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The Professor's Rule #2

An Inch at a Time

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James Sheridan is failing history. Luckily, his professor is a rumored pervert, and James isn’t too proud to pay for a better grade with his body. Professor Carson lives up to his reputation, but he’s not unethical enough to take sexual bribes. What he can offer is some highly unconventional tutoring . . . creative use of a ruler included.

The deal? Studying, followed by a “quiz.” Wrong answer? Spanking. Right answer? Reward. Ace the final, earn some mindblowing sex. It’s harder work than sexual bribery, but it beats the volunteer tutors at the student center.

After a few study sessions, James realizes he wants way more than a grade from Professor Carson, even if he’s not sure what that is. Carson’s a silver fox, all right, but James isn’t “bent” the way Carson is, and for him, the spankings are only supposed to be a means to an end. But the better he gets at history, the more he realizes he likes getting answers wrong just as much as getting them right.

This title is #2 of the The Professor's Rule series.

60 pages, ebook

First published September 14, 2013

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About the author

Heidi Belleau

61 books307 followers
Heidi Belleau was born and raised in small town New Brunswick, graduated with a degree in history from Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, and now lives outside of Edmonton, Alberta, with her tradesman husband and two kids. A proud bisexual woman, her writing reflects everything she loves: diverse casts of queer characters, a sense of history and place, equal parts witty and filthy dialogue, the occasional mythological twist, and most of all, love—in all its weird and wonderful forms. She is the author of the REAR ENTRANCE VIDEO series, and the co-author of THE BURNT TOAST B&B. Her latest novel DEAD RINGER, co-authored with Sam Schooler, is out now from Riptide Publishing. Her work has been reviewed in PUBLISHER’S WEEKLY, LIBRARY JOURNAL, and BOOKLIST.

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Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,994 reviews6,237 followers
June 5, 2017
**4.5 stars**

Holy shiitake mushrooms, this book was HOT!! Efff! Now I'm going to get inappropriately excited whenever I see a ruler. I'm going to have to stay out of Staples for a long while...

This book was a prequel to Giving an Inch, establishing the relationship between James and the professor. While I was leery of the whole professor/student thing, I just decided to throw my nagging morality out the window for this one. And I'm so glad I did because I was then able to appreciate the off-the-charts sexiness of this story.

I loved seeing how the relationship between James and Professor Carson was established and learning a bit of back story about James. It really does add layers to a story that could have been simply porn without plot. The back and forth that James went through in his mind before he sort of gave in to his desires was really well done. I got a true sense for these two characters. My only issue is that I wanted so much more. I wanted this book to be more like a full length novel (stop making us wait, ladies!!). But I think the wait between installments will be well worth it.

And did I mention that the professor has a Scottish accent? And I thought this book couldn't get any sexier.
Profile Image for SheReadsALot.
1,840 reviews1,247 followers
March 4, 2014
A Scottish silver fox professor with a penchant for deviant behavior


His bratty twink student


An erotic study aid:


If professors carried out Professor Carson's type of study plan...there'd be more Mensa students let me tell you.


Onto the next in this series...
September 27, 2013
~ ~ ~

3.5 Stars for a Spanking Education!

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So yeah, I admit, while reading this I was thinking what would make a guy want this, but what is so fan-fucking-tastic about Ms. Belleau and Ms. Gormley’s writing is that they let us in on the psychology of what drives their characters. Or, at the very least, give reason for the behavior.

I mean, I’m not reading academic journals for crying out loud, but it’s just so much better when the story has something I can sink my teeth into. When it has a solid reason for what is happening. Then I don’t have to question everything. It means a lot to me and lets me get into the story.

Don’t get me wrong, this is pure sex and purely impure. The only thing you have to worry about here is whether or not this is your kink…well, at least to read about. And then there's the whole: Two consenting adults, albeit professor and student, but well, that just adds some edge, doesn't it?


James Sheridan - I thought James was innocent. Juvenile. What was I thinking? Former adrenaline junkie. He’s going to be fun to learn all about. In "Giving an Inch" Giving an InchI would have laid money that he was timid, introverted, but here we learn he has a past and it tells much about what makes him tick.

Professor Evander Carson - Intellectual, silver fox and bent! We get a few little glimpses behind Carson’s façade. The slick mother-fucker’s mask slips an inch or two.

The chemistry between James and Carson is just igniting and I think we’re in for a wild ride with these two. I can’t wait to uh, study book 3.


In the previous book, "Giving an Inch" Giving an Inch, James has…experienced Professor Carson. Although he seems to enjoy himself we can’t help but wonder what his relationship with Carson is all about. Well, well, well, grab this book to find out.

James is struggling in his lessons, but luckily for him Professor Carson has a remedy. His methods may be unconventional, but they do get James’ attention.


While this is most definitely a “whew, this is hot” spanking story it doesn’t dwell on each swack, or overly describe. Somehow this is relieving. I think some authors would have put too much into the details and bogged the story down. Erotica, yes. Porn, no.

This is a quick, hot romp that I read again immediately. Purely for the educational value, of course. In the end, I am completely intrigued to see where this will go.

~ ~ ~

I would like to thank Netgalley and Riptide Publishing for supplying me with a review copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

~ ~ ~

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Profile Image for Cory .
728 reviews85 followers
September 9, 2014
Why the fuck didn't I take history in college? Did I miss out on some spankings? Can I possibly make up for lost time...is it too late to register for fall classes?

Let me just say that I thoroughly enjoyed Carson much more than I did in the first book. I think I would let him bend me over and slap my ass any time.

In a nutshell, me likey, a lot!

P.S. the sexual overtones in this review are due to me getting a full night's rest. I'm normally a little more subdued due to lack of sleep.

Profile Image for Sara .
1,515 reviews154 followers
September 14, 2013
I have two words for this book; brilliant and more. I want more. I loved meeting James and Professor Carson in Giving an Inch. One text message to the wrong number and we were given one hot, controlled and sexy encounter in a dressing room. But what? Why? And How were Carson and James previously involved? I tickled as pink as a newly spanked history student when I saw that we get the beginning of their story. So. Damn. Excited.
He watched his student’s face carefully, searching for – ah, there it was. A flicker of intrigue that went beyond idle curiosity.

This was more than I could have asked for and it had everything I needed. I loved everything about it from the opening scene to the last “Yes, Professor.” These two men were insatiable…I am insatiable for more of their story. The control of Professor Evander Carson was hugely attractive. I love, LOVE how he took tutoring to a whole new level. I couldn’t focus either James, I get it but hot damn I would have loved to be a TA for those sessions. Sure, I did learn a bit of Jacobite Rebellion with them but did I mention they were HOT and once again I read this mostly at my desk at work? When will I learn with this writing pair? Do not read this at work unless you have an office with a door that can be closed and locked. I give you fair warning.
He wanted to play by the professor’s rules, do things his way.

We learn a bit more about our student and professor in this book. Just enough… like foreplay really; it has me wanting more and more. Give it to me already! Please? Pretty Please, Professor? James, oh James; you slumped in a chair revealing bits about your past, you kill me boy. Just slice open my veins and let me bleed my heart for you. Ugh. I am in love with these two, their roles in and out of the classroom. The passion that sneaks through before that final exam had me with a "SHUT UP!" moment followed by a swoon worthy of an animated princess.

What a great way to go back and give us, give me what I wanted from the moment I read the response to James’ text in Giving an Inch. We now know how the relationship began, how Carson instructed James into new areas of himself but what went wrong? Once again; kudos to this pair of authors for sucking me in and having me begging for more. Well played, ladies. Well played. I know the “how” of their beginnings but now I need to know the “what” of the end. Of course, I am up for the tease in between those two questions. With these boys/men at play, it will be exquisite torture.

While yes, this was short and sexy I am in love with the writing. Just a few sentences tossed into a scene that had me doing a double read with a highlight and notes to make sure I don’t forget them, as if I could. So yeah, this book was sexy, there was foreplay, there was sex but this was one hell of a brilliantly written book.
…and it was so. Fucking. Good.

*ARC provided by Riptide Publishing via NetGalley*
Profile Image for Laura.
1,462 reviews243 followers
September 20, 2013

4.5 Stars

Research can often pull moans and groans out of me, but Carson and James elevate the pain and pleasures of studying to whole new heights. Studying has never been so wicked or erotic!

An Inch at a Time, book two in The Professor’s Rule series, flashes back to the beginning when James, a young struggling history student, attempts to seduce and fuck his Professor for a passing grade. But James discovers and earns so much more. This intense connection and experience changes his study habits, desires, and life forever.

”The drive for pleasure can be a powerful motivator, so why not use it to make the learning process not only enjoyable, but also far more effective?”

Meet Professor Evander Carson (aka “incredibly attractive, why-yes-I-am-sex-on-legs Professor Silver Fucking Fox Carson”) a man with a reputation of sexual perversion around campus. A man oozing with authority and control. I could feel his strength and patience in the tone of his voice or how he held himself. Carson has a very powerful command and presence on the page. And the intensity and crackle between James and the Professor is HOT! So naughty and delicious. The tension, buildup and wait curled my toes! You will feel every crack!, gasp, and hiss!

My favorite part of this story and what kept me from flying apart though was the humor. I would have spontaneously combusted without the laughs layered in between the intensity. James has a wicked and almost bratty sense of humor. Like here trying to pick a safeword…

There is also something, an element or feeling between the Professor and James I can’t define and pin down yet. Maybe I’m feeling the confusion and surprise in James of how much he enjoys the pain. At this point, I don’t think James fully understands why he wants and needs the Professor and his pleasures of pain and degradation. He just knows he wants the high, the pain and focus. And at times, I feel like Carson warms up or feels something more for James, but then a coldness cuts through the affection like a knife. Or does the passion cut through the coldness? I can’t put my finger on it. This in no way is a complaint mind you. If anything, it makes me more curious. I cannot wait to see where these two go from here.

More, more please! The Professor is one hell of an addiction.

Btw… I love how history is talked about in this story. You can tell one or perhaps both authors are history fans. The way the subject, events, and past are explained and caressed on the page is beautiful. Makes me want to dive into my history books!

Profile Image for Sunny.
1,012 reviews126 followers
November 4, 2013
After calming down from my tantrum that this was a prequel, not a sequel, to Giving an Inch, I caved in and bought the book. I couldn't wait, even though I already own too many of the books on my tbr pile! It was SO worth it. Another short one, but it's very satisfying ;)

I loved how the professor was a Dom through and through. His character stayed true to that role, down to the smallest details. Everything he did reflected who he was. Same with James. He slipped into the submissive role so easily, even though it occasionally took him by surprise! Again, it was the little details that got to me, all shown, not told. Yummy.

It was nice to get some more background on James and see how he got together with Professor Carson in the first place. The professor's tutoring methods were unorthodox, but effective. The best part? James' reactions to those methods. *nods* SO HOT. *fans self* Of course, now I'm extremely curious what happened in the two years between this book and Giving an Inch. Maybe the 3rd book with have some flashbacks?
(Not that I've forgotten Satish, who I need to have a PROMINENT role in the next book)
Profile Image for Barbara.
433 reviews86 followers
December 4, 2014

Incredibly attractive, why-yes-I-am-sex-on-legs Professor Silver Fucking Fox Carson... Damn... this man is soooooooo intense/hot!!

Professor...PLEASE, quiz me. :D

Profile Image for Heidi.
950 reviews2 followers
July 10, 2015
College Professor guiding a student under his tutelage toward getting more than just an average grade. Professor Carson makes James earn every bit of his grade. But would he really want to fail when the rewards could be sooo worth it.

This little quickie is thoroughly enjoyable with light BDSM and a hot silver fox Professor.
4.5 stars
Profile Image for Nic.
Author 44 books362 followers
September 15, 2013
Like its predecessor,Giving an Inch, this is a seriously hot little story!

All the action in the first book took place in a department store change room - one very scorching scene as Carson, who we only meet as the man on the end of the phone, directs James to do some wicked things. James hadn't had contact with Carson in over two years, not trusting his ability to stop himself from going too far under Carson's dominance - he would do anything for the man.

This book takes us back to when Carson and James first met and this time the story extends over a couple of months. From James first nervous attempt at propositioning his professor, to receiving his final grade.

There is the potential for the student/professor relationship to seem inappropriate but I didn't get this sense at all. Carson's 'methods' may not be standard but he definitely provides James with the incentive he needs."But what I will never do is alter your test scores just because you refused to submit to me, James. Nor will I improve them just because you did submit. If you earn the grade, you'll have earned it by virtue of your own hard work and dedication. The method by which you do so will always be up to you. All I do is teach. And all this merely serves as...incentive."

It is wonderful to see how beautifully James responds to Carson and there is a huge sexual tension that extends throughout the story.

There is also more insight given into James and his personality. Just a hint of his addiction and the things he had done to support it and perhaps why he craves what Carson gives him.

So now I am left wanting to see a number of things in book 3 - picking up immediately from this book with the continuation of James and Carson's relationship in the lead up to their separation or a continuation of the story from book 1 Giving an Inch where Carson and James meet up again after the change room incident. Or maybe a story from James' past or a more detailed look at Carson? But I'll take whatever I can get......

Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy of this book in return for an honest review.

I now publish all my m/m reviews on my blog so if you want to see all my m/m reviews in one place come visit at Because Two Men Are Better Than One!

Profile Image for LiveYourLife BuyTheBook.
616 reviews58 followers
September 16, 2013
♥♡5 Stars - KAPOW!♡♥
A "Live Your Life, Buy The Book" Review

I absolutely adored this book!! It is the prequel to “Giving an Inch” and deals with the first time James meets Carson, and how their “tutoring” begins :-) You do not need to read them in order, but it makes for a fun join-the-dots reading journey, so I suggest that you do.

The book is only 62 pages, and the blurb pretty much covers the book – so there isn’t really a lot more I can say, we know James is failing History and that there are rumours of Professor Carson being open to sexual favours.. so James sets out to seduce him. This was so cute. Boy v Man. Really.

Carson (although he hides it very well) sees something in James that really has him wanting to help, so he agrees to a trial session. The sessions go on to help James on so many levels – it helps his focus and that translates well to his learning. But he also learns so much about himself, to the point that getting a few questions wrong has a reward in itself, one he never expected he would like. :-) I loved knowing more about James, learning about his life and his addictive tendencies – his need for direction. Carson really grabbed my attention in Book 1 and in this installment he continues to enthrall me. He ticks so many of my boxes!!

Scottish ✔ Dominant ✔ Caring ✔ Sexy ✔

I ended Book 1 hoping that James and Carson would pick up again (not that I had anything against Satish) but something about this duo just really connected with me. When I saw that this was a prequel I was disappointed and excited at the same time – but now, having read it, I cannot wait for Book #3 and hope that it will be a continuation of “Giving an Inch” and shows Carson now wanting to make things between him and James carry on, and move up a level. A girl can hope, right? Either way – if there is another book (please, please, please, please!) I will definitely be buying it!!

I know a lot of readers have this weird idea that short stories cannot get 5 star ratings. I am not one of those readers. If a story connects with me, and this one definitely did, then I have no qualms in giving it the full monty! KAPOW, baby! Go. Buy the Book! It is great!!
Profile Image for Optimist ♰King's Wench♰.
1,788 reviews3,926 followers
February 14, 2014
Reviewed for Prism Book Alliance

Do you like silver foxes? Twinks? The student-teacher dynamic perhaps?

Ding. Ding. Ding. Step right up to The Professor's Rule series.

Ms. Gormley certainly made an impression on me with The Laird's Forbidden Lover and I'm nothing if not loyal. I've also been wanting to read something by Ms. Belleau and I'm not brave enough for The Flesh Cartel yet. I know, I know I'll get there. Someday. Until then I'm happy to read more of this series. The Professor's Rule is wicked naughty and extremely well developed for a series of shorts.

An Inch at a Time backtracks from Giving an Inch to the genesis of James and Professor Carson's relationship. What… a genesis! It seems they wasted no time at all settling into their roles. James really is a brat, but God bless he's funny.

The Professor and James give that ruler a WORK OUT, I tell ya. Naturally, it's all in the name of higher education. Ahem. The level of character and relationship development these two authors are able to create in a short is something to behold. The writing is sharp, crisp. The dialogue is oftentimes humorous especially James's inner thoughts that sometimes result in 'oops, did I say that out loud?' moments. There's a ton of sexual tension. Let's just say that James's ass sees a whole lot more of that ruler or a belt or the Professor's hand than anything else.

The D/s dynamics are burgeoning at this point and James struggles with what being under the Professor's ruler says about him.

"It felt right. As if he'd always belonged on his knees before Carson, and wasn't that an unexpected development?"

This is a series so I expect for the picture to sharpen with each installment and An Inch at a Time didn't disappoint. We find out quite a bit about James' past and his insecurities are explored. I was surprised by some of the character development and that's rare for me which makes me respect these authors all the more for it. An Inch at a Time is told from both James and Carson's perspectives which aided getting to know each other a bit better. The Professor is Scottish. YEE! maybe a kilt will make an appearance!

Really REALLY looking forward to the next installments!
Profile Image for Kazza.
1,460 reviews166 followers
December 20, 2014

Book number 2. Yay!! I am smiling

Book number two in the series is slightly longer and gives you plenty. It is smart, sexy and doesn't miss a beat from book one Giving an Inch

I think everyone who read the first book wanted to know about the mysterious and exceedingly dominant Professor Carson who had given such sexy instruction to James over the phone. Even though this is the next book along, it is the prequel and you get to see James and the good professor's initial meeting. But there will be more to tell because we know that there is a lapsed time between the two in their relationship but here they are very much getting to know one another inch by inch *waggles eyebrows*

More please!
Review at http://ontopdownunderbookreviews.com/...
Profile Image for Amy.
1,030 reviews102 followers
December 21, 2014
Well, that was a surprise! A very pleasant surprise!! If you read my review of Giving an Inch, you’ll see I was not a huge fan of the first book. It just felt “incomplete” to me. There wasn’t enough history. I didn’t understand their relationship and why James would act the way he did. There was no happily ever after, not even a happy for now. It just ended and I was left unfulfilled :(

An Inch at a Time is the second book in the series, but it’s a prequel to Giving an Inch. It takes us back to when James was a student of Professor Carson. And OMG is it delicious!

James is failing Professor Carson’s history class (in addition to several others) and is on academic probation. He needs to bring his grades up, whatever the cost. And rumor has it that Professor Carson is a kinky SOB. After turning down James’ offer of sexual favors in exchange for a good grade, he offers to tutor James.

The deal? Studying, followed by a “quiz.” Wrong answer? Spanking. Right answer? Reward. Ace the final, earn some mindblowing sex. It’s harder work than sexual bribery, but it beats the volunteer tutors at the student center.

I loved it and will definitely continue on with this series!!

ARC provided by the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Lilia Ford.
Author 15 books192 followers
October 6, 2014
Well that just shot (hah hah) to the top of the one-handed reads list. Holy Hell. I don't know whether to be relieved or wistful that it is utterly impossible to imagine given the current climate in Academia, at least in the US. Still like all such satisfying (ahem) fantasies, the authors sell their implausible and (at the very least) unethical premise--and this reader was more than happy to buy. Flat A.
Profile Image for Lucie Paris.
751 reviews33 followers
September 7, 2013
Few months ago, I read "Giving an Inch" and I enjoyed my first gay romance.So, I was expecting James and his teacher's adventures impatiently. My curiosity was piqued and I've wanted to discover more about their strange relation.

Very short, this story begins with the first meeting between the history teacher and his student. On his way to fail his College's year, James came to offer his body in exchange for better grades. The story could have been creepy but not at all.

Private lessons given by Professor Carson take some strange turns by becoming BDSM plays with spanking, teasing and rewards. Giving the wrong answers appeals more and more to James's taste . Sessions become intense and increase the sexual pressure until the day of the examination and the promise of satisfaction.

Personally, I like the way of writing of its two authors who manage to keep the tension and the reader's interest until the final scene. Once again, my curiosity was piqued. Now, I want to know more about the evolution of their relationship and James background...

A short story very enjoyable to read.

Profile Image for Kate Dirty Girls' Good Books.
230 reviews9 followers
September 8, 2013
An Inch at a Time (The Professor's Rule #2) by Heidi Belleau and Amelia C. Gormley
A-, inferno, mild kink, BDSM, m/m, 60 pages

James is struggling in his college history class. He decides that seducing his professor might get him a better grade. Unfortunately, Professor Carson doesn't fall for the seduction. But he does offer to tutor James in more than just school work.

For anyone who enjoyed the first Professor's Rule book, Giving An Inch, this is the book you were waiting for. This is the backstory of James and Professor Carson. If you haven't read the first one, worry not-you don't need to read them in order. In fact, this book actually comes first chronologically. So read them in any order, but read them because they're both great!

The team of Heidi Belleau and Amelia C. Gormley have put together a great sequel. I only hope that we can expect even more from them in the future.
128 reviews12 followers
October 9, 2013
I don't care if this is supposed to be kinkily unrealistic, it wasn't marked as dubcon or fantasy and so I'm taking at face value. Face value says: Carson is a giant creep. He should be fired from his position and banned from teaching. He likes to use his authority to coerce sexually-inexperienced teenage addicts (mentally teenage, at least) into intense BDSM relationships with him instead of encouraging them to get, say, therapy; he has no sense of boundaries and can't keep his professional life separate from his personal/sexual life; and he's intensely inappropriate and abuses his power constantly, so much so that he has a reputation for it around campus. Creep, creep, creep.

Eeehh other than that, the sex was warm if not hot and the writing was fine, but Carson creeped me out so much I couldn't get into things. He did last book, too, but this one was worse. I hope somebody reports him to the dean, my sweet.
Profile Image for Serena Yates.
Author 97 books768 followers
September 18, 2013
This short book is about anything but a "standard" student/professor romance. The story takes the tutoring relationship between James, a failing student, and Evander Carson, his history professor, well into the realms of doubtful ethicality (if there is such a word) and delightful exploration of BDSM. To note: even though this book was published after the volume labeled one, it is actually the beginning of James and Evander's stormy relationship and, in my personal opinion, best read first.

James may think he knows what he's doing when he offers his body up as payment for a better grade, but he really has no idea what he's getting himself into with the professor. And while he very quickly does begin to understand history much better than he ever did before, he struggles with his apparent need for and enjoyment of discipline. One thing is abundantly clear: his statement about being an addictive personality who has now replaced previous cravings with those for spankings is very true.

Professor Evander Carson has a certain reputation (that of a pervert), and as the story progresses we begin to find out how far he is willing to go. While, in his mind, his rules are just this side of ethical, since James is the one who comes to him and he never takes a direct sexual payment, I would argue that his actions are at the very least questionable. He does use the promise of sex as a reward, and he knows that the spankings get James extremely excited; not that they leave him unmoved either. Ultimately, if you believe the end justifies the means, there is no arguing that the professor is successful.

If you like stories with a touch of the morally frowned upon, if you enjoy students getting spanked by their professors, and if you're looking for a read that is as hot as it is psychologically interesting, then you will probably like this short story.

NOTE: This book was provided by Riptide Publishing for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Jeannie Zelos.
2,838 reviews56 followers
August 30, 2013
An Inch at a Time. Heidi Belleau, Amelia C. Gormley.

Arc supplied by Netgalley.

A fun read, I hadn't realised it was so short though at 60 pages. I'm not usually a short story reader, but this was a fun quick read. The description gives a decent summary so what did I think about it? James, looking for a quick way to up his history grade he approaches the professor having heard suggestions about him being a bit “alternative” in his ways..... I loved the way he came on to the Professor and got a quick knock back. It was an intro into how spectacular Professor Carson is at mind games. Knock back, hint at more openness then another knock til poor James wasn't sure what he was saying or agreeing to. The theme continued over the “study” sessions. James learned well, and in a Very unusual carrot and stick ( or ruler ) way :) James gets to the pint where despite his initial reservations he's not sure if the punishment or the treat is what he wants most – win- win! The Professor, well aware of his reputation and careful how he plays it. An interesting man, and very good at the mind games psychology stuff.
Like I said, a fun read but not long enough to really get to know the people. Its like reading a complete section from a book, not the whole book to me. I can see on Amazon there's a further novel involving James and The Prof and that sounds another fun short read. I can't find it on Amazon so I’ve no pricing info.
Stars: four from me.

Profile Image for books are love.
3,134 reviews23 followers
September 7, 2013
After reading the first book giving an inch, I was wondering how the Professor and James began and here we have it. One you first start reading, you wonder where this will lead. It entices you to know what the tutoring from the Professor will involve.

An what it involves will never have you look at rulers the same. This is a very interesting way to get someone to dig deep into the learning process. Works for the cutey patootey James. Poor guy, his issues in his personal life has him doubting himself and this is where the professor does well. The professor has James get angry and forget his self doubt in order to get him to prove himself. Also James even though he knows the answer begins to say incorrect ones so that he can get the punishment, why? He is exploring a side of himself he didn't know existed.

the Professor gets antsy and begins to realize he wants more than just tutoring from James and hopes James does to. James wants more and wonders if the Professor does. The final scene in the office oh my. This shows the attraction and the more that is to come. question is will this be good or bad?

A fun sexy read.
Profile Image for Judy.
422 reviews84 followers
October 1, 2013
I enjoyed this quick, kinky, forbidden student/teacher tale. It was both funny and naughty!

Having a bit of a troubled past, James is now struggling to improve himself and his grades. Not above offering himself sexually, he approaches his rumored pervert history professor with a plan to better his grade.
Unbeknownst to James, Professor Carson has a bit of a dominant nature and offers a slightly unconventional tutoring session instead. James agrees, but has no idea what he's gotten himself into!

Professor Carson is a silver fox, a hottie with a Scottish accent! yummy

James? Hmph, it didn't really say what he looked like, but I can use my imagination.

I loved James's sense of humor as well as his vulnerability. At first he was scared, angry and embarrassed. Professor Carson actually spanked him! But then he realized how much he enjoyed it, craved it. It wasn't just the hot spanking sessions he wanted, but Professor Carson's approval, companionship and maybe his love?

*I received an arc from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Sarah .
439 reviews82 followers
October 30, 2013
I was insanely intrigued by this book when I first read the title on NetGalley. I'm going through another BDSM M/s addiction, thanks to Tiffany Reisz, so what better to fuel my addiction than to read a short sexy book about a hot dominant teacher and his pet.

I was surprised and excited to find another smutty book that actually sounded like the authors (there are two) had a few brain cells!

... And thank god for a main character that seems to have flaws! James is a failing college student that struggles with an addictive personality (I know how that feels). He starts out going to the "tutoring" studies with Professor Carson hoping to exchange bad grades for sex. Boy, was he in for a rude awakening.

I'm also pretty sure I'm in love with Professor Carson. He reminds me of Soren (if you don't know who that is, read The Original Sinners series. Now!). He's a freaky, yummy sadist that scares the crap out of you, but also makes your panties melt.

This was a very VERY sexy read if you're into spankings and discipline. If your reading this just for the sex, you might be disappointed. There's only one actual sex scene.

Profile Image for Don Bradshaw.
2,427 reviews100 followers
October 20, 2013
I enjoyed this clever little quickie. James Sheridan is on academic probation and very much needs to pick up his history grade. Professor Evander Carson has been rumored to tutor students for sex so James propositions the professor. James soon learns that he retains his studies when his ass is reddened by the professor's ruler. Even more surprising is that James' addictive personality needs a Dom to guide him and Professor Carson is the perfect man for the job. The characters were fairly well fleshed out for such a short story. I enjoyed the slow trip James made from a smart assed student to an obedient sub and the struggles that he went through. The only thing that I found problematic was that the authors used Professor, Evander and Carson to describe the same man which made the reading a bit confusing at times.
Profile Image for Vanessa North.
Author 42 books519 followers
September 17, 2013
Hawt. I didn't *love* this as much as the first one, but it was really fun to see how James and the Professor started their dirty games. :D

Profile Image for Michelle.
317 reviews
December 30, 2013
This is hot. I feel like I'm developing a submissive kink I didn't know I had until this year.
Profile Image for Chris, the Dalek King.
1,168 reviews151 followers
May 4, 2016
James Sheridan has done a lot of things in his life that he regrets. He is determined, however, that flunking out of university, and thereby disappointing his parents once again, will not be yet another. Even if he has to do something he’ll probably regret to make sure of it.

Professor Carson was a little insulted, and not a little intrigued, by James’ clumsy attempts at offering a physical reimbursement for a higher grade. He was certainly not going to take James up on his offer, but he might have a counter-offer that will satisfy them both: a study session with some rather strict punishments…and rewards.

James accepts, but he is not prepared for Carson’s rather stringent study methods…or how he might just come to like them. Need them, even. He just hopes that this decision doesn’t turn into the one regret he could never come back from. Or the one man he could never walk away from.

This short story is the second in The Professor’s Rule series. I went into reading it without having read the first, Giving an Inch, so I was a little wary about how this story would hold up without the background of the previous one. There was nothing to worry about. This short story was perfectly set up to be read on its own, though I’m certainly going to go back and read Giving now that I have enjoyed this one so much.

And what wasn’t there to enjoy? We’ve got hot teacher/student play, some seriously hot spank sessions with a ruler and Carson’s very demanding personality, and a young man coming to figure out that he might just be kinkier than he realized.

This book brought back some very fond daydreams about a certain uni prof of mine…though I won't be naming names anytime soon. What can I say? I like older, demanding men. And boy does Carson fit that bill. He’s got ethics that prevent him from selling a grade, but he has no problem motivating James to study any way he can. And he makes it perfectly, absolutely, and sternly clear that what they do in his house will in no way earn or lose James his grade, except by what James learns in those sessions. James can walk at any point, at any moment, and it will cost him nothing more than the opportunity to study. Of course that studying will be happening that the end of Carson’s ruler–wouldn’t want to lose all the fun, now would we?

It was a lot of fun to watch James grow up–at little, at least–through the course of these sessions. Learning to learn, to listen, to think–but also to understand that what he wants, what he craves is not a bad thing—was a pleasure on multiple levels. James will just have to get used to being a little kinkier than the average Joe. He still might have issues, and this book is in no way a happily-ever-after, but James, Carson, and the readers are left very happy at the end. Though, I am sure that James is also left a little, um, tired. In a most scholarly way, of course.

This book is well worth the read and I hope I can get my hands on the other books in the series sometime soon. Would love to know what is next for our kinky professor and his studious student.

This book was provided free in exchange for a fair and honest review for Love Bytes. Go there to check out other reviews, author interviews, and all those awesome giveaways. Click below.
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Profile Image for Thomaidha Papa.
706 reviews39 followers
September 23, 2013
4.5 Hearts
Review written for MM Good Book Reviews

I am addicted! Period!

I knew it with absolute certainty when I read Giving an Inch, the first book in the series, that it was the beginning of a great ride. I knew that the second book would be just as good, if not better. But I hadn’t anticipated exactly just how much.

This second book does not follow the first; it rather takes us back at the beginning, at how Carson and James met. So there, I have my wishes to get to know Carson being fulfilled.

The rumors had it that Professor Carson is a deviant who takes advantage of gay college boys, so James who is failing his term thinks it a good idea to hit on his professor in exchange for a grade. He had no idea though how this would go about. Carson is definitely a character that his sole existence is to keep people on their toes, let alone a green guy like James. Carson’s leanings come a bit of a shock to James and while everything in his head tells him to go elsewhere for help, his stubborn personality and love for challenge make an appearance and the result is, well, quite mind-blowing if I may say so.

I absolutely adored this book. I can’t state enough that this was so much more than I expected. I loved the fact that the authors took us back in time and let us see the young James. I loved the fact that James has a background and more depth as a character. It makes it so easy to get attached to him now, something that was lacking in the first book. I could now see that determination his older version had, see where it came from, how it becomes stronger. Literally this book gave me a huge connection with our MC’s for I’m not forgetting Carson.

If you’ve read the first book you well know that Carson was just voice through the phone there. Yet he was so strong and made such an impact (to me at least) that getting to know this character now was like a sip of cold water after a very hot day. He is so wonderfully charming I just can’t get enough of him.

And what a great writing did these authors exhibit with this pair’s dynamic and chemistry. How effortlessly did the relationship flew from a game of sorts to something… more (can’t call this a relationship), and how freaking hot everything was. Keeping in mind that there was only one sex scene, I’m afraid the “moderate” level of heat I gave it was not quite so fair, because this book is so full of sexual charge that every single page seemed to be overflowing with heat and sex, even as there was none of it. I quite astounded by that, and can’t quite find the words to describe how intense and beautiful and hot this read was. You know when authors use that phrase “electric charge”? Well, for me this entire book was just that. Pretty brilliant.

In the end the only thing I can add is that if you like the teacher/student gig and if you’d like to read a book that caters to this part of kink and bdsm, An Inch at a Time is masterfully written to give you a perfect and most enjoyable read. As for me, I can’t wait for the next book in The Professor’s Rule Series.

Profile Image for Shirley Frances.
1,798 reviews121 followers
September 16, 2013
4.75 stars rounded up because I'm still reeling from that one office encounter.

Hell yes, History tutoring has never been more interesting!

This time around Heidi Belleau and Amelia C. Gormley show us how James Sheridan from Giving an Inch came to be under Professor Carson's tutelage.

And what a show that was!

From the start I could feel the undercurrent of attraction between James and Carson. Even underneath James' hesitations I could feel how much he needed to be guided. He craved it and it confused the hell out of him.

Just as clearly, I could feel Carson's desire to make James give into him. Underneath all that cool demeanor, the man lusted after James. Hell, that part where he unleashed all that pent up lust on poor James...

Crap, got side-tracked.

Hmmm, ah yes, the story.

It was interesting to see how it all began between James and Carson. Now I see why James was putting up boundaries in the previous installment when he inadvertently reconnected with Carson. Poor James, he becomes putty under Carson's ruler!

The writing was superb and just as I expected. With just 60 pages to the story, Heidi Belleau and Amelia C. Gormley packed one hell of a punch and didn't disappoint in the least. With hotter-than-hell scenes that had me encouraging James to answer wrong and one un-freaking-believable student/teacher meeting, these author brought one extremely enticing story to the page.

But if that were all, I don't think I would have been so pleased with it. Yes, they delivered on that erotic aspect of the story, but yet they went deeper. They also gave insight into James' history. And THAT and Carson's reaction to it was what made a difference to me. That's what made it an extraordinary story. That little bit of vulnerability and humanity they brought out of both James and Carson was what made this an fantastic read for me.

An Inch at a Time is the second book in the The Professor's Rule series and although it can certainly be read as a stand alone I encourage you to pick up a copy of Giving an Inch. You won't be disappointed, I assure you!

I received this title through NetGalley in exchange of my honest opinion.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 74 reviews

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