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Tattoo Thief #1

Tattoo Thief

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22-year-old Beryl doesn't know why Gavin Slater trashed his penthouse, abandoned his dog and fled the country. But as his house sitter, she must pick up the pieces for the front man of the white-hot rock band Tattoo Thief.

When ultra-responsible Beryl confronts the reckless rock star, she wants to know more than just what to do with his mess. Why is he running? What’s he searching for? And is he responsible for the death of his muse?

New York newbie Beryl must find her footing in Gavin’s crazy world of the ultra-wealthy to discover her own direction and what can bring him back.

Steamy, sassy and tender, Tattoo Thief is a story of breaking from a comfort zone to find a second chance.

295 pages, Paperback

First published October 6, 2013

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About the author

Heidi Joy Tretheway

20 books299 followers
Heidi Joy Tretheway is a sucker for campfires, craft cocktails, and steamy romance in books and real life. She sings along with musicals (badly), craves French carbs, and buys plane tickets the way some women buy shoes.

Her first career as a journalist took Heidi behind the scenes with politicians, rock stars, and chefs, all of whom inspire her stories. She writes whip-smart characters who break rules and hearts.

Heidi Joy is currently working on her ninth book from her home near Portland, Oregon, and she adores hearing from readers at [email protected]. Find out more about her upcoming books at heidijoytretheway.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 375 reviews
Profile Image for Patrycja.
639 reviews4,058 followers
November 16, 2014

"Bad boy can’t break your heart"
"What song’s that from?"
"Nothing. It’s just a good rule to live by"


Tattoo Thief was exactly what I needed to read. I was looking for something that could make me grin, swoon and tingle, and thanks to his wonderful book I acomplished it. I had a blast reading this quirky, fast paced book with totally unique rock star romance. I was quickly captivated and couldn’t stop reading till I’ve finished and when I did, I immadiately wished for more. I was captured by this amazingly well written story and sweet romance, every girl dreams of.

As a big fan of rock star’s stories, I’ve read almost everything there is in this category, but fortuantely Tattoo Thief completely surprised me with really refreshing plot and I can honestly say that I haven’t read a book like that ever.


The story follows Beryl, a young woman that is completely stuck in small town, living with her mother and with college degree that is totally useless. One day when she’s working in the coffee shop, her uncle Dan comes in. A man she hadn’t seen in ten years. When he propositiones her working with him in New York City, Beryl knows that this is her only chance to un-stuck herself.

Now, Beryl is working as a house sitter for the richest families in NYC. She takes care of houses, plants, pets and bills. Her first job is sitting Gavin Slater’s apartment. Lead singer of Tattoo Thief and apparently the sexiest man on the earth. When she starts exchanging emails with Gavin in connection with her job and his dog Jasper, her crush on this rock star only grows.

After few chats with Gavin, Beryl knows he’s broken and full of guilt, and that he’s stuck the same she was. Now every powerful conversation and honest words, hurt them the same way, they heal.


I loved every minute of Tattoo Thief, because it’s really sensual and moving read as much as pure entertaiment. Great plot is mixed with writing style that is absolutely beautiful, light and full of humor, yet passionate and easy to follow with great flashes of briliance and sensitivity made me immensely enjoy Tretheway’s book.


I loved Beryl personality. She was strong, witty and extremely adventerous. There was no unnecessary whining or crying, which made her very likeable and I can’t say anything wrong about her. She and Gavin were exact opposites and equals and together they just shattered my heart.

Tretheway’s way of telling a story is fantastic. Everything in Tattoo Thief is real and sincere. Every page is filled with enaging story about facing obstacles and letting go of things that cannot be changed.

Overall, this book is PHENOMENAL READ. Pure sexiness and touching story with unique, likeable characters and greatly pictured New York City .

* ARC, courtesy of author, Heidi Joy Tretheaway, in exchange for honest review *

Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
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March 21, 2015
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FREE on Amazon US today (3/20/2015)

22-year-old Beryl doesn't know why Gavin Slater trashed his penthouse, abandoned his dog and fled the country. But as his house sitter, she must pick up the pieces for the front man of the white-hot rock band Tattoo Thief.

When ultra-responsible Beryl confronts the reckless rock star, she wants to know more than just what to do with his mess. Why is he running? What’s he searching for? And is he responsible for the death of his muse?

New York newbie Beryl must find her footing in Gavin’s crazy world of the ultra-wealthy to discover her own direction and what can bring him back.

Steamy, sassy and tender, Tattoo Thief is a story of breaking from a comfort zone to find a second chance.


FREEBIES are often good for MORE than one day, I have gathered all my FREEBIES on a special shelf: Kindle-freebies (currently over 370 books)
Profile Image for Mallory.
1,698 reviews133 followers
December 21, 2014
4 stars

This book was a surprise! I snagged it for free, so I didn't really know what it was about and wasn't expecting much. But I really enjoyed it.

Beryl has just moved to New York to work for her Uncle Dan's company. She's 21 and needs to get out of her small town and find adventure. She ends up working as a house sitter, and that's how she 'meets' Gavin, a member of the famous band Tattoo Thief. He's run away from his life to find himself after a personal tragedy. The relationship starts through emails and texts about the many things Beryl does for him while he is away. But those quickly evolve into a friendship and then a caring relationship.

It was funny reading about the many things Beryl has to do for Gavin and her other clients. She was pretty entertaining. She starts to find herself, and realizes she needed the change to get away from her rut of a life back home. Also her best friend, Stella, whom she knows in New York was such a flake. Stella and Beryl's uncle are Beryl's only lifeline in a new city, and she completely lost my respect. She's pretty self serving, and ends up doing something selfish that made me truly not care for her.

I would definitely recommend this book to my GR friends who want something that's pretty low angst. There's a few bumps in the road, but it was overall a really enjoyable read.
Profile Image for ~ Becs ~.
708 reviews2,154 followers
October 20, 2013
I really can’t resist a book blurb when it features a tortured bad boy rocker hero and I jumped at the chance to read and review The Tattoo Thief. Gavin Slater is our bad boy with a troubled past who has completely trashed his apartment and fled overseas on a journey of self-discovery and has hired a house-sitter to take care of the mess that he left behind.

Beryl (Berry as I preferred to think of her - Beryl is an old lady’s name) is the house-sitter left in charge of the clean up. She has escape her humdrum life, her predictable boyfriend, over-protective mother and moved to New York to work for her Uncle’s Property Management Company and start her life anew.

She is not a woman who is backward in coming forward and, after finding that Gavin has abandoned his dog at an expensive Kennels, she lets rip at him by email and the elusive rock star replies to her and they begin to form a long-distance ‘pen-pal’ style relationship through emails and online chat.

I actually really enjoyed this and found it to be a little different – it’s not often the central duo in a romance don’t actually meet until the last 25% of the book but the author did a really good job of realistically showing how their relationship blossomed from angry employee/employer to something really quite beautiful. Of course they google one other so they know how good looking the other one is but they get to know one another slowly through emails and online chats and,as they share the experiences of the past and the events that have left both of them to the situation they now find themselves in, they slowly start to fall in love with one another. It’s a beautiful thing.

Beryl was a great heroine – feisty, kickass and open to new experiences. She’s making an attempt to change her life and move on from her stifling hometown and forge something new and wonderful for herself. and I really grew to like her.

Gavin – well I fell in quite a lot of love with him. At first he appeared like spoiled little rich boy but of course his story is far deeper than that. He’s endured a big loss and has a bad case of guilt and, after his self-destructive rampage in New York, he’s off travelling to find himself and as Beryl got to know him and he opened up to her, we slowly get to understand his behaviour and sympathise with him.

It’s a surprisingly sensual read as you can feel the attraction between Gavin & Beryl growing just through words on a page as they slowly heal each other through shared stories and mutual respect. I think I did miss the person to person contact and waited impatiently for the moment that they would finally meet but, overall, it’s a well paced novel and quick and easy to read.

3.5 stars

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Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,713 followers
October 9, 2013
Hmm....this one was promising. I liked the idea of the story. Famous rockstar flees town for some unknown reason....falls in love with the house sitter cleaning up the mess he left behind. It was different. I just don't think the execution was quite there.

Tattoo Thief is a band....FYI! So this was a rockstar-ish book. But not very rockstar-ish IMO. Beryl, the heroine has moved to NY to work for her "uncle" Dan in property management. She's kind of lost....drifting through life, not sure what she wants to do. Her passion is writing.

Her first client is Tattoo Thief lead singer, Gavin Slater. When he myseriously fled town he left his apartment a disaster. He abandonded his dog, his bills everything. Enter Beryl....she comes in and cleans up. During the process, she and Gavin begin to "chat" and get to know each other.

I do think things progressed rather quickly for Darren and Beryl. I liked the idea of them meeting and talking and getting to know each other electronically....but I just wish there would have been more development to their relationship. We find out why Gavin left in the first place....and Beryl is there to provide him support and encouragement. And Gavin is there for Beryl as she navigates her new life in NY.

Once Gavin returns home it's like BOOM they are in a relationship....but it's kind of weird and awkward for some reason. They don't have the fun banter from their email conversations. And right away they have two issues with mis-communication. IDK--I just didn't end up connecting with them like I hoped I would.

And honestly, I didn't like Stella at all. First she flakes on Beryl when she moves to NY and then she completely betrays Beryl's trust with the video. I'm not sure I would have been so forgiving.

All in all, this was a decent read...it was cute, sweet and at times funny. The steam factor was quite low...afterall, they do spend the majority of the book countries apart. But it was a standalone with a HEA. The next book in the series will be about Stella and Tyler (another member of the band).
Profile Image for ❃**✿【Yasmine】✿**❃.
810 reviews655 followers
August 3, 2016
Cover: 8/10
Plot: Getting un-stuck and living life to the full.
Writing style: 9/10
Heroine: 9/10
Hero: 8/10
Humour: 6/10
Jealousy: 1/10
Hotness: 3/10
Romance: 8/10
Ending: 9/10
Extra book Details: Continued: Book #2 features spin-off characters as leads. HEA
Overall: 4.5 stars, loved it.



BLURB: After Beryl's Father died, she played the responsible parent while her Mother clung to her grief. She grew up fast, stuck to the rules, always did the safe thing, the right thing. Now, she's graduated with a major in journalism, stuck as a coffee shop manager, dreaming of getting un-stuck.

”Nobody calls me impulsive. Impetuous. Spur-of-the-moment. Fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants. Nobody calls me that, because I’m not. That. Way. It's hard to be a carefree teenager when your Mom's having a meltdown. But now my Mom's fine and my life sucks.”

A surprise visit from her Dads best friend opens a new world of opportunities. Leaving her Mom, friends, job and boyfriend to have an adventure in New York, catering to the rich and famous.

”I'm their house sitter, the dog-walker, delivery-receiver, fridge-stocker, unseen errand-girl who keeps everything running until they come home.”

When Beryl's new room-mate falls through, she's left homeless and has to stay in a dump of a hotel. Her first job starts; cleaning the bomb-site that used to be rock-god Gavin Slater's home. When it turns out that he has a dog too, Beryl realises that he needs a house-sitter, and as she's homeless, she's the perfect woman for the job.

At the beginning, Beryl hates Gavin for abandoning his dog, wasting everything, taking his life for granted, trashing his house and running away.

“Newton's third law says for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.' And that's what I’m looking for. My opposite, and my equal.” ~ Gavin Slater

But after Beryl informs Gavin of the new arrangement via e-mail, it opens them up for an online relationship. She discovers Gavin is more than just a bad-boy rock star with a reckless behaviour. He's broken, grieving and is self-loathing.

“Gavin, the charmed life of a white-hot rock star on the outside, while behind the scenes he's a broken boy who's run away from home”

Beryl dishes a harsh dose of reality in their e-mails and chats, and Gavin becomes more and more fixed as they talk.

I love Beryl, after leaving home she becomes opportunistic, absorbs New York in it's glory, wants to experience everything it has to offer and aims to live her life to the full. She's ballsy and bossy, truthful and funny.

“Sangria's a saucy bitch. Champagne’s an evil temptress. They had me in a three-way and I might be scarred for life.”

What made it a 4.5 star book? A little lack of epic-ness. I didn't feel major quotes, shivers, tears, LOL's or swoons.

I really felt as if the book was more about Beryl and life and not Gavin and his band, the cover and title deflects from what is truly inside this book. I'd say around 1/3 of the book is about their relationship and the other 2/3 is about Beryl growing into an awesome woman and loving the life New York has to offer.

What drew me in at the beginning was the dry humour of Beryl and her writing, written like an almost journal. Going on a journey with her and hearing her opinions on the rich and famous, her little discoveries of the new things in life, finding the one thing she loves to do and finding true love with a happy ever after.
Profile Image for • Jodi Bibliophile •.
311 reviews1,157 followers
September 16, 2020
I have giving bad reviews, I really do, but this book was sooooooo bad.

Small town girl moves to New York and becomes a house/dog sitter for a brooding rock star. I was pumped thinking it'll be a kind of enemies to lovers kinda things with the way the rock star 'Gavin Slater' was described...but this book went on a completed different direction.

To narrow it down.

Heroine goes on this life journey, emails the hero a few times, goes on two dates with some other dudes, looks after hero's dog, walks around New York, emails the hero a few more times, becomes judgemental a lot and that's it until like 65% of the book and then we meet the Hero and they fall in love and then it finishes at like 80%.

Like, wtf did I just read?!
Profile Image for CasPerfitz~SLiTsReaD.
649 reviews41 followers
September 16, 2013
blog/FB page link : https://www.facebook.com/SLiTsReaD

This is a story about finding oneself, one's muse, forgiveness, making a difference and moving on.

Beryl finally decided to make a difference with her life and moved to New York to work at her uncle Dan's company which takes care of rich people's houses while they are on vacation, basically to : "walk dogs, do errands, take deliveries and get owners organized. Be the ghost, the house-elf, the helper who makes everything just so, welcoming the very wealthy back to homes in perfect order."

And her first housesitting job is Gavin Slater's trashed penthouse. Gavin is the hot frontman of the famous rock band Tattoo Thief.

Beryl and Gavin communicated online, basically about the upkeep of his penthouse, Gavin all the while thought he was communicating with a he, since Beryl only signs her name as B. Sutton but when they had the chance to chat, Gavin learned the B stands for Beryl and they've chatted and connected from then on.

Sometimes it's easier to say and express things in writing and Beryl and Gavin did just that, they've opened up with each other and started to fall in love.

I loved it! Though I do wish for a little more angst and a lot more Gavin and Beryl time together. But Ms. Tretheway writing certainly shows a lot of promise. If you want a beautiful, hot, romantic and a light read, this book is for you.

ARC provided by Ms. Tretheway for an honest review. The Book will be available Oct. 8, 2013 at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Smashwords. Formats for Kindle, Nook, Kobo, iPad.
Profile Image for Mare SLiTsReaD Reviews.
1,165 reviews67 followers
September 17, 2013















Profile Image for Marci.
867 reviews
May 25, 2014
I just...no. This one did not work for me on so many levels. The only things I really liked were the dogs, and that we find out what happens with Anthony. The writing was ok, I just didn't care for what I was reading...if that makes sense.

Were there instant messaging chats or emails exchanged we weren't privy to? I have no effin clue, and because I do not know, all I can think is that a couple of IM chats and a couple of emails do not a relationship make. I did not believe anything in this story, at all. How does some famous person completely and blindly trust a complete stranger? Tell her all his dirty secrets over IM, let alone fall in love with her? So, she could have been some crazy stalker fan girl, he had no clue based on what we learned. And all within about a month!!! Really?!? Um, sorry, I do not at all buy it...at all.

Then the issue of Beryl, a girl who has not traveled more than 100 miles away from her home before moving to NYC seems to be a natural at being a New Yorker. What?! I have visited New York a few times, mostly for work, and let me tell you, it is pretty intimidating. No issues what so ever with New York (her ridiculous friend, well that was spotty). The way Beryl seemed to get from point A to point B with no issues was just another unbelievable piece of this puzzling book. Not to mention it seems that in the short time she has been in her house sitting job, she has managed to figure out every single rich person and is able to tell what makes specific clients tick by surveying their homes. She apparently seems to be able to help them by reorganizing their homes or leaving different foods, or what? That whole idea was completely perplexing to me. I was waiting for some supernatural psychic ability to be pulled into the story, quite honestly.

I could go on and on with why I did not care for this book, but I would rather move on and hope my next read is better. I will not be partaking in Stella's book, she may have a secret, but I never liked her, so I am not interested in her story; not to mention I didnt like this book which makes me think the next one will not be any better. Glad for others who like it, but this was not for me and I am still wondering why and how I stuck with this entire book when I have so many books to read.
Profile Image for Jenn.
1,878 reviews317 followers
September 26, 2019
Y'all, I am a sucker for rock star romances. So when this came up for free on Kindle one day, of course I hit download. But sadly, this one just lacked connection.

Beryl Sutton feels stuck in her small town in Oregon. When a chance of a lifetime comes in the shape of a job offer in New York, she jumps at the chance - much to the displeasure of her mother and now ex-boyfriend. When she arrives, it's nothing like she thought it would be (shocked face). And her job is sort of a glorified house sitter. Now, I'm not rich so I don't actually know if property managers actually clean peoples houses, pick up their dry cleaning and do their grocery shopping for the client, but hey sure why not. Beryl's first house that she is assigned belongs to rock star Gavin Slater. He's basically gone for an undisclosed amount of time. So while he's away, Beryl who is homeless now, decides to just live there and wear the clothes of his ex-girlfriend (which he asked to be thrown away).

Guys, she even invites her mother to fly out and stay with her! This isn't your house!!

I just had so many issues. Especially when it came to the relationship between the two. Gavin and Beryl don't actually meet until almost the end of the book. Their entire relationship is via IM's. After a few conversations, Beryl is in love. It just wasn't believable in the way it was portrayed to us. With Beryl having just broken up with her long term boyfriend and Gavin having just lost his girlfriend/muse/lover, this relationship just screamed REBOUND.

Also, I must give a shout out to Beryl's BFF - Stella - is one of the worst friends I have ever read. She invites Beryl to come live with her in NY because she has a spare room, but when Beryl arrives, Stella is nowhere to be found and not even living at the apartment Beryl already paid a deposit on. So with Beryl being homeless now, Stella doesn't even reach out to her until DAYS later. Who the hell doesn't tell their best friend they were kicked out of their apartment and that maybe Beryl should find a new place to live before coming to NY. Not too mention she basically stabs Beryl in the back later in the book because she's jealous and wants to use her friends relationship to get ahead in the journalism world. I hated her with every fiber of my being. The second book is about her and there is no way I can bring myself to read it.

This book only got an extra star for the doorman and the dog.
Profile Image for Chelcie Dacon.
307 reviews10 followers
October 8, 2013
ARC provided for a honest review.

My Review:

When you look at this cover and read the blurb, what you do think? Hot guy, great title, interesting plot and a rock band. Sign me up please.

When Ali asked if I wanted to read this book and write a review, I jumped at the chance.

In the beginning we meet Beryl or also know as "Berry". She is stuck. I mean like stuck in a life she doesn't want. She wants adventure and excitement. She doesn't have this Oregan. But things are about to change for her. She is about to embark on a journey that will change her, make her venture outside her comfort levels and maybe, just maybe get her un-stuck.

She gets a job with her dads friend as a errand girl in New York City. She does everything from walk the dog, take out the trash and clean up trashed apartments. But what she sees while housesitting is that not everyone is who they seem. They have such a picture perfect life, but behind the scenes they are flawed and stuck, just like her.

Enter Gavin Slater, lead singer of Tattoo Thief. He is beautiful, lost, searching for something he has no clue how to find and he is just so damaged, he has to run away.



Now, lets talk about this Gavin fellow. I would have liked him to have a little more tattoos. But I get why he only had one and it ended up making him so FUCKING hot to me. I think what also made him smoking hot was that we got to meet him threw email and instant messaging. I LOVED THIS ASPECT OF THE BOOK.   I thought it was adorable and sweet.

It started with an email

It progressed into in IMing

It lead to a phone call

and it ended in a Happy Every After

 Now, it started out slow. But after finishing I get why she did it this way. It makes complete sense to me now. I know that doesn't really matter to you all, so what the fuck ever, but I thought I'd put that out there.

I loved the growth in both of these characters. They both started off at this point and by the end of the book, it was like, who are these people and can I be their best friend. Are they accepting applications? Cause sign me up.

But don't think this is a happy, unicorns and rainbows love story. We are hit with some serious topics, that she wrote beautifully, that help these characters grow.


One final note, I would like to enter this book, wind up like a pitcher and punch someone in the ovaries. Just saying.
Profile Image for Denise Grover Swank.
Author 128 books5,709 followers
October 7, 2013
Who doesn't love a romance with a bad boy rocker? After discovering the mess Gavin Slater left behind, Beryl's not so fond of him.

Beryl moves from Oregon to New York City for an adventure with no idea what she's in store for. After her arrangement for sharing her friend's apartment falls through, she finds a temporary home--house sitting the totally trashed apartment of Gavin Slater, the front man for the rock bad Tattoo Thief.

While trying to make arrangements to deal with Gavin's mess, Beryl finds herself in online conversations with the quintessential bad boy. Soon she's not only helping put Gavin's domestic front back together,she's helping him get him personal life under control.

Gavin might facing the demons of his past, but Beryl is running headlong into her future, making up for the years she's spent living her safe and boring life. What will these two opposites do when their worlds collide?

Tattoo Thief is a story of self-discovery, acceptance, and forgiveness. It proves that love is worth waiting and fighting for.
Profile Image for Kara.
1,361 reviews24 followers
October 31, 2013
Wow! This book was like unwrapping an onion. So many layers!

The opening line hooked me: when failure rubs it's stinky butt in your face, it smells like coffee.

Tretheway wrote a great book. I hope y'all enjoy it.
Profile Image for Jexa.
114 reviews16 followers
October 10, 2013
The writing wasn't bad but this was just waaaaaaay to sickeningly sweet for my taste. Unrealistically so.
October 9, 2017

My first book by this author was a quite remarkable one I have to say. Most of the story felt fresh and real to me - might be because I know some of the places (in oregon) and therfore I could picture things easily. I loved the characters and the plot and I can truely recommend this book. I will have an eye on this author.


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Profile Image for Paula  Phillips.
5,267 reviews330 followers
November 1, 2013
Have you ever picked up a book and was unsure of which direction it was going to go after reading the first chapter ? That was Tattoo Thief for me. When I got stuck into I was like "Ok, this is a story about someone who knows the in's and outs of celebrity life and will act like an insider source" but then as I got reading I discovered it was something quite different. Before, I write the review I have to admit that to me the guy on the front cover reminds me so much of Alex Pettyfyer.
Tattoo Thief introduces us first to Beryl Sutton who is stuck with her life and when the opportunity arises to take a job in New York working for her Uncle Dan, she jumps at it. However when she gets to New York, her apartment falls through and now she is left with nowhere to go. Lucky for her, one of the houses she has been hired to clean - owner is travelling in Africa - so Beryl has on the condition she keeps everything up-to-date can house sit for him. The owner of the house turns out to be Rockstar lead of the band Tattoo Thief - Gavin Blake. In a way like Beryl was stuck, Gavin has also and is now out running to find himself and re-gain what he has lost. Over the course of the novel , the pair will find themselves emailing, chatting and then phone talking to each other and as each day and message passes - they get one step closer into discovering that they may very well be each others equals and opposites. However what will happen when the pair finally meet face to face ? Will they be able to communicate as easily as they did online or will things be a bit tougher in the "real world"? Will their different status and classes make a difference as they discover they are both from two different worlds
Find out in Book #1 of Heidi Joy Tretheway's series "Tattoo Thief".
Profile Image for All Booked Out.
432 reviews4 followers
December 31, 2013
Received arc for honest review........

6 Stars

Oh i fell for this book hook line and sinker. It had me at hello!!

I was glad the first few pages of Uncle Dan offering the job, Beryl accepting and the move went quickly, as i was beside myself! I wanted her in NY like yesterday!!!

So....Beryl (Berry) is there, all be it, a little bit of a situation, but we won't get into that, the apartment is a right freaking mess! She is pissed, Jasper the dog is kicked out of doggy daycare, she is even more pissed! then it turns to house sitting so not too bad, two birds one stone!! Marvelous.....

Now.....my fav part, we get down to emails / messages, strictly business, he is a bit snarky and she accidentally calls him asshole and i freaking love it!! This is where it gets interesting...this is where the chemistry starts and i start to get goosebumps!!

The emails and messages continue and this relationship continues and there was a part in this where she needed him, he had been sulking and not in contact, but there he is.....

I can't write the quote down, i want to, but you have to read it fresh...it melted me, it still does thinking about it, .....it was beyond sweet, it was the most 'man take care of your woman' thing to do and have women all over the world drop down in a puddle wondering where their frigging version of that is!!!

I will read this again....and the next in the series...I am now a fan!!

I freaking loved this!! Gavin rocks!! Heidi writes beautifully by the way....sorry too carried away to mention that ;-)
Profile Image for Ginette.
848 reviews69 followers
October 9, 2013
3.5 A good read, not your typical rock star story. I liked the storyline & all the characters in this read. I found it a bit drawn out @ times but every issue had closure. Author definitely brings you into her world, a good story teller.
Profile Image for ~ Cariad ~.
1,911 reviews54 followers
September 25, 2016
I really enjoyed that!! It was totally different and had a great flow to the writing.

Definitely have to get the next one one of these days!
Profile Image for Coco.V.
50k reviews47 followers
Want to read
June 18, 2020
🎁 FREE on Amazon & on iBooks today (6/18/2020)! 🎁
Profile Image for Caryn.
2,228 reviews3 followers
October 16, 2018

Before my review I want to say how much it aggravates me when the story ends at 84% of the book. Then, to top that off, the next 16% is the first few chapters of the next book in the series. Yes, the first few chapters instead of a short synopsis. Perusing the table of contents for book 2, I see the author has repeated this. More fool me for BUYING the whole series before this discovery.

Having gotten that off my chest I will say that it really wasn't a bad story except it was more about Beryl than our rock star, Gavin. While she is a sweet and likable character, I wanted a Rock Star romance which really didn't begin until later in the book. I did like, however, how they got to know each other online before meeting in person.

Sorry if this is not the review everyone wanted but it is my truth. I don't like feeling ripped off so hope the rest of this series has me more invested.

UPDATE. The rest of the series is definitely worth the reading! Each story had its own catastrophe solved by the boys of Tattoo Thief or for them. Some great new characters were introduced.
Profile Image for Kami Dodson-Perry.
709 reviews25 followers
August 1, 2014
Beryl finds herself STUCK.

STUCK with her job. STUCK with her 1st and only "predictable" boyfriend, STUCK with her overprotective Mother, STUCK in a humdrum LIFE and she hates it.

When Beryl's Uncle Dan offer's her a job in New York working as an assistant with his Property Management Company with a much larger salary than her current job she jumps at the new adventure. No longer does Beryl want to be SAFE and PREDICTABLE she needs excitement and adventure. Which is exactly what "The Big Apple" promises.

Beryl's mother is hurt with her decision, her boyfriend breaks up with her and her best friend (Stella) welcomes her to NY with open arms and the promise of a place to live.

Beryl arrives in New York and discovers that Stella's housing promise is no longer an option. After starting with Dan and confessing to the homeless situation, Dan offers her to stay at one of the properties they are looking after. It is in need of a lot of TLC.

The property belongs to Gavin Slater, the lead singer for Tattoo Thief. Beryl arrives at the property to a trashed apartment. She has no clue what made this rock star thrash his place but she is now in charge to get it organized and back on track. Once Beryl gets into paying the bills for Gavin she comes across a really large one for a dog kennel. After calling the kennel and hearing that Jasper's stay is at and end she goes to rescue the beloved pet. Now she is wondering why would someone leave their loveable pooch behind.

Jasper is a Besenji breed and has a nice price tag for the African breed species. After rescuing Jasper Beryl writes an email to Gavin about the situation with the house and the dog.

Gavin is off traveling to find himself and as Beryl and him email and message each other more their relationship grows stronger. And the feeling for one another feel stronger as well.

Gavin and Beryl exchange a lot of emails and start to feel comfortable in a new found friendship. Gavin tells her to get rid of everything and buy all new furniture, he wants everything to be different when he returns, a brand new start.

After a really bad date Beryl emails Gavin that she needs to speak to him. Gavin has gone off the radar for a little bit and they have not been able to speak to each other for a little bit. But as soon as Beryl says she needs him, he contacts her. Since this bad date and the comfort that Gavin gave her via text messaging Beryl has fallen hard for this rock star. Beryl thinks she must be out of her mind because they have not even met each other yet.

When Gavin returns from his travels everything between him and Beryl heat up. This friendship moved to relationship status.

Beryl still has some challenges ahead. She needs to meet the rest of the band, introduce Gavin to her Mom, accept the new relationship of her Uncle Dan and her mother, and forgive Stella.

Stella - not sure how I feel about Stella. She flaked on the housing situation and then was to drunk to inform Beryl before she arrived in NY. She betrays Beryl's trust almost splitting up Beryl and Gavin. Stella is irresponsible, untrustworthy, and selfish.

At the end of Beryl and Gavin's story we see that the next in the series is about Stella. And we know from the end that Stella has a pretty big secret that she lets Beryl in on to gain back Beryl's trust. Hopefully the next story and the secret will redeem Stella in my eyes because as I see it she is a horrible friend.

3 1/2 stars

Happy Reading!
Profile Image for Jenny - Book Sojourner.
1,429 reviews173 followers
October 10, 2013
*3-1/2 to 3-3/4 Stars*

Tattoo Thief was a very enjoyable read and I look forward to more books in this series following the rockers of this band. I was enchanted with the premise of the book in particular and the different twist on the typical bad boy rocker book. One thing I loved was the fact that the "bad boy," Gavin, was already in touch with his issues before the heroine entered his life. I also liked that the heroine, Beryl, had her own issues, but they were not from an extreme or overly traumatic situation. It was a nice break from some of the books in this genre, and I appreciate the author taking things in this direction.

One great treat in this read was the "pen pal" aspect of the story. I loved this! I loved watching how they bonded over the human aspects of their lives as opposed to the materialistic things that could have easily swayed them, or the physical presence of each other distracting from the depths of what and who they were trying to grow into. I liked that Beryl was a hard-working, straight-shooter and that she wasn't easily intimidated outside of just not being sure where she wanted to go in life. I also like that Gavin owned up to his problems, he was sensitive but realistic, and that he could be caring and gentle one moment and then send Beryl into a steamy mess the next. And the growing relationship between them was super sweet, though I would have liked to have seen more dialogue between them. It felt like there was more behind the scenes, but I personally like reading it for myself. But there was great character growth between the both of them - Beryl breaking out of her comfort zone and Gavin treasuring his second chance - and that was refreshing.

Besides wanting more dialogue, I also thought some of their issues were a little too easily solved, forgiven, gotten over (though not all) and the pacing slowed a bit mid-book. Some of the issues I saw early on and knew would come into play later, I thought they would have had a more significant role, and then they ended up being minor bumps without a whole lot of heat or drama. And it's not that I'm looking for ridiculous amounts of drama or angst in my reads. I think some books go way over the top. I just thought with all the clues and build-up there would have been a little more oomph, but as soon as I felt some conflict was kicking in, it was over sooner than I thought it would be.

But on the other hand, I liked that this was a couple who could communicate and work things out and grow from their experiences and own up to their responsibilities. Another refreshing aspect of Gavin and Beryl.

Bottomline: This was a very enjoyable read, easy to get into, with characters I genuinely wanted to follow along with in their story. I loved the message of new discoveries, of forgiveness, of taking ownership, of redemption, of second chances, and of finding love in the unexpected. I look forward to reading more books about these characters and the players of Tattoo Thief.
Profile Image for a.
1,252 reviews
October 11, 2013
3.5 stars!

When I first saw this book, I fell in love. I haven't read a rock star romance in a while and this one sounded really great. A girl who house sits a rock stars home and they fall in love? Color me interested.

"Bad boy can’t break your heart"
"What song’s that from?"
"Nothing. It’s just a good rule to live by"

Beryl always does the right thing. The responsible thing. So when she gets the opportunity to go to New York she decides to try and be more spontaneous and her new motto is "Go with the Flow". For the most part, I loved Beryl. I loved how honest she was, not only with herself but with others as well. She's funny, sweet and just an all around great girl. I just didn't like how quickly she developed feelings for Gavin. It felt a little too insta-love for me. I loved their emails and chats on the internet but...I don't know. I felt like despite the fact that Beryl was trying not to be a fan girl, she was. And I don't really understand how they transitioned from friends...to more. It literally came out of nowhere and honestly, I don't know how to feel.

"Tell me how you really feel, Beryl, but don't tell me some half-truth. Don't tell me you like me a lot when I feel so much more for you. Don't tell me you're just crazy about me when I love you like my life depends on it."

Gavin. My initial worry about him was that he'd be too heart broken over whatever he was going through to even notice Beryl. But that wasn't a problem at all. When I found out some of his past, I really felt bad for him but also angry. At him, at everyone in that situation. But I don't blame him for anything that's gone bad in his life. Like Beryl, he's just trying to figure out what to do next in life and how to move on. I loved how much music meant to Gavin and the songs he wrote had me swooning like crazy.

"Thank you for being my anchor. And for letting me fly."

This is a quick, fun rock star romance. In my opinion, it was too quick but maybe that's because I just didn't want to leave their world. Oh and I wish it was a bit more descriptive. But overall, this was a really nice read. I look forward to reading the next book in the series and can't wait to read more about these characters!
Profile Image for Sue "DavinciKittie" Brown-Moore.
393 reviews58 followers
November 3, 2013
I'm torn on how to review this book. On the one hand, I ultimately liked it and would possibly be interested in reading the next in the series. On the other, I feel a little cheated by the content of over half the story. The title and cover of this book are misleading. This story is told in first person from the heroine's point of view and the rock star Gavin has very little involvement, other than some emailing and chatting online, in the first half of the plot arc. She's in his space (house-sitting), and does occasionally communicate with him (and has developed a massive crush on him from afar), but the story is primarily about her rather than him and it's told from her personal perspective. It's not very "rock star" at all, which is what appealed to me. It's more new-city-adventures and growing-up-experimentation rather than the highs and lows of being around a rock band.

That said, once they finally meet in person, the pace picks up significantly and I had a hard time putting it down. Because they were able to meet and develop their relationship organically over time and completely online, the chemistry and friendship between the couple is strong and believable. That part of the story I really enjoyed and I feel like maybe I just endured the rest of it to get to the point where they finally actually see each other.

I need to really connect with (or be entertained by) the personality of a character in order to really enjoy living in their head in first-present perspective, especially with heroines. Beryl was interesting but I didn't find her fascinating and I had to force myself not to put the book away during the first half. A story about some chick's domestic and professional troubles as she navigates the big bad city is really just not my thing. Smut and romance, that's what I want! Tattoo Thief does have that, but it's not the focus and it takes a while to get there. Overall, I recommend this book if you typically enjoy female voice first-person present-tense storytelling and don't mind that the "rock star" aspect is secondary to the heroine's daily life.
Profile Image for J.
3,070 reviews49 followers
October 11, 2013
Tattoo Thief (the name of a band) starts off a little slow (our heroine is a college grad working at a coffee stand after finding out that her major of journalism did not provide the interest she thought it would). Bored and yearning for some adventure she takes up her deceased dad's best friend's offer to work for him in NYC for his property management firm.

Now, the book picks up as our heroine gets introduced to the world of the big city. Her living arrangements fall through and she is forced for a night to stay at a flea bag hotel. When she gets her first job at the property management firm its to redo and clean up a high class, ritzy apartment totally trashed by the owner, the lead singer of Tattoo Thief now somewhere overseas. When we say totally trashed, we mean disgustingly so and, in addition, he took his dog to a kennel and never showed up again. The kennel is about ready to call animal services and let them take care of him. Obviously our rock star is not a nice guy.

Our heroine moves into the trashed apartment, picks up the dog and starts emailing the rock star to find out what he wants done but it evolves into also her wanting to know him better, know why he trashed his place and then evolves further into a deep friendship and possibly more.

Most of this book the hero and heroine are just talking over the internet. While googling each other, they have never actually met in person and don't until most of the book is over. These internet conversations are wonderful and when they meet in real life it is really kind of a let down.

When he returns things take a silly turn or two until they both wise up and we do get our happy ending. Overall I really liked this book. I just wish the ending had been a little stronger.
Profile Image for Ruth.
68 reviews34 followers
February 25, 2016
There were definitely elements of this that I liked - especially the start with the premise of a metamorphosis in the making but it sorely fell flat in the romance department. There were other disturbing elements - Most notably was the complete and utter disregard for a dead person's clothes... I thought / hoped Gavin would call her out on it too but he didn't even seem to care that she had completely disregarded his instructions and was running around in his ex girlfriend/ muse clothes, almost to me like she was faking it till she made it, which completely ruined the whole trying to find myself. As the story continued, I didn't feel convinced by the "romance" aspect of it either. It felt more like she was just replacing this dead woman's place as muse and she didn't care because she was that desperate and he didn't care because he needs a muse. I liked the scenes about beryl making it on her own and navigating her way through all the various situations (and mistakes) which enabled her growth but her desperation really turned me off.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Heather in FL.
2,051 reviews
August 13, 2016
I like plucky heroines, and I feel like Beryl is one of those heroines who gets knocked down but works it out and ends up on top. If I'm honest, this is probably closer to 3-1/2 stars, but it was entertaining. I liked how she somehow innately understood what the people who hired her company needed. Sure, she did some snooping to figure it out, but it's not like they knew she was snooping. :-) Even though it was kinda painful to read, I liked how she pushed Gavin on what was holding him back and his role in Lulu's death. I think maybe the reason this wasn't quite four stars is because once Gavin came back home, it almost seemed too idyllic. Sure, they had a couple of bumps, but it was almost "too easy" for them to work out those bumps. Still, it was a cute story. I might have to read Stella's story to find out her "secret". Even that... Beryl's forgiveness of what Stella did... seemed too "perfect". Still, it was an entertaining read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 375 reviews

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