, then you should read Stripped, it'll hook its' claw in your heart not letting go until you're done and waiting for more. I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it!

Profile Image for Lisa (lifeinlit).
700 reviews556 followers
May 23, 2013
Quinn is on an emotional roller. Having to deal with the loss of her sister to suicide, whom she looked up to immensely, you would think is enough to drive someone into pure emotional torture. But on top of that, Quinn is also dealing with her family's inability to pay for her schooling since the "incident" that forced her father, the Dean of the school, to resign. Now jobless and running out of money quickly, her parents are less than helpful with her college career. They can barely afford food, cutting costs whenever possible. She is forced to take on a position as a nude model, worst of all at the school her father resigned from, in hopes of raising enough money to pay for her next semester at school.

Stripped has emotional twists and turns throughout. Though I thought this would be an overall very emotional and sappy read, it surely was not. It did tug at the heartstrings now and then, yet was silly at times, and extremely realistic. The struggles Quinn was facing were real. I instantly connected with Quinn on a deeper level. Though she's tough, totally snarky, and says and does the most bizarre things, I quickly became a fan of her, rooting for her to make it through her struggles. Torrin, the guy she meets at the school she works at, was an extremely lovable character to me. He was swift and witty with his comments, and didn't let Quinn's harsh personality and tough, hard-ass exterior push him away.

Stripped reminded me a bit of The Truth About Letting Go by Leigh T. Moore. Dealing with difficult issues is never easy, especially when you're a teenager. This story resolves around love, heartache, acceptance and forgiveness. It sends a strong message, one that will stick with you for a while after finishing. I think anybody that enjoys that type of story (mushy at times, harsh at others, that seriously packs a punch!) will really enjoy this book.

(P.S. Yes, we all know about my love for all things owls. And I must admit, I might be slightly obsessed with this owl necklace on the cover... okay, maybe a little bit more than slightly. I NEED that necklace!!! :P)

Thanks to Brooklyn Skye for the review copy.

This review can also be found at Lost in Literature!
Profile Image for Tee loves Kyle Jacobson.
2,481 reviews175 followers
May 14, 2013
I have to say that I am loving NA genre more and more when I read books like Stripped. It is so heart wrenching and gut tearing that it makes it so believable. I remember when I was in college at that age and I was trying to find my way and partied and studied and dated but things were going so fast that at times it felt like I was not living reality. When I read these NA books I look back and think these books are spot on because the college years are really the years that develope you and make you who you are going to be.

In Stripped we get to meet two broken souls just trying to make it out of college and survive life's tragedy's. We have Quinn who is suffering from so much loss and tragedy that she feels like she can't breathe. Her father was involved in a scandal at work that left the family bankrupt and then her sister committed suicide. What more can a family take before they break? This is where Quinn is when she decides she needs money to help the family out so she decides she will be one of the art departments nude modeler. Quinn shows everyone at school a hard side to her but it is all a facade and one guy Torrin is about to shake Quinn's world because her house of lies is going to come crumbling down when Torrin breaks the walls she has built around her.

Torrin Torrin Torrin lord have mercy this boy is a funny, loving, and compassionate boy. He is the star oarsman for the rowing team and lord is sex on a stick. He sets his eyes on Quinn and he knows that something is there underneath all that snark and he wants to find out. Torrin is not without his own secrets and when those secrets come to the forefront I am not sure if Torrin can handle the consequences that come with that. But Torrin is strong and he is determined to get the girl of his dreams and that is Quinn.

Will Torrin get Quinn? Will the lies and secrets betray them both? This is a New Adult MUST READ! Grab and sit down somewhere quiet and read until the end because the end is EPIC!
Profile Image for Allison Rivera.
202 reviews48 followers
May 17, 2013
More reviews at: http://bookfixation.blogspot.com/

Stop by my tour stop to enter the giveaway: http://bookfixation.blogspot.com/2013...

I really enjoyed this book. It had all my favorite things: damaged people coming together, twists, funny moments and some good romance.

I sometimes felt bad for Quinn. She was going through so much and I don't know how she does it. She always has this dark vibe around her but she also can be quite snarky, funny and sarcastic. She is definitely strong, I mean not only dealing with her sister's suicide she also has to stand naked in front of class to get some money to pay college, she really had some big girl panties.

The story had many twists and surprises, some that I was expecting and others were a complete surprise. Just when I thought that I had this book all figured out another bomb is dropped in there.

Torrin was also great. I loved him! The romance between these two was well done. Quinn promised to herself to never fall in love, so she lets herself be with a jerk but soon she realizes that its okay to fall for the good guy who treats her how she deserved to be treated and Torrin was perfect for that.

In conclusion this was a really enjoyable read, with great romance, great twists and a great message so I totally recommend it!

Rating: 4 stars out of 5!

Favorite Quotes:

"And it was then, as I braced my trembling body against the wooden shell, I vowed with my them warm lips to never make her mistake. I would never fall in love."

"Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so we can see life with a clearer view again."

"To tell you..." His finger runs across my cheek. "You're amazing. A little crazy, but amazing."
Profile Image for Jolene Haley.
Author 10 books83 followers
May 18, 2013

I'm a huge fan of providing spoiler free reviews, so there will be no spoiling here!

First off, I loved this book. There are so many different reasons so I guess I'll just start.

I definitely don't come from money, so having a main character that is driven to do something that ashames her to make her tuition is something that hits close to home. I never posed as a nude model, but I did work two full time jobs for a lot of my college years just to pay my way through to a degree. That made me love Quinn.

I love Quinn's fiesty personality. When you're that scarred and jaded, you can't risk waving your heart around for someone to grab and rip in half. It's her defense mechanism and I loved it. I felt for her and her quips kept me giggling. Torrin proved to be the perfect contrast. He isn't as rude as Quinn can be, but he definitely isn't afraid to give her a hard time right back. He's thoughtful, kind, caring, talented, and he is also my new book boyfriend. Sorry ladies, I call dibs.

I thought that Skye did an excellent job creating a character like Quinn, because by the end of the novel, you can see her growth as a person.

I should also mention that this book does have some schmexiness in it, and I applaud Brooklyn for a job well done. There's nothing worse than a romance book that gives you the same gross feeling as visiting say, a hospital or stepping barefooted into dog poop. Sadly, I've read a few books with sterile feeling love scenes. Honestly, this isn't the case here. Brooklyn definitely knows how to write a love scene that induces giggles and butterflies.

If you are looking for a great read, that will give you ALL OF THE FEELS, pick up Stripped. You wont regret it!

Jolene from Pen and Muse
Profile Image for Amanda Marie.
7 reviews8 followers
May 16, 2013
Quinn Montgomery’s life has spun out of control. Her family is in the midst of a scandal, leaving her father unemployed and Quinn struggling to pay for her own education. Quinn’s sister took her own life after she and her boyfriend broke up. All of this leads Quinn to put up walls and hold everyone she meets at an arms length. She is afraid to let anyone get too close and most of all afraid to allow herself to love someone.

Torrin finds Quinn to be a bit of a mystery and even though most of her comments directed at him are snarky, he still wants to befriend her despite her tough exterior (much to Quinn’s dismay).

The characters in Stripped were not only unique, but also believable. While I wanted to smack Quinn at times, her character was written so well and as a reader, I could feel the sheer amount of pain and frustration she was feeling over the mess that her life has become. I loved her interactions with Torrin and the relationship that develops between two people who have been hurt badly by their pasts. I found myself smiling at (and kind of crushing on) Torrin every time he brushed off one of Quinn’s insults or gave her a glimpse into his own life.

I was so emotionally invested in Stripped and the characters that I hated to put it down, even to work or sleep. Brooklyn Skye has written a story full of skeletons hiding in closets, realistic and likeable characters, and very touching, heartfelt moments.

Stripped is a great addition to the NA genre. It was heart wrenching at some points and hilarious at others. I highly recommend it for readers in their late teens to mid twenties, as so many readers will be able to relate to Quinn, Torrin, and their stories.

5/5 stars
Profile Image for A.J. Pine.
Author 25 books754 followers
June 4, 2013
I love to see how much new adult literature is growing in popularity each day, and Brooklyn Skye's STRIPPED is exactly the kind of contemporary NA to help do this.

Quinn Montgomery is freshman in college, and to put it mildly, she's got some emotional baggage in the way of a sister who took her own life and a family that's being torn apart by scandal. Because her father lost his job and her family cannot afford her tuition, Quinn finds the best-paying job out there--modeling for a college life drawing class. What she doesn't plan on finding is smart, artistic, athletic Torrin, the guy who might just break through her icy exterior but one that has some baggage of his own.

What I love about NA is how it bridges the gap between YA and adult literature, between the YA and adult experience. YA offers characters first-time experiences--first love, first kiss, first tragedy, etc, all within some safe-ish confines. In the new adult novel, STRIPPED, Quinn doesn't have the safety net of her parents. She's trying to go it alone, to navigate the loss of her sister (which she blames on her sister's heartache after a break-up), to deal with the public scandal her father caused, all the while vowing to never make her sister Zoe's mistake, which is falling in love.

The question is whether or not Quinn can avoid making the same mistakes her sister did, if living without loving is enough to save herself.

I loved Quinn. Her fear and devastation due to different types of loss are genuine. And Torrin. Torrin, Torrin, Torrin. Well, you'll just have to read to find out why his name gets four mentions in a row.

This is a lovely NA debut. Read it in a day.
Profile Image for Ashley Williams.
Author 1 book276 followers
May 13, 2013
Stripped was an alluring story of two damaged people coming together and helping each other. It draws you into the broken life of Quinn, an emotionally closed off girl and the lengths she go through to finish college. I really enjoyed the romantic aspect of the story, though I wanted more, it felt real and natural.. no insta-love here. It's also has a great level of humor and snark added into it, which balances out the darker parts of the book.

Cover and writing
After reading the book, you'll understand the cover much better. I actually like it a bit more now. At first glance it is mysterious and it does make you want to pick it up. Brooklyn's writing was great. It was perfectly balanced. It is told in the first person POV from Quinn's prospective.

Main Character
Quinn starts out as a strong character, but you get glimpses of a shattered person here and there. She deals with her issues and grief with her chin up.. which I totally admire!

Swoonworthy points: 7
This is the part of the book I'd have liked a bit more on. The couple make a perfect pair, and they interact well. The issue, is that there is a lot of things going on in Quinn's life and the book doesn't fully focus on the romance. There are a few hot scenes, and overall Torrin is a sweet, sarcastic, stud-muffin that just wants to be with Quinn.

Overall, this was a great addition to the NA genre. It is a hard one to put down and a quick one to finish. I would definitely recommend it!
Profile Image for Riki.
534 reviews38 followers
May 16, 2013
Quinn Montgomery is haunted by the past. Between her sister's suicide and the scandal that rocked her family's very existence she has a lot on her mind, and falling in love is the last thing she wants. Her sister took a bottle of pills and her own life, apparently over a boy, and Quinn is determined not to make the same mistake. When the very sweet and oh-so-sexy Torrin walks into her life, Quinn is faced with emotions she never wanted to feel. When all of the secrets of the past come bounding out into the open Quinn is forced to make a decision. Can she ever learn to open up and forgive?

I loved this book. Quinn is dark and tormented and sassy as all get out. Despite her gruff mannerisms and tendencies to push everyone away I felt connected to her as a character and desperately wanted her to find peace. Torrin is the perfect blend of darling and sexy and is the perfect male character. Together their banter is witty and the romance very real. No matter what the circumstances may be, as a reader I wanted these two characters to get together!

The book deals with some pretty heavy themes, including alcoholism, suicide, and mental illness, but it's done in a very heartfelt and meaningful way. It's never too bogged down with these themes and leaves the reader with a sense of hope through it all. I was emotionally invested in this book and cried actual tears at the climax of the story. Stripped is extremely well-written and drew me in from the very beginning. I highly recommend this book!
3 reviews8 followers
May 21, 2013
A great debut novel from Brooklyn Skye, Stripped is reminiscent of Easy by Tammara Webber, but holds its own in a twisted fate of reality. The protagonist, Quinn, is a little had to stomach at first – confrontational, uninteresting, and guarded – but as the story continues, she thaws and warms her way in your heart. Watching a character fall apart and build her back up motivates you to keep going. In hindsight, aren’t we all confrontational, uninteresting, and guarded in the face of a life-changing situation?
Torrin, although softer than I remember college guys as being, reminds me that no man should be judged based on their college-aged peers. His loyalty is admirable, his dedicated to sport is alluring, and his self-control is almost disappointing, but as I reader I love a little literary foreplay!
Skye includes just enough secondary characters to keep the story flowing, but doesn’t bog you dow with their unnecessary commentary. I was also pleased with Skye’s decision to let the reader imagine their own characters. She included just enough description – Torrin’s hair falling into his eyes and an obviously athletic body, Nikki’s curls – to guide you in the direction, but didn’t make the reader self-conscious of her own less glamorous life by depicting models.
Overall, Stripped is quick read that’s worth the time. It’s a nice escape from your reality to remind you that things aren’t always as they seem, love isn’t always convenient, and the only person you should try to be is you.

Thanks for the ARC!!
Profile Image for Heather andrews.
9,520 reviews160 followers
May 18, 2013
Torrin, I love him, "since I don't know nothing else about you, except you sometimes wear your clothes backwards, that's whatcha get." He grins, spreading his arms wide across the back of the bench. "Unless you want to tell me something else? Let me take my chances at a name that doesn't offend you?" Quinn can be a cold b**** when she needs to be, "please." I plunge my spoon into the cup of yogurt, pull it out, and lick it. "Tug your head out of your fairy-tale a**. You can't possibly think two people can be so in love everthing'll be perfect and they'll live happily ever after. The real world isn't like that. She was bound to figure it out sometime." But then she says weird s*** and you can't help but burst out laughing, "I'm not sure I should be offended or flattered," I say. "Because either this is your subtle way of telling me I'm a fatso or an excuse to touch me." You can totally tell how much Torrin cares for Quinn when he rips her a new one, "you have no idea how effed up my family is! But you know what? No matter what I go through, no matter how s***ty things around me become I'd never do something so self-destructive." He slices me with a glare. "I'd never let someone leave bruises on me as a reminder not to make another person's mistake." I liked this book it was different and it kept my attention.
Profile Image for Jennifer (random jendsmit).
400 reviews24 followers
May 14, 2013
copy received from author as part of blog tour

4.5-5 stars

I'm waffling-its true....

good characters great story really emotional
i was invested in it
I'm iffy on the ending... that's my sticking point

So I'm going with 4.5 stars only because I'm being stingy this evening... I really enjoyed reading this book and I was totally invested in the characters and the story. The ending sealed the deal for me - I almost wish it was a cliff rather than a real ending, but then I would just be complaining about that - damn me... there's no pleasing me ;) Seriously though, the end was nicely done - I'd love to see what comes next for them but it isn't like I'm feeling like "OMG - I'm going to die if I don't" because the end was nicely done.

I really liked the writing and the author's style in this book. I will most definitely be reading more from her as I find it.

I of course love the New Adult genre and this fits lovely into my new obsession :D I would recommend this to readers who like books with drama and romance and twists - of course you need to be a little older to read this - I'm not your mother, but this is a mature content book - so please pay attention and heed the warning.

<3 jen
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