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Anomaly #2


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She was an anomaly with a death sentence. Now she's free.

Thalli was scheduled for annihilation. She was considered an anomaly--able to experience emotions that should have been eradicated by genetic modification. The Scientists running the State couldn't allow her to bring undue chaos to their peaceful, ordered world. But seconds before her death, she is rescued.

Now Thalli is above ground in a world she thought was destroyed. A world where not even the air is safe to breathe. She and her three friends must journey across this unknown land, their destination a hidden civilization. It's their only chance of survival.

Broken and exhausted after an arduous journey, they arrive in New Hope, a town that survived the nuclear holocaust. When Thalli meets the people there--people actually "born" to "families"--her small world is blown wide open.

Soon after their arrival to New Hope, the town comes under attack. She has escaped imminent death, but now Thalli is thrust into a new fight--a fight to save her new home. Does she know enough about this world of emotions, this world of chaos, to save not only herself, but the people she has come to love?

320 pages, Paperback

First published January 7, 2014

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About the author

Krista McGee

11 books585 followers
Krista writes for teens, teaches teens, and more often than not, acts like a teen. She and her family have lived and ministered in Texas, Costa Rica, and Spain. Her current hometown is Tampa, FL.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 145 reviews
Profile Image for Lindsey (Books for Christian Girls).
1,827 reviews4,148 followers
April 8, 2019
4.5 stars. Ack! The start of the craziest love-triangle in Christian YA.
About this book:

“She was an anomaly with a death sentence. Now she's free.
Thalli was scheduled for annihilation. She was considered an anomaly--able to experience emotions that should have been eradicated by genetic modification. The Scientists running the State couldn't allow her to bring undue chaos to their peaceful, ordered world. But seconds before her death, she is rescued.
Now Thalli is above ground in a world she thought was destroyed. A world where not even the air is safe to breathe. She and her three friends must journey across this unknown land, their destination a hidden civilization. It's their only chance of survival.
Broken and exhausted after an arduous journey, they arrive in New Hope, a town that survived the nuclear holocaust. When Thalli meets the people there--people actually "born" to "families"--her small world is blown wide open.
Soon after their arrival to New Hope, the town comes under attack. She has escaped imminent death, but now Thalli is thrust into a new fight--a fight to save her new home. Does she know enough about this world of emotions, this world of chaos, to save not only herself, but the people she has come to love?”

Series: Book #2 in the “Anomaly” series. Review of Book #1 Here!

Spiritual Content- Scriptures are mentioned, remembered, read, & quoted; Prayers; Church going; Thalli struggles with why the Designer allows bad things to happen; Many talks about God, believing, & trusting; ‘H’s are not capitalized when referring to God; Many mentions of God (called The Designer) & trusting; Mentions of prayers, praying, & thanking God; Mentions of Bibles & faiths; Mentions of those in the Bible & events; Mentions of churches, pastors, & sermons; Mentions of Heaven; A few mentions of a song about Jesus & salvation; A couple mentions of miracles; A couple mentions of baptism; A mention of praising God; A mention of being blessed; A mention of sin;
*Note: Mentions of evil in the world & evil people; A few mentions of those who do not believe there is a God; A mention of an evolutionary jump; A mention of the evolution of the human species.

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: two ‘stupid’s; A bit of eye rolling; Seeing two people shot, killed, & bleeding (barely-above-not-detailed); Seeing stake burnings & a (dead) body burned (barely-above-not-detailed); Fighting, Injuries, Blood/Bleeding, & Pain (up to semi-detailed); Being drugged & Passing out; Being held captive; Many mentions of being annihilated (including those being forced and those choosing to end their life), poison, & dying/deaths (and seeing people die); Many mentions of a murderer, how he has killed different people, torture methods, & a plan to kill the awful murderer (barely-above-not-detailed); Many mentions of a war, fighting, threats, & deaths; Mentions of how some people were cruelly murdered by burning alive at the stake, plans to do it to others, it almost happening, & the smell (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of attacks/fighting, fires, threats of killing, & killing (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of mass murders; Mentions of a plan of someone being violently murdered & starting a war; Mentions of drugs/poisons, being drugged, being poisoned, & deaths; Mentions of injuries & blood/bleeding from beatings; Mentions of dangerous animals, attacks, injuries, blood/bleeding, & pain; Mentions of stealing; Mentions of lies, lying, & manipulation; A few mentions of hatred; A couple mentions of illnesses.

Sexual Content- Touches, Warmth, Embraces, & Nearness (from two boys, barely-above-not-detailed); Wanting to touch; Noticing & Smelling (from two boys, barely-above-not-detailed); a ‘hot’; Mentions of dating, boyfriends, & girlfriends; Mentions of jealousy; A few mentions of an affair & a pregnancy as the result (the mother wasn’t sure who the father was); A bit of love, falling/being in love, & the emotions.
*Note: Mentions of procreation, the Scientists eliminating it, & the ingredients for creating life (Thalli finds the old ways of procreation confusing); A few mentions of scientists creating infants & seventy of the hundred infants dying; A couple mentions of wondering what happens on a honeymoon; A mention of Thalli’s chest (she mentions that she doesn’t have much of a chest).

-Thallium ‘Thalli”, age 17
1st person P.O.V. of Thalli & the Prologue in the Scientists
296 pages

Pre Teens- One Star
New Teens- One Star (and a half)
Early High School Teens- Three Stars
Older High School Teens- Four Stars (and a half)
My personal Rating- Four Stars (and a half)
{Death is a topic often discussed in this book and some parts might be creepy/triggering for younger reads. Very clean, but the Scientists can be disturbing with their methods and an evil king with his murder plans.}
Good grief, that cliff hanger. I remember all the insane emotions I felt the first time I read that cliff hanger. Ack! This is definitely a trilogy to make sure you have all the books before you start reading!
I’ll admit that love-triangles have never been my favorite (though, I don’t really think they that are anyone’s favorite) and this book begins a crazy one. I think that and the parts/mentions of the awful acts that happen in another area lowered my enjoyment of this second book, but it’s still a great continuation of “Anomaly” and I love seeing Thalli’s faith grow.

Link to review:

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.
Profile Image for Addy.
185 reviews68 followers
January 31, 2019
Hands down, this trilogy is one of the best I've read. Krista's writing is phenomenal and I can't wait to read Revolutionary!! Here is the content:

~Language: n/a (LOVE the fact that there is no bad language!!)
~Romance: hand-holding, nearness, affectionate gestures, attraction, etc. (No kissing)
~Violence: This is where I'd caution you. While the first book had no violence, this one had a LOT. 4 people are brutally killed, and there are quite a lot of details on their deaths. Lots of injuries and mentions of blood.
~Blood/Gore: there are details surrounding the brutal deaths of certain characters. while this wasn't so graphic I couldn't read it, I would caution you if you're sensitive.

PHEW. What a ride!! I really love this trilogy so much. I did have a few issues, however, which caused me to take away a star. I'll list those below.

the love triangle

okay, so that pretty much drove me mad the entire book. XD Berk and Thalli are MADE for each other, but then Prince Alex comes in and, well, you know what happens. :P I did feel for Alex throughout the book, especially the ending, because he was so vulnerable and hurting. So, I like Alex, but he doesn't need to be with Thalli. Berk does.

all of the violence and death

don't get me wrong, I think a good book needs to have someviolence. Just maybe not as much as this one did? I think that putting FOUR ENTIRE DEATHS in one book is a bit much. :/

While there were a lot of sad parts in the book, Thalli clung to her faith in the Designer and I loved that!! And John was so sweet and caring- especially when he was reminding her of passages in the Bible. <3 I do understand why Thalli is struggling to choose between Berk and Alex... but HEY THALLI. Berk loved you first. :)

So, this book was good, but not better than book one. I was a bit disappointed with all of the deaths and the love triangle. But, I'll move on to book 3 and hope this trilogy ends well!!

I reccomend for ages 13+ due to violence/death and romance.

(Thalli, please come to your senses and get back with Berk again. Thank you.)

Soli Deo Gloria
Profile Image for Kristina Hall.
Author 19 books415 followers
August 27, 2021
4.5 stars!

Characters: I liked seeing Thalli and all the characters from the first book again—plus, some new characters made their appearances. And my favorite side character died … :(

Language: Clean.

Moral: This novel’s main theme was based on Psalm 23.

Plot: I have a strange fondness for dystopian novels, and this has everything you could want in a dystopian story: great characters, a world that’s undergone some … crazy changes, conflict between characters, powerful villains, weird technology, and strong faith themes.

Romance: Clean. A little bit of kissing?? And a love triangle :) But what YA dystopian novel doesn’t have a love triangle? :)

Writing: Krista McGee wrote Thalli (the main character) so well! I enjoyed her use of shorter sentences to maximize suspense.

Overall: Luminary was a great addition to the trilogy, and I’d recommend it to readers who enjoy Christian fiction, dystopian stories, and young-adult (YA) fiction.
Profile Image for H.M.R..
111 reviews12 followers
December 31, 2015
Luminary by Krista Mcgee

I really liked Anomaly, but I have to say Luminary was the most fabulous! I loved it. The characters, the plot line even though the setting was a dry, desolate USA it was totally amazing.

The Characters.
So, the characters were lovely. Though I do think Thalli was super annoying at the start, (Though it was explained later why she was so irritable.) She was totally awesome at the end.

The Story
My goodness, the story got gasps, snickers, widen eyes, anger and “You go girl!” moments from me. It had me grasping for more, and more, and the more I read the more desperately I need Revolutionary. *looks worriedly at my sister reading Revolutionary*

Okay, though this book was fabulous I do have two things I didn’t like about it.

THE LOVE TRIANGLE!!!!!! Who even likes love triangles? I have yet to meet a person who has anything good to say about a love triangle. You usually know who the person will pick anyway. Sorry but I have never, ever liked love triangles. Especially when you like both guys in the love triangle. It’s just annoying.

Everything seemed to fall into place to easily in some parts and it just seemed …….. I don’t know, unrealistic. Though only one part stands out to me where it was really like, “okay that wouldn’t happen.”
Profile Image for Olivia.
115 reviews22 followers
July 26, 2017
2017 Review:
Holy cow, I cringe every time I re read this review, what I've learned since 2015? Write reviews AFTER the fangirl craziness has worn off! Never rate a book based on how much you loved the ending. Can't wait to update my thoughts on this book when I have time.

2015 Review:





it's kinda funny thought, cuz I read the last four or five chapters in public and I was sobbing and everyone around me was sorta just like "ooooookay then, weird crying girl..." Lol!

but I'm serious, you need to order this trilogy right now and read it on the spot because it is the best everrr.
rating: clean
Profile Image for Libby May.
Author 3 books86 followers
April 3, 2018
Yes ma'am! That was bad! That was a very evil cliffhanger.
Thank you Mrs. Krista. XD
I already ordered Revolutionary from the library.
So this book was really good. I liked it so much. It's up there, leaning towards 5 stars. If I finish and love the trilogy, I will be bringing up each of the books to 5 stars.
It is rather disturbing on the violence side if you are squeamish. I recommend ages 14 and up. But a very good sci-fi.
Profile Image for Sarah R..
92 reviews12 followers
December 29, 2015
While I thoroughly enjoyed Anomaly, (book 1) Luminary was packed with even more excitement! I really liked this one. We move from white walls and stiff, evil scientists to peaceful and perilous colonies. I think this one has been my favorite in the trilogy so far, but..

... Even though Luminary was more action packed and exciting than Anomaly; I liked the Thalli in Anomaly better than the Thalli of Luminary. Thalli was kind of a Brat in Luminary. Grrrrr Poor Berk. Also I thought Luminary was a little confusing, and in this series things are often left unexplained. (We never did find out why music would solve the oxygen problem. (page 8 confirms this)

One confusing aspect about this book is the fact Athens is supposed to be advanced in technology but they use horses for transportation (page 127) Athens felt almost more midievil to me, which in a way was kinda awesome.... But still... Confusing.

The very end scene although connected very much to Anomaly, felt completely disconnected to the main plot of Luminary. I feel it could have waited till the next book, instead of happening right after the main plot in Luminary had concluded. Literally 5 minutes, why? 5 days would have been much better in my opinion, but they needed a distraction I guess after *cough* will remain quiet *cough*

I liked this book, so I will stop picking. It was action packed and awesome. Luminary was easier to read but I think Anomaly was done better. My imagination was not disappointed. I still can't stop thinking about the colonies of New Hope and Athens.. Eek! Gonna read Revolutionary now! Recommended to all teenagers and above. Except boys who don't enjoy romance. :D lol
Profile Image for Allyson Jamison.
219 reviews
July 16, 2021
This book!!! Wow. Okay, so I thought the first one was amazing and awesome and all that good stuff but this one, this one was even better!!!

The action, the intensity! Woah! Just give me a minute to catch my breath will you?! XD I absolutely adore all of the characters. Each one is unique and different in their own way and each one of them captured my heart. I will admit, I cried a couple times during this book. It was so good.

If you love dystopian or science fiction (or both!) then I would highly recommend this book! Even if you don't like those genres, I think this is a great series to introduce you to them. Completely clean and very well written. I simply could not put this book down! I was flipping pages frantically to figure out what would happen next! Can't wait to start the the third one very soon!!
Profile Image for Samantha Davis.
100 reviews8 followers
June 20, 2015
I love these books. It really shows Christianity to be a religion in which the believers aren't perfect but try their best daily. It really touches me that there is room in YA Literature for a bit of faith. So often in books the teenage characters are said to have "never believed in a God," "never religious," "been to church a few times but never really got into it," etc but then being praying to God when they get into a perilous situation and I find it disturbing. I'm glad this novel shows what believing means.
Profile Image for Mikayla.
1,049 reviews
July 22, 2020
I wanted to like this book. After the first one being so epic, I was looking forward to more of the same and was sadly disappointed.
This book begins pretty well, with a trip across the US to find survivors of the war. That was the best part of the book.
For starters, we have good old fashioned jealousy and Berk treating Thalli bad for no apparent reason. Good news, John is still the best though it all. Then we move on to the evil neighboring kingdom and that's about where my enjoyment ended. We've got mental manipulation on a much, much larger scale than before, which was pretty disturbing, and then we've got an extremely violent king. We've also got Alex, who I actually did mildly like, but since he was literally just there for romantic tension, he was rather irritating. And then we've got a whole lot of drama, face pacing that will leave you breathless, a little bit about God thrown in (But nothing as powerful at the first book), and... a whole lot of drama (yes, I already mentioned this, but there was so much in here it make sense to repeat it)

So yeah, two stars feels kind of brutal, but I really hated how after reading this book I felt like I had been digging through a trashcan. It just didn't have a lot of hope, or peace, or anything positive to offset all of the nastiness in the book.
Profile Image for Emma.
457 reviews2 followers
January 21, 2021
Ok, I'm not exactly sure I'm okay right now but I will try to write a review nonetheless.
WHAT JUST ACTUALLY HAPPENED?!! *clears throat* I just needed to scream a little bit. XD

This book put me through SO many emotions, I can't even tell you. I felt like I was holding my breath almost the whole time. I was internally screaming at the characters (particularly Thalli) the majority of the book. I cried quite a lot. And I just had NO idea what was going to happen next because the PLOT TWISTS, goodness. I have read some pretty unpredictable books but this one is one of the best unpredictable books I've ever read. And I've read some books that feel like it's hopeless and impossible for the main characters to make it out alive but this one? I saw NO possible way for them to escape. Nothing. So yes, I went through a lot in this book. XD I absolutely LOVE when a book makes you feel so many emotions and when you stop reading you think "This is earth?"... or is this virtual reality. LOL, I had to do that.

Anyways, the love triangle. *takes a deep breath* Uh, yeah, this is mainly why I was internally screaming 90% of the book. So, I expected to despise Alex but ended up loving him... but not for Thalli. Thalli and Berk are right for each other. I just wanted to scream, "Remember Berk! Remember how much he cares about you! Remember all he has done for you! PLEASE"
Ughhh.... it was very difficult to watch her reject him in this book. And the ending? I don't know what to think but I'm hoping against hope that Thalli remembers

John was amazing and he touched my heart. I'm so happy he was happy in the end. *wipes away tear*
Thalli's doubts, fears, and struggles were very real and relatable. Seeing Rhen grow was so exciting and made me happy! And her and Dallas are soo cute. <3
I still love Berk. His actions and his love for Thalli is the sweetest thing. He never gives up, he risked his life. I was hurting for him in this book. WAKE UP, THALLI. (Lol, I was a bit upset with her in this book if you couldn't tell.)
I really, really liked Helen. Her story is so tragic and sad, I was an emotional wreck. And Peter...*cries*
I ended up loving Alex. I guess I really like conflicted characters. My heart broke for him. I hope he gets his happy ending... but I'm so torn.

The faith in this book was beautiful and really touched me. I was in tears by the end. Like I said in Anomaly , it really brought so much hope into a book that could feel hopeless.

The only down side to this book would be all the violence and death. It was a bit hard to read about but it wasn't so detailed that I felt sick. It also added a lot of depth and emotion to the book.

Anyways, this was epic. It took a turn I didn't see coming. He went from being a very intriguing sci-fi to a royalty plot that was pretty awesome. I can't wait to finish Revolutionary... I started it immediately after finishing this one but I had to stop because it was 2AM , my eyes were burning, and I had to sleep. XD But today, I will get answers!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Malachi Cyr.
Author 4 books43 followers
August 10, 2019
What does one do when they pick up the middle book of a trilogy and starts reading? Well, apparently you finish it in one day and wish you'd read the first one and want to read the third one.

Very well written with solid Christian content, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I did read the first few chapters of the first book (but had to stop because my sister was right in the middle of it :D) so I kinda knew what was going on with the escape from the "State." This is the third(?) dystopian/post-Apocalypse book that I've read and I really liked the feel of the story setting, especially the aspect of Christianity sprouting up in a society that had all but banned and forgotten it. It was rather interesting how during the story you felt like you got turned back in time from a post-nuclear war era to what felt like a medieval tyrannical city-state, except that they had advanced pharmaceuticals and guns. I liked how the conflict between Athens and New Hope didn't set up either "pocket" as being perfectly good or entirely evil. You really got to see the reasoning of both sides
I especially appreciated John's character, and I also liked the contradiction of Alex's character and appreciated Helen as well. King Jason was a very well done villain, making me hate the very ground he walked on. The book ended with a terrible cliffhanger, making me wish there had been a little more resolution because I don't have access to book three, but that's what authors gotta do in order to get people to read the next book.

Would have given it five stars except that I hate love triangles and didn't appreciate some of the interaction between Thalli and the boys (nothing inappropriate, just too physical for my liking). Also, in the end a certain revenge was seen in a very positive light because it had positive results, making the ends justify the means. I understand it was needed in the story, and I'm not sure how the author could possibly have done otherwise, but it still bothered me a bit, along with a couple other minor issues. Otherwise, this was a really thrilling story, and I can't wait to read the first and third books in the series.
Profile Image for Kara.
782 reviews
January 11, 2014

My Comments
Wow, this book was everything I’d hoped it would be and more! Thalli, Berk, Rhen and John have escaped below ground and are finally venturing into the unknown searching for survivors. Berk has made all the necessary preparations for them to go two weeks on their own. Thalli is overwhelmed with different emotions, but she is mostly fearful that Monitors will be sent after them.

Thalli is very negative and fearful at first, she is in disbelief that they’ve gotten away so easily but at the same time it’s not the moment for celebrating yet. The four of them have no idea what they will face and traveling into the unknown for the first time (except John who keeps the morale of the group up with his faith) is the bravest thing these teens have ever done. They have also left the Scientists in a desperate situation, how far will they really get? This is the most human Thalli has ever felt and it’s incredible seeing the world through her eyes.

The world is unsafe and The Ten are the only good……this is what Thalli has known her whole life before she escapes. Now she will learn the opposite is true for both the world and The Ten.

What Thalli sees/smells/feels for the first time:
the moon
a dog

Berk keeps his distance throughout most of the book, his part in this sequel is much less. John is overjoyed at this new freedom and talking to people who are not scientists. I thought his role was much larger and more precious in this story. Thalli discovers what it means to feel jealous and it���s not pleasant.

It’s really difficult to make a sequel that has the heart of the story intact and the actual story is just as interesting as the original or even MORE interesting. I believe McGee achieves this for Luminary and then some. Thalli is still seeking peace for all survivors in this book and she takes risks thinking of others before herself yet she makes it clear that she’s no hero. She’s tired of death and evil leaders who make themselves look good while destroying innocent lives, I was amazed by what she is able to overcome and how her faith is built up in the process. Even as an anomaly, she is not meant to live a normal life by any means.

There is death and sadness in this book, but there is definitely hope and freedom as well. Just when I thought all had been resolved, another twist comes about making me eager to read Book 3, Revolutionary, when it comes out in July. I have no idea how this series will be concluded, but I look forward to going with Thalli all the way.

I want to thank Booksneeze and Thomas Nelson for the review copy provided. I was not required to write a positive review. The thoughts expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Kate (The Shelf Life).
385 reviews18 followers
August 11, 2016
The world that Krista Mcgee has created is interesting and detailed and keeps expanding with each book. In Anomaly, we only see a small amount of this world with the State. Now, we get to see what is left of a world ravaged by a massive war. Though desolate, the people are strong. In these two communities, there is so much that is different. In New Hope, they live as a community with their elders. In Athens, they are ruled by a king and his line and fear is the driving factor of submission.

We have several questions answered in Luminary which was great! Instead of waiting till the end to have all reveled, these revelations helped move the story along. It also offered a an opportunity for Thalli to learn from and question what she already knows. As the story progresses, her emotions and her knowledge grow, and you are able to watch her morph into a stronger person, both mentally and spiritually. Thalli has many questions and she does her best to find answers.

With Thalli, we have the return of Berk, Rhen, and John. Each offers much to the story. John is a sweet older man who just wants to share his faith. He has hope and is thankful to be free from his prison. Rhen, even though is still the quieter one of the group offers more in Luminary. She is slowly coming out of her submissive state and is offering her knowledge and help on her own and taking a little more of a lead. Berk is still strong and determined to lead and protect this little group, however when he is faced with physical injury, his intelligence can't seem to help him with Thalli determination to help.

I can't wait to see how this trilogy will end. The ending of Luminary left me with even more questions and I can't wait to find out the answers!

Thank you to Booksneeze, I received a copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Brooke (i blog 4 books).
460 reviews5 followers
January 12, 2014
Review will be posted on i blog 4 books (1/12): http://iblog4books.blogspot.com/2014/...

After reading Anomaly this summer, I could hardly wait to read Luminary! I got my hands on a copy last week and moved it to the top of my TBR stack. While Thalli was a little ... whiny ... at the beginning, I soon got over my frustration with her and got swept up in the drama of their escape from the State. It was fascinating to read about three characters who were experience life as we know it (relatively speaking anyway) for the first time. McGee's creativity in describing things like home and parents and marriage and horses from the perspective on people who have never seen nor experienced these things was brilliant!

My favorite part of the story was seeing John and Thalli's friendship grow as Thalli came to know the Designer (God) better. John encouraged Thalli in so many ways. I also enjoyed seeing how Psalm 23 was woven throughout the book in subtle ways. I also enjoyed the fact that I never really figured out what was going to happen next. There were a couple of characters that I'm still not sure which "side" they're on. Ha!

With a huge cliffhanger ending, I'm really excited for the conclusion, Revolutionary, later this year! Krista McGee is a talented writer, and I highly recommend her stories for readers of all ages! [4 stars]

I received a free copy of this book from Thomas Nelson in exchange for my fair and honest review.
Profile Image for Hayden.
Author 8 books163 followers
March 22, 2016
This book was, at the beginning, a little slow for me: I found Thalli rather unlikable and the other characters seemed a little dull. However, after the first few chapters, the story really picked up (and I began to like Thalli again). It was very different in tone than the previous book, but it fit this story. It felt reminiscent of some instances in the Old Testament in the books of Judges and 1&2 Kings.

The one thing I didn't like was the beginnings of a love triangle. Nooooo, I felt like screaming, Luke-Skywalker-like. What is it with YA fiction and love triangles? However, though I didn't care for that aspect of the book, it didn't detract from my enjoyment of the story so much that it ruined it for me. I liked the way the Luminary gave closure to the main conflict of its story but still ended on a cliffhanger. I'm definitely curious for the next book, Revolutionary, and can't wait until it comes out this summer!

I received this book for free from booksneeze.com in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Laura.
Author 2 books50 followers
March 24, 2014
I wasn't expecting to like this book as much as I did. I'm not a huge dystopian fiction fan, but I did enjoy the first book in the series. I guess I expected this one to get convoluted and hit a few plot road bumps like many series do.

But, this is book is even better than the first one.
The characters grew, the plot thickened, and it ended on a cliffhanger that has been wishing time would fly until summer, when the third book comes out.

I've read all of McGee's books, and I think she hits her stride with this one.
Fans of books with strong female leads, plenty of action, and a bit of love will enjoy this book!
Profile Image for Lillian.
87 reviews
April 17, 2024
This book honestly surprised me on how much I liked it! The story plot moved a bit quicker then the first one. The cliff hanger was well placed. Can’t wait to read the next one!
Profile Image for Kristin.
460 reviews54 followers
January 29, 2014
I was so excited to read this book. I really enjoyed book one and so did my daughter!

I actually submitted a short story for a chance to win an autographed book and my submission won so it was even more exciting to read.

I gave this book a solid 4 stars, I really wanted to give it 5 star rating but I couldn’t help but feel as this one was a little too similar to The Hunger Games in certain parts.

Similarities to The Hunger Games:
Mutated Animals-Muttations
The State-The Capitol
love triangle-love triangle
Berk is the Peeta of this series with his accidents and love for Thalli.
The King of Athena is the President Snow of this series.

Don’t get me wrong, the series is great so far and I noticed much less redundancy than with book one but I just felt it was very similar to the HG series.

Thalli has escaped from the State with a small group of friends. While they think they have outsmarted the scientist it is really Thalli and her friends that have been duped.

The scientists want to lure the remaining scientists that left the State back so that they can cure oxygen problem that threatens to kill them all.

My autographed copy of Luminary!

When Thalli arrives in New Hope she makes new friends but she also discovers that there are scary things in the world such as war and theft. A neighboring pocket of survivors is ruled by an evil king who wishes to dominate the world (well, what is left of it)

Coming July 2014!

From there the story spirals into mind control and twisted secrets that Thalli must either expose or escape. Things began to look pretty grim from that point on and to be honest I don’t know who to trust as I look forward to the next installment.

I did enjoy the story and I look forward to the last book, Revolutionary. Despite a few instances where I felt that the story derived too much from The Hunger Games the story is still well worth the read.
View all my reviews|Read an Excerpt
Profile Image for Melanie.
2,139 reviews587 followers
January 10, 2014
Review on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/review/R2FB2AYY...
Review on my blog: http://christianbookshelfreviews.blog...

Wow! This book completely blew me away! I've been anticipating Luminary since finishing Anomaly last year (it had a great cliffhanger ending!) and it definitely met my expectations!

At first, Thalli annoyed me a little, just because of how pessimistic she was, but I guess that would be a normal reaction after everything that had happened to them. Berk and John were (again) my favorite characters, but I also really liked a new one (who shall remain nameless). ;)

There were so many things that happened in Luminary and I kept being surprised by the story! I loved not knowing what to expect and the way the story held my attention throughout.

With another cliffhanger ending, the second book in Krista McGee's Anomaly trilogy leaves me anxious to read Revolutionary, which releases July 2014. I definitely recommend this book to fans of Dystopian novels - it's great! I think you should read Anomaly first, though, so you won't get confused with the story.

*Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention/review it on my blog. I was not required to give a positive review, only my honest opinion - which I've done. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own and I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.*
Profile Image for Amanda.
295 reviews
November 25, 2014
-- Previously --

WOAH, seriously? It released the very day I read the first book? COOL.

-- Currently --

Waffling between 3.5 and 4 stars...

After having mixed feelings about the first book in this trilogy, I hoped this next book would be even better.

Sadly, for at least the first 100-150 pages, it was not.

Thalli is being completely contrary to herself. Berk is shoved out of the picture nearly altogether. Thalli makes wild decisions. It was a sour reminder of Insurgent, because Thalli behaved way too similarly to Tris, and I really did not appreciate that.

Now, the new settlements were pretty interesting, and the new side characters as well. But once Thalli decided to go all "spy" and visit the opposing settlement (being vague on purpose here) and completely forget all the warnings she'd been given, I got annoyed again.

The royal family was fascinating and tragic at once, so they were probably my favorite part. I did enjoy Thalli's "adventures" back there, but again, feelings feelings feelings and Berk? Yeah, let's just forget about Berk and ignore him and his feelings.

So I don't know. Overall I enjoyed the story well enough, and I do want to read the third book, but I think it almost could've been better...not as a trilogy. Like, we could've stopped at the first book. Or the second. But no...we add a second and a third.

Unfortunately, I'm a little underwhelmed. Hopefully the ending book will wrap things up in a satisfying way.
Profile Image for Sofia Marie.
93 reviews8 followers
December 20, 2016
Typical Thalli: "I smile to myself as I realize I feel less and less a part of the State. That Thalli from the State is disappearing, being made into Thalli from New Hope."

Forty years ago there was a nuclear war. The ten scientists who were thought to be the only survivors have maintained an emotion-free world underground. Thalli is an anomaly. She was scheduled for annihilation, but with her friends she escaped. But is there any point? Is there any life above-ground and if there is, will the people be friendly?

Krista McGee is a wonderful author. I'm surprised again by the number of plot twists in her books. Another great thing: Thalli matures so much in "Luminary." She learns to trust the Designer whatever the situation.

One thing, though, I would love if Krista McGee changed is the amount of “telling” in the story. Instead of “he was angry” I’d love to see his fists clenching, his eyes turning red, his feet stomping. But again, the plot twists make up for that and go beyond. I recommend this to any Christian reader and lover of science fiction. And if you’re new to the genre, like me, you might just love it anyway.

This is the second book in the Anomaly trilogy. The first one is "Anomaly;" the third is "Revolutionary."
Displaying 1 - 30 of 145 reviews

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