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Lark Levitt doesn’t belong at Roosevelt College, at least in theory. Most students who attend the private university come from wealthy families, and Lark is only a scholarship and a bus ride away from the trailer park where he lives. It’s also a dream come true because dance is his life, and their program is one of the most prestigious in the country. But there are bumps in the road, like running into someone from a difficult time in his childhood. Someone who now pretends he doesn’t exist.

Henry Albrecht survived childhood cancer and is now a Roosevelt quarterback and model student. His past is something his father insists Henry keep private, and though his dad has his reasons, it makes his remission feel like a dirty secret instead of a triumph. He has few precious memories from that time in his life, except for a kid from the hospital who made his recovery manageable. A kid who’s all grown up now and at Roosevelt, jeopardizing everything Henry’s carefully kept under wraps.

They decide the best course of action is to keep their distance. Easier said than done. Their renewed connection brings solace, clarity, and a raw intensity that awakens a spark between them. But hiding their history is exhausting, and soon enough their secret meetups are in danger of being exposed. Henry will need to face his fears—and his father—or lose the only person who’s ever understood the real him.

* Discussions of cancer treatments and depictions of mental heath struggles

278 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 20, 2023

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About the author

Christina Lee

54 books2,046 followers
Christina writes romance in different sub-genres, mostly with LGBTQ characters, not only because she's part of the community, but because representation matters, and everyone deserves a happily-ever-after. 

You can find more info on her website: www.christinalee.net. From there you can link to her Facebook reader group as well as her IG account and newsletter.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 426 reviews
Profile Image for Snjez.
874 reviews790 followers
January 11, 2024
3.5 stars

Starting with the positives first, I think that this story is absolutely lovely. I liked Lark and Henry a lot. The way their relationship develops is exactly what I love in stories like this one. They are incredibly sweet and tender with each other. The moments between them were my favourite part of the story. And Lark being a ballet dancer!

However, I struggled with the writing style here.
Profile Image for Meags.
2,318 reviews590 followers
February 3, 2024
4.5 Stars

This book is my new happy place! It gave me ALL the warm and fuzzies.

Honestly, I was sold before I’d even finished reading the prologue, showing little Lark and Henry, in hospital battling their respective cancer diagnoses,’ clinging to each other for support and friendship in the darkest time of their short lives. This opening was heavy, but wrapped in a layer of sweet, innocent hope and adoration, and I just knew these two all grown up and thriving were going to do something special to my heart.

Jump to Lark’s first day as a dance scholarship student at Roosevelt College, nervous and feeling out of place, seeing sophomore football star Henry again for the first time in seven long years. Nostalgic feelings were immediately brought to the surface, and although Henry is weighted down by parental expectations and jock-status stress, upon reuniting with Lark, he finds it hard to remember why he’s living so deep in the closet and not living for himself after all he's survived.

I loved the bond these two boys shared. Having survived something as momentous as cancer, they each carried emotional scars that impacted all aspects of their lives, both appearing much wiser and more gracious for the time they have than the average 18–19-year-olds living their best college lives. Beyond their instant attraction, their connection ran deep and strong, as only those who have shared life experiences and traumas together can have, and I loved seeing them build a different, stronger relationship under their new shared circumstances.

There were depictions of past cancer experiences and ongoing mental health struggles within, which was expected to do this story justice, but at the same time, the overall tone of the story remained one of hope and friendship and young love, blanketed in the sweetest of feelings and moments as they got reacquainted as young men with bright futures.

I adored Henry and Lark, especially enjoying the college setting and their opposites attract dynamic. I loved their friends and (most of) their families too, particularly loving Lark’s wonderfully supportive mother and little sister, who both brought extra light and joy to every interaction they shared with the boys.

This is easily one of my favourite Christina Lee stories to date and I just know I’ll be revisiting Henry and Lark when I need a comfort read in the future.


Roosevelt College Series

Book 1 - XOXO (4.5 Stars)
Book 2 - Until We Meet Again (3.5 Stars)
Profile Image for Drache.... (Angelika) .
1,219 reviews112 followers
January 11, 2024
3,25 stars.
Overall enjoyable mm romance between a closeted jock and a dancer, who are getting to know each other again after not having seen each other for 7 years. Then, at age 11 and 12, they had both been battling cancer in the hospital, drawing strenght from their friendship.

The storyline felt a bit constructed, and the writing style a bit bland and clunky, but overall the book was ok.
Sadly it didn't feel more than that, it didn't grip me, and didn't touch me deeply despite the emotional subjects. The dialogues at the end between the Henry and his parents in the hospital, with Lark and his mom present, felt a bit ott pathetic. Plus, I didn't like the sex scene in the epilogue. Sounds like a strange complaint, but it felt out of place for an epilogue.

I'm not sure if I'll read the sequel, I'll have to think about it some more.
Profile Image for hope.
348 reviews221 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
July 21, 2023
dnf @ 33%

the tropes were so good and that cover is gorgeous but i could not get into this book at all. i was not feeling any chemistry between the mcs and the percentage that i did read bored me too much. i really wanted to continue because maybe it gets better, but tbh it wasn't looking that way for me. i did enjoy seeing them as kids for the small amount we got but other than that, nothing was grabbing my attention.
Profile Image for ~SZ~ &#x1f49c; cats & coffee.
636 reviews32 followers
July 22, 2023
Changing my stars to 2 after sitting with it for awhile. I just did not enjoy it enough to give it 3.

First of all this cover is gorgeous! It is the most beautiful cover I have seen this year! It’s stunning.

The story was good but I think I’m too old for it. It read almost like a YA book in most places and after that breathtaking cover I was expecting to be swept away.

The beginning of the story was so sweet, Henry and Lark meet while undergoing cancer treatments. They just click right away and support each other until it’s Henry’s time to go home. They didn’t think they’d ever see each other again but they’ve never forgotten each other.

Henry is a kind and caring person who has been raised by parents who seem to care more about appearances than anything else. Actually his father is the one who is shallow, his mom tries to be nurturing but she gives into her husbands ideas and wishes. I wish these wives I’ve read of late in books would grow a spine! This was the most frustrating part of the book, Henry’s father not wanting anyone to know that Henry overcame cancer. That was the strangest thing and I didn’t totally get it. I’ve read so many books with fathers like this lately, is this a trend? If so I hate it!

Lark is loving and hardworking and his mother and sister are so lovely! His mother is so supportive while working her butt off for her children. I loved that Lark was a dancer but we saw one recital and that’s really all we got. I wanted what was on the cover, Lark in a tutu. Not in one he wears playing with his sister either. Maybe a private dance for Henry?

I didn’t care for Henry’s football teammates, their nicknames were even worse! They are so immature. I know this is a small private college but the way the entire school acted seemed more like high school.

I did really like the time Henry and Lark talked and spent together. Those moments were sweet. I just felt like the book was not original once you took away how Lark and Henry met when they were kids. Things worked out perfectly, too perfectly. It was all just nice and wrapped up in a bow. My reading experience seems to differ from everyone else’s so far and I’m happy about that because I do hope others enjoy this! I was just not the right audience. I am glad I read it though because I did like Henry and Lark.

Also, I’m from NJ (the shore area) and it’s Pork Roll and a sub. Not Taylor Ham and hoagie!!!! lol

ARC received from the author
All thoughts and opinions are my own
August 21, 2023
DNF @ 40% no rating

This read very YA and juvenile.

The idea that you have to hide being a cancer survivor is ludicrous. Kicking cancer to the curb makes you stronger, not weaker. I'm a survivor and proud of it.

At one point, Henry mentions that his dad made sure the college would keep his childhood cancer diagnosis on the down low, but, aside from immunization information and a disability a student chooses to disclose, schools do not have access to students' health records.

Also, besides military academies, like West Point, I've never heard of a university in the States enforcing a uniform.

Many students receive higher ed scholarships, and not all of them are financially based, so the stigma around scholarships just wasn't believable. Maybe at a private high school, but college? Nope.

The MCs are 18/19 but act younger. There's so much telling, and the dialogue is at once overly formal and slangy.

I've liked many of Christina's books, but this one bored and irritated me in equal measure.
Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,685 reviews25.1k followers
March 9, 2024
XOXO is book one in the Roosevelt College series by Christina Lee. I want to say first that the cover is what drew me to this book. I love the way Lark is pictured.

Lark Levitt is about to start his freshman hear at Roosevelt College as a dance major. Roosevelt College is a prestigious private college with a renowned dance program and Lark was talented enough to win a full scholarship. This is something he is so proud of but also makes him so nervous. It’s a school filled with wealthy students that have never experienced life the way he has. Lark lives in a trailer park across town, wears second hand clothes and packs his own lunch. He rushes home most days to help take care of his four year old sister while his mom works as a waitress.

Henry Albrecht is a sophomore and is quarterback on the football team at Roosevelt. Attending this college was expected of him as it was his dad’s alma mater. Henry is team captain and excels in his classes. Henry is constantly weighed down by trying to live up to his dad’s expectations. And also, Henry is keeping one very big secret not only from his parents, but from everyone else as well.

Henry and Lark first met seven years prior as children who both suffered from cancer. They spent months together in the hospital and became close. But after discharge, went their own ways, never knowing if the other survived until seeing each other at college. Henry’s dad has insisted that Henry keep his previous illness a secret and when Lark shows up on campus, Henry sees it as a threat to his secret. But the more they see each other, that same connection they had as kids returns. They shared something that bonded them forever. And soon, that connection becomes more.

First, I felt terrible for the burden Henry was carrying. He tried so hard to do what everyone expected of him. And I was so proud of Lark. He grew up so differently than Henry did but he was so strong. He lived his life the best he could and worked hard. I loved watching things develop between these two. But, I have to say that in my opinion, the pace was a bit slow. The pace kept me from feeling their connection the way I wanted to. It had a wonderful ending, though. Book two, Until We Meet Again, is Lark’s friend, Emil and Henry’s friend, Bones’s book.

For more about this book and so many others, come and visit me at Carol's Crazy Bookish World.

Profile Image for Megan.
868 reviews240 followers
August 3, 2024
MM Romance
Boring AF
1 Star ⭐️

DNF @ chapter 26 of 37 (2.5 hrs of audio left)

🎵Narrated by Javi Wilder & Graham Halstead🎵 Love Javi but Graham was not my favorite 🤷🏻‍♀️

If I had listened to this last year I probably would have given it at least 2 stars but I just cannot with these boring af college romances that feel like they should be taking place in high school. They all feel the same and this one had the potential to be adorable because of their past but instead it’s so fucking slow and nothing is happening. And I’m not saying it’s a slowww burn but rather a no burn slow af book. I’d rather watch paint dry than listen to another second of this and I love Javi Wilder but he has literally nothing to work with.

Henry and (omggg why can’t I remember his name? I just DNF’d this🤣🤣 hold please.) LARK 🙄 knew each other as kids because they both had childhood cancer and were in the same children’s hospital together. This time in their lives really shaped them as individuals but their families have had completely different ways of dealing with it. Henry was discharged first and due to his father’s issues with looking weak was transferred to a new school to start over and his cancer was never mentioned again like it was some dirty secret instead of celebrating that he survived whereas Lark’s mom embraced her son and has supported him every step of the way. The dad has reasons for this and I can see it ending very happy families which sucks because he sucks. Henry and Lark are also both gay but Henry is closeted due to the lifestyle his dad expects him to have whereas Lark is an out and proud dancer. So these two meet back up at college 8 years later and are immediately attracted to each other but have to pretend like they have no idea who the other is.

I think this premise could have been adorable because Henry isn’t one of these closeted guys who is hooking up with girls nonstop trying to prove something, but is a virgin like Lark. It’s obvious they are going to be each other’s first loves and forevers if something actually happens sometime in the next 10 chapters but as of now they have had very little interaction and it’s made me not feel a connection between them at all. The cover for this book is cute af but it tricked me with its prettiness and lured me into the most anticlimactic boring book ever. How am I this far in and they’ve only shared a lackluster kiss, rushed BJ and awkward handjob. I get they are virgins but this feels more like high school than college and I don’t want to stick around for how cringe the anal will be if it ever happens. Lark’s baby sister is always around because he babysits her and they share a bedroom and because Henry is closeted and has a roommate they can’t go there to do anything so this is just slowly dragging forward with Lark attending a football game and Henry eating fast food with his roommate. Seriously? This is how you put someone to sleep 😴 Insomnia? Who is she? This book is making me believe I never had it in the first place. 🛌😴🙄💀Shit who needs sleeping pills when books like this exist? 🥱 I actually had this on my TBR because I was interested in book two and since this cover was so cute I decided to start at the beginning but now I don’t know if I even care about book two because those characters might have been more boring than these ones. 😴
Profile Image for ivanareadsalot.
606 reviews209 followers
July 13, 2023
I would like to thank GRR and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

I really enjoyed this lovely, sweet story! i mean, what's not to love about a low angst, secret, steamy college romance, between a star quarterback and a dance major, and their bevy of endearing and irksome friends? college high jinks is always a fun time!

and while this book isn't exactly reinventing the wheel, it does feature MCs who have survived very life threatening cancer in their childhood, and their emotional traumas/the ramifications that stem from that time in their lives, which i don't think is discussed enough. it's tonally the same lighthearted fare we've come to enjoy from CL, but with the exploration of life in remission, it definitely adds an extra something to the familiar anxieties featured in NA college sports romances we've come to enjoy and expect.🥰
Profile Image for Dani.
944 reviews107 followers
July 31, 2023
I loved the idea behind this story, I don't think I've read anything else like this that I can recall.

What bugged me though was the pacing. For so long it was this really slow, gradual build up of a friendship and then more, but the last part of the book kind of went a bit off the rails and then it was just done. I enjoyed the slow burn and the build up but then nothing really happened, which was just disappointing.

I'm not a fan of books where we don't get to see the couple actually be a couple after the climax of the story. We don't get to see Henry and Lark together openly until the epilogue, and that wasn't really enough for me. I wanted to see the reaction to their relationship, not be told what happened in a recap.

The whole way through the tension is building because Henry is afraid of the consequences from everyone finding out that he's gay and in a relationship, and that he survived cancer as a child. But when it's all revealed, the book just ends? Even if it's easy acceptance of the relationship and everything is sunshine and rainbows I still want to see that, not be told it happened!

My best way to sum it up is that reading this book was like watching a balloon being inflated to the point you think it's going to pop, but then it just deflates and zips away with a little whine.
Profile Image for Gustaf.
1,441 reviews162 followers
May 11, 2024
I've been wanting to read this one for quite some time now but the cancer aspect of it all has been turning me off every time. I'm glad I finally did though because I really, really enjoyed it. Lark and Henry was such great characters and I loved the connection they had with each other. I'm so happy it wasn't as heavy as I thought it out would be. And the cover... It's gorgeous.
Profile Image for Renae Reads.
589 reviews549 followers
July 24, 2023
This story is so darn sweet and endearing. I love the emotional maturity and depth between Lark and Henry. They both share such personal history with one another making for a surprising reunion when the unexpected walk into one another's life eight years later. I loved their chemistry and the slow rebuilding of their friendship that quickly blossoms into something more.

These two have such huge hearts and I loved getting to read their story and their hard-won HEA. Such a wonderful read and cannot recommend it highly enough.
Profile Image for Carol (§CoverLoverGirl§).
595 reviews69 followers
August 6, 2023
Anything for Lark

From page one, Henry and Lark moved into my heart and took me over.
Two very early teens, struggling to recover from possibly fatal illness and they both helped each other through all the tortuous treatments. Having spent three months together in hospital they had become great friends.

Leaving hospital, they said tearful goodbyes and wished each other all the best. Lark wrote a lovely note for Henry, hoping he’d stay well, XOXO.

Henry’s family are wealthy and very conscious about maintaining their ‘social standing and reputation’, especially his Dad. As an only child the expectations piled on him causes him a lot of stress.

Lark, his mother and 4 year Old sister live in a trailer park. They struggle financially since Lark’s stepfather left them. Mum works at a Diner locally and Lark helps out at a Junkyard nearby.

Luckily Lark received a scholarship to College where he wants to major in the Arts, mainly Dance, he dreams of being a Danseur.

Walking onto Campus first day he is stunned when he hears someone call out “Henners”. This was the nickname he knew Henry by. When he turned and saw the look of recognition and horror on Henry’s face when Lark waved to him, he felt hurt inside.

Was Henry ashamed of Lark’s appearance? His clothes were from Thrift Store, whereas everyone else was dressed in the latest style and cool footwear.

This story was like a tonic to me, (not the G&T kind) 😂. More like prescribed medicine to calm my heart after finishing a different book that left me in pieces.

I don’t think I’ve read anything else by Christina Lee but I certainly enjoyed this one, ‘XOXO’. Both MC’s are adorable in their different ways, Lark’s mum was a terrific support, such a loving Mum.

Yep, 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 from me for sure.

EDITED. Oops, just checked MY Books and I see I’ve read several of Christina’s books and LOVED them. Will be checking back for more of her work.
Profile Image for Ellie.
597 reviews55 followers
July 20, 2023
2.5 stars

Sweet coming of age romance between two unlikely friends

I think a lot of people will enjoy this but it wasn't for me. It's a very sweet, and quite romantic new adult romance between a dancer and a quarterback, who were close friends as children in a cancer ward but haven't seen each other since.

On the surface, they don't have a lot in common. Henry is a star quarterback and captain, he's rich, privileged and popular, excelling academically, but suffering under the weight of his parents' expectations, and his father's desire for him to live a "normal" life and not have anyone know he had cancer. Lark is a scholarship student, branded as a queer outcast, living in a trailer park with his mother and barely scraping by financially, but supported emotionally and encouraged unconditionally. Despite these differences in circumstances, I did find their friendship and relationship to be quite believable and they shared a lot of sweet, quiet moments.

In theory there was a lot to endear the characters to me, but the way it was written just fell kind of flat. I found the prose quite stilted and I never really connected emotionally with either of them. I also thought the balance of plot between the two MCs was a bit off, and that some of Lark's issues were left by the wayside. There were also far more football scenes than dance scenes which was disappointing.

I really disliked Henry's father, though at least there's some justification rather than him just being Evil ™. He had epilepsy as a child and didn't want Henry to suffer through the same judgment and mollycoddling as he did, so his solution was to just sweep it under the rug and pretend it never happened. Yeah, that's healthy. I did not at all buy his reaction to Henry's eventual revelation of how this had impacted him and found that resolution pretty dissatisfying.

The other side characters were pretty solid. There were a few too many of them but Henry and Lark's closest friends were well-fleshed out and I found them to be just right the balance of supportive while also pushing for them to own their truth. The nicknames, however, were awful - for some reason "Henners" just makes me cringe and think of a 10-year-old, and his teammate's nicknames were no better.

Overall, it was just a bit too low stakes for my liking. Though I really liked some of the romantic gestures - in particular Henry showing up at Lark's recital with flowers, Lark's note and Henry cherishing it - the general vibe was too saccharine for me and I didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to.

I kindly received an ARC from the author. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Lady Macbeth.
731 reviews18 followers
July 12, 2023
5 stars
What a sweet lovely story!

Lark and Henry had to deal with a lot in their young age: not only because of the illness, the hospitalisation and the hard treatments, but also because the fears of the uncertain future. They found affection, comfort and support in each other and their separation was painful for both of them.
After several years, they attend the same college, but their different status makes difficult for them to be openly friends.

The whole situation with Henry's dad, why he pushed Henry to keep his illness hidden and how he controlled every aspect of his son's life was annoying: sadly, Henry was a pushover, he didnn't have the courage to speak up for himself even if his life was miserable. He didn't even have support from his mother, who always takes his father's side.

When Henry sees Lark, after all those years, is scared to be "outed" for his illness, but at the same time, he cannot stay away from the only person who really gets him; he longs for the friend he lost and he's drawn to him. Eventually, the emotions he feel for Lark turn into attraction and love.
Their reconnection is slow but, luckily, there's no miscommunication between them, only uncertainty and worry about schoolarship (Lark) and about his friends (Henry). However, they're able to share romantic moments together and Henry can phisically explore his sexuality without fear to be judged, but in a safe sweet way. Their sex encounters, in fact, are obviously exciting for them but also they contribute to strengthen their relationship.

I found Henry's reservations very well described by the author: he's a young man still figuring out himself and all the pressure his father puts him through doesn't help. But I loved that he never rejected Lark or made him feel like a dirty secret. And especially that he always didn't care about Lark's difficult financial situation.

Of course, there's a sweet HEA that I'm not going to spoil. My only "complain": I would have loved an epilogue way more into their future.

I don't know if the author will consider to turn this into a series, I hope so because there's a potential for a good enemy to lovers there.

Highly ecommended.

I received a copy of this book from Gay Romance Reviews and this is my honest review
Profile Image for Sheena.
571 reviews38 followers
August 26, 2023
3/5 stars

First thing to say is that the cover is so cute. I love it! The book though…not so much. I feel like Lark and Henry’s relationship was cute, but it wasn’t done well. It wish they had more time being friends because their connection wasn’t as strong as I hoped. They weren’t fleshed out enough
Profile Image for Frank Chillura (OhYouRead).
1,156 reviews57 followers
May 10, 2024
I had seen the cover of XOXO on social media for the past few months and was intrigued by it. It was giving exactly what I like to see: illustrated, bright colors, and a pretty font. That’s the way to catch my eye and draw me in, I guess.

The story begins with Lark & Henry as friends in the children’s cancer ward. They don’t know if they are going to make it out, but the only thing they do know is that they will always have each other… until one of them leaves and never comes back. 10 years later, they run into each other in college. This would be the first time they have seen one another or even had an inkling of their outcome.

Henry is the captain of his football team. No one knows about his past and they especially don’t know the reason he doesn’t date girls like the rest of them is because he’s gay. TBH, I’m sure they had some kind of feelings, but no one said anything about it… to his face.

Lark is just starting at a new college. He’s a dancer, ballerino, and perfectly fine being himself. He is also into boys… very much so.

The difference between the two of them is their family dynamics and wealth status. Henry comes from money and his family doesn’t want him to be held back by his past. Whereas Lark’s mother wants him to feel free to be who he wants, not letting secrets hold him back.

This was an interesting story about what it’s like to live after being a sick kid. I don’t really feel like we got much of the aftermath (this is 10 years later), so it was more along the lines of just a story about guys in college who happen to have been sick at one point. It was a plot point to use for story, but not for character development, as much.

I think I liked the story over all, but I just felt like there was a little something missing. I don’t even know what.
Profile Image for Monica.
436 reviews22 followers
July 23, 2023
This was such a sweet read. It is a low angst, college story with two MCs who went through cancer as kids but didn't keep in touch after leaving the hospital. Then Henry and Lark, the MCs, find themselves attending the same college and reconnect again.
This book has a slow start but it was lovely to see how Lark adapted to attending college at this fancy institution where only the richest kids went. He was on a dance scholarship and that made other students comment about him. He was determined to make it through college because it was the way to fulfill his dream. Then Henry felt the pressure of his parents, mostly his dad, to be the best in everything and when he saw Lark at the same school, it was inevitable they ended up together. The attraction was there, even when they were both ill at the hospital as kids.
I loved how they got to know each other again after so many years apart. It was beautiful to see how they were what the other needed, as they could feel understood. I truly hated Henry's father, he was very wrong about many things and I felt bad for Henry. Lark was there for him and that made them become even closer.
I liked this book very much and enjoyed the sweet relationship the MCs grew into. This story is about growing up, being true to yourself and loving whoever you want to love.
Profile Image for Yvonne.
1,209 reviews44 followers
May 8, 2024
3.75⭐️ 1.5🌶️

You’re beautiful. And I wish somehow, some way, that you could be mine.

This was really cute and both Lark and Henners were adorable. From their connection as kids going through cancer treatments together to then finding each other again in college, everything about the feelings-friendship and romantic- felt genuine, and I just loved them.

Although set in college, this still had a very YA feel to it which was fine although I didn’t care for some of Henry’s friend group or his over meddling father.

The bulk of the plot revolves around Henry and his growth in accepting who is his and pushing back on hiding that, and having Lark to support him along the way. It’s very low angst and sweet but the bulk of why I can’t rate higher, beyond the easy resolution of the conflict about his health and sexuality, was the writing. It didn’t draw me in or give me much highlighting material; It just felt stilted. It told the story, but in as simply as it could.

However, because of how much I loved the MCs I’d still recommend for a light fluff read that’ll make your heart happy. 🫶
Profile Image for Onceupona.spine.
400 reviews14 followers
July 22, 2023
|| 𝐁 𝐎 𝐎 𝐊 𝐑 𝐄 𝐕 𝐈 𝐄 𝐖 📝          
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑: Christina Lee   

When I picked this book up I thought I was getting a cute College romance between the popular quarterback & the sweet Ballet student, and though that is exactly what I got, this book was 𝐒𝐎 much more than I ever expected. 

This book is a journey, not just in love but in life, acceptance, hope & being true to who you really are. It was beyond beautiful. The author has truly done a phenomenal job. 

Henry & Lark share a bond that goes beyond understanding. Their connection is forged through pain and fear but ultimately develops into the kind of love that dreams are made of. 

I'm not a normally huge fan of college romances anymore, but this one hit me with all the feels and butterflies. By the end, I had one happy heart and a smile on my face.  
I highly recommend it. 
• Contemporary Romances        
• Steamy Reads       
• MM Romances        
• Opposites Attract  
• Second Chance 
• Childhood Friends 
• Football/Ballet 
• New Adult/College     
Absolutely, without a doubt  
Profile Image for Miriah.
892 reviews44 followers
July 27, 2023
This is a lovely, soft, intimate story with great main characters and a lovely cover. I really liked the setup too.

However, I felt like something was missing to make it great. There was a lot of telling rather than showing, and our mains didn’t seem to have a lot of relationship ship developing scenes. Lark was clearly a parent to his four year old sister and had no time for his own life but was okay with it. Henry was a mess due to his parents and I wish that had been worked on a bit more. I also felt like these guys were really young and that made me a bit uncomfortable with the sex scenes.
Profile Image for Robin.
1,122 reviews309 followers
June 20, 2024
This was so stinkin' cute!! 🥹
Profile Image for S a n d r a.
1,275 reviews183 followers
July 25, 2023
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Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐✨

This was my second time reading the author, and it won’t be the last time.

I was mainly hooked by the cover, not gonna lie, but the blurb also called to me. And that’s surprising, since plots that feature kids with cancer (in remission or not) aren’t usually my favorite thing. The reason being that I’m not a big fan of “easy drama” and sick kids are easy drama all the way. But. This one didn’t seem like that, the blurb promised a different approach, and I wasn’t disappointed.

Lark and Henry met when they were kids staying at a hospital, scared and sick, hurting and not knowing if they would make it or not. They bonded over the experience even though their usual lifestyles were nothing alike: while Lark’s family was humble and modest, Henry's parents were loaded and a bit snobby.

Then Henry was out and they said goodbye with a sweet letter from Lark, which he signed with a XOXO that made Henry shiver all over. Years went by with them not talking nor knowing what was of the other, until destiny reunited them in the same college, Henry being the quarterback and captain of the Football team and Lark attending with a dancing scholarship.

Their reunion is bumpy, mostly due to the fact Henry’s dad is making him hide the fact he ever had cancer. He doesn’t want it to change how others think of him and his ability to play ball. Hiding it makes Henry feel uncomfortable but he bears with it… until Lark is in his life again and he has someone to talk with about the things no other at college knows.

Lark has issues of his own. He’s healthy and in remission, same as Henry, but things are home are rough and money is a big issue for him. Attending a rich college, even with a scholarship, makes him feel awkward, much more so considering he feels self conscious about the status difference between him and the other students.

The two of them approach naturally even if slowly. They are drawn to each other and feel at ease when they are together. While things are bumpy at first, with Henry kinda ignoring Lark in fear of them being friends making others discover his past; but little by little Henry becomes braver and decides his past friendship (and potential new one) with Lark means more to him than what others think, and they become closer and closer.

Closeted romances aren’t my favorites either, I just get frustrated when the only reason why the main couple can’t be together is that, but me liking these romances depends mostly on how the story goes, and the reasons why said character feels he can’t be open about his sexuality. This time was one of those I do understand. You can empathize with him and understand his fears and preoccupations, also, him being closeted doesn’t bring unnecessary drama. It’s just another thing Henry must struggle with: his dad’s pressure, him having to hide a big part of himself from everyone, his sexuality and having to keep it hidden to, to the point of not even being openly friendly with someone who means so much to him.

The dancer vs the jock bit is not as big as maybe I could expect, but it gave the story a nice touch. It was sweet how much Lark loved dancing, and how he spoke about it and about his love for it. And it was lovely seeing Henry mesmerized by Lark every time he saw him dance, and how much he supported him, not minding what others could think.

I liked this journey of two guys that went through so much, both together and on their own; seeing them not only find love together, but also freedom to be themselves, and courage to speak up and say what they feel and need even when fearing others won’t understand it.

Also… Is this gonna be a standalone? Fingers crossed here for there to be at least a second book, since I need Bones and Emil to end together! There was so much potential there, and having another jock/danced romance featuring totally opposite roommates would be amazing!! I felt there could be something there, but I haven’t read anything about it being a possible future book… My hope remains, though.
Profile Image for Evelyn Bella.
442 reviews22 followers
June 2, 2024
This one was kind of sweet. There's no angst like you'd expect though, and Henry comes off worse in the blurb than he actually is in the book.

Also, Henners is a great way to turn Henry into a moanable name. Very college hot jock and not at all 13th century king of England.
Profile Image for Michael.
681 reviews
October 5, 2023
A love story which starts with a horrific meet cute which turned into a lifelong bond. That was pretty unique having the two guys meet as children battling cancer and then meeting later in college.

There was great tension, well designed scenes, and deep backgrounds and motivations for the boys. There was also a bit of throwing everything in there feel to it. We have cancer, poverty, wealth issues, snobbery, domineering dad, passive mom, cheerleading mom, secret illness, nervous nail biting/self harm, coming out, medical drama, panic attacks, and sports. It was a lot.

I still enjoyed it a lot.
Profile Image for Emily Bierman.
830 reviews15 followers
August 18, 2023
3.5 Stars

Super sweet & endearing. I adored Lark & Henry. Their childhood broke my heart but their friendship mended it back together. And I’m so relieved to read an LGBTQ story that contains a number of supportive side characters in the end. I’d definitely recommend.
Profile Image for Dawn.
963 reviews17 followers
June 17, 2024
I could not get done with this book fast enough. Everything about it underwhelmed me. The writing was simplistic and dull. The plot, aside from the touching prologue, was formulaic and predictable. The dialogue was unoriginal and stilted. The “Henners” nickname was just plain awful. Roosevelt College read like a middle school—full of immature and judgey students, a parents' weekend that was more like a grade school open house, and kids being made fun of bc of their clothes or for being on a needs-based scholarship. Henry’s parents were beyond terrible. His dad was controlling and an all-around jerk and their attitude towards his struggle with cancer was baffling and frustrating. Are there truly parents in the world who would diminish and try to hide their child’s cancer experience that way??

On the upside, Henry and Lark were good kids who’d been through some rough stuff and it was satisfying to see them move beyond the obstacles and get to a happy place--even if it did happen unrealistically fast and with a too-tidy bow. Also, Lark's mom was awesome.

Ngl, I’m very tempted by the blurb for book 2. Bones and Emil as a couple are intriguing. And I love me some straight cuddling. But nope, hard pass.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 426 reviews

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